P earl

R iver

D elta

Then and Now Charting South 's changes

Also in this issue:

城市漫步珠三角 Follow Us on WeChat Now 英文版 5 月份 Interviews with Mika and Owl City 国内统一刊号: CN 11-5234/GO Ghost: The Musical scares up an audience China Intercontinental Press Advertising Hotline 400 820 8428 May 2015 Places to pitch a tent in the PRd BBUSINESS(2)USINESS(2) GUANGHZOUGUANGHZOU 220.8(CIFTSYF)x28.7cm0.8(CIFTSYF)x28.7cm IING.inddNG.indd AAllll PPagesages 220.04.20150.04.2015 10:1310:13

《城市漫步》珠江三角洲 英文月刊

主管单位 : 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 Supervised by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 主办单位 : 五洲传播出版社 地址 : 北京市海淀区北三环中路 31 号生产力大楼 B 座 7 层 邮编 100088 B-721 Shengchanli Building, No. 31 Beisanhuan Zhonglu, Haidian , 100088, PRC http://www.cicc.org.cn 社长 President of China Intercontinental Press: 李红杰 Li Hongjie 期刊部负责人 Supervisor of Magazine Department: 邓锦辉 Deng Jinhui 编辑 : 刘扬 发行 / 市场 : 黄静 李若琳 广告 : 林煜宸

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2 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 3 The wrap 34 COVER STORY 42 Community Then and Now Charting South China's changes.

Where to camp in the PRD p42

Three to See artp25 exhibitions QUOTE of the issue "I sing because I love the land and the aborigines living on it... What I fight for is not power but due rights." Singer and Taiwanese aboriginal rights figurehead Hu Defu speaks about his music and activisim p32


MO P54 Wine of the Month

May 23 May 30 May 23-24 European Chamber Football Jump Out of Context

4 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com 8 CITY 12 Shenzhen Underground A tour of MTR station shopping. 14 Year of the Smart Bike The race to reinvent the (bicycle) wheel.

16 LIFE & STYLE 18 Spring Cheat Sheet Trends for the sunny season. 20 City of Sighs Has Venice lost some of its former luster?

24 ARTS 26 Unchained Melody Ghost: The Musical brings modern romantic classic to the stage. 30 The origin of Love Getting to the heart of Mika's music.


58 T Guan Commune Omnivores welcome. 59 Shrimp Banquet Shell out for supper.

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 5 Editor's Note May WIN WIN WIN This month, we’re taking you back in time to what South China used to look like with two distinct editions of That’s PRD. In the Shenzhen version, travel through four of the city’s most prominent districts – , Dongmen, and – and see how ambitious construction and land reclamation has literally changed the shape of the city. In Guangzhou, we’ve dug up some truly incredible old photographs and spoken to elderly residents to get their take on how things have altered – as well as looking at how the municipal transportation system has evolved and the way the districts have morphed and grown (p34). In Guangzhou, a pair of We may not have managed to nail down tickets to The Roots (p66). Miss Katy Perry for a chat when she breezed into town last month, but we did manage to In Shenzhen, a pair of grab a word or two with electro-pop artist Owl tickets to Mika (p30), City (p31) and curly-haired singer-songwriter two pairs of tickets to Mika (p30) ahead of their shows in May. Also How times have changed. It’s a familiar Colt Silvers (p62), a pair refrain, one that most people past the age in this issue, we quiz the stars of Ghost: The of tickets to Voca People of 30 have probably thought or uttered at Musical (p26), ask theater director (p62), a -pair of tickets least once. It’s become such a cliche that we Edward Lam (p33) about why hate and sometimes forget to consider how true the marriage go hand in hand, and enjoy a tete-a- of MICappella VS Sirens phrase is. tete with Hu Defu (p32), a musician who for (p62), a bottle of red wine As anyone who’s lived in the Pearl River many years was the symbol of the Taiwanese and a bottle of white wine Delta a while will tell you, it wasn’t so long aboriginal rights movement. from Spicy Shell Seafood ago that Guangzhou’s Zhujiang Xincheng Seekers after adventure should flick to (p74) and five vouchers was nothing but squat little cottages, and our community section, where web editor from Nogogo (p74). the majority of Shenzhen used to be just Matthew Bossons has used his love for the a loosely connected association of fishing great outdoors to compile a list of camping For details of how to win, villages and farmland. In the space of three spots around the region (p42). visit our WeChat feed: decades, these cities – like many around China Time to stock up on bug spray! Thats_PRD – have completely transformed. Most people know the general outline of this, but few have Tom Lee actually traced the magnitude of the transition. Editor in Chief

Happy Labor Day!

Hourly updates on news, current affairs and general weirdness from around PRD and China.


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6 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 7 tales of the city

Shark tale

got more than he bargained forA fisherman when he reeledin in a giant, 1,500-kilogram whale shark – and he didn't even kill it! Not only are whale sharks safe to humans, they're endangered. Nevertheless, when similar situations have Mad money happened in the past, they have resulted in the shark’s A middle-aged woman from Hong death and – dare we say Kong was caught the Shenzhen border it – eventual ingestion. This attempting to smuggle nearly HKD2 piscine animal made it out million out of the mainland. The woman alive. According to China was found to have HKD1.5 million as well Daily, "locals [in Guangdong] as EUR49,750 tied around her chest and have a custom of releasing legs when she was stopped by customs

not to say nobody took it for "When I asked her if she had anything to abig ride. fish Yeehaw! to the wild." That's officials at the border crossing. "she shook her head nervously and her shouldersdeclare to customs,"started shaking. one officer She said recalled, she hadn't brought anything at all." The School ties Organ grinders woman, like many of the people stopped Shenzhen school uniforms are now at the border with vast quantities of cash, being showcased in London at the announced some changes to the city’s organ is suspected to be part of a "currency Victoria and Albert Museum. After donationOn April 3, law. officials The alterations in Guangzhou expand the smuggling" ring that pays people a set fee photos from the museum circulated number of people that can authorize organ to transport money across the border and online, the story went viral on Chinese removal from a deceased person. When a hand it to a contact on the other side. Internet. According to Corinna Gardner, person has not provided approval to have the V&A’s exhibition planner, the blue their organs harvested, a direct family and white uniform is included in its member can provide it on their behalf. In collection because it was the first to be situations where a person has provided applied to every school across a city in approval, any relative, coworker or even China – Shenzhen has been unifying its community member can give the thumbs school attire since 2003. The deputy up, according to the ‘Managing Guangzhou director of Shenzhen Academy of Social Donor Bodies’ law. Many Guangzhouers Sciences, Wang Weili, recently stated are worried that the list of people who that the intention behind standardizing may potentially want them dead just grew Shenzhen school uniforms was to foster substantially, according to RocketNews24. a sense of community and belonging in Others have hailed the new law as a crucial Rise of the machines the coastal metropolis. The outfits have step in limiting China’s reliance on organs been a hit (as far as school uniforms go, from death-row convicts. The law has also In response to labor shortages, Guangdong anyway), with Shenzhen students even been applauded for its potential to curb has invested RMB943 billion to replace wearing the shirts and pants into college the Middle Kingdom's black market organ human workers with robots in key and university. trade. industries over the next three years. According to a plan laid out by the Guangdong provincial government, 1,950

involved in textile, automobile, home appliance,automatons electronics will find homes and construction in factories materials manufacturing. The government’s plan also calls for the localization of robot production by the end of 2017. This is in response to China’s heavy reliance on imported robotic components. In 2014, Guangzhou began taking steps to start a

an output value of over RMB100 billion. Byfull-fledged 2020, the robot-making city wants 80 industry, percent ofwith its manufacturing completed by robots.

8 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 9 The b The uzz CITY Chinese Chat DOCUMENTs Eat Drink Man Photoshopped Woman Various words and phrases can describe different men and wom- en during different times. This month, we are going to introduce a couple of popular phrases used to denote a certain kind of gent and lady. The city governments of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Let’s start with the men: 三高男 (三高男 idea – to make it easier to apply Literally ‘three high man,’ referring forFoshan government thought documentsthey had a great like to a person with high (sān education, gāo nán) an ID or a passport, they would high income and high height. allow citizens to submit their These are the most sought-after males. Then the citizens of those cit- 三低男 iesphotos had viaan ideaWeChat, too – selfie-style. they could sounds like the opposite of the 三 HEIGHTS 高男, the ‘three (sān low dī nán) man’ Though is also it make sure that only their best - Skywalker selvesPhotoshop were those appearing selfies on and govern - ment documents. Authorities desirable(stable job for such his aslow a teacherprofile (al or Last month, unveiled its epic new sky bridge – a 27-meter- publicways putting servant) ladies and first),low restraints low risk long looping pedestrian walkway mounted atop one of the area’s after only a few days, after far (respects women and is non- toocancelled many photosthe selfie coming program in were traditional when it comes to the world, passing a similar setup at the Grand Canyon by 5 meters (some- doctored up – not a wrinkle or responsibilities of the sexes). thingbiggest that mountains. the Chongqing The bridge authorities is officially were thesurely longest thinking skywalk about in while the blemish to be seen. Everyone planning this project). Atop the bridge, one can look down and see a looked great, but they didn’t As for women: river more than half a kilometer below – and if you’re under the bridge, look like themselves (and that’s 剩女 you may notice its passing resemblance to a toilet seat. kind of important for passport term literally meaning ‘leftover photos). woman,’ it (shèng is applied nǚ) toA well-wornsomeone who has passed the conventional marriage age. If these independent RANDOM NUMBER QUOTE OF THE MONTH spirits have a high income and good education, they are sometimes called 优剩女 “There is no new rule to ban RMB5,000 translated as ‘leftover excellence.’ 三不女 (yōu sheng nǚ), customers sleeping on Ikea who don't go shopping, don't fol- low blindly and(sān don't bù nā) compete Women products in Ikea stores.” with others. ‘Three no women’ are extremely prized by contemporary Chinese men.

// taipei Language institute (tLi) is one of the top 10 language school globally. to find out That’s the amount of money more about their learn- burned by a 4-year-old ing courses, contact 0755-2161 8221, email who mistook his great-grand- [email protected] or visit www.tli.com. parents’ birthday gift for some tw. 1209a, bldg C, Ming Wah international spirit money. Great-grandpa Convention Center, , shekou, and grandma had placed nanshan, shenzhen 深圳市南山蛇口海上世界 RMB5,000 in the boy’s back- 明华国际会议中心C座1209a pack as a surprise present, but forgot to tell him about it before they went to burn spirit money There was panic in the air last month after rumors circulated that for their ancestors. When the China’s Ikea establishments were planning a crackdown on customers boy’s time came, he grabbed the getting some shut-eye in their stores. Sleeping Chinese visitors have closest cash on hand – and it become a summertime Ikea staple, and the sight of a Guangzhouers on cheap spirit cash. His ancestors - areturned surely out counting it was definitely their dough not understandinga Fjellse bed frame – Ikea is howsays, we sleep always away! know that the seasons have truly as we speak. changed. Fortunately, it turned out that the whole thing was just a mis 10 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 11 Lead Shenzhen Underground A tour of MTR station shopping

BY Emma Guo

ired of fancy shopping malls where sales staff tail you throughout the store, introducing everything you so much as glance at? Been on a waiting list for weeks to fix your phone’s screen? Bored of your T usual restaurants? If your answer’s “yes” to any of these queries, it’s time to go underground. Those who commute to work by metro may already be familiar with the commercial areas in some of the stations, such as Fashion Time in Chegongmiao and Link City between Shopping Park and Convention & Exhibition Center. Featuring boutiques, groceries, local eateries and international products, these underground districts are micro-communities where shoppers can easily spend a day. Here are some of our favorite finds.

Start at Fashion Time… Pops cool in chegongmiao fashion time dongfanghong painting in dongmen lemon street

Chegongmiao MTR station is one of the mostFashion well-known Time in the underground commercial areas in town. Divided into four districts and with over 500 shops, it houses restaurants, apparel stores and beauty salons – a heaven for shopaholics and curious foodies. Districts B and C are cur- rently the most popular. exit D, then head into the hallway on theFrom right the and station, take thewalk escalator towards up. The entrance of district B will be visible from the top. District B merges into district C, where spe- cialty shops, shoes stores, snack bars, nail salons and clothing boutiques are the main attractions on a 200-meter-long pedestrian street. Those looking for something special should check out Pops Cool in district B. Sandy Jiang owns and operates this small stop, which sells natural, preservative-free popsicles. Jiang makes all the products herself, Originally from , Miniso is a combination of a fruits to freezing them and placing cost-effective version of Muji themfrom theon thefirst shelves. step of purchasing the and a grocery store. Offering more than 5,000 kinds of are mixed together for her creamy creations.Fresh fruitsJiang’s and popsicles low-fat taste yogurt almost everything they need light on the palate, with some bites forproducts, daily living. customers Stationery, can find ac- containing fruit pulp. To ensure high cessories and small household quality, she makes a batch daily and items can all be bought for changes her menu according to sea- sonal availability. Even though she shoppers who fancy some- puts lots of time and effort into her thinga surprisingly for their lowapartment price. For but products, she only charges a reason- not a trek to many stores, this able RMB15 for each icy treat. is -stop place to go. // b1-050, Fashion time, Chegongmiao, Futian // b2-099, Fashion time, Chegongmiao, District 福田区车公庙丰盛町地下步行街b区负一楼 Futian District 福田区车公庙丰盛町地下步 b1-050 (133 1299 5322) miniso in chegongmiao fashion time 行街负二楼b2-099

12 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com lead » CITY

feng zakka in futian link city dongfanghong painting in dongmen lemon street Shenzhen Underground A tour of MTR station shopping

BY Emma Guo

Saunter through SEG Electronics Market… Heading towards Luohu, two stations away from the Convention & Exhibition Center, leave via exit A of Huangqianglu to arrive at the heart of . dongfanghong painting in dongmen lemon street Although it’s not literally an underground area, its underground vibe certainly makes it worth mentioning. In Huaqiangbei, any kind of elec-

at a cheap price). With over a thou- sandtronic shops, product techies can be from fixed all (or over found the world come here to buy computer and

workers just looking to get their smart- cell phone parts, as do Chinese office // huaqiangbei Lu, Futian District 福田区华强北路 phones fixed on their lunch break.

And finish at Lemon Street Continuing into Luohu in Laojie station, Lemon Street at exit C is anoth- er underground commercial area on the green line. With hundreds of small shops and booths, it’s a mini version of Dongmen’s shopping road. Those searching for Lemon Street should pay attention to the signs -

Keep going to Link City… notpainted alert, on the the area floor will directing get confusing custom Two stations away from Chegongmiao, located in quickly,ers to and with from many the wondering,metro. For those “Didn’t between Shopping Park and the Convention & Exhibition I just walk past this shop?” Center, Link City is divided into three different sections. Neither clothes nor shoes are The biggest metro commercial area in China, it’s open from 8am to 10pm. Restaurants here range from spicy Sichuan cuisine to pho, making it a great place to grab norm.appealing Instead, here, we with come ill-fitting here for and lunch, especially for those working around the area. Dongfanghongunflattering garments Painting, being a workshop the In addition to the many dining options, Link City has specializing in customized painted shirts. Since 2008, patrons have brought their own pictures to the shop and, in inundatedseveral lovely with surprises, makeup andlike Fengspecialty Zakka. shops. Full Walkingof cute and in, only an hour, received a shirt with the patronscreative willproducts, see many Feng cute Zakka refrigerator sits in section magnets B, an stuck area on requested design printed on it. Other the wall. Customers can buy just one, or nab three to take than painting shirts, Dongfanghong advantage of the cheaper price of RMB20. can also customize sneakers and bags. The shop also sells postcards, wallets, frames, pencil They charge according to the picture, cases and paperweights. Need a gift in a pinch? This is and to emblazon an image on a tee costs around RMB150. // b11a, Link City, exit b, Convention & exhibition Center Metro station, Futian // b111a, Lemon street, Dongmen, Luohu District罗湖区 Districtdefinitely 福田区会展中心地铁站 the place to bfind出口连城新天地 it. b11a 东门步行街柠檬街地铁商场b111a铺

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 13 Feature

Year of the Smart Bike The race to reinvent the (bicycle) wheel

BY Erik Crouch

ou’re standing in line at a the frame near the back wheel, however, is shop, ready to order, when your It’s a more premium the piece that makes all the difference: a deck- cellphone goes off. It’s from your of-cards-sized computer chip that records a Ybike: "Someone is stealing me!" piece of machinery user’s cycling data, tracks the bike’s position Ignoring the eager barista, you burst from via GPS and transmits the information to a the cafe to spot a bike thief in action. He than the standard- rider’s smartphone using Bluetooth. panics, and bails. The chip knows all: the biker’s speed, fa- Let’s take another scenario. You click your issue Flying Pigeon vorite routes, heart rate, calories burned and helmet into place, hunch over the handle bars, a plethora of other data points that help tailor ratchet up to a high gear and begin pedaling bikes cluttered for each bike to its rider’s style. It remembers so fast it feels like your knees will hit you in warmth on every where it has been parked and can notify the owner if it’s being stolen – and if the thief gets the Pearl River to Zhujiang Xincheng in record Guangzhou street away with it, the owner can track the bike’s time.the nose. You Youpull flyover, from catch Haizhu your Square breath alongand GPS. This information is stored in the bike’s check your phone. Damn! A good speed, but corner, but it doesn’t accompanying BiCi OS app, which can be used the app says another cyclist has done better. by bikers across the country – and perhaps Those are the type of situations that the look like something someday, around the world – to compare people at Basic Conception are hoping will out of Tron speeds, share routes and coordinate cycling attract business. After 10 months of research, groups. design and development, the Shanghai- 3D-printers sitting haphazardly on cluttered - based start-up is getting ready to present its desks. Within the campus, groups of develop- in one hour,” says Su Chunxiao, Operations technology-equipped ‘BiCi’ smart bike to the ers and designers are working on anything and “WeMarketing sold our Manager first batch for Basicof 100 Conception. bikes with world. from environmental-awareness apps to “Our team is only about 20 people, but it The start-up runs from Shanghai’s programs helping Chinese tourists rent cars Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), abroad – but only one start-up has its own KIC is a potential gold mine for innova- a sizable campus in Yangpu District that is fully stacked bike rack out front. torshasn’t with been plenty difficult of energy to attract and investors.” a good idea. home to some of the city’s – and the country’s To the casual passerby, Basic Conception’s Basic Conception was accepted into the KIC – most promising small technology compa- nies. The basement level of KIC could pass for It’s clearly a more premium piece of machin- people, and they were given a free work space - BiCi is a simple, if high-end, carbon-fiber bike. andprogram technical last March support with from a team the Knowledge of just five the offices of Facebook or Google: a sprawl Phoenix bikes cluttered for warmth on every and Innovation Community, as well as busi- Guangzhouery than the street standard-issue corner, but Flying it doesn’t Pigeon look or ness mentoring and industry connections. withing open lines space of code filled or Photoshopwith 20-somethings designs and on high-end computers, screens overflowing like something out of Tron. Tucked away in After six months, with an expanded team and

14 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com feature » CITY

a ready prototype, they opened to investors. basic stats like the bike’s speed, wheel RPM In no time, the BiCi had raised USD1 mil- and the rider’s heart rate. And for , this lion in funding. They have already sold a batch prototype is only the beginning. of prototype bikes at RMB4,000 each to early “This is not about selling bicycles,” says investors, and aim for a consumer release Kaiser Kuo, Baidu’s international communica- this year. In the meantime, they’ve taken to tions director. “This is about an integrated the web, and are crowdsourcing the bike’s operating system. We want to make it so that production on Pozible, a website similar to anyone, any bike manufacturer, can use these Kickstarter but aimed at the Australian and same specs, the same OS, to make any bike East Asian markets. As they get things ready ‘smart.’ It would not be an expensive upgrade for the BiCi’s public debut, however, there is to a normal bicycle.” competition on the horizon. Unlike Basic Conception, Baidu doesn’t among interested investors and tech-curious In the depths of the Baidu campus in seek to produce bikes on a large scale. The bikers, but the behemoth that is Baidu – with Beijing, researchers in a small R&D room hid- company is producing an initial line-up, but its massive maps database, social-media den away near the staff parking lot have been ultimately plans to make hardware that could savvy and ability to negotiate on level with hard at work developing a prototype that will be used to upgrade existing bike designs, the country’s biggest bicycle manufacturers – give the BiCi a run (well, ride) for its money. giving them the features found in the DuBike is certainly at an advantage when aiming for Developed by Baidu with input from the mass appeal. Tsinghua Academy of Arts and Design, Baidu’s has come. It’s hard to disagree with Kuo: smart bikes DuBike sports many of the features seen in prototype.“Since weFor put Kuo, out it’s the an concept, idea whose it has time not do seem like a no-brainer, especially in China, only attracted media attention but also a lot of where the one thing that people use more frame, calorie counter and even a similar so- attention from the investor community, from than their bicycles are their apps. If 2014 was cialthe BiCi’snetworking design: app. integrated GPS, carbon-fiber cycling enthusiasts,” he says. “It’s one of those the year of the taxi app, it looks as though this The DuBike also has its fair share of unique things that is a no-brainer. It’s astonishing to might be the year of the smart bike. tricks: the GPS integrates with Baidu Maps, and me that no-one had done this already. It’s so can give riders turn-by-turn biking directions logical to have something like this, especially Additional research by Zoey Zha, Tongfei via left/right lights on the handlebars and a in a country like China where transportation Zhang and Oscar Holland. computer-generated voice that speaks to the is so dependent on bicycles.” rider – directions that can be used for explor- Both Baidu and Basic Conception aim to // to learn more about the biCi, check out bi-ci.com, or visit have their products on the market this year. their crowdfunding site at www.pozible.com/project/188953. also sports a small digital screen that displays The BiCi has developed a loyal following to learn more about the Dubike, visit dubike.baidu.com ing new routes or avoiding traffic on the fly. It

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 15 st yle radar LIFE & style street fashion spa Long Yuan Recreation Centre Runners, avid walkers and enthusiasts of aloe vera, ginger and milk powder is placed in other sports involving leg muscles should front of the chair. Once the feet are submerged ascend the rainbow staircase of Long Yuan and left to soak, the therapist begins rubbing Recreation Centre in Sea World. Here, tight the neck, proceeding to shoulder blades, IT bands and overly used hamstrings get lower back, and then returning to the neck some relief from the TCM foot massage (RMB109/90 minutes). arms, which are moved in large, extravagant After being seated, a large bucket full of gesturesand shoulders. similar Finally, to modern-dance attention turns moves to theor hot water, rose petals, and a combination of

the therapistflapping of places a large, pillows flightless on top bird. of his lap and Whenhas the the customer body is sufficientlyplace their headmoldable, atop the pillows, then proceeds to pump his legs up and down – much the same as if he were riding an invisible bicycle. The whole thing is surprising and – what is perhaps even more bizarre – quite relaxing. Once returned to an upright position, the feet are dried off and the actual foot massage begins. The aloe vera mixture has a cooling sensation, as if an icy-hot substance has just - nal 45 minutes, the hamstrings, IT band and archesbeen rubbed receive all the over most the focus. feet. During the fi

around each foot, followed by a good shaking Name: Liang Jiaming out ofIn thea final legs. flourish, CG hot towels are wrapped Top: Taobao Shorts: Hollister // Long yuan Recreation Centre, 2/F, bldg a, haibing Garden, Shoes: Timberland shekou, shenzhen 深圳市南山区蛇口海滨花园a座2楼 (2688 Tips: Waistline is a must highlight in your 8558) overall style, either relying on cutting or pat- tern designed there.

functions that must work together to give you TCM good sleep. Sleepless in South China experience, virtually all cases of insomnia People often comment on how calm I am. The involveThe either final step bad issleep lifestyle habits changes. or some In emo my - truth is that I have spent years cultivating this tional or physiological issues. The advice I calmness. I used to be quite a stress-head and give is usually about stress management, was so worked up that I struggled with insom- good bedtime routines, and diet and exercise - changes. I won’t nag you, but I do expect you rupted sleep a night for most of my early 20s. to put in some effort to make changes to en- Eventually,nia, getting noonly doubt four dueto five to myhours foul of moods inter hance the effects of acupuncture and herbal and endless complaints about feeling tired, my medicine. Okay, maybe I will nag a little. dad sent me to see an acupuncturist. Luckily If you commit to your treatment plan, for me, his recommendation started me down you will see an improvement in sleep. The the road to better sleep, and lucky for you a discrete pattern of insomnia and each re- ultimate goal is for you to fall asleep without and me, it also led me to a career in Chinese quires a different approach. medicine. The second step is to provide treatment - In TCM, insomnia involves several dif- to promote relaxation and to correct the interrupteddifficulty; to orenjoy to wake a deep once sleep or twicethat is but not fall underlying imbalance that is causing your disturbed by vivid dreams; to either sleep un frequent waking, waking early and dream-dis- insomnia. Acupuncture, believe it or not, is refreshed after seven to nine hours of sleep. I ferent problems: difficulty falling asleep, knowback to it sleepworks without because difficulty; it worked and for to me. wake underlying reason for your insomnia. Maybe through the body, and this has a lasting effect turbed sleep. The first step is to identify the- onrelaxing. stress Itlevels, promotes which a insmooth turn can flow make of energy it // Jon hanlon is a Chinese medical practitioner, raised in the assing the heart, or perhaps your heart and easier to sleep. I often combine acupuncture Us, trained in , now healing the sick in Guangzhou. you kidneysyou have are liver not fire harmonized. blazing, phlegm-heat Despite the har mys- with Chinese herbs, so that you receive treat- can contact him for a booking on 185 0202 5594 or jon@guang- tical ring to these conditions, each describes ment every day to support the organs and zhouacupuncture.com

16 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Fitness Partners in crime LIFE & style Do you have a workout buddy? If not, get one! 3) Your workout buddy might inspire your next level! It's one of the most important relationships success by providing a small dose of healthy competition. Our brains are wired to compete, // Kara Wutzke is a fitness trainer who offers boot camps and Here's why: so when exercising with a friend, we will strive individual classes in Guangzhou. she can be contacted by when it comes to your health and fitness. more vigorously to perform better. Go ahead emailing k2fi[email protected] or through WeChat iD: KaraK2Fit. just by showing up and expecting you to do and push yourself a little harder to try to beat the same.1) For It’s starters, easy to other skip peoplea workout motivate or bail you your ’s time or weight – in a safe and out of a run early if the only person you have sportsmanlike way, of course. to answer to is, well, you. You are less likely to It’s important not to choose just anyone.

commitment when you have to be accountable who has a compatible schedule for training. It’s togive another excuses individual. or justify Andbreaking it works your both fitness ways. You need to find somebody you like and respect You are there to ensure your partner keeps or a little better, to kick up your competitive going as well. Once you’ve both rocked up and instincts.good if they Make are sure at a similarto choose fitness someone level towhose you, you’re ready to go, it’s in your best interest to motivation is similar to yours. If you’re training encourage each other forward and complete for a triathlon and your partner is interested the task at hand. in having arms like Arnold, your regimens may 2) Sharing a workout with a peer is much not be compatible. My workout buddy is a body safer for both of you. You and your buddy can spot for each other while increasing weights and we aim to excel every workout, pushing the or trying unfamiliar exercises. You can also limitsbuilder but whose watching fitness technique. level is similar to mine, keep an eye out for proper technique and As always, be safe in the gym throughout

performing. Be honest with each other about foremost. Ultimately, you will be more success- anyimprove health the problems efficiency or of injuries the moves you you’rehave so fulevery when lift, you and exercise concentrate correctly, on form and first the andextra you know when to look out for each other aid and motivation provided by a workout during exercise.

buddy can help you take your fitness to the

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www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 17 fashion

Zara Man Jeremy Scott COS H&M shark tee, RMB199 superstar sneaker, RMB1,899 shirt, RMB590 bell-shaped skirt, RMB399 > www.zara.cn > shop.adidas.cn > www.cosstores.com > www.hm.com

Spring by Marianna Cerini Trends on Trends cheat sheet on Trends for The Sunny Season

Topshop Zara H&M COS rib crop top, RMB75 narrow toursers, RMB359 slim fit jacket, RMB499 raw-edge cotton t-shirt, RMB350 > www.topshop.com > www.zara.cn > www.hm.com > www.cosstores.com

18 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com fashion » LIFE & STYLE

Zara Man Reigning sweater, RMB199 Camp stretch nylon shorts, > www.zara.cn RMB1,050 > shop.projectaegis.com

f you’re into fashion, you probably think sky-high heels and PVC garments are great. And yes, sure, they are. But try wearing them on your bike ride to work, or on a night out on Xingsheng Lu, and you’ll soon realize they are not exactly Iapt for that ‘real’ (read: hipster) PRD life we’re all after. Here, we’ve sorted out some key spring fashion trends you can actually wear in your everyday lives. Because girly see- through skirts and boys’ crop tops are ‘cool’ (well, sort of) but we’ll take garb that can carry us from desk to drinks any day. cheat sheet on Trends for The Sunny Season

Stradivarius Lee fringe jacket, RMB399 boyfriend jeans, RMB1,090 > www.stradivarius.com > www.lee.com.cn

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 19 Travel

In Venice Tasso’s echoes are no more, And silent rows the songless gondolier; Her palaces are crumbling to the shore, And music meets not always now the ear: Those days are gone but Beauty still is here; States fall, arts fade but Nature doth not die, Nor yet forget how Venice once was dear, The pleasant place of all festivity, The revel of the earth, the masque of ! From the ‘I stood in Venice’ section of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, 1812-1818

20 GeorgeMay 2015 / SZ /Gordon www.thatsmags.com Byron travel » LIFE & STYLE City of Sighs Has Venice lost some of its former luster? by Lena Gidwani

s we disembark in the cliche-worn city of Venice at the break of dawn, time thickens. This half fairy-tale realm, half tourist trap is distorted by lightA and water – and, these days, the rustle of trippers and elite holidaymakers pump much- neededmoney. Therevenue flood into of more the city than coffers. 20 million day- Suffering from crumbling palazzos, rising tides and the worst publicity since Napoleon rode through town, this city of 118 separate islands, 150 canals and over 400 bridges has been gradually sinking throughout the past century. Built on piles of larch planks, it is now simply no more room, so much so that there willofficially only closedever be to some cars. 425 The licensed reason? gondoliersThere’s in Venice, operating their massively overpriced craft. After a few stops aboard the vaporetto, buses, we reach Castello, the largest of Venice’s the city’s iconic and unending flotilla of water Travel

six sestieri or ‘neighborhoods.’ It’s not every to take their last breath. marinated with onion and sugary vinegar. morning you can have breakfast cappuccinos Moving onto St. Mark’s Basilica, with In Venice, hurrying will get you nowhere with dollops of foam that look like pointed its splendid gold mosaics and cow-eyed fast. Here, maps fail. Everyone knows that to doge hats next to one of the most important evangelists, the light is dusky. We have just pieces of Renaissance art. But that’s the missed the one hour of each morning when disoriented, as if in a labyrinth. Sidewalks end beauty of Campo dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo, a it is illuminated. Across the vast marble withoutbe in this warning, floating streetscity is to lead be foreverto brick lost walls, and centuries-old piazza lined with outdoor cafes, expanse of Piazza San Marco and under mas- steps descend into water and there are no all facing the equestrian statue of Bartolomeo sive billboards touting Trussardi and Guess, escape routes. Colleoni by Andrea del Verrocchio, a feat of bells boom and echo as African traders ped- There’s no better place to wander aim- Italian artistry often regarded as the sculp- dle knockoff handbags, policemen patrol the lessly than the narrow sliver of Giudecca. This tor’s most important creation. If you’re not fa- corners and the winged lion of Saint Mark miliar with Verrocchio, perhaps you know one and camera-toting sightseers. One side of the its haunches toward the lagoon. is Venice minus the flotsam of tourist kitsch a few sweet pastries, we peek inside the standsThe firm square atop itself its pillar, is a torrid forever site, stretching stuffed the other side offers seaside views of the huge,of his gildedpupils: Dominican Leonardo da church Vinci. that Following gives the island overlooks the commotion of San Marco; square its name. September. Our next stop on our loose itinerary is the to snapthe gills up likepizza one and big gelato, floating leaving Disneyland paper of Lido,At home night to by the the Venice Rialto, Film the Festival most famous every Palazzo Ducale, of political power andselfie-hungry, plastic bottles guidebook-holding in their wake. Avoiding folks eager the of the bridges that cross the Grand Canal, and abode of the doges who ruled Venice visual pollution is hard, but the breathtaking the lights of every trattoria beckon, little for centuries. Lines stretch well around the structures are unforgettable. - block-long building, which was destroyed four Hungry, we traipse down innumerable tors. After having our pockets emptied once alleys, past pockets of gondoliers who bob- morepockets inside of warmth one of thesefilled withestablishments, tired visi ble on their feet as they call out to tourists we wander down Rio Tera delle Carampane timesThe by palazzo fire and is rebuilt a glorious each den time of on secrets, a more looking for rides. We buy ourselves some ex- and stumble across Ponte delle Tette, or themagnificent setting for scale. any number of intrigues. In one tortionate Murano hand-blown glass in a tiny the Bridge of Tits. In governmental efforts passageway, the door to the staircase leads to to counter homosexuality, courtesans once More than their southern counterparts, displayed their bare breasts here to entice A glimpse into the torture chamber, where Venetiansshop that wedrink. may We never stop be at ablea bacaro to find or again.'bar,' customers. prisonersa hidden prison met their disguised inquisitors, as a filing is chilling. cabinet. As to sip spritzes and bellinis, a Venetian tradi- Much later that night, in the uber-cool we exit, we spot the Bridge of Sighs, so named tion that pairs well with cicchetti, small plates university sestiere of Dorsoduro, we come for the laments and wails that emanated from of appetizers like polpette, a fried veal and upon a group of six Spanish ladies holding within the enclosed walkway of those about potato meatball, and sarde in saur, sardines an impromptu birthday party. With desserts

22 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com travel » LIFE & STYLE

