Left-side photo: Martin Tschinkl with his trainee, Masaki Ito Right-side photot: Rok Sabjan with his trainee, Takashi Nakamoto

HOST A TRAINEE - a valuable addition to the R&D workforce

HOST COMPANY TESTIMONIALS As a high-tech company we often deal with Japanese coun- Host company since 2007, Cosylab participated in the Vulca- terparts. nus programme for the  rst time in 2009/10. The results have In 2009 we took part in the Vulcanus programme for the exceeded our expectations. Our trainee proved to be a very second time. talented young man and integrated into our company as an The student worked in the  eld of Micro Lithography and was employee. assigned to several technical projects to improve the quality and costs of the production processes. We were able to include him in our customer-related enginee- We will de nitely apply again as a host company, and I can ring projects, where he provided valuable contributions. On strongly recommend participating in this programme once a the basis of the results we have decided to continue our parti- detailed job and skill pro le are available. cipation in the Vulcanus programme also for the next session.

Mr Martin Tschinkl Mr Rok Sabjan AMTC Advanced Mask Technology Center (Germany) Cosylab (Slovenia) - Host Company in 2009


For EU-based potential host companies: 8-month internship in the EU is a joint venture co- nanced by the European The Centre is currently inviting applications from EU companies to host Commission and the Japanese Ministry of Japanese trainees for 8 months (August 2011-March 2012). Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Its aim The trainees come from leading Japanese universities and are students in is to foster the development of industrial engineering or other scienti c/high-tech  elds. cooperation between companies from both regions through training programmes for They will be able to communicate in the EU host company’s local language. businesspeople, for EU and Japanese students EU host company’s bene ts: a valuable addition to the R&D workforce and researchers, and through information and an insight into the Japanese culture, extremely useful for successful services and an industrial dialogue. business with Japan. - Application deadline: Thursday, 30 September 2010 This occasional newsletter is produced by the EU-based o ce of the EU-Japan Centre, and is primarily intended to provide EU/Japan- related news. host-a-trainee.html FROM CENTRE EU„JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 2

The EU-Japan Business Round Table met in Tokyo on 19 & 20 April 2010

The 2010 Business Round Table re- are met, in order to promote an am- commended that, if they conclude bitious expansion of trade and invest- that su¢ cient progress has been ment between the EU and Japan. made towards e£ ective solution and implementation of speci c non-tari£ The business leaders also recogni- issues identi ed by Summit leaders last sed the importance of reinforcing year, the EU and Japanese Authorities their cooperation to address these Seminar on Business should discuss with all stakeholders challenges which could result in harm- Reporting for Sustainability whether a binding trade and invest- ful supply shortages. ment agreement would be able to de- They urged the EU and Japanese Au- REPORT RELEASED liver where current dialogues have not. thorities to promote cooperation in On 26 May 2010 the EU-Japan Centre for industrial research and development, Industrial Cooperation and the World as well as joint programmes enhancing Intellectual Capital Initiative (WICI), with EU-Japan cooperation in next-genera- the support of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry and the Euro- tion technologies. pean Commission (DG Enterprise & Indus- On 28 April 2010, during the 19th EU-Ja- try), as well as of JETRO Brussels, the Bu- pan Summit, the agreed set of the BRT siness Council in Europe (JBCE) and JMC Recommendations was handed over Brussels, organised a full-day seminar on to the then Prime Minister Hatoyama, Business Reporting for Sustainability, President Van Rompuy and President with the participation of Ambassador Barroso in Tokyo. Naoto Nikai (Japanese Mission to the EU) and Viscount Etienne Davignon (Pre- More speci cally, the BRT recom- sident, CSR Europe), and speakers from HORIBA, Ltd., Novo Nordisk A/S, Accoun- mended that both authorities start php?content=recommendations-han- ting for Sustainability and the European negotiations on a balanced and mu- dover Federation of Financial Analysts Societies tually bene cial bilateral agreement, (EFFAS), the European Parliament, e-Par- as soon as the EU and Japanese Autho- cel Corp., Sakigake Semiconductor Co., rities agree that the right conditions php?content=round-table Ltd., Wissenskapital GmbH and Doshisha University.

