EUJAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 1 Left-side photo: Martin Tschinkl with his trainee, Masaki Ito Right-side photot: Rok Sabjan with his trainee, Takashi Nakamoto HOST A TRAINEE - a valuable addition to the R&D workforce HOST COMPANY TESTIMONIALS As a high-tech company we often deal with Japanese coun- Host company since 2007, Cosylab participated in the Vulca- terparts. nus programme for the rst time in 2009/10. The results have In 2009 we took part in the Vulcanus programme for the exceeded our expectations. Our trainee proved to be a very second time. talented young man and integrated into our company as an The student worked in the eld of Micro Lithography and was employee. assigned to several technical projects to improve the quality and costs of the production processes. We were able to include him in our customer-related enginee- We will de nitely apply again as a host company, and I can ring projects, where he provided valuable contributions. On strongly recommend participating in this programme once a the basis of the results we have decided to continue our parti- detailed job and skill pro le are available. cipation in the Vulcanus programme also for the next session. Mr Martin Tschinkl Mr Rok Sabjan AMTC Advanced Mask Technology Center (Germany) Cosylab (Slovenia) - Host Company in 2009 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS For EU-based potential host companies: 8-month internship in the EU is a joint venture co- nanced by the European The Centre is currently inviting applications from EU companies to host Commission and the Japanese Ministry of Japanese trainees for 8 months (August 2011-March 2012). Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Its aim The trainees come from leading Japanese universities and are students in is to foster the development of industrial engineering or other scienti c/high-tech elds. cooperation between companies from both regions through training programmes for They will be able to communicate in the EU host company’s local language. businesspeople, for EU and Japanese students EU host company’s bene ts: a valuable addition to the R&D workforce and researchers, and through information and an insight into the Japanese culture, extremely useful for successful services and an industrial dialogue. business with Japan. - Application deadline: Thursday, 30 September 2010 This occasional newsletter is produced by the EU-based o ce of the EU-Japan Centre, and http://www.eu-japan.eu/global/ is primarily intended to provide EU/Japan- related news. host-a-trainee.html FROM CENTRE EUJAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 2 The EU-Japan Business Round Table met in Tokyo on 19 & 20 April 2010 The 2010 Business Round Table re- are met, in order to promote an am- commended that, if they conclude bitious expansion of trade and invest- that su¢ cient progress has been ment between the EU and Japan. made towards e£ ective solution and implementation of speci c non-tari£ The business leaders also recogni- issues identi ed by Summit leaders last sed the importance of reinforcing year, the EU and Japanese Authorities their cooperation to address these Seminar on Business should discuss with all stakeholders challenges which could result in harm- Reporting for Sustainability whether a binding trade and invest- ful supply shortages. ment agreement would be able to de- They urged the EU and Japanese Au- REPORT RELEASED liver where current dialogues have not. thorities to promote cooperation in On 26 May 2010 the EU-Japan Centre for industrial research and development, Industrial Cooperation and the World as well as joint programmes enhancing Intellectual Capital Initiative (WICI), with EU-Japan cooperation in next-genera- the support of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry and the Euro- tion technologies. pean Commission (DG Enterprise & Indus- On 28 April 2010, during the 19th EU-Ja- try), as well as of JETRO Brussels, the Bu- pan Summit, the agreed set of the BRT siness Council in Europe (JBCE) and JMC Recommendations was handed over Brussels, organised a full-day seminar on to the then Prime Minister Hatoyama, Business Reporting for Sustainability, President Van Rompuy and President with the participation of Ambassador Barroso in Tokyo. Naoto Nikai (Japanese Mission to the EU) and Viscount Etienne Davignon (Pre- More speci cally, the BRT recom- http://www.eu-japan-brt.eu/index. sident, CSR Europe), and speakers from HORIBA, Ltd., Novo Nordisk A/S, Accoun- mended that both authorities start php?content=recommendations-han- ting for Sustainability and the European negotiations on a balanced and mu- dover Federation of Financial Analysts Societies tually bene cial bilateral agreement, (EFFAS), the European Parliament, e-Par- as soon as the EU and Japanese Autho- http://www.eu-japan-brt.eu/index. cel Corp., Sakigake Semiconductor Co., rities agree that the right conditions php?content=round-table Ltd., Wissenskapital GmbH and Doshisha University. In the context of the global nancial cri- sis people have realised the importance Seminar: Environmental Quality