20, 1969 at Wiislfleli), N.J
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wane 42* t>BftOftD ADV. Support Your THE D Unitetl Fund THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULAf ED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Second Class INjejtaKe IJald EIGHTIETH YEAR—No. 16 Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1969 at Wiislfleli), N.J. 32 Pages—10 Cents Every Thu: rsdaj" r Cost of Schools, WHS Student Local Government Smoking Trial Below State Average Completes Park Per capita municipal and Begins Today school district operating costs in Westfield are below both the Un- Land Acquisition Westfield Higwh Sdhool students ion County and state averages, Acquisition of pork lands initiated several years ago under the according to the New Jersey may smoke in designated areas of state's Green Acres pio.gra-.7i was completed lait Wednesday night in at •the school property during a 30-day Taxpayers Association's 24th an- least one section of town when the Town Council approved Hie purchase trial period beginning today. nual report of financial statis- tics in local governments. for $2,500 of a lol at 112 North Marion Ave. Specified times and areas outside The lot is the last one to be obtained in the North Scotch Plains Ave. the school building have been ac- The sum of $89.29 per New tract designated for recreational cepted by the Board of Education Jersey resident is (he average use. The site also is that of the according to proposals suggested by cost of municipalities with Un- Westfield Memorial Pool, opening of a studemt-PTA-<ad™nistration com- ion County averaging $94.19. Community mittee. Parental permission is re- WesUieM spends a total of $2,- which was delayed until this next quired for student srnoking. M5.973. or 177.81 aer person. season because of construction dif- 'iicii.tiies and bad weather. The intentions of the plan sub- General operating cwU in Service The North Scotch Plains Ave. park mitted by the committee are to curb 1M7-48 af the 5S» school diidicui is expeoted to include playing fieldB, vandalism in the lavatories and to in the *Ute averaged *S«.»1 per alleviate illegal smoking in the pnall. Union Conaty spends an tennis courts and otter recreea- building. The committee concluded DON WILKERSON average of *J».H aer pupil with Wednesday tional features when it is finaJly that vandalism in the lavatories, WesUieM saenotog M40.8C, •» completed. wtiidh came -to a critical point last let! than the ceanty average. A religious celebration of Thanks- The other Green Acres park land, year, could only be stopped by pro- Teen Challenge Moantaimkde also ia below the giving will be held by the churches that in the Brightwood section, still viding an alternative place to stale average wMh a P5.M per of Westfield at 8 p.m. Thanksgiving is net completely town-owned. Tide smoke. The administration and fac- Lecture Topic bead far maaicipal expeases but Eve, Nov. 26 at St. Paul's Episcopal to some of the property is now in ulty agreed that present smoking is higher with I7U.M per stuoetrt Church. A subcommittee of the -^ process of condemnewion pro- policies could not be effectively en- far Us elementary school ex- League of Religious Organizations ceedings. forced. Tuesday Night aenses. MouataiMMe't high diaired by George Morin has plan- Also approved last Wednesday ned the service at wlhioh .tihe Rev. M. night by the Town Council waj an It is noted in a letter mailed to •chaal stadeats attead Re«ioaal Jerome Brown, paster of Bethel ordinance providing $5,000 for eon- parents that neither the The public is invited to hear the ichoaU which average IMt.K tor Overleak >M MaMeehcn (ria alt4e a fait • I a r t wttk fl»,«W Student Council nor the administra- Rev. DoaaW WffikersiOtt of New York far each of theh- aapraxinutelT Baptist Church, will speak. Other struotion of storm sewers in Mini- trni. eeartedey Ml ie ri(M, waled — MIM Nancy Rcjnielde. Altnd H. Meyer, tion condones smoking, but that their City speak at Roosevelt Junior High SW Madnts. participants will include the Canon sink Way and Knoliwood Terr, to ra- •rrilfcit, Mn, Paal KeKerJakaJaka; aiaadtaf-Jeka May. Or. Gardea HamlNea; Lee Hate, Tie* emldeat; W*l- porition recognises the need for anScnool ait 8 p.m. Tuesday on the Ia areseatiag the data, the Richard J. Hartman «f St. Paul's Meve recurring flood jUhert Driver, iccretary. Abaeat aic whu Frank Du(M. Mm. Arthur FrM, Herbert I. Haer, alternative to the present pnocy. Teen Gha-lenge Cantor whs* he di- Taxpayers Anarlattai paaMa aat Episcopal OhMjr*. Water Perry «here. Copies of the smoking cotntnuttee's rects in Brooklyn, N. Y. The Rev. Uut oacratlag