


show that a person is doing an action onto or for themselves

come with the reflexive "se" at the end of the

the ( ) reminds us that the is intended to show a reflexive action

if there is no reflexive pronoun at the end of the infinitive, DON'T make it a reflexive verb!

the "se", when translated, means "self/own" (me baño = I bathe myself, te lavas las manos = you wash your own hands) TO CONJUGATE A REFLEXIVE VERB:

1) Conjugate the infinitive according to the (don't forget about stem-changing verbs!)

2) Take the reflexive pronoun "se" and modify it according to the subject using the following forms:

me (myself) nos (ourselves)

te (yourself) os (yourselves)

se* (himself, herself, yourself) se* (themselves, yourselves)

*Always include the in these sentences (él, Ud., ella, ellos, Uds.)* Note that the 3rd person singular and forms will not need to change from the original "se".

3) To double check your work conjugating a reflexive verb: make sure your reflexive pronoun reflects the subject (me for "yo", te for "tú" etc.) and make sure your verb conjugation reflects the subject

Always put the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se) in FRONT of the conjugated verb!!

me lavo .... NOT lavome

te bañas..... NOT bañaste

se viste .... NOT vistese

Examples: Me lavo la cara. (I wash my face.) Ellos se pintan las uñas. (They paint their nails.) Nosotros nos cepillamos los dientes. (We brush our teeth.) Tú te vistes en ropa cómoda. (You dress in comfortable clothes.) Me llamo Pedro. (I call myself Pedro.)

Note: Reflexive pronouns can be placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive. Ejemplos: Voy a pintarme las uñas. Tienes que afeitarte antes de ir. Ella acaba de secarse el pelo con el secador.