The BG News October 14, 2004
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-14-2004 The BG News October 14, 2004 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 14, 2004" (2004). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7334. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. THURSDAY October 14, 2004 WHATDHESAY?:Jeff "^^ ■"" % 1/1/ ^ Garcia was at a loss after ^^^ 1 1/ 1/ i PM SHOWERS being insulted by head II .. 1 A Ik / HIGH: 63 LOW: 47 I H M B A daily independent student press VOLUME 99 ISSUE 34 Round Three JERRY IN BG: Springer speaks with TV news after speech. Springer motivates democrats By Dan Myers HE PORTE A lerry Springer spoke to stu- dents at a Democratic rally in the Union last night, urging them to vote for Democratic presidential candidate lohn Kerry tills Nov. 2. Laura Rauch HP Photo Laura Rauch AP Photo Nathan Nickens, a BGSU student who is running for state senate, and Robin Wcirauch, an employee of Kerry and Bush battle in final debate over domestic affairs BGSU's Center for Policy and By Mary Dalrymple spending. said many of the nation's ills can president has turned his back standing behind identical lec- Public Service who is running IHt ASSOCIATED PRESS Mien's ,i mainstream in be laid at Bush's feet. on the ueltness ol America, and terns vet precisely 10 feet apart. for Ohio's 5th District in the TEMPI-:. Adz Sen. lohn Ken) American politics and you sit He "regrettably rushed us into there is no system and it's start- Hush was on better behavior, I louse of Representatives, also said last night that President right on the far left bank,'' Bush war" in Iraq, Kerry said, and is ing to fall apart.' kern- said though, and there was no gri- spoke at the rally. Bush hears responsibility for a said in the final debate of a close the first White House occupant Kerry and the president also macing and scowling this time Springer, former mayor of misguided war in Iraq, lust (obs and contentious campaign for in seven decades to preside over debated abortion, gay rights, when it was Kerry's turn to Cincinnati.criticized President at home and mounting millions the White I louse. "Your record is a net loss of jobs. immigration and more in a 90- speak. Bush's handling of the war in without health i are i hi- incum- such that led Kennedy, your col- As for health care, the minute debate that underscored The debate was also a poli- Iraq. bent CBSl bit rival in campaign league, is the conservative sena Democratic senator said. "5 mil- their deep differences. cy wonk's dream: a blizzard of "IThel war gropes for jus- debate at ;i mdong Ubei tor from Massachusetts." vnericans have lost" cov- Iliis debate was similar in for- tification and finds none," he on raisin}; taxes and government! But the Democratic challenger erage under Bush's watch. "The mat to the first; the two rivals DEBATE. PAGE 2 SPRINGER, PAGE 2 BGNEWS BRIEFING UAO ticket sales impress Caribbean Concert Tonight the BGSUf 'at ihbean By Zach Herman ing to UAO President Brittany a significant risk for UAO and I -'atnily Weekend. of Campus Involvement for pur- Association will be hosting SENIOR REPORIER Barhite. and additional move- Barhite. The student-run activi- "I was a little nervous at first, chase by families, but Barhite a free concert. The Florida The HAD Homecoming gamble ment is expected as Saturday's ties organization tradition- afraid of the reaction." Barhite SB] s that show is also nearingSO Memorial College Steelband appears to be paying off. show approaches. The 50 per- ally schedules a musical act said of the strategic shift. But percent capacity. will be perforing at 8p.m. at I iotets sales have been strong cent sell-rate is consistent with to fill the post-football slot on she quickly warmed to the new The steady sales are espe- Kobacker Hall of the Moore for the Homecoming weekend industry standard — the av er Homecoming Saturday. But approach. "It's something dif- cially heartening when con- Music Arts Center. comedy show feamring come- age show sells six of every 10 when budget concerns and ferent. We don't always have to sidering the marketing chal- dian Rickey Smiley, frequent available seats. "Sixty pen-ent is availability issues made that slav in the mold." lenges UAO has faced. Only player on BUT "s stand-up pro- industry standard, and that was plan unworkable, organiza- Sales for the folds show have three weeks seperate the two Steelband gram "Comicview." our goal," Barhite said. "I think tion officials improvised, tab- also impressed. An actual count shows and, in an unusual Roughrj half of the available we're doing pretty well." bing Smiley for Homecoming is complicated because some preforms tickets have been sold, accord- Booking Smiley represented and Ben Folds for a solo show tickets are reserved by the Office COMIC, PAGE 2 tonight By Carrie Wltitaker EDIT OR -1N CHIEF Yellowstone field trip teaches The sound can be high or low, sharp or echoing — all depend- ing on the way the steel is bent. But. University student Gerard students to value the environment lioucaud hopes the steel drum sound will effect more than the By Sarah Cox many environmental contri- ears. He hopes to reach the hearts RtPORTS A butions made by the Murie and minds of the Bowling Green A group of 22 students family, community, and staff from the Bowling The environmen- Tonight the BGSU Caribbean Green State University tai students then went to Association welcomes The Environmental Service Club Yellowstone National Park, vA)e e mey received a Florida Memorial College just returned "\A/P emu ' from the ulti- saw flrsi-hand account of mate field trip, elk, buffalo, Mammoth Hot Springs "It didn't make From October i and Old Faithful Geyser 8-12, Yellowstone F™"6 '»"''*• Basin, two distinct geo- sense to bring [the XationalParkand wolves, graphical features to the bnad I all the way its surrounding Unnrt nnrt Yellowstone area, ecosystem served ""ills, urut Lamar and Hayden here, without giving as the student's even weasel- Valleys in Yellowstone Nauonal Park were students the chance classroom. which wasS The trip began hiking stops on the educational journey. GERARD BOUCAUD. at a site deep in amazing . MEMBER OF STEELBAND the Grand Teton Hayden Valley has typi- Wyoming moun- ERICA BRUIELLY, cally served as a bison Steelband, who will perform at tain range at the ENVIORMENTAL and grizzly habitat and 8 pm. in Kobacker Hall of the Murie Center, SCIENCE MAJOR to some degree, a wolf Moore Music Arts Center. where the Wilderness Act and habitat. The free event is the feature modem conservation move- lamar Valley, dubbed act of Pan Fest 2004. an event the ment were born. Students "America's Serengeti." reigns helped winterize the grounds STEELBAND, PAGE 2 and also learned about the YELLOW STONE, PAGE 2 FOUR-DAY FORECAST FRIDAY MONDAY Showers High: 60" The four-day forecast is taken Showers High: 57" from low: 36" Low; IS FOR ALL THE NEWS VISIT VWW.BGNEWS.COM WWW.BGNEWS.COM 2 Thursdat. October 14.2004 Democrats rally around TV host speaker of the rally, introduced Incumbent and challenger trade jabs SPRINGER, FROM PAGE 1 Weirauch. Kerry referred to Vice President port. DeLay, R-Texas, is the House said. "We're America, we don't Nickens, 22, spoke to the DEBATE, FROM PAGEl cost the federal government $5 Dick Cheney's gay daughter, and majority leader and an opponent stanwars, we defend ourselves," crowd of mostly Democratic trillion over 10 years," he said. said it was not a choice. "We're all of gun control. he said, explaining thai Invad- supporters about the changes facts and figures, references to "It's an empty promise. It's called God's children," he said. Asked about the Catholic bish- ing Afghanistan makes sense In he would make as a state sena- "budget caps" and other terms bait-and-switch." Kerry said that the recent expi- ops who have advised parish- the war on terror, but "diverting tor. meaningful only to Washington The two men disagreed over ration of a ban on certain semi- ioners it would be a sin to vote attention" in Iraq does not. The largest portion of Ohio's insiders. abortion, Kerry saying the choice automatic weapons was a "fail- for a candidate who supports Springer emphasized i<> the budget goes to Medicaid, said Taxes was a particular flash should be "between a woman, ure of presidential leadership" abortion rights, Kerry evoked crowd of about 250 students Nickens before the rally, and point between the two men. God and her doctor," and the 1 and that because of it, tenorists the name of John 1: Kennedy, dial ibK election is their "only that reducing the money paid Questioned by moderator Bob president saying he wants to can purchase weapons at gun anodier Massachusetts sena- shot" at voicing their opinions to insurance companies is one Schieffer of CBS, Kerry said he promote a "culture of life." shows in the United States.