In the context of the global  nancial cri- sis people have realised the importance Seminar: Environmental Quality Control of sustainable capabilities of compa- REPORT RELEASED in the OECD countries. As a conse- nies, which cannot easily be recognised On 8 June 2010 the EU-Japan Centre quence, it is also gradually understood through  nancial reporting. Hence the for Industrial Cooperation, with the that greenhouse gas emission is only need to establish a new mechanism of support of the European Commission one part of a broader environmental business reporting which enables the (DG Environment), organised a full- situation that we have to tackle now, evaluation of the exact value of a com- day seminar on Environmental Qua- in order to avoid severe consequences. pany, covering not only  nancial but also non- nancial information, including ESG/ lity Control, with speakers from Eurasia In the longer term those consequences CSR, in which society has a great interest. Environmental Technologies, the Com- impact our daily lives, in particular Based on experiences of European and mission and the European Green Party. health and food supply. Japanese companies, regardless of their In the context of climate change, the Starting with an overview of how Eu- size, to communicate with stakeholders, need to approach the phenomenon rope and Japan are currently deve- the seminar debated the need for a fra- through international coordination is loping regulatory pressures, the semi- mework for business reporting for sustai- nowadays broadly accepted, at least nar focused on how corporations may nability, focusing on non- nancial infor- enjoy growth opportunities arising mation relating to a company’s business from a series of new constraints rela- strategy, its own value creation mecha- nism and its economic performance, ra- ted to environmental issues in order to ther than asking companies for as much create and develop a solid socio-eco- information as possible from a purely so- nomic added value for the longer term. cial point of view.

Full report available online Full report available online events/seminar-eqc-8june2010. events/symposium-sustainability- html?year=2010 26may2010.html?year=2010 FROM CENTRE EU„JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 3

Seminar for the promotion of EU-Japan S&T partnerships On 14 April 2010 the EU-Japan Centre Keynote speeches were given by three high-pro le for Industrial Cooperation organised a speakers: seminar for the promotion of EU-Japan S&T partnerships on the occasion of the • Mr. Shin-ichiro Izumi, Director General, Sciences o¢ cial launch of the J-BILAT project co- & Technology Policy Bureau at the Ministry of funded by the European Commission and Education, Culture, Sports, Sciences & Technology run by the Centre. (MEXT) on the “Promotion of Science and Techno- The seminar was very well attended by logy and Japanese S&T policy”, approximately 200 participants from organisations of various sectors from across Japan. It was followed by a networking cocktail that gave the • Ms Mary Minch, Director for International Coope- opportunity for numerous discussions and exchanges of information. ration at DG Research on the “International Dimen- sion of the EU 7th Framework Programme”, EU 2020 STRATEGY • Mr. Hiroshi Yamagata, Director, International Af- The “EU 2020 Strategy” focuses on the importance of the knowledge fairs O¢ ce at the Ministry of Economy, Trade & In- triangle (research, education, innovation) for future competitiveness dustry (METI) on “METI’s Innovation Policy”. and prosperity, whilst Japanese governmental policy aims at buil- ding synergies between universities, research organisations and the Ms Barbara Rhode, Head of Sciences & Technology private sector to obtain better results in the innovation  eld. In this Section at the Delegation of the EU to Japan, pre- context, both regions are elaborating strategies in order to develop sented an “Overview of the potential and outlook international cooperation. However, although there are a signi cant for EU-Japan joint research projects”. number of cooperative projects being implemented between EU Member States and Japan, cooperation between the EU and Japan is Various cases on current EU-Japan collaborative far from having reached its full potential. research projects and future perspectives were then outlined by Japanese funding agencies of MEXT and METI – respectively Japan Science & Technology Agency (JST) and New Energy & Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) – and by two major research organisations – National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sciences & Technology (AIST) and RIKEN.

On the European side, Mr. Yves Maisonny, Administrator at DG Re- search, in charge of the J-BILAT programme, explained “How to par- ticipate in the EU 7th Framework Programme”, whilst Mr. Georges Bingen, Head of Unit “People Programme”, Marie Curie Actions at DG The EU-Japan S&T Agreement signed at the end of November 2009 Education & Culture spoke about “The People Programme – Mobility should result in additional momentum for EU-Japan R&D coopera- Actions”. Mr. Toshiyasu Ichioka, J-BILAT project Manager at the EU- tion, and it is very much hoped that the J-BILAT project will reduce Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, concluded the seminar by the lack of information on the EU 7th Framework Programme among his presentation on “J-BILAT: organisation and plans, activities and Japanese research organisations, and thus contribute to increase the expected outcome”. –currently very low– Japanese participation in FP7 projects. Forthcoming J-BILAT seminar The forthcoming J-BILAT seminar (2nd) on EU-Japan collaboration in energy/material science will be held on 30 June in Yokohama, Japan (, mostly in Japanese and without interpretation.

Irish Minister for Education & Science, Mr. Batt O’Kee• e’s visit to the EU-Japan Centre

On 12 March 2010 Mr. Batt O’Kee£ e, T.D., Irish Minister for Education & Science, visited the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation for a brie ng on the Centre’s activities, in particular its training activities for businesspeople and the “Vulcanus” programme.

