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LOK SABHA N P N a T T ? C U C / D a 1 D O ---- Saturday, March 25,1972 Fifth Series, V ol. Xn~No. I ’ Chaitra 5,1894 (Saka) LOK SABHA n p n a T t ? C U C / D A 1 D O ( Fourth Section ) , 1 '■* t*'" 000“ (Vol. X II contains Nos. 11-20) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Prieii Hi. 2.00 C ONTENTS No. \ l ~ Tuesday, March 28, WlllChaitra 8, 1894 ( Saka) columns Wcicomt to Yugoslav Parliamentary Delegation ......................... 1 Member Sworn .............................................................................................. 1 Oral Answers to Questions— ♦Starred Questions Nos. 161,163 to 165,168, 173, 174,176,177, 179 and 1H0 .......................................................................................... 2—30 Written Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos, 162,166, 167,169 to 172, 175 and 178 .. 31- 38 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1246 to 1359,1361 to 1390 and 1392 to 1398 38—139 Ogling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance-* Reported discontentment among handioom and power-loom weavers m U.P on account of high yarn p n o e ........................................................... 139-*-54 Papers U id on the Table ....................................................................... 154—56 Statement Re Strike in I.I.T K anpur ........................................................... 156—58 Prof. S. Nural H a s a n ................................................................................... 156—58 Matter under Rule 377-- Pubhcaiton of Lists of Incomelax Defaulters etc. in West Bengal Press 159—61 Armed Forccs (Assam and Manipur) Special Powers (Amendment) Bill— Motion to consider, as passed by Rajya S a b h a .....................................161-200 ShtiK.C. Pant . .. .. ................................................ 161-62 Shri Biren Dutta ................................................................... 162—65 Shri S M Banerjee ....................................................................... 165- -70 Shri \tdl Bihat t Vajpayee ................................................ 170—72 Shri S D. Somasundaram ............................................................ 172—73 Dr Laxmirurain Pandeya ........................................................... 173—76 Shri A, Kevichusa ..................................................................... 176—77 Clauses 2 to 5 and I Motion to pass .................................................................................. 183 Shri Samar G u h a .................................................................................. 184—86 Shri Paokat Haokip ....................................................................... 186--88 Shri Jagannath Rao Joshi ............................................................ 188—91 •The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) COLUMNS Shri Dinesh Chandra Goswami ................................................ 191—93 Shri Ramavatar Shastri ............................................................ 193—96 Shri K.C. P a n t ................................................................................... 177-81, 196 200 Aircraft (Amendment) Bill— Motion to C o n s id e r................................................................................... 200 -39 Dr. Karan S ingh ......................... ................................................ 200 -01, 213 18 Shri Dinesh Joarder ....................................................................... 202 ^ Shri Sarjoo Pamley ....................................................................... 202 *04 Shri Shivnath Singh ....................................................................... 204 *05 Shri T. S. I,ak5»hmanan....................................................................... 205--06 Shri Rudra Pratap Singh ............................................................ 206 -07 Shn R. V. B a d e ................................................................................... 207 -10 Shri R S. Pandey ....................................................................... 210 -H Clauses 2 to 12 and 1 Motion to pass, as amended ............................................................ 219 Shri Jharkhande Rai ....................................................................... 219-21 Shn S. M. Banerjee ....................................................................... 221 *23 Shri Jagannath Rao Joshi ............................................................ 223 -27 Shri C. M. Stephen ................................... 227 -29 Smt. Sheila K a u l ................................................................................... 229 -30 Shri Virhhadra Singh ....................................................................... 