019513 Introduction

ova Scotia is one of Canada's most eastern provinces, located along the edge of North America wiwithinthin 80 km of the Northeastern United StatesStates.. Linked to the mainland by a narrownarrow neck of land, the Province extends as an arm into the AAtlantlantic, surrounded by 7400 km of pictupicturesqueresque ocean shoreline. Inland over 10 000 lakes dot a diverse landscape whiich ranges from the fertile bottom lands of the to the rugged uplands of . The Province sstraddlestraddles the 4545thth parallel, also making it Canada's most southern province. TheThe temperate climate found Cover:Cover: Lafarge Canada Incorporated'sIncorporated·s here is stronglly influenced by quarryquaff)' and cement plant at Brookfield.Brookfield. the proximity of marine Top: Peggys CoveCove.. Mi~dMi~dle:l e: HalifaxHalifaK waters and ocean breezes. waterfront.watemont. Bottom: Bluenose II. There are over 900 000 inhabitants of the Province, making the largestlargest population base in Atllantic Canada. From it s AtlaAtlanticntic CanadaCanada.. Its location European roots almost fourour adjacent toto tthe mamainin centuriescenturies ago, the culture of shipping lanes between the Province has been Europe and the North·North-­ deeplly steeped in a eastern United States seafaringseafaring tradtradiition. PerhapsPerilaps makes it a prominent port in the most well known the international shipping example of tthishis is the sailing industry. Halifax's location schooner, BluenoseBluenose.. also makes it tthehe eastern intemationallyintemationally renowned foror entrance for distdistrriibutbutionion to its racing success in the the rest of Canada. early part of ththisis Century.Century. The climate, the culture The centre of activity for and thethe beauty of the Nova Scotia is the capcapita!ital Province make Nova Scotia city of Halifax. Situated by a not only anan intterestting place I world class,class. deep water port.port, ttoo visvisit.it. but an exceptional HalifaHalifaxx is the commercial place to livelive.. Nova Scotia and transportation hub of possesses a richness achieved through herheritageitage and diversity. <)0

019514 Industrinl Minerals

ndustrial minerals include all non­ metallic, nonfuel minerals and rocks of economic value. They can be either low cost.cost, bulk commodities produced and used in large volumes or low volume, high value, processed materials used to enhance the physical and Q)emicalQlemical properties of products. From thethe flints and dyes of early man to the acid neutralizing limestones of today,today. industrial minerals have played an Importantimportant rorolele in our social and economic development. Each day of our lives we are surrounded by Industrialindustrial minerals, materials which have become an integral part of our modernmodem lifestyle. Thousands of products have Inindustrialdustrial minerals as their main component or a necessary ingredient of their manufacture. TThheyey are essential in the production of the food we eat (potash and phosphate in fertilizers); the homes we livelive Inin (gypsum in wallboard;wallboard: aggregate and limestone in concrete;concrete; clayclay inin bricks);bricks): the containers we eat and drink from (silica in glass:glass; clay in ceramics) and the highways we travel on (aggregate for asphalt.asphalt, concrete and road base). dioxide and limestone in cleanup; zeolites and soda ~ high performance They are also commonly paint). Industrial minerals ash in the replacement of products such as semicon.semicon­ found in products where theirtheir are playing an increasingly phosphates in detergents). ductors.ductors, automotive presence is less importimportantant role inin Finally,Finally. industrialindustrial mineralmineralss componentscomponents and conspicuous (limestone in environmental protection are positioned to playa opto-electronics. <> toothpaste;toothpaste: kaolin clay and (lim(limestoneestone for controlling significant rroleole Inin our soda ash in paper: titanium acidity in lakes and technology driven future. scrubbing flue gases: perlite An example is advanced and peat moss inin oil spill ceramics, key ingredientsingredients for

019515 Geology

he geology of No," Province,Province, dating back toto thethe BByy approximately 290 millionm illion has largelylargely been obscureobscuredd by Scotia lieslies within the Precambrian. They comprisecomprise years befobeforere present the erosion and deposition Appalachian Mountain a variety of metamorphic Teerranesrranes had weweldedlded associatedassociated with episodic chain of Eastern North rocks including gneisses, together into their present glacial movement over Nova America. The highly schists.schists, quartzites, marbles position. From PrecambrianPrecambrian Scotia during the last complexcomple)( assemblage and metavolcanicsmetavolcanics.. TileThe to Carboniferous, periodic 100 000 years. However.However, Iof rocks found here ranges in oldest rocksrocks of the Meguma episodes of mountain sedimentation oveoverr the age from Middle Terrane are Cambrian to buildingding resuresulltedted inin the Province continuedcontinued at least Precambrian to Cretaceous,Cretaceous. SiluSilurianrian inin age, consisting of emplacement of several iintonto thethe Cretaceous, as with the oldesoldestt being slates, greywackes, stages ofof graniticgranitic intrusivesintrusives evidenced by the rare approximately 1.4 billion quartzites and into both Terranes. occurrences of Jurassic years. metavolCanics.metavolcanics. Four hundred From 290 to 141400 million sedimentary rock and The ProvincePf'O\Iince can be million years ago the two years ago, Nova Scotia was unconsolidateduncOfisolidated Cretaceous divided into two distinct Terranes slid towardtoward one caughtcaught withinwithin a sedisediments.ments. TheThe completion geological zones or terranesterranes another during severalseveral susupprraconacontintinentent which of the geological record is a separated by a major fault stages of plate collisioncollision.. subsequently broke apart to thick blanket complex running east-west During thethe "docking""dOCking" of the produce ouourr present day from Canso, GuysbOroughGuysborough Meguma Terrane adjacent to Atlantic Ocean. The CountyCounty,, to Truro.Truro, Colchester tilethe Avalon TTerrane,errane, a series geological record fromfrom CountyCounty.. The Cobequid­ of interconnectedinterconnected the openingopening of the Chedabucto Fault Zone sedimentary basinsbaSins AttanticAtlantic to the separates the Avalon developed. The eroded present Terrane to the north from the remnants of thethe basins are Meguma Terrane to the generally seen todaytoday as south.south. PrPriorior to Devonian lowland pockets of timestimes the Terranes were unmetamorphosed separated by several Devonian, Carboniferous and hundred kilometres, Triassic sedimentary rocks. developing distinctdistinctlyly different geOlogicalgeological signatures. TThehe erosion resistant uplands of the Avalon Terrane contain the oldest rocks in the



