

CPR SAVES LIVES-ALEXAN- in the other body-a move which tem­ that occurring just a few years ago. In DRIAN RESCUES HEART porarily deprived this House of his 1975 our country reached the highest ATI'ACK VICTIM able leadership. level of national unemployment expe­ We will miss the gentleman from rienced since the Great Depression. In HON. HERBERT E. HARRIS II Oregon in the years ahead-and above May of that year unemployment all, the independent judgment which peaked at 9 percent. Although we have OF VIRGINIA not reached that point this year, it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he has brought to all issues which have confronted him over the past two almost seemed that we were racing to Tuesday, September 30, 1980 decades. He has been described as the break that record. In 6 months, from • Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, cardio­ Northwest's "favorite Scotsman," and January through June of this year, pulmonary resuscitation is a I have no doubt that that is both an our national rate of unemployment simple practice that takes only a few appropriate and accurate description, jumped from 6.2 percent to 7.7 per­ minutes to learn. But those few min­ which speaks for itself. In terms of cent. During the previous recession, utes can mean a lifetime for heart stubborn perseverance and rugged in­ apart from unemployment compensa­ attack victims waiting for the rescue dividualism, in fact, I like to think tion and food stamps, income assist­ squad to arrive. that the Scottish heritage has much in ance programs offered very little help On November 10, 1979, a resident of common with the Polish heritage-the for the laid off worker. Because this Alexandria, Va., which I represent, only exception being that Poles do not former worker was not blind, elderly, proved the value of CPR training wear kilts. disabled, or poor, he or she could not when he saved his father's life. In all seriousness, Mr. Speaker, I qualify for benefits from our other aid Peter Gerow was in another room welcome this opportunity to pay my programs. Today, the eligibility crite­ when he heard his father fall to the respects and express my high regard ria for receiving aid is basically un­ ground. Mr. Gerow found his father to the gentleman from Oregon for the changed. Consequently, we are faced unconscious, and without pulse or res­ outstanding contributions he has again with failing to make adequate piration. Trained in CPR, Mr. Gerow made as a Member of this body, and I response to the needs of the unem­ immediately went to work and contin­ wish him and his family a rewarding, ployed population. ued CPR until the arrival of the successful, and well-deserved retire­ Finally, with the 1974 enactment of rescue squad. ment from the rigors and demands of the Emergency Unemployment Com­ According to the Red Cross, which public life. While we will be dimin­ pensation Act, we found an answer for provides free CPR training in Alexan­ ished by his absence-he clearly de­ those forces who found themselves in­ dria and across the country, "Without serves that reward, together with our voluntarily out of work for extended doubt, the use of CPR by Mr. Gerow sincere esteem and affection.e periods. Today we have a plan before saved the victim's life."· us that will allow us, once again, to I congratulate Mr. Gerow for his life meet those very same needs. saving action. And I thank the Red FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTAL UNEM- I represent the 'I hird Congressional Cross for making CPR training availa­ PLOYMENT COMPENSATION District of Ohio. an area which thrives ble. You can never know when a heart ACT OF 1980 on its manufacturing sector. The man­ attack will strike, and by preparing ufacturing sector has traditionally ac­ people like Peter Gerow, the Red HON. TONY P. HALL counted for a large percentage of our Cross is helping to save lives.e OF OHIO total national unemployment and is an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES industry especially vulnerable to reces­ sion. For instance. in May 1979, unem­ TRIBUTE TO HONORABLE Tuesday, September 30, 1980 ployed workers from the manufactur­ ROBERT DUNCAN OF OREGON • Mr. HALL of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, ing sector amounted to 21.4 percent of earlier this month I had an opportuni­ the total unemployed population. A HON. CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI ty to testify before the House Ways year later, in May 1980, this figure OF WISCONSIN and Means Subcommittee on Public had increased to 28.9 percent. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Assistance and Unemployment Com­ This impact is felt, I am sure, by Thursday, September 25, 1980 pensation on the administration's other districts throughout our indus­ emergency unemployment compensa­ e Mr. ZABLOCKI. Mr. Speaker, it is a trial region. I am concerned though, tion proposal. At that time, I applaud­ that my particular area has received a privilege to join with my colleagues in ed the keen note of concern reflected paying tribute to a distinguished legis­ double blow. The suffering caused by by the expedited review of the propos­ a reduction in demand is compounded lator and valued friend, the gentleman al. Today, I reaffirm my applause for from Oregon, Mr. DuNCAN. by the dislocation of our manufactur­ the sequence of action so promptly ing plants. To cite a few examples, As the very distinguished chairman bringing H.R. 8146, the Federal Sup­ of the Ways and Means Committee plemental Unemployment Compensa­ within 1-year's time plant closings and has already pointed out, BoB DuNCAN, tion Act of 1980, before us today. personnel layoffs affe~ted 620 posi­ is a man of many talents: a gold miner, In January our country stumbled tions at the Defense Electronics a sailor-and I might add naval aviator into its seventh recession. At this time, Supply Center

