Campus Deals with Death of Starr .Well-Known History Professor Succumbed to Cancer on Dec
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News Opinion Features Sports Security Briefs Into the Millennium wekomeHome HittingRough waters This week, check OUt uoubles at Th~ Ridn- Nmn ponders our journey into David Cans and Eric Rawlins produce Westminster, disordt rly males and fighting the ye«r 2000. ncwCD. females. Page 2 Page 3 Rider's men's and women's swim tcams fall shon of winning four-in-a-row. PageS Campus deals with death of Starr .Well-known history professor succumbed to cancer on Dec. 18 By ANTHONY LEONE McDonald said that he was also a close Staff Writer fri end 10 Starr fur 20 }'I.'ars. Ridel continues to mourn lilt' loss of "Dennis wa5 a good and true frit'!ld." one of its own. he said. "look W.tS an extraordinary lTI:!n ;Uld Dr. Roderi ck McDonald, history pro frie nd. " fessor, said th;1I Starr, who was 3.11 adjunct Callahan said that Starr had !l hig :ls.mci.H~· professor of history, was a 1968 influence on the Rider community. Rider graduate who came !O leach ::1{ Ihl,: "HI.' had a posil ive impact at the University in ! 980. Starr died of cancer on schoo!." be said. "I would sa}' he was the December 18 at age 52, which he was diag most popular professor in this school. ~ nosl,:d with in the summer of 1997. McDonald also feds the same way. ~Dcnnjs confromed it (cancer) head "There is now a lack of quality of thl' on, ~ said McDonald. teachingsince Dennis is gone:' he said. "He According 10 McDonald, Starr went had an area of expertise that we don't have. through "aggressive HcatmcntS~ to counter We miss him wry much, as a friend and col Ihe cancers, bUI it never slowed him down league. H when il came 10 his work. Starr was born and rai .~ cd in TrcnlOn " He continued to leach until the last and lived with his sister and nephew in their days of his death," said McDonald. "Dennis deceased parents' home. was commined to his reaching." PItoco cowusy ofJane Starr Sunl")' There will be a memorial service for Dr. Thomas Callahan, professor of Dr, Den"is Starr enjoys umd hospittJily ",;,J, __ RiJer studmts "" • recent Srarr on Feb. IB , at 11:30 a.m., in the Rider Struly Amllli trip UI E.,."pe history and a close friend of Srarr, agrees Chapel. wid, McDonald. "He was always planning for the working without him will be very different. "I was lalking to Dennis rhe week future,H he said. "He always had a positive "We were a group that's been together See page: 2 for an additional uibuce before he died," he said. attirude, right to the end. n for a long time," said Callahan. '''When you to Dr, Starr from a colleague in the histo Callahan said he was helping Starr to He said that he and Starr had hem worked with your friend for 20 years, you ry depanment, gel his schedule in order for this semester. close friends for the lasr [WO decades and miss him." Photo lecture was opens Black History Month in.dividual' By JENNIFER HOSTETTLER SraffWriter By TIJNYA HEATER Anentively, people of the Rider com munity listened as they experien.:ed th~ first New. Editor of many events initiating the annual obser of the College: of Business Administration passed away on vance of February's Black History Month on Thursday, Feb. 4. "~::'::;~~::::~~;:~:;~7~7;' Kuang-Chian Chen, known as AJan, Flip Schulke, a photojournalist a..'ld Photo by Ka. .. i KIIu .J the Management Science DepartmC'nt: close friend of the late Martin Luther King, StJu/mu sinK tin BLu:1t N.tilJtud professor her sophomore year and remem- Jr. was welcomed to the stage at Rider Anthem i" the Stwlntt u"tn' The.m. University's Student Center ThC:\lre. The Schuike centered his speech around a program srarted with a welcome from Jan compilation of slides of pictures thar he and Friedman-Krupnick. other phowgraphers had taken of King and "~rican Pride: One Aim, One God, other events during rhat rime. He shared his One Destiny: is the theme of t!lis year's pro experiences and close attachment to King gram," said Friedman-Krupnick. and talked about his ability to be respected AftC'r a speech given by Rev. Nancy by so many people. Schluler of the Protestant Campus Ministry, "King was incredibk" told Schulke. who is also a coordinator of Ihe event, a few "The reaso~ everybody loved him, around songs by a group of Westminster Choir him, was because he never acted like a big College students and an im:oduction giver. .shor." by Linda Terry, a student of the Univer.