Extensions of Remarks E1733 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
October 3, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1733 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DEDICATION IN THE MEMORY OF Edwin Heafey, Jr. was a founding partner of Edwin Heafey succumbed to cancer this MARINE CORPS PRIVATE FIRST the Oakland-based law firm Crosby, Heafey, summer, leaving behind his beloved wife, CLASS FRANCIS M. FINNERTY, Roach and May. With his father, brother and Mary, two children, three stepchildren and four JR. a law school classmate, Edwin Heafey built much-adored grandchildren. the firm from eight attorneys to 250 attorneys, His family, the closest people to him, gave HON. MARGE ROUKEMA and six offices throughout the state of Cali- the best description of him that I can imagine OF NEW JERSEY fornia. in a card written shortly after their loss. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Edwin Heafey was a lawyer’s lawyer, They called him ‘‘fun, a phrase maker, the among the last of the breed who could rightly Wednesday, October 2, 2002 problem solver. He repaired relationships, cre- claim to be an expert in fields ranging from ated opportunities, built careers.’’ Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today business law to personal injury law and who He was ‘‘an enthusiastic scholar, learned to call the attention of my colleagues to a very had 150 trials under his belt to prove it. educator, builder of a band of mutually de- special event to be held later this month in He represented Alameda County in the voted companions into a law firm.’’ Washington Township, New Jersey. Oakland Raiders’ $100 million antitrust dispute He was, in sum, ‘‘quite a guy.’’ On October 20, 2002, the community of the with the National Football League, and some I could not agree more.
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