Extensions of Remarks E1733 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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October 3, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1733 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DEDICATION IN THE MEMORY OF Edwin Heafey, Jr. was a founding partner of Edwin Heafey succumbed to cancer this MARINE CORPS PRIVATE FIRST the Oakland-based law firm Crosby, Heafey, summer, leaving behind his beloved wife, CLASS FRANCIS M. FINNERTY, Roach and May. With his father, brother and Mary, two children, three stepchildren and four JR. a law school classmate, Edwin Heafey built much-adored grandchildren. the firm from eight attorneys to 250 attorneys, His family, the closest people to him, gave HON. MARGE ROUKEMA and six offices throughout the state of Cali- the best description of him that I can imagine OF NEW JERSEY fornia. in a card written shortly after their loss. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Edwin Heafey was a lawyer’s lawyer, They called him ‘‘fun, a phrase maker, the among the last of the breed who could rightly Wednesday, October 2, 2002 problem solver. He repaired relationships, cre- claim to be an expert in fields ranging from ated opportunities, built careers.’’ Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today business law to personal injury law and who He was ‘‘an enthusiastic scholar, learned to call the attention of my colleagues to a very had 150 trials under his belt to prove it. educator, builder of a band of mutually de- special event to be held later this month in He represented Alameda County in the voted companions into a law firm.’’ Washington Township, New Jersey. Oakland Raiders’ $100 million antitrust dispute He was, in sum, ‘‘quite a guy.’’ On October 20, 2002, the community of the with the National Football League, and some I could not agree more. Township and the Veterans of Foreign Wars of his big cases helped shape product liability Post 6192 will dedicate the intersection of law in California and across the country. In f Pascack and Westgate Avenues to one of these cases and others, he was a fierce advo- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Bergen County’s fallen sons, Marine Corps cate, but one known for his good humor and Private First Class Francis M. Finnerty, Jr. courtesy as much as his expertise and tenac- HON. DOUG BEREUTER PFC Finnerty, who made the ultimate sacrifice ity. OF NEBRASKA for his country, exemplifies the American val- His knowledge of the law was as encyclo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ues that have made our country great. pedic as his respect for it was immense. PFC Finnerty arrived in Vietnam in August Edwin literally wrote the book on trial proce- Wednesday, October 2, 2002 dure. 1967, at the tender age of nineteen. A rifle- Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall As a professor at Boalt Hall law school in man, he was the only soldier in his platoon to No. 427 & 428 for reasons of official business Berkeley for 17 years, he helped train the next survive the battle of Hue in February 1968, to release the first annual report of the Con- later surviving almost a month in the moun- generation of trial lawyers. As a teacher and, for many, as a mentor long after graduation, gressional-Executive Commission on China. tains of Vietnam. Even before that—only two Had I been present, I would have voted weeks after his arrival in Vietnam—PFC Edwin Heafey seeded the California legal community with talented young people ‘‘yea’’ on the approval of the Journal and on Finnerty earned a Purple Heart for injuries to H. Con. Res. 476. his hand and leg suffered when he was steeped in both his knowledge and his uncom- wounded by a land mine in Thu Bai. promising ethic. f Later, in an act of pure selflessness, PFC Edwin Heafey held himself to the highest HONORING YALE LEONARD Finnerty elected to remain in Vietnam to fight, standards and believed that the law—and his ROSENBERG even when he became eligible to return to his law firm—could be a significant force for social home in Washington Township. Tragically, as well as legal justice. HON. KEN BENTSEN only a short time later, PFC Finnerty became The Crosby, Heafey, Roach & May Founda- OF TEXAS the 117th serviceman from Bergen County to tion has made hundreds of thousands of dol- give his life for his country, when he was killed lars worth of grants to non-profit organizations IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Da Nang. throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and Wednesday, October 2, 2002 Mr. Speaker, at a time when our Nation Southern California. Grant recipients have in- cluded such organizations as Second