Ireland is showing an increasing interest in EU-level training programmes with Japan. A presentation on activities on the EU-Japan Centre by the Centre’s General Managers, Messrs. Guerrier and Tsukamoto, was followed by a brie ng by Mr. Stefan Huber, De- puty Head of the EU Delegation to Japan, on the ETP (Executive Training Programme). Minister O’Kee£ e was interested to hear about the impact of the  nancial crisis on the Centre’s programmes and about details on the needs of EU and Japanese managers. He also met the European participants of the “Vulcanus” programme for a discussion on the bene ts of their training in Japan, for them and for their host companies. seminars/other.html FROM CENTRE EU„JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 4

EC-funded managerial programmes in Japan CALL FOR APPLICATIONS The EU-Japan Centre is currently calling for applications for the following training missions: Distribution & Business Practices HRTP - Japan Industry Insight in Japan (DBP 2011) The 4/5-week HRTP 47 training mis- sion will help EU companies to take full The 5-day DBP 2011 training mission will advantage of Japanese business op- help EU companies to acquire useful to- portunities and provide an integrated ols for building an e£ ective marketing in-depth view of Japanese industrial strategy for the Japanese/Asian market. HRTP-Japan Industry Insight 2010 It will help participants to understand structure and business practices. It in- cludes lectures, conferences, seminars, Former participant feedback how existing channels successfully ad- just their strategy to develop segmenta- study visits, negotiation exercices and tion and product di£ erenciation in the language classes and an optional 5th Looking back at this experience, I de- Japanese market. week with individual company visits.  nitely feel that my cultural, personal and business background have consi- Dates: 21 - 25 February 2011 in Japan Dates: 16 May - 10/17 June 2011 in Japan derably increased. Japanese believe Application deadline: 9 December 2010 Application deadline: 17 February 2011 they are unique, and my experience so far con rms this statement. Therefore I believe that the HRTP programme is business-training.html really useful, especially for SME com- panies wishing to export or internatio- nalise with reference to the Japanese EC-funded managerial training programme in Japan market. Internationalisation with this country is inconceivable without a DBP 2010 ALUMNUS FEEDBACK proper preparation. “Thanks to the Distribution & Business Practices in Japan Thanks to the lectures, the Japanese training mission, I gained more insight into distribution language lessons, the joint seminar channels, consumer products, demographics and the ge- and the  eld trips, I can say that now neral consumer situation. Most importantly the structure I have a good background for trying of distribution channels here in Japan, as this helps me to to develop a business in Japan for assess in which direction to go for di£ erent types of pro- Edilteco, and for dealing more e£ ec- ducts and markets. The course was de nitely of help for tively in next business meetings with my company in order to enable SMEs establish their busi- Japanese companies. nesses in Japan.”

Elisa Stabellini Kai Forsell, Trade Commissioner, FINPRO-Japan, Finnish Trade Centre Marketing Manager - Edilteco (S.R.L.) business-training.html business-training.html

Other EC-funded programme - EU Gateway Programme

Since 2002 the EU Gateway Programme has managed  ve Interior Design business missions to Ja- pan that saw the participation of 160 companies from 18 EU Member States and achieved success- ful results, with 95% of the participants developing new business contacts.

The objective of that business mission is to give companies an opportunity to:

• discover the world of interior design in Japan; • deepen their knowledge of the Japanese market and develop a business strategy to penetrate the market; and • introduce and display their products to potential business partners and have on-site visits to Japanese  rms in the design business.

Mission dates: 25-29 October 2010 design/ FROM COMMISSION EU„JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 5

President Barroso congratulations’ message to H.E. Mr José Manuel Barroso, President of the As global partners who share the same basic European Commission, sent the following values and world views, Japan and the Euro- message of congratulations on 8 June to the pean Union have a lot to do together on key newly appointed Prime Minister of Japan, topics on the international agenda such as H.E. Mr Naoto Kan:  ghting climate change, promoting global economic governance and peace building. «Let me express my warmest congratula- tions on your appointment as the new Prime I hope to meet you in Toronto at the end of Minister of Japan. I wish you every success in the month and later this year at the ASEM implementing the ambitious programme of Summit in Brussels. I consider it important New application rules and accounting reform of the Democratic Party of Japan. that Japan and the European Union should procedures for EU research funding make progress this year in implementing I am looking forward to working closely the conclusions of the last Japan-EU Sum- Many researchers  nd the procedures for with you on further strengthening political mit, which took place on 28 April 2010 in securing EU funding for their projects are in- and economic relations between Japan and Tokyo.» consistent and unnecessarily complicated. the European Union, including exchanging They also complain about short deadlines experience on regional integration in view for responding to calls for research propo- of your goal of promoting an East Asia Com- sals and about delays in receiving money at munity. various stages of projects. 40&format=HTML&aged=0&langua ge=EN&guiLanguage=en Now the Commission is proposing new rules aimed at making it easier to apply for and manage grants, admitting that partici- Foreign Policy and Security meeting pation in EU-funded projects has become complex. Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union The plan revolves around introducing new for Foreign A£ airs & Security Policy, met on 28 April with Ja- computer systems, streamlining adminis- panese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada in Tokyo. trative procedures, ensuring the rules are applied consistently and publishing calls During their meeting both parties discussed a wide range of for proposals in good time. An expert panel foreign policy and security issues such as nuclear proliferation, would monitor the new rules to see if they development, trade and relations with Iran, China and Africa. improve the situation. dules/media/news/2010/100428b. ence/100430_en.htm html?ml_lang=en