o, 40 ,km

019516 of Pleistocene glacial drift, time have favoured the modified by the modem production of a variety of fluvial and marine processes industriaindustriall mineral deposits. of the last 12 000 years, Increasing knowledge andand and covering most of the understanding of these Province's bedrock. processes should pmvideprovide This diversity of geology the necessary framework.framework has played an important role for the continued in making industrial mineral success of industrial mining a success inin Nova mineral produproductionction Scotia. From the arid in the Province evaporitic babasinssins of the in the future.future. Carboniferous to the o disintegration of the glacial ice sheetssheets of the Pleistocene.Pleistocene, geological processes through


019517 A Thriving Industry

Historic Perspective ova Scotia has a rich history in industrial mineral production spanningspanning a period of over 200 years. From the earliest extraction of aggregate for local road construction the industry has developed into a supplier of numerous industrial mineral commodities for local, interprovincial and international markets. Gypsum quarrying has become synonymous with mining in the Province.Province, representing over 200 years of uninterrupted production dating back to the first exports of gypsum in 1759.1759. Salt was first produced in the ProvinceProvince in 1813 with the first underground salt mine in Canada being opened at Malagash in 1919.1919. The quarrying of sandstone and granite for dimension stone dates back to the mid 1700s.17005. By the mid 18005 Nova Scotia had become a major exporter of stone with as many as 75 quarries in production. Secondary processing of Present industria!industrial minerals has also Today, 18 industrial mmineralineral played an historic role in the producers operate 29 sites shaping of OUfour industry. A in Nova Scotia to produce gypsum plaster mill at gypsum, silica sand, building Windsor has been in stone, limestone, barite, operation for over a century. anhydrite, clay, shale and Clay bricks have been peat moss. In addition, over manufactured in Nova 75 aggregate producers Scotia forfor more than two process mineral aggregate at centuries. l. E. Shaw numerous pits and quarries Limited, a major throughoutthroughout the Province. TheThe manufacturer of a variety of total value of industrial industrial mineral products, mineral production (including .. has been in operation for secondary products) in 1990 130 years. was over $247 million or

019518 Top Far Left: Control panepanel at Lafarge Canada lneorporated's cement plant. Bottom FFarar Left: The Strait of CansoCanso pwyldesprovides IcIcee free shipping for louisianlouisiana­a­ Pacific Canada Umlted's gypsum fiber board IMantplant. Above:Ye: Slfto Canada Incorporatedlneorponrted's HappanNappan plant. Left: Precast ­- prestressed concrete proctuetsproducts, Stresc:onStrescon Umlted., BedfontBedford.,

people. A depedependablendable and skilledskilled wworkork force,force. so chemical. fishing,fishing. agricultur- recently a secondary essential in our global aal.!, food and paper indus-indus- processing facility at Point market, has been tries. Sifto Salt Incorporated TupperTupper,, Richmond County,County. instrumental in achieving a 49.49.3%3% of Nova ScotiaScotia's totaltotal has recently installed an (near Port HawkesburyHawkesbury., worldwork! classclass competitiveness. value of mineral productproduction.on. ultramodem evaporating Invemess County) has beebeenn TheThe industl)'industry has also Over 1860 people are system at its facility Inin established to produce an eenjoyednjoyed the support and employed directly in Nappan, CumberlaCumberlandnd County. advanced line of gypsum eexpexperience of severalseveral industrialindustrial mineral production, This computerized based wallboard. governmentgovemment agencies and the impact of which is felt production method, the first the numerousnumerous excellentexcellent Province wide. of its kind in North America, A Bright FltlltrFuturee rreseaesearchrch facililitiesities which are The gypsum industry is produces salt at 99.9% Nova Scotia has a long found here. The people and one of the strongest perform- purity. At Aulds Cove,Cove, history and proven track the GovernmentGovemment of Nova ers inin the ProvinProvincece's's miiningning Guysborough County.County, a record inin industrial mmineralineral Scotia are committed to the industry.industl)', producingproducing 6 Mt state-ofstate-of-the-art-the-art marinemarine Quanyquarry mining and manufacturing. continued growth and annually. The largest gypsum produces and exports high ThThisis isis largely a reflection of developmentdevelopment of industrial Quanyquarry inin the worldwor1d is located Qualityquality aggregate to Eastem thethe diverse and favourable mineral production in our at East Milford, Hants Canada and points south geology of the Province Province.Province, ensuring a long County. Salt production tops along the Eastern Seaboard coupled with the strong and pprosperousrosperous futurefuture for 1 Mt annually, servicing the of the UUnitednited States.States, Most entrepreneurialentrepreneurial spirit of its this vivitaltal iindustry.ndustry. 0<>

019519 Accessing World Markets

ova Scotia has an efficient network of Osea, rail, road and air links between industrial mineral producers and Imarkets aaroundround thethe world. TThhee Province has a number of excellent. year.round ports.ports, includingincluding Halifax, Port HHawkesbury.awkesbury, Sydney and Yarmouth. Halifax.Halifax, the Provincial capital, has a deep water harbour with two container terminals and is Canada's 5eCoodsecond largest container port. The biggest ships in the world can be loaded at Port Hawkesbury on thethe forfor destinations in the United States,States. Europe and the Orient. Several other ports handle ferries capable of transportingtransporting large trucks to neighbouring provinces and the United States. Nova Scotia's geographic positionpoSition decreases the travel time to Western Europe by up to a full day's sail compared to other ports inin North America. Rail lines connect the region with the major rail centrescentres of Montreal, TTorontooronto and the United States. Nova Scotia has a fine network of all weatherweather., high speed highways which connect with the rest of Canada and the United StatesStates., 0<)

019520 Inset left:Left: Ceresco", Incorporated'sIncorporated's container tenninal,tennirull, Halifax.

QUarryquarry, bound for port of01 Halifax. Top: Bulk cargo transfertransfer,, Strait of01 Canso.Canso.