Chance Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in mem- most needs its heroes, PFC Finnerty’s self- ory of an accomplished and revered legal lessness, courage, and dedication to his coun- Adult Literacy Program, Los Angeles Youth Conservation Corps and the Lawyers’ Com- scholar, Yale Leonard Rosenberg, who try should serve as an example to us all. On passed away on Sunday, September 22, October 20, 2002, our hearts will go out to mittee for Civil Rights. In addition, every year dozens of Crosby 2002, at the age of 63. His death is a tremen- PFC Finnerty’s family—particularly his parents. dous loss not only to his wife Irene, but to the Marion and Francis M. Finnerty—who will re- Heafey lawyers provide pro bono legal serv- ices totaling thousands of hours. They rep- University of Houston Law Center community turn to Washington Township as the Township and Houston’s Jewish community. As an A.A and VFW Post 6192 dedicate one of the resent asylum seekers from Central America, Tibet and Haiti and seniors who have been White Professor of Law at the University of Township’s streets in his memory. Houston Law Center, Mr. Rosenberg will be Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the taken advantage of or abused. They help peo- fondly remembered by his students and col- House of Representatives to join me in recog- ple with AIDS to plan their estates and provide leagues as a devoted teacher who inspired nizing this solemn occasion, and commemo- legal representation to low-income people who those around him with his quiet decency and rating the sacrifice made by PFC Francis M. would otherwise go unrepresented in discrimi- boundless passion for teaching the law. Finnerty, Jr. years ago so that we might all nation cases, landlord-tenant disputes and Yale Rosenberg, a native Houstonian, was enjoy a more secure freedom today. consumer problems. The firm Edwin Heafey helped found is an exceptional individual who exemplified the f unique in another respect. While many big best of the legal field. At an early age, he TRIBUTE TO EDWIN HEAFEY, JR. companies preach the virtues of diversity, few demonstrated remarkable academic ability and actually achieve a truly diverse workforce. desire to be involved in the community. In high HON. NANCY PELOSI Through commitment to the recruitment and school, he was named Houston’s ‘‘Out- OF CALIFORNIA retention of minority and women lawyers, the standing Jewish Athlete.’’ At Rice University, Yale Rosenberg not only excelled academi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2002 issue of Minority Law Journal ranked Crosby, Heafey, Roach and May as the 10th cally, graduating with a degree in Business Wednesday, October 2, 2002 most diverse of the nation’s 250 largest law Administration-Economics, but also and Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to firms. served as the ‘‘Grand Aleph Godol,’’ or Inter- pay tribute to a remarkable Californian, who For that, and for so much more, the East national President of the B’nai Br’ith AZA has left an indelible mark on the law and the Bay of California and indeed, the legal com- Youth Organization. community through his work in both the court- munity nationwide, has much to be thankful for Yale Rosenberg’s stellar legal career began room and the classroom. from Edwin Heafey Jr. at New York University Law School and was ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep<04>2002 05:43 Oct 04, 2002 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03OC8.000 E03PT1 E1734 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 3, 2002 followed by the prestigious clerkship with the in 1988, Rudy was honored as Firefighter of longstanding dream of a Polish Center in Wis- Honorable Judge Oscar H. Davis of the United the Year. He is a thirty-year member of the consin became a reality. This beautiful tradi- States Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. New Jersey State Fire Chief’s Association, tional Polish country manor design facility has He went on the work at the law firm of Arnold and is a Past President, Life Member, and become a gathering place for people of Polish & Porter. Dedicated to public service, he Member of the Board of Trustees of the New heritage, and a source of great pride for Mil- joined the New York Mayor’s Task Force on Jersey/New York Volunteer Fireman’s Asso- waukee’s Polish community. the Constitutional Convention as Legal Advisor ciation. Judge Skwierawski has been a member of in 1966 and served as Assistant United States Perhaps more amazing, while Rudy has the Polish National Alliance since 1978 and Attorney in the Southern District of New York given so much of his time and energy to the has been active in a number of committees from 1967 through 1972.