The palazzo is a glorious den of secrets, the setting for any number of intrigues. In one passageway, the door to the staircase leads to a hidden prison disguised as a filing cabinet

like cannoli and bigne al cioccolato from jade green. Boats bob on their moorings. the local pasticceria in a takeaway box, Suitcases in hand, we head back to Venezia Santa Lucia railway station table. It’s a regular night, perhaps noth- on the vaporetto. We see semi-hidden ingthey special use the for flood locals, risers but as here a makeshift in Venice courtyard gardens belonging to some every day can be a celebration. Popping of the city’s 50,000 grouchy residents. open a bottle of Prosecco, they sing in We spot empty facades at serious risk of their mother tongue, their off-key voic- submersion, sporting as much life as a es ringing in the clear night air. China-made Venetian carnival mask. It is almost noon when we rise, We get off our vessel a stop early and, bleary-eyed, to head to the Peggy en route, take a few wrong turns. We’re Guggenheim Collection, which may well not irritated though. “Anzi,” as the Italians be the best 20th-century house mu- say. Au contraire. We think that this might seum in the world. But even here, as we just be true happiness: being adrift in ogle the works, the art somehow feels Venice on a sun-drenched day with just secondary to the water. Through the enough tourists to make you feel right at home. mottled glass windows, the canals flow

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 23 c ollage ARTS Coming to a theater near you Avengers: Age of Ultron

may 12 The Marvelverse converges in what promises to be a visually spectacular sequel to the 2012 hit. With S.H.I.E.L.D. de- stroyed, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Bruce Banner (Marc Ruffalo) devise the self- aware, self-teaching Ultron. Things go awry when their creation decides that humans Drum Roll are the enemy. With Earth in the balance, Stark and Banner must transform into Iron S.H.E Man and the Incredible Hulk, recruiting their They can sing, they can dance and they prove ate energy and live entertainment. friends Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor who run the world. Guangzhou, meet the Band leader Haley Cramer, who works the (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett girls of S.H.E. drums, is a rock girl at heart, and has opened Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) to help save the day. Hopes are high that Guangzhou, S.H.E is a London-based all- Guns ‘n’ Roses, Charlotte Church and Dave Avengers, femalePerforming group of exclusivelysix spunky atparty Fei ingals. the Not W Navarro.for some Vocalistof the finest Cedrina in the Shari world, is a suchNew asYorker which grossed over USD86 million in China to be confused with the Taiwanese girl band who has worked with Boney M., Sean Paul, theen route film will to a shatter global grossthe success of over of USD1.5 bil- of the same name, S.H.E, which stands for Akon and George Clinton, amongst others. lion. Sophisticated Hot Entertainment, performs Along with Hannah Shayle-Kennedy, vocal and instrumental covers of anything Deborah de Pasquale, Ashley Young and from Bruno Mars and Nicki Minaj to Lady Aimee Penman, they are set to bring down Gaga and Stevie Wonder. Although each the house. You Are My Sunshine member has a diverse background in music, they all met during jam nights in London. // s.h.e plays nightly (excluding sundays) at Fei, W Guangzhou, With their shared love of performing, they 26 xiancun Lu, Zhujiang xincheng, , Guangzhou are now working together to seamlessly cre- 广州市天河区珠江新城冼村路26号 (020-6680 7825)

Hao bu Hao Hao Bu Hao

may 1 While the release of the fourth chapter in the Tiny Times saga remains up in the air, its star Yang Mi headlines this highly anticipated romantic comedy. Based on the popular 2002 online novel, You Are My Sunshine has already

collegeinspired lovers one of who this reunite year’s biggest after several TV hits. years For Sina – you’ve been warned. The Cyberspace apartthe film when version, one returnsthey’ve fromkept theabroad. story It’s about a adaptation of Journey to the West during the Administration of China (CAC) has singled brand-new cast though, which also includes Viewers got theirThe first Walking look at Dead AMC’s. Daniel loose Wu out the mega-web portal after receiving more Huang Xiaoming (The White Haired Witch of (One Nite in Mongkok) stars in this modern than 6,000 complaints since the beginning of Lunar Kingdom, American Dreams in China) interpretationseason finale of and the show will premier later the year for a variety of law violations, from and model-singer-actress Angelababy. Critics this year with six episodes. Wu Cheng’en’s spreading false rumors to distorting news. classic epic has inspired recent mainland With threats that their Internet news services genre cliches, but expect it to dominate the may be skeptical that the film will transcend will be suspended, Sina has pledged to pub- Donnie Yen. lish more information with “positive energy.” blockbuster films by Stephen Chow and box office during the May holiday. 24 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Three to See

In Blossom

Until May 17, 9am-5pm (closed on Mondays), free admission. shenzhen art Museum, 32, Donghu yi Jie, aiguo Lu, , shenzhen 深圳市罗 湖区爱国路东湖一街32号 (0755-2542 6069)

Mysterious Nation

Until May 30 (closed Monday), 11am-11pm, free admission L3, Goelia, 225 beijing Lu, , Guangzhou 广州市越 秀区北京路225号歌莉 娅3层 (8336 0050) Identity Narrative: A Delicate Irony

Until May 27, 10am-10pm. free admission. Kui Gallery, 9 xuguyuan Lu, yuexiu District, Guangzhou 广州市越秀区恤孤院路9号逵园 (020-8765 9746)

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 25 Lead Unchained Melody Ghost: The Musical brings a modern romantic classic to the stage

By Zoey Zha

Ghost domi- PWG: When Bruce Joel Rubin wrote the sence of a character. movie, he also wrote a stage version. He There is something that he felt Patrick benchmarkwenty-five years for modern after romances worked very closely with us right from the [Swayze] brought along in the creation of the Tandnated forever the box making office, pottery setting sexy,a high beginning and one of those decisions was role, which was a wonderful combination of it’s back as a musical. Adapted for the stage need to believe that in real life, Sam Wheat Ghost: The Musical has racked up three Tony All the singing and wasconfidence, a winner, charm so that and, his yes, sudden good and looks. cruel You Awardby the film’snominations screenwriter, and raucous Bruce Joelreception Ruben, dancing makes Ghost: death is that much more traumatic. At the from audiences during tours of Europe, same time, he has to be very kind, compas- America and . The show is on The Musical kind of a sionate and caring. an ambitious China tour that stops off in These are all characteristics that Bruce - separate entity was very particular about. When you cast ing fast. We chatted with the show’s deputy Sam Wheat, the actor has to speak for cer- Shenzhen from May 15 to 22, with tickets fly tain things. They have to be around 6 feet Liam Doyle and Lucie Jones while they were casting Sam and Molly. indirector, town. Paul Warwick Griffin, and its stars When Liam and Lucie came to meet us, ticks all those boxes. It’s not about Patrick we put them on tape and sent it to Bruce. We Swayze,tall and playbut everythinga little guitar. that Fortunately, the character Liam What were you looking for when casting had a little talk with him about it and what Patrick created that must be delivered to the the role of Sam Wheat? Bruce managed to distill for us was the es- audience. It is important to honor that.

26 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com lead » ARTS

What was the most challenging part in casting the role of Molly? PWG: We only have Molly happy for 15 minutes. Most of the show, she is in an un- derstandable mix of emotional extremes. The challenge for any actor is charting the course of grief and loss, otherwise it would be very Liam Doyle A rising star on the West End, Liam Doyle has charmed audi- possible to fall into a one-note performance, ences with roles in hits like Cinderella, Wicked and Mamma which stops being interesting for audiences Mia! - very quickly. She has to deliver her feelings while Swayze. For his first major starring role in Asia, he has the dif staying honest with this life experience. It ficult task of stepping into a role made famous by Patrick becomes a very detailed, complicated and emotional journey and a roller coaster for the both of them. But Molly is the one who Are you worried about being compared Apart from the comparison, what’s the is alive, so she carries the responsibility of with Patrick Swayze? most challenging part of this role? making it look real – to make sure that it’s LD: It’s impossible not to compare me with LD: I think the whole show is quite challeng- something we could all connect with despite Patrick Swayze, just because of how iconic ing because you want to bring this beautiful all of the extraordinary elements. I think story across well. Technically, this show is that’s the power of the show. him. But I think the great thing about our like nothing you have ever seen before. I’m showthe film is thatwas youand canhow get well everything everybody you knows see really looking forward to learning all of the from the movie through a story told on stage, illusions and magic that happens in the show, Technically, this show but all the singing and dancing make it kind like walking through doors – I can’t wait is like nothing you of a separate entity at the same time. So peo- to do that! And the beauty of touring and ple will compare, but there will also be a part changing from venue to venue is that you get have ever seen before. of me that I bring to the character that makes to see different things. I would not call it a I’m really looking it very different. challenge but a privilege. forward to learning all of the illusions and I can’t wait to walk Lucie Jones through doors with her standout run in the 2009 edition of X-Factor. She’sThe Welsh stepping songstress into the first role caught that Demi people’s Moore eyes made and fa ears- You’ve done a Korean version and one on Broadway. Are there any differences be- West End debut, she co-starred alongside Nick Jonas in an tween those two and the version that will adaptationmous, but Jones of Les is Miserables no stranger. to the limelight. For her come to China? PWG: None at all. There is a ‘blueprint ver- sion’ of the show that has been done around the world. The Korean version actually got Your character is the one in the relation- The show will be touring across China. the original London set when they started. ship who is alive. Is that difficult to con- What are your audience expectations? The version we did there was the same we vey when performing? LJ: We are not here for very long and we are did in London and New York, but with a few LJ: Molly is not sure about the existence just going to give everything on the stage to technical differences. There will be differ- of Sam, and she has to feel it. But for me, I win over audiences. Personally, I want the ences in this version, but they are going to be will just have this huge hulky man standing audience to come see the show and to like subtle. There is no difference in the structure right next to me who I have to completely me and my performance. I just want to win or content of the show. ignore. you over.

// May 15-22, 8pm, RMb180-980. shenzhen Poly theater, houhaibin Lu, nanshan District, shenzhen 深圳市南山区后海滨路深圳保利剧院 (0755-8637 1698)

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 27 Feature

Beaucoup de Bonbons Festival Croisements celebrates 10 years

By Tom Lee and Tristin Cheung

very year, the Consulate General of supports a series of events up and down China to celebrate the wonders of French culture. Now celebrating its 10th edition, the Festival Croisements is bigger and more diverse than ever, with everything from sultry chanteuses and classical virtuosos to film retrospectives and even an exhibition on architectural great Le Corbusier. Here, we’ve rounded Eup some of the most interesting or unusual events taking place around the Pearl River Delta.

Xavier de Maistre teens before plunging into the Baroque rep- act for the sultry sex bomb and actress ertoire, winning over critics and the public Brigitte Bardot. Their debut album, Et Recognized as a “new star in the world of alike. However, it was with her portrayal of vous, tu m'aimes? (And you, you love me?), classical music” by Swiss radio station DRS, the Countess in Mozart's Marriage of Figaro was released in 2011 and went platinum Xavier de Maistre is the creme de la creme of that she was launched into international solo harpists on this planet. Before he took up stardom. The lady herself has stated that she , – you name it – they are his angelic instrument full time, he studied personally prefers Mozart, whom she con- nowin France. coming Having to China. toured Oh inla Italy,la! Their Turkey, most politics in London, which has no doubt come sidered a perfect bridge for the Baroque and recent album, A bouche que veux-tu in handy at his teaching post at Juilliard. with retro disco stylings and recalls Minnie // May 9, 8pm, RMb80-280. xinghai Concert hall, 33 Qingbo Lu, important European conductors and made Ripperton, Diana Ross, Donna Summer,, is filled Roy ersha island, yuexiu District, Guangzhou 广州市越秀区二沙岛晴 overFrench 70 music. recordings. She has worked with many Ayers and Mulatu Astatke. Many people have 波路33号 (020-8735 2222 ext. 886) // May 16, 8pm, RMb80-280, xinghai Concert hall, 33 Qingbo Lu, fallen head over heels for Brigitte. And you, ersha island, yuexiu District, Guangzhou 广州市越秀区二沙岛晴 you love them? Roland Barthes 波路33号 (020-8735 2222 ext. 886) // May 22, 8pm, RMb80-280, xinghai Concert hall, 33 Qingbo Lu, ersha island, yuexiu District, Guangzhou 广州市越秀区二沙岛晴 Who would have thought that sex capital Tarek Atoui 波路33号 (020-8735 2222 ext. 886) would play host to a centenary Born in Beirut in 1980, Atoui studied celebration for one of the greatest literary contemporary and electronic music in Reims. Identity He is a wizard when it comes to sound- Brimming with all the madness of con- generating equipment – just check out his discussingtheorists of Barthes’ modern works times? and Three ideas, French which experts on the influential thinker will be Metastable Circuit, an instrument that he en Déliaison is a small indie troupe that has designed and built for a contemporary art createdtemporary several French bizarre theater, performances La Compagnie that event in . New Museum (New York), defy easy understanding. Their brand-new dilettantegreatly influenced readers, thebut fieldsshould of be structuralism of great the Sharjah Biennial (UAE) and La Maison interestand semiotics. to those This who is aredefinitely interested not onein the for Rouge (Paris), to name but a few, have all China tour and is an adaptation of Gérard philosophy of literature. witnessed his talents. Watkins’show was play dreamt Identity up specifically, which won for the their Prix // May 12, 3-5pm, free. West hall, People’s square, Guancheng // May 17, 8pm, RMb50. b10 Live, north side of b10 bldg, north de Littérature Dramatique in 2010. The plot subdistrict, Dongguan 东莞市莞城街道市民广场西正厅 District, oCt-Loft, nanshan District 南山区华侨城创意文化园北 centers on a couple who are trying to re- Véronique Gens 区b10栋北侧 (文昌南街) (0755-8633 7602) inject meaning into their lives. To that end, they decide to take part in a competition that - Brigitte has just one question: “Are your parents re- prano. Combine them together and you get Consisting of Sylvie Hoarau and Aurélie ally your parents?” Confused yet? It’s also be- VéroniqueFrench, Gens. opera, Gens Baroque, started Mozart, singing so in her Saada, this folk music duo named their

ing performed in Mandarin by French actors. 28 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com feature » ARTS

Whatever else one can say about this drama, alien planet with its own mythology and his- extensively on urban planning while creating it should at least be an experience. tory. Magma’s music was off the wall in the striking new structures. Committed to moder- // May 22, time and price tbD. shenzhen Public art Center, 95 70s and, rather incredibly, it sounds even nity, he conceived of blocks of in yan'nan Lu, Futian District, shenzhen 深圳市福田区燕南路95号 more off the wall today, now that the rock and city centers where airplanes could land, and (0755-8335 1377) roll insanity of yesteryear has been replaced advocated for demolishing a sizable chunk of with largely homogenous pop and electro. historic downtown Paris to make way for his Magma // May 29, 8pm, RM90 early bird, RMb120 presale, RMb150 at the more contemporary concepts of how a city door. b10 Live, north side of b10 bldg, north District, oCt-Loft, should look and function. This exhibition on nanshan District 南山区华侨城创意文化园北区b10栋北侧 (文 his ideas and projects is a fascinating insight MagmaStill werefull of on the the same forefront fire that of progresignited -the 昌南街) (0755-8633 7602) into the good and the mad sides of genius. siveband rock more when than they 40 years erupted ago, onto French the groupscene // June 14-July 31. shenzhen oCt art & Design Gallery, 9009-1 in 1969. Exploring fresh ways to realize his Le Corbusier, Modern Architect shennan Dadao, oCt, nanshan District, shenzhen 深圳市南山 vision for musical expression, founder and Giant 区华侨城深南大道9009-1号 drummer Christian Vander even created his One of the most visionary architects of own language to compose most of the song the 20th century, Le Corbusier (real name // For the full schedule of Festival Croisements events or to see lyrics. These lyrics tell the tale of Kobaia, an Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris) theorized the latest information, visit croisements.faguowenhua.com

www.thatsmags.com / January 2015 29 Music

he curly-haired stud who told us to It’s a songwriter’s album, so it’s piano- You’re coming to Shenzhen on June 1, have ‘Love Today’ and ‘Relax, Take it Easy’ based pop song writing. I make all my music you been to China before? myself – I produce or co-produce it, I do the Yes, I have been to China nine times as a mainland. Lebanese-British singer- Tsongwriteris Mika finally Penniman making his is thedebut musical on the conjunction with a melody that you’d normally and my four siblings in 1996. I remem- mastermind behind Grammy-nominated Mika, hearartwork; in much it’s a more very homemadecommercial thing. pop music. Yet, it’s in tourist. The first time was with my mother whose upbeat melodies are often compared This record sounds very organic and simple McDonald’s in Beijing and seeing the big but it’s really melodic, so it has the charm of excitement.ber being at Itthe was opening a very ofdifferent the first-ever China Prince or the Scissor Sisters. We chatted with a pop album but with the honesty of an indie - himto the about intensity the stylistic and range methodology of Freddie ofMercury, his new songwriter’s album. album, No Place then; it’s been incredible to seeMandarin the trans and in Heaven, and his formation. Three of my sisterslived speak in Beijing fluent personal connec- for years. tions to China. However, in the context of all You wrote your of that, I have first song at age never played 7. What was it in [the Chinese about music mainland]. This that attracted you so early on? so I am very ex- cited.is my first time, have to explain Firstly, I Is it true you song I wrote was speak a bit of actuallythat the firstquite Mandarin as terrible, but well? funny nonethe- I studied it for nine years, young age I knew but I’m not as thatless. IFrom became a very intelligent as my addicted to a sisters. I used certain feeling. to bribe my Anyone who cre- Chinese teacher ates something at school with out of thin air, chocolate so she whether a writer wouldn’t make or musician, me do my vocab knows that it tests… because gives you this I never studied. real rush, you But yes, I do feel complete. speak a bit. It’s like, suddenly you have rose-tinted lenses on your sunglass- What does your pre-concert routine look es, you know? But after three days, the feeling I remember being at like? goes away, so you have to start writing again… I brush my teeth. I do warm-up sounds It was a healthy and constructive way of mak- the opening of the that make me sound like that fat opera singer ing myself feel good. in The Adventures of Tintin. And then, when first-ever McDonald’s I walk onstage, it’s like walking into a boxing You write songs for other musicians as well, ring – you do things you would never do in real right? in Beijing and seeing life. It’s quite cathartic. It’s good for the soul. really excited about writing for others, so in the big excitement Anything else you’d like to tell your China the spaceFrom oftime three to time. years Two I got years a lot ofago, different I was fans? cuts… but then I got sick of it. Everyone thinks Which artists are on your personal playlist that by writing a song, you’re just writing for right now? over there is a real privilege, and I invite the audience but you’re not – you’re writing themI findto sing the and fact dancethat I’m and even lose able themselves to go for the record company and there’s politics and the Queens, who is really, really fantastic with us on stage as much as they possibly involved. So after this album, I think I might rightThere’s now. She’s a French great singer live and called sings Christine a little can. Because that kind of energy is essential write a show, which will be a lot more fun than bit in English too, so even if you don’t speak – not only welcome, but essential. writing for other artists. amazing little Australian rock girl, Courtney // June 1, 7.30pm, RMb380 presale, RMb480 at the door. a8 Live, Your fourth studio album, No Place in Heaven, Barnett.French it I doesn’tthink she’s matter. a hurricane There’s alsowaiting this to a8 Music Mansion, 1002 Keyuan Lu, nanshan District, shenzhen will be released this June. What are the lead- happen. She hardly sings a word but recites… 深圳市南山区科园路1002号a8音乐大厦2层 (yoopay.cn/event/ ing sentiments behind your latest songs? She has a great vibe. Mikashenzhen)

30 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com music » ARTS Internet Killed the video star An interview with Owl City

By Andrew Chin

truggling with a bout of insomnia at his parent’s house in suburban Minnesota, Adam Young posted a few musical experiments onto MySpace eight years ago under the name Owl City. Now, the 29-year-old is about to embark on his third Mainland tour, returning to the Mixing Room on May 16-17. One of social media’s first music Ssuccesses remains among its biggest, a fact that still baffles its mastermind.

“Ultimately this sort of life found me,” “When I showed up to the venue, there were van Dyke) and pop-punk icons (Blink 182’s says Young. “When I was younger, my dad all these fans who knew all of the lyrics to Mark Hoppus). Recent singles have fea- had the oldies on a lot, so I listened to a lot the songs. It was so surreal and continues to tured violinist/performance artist Lindsey of Simon and Garfunkel and the Sterling, Christian pop star Britt Beach Boys. There’s something Nicole and Japanese rockers Sekai no about them. All of the songs are Owari. catchy, rich with harmonies and “I usually pick up on some kind of so well-arranged. It was a big melodic sensibility that makes each song,” Young explains. “It could be a vo- At 16 years old, he started the cal melody or the way the synthesizers pop-punkinfluence.” trio Windsor Airlift. or guitar tracks are arranged. I usually The group would shift to ambi- gravitate towards really catchy music ent post-rock, part of a musical and try to further that.” journey that saw Young experi- There will be even more collabora- ment with disparate genres from electronic screamo to comedy rap tentatively slated for a summer release. with self-released projects like Youngtions on is Owlelusive City’s with fifth the studio details, album, but Charlton Heston and the Blast has trouble containing his excitement Beats, the Wellington Giggle- for the disc. Bomb Experience and Apes with “There’s a lot of variety on the Guns. album, but I try to make sure each re- “When I started making mu- lease is a continuation of the one before it. I want every album to feel current out what felt right,” he explains. but also have a timeless quality,” he “Isic, wound I had toup dig in anaround electronic to figure pop says. music world with Owl City, and “I pay attention to what’s going couldn’t stop writing upbeat, on with the music world and EDM has hopeful sounding music that has become really popular on American a bit of whimsy. Until it starts radio. It was fun to try to channel that becoming uninteresting – which I in my own way. It’s very dynamic and hope it never does – I’m going to punchy.” keep on trying it.” With the album “really close to Thanks to an accessible web being wrapped up,” Shanghai fans can presence, Owl City’s following only hope that a few new songs will rose alongside MySpace. By the make an appearance during the show. time they signed a record deal Regardless, Young promises that the with Universal Republic in 2008, touring quintet is a much different enti- their MySpace page had been ty from the records, which he says have “more of a producer or DJ sound.” be whenever I come back.” “The live sound is bigger and more like Seattle,’viewed morewas listened than five to million more than 3.5 mil- Despite early criticisms that Owl City an anthem,” he explains. “I have this great times,lion times. while their first independent hit ‘Hello was treading on the same electro indie-pop guitar player who is so good at translating Online success translated into the real terrain established by hipster-approved The some of the synthesizer lines from the al- Postal Service, the group has soldiered on. bum onto guitar, so it’s more rock oriented. topped the charts in 26 countries en route In 2012, they scored their second US Top 5 There’s more of a band feel where we switch toworld selling when more the than 2009 10 single million ‘Fireflies’ copies. hit with the Carly Rae Jepsen assisted ‘Good around and play different instruments.” Times.’ North America to perform sold-out shows in Collaborations have been kind to Owl // May 19, 8pm, RMb380-680. sun yat-sen Memorial hall, 259 BeijingThat year, and Young Shanghai. made his first trip outside City, which has worked with electronic Dongfeng Zhong Lu, yuexiu District, Guangzhou 广州市越秀区 “It was all so new to me,” he recalls. music superstars (Armin van Buuren, Paul 东风中路259号 (en.damai.cn)

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 31 Music

Oceanic Blues Taiwanese aboriginal singer Hu Defu and his longing for a lost home


efore 2005, Hu Defu, known as eye. Hu is no longer a wandering soul far away Ara Kimbo in his indigenous lan- rights,” explains Hu. Using his musical talents, from home. He said goodbye to the island’s guage, was a strange name to most he,intention. together What with I fighthis best for friendis not power Li Shuangze, but due bustling capital and returned to the quieter Chinese. Yet across the started the Sing Our Own Song campaign in Taitung where he recorded his second album, B the 1980s. The initiative was designed to en- . Released in March of Sweet Home Ka-Aluwan 1950-born aborigine has been treated as a courage aboriginal Taiwanese to embrace and this year, Hu describes it as “a conclusion to my hero,Strait, a on pioneer the island and aonce spiritual called leader. Formosa, this perform their native words and tunes. As he homesickness.” “I prefer being called and remembered said at the time, “kids who cry get the candy.” Age has bestowed on Hu an even deeper as a singer instead,” says Hu modestly when Only those who make themselves heard ever voice with which to sing out his bittersweet we ask about his reputation. “I am just a child facilitate change. feelings for the land he was born on, as well from the mountain. I take singing as my way After more than 20 years of being actively as his heartfelt gratitude to people who have of talking.” involved in the aboriginal rights movement, Hu inspired him. Currently, this silver-haired musician is Among the tracks on his second album, living a simple life, running a small beef noodle - there is one that particularly stands out. restaurant in his hometown, Taitung, and plan- lease,finally In came a Flash to fulfill, appeared a singer’s in 2005, conventional the year he - ning to write a book similar to One Hundred turnedduty: making 55 – a albums.relatively His old first age full-length for a debut. re Years of Solitude “I never thought of releasing an album songLasting Hu 11 has minutes, recorded it tookin the Hu Pinuyumayan 10 years to fin he has been a beacon for the aboriginal rights before. I simply wanted to deliver strength to language.ish composing “I left and my arranging,hometown and at the it is age the of first 11. movement and the. For promotion most of his of life, aboriginal however, aborigines through the songs I sang. But later Pinuyumayan is the farthest place my home- culture in Taiwan. sickness reaches,” says Hu. Thought by some to have held sole domin- Taiwan to sing while playing. It is not easy to do While Hu has said he will never return ion of the land for thousands of years, Taiwan’s I came to realize that I was the first one in to live in Taipei, the next step in his music aborigines now account for only 2.3 percent Greatly inspired by the dean of his alma journey is to write songs about Taiwan’s of the total population. In addition to losing mater,that. So New the firstTaipei album Tamkang was born.” High School, Hu largest metropolis, a place he resided for 12 control of most of the island’s territory and blends elements of Taiwanese indigenous years. “The city taught me a lot, good and bad. being marginalized in society, the indigenous music with Western folk and African-American And I have made many great friends there. people also face the extinction of their unique gospel music, forming a distinct style that has Memories, irreplaceable memories are there, been called “oceanic blues.” hidden in every corner of the city. How can I Son of a Pinuyumayan father and a Paiwan In a Flash features just one instrument, the ignore it?” mother,languages Hu and was diversified the child of traditions. two tribes. Seeing piano. Smooth melodies are paired with simple In fact, Hu says that he now feels a certain the predicament that his people were experi- lyrics, the casual singing style conveying Hu’s homesickness for Taipei. As a man who has encing, he decided to attack the problem with a homesickness – in 2005, he resided in Taipei long been concerned with the rights of a peo- gentle but penetrating weapon: music. and had been living away from his hometown ple who have almost entirely lost their native “I sing because I love the land and the abo- for 40 years. land, it’s not surprising that his music contin- rigines living on it. I sing without any political Ten years have passed in the blink of an ues to be preoccupied with ideas of home.

32 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com stage » ARTS I Hate Therefore I Marry A play about how despising someone is all part of love


(hen) is literally translated a family.’ Gradually, that becomes a universal eldest of four sisters. Part of a broken family as ‘hate’ in English. But in expectation of parents for their children. – their father has abandoned them and the , its meaning goes - mother is faking insanity – the four siblings 恨far beyond that. Desire, un- tion, the latter transforms to be pressure, or all have their own emotional issues. Living Once the reality fails to fulfill the expecta willingness, envy and jealousy are all con- even a burden,” says Lam. under the same roof, the quartet denies love, cealed behind this single character. It is true that even in today’s society, the doubts marriage and hates bonding. They Veteran Hong Kong theater director major criteria to assess a woman’s success are continually reminded of their female sta- Edward Lam Yick-wah has adopted the are still whether she has married and how tus, that their true value lies in marriage. character to name his recent thespian work: she manages the family. But if you think Lam calls the play his “test-tube baby.” Hen Jia Jia Zu (恨嫁家族, I Hate Therefore I the play sounds like a feminist drama, then Though the director is noted for modern Marry). Though the translated English title you’re wrong. reinterpretations of literary classics such as fails to convey the complex sentiments be- “I scripted the play because I am inter- Madame Bovary and Romance of the Three hind the words, it does cast a clear light on ested in why women want marriage while Kingdoms, I Hate Therefore I Marry uses an the theme: marriage. knowing the possibility of divorce, what men original script and a relatively unknown cast But why does ‘hen’ lead to marriage? they would like to choose as their life-long – an anomaly amidst his oeuvre. The whole Doesn’t the wedding vow read, “I promise partners and where such values come from,” to be true to you in good times and in bad, says Wong Wing-sze, a playwright noted for common person. her wicked sense of humor. drama is like a giant mirror, reflecting the honor you all the days of my life?” The action takes place on an empty stage in sickness“In Chinese and infamilies, health; it I iswill unfortunate love you and with only chairs and a square platform. “Our adjectives,”“The four notes sisters Lam. are “Due complicated to the complexity, figures. that hatred, rather than love, binds people long-time collaborating set designer Ewing It is hard to define them with only one or two together,” according to Lam. It’s a sad conclu- Chan Yau-wing died of acute leukemia two themselves in the four sisters. The success of a sion to draw, but also an intriguing one. How weeks before the show was put on for the stageaudiences work, find I reckon, it easy lies to see in this the approach.”reflection of do negative emotions strengthen a family “Go ahead, never look back, or you may unit? Why is this the case? And what are the reason we set the stage this way,” says Lam. fall,” says the mother to her eldest and soon- consequences? “Luckily,first time I inhave Hong a wonderful Kong. That’s cast.” the primary to-be-married daughter at the end of the Lam addresses these questions in his Unlike Lam’s previous, sold-out musical play. It is also what the playwright and the three-hour play. What the work discusses is drama Awakening, which had a 109-perfor- director want to convey to audiences. As Lam much more than leftover women’s craving mance run in Taipei in 2010, I Hate Therefore puts it, “The biggest gift life bestows to us is for marriage and the must-know skills for I Marry is not a star-studded production. The that love and hatred fall on us. We are able to capturing a man’s heart. The scope of the 13 Taiwanese stage actors “are not highly experience them both.” plot also examines typical Chinese expecta- sought-after icons,” says Lam. “But they are tions towards women and women’s self-ex- capable enough to grab all the attention with // in Mandarin with english subtitles, i hate therefore i Marry ploration with regards to these expectations. words they say and movements they do on will be staged May 23-24, 7.30pm, RMb80-880. opera hall, “What Chinese expect most is life being stage.” Guangzhou opera house, 1 Zhujiang xi Lu, Zhujiang xincheng, complete. And what does complete really Experienced Taiwanese theater actress tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西路1号 mean? Many will answer, ‘to marry and have Hsian Ying-hsun is in the lead role as the (020-3839 2888, www.gzdjy.org)

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 33 COVER STORY

shenzhen old town, courtesy of the ShenzHen then&now

View from the Kingkey tower, courtesy of maria icaza de martinez A look at how four areas-Baishizhou, Shekou, Overseas Chinese Town (OCT)-Loft and Dongmen-have changed since Shenzhen became a Special Economic Zone, transforming into a megacity in less than 30 years.

34 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com COVER STORY COVER

1983 area around baishizhou 2015 rooftops 2015 street scenes

Baishizhou Neighbors just a handshake away Text by Emma guo, photos provided by mary ann o'donnell

very morning, thou- formed from several habitations and clean OCT. They remain cuisines of China. Some enter- sands of young people where people made their liv- intertwined with each other just prising foreigners have even can be seen walking out as much now as they were when started a kebab shop, craft beer of Baishizhou’s alleys planting. Later, in November they started. Many of OCT’s bar and silent disco. Ewith breakfast in hand, rushing 1959,ing fishing, the Shahe raising Returned oysters and workers live in Baishizhou, Since villagers built most of to the bus and metro stations. alongside other residents the buildings years ago, most They come from different prov- and many worked the land to employed by the surrounding of the structures are less than inces (and some from abroad) to sustainOverseas themselves. Chinese Farm was built theme parks of Window of the pursue their dreams, and most In the 1980s, the state- World and Splendid China, as lifts. Some stand so close to one choose Baishizhou to live in for its owned farm and the surround- well as specialized expat work- another10 floors that and they are devoidhave become of cheap rent and central location. ing area were divided into two, ers like artists, architects and known as “kissing buildings” Compared with the down- with ownership split between teachers. or “handshaking buildings,” town area, here a person can the Overseas Chinese Town Those who want to ex- since neighbors can simply lean easily rent a room for RMB1,000 Group and Shenzhen Shahe perience Baishizhou need out the window to greet one a month – those who don’t need Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. After only to walk out exit D of the another without leaving their 1999, the Shahe Group gradu- Baishizhou metro station. own block. something for just RMB500. ally reverted the obligation of Compared to Shennan Dadao Though the aesthetics of Withhigh-quality two metro living lines, can Luobao find managing Baishizhou to the or other roads in Nanshan, the environment are decidedly and Shekou, as well as more government, and the OCT Group streets in Baishizhou are small less chic than other parts of than 30 bus routes running stopped pumping money into its and busy. Innumerable pedes- Shenzhen, Baishizhou is still through, residents can easily get development. Due to the lack of trians and cars mix with hun- to work. Most parts of the city investment, Baishizhou was left dreds of booths on both sides when they come to the city to – Luohu, Xili, Bao’an – are reach- (literally) in the dust of Overseas of the many streets. These startthe first their choice new forlives. most However, people able within an hour’s commute. Chinese Town’s renovation and stalls sell almost every daily with the municipal renovation The Bureau of Statistics of necessity, from street food project underway, many old Shenzhen Municipality claims disparity, the two areas are only a to small household products. structures in Baishizhou are that the population of Shenzhen 10-minutegentrification. walk Underlining from each other.the Markets and clothes stores being torn down, alarming and is 12 million as of September In many ways, Baishizhou abound while restaurants saddening those who call this 2014. Only three million of those is the ragged sibling of the lush feature the many different scrappy, vibrant place home. are registered permanent resi- dents. Migrant workers make up most of the remaining nine million, with many living in Shenzhen’s urban villages. Baishizhou is the largest and arguably most famous of these. Around 100,000 individuals live within it, but only 2,000 of them are registered as permanent vil- lagers. The district encompasses villages and more than 2,000 buildings.six communities, five small artists painting the series My Baishizhou was originally white wall compulsions

May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com 35 Old Shekou Port, courtsey of the Nanhai Hotel Marketing Team

COVER STORY 1989 Ship beach, courtesy of li yu

shekou Oil town goes boom By Christine gilbert il companies and China Merchants

t iuk Holdings shaped much of Shekou’s

y m o present identity. People from other nations working in the petroleum industryO started turning up in the 1980s, e s R o s e of y s t e

our long before their arrival. The new residents workedthough Chinese for Texaco, fishermen BP or other had livedcompanies there ower, c ower, t with offshore rigs in the South China Sea. These oilmen and their families started Shekou International School, the Shekou Hash

hina m er c han ts c hina members club and bar, the Snake Pit. HouseBack Harriers then (and and eventhe area's now), first China expat ay fro m ay Merchants owned much of the land, as well as the port. They capitalized on Shekou’s sta- tus as a special industrial zone by bringing in and investing in many foreign businesses to appeal to the already-growing international

b s henzhen of view 2015 population. Shekou is one of the oldest expat commu- nities in all of China. Through the 90s, it even- tually developed into a haven where citizens

food, fresh ocean breezes, wide roads and aof booming other countries bar street could – it findwas theirmore national of an oil town oasis than ‘real’ China. A good 20 kilom- eters of highway separated it from Shenzhen, while Hong Kong and were just a quick ferry ride away. Though liminal and

Part of that expansion came from land separate,reclamation. Shekou This flourished enlarged the and physical expanded. area of Shekou and left the Minghua ship land- locked. In 1992, Deng Xiaoping looked out from its deck and christened the area “Sea World.” It was there on the Minghau that he also gave the famous “To get rich is glorious”

36 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com COVER STORY COVER

2015 View of sea world from china merchants tower, courtesy of MAry Ann o'donnell courtesy of Rose symotiuk

Land Reclamation Shenzhen has reclaimed 69 square kilometers of coastline, with 25 square meters be- speech. Today, that deck houses Lowenburg, ing on the Shekou peninsula alone. Between 1983 and 2004, this process lead to drastic and people eat pork knuckle and drink beer in the spot where the former paramount consequences, especially on groundwater systems, but the full effects are unknown yet, leader stood. changes in the Shenzhen coastline. Land reclamation might have significant environmental More restaurants and bars opened around the vessel, making it the center of a and Shekou remains a case study in this field. food and entertainment scene. However, the 2007 sea world flood damage - mercial development and greatly hurt many floodsmall ofbusiness 2007 destroyed owners who much did of not the have com insurance. Over the following seven years, China Merchants would spend RMB60 billion on its reconstruction, though the area still continued to thrive and develop despite the

After the orange line of the MTR connect- edflood Shekou losses. with the rest of Shenzhen for the Universiade in 2010, many Shenzhen-based foreigners started to come in more frequent- ly for specialty food stores, international classes and church services given in English. Now,medical many care, run fine along dining, the andbay withouteven yoga even realizing that not so long ago the ground be- neath their feet was ocean. With its grand reopening in 2014, Shekou continues to draw foreigners as well as many Chinese to its shores. Quality of living keeps improving in terms of medical, gastronomic and residential options – the The Shenzhen Flood ritziest of complexes is just begging for a Real Housewives of Shenzhen series. soonIn turned the early the morning bar street hours into aof 3-meter-deep June 10, 2007, swamp. a flash floodRescuers immersed had to theuse square rafts when in Sea Shekou’s waters, and old three-wheelers theyWorld. got Flood to the water site. Diversswirled broke with venuesand and windows soil from searching Nanshan for Mountain, customers and trapped the rainstorm inside. zip downFishermen the street still castalongside their nets Mercedes in and Land Rovers. Rich and poor, Chinese and million. All the shops were closed when the rains came, and people on the streets and in expat, co-exist here, just as they did in the oil barsOver were20 establishments able to escape. were The flooded,cause was and attributed the economic to poor losses planning, totaled especially more than of RMB20the wa- boom days. ter pump system and lack of diesel generators.