Report on competition policy 2009 Joint EU – Japan workshop The European Commission’s 2009 Report on Civil societies of the EU and Japan working together on global challenges Competition Policy has recently been pu- EESC workshop mulls over the future of EU- tion of the EESC and H. E. Nobutake Odano, blished. The report gives an overview of the Japan relations Ambassador of Japan to the EU. Panellists key changes to the EU competition rules and As the Action Plan which frames the rela- included experts from Japanese universities, policy and the major enforcement actions. tionship between the EU and Japan expires the European institutions, the Japanese Mis- The Focus Chapter of the report is devoted in 2011, the European Economic & Social Com- sion to the EU and EESC members, among to the contribution of competition policy mittee (EESC) brought together civil society them, Eve Päärendson (Group of Employers, to  ght the  nancial and economic crisis. It organisations, academia, government and EU Estonia), President of the EESC Contact Group demonstrates how the competition policy o¢ cials on 28 May to broach the challenging on Japan. tools were used to face up to the crisis and issue of the future shape of cooperation. Whilst welcoming the general conclusions highlights the bene ts that competition po- of the last EU-Japan Summit, which stressed licy delivers to the internal market. As the ex- This workshop, organised by the EESC’s Sec- the need for closer and more intensive perience of 2009 shows, competition policy tion for External Relations, in association with cooperation, the EESC deplored the fact that has a major role to play in the transition from the EU Institute in Kansai and EU Studies Insti- the role of civil society in bilateral relations an economy in a crisis that needs public sup- tute in Tokyo, was the third in a series of mee- was not adequately re· ected. By means of this port and aid to the dynamic and sustainable tings between major stakeholders from Eu- workshop, the EESC demonstrated the contri- economy aimed at by the “Europe 2020” rope and Japan. Aimed primarily at discussing bution of civil society when addressing global strategy. the future shape of EU-Japan relations and and societal challenges and discussed ways of the role of civil society within it, the meeting strengthening civil society links between the Source: © European Union, 2010 - Compe- additionally hosted discussions on ways of EU and Japan. tition Directorate General of the European reconciling economic growth and sustainable Commission’s Newsletter job creation. The event was opened by Mr Sandy Boyle, publications/annual_report/2009/ Vice-President of the External Relations Sec- sections/rex/asia/japan/index_ en.pdf en.asp?id=6330rexen FROM JAPAN EU„JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 6

19th Japan-EU Summit 28 April - Tokyo, Japan lationship by addressing all issues of interest The 19th Japan-EU Summit was held in to both sides, including tari£ s and non-tari£ Tokyo on 28 April. The then Prime Minister measures. Dr. Hatoyama, Mr. Van Rompuy, President The then Prime Minister Dr. Hatoyama stated of the European Council, and Mr. Barroso, at the joint Press Conference that “At next President of the European Commission, year’s Summit we will determine the next engaged in a substantive and productive step based on the options emerging from discussion at the meeting. this examination. The Japanese side would like to carry on the process which leads to an Visit to Brussels by Japanese Min- economic partnership agreement (EPA) as ister for Education, Culture, Sports, one option, and will be devoting its e£ orts to bring this about.” Science & Technology The Joint Press Statement details some of On 4 May the Japanese Minister for Educa- the other tangible results from the talks in- tion, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology, cluding substantial cooperation initiatives Mr. Tatsuo Kawabata, visited Brussels and in the  eld of the EU’s Common Security had a meeting with European Commissio- & Defence Policy (CSDP), as well as global Cabinet Public Relations O• ce, Japan ner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, responsible challenges such as climate change and the for Research, Innovation & Science. The Most importantly, the Summit leaders de-  nancial crisis. meeting took place immediately after the cided to establish a joint High-Level Group Detailed information about the Summit is avai- Japan-EU Summit and set the renewed to identify options for strengthening lable on the below-mentioned website link. Japan-EU relations o£ to a good start. Japan-EU relations and to de ne the They followed up on the Summit agree- framework for its implementation. Source: ment, namely, recon rming the deepening Japan and the EU agreed to begin a joint Mission of Japan to the European Union and promotion of Japan-EU collaboration examination of ways to comprehensively on research and development. They also strengthen and integrate the economic re- rope/eu/index.html renewed their commitment to the success of the ITER project, which should contribute to a peaceful use of nuclear energy and the development of clean energy in the future. Japan-EU English Haiku Contest Source: 28 April - Tokyo, Japan Among those, an entry from Romania won the Mission of Japan to the European Union Organised by the Japanese Government and grand prize. The winner has been invited for a the EU stay in Dogo Onsen (hot spring) in Matsuyama Sponsored by Asahi Shimbun and Matsuyama City, the centre of modern haiku in Japan. City - The winning entry: The Government of Japan and the EU orga- Unfolding a map nised a Japan-EU English Haiku (a form of Ja- the cherry petals connect panese poetry) Contest on the occasion of the Europe and Japan. 19th Japan-EU Summit in Tokyo on 28 April. by Mr. Eduard Tara (Romania) President of the European Council, Mr. Her- man Van Rompuy, present at the Summit, is a - Comment on the winning entry by the judges: renowned haikuist. “Sitting under a cherry tree with a fellow tra- Within just two weeks the contest received veller, the haikuist ponders the world map. 523 beautiful haiku entries (182 from Japan Cherry blossoms hint at an adventurous path Visit to Brussels by Parliamentary they should take.” and 341 from the EU) on the theme of “Japan Vice-Minister for Defence and Europe”. Source: Mission of Japan to the European Union Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Defence, Mr. Daizo Kusuda, visited Brussels on 6-7 May. 2010 Spring Conferment of Japanese Decorations on Foreign Nationals He engaged in a number of discussions including those with General Hakan Syren, On 29 April the Government of Japan decided to confer decorations on 62 Chairman of the EU Military Committee foreign nationals. Dr. Georg Jarzembowski and Count Georges Jacobs de (EUMC), General David Leakey, Director- Hagen were conferred by His Majesty Emperor Akihito with the Order of General of the EU Military Sta£ (EUMS) and EXEMPLE DE PHOTO the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star in recognition of their distinguished Ms Claude-France Arnould, Head of the service to Japan-EU relations. EU Council’s Crisis Management Planning Dr. Jarzembowski greatly contributed to the development of Japan-EU Directorate (CMPD), to name but a few. relations as former Chair of Delegation for relations with Japan at the Eu- Counter-piracy operations o£ the coast of ropean Parliament. Count Jacobs de Hagen played a signi cant role in pro- Somalia, the question of Afghanistan as moting Japan-EU economic and business relations as former Co-Chairman well as international terrorism were high on of the EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT). the agenda. It was rea¢ rmed that in order nd These decorations were awarded to the conferees in Brussels on the 2 and to tackle those key common challenges, EXEMPLE DE PHOTO th the 9 of June by H.E. Mr. Nobutake Odano, Ambassador Extraordinary and Japan and the EU must expand their coope- Plenipotentiary of Japan to the EU, on behalf of the Emperor of Japan. ration even further. Source: Source: Mission of Japan to the European Union Mission of Japan to the European Union IN BRIEF EU„JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 7

