Burwell's $120000 School Building ,Dedicated
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State Hi"storical Sooiety State House 0U,c'al Newspaper QUiz .Tele~hone Numbers - B~ine~ olOrd Office_.••••••17 and Valley County 1Z Editorial Office.•••:•••30 , ! , ESTABLISHED APRIL 1882 ',rHE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 2,1936 VOL,53 NO. 14: , , Legion StartiI?g '. JA Kovanda And Mrs.~ill 'Fintm,.,. Fafeita Likes Coast for'VacatiQn, , Rain Tuesday Eve Irrigation Talk . Mentbershlp Dr.lve •• •• DIes lit Cahforlua :8'" i\.T b . k B 't pel . t' , L· .' ,' · Somewhat earl.ler'than Is cus- Beulah McGinnIs Ord peoP,le ",111 learn with re-, ays l~e r,,~ a es ace, 0 " lve Was Accompanle'd Revived, Ord Man tomary, Ord post of the AmerIcan , gret of th~ death of Mrs. Wm. ' LegIon this week began Its annual T T hS. · Timm, former Ord resident, whkh Frank !Fafeita, jr" llk~ calif- daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. John •• membership drive. Twp captains occurred~arly In June at her ornia, but he was glad to get back Kokes of near Ord, and' was wed hav~ been appointed, Cecll Clark'0 eae Wlnlmlng home at SJlverado, callf. IMr: and ' immediately on her return to Cal- By Terr If IC Gal'e, To Capitol Again and A!fred Welgardt, and each has 'Mrs..T'Imm 1ef t0 rd about ei ghteen to Ord, and he is not going to ifornia after a visit here this past ' a team of Legion men working years ago to make californIa theIr move oat there. UnlIke many of spring. Norris WireS That 'PWA Has under him. The drive will end ()n CI~sses start Monday As home. BurIal waR held at Comp- his fellow towns'men, wl1.o needed Frank and LydIa enjoyed lun Trees and Buildings In Ord Tuesday; July 14 with a' dinner at Part of Ord's Recreational ton and she was laid to rest be- only one vIsit there to becom~ cheon one day with Allan and Ed- Damaged, Hugo Tent Was Money for Nebraska And the ILeglon hall at 8:00 and all p' t side a daughter, Mary, who pre- wIldly enthusiastic, Frank liked It win ,Clements, and Judge and Mrs, Hardenbrook Leaves: ex-service 'men are invited to this rOJec This Summer, ceded her in death. as a place to vacation, but was Clements. Catherine had gone to Blown Down, Torn, "feed" whether they are members . - ~. Left to ~ourn her passing Is a "tiekled to death" to see 'Nebr- ["os Angeles tor the day, some In response to a telegram that of the Legion or not. '. Swimmipg classes wllI begin husband and a.: granddaughter, aska, especially this corner of It, sixty mUes away. Edwin had de- Accompanied by a terrific gal&, the PWA is again giving favorable • Monday, July 6', announces ,Jesse who was cared for by Mrs. Timm once more. He and his wife'and cided to buy a . lot, located just a a rain storm swept out of the consIderation to the North Loui> Three Are :Fined Kovanda, director of all boys' and following her daughter's death: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fa- bloek and a half from two schools, northwest Tuesday afternoon and irrigation project, Bert, M. Hard- " girls' swimming instruction under ' feita, sr., returned the Iil-s t of the one of whkh Jackie would attend brought rellef to Valley county's enbrook,presldent of the district, For Intoxication the recreation project. AIl girls' week. one of whIch Jeanette would at- parcp,ed ero'ps while the wind was left Saturday by rail for Washin&- Thursday was a busy' al)ternoon classes wllI be held on Monday Whe" a' t' Har'" vestl·ng. The IFafeitas enjoyed visits with tend. Edwin wlll ,bulld a,. new doing heavy damage to trees and ton, D. C. lie was accompanied and evening for Marshal L. H, and Wednesday, with Miss Beulah many former Ord residents. John home immediately, arid ex,pressed builldings. In Ord the r,alnfall by Mrs. Hardenbrook and wiIl be Covert as that day h~ arrested McGinnis chief instructor. IBoys' P'erlinskl, seemed happy, they re- himself as 'Yell satisfied with his totalled .86 inches, over most ot Under· ,Way, Ba,rl,ey, th~ joined in the nation's capitol by three people for drunkfnness, all swimming classes wlll be held port. They missed seeing new business andJ locll!tlon. He the county about' olle':..half inch fell, N. T. Veatch, jr., and Herb Dun- at different plaCes. ,All plead Tuesday and Wednesday, with Mr, 0 t Ct B I H t former Kitty. 'york, to their sor- and Allan own one of four lumber mire, of Kansas City, engineers guilty and wer,e fined, $10 and Kovanda, instructing. An ad- y row. 