May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com 37 2000 front of donkey bar, courtsey of oct group

COVER STORY OCT contemporary art terminal sometime between 2004-2007, courtesy of oct group

oct-loft From factories to Feis skipping a step By Mike Bossick

verseas Chinese Town upscale restaurants, high-end (OCT) was designed designer furniture and acces- to lure back Chinese sories shops were set up right talents who had from the beginning. movedO abroad, in order to take One benchmark is the advantage of their brainpower Champoo (formerly Wanpoo) and build industry. Planned green spaces, bicycle paths, appeared, it had an old motorcy- sculptures in the park and the clebar out and front restaurant. and a retro When Mao-era it first centerpiece, Ecological Square, theme inside. It used to serve gave OCT its look and feel. reasonably priced Chinese food Towards the east, in and drinks. Now, Champoo push- Qiaocheng Dong, OCT-Loft had es pizza and chicken wings along a more humble start. It was pat- with elegantly tiered fruit plates. terned after the loft district of The motorcycle has moved up- Yaletown in Vancouver, B.C. The wards to the top of the building difference is that Yaletown was and the decoration looks more an urban progression of gentri- hotel, with linen-draped marble OCT-Loft was planned from the tabletopslike a Buddha-themed and carefully five-star arranged beginningfication fueled as a bycommercial the arts, while and cutlery. residential space as much as an Even with OCT-Loft grow- art center. The renovated facto- ing as more high rises go up for ries and warehouses are now 2007 construction on the walking street by gee coffee, courtesy of mary ann o'donnell packed with graphic design, enjoy, such as the Old Heaven interior design, architecture, types. Artists like being around ward, the area becomes spendy Bookstorethe affluent, – whichthere are is as gems funky to fashion design and marketing other artists, their numbers and trendy, and high prices force and eclectic as it gets in this part enterprises. There are a handful grow, and a scene begins. Next, the artists to move. of the world – and music venue cool bars, bookstores and small OCT-Loft never went through B10 Live. public art exhibitions, but they artsy shops spring up. After a this phase, instead going from To some, it is a showcase seemof fine to art be galleries an addendum and a fewto the while, people come to soak in pre-1980s industrial spaces to business atmosphere. the aesthetic ambience and con- commercialization. It never had is merely an upscale shopping In other parts of the world, tribute to the scene. Then the Bohemian watering holes, street mall.of art In and any design; case, itto is others, a distinc it - rundown industrial areas and landowners refurbish, gentri- performers, or cheap hangouts tive part of Shenzhen and a re- cheap rents attract creative -

fication begins, rents spike up and cafes. Architectural firms, flection of the city itself. 38 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com COVER STORY COVER

2011 entrance to oct-loft, courtsey of oct group

The OCT Company annually invests more than three mil- lion RMB in B10 as part of the 20 to 30 million yuan they annually invest in cultural programs around Shenzhen. They provide the space for

his team to curate music programsfree to founder as well Tung as paying Fei and the electricity bill. All of the equipment in B10 has been donated by various sponsors or bought by benefactors. Every year, the OCT Company funds two festivals, the OCT-

more famous. Loft Jazz Festival being the oct-loft The beginning of live houses By Christine Gilbert

2014 fourth oct-loft jazz festival, courtsey of oct-loft jazz Shenzhen after a 17- festival team yearung Fei stint moved in Germany back to painting and curating atT an art party space. It was 2006, and the city had grown and expanded, but little had changed artistically. He found mildly active creative programs and no centralized meeting place for people to discuss ideas. Tung, along with his friend Tu

a live house. Fei, Tunghad a cansolution: usually they be openedseen at most B10 concerts. Tall, with close-cropped gray hair and a cigarette in hand, he wears a boxy black coat and has the gait of a teenage basketball player. “Many artists didn’t have a space to exchange so everyone went to the bars,” Tung and Tu opened, C:Union, perform in Idutang. “Idutang top musical acts in Shenzhen, in- Tung says, as we sit in the back had to close, they soon opened was… the information center for cluding local, national and inter- of B10. We have to talk loudly another one in OCT-Loft in many creative people back then,” national bands. An Argentinean as a Mongolian metal band in 2007: Idutang. The two chose Tung says. ska group, Swedish jazz singers the main room has started their OCT-Loft for several reasons, in Tung and Tu split from their and an American beatboxer are sound check for the evening’s particular for the large, quiet other partner in 2010. The pair just some of the many who have concert. “I wanted to make a area and close proximity to the were quickly asked to remain performed here. Musicians view space for many young artists, city center. “I could see OCT-Loft in OCT-Loft and continue curat- it as the premier place to play in but for a gallery and exhibition was going to be good,” Tung ing by one of the OCT Company the city. room it was too complicated bosses. Tu opened Old Heaven and expensive.” “The OCT Company had given so Bookstore with his wife, while after a show at B10, there is talk- muchsays, puffing money onto thehis cigarette.area to cre - Tung focused on a new live ing andFor thoseexchange, who usuallystick around at Old instead on a live house – a small ate cultural programs.” house: B10. Together, they start- Heaven, and jianzi by the bushes. musicFor venue, these generallyreasons, he with settled a Every year, Tung and Tu In the midst of this, Tung will bar but focused more on music organized a vigorous program 2011, an event now approaching walk around, smiling, smok- than drinking. of more than 120 concerts, and ed the OCT-Loft Jazz Festival in ing and sometimes speaking in every night, musicians would Today, B10 hosts some of the German. its fifth year. Though the first live house May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com 39 Dongmen shopping street then, later and now, photos courtesy of the shenzhen museum COVER STORY

Dongmen Luohu's labyrinth By Rose Symotiuk

Walking Dongmen smell will be your guide. like much of Dongmen, but it’s Dongmen as ever being The best way to experience At this point, you should see still worth a look for cool kids’ sleepy,t’s difficult small to or imagine village-like. Dongmen is to circle the perim- Dongmen’s famous pedestrian It wasn’t until the Ming walking bridge, where Hubei Lixin Lu runs into Rainbow Dynasty,I however, that it be- with the two main subway sta- Lu and Dongmen Zhong Lu in- Mall,games a goodand cosplay landmark outfits. to help came a happening place. Known tions:eter first Hubei and and become Laojie. oriented tersect. Cross Dongmen Zhong orient yourself. Take a left and by many different names, in- Take exit B of the Hubei and take a right, heading north start walking south (the crowds cluding East Gate (Dongmen), Station and cross Hubei Lu. Take (you won’t be able to miss the of Dongmen will be on your left Old City (Laojie) and Shenzhen a left, and then keep an eye on heaving crowds on the eastern now). Right before you reach Market (Shenzhen Shichang), the right side of the street for edge of the pedestrian shopping 1234 Space and the Hyatt Place one thing is for sure: it’s always the unassuming entrance to center). Keep walking north, hotel, you’ll see a building on the been a center of commerce and Hubei Village. Some of the build- past the MOI department store left with a pair of spectacles on it. trade. ings here date back 500 years, (feel free to take a break in the This is Glasses City, which offers With its strategic location and it is Luohu’s last ancient secret Starbucks inside). At Lixin the largest selection in Shenzhen in Luohu, near the edge of the village – in the process of being Lu, take a left. of… well, you can guess what. ‘Bamboo Curtain,’ it was always demolished to build a new MixC There’s a shopping center Have your prescription lenses destined to boom due to its shopping mall. Don’t be afraid on the right that looks odd, made quickly and cheaply here. close proximity to Hong Kong. bedecked with lot of signs and As you reach the 1234 Space After Deng Xiaoping’s historic streets will lead you through frames outside. You can get your Mall, with big signs for H&M decision to open Shenzhen as locals’to wander intimate inside; lives the as cramped they do paintings and photos mounted and Gap inside, look to the right. a Special Economic Zone, laundry and play mahjong. There are some restaurants, Dongmen and the surrounding Come back out the way you the escalator upstairs, you’ll dis- bars and little shops across - entered, and you’ll see a large coverhere very this cheaply.is Boyi Arts If you and find Crafts the street. It’s a great place to heaval as land was transferred, orange building across the street Mall. Inside is every musical in- wander, with little coffee shops villagesroads were experienced built, skyscrapers terrific up called CAQ. It’s a kitchen supply strument ever invented for sale, and Korean clothing boutiques went up and a massive wave of paradise with everything from as well as a nice art book section inside. It’s actually the entrance people came from all corners of RMB1 bowls to industrial hot and lots of unique gifts to buy. to Dongmen People’s Park, a the mainland. dog makers. If there’s some- Outside, if you keep follow- beautiful amusement park that Dongmen was renovated thing you need for your kitchen, ing Lixin Lu, you’ll come across is one of Shenzhen’s treasures. in the 90s and was host to one a number of spa, beauty and of the most important events here. Handy tip: the men on the hair-supply super stores. You haunted houses and carnival in Shenzhen, and perhaps all streetyou’re withalmost the certain tatty small to find vans it can buy everything you need games.Inside you’ll Rent afind paddleboat roller coasters, here are drivers and can take you to open a nail shop or massage and head out to a romantic spot McDonald’s opening, which home if you over-shop, but make parlor here, down to the chairs on the lake to watch the sunset tookof China: place the in first-everOctober 1990. Chinese sure to haggle hard. and uniforms. More likely, you’ll over the city skyline. By 1999, most of Dongmen Leaving CAQ, head west and want to purchase inexpensive Strolling back to 1234 Space, cross the street when you see the packs of fragrant foot soaks, face a new mall featuring hip brands giving the area the only pedes- masks and hair-care products. trianwas closed markets off into thestreet city. traffic, This are two: one has mostly curtains, On the right-hand side, that you’re actually at Laojie remains a key feature of what thesign other for the has Fabric clothing Market. fabric There and towards the end of the street, Station.and pop-up One shops, of the biggestyou’ll find and makes Dongmen successful - busiest subway stops in the today. ter is above a wet market, so the book mall. It’s being renovated, world, the tunnels of the station tailors on the third floor. The lat you’ll find the anime and comic

40 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com COVER STORY COVER

go on and on for miles under- of the Cultural Square and try area, it was faithfully recon- grilled lamb skewers, to freshly neath the mall. structed in 1999. Now, it has made ice cream. Laojie Station is on Shennan Siyue Shuyuan. According to lo- exhibitions of artwork. If you’re from out of town or Lu. Walking east on this road calto find expert the Jamesold library, Baquet, called it was To grab a bite, you can relax in need of a staycation, a good will bring you back to where you a library/schoolhouse when in one of the nice restaurants in option is to book a room at the started, Hubei Station. 1234 Space, like the branch of Hyatt Place on top of 1234 Space. Now that you have your members of the local Zhang clan Tsui Wah Hong Kong restaurant Locals often say you haven’t bearings, plunge directly into andfirst namedbuilt, meant for ancestor to educate Zhang upstairs, but our top recommen- experienced Shenzhen until the madness that is Dongmen. Siyue. Later, it housed runaway dation is the indoor snack street, you’ve been to Dongmen. With Be sure to check out the Hong Kong strikers protesting by the big Uniqlo. A huge space map in hand, even a short-term Kids' Clothing Mall and the a 1925 massacre by the British with just about every Chinese China visitor should be able to Wedding Dress Mall, two of our in Shanghai, and for a time was street eat possible, vendors handle the thriving bustle. favorite spots. If you get really used as an inn. Dismantled in sell everything from steamed lost, head towards the middle 1996 for improvements to the and fried dumplings, to // For more maps and info, visit lovesz.net

May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com 41 Lead

The Great Outdoors Places to pitch a tent by Matthew Bossons

hen most people think of China, they picture the Great Wall, rampant pollution and hectic driving, not tents, campfires and three-day-old underwear. That being said, The Middle Kingdom, W and specifically Guangdong Province, harbors no shortage of unique camping locations. Despite this, camping is not a popular pastime, partly because doing the relevant preparatory research can be difficult. This month, we at That’s decided to do the legwork for you and showcase seven of the best camping spots the south has to offer.

Yingde Grassland, Understand: Be forewarned, Tianmengou Scenic Area, or showers. GrasslandMust do: does not come with flush toilets sample the renowned Kowloon tofu and Yingdehong .See the Tianmen waterfall; Getting there: Trains to Yingde Xi Station can be boarded from Shenzhen Bei and Guangzhou Dong, both taking roughly 90 minutes. Once in Yingde, take bus 11 to Chengxi Passenger Station, then take the Getting there: There are several buses from shuttle towards Boluo and get off at Jiuzhou Guangzhou and Shenzhen to Conghua, leav- Yizhan scenic spot. ing from different passenger stations. Once This scenic location is perched on a mountaintop, at an altitude of 1,100 meters, Shimen National Forest Park, and is said to be the site of one of China’s , Guangzhou in the city, board the Conghua Daling Forest Located only 86 kilometers away from RuyuanFarm shuttle Grand bus. Canyon, easily accessible, with abundant road access andfirst enjoyprimitive the localvillages. scenery, which includes This is the place to enjoy some of andGuangzhou, parking Shimenlots. National Forest Park is the behemothSet your tent 136-meter-high up amongst the Tianmen flowers Guangdong’s best hiking. The imposing The park is also home to Conghua’s hot waterfall. The area also boasts numerous Ruyuan Grand Canyon is an ideal adventure springs and, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love geothermal features, including hot spring location and has been previously recognized relaxing in warming mineral water? baths to help you unwind after a long day of as one of the top 10 tourist destinations in Understand: exploring. the province. The canyon is more than 300 Park is popular in the fall with those wishing Yingde Grassland is perched at a rea- meters deep and 15 kilometers long. to enjoy the park’s Shimen foliage Nationaltransformation Forest sonably high altitude - temperatures and Camping here also means you can enjoy from green to a brilliant red. Expect crowds crystal-clear water and the thunderous roar from mid-October to mid-January. clothing. Dressing in layers and packing wa- of waterfalls, the most imposing of which is Must do: Unwind with a cold beer in terproofweather willgear fluctuate would be - wise.so bring appropriate Conghua’s hot springs. Tenglong Great Fall, which plummets 200

42 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com lead » COMMUNITY

meters into the valley below. and sand worthy of popping a tent on. home to the legendary 1,219-meter Heaven Understand: It can get cold at Ruyuan Xichong offers city-weary expats sun- Peak (the highest summit in the region). Grand Canyon, so be sure to pack plenty of The reserve is one of Guangdong’s elite clothing. A warm sleeping bag is also advis- hiking. The site’s amenities include camping able during cold winter nights. bathing, fishing, beach volleyball and coastal- Must do: Taste the local delicacies, such door shower, picnic tables, a basic store and as fried river snails and fried sour bamboo afor snack RMB40 bar. per night, flush toilets, an out shoots. Understand: Trekking the coastline of Getting there: Take a train or coach to the Dapeng Peninsula is not always easy. Shaoguan and transfer to a bus headed Some sections require local knowledge and proper footwear. Be sure to inquire before Ruyuan every 15 minutes from 7am-5pm. setting out. to Xihe bus station. From there, a bus goes to Must do: Lianhua Mountain, Panyu cooked at one of the many local seafood District, Guangzhou eateries on Dapeng Go fishing Town and Seafood have your Street. catch hiking and camping locales, with unusual Alternatively, chow down on some fresh rock formations, lush bamboo forests and lobster. rushing rivers. It is also home to 176 species Getting there: Shenzhen, it takes roughly two hours. Take Understand: Nankun Mountain requires the 360 bus to Nan’aoFrom Hotel downtown to connect with warmof butterflies. clothing and waterproof camping gear the 989 minibus. The minibus runs from to combat large temperatures swings and Nan’ao Hotel to Xichong from 6am-5pm daily. unpredictable weather. Must do: Ascend Heaven Peak or, if hik- Fangji Island, City Getting there: Take a bus to Conghua passengering isn’t your station, deal, thengo butterfly take a taxi spotting. to a camp - Located at the convergence of the Lion site upon arrival. River and the Pearl River in , Lianhua Mountain offers accessible camping in a complex that is comprised of 48 unique red hills, including one that rises to a height of 108 meters. Camping essentials: This location makes for an ideal weekend camping getaway due to its close proximity • Tent to urban areas, its modern amenities and its is the largest island near Maoming (14.5 kil- - • Sleeping bag natural beauty. ometersFangji southeast, Island, located to be exact).in Dianbai The District,island is tion to and treat insect bites and clean wounds • First-aid kit, containing the necessary medica Understand: In ancient times this site home to a 122-meter-high peak that is ideal (antibiotic cream, antiseptic and band aids for cuts was a stone quarry, which was mined for for hiking when you inevitably get bored of and scrapes). Tweezers should also be included in hundreds of years. As a result, visitors are splashing around in the water. your kit to remove splinters. presented with a unique combination of nat- Tent camping starts at RMB35 a night ural beauty and human-manipulated rock. and takes place on a beautiful, 5.96-kilome- • Insect repellant Be sure to check out the enor- ter-long natural sand beach. Site amenities Must do: • Lighter/matches mous statue of Guanyin, which stands a stag- • Bottled water gering 40.88 meters tall. It is made from 120 and outdoor showers. • Toilet paper tons of bronze and is coated in 9 kilograms include picnic tables, fire pits, flush toilets • Pocket knife of gold. It’s allegedly the tallest gilded bronze you need not worry about running out of and deodorant • Basic hygiene essentials, such as a toothbrush statue of Guanyin in the world. food.While The sitebeach hosts camping a small on store Fangji and Island, a snack Once in Guangzhou, take Getting there: • Appropriate clothing and footwear metro line three to Shiqiao station and then cooked at a local seafood eatery (if you’re resourcefulbar, and you enough). can also have any fish you catch Where to buy camping equip- stop, the entrance to Lianhua Mountain is Understand: This retreat is a resort ment: approximatelyhop on the bus ato 15-minute Lianhua Shan. walk. From the area, so camping here won’t be like Sean The easiest place to by essentials is, as with almost Into the Wild. anything, Taobao (provided you can read Chinese Xichong Beach, Dapeng Must do: or know someone that can). That being said, Peninsula, Shenzhen islandPenn’s offers2007 filmsome of the best opportuni- quality cannot be guaranteed. If you would like to ties in the neighborhood Surfing and to snorkeling, engage in asthese the purchase equipment that you can examine before- activities. hand, check out one of these locations: Getting there: Take the bus from Guangzhou to Maoming Hedong bus station, 深圳火狐狸 then take the 201 bus directly to the beach 户外用品 Shenzhen VAFox Outdoor Equipment area. hangyuan Dasha, 75 Zhenhua Lu, Futian District, shenzhen 深圳市福田区振 Nankun Mountain Nature 华路175号航苑大厦后楼 (0755-8323 1232, www.vafox.com) Affectionately referred to as “Hawaii in Reserve, , Decathlon 迪卡侬运动用品店

Shenzhen,” Xichong beach is located on the 2/F, GtLand Mall, 86 huacheng Dadao, tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州市天河

Dapeng Peninsula. With views overlooking This is where you come when you’re 区花城大道86号高德汇2座2楼 (020-3847 7899, www.decathlon.com.cn) Hong Kong, the 130-kilometer stretch of tired of starless nights. Nankun Mountain beach boasts clean(ish) water, fresh(ish) air Nature Reserve covers 1,077 hectares and is

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 43 Feature Seeking a Life beyond Stage IV Russian couple fights to overcome cancer by Emeri Burks

however, that Tanysha needs to reach this state soon to improve her chances of success. Unfortunately for Tanysha and Andrey, rebuilding her immune system isn’t the only - tially cheaper than other hospitals they’ve battle.sought out,Treatment comes atwith Fuda, a hefty while price substan tag: RMB300,000 for three months of treat- - count, the couple has already raised around RMB10,000ment. Through from Fuda’s external secure donations, payments but ac they still have a long way to go. Tanysha and Andrey are enlisting more

brightenand more Tanysha’s people in room, on the but fight the every contribu day. - Peopletion they bring ask financialfor most isdonations prayers and faith.gifts to The Russian couple likes to remember their friend Elene, who survived advanced stages of cancer with little more than belief eople who have never met Tanysha diagnosis of stage IV cancer last December, - Kuznetzov come to bring her a but doctors couldn’t agree on the type or cute stuffed Pink Panther in a tutu source of the cancer. By January, Tanysha’s ab- whatthat it has was made possible Tanysha’s and a fiercealready determi incredible along with their love and support. domen had swelled with an accumulation of progressnation to possible.fight. That This strength, wouldn’t they have say, been is POthers who started as mere acquaintances imaginable without all the emotional sup- from charitable organizations help to build in a tremendous amount of pain but the worst port from former strangers touched by their a wooden dream house symbolic of her fu- part,fluids, Andrey a condition and Tanysha known assay, hydrops. was not She know was- story. It’s for this reason they want to share ture with her husband of 10 days, Andrey. ing what was happening and what would their struggles and triumphs with the world. come. They visited a number of hospitals in Now the couple jokes that they’re on an where doctors were grim. Some said extended vacation, and with the high-quality Her room at the Fuda Cancer Hospital of - she had as little as a week. They next explored sionsGuangzhou the happy is filled couple with have warmth for their and faith.life options for treatment in Europe but it was not a far stretch. Andrey tells us that Tanysha together.Stage IV cancer just doesn’t fit with the vi unaffordable. They could pay to have Tanysha iscare more and peaceful environment everyday they because benefit from,she’s leftit’s It was in this spirit that they decided that hospitalized but not treated. the fear behind. their engagement had waited long enough. In March they contacted the Russian Orthodox Cancer Hospital and things began to change - Church, and the representatives waved the dramaticallyIn February for theythe better, arrived but at notthe dueFuda to portant“Every that lock you has depend a key, on and yourself. we will Others find it,” mandatory month-long waiting period so the traditional approaches towards cancer treat- Tanya affirms. “[To move forward,] it’s im betrothed pair could get married right away. ment. When Tanysha arrived, she was too It’s been a long road for Andrey and weak to walk. Intestinal obstructions kept Tanysha,can help, but hopefullyfirst you have there’s to help still plentyyourself.” of Sunday the 29th, the hospital pulled together her from solid foods, and her immune system journey ahead. forTheir the papers ceremony. were With signed her on nails, Friday, makeup and on was too degraded to permit chemotherapy. // if you’re interested in donating money or reaching out to and hair done, a wedding gown-attired Instead, the hospital treated Tanysha with andrey and tanysha, you can contact aleks (friend and trans- Tanysha was pushed through the halls of a different kind of regimen: Chinese herbs, lator, WeChat: (aleks777) or Jamie Cao (representative of GZ liquid food, antibiotics and, perhaps most hearts Fusion, a multinational community dedicated to care by a crowd of friends, family, fellow patients importantly, a wealth of spiritual and emo- of underprivileged people, WeChat: candrapriya). andFuda others in a wheelchair who simply by came Andrey, to cheer surrounded on tional support. Though this treatment alone will to offer their presents and well-wishes, and not cure cancer from multiple regions in simplythe inspirational to bask in couple.the joy ofHundreds the occasion. filed inThe hospital’s wedding present: one of the nicest Supervising Staff Member Shi Juanjuan, once rooms available, a veritable apartment com- her respiratorymidsection, problemsexplains Fuda dissipate, Hospital her liver plete with kitchen, living room and private and kidney function returns to normal, and bathroom. her diet becomes regular, she can begin to be treated with chemotherapy. She cautions,

The young couple first heard the dreaded 44 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com health » COMMUNITY

On a Grind Tackling Causes, symptoms and treatments of bruxism Chronic Pain by Dr. Eric Kwok Spinal adjustment as a non-chemical and non-surgical alternative

by Bellaire International Clinic aniel is a 13-year-old son (like an accident or sprain), boy from the United it will cause pinches on the spi- States who has been nal nerve, giving you pain and/ suffering from severe or muscle spasms.” By means of Dheadaches for years. He has com- spinal adjustment, a chiroprac- plained of intermittent, sporadic tor can uncover the problem and headaches, both in the front and correct the vertebral subluxa- back of his head, since he was tion, making the pain go away. in the third grade. The pain was - so persistent that it prevented nal adjustment can be almost him from studying and playing instantaneous.For some, the Others results might of spi need normally like other kids when longer to correct because the sub- it attacked, even though he took luxation has occurred for a longer painkillers every day – despite period, so the soft tissues (includ- Why do people grind their for a personalized mouth the fact that prolonged use can ing muscles, ligaments, etc.) need teeth? guard to protect their teeth be detrimental for the kidneys, to be corrected also. Generally, Most researchers now from grinding during sleep. stomach and liver. chronic subluxation needs more believe teeth grinding (medi- He visited various hospitals time to take effect while acute cally known as ‘bruxism’) can Do certain foods and drinks and clinics in the US and China, subluxation needs less time. be caused by many factors, cause people to grind their There are some simple ways such as stress, anxiety, an ab- teeth? to alleviate symptoms while re- normal bite or even crooked Anything with a high “unknownbut no definite headache.” etiology Little could im be- teeth. In many cases, bruxism concentration of or provementidentified and had the been diagnosis achieved. was occurs during sleep, especially alcohol should be avoided Until one day, he met Dr. stretchingcovering: keep exercise a proper to relax posture; your in those with sleep disorders, to reduce bruxism. Coffee, Hsing K Chen, an experienced US muscles.don’t sleep Most on aof soft the bed;symptoms and do like sleep apnea. coke and chocolate especially chiropractor who currently prac- will go away if you follow these should be avoided. Chewing tices in China. Dr. Chen arranged instructions, and you will live Why is teeth grinding harm- gum should also be used spar- a detailed examination and healthier and enjoy a longer life. ful? ingly, as it makes jaw muscles designed a series of treatment If a person grinds their repeat clenching and grinding programs, including manual // Dr. hsing K. Chen is a China-born teeth daily, teeth can eas- motions. spinal manipulation of the neck. american who received his doctor of ily wear down, making them The headaches began improving, chiropractic at texas Chiropractic College. more susceptible to tooth frac- What are some simple ways and by the end of the treatment, Practicing in houston since 1990, he later tures, loosening and even loss. to train the jaw to stop the bothersome ailment that had came to Guangzhou and now works in Bruxism can also cause jaw clenching? bellaire international Clinic, suite 601, times pain, earaches and headaches. The most common reason square, 28 tianhe bei Lu, tianhe District, If any of these symptoms have of jaw clenching is stress and beenAccording afflicting toDaniel Dr. Chen, for years Guangzhou 广州市天河区天河北路28号 already occurred, a root canal, anxiety. Due to this, the best “Therefinally went are 26 away. segments in a hu- 时代广场601室 (020-2899 3911, 3891 0511 crowns, bridges, implants, par- way to reduce bruxism is by man’s spine. If one of them devi- (english, Japanese and Chinese)). the clinic tial dentures or complete den- reducing stress and learn- ates (subluxation)… for any rea- is open Monday-sunday, 9am-6pm. ing how to manage anxiety. teeth. However, it’s obviously Physical ways to ease one’s besttures to can prevent be utilized the problem to fix the jaw include: holding a warm rather than resorting to these washcloth against the cheek to relax jaw muscles at least once a day and massaging jaw Howmeasures can ato person fix it. stop muscles. grinding their teeth? // answers supplied by Dr. eric Kwok from for bruxism. If stress is the Dental bauhinia, 9/F, block b, shenzhen cause,First, then analyze patients the should reasons ask international Chamber of Commerce their doctor or dentist about bldg, 138 Fuhua yi Lu, Futian District, ways to reduce stress. Next, shenzhen 深圳市福田区福华一路138号 they should ask their dentist 国际商会大厦b座9层 (0755-8371 1696)

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 45 education The Uniform Debate To wear or not to wear, that is the question

By Lena Gidwani

Photo Courtesy of GNIS Photo Courtesy of AISG

t several schools across the PRD, trainers in winter. She claims that the teach- students arrive to class each morn- A distinct advantage ers prefer it too, as it means they don’t spend ing in consistent, coordinated time enforcing rules on attire or sorting out of having a uniform is unlabeled, identical clothing items. “It’s nice Amakes for a familiar sight at Guangzhou that we don’t all look the same and it’s easier Nanfang Internationaloutfits. A strict School, uniform The policy British that students develop to see who we truly are,” she says, displaying a School of Guangzhou, Yew Wah International a sense of school red cotton top and zebra print leggings. Education School of Guangzhou, Shen Wai Though freedom of attire may be popular International School in Shenzhen, ISA identity that can with the kids, some schools are consider- International School Guangzhou and plenty ing a change in the other direction. Utahloy more. promote an enhanced International School, for instance, has thus far Advocates of uniforms say they boost been a non-uniform institution, but Principal school pride and identity, reduce bullying and school spirit help pupils stay focused on learning – at least school colors: “A distinct advantage of having partly because there’s no peer pressure to don guidelines, only putting on uniform for ap- aNeil uniform Burney is seesthat studentsthe benefit develop of uniting a sense behind of the latest fashions. Principal Mark Thomas propriate occasions, like physical education school identity that can promote an enhanced from The British School of Guangzhou says classes, choir or on sports teams. “AISG be- school spirit. UISG has a history of not having their uniform program has improved school lieves that student choice in individual attire uniforms, but the debate within the school - encourages meaningful conversations about community continues. As a school, we wel- portive because it saves them time and mon- how to express one’s own culture, identity come change, and a new school uniform could ey.culture “There and are affiliation, no concerns and parentsabout what are oursup and values, while respecting the opinions and be a reality in the future.” students are going to wear in the morning. It beliefs of others. Students are empowered to This is one discussion that will no doubt also helps with school spirit by leveling out make choices and taught to take responsibil- continue to get parents, students and teachers ity for their actions with the guidance of par- hot under the collar for many years to come. together. There’s camaraderie. Overall, I’d say ents and teachers. In our eyes, giving students it’sthe beenplaying a tremendous field to show success. that we’re We getall in a lotthis of the choice to select their attire is a natural positive feedback from the community.” extension of this philosophy,” says Director of Michael Urquhart, Principal of Guangzhou Development Mike Ludwick. Nanfang International School, agrees. “Having In many European and most American recently sent my daughter to a public school schools, children are not required to wear a in America, I can say that when my wife was uniform, and there’s no conclusive evidence away in , it was the worst month that it makes a difference to behavior or aca- demic success. Critics of uniforms even go as what she was going to wear to school and far as to say that having them needlessly in- whatof my I life, wanted fighting her withto wear… a Year I ended4 student up aover fan fringes on creativity and diminishes learning of uniform!” in a diverse environment. Melissa Towers, a student at an interna- International School of Guangzhou (AISG) it’s tional school in Shenzhen, says that she enjoys a differentOn the scene.flip side, Students at the American are free to wear whatever they want, within the dress code pretty skirts in summer, and the fun tights and seeing the vibrant colors and patterns; the Photo Courtesy of BSG

46 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 47 CITY SCENES

That’s PRD Food and Drink Tasting at Eden Garden Bar On April 16, around 50 That's PRD readers visited the Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai Eden Garden Bar for the third station of the That’s PRD

and sang along with his husky voice. During the lucky draw, many prizes were given away, including: Urbanatomy mugs, a Nogogo goodie basket andFood several and Drink vouchers Tasting from series. Hilton, Guests Nogogo, enjoyed Home Fiji Women water, free & Children's flow of selected Hospital drinks (Shenzhen), and canapes. Viva-Dental, For entertainment, Taipei Language Tim InstituteAmbler played and Toni guitar & Guy. It was a fabulous event on one of Shenzhen’s best rooftops.

