Andrays University Volume 45 Spring 2007 Number 1 ANDREWS UNIVERSITY SEMINARY STUDIES The Journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary of Andrew University, Bcrrien Springs, Michigan 49104-1500, U.S.A. Editors: Jerry Moon and John W. Reevc Assistant Editor: Karen K. Abrahamson Copy Editors: Leona G. Running and Richard Choi Book Review Editor: John W. Reeve Book Review Manager: Erhard Gallos Circdation Manager: Erhard Gallos Managing Board Denis Fortin, Dean of the Seminary, chair,Jerry Moon, secretary; Lyndon G. Furst, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies; Ron Knott, Director, Andrews University Press; Richard Choi; Ken Mulzac; and John W. Recve. Phone: (269) 471 -6023 Fax: (269) 471-6202 Electronic Mail:
[email protected] Web: A rcferccd journal, AND~WSUNIGITERSITY SEMINAKY STUDIES provides a scholarly vcnuc, within the context of biblical faith, for thc presentation of research in thc area of rcligious and biblical studies. AUJS publishcs research articles, dissertation abstracts, and book reviews on thc following topics: biblical archaeology and history of antiquity; IIebrew Bible; New Testament; church history of all periods; historical, biblical, and systematic and philosophical theology; ethics; history of religions; and missions. Selected research articlcs on ministry and Christian education may also be includcd. The opinions expressed in articles, book reviews, etc., are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the vicws of the editors or of the Seventh-day Adventist 'l'hcological Seminary. Subscription Information: ANDREWSUNII/ERS~~SEMINARYJTUDIES is published in the Spring and the Autumn. The subscription rates for 2007 are as follows: Institutions Individuals Students/lietirees *Air mail rates available upon request Price for Single Copy is $12.00 in U.S.A.