Control of sustainable capabilities of compa- REPORT RELEASED in the OECD countries. As a conse- nies, which cannot easily be recognised On 8 June 2010 the EU-Japan Centre quence, it is also gradually understood through nancial reporting. Hence the for Industrial Cooperation, with the that greenhouse gas emission is only need to establish a new mechanism of support of the European Commission one part of a broader environmental business reporting which enables the (DG Environment), organised a full- situation that we have to tackle now, evaluation of the exact value of a com- day seminar on Environmental Qua- in order to avoid severe consequences. pany, covering not only nancial but also non- nancial information, including ESG/ lity Control, with speakers from Eurasia In the longer term those consequences CSR, in which society has a great interest. Environmental Technologies, the Com- impact our daily lives, in particular Based on experiences of European and mission and the European Green Party. health and food supply. Japanese companies, regardless of their In the context of climate change, the Starting with an overview of how Eu- size, to communicate with stakeholders, need to approach the phenomenon rope and Japan are currently deve- the seminar debated the need for a fra- through international coordination is loping regulatory pressures, the semi- mework for business reporting for sustai- nowadays broadly accepted, at least nar focused on how corporations may nability, focusing on non- nancial infor- enjoy growth opportunities arising mation relating to a company’s business from a series of new constraints rela- strategy, its own value creation mecha- nism and its economic performance, ra- ted to environmental issues in order to ther than asking companies for as much create and develop a solid socio-eco- information as possible from a purely so- nomic added value for the longer term. cial point of view. Full report available online Full report available online http://www.eu-japan.eu/global/ http://www.eu-japan.eu/global/ events/seminar-eqc-8june2010. events/symposium-sustainability- html?year=2010 26may2010.html?year=2010 FROM CENTRE EUJAPAN NEWS JUNE 2010 I 2 VOL 8 I PAGE 3 Seminar for the promotion of EU-Japan S&T partnerships On 14 April 2010 the EU-Japan Centre Keynote speeches were given by three high-pro le for Industrial Cooperation organised a speakers: seminar for the promotion of EU-Japan S&T partnerships on the occasion of the • Mr. Shin-ichiro Izumi, Director General, Sciences o¢ cial launch of the J-BILAT project co- & Technology Policy Bureau at the Ministry of funded by the European Commission and Education, Culture, Sports, Sciences & Technology run by the Centre. (MEXT) on the “Promotion of Science and Techno- The seminar was very well attended by logy and Japanese S&T policy”, approximately 200 participants from organisations of various sectors from across Japan. It was followed by a networking cocktail that gave the • Ms Mary Minch, Director for International Coope- opportunity for numerous discussions and exchanges of information. ration at DG Research on the “International Dimen- sion of the EU 7th Framework Programme”, EU 2020 STRATEGY • Mr. Hiroshi Yamagata, Director, International Af- The “EU 2020 Strategy” focuses on the importance of the knowledge fairs O¢ ce at the Ministry of Economy, Trade & In- triangle (research, education, innovation) for future competitiveness dustry (METI) on “METI’s Innovation Policy”. and prosperity, whilst Japanese governmental policy aims at buil- ding synergies between universities, research organisations and the Ms Barbara Rhode, Head of Sciences & Technology private sector to obtain better results in the innovation eld. In this Section at the Delegation of the EU to Japan, pre- context, both regions are elaborating strategies in order to develop sented an “Overview of the potential and outlook international cooperation. However, although there are a signi cant for EU-Japan joint research projects”. number of cooperative projects being implemented between EU Member States and Japan, cooperation between the EU and Japan is Various cases on current EU-Japan collaborative far from having reached its full potential. research projects and future perspectives were then outlined by Japanese funding agencies of MEXT and METI – respectively Japan Science & Technology Agency (JST) and New Energy & Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) – and by two major research organisations – National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sciences & Technology (AIST) and RIKEN. On the European side, Mr. Yves Maisonny, Administrator at DG Re- search, in charge of the J-BILAT programme, explained “How to par- ticipate in the EU 7th Framework Programme”, whilst Mr. Georges Bingen, Head of Unit “People Programme”, Marie Curie Actions at DG The EU-Japan S&T Agreement signed at the end of November 2009 Education & Culture spoke about “The People Programme – Mobility should result in additional momentum for EU-Japan R&D coopera- Actions”.
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