NoyaNova Scotia Sand and GravelGrayel, Shubenac::adleShubenacadie plant.

019521 Building Stone

uilding stone refers toto stone industry has potential stone used in building for expansion due to thethe construction. The use increasingincreasing need for stone can be structural or used in restoration and new decorative. Although constructionconstruction.. With an any typetype of stone may abundance of hhighigh quality be used.used, the more frequently stone and trainedtrained masons, utilized stones for this Nova Scotia·sScotia's building stone purpose includeinclude sandstone, industry is experiencing a granite and marble. TThehe revival. <> Nova Scotia industry dates back to the 18th Century.CentUf)'. In thosethOse times locallOcal stone was used to construct some of the first buildings in the area. Local sandstone and granite have been widely used in the constructioo of private and government buildings in the ProvinceProvince.. Nova Scotia sandstone has also been exported to the Eastern Seaboard of the United States and as far west as California for residential construction.constructlon. A number of granite deposits suitable forfor building stone p!"oductionproduction exist inin the Province with the largest being at TTerenceerence Bay, Halifax County.County. The most northern section ofofT Terenceerence Bay is considered to be the best site for building stone, and test drilling has outlinedoutlined a Top: RestoredRestored sandstone total of 220 000 m3 to a monument, Halifax. depth of 14 m. Major MiddMiddlele:: Restotoredred Art Galllleryery deposits of sandstone occur of Novovaa ScotI5<:otlaa,. Halifax. at Wallace and AmherstAmherst,, BottBottomom:: Restoration 0of1 North Cumber1andCumberland County, and AmeriAmerk:ca'sa's tallesttallest granite Eight Mile Brook and spirpire,e, St. Mary'.ary's BaBassilica, Hardwood Hill, HalifaxHalifax.. County.County, A variety of colours are available,available, from grey to red, including olive and buffbuff,, and many tens of thousands of tonnes are available for development. TheThe building

019522 Barite

~ ost barite is used in NysNystone',one', UpperUpper BrookfleklBrookflekl drilling fluids for oil baritbaritee quarry._ l and gas exploration.exploration. The remainderremainder is used inin the manufacture of worth approxapproximatelyimately barium chemicals, $1 million and employed Iglass and as a pigment, filler 16 people. or extender. One companycompany in There areare numerousnumerous Nova Scotia.Scotia, E-Z-EM Canada occurrences and deposits Incorporated,Incorporated. Nystone of barite.barite, and assocassociatediated Division.Division, quarries and fluoritef1uOfite and celestite,, inin processes barite into USP Nova ScotiaScotia.. The two gradegrade baribariumum sulphate. Their deposits with tthehe greatest Quarryquany at Brookfield, potential for barite and ,County. operates fluorite are on Cape Breton on an intermintermittentittent basbasisis to Island.Island. The Conwest provide oorere for a deposit at Trout River, manufacturing plant located InvernessInverness County, contains at Debert, ColchesterColchester 5 Mt of 34% barite and 17% County. In 1989.1989, EE-Z-EM-Z-EM fluoritefluorite and the Scotsville Canada inCoinCorporated. deposit at ScotsvilleScotsville, Nystone DDiviivisionsion produced InvernessInverness CountyCounty,, has 782 t of high puritypurity barite 95 000 tt of 60% barite.barite. 0<>

019523 AggregateAggregate

Ineral!neral aggregate are structural materials fundamental toto thethe infrastructure of Nova Scotia. Comprised of sand, gravel, crushed stone and slag.slag, these materials are utilized in most aspects of construction. They are used alone forfor applications such as base coarses, railroad ballast, erosion contrOlcontrol and graded fill or with a bindertobinder to produce Portland cement concrete. asphalt and mortar. Annual production Eastern Seaboard and Gulf (1990) in the Province was Coast regions of the United greater than 14 Mt with a States. product value (FOB plantplant The primary sources of site) of $62 million. TThehe aggregate in Nova Scotia are majority of these materials the sand and gravel are consumed within the extracted from glacial Province, the largest mmarketarket deposits. CrushedCrushed stone being Halifax,Halifax. where more from bedrock quarries isis the than 3 Mt are used annually. major alternative to these Three companies ship granugranularlar materials. TheThe materials outside the production of quarried stone Province with one company has grown from 30% of the exporting more thanthan 1 Mt to total production in 1981 toto destinations along the 45% today. The shift towardtoward

bedrock materialsmatenals largely remainsremains a minor component reflects the depletion of of aggregate production in granular deposits over thethe the Province. last half Century. SlagSlag,, a The geology of Nova byproduct of the steelmaking Scotia offers excellent industry at Sydney. Cape potential for the production Breton County,County. has made a of quality aggregate recent entrance into the materials. Several areas aggregate market,mar1let, however it contain extensive bedrock

