President-elect EbrahimRaisiwillpri June 18presidentialelection,alsosays the principlistsinrun-upto of served asthechiefofunitycouncil his incomingadministration. relations withneighborsduring oritize war againstYemenin2015. into the States theUnited ceived Mottaki saysSaudiArabiade U.S. into Yemen war U.S. into Yemenwar Saudi Arabiatricked Ex-FM Mottaki says way, whatare ournationalinterests? tion. When welookattheissueinthis privileges. This wasinfacttheirinten- to theNPTinfull, butnotto haveNPT They wantedustofulfillourobligations naive initialviewofthenuclear issue. that Westernershave aplanbeyond our clear dossierwasnotclosed. This shows answered allthose12.ButtheIran nu there isnothingelsebeyondthese. We basic questionsanddoubtshesaid to Iranforthelasttimeandraised12 Atomic EnergyAgency(IAEA),came Director-General oftheInternational untarily, andthenMr. ElBaradei, then accepting theAdditionalProtocolvol voluntary suspensionofenrichment,in tions, intheinterviews, inacceptingthe did allthisinthetalks,negotia and thentheWestaccepts.Wedidit. We goodwill,show cooperate,we that we has mademisunderstandinginaway conception regardingthenuclearissue it mightnotmakesuchdecisions. Anaive would bea17-18year-long-termprocess, with ’speacefulnuclearactivities plans andscenariosmadeinconnection thesethat knew time the of ministration nuclear activitiesandifin2003thead the coreofitsissueisIran’speaceful plagued thecountryforalmost18years, liftdoes notallsanctions. administration’s responseif theU.S. July, andhowdoyoupredict the the negotiations are not over until will theadministration negotiate if Comprehensive PlanofAction? How Raisi’s administration towardsJoint understanding” ofIran’s foreignpolicy. argues thatthepresident-electhasa“clear Chief Raisifor the presidentialelection Judiciaryaround gather to principlists I Getty Images The JCPOAisa“sadstory”thathas What is theattitude ofPresident interview:the of text the is Following encourage to trying was who Mottaki The former foreignminister, who foreign minister Manouchehr foreign Times,formerIranian n an exclusive interviewwiththe over Vienna talks scenarios loomlarge Three endgame of ‘stateterrorism’ assassination clearexample Gen. Soleimani Continued onpage2 WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM ------Page 2 out restorationswithouttheassistanceofexperts. cionados have sharply criticized officials for carrying many criticismsfromexpertsandauthorities. viouslow-quality rehabilitationworkproduced has beeninprogresssincelastyearasthepre tourism chiefhassaid. Therestorationproject inIsfahan,architecture thedeputyprovincial Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, amasterpieceofIranian of partsthecreamydome17th-century restorerssupervisestherestoration experienced TEHRAN –Ateamofculturalheritageexpertsand ton usesmilitarysupporttoitspartnersinthe Tehran Times. presence intheregion,” AndreasKriegtellsthe to maintainitspresenceintheregion. Washington usesRiyadhasameans says that DepartmentofKing’sStudies CollegeLondon TEHRAN -AnassistantprofessorattheDefense Meanwhile thetender’s winner shouldguarantee1%ofproposedamountasperformancein one ofthetrusteesintroducedbyIralco. Calcined Alumina(AL2O3)Calcined ontender basis. For obtainingtender’s documentsandmoreinformation, pleasecheck: Name of office: Managing Director Office, Iranian Aluminum Company. Fax: +98 21 88049028 Tel: +98 2188049024 NO.49, MollasadraAve., Vanak Square, Tehran- Iran, Postalcode: 1991614581 Attention: Mr. Omidi-Mr. NabiuniTel: +98863216201432162181 Boulevard,PO Box31,BahonarPark, Arak-IranPostalcode:3818998116 opposite NaturalResources onourrequiredinstructiontofollowingaddress: Based Interested companies are allowed to send their competitive offer IRAN ALUMINIUMCOMPANY(IRALCO) “LeadingfrombehindmeansthatWashing However, in recent weeks, cultural heritage afi “Saudi ArabiaremainsakeypillarofU.S. by 2.5folds Rural developmentbudget increases lives invillages, around39,000villages havemore been preparedandreviewed. plan ofmorethan3,700 villagesinthecountryhas villages, heexplained. rural infrastructure, andthedevelopmentof the plans,improving rural the implementing and Mohammad-Reza ShamlooassayingonFriday. projects acrossthecountry,IRNAquoted opment develrural of implementation the for year this at the official rate of 42,000 rials) were allocated has announced. of theHousingFoundationIslamicRevolution, compared tothatofthepreviousyear, deputyhead [Iranian calendar]year(March2021-March 2022) projects hasincreasedby2.5 timesinthecurrent TEHRAN –Thebudgetforruraldevelopment BY MOHAMMAD MAZHARI BY MOHAMMAD A totalof80trillionrials(nearly$1.9 billion Currently, 26 percentofthecountry’spopulation He wentontonotethatsofar, thedevelopment The creditwillbespentonpreparing, reviewing, 8 Pages Regarding ourpreviousTenderunderRef. No.1400-1004,hereby weextendmentionedTendertill14-July-2021 Price50,000Rials S. Arabia key pillar of pillar U.S.S. Arabia key presence intheregion: researcher Public Relations Department ofIranAluminum Company Round 3 World Cup qualification Iran learnfateat2022 Restoration Mosque Lotfollah continues of Sheikh 1.00EURO TENDER INVITATIONNO.1400-1004 TENDER would like to invite eligible suppliers for the supply of 180.000 MT, Metallurgical Grade of180.000MT, Metallurgical forthesupply would liketoinvitesuppliers eligible - - - 4.00AED Page 3 - the project in due time, the official explained. be consultedintheareasneededtocomplete and specialistsontheadvisorycommitteewill the restorationproject,whilescholars seeing architects andrestorerswhoaretaskedwithover announced onThursday. ration ofthedomemosque,” NasserTaheri and ImamSquareinordertocontinuetheresto Heritage, TourismandHandicraftsDepartment formedbeen jointlybytheprovince’sCultural the blockade on Qatar under the Al Ula Emirates, to armtyrannicalstatesinthePersianGulfregion. Western powers,includingtheU.S., arekeeping chapter inthehistoryofSaudiArabia. However, there,” thestrategicriskconsultantsays. (Persian) Gulfasameanstomaintainpresence “Supervisory andadvisorycommitteeshave While Saudi Arabia, Following isthetextofinterview: The supervisory committeeiscomposedof The war on Yemenhasturnedintoadark and ecotourismarealternativesorcomplementary rural areastocities. andslowdownthetrendofmigrationfrom lagers couple ofyearsbythegovernmenttosupportvil agendaofthegovernments’ developmentofruralareashasbeenalwaysa the in thecountry,20-23the value-added percent of households. rural populationlivesinvillageswithover20,000 than 20 households. than 20householdsand23,000 villageshave less (agriculture, forestry,energy, ormining). munity dependencyononemaineconomicsector rural developmentwhiledecreasingruralcom economic activitiesthatcouldfurtherstimulate 43rdyear Many efforts have been made over the past the over made been have efforts Many Rural-urban migration reverse Thus, morethan97percentofthecountry’s Rural tourism,agritourism, religioustourism, In Iran, wherevillagesaccountforgenerating

till 30-June -2021

Bah rain andEgypthaveended No.13982


Saturday United Arab

JULY Mar. 2022 to be indigenized by of petchem70% catalysts 3,2021

- - - - the monument without any damage to its glory. to damage any without the monument and academicachievementsinordertosalvage the expertiseoftoptraditionalrestorers using cracks onit,itisdecidedtoberestoredonceagain not inagoodconditionandtherearesomenew thatasthedomeis reydoon Allahyariannounced noted. project,he the of phase the initial during as rearranging andrestoringoldtilesremoved andmethodsaswell use oftraditionalmaterials of theMiddleEast(West Asia). ideational conflict already surfacing in other parts the (Persian)Gulf, weseethesymptomsofthis crisis arecurrentlythe suppressedatleastin Qatar and theUAE. So, whilethesymptomsof not beenaddressed–particularlybetween surface again? declaration, don’t youthink thatdisputes See page3 See Last Octoberlateprovincial tourismchiefFe The restorationprojectcontinueswiththe The rootcausesofthe(Persian)Gulfcrisishave

Tir12,1400 airbase after20years U.S. forcesleaveAfghanistan’sBagram cially handed over to the government at a ceremony cially handedovertothegovernment ataceremony compound 50km(30miles)northofcapital, Kabul. 100,000 U.S.troopspassthroughitssprawling authorities toprotecttheforces”. S Miller, “stillretainsallthecapabilitiesand commander inAfghanistan, GeneralAustin Associated Pressreported. to releasetheinformationmedia,The anonymity becausetheywerenotauthorized entirety, theysaidonFridayconditionof National DefenseandSecurityForcesinits attacks, two U.S. officials have said. down theal-Qaedaperpetratorsof9/11 hunt epicenter ofitswartoremove theTalibanand tary hasleftAfghanistan’s Bagramairbase,the After nearly 20years,theUnitedStatesmili- An Afghan official said the base would be offi The airbasewashandedovertotheAfghan At its peak, Bagram airbase saw more than At itspeak,Bagramairbasesawmorethan top U.S. the said also officials the of One I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y

Page 4

Dhi AlQada in theMinistryofIntelligence. 1985 astherepresentativeofJudiciary fahan, beganserving intheJudiciary new Judiciarychieftoitsreaders. the positions intheJudiciary. key numerous held has He years. 37 for has beenworkingintheJudiciary Ezhe’i the as Ejei Mohseni Khamenei appointedGholamHossein Ali Ayatollah Seyyed Revolution Islamic TEHRAN —OnThursday, Leader ofthe Children” aboutchildlabor. ing ofhislatestacclaimedmovie“Sun attheIAAfollowingascreen- ceremony (IAA). of GlorybytheIranianAcademyArts PlaqueIAA the of edition first the with Majid MajidiwashonoredonThursday TEHRAN –Oscar-nominateddirector Iranian calendaryear(endedonMarch20). inauguration ceremoniessincetheprevious Azarbaijan provincesinthe78thseriesof East Zanjan,and in Yazd,Hormozgan rated through videoconferencing, IRNAreported. rials (over$851million)infourprovinces and miningprojectsworth35.77 trillion Thursday inauguratedsixmajorindustrial TEHRAN –PresidentHassanRouhanion Ejei, bornin1956avillagenearIs The TehranTimesdecidedtointroduce The academyhasestablishedtheaward He receivedthehonorduringaspecial The mentionedprojectswereinaugu Who isthenewJudiciarychief? Industrial, miningprojectsworth over “”directorMajidMajidi “Sun Continued onpage6 Continued onpage5 receives IAA’sfirst PlaqueofGlory 22, 1442 $850m inaugurated -

- no matter matter is allabouteconomic respite;it aneconomicboost, how badlyeachside wantstomake adeal. For Iran drone attacksorensuingretaliations. Italldepends suspicions andhostilitiesgomuch deeperthanafew ofthetalks.Bothsidesrealize thattheir outcome and Syria willhave muchofanimpactonthe in thenegotiations? and Syria andstrictness by both countries talks inof light according totheexpertininternationalbusiness. access totheMiddleEast(WestAsia)andbeyond,” for . An alliance with Iran affords China its best U.S. consumerandcorporations. and Chinese officials as this would truly harm the secondary sanctionsonChinesecompanies, entities imposing about Iran,more seriously theU.S.willthink sia, shouldtrytobluntthisalmostunique policy.” otherAmericanadversariessuchasRus and indeed “China, Times that tells theTehran Askari Hossein come apotentweaponinitsforeignpolicyarsenal,” a weaponinitsforeignpolicy. interest tobluntU.S. sanctions, whichhavebecome ton UniversitysaysthatitisinChina’slong-term George Washing the from A professor TEHRAN – GWU professor confront U.S.sanctions: term interest to It is in China’s long- “(However,) thesoonerChinadoesthis, itisbetter Askari isoftheopinionthatifChinafullyembraces I don’t think that the escalation of hostilities in that theescalationof I don’tthink Following isthetextofinterview: that “America’sNoting sanctionpolicyhasbe How doyousee thefateofVienna allies lineduptobacktheU.S. invasion in2001. and publicshowofforceunitywhenNATO ceremony –astarkcontrasttothedramatic a majorityofEuropeantroopsleftwithlittle analyzed byTheAssociatedPressshowthat its Independence Day. nearer toJuly 4, whenthecountrycelebrates estimated 7,000their NATOallieswouldbe war,” thatthedepartureofU.S. soldiersand nouncement thattheU.S. wasendingits“forever 11. September Biden’s promisethattheywouldbegoneby a departure,monthsaheadofPresidentJoe U.S. troops have leftAfghanistanorarenearing est indicationthatthelastof2,500-3,500 on Saturday,Reutersnewsagencyreported. - - geoscience to developrelationsin Iran, Serbia seeking The withdrawal from the airbase is the clear the is airbase the from withdrawal The Announcements from several countries Announcementsfrom It wasclear soon afterthemid-Aprilan- him andtheformerpresidentin2009. administration followingaspatbetween inejad’s first administration, he quit the ister ofintelligenceinMahmoudAhmad Crimes ofGovernment Employees. Judicial ComplexforInvestigatingthe 1998 to2002,astheheadofSpecial Clergy since1998. Healsoserved, from and theSpecialProsecutorGeneralof of theClergyTehranfrom1995to1997 Majidi afterreceivingtheaward. like thiscouldhelpachieve theaim,”said pandemic, andIhopeorganizingmeetings ever, screening the film was thwarted by the for childworkersacrossthecountry, how schools of construction the motivation for achievements every year. for his/herlifetime honor anartist to from thementionedprovinces. ireza Razm Hosseini and some officials Industry, MiningandTradeMinisterAl ed by senior industry officials including unit, wereamongtheinauguratedprojects. pelletizing iron sponge a unit,and cessing ceramic productionplant, atobaccopro Mostly knownforhistimeasthemin Mohseni EjeiwastheSpecialProsecutor The inaugurationceremonywasattend A steelingotproductionunit,atileand “This film was produced to generate BY M.A.SAKI

Iran-U.S. escalati Page 7 Continued onpage8 Continued onpage5 Continued onpage4 Continued onpage2 Continued onpage5 on in Iraq

