THE HEACHAM NEWSLETTER November 2016 This newsletter reflects the views of its contributors, not necessarily those of the editors, any sponsoring body or advertiser. When contacting one of the advertisers please mention you saw their advert here first. Thank you. Deadline for the next edition is 12 noon, Tuesday 15th November CHARITY QUIZ NIGHT AT THE WEST NORFOLK INN IN AID OF SERVICE OF THE BREAST CANCER UNIT REMEMBRANCE QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL KING’S LYNN 25th NOVEMBER - 8.00pm This year’s Service of Remembrance and Wreath Laying Ceremony, will be on Sunday 13th November 2016 QUIZ ONLY £5 PER PERSON starting at 09.45am at St Mary’s Church with the Wreath QUIZ AND TEA £9.95 CHOICE OF SAUSAGE AND CHIPS or SCAMPI AND CHIPS Laying Ceremony following on at 10.45 until 11.20am. TEAMS LIMITED TO MAXIMUM OF 6 PERSONS Please note that the section of road between St Mary’s PLEASE BOOK TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT car park and the junction at St Mary’s Close/Hunstanton 01485 570348 Road will be closed between 10.45 and 11.20am to ensure HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN WITH TREKKING PENGUIN the safety of attendees. THE HEACHAM NEWSLETTER c/o Heacham Parish Council Office, Pound Lane, Heacham, Norfolk PE31 7ET E-MAIL:
[email protected] ADVERTISING: Moira Barnes ( 01485 570401 Adverts cost £15, £30 or £60 per month THE NEWSLETTER VOLUNTEER TEAM: Moira Barnes - George Bradley - Jackie Davis Roger Drinkwater - Brian Faulkner - Paris Larham - Kerry Long - Mary Sheldrick - Robby Topliss THE HEACHAM NEWSLETTER is published THE FIRST SATURDAY of the MONTH A voluntary non-profit publication produced with financial assistance from Heacham Parish Council * Heacham Dear Newsletter Thank you I would like to thank all the kind people who came to my * assistance when my husband had an epileptic seizure outside Heacham The West Norfolk on Wednesday 28th September.