~i(y, This has been Schulke's second year Schulke began his discussion on King and visiting Rider University to speak on behalf the events that lOok ;1 1ac<: during thC' civil of Black History Month. His experiences as rights movement of the '50s and 'GOs. a photojournalisl for various magazines and "Hate bt.1l:ins very \.-ariy. J don't believe being a dose friend of King. He speaks you're born hating p,.:ople. J think that par nationwide to stud":nts from elementary ents and family 100 often arc the ones to See King on page 2 teach h:\te 10 their 'Children, H said Schulke. THE PAGE 2 FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5 RipER NEWS Starr eulogized by colleague Security Briefs All information provided by Vickie Weaver, director of S'ffety and By DR, RODERICK MCDONALD Chapter of the American Italian Historical Library's Local History Archive. Spccial To News Association. In Ihis capachy, he was instru _ Starr was also:a ~ocial and political activist Security Dr. Dennis J Starr, adjunct associate pro mental in recently sl'Curing from the associa who used his extensive knowledge ofloc:al his fessor of hi s lOry, dil'd of cancer on Decelllbl'r tion a hequl'Sl of some $9,000 10 the Rider tory and affai rs to advancc causes that he was Botched Break-in 18, I ~~8: he was on I)' 52 )'l·ar.~ old. Slarr, who University Lihrary for thc purchase of books convinced best served his community. His Over the winter break, t;raduatc<\ with a B.A. from Rider, and a on Italian and Italian American hi~lOry. Dr. vociferous opposition (borh on philosophic:al Westminster Choir College was the Ph .D. frolll Rutgers Universit)" New Starr's fami ly has now donated his eXlensive and fiscal grounds) 10 proposals for locating scene of a vehicle brt'.:l.k-in resulting BrtlllSwi..:k. W;l~ a rlwrnher of the Histor), p<.: rson:a! library w Rider Uni\·ersity. garbage incinerators in and around TrenlOn in twO males being taken away by Dl'p;mlTlelll !~ c ulty for almost 20 years, and Dr. Starr's interest in local and regional was tirelessly ai red in meetings and in the police. While Rider Security was on had t:llIght a wide r;Hlgl' of courses including lahor history began with his 1979 doctoral local press, for example, as was his champi patrol in the D Lot on Wednesday, the two-semester \X'orld History sequellCl', slUdy, Thr Nflllfrr and Usrs of Economic, oning of efforts 10 preserve and conserve his Dec. 16, ('NO males were seen wan Hiswry of American Business, the tWIJ-semes Polilienl flml Socilli Powrr in Trrll/oll, Ncw beloved city's industrial and rt"Sidential archi dering around the area. One was near ler Unitl·d St;ues History .~equence, History jmcy. /890-19J7. In 1988 be published an tecture. the parked vehicle$ while the orher of New Jersq. Ital y fmm the Middle Ages 10 article in the journal. Nrlv jrrsry HiSlory, enti Starr- Dennis 10 his many friends-con was on the adjacent street. Security the I'fl'Sl'lH, History of Ancient Grl'ecl', tled Thr Limits ofCOllIrrl'fllilir Unionism: Thr fromed his illness with ch:aract;,:ristic History of Anciem Ronll', and Renaiss:ance Rubhrr Strikr of 1904 ill Trrmon, NUll jrrrry, indomitability and fortilude, cominuing 10 called the Princeron Township and and Rdilrm;uion. Starr :tl so led a number of and subsequently exatpined Prohibilion in A leach his c1a5Sl"S unlil just days before the end Boro Police ro respond. The firsr sus .~ tud)' ahroad Hips to h:tly (he had been Matta of Class: Prohibition ill Trrmon, Nrl/) of the semester. A dedicated teacher. accom pect broke a piece of glass in one schedulnl to accompany Dr. Linda Materna jmry, 1890-1924. He received a New Jersey plisht-d scholar and communilY activist, he vehicle and emered it. Once the sus and Dr. Barry Seldes on this January's excur Committee for the Humanities Grant to was also a lively raconteur and a tenacious pect noticed rhe arriving police, he sion to Spain. Frwce ;lnd Italy) , and would research Thr Hislory of Ethnic and Racial debater, a bon vivant and an audiophile. He began to run. He was caught and have heen teaching:a new course, The History Groups ill Trrmon, Nrw jrTsry, 1900-/960, cclebrated his Italian heritage (visiting Italy items from rhe vehicle were recovered of Christian it)', in (;111 scmeStl'r 1 99~. and was working on a social history of frequently and delighting in telling tale$ and from the suspect's pocket. Starr W : l~ an :Ictivc and productive scholar Trenton from 1960 to Ihe present, under a showing pholOgraphs from his travels) and WhOSl' divl'rse research imcrcsts emphasized grant awarded by the New Jersey Committee was immensely proud of his native city of Professor Harassed local and rq;ion:al slUdics, as well as labor and for the Humanities to the Trcnton Human Trenton.