The European Union and Japan Invitation Programmes 2010 JETRO Survey sign mutual recognition of at Trade Fairs in Japan On 18 March the Japan External Trade Or- ganization (JETRO) released the results of Authorized Economic Operators JETRO sets up special zones at select trade its latest annual survey on the internatio- Brussels, 24 June 2010 fairs in Japan to give invited foreign  rms nal operations of Japanese  rms. The sur- an opportunity to exhibit their products, Director-General Walter De• aa of Taxation vey, conducted between November and services and technologies to potential par- and Customs Union of the European Com- December 2009, received replies from 935 tners in Japan. In addition to covering a mission and Director-General Toshiyuki  rms, or 30.1% of 3,110 companies which portion of travel costs for foreign  rms to Ohto of Customs and Tari• Bureau of the were sent questionnaires. Firms were pol- take part in such fairs, JETRO provides ful- led on their international and domestic Ministry of Finance, Japan signed today ly-equipped exhibition booths/spaces and operations, plans to expand business in the Decision establishing mutual recogni- interpreters and also undertakes pre-event China, utilisation of FTAs and views on bu- tion of Authorized Economic Operators PR e£ orts to attract Japanese companies siness environments in Asia. (AEOs) between the EU and Japan. and business people. This mutual recognition o£ ers enhanced NEXT TRADE FAIRS: More information on trade facilitation opportunities provided by - “ECO-TECHNOLOGY 2010” customs to certi ed trustworthy traders on in Kitakyushu (Fukuoka) – 13-15 Oct. releases/20100318389-news both sides who have invested in securing Environment / Environmental Protection, their supply chains. In this way customs can Waste Disposal, Recycling also concentrate on high risks. Manufacturers of environmental equip- White Paper on The signature took place in the presence ment and technology: pollution control, of EU Commissioner for Taxation and Cus- waste treatment/recycling, energy saving, Manufacturing Industries toms Union, Audit and Anti-fraud, Algirdas eco-system restoration, consulting service, Summary of the White Paper on Manu- renewable energy, integrated technology: Šemeta and the Ambassador of Japan to facturing Industries (Monodzukuri) 2010 fuel cell, co-generation, etc. are invited to the European Union, Nobutake Odano. apply for participation in the JETRO Zone at Issued by the Ministry of Economy, Trade & With this decision, two major trading par- the «Eco-Techno 2010» in Kitakyushu from Industry, the Ministry of Health, Labour & tners, the EU and Japan, establish the equi- 13 -15 October 2010 Welfare, the Ministry of Education, Culture, valence of their AEOs programmes and Sports, Science & Technology, the White Pa- provide for recognition of each other’s se- forecoming_eventsj/ecotechno2010.html per covers the following topics: curity certi ed operators. Japanese AEOs - “GREEN DEVICE 2010” - Status of Manufacturing Industries in Ja- will receive bene ts by European customs in Makuhari Messe (Chiba) – 10-12 Nov. pan in correlation with changes in domes- that are comparable to those received by “Green” LEDs, solar cells, power semi- tic and overseas economies EU AEOs; Japan will apply the same for EU conductors, energy-e¢ cient components - Challenges and Prospects facing Japan’s monodzukuri industries: Restructuring the AEOs in Japan. Manufacturers of green energy devices are business strategy in monodzukuri indus- «This Decision on mutual recognition of invited to apply for participation in the JE- TRO Zone at “Green Device 2010”. “Green tries in Japan in order to respond to inter- AEOs is an important milestone both in Device” will be held in Tokyo on 10-12 No- national structural changes trade facilitation and in securing the global vember, simultaneously with FPD Interna- - Employment strategy and development supply chain» said Commissioner Šemeta tional 2010, which attracts many visitors. of human resources for sustainable reco- at the signing ceremony at the World Cus- very toms Organization (WCO) headquarters topics/20100601074-topics - Current state of, and challenges in rela- tion to, the education, research and de- in Brussels. He also «rea¢ rmed the EU’s - “HOSPEX JAPAN 2010” velopment to support the basis of mono- continued commitment to the work of the in Tokyo Big Sight – 17-19 Nov. dzukuri WCO, in particular in strategic areas such Facilities and equipment for medical and welfare institutes as IPR enforcement, supply chain security, More information on Manufacturers of hospital equipment are in- risk management, capacity building, coor- vited to apply for participation in the JETRO dinated border management and Globally port/data/Monodzukuri2010_01.pdf Networked Customs.» Zone at “HOSPEX JAPAN 2010”, to be held at Tokyo Big Sight from 17-19 November. Ambassador Odano highlighted that «at the last EU-Japan Summit meeting, leaders cal- topics/20100527660-topics led for more action-oriented partnerships.» JBCE new President He emphasised that «the signing of AEO For French companies, please contact: Recent appointment of a new President of mutual recognition is a good example of [email protected] or JBCE (Japan Business Council in Europe) : a very active and action-oriented coope- [email protected] Satoru Hayashi, Executive Vice-Chairman of ration between the Customs authorities of the Board, Fujitsu Technology Solutions Japan and the EU.» For other countries, please contact JETRO’s nearest o¢ ce: http://www.jetro. Speech to the JBCE General Assembly on 16 Source: June 2010: Mission of Japan to the European Union message.aspx IN BRIEF EU„JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 8