019524 I deposits of quartzite. granite surficsurfICialial geology of thethe CklekwtseaockwIse From Bottom Left: Industrial sand 1 and trap rock (basalt),(basalt), all continental shelf contains production., G. K. Keddy. CoIdbrooMCoidbrooM;; Aggregate durable rock types capable extensive deposdepositsits ofof sandsand from slag,slag. HeckHeeke«e" Canada, SydneSydney; RockyRoc:ky Lake • of producing the best and gravel which formed by Quarry., 8ectfordBedford; P1ItentialPotential greywacke aggregate aggregate. Some of the marine reworkingrewor1ling of glacialglacial site, Sheet Harbour; Exportupon aggregate site, deposits are in proximity ttoo driftdrift.. Th is uuntappedntapped rresourceesource ConstructlonConstruction Aggregates Umlted,, Aulds CoveCove.. tidewatidewater,ter. opening the offers good potentialpotential foror anan possibpossibiliility of new mamaririnene offsoffshhorore ssaannd andnd gravel quarry opportunities. The indindustryustry iinn the ffuuture.ture. ¢0

019525 Silica

ilican,iliean, the most AboveAbove:: ShubenaeadleShubenac:adle silicailica sand abundant element on operation.operatiDII. Right: Sand the earth's surface, processing flow diagram. occurs Inin many

mineral forms. As to 99.6%99.6% 5i0Si02 exist in these silica (Si02), in sand deposits. A largelarge tonnage of and lump form, it is used in 99.7% Si0$i02 rock occurs on the manufacture of glass, tidewater at ChegoggChegogginin PoinPointt,, glass containers. fibreglas . Nova insulation,insulat ion, refractories, Scotia Sand and GGravelravel atat sandpaper, smelter flux and ShubenacadShubenacadie,ie, Hants as a sand blasting agent. County, is OUfour oonlynly Silicasilica Nova Scotia has silica sand sand producer shipping most deposits of Cretaceous age of its prOductionproduction to a glass in Hants,Hants. Halifax and containercontainer manufacturer in Inverness Counties.Counties. Studies New Brunswick and to thethe indicate that reserves of sand blasting industry in several million tannes of up Atlantic Canada. 0

019526 Peat Moss

eat moss.moss, formed by United States,States, JJapan,apan, the partial Iceland, BennudaBerrnuda and the decomposition of Middle East. Annual plant matter, is in production by Annapolis worldworld-wide-wide demand. Valley Peat Moss Company At present,present. peat isis Limitedlimited isis 200 000 bales. used as a soil conditioner, in With several undeveloped potting soils, and toto add deposits,deposits. Nova Scotia can organicorganic matter to depleteddepleted nonott only maimaintainntain its current soils. Peat is also used in productionproduction rate for many industry as an oil absorbent, yeayears.rs. but can also provide as a binder in the production the opportunity for much of iron pellets, and as a greater production. At the filtration agent. Other uses present time work isis includeinclude the production of underway to bring additionaladditional chemical products,products, activatedactivated deposits iintonto production inin ccarbonarbon and medicalmedical the near Mure.future. ()<> productsproducts.. Nova ScotiaScotia peat mossmoss isis exported to the

NovaNova ScoScoliatia Peeatat MoMossss RReserveserveess

RREGIONEGION POTENTIALPOTEHTIAl RESERESERVESRVES "'"1M' MIWONMIWON mm3l MMIWOHIW OH BAlES I SouSouthwesternthwestem 45504'''''550 5757 172 CCentralentral 1350 37 111100 NorthernNorthern 11500500 21 63 EEasternastem 665050 14 41 CCapeape BrBretoneton IslandIsland 400400 8 2323 Totals 8450 137 TTopop: Grow.Jn-bags.G ro w ~ n-bags. MiddleMiddle:: Baled peat moss. Above: Annapolis Valleeyy 137 409 PPeateat MossMOil CompanyCompany Umltlimited,ed. BelWlck.Berwick.

019527 Limestone and Dolomite

imestone and required limestone either filler, and in dusting coal from coal fired power plants. dolomite are essential directly or indirectly in its mines; and crushed stone in Increased use is forecast in for modem living manufacture. Traditionally, cement plants, and quick the filler and extender , forming the backbone limestone and dolomite are and hydrated lime markets, especially inin the oftoday'sof today's used as chemically applications. Emerging uses form of precipitated cacalciumlcium construction, processed stone in pulp of limestone and dolomite calbonate.carbonate. chemical and manufacturing mills and glass plants, and are Inin the environmental field There are many industries. Nearly every as smelter flux; pulverized as an acid neutralizer and documendocumentedted occurrences product made today has stone as aglime and asphalt sulphur emission controller and deposits ooff limestone

019528 and dolomittee inin NovNovaa Scotia.Scotia, Producing depodepositssits are located at BrookfieBrookfield.d, Colchester CountyCounty,, wherewhere Lafarge Canada IncorporatIncorporated has the capabilitycapability of pproducingroducing 450450 000 t ooff cementmen t from thithiss unique,unique, nnaaturallyturally occurrinurring cement

rock which requires no for pulp mills, and as Left: Cement kill'llkilns,, additional additives to smeltesmelterr fluxflux., A high calciiumum LafargeLafafge Canada manufacture NormaNormall Portland limestone deposit is Incorporated. cement. Aglime hhasas been presently being developed at Top: CFB Power plantplant, produced for many years Glen Morrison, Cape Breton PointPoi nt Aeon!Acon{. from deposits at Upper County, to supply limestonelimestone Above: Ume kiln. Musquodoboit, Halifax toto the coal fired, circulating Scott Paper Incorponrted.Incorporated, County.County, and Kellys Cove, fluidizedfluidized bed boiler at Nova Abercrombie. Victoria County;County: deposits at Scotia Power's Point Aconi Southside Antigonish generating ststation,ation, Cape Harbour, AntigonishAntigonish County, Breton County.County, due to come and Kellys Cove supply online inin 19931993,. 0 chemically processed stone

019529 QayGay and 5hnieShn1e

13Y and shale have as well as other clay been used in the products at their manufacturing of manufacturing facility located bricks in Nova Scotia at Lantz, Hants County. They forfor over 200 years. supply markemarketsts throughout Historically,Historically, numerous Maritime Canada. 0 1brickyards were operated across the Province, however today only one,one, LL. EE,. Shaw AboAbove:ve: Lantz brickworksbrickworks, Limited.Limited, manufactures clay L. EE,. ShawShaw UmltedUmlted.. and shale products in Nova Right: Brick kilnkiln at Scotia. Originally established La""Lantz. in Avonport,Avonport, Kings County, over 125125 years ago, l. EE.. Shaw today utilizes 27 800 t of clay and 11 900 t of shale to make 17 million bricks

