The New York Times

Americas Comedian Wins First Round of Presidential Vote


GUATEMALA CITY — A comedian won the first round of voting in Guatemala’s presidential election, five days after a wave of protests forced the country’s president from office.

Jimmy Morales, a television comedian with name recognition but no political experience, emerged seemingly out of nowhere to move up in the polls as the political crisis deepened over the summer. The latest count gives him almost 24 percent of the vote.

Only a few thousand votes separated the second-place finishers, as the last results of Sunday’s elections came in Monday. Mr. Morales and the candidate receiving the next highest number of votes will head to a runoff in October.

Julio Solórzano, a member of the electoral tribunal, said that the results would not be known until each district made an official count of the preliminary results, expected by Friday. Candidates may also file challenges to the result, but Guatemalan law does not provide for a recount.

Manuel Baldizón, a businessman who lost the 2011 election and has been campaigning ever since, and , a former first lady, each won a little more than 19.5 percent of the vote.


Jimmy Morales Credit Johan Ordonez/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images The overwhelming message of the voting on Sunday — coming after President Otto Pérez Molina resigned last week amid allegations of corruption — was that voters were fed up with the political old guard.

“This is a rejection of traditional politicians,” said Quique Godoy, a commentator and political analyst here.

Polls leading up to the elections suggested that many voters might abstain or cast a blank vote to protest Guatemala’s corrupt politics. Instead, turnout was 70.38 percent, a record according to the electoral tribunal. “This shows that the voters knew how to use the election to change,” Mr. Godoy said. Repeating a hashtag from the months of protests that helped lead to Mr. Pérez Molina’s ouster, he said, “This is just getting started.”

Candidates from small parties won the mayoralties of two large cities in Guatemala. Congress will be divided, fractured among multiple small parties and the remains of the weakened traditional parties.

Mr. Morales campaigned under the slogan “Not corrupt, not a thief,” though analysts questioned where his financial support came from. Retired military officers have appeared at his events, an uncomfortable reminder of decades of dictatorship and the army’s brutal abuses in the country’s long-running civil war. He has also won tacit support from business groups.

His support comes overwhelmingly from the cities, where educated voters were unhappy with the tactics of Mr. Baldizón’s political party, Lider.

Among Mr. Baldizón’s miscalculations was his alliance with Mr. Pérez Molina. As the protests mounted against the former president, Mr. Baldizón continued to support him, even after it was clear that Mr. Pérez Molina’s own party was deserting him.

Only when Guatemala’s Congress voted last Tuesday to strip Mr. Pérez Molina of his immunity from prosecution did Mr. Baldizón change course. Voters might have been put off by Mr. Baldizón’s defiance of campaign spending limits.

Mr. Pérez Molina will appear in court for the third day on Tuesday to hear whether he will stand trial on charges that he ran a customs fraud ring that gave importers discounts on tariffs in exchange for bribes, effectively stealing from the Guatemalan Treasury. A judge has ruled that Mr. Pérez Molina’s former vice president, , who resigned under pressure in May, will stand trial for her alleged role in the scheme.

The customs fraud was first revealed in April by Guatemala’s attorney general and a United Nations-backed commission of independent prosecutors with investigative powers.

The customs case and others that the commission has unmasked over the last few months has swept up dozens of officials, including Mr. Baldizón’s vice-presidential candidate, accused in a money-laundering case.

Ms. Torres, a businesswoman who was the wife of a former president, , spent her time as first lady introducing social programs in Guatemala’s marginalized communities. Much of her support comes from deep in the countryside.