European Business Summit 2010 lent, equipping their future leaders with the gation of roughly 25 members, led by the 30 June and 1 July 2010 knowledge and tools necessary to navigate Czech Minister of Education, visited Japan Brussels, Belgium an increasingly complex energy landscape. to participate in the event. The European Business Summit (EBS) is More information on Europe’s key platform for business leaders Source: CzechInvest - Investment and and decision-makers to debate how to mantes/energy_global_policies/index.php Business Development Agency build a more competitive and sustainable European Union. Commission Proposes to Annually, the EBS attracts 2500 participants Establishment of the Creative including CEOs & top executives, (Prime) Industries Promotion O£ ce Simplify Funding Procedures Ministers, European Commissioners, and The Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry On 29 April 2010 the European Commission media. (METI) established the “Creative Industries proposed to simplify the procedures for This year’s edition will be more innovative Promotion O¢ ce” under the Manufac- participation in EU-funded research pro- and more interactive. A major novelty is turing Industries Bureau on 8 June 2010. grammes... that the EBS 2010 will present a CEO Survey This section will plan and implement inter- The Communication has been informed by collecting the views of business leaders on ministerial measures to promote cultural a consultation exercise carried out last year, what Europe needs to get back on track. industries (or creative industries, such as both with the EU institutions, the scienti-  c community and industry. Based on the The goals of the EBS are: design, animation, fashion and movies) as a strategic sector for Japan. The o¢ ce will consultation responses, the Commission is • To set up a platform for dialogue between now proposing “three strands” of reforms the business world and the European poli- implement measures to facilitate these in- dustries’ overseas expansion, disseminate to enhance how funding is provided and tical scene; managed. The  rst strand of reforms can • To cover in-depth a ‘hot topic’, through an relevant information in Japan and abroad, and develop human resources. be implemented within current legal fra- exchange of views between industry repre- meworks. sentatives and European decision-makers; More information on The reforms outlined in the second and • To enable SMEs to meet decision-makers third strands are on a longer-term horizon, face-to-face and to enhance the visibility of data/20100608_01.html to be implemented in future framework their business; programmes. • To improve companies’ knowledge of Eu- Memorandum of Understanding Report: ropean a£ airs; • To create a climate of dialogue and con - between the Netherlands Space Office and JAXA communication_on_simpli cation_2010_ dence between di£ erent actors, including en.pdf NGOs and academics, in order to reinforce The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency the European social and economic model. (JAXA) is pleased to announce that Presi- More information on dent Keiji Tachikawa of JAXA and Dr. Ger More information on Nieuwpoort, Director of The Netherlands pan/newsletters/april_2010.htm Space O¢ ce (NSO), concluded a «Memo- randum of Understanding between JAXA Business Con¤ dence Survey and NSO on Cooperation in the Field of Executive Master Space Activities for Peaceful Purposes» Spring 2010 Energy and Global Policies at the Netherlands Embassy in Japan on The results of the Foreign Chambers Sciences Po (Paris) and IFP School (Rueil-Mal- 12 April 2010. With this Memorandum of in Japan Business Con dence Survey - maison) are pleased to announce the launch Understanding, the two organisations will Spring 2010 themed «The Lights Are on of a new “Executive Master in Energy and identify potential areas for mutual coopera- Again - Clear Improvements Expected» Global Policies”, a joint diploma partnership tion to promote their collaborative e£ orts. are now available. On the whole, this survey shows impro- beginning in September 2010. More information on vements, in many cases rather signi - This unique Executive Master’s programme cant, both regarding the outlook for the blends Sciences Po’s understanding of inter- press/2010/04/20100413_nso_e.html national relations and geopolitics with IFP Japanese economy and the performance School’s expertise in the technical and eco- of the surveyed companies, compared to nomic issues facing the energy industry. It is Czech-Japan Technology Days the previous survey (Autumn 2009). a partnership dedicated to train experienced CzechInvest and the Ministry of Foreign professionals who need a global and strate- A£ airs of the Czech Republic, together For the full report, click on: http://www. gic understanding of the energy sector. with the Japan External Trade Organiza- Organised in 5 modules of 8 days each, tion (JETRO), Technical University in Prague spread over the year, this programme is (CVUT), Association for Foreign Investment The next survey will be conducted in compatible with full-time employment. (AFI) and other organisations on both the October 2010. The results from that sur- Tomorrow’s top managers will need a Japanese and Czech sides organised in vey will be published in early November clear strategic vision of the energy sector May 2010 the 5th meeting of Czech and Ja- 2010. to direct their companies through the 21st panese companies, researchers and policy century energy transition. Proactive orga- makers, this time in Tokyo. More information on nisations are investing in high potential ta- The events have been held since 2005 in Tokyo and Prague. This time a Czech dele- IN BRIEF EU„JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 9