------I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 2 POLITICS JULY 3, 2021

Raisi launches website for people Ex-FM Mottaki says Saudi Arabia to suggest capable managers

POLITICAL TEHRAN — In an unprecedented move, Pres- deskident-elect Ebrahim Raisi’s office launched a tricked U.S. into Yemen war website called “Companions of Raisi,” asking people to submit names and numbers of people whom they assume have the caliber to be future managers and ministers of his future administration. “Mr. Raisi has almost a clear understanding of Iran’s foreign policy” “All elites, intellectuals, groups, parties, organizations and individuals are invited to nominate a person they know at the 1 If first we had understood the principles and foundations that we have always level of ‘the government of people’,” according to the statement problem correctly, we would have designed had and defended. released by the Raisi office. it in such a way that we would proceed in In your opinion, who will form Mr. Raisi has called his new administration “the government of parallel. That is, we should both focus on Raisi’s foreign policy team? What will be people”. protecting our national interests, using our Mr. Raisi’s actions to accelerate the trial “Competence”, “anti-corruption”, “revolutionary spirit” and privileges as a committed member of the of the assassins of Lieutenant General “popularity” are among the characteristics that the president-elect NPT, and continuing our talks. Qassem Soleimani, given that Mr. Raisi has emphasized. Towards the end of the eighth government was the Judiciary chief? “Because I deeply believe that wherever there is room for public (the Khatami government), we just realized I have no information about your first participation in decision-making, the success rate goes up, and what the Westerners were planning and what question. Regarding the second question, I as I promised, a system for public participation in introducing they were aiming for. And their package, think that the prosecution of this crime will members of the government is in place,” Raisi said, explaining proposed around July and August 2005, go through its stages in the Iranian courts. about the website. was a package in exchange for a two-year And the competent courts will issue a verdict suspension in exchange for implementing against the killer and the perpetrators of this the Additional Protocol and in exchange for crime. Who is the new Judiciary chief? implementing all the leniencies we have shown Internationally, we must pursue this crime. regarding the nuclear issues. In this proposed Encouraging our Iraqi friends who are with 1 Mohseni Ejei, who studied theology at Haqqani School package, the negotiators talked about drugs, us as the victims of this crime by the United and Qom Seminary, was elected as the attorney general in Sep- customs and agricultural cooperation, but States will lead us to take joint action, and tember 2009 and on August 20, 2014, Ayatollah Amoli Larijani, Iran’s right to enrichment was not considered I believe that if the verdict is issued for the then head of the Judiciary, appointed him as the first deputy in the talks and so contrary to what they perpetrators of this crime, we should take Judiciary chief. In June 2016, he also took over the chairmanship propagate, unlocking enrichment seals to say that we were able to bring America more seriously to have the fields of mutual further action in the field of international of the Broadcasting Supervisory Council. With the election of took place in the last months of the eighth back to the JCPOA and they considered this political, economic and security cooperation police to indict these people. Ebrahim Raisi as the head of the Judiciary in December 20018, administration, not the ninth administration a victory. While the United States was in the with the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council. It requires intensive international political he became the first deputy head of the Judiciary. (the Ahmadinejad administration). And the JCPOA for less than three years; it was a matter These are our neighbors and we will remain and judicial work to pursue this case, which, Westerners said that if you unlock the seal, we of commitment to the JCPOA. Therefore, the neighbors forever. Therefore, we must increase given the position of Mr. Raisi in the Judiciary will take Iran’s case to the Security Council Leader defined the matter very carefully and the power of crisis management. Our region is and now as president, I think this issue and they did. But it happened in the ninth it turned out that negotiators in these two a region of turmoil and crisis. And sometimes will be seriously on the agenda of the next administration. In the ninth administration, or three months of negotiations in Vienna, countries fall into a quagmire of crisis. Now, administration. we either have to approve what was done did not succeed in fulfilling this demand. for example, Saudi Arabia has been in this How do you assess the U.S. insistence in the eighth administration or we have to Now our word is clear and the new swamp for many years. In a constructive on a longer and stronger nuclear obey the will of the West. The work of the administration’s stance is that of the system interaction, we can help the countries of the agreement? And how do you see the eighth administration was approved by us. and that is all sanctions must be lifted. We region to get out of this crisis. In the issue outlook for U.S.-Iranian relations? We cooperated and accompanied around two verify and then return to our commitments of Afghanistan and the issue of Nagorno- The case of Iran and the United States is years, and they did not fulfill their obligations, and these principles are not undermined. Karabakh and other issues that we have in a thick one. There are almost tens of years of so the seals must have been unlocked and But if the Americans do not act, the new the region, we can have solutions based on history of interference, coup and violation we halt our commitments. But the other side administration will usually make a decision the interests, authority and dignity of our of the rights of the Iranian nation before the of the coin was that we were referred to the based on its own interests and the facts on people in cooperation with the countries of revolution and tens of years of conspiracy to Security Council. At this point we were at the ground. the region. intervene and doing crime against the Iranian On Thursday, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution appointed a crossroads in the ninth administration, Definitely, this pursuit will not be an You mentioned Saudi Arabia. What nation directly or indirectly. Mohsen Ejei as the new head of the Judiciary. In his decree, the whether to surrender and continue our attrition one and neglecting the interests is your prediction of Mr. Raisi’s policy Therefore, I do not think that the Leader thanked Raisi for all his efforts in the past two years, cooperation without enrichment or to continue of the Islamic Republic. We think that if towards non-aligned countries, which relationship between Iran and the United asking Ejei to continue the Development Document of the Ju- the decision of the eighth administration. the West, I mean China and Russia plus have sometimes caused problems for States can be raised in the short term, but the diciary, expanding new technologies and guaranteeing free and We continued the decision of the eighth the West, come to the conclusion that, us? For example, plans such as the issues between Iran and the United States accessible judicial service to all, appointing hard-working and administration and then the cases went away. given the new administration in Iran, they Hormuz peace initiative have been should be directed towards taking a position motivated youth to work in the Judiciary and tutoring gifted The JCPOA-related negotiations were ongoing should settle this issue. The Iranian side is proposed by Iran but not welcomed. and a logical solution based on the rights and managers for high and middle-ranking positions, confronting with special privileges and permits that the ready. I mean, my perception of Mr. Raisi’s How can we interact with countries interests of the Iranian people. few judges violating law as well as appreciating judges who do eleventh and twelfth governments received position is that the new administration has such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE and That is, we have an issue in the region a good job, and finally, being in touch with the people at the from the system, in fact, they continued their this view and this approach. In essence, Mr. Bahrain? called the disruptive U.S. presence in the heart of the society. negotiations. region. And this disruption has caused a lot of Raisi was voted president-elect on June 18. He wrote a letter I do not want to assess whether the JCPOA “Mr. Raisi intends to seek a serious and damage to us. The last of which is related to on Wednesday night asking the Leader for permission to quit the met our demands or not. Anyway, this deal comprehensive cooperation with the the martyrdom of Gen. Soleimani. The cases Judiciary to focus on forming his new government. was approved in the parliament with any are very wide. We have a logical position and Outgoing President Hassan Rouhani, Armed Forces Com- quality and now the JCPOA is there and both neighbors.” that is the United States must end its intrusive mander Major General Mohammad Bagheri, Iran’s al-Hikma sides, the Iranian side and 1+4 are facing their and disruptive presence in the region. (Wisdom) National Movement leader Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakim, commitments to fulfil. Here again, we did Raisi’s administration in foreign policy will Sometimes we come to a common ground Every country must act within a framework. and Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf were among not go through the right diplomatic process. be pursuing in fact an approach based on in the necessary area of interaction with others; The United States cannot deploy its forces the officials who congratulated Mohseni Ejei in his new post, That is, the nine-article letter of the Supreme interaction, an interaction that, as stated in sometimes, as you mentioned, in the necessary wherever it wants. Even its invasion of cherishing the opportunity given his close friendship with Pres- Leader “a step for step” was included. But Mashhad, guarantees the dignity of the Iranian area, you may not agree with proposals and Iraq did not have a UN permit, unlike in ident-elect Raisi to counter corruption. we with enthusiasm and haste, took one step people and includes national interests and plans. So, someone who is in crisis should Afghanistan. So, the United States must after another, even our ambassador in moreover, the nature of this interaction of think about interacting with others to get be notified regarding this fact that today was interviewing why you don’t you deliver the Islamic Republic is an anti-domination out of that situation. America is not in a strong position and is not Ambassador: Gen. Soleimani the 300 kilos of enriched uranium and do not interaction. Therefore, this administration Saudi Arabia thought and deceived the the America of ten years ago, or the America assassination was clear take it out of the country. While for each of authoritatively but diplomatically will defend American officials that it would finish the of thirty years ago. This U.S. must redefine our steps they also have to take one step and the interests of Iran with all its might, and work of Yemen in a very short time. The same itself. This United States is not allowed to example of ‘state terrorism’ they did not take any steps let alone what the it may be an opportunity for the 5+1 to use way that Saddam deceived Western and Arab enter or invade or have presence anywhere it Americans did. Unfortunately, in the face of this opportunity to reach a logical solution officials by claiming that he will arrive in wants. The next part is the issues that affect POLITICAL TEHRAN — Iran says the U.S. assassination of the Americans’ actions, which were not only that guarantees the interests of Iran on the Tehran in a week. Saudi Arabia has not been in our region or (other)regions of the world. That desksenior Iranian anti-terror commander Lieutenant a violation of the JCPOA due to Trump’s one hand and the result of their efforts on this crisis for 15 days, not for a month, not for is U.S. involvement in Latin America, in the General Qassem Soleimani clearly exemplifies “state terrorism,” withdrawal, we did not provide ourselves the other. a quarter, not for a year or two, but for years Middle East (West Asia). U.S. policy means cautioning the UN against any understatement of the atrocity. a possibility or opportunity to exercise the How do you see Mr. Raisi’s regional now. Everyone in the world understands that coercion for different parts of the world. It Esmaeil Baghaei Hamaneh, Iran’s permanent ambassador to right that if the Americans did, we would have foreign policy? What will be his position Saudi Arabia is not the winner of this war. It is natural that our positions are our rights the UN office in Geneva, made the remarks on Thursday while the right to use the trigger mechanism and on neighboring countries? is now necessary for Saudi Arabia to reach and we react to these American approaches. addressing the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council. take them to the Security Council. Mr. Raisi has almost a clear understanding this conclusion that the Yemeni crisis has no The third issue is content issues and He was addressing a report last year by Agnes Callamard, the While the Americans gave themselves of Iran’s performance in the field of foreign military solution, because the Yemenis are issues in international organizations. Issues UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary the right of the trigger mechanism to take policy. In recent years, I believe that the fighting with guerrilla tactics. Neither Saudi’s such as human rights, the global economy, executions, about the assassination, that sufficed to describe it us to the Security Council if we violated missing links in these foreign relations have ground forces will be able to confront the disarmament. The first thing that needs to as “arbitrary killing.” it. It was a difficult situation. They left the been well observed by him. In the rational Yemeni ground forces, except for the areas it be removed from these concepts is, in fact, According to Press TV, the Iranian diplomat called the desig- JCPOA and we could not do anything except approach of the Islamic Republic, one of occupied, nor the aerial bombardments will the double standards, discriminatory and nation a mere understatement of the terrorist crime that failed to the public atmosphere which was negative our solutions to solve regional problems is lead any country to victory, from the Vietnam political approach. depict the enormity of the “unjust, illegal, and barbaric murder.” towards the United States and of course for cooperation and regional approaches. We War to the Iran-Iraq war and other wars. With regard to disarmament, the United Callamard’s description, he said, should not lead to any un- other reasons the atmosphere was negative believe that the problems of the countries of I made trips to countries in the region States, the Soviet Union, and all the countries derestimation of the gravity of “this act of state terrorism”. towards the United States at the world level the region can be resolved among themselves during the bombing of Lebanon during the of the world were committed to reducing their General Soleimani, the former commander of the Quds Force and Mr. Trump’s defeat in the November 2020 in a peaceful framework and on the basis 33-Day War by the Zionist regime. When I chemical weapons with the formation of the of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), was martyred elections was for this reason that Trump did of mutual understanding. This means that met with the President of Egypt, Mr. Hosni Chemical Weapons Convention. Americans together with his companions in a U.S. drone strike near Baghdad’s not succeed in his foreign policy, not in the we do not welcome extra-regional powers Mubarak, he said that the Israelis were need to answer to the world’s public opinion airport in January 2020. The attack took place while General nuclear issue with Iran, but in the Venezuela to solve regional problems. Another point here last week. And I told them you would as why they did not do this. Soleimani was paying an official visit to the Iraqi capital. issue, in the North Korean issue, regarding that Mr. Raisi intends to seek a serious and definitely not win this war. Because you are Regarding the nuclear issue, there is an The strike was directly ordered by former U.S. president Don- “the Deal of the Century” for Palestine, and comprehensive cooperation with neighbors. fighting with classic tactics while Hezbollah acceptable logic in the world, and that is that ald Trump. these issues brought him down. In the final We have not seen the slightest serious planning is fighting you as guerrilla fighters. And you nuclear energy for all, nuclear weapons for Among other martyrs in the strike were senior Iraqi counter- months of the current administration, they in the current administration to work with our do not know where and with whom you are no one. Why do Americans want the second terrorism commander, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. said that new JCPOA talks would begin in neighbors until the approval of the JCPOA at war. And so it was. The first 15 days they part to be discriminatory; that is, the United Both commanders had earned huge admiration both inside Vienna, given Mr. Biden’s presidency and and shortly thereafter. Therefore, our view were sure of victory, but the second 15 days States and several other countries have their respective countries and throughout the region. the signals he had given during the electoral is that the neighbors are one of the serious the battle slowly turned in Hezbollah’s favor, nuclear weapons and others do not? And General Soleimani’s reputation has registered him as the region’s campaign; they thought they would get the priorities of Mr. Raisi’s administration for and eventually Hezbollah won. in the field of peaceful nuclear energy, some most decisive and popular anti-terror military official, who led results they wanted, but the result was clear. cooperation. Therefore, we will help Saudi Arabia to know should not have. the region’s successful battle against the terrorist group of Daesh. That is, the system made it clear that we We have a population of more than that it will not be victorious in this war, and The time of the logic is over in the world. Baghaei Hamaneh described General Soleimani as a “true should lift the sanctions in the Vienna talks. 450 million people in our neighborhood. if it ever thought that it would cause serious The fact that the Supreme Leader points out defender of the human rights as well as an opponent of occupation We can verify this lifting and then we will And if we take into account our immediate damage to Yemen through starvation, misery, that the United States has entered a period and Daesh’s terrorism.” return to our obligations. neighbors, there will be more than 600 million destruction and inhumane acts to force them of decline means that American logic has “This measure (targeting him) was an international crime That is, the system made it clear that in people. Therefore, one of the priorities is the to surrender empty-handed, they failed. entered a period of decline. The fact that the that came to threaten the international peace and security too,” the Vienna talks lifting the sanctions must neighboring countries, which we must plan Today, the situation has changed. Today, United States cannot exercise its leadership he added. be a priority and we can verify this lift and carefully. And while we can find markets for the Yemenis can target any target anywhere in the world shows that the United The culpability of the U.S. administration, including those who then we will return to our obligations. all of our country’s products that have export in Saudi Arabia, except the two Muslim holy States has no ability to exert its were involved in the assassination, is clear to see, the diplomat said. This was expressed in the words of the capacity in neighboring countries, apart from areas of Mecca and Medina. It is enough for a will in the world. “The Iranian people, who know [General] Soleimani as the Supreme Leader. Because some people wanted distant countries, this requires a plan. In the rational person in Saudi Arabia to convey this (To see the full text scan this code) model of a soldier, and the entire people of the region, who see field of security issues in the region, we have understanding to the Saudi authorities that their liberation from the scourge of Daesh is owed to his sacrifice, had successful and unsuccessful experiences as long as you continue, there is no news of will never stop demanding justice for this tremendous crime,” “In essence, in the past. On the one hand, we are in ECO, victory and it is just the spread of damage. I call “Now our word is he stated. Mr. Raisi’s on the other hand, we have interests regarding this a negative understanding. Not positive. clear and the new The world’s human rights organizations are expected to pay administration in the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, and And Saudi Arabia is almost coming to that administration’s heed to the sheer scope of the crime and its lasting repercussions the cover almost all of our neighbors except conclusion. It coming to the conclusion that for the rule of law as well as human rights and dignity, Baghaei foreign policy will be two or three countries. it is fruitless to cut ties with Iran. Some time stance is that of the Hamaneh said. pursuing in fact an Therefore, we can become more active ago, messages were raised by Saudi Arabia, system and that is all The bodies have to realize the full extent of this “clear ex- approach based on within the framework of ECO regional systems. and of course, I think that in this government sanctions must be ample of lawlessness and insult against the basic right to life,” We had plans for the Persian Gulf Cooperation and in the next government, this offer will he concluded. interaction.” Council in the past, but now it can be raised be welcomed by Saudi Arabia, based on the lifted.” I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 3, 2021 IRAN IN FOCUS 3 SPORTS Three endgame scenarios Iran learn fate at 2022 World Cup qualification Round 3