Shekou Community Center (SCC) Second Annual European Chamber Gala Dinner Family Easter (Supported by ) (Supported by ) The European Chamber South China Chapter held their annual gala dinner Easter Brunch at The Peninsula Phase 1 Club on April 12, 2015. About companies as well as VIP clients enjoyed a carnival-themed gala this year. 300Shekou people Community attended Center the festivities, (SCC) held which its Second aimed toAnnual remind Family people of Overon April 300 11 guests at the were Sofitel surrounded Guangzhou by Sunrich. a beautifully As an decorated annual big ballroom gathering, with the real meaning of Easter: rebirth and engaging one’s community. 3D backdrop, great music and mood lighting. People were welcomed with Sponsors for the brunch included: HH Gourmet, Backstube Bakery, Over RMB11,000 was raised to finance renovations for the SCC space. with fun and joy provided by a jazz music band, Venetian-dressed violists Lola Moore Cakes, L'Epicerie, Shenzhen Bienvenue, Nogogo and the Happy Monk’s specially designed cocktail. The whole night was filled Shenzhen Bacchus Wine Imports. CST Comprehensive (Shenzhen) Trading Company and Nevo Watch donated valuable prizes, including and games. Two Air France tickets were given away as well as luxury hotel iPads, champagnes and the new Nevo Activity Tracker watch. room vouchers and fine wine sponsored by Les Parte Des Anges.

48 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Malbec World Day Celebration (Supported by ) On April 9 and 11, the Consulate General of in Guangzhou celebrated Malbec World Day with amazing events hosted by The Courtyard - cluded several activities ranging from business rounds and wine tastings to a blind wine competition. The Argentine night featured a fantastic receptionand Sofitel with Guangzhou tango shows, Sunrich. music Sponsored performances by That’s and PRD, the BestFiji Water Malbec and Awards, GZGrocery.cn, all paired the with fifth great edition wines of the and traditional Argentinean wine beef celebration for a perfect in cultural and culinary experience.

String of Pearls Urbanites Easter Carnival The Shenzhen branch of Torres China held a grand launch tasting at JW Marriott Hotel on March 31. Around 30 great wines were showcased and served to guests for tasting, including wines of the legendary winery Stag’s Leap. Ste. Michelle Wine Estates announced that Torres China has TheOn a Parkview. glorious sunny More morningthan 100 onguests April enjoyed 5, Urban a deliciousFamily held brunch an Easter and been appointed the exclusive importer for their Chateau Ste. Michelle, party.Carnival With in conjunctionhelp from BBU’s with teachers,The Canton kids Club painted at its Eastersecond-floor eggs and venue, took Columbia Crest, Two Vines, Eroica, Erath and Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars to the garden to look for 1,000 eggs! They were rewarded with plenty brand portfolio of American wines in mainland China from 2015. of delicious wafers from Loacker’s mascot. Joyful moments were re- corded by Baby Ele Pictures and a great time was had by all.

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 49 PRD FOCUS

n OCT-Loft, Ju Cheng Art Gallery celebrated n April 2, BT8 Bar & Restaurant - the opening of the 2015 QSI International held a media dinner to welcome tional schools attended the Shenzhen IBaccalaureate Visual Arts Exhibition on O James McIntosh to Shenzhen and On April 19, students from five interna April 3. At the hugely successful event, hundreds announce their further collaboration International School (SWIS). The theme of of visitors were amazed by almost 100 studio with him. McIntosh has written numer- this yearBay was Music Radiance: Festival Light hosted of Tomorrow by Shen Wai – works of digitally collaged characters, striking ous award-winning cookbooks and even What does our future hold? The festival was portraiture, illustrative storytelling, geometric has his own iPhone app: Whisk Cooking established by SWIS in 2014 and developed - by James McIntosh. The dinner included as a means to connect the upper-primary tures, detailed pen and ink work and photo- many fine meats, seafood and BT8’s fabu- and middle school student communities of landscapes,montage image floral distortions. designs, found-object sculp lous signature cocktails. Shenzhen’s international schools.

BA China CEO David Shoemaker pril 19 turned out to be a beautiful day tarwood Careers Day Shenzhen announced the Charlotte Hornets Event, held at the St. Regis Shenzhen Nand the Los Angeles Clippers will A in cooperation with ISA International Son April 17, was a great success. duke it out on October 11 in the Shenzhen School Guangzhou.for the Urbanites The festival Club’s firstwas heldart day, at Around 200 people took part in the Universiade Center. Eight-time NBA All-Star Redtory and featured a variety of fun family event to seek a career opportunity with Dikembe Mutombo attended the conference activities and art classes, including visits to a Starwood, half of them attended the on-site and hosted a basketball clinic for fans in con- modern gallery, workshops, a secret garden interview while another half participated junction with the announcement. and leisure activities for children. in the remote on-line interview.

uine held a cooking class on March n April 8, Kyoku Japanese restaurant wedding showcase was presented by the 11 where participants were taught had their second branch’s soft open- JhotelW Marriott and top Hotel Asian Shenzhen wedding Bao’an’s profession first- Mto make Vietnamese spring rolls Oing in Kerry Plaza. A Taiwanese sushi als in the largest LED-changing ballroom in and drip coffee. Participants enjoyed a fun- master showed off his skills to VIP guests, Shenzhen on April 12. The showcase was opened with an extravagant fashion show fea- ambience of South Asia and the vibrancy of offers diverse cooking dishes in multiple turing well-known bridal-dress brands. 'sfilled afternoon culinary that culture. truly conjured the sultry lunchcarving sets. up a 1-meter-long tuna fish. Kyoku

50 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Norway all the way Egil olsen in concert p63 Shenzhen reviews, events and information

This month 52 What's on in May 54 The Grapevine 55 Home Cooking 56 New Food and Drink

A monthly insert in May 2015 MAY 9 SAT COLT SILVERS Calendar OCT-LOFT B10 62 2015 what's on in may may 3 sun 62 BASIX shenzhen concert 62 hall MAY 23 SAT MICAPPELLA VS SIRENS may 30 sat JUMP April 10 SHENZHEN POLY THEATER 63 52 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com May 6 WED may 15 FRI CAMERATA SALZBURG anda union



NCSC p62 Shenzhen Poly Theater p62




www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 53 grapevine EAt/drink GOSSIP

Despite the bipolar weather Off the Vine Livio Felluga Pinot Grigio Shennan Dadao have blossomed andin Shenzhen, – when the the smog flowers lifts on – the taly’s most popular white climes. This environment seems Felluga is a 500- acro-yogis and mildly supervised wine, the dryness of pinot to have been absorbed into the acre vineyard schoolsky is turning children bluer. roam Kite our flyers, parks grigio goes best with a wry wine, since it is an excellent cool- with a charming again. Mungo Jerry can have his sense of humor and a side er well suited to sunbathing. family ethos – and Iorder of witty barbs. Originally a very quaffable summertime. Spring is for the Perhaps because it is so outdoors in Shenzhen. grown in France, where it is known widely consumed around Europe pinot grigio. The Before it gets ridiculously as pinot gris, it was later adopted and America, pinot grigio is grapes used to humid, enjoy the weather on in Italy. Here, it underwent a name rather looked down on by oeno- the deck of Shrimp Banquet change and became a lot more philes, who call it simple and un- for a short period after they are (p59) in Sea World. Admire all of famous a la Archibald Leach (aka interesting. Part of this may be a picked,make it beforeare first being left to fermented macerate in the patio’s foliage while sipping Cary Grant). result of its popularity, which has temperature-controlled, stainless lemongrass drinks for hours. Though it has its roots in led to a lot of mass production. steel tanks. T Guan/T Commune (p58) in France, pinot grigio has dis- On the other hand, in the humid Serve the bottle chilled with OCT-Loft also has lovely outdoor heats of South China summers, seating and delicate fusion European cousin, tending to have Mediterranean-esque eats for a Chinese cuisine (including a greatertinctly different acidity and flavors less fromsweet its- that’s light on complexity but suitablyfish, baked sedate vegetables weekend or otherafternoon. vegetarian menu). ness. Thought to be a mutation of highit’s not on a the bad refreshment thing to find scale. a wine // Livio Felluga Pinot Grigio can be purchased Futian side, Sambal (p59) in the pinot noir grape, pinot grigio Based in the northeastern from Pudao Wines, simply visit www. Huaqiangbei offers a wide range Italian region of Friulia, Livio pudaowines.com of Southeast Asian cuisines at a vines flourish in sunny but cool surprisingly reasonable price. Six of the Best… to cool you down Our springtime drink of choice? The coconut shake, of course. In Coco Park, Crepes Mania Teapigs Chamomile has opened, providing decent Tea but small crepes. Princess Made from Coco in Wongtee Plaza caters Croatian to lobster lovers with a range of chamomile burgers, pastas and other plates bushes, this featuring the prized crustacean. tea has sleep- Pepenero Cucina Italiana, also promoting Twinings Mint Lipton Lohas in the Convention and Exhibition properties, Center area, serves traditional relaxes Humbug Jasmine blossoms mixed with Italian fare, from handmade muscles Whole leaves of peppermint and – one of China’s most pizzas to risottos. and soothes spearmint combine to pack an famous combos – is thought to For more open-air dining, anxiety. One intense mint aroma into every sip. Humbug’s naturally caffeine free, be an antidepressant as well as head to the newly opened Lay cup will calm any incessant making it perfect to drink any time a remedy for fevers. RMB27/ Z Bar in OCT-Loft where Han’s pack. used to be. Further down in mind whirring. RMB70/pack. of the day. RMB88/pack. // Any branch of Wal-mart Nanshan, The Dolores (p60) // drinks99.taobao.com // www.twinings.com.cn softly opened on April 10 with Flora Lemon Ginger Lemongrass Ginger Lemon Tea bottled beer. They’ve also got Winter is to hot outdoora feast of dining finger andfoods large and French craft Echinacea with Honey chocolate as spring windows for those who like to Calming and Black or green soothing, tea gets infused is to what? Iced dine indoors but also enjoy fresh tea – obviously. air. However, if you’re looking echinacea helps with freshly sliced stalks Okay, enough of the for a hearing-impaired night SAT questions, go out and a security team quick against the of lemongrass the body fight enjoy Simply Life’s to crush any hopes of dancing, common cold and ginger, while aiding the while a bit of version- refreshing and not too head to Sanho (p60) in Longhua respiratory system. Lemongrass honey adds sweet with a subtle bitterness Shanghefang Shopping Town. soothes upset tummies and light sweetness. from the fresh sliced lemon. As for us, we’ll stick to outdoor ginger aids the immune system. RMB18/cup. RMB22/cup. EG dining, parks and admiring the RMB28/cup. // Sambal, Century Place B102, // Simply Life, Shop S169, 1/F, The mIXC, No. 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District 罗湖区宝 // Kosmo, Shop 20-15, Sea World, Shekou, , Futian District 福田区 安南路1881号华润中心万象城首层S169号商 flowers. Happy spring! Nanshan District 南山区蛇口海上世界广场 深南中路世纪汇广场商场负一层B102号 铺 (2221 1782) 20-15号 (2686 1419) (2264 1000)

54 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com home cooking » EAT/DRINK A Golden Oldie Tortilla de patata

By Christine Gilbert

oing to a picnic with water and let sit. Spaniards? Chances 2) Dice white onion into 1-cen- are they’ll all bring the timeter cubes. same potluck item: an 3) Heat the diced potatoes, on- Gomelet. ions and olive oil over high heat Known as tortilla de patata until sizzling, then switch to low in , the Spanish egg dish heat and braise the contents has several ambiguous origin until soft. stories. Some think it was con- 4) Drain the softened potatoes cocted by farmers’ wives made and onions, and let sit for 10 to spread out their thinning minutes to cool. supply of food in the 1800s. 5) Break the eggs into the pota- Others claim General Tomás toes and onions, and mix them de Zumalacárregui invented gently with salt to taste. it for his troops during a siege 6) Panfry the egg, onion and in the Carlist Wars. A further potato mixture in a 10-inch, theory combines the two ideas thick-bottomed non-stick pan to say a farm woman made it preheated with a little olive for Zumalacárregui when he oil on low heat for about three showed up at her house late one minutes. When the bottom of the night and, like a bad stereotype, demanded something to eat. and empty the contents onto In any case, it became a mixture is molded, flip the pan great hit throughout Spain and with a little olive oil and pour continues to remain a beloved thea 12-inch tortilla flat quickly plate. back Layer into pan the food there. Try it below for your- pan. self and allow plenty of cooking 7) Flatten the surface of the time. tortilla with a spatula, and shake the pan slightly to avoid sticking. Ingredients: Flip the tortilla to saute until 550g peeled potatoes both sides become golden. The 1 white onion tortilla is done when it does not 6 eggs 750g olive oil 8) Slice the tortilla and serve. Salt to taste fall apart at the press of a finger. // This recipe is courtesy of Chef Luis Lozana Method: Rodriguez from Flamenco House Restaurant, 1) Dice peeled potatoes into Shop B104 Century Plaza, Huaqiangbei, 1-centimeter cubes. Immerse in Futian District 福田区华强北世纪汇广场 负一 层B104号 (3300 5750).

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 55 Feature Beer Today, Gone Tomorrow Trials and tribulations of brewing a batch

Text and photos by Rose Symotiuk

be put together for thousands of dollars and put out thousands of liters a year.” At present, the law on distillery opera- tions has not yet matured to include things like small boutique suppliers. One day it prob- ably will, it just hasn’t happened yet. Chinese legal development happens incrementally, based on the annual goals of the government. Making all sorts of yummy home brew is just not a priority for the state here yet. So how can local microbreweries get around this? As Sylvester explains, “Sell it to your dinner guests, meaning, get a restaurant license and put all your brass equipment on or in the license. Get your health and safety

approved before you open your restaurant t’s not surprising that brewing craft beer Just what is craft or micro-brewed beer? andcertificate that's it. just Then like you you are would selling to get something a kitchen Simply put, it’s beer made by a company that to your existing customers (i.e., dinner produces less than 15,000 barrels (1,800,000 guests) at your licensed restaurant. toin Chinahave anything is difficult. more The exotic vast majority than Carls of- liters) a year. Microbrewing embraces “That seems to be how it is done today. Ibars in even first-tier cities are unlikely experimentation, adaptability and ‘hipster’ Can you sell to people who are not physically berg or Tiger on offer. “It’s a cost thing,” says Jay Holladay of marketing. sitting in your restaurant eating? If you sell Doghouse. “Bars can buy Tiger for RMB7 Shortly after Frankie’s opened the carryout food to customers, and microbrew gates, Bionic Brew also stepped through the is on the menu too, well, then it would seem bottle. In contrast, an imported microbrew door. Started by Finkenbinder, who cut his okay to sell what is on your menu.” mightand charge cost RMB30 RMB30. a That’s bottle, RMB23 so they profit can’t makeper teeth at Great Leap Brewing in Beijing, and This seems to be Bionic’s latest strategy, Stephanie Morris, Bionic began small but as they reopened two months ago in a new “Chinese customers don’t know about space, ostensibly on the premises of an NYPD beer,the same so the profit demand margin.” just isn’t there,” opines was about as humble as could be. Located in Pizza branch. In March, they hosted a wildly Joe Finkenbinder of Bionic Brew. Baishizhou,quickly became a poor successful. migrant Theirneighborhood first space in successful craft beer festival, Shenzhen’s There’s no place better to demonstrate Shenzhen whose streets are packed at night this than Shenzhen. “Five years ago, only a with impromptu restaurants and barbecues, listen to live music, and drink Bionic Beer and the brewery was just a concrete box with a craftfirst. Severalbeer from hundred Hong Kong, people Guangzhou came out toand eat, imported beer, and the volume was low,” metal door. People trickled in thanks to word even Beijing. saysfew five-star Holladay, restaurants who worked in forShenzhen beer importer bought of mouth and sheer curiosity. Still, Shenzhen is far – very far – from “People would just wander in, not a word embracing a new dawn of micro-breweries. come to Shenzhen and build the craft beer of English, like, ‘what is this place.’ Especially Just weeks before the festival, local brewpub sceneDexel infrom Shanghai. its infancy. He was one of the first to the kids from the neighborhood would come Crafthead pulled out, citing concerns over the Aside from a few German restaurants in real curious,” Morris says. “A guy would technicalities of serving beer off the premises who brew their own beverages, there were and Shenzhen police’s sudden and very no microbreweries in Shenzhen until about beer. But we’d give him a glass and everyone zealous enforcement of visa compliance. One three years ago. One place that really changed lovedcome toit. theOnce bar, they really tasted baffled it, they at thisunderstood RMB40 the beer game was Frankie’s. Owned and why it was expensive.” than RMB30,000 after undercover police snappedlarge restaurant photos of in foreigners Futian was behind fined more the bar. location was in a strip mall downstairs from expanded and installed beautiful new equip- - Frankoperated Senior’s by a group home of(Frankie’s Americans, is named the first after ment.For Then, a while, as quickly Bionic wasas the on crowds fire. They came, his son). so did the police. Barely a year after they EveryoneOn April who 3, didn’tBionic have Brew, a workNYPD visa and specifi a “I wanted it to be a place that the second opened, Bionic was shut down. neighboringcally for the restaurantestablishment was were fined. shut down you stepped inside, it felt like home,” says the One of the biggest problems affecting and almost all the non-Chinese were escorted elder Frank. For him and his family back in microbreweries in Shenzhen is legality. “It is to a local police station for visa checks. Amer- the States, home meant beers and bourbons. about the same to get a 'distillery' license here icans and other expats are trying their best to Frankie’s has, hands down, the biggest selec- as in any other similarly developed economy. bring craft beer culture to the area, but they tion of authentic bourbon in Shenzhen, and But there is no microbrew license option – are also vulnerable to stings that don’t affect probably the whole PRD, though some of the there is only a distillery operations license,” locally run establishments. more exotic varieties are kept locked away says Shenzhen lawyer Michael Sylvester. “So it Many claim that China is the biggest and brought out only for good friends and untapped market in the world for craft beer. special occasions. As an American bar and much as it is comparing apples to oranges. A At least in Shenzhen, the reasons for that have restaurant, micro-brewed craft beer is about distilleryis not that is it many is difficult millions to obtain of dollars the licenseand puts so as much to do with legality and policy as with as key to their identity as the fried pickles. out millions of liters a year. A microbrew can pricing and local Chinese tastes for beer.

56 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 57 new restaurants T Guan Commune Omnivores welcome by Christine Gilbert

nitially started to satiate of mushroom, the rice has a rich the plant-based cravings of OCT-Loft’s uber-hip veg- etarians, T Guan Commune tastebuttery that flavor hangs with on thea hint palate. of I blackThose pepper wanting and a meatsmoky should truffle has since reopened in March as an omnivore establishment. order the wagyu beef (RMB168), Owned by the same people as Herbivores in Hong Kong, they rice nest with asparagus, button still offer a separate, completely mushroomspresented overflowing and BBQ sauce, out of and a non-meat menu along with their the sweet and sour pork with new carnivorous options. strawberries (RMB78). Both More than a restaurant, T dishes have no bones, a soft Guan Commune is a collective that also runs an organic farm mildly sweet – and this from a in Huizhou (T-Farm), a design restaurantyet firm consistency which just and started taste team and a party planning serving meat service. For dessert, try the tiramisu potting (RMB35).! Served in a Guan Commune compound, the commitmentFrom first to entry design into is theappar T - cookie and coffee crumble on ent. The gate opens onto a large top,real it’sflower a mildly pot with chocolaty a delicate op- patio surrounded by trees and tion for meal’s end. lies in the center, lined on both Price: Approx. RMB150-200 sidessmall byshrubs. a boardwalk A koi fish of pondsunken Who's going: Environmental wooden planks and wicker conservationists, vegetarians, tables and chairs. people who Instagram their Inside, the restaurant food. contains a large room with giant Good for: Artsy lunch, baby white chairs and tables. One of vegetables the more interesting features is the cloud hanging to the left of the main door. A motor inside // No. 101, Bldg B3, OCT-Loft, makes it turn and shift like the Nanshan District 南山区华侨 real thing, but be forewarned: 城创意文化园B3栋101 (8294 touching is not allowed. 3111) As for the food, start with the burdock with sesame (RMB25) and the cold-stirred wheatgrass (RMB68). The sesame salad with pubescent burdock tastes exactly like kettle corn, lightly sweet and strangely addictive. True to its name, all the ingredients in the pubescent wheatgrass are young or baby vegetables – onions, tomatoes, greens– covered with shaved radish and a light soy sauce. This dish showcases some of the best of T-Farm’s produce, and each bite rings with crisp freshness. Want to keep it vegetarian for the entree? Go for the

mushrooms ri- trufflesotto and (RMB78). mixed Slightly creamy and combining six varieties

58 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com new restaurants » EAT/DRINK Shrimp Banquet Shell out for supper

By Emma Guo

ome people enter the dish. The latter are more savory restaurant business half- and served in an earthenware cocked, but Lu Yunzhao cooking pot. A famous dish in planned the opening of Taiwan, the hot pepper prawns SShrimp Banquet for a decade. are stewed with black peppers - for hours, giving them a lovely nally saw the culmination of his chili taste. Theefforts Taiwanese in Sea World businessman this January. fi Friendly wait staff are at the The menu consists of more ready to exchange your plate than 20 prawn dishes. Near the as soon as it begins to become kitchen door sits a small pool crowded with discarded shells. of Shrimp Banquet’s quality Balance out the spice with a crustaceans. Once an order gets fresh passion drink (RMB32), a placed, wait staff pluck several delightful arrangement of pas- beans. Though slightly bitter, it’s atmosphere. choice specimens from the wa- sionfruit and soda water. The also light and tasty. ters for direct-to-table service. signature lemongrass (RMB32) Shrimp Banquet plays an Price: Approx. RMB140 Standouts include the signa- is also a viable option to accom- array of soothing music that Who's going: Families in ture lemon prawns (RMB138) pany any dish here and contains is vaguely Indonesian sound- Shekou, seafood lovers and hot pepper prawns fresh lemongrass juice, mint ing. Decor here is simple, with Good for: Getting handsy with (RMB148). The former arrive leaves and lemon wedges. wooden furniture and overhead your meal large and crispy, covered in a How about a little milk jelly caged lamps. The overall ambi- sauce of minced garlic, shallot, (RMB22) for dessert? Containing ence seems not only inviting but // No. 128, Area B, Sea World, Wanghai Lu, red pepper and fresh Taiwanese powder from Japan, it relaxing as well, borne along Shekou, Nanshan District 南山区望海路海上 lemon for a sweet and citrusy comes with a side of sweet red by quality dishes and a cheery 世界B区一楼120号 (8827 2669) Sambal A saucy number

By Rose Symotiuk most Western-tasting meat broth. (RMB28). However, a secret, For an entree, order the outrageously good dessert hides Indonesian fried pork curry on the drink menu: the coconut (RMB38), which is all fresh in- shake (RMB18). With none of gredients and homemade curry – no pastes or sauces here. The coconut and a dash of real ice stir-fried cashew nut chicken cream,the sickly it made sweetness us reminisce of artificial of (RMB38) is a bit safe, but it al- a rich American milkshake. The lows the ingredients – pineapple, generous serving can be nursed cashew and chicken – to shine. mall on Huaqiang Lu in food vendors obsess over their The chef hails from the bor- for dessert. Shenzhen’s electron- proprietary blends. We sampled der of and , and throughoutFor amazingly the meal authentic and finished ics district was the Sambal’s own sambal by order- has worked all over Asia, making Malaysian and Southeast Asian last place we expected ing the roti paratha pancake him keen on fusion dishes. Try food lovingly made with fresh Ato hear of a great restaurant. (RMB18), which serves the sauce his amazing pork prata (RMB48/ ingredients, Sambal is worth the Nevertheless, Sambal, a new alongside for dipping. Subtly half, RMB88/whole), a pork visit to Huaqiang Lu. Southeast Asian eatery, has re- knuckle that is marinated and cently made a huge splash in the pressure cooked for six hours, Price: Approx. RMB90 per person local food scene. spicy,Another the namesake must-try has is thea fishy then deep fried to make the skin Who's going: Huaqiangbei resi- The chef and management soup.umami The flavor. tom yum (RMB38/ super crispy. Dip it in the light dents and workers, those craving have years of experience in cup, RMB88/bowl) carries seri- sweet and sour sauce on the side Southeast Asian cuisine F&B, exhibited in their intense ous spice but is balanced by the or savor the succulent meat on Good for: Work lunch, casual attention to detail. The establish- its own. lunch, coconut delights ment’s name comes from a sauce broth. Tom kha kai (RMB28/ Sambal offers an array of made of chilies and found in cup,other RMB78/bowl) flavors of lemongrass is atypical and for desserts, such as the mango // B102, Century Place, Shennan Lu, Futian Malaysia and Singapore. In these coconut soups, offering a non- sticky rice (RMB28) and the District 福田区深南中路世纪汇广场商场负 countries, restaurants and street sweet, creamy balance to an al- banana pineapple fritters 一层B102号 (2264 1000)

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 59 new bars SANHO Dancers not wanted

By Rose Symotiuk

series of bad life choices may erected a beer can shrine on the bar. The mojito (RMB55), one of the better cock- nightclub, Sanho. Despite its tails, tastes a bit sweet but is eminently veryfind youodd in location the new in Longhua an outlet drinkable. The bartenders, the highlight A of Sanho, offer friendly service and wild mall a half hour north of , patrons need a reservation to enter. bottle throwing tricks a la Cocktail, the Perhaps that’s just for expats though, since movie. on our visit we saw old cadre types with Sanho is best enjoyed during the Louis Vuitton fanny packs and young girls daytime, when it’s closed, and poten- tial customers can go shopping in the security team (saluting them as they en- fantastic surrounding outlet mall. Other intered, tight no dresses less.) breeze past the five-man force a brutal ‘no platform dancing’ policy. more enjoyable sites there include a Nike Those (un)fortunate enough to get The crowd consists of large company Factory store and an Old Navy, not to - groups, with the bar catering to all: a vast mention a replica pirate ship. selection of Remy Martin (RMB38,880/ hasinside just will, 400 surprisingly, square meters find for the customers club jump bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII) for the Price: Approx. RMB100 for two drinks toing. mingle, They’ll with also the find rest it small, allotted as theto the space discerning Chinese boss; the Long Island Who’s going: Large company groups, rich bar, DJ area, and so on. The music is good (RMB55) and enigmatically named (and old) clubbers, scantily clad women for those who like different sub-genres nothing (RMB50) for the workers. Even Good for: Eardrum exploding music, tight designated drivers can knock back a few security, can art drunken patrons who enjoy tragically try- of the non-alcoholic selections like the ingof house, to mount and lightedthe dance platforms floor is inideal order for to ginseng tea (RMB30). // 1W16, Bldg 2, Shanghefang mall, Shuxiangmendi, minzhi get their groove on. However, another small There’s no Tsingdao served here, only Jiedao, Longhua New District 龙华新区民治街道书香门第上 army of security guards is on hand to en- Budweiser (RMB50), to which Sanho has 河坊乐园2栋1W16 (2818 5298) The Dolores San Francisco meets Lebanon

By Christine Gilbert

- Ale for RMB35 and a Vedett IPA going for - ly opened in Shekou: The Dolores. RMB35. Those wanting something eclectic enced food like the slightly sweet but tasty Namedself-service after craft one ofbeer San bar Francisco’s has final and fruity can try the Pink Killer (RMB35), chickencan also wraporder (RMB38). snacks and Some Mexican-influ might want most frequented green spaces, something more appropriate for their Leba- A However, for something unique to The Dolores Park, the bar shares some of the same nese beer though, and can opt instead for a pink grapefruit-flavored beer. characteristics as its namesake – picnic food Dolores, patrons should grab the Lebanese the peppery hummus (RMB20), best when and craft beer drinkers – without having the 961 Lager (RMB18). Lime, thyme and spicy paired with the mini sliced tomatoes. same issues – belligerent hipsters and poor hops combine for a sweet beverage that Only opened in April, The Dolores has trash disposal. plans for live music, a and a more Owner Sara Xie hopes to create a sense those new to drinking lagers might. extensive menu in the future. Right now, finishes dry. Guinness men won’t like it, but of laid-back, Northern California style with The bar stands next to the fridges Xie is throwing weekly parties on Friday her Mexican-inspired menu, large booths and where customers can choose from a range nights to try out different menu options benches, weekly parties and imported beer of cocktails (RMB45-50), fresh juice with buffet-style food and discounted beer. selection. Her watering hole stands at the edge (RMB30) or (RMB18-30). Patrons Boasting an excellent selection, easy- of Nanhai E-Cool, with patio seating, black-and- to-access location and well-priced drinks, gray-toned interior and roll-away, walk-through The Dolores has the potential to become windows. Sort-of-inspirational, off-beat posters one of Shekou’s most-frequented hangouts. rest propped against the wall saying, “Think Price: Approx. RMB65 for two drinks The fridge space here is smaller Who’s going: Beer enthusiasts, seekers comparedBIG” and “Only to other dead fishself-service go with the bars flow.” in after San Fran soul Shenzhen, but the options for mixed drinks Good for: Decently priced craft ale, Middle and a more extended menu make up for Eastern lager, breezy patio dining that. Like other self-service options, The Dolores keeps the prices moderate for their // 101 Bldg 2, Nanhai E-Cool, Gongye San Lu, Shekou, imported selection, with BrewDog produce Nanshan District 南山区蛇口工业三路南海意库2栋101 (3313 ranging from RMB50-58, Rogue Dead Guy 3667)

60 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 61 Events To list your events email [email protected]

Zinedine Zidane. What followed Concert: Boris Giltburg makes it in this pepped-up version. May 1-3 were years of swing and melancholic israeli pianist Boris Giltburg was RMB180-980, 8pm. Shenzhen Poly melodies. See them live in Shenzhen born in Moscow to a Jewish fam- theater, houhaibin Lu, nanshan EAT/DRINK as part of their 2015 South China ily. his mother began teaching him District 南山区后海滨路深圳保利剧院 tour. piano when he was 5. he continued (8637 1698) Eat: Maifest RMB60 presale, RMB80 at the door, his studies, moved to israel and Brotzeit German Bier Bar & 8pm. north Side of Bldg B10, north began performing internationally, Restaurant welcomes springtime District, OCt-Loft, nanshan District 南 winning several competitions, in- with a traditional Mayfest. festivites 山区华侨城创意园北区B10栋北侧 (8633 cluding the Queen elisabeth Music includea a special platter of their May 16 7602) Competition in Brussels. he will famous pork knuckle, braised lamb perform works by Rachmaninoff, shank and a selection of hearty sau- Arts Granados and Schumann in his sages. the portion's large enough Musical: Voca People recital. for five people to share. Come with May 9 established by eight talented RMB80-380, 8pm. nanshan Cultural friends to order while you listen to musicians, Voca People is an israel- and Sports Center, 2106 nanshan the international DJ will create the Nightlife based a cappella beatbox ensem- Dadao, nanshan District 南山区南山大 night’s soundtrack. Gig: Colt Silvers ble. the group, which can produce 道2106号 (400 610 3721) RMB588. L1C-055B, COCO Park teasing, pulsating and always car- the sounds of a whole orchestra Shopping Mall, fuhua Lu, futian ried by an abundant imagination, using only their voices and breath District 福田区福华路福田星河COCO french rock band Colt Silvers was control, initially rose to fame on Park商场一楼L1C-055B (8359 2080) formed by four unshaven and proud- Youtube. Voca People are known ly immature guys in 2008. their May 15-22 to mingle with crowds, singing, indie rock sound has bright, poppy improvising and playing with pas- May 3 intervals, silky electronic layers and Arts sersby for an organically flowing quivering dissonances with angelic Musical: Ghost performance. Arts voices intermittently interjecting. twenty-five years ago, Patrick RMB100-380, 8pm. Shenzhen Concert RMB60 presale, RMB80 at the door, Swayze and Demi Moore starred hall, 2016 fuzhong Yi Lu, futian Concert: Basix 8pm. north Side of Bldg B10, north in the hollywood film Ghost. now, District 福田区福中一路2016号 (8284 Danish vocal pop group Basix have District, OCt-Loft, nanshan District 南 Shenzheners can see the 1990s clas- 1848) proven themselves to be one of the 山区华侨城创意园北区B10栋北侧 (8633 sic as a musical. for those unfamiliar best a cappella outfits worldwide. 7602) with the plot, here’s a precis: mur- the Grass, their 2001 debut album, dered on the street, Sam is trapped was nominated for a Contemporary in limbo and unable to leave his girl- A Cappella Recording Award. May 23 friend, Molly. he soon learns Molly is Blending their original compositions in danger. With a psychic’s help, Sam with pop, jazz and rock, the sextet May 11 Arts tries to communicate with Molly in continues to amaze listeners around Concert: MICappella VS Sirens the hope of saving her. find out if he the world. Nightlife RMB60-200, 8pm. Shenzhen Concert Gig: Octopuss hall, 2016 fuzhong Yi Lu, futian A european power trio that plays District 福田区福中一路2016号 (8284 funky rock music inspired by Jimi Community 1848) hendrix and the Red hot Chili Peppers, Octopuss have successfully toured italy and europe, as well as performed in the Viper Room and May 6 the Cat Club in the States. this will be their second , and Arts they’re ready to get funky! RMB80 presale, RMB100 at the door, Concert: Camerata Salzburg 9pm. Brown Sugar Jar, 1/f, Bldg 2, Camerata Salzburg began in 1952 huangguan technology Park, tairan through the efforts of Austrian Jiu Lu, Chegongmiao, futian District 福 composer Bernhard Paumgartner. 田区车公庙泰然九路皇冠科技园2栋1楼 Originally called Camerata (2541 6110) Academica des Mozarteum Salzburg, it initially consisted solely of Salzburg’s fellow teachers and stu- dents from the Mozarteum. through collaborations with world-renowned May 15 musicians, the ensemble has created a unique style of performing and Arts gained fans around the world in the Concert: AnDa Union process. formed in 2003, AnDa Union is a MAy 23 RMB100-1,280, 8pm. Shenzhen band of Mongolian musicians, all Concert hall, 2016 fuzhong Yi Lu, from musical families. they play Sports: The Fourth European Chamber Cup Football futian District 福田区福中一路2016号 many traditional instruments, Tournament (8284 1848) including the horse head fiddle, As the most important brand activity of european Chamber, the fourth maodun chaoer, three-holed flute european Chamber Cup football tournament is going kicking off this and Mongolian versions of the month. the tournament is an excellent opportunity for all member and lute and mouth harp. Concert non-member companies to join it as a team building activity. Organizers May 8 goers will experience ethnic will present an even better event than years past through adding new Mongolian music and plenty of elements, perfecting details and smoothing the arrangement. twenty com- Nightlife guttural singing. pany-teams have already signed up for the game. A food Court and Kids RMB30-280, 7.30pm. Longgang Gig: Jizue entertainment Zone will also be on site. Don’t miss this ticket-free event! Cultural Center, east side of this jazzy Japanese post-rock band free entry to spectators. 8am-5pm. Soccer World Shekou, South of no. 1 Yucai Longcheng Square, Longgang District formed in 2006 in Kyoto. Lovers of Lu, Shekou, nanshan District 深圳市南山区蛇口育才路一号南面 (8635 0920) 龙岗区龙城广场东侧龙岗文化中心 soccer, the members named the (8955 8992) band after the french soccer player