019530 Salt

alt (Nac(NaCIl) has been Salt Company Limited'slimited's Scotia. One deposit inin the interestinterest in developing salt producedproduced in Nova underground mine at Shubenacadie-Stewiacke5hubenacadie- caverns for underground Scotia since the early PugwaSh.PugwaSh, CumberlandCumber1and area of Hants and storage of hydrocarbons at 18005.18OOs. With over County,County. and Sifto Canada Colchester CountiesCounties is the Strait of Canso because 14000 uses inin Incorporated's solution estimated to contain of its thick salt deposits and industry, salt is the mining operationoperation at Nappan, reserves of 5.0 xx. 1010 t of proximity to the Canso most versatile of minerals.minerals. Cumberland County,County. for a 85% NaC!. The Hants­ superport. 0 The largest use at present is wide range of uses. Colchester area is attractive in the chemical industry.industry. Twenty deposits and 13 because of its proximity to Nova ScotScotiaia markets 1 Mt of occurrences of salt have proposed natural gas salt annually ffromrom Canadian been identified in Nova pipeline routes. ThereThere is

Top: PugwaShPugwash Salt Mine. Left: Control panel, Sifto Canada Incorporated.Incorporated. Above: Barge being loadedloaded with salt at PugwashPugwash wharf.wharf.

019531 Gypswn and Anhydrite

alcined gypsum (Plaster of PaParis)ris) is one of the most common buildingbu!lding materials in the world. ItIt is primarily used inin the manufacturing of wall­ board and other plaster products with additional uses for creating dental plasters, modelling casts, moulds.moulds, surgical casts and inin drilling muds. Uncaltcined gypsum and anhydrite are mainly used as set retarders for cement with other applications in agriculture to neutralize alkaline and saline soils,soils. improve the penneabil­ ity of clayey soils and to provide sulphur and calcium ionsions.. Anhydrite can also be used for back-filling or as a cementitious construction materialmaterial in the minmininging industryindustry. Gypsum and anhydrite have beenboon mined and exported from sites in Nova Scotia for over 200 yeayears.rs. The earliest reported ship. ments of gypsum date back to 1759 when cacargoesrgoes of

Top: FIber gypsum board plant,plant, Point Tupper. Above: 12 cubiccubic yard draglioedraglloe at Georgla-Paclflc CorporationCorporation's's Sugar CCampamp Quarry. Right:Right: Loadingloading fiberflber gypsgypsumum board at Halifax bound for Singapore.Singapore.

019532 "l"lanandd plasterplaster~- were sent Late in 19881988 Louisiana­ from WindsorWindsor,, Hants County, Pacific Corporation to parts of New England.England. announced that it would Today Nova Scotia is the constructconstruct a $64.5 million most productive gypsum fiber gypsum wallboard plant mining area in the world. at Point Tupper, RichmondRichmond National Gypsum (Canada) County. Construction of the Limited's East Milford plant began in early 1989 Quarry,Quarry, Halifax County,County, and it was completedcompleted in early pproducesroduces more gypsum each 1990. Full production on the yearyear than any other quarry in first of two parallel produc­ the wOrld.world. In 1990,1990. four large tion lineslines was achieved by and two small producers early 1991. The plant, quarried a total of 6.56.5 Mt of operated by 19uisiana-Pacificlouisiana-Pacific gypsum and 151 000 t of Canada limited,limited, employs anhydrite in the Province. 100100 workers and is capable These products were valued of transporting its product by at $61 million and directly ship to markets in North employed 486 people.people. The America, Europe and Asia,Asia. companiescompanies also used three Recently completed dedicated unit trains,trains, a fleet resource evaluation studies of highway trucks and indicate excellent potential numerous large ocean going for additionaladditional minable freighters to deliver gypsum reserves in the Province.Province. and anhydrite to markets ThisThis sound resource base from Mississauga, Ontario, combined with solid to Galveston,Galveston, Texas. infrastructure and stable Until recently secondary operationsoperations ensure that the processingprocessing in the ProvProvinceince Nova Scotia gypsum and was restricted to 12 000 tpa anhydrite industry wwillill of plaster producedproduced by continue to prosper,prosper. 0 Domtar Gypsum at its plant in Windsor,Windsor, HantsHants County.

Left:Left: Fundy GypsumGypsum CompanyCompan y Umited'sed's Haantsportntsport shippinhippingg tterminalerminal.,

AboAbove:ve: GGypsumypsum exposures,e~pos ure s, BBrasras d'Ord'Or Lake.La ke.

019533 SecondmySecondary Processing

byproduct of the steelsteet ::=~~::::~ ~::~:rt industry, is being used as an of industrialindustrial mineral altemativealternative aggregate production inin Nova material. Ay ash, a waste Scotia. ThroughThrough produced in coal fired innovation and electricity generation, is Iexcellence, the producers of being added to concreteconcrete to thethe Province havhavee developed stabilize reactive aggregate, an extensive line of value prolonging the life and added products which are integrity of concrete marketed around the world. products. Waste fuel iiss being Several new product lines used as an energy source in includingincluding salt products, the kilns of the Lafarge Portland cement, Canada Incorporated's pharmaceutical barite cement plant,plant. It is beneficial products and fiber gypsum both in providing a safe wallboard are manufactured method of waste disposal in the ProvinceProvince.. Research and in conserving fossil into recovery enhancement fuels.fuels, of silica sand deposits has The GovernmentsGovemments of Nova recently resulted in the use Scotia and Canada are of a magnetic separator supportive of industry's system to produce glass initiatives in product grade silica sand for export. development and marketing. Anhydrite is being tested forfor The Department of Natural its potential as a Resources encourages cementitiouscementitious construction research and development material in underground activities designed to supsupplyply mining. Research Isis currently new, competitively priced being conducted into thethe products which have been agricultural applicationapplication of developed from Nova gypsum as a fertfertilizerilizer for Scotia's industrialindustrial mineral local marketsmarkets.. resources,resources. 0<) Several Initiativesinitiatives demonstrate the industry's awareness and sensitMtysensitivity to resource conservation and thethe environment.environment. Slag, a