SPORTSTEHRAN – Iran national football team learned desktheir fate at the 2022 World Cup qualifiers loom large over Vienna talks on Thursday. Iran have been drawn along with Korea Republic, the UAE, POLITICAL TEHRAN – After six reach a determining point, three scenarios Iraq, Syria and Lebanon in Group A. desk rounds of intensive talks have been envisaged for the end result of the Group B consists of Japan, to possibly revive the 2015 Iran nuclear committee’s JCPOA deliberations. First, the Australia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, deal, negotiations in Vienna have reached committee would approve the outcome of China and Vietnam. a key point that could lead to three possible the Vienna talks and corroborate a revival The respective group winners scenarios ranging from a full revival of the of the JCPOA. Second, it would disapprove and runners-up will seal their original deal to a complete halt to talks, the the outcome of the talks and recommend places for the global showpiece, Tehran Times can reveal. an increase in nuclear activities. Third, the while the third-placed teams will When the sixth round of talks, aimed at committee would reject the outcome and lay advance to the Asian playoff to resuscitating the Joint Comprehensive Plan out a new agenda for talks with the West with determine the side that will ad- of Action (JCPOA), ended more than a week the purpose of solving outstanding issues in vance to the intercontinental ago, it was evident from the Iranian and U.S. a new format and spirit. playoff. war of words that the next round would be It’s not clear yet which scenario is likely Based on the special FIFA the most consequential round, though it will to take place. But it seems that the seventh Ranking released for Asian unlikely be the last one. round, expected to resume on Sunday, would teams on June 18, top seeds First, U.S. envoy to the Vienna talks Rob determine which scenario is possible. Ira- Japan and the Iran were placed Malley made it clear that Washington will nian news website Asr-Iran reported that in Pot 1 of the draw, with Pot 2 not lift all the sanctions imposed by the Vienna talks would resume on Sunday. And comprising Australia and Ko- Trump administration against Iran. He this time, the website said, officials from the rea Republic while Pot 3 had Saudi Arabia and the United Arab even threatened to walk out of talks if Iran Iranian oil, banking, and insurance sectors Emirates. Pot 4 contained Iraq and China PR, followed by Oman continued to insist on getting the U.S. to lift will join the negotiating team to discuss how and Syria in Pot 5 and debutants Vietnam and Lebanon in Pot 6. all the sanctions. “What they’ve asked for - in to release Iranian frozen assets and oil sales The AFC Asian Qualifiers – Road to Qatar is scheduled to been six weeks since the negotiations started the revival of the JCPOA in order to reach principle, they’ve said they want all of the as well as banking ties. be played on the following 10 match days: September 2 and 7, again. Some progress was achieved, and we an agreement,” Araghchi told Iranian state sanctions that President Trump’s administra- Whether the Vienna talks would reach October 7 and 12, and November 11 and 16, 2021, as well as will now be entering the most difficult times. media after briefing lawmakers sitting on tion reimposed or imposed since 2018 to be a conclusion in the next round remains an January 27 and February 1, 2022, before reaching its climax on It will require some strong and courageous the National Security and Foreign Policy lifted. And that’s a lot. And we’ve said we’re open question. But if the U.S. continues to March 24 and 29, 2022. prepared to remove those that we think we decisions on behalf of the new Iranian au- Committee on the Vienna talks last week. wriggle out of its stated goal to return to the need to remove to be back in compliance with thorities, but now is the time,” he said. The briefing took place ahead of a supposed JCPOA by lifting sanctions, talks will face the JCPOA. But we’re not going to lift all of Iran hit back at the U.S. and its European resumption of talks last week. But the talks a bumpy road since Iran has made it clear Iran’s 2022 World Cup the sanctions that the Trump administration allies by saying that they are the ones who were delayed due in part to internal deliber- that it will not let the U.S. to renege on its imposed,” Malley told NPR. should make difficult decisions, not Iran. ations in the concerned countries. As regards commitments again. Iran has demanded that qualifiers fixtures revealed “We wouldn’t be going back to Vienna if Because Iran had already made tough de- Iran, intensive discussions have taken place the U.S. provide assurances that it will not we thought that it’s not possible to reach a cisions regarding the JCPOA. to draft a strategy on how to proceed with leave the nuclear pact again, something that SPORTSTEHRAN – Iran will start the 2022 World deal. I don’t think that this window is going “So far, six rounds of talks have been the talks given the American intransigence the U.S. has rejected. In addition, Iran has deskCup qualification Round 3 with a match against to be open forever. At some point, we’ll have held with the P4+1, and we are almost close during the sixth round during which little demanded that the U.S. prolong the draw- Syria on Sept. 2. to conclude that this is not succeeding. But to the final stages. There is a series of is- progress was made. down period for foreign firms operating in The ‘Persian Leopards’ discovered their path to the 2022 we’re not there yet,” he noted. sues that have been sufficiently negotiated To this end, a new committee has Iran and increase it from six months to four Qatar World Cup, with the groups for the third round of Asian U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken re- and it is time for the countries to decide,” been formed with members from vari- years in case there was another withdrawal qualification announced on Thursday. iterated Malley’s threat by implying that the Iran’s top nuclear negotiator Seyed Abbas ous institutions such as Iran’s Supreme from the JCPOA, a source familiar with the Group B consists of Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, ball is in Iran’s court. Araqchi said. National Security Council, the Majlis, the matter told the Tehran Times. China and Vietnam. “There will come a point, yes, where it will “The Islamic Republic of Iran has al- government, and representatives of the Furthermore, Iran has called for the The top two sides from each group will advance directly to be very hard to return back to the standards ready made tough decisions. When the new Iranian president-elect’s transition establishment of an Iranian-led committee the 2022 World Cup, while the third place teams will enter the set by the JCPOA,” the top U.S. diplomat United States withdrew from the JCPOA team. The main duty of this committee is whose task would be to provide a regular playoff rounds. said at a briefing in after meeting with and Iran decided to stay in the JCPOA. It to determine whether the outcome of the reporting on the continuation of the lifting Iran’s fixtures: French Foreign Minister Jean Yves Le Drian. was Iran’s big and difficult decision that Vienna talks goes in line with the stated of the U.S. sanctions, something similar Sept. 2, 2021: Iran v Syria He also called on Iran to make “difficult” led to the preservation of the JCPOA so far. policies of Ayatollah Khamenei. to what the UN nuclear watchdog does Sept. 7, 2021: Iraq v Iran decisions to advance talks that could revive Now it is the turn of the opposing parties, The committee is also tasked with over- in terms of verifying the implementation Oct. 7, 2021: UAE v Iran the JCPOA. and according to the negotiations we had, seeing the Vienna talks and approve or dis- of JCPOA-related commitments by Iran, Oct. 12, 2021: Iran v South Korea Le Drian reiterated the same call. “It’s they must decide and reach a conclusion on approve of them. As the Vienna negotiations according to the source. Nov. 11, 2021: Lebanon v Iran Nov. 16, 2021: Syria v Iran Jan. 27, 2022: Iran v Iraq Feb. 1, 2022: Iran v UAE Iran needs ‘young and revolutionary’ managers: MP March 24, 2022: South Korea v Iran March 29, 2022: Iran v Lebanon POLITICAL TEHRAN— A member of the Iranian The Biden administration has said it wants to open a deskParliament’s Clergy Faction has underlined new chapter with Iran and change tack, though it is yet to Iran’s need for having young and devoted managers to get make any move to break with the Trump legacy on Iran. Iran’s 400 meters rid of the current economic challenges facing the country. Iran and the remaining parties to the JCPOA have been In remarks to Fars News, Javad Nikbeen drew a com- negotiating since April to get the U.S. and Iran back to full athlete Pirjahan qualifies parison between the economic woes and the Iran-Iraq war compliance with the nuclear deal with now ultimate success. for Olympics in the 1980s, saying that Iran needs young and revolution- So far, six rounds of talks have been held with the seventh ary managers to overcome these woes as it did during the round expected to go ahead in the coming days. SPORTSTEHRAN – Iranian 400 meters Mahdi Pirjahan eight-year war. Diplomats from Iran and the U.S. as well as Europe desksecured a spot at the 2020 Olympic Games. “We need young and revolutionary managers to get out of are preparing for a potentially decisive round of talks in He secured his spot through ranking. the current situation in the country, and just as we won the Vienna that is expected to result in a consensus to revive Pirjahan became the fourth Iranian athlete to win a quota imposed war with the youth, we will succeed in the economic the JCPOA. Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas place in . war with the youth today,” Nikbeen said, adding that the Araqchi, who leads the Iranian negotiating team in Vienna, Discus thrower Ehsan Hadadi, Hassan Taftian and Farzaneh 13th government’s managers should be young, expert, and He added, “The next managers of the government, far said last week that the Vienna talks have almost reached Fasihi (men’s women’s 100 meters) have already qualified for devoted to the Revolution. from different colors and factions, must be revolutionary their end and that the time has come for the negotiating the Games. The remarks come as Iranian President-elect Ayatollah managers at the level of the revolution, because only in this parties to make decisions. The men’s 400 meters event at the Olympics is scheduled Seyed Ebrahim Raisi remains focused on the transition period situation can we hope to improve the situation.” Speaking after a briefing session with lawmakers, Araqchi to take place from August 1 to 5 at the Japan National Stadium. for which he recently resigned from the Judiciary in a bid to Ayatollah Raisi has vowed to hire highly skilled, expert said, “So far, six rounds of talks have been held with the Approximately 50 athletes are expected to compete in the event. put his energy and time into forming the next government. managers. He even asked the people to introduce the man- P4+1, and we are almost close to the final stages. There is a Raisi’s government would be the 13th government of Iran. agers whom they think are talented and fit for managerial series of issues that have been sufficiently negotiated and Iran’s presidential race was held on June 18 with four positions. to this end, the president-elect has established a it is time for the countries to decide.” Sepahan earn hard-fought candidates on the ballot and led to the victory of Raisi. Shortly website asking people to introduce such kind of managers. The top Iranian nuclear negotiator added, “The Islamic before the start of the voting, Zakani and Ghazizadeh-Hashemi Drawing a comparison between the “economic war” and Republic of Iran has already made tough decisions. When win over Machine Sazi: IPL withdrew from the race in favor of Raisi while Mehr-Alizadeh the Iran-Iraq war, Nikbeen said Iran won that war with the United States withdrew from the JCPOA and Iran announced his withdrawal in tacit support for Hemmati, who young people aged between 22 and 32 and that “we can decided to stay in the JCPOA. It was Iran’s big and difficult SPORTSTEHRAN – Sepahan football team earned desk represented the reformist and moderate political groups at win the economic war with Hezbollah-styled youth aged decision that led to the preservation of the JCPOA so far. a hard-fought 1-0 win over almost-relegated the ballot box. Following the victory of Raisi, his rivals rushed between 32 and 42.” Now it is the turn of the opposing parties, and according Machine Sazi in Matchday 25 of Iran Professional League (IPL) to congratulate him on his success without casting any doubt Iranian officials often refer to the economic sanctions to the negotiations we had, they must decide and reach a on Thursday. on the election’s integrity, a move that was appreciated by imposed by the former U.S. administration of Donald Trump conclusion on the revival of the JCPOA in order to reach Danial Esmaeilifar scored the only goal of the match in the Ayatollah Seyed , the Leader of the Islamic as “economic war.” The U.S. imposed sweeping economic an agreement.” 67th minute. Revolution, in a recent public appearance. sanctions on Iran following former U.S. President Donald Iran has urged the U.S. to lift sanctions and provide Machine Sazi defender Mehdi Rostami was sent off in the Nikbeen said elder managers, whom he described as Trump’s withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal - of- guarantees that it will not renege again on its commit- 70th minute after receiving a straight red card. “tired generals and lobbyists,” are of no use to the country, ficially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action ments under a revived JCPOA. However, the U.S. has Sepahan are second team in the league, two points behind and therefore, Iran is in need of young experts and moti- (JCPOA)- in May 2018. Trump piled up sanctions on Iran refrained from giving such guarantees, arguing that no IPL leaders Persepolis. vated people. in a bid to force Iran into making more concessions to the U.S. administration can give this kind of guarantee without In Arak, Aluminum and Esteghlal played out a goalless draw. “Given the current situation, we need revolutionary action U.S. within the framework of a new nuclear deal. Trump, submitting the final agreement to Congress for ratification Mes came from behind to defeat Foolad 2-1 in Rafsanjan. to improve the situation, and revolutionary action requires however, failed to get his deal, bequeathing his successor a as a treaty, something that is near to impossible given the Paykan edged past struggling Nassaji 1-0 in Ghaemshahr and a revolutionary manager,” the cleric asserted. litany of unresolved issues with Iran. fierce partisanship prevailing Capitol Hill. Sanat Naft defeated Naft Masjed Soleyman 2-1. Iran looking for a better Iran voices support for regional initiative on South Caucasus place at U19 Basketball POLITICAL TEHRAN – Iranian Am- ham Aliyev, Zarif welcomed the initiative. In May, Zarif once again paid visits to deskbassador to the Republic During the meeting, Zarif welcomed the Azerbaijan and Armenia. The visits began amid World Cup of Azerbaijan has expressed Iran’s support proposal of the president of Azerbaijan enti- reports of border tensions between two rivals for a regional initiative aiming to foster co- tled the Initiative for Six-Party Cooperation grappling with the consequences of a deadly SPORTSTEHRAN – Iran will begin the FIBA U19 operation among stakeholders in the South in the Region and announced the readiness 44-day war that resulted in Azerbaijan retaking deskBasketball World Cup with the aim of fin- Caucasus. of the Islamic Republic of Iran to assist and large swathes of Armenian-controlled terri- ishing in a better place than 2013 that they came 11th in the Seyed Abbas Mousavi said the countries cooperate in all fields that will contribute to tories in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The competition. involved in this initiative can cooperate for peace, stability and tranquility in the region. war ended after Russian President Vladimir Iran have participated in the U19 Basketball World Cup five the good of the region. The next stop was where the Putin brokered a ceasefire deal between the times so far but they have not been satisfying enough in the “Iran supports initiative to establish a 3+3 top Iranian diplomat met with his Russian two warring sides in November. competitions. format regional mechanism to bolster peace, counterpart Sergei Lavrov at the Russian During his visit to Azerbaijan and Armenia, Regarding that the world’s powerhouse teams will take part stability & development in our region,” the Irani- Foreign Ministry and as usual, the two foreign Zarif raised the issue of borders. In , the of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ara Aivazian in the prestigious event, the Iranian team are well aware that an ambassador said on Twitter, adding, “Three ministers held a press conference. Upon his top Iranian diplomat discussed with Azeri thanked Zarif for paying a visit to Armenia they will have a difficult task ahead but they will do their best to South Caucasian states (Azerbaijan, Armenia, arrival in Moscow, Zarif said that he would President Ilham Aliyev issues such as border during “disturbing days” in the region. finish in a better place than 2013. Georgia) + three regional neighbors (Iran, Turkey, discuss proposals for six-party cooperation in tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan Aivazian noted, “It has been two weeks The FIBA U19 Basketball World Cup will begin on July 3 and Russia) can cooperate for the good of the region.” the region, the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and the and communication corridors. since the Azerbaijani armed forces invaded run until July 11 in Latvia. The Azerbaijan-led initiative was discussed situation in Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen. “Now you can play a historic role in bring- the border areas of the Republic of Armenia, The Persians will start the campaign with a match against in January this year during a regional tour of In continuation of his tour, Zarif paid visits ing peace to the region,” Zarif told Aliyev, trying to provoke a new escalation, which is strong Serbia on Saturday at the Daugavpils Olympic Center Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad to Armenia, Georgia, and Turkey, where he according to a statement issued by the Azer- fraught with new regional threats.” in Group B. Zarif which included visits to all the countries discussed issues related to the South Caucasus baijani presidency. He also said that Azerbaijan strives to Iran will also meet Latvia and Puerto Rico on Sunday and that are supposed to be part of the initiative. region after a 44-day war between Baku and In Yerevan, Zarif received the Armenian create “new geopolitical realities” amid global Tuesday, respectively. In a meeting with Azerbaijani President Il- Yerevan over a Nagorno-Karabakh. account of border tensions. Acting Minister silence towards Baku. The tournament will bring 16 teams together. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 ECONOMY JULY 3, 2021

