CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1742 HON
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E1742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 3, 2002 EXPRESSING SORROW OF THE in one common belief, that of the impor- Moreover, by making timely repairs at sea, HOUSE AT THE DEATH OF THE tance of freedom as the essence of our coun- ships like the Sierra save the Navy countless HONORABLE PATSY T. MINK, try. millions in more expensive upkeep and labor MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM We all know that Hawaii was founded by repairs in drydock. THE STATE OF HAWAII Polynesian travelers guided by the stars. The crew of the USS Sierra deserve the Today in the skies of Hawaii shines yet an- recognition of this house for their contributions SPEECH OF other star in the constellations to still guide the to the U.S. Navy in times of war and peace. HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA islanders and those of us here on the main- I want to further recognize the members of the land. OF CALIFORNIA USS Sierra Veterans Association for their ef- I will miss her very much. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forts to keep the memory of their ship alive f and strong, and extend my best wishes for a Tuesday, October 1, 2002 successful and memorable gathering this year. USS SIERRA TRIBUTE Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gen- f tleman from Hawaii for yielding, it is with great sadness that I rise today to address the HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN PERSONAL EXPLANATION House. OF NEW YORK I offer my deepest sympathies to PATSY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. FRANK MASCARA MINK’s family, husband John Francis Mink, Wednesday, October 2, 2002 OF PENNSYLVANIA daughter Wendy and brother Eugene IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Takemoto. Anyone who was fortunate enough Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Wednesday, October 2, 2002 to have been touched by her life knows that pay recognition to the men of the USS Sierra this Nation has lost a true warrior in the con- Veterans Association, who will be gathering at Mr. MASCARA. Mr. Speaker, on October 1, stant struggle for justice. their annual ‘‘Ship Reunion’’ this weekend. 2002, I was absent for personal reasons and We will all miss her counsel and guidance The Sierra (AD–18) had a long career of missed rollcall votes numbered 424 through as well as her friendship. distinction within the U.S. Navy. A Dixie-class 426. For the record, had I been present I She encountered early on the difficulties of destroyer tender commissioned in 1944, the would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on all of these votes. prejudice and sexism. She also understood Sierra was named for the famous Nevada f the importance of coalition building that she mountain range, which means ‘‘Snow Moun- would carry on for the rest of her career. tains.’’ IN HONOR OF THE LIFE AND AC- She was a person of firsts: first Japanese Almost immediately after her commis- COMPLISHMENTS OF ELIZABETH American woman to become a lawyer in Ha- sioning, the Sierra began repairing battle-dam- UPHAM-MCWEBB waii in 1952, first Asian American woman and aged destroyers in Pearl Harbor. During one woman-of-color elected to Congress, being 1 nine-day period, the Sierra’s crew performed HON. JOHN D. DINGELL of only 12 women total in 1964. 21,393 man-hours of work on 65 ships, for OF MICHIGAN Her abilities in awakening all of our social which they were commended. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES consciousness through her tireless advocacy, As the Japanese forces were driven back Wednesday, October 2, 2002 work and dedication, inspired students, com- across the Pacific, the Sierra followed the munity leaders, political appointees and espe- fleet, performing battle repairs and mainte- Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cially elected officials of the APA community nance upkeep at the Admiralty Islands, Caro- pay tribute to Elizabeth Upham-McWebb, and beyond. line Islands, Solomon Islands and the Phil- known to the world as ‘‘Aunt Bett’’ on the dedi- Congresswoman MINK’s record as an advo- ippines. Her early postwar duties included cation of her statue of Little Brown Bear, and cate for civil rights is unassailable, a crowning work on ships stationed in Inchon, Korea; Oki- to commemorate her on ninety-eight pros- achievement being the passage of Title IX of nawa, Japan; and Tsingtao and Shanghai, perous years. the Federal education amendments in 1972. China. Born and raised in Monroe County, which is This landmark legislation banned gender dis- After transferring to Norfolk, Virginia in part of Michigan’s 16th Congressional District, crimination in schools, whether it was in aca- 1950, the Sierra served with the Sixth Fleet Aunt Bett grew up telling stories and writing demics or athletics. until 1992. Operating both in the Mediterra- with her parents and eight siblings. Aunt Bett As I have indicated, she has been a role nean and in the Atlantic near Norfolk, the Si- has always loved working with children. After model for countless women as well as those erra performed maintenance support to Sixth attending school, she became an elementary of us from the Asian American and Pacific Is- Fleet logistics, amphibious, combatant ships school teacher; she still enjoys teaching Sun- lander community. Though she is not phys- and submarines. This service included support day school to Monroe County youth. Aunt ically present, her spirit and legacy will live on to naval forces during operation Desert Storm Bett’s most famous accomplishments include through those of us who believe that the fight in 1991. authoring numerous verses and stories for for fairness and equity is never over. In late August 1992, Hurricane Andrew, a children. The most well-known of these are Mr. Speaker, as we all know, PATSY had a devastating category 5 storm, left a wide Little Brown Bear and Little Brown Monkey. fierce passion for freedom and equal treat- swath of destruction throughout Southern Flor- These remarkable stories have become favor- ment for all persons and during these tense ida. Within 26 hours of being notified, the Si- ites among children everywhere. times as our Nation faces growing poverty erra was en route to help rebuild shattered In May 1978, Aunt Bett was awarded a spe- rates and international turmoil, I’d like to close communities in South Florida. In less than one cial state tribute. She also received numerous with two quotes from PATSY MINK. The first month, the Sierra’s crew restored 12 schools, awards for her writing. Her rhymes and stories quote underscores her passion for the need to erected a tent city, provided federal emer- have been widely published in magazines, stand up for the underrepresented and the gency management agency case workers, books and textbook readers. second quote makes the point that when our supplemented Navy relief volunteers, provided Aunt Bett has benefited the community of national security is tested, we as a people Spanish linguists to U.S. Army medical units, Monroe County in countless ways. For dec- must not ignore the basic principles that this and prepared tens of thousands of meals for ades she has been entertaining and assisting country was founded on: relief workers, fire fighters and police officers. the reading world with her writing and teach- If to believe in freedom and equality is to In this relief effort, the Sierra was the first ship ing. In addition, she and her husband donated be a radical, then I am a radical. So long as to arrive, and the last to leave. their playhouse to the Monroe County fair there remain groups of our fellow Americans The Sierra was decommissioned on October where it continues to serve as an exciting at- who are denied equal opportunity and equal 15, 1993 at the U.S. Naval Base in Charles- traction to county children and adults. Aunt protection under the law * * * we must re- ton, South Carolina. Bett has illustrated several safety posters that main steadfast, till all shades of man may All too often, Mr. Speaker, ships like the Si- inform children of important safety rules. The stand side by side in dignity and self-respect to truly enjoy the fruits of this great land. erra have stood in the shadows of the more Elizabeth Upham-McWebb ‘‘Little Brown Bear’’ America is not a country which needs to familiar front line combat vessels, the battle- Fund is endowed by the Trustees for the punish its dissenters to preserve its honor, ships and aircraft carriers, cruisers and de- Community Foundation of Monroe County and America is not a country which needs to de- stroyers. But as the history of this vessel has with a major grant from the C.S. and Marion mand conformity of all its people, for its shown, these ships play a vital role in keeping F. McIntyre Foundation to support programs strength lies in all our diversities converging those combat vessels operating at peak form. which encourage children to read books. VerDate Sep<04>2002 05:43 Oct 04, 2002 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02OC8.033 E03PT1.