October 2013 ISSN (Online): 2304-4039
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BULLETIN of the INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL for TRADITIONAL MUSIC No. 123, October 2013 ISSN (Online): 2304-4039 Including first notice for the 43rd ICTM World Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan, 2015 CONTENTS FROM THE SECRETARIAT 43rd ICTM WORLD CONFERENCE REPORTS Contemporary Transformations; Message from the Secretary IN ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN Reports from ICTM National The Art of "#n Ca Tài T$ and General; Appointment of new First Notice and Call for and Regional Representatives: Styles of Improvisation; General Editor of the Yearbook; Proposals. Austria; Estonia; Indonesia; Музичні інструменти Appointment of Film/Video Pages 18-20 Ireland; Madagascar; Thailand. гуцулів [Musical Instruments of the Hutsuls]; Musical Reviews Editor for the Yearbook ANNOUNCEMENTS Pages 34-41 for Traditional Music; Traditions. Discovery, Inquiry, Call for Papers: 4th Symposium Reports from ICTM Study Interpretation, and Application; Appointment of Book Notes Groups: African Musics; (Web) Editor for the Yearbook of the ICTM Study Group on Javanese Gamelan and the West; Applied Ethnomusicology; News Applied Ethnomusicology; Bartók Béla hangszeres magyar For Traditional Music; Ethnochoreology; Folk Musical Appointment of Guest Editor for from the ICTM Study Group on népzenei gy5jtése Ethnochoreology; Call for Instruments. könyvbemutatója; One Common 2014 Yearbook; New publication Pages 42-46 from the ICTM Colloquium on Papers: 20th Symposium of the Thread: The Musical World of Laments; Bulletin news. ICTM Study Group on CALENDAR OF EVENTS Lament (Humanities Research Volume XIX No. 3. 2013). Pages 2-4 Historical Sources of Traditional Page 47 Music; Call for Papers: ICTM Pages 48-51 IN MEMORIAM RECENT PUBLICATIONS BY ICTM Ireland Annual Conference; Call ICTM WORLD NETWORK Marianne Bröcker (1936-2013); for Papers: 10th Symposium of MEMBERS Pages 52-54 Olive Lewin (1927-2013); the ICTM Study Group on Local and Global Barbara Sparti (1932-2013); Jan Mediterranean Music Studies; Understandings of Creativities: ICTM STUDY GROUPS Ling (1932-2013). Second Call for Papers: 4th Multipart Music Making and Page 55 Pages 5-8 Symposium of the ICTM Study the Construction of Ideas, ICTM AUTHORITIES 42nd ICTM WORLD CONFERENCE Group on Music and Dance in Contexts and Contents; La IN SHANGHAI, CHINA Southeastern Europe; Call for polyphonie dans les Pyrénées The President, Vice Presidents, Papers: 8th Symposium of the gasconnes: Tradition, évolution, Secretary General, Executive Local Arrangements Committee ICTM Study Group on Music résilience; Dschila le Romendar Assistant, and Executive Board Report; Program Committee and Minorities; Call for Papers: andar o Burgenland - Lieder der Members. Report; Minutes of the 41st 4th Symposium of the ICTM burgenländischen Roma; Page 56 General Assembly of the ICTM; Study Group on Musics of East Triguna: A Hindu-Balinese GENERAL INFORMATION Minutes of 12th Assembly of Asia; Call for Papers: 3rd Philosophy for Gamelan Gong ICTM National and Regional Symposium of the ICTM Study Gede Music; (Music ! Dance) ∈ About ICTM; Membership Representatives. Group on Performing Arts of Environment; Trapped in information; Publications by Pages 9-17 Southeast Asia (PASEA). Folklore? Studies in Music and ICTM. Pages 21-33 Dance Tradition and Their Pages 57-58 Bulletin of the ICTM Vol. 123 — October 2013 — Page 1 FROM THE SECRETARIAT Message from Chuluunbaatar (Mongolia), Evert from Basel, Switzerland, in 1948 to Bisschop Boele (The Netherlands), Shanghai, China, in 2013. the Secretary Bjørn Aksdal (Norway), Constantin Study Groups General Secară (Romania), and Keith Howard The leadership of the Study Group on by Svanibor Pettan (UK). The number of countries and territories having official ICTM repre- Music and Gender has changed. We Dear members, friends sentation is currently 87. thank former Co-Chairs Fiona Ma- and supporters of the International gowan and Nino Tsitsishvili, and wel- Council for Traditional Music, welcome Next ICTM World Conference come the Study Group’s new Chair, to the October 2013 issue of the Bulle- The 43rd ICTM World Conference will Barbara Hampton. tin of the ICTM. take place in July 2015 at the Kazakh Please take a look at the schedule of National University of the Arts, in As- During the 42nd ICTM World Confer- forthcoming Study Group Symposia on tana, Kazakhstan, the youngest city to ence, which took place on 11-17 July page 47 – before us is a year rich with ever host our major scholarly gather- 2013 in Shanghai, China, the results of scholarly gatherings in very diverse ing. To get an idea about Kazakhstan, the biennial ICTM elections were an- parts of the world. the city of Astana, the hosting institu- nounced (see pages 15-16), making this tion and Türksoy (the sponsoring insti- New Colloquia webpage a suitable opportunity to express grati- tution), please watch the promotional tude to those leaving the Executive ICTM Colloquia are the third kind of video of the 2015 ICTM World Confer- Board, and welcome those who join it. scholarly gatherings organized by the