70 infrastructure, OPEC pays tribute to Iran’s development projects underway in Kish Free Zone ECONOMY TEHRAN — As announced by the managing veteran oil minister deskdirector of Kish Free Zone Organization, 70 infra- structure and development projects are underway in this free trade zone. ECONOMY TEHRAN – The Or- April 2020 when the participating countries desk Saying that most of these projects are carried out in the infrastructure ganization of Petroleum reacted decisively to the global collapse of sector to improve the condition for the investors in the island, Jafar Exporting Countries (OPEC) in its 181st oil demand resulting from the COVID-19 Ahangaran put the worth of investment making for these projects at meeting in Vienna on Thursday paid trib- pandemic. 33 trillion rials (about $785.7 million). ute to Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar “As the longest-serving OPEC minister, The implementation operation of most of the projects has been Zanganeh for his long-lasting contribution your wisdom and experience will be deeply already completed, the official said, adding implementation of the to the organization and the oil market. missed. It has been an immense pleasure projects create direct jobs for 8,500 persons, which will reach 6,890 As Shana reported, the 181st meeting of to work with you, and I wish you and your persons when the projects are completed. the OPEC conference was chaired by An- family good fortune in the years to come,” He further stated that in recent years, the organization has put gola’s Minister of Mineral Resources and the conference chair stated. various development programs in the field of airport, port and urban Petroleum Diamantino Pedro Azevedo, via Azevedo further underlined the signifi- development on its agenda to provide the ground for improving the videoconference. cant role that the production cut pact has quality of services to residents, tourists and investors. This was the last OPEC meeting in which played in the balancing of the oil market Zanganeh would attend as Iran’s Oil Minister. over the past two years and said: “Today “I would like to begin by congratulating begins the third month of the step-by-step our esteemed colleague, His Excellency Bijan upward production adjustments the par- Namdar Zanganeh, who will be taking a bow ticipating countries agreed to undertake at from his post as Minister of Petroleum for the start of April. The market continues to the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Azevedo said welcome these prudent and forward-look- in his opening speech. ing steps to support sustainable stability, “You have provided noble leadership, which in turn provide crucial backing for wise counsel, and technical knowledge to the economic recovery. We will continue to Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh (L) and OPEC secretary-general Mohammad the OPEC Conference for many years, and remain proactive and vigilant in our actions Sanusi Barkindo have been instrumental in our organization’s on the back of our commitments and the many achievements,” he continued. has benefited immensely from the Iranian tions to the declaration of cooperation from success of the widely acclaimed Declaration The official went on to say that OPEC minister’s leadership and vital contribu- the very beginning in 2016, and notably in of Cooperation.”

Kish Island, with an area of ??92 square kilometers and a popu- Over 70% of necessary petchem catalysts to be indigenized by Mar. 2022 lation of 42,000, is located 18 kilometers from the mainland in the ECONOMY TEHRAN – Iranian engineers are different groups of catalysts, one-third of which had been Island. Persian Gulf. deskgoing to indigenize the knowledge for indigenized in the previous Iranian calendar year (ended According to the seminar’s Executive Secretary Over the past two decades, free and special economic zones have the production of 72 percent of the catalysts needed in the on March 20). Mohammad-Amin Ebrahimi, the mentioned seminar was played a significant role in Iran’s economy, and the Iranian govern- country’s petrochemical industry by the end of the current NPC, in collaboration with domestic research institutes and aimed to create a common language and synergy between ment has been seriously pursuing a program for the development of Iranian calendar year (March 2022), the Head of National knowledge-based companies, is currently working seriously catalyst producers and consumers and also to provide a the existing zones and establishing new ones. Petrochemical Company (NPC) Behzad Mohammadi has said. on indigenizing the knowledge for the production of the rest of platform to discuss and evaluate the performance of the According to Morteza Bank, the former secretary of Iranian Free According to Mohammadi, the country needs $275 the catalysts needed in the country’s petrochemical industry. native catalysts. Zones High Council, over 40 percent of Iran’s exports are done through million worth of catalysts annually, $200 million of which Back in March 2020, the Managing Director of the country’s Petrochemical is Iran’s most important industry after the country’s free trade zones and special economic zones and $169 is domestically supplied. Petrochemical Research and Technology Company (PRTC) oil and gas. The National Petrochemical Company hopes to billion worth of commodities have been exported from these areas As IRNA reported, Mohammadi had previously said that Ali Pajouhan had said NPC was planning to indigenize nine lift output capacity to 120 million tons per annum by 2022. in the past seven years. more than 95 types of catalysts are currently used by the major catalysts used in the petrochemical industry within The petrochemical industry has played a key role in Development of the mentioned zones became more significant country’s petrochemical plants, 20 of which have been already the next two years. domestic economic growth as it creates value-added and since the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions on the Iranian economy in indigenized and 16 more will be produced domestically by The official said that NPC had signed 20 contracts with reduces the sale of oil and gas on which the economy has November 2018, as the Islamic Republic started reducing dependence the end of the current year. knowledge-based companies for mass production of catalysts been dependent for decades. on oil incomes while elevating its domestic production and non-oil The domestic production of the mentioned catalysts is and 70 research projects were also underway in this regard. With abundant hydrocarbon reserves and new private exports. going to save the country $150-$180 million annually. In early January 2020, NPC held a seminar on the sector investments, Iran is working hard to maintain its Although the sanctions have disrupted Iran’s economic activities, The Iranian petrochemical plants are currently using 40 indigenization of petrochemical industry catalysts in Kish global status in this key sector and broaden its scope. they could not impede the development of Iranian free trade and special economic zones; in fact, the development of these zones has been even accelerated. The measures taken by the government for the development of the mentioned zones have been paying off significantly so that despite 1st meeting of Iran-Serbia energy, mining working group held online the negative impacts of the U.S. sanctions and the coronavirus pan- ECONOMY TEHRAN – The first countries in the fields of energy and mining. is willing to develop effective and sustainable demic, the trade balance of the mentioned zones has stayed positive deskmeeting of an Iran-Serbia It was also decided that the two sides will cooperation with Iran in those fields. in recent years. energy and mining working group, which has continue talks in three areas of mining, elec- The Serbian minister expressed hope that In late April, the Secretary of Iranian Free Zones High Council been established under the framework of the tricity, and renewable energy, along with oil sanctions would be lifted to prepare the grounds Hamidreza Mo’meni announced that the trade balance of the coun- two countries’ Joint Economic Committee, was and gas sector to expand cooperation between for cooperation. try’s free and special economic zones has been positive in the past held through video conference on June 30. the two countries. The Iranian ambassador, for his part, said two years despite the negative balance of the country’s foreign trade. The meeting was attended by senior offi- Back in March, Iran’s Ambassador to Bel- Tehran attaches great importance to its ties Today, the free zones are in a good condition and positive develop- cials from the two sides including Serbia’s grade Rashid Hassanpour and Serbia’s Minister with Belgrade. ment measures have been taken which have led to significant growth deputy mining and energy minister, Irani- of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic held Pointing to the mutual agreement on the in these zones, he said. an deputy industry minister, and the deputy talks on ways to develop cooperation in the formation of the energy and mining work- According to the official, the country’s free and economic zones head of Iran’s Renewable Energy and Energy fields of energy and mineral sector. ing group under the framework of the two ing group, the ambassador hoped that this should become more productive in order to be able to fund their own Efficiency Organization (known as SATBA), The two officials highlighted good relations countries’ Joint Economic Committee as an mechanism would help develop economic development projects in the future. the portal of the Energy Ministry known as between Tehran and Belgrade and called for important step toward the development of cooperation. In early May, Mo’meni announced the approval for the establish- Paven reported. enhanced cooperation. mutual cooperation. “The two countries have tried to support the ment of 13 new special economic zones and seven free trade zones The attendees of the meeting stressed the The Serbian minister underlined that Referring to Iran’s great capacities in the development of cooperation in the sanctions across the country. need to strengthen relations between the two formation of an energy and mining work- energy and mineral sectors, she said that Serbia [era.]”, Hassanpour said. “After discussion on all proposed areas and based on the experi- ences of the existing zones, the establishment of seven free zones and 13 special economic zones was approved,” the official said. The mentioned free zones will be established in Kordestan, Ilam, Sistan-Baluchestan, Bushehr, Kermanshah, Ardebil, and Golestan, NISOC to ink 2 deals with knowledge-based firms in near future while the special zones are going to be based in Fars, Yazd, Zanjan, ECONOMY TEHRAN – The National Iranian South technological needs through domestic startups and knowl- Back in December 2019, the company released a list of desk Lorestan, West Azarbaijan, Qazvin and etc. Oil Company (NISOC) is going to sign edge-based firms. 7500 equipment items needed in the country’s oil industry, The establishment of free trade zones in Iran dates back to the two deals worth 500 billion rials (about $11.9 million) with “These needs mostly include goods, parts, materials, to be manufactured by domestic producers. Iranian calendar year 1368 (March 1989- March 1990) following the domestic knowledge-based companies in the near future equipment, services, and software in the fields of drilling, Following the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions and the fall in the country’s oil income in the preceding year which prompted for meeting some of its technological needs, an official with exploitation engineering, processing, geology, and chem- problems caused by high volatility and rising exchange rates the government to promote non-oil exports. the company announced. icals,” Fathollahi explained. in the country’s currency market, Iran’s oil ministry was The first two free trade zones of Iran were established in the south Sadeq Fathollahi, who is NISOC’s technical director, NISOC Managing Director Ahmad Mohammadi previ- faced with some problems regarding the supply of necessary of the country. The first one was Kish Free Trade Zone established said these deals include domestic production of materials ously said that his company has successfully indigenized equipment in the oil industry, so it applied new strategies in 1368 on Kish Island in the Persian Gulf and the second one was for preventing drilling fluid wastage and the design, man- the knowledge for the production of over 1,000 oil equip- to focus more on domestic production. Qeshm Free Trade Zone established the year after on Qeshm Island ufacturing, and providing services for inflatable pipe plugs. ment items. The company urged all its subsidiaries to follow the in the Strait of Hormuz. According to the official, following the government’s new NISOC has been seriously pursuing a program for sup- mentioned strategy and to take the necessary measures for Some five other free trade zones have been also established in the strategies for supporting the country’s knowledge-based porting domestic producers in the oil industry, Mohammadi meeting their technological and equipment needs through country since then, including Chabahar in southeastern Sistan-Baluch- companies, NISOC has been pursuing the supply of its said in February 2020. domestic companies. estan Province, Arvand in southwestern Khuzestan Province, Anzali in northern , Aras in East-Azarbaijan Province, and Maku in West-Azarbaijan Province, both in the northwest of the country. Quarterly exports from Kermanshah province increases 22% ECONOMY TEHRAN — The value bles, tomato paste, cartons and disposable a 34-percent rise in terms of value compared of imports during these two months were Industrial, mining projects deskof exports from Kerman- tableware as the major products exported to the last year’s same quarter. the UAE with $3.2 billion, China with $2.2 worth over $850m inaugurated shah province, in the west of Iran, increased from the province during the first quarter. In total, the Islamic Republic traded 38.4 billion, Turkey with $1 billion, Germany with 22 percent during the first quarter of the The value of Iran’s non-oil exports reached million tons of non-oil goods worth $20.9 bil- $414 million, and Switzerland with $384 1 Speaking at the opening ceremony, Rouhani underlined current Iranian calendar year (March 21- $10.7 billion in the first three months of the lion with its trade partners in the first quarter million worth of imports. the country’s significant industrial achievements in the previous June 21), as compared to the first quarter current Iranian calendar year, up 69 percent of the current Iranian calendar year, up 25 The official also noted that over 2.742 Iranian calendar year despite the coronavirus pandemic and said: of the previous year, according to a pro- compared to the last year’s same period, IRNA percent and 50 percent in terms of weight million tons of goods were transited through “Last year, we had more than seven percent industrial growth vincial official. reported quoting the head of the Islamic and value, respectively, Mir-Ashrafi said. Iran in the said period, registering a 121-per- while many countries recorded negative economic growth; the Saying that the main part of commodities Republic of Iran Customs Administration According to the official, the country’s cent rise compared to the same period in the world’s economic growth was -3 percent, while Iran registered was exported to Iraq, Keyvan Kashefi, the (IRICA). trade balance was $476 million positive in previous year. a positive economic growth of 3.6 percent.” head of the province’s Chamber of Com- According to Mehdi Mir-Ashrafi, Iran the mentioned time span. The value of Iran’s non-oil trade stood merce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture, exported 30 million tons of non-oil com- Iran’s top five non-oil export destinations at $73 billion in the past Iranian calendar said Kermanshah’s export to Iraq increased modities in the mentioned three months, during this period were China with $3.1 bil- year (ended on March 20). during the three-month period, while Iran’s registering a 38-percent rise compared to lion worth of exports, Iraq with $2.3 billion, According to Mir-Ashrafi, Iran’s non-oil total export to this neighboring country fell the figure for the last year’s Q1. the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with over export was 112 million tons valued at $34.5 in the mentioned time span. Meanwhile, some 8.4 million tons of goods $1.3 billion, Turkey with $595 million, and billion, while that of import was 34.4 million He mentioned ceramic tiles, iron products, valued at $10.2 billion were also imported Afghanistan with $570 million. tons worth $38.5 billion in the past year, the petrochemical products, fruits and vegeta- into the country in the said period to register Meanwhile, the country’s top five sources official added.