'They VISIted Perry Bell and yards in Ontario, not far from The storm hit about 4: 30 and (or the project. costs 'Friday by Judge John L, vanced class' in swimmIng and a s, u. ea Mrs. ,Bell .and had, a wond,erful visit San Bernardino. Ia.sted two hours. Awording to The message that started all Andersen. Unable to pay her life-s.aving wlll be held On Friday, with Mr. and Mrs, Yester Flynn, Fruit and vegetables were cheap, all rep~rts the wind1"as . higher hO 1'·t Th d f fine, Catherine Long or', Grand Is- Miss McGinnis the teacher. Those The Fafeita's,/~1r. and Mrs" also meat high, and chickens "not as in Ord than elsewhere and after t IS ac IVlY came urs ay rOm r interested in the advanced course 10 to 20 Bushel Wheat Yield enjoyed a good talk with Mame good as they raise in Nebraska, SI II it ceased lawns and streets were Senator George W.•Xorris, and was land Is "laying i,t out"; in countyd are asked to phone ~1iss McGinnis Expected,,', C,' orn Can Stand i er, we known andIdike bY they just didn·t have the -:h,¥\o!', .. littered with broken branches and followed by telegram's from con- jail. J. E.Sharp, of' Ord, an or :\1rs. Ed Kokes. ' Ordites of several' generations. The thrill of the trip, Frank re- gressman Harry 'B., Coffee. Both George Lenz, of Burwell, paid M D W' th debris. , . j recommended that the North Loup their fines and were released. Students will be divided into 9re ry ea er, The former Louise Kokes, now ported, was a pair of fishing trips Harry' Hugo's show tent, pitch project get representatives to the groups according to their abir'ity, ' Mrs. Jack Cross, was another Ord on the Pacific, after yellow~al1s ed on the Haldeman lots south ot capitol promptly as the PWA Is COt C .'. and a corps of voluntary assist- Hastened Ito premature ri'peness girl they saw. She was married and barracuda. Some they caught the Bohemian hall, was blown preparing to make loans and I ants and supervisors as well as Ii by the recen,t hot, dry weather, Decora'tlon day to Mr. Cross, an weighed as much as 15 pounds. down and badly torn in several grants to worthy Ilrojects at once, y anlpalgnlng few paid helpers will be in attend- Valley county's wheat w,as ready electric rallway worker of Long One of the passengers, Frank places. Every guy rope on the ance to take every precaution for harvesting this week and Beach, where the yqung couple Dworak, did not enjoy his fishing north and west sides was broken, Dr. }<'oreman and K. Sewell · t V· It' with students, and to help make binders are busy in many fields are living. "Curly" as she was trip, not feeling so fit on the scenery and -curtains were rain Wingfield, heads of the PW4- pow· gains 10 a ors known to alI her friends is a water er and irrigation division, have A the greatest progress in swimming throughout tpe ,county. Although " . soaked. No show was given on Tuesday evening but yesterday been restudying the North Loup 0f T' fI" RI possible. the yield was considerably cut by members of the show troupe were project lately, Senator Norris' let- ra Ie u eS Those interested are asked to unfavorable - weather it 'Will run Kruntl Girl Lost ' busy sewIng up the tent and dry ter and telegrams stated, and be- meet at tpe high school grounds from 10 to 20 bushels, farmers are Burwell's $120,000 ing out their properties and plan lieve a plan can be worked out on their respective days, at' 2: 30 saying. 'Thr.>eshing will staflt in But Finds Herself w~ereby Fine~ ned to resume shows last night. the district can be given Two Friday For Pass- p. m" at which tlrpe transpOrtatllfn a few, days. , LIttle Helen Kruml, aged three, Six years ago tpe Hugo tent was money for irrigation only QP ing stop Signs,' Many wlIl be provIded so tbat they may Late oats and bar1€y,wer(l prac- calmly walked ~nto the home of School Building blown down In a storm at Ord, Mr. terms that wlIl make the project alI come and return in their bath- tlcalIy ruined by the heat and an aunt and unde, Mr. and ~rs. Hugo recaUs, and seldom In the self-llquldatin,g. By hooking up Warnings Issued. Ing suits. ,Classes wlll dis-miss at lack of moIsture, farmers say. Frank K;ruml, Wednesday morn twenty years or more he has been the project with the Tri-County 4:00 o'clock. The H!I hour per- Pete Rasmussep, a visitor to the ing about eleven o'clock and an ,Dedicated July 8 playing this city has rain falled Columbus or Sutherland power Acting on instructions from lads wlU Include explanation, de- QuIz office Monday, said he woul] nounced she had "come to play", to come during his visit.