1 l afarge Canada Incorporated, CemenCementt product

2 Nova Scotia Sand and Gravel, Silica sand productproduct

3 Annapolis Valley Peat Moss Company limited,limited, Peat moss product

4 Mosher limestone Company limitelimited,d, Agricultural limestone product

5 Domtar Gypsum, PlasterPlaster producproductt

6 Sifto Canada Incorporated, Salt productsproducts

019534 7 The Canadian Salt Company Limited, Salt products 10 Louisiana-Pacific Canada Limited, FiberRber gypsum

8 E·ZE-Z-EM Canada Incorporated, Nystone Division, wallboard

Pharmaceutical barite products II1.1 LL. E. Shaw Limited, Clay products

9 Consumers Glass Incorporated of Scoudouc, 12 Terence Bay granite

New Brunswick, Glass products made from Nova Scotia 13 Local aggregate products

Sand and Gravel silica sand

019535 RResOluceesOluce Management

ova Scotia's industrial inin Nova Scotia, workingwof'1(ing Governments of Nova Scotia of potential industrial mineral mineral industry is not together, are dedicated to and Canada have resources. Among them is a only an important this task. implemented a series of large silica deposit of 1--'-contributorcontribut()( to the The Nova Scotia programs designed to extremely pure (>99% Si0Si~l2) Province'sProvince's economy, Department of Natural promote industrialindustrial mineral quartzite at Chegoggin Point, but also plays a Resources has been involved activities inin the Province. The YarmouthYannouth County. which isis • significant role in meeting in idenidentifyingtifying industrial result has been a thorough estimated toto contain the world's needs. To ensure mineral resources for over a evaluationevaluatioo of a number of reserves of

019536 Inset Far Left;Left: Undeveloped peat bog, eastern Nova Scotia. Far Left;Left: GranitGranitee on tidewatertidewater, Canso. Above;Above: Silica and gamet deposit, ChegogglnChegoggin Point. Left:Left; Bulk sampling limestone, Glencoe.

at Murchyville.MurCh~ille, HalifaxHalifax County.County, has been shown toto contain approximatelyapproximately 60 Mt of gypsum with an average locations in a variety of rock developed. The Government including geotechnical data grade of 87%. Large.large, high types. Peat resource studies of Nova Scotia Isis committed and staff expertise. Other quality.quality, bedrock aggregate have shown that at least 30 to maximizing the use of federafederall and provincial deposits have been deposits have good popotentialtential these resources,resOUnDeS , and is agenciesagencies are in a position to identified in several areas, for commercial peat moss strongly encouraging theitheirr provide financial assistance Includingincluding somesonle locations production. exploration and for resource development with tidewater export TheThe Province has an development. To this end, projects.prOjects. 0 potential.potential. Building stone abundance of industrial the Department of Natural opportunities have been mineral wewealth,alth, much of Resources has availableavailable a identified at seveseveralral which rreemainsmains to be broad range of assistance,