TSE’s main index gains 43,000 points in a week ECONOMY TEHRAN —TEDPIX, the main index of Company, Iran Khodro Company, Saipa Company, Esfahan Oil The unveiling ceremony of the mentioned systems, held on deskTehran Stock Exchange (TSE), rose 43,000 Refining Company, and Kourosh Food Industry Company were Tuesday, was attended by Finance and Economic Affairs Minister points in the past Iranian calendar week. the most widely followed indices. Farhad Dejpasand and the SEO Head Mohammad-Ali Dehqan Last week, Rouhani had inaugurated 52 development projects The index closed at 1.256 million points on Wednesday (the Iran’s Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO) has launched Dehnavi. worth 620 trillion rials (over $14.7 billion) in Iran’s free trade last working day of the week). three single window systems for facilitating the processes and According to Dehnavi, these systems are going to offer various and special economic zones. During the past week, the indices of Social Security Investment procedures related to the stock market activities. services to the companies and people active in the market. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JUNL 3, 2021 ANALYSIS/INTERVIEW 5 It is in China’s long-term interest to U.S. forces leave Afghanistan’s Bagram confront U.S. sanctions: GWU professor airbase after 20 years

1 The U.S. has refused to say when the last of its sol- Professor Hossein Askari says Iran could be a potential game-changer if it diers would leave Afghanistan, citing security concerns, but also the protection of Kabul’s Hamid Karzai Interna- adopts and pursues sound policies tional Airport that is still being negotiated. Turkish and U.S. soldiers currently protect the airport. 1 Iran has boxed itself into the cor- free trade and access to the international The U.S. will also have about 6,500 troops in Afghani- ner through years of mismanagement, payments system—if China is willing to stan to protect its sprawling embassy in the capital. Their uncontrolled corruption and unwilling- fully embrace Iran. If China does this, I presence it is understood will be covered in a bilateral ness to begin a program of reforms that believe that the U.S. will think long and agreement with the Afghan government. could set the stage for a real economic hard about imposing secondary sanc- resurgence and prosperity. And as time tions on Chinese companies, entities and goes by, the adoption of reforms and its Chinese officials as this would truly harm success becomes ever more difficult. So the U.S. consumer and corporations. I Israel launches fresh, fierce given the dire state of the economy, my think it would be in China’s long-term violation of Gaza ceasefire guess is that Iran truly wants a deal, no political and economic interest do so matter how short term and temporary. as well. America’s sanction policy has Israeli warplanes strike a site reportedly belonging to the Biden, on the other hand, wants a deal become a potent weapon in its foreign Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas in the Gaza for his own very different reasons. The policy arsenal. It is a weapon that has Strip in a heavy-handed response to alleged mere incen- JCPOA was Obama’s, and in part Biden’s given it an edge beyond its military pow- diary device-laden balloons flown towards the occupied as his vice-president, signature foreign er. China, and indeed other American territories from the enclave. policy achievement. Biden wants to revive adversaries such as Russia, should try “The strike was carried out in response to the arson it and in the hope that it may lead to wider to blunt this almost unique policy. The balloon attacks,” the Israeli military said on its Twitter range of cooperation, especially when it sooner China does this, it is better for page of the Thursday attack. comes to Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and China. Moreover, an alliance with Iran It specified its target as an alleged site used by Hamas Syria. But he cannot be seen as giving affords China its best access to the Middle to “develop and build weapons.” Iran too much as this would erode his East (West Asia) and beyond. “Most of the fires (resulting from the purported bal- support in the U.S. Congress when it However, please note that Iran is not loons) were small and not dangerous,” The Times of Israeli comes to getting his domestic agenda in a strong bargaining position. It has reported, citing the regime’s Fire and Rescue Services. passed into law. to take much of what China offers, that “Firefighters gained control of blazes before they cause How do you assess Raisi’s elec- is making concessions and signing onto damage,” the daily added. tion? Do you predict any funda- “If Iran adopts rational, consistent and to One Belt One Road initiative. But it The Israeli military added that it “will respond with mental change in Iran’s approach well-conceived policies even for 10 to is only for 25 years. And if Iran adopts determination against” any such incident. towards the region and the Western 15 years, it could be well on the road to rational, consistent and well-conceived In May, the regime launched its fourth full-scale war powers? policies even for 10 to 15 years, it could be against the already Tel Aviv-blockaded impoverished I don’t see much that will change. sustained prosperity.” well on the road to sustained prosperity. territory. President Rouhani followed Supreme But will Iran do what it needs? According to Press TV, the war killed more than 250 could do the same again. Leader’s guidance as will President Raisi. period of heightened internal strife, if So, yes, it could be a potential Palestinians, but the regime was forced to put out a desperate How can Iran capitalize on its Moreover, President Raisi has been a not a real civil war. This leaves Iraq. Iran game-changer if Iran adopts and pur- call for a ceasefire after Gaza’s resistance groups targeted ties with neighbors to counter U.S. close disciple of the Supreme Leader, must tread carefully when it comes to sues sound policies. This has been, and the occupied territories with more than 4,000 rockets. sanctions? has a similar ideology and is on the same Iraq. Iran must not overplay its hand. always will be, the key. The Israeli daily claimed that the Thursday offensive Absolutely no viable option. All the page. Differences with Western powers It must not be perceived as meddling What will be Raisi’s main eco- marked “a shift” in the regime’s new Prime Minister countries of the Persian Gulf, except Iraq, all lead to the United States. Will Raisi in Iraq’s internal affairs. If Iran can do nomic challenges? Naftali Bennett’s policy. It said the attack had shown will do nothing without U.S. blessing. be different than Rouhani? Maybe on that, then I believe strong economic and I don’t envy President Raisi. He has that the regime’s new officials had even ramped up their I would also add Jordan to the list of the edges but not at the core. Raisi may political benefits could accrue to Iran. monumental economic challenges. He violence against the coastal territory compared to the Persian Gulf countries to follow the use harsher language in his dealings with In oil policy. In trade with the rest of the has to find the ways and means to come up previous ruling coalition of premier Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. line. If the U.S. wants to continue the U.S. and European allies but no big world. In leverage dealing with the U.S. with much higher and sustained economic “which did not always respond to arson balloon attacks squeezing Iran, they will all tow the U.S. change unless there is a sea change in and Europeans. Iran needs a seasoned growth. He needs this to provide good with airstrikes.” line. What about others? Syria, Yem- U.S. policies towards the Middle East economist and Arab hand to coordinate jobs to provide food, shelter, healthcare Hamas has, however, strongly warned the regime on en and Lebanon are in dire economic (West Asia) region. Iran’s relations with Iraq. This must go and good educational opportunities. All many occasions against testing its firepower. It has re- straits themselves. They can do little As for relations with countries in the far beyond the security and military al- this is for the very short run. But for minded it how the resistance’s rockets reached surprising to boost Iran’s economy. and region, things are more complicated. liances currently in place. the medium and longer run, he needs distances during its latest successful defensive operation Afghanistan present a number of issues There are ethnic and sectarian differ- How do you see the 25-year economic prosperity and better opportu- against the war. as well. Pakistan is warming up to the ences and a long history of disputes and Iran-China partnership? Can it nities to deter Iran’s talented university The defensive campaign, known as the Operation Sword U.S., is still very dependent on Saudi hostilities. Iran cannot abandon its allies prove a game-changer? graduates from emigrating. of al-Quds, saw Hamas’ projectiles fly as far as the holy Arabia and not in a strong economic po- in the region and then be faced with no Iran had little choice but to sign up with Most of these will not come to fruition occupied city of al-Quds and Tel Aviv itself as well as even sition itself. Afghanistan is in terrible allies and a more demanding U.S. At China. China is equal to the U.S. It can if the focus is only on getting a quick northern-lying cities such as Haifa and Nazareth. the same time, rapprochement with economic shape and is likely to enter a give Iran most Iran needs—investment, injection of funds from Iran’s frozen Arab countries will be dictated by their assets and higher oil revenues to give relations with the U.S. Frankly, Iran’s “Iran needs sanctions relief but it must be brief economic relief to the majority of foreign policies, whether you like them accompanied with sound economic policies Iranians. Yes, Iran needs sanctions relief Bahrain’s main opposition or not, are more stable than those of but it must be accompanied with sound the U.S. Just think how Trump upended that are maintained from one Iranian economic policies that are maintained group renews call for release everything. Trump or a Trump look-alike presidency to the next.” from one Iranian presidency to the next. of jailed political opponents

