Contents Editorial FEBRUARY 2008 DAVE WEIGLEY In Every Issue Welcome, Dr. Spence 3 | Editorial t the November 12 Columbia Union College Board of Trustees meeting, A we voted to invite Weymouth Spence, EdD, to serve as president of our 4 | Newsline college. After bathing the invitation in prayer, he accepted the opportunity. We welcome Dr. Spence to our administrative team. We appreciate the experience 6 | Potluck and skills he brings to the position, his passion for Adventist higher education, and his philosophy on learner-centered education. Such a focus will be a true boon for our college as we continue providing quality higher education in the 21st century. Newsletters There were other reasons why the board chose Spence from among the many candidates we met in our search process. Our college is at a critical crossroads. We have wonderful 21 Allegheny East 8 opportunities, and, at the same time, some debilitating threats. 23 Allegheny West One of our greatest opportunities is the people who work at Columbia Union College (CUC). We have News & Features 25 Chesapeake a very dedicated team of educators who embrace their calling to teach and equip our young people for 27 Columbia Union College service in the worldwide community. As you’ll read in this issue, several have served for more than 25 years, demonstrating real commitment to our educational mission. 29 Highland View Academy 8 | Making Connections Another strength is our location. Our eight-state territory is home to Why Weymouth Spence Came to CUC 31 Mountain View 50 million people and 10 of America’s 25 largest cities. With 125,000 33 Mt. Vernon Academy baptized members, we are the third largest union in the North Celeste Ryan Blyden 35 New Jersey American Division. We have the opportunity to prepare our mem- bers for the workforce and educate those who will provide many 37 Ohio Columbia Union College (CUC) has a new president. Find out who types of services in both the public and private sector. What’s more, he is, what he's passionate about, and what he plans to do for CUC. 39 Pennsylvania recent studies predict huge needs in certain fields, and we have the 41 Potomac opportunity to meet those needs. There’s so much opportunity for 12 | Meet the Professors 43 Spencerville Adventist ministry in the Columbia Union territory, and we benefit greatly from Tanisha Greenidge Academy having a strong Adventist college here. CUC’s threats are present as well, and we face some huge chal- 45 Shenandoah Valley Get to know a few of CUC’s dedicated faculty who are committed Academy lenges. They range from misperceptions surrounding our urban campus setting to substantial concerns regarding the financial to preparing young minds to become critical thinkers and 46 Takoma Academy Christian professionals. viability for our college. These challenges are not new, but they must be addressed effectively, rendering a positive outcome in 14 | Why They Chose CUC 51 | Bulletin Board order for us to maintain and advance our college. Tanisha Greenidge In light of this, we looked for a president who understood the importance of the following: 55 | Last Words Spiritual Leadership Proximity to the nation's capital, Jean Warden – Above all of our criteria, we wanted a leader who demonstrates a living trust in God diversity, and good preparation for and will encourage students and faculty to experience a meaningful relationship with Him. future careers are just a few of the On the Web Transformation Ability – We wanted a leader who has demonstrated the ability to facilitate change in higher aspects that make CUC attractive. Meet education and position our institution to effectively embrace the changes necessary to further its mission. eight students, and discover why they Podcast: February 1 - Meet new CUC president Weymouth Execution of Strategic Plan chose to attend our union's school. Spence. February 15 - Vice presi- – We wanted a leader who would oversee a concerted effort to implement dent Jean Warden shares news our strategic plan and other developing initiatives. 16 | Best Academic about recent CUC graduates. Financial Viability Offerings Where are they now? – We wanted a leader who would seek beneficial partnerships and make the adjust- ments necessary to attain financial solvency. Jaclyn Wile and Michael Martell www.columbiaunion.org We believe we have found that leader in Dr. Spence and want to offer him all the support he needs CUC offers a plethora of top-notch academic programs. Learn to develop a stronger future for our college. As you read this issue about CUC, we ask that you’ll pray about them and discover which one might be right for you. About the Cover: Weymouth for our students, faculty, staff, administrators, and for our new president. Spence was photographed at Dave Weigley ([email protected]) is president of the Columbia Union Conference and chair of the CUC by James Ferry. Columbia Union College Board of Trustees. Visit his