62 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com An a cappella duel to the death! Just when he was 9 and gave his first kidding. this month, Singaporean concert three years later. By using group MiCappella and taiwanese en- electro-acoustic devices, Mrvica semble Sirens will perform a concert brings new life to classical pieces. together at Shenzhen Concert hall. With nine albums, he’s one of the formed in 2009, MiCappella has most famous pianists in his home won many prizes in different com- country. petitions, including second place as RMB280-1,080, 8pm. nanshan Cultural favorite Asian A Cappella Group at and Sports Center, 2106 nanshan the A Cappella Community Awards Dadao, nanshan District 南山区南山大 in 2011. formed in the same year, 道2106号 (400 610 3721) and also with a number of awards under their song belt, Sirens just released their latest album, Sirens, in September of 2014. May 30 RMB60-200, 8pm. Shenzhen Concert hall, 2016 fuzhong Yi Lu, futian Arts 福田区福中一路 号 District 2016 (8284 Stage: Jump 1848) Jump tells the hilarious story of a family of marital artists in Seoul. When thieves break in, they must defend their home with their com- May 24 bined fighting skills. Actors have no lines and rely on their taekwondo, Arts acrobatic and dance movements to Concert: The Karpenters portray the narrative. introducing a new level of the Karpenters were formed in 2002 RMB100-480, 8pm. Shenzhen Poly by vocalist Laurie Briggs and her theater, houhaibin Lu, nanshan home comfort in shenzhen friends as a Carpenters tribute band. District 南山区后海滨路深圳保利剧院 the group strives to fully retain the (8637 1698) integrity of the Carpenters’ music. With Briggs’ beautiful voice, the au- Nightlife dience will have a nostalgic journey back to the days when they sang Gig: This Will Destroy You along with Karen. this Will Destroy You writes instru- RMB80-380, 8pm. Shenzhen Concert mental post-rock music. they hail hall, 2016 fuzhong Yi Lu, futian from San Marcos, texas, and have District 福田区福中一路2016号 (8284 played all over the world including 1848) a sold out China tour in 2013. now, they will return to perform tracks off their new album, Another Language. Nightlife RMB80 presale, RMB100 at the door, Gig: Lucite Tokki 8pm. north Side of Bldg B10, north Guitarist Sun Young Kim and singer District, OCt-Loft, nanshan District 南 Ye Jin Cho first met in college where 山区华侨城创意园北区B10栋北侧 (8633 they collaborated on several musi- 7602) cal projects. they formed Lucite tokki when they graduated in 2005 and went on to make light-hearted, whimsical pop music in Korean and May 31 english. Somerset Grandview Shenzhen is strategically located within the RMB80 presale, RMB100 at the door, Nightlife Futian CBD, close to Convention and Exhibition Centre, Shenzhen 8pm. north Side of Bldg B10, north Gig: Egil Olsen 南 Golf Club, high-end office towers, shopping malls and dining District, OCt-Loft, nanshan District norwegian singer-songwriter egil 山区华侨城创意园北区 栋北侧 B10 (8633 Olsen composes humorous, naively outlets. The serviced residence is within walking distance to subway 7602) honest songs. With his simple, sin- lines 1 and 3 and is a 5-minute drive from Futian and Huanggang cere style and clean, beautiful voice, ports that connect the city to Hong Kong, offering both convenience he’ll create a mellow evening – un- less he turns into a werewolf, as in and comfort to you and your family. Because life is about living. May 25 his music video. RMB60 early birds, RMB80 presale, Art RMB100 at the door, 8pm. north side Dance: Rock the Ballet of Bldg B10, north District, OCt-Loft, Rock the Ballet combines traditional nanshan District 南山区华侨城创意园 ballet with hip-hop and tap dance. 北区B10栋北侧 (8633 7602) Performed by the new York-based Bad Boys of Dance troupe, company founder and choreographer Rasta thomas describes his team as: “hot, May 31-June 1 young and fresh to death.” Audience members are welcome to dance Community along with music from Coldplay, Stage: International Royal Circus Justin timberlake and Queen during Global Tour Somerset Grandview Shenzhen the performance. featuring exciting classic perfor- RMB100-480, 8pm. Shenzhen Poly mances from five nations’ royal cir- No 5 Xinsha Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 518048, China theater, houhaibin Lu, nanshan cuses, the international Royal Circus 南山区后海滨路深圳保利剧院 District Global tour employs a huge amount (8637 1698) of professional performers. expect a Enjoy Ascott’s Best Rate Guarantee wonderful evening of thrilling and www.ascottchina.com | 400 820 1028 fabulous feats. Acts include horses, lions and magic shows, plus plenty May 27 of goofy clowns. RMB200-500, 3pm on May 31, 7pm on Arts June 1. Shenzhen Bay Sports Center, Concert: Maksim Mrvica Piano interchange of haide San Dao and Somerset Grandview Shenzhen is managed by The Ascott Limited, a member of Recital Keyuan Dadao, nanshan District 南 CapitaLand. It is the largest international serviced residence owner-operator with more Born in Croatia in 1975, Maksim 山区海德三道与科苑大道交汇处 (8630 than 200 properties in over 80 cities across Asia Pacific, Europe and the Gulf region. It Mrvica started studying the piano 8888) operates three award-winning brands Ascott, Citadines and Somerset.

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 63 HOTEL NEWS

Regal Palace Resort holds charity color run On April 19, the Regal Palace Resort held the first Regal Palace Cup charity color run in Xunliao Bay. Participants raced along charming white beaches while throwing color on each other, Holi-style. With a fo- cus on promoting an active and free life- Earth Hour at The Langham, Shenzhen style, the vibrant 6-kilometer run brought In support of Earth Hour, The Langham, Shenzhen switched off its lights on March 28, the community together. In addition to providing a romantic wonderland for its guests in the process. Guests were encour- the color run, families could also purchase aged to participate in Earth Hour by dimming or switching off the lights in their rooms. the Run for Love Package, which allowed The Langham, Shenzhen also invited guests to join the Herbs Night in their rooftop them to enjoy the hot springs an unlim- garden. As a movie about Earth Hour played in the background, guests witnessed the ited number of times during their stay, as city turning dark while enjoying complimentary drinks and snacks made with organic well as experience the car stunt show oc- herbs and vegetables. At the start of 2015, The Langham, Shenzhen’s F&B team planted curring at the same time. 10 kinds of plants onsite, including mint, chili, aloe vera and rosemary. Guests can now // Regal Palace Resort, Jinhai Lu, Xunliao Bay, reap the benefits of the harvest in the hotel’s Silk restaurant, as well through other F&B Huidong, Huizhou 惠州市惠东巽寮金海湾嘉华度假酒店 products provided by the hotel. (0752-826 8888)

// 7888 Shennan Dadao, Futian District 福田区深南大道7888号 (8828 9888)

Somerset Grandview Shenzhen’s grand open- ing celebration Somerset Grandview Shenzhen held its grand opening celebration on March 21. Located in the Futian Central Business District, it is Ascott’s first serviced residence in Shenzhen. The property, developed in partnership with Sinoreal Holdings Co. Limited as a premier project, Park Hyatt Sunny Bay Resort opens offers 192 spacious studios. The one- to Located in the secluded Sunny Bay inlet, highly attentive personal service in an three-bedroom apartments each have a Park Hyatt Sanya Sunny Bay Resort is a intimate environment. These attributes, fully equipped kitchen, separate living and mere three-mile drive from Yalong Bay. along with the state-of-the-art equipment work areas, and a home entertainment Opened in February, the resort contains and lighting, combine to make the resort system. Utilizing Ascott’s world-leading 207 rooms with breathtaking ocean one of the most desirable, upscale event serviced residence management experi- views as well as Baifu Bay, a private bay venues in . ence, Somerset Grandview Shenzhen renowned for having some of the best provides a new level of home comfort for diving conditions in China. The hotel // 5 Taiyangwan Lu, Yalong Bay National Resort world travelers in Shenzhen. provides guests with elegant and luxuri- District, Sanya, Hainan 海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游 度假区太阳湾路 5 号 (0898-8820 1234) // 5 Xinsha Lu, Futian District 福田区新沙路5号 (8312 ous accommodation while offering them 9888)

64 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com listingsLu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 1010) Foo 6/F, Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen, 138 BBQ Chicken & Beer Café 1) Shop 121- 南山区蛇口望海路海韵嘉园裙楼中 130 号商铺 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8826 8700) 122, B/F, Golden Central Business Tower, INdex 馥餐厅 , 深圳四季酒店 深圳市福田区福华三路 138 Jintian Lu, Futian District (8280 4653); 2) 号6楼 1/F, Donghai City Plaza, 8099 Hongli Lu, Simplylife S169, 1/F, The MixC, 1881 Help us stay updated! Let us know if any Futian District (2600 4055); 3) 3/F, Jinxiu of this information has changed. Call 0755 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (2221 1782) Four Seas International House 3/F, Holiday 罗湖区宝安南路 1881号华润中心万象城首层 Garden, Qiaocheng Dong Lu, Nanshan Dis- 8623 3220, fax 0755 8623 3219 or email Plaza, Shennan Lu, Nanshan District (8982 S169 号商铺 trict (2600 3887) [email protected]. For more list- 9988) 比比客 1) 地铁会展中心 E 出口 ; 2) 福田区红荔路 四海一家 , 南山区深南大道益田假日广场 3 楼 ings please check out www.thatsmags.com SWT Paradise G/F, Central Walk, Fuhua Yi 8099 号东海城市广场 1 楼 ; 3)南山区侨城东路锦 绣花园会所 3 楼 Lu, Futian District (177 0405 6916) Fusion Café 1/F, The Pavilion Century Tower, 福田区福华一路中心城 G 层 4014 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District Bucher Cafe & Lounge 50 Yankui Lu 菲苑咖啡厅 , 福田区华强北路 4014 号圣廷苑酒店 (opposite to Dameisha Sheraton Resort), Treasures & Scent The Langham, Shen- 世纪楼一楼菲苑咖啡厅 restaurant zhen, 7888 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (2536 6891) 远洋帆清吧 盐田区盐葵路 50 号 (8828 9888) Golden Jaguar 4/F, Shop 401, KK Mall, 福田区深南大道 7888 号深圳朗廷酒店 AMERICAN Kingkey Financial Center, Chai Wuwei Finan- Café Marco 1/F, Marco Polo Hotel, Fuhua Yi cial Center, Luohu District (8889 6969) Lu, Futian District (8298 9888 ext. 8358) 金钱豹 罗湖区蔡屋围金融中心京基百纳空间 4 楼 马高 , 福田中心区马哥孛罗酒店 1 楼 BBQ 401 铺 Element Fresh 1/F, Zone B, Sea World, Café One 1/F, The Fountain Suites Shen- Shekou, Nanshan District (2681 4848) Mercado InterContinental Shenzhen, OCT, zhen, 2017 Shennan Dong Lu, Futian Dis- 南山区蛇口海上世界广场B区1层 Alenha G/F, InterContinental Shenzhen, 9009 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District trict (8228 8822 ext. 3168) 9009 Shennan Dadao, OCT, Nanshan Dis- 广场咖啡厅 , 深南大道 9009 号华侨城深圳华侨城 洲际大酒店 咖啡湾 , 深南东路 2017 号华乐大厦一楼 BAKERY/DESSERT trict (3399 3388) 炎巴西烧烤餐厅 , 深南大道 9009 号华侨城 , 深圳 Cafe Pavilion 1/F, The Pavilion Longgang, 华侨城洲际大酒店底层 Panash 2/F, Four Points by Sheraton, 5 Guihua Lu, Free Trade Zone, Futian District 168 Dayun Lu, Longgang District (8989 Awfully Chocolate B1C-076, Coco Park, 9888 ext. 316) Amazon Brazilian BBQ 1) B1/F, New City (8359 9999) 廷韵咖啡厅 , 龙岗区大运路 168 号中海圣廷苑酒店 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8328 3448) Plaza, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District. 泛亚风情餐厅 , 福田保税区桂花路 5 号福朋喜来登 酒店2层 1楼 福田区福华三路购物公园负一楼 B1C-076 号铺 (2594 1188); 2) Sea World, Taizi Lu, Nan- shan District (2668 3388); 3) No. 289, Café Time Shop 62, Section E, Sea World, Backstube Shop 24-2, Coastal Rose Q Café Restaurant & Bar G/F, 999 Royal 2/F, , Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan Shekou, Nanshan District (2685 5709) Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- Suites & Towers, 1003 Shennan Dong Lu, District (8635 9658) 南山区蛇口海上世界广场 E 区 62 号 trict (2681 0468) 亚马逊巴西烧烤餐厅 1) 深圳福田区深南中路新城 Luohu District (2513 0999 ext. 33703) 德国面包坊 , 南山区望海路南海玫瑰花园 24-2 商 市广场负一楼 ; 2) 南山区太子路海上世界广场 ; 3) Q咖啡, 罗湖区深南东路1003号丹枫白露酒店首层 The Coffee Point 1) 2/F, 28 Renmin Bei 铺 南山区文心五路海岸城广场 2 楼 289—290 号 Seasons 2/F, Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen, Lu, Longhua Township (2814 7647) 2) Baguette & Compagnie Shop Middle Haide San Dao, Houhaibin Lu, Nanshan 2/F Tianbei Lu, Telecommunications Bldg, Bubba Mac's Smokehouse BBQ 3/F, Mc- Luohu District (2560 5297) 3) 1/F, Manha 124, Sea Taste, Gongyuan Nan Lu, Shekou, Cawley's, Shop 118, Sea World, Shekou, District (8888 8888) Nanshan District (2689 3283) 四季西餐厅 , 南山区后海滨路海德三道凯宾斯基酒 Business Plaza, 2022 Huaqiang Bei Lu, 巴吉特 , 南山区蛇口公园南路海韵嘉园裙楼中 124 Nanshan District (2668 4496) 南山区蛇口海 店2楼 Futian District (8324 0305) 号 上世纪118号麦考利三楼 波特咖啡 1) 龙华镇人民北路28号2楼 2) 罗湖区田 Silk 2/F, The Langham, Shenzhen, 7888 贝四路邮电大楼2楼 3) 福田区华强北路2022号曼 Garden BBQ & Lounge 1/F, Grand Mercure Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 哈商业广场1楼 Chez Clement Shop 110-1, Phase I, Coastal Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Rose Garden, 1093-6 Wanghai Lu, Shekou, 9888) Dadao, Futian District (8350 0888 ext. 福田区深南大道 7888 号深圳朗廷酒店 2 楼 Coffee Time 1/F, Returned Students Foun- Nanshan District (2160 0880) 88605) dation Garden, South Hi-Tech Industrial 南山区蛇口望海路 10963-6 号南海玫瑰园一期商 花园烤肉 , 福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒 Social 96/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, 5016 Park, Nanshan District (8635 0922) 铺 110-1 店花园烧烤·酒廊 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 咖啡时光 , 南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业园首 层 Cold Stone Creamery 1) No. 029, 2/F, King Gaucho Garden Grill Behind the Taizi Hotel, 8888 ext.1832) 秀餐厅 深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 Glory Plaza, Luohu District (8261 1520); 2) 3 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 Crema Coffee Express Right Side of Inter- B1-J01, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian 6608) The Show Kitchen 32/F, Grand Hyatt Shen- national Chamber of Commerce Tower, 168 District (2531 3593) 花园巴西烤肉 , 南山区蛇口太子路太子宾馆 1 楼后 zhen, 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8831 5001) 酷圣石冰淇淋 1) 罗湖区金光华广场负二楼 029 号 面 克瑞玛咖啡 , 福华三路 168 号国际商会中心大堂右 2) 福田区福华三路购物公园 B1-J02 (2218 7338) 侧 乐厨 , 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号 深圳君悦酒店 32 楼 Daily Treats 2/F, The Westin Shenzhen, BUFFET The Drawing Room 96/F, St. Regis Shen- 9028-2 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District zhen, 5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu Dis- (8634 8306, www.westin.com/shenzhen) The Tasty Buffet 5/F, Coastal City, Haide Yi 思悦兹饼屋 , 南山区深南大道 9028 号 -2 深圳益田 Dao, Nanshan District (8635 9922) trict (8308 8888 ext.1468) 威斯汀酒店 2 楼 Café Chinois JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shen- 大饱口福,南山商业文化中心区海德一道海岸城购 闲逸廊 深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路5016号96层 nan Dadao, Futian District (2269 8230) 物中心五楼 万豪西餐厅 , 福田区深南大道 6005 号金茂深圳 Emily's Cafe Shop 1, Phase 2, Peninsula GaGa Fresh Talk 1) B1, Coco Park, Fuhua JW 万豪酒店 City, Shekou, Nanshan District (2689 3469) San Lu, Futian District (8359 1880); 2) 1/F, CAFE 南山区蛇口半岛城邦二期 1 号商铺 Gate 8, South of Central Book Mall, 2014 Café Pavilion 1/F, The Pavilion, 4002 Huaq- Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (2393 1125) iang Bei Lu, Futian District The Exchange 1/F, Sheraton Shenzhen GaGa 鲜语 1) 福田区福华三路星河购物公园 B1 廷韵咖啡厅 , 福田区华强北路 4002 号圣廷苑酒店 Futian Hotel, East Wing, Great China Inter- 层 ; 2) 福田区福中一路 2014 号深圳书城中心书城 1 楼廷韵咖啡厅 1 楼南区 8 号门 Aix Arôme Coffee 1) 1/F, Yachang Art Gal- national Exchange Square, Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8383 8888) Café Zen 1/F, Futian Shangri-La, Shen- lery, 8 Caitian Bei Lu, Futian District (2683 Gelato Italiano G/F, Tianranju Bldg, Junction 2087); 2) Unit L111-112, LG/F, New City 怡聚轩西餐厅,福田区福华路大中华国际交易广场 zhen, 4088 Yitian Lu, Futian District (8828 大中华喜来登酒店1楼 of Xiangmei Lu and Jingtian Si Lu, Futian 4088) Plaza, 1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2390 3636) 鲜 Café 福田区深圳福田香格里拉大酒店一楼 District (2598 6166); 3) 1/F, Moi Friendship Fix Deli 1/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shen- 福田区香梅路与景田四路交汇处天然居一楼 City, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8223 zhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District Café Zentro 1/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhen, 8106); 4) 1/F, S103, Mall City, Shenhui Lu, HH Gourmet, Shop 43B, Nanhai Rose Gar- (2222 2222) 9026 Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Longgang District (2837 2330); 5) No. 18, Fix 美食屋 , 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思卡尔 den II, Gongyuan Nan Lu, Nanshan District Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888 ext. Coco Beach, OCT Harbour, 8 Baishi Dong 顿酒店 1 楼 (2683 9259). 丛欢欢西餐厅 , 公园南路南海玫瑰园二期 43B 商铺 8117, [email protected]) Lu, Nanshan District (8654 1315); 6) Coco 南山区华侨城深南大道 9026 号深圳威尼斯酒店 1 Park Store, intersection of Zhongxin Er Lu Friends Coffee Cafe & Bar 1/F, Huamao 楼 Xinyuan Bldg, Hongli Xi Lu, Futian District Honey Moon 1) B1-25, 1/F, Holiday Plaza, and Fuhua Lu, Futian District (opposite of Pingan Bldg, Coco Park) (8654 1315) (8297 0601) Nanshan District (8629 8767); 2) No. 152, Coffee Garden 2/F, Shangri-La Hotel (east 福田区红荔西路华茂欣园首层商铺 1/F, Coastal City, Haide Yi Dao, Nanshan 埃克斯咖啡 1) 福田区彩田北路 8 号路雅昌艺术馆 1 of Railway Station), 1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu 楼 ; 2) 福田区深南中路 1093 号新城市广场 LG 层 District (8635 9680); 3) B98, 1/F, Mix City, District (8233 0888) L111-112; 3) 罗湖区人民南路茂业友谊诚一楼 ; 4) Greenland Lounge 1/F, The Pavilion, 4002 Luohu District (8300 5599); 4) No. 28, 香咖啡 , 罗湖区建设路 1002 号香格里拉酒店 ( 火 龙岗区深惠路摩尔城一层 S103 号 5) 南山区白石 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District (8270 B2/F, King Glory Plaza, Luohu District (8399 车站东侧 )2 楼 路东 8 号欢乐海岸椰林沙滩 18 号 6) 福田区福华二 8888 ext. 8213) 3468); 5) 73B, B1, Coco Park, Fuhua San 路与中心二路交汇处 ( 平安大厦 cocopark 对面) 绿涧廊 , 华强北路 4002 号圣廷苑酒店一楼绿涧廊 Lu, Futian District (8290 3125) Coffee Shop 1/F, Grand Mercure Oriental 满记甜品 1) 南山区益田广场负一楼 B1-25 2) 南山 Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan Dadao, Fu- Aller 3/F, Badminton Court, Crown Sports Heather's Garden Cafe Area B, No. 9, Nan- 区海德一道海岸城广场 1 层 152 铺 3) 罗湖区万象 tian District (8350 0888 ext. 88605) Center, Tairan Jiu Lu, Futian District (8889 shan Flower Market, Lu, Nanshan 城负一层 B98 号 4) 罗湖区金光华广场 B2 层 28 铺 Coffee Shop 西餐厅 , 福田区深南大道竹子林东方 9878) District (186 8894 6329) 5) 福田区福华三路星河购物公园负一楼 073B 银座美爵酒店 1 楼西餐厅 来吧空间 , 福田区泰然九路皇冠体育中心羽毛球馆 欧石楠咖啡馆 , 南山区前海路南山花卉市场 B 区 9 3楼 号 La Crêperie Rozell 1/F, Yinglong Bldg, Flavorz 2/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen, 6025 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (2533 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (2222 Andes Café Shop 40, Phase 2, Nanhai Rose Hollys Coffee G/F, Urban Sunshine Bldg, 8633) 2222) Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- 6017 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8284 深圳市福田区车公庙英龙大厦一楼 全日餐厅 , 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思卡尔顿 trict (2668 6704) 0541) 酒店2楼 安第斯咖啡 , 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 40 豪丽斯咖啡 , 福田区深南大道 6017 号都市阳光名 Lola Shop 130, Sea Taste Garden, Wanghai 号商铺 苑首层

66 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com ITA Coffee Shop A3, International Leisure Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2681 0123) Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan 南山区蛇口工业七路雍景轩裙楼首层 101101B Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 9203) ITA 咖啡 , 福田区深南中路 1095 号中信城市广场 Sculpting in Time Café Shop A110, Bar 国际休闲街 A3 商铺 Street, Eco-Square, OCT, Nanshan District (2660 3991) Italian Bain Coffee 1) 1/F, Hoba Home, 雕刻时光咖啡 , 南山区华侨城生态广场酒吧街 Bao’an Bei Lu, Luohu District; 2) L2S113, A110 号 Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8831 1684); 3) B1, MixC City, Luohu Dis- Seasonal Tastes 1/F, The Westin Shenzhen, trict (2557 7272) 9028-2 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District 百年意式咖啡店 1) 罗湖区宝安北路好百年首层中 (8634 8411, www.westin.com/shenzhen) 庭 ; 2) 福田区福华三路星河购物公园 L2S113; 3) 知味全日餐厅 , 南山区深南大道 9028-2 号深圳益 罗湖区万象城芮欧生活百货 B1 楼 田威斯汀酒店 1 楼

Italian Best Coffee Rm S142, Gate 8, Spinelli B1/F, S002-003, Coco Park, 269 Shenzen Book Store, Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8318 2016) 盛品利咖啡福田区福华三路 269 号星河购物公园 District (2399 2094) 意天利 , 福田区福中一路深圳书城 8 号门 S142 室 B1 楼 B1S002-003 号铺位

Java+ JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shennan Spring Box Rm 101-102, Bldg 5, Nanhai Dadao, Futian District (2269 8026) E-Cool, 6 Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan 迎客馆 , 福田区深南大道 6005 号金茂深圳 JW 万 District (2688 5119) 豪酒店 南山区蛇口兴华路 6 号南海意库 5 栋 101-102

Knockbox Coffee No. 201, Coastal City Sugar Box 1/F, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Shopping Centre, 33 Wenxin Lu, Nanshan Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 7338, District (8625 9281) shenzhen.grand.hyatt.com) 南山区文心五路 33 号海岸城二楼 201 号铺 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号深圳君悦酒店 1 层

KK Café 1) Lobby, Poly Bldg, Chuangye Lu, Nanshan District (2642 9334); 2) Plaza Street D Café 101-1, 1/F, Business Garden City, Shekou, Nanshan District. Street, Huifang Garden, Xuefu Lu, Nanhai (2686 8520) Dadao, Nanshan District (2606 6797) KK 咖啡 1) 南山区创业路口保利大厦大堂 ; 2) 南山 迪街咖啡 , 南山区南海大道学府路荟芳园商业内街 区工业八路蛇口花园城 3 期 3 栋 15 号 1 楼 101-1

La Piazza 1/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhan, TT’s Coffee 1) East side, 1/F, Liancheng 9026 Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Bldg, 1003 Chunfeng Lu, Luohu District Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888 ext. (2510 8245); 2) 2/F, Central Book City, Fu- zhong Yi Lu, Futian District (8277 7632) 8113) TT 咖啡 1) 罗湖区春风路 1003 号联城大厦 1 楼东 南山区华侨城深南大道9026号威尼斯酒店大堂 侧 2) 福田中心区福中一路中心书城 2 楼 Library 100/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, 5016 Viu Café G/F, Donghua Holiday Inn, Nanhai Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 Dadao, Nanshan District (8619 3999) 8888 ext. 1459/1455) 南山区南海大道东华假日酒店首层城 4 楼 藏书阁 , 深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 100 层 The Voyage 1/F, Central Book City, Fuzhong Yi Lu, CBD, Futian District (8276 5027) Lobby Bar 1/F, Grand Mercure Oriental 旅行者西餐厅 , 福田中心区福中一路中心书城内一 Ginza Shenzhen, Zhuzilin, Shennan 楼 Dadao, Futian District (8350 0888 ext. 88605) 大堂吧 福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒店 FRENCH Lobby Lounge 1/F, Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen, 4088 Yitian Lu, Futian District Art de Vivre Shenzhen Sculpture Academy, (8828 4088) 大堂酒廊 , 福田区深圳福田香格里拉大酒店一楼 8 Zhongkang Lu, Shangmeilin, Futian Dis- trict (8251 0369) 福田区上梅林中康路 8 号雕塑家园 The Lounge 33/F, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 Belle-Vue 37/F, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, 1234) 旅行者,罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号深圳君悦酒店 33 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 楼 7338) 悦景餐厅, 罗湖区宝安南路1881号深圳君 悦酒店37层 The Lounge JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shen- nan Dadao, Futian District (2269 8220) La Maison Shop 108, Rose Garden I, Wang- 福田区深南大道6005号金茂深圳JW万豪酒店 hai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2685 7030) Ming Dian Coffee and Tea 59 Taizi Lu, 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园一期108号 Shekou, Nanshan District (2686 7982) 名典咖啡语茶, 南山区蛇口太子路59号 L'epicerie No. 35, Phase 2, Nanhai Rose Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- More Bar 1/F, east side of Artpia, 8 Zhong- trict (2668 7246) kang Nan Lu, Futian District (8279 7909). 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期35号铺 深圳 MORe 酒咖吧 , 福田区中康南路 8 号雕塑家 园首层东侧 Le Bistro No. 212. Area D, Coco Park, 138 Mintian Lu, Futian District (8316 9651) Old Heaven Books Shop 120, Bldg 馨迪 , 福田区民田路 138 号购物公园 D 区 212 号 A5, Phase II, OCT-Loft, Nanshan District (8614 8090) Les Duos B, Bldg 12, Qushui Bay, OCT Bay, 旧天堂书店 南山区华侨城侨城创意文化园北区 A5 8 Bashi Lu Dong, Nanshan District 南山区白 栋 120 铺 石路东8号欢乐海岸曲水湾12栋B (8652 6692)

Onyx Lounge 1/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shen- Patio Resto No. 112, Deep Blue Bldg, zhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, Futian District Longcheng Lu, Nanshan District (186 8896 (2222 2222) 6961) Onyx 大堂酒廊 , 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思 庭院法式餐厅 , 南山区龙城路深蓝公寓 112 商铺 卡尔顿酒店 1 楼 The Penthouse 28/F, Huale Bldg, 2017 Origo No. 107, Bldg 1, Nanhai E-Cool, Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8228 6 Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District 8822) (2160 9527) 蓬濠法国餐厅,罗湖区深南东路2017号华乐大 原坊 , 南山区蛇口兴华路 6 号南海意库一号楼 107 厦28楼 号 Pipette 1/F, InterContinental Shenzhen, Palm Court The Langham, Shenzhen, 7888 9009 Shennan Dadao, OCT, Nanshan Dis- Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 trict (3399 3388 ext. 8581) 9888) 深南大道 9009 号华侨城 , 深圳华侨城洲际大酒店 福田区深南大道 7888 号深圳朗廷酒店 Swallow Nest 11/F, Nanhai Hotel, 1 Gongye Ryu Coffee & Wine Bar Shop 121, Bldg 2, Yi Lu, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District Nanhai E-Cool, 6 Xinghua Lu, Nanshan Dis- (2669 2888 ext. 394) 南海酒店燕巢厅,南山 trict (2680 7755) 区南海大道工业一路1号南海酒店9楼 南山区兴华路 6 号南海意库 2 栋 121 Vienne French Restaurant Wuzhou Hotel, Sam’s Coffee Yong Jing Xuan, Gongye Qi 6001 Shennan Dadao, Luohu District (8293