Bahrain’s main opposition group has renewed its call for the immediate release of political inmates being kept behind S. Arabia key pillar of U.S. presence in the region: researcher bars at detention centers across the Persian Gulf kingdom, stressing that the right to free expression and freedom of 1 The Al Ula summit has brought about a good Arabia and the Emirates? peaceful assembly form the backbone of public demands. working relationship at least between Saudi Arabia The War in Yemen constitutes a major burden The al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, in a statement and Qatar, but also here there are some fundamental on Saudi Arabia – both economically and militarily. issued on Thursday, blamed the ruling Al Khalifah re- ideological differences that have not been bridged. While the UAE has been able to subvert the coali- gime’s extremism, repressive measures and use of violence Saudi Arabia has been pragmatic in recent months tion to advance its own interests in the south of the against the pro-democracy campaign in the country for but it does not mean that should opportunities arise; country, Saudi Arabia is stuck on its own trying to the worsening political crisis. they might strike again. The relationship between all win an unwinnable war. There has been a genuine “Despite the ban on freedom of expression and peaceful parties to the crisis is now characterized by mistrust change of direction in Saudi Arabia in recent months assembly in Bahrain, thousands of citizens have taken to and suspicion. with a serious attempt to find a peaceful way out of streets in recent years to express their political demands, What are the main differences between the war. However, the Houthis appear to not grant underline their direct role in the country’s affairs Qatar and the Saudi -Emirati axis? Saudi Arabia a way out of the conflict on Saudi terms. and oppose authoritarian rule,” the movement noted. The main ideological differences are between Meanwhile, the UAE is continuing to leverage its Al-Wefaq added, “The rift between the Manama regime and Abu Dhabi, mainly about the regional order after surrogate, the STC, to deepen influence and control and the Bahraini nation is fairly deep. The regime does the Arab Spring. While Qatar has actively supported of key choke points along Yemen’s coast. not have any connection with people other than through the revolutions and engaged with civil society and Why do Western countries keep arming security institutions, which employ excessive force, vio- Islamist groups, the UAE has fought the revolutions tyrannical states like Saudi Arabia despite lence, threats and arbitrary measures.” and civil society in the region. The UAE has securitized their long notorious record in violation of “Not only does the regime refuse dialogue or recon- independent civil society and fears its mobilization human rights? ciliation with the nation, but also takes its revenge on while Qatar actively supports civil society in the re- Saudi Arabia remains a key pillar of U.S. pres- the advocates of dialogue and demonizes them by all gion, not least through Al Jazeera. ence in the region. Leading from behind means that means in order to forcibly silence them,” the statement How do you evaluate the U.S. influence on Washington uses military support to its partners in also read. policies of Persian Gulf Arab states? from escalation to de-escalation. There is a greater the (Persian) Gulf as a means to maintain a presence The United States has gradually withdrawn from willingness now even by the anti-Iran hawks in the there. However, it becomes increasingly clear that Resistance News the region since the late 2000s but still plays an im- (Persian) Gulf to attempt a multilateral framework the old vassal states in the (Persian) Gulf might not portant protector role in the background. However, that involves Iran, if Iran under the new Raisi admin- necessarily follow U.S. interests in the region. This since the Arab Spring, the United States is leading istration proves to be a constructive player. There is is particularly true for the UAE who uses U.S. arms More than 60 injuries in from behind, leaving much of the burden of security a window of opportunity under Biden for both the and support to advance their own interests, often IOF quelling of night in the region to local actors in the (Persian) Gulf. Arab (Persian) Gulf states and Iran to come together. at the expense of U.S. strategic security interests. The new tone struck by the Biden administration How do you see the repercussions of the Looking at the UAE’s policies in Yemen and Libya, protests in Beita towards Iran also means that the most hawkish actors war on Yemen on the economies and policies Abu Dhabi is working more closely with Russia than in the region, such as Saudi Arabia, have switched of the Persian Gulf states, especially Saudi with Western partners. INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN— Dozens of citizens were deskinjured on Thursday evening, as the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked the par- ticipants in the night protests in Beita town, south Isolating Russia ‘wrong and dangerous’ for Europe: German FM of Nablus. The IOF soldiers stormed the western region of Mount German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has ous for our security interests in Europe,” gas shipments to Europe’s largest economy Sobeih and fired live bullets and tear gas canisters at the warned that severing economic ties with Maas added. The project has been beset by sanctions protesting citizens. Russia will be “wrong and dangerous” In a German-language tweet later in the from the U.S. and EU states. The Red Crescent reported that its crews treated 61 for Europe, amid disputes over the Nord day, Maas also thanked Rau for the bilateral Poland has said the pipeline is a political injuries, 55 of them suffered breathing problems while Stream 2 pipeline project that is designed meeting during which the two discussed the as well as an economic project designed six were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets. to take Russia’s gas via the Baltic Sea to Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline at length, saying, to increase Russian influence in Europe. The local “torches unit” organized a massive rally, with Germany. “We need this unity for Europe.” Other Central European countries are also the participation of hundreds of Palestinians and carried “Fundamentally, I’m of the opinion Last month, Russian President Vladimir concerned about loss of revenue from gas out a tour in the vicinity of the mountain while carrying that it would put us in Europe in a diffi- Putin announced the completion of the first transit fees. torches. cult position if economic relations with line of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Russia restarted construction of the Dozens of buses, cars and hundreds of citizens from Russia were no longer possible,” Maas Germany despite Western attempts to pre- politically-delicate pipeline to Germany in different provinces of the West Bank arrived at Mount said after a meeting with his Polish coun- vent the project. December after the construction work on Sobeih to participate in the march. terpart Zbigniew Rau in the Polish capital Nord Stream 2, which would take gas from the $11.6 billion pipeline, which will bypass IOF set up barriers at the entrance to the village, searched of Warsaw on Thursday. the Russian Arctic to Germany under the Poland and Ukraine, was put on a halt for a the vehicles and prevented the entry of citizens from out- “It is not only wrong but also danger- Baltic Sea, is set to double Russian natural year over Washington’s threat of sanctions. side Beita. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 HERITAGE & TOURISM JULY 3, 2021

Historical properties Restoration of Sheikh in central Iran made national heritage

HERITAGE TEHRAN –A total of 13 historical sites and desk Lotfollah Mosque continues aging structures across the central province of Markazi have recently been inscribed on the National Heritage list. The Ministry of Cultural Her- 1 While pictures were taken on a In comparison to many mosques scattered itage, Handicrafts, and Tourism snowy day in Isfahan in 2019 showed all across the country, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque announced the inscriptions on parts of the dome but one covered in snow, appears to be relatively unusual, having Thursday in a letter to the gov- the media and experts blamed the flawed neither a minaret nor a courtyard probably ernor-general of the province, restoration work, which used modern because the mosque was never intended for CHTN reported. waterproof materials that had damaged public use, but rather served as a worship Remnants of Hajiabad Car- the dome’s integrity. place for women. avanserai, Haj Mohaseb Public Restoration and preservation experts Built between 1603 and 1619 during Bathhouse, Samsamieh School, criticized local authorities for not caring the reign of Shah Abbas I, the mosque was Aqabaha Mansion, and Arak enough for the architectural masterpiece dedicated to the ruler’s father-in-law, Sheikh Railway Station were among which was built 400 years ago during the Lotfollah, a revered Lebanese scholar of the properties added to the Safavid Empire. Islam who was invited to Isfahan to oversee prestigious list. Authorities at the Ministry of Cultural the king’s mosque (now the Imam Mosque). Markazi province is consid- Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts admitted The exterior panels boast collections ered the industrial capital of the that there should have been a fault with the of arabesques and floral designs that have country. It is rich in natural, his- restoration. Experts said the repair workers become a signature motif of the masterpiece. torical, cultural, and religious could have used hydrated construction The portal itself contains some stalactite-type attractions. materials that contained polymer substances. stone carving used to decorate doorways and Hand-woven carpets and kilims, made in its cities including Others said cracks on the dome that have window recesses with rich concentrations Farahan, Sarugh, Lilivan, Senejan, and Vafs are known inter- been caused by previous restoration work of blue and yellow motifs. nationally. could be to blame. Inside the sanctuary, there are thousands The story, however, turned to larger fear, of mosaics that adorn the walls and its casting doubt over the fate of the majestic extraordinarily gorgeous ceiling that features Illegal diggers arrested in mosque and warnings over the danger of a series of shrinking, yellow motifs, itself the whole collapse. a masterpiece of design. Photography is northern Iran A budget of 30 billion rials (over allowed but using a flash is not. $700,000 at the official exchange rate of some two-eighths of delicately floral tiles, entails two-eighths of the dome’s surface The huge Imam Square, best known HERITAGE TEHRAN –Iranian police have recently which for centuries adorned the creamy (the dome has been divided into eight as Naghsh-e Jahan Sq. (literary meaning deskarrested five illegal excavators and antique 42,000 rials per dollar) will be needed for dome of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, had been portions), and its associated glazed tiles “Image of the World”), is one of the largest smugglers in Rudbar county, the northern province of Gilan, the new round of the restoration project, restored and are ready to be reinstalled. have been fully restored and are ready to in the world (500m by 160m), and a majestic CHTN reported on Friday. Allahyari added. “This phase of the restoration project be reinstalled.” example of town planning of the time. The accused people were traced and finally arrested in the The official announced in June 2019 that historical region of Rostamabad, said Mohammad Alipur, a senior police official in charge of protecting cultural heritage. Hamedan reopens tourist sites, museums as virus curbs ease TOURISM TEHRAN – Museums and other cultural to the Medes, and Ecbatana to the Greeks. One of the Median deskheritage sites in the west-central province capitals, under Cyrus II (the Great; died 529 BC) and later of Hamedan have been allowed to reopen doors to the pub- Achaemenian rulers, it was the site of a royal summer palace. lic as restrictions over the coronavirus pandemic have been About 1220, Hamedan was captured by the sweeping loosened, the provincial tourism chief has said. army of Mongol invaders. In 1386 it was sacked by Timur Virus-related health protocols are strictly enforced for visi- (Tamerlane), a Turkic conqueror, and the inhabitants tors, CHTN quoted Majid Jahangirian as saying on Thursday. massacred. It was partly restored in the 17th century and Earlier last week, the officials announced that Ali Sadr subsequently changed hands often between Iranian ruling water cave, which is one of the top tourist destinations of the houses and the Ottomans. province, opened its doors to visitors. Sitting on a high plain, Hamedan is graciously cool in Au- Located some 70km north of Hamadan in west-central gust but snow prone and freezing from December to March. Iran, Ali Sadr is a gigantic water-filled cavern wieldy believed In summer the air is often hazy. Ali Sadr cave, Ganjnameh Some excavation tools and equipment have been seized from to date from the Jurassic era. inscriptions, Mausoleum, Hegmataneh hill, Alaviyan the culprits who were surrendered to the judicial system for further Known in classical times as Ecbatana, Hamedan was one of dome, Jameh mosque, and St. Stephanos Gregorian Church investigation, the official added. the ancient world’s greatest cities. Pitifully little remains from are amongst Hamedan’s attractions to name a few. Gilan is well-known for its rich Iron Age cemeteries such as antiquity, but significant parts of the city center are Marlik that have been excavated over the past century. It was once given over to excavations. Ecbatana was the capital within the sphere of influence of the successive Achaemenian, of Media and subsequently a summer residence of Seleucid, Parthian, and Sassanid empires that ruled Iran until the the Achaemenian kings who ruled Persia from 553 7th century CE. The subsequent Arab conquest of Iran led to the to 330 BC. rise of many local dynasties, and Gilan acquired an independent Hamadan has had many names: it was possibly the status that continued until 1567. Bit Daiukki of the Assyrians, Hangmatana, or Agbatana,

First Announcement ININ THETHE NAMENAME OFOF GODGOD ISLAMICISLAMIC REPUBLICREPUBLIC OFOF IRANIRAN BROADCASTINGBROADCASTING FirstFirst AnnouncementAnnouncement INTERNATIONAL TENDER No:1400/108-18/01 First Notice of Invitation for Qualitative Evaluation Tender Holder: ISLAMICISLAMIC REPUBLICREPUBLIC OFOF IRANIRAN BROADCASTINGBROADCASTING (IRIB)(IRIB) International tender no. 11-97-05 for purchasing 3100 pcs locomotive wheels SubjectSubject ofof Tender:Tender: (2000 pcs GM wheels; 250 pcs GE wheels; 250 pcs Alstom wheels and 600 pcs Purchasing Radio AM Transmitter Spare Parts with the technical specification and other terms and conditions mentioned Siemens wheels) Purchasing Radio AM Transmitter Spare Parts with the technical specification and other terms and conditions mentioned inin thethe tendertender documents.documents. IranianIranian IslamicIslamic RepublicRepublic RailwaysRailways (RAI)(RAI) intendsintends toto entrustentrust purchasingpurchasing ofof thethe above-captionedabove-captioned 31003100 pcspcs Deadline and how to receive the tender documents : locomotivelocomotive wheelswheels toto thethe qualifiedqualified andand competentcompetent companiescompanies throughthrough holdingholding anan internationalinternational tendertender withinwithin Deadline and how to receive the tender documents : From Monday 05 Jul 2021 (1400/04/14) untiluntil SundaySunday 1111 JulJul 20212021 (1400/04/20)(1400/04/20) byby 02:00 P.m. with Presentation of frameworkframework ofof tender-holdingtender-holding lawlaw approvedapproved inin 05.02.200505.02.2005 byby IranianIranian parliamentparliament andand byby observingobserving thethe lawlaw ofof introductoryintroductory letterletter byby companycompany oror itsits representativerepresentative andand thethe receiptreceipt ofof payingpaying thethe documentsdocuments fee.fee. maximum utilization of the Iranian's local production and service capacities including protection of Iranian goods Place of receiving the tender document : alsoalso approvedapproved inin 05.05.201905.05.2019 byby IranianIranian parliament.parliament. ForFor thisthis purpose,purpose, allall qualifiedqualified andand competentcompetent companiescompanies InterestedInterested participantsparticipants maymay referrefer toto purchasingpurchasing (KALA)(KALA) Dept.,Dept., 44thth FloorFloor ofof IRIBIRIB AdministrationAdministration ComplexComplex ,, HotelHotel EsteghlalEsteghlal St. Vali-Assr Ave, Tehran, Iran. having the related records in this field, are hereby invited to obtain the qualitative evaluation documents. St. Vali-Assr Ave, Tehran, Iran. The fee of the tender documents and how to deposit it : 1)1) GeneralGeneral particulars:particulars: purchase of 3100 pcs locomotive wheels comprising of 2000 pcs GM wheels, 250 The fee of the tender documents and how to deposit it : SubmissionSubmission ofof paymentpayment receiptreceipt forfor thethe amountamount ofof 1,000,0001,000,000 RialsRials toto accountaccount 41010291712042734101029171204273 withwith BICBIC No.No. IRIR pcs GE wheels, 250 pcs Alstom wheels and 600 pcs Siemens wheels. 310100004101029171204273310100004101029171204273 IRANIRAN CentralCentral BankBank inin thethe namename ofof IRIBIRIB .. 2) Time period of Contract: The Contract shall be fulfilled within 9 months. Type and amount of guarantee for participation to tender : 3) Delivery place of the Goods: The wheels shall be delivered to CFR Bandar Abbas. The amount of deposit for participant in tender is USD 8800 fixed or its equivalent in Rials which should be in the form of Bank Guarantee. All guarantees contained in Article 4 of the Government Transaction Guarantee Regulations 4) Bid Bond: The Bid Bond shall be valid for 3 months from its issuance date and also should be extendable. in the form of Bank Guarantee. All guarantees contained in Article 4 of the Government Transaction Guarantee Regulations approvedapproved byby CabinetCabinet inin 15/07/201515/07/2015 andand inin accordanceaccordance withwith thethe subjectsubject ofof thethe tendertender areare acceptable.acceptable. 5) Deadline for purchase of qualitative evaluation documents: Utmost by 14:00 P.M on Tuesday Time and place of delivering Bidding Envelopes: 2021.07.27 corresponding to1400.05.05 Time and place of delivering Bidding Envelopes: The sealed (A,B&C) packages/envelopes and the qualification evaluation packages/envelopes separately packed , should be 6) Deadline & place for submission of completed qualitative evaluation documents: The applicants submittedsubmitted nono laterlater thanthan 09:00 a.m. on Wednesday 11 of Aug 2021 (1400/05/20)) andand atat thethe addressaddress mentionedmentioned inin 44thth clause.clause. cancan completecomplete andand submitsubmit thethe qualitativequalitative evaluationevaluation documentsdocuments toto thethe RAIRAI ProcurementProcurement && LogisticsLogistics GeneralGeneral Time and place of opening Qualification Evaluation envelopes: Dept. (Foreign Purchasing Dept.) located at 2nd Floor, RAI Central Building, Argentina Sq., Africa Blvd., Dept. (Foreign Purchasing Dept.) located at 2nd Floor, RAI Central Building, Argentina Sq., Africa Blvd., TheThe datedate ofof openingopening thethe QualificationQualification EvaluationEvaluation envelopesenvelopes ononWednesday 11 of Aug 2021 (1400/05/20) atat 10:0010:00 in the office of International Purchasing Dept. Tehran-Iran utmost by 14:00 P.M on Saturday 2021.08.28 corresponding to 1400.06.06. in the office of International Purchasing Dept. 7) Price of qualitative evaluation documents and method of its receipt: 7) Price of qualitative evaluation documents and method of its receipt: Time and place of Opening Envelopes : The applicants can receive the qualitative evaluation documents by remitting RLS 1,000,000 to the bank account The envelopes A and B of those eligible participants who meet the qualification criterion and approval of Technical and Commercial committee will be opened on Sunday 15 Aug 2021 at 03:00 p.m. (1400/05/24) in the office of Financial no.IR710100004001064004005747 and with remittance code of 262064074280500885134499908000 Commercial committee will be opened on Sunday 15 Aug 2021 at 03:00 p.m. (1400/05/24) in the office of Financial no.IR710100004001064004005747 and with remittance code of 262064074280500885134499908000 Vice President. inin favorfavor ofof IranianIranian IslamicIslamic RepublicRepublic RailwaysRailways openedopened withwith CentralCentral BankBank ofof IranIran (payable(payable inin allall branchesbranches ofof The participant must be qualified by the competent authorities. For more information, please see: Bank Melli Iran) via the above address through submitting an introduction letter or receive the qualitative Tel: 00982122167463 Purchasing (Kala) Dept., IRIB

