

Physics : Classical

Pletser, Vladimir Lagrangian and Hamiltonian : Forty Exercises Resolved and Explained

Explains how to analytically solve classical problems and exercises Covers classical, celestial and Provides theoretical reviews before the problems and exercises Presents a solution to Einstein’s problem of the advance of Mercury perihelion Springer This textbook introduces readers to the detailed and methodical resolution of classical and 1st ed. 2018, IX, 128 p. 23 more recent problems in analytical mechanics. This valuable learning tool includes worked 1st illus. examples and 40 exercises with step-by-step solutions, carefully chosen for their importance in edition classical, celestial and quantum mechanics. The collection comprises six chapters, offering essential exercises on: (1) Lagrange Equations; (2) Hamilton Equations; (3) the First and Variational Principle; (4) Canonical Transformations; (5) Hamilton – Jacobi Equations; and Printed book (6) Phase Integral and Angular Frequencies Each chapter begins with a brief theoretical review Hardcover before presenting the clearly solved exercises. The last two chapters are of particular interest, because of the importance and flexibility of the Hamilton-Jacobi method in solving many Printed book mechanical problems in , as well as quantum and . Hardcover Above all, the book provides students and teachers alike with detailed, point-by-point and step- ISBN 978-981-13-3025-4 by-step solutions of exercises in Lagrangian and , which are central to $ 159,99 most problems in classical , astronomy, celestial mechanics and quantum physics. Available Discount group Order online at springer.com/booksellers Professional Books (2) Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC Product category 233 Street New York, NY 10013 Monograph USA Series T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE UNITEXT for Physics (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 Other renditions [email protected] Softcover ISBN 978-981-13-3027-8

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