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8000) 维埃纳法式餐厅,福田区深南大道6001 Carlton, Shenzhen, 116 Fuhua San Lu, 05 号五洲宾馆内 Futian District (2222 2222) 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店 2 楼 Seventeen,’ ‘Climb Every Mountain,’ GERMAN Prego 3/F, Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites May 1-10 THU-SUN ‘The Lonely Goatherd,’ ‘My Favorite Landmark Shenzhen, 3018 Nanhu Lu, Drama: Jekyll & Hyde, 3pm and Things,’ ‘The Sound of Music,’ ‘Do-Re- Luohu District (8217 2288) 罗湖区南湖路 8pm, HKD160-420, HK Jockey Club Mi’ and ‘Edelweiss.’ This iconic show Baodenburg Brauhaus 1/F, Jinyuelai Hotel, 3018号深圳富苑皇冠假日套房酒店3楼 Amphitheatre (www.hkticketing.com) touches hearts of all ages – do not 2 Xieli Lu, Longgang District (2890 7122) Red Rock G/F, Shop L1S-07, Xinhe Shop- Adapted from the Strange Case of Dr. 龙岗区中心城协力路2号金悦来酒店1楼 miss it! ping Plaza, 2088 Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Bierhaus No. 117, Sea World Plaza, District (8629 3803). Stevenson, the play follows a pioneer- Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 红岩意大利餐厅,南山区南海大道 2088 号信和自 May 17 SUN 由广场 1 楼 L1S-07 商铺 ing scientist who creates a medicine 9591) 德瑞坊啤酒餐厅, 南山区蛇口太子路海上 that can transform him into a com- 世界广场117号 The Spaghetti House 1) Shop 399, 3/F, pletely different person. Through MixC, 1181 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District self-experimentation, the respect- Brotzeit L1C-055B, 1/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8359 2080) (8266 8006); 2) Shop FL1014, L1/F, Cen- able figure of Dr. Jekyll becomes the 福田区福华三路购物公园1楼酒吧街 tral Walk, 3 Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District sociopathic Mr. Hyde, who commits (8280 1060) ; 3) Shop 258, 2/F, Coastal vicious crimes at nighttime. Soon, the Lowenburg Deck 5-7, Minghua City, 33 Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District experiment spins out of control and Cruise, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- (8635 9622) 意粉屋 1) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号 trict (2689 2668) 华润中心万象城三楼399号商铺 2) 福田区福华一 Dr. Jekyll finds that he can no longer 南山区蛇口太子路明华轮5-7层 路3号中心城L1层FL1014号铺(会展中心地铁B出 control the metamorphosis. Suitable 口) 3)南山区文心五路33号海岸城2楼258号铺 for 14 and above. Concert: Berliner Barock Solisten, 3pm, Paulaner Brauhaus C-005, Huanch- HKD120-220. Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee uan Square, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan The Top 5/F, Bldg 1, Nanhai E-Cool, 6 Lecture Centre, Hong Kong University District (2668 7230) 南山区蛇口海上世界环 Xinghua Lu, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan May 4 MON 船广场C-005 District (2688 1132) (www.hkticketing.com) 南山区蛇口海上世界兴华路6号南海意库1号楼5 Very few ensembles specializing Prusa 4/F, Bldg B, World Finance in early music can display a level International Center, 4003 Shennan Dong Trattoria Italiana Da Angelo 1) No. 113, of artistic mastery akin to that of Lu, Luohu District (8333 5551, 8333 5552) B2/F, Nanshan Guest House, Taizi Lu, the Berliner Barock Solisten (Berlin 罗湖区深南东路4003号世界金融中心B座4楼 Shekou, Nanshan District (2682 5927); 2) 德普鲁斯 Baroque Soloists). The musicians play L226-227, Excellence Century Plaza, Tower 4, intersection of Haitian Lu and Fuhua Lu, on historic – though modernized – in- Futian District (2531 3842); 3) G/F, Bldg struments, using bows from different 12, OCT Bay, 8 Baishi Lu Dong, Nanshan periods depending on the work be- ITALIAN District (8654 1060) 艾嘉路意大利餐厅 1)南 ing performed. Such flexibility, along 山区蛇口太子路南山宾馆113商铺B2楼; 2)福田区 Sport: I-1 World Muaythai Grand Prix with the homogeneity with which 海田路与福华三路交汇处卓越世纪中心4号楼二区 商业层L226,227商铺; 3)南山区白石路东8号欢 2015, 7pm, HKD200–1,000. Star Hall, the ensemble plays and the presence Baia B301, Sea World, 8 Wanghai Lu, 乐海岸曲水湾12栋1楼 KITEC (www.hkticketing.com) of leading soloists within its ranks, Shekou, Nanshan District (2681 8836) I-1 World Muaythai Grand Prix is a has contributed to establishing the 南山区蛇口望海路8号海上世界船尾广场B301 Vista Lago 1/F, Interlaken OCT Hotel Shen- brand-new boxing competition in group’s leading position on the inter- zhen, OCT East, Dameisha, Yantian District Blue 3/F, Venice Hotel Shenzhen, 9026 (8888 3333, www.interlakenocthotel.com) Hong Kong. Competitors from national scene. Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Town, 花园餐厅 , 盐田区大梅沙东部华侨城茵特拉根酒店 to Bulgaria, Iran to the , Nanshan District (2693 6888). 南山区华侨城 will be present, with the dual high- 深南大道9026号深圳威尼斯酒店3楼 lights of the evening being the World May 22-24 FRI – JAPANESE Caffe Di Roma Bistro 37-40 Shangye Jie, Title Super-4 Championships in the SUN OCT Portofino, Nanshan District (2600 67-kilo and 61-kilo categories. Fair: Affordable Art Fair, 11am/12pm, 3297) Banzai-Ya Japanese Dinning G/F, Haiyang- HKD72–200. HKCEC (www.hkticketing. 古罗马咖啡吧 , 南山区华侨城波托菲诺商业街 ge, Haibin Garden, Xinghua Lu, Shekou, 37-40 号 com) Nanshan District (2683 3090) May 6 WED Following its success over the past 万菜屋 , 南山区蛇口兴华路海滨花园海阳阁 1 楼 Stage: Hong Kong Stories, 8pm, Eatalicious NB119, Bao’neng All City, 2233 two years, Affordable Art Fair Hong Zhongxin Lu, Nanshan District (3688 0992) Chitose Family Restaurant Inside Jusco, HKD120. Fringe Club Upstairs (www. Kong is expected to attract 130 gal- 意餐 南山区中心路 2233 号宝能 All City 购物中心 hkticketing.com) NB119 CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, leries and 30,000 visitors in its third Futian District (2894 2208) 千登世, 福田区深 True tales told by the people they edition. The concept is simple yet 南中路1095号中信城市广场吉之岛内 happened to. Each Hong Kong Stories Elba 99/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, 5016 Shen- unique: an inspiring and friendly at- nan Dong Lu, Luohu District.(8308 8888) show presents six to nine storytellers 欧尔巴 , 罗湖区深南东路 5016 号深圳瑞吉酒店 Hele Japanese Cuisine No. 126, Binfen mosphere in which you can find thou- Holiday Shop, Nanyou Dadao, Nanshan who share autobiographical sketches sands of original paintings, prints, 99 层 – somewhere between stand-up com- District (2606 9163) 和乐日本料理,南山区南 sculpture and photography, all under 油大道缤纷假日商铺126号 edy and memoir, ranging from cringe- The Grill & Bar 2/F, Four Points by Shera- one roof and all priced at between ton Shenzhen, 5 Guihua Lu, Futian Free worthy to heart-breaking to hilarious. Japan Fusion 2-3/F, World Finance Center, HKD1,000 and HKD100, 000, as well Trade Zone, Futian District (8358 8662) 4003 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District The event has been called “a dose of as a specially curated “Under $10,000 扒房·酒吧,福田区保税区桂花路 5 号深圳福朋 good entertainment and human con- 喜来登酒店 2 楼 (8266 6688) Wall.” 中森名菜 , 罗湖区深南东路 4003 号世界金融中心 nection.” Idutang Bldg F3, OCT-Loft, Nanshan 二,三楼 District (2691 1826) May 23 SAT 一渡堂 , 南山区华侨城创意文化园内 Kamado Shop 319, 3/F, Coastal City, Haide May 7-10 THU-SUN Concert: Brigitte, 8pm, HKD100–380. Yi Lu, Nanshan District (8635 9792) Musical: Showstopper - The Improvised The HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, Itali-An 1/F, Oriental Plaza, 1072 Jianshe 上井日本料理, 南山海德一道海岸城3楼319店铺 Lu, Luohu District (8225 7278) Musical, 7/7.45pm, HKD295-595. Drama HKAPA (www.hkticketing.com) Kamii Restaurant 1) 6/F, King Glory Plaza, 罗湖区建设路 1072 号东方广场 1 楼 Theatre, HKAPA (www.hkticketing.com) A throwback to the flower-power Luohu District (8261 1001); 2) G/F, Central With seven years as an Edinburgh era, the 1960s revivalist Brigitte is La Terrazza 1/F, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, Walk, Futian District (8278 0059); 3) 3/F, Fringe must-see phenomenon, four just mesmerizing. The duo’s music 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 Kingkey Banner Center, intersection of Baishi Lu and Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan sell-out West End seasons and an combines lounge pop, retro folk 7338) acclaimed BBC Radio 4 series to their District (8628 6060) and French cabaret, and packages it 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号深圳君悦酒店 1 层 上井精致日本料理 1) 罗湖区人民南路金光华广场 name, The Showstoppers have de- inside a 50s femme fatale persona a 6 楼 2) 福田区怡景中心城 G 层 3) 南山区红树林 lighted audiences across the globe la Brigitte Bardot for a mesmerizing Lavo Bistro & Lounge Rm 1B, 1M/F, Tower 白石路京基百纳广场 3 楼 45 号 3, Kerry Plaza, 1 Zhongxin Si Lu, Futian with their ingenious blend of comedy, show. If music plus sex appeal equals musical theater and spontaneity. District (8899 9676, 8255 7462) 福田区中 Kenzo Teppanyaki 25/F, Grand Mercure a good time in your book, don’t miss 心四路一号嘉里建设广场第3栋1M层1B室 Oriental Ginza Hotel, Zhuzilin, Shennan this French twosome’s HK debut. Dadao, Futian District (8302 9564 ext. Mezzo 2/F, Sheraton Shenzhen Futian May 15-30 TUE-SUN 88661) 银座铁板烧餐厅, 福田区深南大道竹子林 Hotel, Great China International Exchange 东方银座美爵酒店25楼 Musical: The Sound of Music, May 30 SAT Square, 1 Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District 1pm/5.30pm/7.30pm, HKD395-3,488. Party: White Party Hong Kong 10th (8383 8888) Kyoku Japanese Cuisine Restaurant Bldg Lyric Theatre, HKAPA (www.hkticketing. 福田区福华一路 1 号大中华国际交易广场大中华 17, Qushui Bay, OCT Bay, 8 Baishi Dong Anniversary, 9pm, HKD480-880. Kai Tak 喜来登大酒店 2 楼 com) Lu, Nanshan District (8654 1122) Cruise Terminal, 33 Shingfung Lu (www. 南山区白石路东8号欢乐海岸曲水湾17栋 The world’s most popular musical is hkticketing.com) Milano Italian Restaurant Bar & coming to Hong Kong with a lavish A classic party theme, this year marks Pizzeria 1/F, Bldg, 6007 Shennan Kyoku No. 02, 1/F, Podium Bldg, Kerry production from the home of West a decade for Hong Kong’s annual Dadao, Chegongmiao, Futian District (8358 Plaza, Futian District (8221 2388) Kyoku日本料理 福田区中心四路一号嘉里建设广 End musical theater, the famous white party. Be radiant, resplendent 1661) 米兰意大利餐厅, 福田区车公庙深南大道 6007号创展中心(安徽大厦首层) 场裙楼第一层02铺 London Palladium. The Sound of Music and irresistible in a creative ensemble brims over with some of the most that at once adheres to the strict dress Paletto Italian Restaurant 2/F, The Ritz- Momiji 3/F, Holiday Inn Donghua Shen- memorable songs ever performed on code while also displaying an indi- zhen, No. 2307, Donghua Park, Nanhai Lu, stage, including ‘Sixteen Going on vidual sense of chic.

68 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Listings

Nanshan District (8619 3999) 米西索加, 南山 Nan Lu, Luohu District (6133 9993); 2) 1/F, (near Coco Park), Futian District cocopark2 楼 L2C-002 号铺 区南海大道东华园 2307号东华假日酒店三楼 Honglong Hotel, Sea World, 32 Taizi Lu, 越品 , 福田区连城新天地 B26C 商铺 (8255 7048) Shekou, Nanshan District (2683 5449) Casablanca Shop 118-120, Bldg 1, Sea Nishimura 1/F, Marco Polo Shenzhen, 28 欧蜜戈墨西哥餐厅 1) 罗湖人民南路佳宁娜广场 1 La vie A2-39, Poly Cultural Plaza, Houhai, World Plaza, Haibin Commercial Bldg, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District (8298 9888) 楼 E06 商铺 2) 南山区蛇口 3 号太子 路海上世界鸿 Nanshan District Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 6968) 西村日本料理 , 福田中心区福华一路 28 号深圳马 隆公寓首层 越鼎记 , 南山区后海保利文化广场 A2-39 (8628 卡萨布兰卡餐厅,南山区蛇口兴华路海滨花园商业 哥孛罗好日子酒店 1 楼 7826) 中信 1 栋首层 118-120 Latina 001-C004, Zone C, Sea World Plaza, Osaka Japanese Restaurant 1/F, Swallow Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 7697) 南山 Muine No. 219, 2/F, Garden City, 1086 Caesar Restaurant 2/F, Lidu Hotel, Guangfa Hotel, 3002 Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (8220 区蛇口海上世界广场C区001-C004 Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District (2681 Bldg, 2007 Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu Dis- 0364) 大阪日本料理店, 罗湖区嘉宾路3002号海 7828); Shop 203, L2/F, Coco Park, Fuhua trict (8225 9988 ext. 244) 燕大酒店1楼(金光华对面) Senor Frogs No. 57, Rose Garden Phase 2, San Lu, Futian District (8693 7310) 凯撒咖啡西餐厅,罗湖区东门南路 2007 号广发大 Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2667 南山区南海大道 1086 号花园城中心第 2 楼 219 厦丽都酒店 2 楼 Sakana-Ya Japanese Dinning 4/F, Oriental 1155) 南山区蛇口玫瑰园二期57号 号铺 ( 蛇口沃尔玛对面 ) ; 福田区福华三路 Coco Plaza, 1072 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District Park L2-203 City Steak Emperor No. 229, 2/F, North (8228 0778) Tequila Coyote Cantina Shop 113, Sea Shenzhen Book City, Hongli Lu, Futian Dis- 酒菜屋 , 罗湖区建设路 1072 号东方广场 4 楼 World, Shekou, Nanshan District. (2683 trict (2399 2133) 6446); 2) No. 152, Coco Park, 138 Fuhua OTHER WESTERN 城市扒王 , 福田区红荔路深圳书城北区 2 楼 229 号 Shizuku 2/F, JW Marriott Hotel, 6005 Shen- Lu, Futian District (8295 3332) nan Dadao, Futian District (2269 8231) 仙人掌餐厅 1) 南山区蛇口海上世界商铺 113 号 ; 2) Danube 1/F, Vienna Hotel, 73 Fuhua Lu, 福田区深南大道 6005 号金茂深圳 JW 万豪酒店 2 福田区福华路 138 号购物公园 152 号 360°Bar, Restaurant & Lounge Futian District (8398 1688, 8398 6993) 楼 31/F, Shangri-La Hotel (east of Railway 多瑙河西餐厅, 福田区福华路73号维也纳酒店1楼铺 Sushi Chef Ting 1) Shop 150, Coastal City, Station), 1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8396 1380) Double Star Cafe 2/F, King Glory Plaza, Haide Yi Dao, Nanshan District (8635 9662) Vietnamese 360°西餐酒廊 , 罗湖区建设路 1002 号 ( 火车站东 Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 1808, ; 2) G/F, New Street Plaza, Nanhai Dadao, 侧 ) 香格里拉大酒店 31 层 www.doublestar.com.hk) Nanshan District (2606 3639); 3)G/F, 帝宝星 , 罗湖区金光华广场 2 楼 Xinwanjia Supermarket, Jintian Lu, Futian Acaly’Do 1/F, Citic Mangrove Bay (near District (3333 1202) Shahe Golf), Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan Dis- Doors Chillout Lounge 6-21 Xuefu Lu, Nan- 寿师傳回转寿司 1) 南山区海德一道海岸城美食美 trict (8626 8176) shan District (8630 8114) 南山区学府路6-21 家 150 铺 2) 深圳南山区南海大道新街口广场首层 南山区沙河东路中信红树湾首层沙河高尔夫斜对面 号 (近深圳大学西门) ( 近东滨路 3) 深圳福田区金田路兴万家超市首层 Atmosphere 1) Shop 368, 3/F, Block B, D.U.B ST. 23 25A, G/F, Wongtee Plaza, 118 Sushi Oh Restaurant L318 Shop, Jusco Phase Two, MixC, 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District (8206 2323) Store, Basement, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Luohu District (2227 7788); 2) Shop 1, 福田区福华三路118号皇庭广场G层25A Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2594 Peninsula Phase 2, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- Four Seasons Dining Room No. 105, Haibin 0928) 寿司屋, 福田区深南中路1095号中信广场 trict (2602 7898) 负层吉之岛L318铺 喜悦 1) 罗湖万象城二期 B 座 3 楼 ; 2) 南山区蛇口 Business Center, Sea World, Shekou, Nan- 半岛城邦 2 期商铺 1 号 shan District Sushi King 1/F, Coastal City, Haide Yi Dao, 南山区蛇口海上世界海滨商业中心 105 号 (2689 Nanshan District (8635 9765) Burger King 1) No. 108, B/F, KK Shopping 3986) 寿司王,南山区海德一道海岸城购物广场一楼 149 Mall, KK Financial Centre, Luohu District 号商铺 Friday Cafe No. 111, G/F, Xinxing Square, (8202 5622); 2) 2/F, Sang Da Bldg, Huaq- Diwang Bldg, 5002 Shennan Dong Lu, iang Bei, Futian District (8202 4922); 3) Luohu District (8246 0757) Offering an excellent range of Vietnamese L2C-002, 2/F, Coco Park, 269 Fuhua San 星期五西餐厅 , 罗湖区深南东路 5002 号地王大厦 LATIN AMERICAN cuisine, all at a reasonable price and served Lu, Futian District. (2151 5526) 信兴广场首层 111 号 in a relaxing environment, this is a solid 汉堡王 1) 罗湖区菜屋围京基金融中心之京基百 option to satisfy cravings, pho sure. 纳空间负一楼 108 号 2) 福田区华强北桑达大厦 Grange Grill 25/F, The Westin Shenzhen Amigos Restaurant and Bar 1) Shop E6, 2 楼(茂业百货对面)3) 福田区福华三路 269 号 Nanshan, 9028-2 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan G/F, Carriana Friendship Center, Renmin Let’s Viet Shop B26C, Link City Passage

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 69 Listings

District (8634 8431) 2002 Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2518 5888) 05 威斯汀扒房, 南山区深南大道9028号-2深圳益田 罗湖区嘉宾路 2002 号希尔顿彭年酒店 50 楼 威斯汀酒店25层 Stonegrill L1021-L1022, 3 Fuhua Yi Lu, Grape 1 Yanshan Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- Futian District trict (2668 7777). 石头烧福田区福华一路怡景中心城 L1021尚铺 MAY 1-2 FRI-SAT MAY 23-24 葡逸餐厅 , 南山区蛇口沿山路 1 号 (8276 5289)

SAT-SUN Greenery Cafe 3/F, Hualianfa Bldg, 2006 Subway 1) FL1004, 1/F, Yijing Central Walk, Huaqiang Bei Jie, Futian District (8399 3 Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District (8280 1186); 8828, 8399 8118) 2) Shop B14, B/F, Gouwu Garden Metro 绿茵阁,华强北商业街 2006 号华联发大厦三楼 Shopping Mall, Futian District (8329 2299) 1) 福田区福华一路怡景中心城一楼西侧FL1004号 The Grill 2/F, Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nan- 铺; 2) 福田区购物公园负一楼地铁商业广场 B14 hai, 1177 Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2162 8888) Super Steak 3/F, Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, 南山区望海路 1177 号蛇口希尔顿南海酒店 2 楼 Futian District (2531 3998) 超级牛扒 , 福田区福华三路 Coco Park 三楼 The Grill & Bar 2/F, Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen, 5 Guihua Lu, Futian Free Trade Take Seafood Supermarket No. 103, Zone Zone, Futian District (8358 8662) A, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District Dance: Lied Ballet, 8pm, MOP100- 扒房·酒吧 , 福田区保税区桂花路 5 号深圳福朋喜 (2160 2378) 350. Macao Cultural Centre Grand 来登酒店 2 楼 南山蛇口海上世界船前广场 A 区 103 号 Auditorium (www.macauticket.com) The Kitchen No. 144, Coco Park, 138 Taste 3/F, Four Points by Sheraton, 5 Created during the 68th Avignon Mintian Lu, Futian District (2531 3860) Guihua Lu, Futian District (8359 9999 ext. Festival, choreographer Thomas 现场厨房 , 福田区民田路 138 号城建购物公园 144 88667) Lebrun expresses his feeling on the 号 桂花酒店 , 福田保税区桂花路 5 号福朋喜来登酒店 3楼 space left for social issues and toler- The Lounge 33/F, Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, ance in cultural settings by eight 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 Tasty 1/F, International Finance Center, dancers’ clean-cut gestures. The 7338) 4003 Shennan Dong Lu, Futian District graceful movements work in har- Dance: Out of Context – for Pina, 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号深圳君悦酒店 33 层 (2598 1298, 2598 1299) mony with the lieder of Berg, Mahler 西堤牛排, 深圳市深南东路4003号世界金融中心1F 8pm on May 23 and 3pm on May 24, Life Cali Bistro South Gate, Central Walk, and Schonberg. MOP120-150. Macao Cultural Centre Fuhua Lu, Futian District (3682 2766) The Village No. 108-109, Haichang Jie, Small Auditorium (www.macauticket. 福田区福华路中心城广场 L 层南大门旁 Shekou, Nanshan District (2685 0910) 南山区蛇口海昌街海尚国际裙楼 108-109 号铺 MAY 13 WED com) Director Alain Platel used to be a LSD F1-105A, OCT-Loft, Jie, Nan- Festival: Procession of Our Lady of shan District (8610 6344) Veranda Restaurant & Lounge 5-1 Taizi Lu, special-needs educator, and under- Fátima, S. Domingos Church (www. 迷食 , 南山区华侨城创意文化园 F1-105A Shekou, Nanshan District (2667 6608) stands deformities and muscular 南山区蛇口太子路 5-1 号 macautourism.gov.mo) problems. This profession eventually Made in Kitchen 7/F, Kingglory Plaza, 2028 An annual ceremony to commemo- Renmin Lu, Luohu District (8261 1899) West Steak House 2/F, 52 Jiefang Lu, Luohu led him to celebrate the beauty of 厨房制造 , 罗湖人民南路 2028 号金光华广场 7 楼 rate the miracle at Fátima, , the malformed through movements District (8229 9139) in 1917, when three young children 西部牛扒城,罗湖区解放路 52 号 2 楼 and gestures on stage. This perfor- Mama’s No. 110-111, Sea World, Shekou, claimed to have seen an apparition mance is also a tribute to the great Nanshan District. (2686 2349) Willy's Crab Shack 18 Shiyun Lu, Shekou, of the Virgin Mary. The portrait of modern dancer Pina Bausch. 南山区蛇口海上世界 110-111 号商铺 Nanshan District (8827 8002) Fátima will be carried by female dev- 南山区蛇口新街 石云路18号 (www. otees dressed in white, accompanied May Flower Restaurant 2/F, Phase 4, Com- willyscrabshack.com) by three kids representing the trio SAT merce City, Azure Coast, Houhai Dadao, MAY 23 Nanshan District (2649 8033/2649 022) who witnessed the miracle. Concert: Macao Soul, 8pm, free ad- 五月花餐厅 , 南山区后海大道蔚蓝海岸四期商贸城 mission. St. Dominic’s Church (www. 2楼 macauticket.com) PIZZA McCawley's Bar & Grill MAY 16 SAT Macao Orchestra will stage a perfor- Shop 109, Bldg 7, Phase 3, Rose Garden, Shekou, Nanshan mance featuring pieces written by District (2667 4361). Kiwi Pizza 1) Shop 46B, Phase II, Coastal renowned Macao composer Lam Bun 南山区蛇口南海玫瑰园三期 7 号楼 109 号商铺 Rose Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Ching, Hong Kong’s ‘Father of New District (2160 1583); 2) B14 Underground Music’ Doming Lam and the late McCawley’s Irish Bar & Restaurant Commercial Street, Coco Park, Futian Dis- Friar Áureo Castro. Famous compos- Shop 118, Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan trict (8329 2299); 3) No. 8 Outlets Minkang District (2668 4496) Lu, Longhua District; 4) No. 125, Area A, ers who have strong ties with Macao 麦考利爱尔兰酒吧,南山区蛇口海上世界广场 North Park, Shopping Park, Mintian Lu, will display heavenly music for the 118号 Futian District spiritual edification of all. 纽奇比萨 1) 南山区望海路南海玫 One Steak 1) 1/F Hongling Bldg, 1045 瑰园二期46B铺; 2) 福田区购物公园负一层地铁商 Shennan Zhong Lu, Nanshan District (2586 业街B14铺; 3) 龙华新区民康路八号仓奥特莱斯; 4) 福田区民田路购物公园北园A区125 MAY 28-31 6333); 2) L3-1, 9028-2 Shennan Lu, Holiday Plaza, Nanshan District (8629 8729) Lou Palacio Pizza 1/F, No. 40, Bldg THU-SUN 王品台塑牛排,1) 深南中路 1045 号红岭大厦 1 楼 2) 南山区深南大道 9028-2 号益田假日广场三楼 A, Poly Cultural Center, Nanshan District Concert: Sammi Cheng, 8pm, Exhibition: Outdoor Performing (8628 7109) 帕拉休,南山区保利文化广场A区40号店铺 MOP380-1,280. Venetian Macao Arts Showcase, 6.30-9pm, free ad- Paiza Bistro & Lounge No. 110, Phase 1, Cotai Arena (www.macauticket.com) mission. Barra Square (www.macau- Peninsula City, Jinshiji Lu, Shekou, Nanshan NYPD Pizza 1) Shop FL1015, Central Hong Kong pop diva Sammi Cheng ticket.com) District (2668 7055) 南山区蛇口金世纪路半岛城邦一期 110 号 Walk, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District (8887 will be staging her Touch Mi World Aiming to bring the arts closer to the 6973); 2) No. 26, Haichang Jie, Shekou, Tour in Macau this month. After five public, local and foreign artists will Poseidon Restaurant & Bar No. 13, Phase Nanshan District (8887 6973); 3) 3085-10 years’ hiatus, Cheng is returning to offer a series of culturally rich, enter- 3, Coastal Rose Garden, Jinshiji Lu, Shekou, Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8887 public life with her signature ballads taining performances. Amongst the Nanshan District (2160 9519) 6973, 137 9847 1160) and sizzling dance performances. bonbons are Uyghur muqam dance 波塞冬西餐厅酒吧,南山区蛇口金世纪路南海玫瑰 纽约批萨1) 福田区福华一路中心城FL1015商铺; 园三期 13 号 2)南山区蛇口海昌街海尚国际裙楼26号铺 (近新一 from Province, a shadow 佳); 3) 罗湖区东门深南路3085-10号 play from Turkey, ’s Awantika Rapscallions No. 138, Gouwu Garden, Min- MAY 22-24 Kathak Dance Group and much more. Papa John’s Pizza 1) 1/F, F2.6 Tianzhan tian Lu, Futian District (8359 7131) Bldg, Tian’an Industry Plaza, Futian District; FRI-SUN 瑞布斯, 福田区民田路购物公园北园138号 Drama: Live Spectacle Naruto, 2) Unit 149, 1/F, Coastal City, Nanshan MAY 29-30 Romas Bar & Grill Block B (behind the Taizi Business & Culture Center, Nanshan Dis- 1.30pm, 7.30pm, MOP280-1,080. trict; 3) 2/F, Soho Coco Park, 3 Fuhua Lu, Venetian Macao Theatre (www.ma- Hotel), 5 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District FRI-SAT (2683 8492, 2683 8491) Futian District; 4) 1/F, 115B, Garden City cauticket.com) Drama: Trust, 8pm, MOP100-350. 罗马西餐厅 , 南山区蛇口太子路太子宾馆后 B 座 Commercial Centre, Nanhai Dadao, Nan- A performance based on the well- Macao Cultural Centre Grand shan District; 5) 1/F, TT International Area, known Japanese manga series. Auditorium (www.macauticket.com) Seattle Café No. 38, 1/F, Holiday Garden, Lianhua Lu, Futian District; 6) 1/F, Hubei Naruto is an adolescent ninja who Written in the aftermath of the Nanshan District (2606 4862) Baofeng Bldg, 1054 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu 西雅图西餐扒房,南山区缤纷假日花园 1 层 38 号 District; 7) 3/F, Manha Shopping Plaza, constantly searches for recognition 2008 global financial crash, Trust ( 东华假日酒店旁 ) Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District; 8) 2/F, and dreams of becoming the leading tells the story of the behaviors that Shark 1) Shopping Park B, Mintian Lu, Luohu Culture Center, Renmin Bei Lu, Luohu ninja in the village. With incredible led to the financial tsunami, the District; 9) Unit A1-14, 1/F, Poly Cultural acrobatic performances and amazing resulting collapse of faith in political Futian District (8203 1999) 2) West of Bar Street, Sea World Squae, Shekou, Nanshan Centre, Nanshan Business & Culture Center, stage effects and makeup, the live and economic institutions, and the District (2602 9569) 鲨鱼餐吧 1) 福田区民田 Nanshan District 棒!约翰 1) 福田区天安数码城 action drama will bring new life to emotional aftermath. Directed by 路购物公园B区一楼 2) 南山区蛇口海上世界西侧 天展大厦F2.6栋1楼; 2) 南山区商业文化中心海岸 the comic characters. 国际酒吧街 城一层149号商铺; 3) 福田区福华三路购物公园 2 German playwright and director Falk 楼; 4) 南山区南海大道花园城商业中心115B; 5) 福 Richter, this drama will be performed Sky Paradise 50/F, Hilton Panglin Hotel, 田区莲花路TT国际街区首层; 6) 罗湖区宝安南路 in German with English subtitles. 1054号湖北宝丰大厦首层; 7) 福田区华强北路曼哈 购物广场3楼; 8)罗湖区东门步行街人民北路罗湖文

70 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Listings

化中心2楼; 9) 南山区南山商业文化中心区保利文 品酒阁 深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路5016号 化广场A1-14号 100层

Pizza Express Shop 568, 5/F, the MixC, Discovery Bar 48 Jin Tang Jie (next to Lijing 1881 Bao'an Nan Lu, Luohu District (2215 Int’l Club), Luohu District (8248 1742) 9036) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号万象城5楼 罗湖金塘街 48 号丽晶国际俱乐部旁边 Evolution Bar F2/3, Carriana Friendship Square (next to Starbucks), Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District 罗湖区人民南路佳宁娜友宜广场 Southeastern 首层G2&G3(近星巴克咖啡店)

Echo Club, No.S268, MixC, Phase II, Sambal B102, Century Place, Shennan Lu, No.1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District Futian District (2264 1000) (2292 3777). 埃可俱乐部·酒吧,罗湖区宝安南 桑芭桑芭 福田区深南中路世纪汇商场负一层 路1881号华润中心万象城二期B栋二楼 B102号 Face Club,4/F, MixC Mall Phase II, No.1881 Bao'an Nan Lu, Luohu District(8266 6699). 罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号万象城第二期卡地亚楼上 SPANISH 四楼 Feeling Bar 1/F, Zhidi Plaza, No.3068 Chun- feng Lu, Luohu District (2230 1119) Flamenco House Shop B104, B1/F, Century 罗湖区春风路置地广场首层 Place, Huaqiangbei, Futian District (3300 5750) Key Bar G-6 SOHO, Jia Ning Na Square, 福田区华强北世纪广场负一层B04 2002 Ren Min Nan Lu, Luohu District 罗湖区人民南路 2002 号嘉宁娜友谊广场 SOHO 酒吧 街 G-6 TURKISH Le Nest 1/F, Guomao Da Sha, Renmin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8221 1018) Anatolia Turkish Restaurant, 1/F, Xing Yue 罗湖区人民南路国贸大厦 A 区外一楼 Business Hotel, No. 3018 Dongmen Nan Lu, Luohu District (8222 6154; 8225 7677). Malt 100/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, No.5016 安纳托利亚, 罗湖区东门南路 3018 号兴悦商务酒 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 店1楼 8888-1459/1455) 天吧,深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区 深南东路5016号100层 Istanbul Fast Food Cafe Jinghua Building 1C055, Huafa Bei Lu, Futian District (3309 Michelle’s Bar South gate of Shenzhen Sta- 7180, 3309 7190) dium, Sun Gang Lu, Luohu District (8327 福田区华发北路京华大院一号楼 1C055 号 6642) 罗湖区笋岗路深圳体育馆南门

Mevlana Turkish Restaurant 154 Milky Jiabin Lu (beside Soho Bar), Luohu Zhenxing Lu, Futian District (8336 8778) District (8225 8199) 罗湖区嘉宾路soho吧旁 梅夫拉那土耳其餐厅福田区振兴路 154 号 Oasis Bar 13/F, Jinhu Hotel, Hubei Lu, The Istanbul Restaurant Room 107, Lang Luohu District 罗湖湖贝路锦湖宾馆13楼 Yu Feng Ting,1010 Wenjin Nan Lu, Luohu District (8261 0201) Richy Club, 66 Chunfeng Lu (next to Lu 土耳其伊斯坦布尔餐厅,罗湖区文锦南路 1010 号 Shan Hotel), Luohu District (8234 2565) 朗御风庭 107 号地铺 春风路3023号(庐山酒店1楼)

Soho Bar Opposite of King Glory Plaza, Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (8220 0628) nightlife 罗湖区嘉宾路金光华广场对面 Sparkle Club & Restaurant 1/F, Zense Hotel, Wen Jin Zhong Lu, Luohu Dist. (8239 LUOHU 4800) 罗湖区文锦中路升逸酒店首层

Tanghui Bar 1/F, A08, Zhidi Plaza, Chun 360°Bar, Restaurant & Lounge 31/F, Feng Lu, Luohu District (2230 1698) Shangri-La Hotel (East of Railway Station), 罗湖区春风路北侧置地逸轩裙楼 A08 No.1002 Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8396 1380-8360). Tashe Delick Bar 3/F, Shanghai Shizhuang 罗湖区建设路 1002 号(火车站东侧)香格里拉大 Company, 2033 Hongling Zhong Lu, Luohu 酒店 31 层 District (8241 8028) 红岭中路 2033 号上海时装公司 3 楼 Apollo 57/F, Hilton Shenzhen Pengnian Hotel, 2002 Jiabin Lu, Luohu District (2518 The Penthouse 38/F, Grand Hyatt Shen- 5888 ext 3914) 罗湖区嘉宾路 2002 号彭年酒店 57 楼 zhen, 1881 Baoan Nan Lu, Luohu District (2218 7338) 罗湖区宝安南路1881号深圳君悦 Butter Basement B/F, Carrinna Friendship 酒店38层

Square, 2002 Renminnan Road, Luohu Dist. The St. Regis Bar 96/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, (2518 3338) 罗湖区人民南路佳宁娜广场负一楼 No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (8308 8888-1468) 瑞吉吧 深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 96 Brew House 3/F, Crowne Plaza Hotel & 层深圳瑞吉酒店罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 99 层 Suites and Landmark, 3018 Nahu Road, Luohu District. (8217 2288 ext. 569) 罗湖区南湖路费用户号深圳富苑皇冠假日套房酒店 三楼 FUTIAN Brown Sugar Jar 1/F, Le Yang Feng Jing Ge, Huang Bei Lu, Dongmen, Luohu District. (2541 6110) 3D Bar Block B, Bar Street, CITIC City 红糖罐 罗湖区东门商业圈 黄贝路乐扬枫景阁一楼 Plaza, 1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian Dis- trict (2598 6011) Champs Bar & Grill 2/F, Shangri-La Shen- 福田区深南中路 1093 号中信广场酒吧街 B 区 zhen, Luohu Dist. (8396 1366) 罗湖区香格里拉大酒店 2 楼 After 5 Bar & Cafe Unit 104, Jin Run Build- ing, Tai Ran Jiu Lu, Futian District (2396 Chocolate 1/F, New 2000 Plaza, Huishang 4800). 福田区泰然九路金润大厦104 Mingyuan, Nanqing Street, Dongmen, Luohu District. (2582 2222) Angelbaby Bar 1/F, Huale Building, No.1, 罗湖区东门南庆街汇商名苑2000广场1楼(金莎国 Zhong Hang Bei Lu, Hua Qiang Bei, Futian 际会所楼下) District.(2830 7788). 天使宝贝 福田区华强北中航北路 1 号华乐大厦一楼 City Cowboy 2/F, Jihao Garden, 1048 Hua Li Lu, Luohu District (2582 8218) Before Sunset Bar Bar Street, CITIC Plaza, 深圳市罗湖区华丽路 1048 号集浩花园 2 楼 Futian District (13510131001) 中信广场酒吧街 Decanter 100/F, St. Regis Shenzhen, No.5016 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District Beng/Bang No.138, Block B, North of (8308 8888-1459/1455) Shopping Park, Min Tian Lu, Futian District