evaluationevaluation documentsdocuments free-of-chargefree-of-charge throughthrough NationalNational DatabaseDatabase PortalPortal ofof IranianIranian TendersTenders InformationInformation PurchasingPurchasing (Kala)(Kala) Dept.,IRIBDept.,IRIB (HTTP://IETS.MPORG.IR)(HTTP://IETS.MPORG.IR).. IranianIranian IslamicIslamic RepublicRepublic RailwaysRailways 1222 Procurement & Logistics General Department 1222 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 3, 2021 SOCIETY 7 COVID-19 UPDATES Half a million Iranians donate The statistics are related to 24 hours started 2:00 p.m. July 1 blood in 3 months New cases 13,836 SOCIETY TEHRAN – Over the Also, the index of blood donation is 25 New deaths 127 deskfirst three months of the per 1,000 populations, while in the member current [Iranian calendar] year (started states of the Eastern Mediterranean region, Total cases 3,232,696 March 21), some 510,000 people donated this number is 14.9 per 1000. blood across the country, Bashir Haji-Beigi, 117.4 million blood donations world- the Blood Transfusion Organization spokes- wide Total deaths 84,516 man, said on Friday. According to the World Health Organi- Blood donation over the aforementioned zation, blood transfusion saves millions of New hospitalized patients 1,561 period has increased by 15 percent compared lives and improves health, but many patients to the same period last year, he added. requiring transfusion do not have timely ac- Patients in critical condition 3,196 “During this period, the provinces of Qa- cess to safe blood. zvin, Khuzestan, and Khorasan Razavi had About 117.4 million blood donations are the highest growth rate of blood donation collected worldwide. 42 percent of these are Total recovered patients 2,902,140 in the country.” collected in high-income countries, home to He went on to say that the index of regular 16 percent of the world’s population. Diagnostic tests conducted 23,806,452 blood donation in the country was estimated at About 12,700 blood centers in 170 coun- 57 percent and the highest rate was related to tries report collecting a total of 100 million Doses of vaccine injected 6,201,573 the provinces of Semnan, Yazd, and Bushehr. donations. Collections at blood centers vary Over 2.1m Iranians donate blood according to income group. The median an- per year Mediterranean countries. Iran ranks among 16 countries reported that no PDMP was nual donations per blood center are 1,300 Blood donation in Iran has long been done the highest-income countries in terms of con- used during the reporting period, and 10 in the low-income countries, 4,100 in low- voluntarily as over 2.1 million Iranians donate verting more than 97 percent of the blood countries did not respond to the question, er-middle-income countries, and 8 500 in blood annually, Haji-Beigi said on June 14. donated by people to plasma-derived me- according to WHO. upper-middle-income countries, as compared Environmental protection in There are currently 178 blood donation dicinal products (PDMP). Iran currently has the highest blood do- to 23,000 in the high-income countries. centers in the country, with Fars, Khorasan Only 55 of 171 countries produce PDMP nation rate in the Eastern Mediterranean Data about the gender profile of blood Iran Razavi, Khuzestan, Tehran, and Mazandaran through the fractionation of plasma collected region so that out of 9.9 million blood do- donors show that globally 32 percent of blood provinces having the largest number of blood in the reporting country. A total of 90 coun- nation units in this region, more than two donations are given by women, although this (Part 2) donation centers, he stated. tries reported that all PDMP are imported, million belongs to Iran. ranges widely. In 14 of the 119 reporting coun- Recognizing the need to deal with these problems through a Highest blood donation in Eastern tries, less than 10 percent of donations are coordinated national plan and to make wiser use of the country’s Mediterranean given by female donors. natural resources and environment, while protecting its cultural While blood donation in 70 countries still Over 2.1 million Iranians donate blood Moreover, 62 countries collect 100 per- heritage, the government has begun some of the programs depends on replacement or paid donors, Iran annually. While blood donation in 70 cent of their blood supply from voluntary, initiated before the Revolution. The programs had included is the first country in the region that has countries still depends on replacement or unpaid blood donors. Some 108 million measures requiring master plans for all urban developments enjoyed voluntary blood donation by 100 blood donations are collected globally, and a “national spatial strategy plan” for the country that were percent since 2007. paid donors, Iran is the first country in the half of these are in high-income countries. begun in the early to mid-1970s. Similar to the latter and as More than 85 percent of all donated blood region that has enjoyed voluntary blood Meanwhile, blood donation by 1 percent of a result of the resolutions adopted at the Rio Conference of worldwide is used to produce blood prod- donation by 100 percent since 2007. the population can meet a nation’s most June 1992, sustainable development is putatively slated to ucts, while the rate is 65 percent in Eastern basic requirements for blood. be initiated in collaboration with the relevant UN and inter- national agencies. Iran, Serbia seeking to develop relations in geoscience

SOCIETY TEHRAN – Iran and Serbia discussed we are facing problems such as water scarcity, drought, deskbilateral cooperation in the field of geology floods, landslides, subsidence, sand and dust storms, he and mining during a meeting held virtually on Wednesday. stated, adding, we hope with regional and international Alireza Shahidi, head of the Geological Survey and Min- scientific cooperation can overcome these environmental eral Exploration of Iran (GSI), expressed hope to develop problems.” scientific cooperation in the future among both countries. Issues of joint cooperation with Serbia include geology, He went on to say that the GSI was established in 1959, geological hazards, mineral exploration, extraction, and pro- and during these years, produced basic geological informa- cessing of minerals (phosphate, potash, lithium, iodine). tion and exploration throughout the country. Dragan Todorvic, Serbian ambassador to Tehran, also The production of the small, medium, and large geological expressed readiness to strengthen the bilateral cooperation, maps, monitoring of geological hazards, and implementa- hoping that the two sides’ intentions in the field of mining tion of national and international projects preparing West and energy will lead to beneficial results in the near future. Asia’s (Middle East) maps, and holding 39 national and Earlier in June, Shahidi and Flemming Larsen, the director international specialized gatherings are among the activities of the Geological Survey of (GEUS), emphasized Pollution. In the major cities of Persia air pollution has be- of this organization. the need to enhance cooperation on geoscience, high-tech, come an accepted part of everyday life, and the media have “Due to climate change in the world, especially in Iran, and satellite technologies. repeatedly stated that Tehran is among the most polluted cities in the world. Emission inventories demonstrate that 70 per- cent of Tehran’s air pollution is from motor vehicles. Structural measures to improve traffic, the use of natural gas in homes, Arctic’s ‘last refuge’ for polar bears more vulnerable to climate crisis, study says industries, and vehicles (especially taxis, and the expansion of public transport to include a subway and additional buses) A “last refuge” for polar bears and walruses means “the ice never melts” in the Inuit said Dr Schweiger. were among the measures proposed, begun, or implemented in the Arctic Ocean may be more vulnerable language Inuktitut, the region is expected “[We need to] reduce greenhouse gas in the mid- to late-1970s (Plan and Budget Organization, pp. to the climate crisis than once thought, a to act as a critical last refuge for mammals emissions as quickly as possible so ice-de- 314-15). The increased pollution of the 1980s created political new study says. such as polar bears and walruses as sea ice pendent animals won’t have to rely on this pressure for remedial action, and by the early 1990s some of The research finds that global heating disappears across much of the Arctic Ocean. area as a last refuge,” he told The Inde- these measures had been undertaken; however, the project played a role in an episode of record melting However, last summer scientists ob- pendent. for the conversion of taxis to gasoline has yet to be broadly in the Arctic’s “last ice area” – a critical served an episode of extreme melting in The results fit with what is known about implemented. But the capital’s population had doubled in the refuge for Arctic wildlife – in 2020. this region, with sea ice levels falling to a how the climate crisis is driving unprec- previous dozen years to about 9 million, and abating the truly The Arctic is one of the most rapidly record low of 50 per cent on 14 August. edented change in the Arctic, adds Prof hazardous pollution had become increasingly difficult. More warming regions on Earth, with some parts The new research, published in the Com- Jonathan Bamber, a leading polar scientist than a million pre-revolutionary vehicles were still on the road; of the polar region heating up at a rate that munications Earth & Environment journal, from the University of Bristol who was not simply requiring proper servicing of these vehicles would prob- is four times faster than the global average. finds that global heating is partially to blame elling. They focused their research on the involved in the study. ably reduce pollution by more than the sum of all other efforts. Sea ice in the region has already de- for the record sea ice low. Wandel Sea, the easternmost sector of the “Parts of the Arctic experienced record Although industrial air pollution is so far only a problem near clined dramatically as a result of this rapid “Current thinking is that this area may last ice area. temperatures and wildfires in 2020. These particular plants, it threatens to become critical on a national warming. The last 14 years have seen the be the last refuge for ice-dependent species. The findings show that the record ice extreme events have been predicted by cli- level if existing regulations are not enforced and standards of 14 lowest Arctic sea ice levels since satellite So if, as our study shows, it may be more loss in 2020 was mostly driven by un- mate models for some time as the Arctic monitoring and site selection are not firmly imposed. records began. vulnerable to climate change than people usual weather, including strong winds warms at a rate more than twice the global In an arid land such as Persia water is obviously a precious Despite the rapid downturn, there re- have been assuming, that’s important,” – which can cause ice to break apart and average,” he told The Independent. natural resource, yet, in practice, it is treated as a product “to be mains a region north of Canada and Green- said Dr Axel Schweiger, study lead author blow away. “It’s not too much of a surprise that managed according to user’s needs” (Plan and Budget Organiza- land where the sea ice is thicker and older and a polar scientist at the University of However, around a fifth of the ice loss was older sea ice in the Arctic’s ‘last ice area’ tion, p. 319). Inefficient and often excessive irrigation subjects and, therefore, expected to persist for longer Washington. driven by long-term ice thinning caused by is responding to these extreme conditions, much farmland to salinization; the resultant saline runoff harms as temperatures continue to climb. It is To study what caused the record ice the climate crisis, according to the results. but it is definitely further cause for concern, downstream areas as well. The indiscriminate sinking of wells dubbed the “last ice area”. low, the researchers used a combination The findings reinforce the need to take especially for species that depend on this in the past decade has dangerously lowered the water table in Also known as “Tuvaijuittuq” – which of satellite images and mathematical mod- urgent action on rapidly climbing CO2 levels, ice as a habitat.” regions such as Khorasan. Tehran, its population rising implaca- bly toward 12 and 13 million, requires more than double the 500 million cubic m per year of treated water it received on average through the 1980s. Plans are underway to bring some of the needed ENGLISH IN USE water from the central Caspian region. But urbanization of parts of the central Caspian region—a reasonably plentiful supply of water notwithstanding—is threatening that region with water LEARN NEWS TRANSLATION shortage too. Furthermore, raw sewage there is dumped into wells, although the water table is often only about a meter below ground level. This state of affairs threatens to cause irreversible pollution of groundwater. Appropriate pollution-control laws and regulations are in ایــران انحصــار آمریــکا در نقشـ ـههای هوانــوردی Iran breaks U.S. monopoly on force, but their application is haphazard and invariably directed ,at point sources, particularly industrial plants. For example را شکست aviation navigation charts in 1991 a fine of $3.5 million was imposed on a sugar factory Iranian researchers have succeeded to produce aviation navigation whose effluents had badly contaminated the Zarrinarud. But little effort is made to exert comprehensive control over urban ایــران بــا تولیــد نقشــههای هوانــوردی )INFLIGHT AIP( کــه charts, known as Inflight AIP (Aeronautical Information .or agricultural units پیــش از ایــن در انحصــار آمریــکا بــوده بــه موفقیــت چشــمگیری در زمینــه Publication), which was monopolized by the United States, IRNA Soils and agriculture. Persia’s cultivable land is estimated ,to be 16.6 million hectares (Plan and Budget Organization صنعــت هوانــوردی دســت یافــت. .news agency reported on Sunday percent of the area of the country, or slightly less 10 ,(1976 بــه گــزارش ایرنــا، روز یکشــنبه بــا حضــور امیر ســرتیپ خلبان عزیــز نصیــرزاده فرمانده Prepared by Iran’s Army, the Inflight AIP was unveiled in Tehran than the area presently under cultivation. This is 0.25 hec- tares per person compared to 0.48 in Turkey and 0.74 in نیــروی هوایــی ارتــش و ســورنا ســتاری معــاون علمــی و فنــاوری ریاســت جمهــوری از with Air Force Commander Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh the United States (World Resources Institute). Per capita نقشـ ـههای هوانــوردی تولیــد داخــل رونمایــی شــد. and Vice President for Science and Technology Sourena Sattari cultivable land in Persia is thus very low and is diminishing proportionately to the rapidly expanding population. In a چارتهــای هوایــی دیجیتــال شــامل نقشــههای پــروازی IFR و in attendance. VFR television broadcast in November 1991, it was stated by the یــک محصــول دانــش بنیــان بــا فنــاوری بســیار بــاال اســت کــه پیــش Digital aeronautical charts, including instrument flight rules agricultural-planning task force of the second five year plan that the country’s agricultural capacity could presently supply از ایــن انحصــار آن در اختیــار آمریــکا و شــرکت جپســن )IFR) and visual flight rules (VFR), is a high-quality knowledge- )Jeppesen) -the needs of a population of 45 million and, with the appli قــرار داشــت کــه بــه دلیــل اعمــال تحریمهــای ظالمانــه شــرکتهای based product which was solely produced by Jeppesen Company and was not available for Iranian airlines due to U.S. sanctions. cation of the best agricultural techniques, could support no .more than 67 million هواپیمایــی ایرانــی از دسترســی بــه ایــن نقشــهها محــروم شــده بودنــد. (Source: Encyclopaedia Iranica) Prayer Times Noon:13:08 Evening: 20:07 Dawn: 4:45 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 5:53 (tomorrow) JULY 3, 2021 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y Managing Director: Mohammad Shojaeian Editor-in-Chief: Ali A.Jenabzadeh “Sun Children” director Majid Majidi Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051430 receives IAA’s first Plaque of Glory Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 1 “We watched a great and amazing including the 77th Venice Film Festival, Printed at: Jame Jam Bartar Borna - 44197737 movie and were impressed by it,” said have also screened the movie. The festival IAA director Bahman Namvar-Motlaq honored the film’s star Ruhollah Zamani who selected Majidi as the director of with the Marcello Mastroianni Award. Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimes79 IAA’s Cinema Department in May. Earlier in December 2020, when “He has expressed one of the main Majidi attended the Hainan International No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran problems of the city in the best way, and Film Festival in the Chinese city of Sanya, P.o. Box: 14155-4843 it is an artist’s main job to show maladies he said that he will be doing his next Zip Code: 1599814713 in the best way,” he added project on the coronavirus pandemic “As an experienced critic, I’m sure that in China. his works will be discussed in the future Speaking to the China Global and many books will be authored about Television Network (CGTN), he said him, not only by Iranian scholars, but also that he will be traveling to Yunnan by the Indian, Chinese and Westerners,” Province in southwest China after the he noted. festival to scout for potential locations “Sun Children” was Iran’s submission for his upcoming movie. This follows a to the foreign-language film category at trip to the eastern city of Hangzhou for the 93rd Academy Awards. However, the same purpose. GUIDE TO it failed to receive a nomination to the Majidi noted the film centers on a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING shortlist. little girl during the coronavirus crisis, The movie had its Iranian premiere without giving more details. He added during the 38th Fajr Film Festival in that the cast will be all Chinese. Often your utterances and expressions Tehran in February 2020, garnering the He made “Beyond the Clouds” in of your face leak out the secrets of your Crystal Simorghs for best film, script in 2017. The film, which is set in hidden thoughts. and set design. Director Majid Majidi (R) receives the IAA Plaque of Glory from Iranian Academy the slums of Mumbai, represented India Numerous international events, of Arts director Bahman Namvar-Motlaq in Tehran on July 1, 2021. at several international film festivals. Imam Ali (AS)