Japan Market Expansion French-Japanese conference Annual meeting of French- Competition 11-13 May 2010 / City of Kanazawa, speaking scientists in Japan JFR’10 Ishikawa, Japan Are you looking for a way to enhance your 27 November 2010, Tokyo business skills, learn more about business Aside from the conference “Week of the “ScienceScope”, the association of French- in Japan and expand your professional French Arts”, presentation to the public speaking researchers and students in Japan, network? The Japan Market Expansion of French culture in all its charm and the Maison Franco-Japonaise (MFJ), will Competition (JMEC) o£ ers you all of that After the 1st French-Japanese Conference organise the 28th «Rencontre Scienti que and the chance to win fabulous prizes. on Decentralised Cooperation in October Francophone de Tokyo (RSFT)», a sympo- 2008 in Nancy, the 2nd Conference was sium where researchers will present their A non-pro t organisation set up in 1993 by held in May 2010 in sister city Kanazawa. work. the Australian and New Zealand Chamber 44 local governments involved in a sister The purpose of this annual gathering of of Commerce in Japan, and now suppor- or friendship city relationship between French-speaking researchers and scientists ted by 13 foreign chambers of commerce, Japan and France gathered and exchan- working in Japan, in whatever discipline and JMEC matches teams of mid-career pro- ged ideas on the overall theme of “Local of whatever nationality, is to promote and fessionals to the strategic aims of foreign Governance and Sustainable Develop- provide an opportunity for French speakers companies doing business in Japan. ment”. During sessions on the topics of (researchers, students, engineers, institution “economy”, “environment”, “society” and and company representatives, or people The objectives of JMEC are twofold:  rst, “culture”, the participants identi ed com- simply interested in the subject) to meet. to provide business training for indivi- mon problems and discussed ways of Beginning with a plenary session chaired duals living and working in Japan, and cooperating, thereby deepening the par- by a leading  gure from innovative French second, to foster the expansion of foreign tnerships between local governments in research, the day will continue with presen- business in Japan. JMEC achieves these both countries. tations by invited researchers working in objectives by providing a comprehensive On this occasion Kanazawa organised Japan, as well as two Poster sessions selec- lecture series for individuals (participants) a “Week of the French Arts”, including a ted by the organising committee. On this on doing business in Japan and writing joint exhibition between the 21st Century occasion it will be possible for researchers to a business plan, and then putting them Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa present their research carried out in a labo- onto teams to write business plans for and the Musée du Louvre. From 29 April ratory located in Japan, but also to discover companies (project clients) looking to en- till 31 August one can see the exhibition or exchange views on the world of public ter or expand into the Japanese market. «Jan Fabre x Katsura Funakoshi: Alterna- and private research in France and in Japan. tive Humanities» in Kanazawa. This ex- More information on JMEC is able to keep costs to both indivi- hibition celebrates the establishment of duals and companies low because of the the cooperation between the new branch generous support of corporate sponsors museum of the Musée du Louvre in Lens, Romanian trade mission to Japan in the local business community. The cost which will open in 2013, and the 21st Cen- The Cluj Chamber of Commerce & Industry for individuals to take part in the training tury Museum. from Romania organised a successful trade is Yen 100,000, and for companies to re- This event was organised by: mission in Japan between 13-23 May 2010. ceive a quality business plan the cost is The Promotion Committee of the 2nd During their stay in Japan the Romanian bu- Yen 990,000. French-Japanese Conference on Decen- sinessmen delegation was welcomed at the tralised Cooperation. Tokyo Chamber of Commerce & Industry The annual programme begins in autumn Committee Chairman: the Mayor of Ka- for bilateral talks with their Japanese coun- with a series of business lectures, followed nazawa. terparts. Meetings focused on revealing by several months of project work in Members of the Committee: Kanazawa Japan’s key economic trends and the most teams. The  nal results of the competition City and all other related governments, recent issues which the Tokyo Chamber is are announced and prizes awarded the CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for In- facing in its e£ orts to actively support the following June, but the knowledge gai- ternational Relations), Japanese Ministry business environment. ned during the programme may be the of Internal A£ airs & Communications, The Romanian Embassy in Japan and the biggest reward for the participants. Ministry of Foreign A£ airs of Japan, Asso- Japanese-Romanian Business Association ciation of Japanese Mayors, Association of in Tokyo also organised individual business The 17th JMEC training programme Japanese Local Governments, Embassy of meetings for the Romanian companies, in will commence in November 2010. The France in Japan order to help them  nd possible partners deadline for participants to apply is 22 Oc- in their e£ ort to be better represented in tober 2010. For interested project clients, Source : International Exchange Section - this particular market. During the meetings the application deadline is 19 November Kanazawa City Hall the Japanese side expressed interest in im- 2010. porting cosmetic products and porcelain More information on from Romania. The Romanian side was very More information on pleased with the trade o£ ers of medical and parapharmaceutical products their Ja- jp/index_e.html panese counterparts had presented. Source: Elisabeta Dumitrescu - Director of Foreign Relations Department of the Cluj Chamber of Commerce & Industry CALENDAR EU„JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 10