019537 1 Industrial MineralMineml Producers

AHHTDRITEAHHYDRITIt 15.16 ,. ,~, uttlUttlee N.rroN.rrow. ... G,_m Com!>,,"yCompanJ UmitUm~6rIe4., "The CanadCanadianl.on Sa5.11lt Com...,.,Com ...., limitedUmlted., PP,O.O. . • UtIle Narrows. _ Scotia BO£ I TO. So. 160. Puirwash.Pul/Wash. Nov.tkNa Scotia$<;OUa BOIlBOK Il lL0.O. F"Fu .... ~ GGrlIIumt'lIIum Com""",Company Umlted.od. P.OP.O. So>80>: IJme Narrows. Nova Scotia BOE lTO. "H.."" kettk ett Conada.Canada. DMDIvIsIoolslool of I\atscoHarse<> 400. Wil'l(lsor.Won(Isor. NOva_ Scotia BONSON 2TO.2TO Tel: (902) 7506-2081;756-2081; F."Fa" (902)(902) 7506-2493756-2493 leI:lei: (902) 243-2511: fFa.,"., (90(902)2) 2243-266743-2667 C_lImItedcanaclllIrnI:ted, P.O. 60.60< 656. Sydney leI:lei: (902) 798-798.4676:4676: f"'"f ... , 19021(9021 79&5639798-5639 Newa_ Soo!i8Sooti. 81PSIP 6H761H, U SIUC"SAHPSIUC", SANO leiTel': (902)564-1J201:(902) 564.Q2()1; Fa.,r"., (9021 539-3089 , "NNova...... CConstruet"'"..... truc:tlool Com!>"fI)'Compan, UmUm1tite4.6rl. P.OP.O. Uttlittle Na"".,..Narrowo GG"...,myplum CornComp.an, ...... , UonIter'sh, Nova_ ScotiaSco(ia "NoN... ••. SeoUaSe<>tla Sand and GGrra ...... P.O. eo..So>. 60. Utilelittle Nat"""'.N.... """•• NovaNOva 5coIlaScotia 60E HO. 82G62G 2172l7, Shtbenacooie.ShuOOnacaodie. NovaNov. $0011.Sootia BON 2HO2HO. MAJOR AGGREGATEAGGREGATE PRODUCERS Tel: (902) 156-2081756-2081: faxFax:: (902) 756-249375&2493 Tel;Tel: (902) 8634004; f".,FaJ(' (902)863-2291(902) 863-2291 Tel: (902) 883-2220;883-2220: Fa.:Fa. (902) 758-3622 CRUSHEDCRUSHED SSTONETONE BARITE UMESTONE SSTONETONE (>250(~250 000 !(PO)pal U ~ ~ f ·l ·EM C__ I""",,-ated, Hrst ..... Laforge Canada lnc:orpora1ed, P ,0. 60. 5. ( ·I ·EM Canada I~ated . Nyslone Lafarge Canad.llnc:orporlll6rl. P.O. eo.. 5. "Heritag< 308, ConContadrad Btotl>ersBroti>ers limited. P.O. 60>.60x 21-29,2129, 0101Ol ...... oion, , P.O. So.Bo. 69,69. Debe<1.Debe:>oUl. No.3NOva SootiaScotia B2W 3V2.3Y2. 110M80M 100.tOO. Tel : (902)673-2281:(902) 67302281; FaJ(:f".: (902) 67J.3206673-3206 Tel: (902)798-4760:(902) 198-4760: fa.:fa>:: 1902)(902) 79&2475798-2475 Tel': (902)(9021 43&3233:435-3233: Fa.:f".: (902) 462-0318462-03lB lei:I"': 19021662-3250:(9021662·3250: fax:Fax: 19(2)(9021662 662·3235·3235 .. CLAYCLAY ..ANDND SHALESHALE M...,...MO$hrIr LlmeritoneU"'"tOlMl CompanJCompany UmItedUmited., P,O.P.O. Wallac.Wallac" e quaQIIamet"," UmItedUmited. P.O . 80>.So>. 203 , "C-lructiunC_trur;t!un Acgncat~Mes limitedUmited. P.O.P,O. 60.Bo, H 60.60< 28. Upper Musqoodobort.Musquodobo~. Nov.Nova ScotraScotoa Wall""e.Wall"" •. Nova ScotSooti.a 8QI<.BOK lYelYO. 278. Multlave.Muler ..... No.3Now Scotia Bot:BOt: 2GO2GO. 1.l. E. Shaw UmUmltedlted., P.O.P.O. I\QJ:So> 2130. lAnU.LanIl. BON 2MO. Teir.. : (902)(902)257 257·.20142014 Tel: (902) 174477,]242;-3242: FaxFa.: (902)747(902) 74 7·2396 NovaNewa Scotia BON 1RO.lRO. leI:le): (902) 56&2654:5(;8.2654: faJ(f".:, (902) 56&29835(;8.2983 Tel:r ... : (902) 883-2201; Fax: (902) 883-1273~1273 P£AT~,­MOSS ~ Rid", BroBrokeke ..", Umited. P_OO.. 60. 175. DOLOMITE ROI,. "Ann.""nAnnapoll a Val",Valle, PeatPeat MOilM.... Com!>"fI)'Compalll' HHavelOCkavelOCk., ~_ Bn.o1swick.Brunswick. EaAEOA lWO. UnlitedUmited,, R.R.R.R. 11. Berwi<:k.Serwid<. Nova_ SootiaSooUa • Tel : (506) 534-2241; fa"f&'<: (506)(5(6) 53«12133534-8263 _~t_COlftlYll,LlrriI""._ U,,-t_ Company UmiI.... , PP.O..O SOPsoP lEOlEO. 60,Bo, 28. Upper MuSQl>(Idoboit,usqOOdOboll. NovaNew. ScobaScotia leI:Tel; (902) 538-8022:5J8.8022: fraJ(:".: (902)(9021 538-9609 II BON~,~ 2MO. ScGtl.lJrnHtOMSeGtla U"'"tOlMl lImIt6rl,Umited, P,O. 60.60, 1450. _2424 .;,0.,.. Tel: (902)(9021 !>6&2654:~2654; faxFa.,: (9021 568-2983 4477 5)<1r>eySydney,. NovaNOva Soo(i~Sooti. SS1PI P 6KS.5 i TeTel:l: 1902)(902) 56456479791818;: fFa.a..: 1902)(902) 564-7904564·7904 27 .."..., • • GYPSUMGYPSlfM 23 AmherstAmherst '.109.10 nU fundFund,y GrP""GYpo<.indsor. Nova_ Sco!laSootla BON 210. 38 Shubena5h

II SALT ".._..... ,."._~...... __.....;;;:.:. 40 Trun OomtarOomta r G,po.urn.G".s um, PP.O.,O. 60.Bo, 758.758, Wi_",dsor. NOva SeQli.$.So>. 550. Tel:Tel: (902) 798-226779&2287; f",,fa>< : (9021798-8554(902)798-3554 " 18&4' ...... ,rst..t.mI\e" l. No-iaNov.! Scotia$<;OIi. B4H 4A1.4~1 ) Tel: 1902)(902) 667.J388,667.J388: 6 II 4 f".Fa.,: (902) 66].(1112667.0112 4 3636 NationalNI11oOl .. GyGypsumpsum (C(Canada)_a) Umlted. 44 ~1.~O 25,..,. 5 P.O. 110>80. 5157., Milior;: 19(2)75&3955(902) 758-3955 ~26 13.14 34 ~ac:11\cG~ac:if\c CorpotMlonCotpO/l11on . P.O.P,O. 60.Bo, 4400.00, I'Qr\Port HawllesWry.Haw\l.esblJf)'. Nova'loY. ScotlaSe<>ua 60E 2YO.2VO Tel:Tel (902) 62$-3550:62$-3550: Fax:Fa" 1902)(902) 625-122362!>-1223

'\\ YarmouthYamwuth

o., 4040km .,k m

019538 "(laI_.,.~.,. MaI_M.ot..t.a Uno/tUno/ted ... , 20 MIocOonIId~ "MMunldpaolunidpai RReaoty.Ml.INIII]'-M!. Um/t..,Umittlll., P.OP.O. 80>.80. A_.A-.erut. DMlmouIII.Darunou\Il, Nova ScoI_ .. 838 11:5les 231.237. S1::Fa>.: (902) 562-6051~.0051