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(8860 1818). Lili Marleen Fuhua Yi Lu (opposites Coco 5972) Jazz Garden No.5, Window of the World Bar 欧莉酒吧,福田区民田路购物公园北园B区138号 Park Starbucks), Futian District (8295 南山区蛇口太子路太子宾馆一楼 Street, Nanshan District (2660 0032). 0548) Brown Sugar Jar G9 Huangguan Technol- 爵士花园,南山区世界之窗欧陆情酒吧街 5 号 福田区福华一路购物公园星巴克对面 Boomerang, A1-39, Poly Cultural Center, ogy Park, Tairan 9 Lu, Futian District. (8320 Hou Haibin Lu, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan Jordan’s Bar 55 South Sea Rose Garden, 7913) McCawley’s Irish Bar Shop 151-152, Coco District (8655 2054). Phase 2, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan 红糖罐 福田区泰然九路皇冠科技园 2 栋 G9 Park, Futian District. (2531 3599) 回旋镖酒吧,南山区后海大道后海滨路保利文化中 District. (2668 6040) 福田区购物公园 151-152 心 A1-39 号 Calio Bar Shop 055, 2/F, Coco Park, Fuhua 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 55 号 San Lu, Futian Dist. (2533 1844) Fans Club 1/F, Eight District Bldg, Brown’s Wine & Cigar House Shop 55-56 Idutang OCT Loft, Enping Jie, OCT, Nahshan 福田区福华三路星河苏活购物公园二楼 055 号 Tiyuguan, Futian DIstrict (8329 3138) 体育馆八区首层 Commercial Street, Portofino Club House, Dist. Chicago Club G/F, Gate 4 of Shenzhen Xiangshan Lu, OCT, Nanshan District (8608 南山区桥城东恩平街华侨城创意文化园内 Stadium, Sungang Lu, Futian District (8324 O! Garden No. 138, Mintian Lu, Futian 2379) 南山区华侨城香山路波托菲诺会所商业 街 55-56 号 La Piazza G/F, The Venice Hotel Shenzhen, 0294) 福田区笋岗路深圳体育馆四号门首层 District. (8889 6999) 福田区民田路 138 号购物公园 No.9026 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District Cheers Gan Bei Bar Shop 60, Coastal Rose Club Viva No. 140, Fuhua Lu, CoCo (2693 6888) Pepper Club, 2/F, Shopping Park, Fuhua Lu, Garden II, Wanghai Lu, Shekou (2683 2864) 南山区深南大道 9026 号深圳威尼斯酒店首层 Park, Futian District (137 9825 6176) 蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 60 号商铺干杯酒吧 福田区福华路城建购物公园 140 号 Fustian District (8319 9040). 福田区福华路购物公园二楼 La Maison Shop 108, Nanhai Rose Garden, Club Tropicana B/F, Nan Hai Hotel, Gongye Craft Head Nano Tap House West Shop, Building 29-32, No. 91, Wanghai Lu, Nan- Yi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dist. (2669 2888 Bldg 161, Crossing of Huanggang Gongyu- Rapscallions Bar, No.138 Min Tian Lu, shan District. (2681 6410) 南山区望海路91号 North of Shopping Park, Futian District ext 513) 29-32栋南海玫瑰花园108号 an Yi Jie and Ba Jie, Futian District 蛇口工业一路南海酒店负1楼 (136 6229 2253) (0755-8359 7131). 福田区皇岗公园一街与水围八街交界处 161 栋西面 瑞布斯酒吧,福田区民田路城建购物公园 138 号 Listen Bar G/F Xin Neng Yuan Bldg, Nanhai 商铺 Crocetta B106, Sea World Square, Shekou, Boulevard, Nanshan District (2643 3939) Skyline Bar Hui Hotel, Block 401, 3015 Nanshan District (8833 6272) 南山区南海大道新能源大厦首层 南山区海上世界环船广场 B106 Crystal Bldg E, Bar Street, CITIC City Pla- Hongli Xi Lu, Futian District (8830 5555) Liberty Bar, Building 115-117, Sea World za, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District 福田区红荔西路 3015 号 401 栋 ( 红荔路与福华路 CJW OCT BAY No.15 Qushui Bay, Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District (134 2385 (2598 5509) 交界 ) 回酒店 福田区深南中路中信广场酒吧街 E 栋 OCT BAY, No.8 Baishi Lu. Nanshan District 3725). Sports Bar 7/F, Grand Mercure Oriental (8639 5266) 自由吧,南山区蛇口海上世界 115-117 号 欢乐海岸 CJW 南山区白石路东 8 号欢乐海岸曲水 Curv Bar 1/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Shen- Ginza Shenzhen, Zhuzilin, Shennan Dadao, 湾 15 栋 Butterfly Dream Music Bar,14 Qushui zhen, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District Futian District (8350 0888 ext. 88605) 体育吧 福田区深南大道竹子林东方银座美爵酒店 Bay, OCT-Bay, 8 Baishi Lu Dong (8654 (2222 2222) Coko Club 1) Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 福田区福华三路 116 号深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店 1 楼 1185/86541186 ). Time Out Bldg A1, Bar Street, CITIC City 1093 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District 蝴蝶梦音乐餐厅 , 白石路东 8 号欢乐海岸酒吧街 14 (2598 9998) 2) No.6, European Customs 栋 Duke’s, The Langham, Shenzhen, No. 7888, Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian Dis- Bar Street, Window of World, Nanshan Dis- Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8828 trict (2594 0778) 福田区深南中路 1095 号中信城市广场国际休闲街 trict (2692 9098); 3) Haide plaza, Coastal Lounge 1982, 1/F, InterContinental Shen- 9888). 福田区深南大道7888号深圳朗廷酒店 A1 栋 city, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District zhen,9009 Shennan Road,OST(3399 3388) 1) 福田区深南中路中信广场深圳国际酒吧街 F 栋 2) 深南大道深圳华侨城洲际大酒店 1 楼 Day and Night Building A3, Bar Street, Tonga Bar 1010 Central Walk, Fu Hua 1 Lu, 南山区世界之窗欧陆风情酒吧街 6 号 ; 3) 南山区文 CITIC City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District 心五路海岸城购物中心海德广场 202-1 Laffa 12pm-2am, G/F, Fuzon Hotel, No.1 Futian District (2598 9203) 福田区福华一路 3 号怡景中心城 , 1010 号铺 ( 大 Kanle Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2682 福田区深南中路中信广场酒吧街 A3 栋 中华喜来登酒店旁 )(8780 1687) Club Viva International Bar Street, 7888) West of Seaworld Square, Shekou, Nanshan 南山区蛇口康乐路 1 号金銮富众酒店地下 Demon 1) Building C, Bar Street, CITIC True Color Club 1) Guo Qi Club, 25/F, District. (2669 7365) City Plaza, 1095 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian Block A, Guo Qi Bldg, Shangbu Nan Lu, 南山区海上世界广场西侧国际酒吧街 McCawley’s Irish Bar Shop 118, District (2615 7405) 2) 78-79, Bar Street, Futian District (8212 9333) 2) Dong Yuan Sea World, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 Coco Park, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District Club, 3-4/F, Dong Yuan Bldg, Dongyuan Lu, Dolores No. 101, Bldg 2, NH-Ecool, Gongye 4496) 南山区蛇口海上世界广场118号 (2531 3800) 1)福田区深南中路中信广场酒吧C Futian District (8227 4834) 3)Zhen Hua San Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (3313 栋 2) 福田区福华三路COCO 商城,地铺78-79 Club, 2/F, Zhong Hang Yuan Bldg, Zhenhua 3667) Mosaic Club Shop 18, Coastal Rose Garden 朵多 南山区蛇口工业三路南海意库 2 栋 101 Lu, Futian District (8324 0986);www.true- II, Wang Hai Road, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- Evening Show 4-5/F, Building 2, Huanggang trict (10 minutes walk past the Golf Club) Business Center, Fuhua San Lu, Futian colorclub.com 望海路南海玫瑰花园 2 期 18 号商铺 1) 国企总店 , 福田区上步南路国企大厦 A 座 25 楼 District (8270 8888; 8278 3999;137 2435 2) 东园分店 , 福田区东园路东园大厦 3/4 楼 3) 振 3542). 华分店 , 福田区振华路中航苑大厦 2 楼; Musibase Bar 1)Building 2, Bin Hai Zhi 福田区福华三路卓越世纪中心 2 号楼裙楼 4-5 层 Chuan, Haide San Lu, Nanshan District Vinsplus Room 6, 1/F, Kerry Plaza, No.1 Zhongx- (8612 5125) 2)G/F,Maple Leaf City Hotel, Executive Lounge 25/F, Grand Mercure in Si Lu, Futian District.(8273 2082) 荣仕廊酒业 No.1039 Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. Oriental Ginza Shenzhen,Shennan Da Dao 福田区中心四路1号嘉里建设广场裙楼一层6室 (2235 3933). Xi,Futian District (8350 0888) 根据地音乐现场 1) 南山区海德三路滨海之窗 2 栋 福田区深南大道西东方银座美爵酒店 25 楼 Xpats Bar & Lounge FL1016 & FL1017 2) 南山区南山大道 1039 号枫叶城市酒店首层 (next to NYPD), East Side Walk, Central Ella Entertainment Park East Gate, Shop- Walk Shopping Mall, Fuhua Lu, Futian Dis- Old Heaven Books Shop 120, Building A5, ping Park, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, 福田区福华一路购物公园东门 trict (8280 1352) 福田区福华路中心城东面 1016-1017 铺 Nanshan District.(8614 8090). 旧天堂书店 南 山区华侨城侨城创意文化园北区A5栋120铺 Frankie’s No.33-34, Building 3, Gui Hua- Yi Bar & Lounge 6/F, Four Seasons Hotel yuan Garden, Fenghuang Dao, Guihua Lu, Shenzhen, 138 Fuhua San Lu, Futian Dis- Oscar’s Sports Bar& Grill F/2, Holiday Inn Futian Free Trade Zone (8271 9220) Shenzhen Donghua , Donghua Park, Nanhai 福田保税区桂花路凤凰道桂花苑花园 3 栋一层 trict (8826 8900) 逸廊吧 深圳四季酒店6楼, 福 田区福华三路138号 The George & Dragon. The quintessential Lu, Nanshan District (8619 3999 ext.3208) 33-34 号铺 南山区东华假日酒店2楼 British pub; good draft beers, ales, stout, Gold Rush Bar 2/F, The Pavilion Hotel, NANSHAN cider, hearty pub food,w BBQ's, screening O Seven, Building 13A, OCT Bay, Baishi Lu 4002 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian Dist. (8207 non-stop sports, secluded beer garden. Your Dong, Nanshan District (2660 0707; 2690 8888 ext. 8225) home away from home. 0707). 南山区白石路东欢乐海岸曲水湾13A 华强北路4002号圣廷苑酒店二层 George & Dragon British Pub Shop No.3, 3D Bar 1)11, Bar Street, Window of the Back of Taizi Hotel, Taizi Lu, Seaworld Pla- Penny Black Jazz Cafe Shop 134, Building Honolu Club Top/F ,Donghai Jingtian World, Nanshan Disdrict (2690 1559) 2)17, za, Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 8564). A5, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Yinzuo, Jingtian Bei Jie, Futian District Block A, Bar Street, Poly Culture Centre 南山区蛇口海上世界太子路太子宾馆一楼后排 3 号 景田北街东海景田银座顶层 Town, Nanshan District (8609 8585). (8628 7911) 商铺 黑邮票爵士咖啡,南山区华侨城创意文化园北区 1) 世界之窗欧陆风情酒吧街头 11 号 2) 南山保利文 A5 栋 134 化广场A区17号 La Casa No.139 Coco Park, Fuhua Eden Garden Rooftop Bar 16/F, Hilton Lu, Futian District. (8290 3279) Senzhen Shekou Nanhai, 1177 Wanghai Lu, Ritz Bar 悦坊 福田区福华路城建购物公园 139 号 Aulon Wine Bar Shop 32, Coastal 52 South Sea Rose Garden Phase Nanshan District 2, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. Garden II, Wanghai Lu, Shekou (2688 3381) 伊甸园屋顶酒吧,南山区望海路1177号蛇口希尔 Lachesis 7/F, Bldg 3, Phoenix, 2008 Shen- 蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 32 号 (2681 2793) 顿南海酒店16楼 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 52 号 nan Lu, Futian District (186 7919 1990) 福田区深南路 2008 号中国凤凰大厦三号楼七楼 Bar Leo 1/F, Poly Cultural Centre, Nanshan Enigma Bar Beside the KTV, Seaworld, Rose Bank, 2/F, Shop 210-211, Building District (8628 6868) Shekou Nanshan District (2667 7744) A4, OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Lavo Bistro & Lounge 1M/F, Room 1B, 南山区中心区保利文化广场一楼 21 号(保利剧院 蛇口海上世界海上明珠旁边 Tower 3, Kerry Plaza, No 1, Zhongxin Si Lu, 对面) Town, Nanshan District(8633 7473). 南山区 华侨城创意文化园北区A4栋2楼210-211号 Futian District (8899 9676; 8255 7462) Eagle Bar Block 20, OCT Bay, No. 8 Baishi 福田区中心四路一号嘉里建设广场 T3 栋 1M 层 1B Barfly No.3-12, Garden City Phase III, Lu Dong, Nanshan District. (8654 1082) Spurs Country Music Bar, Above McDonalds 室 Gongye Ba Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District. 老鹰吧 南山区白石路东 8 号欢乐海岸曲水湾 20 栋 (2667 2532) in Seaworld Plaza, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nan- Leo Bar Bar Street, CITIC City Plaza, 1095 南山区蛇口工业八路花园城三期 3-12 号 shan District. Galleon Restaurant & Bar 南山区蛇口太子路海上世界广场麦当劳楼上 Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2598 interContinental, 9009, Shennan Lu, OCT, 9898) Blu Bamboo, No. 3-4, Xinghua Lu, Sea Nanshan District (3399 3388) Seagull Restaurant & Bar South of Sea 福田区深南中路1095号中信城市广场国际休闲 World Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District (134 南山区深南路华侨城洲际大酒店 街A4 1003 7390). World, Shekou, Nanshan Dist.(2688 0000, 南山区蛇口海上世界兴华路 3-4 号 Good Time Bar 202-2 Haide Plaza, Coastal 2682 0768) Light Club 南山区蛇口海上世界南边海景广场旁边 1/F, AB Block, Shenzhen Culture City, Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan District (8635 Creative Park, Fuqiang Lu, Futian District Bill & Helen 1st floor, Taizi Hotel, No.5, 9286) Simple Living Bar 104 Area C, Eco Plaza, (8337 9999) Taizi Road, Shekou, Nanshan Dist. 2668 南山区文心五路海岸城购物中心海德广场 202-2 福田区福强路文化创意园 AB 座首层

72 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Listings OPEN DOOR

OCT, Nanshan District (2691 2691) 8038/3322 8278) www.mengendental.com 华侨城杜鹃山东街生态广场 C 区 104 号 福田区金田路金中环商务大厦 1809 室

Simplicity Bar Chang Qing Garden, Nan- Ace Dental 3049 Excellence Times Plaza, shan Da Dao, Nanshan District (2657 2776) Yitian Lu, Futian District (8381 5811) 南山区南山大道长青园 卓越齿科 深圳市福田区益田路卓越时代广场 3409 室 Snake Pit Shop 20, Phase 2, Rose Garden, Wanghai Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District.(130 Arrail Dental Unit 2, G3&G4/ F, Di Wang 4883 7140) Commercial Center, , 南山区蛇口望海路南海玫瑰园二期 20 号 5002 Shennan, Dong Lu, Luohu District (2583 5608). www.arrail-dental.com Sports Bar 7/F, Grand Mercure Oriental 罗湖区深南东路 5002 号信兴广场地王商业中心 Ginza Shenzhen, Zhuzilin, Shennan Bou- G3&G4 层 2 单元 levard, Futian District (8350 0888 ext. A-Top Dental 1) 2/F Guihua Building, 46 88622) 福田区深南大道竹子林深圳东方银座美爵酒店 7 楼 Guiyuan Lu, Luohu District. (8213 1198) 2) Shopping arcade (opposites the west gate Spy Glass Lanhong Haoyuan No.6, Hai- of ), Hui Fang Yuan chang Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (134 Garden, Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. 3093 9084) (8213 1198) 3) 2/F Honglong Building, 南山区蛇口海昌街蓝虹豪苑 6 号 Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District. (8213 1198) 4) 2/F Bitao Yuan (opposites Bitao The Base Bar 1-2/F, Xi HaiAn Bldg, Nanyou Football Field), Taizi Lu, Nanshan District. Dadao, Nanshan District (2649 0296) (8213 1198) www.top917.cn 南山区南油大道西海岸大厦 1-2 楼 1) 罗湖区桂园路 46 号桂花大厦 2 楼(原桂园派出 所对面) 2) 南山区南海大道荟芳园商业区(深圳 The Jin Bar 115 - 117 Sea World Square, 大学西门对面) 3) 南山区南海大道鸿隆大厦2 楼 4) Shekou 南山区太子路碧涛苑 2 楼(碧涛球场对面) 蛇口海上世界 115-117 号 First Shenzhen Canadian Clearwater Dental Bauhinia 9/F,Block B,Shenzhen The Boom Boom Room 3/F, Bldg A, Poly International Chamber of Commerce Culture Square, Coastal City, Nanshan Dis- Tower,138 Fuhua Yi Lu,Futian District,(8371 Lobster Festival trict (137 9827 4737) 1696, 8371 2696) http://www.dental- 南山区海岸城保利文化广场 A 栋三楼 bauhinia.com Feasting on the king of crustaceans 紫荆齿科 福田区福华一路 138 号国际商会大厦 B True Color Club OCT Club, Eco-Square, 座9层 Hard-shell lobster splashes into Shenzhen this month at the First Canadian OCT Nanshan District (2691 3479, www. Clearwater Lobster Festival. Backed by Clearwater, a global leading lobster truecolorclub.com) H&J Dental Clinic Room 1105-1106, Block 华侨城店 , 南山区华侨城生态广场酒吧 A109 exporter, the festival will be held at the Pavilion Hotel from April 1 to May 31. B, Pavilion Hotel, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian Guests can taste over 20 scrumptious lobster dishes in the Western buffet and District (8207 5220). www.huijieck.cn The Tavern Sports Bar 3/F, Sea World, 福田区华强北路圣廷苑酒店 B 座 1105-1106 室 Chinese dinner. Besides the ultimate in seafood delicacies, visitors can also Shekou, Nanshan District (2669 1939, take advantage of the following deals: 50 percent off for ladies on Mondays; 15 www.tavernchina.com) Hua Mei Dental 6/F,Baoli Building, Intersec- percent off for workers May 1 to 3; a free meal for mothers over 55 on Mother’s 南山区蛇口海上世界广场 B 区 306 tion of Nanhai Dadao and Chuangye Lu, Day; free bottle of wine for those who share the lobster feast on their WeChat Nanshan District. (2642 9141, 2642 9142) The Terrace Above Starbucks, 南山区南海大道与创业路交汇处保利大厦 6 楼 606 moments; a voucher each day for the first customer to finish a jug of beer; buy- Seaworld Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District 室 two-get-one-free tickets on Sundays; and a RMB100 WeChat voucher for those (2682 9105) who follow the Pavilion Hotel’s WeChat account. 南山区蛇口海上世界广场 2 楼星巴克楼上 Ming Lun Clinic 1/F Dong Jia Bldg (adjoins Panglin Hotel), Jiabin Lu, Luohu District // Buffet: RmB588/adult, RmB388/child; Chinese dinner: RmB3,888-5,888. All prices are subject to UKlub Wine Gallery Recreation Building (2518 5502) 18, OCT Bay, No.8 Baishi Lu Dong, Nanshan 罗湖区嘉宾路东佳大厦 1 楼(彭年酒店附楼) a 15 percent service charge. Pavilion Hotel, 4002 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District 福田区华强北 District (8389 9898; 8389 9798) 路4002号 (8207 8888) 南山区白石路东 8 号欢乐海岸曲水湾 18 栋 Reborn Dental Implant Center Rm 801, New World Center, No. 6009, Yitian Road, V Bar 2/F, The Venice Hotel Shen- Futian District. (2398 2858) reborndental@ zhan, No.9026 Shennan Daodao, Overseas hotmail.com ; http://www.reborndental. Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2693 6888 com/en ext: 8015) 深圳南山区华侨城深南大道9026号 瑞邦植牙专科 福田区益田路 6009 号新世界中心 Flower Afternoon Tea at Palm Court 威尼斯酒店2楼 大厦 801 室 Floral delights bloom in spring X-TA-SEA 1/F, Cruise Inn, Sea World, Shek- Shenzhen Shiromoto Dental Clinic 2/F, ou, Nanshan District (2686 7649) Peng Ai Hospital, 1122 Nanshan Dadao, 南山区蛇口海上世界太子路明华轮酒店 1 楼 Nanshan District. (8622 4459, Japanese ho- Springtime evokes a sense tline: 13662206000). Daily 8.30am-10pm. of awakening and vibran- Ying Lian Bar NO.7, European Customs Bar www.sdc-shenzhen.com 南山区南山大道1122 cy. From now until June Street, City Inn Window of World (135 1078 号鹏爱医疗美容医院2楼 1877) 世界之窗城市客栈欧陆酒吧街7号 30, come to Palm Court at U-Dental Clinic Unit F, 24/F, Jin Run Man- The Langham, Shenzhen sion, 6019 Shennan Da Dao, Chegongmiao, and experience the joy of Futian District (8280 0366, 8280 0399) 福 their floral-themed tea set. beauty 田区车公庙深南路6019号金润大厦24层F单位 Over 10 different types of flowers are used as ingre- U-Family Dental No.109 Shopping Street, Xihai Mingzhu Garden, Taoyuan Lu, Nan- dients in the teas and des- waxing shan District (8625 0573) www.ufamily- serts at Palm Court. The dental.cn exquisite skill and imagi- 南山区桃园路 1 号西海明珠花园地面商业 109 号 nation of Executive Pastry Candy Girl Beauty Center 505, 5/F, Block Chef George Xiong guide A, Reith Center, next to Century Holiday Victoria Dental Room 1510, Tower 3A, him in preparing his floral Plaza, Metro Station Window of the World Excellence Century Center, Fu Hua San Lu, Futian District.(8837 3300) 维港齿科, 福田区 creations. In addition, Yuki Exit C1, Shennan Lu, Nanshan District (138 Rao, a sommelier certified 2659 5245) 福华三路卓越世纪中心3号楼 A座1510室 南山区深南大道以北沙河世纪假日广场 A 座瑞思中 by the Wedgwood Tea 心 505 室内 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL Academy, has selected nearly 30 kinds of prime Wedgwood teas to pair Chiho Medical Center United 203, Block B, with these wonderful health International Chamber of Commerce Build- delicacies. Accompanied ing, Fuhua Yi Lu, Futian District. (8830 1498) by melodious piano tunes, [email protected];www.chihoclinic.cn it’s the best way to enjoy a 福田区福华一路国际商会大厦B座203单元 DENTAL delightful afternoon. CanAm International Medical Center Shenzhen E0119, Fraser Place, 1033 // RmB258 for two person (plus Nanhai Dadao, Shekou, Nanshan District. Viva Dental L2/F, Galaxy Center Shopping (2688 7106) 15 percent service charge), Mall, No.5, Zhongxin Lu, Futian District 南山区蛇口南海大道1033号泰格国际公寓E0119 2pm-5.30pm. 7888 Shennan (2361 8563;2361 8565) 福田区中心五路星河 发展中心购物广场L2层 C-MER (Shenzhen) Dennis Lam Eye Dadao, Futian District 福田区深 Hospital 1-2/F, Shengtang Bldg, 1 Tairan Jiu 南大道7888号 (8828 9888) Meng En Dental R1809,F18,Golden Central Lu, Chegongmiao, Futian District (4001 666 Tower, Jintian Lu, Futian District.(3322 120, 3322 7188) 福田区车公庙泰然九路一号

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 73 Listings OPEN DOOR

盛唐大厦1-2层 南山区蛇口太子路海景广场3E-2

Distinct Clinc 1) Shenkou Medical Center,Room 5B, 5th Floor, Tower A, Wan- rong Building, Gongye Si Lu, Nanshan Dis- education trict (8666 4776) 2) Diwang Medical Center, G4 (N), Office Tower, Diwang Commercial Center, No.5002 Shenzhen Dong Lu, Luohu INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS District (2220 1852) 3) Exhibition Center Clinic, Room 0219-0220,Int’l Chamber of Commerce,168 Fuhua San Lu, Futian American International School, No. District (8347 9801) 4) Coastal City Clinic, 82,Gongyuan Lu, Shekou,Nanshan District Room 1012, Coastal City West Tower, Haide (8619 4750) Sandao, Nanshan District (2167 7955) 南山区蛇口公园路82号青少年活动中心 5) Well Child Center, Room 5A, 5th Floor, Tower A, Wanrong Building, Gongye Si Lu, Buena Vista Concordia International School Nanshan District (26816760) 6) Specialty (BCIS) GuangShen Highway, BaoAn exit, & Surgical Center, Room 5C, 5th Floor, XiCheng, Bao’an Disctrict. [email protected]; BCIS.net.cn; (2823 8166). Tower A, Wanrong Building, Gongye Si Lu, 曦城协同国际学校,宝安区广深高速公路宝安出口 Nanshan District (2682 8205) 7) Zhujiang New Town Medical Center (Coming Soon), Funful Shenzhen Bilingual School Room 1205-1207, R&F YingKai Building, Inside Goldfield Seaview Garden, Huaxia Lu, Tianhe District, Guangzhou Nan Lu, Futian District (2381 0830). www. (020-3809 9090) English Services Line: funful.com.cn 0755-8826 9919 福田区新洲南路金地海景花园 1) 南山区工业四路万融大厦A座5层5B室 2) 罗湖区 深南东路5002号地王商业中心商业大楼北翼G4层 Green Oasis School 3) 福田区福华三路168号国际商会中心裙楼0219 No 4030, Shennan Middle Road, Tianmian, 4) 南山区海德三道海岸城西座写字楼1012室 5) 南 山区工业四路万融大厦A座5层5A室 6) 南山区工业 Futian District. (8399 6712) admission@ 四路万融大厦A座5层5C室 7) 广州市天河区华夏路 greenoasis.org.cn www.greenoasis.org.cn 富力盈凯大厦1205-1207单元 福田区田面村深南中路 4030 号

Dayabindu International Counseling & Hailida International Kindergarten Psychology Services A1311, 13/F, Golden Xinganghong Kindergarten, intersection of Spicy Shell Seafood Central Tower, Fuhua Lu, Futian District Tai’an Lu, Luohu District (2549 0253). www. (8280 2248). Individual & marriage coun- hailida.com.cn From Louisiana to Shenzhen seling, psychotherapy, and trainings in Eng- 罗湖区太安路口新港鸿幼儿园 lish, Spanish & Putonghua(with interpreter). Mensa Kindergarten Spicy Shell Seafood is bringing a unique flavor of seafood to Shenzhen from www.dayabindu.com 福田区福华路金中环国际商务大厦 13 楼 A1311 No.13, Xin Housha Lu, Yongkou Cun, the bayous of Louisiana. Spicy seafood lovers come from all around for the se- Town, Dongguan.(Tel: 0769 8152 5999; cret spicy sauce, blended with more than 10 kinds of Mexican spices. Though Far-east Women &Children Hospital 5/F, 8290 1900; 8290 1919, Fax:0769 5152 Louisiana’s a world away, diners can experience authentic Creole-style seafood in No. 2097, Shen Nan Dong Lu, Luo Hu Dis- 5222) a casual and relaxing environment in Sea World. trict ( 8261 3384) 菁华园幼儿园 东莞市厚街镇涌口村新厚沙路 13 号 深圳市罗湖区深南东路2097号五楼http:// en.woman91.com/ International School of Nanshan Shenzhen // Unit 001-002, 3/F (take the elevator by Pacific Coffee to the third floor), Block 3, Area A, Sea A Canadian school accepting application for World Plaza, Shekou, Nanshan District 南山区蛇口海上世界船前广场A区2栋3层001-002铺 (8628 Home Women& the Children’s hospital Pre-Grade 1 through Grade 12. 166 Nan- 9393) 12018 Shennan Dadao, Nanshan District. guang Lu, Nanshan District (2666 1000, (3391 9122) 南山区深南大道12018号 2606 6968). [email protected] www. win! isnsz.com International SOS Shenzhen Clinic. 6 Nan- 南山区南光路 166 号 We have a bottle of red wine and a bottle of white wine to give away to Hai Dadao, Industry Mansion (East Annex), two lucky readers. For a chance to win, visit our WeChat feed: Thats_PRD Shekou, Nanshan District. (2669 3667) Oxstand International School 环宇一家综合门诊部 . 蛇口南海大道 6 号工业大厦 No.2040, Buxin Lu, Luohu District. (2581 附楼 . 3954/138 2355 1821/135 1006 5811) [email protected] Shenzhen Renji International Clinic 3rd 深圳奥斯翰外语学校 罗湖区布心路 2040 号 Floor, No.6 Tianxia Tongjian Building, Nanxin Lu, Nanshan District. (2607 9966, Peninsula Montessori Kindergarten the 2649 3191) Peninsula one, Jin Shiji Lu, Shekou Nan- 仁济诊所 南山区南新路 田厦统建楼 6 栋 3 楼 shan District ( 2685 1266) 半岛城邦国际幼儿园 南山区蛇口东角头金世纪路 1 Shenzhen Puji Clinic 1-4/F, Phase 2, Huibin 号半岛城邦一期 Plaza, Dongbin Lu, Nanshan District. (2649 1709, 2649 1333, 8603 9111). Quality Schools International 南山区东滨路汇滨广场二期裙楼 1-4 层 2/F Bitao Center, 8 Taizi Lu, Shekou,Nanshan District (2667 6031). Shenzhen Wu Zhou International Clinic www.shk.qsi.org 3/F Block B, Wu Zhou Chinese And Western 南山区蛇口太子路 8 号碧涛中心 2 楼 Union Medical Hospital (7 Kehua Lu), Keyu- an Bei Lu, Science And Technology Park, QSI International School of Shenzhen Nanshan District (135 5479 2040) (Futian) A1, TCL Science Park, No. 1001 南 山科技园科园北路深圳五洲中西医结合医院 ( 科 Yuan, Nanshan District (8371 华路7号)B座3F 7108) 中山园路 1001 号 TCL 科学园区 A1 栋 The Hong Kong University-Shenzhen Hospital International Medical Center, Shekou International School Haiyuan Yi Lu, Futian District ( 8691 3388, Jingshan Villas, Gongye Er Lu, Shekou, Nan- www.hku-szh.org ) shan District (2669 3669). www.sis.org.cn 香港大学深圳医院 福田区海园一路 ( 白石路与侨城 南山区蛇口工业二路鲸山别墅内 东路交汇 ) Shenzhen (Nanshan) Concord College of Vista-SK International Medical Center Lvl Sino- 166 Nan’guang Lu, Nanshan Nogogo 4, Bldg 4C, Shenzhen Software Industry District (2656 8886). www.ccsc.com.cn Base,Xuefu Lu, Nanshan District (3689 南山区南光路 166 号 All in one click 9833) 南山区学府路软件产业基地4栋C座裙楼4层 Shenzhen Oriental English College Bao’an Nogogo, Shenzhen’s first online imported product shop, adheres to the core Education City, National Highway 107 values of freshness, quality and convenience to better help expatriates have an (Bao’an Airport North) Bao’an District easier life here. With thousands of items in stock and flexible payment terms, (2751 6669). www.szoec.baoan.net.cn/ 宝安区 107 国道宝安教育城 ( 宝安国际机场北 ) you can buy most of the groceries you need in daily life – including vegetables, Life & Style dairy products, cooking oils and household wares – all with a click of the mouse. Shenzhen Soccer Schools Sports Training Orders over RMB200 come with free delivery. Registered online clients can also Services for Kids in Futian and Shekou with enjoy 10 percent off at the warehouse store. boat charters Qualified English Speaking Coaches. 602 Haibin Garden, Xinhua Lu, Shekou,Nanshan // (www.nogogo.cn, 400 1010 622) District. (26690765,13823112524) cathy@ Sky Sea World 3E-2, Seaview Bldg, 18 Taizi shenzhensoccerschools.com www.shen- win! Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2680 7666, zhensoccerschools.com 2681 2999, www.sswgsz.com) 南山区蛇口兴华路海滨花园海虹阁 602 We have five vouchers each valued at RMB50 to give away. For a chance to win, visit our WeChat feed: Thats_PRD St. Lorraine Chinese-English Kindergarten 1) Tongjing Garden, Shadong Lu, Liantang,

74 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com STELLA ARTOIS URBAN MOMENTS

Do you have party pictures to contribute? Send them to us at [email protected] and we’ll run the best.