e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. September 30, 1980 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 28529 Not too long ago I received a letter portunity to pay a special tribute to a ator. ... I am fighting for the work of the from a constituent of mine relating his very special gentleman who has been a Lord. "-A politician experiences under the current job loss true inspiration to all of us. For more As politicians prance and preen mania. This individual found work than 50 years, CLAUDE PEPPER has And great intrigues unwind, with Frigidaire for 2 years. Subse­ served the people of Florida and this A country church I have not seen quently, like countless others, he lost Nation with a seemingly endless For years dwells in my mind. his job when the plant was sold. He ac­ There, born again had sacred berth, bounty of energy. His list of accom­ And there a child was taught cepted a job with Inland, one of the plishments in this legislative body is GM divisions I mentioned earlier, only The worth of faith, the hallowed worth impressive-particularly in the gains Of what the soul has sought. to be laid off 9 months later because he has made in insuring that our el­ That country church inspires my muse of poor auto sales. Still seeking active Because, in recent days, employment, he joined the work force derly may live in comfort and dignity. But perhaps his greatest contribution My father's faith has made the news of the Defense Electronics Supply In strange, unseemly ways. Center. Employment there lasted for 6 is the example he has set that the months because of the facility's relo­ quality of life does not have to decline If things are seldom what they seem, with advancing years. The fact that It must, in truth, be stated cation. That skim milk masquerades as cream This is a prime example of what is Senator PEPPER has served almost half As Gilbert once orated. happening. I cite this case because it of his congressional career past the age of 65 never ceases to amaze me. This year, a self-appointed band truly demonstrates the severity of our Of right-wing Caesars pray situation. This person, like everyone What a loss this country would have In pulpits all across the land, feeling the pains of the recessionary suffered if Senator PEPPER had chosen And as they do, I say plunge deserves a reply to the ques­ the conventional route of retirement That there's a danger to the faith tion: "What is going to be done?" at age 65. It has been my privilege to If wed to Caesar's rod: On February 17, the unemployment work closely with Senator PEPPER, and When preacher-politicians pray, I often have trouble in just keeping up They pray for votes, not God; rate in the State of Ohio triggered on And nothing so defiles a faith a program of extended benefits. In with him. His energy and enthusiasm As when its show will yield June, the total rate of unemployment are like a breath of fresh air. A crop of earthy blessings from jumped to 9.7 percent, and in July the CLAUDE returned to the Congress A fertile public field. State's total level reached 10.2 per­ and I entered the Congress with the " No man can serve two masters," states cent. For these same periods, Mont­ An ancient verse of note. gomery County- which includes the 88th class. We have both continued our interest in that great group of It means that God is seldom served Third Congressional District-had By those who crave the vote. total unemployment levels of 9.5 per­ Congressmen. Even though it grows smaller each year, its quality and I cannot speak for God, nor can cent and 9.6 percent. The county's I claim divine credential. total work force for June was 275,293. character continue to improve. I shall never forget and will always treasure I can, however, speak of man. Of this figure, 26 ,062 persons were I've witnessed his potential. without jobs. The total work force for the memory and friendship of CLAUDE July was 276,443 with 26,482 unem­ and his great helpmate, 1\tlildred. I am I know that if our pols should learn especially grateful for his advice to a That cries of "Lord" can save ployed workers. Granted, this is just The public purse for which they yearn, an example of what is happening in young Congressman, and I leave the Each callous crook and knave my State and in my distrfct, but this Congress confident that the Nation Will stand upon each pulpit that problem is not unique. will have CLAUDE's services for many Will give his voice a note In 18 States, including Ohio, more years to come.e And use the power of public prayer than 60,000 individuals are now ex­ To cultivate the vote. hausting the existing 13-week exten­ How easy to pretend to faith! sion of unemployment benefits. Fur­ CAESAR'S PRAYER How easy to deceive, ther, according to projections made by To use and then abuse the souls the House Ways and Means Commit­ HON. TOM HARKIN Who truly do believe. tee, up to 385,000 persons will become To document my warning and eligible for benefits proposed by H.R. OF IOWA To dramatize the curse, 8146 during the first 3 months of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Some words a politician wrote bill's enactment. I believe that with a Are set above this verse. little more time, as proposed with a 10- Tuesday, September 30, 1980 The words were used-indeed, abused week extension in benefits, that we e Mr. HARKIN. Mr. Speaker, the To woo the Christian vote, can be a little further down the road name Curt Sytsma is well known to But not by Helms or Grassley or to recovery. This proposal is a positive most Iowans and well it should be. For A New Right man of note. step toward assuring our unemployed the past few years, Mr. Sytsma has The passage may seem pious, but people that we are going to do some­ It's pretense all the same: been putting to verse his observations They are the words that Hitler used thing about the problem. We made a on a variety of topics. His stature as a To build his house of shame. response to needs emerging during the poet and writer of verse has grown im­ 1973-75 recession by enacting an emer­ mensely. As a good poet, he is able to The godly meek will surely seek gency program of extended unemploy­ Their Lord in private hours, poignantly define and reveal the foi­ But Caesar prays in public ways ment benefits. I support H.R. 8146 as I bles and follies of humankind and to To magnify his powers. believe it provides a viable means for strip away the illusions that so often making a response to the same needs By each ill wind that ever blew, hide reality. When Mr. Sytsma takes By all that once was rotten, emerging today. • after those who would hide behind a The New Right methods aren't so new. facade of righteousness in order to It's just that we've forgotten impose their will upon others, his pen That it is easy to pretend HON. CLAUDE PEPPER becomes rapier sharp in stripping To faith in God and creed away that facade. Such is the case Whenever it's conducive to with his most recent verse which I Ambition's driving need; HON. ROBERT DUNCAN think my colleagues will find enlight­ And thus I'd place this warning on OF OREGON ening. The Christian Voice petitions: "When Caesar prays, it's God who pays IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The prayer follows: The price of politicians." CAESAR' S PRAYER Monday, September 8, 1980 As politicians prance and preen