FISHING the FLORIDA KEYS Miami Country Day

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FISHING the FLORIDA KEYS Miami Country Day WWW.KEYSNET.COM WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 19, 2012 VOLUME 59, NO. 75 ● 25 CENTS HEALTH CARE Kids’ insurance plan changes By KEVIN WADLOW Keys Pediatric and Healthy Kids dumps Blue Cross, tive says each of the new unknown to Fishermen’s Senior Staff Writer Adolescent Center in Healthy Kids plans will be Community Hospital staff or Tavernier said Monday. meaning loss of pediatrician services able to provide access to more other Middle Keys pediatri- “It is just not right for these than 14 “family and general cians. Changes to the state’s kids to be left without proper income to qualify for by United Healthcare practice physicians serving Another, Dr. Michael P. Healthy Kids insurance pro- health care,” Zuba said. Medicaid. Payments are Community or Staywell Kids families in Monroe County,” Hernandez of Florida Keys gram may soon force enrolled “Whoever did this did not based on family income and — neither of which has a big including four pediatricians. Pediatrics in Marathon, is Florida Keys families to seek think it through.” which insurance plan they Keys presence. That means Zuba said he does not applying to join the Healthy new doctors for their children. Healthy Kids, launched in select. some families in Healthy Kids know any Keys pediatrician Kids program but is not cur- A change in insurance 1990, is a state program with Effective Oct. 1, Blue might be forced to seek health who accepts the Staywell rently an approved provider. providers might leave many private insurance firms to pro- Cross and Blue Shield of care on the mainland. plan. Healthy Kids lists Dr. “No one notified any of us of the 1,100 Monroe County vide affordable children’s Florida no longer participates Attempts to reach Healthy Mehmet Atilla of Key West as providers ... nor the parents children in the program with- medical coverage to families. in Healthy Kids as a result of Kids executives in a participating pediatrician. until a few weeks ago,” Zuba out access to local pediatri- The program targets families a state bidding process. Tallahassee were not success- However, two pediatri- said in a letter to U.S. Rep. cians or other specialists, Dr. who lack regular health insur- That leaves families with a ful. But a statement from a cians named by Healthy Kids Stanley Zuba of the Florida ance but have too much choice between plans offered Healthy Kids PR representa- as serving Marathon were ● See Insurance, 2A KEY WEST COASTAL CLEANUP 2nd push for wider channel million 2012-13. Based on the Chamber wants city’s projections, $418,000 in larger ships passenger fees will be lost; the city received $5.3 million in in Key West disembarkation fees and other cruise ship-related revenues in By SEAN KINNEY the current fiscal year. In people numbers, that equates to 711,791 passengers With decreasing cruise- for 2012-13, down from ship passenger counts and port 837,493. calls expected in the coming Chamber Executive Vice year, the Key West Chamber President Virginia Panico was of Commerce is renewing its poised Tuesday to make a push to study expanding a por- presentation on the subject to tion of the city’s shipping the City Commission but it channel to accommodate larg- was scrapped at the last er ships. minute at the behest of Currently about 350 cruise Commissioner Tony Yaniz. ships make Key West a port of “I think it’s a politic- call. For the fiscal year starting king/lobbying campaign Oct. 1, city officials expect they’re doing,” Yaniz said of that to be around 315 due to the chamber. “If they’re going the increasing popularity of to have one side, some of my Asian and European trips, plus constituents are saying they a Caribbean trend toward larg- feel different and they want er ships that Key West can’t equal time.” accommodate. Commissioner Jimmy Passenger fees help finance Weekley, whose Old Town the city operating budget, which is expected to be $40.4 ● See Cruise ships, 2A Saturday was the Ocean Conservancy’s annual International Coastal Cleanup and Project Aware’s Dive COUNTY COMMISSION Against Debris and groups throughout the Florida Keys gathered to remove all sorts of trash from our waters and shores. They include this group (top) organized by Boat ramps to Marathon resident Lisa Vaccaro (left), a group from A Deep Blue Dive Center in Key Colony Beach (above) joined by other dive shops, and Florida Keys Wildlife see upgrades Rescue (right) on Big Pine Key. Everything from monofilament line to buoys was collected. onshore support. Gastesi letter “Opportunities exist in sev- also on agenda eral areas of the Keys where potential mooring field sites TECHNOLOGY for commission [currently unregulated] are adjacent to existing private By KEVIN WADLOW facilities,” says a report from Thousands qualify for discounted Web Senior Staff Writer Marine Resources Adminis- trator Rich Jones. Keys — but most of those Huge numbers of fami- days). No site has been deter- Program aims who are eligible have yet to lies in South Florida have a For families that enroll, A plan to create a new mined. for poorer sign up. child receiving free or the $9.95 price is locked in Florida Keys mooring field for The remaining Boating The company’s Internet reduced-price lunch. In the for as long as the student cruising boats and repair six Improvement Fund projects households Essentials plan offers high- Monroe County School continues receiving free or public boat ramps will be float- would include $30,000 to speed Internet, priced at District, the figure is 48.7 reduced-price lunch, or ed at Friday’s meeting of the repair the heavily used ramps at By MICHAEL VASQUEZ $9.95 a month, to low- and percent of the 8,306 stu- until they graduate from moderate-income families. dents enrolled as of high school. In the case of Monroe County Commission Harry Harris Park in Tavernier in Marathon. and about $5,000 each to repair To be eligible, families must Tuesday. elementary school students, Costs would total ramps at State Road 4A on live in an area where There are some other eli- that means parents could $595,500, which includes Little Torch Key, Gulf View Cable provider Comcast Comcast offers Internet gibility hurdles (families potentially take advantage $250,000 to begin developing Park on Big Coppitt Key and is offering deeply discount- service, and at least one must not have an overdue of bargain-priced Internet a mooring field that could be Sunset Park on Key Largo. ed Internet service to tens of child in the family must be Comcast bill, and must not thousands of South Florida established in cooperation receiving free or reduced- have subscribed to Comcast ● ● See Internet, 2A with a private firm providing See County, 3A families including in the price lunches at school. Internet within the past 90 INDEX Printed on 100% Classifieds . .4B recycled Load of newsprint Wrongful Living . .3B CONTENTS © 2012 lobster death? Business . .5A KEYNOTER PUBLISHING CO. The family of woman who Obituaries . .2A An early-morning Sheriff's Office marine patrol results died diving off the Florida Opinion . .4A in the seizure of more than Keys last year is suing the Sports/Outdoors . .1B 300 illegal lobster. dive operator and others. Story, 6A Story, 2A Crossword . .2B 7786790 22222 2A Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Keynoter NEWS BRIEFS IN THE COURTS ‘State pulled back’ Dead man still From Insurance, 1A Kids clients under the United not identified Theft: Not-guilty plea Healthcare plan, but not the Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, protest- Staywell Kids plan. Calls to The Monroe County months while “she cannot justify the ing the loss of Blue Cross. business staff at Lower Keys Sheriff’s Office continues Alderman next fromspending,” Deputy David “This is a dire situation that Medical Center and looking for help identify- due in court January Lariz wrote in his arrest puts thousands of kids in the Fishermen’s had not been ing the body of a man 2011 to report when she was taken Keys at risk....” returned at press time. found Sept. 3 in waters on Oct. 29 May this into custody. Parents have complained Keith Douglass, a former near Ballast Key off Key year. That Alderman is scheduled to to him that navigating the Monroe County commis- West. Keynoter Staff included make a pretrial appearance Healthy Kids voicemail net- sioner, was active in help- Authorities say foul play 295 checks. in Marathon before acting work is incredibly difficult, ing the Rural Health doesn’t appear to be Former Great Marathon Court Circuit Court Judge Ruth he said. Network offer low-cost involved, and that they Radio Co. employee ALDERMAN documents Becker on Oct. 29 at 1:30 Blue Cross dealt fairly with children’s health care to have found no missing-per- Danielle Alderman has state that $156,558 of those p.m. and is slated for trial on physicians on costs, Zuba said, Keys families. sons reports that fit the pleaded not guilty to stealing debits were for checks made Nov. 13 at 9 a.m. but reimbursement to doctors “It was a very successful man’s description, which is more than $150,000 from out to “cash” to Alderman, It’s unclear whether offered by the other Healthy program,” Douglass said. white, 20 to 30 years old, her longtime employer, Joe which she was not author- Alderman’s attorney, Kids plans does not account “But over the years, the state about 5-foot-10 and about Nascone.

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