ence, as presented during the Closing Adrienne L. Kaeppler, President of Council and the only one in which par- Ceremony of the Shanghai Conference. ICTM for two consecutive mandates ticipation is based on invitation. Re- (2005-2013) was succeeded by Salwa The Program Committee of the next cently, a new detailed page listing all El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, whose for- Conference is co-chaired by Timothy past ICTM Colloquia was added to the mer position as Vice President was Rice and Razia Sultanova, while the ICTM website, including the first Col- filled by Don Niles, who in turn is cur- Local Arrangements Committee wishes loquium (Poland, 1981) to the most rently completing his last volume as us a warm welcome through its Co- recent one (Portugal, 2011). General Editor of the Yearbook for Chairs, Aiman Mussakhajayeva and Publications Traditional Music. For their dedicated Saida Yelemanova. Please read more work in the best interests of the Coun- about the Conference’s themes and The 2013 volume of the Yearbook for Traditional Music is already at the cil, many thanks to Ursula Hemetek timeline in the First Call for Papers, on and Timothy Rice, and all the best to pages 18-20 of this Bulletin. Also do printers, and will be distributed on time in early November 2013. Domi- the newly elected Ordinary Members of not miss to browse through our new nated by the timely theme of Music the Executive Board, Jonathan Stock, list of past ICTM World Conferences, Terada Yoshitaka, and Xiao Mei, as well as to the co-opted ones, Mohd Anis Md Nor, Razia Sultanova, and Saida Yelemanova. World Network changes As evidenced by the World Network page at the ICTM website, our network of National and Regional Representa- tives has been recently enriched by two new countries (Lebanon and Mongolia). The Council warmly welcomes the nine new National Representatives: Žanna Pärtlas (Estonia), Jarkko Niemi (Fin- land), Jaime Jones (Ireland), Nidaa Abou Mrad (Lebanon), Otgonbayar Astana, capital of Kazakhstan and the site of the next ICTM World Conference Bulletin of the ICTM Vol. 123 — October 2013 — Page 2 FROM THE SECRETARIAT and Poverty, it will most certainly come, so let me encourage you to help Yoshitaka is taking over from Lisa Ur- attract attention in the world of eth- the Executive Board and the Secretar- kevich, who is retiring after completing nomusicology and beyond. iat to serve our shared goals in the best seven years as editor. The continuing possible way. review editors are: The Bulletin of the ICTM will be, starting in 2014, distributed three ✴ Books: Sydney Hutchinson, Depart- times a year—in January, April, and Appointment of new ment of Art and Music Histories, October. General Editor of the Syracuse University, 308 Bowne Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244-1200, USA; Also a new page listing the complete Yearbook email: [email protected]. run of past Bulletins has been added to The ICTM Executive Board is pleased the ICTM Website. Many issues have to announce the appointment of Kati ✴ Audio: Byron Dueck, Music Depart- been scanned and are available for free Szego as General Editor, beginning ment, Arts Faculty, The Open Uni- download, including the very first issue with the 2014 Yearbook for Traditional versity, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes (October 1948). I would like to thank Music. Kati’s contact details are: MK7 6AA, United Kingdom; email: Don Niles and Carlos Yoder for their School of Music, Memorial University, [email protected]. initial work on this page, and to invite St. John’s, NL, Canada A1C 5S7; ✴ Websites: Barbara Alge, Musicology everyone to participate in the project, email: [email protected]. and Music Pedagogy Department, and help the Council to obtain some Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Kati replaces Don Niles, who is retiring missing issues of past Bulletins. Rostock, Germany; email: after serving as General Editor for [email protected]. Future endeavours eight issues of the Yearbook. I am sure that the ICTM membership The Executive Board has committed to The Executive Board welcomes Kati to will welcome Yoshitaka and will con- fulfil a number of key projects during this position and looks forward to her tinue to support all the editors in the the next mandate, among them being: contribution to our journal. vital role they play in the production of ✴ To compile a list of all Study Group our journal. symposia (in close cooperation with Appointment of Film/Video Study Group Chairs), and make the Reviews Editor for the Appointment of Book Notes information available online. Yearbook for Traditional (Web) Editor for the ✴ To relaunch the Online Membership Music Yearbook For Traditional Directory as a dynamic, powerful tool for all ICTM members. by Don Niles, General Music Editor, Yearbook for ✴ To compile a master list of all ICTM by Don Niles, General Editor, Yearbook Traditional Music publications, including but not lim- for Traditional Music ited to volumes resulting from Study I am very happy to Michael Silvers, assistant professor of Group symposia and colloquia, and announce that Terada music at the University of Illinois, is make it available online.