230 -33 Dr. Karan S tn g h ................................................................................... 2U -39 Murine Products fcvports Development Authority Bill Motion to consider ................................................................................. 239 *66 Shri A. C. George ......................... ................................... 239 43 Shri Madhuryyu Haidar ........................................................... 241 *4s Shn C M, Stephen ....................................................................... 24* S3 Shri Ramavdtai S h a s tr i....................................................................... 253 57 Dr Henry Austin ....................................................................... 257 61 Shri Jagannath Kao Joshi ............................................................ 262 -64 Shri Rairuchandran Kadannappalh ................................................ 265 L OK SAJBHA DEBATES 1 2 l OK SAMIA ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS i r o m s ( t o fc w ) Tuesday, Match 28. 1972 {Chattta 8, 1894 (Saku) * r wst n m * i r i «to m g f s re n : w r TSf jtfft TO 3RT* CTf ^ f a : (t ) WT m at set t o 1 he I ok Subha met at ! le\cn of tht 16/17 "BTcrft, 1972 Chet !TO w fen w m ; [mr s h a k i R in the Chutt] («r) Jff? rr, tft tt: »r f e f t fnf’T f t & ; VVI LCOMr TO Yl COSt \V PARI IA- (»r) p t srm s#r?fr % Mf \T A R \ DLlfCiATION *t*Hi <ft ^rsfiT spfatr t r m x s r t aprr fair | ? MR. SPEAKf R . Mon Members, before we commence the proceedings, I lu\c to make an announcement. THb MINISTER OF RAiLWAYS (SHRI K. HANUMANTHAIYA) (a) Yes; I have the great privilege, and as t$ on 16 2*72. The station is on South Cen­ our convention, I welcome the Piesident of tral Railway the federal Assembly of Yugoslavia, His 1 xcclieney Mr Mijalko Totiorovic. Mis (b) Appi oximately Rs 570 in cash Todorovic, Mr All Sukiya* Mr Mijusko (O IhvJ culprits responsible for such Sibalic, Mr Almaz Dtutbegosic, Di Nikola offences m Mo hat ashtra and Andhra Miljanic, Mrs Daunka Puhkaric, Mi Bl<»goja Pradesh States were rounded up by the Talcski and Dr Joza Vilfan, who constitute Maluiashtia Polite All the important and tlic Yugoslav Parliamentary Delegation to major stations aie manned by Government tndu and other officers accompanying them Ra'l^ay Polite and RPr Staff. Plain I hope they will excuse me lot mv bad ckthes Police men have also been deployed pronunciation to collect mfoimatun and watch the acti­ vities of cumnials J welcome them and extend to them our very very hearty welcome and a very h.ippy q v in our country. DR. SANKATA PRASAD : What is the average loss per annum suffered by the Thank you. Indian Railways on account of thefts and ilaeoities? Wo have ft new Member who will take the oath SHRT K. HANUMANTHAIYA : It i$ estimated to be about Rs. 5 crores. SHRI DHAMANKAR : May I know MEMBER SWORN from tho hon Minister whether the RPF a « I BIREN ENOTI (DIphu—A«am). was theic at that time? 3 Oral Answers MARCH 28, 1972 Oral Answers 4 SHRI K. HANUMANTHAIYA: The SHRI. K. HANUMANTHAIYA : There force was not there at that time. These is no separate foroc meant only for dacoities. dacoilics take place all of a sudden and They arc doing the general work and they every station has not got RPF. They are detect if possible wherever there is dacoity sent when required. but there is no particular force as such meant only for finding out dacoities. MR. SPEAKER : AH of a sudden ?1he dacoits don't give notiec! RFDUCTION IN IMUCfr OF COARSE XND MEDIUM w t o : 3r&rer ( Lorn arm % *163. SHRI DIIARAMRAO AFZAL- n f ^rrw r ^nfTT ^1% ^ PURKAR : Will the Minister of FOREIGN frff | stf w k fssisfr wr 7RADF. be pleased to slate: aftfa sfnwf # ^ t, arfsrw: CTft <a) whether the prices of coarse and t?fr w ^ fan wt ^ ^ r t medium varieties of cloth were higher in tt gTsnr wf faita December, 1971 in comparison to the prices prevailing in the month of January, 1970; e w « rr *pV »rf I? t*t and H 7? # ^Sspff q r 3t?t t o ark *iflrat aror ffrft t *rgt (b) if h >. the steps taken by Government to effect a icviuction in the puces of such $ farr <ptt nsft ’rets* n *rtf cloth which is generally used by poor people? f<wir»PF $w«rr ^ | ? THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN «em n »njtow: 5^1$ f w TRADE (SHRI I. N. MfSHRA) : (a) and (b). A statement is laid on the Table of the 1 1 He use. «ft gqrat ww m : Wjftstmfh Statement SHRI K. HANUMANTHAIYA : For- tunately the dacoities are not on as Urge a scale as the hon Member makes out. Wo (a) There has been no increase in the have certainly taken precautions to see that prices of controlled doth (Coarse and the railway property and the property Medium B) since May, 1968. However, the of railway stations are property sufegu aided. percentage increase in the prices of non- controlled varieties of Coarse
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