Russian Easter Party @Village Bar Apr 12

DJ CEET @CLUB VIVA SEAWORLD Apr 18 BT8 x James McIntosh Media Dinner @ BT8 Bar & Restaurant Apr 2

Moussa Clarke @Pepper Club Apr 18

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 75 Listings

Luohu District (2582 4450) 2) Gemdale District (2686 2019). www.lindalee.com.cn Hotels with the sign of a golden key are Shenzhenair International Hotel Shenzhen 南山区蛇口太子路碧涛苑别墅碧桦路 B 号 Haijing Garden, Xinzhou Nan Lu, Futian members of the Golden Key Alliance. 6035 Shennan Da dao, Futian District District (8330 3329). www.st-lorraine.edu. (8881 9999). www.szahotel.com hk/zhenchun Jiahua Language School 1) Unit3106B ★★★★★ 深圳深航国际酒店,福田区深南大道 6035 号 . 1) 罗湖区莲塘沙东路桐景花园 2) 福田区新洲南路 The Modern International Fuhua Lu,Futian 金地海景花园 District (2396 0365 / 2396 0363) 2)12/F, Shangri-La Futian Hotel No. 4088 Yitian Lu, 999 Royal Suites & Towers No.1003, Block B, New Energy Building, No.2239 Futian District. (8828 4088 ) Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2513 The Child-loving Pre-school (Shenzhen) Nanhai Dadao, Nanshan District (400 6089 福田香格里拉大酒店,福区益田路 4088 号 0999;Fax: 2513 0839). www.999royal- Education Center 1)16 Jingtian Dong Lu, 228) 1) 福田区福华路现代国际大厦31层3106B suites.com; [email protected]. Xiangmi San Cun, Futian District (8391 2) 南山区南海大道2239号新能源大厦B座12楼 丹枫白露酒店 罗湖区深南东路 1003 号 Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel Inside the 0751, 8390 5242) 2) Jian Xin Yuan, Xin Xin www.jiahuaschool.com Great China International Exchange Square, Garden, Shixia Er Lu, Futian District (8345 Best Western Shenzhen Felicity Hotel Fuhua Lu, Futian District (8383 8888) 福田区大中华国际交易广场内 1123, 8345 1146) 1085 Heping Lu, Luohu District. (2558 1) 福田区香蜜三村景田东路 16 号 2) 福田石夏二路 6333) www.bwsz.net 新新家园建鑫苑 罗湖区和平路 1085 号 Sheraton Dameisha Resort 9 Yankui Lu, Dameisha, Yantian District (8888 6688) 盐田大梅沙盐葵路 ( 大梅沙段 )9 号 UP We maximize infants & toddlers learn- Century Kingdom Hotel Baige Lu, , ing abilities. Rm 307 A/B/C, 3/F, East Longgang District (8996 9999) Sunshine Hotel 1 Jiabin Lu, Luohu Dis- Pacific Square, Hongli Xi Lu, Futian District 龙岗区布吉镇白鸽路 trict (8223 3888). www.sunshinehotel.com (8339 0166; 8339 0266) www.upchildren. 罗湖区嘉宾路 1 号 com 福田区香蜜湖红荔西路东海城市广场三楼 Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City 307A/B/C Centre 9009 Longxiang Avenue, Longgang St. Regis Shenzhen No.5016 Shennan city centre, Longgang District. (3318 1888) Dong Lu, Luohu District.(8308 8888) 深圳龙岗珠江皇冠假日酒店 龙岗区龙岗中心城龙翔 深圳瑞吉酒店 罗湖区深南东路 5016 号 LANGUAGE TRAINING 大道 9009 号 Tangla Hotel Shenzhen, No.588 Ji Xiang Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark Zhong Lu, Longgang City Center, Longgang Shenzhen 3018 Nanhu Lu,Luohu District District (8998 8888). C Mandarin Rm 1516, Reith Center, Tower (8217 2288) 深圳友和国际唐拉雅秀酒店 , 龙岗区中心城吉祥中 A Century Holiday Plaza, Shennan Dadao, 罗湖区南湖路 3018 号 路 588 号 Nanshan District. (8662 6522,8662 6533). Mandarin House International quality [email protected] http://www.cman- accredited Chinese language programs. Futian Shangri-La Hotel Shenzhen No.4088 The Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen darin.com/ Whether at your office, home, or our Yitian Lu, Futian District (8828 4088). East Overseas Chinese Town, Dameisha, 福田区益田路 4088 号福田香格里拉大酒店 西曼德汉语培训学校 南山区深南大道 9030 号瑞 conveniently-located schools; learn practi- Yantian District (8888 3333). www.interlak- 思中心世纪假日广场 A 座 1516 室 enocthotel.com 盐田区大梅沙东部华侨城 cal and modern Chinese with experienced Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen 138 Fuhua teachers. Effective courses include: Conver- ING English 1) 4/F Rm405, Jingtian Fu San Lu, Futian District (8826 8888) The Langham, Shenzhen, No. 7888, Shen- sational Chinese, Written Chinese, Business Er Building, Futian District (6139 3296) 2) 深圳市福田区福华三路 138 号 nan Dadao, Futian District (8828 9888). 2/F Xiulin Xin Ju, 7 Meiyuan Lu, Nanshan Chinese, HSK Preparation and tailor-made 深圳朗廷酒店,福田区深南大道 7888 号 Dist (2642 8428) 3) Rm 102, Block 52, Private Tutoring to meet your specific needs. Golden Central Tower Intersection of Fuhua Yuan Ling Garden, Yuan Ling Xi Lu, Futian Mandarin House is an official registered Lu and Jintian Lu, Futian DIstrict (8383 The Pavilion Longgang 168 Dayun Road, District (2594 0606) 4) 2/F, Hongshuwai HSK testing center as well. Call us or visit 9918). www.jinzhonghuan.cn Longgang District. (8989 9888) www. our school and see why more than 20,000 福田区福华路与金田路交汇处 pavilionhotel-longgang.com Club, Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan District. 中海圣廷苑酒店 龙岗区大运路 168 号 (8626 8094) people have chosen Mandarin House for 1) 福田区景田妇儿大厦 4 楼 405 室 2) 南山区梅园 learning Chinese! Room 1118,11F, 171 Grand Hyatt Shenzhen No.1881 Baoan Nan 路 7 号秀林新居 2 楼 ; 3) 福田区园岭西路园岭小区 Mintian Lu, Futian District (400 633 5538, www. Lu, Luohu District (8266 1234) www.shen- The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen 116 Fuhua San 52 栋 102; 4) 南山区沙河东路中信红树湾社区南会 mandarinhouse.com, info@mandarinhouse. zhen.grand.hyatt.com 罗湖区宝安南路1881号 Lu, Futian District (2222 2222) 福田区福华三路 116 号 所二楼 com)福田区民田路171号新华保险大厦1118室 Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hanbridge Mandarin 2/F Hongshuwai Club Nihao Mandarin Room 14E, Bldg 6, Zhong- Shenzhen Shennan Dadao Xi, Futian The Westin Shenzhen 9028-2 Shennan Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan District. (8626 shan Shenzhen Wanpan Garden, 186 Shahe District (Zhuzilin metro station) (8350 Dadao, Nanshan District (2698 8888) www. Lu, Nanshan District (2674 5831) westin.com/shenzhen 8094) 南山区沙河 0888) 福田区深南大道西(地铁竹子林站) 南山区深南大道 9028 号 -2 南山区沙河东路中信红树湾社区南会所二楼 东路186号深圳湾畔花园6栋14E Grand View Hotel 277 Fuhua Lu (Exit C I Mandarin Chinese School New Concept Mandarin 3/F, Bitao Center, The Venice Hotel Shenzhen No.9026, at Gangxia metro station), Futian District Shennan Dadao, Overseas Chinese Town, 1) 1F, West Wing, Xincheng Building, 1027 8 Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan District (2688 (8297 6888). www.szgvhotel.cn Nanshan District (2693 6888) Shennan Dadao, Futian District. (2598 3577).www.newconceptmandarin.com 福田区福华路 277 号(地铁岗厦站 C 出口) 深圳威尼斯酒店 南山区华侨城深南大道 9026 号 7982) 2) Rm 8, 2/F,Youran Ju, Zhiye 南山区蛇口太子路八号碧涛中心三楼 Center,Nanhai Dadao,Shekou,Nanshan Dis- Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai 1177, Holiday Inn Dong Hua Dong Hua Yuan, Newcity Chinese School trict. (2682 8811) 3)Rm1706, Main building Wanghai Lu, Nanshan District Nan Hai Boulevard, Nanshan District. 8619 Room 4A, Building 6, Yang Ri Wan Pan, 深圳蛇口希尔顿南海酒店 南山区望海路 1177 号 of Golden Central Tower, No.3037,Jintian 3999 南山区南海大道东华园 Coastal City, Nanshan District (8650 5536, (2162 8888) Lu,Futian District.(15811815474) 爱玛德 1) 福田区深南中路 1027 号新城大厦西座 [email protected]). Wongtee V Hotel No.2028 Jintian Lu, 南山区海岸城漾日湾畔 6 栋 4A InterContinental Shenzhen 9009 Shen- 1F 2) 南山区蛇口南海大道和工业八路交汇处六洲 Huanggang Business Center, Futian District. 置业中心悠然居 2 楼 3) 福田区金田路 3037 号金 nan Dong Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nan- (8891 1111) 深圳皇庭V酒店 福田区金田路 中环商务大厦主楼 1706 New Oriental English Training shan District (Exit C at the Huaqiaocheng 2028号皇岗商务中心 10 Kexing Lu, Science-based Indus- metro station) (3399 3388).www.interconti- Huazhen Mandarin 1605B, Eastern Tower trial Zone, Nanshan District (8980 4966). nental.com 南山区华侨城深南东路9009号(地铁 Wu Zhou Guest House 6001 Shennan of Coastal City, No.33 Wenxin Wu, Nanshan http://shenzhen.neworiental.org 华侨城站C出口) Dadao, Futian District (8313 9480). www. District (8278 0705; 2167 4466). www. 南山区科技园科兴路 10 号 wuzhouguesthouse.com huazhenchinese.com; huazhenchinese@ JW Marriott Shenzhen No.6005 Shennan 福田区深南大道6001号 hotmail.com. PlayLife International Language Training Dadao, Futian District. (2269 8888) 南山区文心五路 33 号海岸城东座 16 楼 05B Center No. 2302, Modern International 福田区深南大道 6005 号 Wyndham Grand Shenzhen 2009 Caitian Bldg, CBD of Futian District (8271 2566) Lu, Futian District (8299 8888) HT Chinese School, 1) Rm 2302, Modern 福田区金田路现代国际大厦2302 JW Marriott Shenzhen Bao’an 8 Baoxing Lu, 深圳温德姆至尊酒店 , 福田区彩田路 2009 号 International Building, No. 3038 Jintian Lu, Baoan District (2323 8888) 深圳前海华侨城 JW 万豪酒店 , 宝安区宝兴路 8 号 Futian District (136 3290 9630). 2)Rm 17C, Qianmo Chinese 3/F, Hongfu Tower, Caifu ★★★★ Building, Caitian Lu, Futian District (8295 Profusion Holiday E, Nan Guang Lu, Nan- Kempinski Hotel Hai De San Dao, Hou shan District (3663 0235) www.ht-1.cn. 2151) 福田区彩田路彩福大厦鸿福楼三楼 Century Plaza Hotel No. 1 Chunfeng 1)福田区金田路3038 号現代国際大厦 2302 室 2) Hai Bin Lu, Nanshan District (8888 8888) Road, Shenzhen (8232 0888)http://www. 南山区南光路缤纷假日 E 栋 17C 室 Sinomatin Immersion Chinese http://www.kempinski.com/cn/ szcphotel.com 罗湖区春风路1号 Suite 301, Block ‘A’ Haibin Huayuan 南山区后海滨路海德三道 ING English 1) 2/F Honghao Garden, 2004 (Seaview Garden), Seaworld, Shekou, Nan- Four Points by Sheraton 5 Guihua Lu, Marco Polo Shenzhen Fuhua Yi Lu, Xiangmei Bei Lu, Futain District. (8353 shan District Free Trade Zone, Futian District (8359 CBD, Futian District (8298 9888). www. 6200) 2) 2/F Xiulin Xin Ju, 7 Meiyuan Lu, 希诺麦田沉浸式汉语 深圳市蛇口海上世界海滨花园 9999) 福田区保税区桂花路5号 A栋301室 cn.marcopolohotels.com Nanshan District. (2642 8428) 3) 2/F, 福田中心区福华一路 Grand Skylight Garden Hotel Tianmian Building No.8, Baishida Garden, Luohu Mission Hills Resort No.1 Mission Hills District. (2561 3600) 4) 2/F, Hongshuwai City Building, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian TLI (Taipei Language Institute) 1209A, Dadao, Bao’an District.(2802 0888) District (8281 6666) www.ggslhotel.com Club, Shahe Dong Lu, Nanshan District. Building C, Ming Wah International Conven- 观澜湖酒店集团 宝安区观澜湖高尔夫大道 1 号 福田深南中路田面城市大厦 (8626 8094) tion Center, Seaworld, Shekou, Nanshan 1) 福田区香梅北路 2004 号宏浩花园 2 楼 2) 南山 District (2161 8221) 南山区蛇口海上世界明华 Pavilion Hotel 4002 Huaqiang Bei Lu, Jinhui Jasper Hotel International Mayor 区梅园路 7 号秀林新居 2 楼 ; 3) 罗湖区白仕达 8 号 Futian District (8207 8888) www.pavilionho- 楼 2 楼 4) 南山区沙河东路中信红树湾社区南会所 国际会议中心C栋1209A Communication Center, Shennan Dadao, 二楼 tel.com 福田区华强北路4002号 Nanshan District (8610 0888) Union Mandarin 2A Bibo Building, Haibin 南山区深南大道国际市长交流中心 Ramada Plaza Shenzhen Meilong Lu and La Seine French Training Center Room Garden, Xinghua Lu, Shekou, Nanshan Dis- Minwang Lu Cross, Minzhi Lu, Long gang Master Club 183 Taining Lu, Luohu District 1108-1112, Honggui Building, 2068 Hong- trict. (2688 4090) 南山区蛇口兴华路海滨花园碧波阁 2A 湖区深南东 District (8171 1333). www.ramadasz.com (2568 9222) 罗湖太宁路183号 gui Lu, Luohu District (2586 5656). www. 路 5002 号地王商业中心 11 楼 深圳豪派特华美达广场酒店 . 梅龙路与民旺路交汇 laseine.com.cn 罗湖区红桂路2068号红桂大厦 处 Minghua Hotel 8 Guishan Lu, Shekou, Nan- 11楼1108-1112室 shan District (2668 9968). www.minghuaho- Shangri-La Hotel East of the Luohu Train Linda Lee Interactive Chinese B Bihua Lu, tel.com 南山区蛇口龟山路8号 Station, Jianshe Lu, Luohu District (8233 Bitaoyuan Villa, Taizi Lu, Shekou, Nanshan hOTEL 0888). www.shangri-la.com New Times Hotel 4018 Jiabin Lu, Luohu 罗湖区建设路火车站东侧

76 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com Listings

District (2590 1909) 罗湖区嘉宾路4018号 China) Rm 201, 2/F Overseas Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern section Novotel Bauhinia Shenzhen Qiaocheng of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan Dis- Dong Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan trict (Tel: 8635 0900; fax: 8635 0901). District (2548 3461) 南山区华侨城侨城东路 南山高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 2 楼 201 室

Seaview Hotel Overseas Chinese Town (Exit European Union Chamber of Commerce A at Huaqiaocheng metro station), Nanshan Rm 308, 3/F Overseas Chinese Scholars District (2660 2222) www.seaviewhotel. Venture Building, southern section of High- com.cn 南山区华侨城(地铁A出口) Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: 8635 0920; fax: 8632 9785). ★★★ 南山高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 3 楼 308 室

City Inn Overseas Chinese Town (Huaqiao- French Chamber of Commerce in South cheng metro station), Nanshan District China (CCIFC) Room 318, 3/F Chinese (2693 0666). www.cityinn.com.cn 南山区华侨城 Overseas Scholars Venture Building,South section of Hi-tech Industry Park, Nanshan Golden Lustre Hotel 3002 Chunfeng Lu, District (Tel: 8632 9602; fax: 8632 9736) Luohu District (8225 2888) www.ccifc.org 南山区科技园南区留学生创业大 罗湖区春风路 3002 号 厦3楼318室

Greatwall Hotel Shen Zhen 2086 Honggui Lu. Luohu District (2558 3369). www.great- wallhotel.com 罗湖区红桂路2086号 German Chamber of Commerce 217 Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Hai Tao Hotel 8 Gongye Yi Lu, Industrial Building, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan Zone, Shekou, Nanshan District (2668 District. (8635 0487) www.china.ahk.de 1688) 南山蛇口工业区工业一路8号 南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 217

Vienna Hotel (Meilin) No.33/35, Zhong- IFE Business service Limited kang Lu, Shangmeilin, Futian District (8331 15/F, Tower 2, Kerry Plaza, Zhongxin Si Lu, 7168) 福田区上梅林中康路33-35号 Futian District (3304 3438) 福田区中心四路嘉里建设广场 2 座 15 楼 ☆ Israel’s Trade mission to China Shenzhen Shenzhen Loft Youth Hotel Building 3, En- Liaison Office Rm 306,Overseas Chinese ping Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan Scholars Venture Building, southern sec- District (2694 9443, 26601293) tion of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan 南山华侨成恩平街 3 栋 District (Tel: 2671 2226; Fax: 2671 2223). www.israeltrade.org.cn Vision Fashion Hotel Inside Shenzhen 南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 306 室 Grand Theater, Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (2556 1570) 视界风尚酒店,罗湖区深 Trade & Enterprise Shenzhen 南东路5018号深圳大剧院内 office Room535, 5/F, Podium Building Cafu Square, 5 Guihua Lu, Futian Free Trade HRS.cn HRS Customer Service Hotline Zone (3391 1656) (China) (8007201388/4007201388) www. 福田保税区桂花路 5 号加福广场裙楼 535 号 hrs.om www.hrs.de www.hrs.cn 全球订房网 The American Chamber of Commerce in South China Rm 208, 2/F Overseas Chinese Serviced Residence Scholars Venture Building, southern section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan Dis- trict (Tel: 0755-2658 8342; fax: 0755-2658 8341). www.amcham-southchina.org Ascott Maillen Shenzhen No.3 Yanshan Road, Nanshan District. ( 2160 0188). 南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦 2 楼 08 室 南山区沿山路 3 号 The British Chamber of Commerce, Shen- Gallery of Shenzhen Fine Art Institute Reits Service Apartment Yan shan Lu, zhen Sub-Chamber Rm 314, 3/F Overseas Intersection of Yinhu Lu and Jinhu Lu, Luo- OTHERS Shekou, Nanshan District. (2667 3667) Chinese Scholars Venture Building, southern hu District (8241 4497). Free admission. Email:[email protected] section of High-Tech Industrial Park, Nan- Daily 9am-5pm. www.inkpainting.org 罗湖区银湖路与金湖路口交界 瑞特兹服务公寓 南山区蛇口沿山路 11 号 shan District (Tel: 2658 8350). 深圳市南山区 Art de Vivre Shenzhen Sculpture Academy, 高新科技园南区留学生创业大厦3楼314室 Guan Shanyue Art Museum 6026 Hongli 8 Zhongkang Lu, Shangmeilin, Futian Dis- Chicago Suites International 9 Yannan Lu trict (8251 0369) Lu, Futian District (8306 3156). Closed on 福田区上梅林中康路 8 号雕塑家园 (next to Hualian Building), Futian District The Brussels Enterprise Agency Mondays. Free admission. www.gsyart.com (8281 0888). 福田区燕南路9号(华联旁) Rm 222, 2/F Overseas Chinese Scholars 福田区红荔路 6026 号 Venture Building, southern section of High- Chartis Insurance Company China Limited Fietser International Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: Hakka Culture Museum 1 Luoruihe Bei Jie, Shenzhen Branch 6012 Shennan Dadao, Futian District (8292 8632 9700; fax: 8632 9705). www.investin- Longgang Town, Longgang District (8429 11/F, Diwang Commercial Center, 5002 8666). 7960). 龙岗区龙岗镇罗瑞合北街一号 福田区深南大道6012号 brussels.com 深圳市南山区高新科技园南区留学 Shennan Dong Lu, Luohu District (Tel: 3685 生创业大厦2楼222室 9013 Shennan 6162; fax: 3685 6150) Hair and Make-up Da Dao, Shenzhen (2660 4540). Daily The Korea Chamber of C&I Shenzhen 10am-5.30pm, Closed on Mondays. www. Da Wang Culture Highland Xintianzai Station, Wangtong Lu, Luohu District.( 2235 Rm 312, 3/F Overseas Chinese Scholars hxnart.com 福田深南大道 9013 号 1680) [email protected] Marieke van Schijndel 2/F, the Venice Venture Building, southern section of High- 大望艺术高地,罗湖区望桐路新田仔工作口内 1000 米 Hotel, 9026 Shennan Lu, OCT, Nanshan Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District (Tel: The OCT Art & Design Gallery 9009 Shen- District. (185 66260692).www.qnippby- 8635 0985; fax: 8635 0907). sz.korcham. nan Da Dao, Overseas Chinese Town, Nan- net.cn 深圳市南山区高新科技园南区留学生创业 Dafen Oil Painting Village , marieke.com. 马丽歌发型设计-化妆造型,南山 shan District (3399 3222) 大厦3楼312 南山区华侨城深南大道 9009 号 Buji Town, Longgang District (8473 2633). 区华侨城深南大道9026号威尼斯酒店2楼 www.cndafen.com 龙岗区布吉镇大芬村 Toni & Guy 1) 103, Section C, SeaWorld OCT Contemporary Art Terminal Enping Shekou, Nanshan District (2290 9521); 2) SOCIAL ASSOCIATIONS Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Shennan Da Guanlan Original Printmaking Base Unit S248, Phase 2, the Mixc, 1881 Baoan Dao, Nanshan District (2691 5100). 10am- Shenzhen 22 Art Zone Gongyuan Lu, No.22, Bao’an Distrit. (2766 4239) Nan Lu, Luohu District 1)南山区蛇口望海路 5.30pm. Closed on Mondays. www.ocat. 宝安区 22 区公园路 com.cn 南山区深南大道华侨城恩平路 海上世界C区103店 2)罗湖区宝安南路1881号华 Shekou Women’s International Club 润中心万象城S48号 A social club opens to membership for all Shenzhen Art Museum Inside Donghu Park, Nanhai E-Cool 6 Xinghua Lu (next to Sea 32 Donghu Yi Jie, Aiguo Lu, Luohu District World), Shekou, Nanshan District (2689 expatriate ladies living in Shekou and sur- 9999) rounding areas. www.swiconline.com (2542 6069). www.szam.org Tue-Sun 9am- 南海意库,南山区蛇口兴华路 6 号(海上世界旁) 5pm, Monday closed. Free admission. 罗湖区爱国路东湖一街 32 号东湖公园内 business Shenzhen Asian Culture Society OCT LOFT Enpingn Lu, Overseas Chinese A non-profit networking organization in Shenzhen Museum Section A, Shenzhen Town,Shennan Da Dao,Nanshan District. Shenzhen (134 2372 0417, Mary Ann Mac- www.octproperties.com/ Citizen Center, 3 Fuzhong San Lu, Futian 南山区深南大道华侨城恩平路 BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS Cartney). www.shenzhenacs.com District (8201 3036) www.shenzhenmu- seum.com.cn Tue-Mon 9am-5pm, Monday Ozu Book B10, 1/F, Tianjian Xin Tian Di Closed. Free admission. 深圳博物馆,福田区福中 3 路深圳市民中心 A 区 Plaza, Jingtian Bei Lu, Futian District (188 2378 4809). wChina-Italy Chamber of Commerce MUSEUMS 小津概念书房,福田区景田北路天健时尚新天地一 Rm220, 2/F, International Chamber Of Shenzhen Paleontology Museum 楼商铺 B10 Commerce, Fuhua San Lu, Futian District Inside Xianhu Botanical Garden, Luohu Dis- Museum of Ancient Dapeng City Pengcheng trict (2570 2716). RMB20, Mon-Fri, 9am- Xiaoxiong Japan Used Piano Warehouse (Tel: 8632 9518; Fax: 8632 9528). www. 5pm, Sat-Sun9am-6pm. cameraitacina.com Community, Dapeng Town, Longgang 罗湖区仙湖植物园内 6/F, 8 Taoyuan Lu, Luohu District (8226 福田区福华三路国际商会中心 2 楼 220 室 District (8431 9269). RMB20, daily 9am- 8078) www.pianoclub-sz.com 5:30pm. 罗湖区桃园路 8 号 6 楼 龙岗区大鹏镇鹏城社区 -China Business Council (South Shenzhen 22 Art District Gongyuan Lu,

www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 77 Listings

Donghai Pacific Cineplex 4/F, Donghai District No.22, Bao’an District (2766 4239). Futian Cultural Center 2 Dongyi Jie, Futian Shenzhen Gymnasium Sungang Lu, Futian 宝安区 22 区公园路 District (2531 8321). District (8324 9715). www.szgym.com Shopping Plaza, 8099 Hongli Xi Lu, Xiang 福田区景田东一街 2 号 福田区笋岗西路 Mi Hu, Futian District (8837 1187) www. sztpy.com.cn Shenzhen Academy of Sculpture 福田区香蜜湖红荔西路 8099 号东海购物广场四楼 8 Zhongkang Lu, Shang Mei Lin, Futian Huaxia Arts Center 1 Guangqiao Jie, Over- Shenzhen Poly Theater Intersection of District (8395 3116). seas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (2692 Houhaibin Lu and Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan 福田区上梅林中康路 8 号 8991). www.octeshow.com District (8637 1698, 8637 1699). Golden Harvest Movie City 1)3/F, the Mixc, 南山区华侨城光侨街 1 号 南山区后海滨路与文心五路交界处 1881 Bao’an Nan Lu, Luohu District (8266 Shenzhen Art Institute of Calligraphy and 8182) 2) 3/F, Costal City, 33 Wenxin Wu Painting 38 Hongwei Lu, Caitian Village, Idutang Building F3, OCT Loft, Engping Lu, Splendid China Folk Culture Village Lu, Nanshan District (8635 9528). www. yingyuan.cn Futian District (8315 5182). www.szart.cn Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District 1) 嘉禾影城,罗湖区宝安南路 1881 号华润中心万 福田区彩田村宏威路 38 号 (8609 5352). (2660 0626). 9am-9pm, RMB 120. www. 象城三楼 2) 南山区海文心五路 33 号海岸城三楼 一渡堂,南山区华侨城恩平路文化创意园 F3 栋 chinafcv.com Shenzhen Arts School 16 Baihua Lu, Bai 南山区华侨城 Sha Ling, Futian District (8326 5405). www. Liangcha Shop Block F3 (opposites LSD Golden Shield Cinema 1018 Shennan Da Shenzhen Theater Dao, Futian District (8223 7766). szas.com restaurant), OCT Loft, Enping Lu, Oversea 1 Xinyuan Lu, Luohu 福田区深南大道 1018 号 福田区白沙岭白花路 16 号 Chinese Town, Nanshan District (8609 District (8217 5808, 8229 0807). 5352). www.liangchashop.com 罗湖区新园路 1 号

Shenzhen Children’s Palace Fuzhong Yi Lu, 凉茶铺,南山区华侨城恩平路创意文化园 F3 栋 Huaxia Arts Center Digital Cinema Futian District (8351 3099). www.szcp.com (LSD 对面 ) Theater of Shenzhen Children’s Palace 1 Guangqiao Jie (Huaqiaocheng metro 福田区福中一路市少年宫 Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian District (8351 3099). station), Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan 福田区福中一路,深圳市少年宫内 District (2692 8991). www.octeshow.com Longgang Cultural Center East end of 华夏艺术中心数码影院,南山区华侨城光侨街 1 号 Shenzhen Citizen’s Art Gallery 95 Yannan Longcheng Square, Longgang District (8955 (华侨城地铁站) Lu, Futian District (8335 1377). 8996). www.szlgcc.com Window of the World Overseas Chinese 福田区燕南路 95 号 龙岗区龙城广场东侧 Town, Nanshan District (2660 8000). 9am- 10.30pm, RMB120. www.szwwco.com Longgang Movie City 1/F, Section A, Shenzhen Citizen Center 3 Fuzhong San Lu, Modern Performance Center 南山区华侨城 Longgang Cultural Center, East end of Futian District (8210 7992). Lianhua San Cun, Hongli Xi Lu (opposite Longcheng Square, Longgang District (8955 福田区福中三路 3 号 8888) to Lotus Bldg), Futian District (8332 龙岗影城,龙岗区龙城广场东侧龙岗文化中心 A 区 4826/83324966). cinema Shenzhen Curio World Xinxiu Lu, Luohu 福田区红荔西路莲花三村(莲花二村莲花大厦对面) District (2566 8882). www.szcurio.com MCL Cinema City 5/F, Garden City Center, 罗湖区新秀路 Nanshan Cultural Center Intersection of Nanhai Da Dao, Nanshan District (2685 Bona Cineplex 9/F, Moi Department Store, 8870) Guimiao Lu and Yueliang Wan Dadao (2666 No.2009, Huaqiang Bei Lu, Futian District 南山区南海大道花园城中心五楼 Shenzhen Fine Art Institute The intersection 5145). Daily 9:30am-5pm. (8301 9333) of Jinhu Lu and Yinhu Lu, Luohu District 南山区文化馆,桂庙路与月亮湾大道交汇处 福田区华强北路 2009 号茂业百货九楼 (8243 8390). www.inkpainting.org Nanyou Theater Nanyou Cultural Plaza, 罗湖区金湖路银湖路口交界 Old Heaven Books Dongbin Lu, Nanshan District (2664 5846) Shop 120, Building A5, Broadway Circuit 2/F, Coco Park, Fuhua 南山区东滨路南油文化广场 OCT Loft Phase II, Overseas Chinese Town, San Lu, Futian District (8881 1222). www.b- Fuzhong Yi Lu, Futian Nanshan District.(8614 8090). cinema.cn Poly International Cinema 3/F, Section B, District (8284 1211). Tue-Sun, daily 9am- 旧天堂书店 南山区华侨城侨城创意文化园北区 A5 百老汇,福田区福华三路购物公园二楼 9pm. www.szlib.gov.cn 栋 120 铺 Poly Culture Center, Houhaibin Lu, Nanshan 福田区福中一路 2001 号 District (8628 7088). China Film South Movie City 1)1093 南山区文心五路保利文化广场 B 区 3 楼 Shenzhen Auditorium 5 Shangbu Zhong Lu, Shennan Zhong Lu, Futian District (2594 Space E6 2/F, E6 Building, OCT LOFT, En- Futian District (8210 3619). 4588) 2) 3/F Kingglory Plaza, intersection ping Lu, Overseas Chinese Town, Shennan 福田区上步中路 5 号 Shenzhen Auditorium 5 Shangbu Zhong Lu, of Renmin Nan Lu and Jiabin Lu, Luohu Futian District (8210 3619, 8210 1673). Da Dao, Nanshan District (8623 2952). Free District (8261 1138) 3) 4/F, Gang Long 福田区上步中路 5 号 admission. www.space-e6.cn Shenzhen Citizen’s Art Gallery 95 Yannan Cheng Shopping Center, Baomin Er Lu, 南山区深南大道华侨城恩平路创意文化园 E6 大楼 Lu, Futian District (8335 1377). Zone No.80, Bao’an District (2965 9918) 2层 福田区燕南路 95 号 Shenzhen Cinema 1 Xinyuan Lu, Luohu www.nsmovie.com District (8217 5808, 1682 0011). 1) 福田区深南中路 1093 号中信城市广场 C 区 3 罗湖区新园路 1 号 Shenzhen Concert Hall 2016 Fuzhong Yi 楼 2) 罗湖区人民南路和嘉宾路交汇处金光华广场 3 VENUES Lu (Shao Nian Gong metro station), Futian 楼 3) 宝安 80 区宝民二路港隆城购物中心 4 楼 District (8284 1888) www.shenzhenconcer- Sun Plaza Digital Cinema 6/F Sun Plaza & Department Store, Dongmen Walking thall.com 福田区福中一路 2016 号(地铁少年宫站) Costal City Cinema 3/F, Costal City Shop- Street, Luohu District (8239 3788, 8239 Auditorium of Shenzhen Citizen Center ping Center, 33 Wenxin Wu Lu, Nanshan 3804). 3 Fuzhong San Lu, Futian District (8210 District (8612 9988). www.coastalcitycin- 罗湖区东门步行街太阳百货六楼 7992). Shenzhen Grand Theater 5018 Shennan ema.com 福田区福中三路 3 号 Dong Lu, Luohu District (2590 6000). 海岸影城,南山区文心五路 33 号海岸城购物中心 罗湖区深南东路 5018 号 3楼

78 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com classifieds

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www.thatsmags.com / SZ / May 2015 79 Back of the Net Should Contra Get the Sack? R&F's performance at the AFC Champions League has fans riled

By Carry Zhang

hat is going on at they’ve managed to win three Guangzhou R&F? Though the team three months. was holding onto of theirLest five we bematches accused in ofthe com last- Wsixth place in the Chinese Super ing down on Contra too hard, it League at time of print, their is worth reiterating that, despite performance has been spotty the tragic conclusion, qualifying to say the least. Some fans have for the AFC Champions League already begun calling for the head of new head coach Cosmin be proud of. Looking solely at the Contra, who replaced Sven- CSLfor the results, first timethe prospect is something is not to Göran Eriksson in the post at the so dim. R&F have managed to beginning of 2015. claim victory in four games, while The former Romanian inter- drawing one and losing two. They national recently oversaw the still don’t appear to be in the team’s humiliating defeat at the same form as 2014, when they hands of Japanese team Gamba Osaka in the AFC Champions place – the team’s best ranking tofinished date. the CSL season in third Guangzhou Evergrande is competition,League. This yearwhich was seemed the first to faring much better than their heraldtime R&F a positive qualified reign for thefor Contra.Asian city rivals. In the AFC Champions All too quickly though, this initial League, they are already through achievement was overshadowed to the round of 16 with one by a showing that left the team match left to play against Japan’s and their supporters embar- Kashima Antlers. Regardless of rassed on the international stage. whether they win or lose, they are The coup de grace came with guaranteed to top their group. a 5-0 defeat to Gamba. Following In the CSL, the team has four the horror show, Contra con- wins, one draw and one loss tritely told reporters, “As the under their belt, and stands at head coach I am responsible for second place in the overall rank- the result, I am very disappoint- ings. Though they also seem to ed and I have to apologize to the have been affected by a change fans for letting them down.” larly abysmal. Since March, Guizhou Renhe – a team that is in manager – Fabio Cannavaro Those fans are unlikely to R&F has lost four of its games just shy of the bottom of the CSL. replaced Marcelo Lippi at the be appeased by the mea culpa, in Yuexiushan Stadium, draw- Hardly a result to rally around. start of 2015 – it’s more a case especially since the home per- ing one and coming out on top The players have done better of winning by fewer goals than formance has been particu- only once with a 4-0 win over when competing away, where winning fewer matches.

Guangzhou May Home Fixtures

Guangzhou Guangzhou Evergrande R&F Taobao Fri, May 1, 7.30pm Sun, May 10, 8pm vs vs Lioning Whowin Shanghai Shenxin Sat, May 16, 7.35pm Sat, May 16, 8pm vs vs Shanghai Shenxin Shanghai SIPG Sat, May 23, 7.35pm Sun, May 31, 8pm vs vs Guangzhou Ever- Guizhou Renhe grande Tabao

80 May 2015 / SZ / www.thatsmags.com