PIe,PIc1 ... Count,CooIn'Iy [loE•••• • ••MOIt \ ..,. Urn/tUrn/tH... . R.R. n, """"_Petm_ ~~."",.... , PMtloI!_ of loll..,.laI.... "_ Gl8SjOW. _ Soo\lII B2ti !\CS. New GIaqow. _ Scotia B2tt SCS. c_.C_a ,l ,,,,,,,,,,,,at..,~ated..l. 10.70. "Yarmoulhrmoll thh Concrrete.ndete end GrG...... UmlUnlltt .... ) Bed!OIaNO\'. ScOl"SeoUl TTel,et 19(2)(902) 835-3381;83~338 1 : FF~".. , (902) 83S,130083~7300 8SAas ... 483483 Tel:rl!'l: 19021719021742·7273:42·7273: ,II"Fa>.: (9021142(9021 742-5521-5521 " "s5., W.W. w_w_. eo..,lnIet"'"COntl""'I"'" UmlleclUnliled. P.O 80.80. 760.l!SO. HewNew GIMCO"'.GIa...,... ___ ScOlSeoW .. 8282MM 5(;2%2 / 45 Ttl:'eI: 19021 7S5-3771;7~3n7; rFa .., (902)19071155-2580 7SS.2580 29 SANO.lllOU NO lJIOG GRR"vn~ Yn (~150000~)!~I~OOOI!)l) V '3 O Sydjig H (I.,.GaY' 11_ _ ,,"..piiPCI:NPI"._ . '_0,PO eo. 100.700. Y_.y...... u.. __ Sco\>I!ScoW MA.oII\3B5A 410. , Ul 3 7 ,""'eI, 1-8OCJ.56J.2220;l8OG$J.222\): fa>.,f .. 19021(902) 142·2828U2·2828

• 14 2.20 J J 17 51 17 Uo 41 --< 7 - 31 35 33 ~


SECONDARY MMINERALI NERAL ..~ BRICKSBlIICKS MANUMANUFACTURINGFACTURING 1IttII_lIP... . M...."t~ ...... UmIIUno/tN .... PO.P.O. 80,80. 308. q WWln(lSOI',inIISOI. ___ Sco\J.5<:oWI 90NeoN 210210. .. L E.L SII_Shaw UmIt ...... P.O.PO. 80.Boo. 2130. la'IU.Lantz, _ Scoba BON lRO. BABA.llrTE.RITt:. I'tIARM.lPllARM"CEUTICAlCEUTICAl GRAMGRADE ,Tot ..: (902) 1911-4790:798.4780: frl>' .... : (902) 798-24751911-2'1~ -.. Sa>Ila!lOtl lRO. ~ Tet:rei: (90(902)2) 883-2201: rFa>.: ..: (902) 883-1213 [.Z.£MZ.£M C_C.- ....l ...orporlOlorporat ...... ,..Nys_1_ _ . P.OP.O. 110.<110> 69. Oebert.,.."."Debe<\. _ SeoulScJDIJa .._ O. 5t_', _ UmIt .... P.O Boo. JolIn O. 51_'. s- limit.. . P.O. 80. ,~~ '''' 173.113. NM/'ItIOtt/I s,.o.ey.""""s,drIIy. _ SaiuISeoul! JW.BlA 3M3.3M1. ..."'"rei,Tel: (902)t902I662-3250: '''' 66203250: F...:Fa.: (902)(i021 662-3235662,3235 rTtt:.. : (tI02)(902) n4794-2713 2113 .. !..t"~ are- c-c.n.s...... -....._. p.P_ 0, 110>Boo.~. 5. -'_~BONICO_,_5<0113 BON lCO. BUIUIIHCal)IUIING SSlONETON( ..q letTel: (902)6132281:(902)613-2281; Fa.;Fa., (902) 613-3206&1).3206 M_M~ C ...._ I_l _ IIneorporatlMl... OJpOBox 1415.~._Scawo1415. .\nloIO; (902) 4291241 82G2\.1.02G 2\.1. ...T.. : (iel2) 420-0692: Fa.: (\lO2) 429-1241 Damtat__ 1:1_Ii"""",. P.O.P_O. 110110>. 158.758. WO'Id$oI,w_. ___ 210. Tel:TeI;!9021863-~55 (902) 863-3455 ,.."." SoobII BON 2TO. TTel:el: (902) 798-2287:798-2281: FFa.:.. : 19(2)(902) 198-35~79885~ ., "fInC\it,~, __. UmItUmII ... ., P,O.P.o. 80.80, 432. • Ollip/llMe~ M_ A.I1-"t.. P.O.p.o. 110>Boo. 58.68...... ~1. _ ScotScolII .. 84H~It 3Z5.3Z!>. M~ ~.SheIburn! , ___ SoouoScoba 909011WO.1 1\\0. 1III:.. : (tI02)(902)6612861; 6812861: Ffa... , (902)(902)661.0194 58H1794 loII-..ocil\c:loo~ociflc: C_c.....so UrnIt .....,. POP.O. 80. 'eI:Tel' (902) 63(-4621:634-4621: Fa:<;Fa>., (902) 815-318187~3187 '2102.2102. PorI It~.H~. _ Sco\l.IScoIJa ~= Tel,lei: (902) 625-3010;625-3010: FiI>.;Fax: (902)1902182~7 62:;'3341 "OeM ....••• • MM""" ...... "",,,,ntli . LImitUmlted.. . P.O. 80Do. 447.441. Luneflbu,gL"",,"""rr., Nova__ ScotiaScot"' 50J80J 2COXO. Tel: 19(2)(902) 634·4621:634-4621: FFa>:a>., 19021634·81(902) 634-8\4242

019539 019540