RECONQUEST and REPOPULATION Ence Close to the Church of a Spring Enclosed by Ma- from North Africa Who Overthrew the Visigothic King- Sonry of the Same Period
RECONQUEST AND REPOPULATION ence close to the church of a spring enclosed by ma- from North Africa who overthrew the Visigothic king- sonry of the same period. It is likely that the site was dom in 711. Modern historians have questioned the part of a royal estate. validity of this traditional concept, but Derek Lomax ROGER COLLINS pointed out that the Reconquest was “an ideal invented by Spanish Christians soon after 711” and developed Bibliography in the ninth-century kingdom of Asturias. Given the failure of the Muslims to occupy the Collins, R., Early Medieval Spain: Unity in Diversity, entire Iberian Peninsula, several tiny, independent 400–1000. London, 1983, 108–45. kingdoms and counties emerged in the foothills of the Navascue´s, J. M. de. La dedicacio´n de San Juan de Ban˜os. Palencia, 1961. Cantabrian and Pyrenees mountains, namely, Asturias, Thompson, E. A. The Goths in Spain. Oxford, 1969, Leo´n, Castile, Navarre, Arago´n, and Catalonia. The 199–210. idea of reconquest originated in Asturias, where King Pelayo (718–737), the leader of a hardy band of moun- taineers, proclaimed his intention to achieve the salus RECEMUND Spanie—the “salvation of Spain”—and the restoration Bishop of Elvira and caliphal secretary (mid-tenth cen- of the Gothic people. His victory over the Muslims at tury). Known to the Arabs as Rabi ibn Sid al-Usquf, Covadonga in 722 is traditionally taken as the begin- the Christian Recemund served as a secretary under ning of the Reconquest. A ninth-century chronicler af- the caliph Abd¯n III (929–961).
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