caata reartaeat ng Ma H 1 Wilkerson replaces anottw speaker day4a-day ruawhn eiaeaaea af " Board , report are available in ' the Ugh the Rev. James C. (Continued on page 4) whose appearance here m reported goverameat, hat da aat iackJde « ™ iion to permit Dr. George C. Ha*. In anoUiar story in today's leader. deht service or capital laveti- First United Method** Churc*h anandd man, local dentist, to provide 11 pa- Hospital Council Initiates Drive Teen Challenge is a youth organ- mtmU. (Continued on Page 4) tient parking spaces at Mt and M* Turkey Day ization working among drug adtftcts, Prospect St., which is cantnry t* aUeofroH-cs, and DUher trauUed ynutii residential requirement). Hctiaf af Brings Vacation fa the New York Oity art*. In con- traffic congestion in the m aj ex- To Support Muhlenberg, Overlook WertHeM aufcUe ackaala wHI nection with the Brooklyn Center pected to result. eleae far the Tkankefrriaa; hell- there is a training center maintained Regional Issue Cub Scouts from Troop «• of Washington School attended M»*> "Saving Uvw at WefMtaH'g Hw- "WestifleW tuns to these hosptela landed Xtfay ant) latoratarim, a day after a fMHMvr amalaa hi Pennsylvania where religious and minute meeting. pitote" is the tome, of the com-for medical oar*. Hie majority of new cobalt therapy unit, increased Wed»e*d*y ml will epea Mas- vocational rehabilitation is given to pal* tar QvartMfc and afutfefters our doctors are on their merit**! emergency services, an amfauMory day, DM. 1, at ate aaaal bear. these young men. Teen Challenge IliUlhh «•»>•*• 4nsonH*K to Al- stuffs. In turn, Mrtantart m»* Ov-health care service, steam awwa- Sckaal feeara far the fear-heer ail&o operates a home to aid UnoUbM fred V. kleW of «M WoBdhnri Ave., erhwk ta* to WaatfMd fMtlinli tkn faciUHes, exfianded parMt« lot aeasHM *r« at failawi: Jaaiar gjrus, a home for children, and an Stirs Boroites Center to Gam pr«*»fe«t M t»» WcaMMl Hoej*»l tor vital author* of tMr capital arid pa-have a new tower buttding to aad teatar hick tcheeta eleee at institute for training {ormer addicts an* 4et»m»uents for the mMatry. Council. bui'tting prognanw," Mr. refdaoe its old East BwMtag. II:M a.m.; Utawatao itHiiai -Why dot>3 Jwutttan Bfle, he tatd, tor a site within Moun- " Rev. Wibanatt beflea Me to Bit community neat eommeoMt Overt** liwaitil at fcajmtf hM (pedee 1 area* I) daw M I Dayiso Rcgiaaal Hiajh Schoal want takaM to «wt a high school, but ,_. ^^-—i^_• ,_ ^». .law Ai ail ..:**••* M fdwaiaia- .«he* Mt atwad tana^^hte, an *• dvMK moat arid^taua h,** hjolwir. fU» Nr.lM« •d aMient an»li Mia exMtai ut master plan wtil kwhjda greall* »x- " I want to include borough iluWi College Ni^ht when it has advocated that they at- •tt SH Weat Brafed at: m a tend David Brearley in Kenilworth? was recoraneaiied for the Town Courtoil.at a Early Deadline Sure Sign of Approaching Yuh These were the big questions rais- This Evening ed by 250 citizens attending a Town «he Board of AdJMatmaajt The Leader wW aahNah Wed- night. U* of a partlM af M next week and wW he y 104 colleges and Meeting Monday night at DeenfieW Sc-hoo) here to discuss the Union ing dwcUing at the MaMd to I U aahMtlacra aa UMt "Go" Signal for Railroad Exhibit wi'll be represented this dress as tempartory sMa» aaM day taataad af Thanday rnrnn- evening at Collage Night at West- County Regional Board of Educa- tion's proposed referendum which was recmRMMM far h*. ThaahaaivhH Day, (he aaaal field Hig'li Sohocl, according to Vin- The holi-Jays ai-e fast appraachmg Izet of yardwork, all laid carafutly aige batteries floating on a D.C, gen- would expand the Springfield Be- Original Commwdiy Cmtitt f.lllnllaa date. cent F. W'itS'h'VfUe, guidance direc- and arte of the sure stem in Weat- by hand to eieaot sOaindbrds required erator. Ali of the main line track igional facility. called tor a ptay area an tto Early c*py fram advcrUanra sections have automatic signal iimii- tor. Neil D. Hoitzman, director of fetd is the iiwtfalMim of the Chrtst- for amooUi operatlton on (has "O" Or. Minor C K. Jones, Mountain- ol the Minting bulMhW «*M Na aad paMktly thahTiiea of all mas decorations m Hhe bueintm dis- gauge spectacular, using mere than oatinn arid so the pubiitc can follow adttKSsran-s at Newark College of En- exparmnn proyrten, apyravai in iaJ 1 side's representative to the Union i t« r—"* trict. The otter sign is tte annual llM.OW tiny spikes and over 25,*W the route of ttte trains, a- disptay gineering, wild speak at the opening H«M, bedame a reality. The boaird is mounted ov«rneiaid whdvn meeting in the auditorium at 8 County Regional Board for 21 years, Model Ratinoad Exhibition new be-wa'atlen ties.