SEMINAR EU-Japan Centre and UK Embassy in Japan 30 June 2010 EU renewable energy policy and recent developments: Yokohama, Japan Introduction of policy & research initiatives by EU Member States rum_seminar.html

IG 2 - Asia Task Force 8 - 9 July 2010 SEMINAR London - Manchester, UK Doing Business in Asia: Meet the Experts

EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation 14 July 2010 SEMINAR Yokohama, Japan European Initiative for promoting Smart Cities & Regions For more information on Clean Energy & Smart Grid Fair:

Autumn 2010 SEMINAR EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Webpage: coming soon, please contact the Brussels, Belgium The Role of Japan in Broader Asia (tbc) Centre for more information

Autumn 2010 SEMINAR EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Webpage: coming soon, please contact the Brussels, Belgium Sustainable Innovation (tbc) Centre for more information

Autumn 2010 SEMINAR EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Webpage: coming soon, please contact the Brussels, Belgium Management of Technology (tbc) Centre for more information

EUROPEAN COMMISSION¤FUNDED PROGRAMME 21 - 25 February 2011 EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Training Mission in Japan Tokyo, Japan ning/distribution-and-business-practices.html Application deadline: 9 December 2010

EUROPEAN COMMISSION¤FUNDED PROGRAMME 16 May - 10/17 June 2011 EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Training Mission in Japan Tokyo, Japan ning/human-resources-training-programme.html Application deadline: 17 February 2011

Any EU-Japan-related News?

Feel free to contact us if you would like your EU-Japan-related news/event to be announced in our forthcoming newsletter and/or on our website : [email protected]

HEAD OFFICE IN JAPAN OFFICE IN THE EU Round-Cross Ichibancho 4F Rue Marie de Bourgogne 52 13-3 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Tokyo 102-0082, Japan T +32 2 282 00 40 T +81 3 3221 6161 F +32 2 282 00 45 F +81 3 3221 6226 o¢ [email protected] [email protected]

The European O ce of the EU-Japan Centre alone is responsible for the information contained in its communications or publications. Neither the European Commission nor the Government of Japan is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Editor: J. Michelson