photo blog at www.columbiaunion.org. 2 | VISITOR FEBRUARY 2008 | 3 Newsline Newsline LAVERNE HENDERSON Former Associate Radio Program To listen live or via podcast, visit Adventists to Commemorate executive secretary Neville World Church Dedicated to www.lifetalk.net. Treasurer Dies Homeschool 150th Anniversary of “Great Harcombe, and treasurer Seth Frank L. Jones II Potomac Member Bardu, included an introductory , 81, retired The Review and Herald Named Chest Controversy” Vision letter urging membersThe Great to “dust pastor and former associate Publishing Association (RHPA), Physicians’ President Controversyoff your copy” of treasurer for the worldwide in partnership with Griggs Alvin V. Thomas, Jr., MD and read it with your Seventh-day Adventist Church, University (Home Study , he Ohio Conference, concert featuring Grammy- family, church, or small group. died recently International), recently launched was recently inducted as presi- TKettering Medical Center, winning recording artists Take 6; “This vision greatly enhanced following a a radio talk show dedicated to dent of the American College of and the Columbia Union The Heritage Singers; and our understanding of the events brief illness. home-based education. Chest Physicians (ACCP). Dr. Conference are co-sponsoring a Ponder, Harp, and Jennings. that will occur at the end of Jones, the RoseRHPA’s Gamblin education specialist, Thomas is convocation to commemorate For more information on the Earth’s history,” notes Weigley. first African- , and children’s presently the 150th anniversary since program, contact Hubert “With Christ’s return so near, we American religiousKids Ministrieseducation Ideascoordinator chief of the Ellen White experienced the Cisneros at (740) 397-4665. would do well to read this Pulmonary elected to Candyand DeVore editor, vision that led to the publishing WRAPT IN A VISION enlightening book again and this position, served at the , hostHomeschool the Division and of the Thebestselling Great Contr propheticoversy again and keep it at the forefront Adventist World Headquarters Companion,hour-long show, associate work . The It was March 1858, in Lovett’s of our minds. from 1977 to 1990. When it from Hagerstown, professor of May 10 event, themed “Love of Grove, Ohio, when White We know that was decided to move the Md. It airs on the LifeTalk Internal Medicine and the Ages,” will be held in giant received a two-hour vision the last events headquarters from its longtime Radio network. Pulmonary Medicine at Howard tents on the grounds of Ohio’s about the cosmic conflict will be rapid facility in Takoma Park, Md., “One thing we have noticed University in Washington, D.C. Kettering church and Kettering between Christ and His angels ones, so we to its present site in nearby in our work with Children’s He also serves as graduate facul- Medical Center. It will feature and Satan and his angels, and must be vigi- Silver Spring, Jones was Ministries and Education is that ty representative on the Howard several Adventist leaders (some how it would end. “Heaven, lant in our appointed to oversee the build- there is a need for solid net- University Board of Trustees. pictured) who will serve as sweet heaven, was the magnet study and ing construction and transfer working amongst home-based As ACCP president, Thomas keynote speakers. In addition to to draw my soul upward, and I preparation.” of employees. educators. Our hope is that this will focus on disparities in the youth and young adult pro- was wrapt in a vision of God’s Even the calendar’s artistic “From his days as an associ- radio program will allow long- healthcare. “I’m honored to be grams provided, there will be a glory,” wrote White, who was theme of water came from the ate treasurer and even during time homeschool educators to the newest president of the Guest age 30 at the time. “Many Visitorpages of this inspired book. his retirement years, he was share their wealth of knowl- ACCP,” said Thomas, who is a Speakers: important things were there art director Kelly Butler Jan Paulsen, always supportive of those of edge from hands-on experience member of the Potomac revealedSpiritual toGifts me for the church” Coe says the idea sprang from us who were ‘wet behind the and that those who are new to Conference’s Rockville (Md.) Jim Nix, ( , vol. 2, p. 265). White’s description of a group ears’ in treasury work,” recalls the homeschool environment church. “My hope is that, togeth- Roscoe Howard, From that experience and of believers as they studied the José Rojas, Seth Bardu, Columbia Union er with our members, the ACCP several visions that followed, Holy Scriptures: “As travelers Charles Conference treasurer. “He was will continue to grow and flour- White penned and periodically perishing from thirst welcome Bradford The Great Controversy a perfect example for those of ish, both in the medical and pub- updated .
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