WHAT’S IN ART GALLERIES Iran’s “This Side, Other Side” honored at Sculpture/painting Iranshahr Gallery is playing host Neum Animated Film Festival to an exhibition of sculptures and and the director wishes that the world of adults, like the much is a handful of sand worth in the vast landscape paintings by Salman Khoshru. world of children, would be full of peace and friendship. of the global economy? The exhibit will run until July 19 at The movie produced by Iran’s Documentary and “Natural Selection” by Bosnian director Aleta Rajic the gallery that can be found at 69 Experimental Film Center has been screened at won the award for the best 2D animation. Sepand St., off Karim Khan Ave. numerous international festivals and won several “Flower and the Girl” by British director Robin awards. Heap was selected as best clay puppet animation, while Painting Serbia’s International Festival of Children and the award for visual art was given to Russian director An exhibition of paintings Youth Animated Film awarded its Grand Prix to the Roman Burmakov’s “Krasnoludki”. by Parsua Mahtash is currently movie. The festival took place in the city of Sremski Cris Van Beuren won the award for best music underway at Aran Gallery. Karlovci in November 2020. composer for his collaboration in Mexican director Entitled “Relocation: A Trilogy”, the “This Side, Other Side” by Iranian director Lida Fazli. It also won the UNICEF Award at the 15th Biennial Marcos Almada Rivero’s animated film “The March exhibition will run until July 16 at of Animation Bratislava, an international festival of of the Missing”. the gallery located at 5 Lolagar St., ARTTEHRAN – Iranian director Lida desk animated films for children that took place in the “Croach” by Agustin Tourino and Matias Deon from Neauphle-le-Chateau St. Fazli’s acclaimed short movie “This Slovakian capital in October 2020. Argentina was picked as best student film. Mohsen Gallery is showcasing Side, Other Side” won the award for best movie in The Grand Prix award of the Neum Animated Film The Dusan Vukotic Award, which has been given paintings by Behran Smadzadegan the category of 2D and 3D animation at the Neum Festival went to “Foreign Exchange” by Corrie Francis since 2017 in honor of the Oscar winner, went to the in an exhibition entitled “Heading Animated Film Festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Parks from the USA. Serbian director Masha Avramovic for the film “Stuck Utopia, Chapter 2: The Spring That the organizers announced on Thursday. Corrie Francis Parks animates sand and other Together”. This award is given to young authors in the Never Came”. This film shows that no border can prevent the unusual materials, her film raises the question: How region as an incentive for further work. The exhibit runs until July 21 at formation of friendships and affection between children, the gallery located at 42 East Mina Blvd., Naji St., off Zafar St. An exhibition of painting by Ojan Zargarbashi is currently underway Iranian pianist Puyam Azadeh to hold workshops at German festival at Dastan Basement Gallery. The exhibit will be running until ARTTEHRAN – Iranian The workshops will take place from scholarship holder of the German Academic July 16 at the gallery located at 6 deskpianist Puyam Azadeh, August 13 to 16 and will be conducted Exchange Service (DAAD). He worked Bidar St., off Fereshteh St. who is a professor of the instrument at digitally on the video platform Zoom. as Assistant Professor at Martin-Luther- the University of Tehran, will be holding Admission to the workshop is free and University Musical Institute in Germany Ceramic workshops at the 71st edition of the Bayreuth it will be held in English. The outcomes where he also received his doctoral degree Fahimeh Heidari is showcasing Festival of Young Artists in Germany. of the workshop will be recorded both in with great honor “Magna Cum Laude” in her latest ceramic works in an The workshops are part of the vision and sound. Upon completion of the January 2015. exhibition at Vista Gallery. Intercultural Piano Education Project project, they will be presented as part of Founded in 1950 under the patronage Entitled “Harmony and Contrast”, that the organizers have initiated to offer the Young Artists Festival Bayreuth. of German composer Jean Sibelius, the the exhibition will run until July young piano teachers from all over the Azadeh, 42, began playing piano in Bayreuth Festival of Young Artists is 12 at the gallery located at No. 11, world a unique platform for international his childhood and has been playing ever organized and performances done by young 12th Alley, Mir Emad St. exchange. since. He studied classical European and talent from all over the world, and is seen Calligraphy The workshops will focus on comparing classical Persian music (BA), as well as and loved by an international audience. An exhibition of calligraphy by and contrasting piano education and piano piano (MA) at the Tehran Academy of The close collaboration of young artists Ahmad Mohammadpur is currently literature of various cultures and countries. Arts, and participated in master classes and cultural managers is an important part underway at CAMA – Contemporary Participants will also become familiar with Professor Paul Gulda at the Bayreuth of the festival experience, since mutual and Modern Art Gallery. with different methodologies of teaching Festival of Young Artists in Germany. trust and empathy are cornerstones of This file photo shows Iranian pianist Puyam The exhibit entitled “Dance of piano during these workshops. Since 2007, he has been a full Ph.D. cultural exchange. Azadeh giving a recital. Words” runs until July 13 at the gallery located at No. 44, 10th Golestan, Pasdaran St. Sculpture/installation Sets of installation and sculptures Locarno film festival picks “Mask”, by Mohammad Alizadeh are on view in an exhibition at O Gallery. “Here My Village” from Iran The exhibition named “Whisper” will run until July 13 at the gallery The short film “Mask” directed by Nava Rezvani will who lives with his mother and his 6-year-old sister in a located at 18 Shahin St., St. be screened on Pardi di Domain, a platform for short and village. He lost his father 5 years ago due to a fatal disease. medium-length films. Farhad is crazy about photos and magazines. One day, he Multimedia This film is about a girl who does something against goes to the city with his family and becomes fascinated by Javid Gallery is hosting an her will for her boyfriend’s sake. The beauty of women in a second-hand camera in the shop window. He works hard exhibition of artworks in various today’s Iranian society is summarized in the beauty of their to buy the camera, but he doesn’t succeed, so he sells one media by a large number of veteran faces. Women give more importance to their faces and fo- of their sheep in order to buy it. When his mother makes artists, including Faramarz cus more on it. Many men value women for their beautiful him return the camera and be refunded the money, Farhad Pilaram, Behzad Shashegaran, appearance, and it leads women to do cosmetic surgeries, grabs the camera and runs away. Ali Golestaneh, Shirin Ettehadieh, and they finally wind up in a situation they get more and Thousands of film fans and industry professionals Keikhosro Khorush and Davud more distant from their real selves day by day. meet here every summer to share their thirst for new Emdadian. Directed by Abbas Aram, “Here My Village” will be show- discoveries and a passion for cinema in all its diversity, The exhibition runs until July 9 at “Here My Village” by Abbas Aram. cased in the Locarno Kids Screenings section, which offers the organizers have said. the gallery that can be found at 17 CULTURE TEHRAN – “Mask” and “Here My Village” films for children and teenagers. It places a special emphasis The audience is the soul of the festival, as exemplified Zartosht St., Vali-e Asr Ave. deskfrom Iranian filmmakers will be compet- on works screening as national premieres, together with in the famous evenings on the Piazza Grande, whose On view at Shokuh Gallery is ing in various sections of the 74th Locarno Film Festival, restored titles that help rediscover film history. magical setting can accommodate up to 8,000 filmgoers a selection of artworks in various which will take place in Switzerland from August 4 to 14. This film tells the story of Farhad, a 12-year-old boy every night. media by a large group of artists, including Ahmad Vakili, Behnam Valadvand, Somayyeh Vallian, Bita Mohabbati, Arash Lahiji and Zahra Art, architecture during Qajar period Alizadeh. The exhibit named “Cow” will Part 2 while that of the Masjed-e Shah in Semnan The traditional construction of the emphasis is shifted from the sanctuary continue until June 21 at the gallery Three large mosques, the Masjed-e Shah has two stories, the upper set well back from maqsura is seen most clearly at Qazvin, area. Its open court, reached from an located at 19 Nuri Alley, North of Qazvin built in 1806, of Zanjan built in the lower to form an open, terraced walk. where it is a square chamber set with a elaborate entrance situated on the Salimi St. near Andarzgu Blvd. 1827-29, and of Semnan built in 1828 have The proportions of the four ayvans are squinch at each corner to effect transition northwest corner, is lined with a single Farimah Haqirian, Nilufar a common feature in a prominent entrance. also variable; the Qazvin and Zanjan mosques to the dome; the mihrab, emphasized by row of arches opening on the west to a Qanbari, Leila Salmani, Hassan Because a Persian mosque is surrounded have four ayvans of similar height, but in its polychrome tilework decoration, is columned winter prayer hall. Salehi, Sima Derkhshan and Saba by adjacent buildings and has no exterior the Semnan mosque the north and south centered in the south wall. There are no ayvans, and the north side Karami are displaying their latest in the European sense, the entrance is a ayvans are much taller and more imposing Later, Qajar mosques continue the open- is more elaborate than the south or kiblah artworks in various media in an towering structure with a vaulted arch lined than those on the west and east. court, four ayvan plan but are more varied side. This north side has two stories of open exhibition at Atashzad Gallery. with moqarnas (stalactites) vaulting and set They are all constructed on similar in the treatment of it, as can be seen in two arches framing a spacious central niche that The exhibition will continue until within a massive rectangular frame. principles—lofty recesses with moqarnas mosques from the period of Nasser ad-Din opens into a high chamber flanked by a series July 7 at the gallery, which is located The entrance in turn is linked to the north decoration in their vaults—and in all cases Shah; the Masjed-e Nassir al-Molk built in of vestibules opening out of one another; at at 3 North Abbaspur (Tavanir) St. ayvan of the mosque by a vestibule leading to the south ayvan is the most significant and Shiraz 1876-88 and the Masjed-e Sepahsalar the back of this chamber is a mihrab. near Vanak Sq. the open court. The Masjed-e Shah of Qazvin most lavishly decorated as it leads into the built in Tehran 1881-90. Source: Encyclopedia Iranica has a single story of arches lining its court, maqsura, or sanctuary. The Shiraz mosque is unusual in that To be continued