SALEM CULTURAL AND TOURISM PROMOTION ADVISORY BOARD Si necesita ayuda para comprender esta información, por favor llame 503-588-6173 If you need help understanding this information, please call 503-588-6173 Disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in this meeting or event, are available upon request. Sign language and interpreters for languages other than English are also available on request. To request such an accommodation or interpretation, contact Chris Neider at 503.540.2361 or
[email protected] at least 2 business days before the meeting; TTD/TTY telephone (503) 588-6439, is also available 24/7. Board Members MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, June 12, 2018 Michelle Cordova, Chair 5:30 - 7:30 PM Scott Snyder, Vice-Chair City Library, Anderson Room B Laura Aguero 585 Liberty St SE, Salem, OR Adam Kohler 1. Call to Order Laura Tesler Gus Castaneda 2. Roll Call Claudia Vorse Johnathan Baker Elaine Navarro 3. Approval of Today’s Agenda and the Minutes from: a. May 8, 2018 City Staff 4. Public Testimony - limited to three minutes per organization and Chris Neider, Staff Liaison pertaining to items on the agenda Kelly Kelly, Staff Support July Meeting Cancelled 5. Items Requiring Action Next Meeting: August 14th @ a. Sub-committee Creation for Grant Application Review City Library – Anderson Room B 585 Liberty St SE 6. Information Items Salem, OR 97301 a. Cultural and Tourism Fund Reports – May 2018 b. Cultural and Tourism Fund Revenue (Tax) Reports – May 2018 c. Facility Operating Grant Reports – Elsinore Theater and Hallie Ford It is the City of Salem’s policy to Museum of Art assure that no person shall be d.