Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 1-13-1949 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1949). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2456. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2456 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY, JAN 6,1949 II=t BACKWARD LOOK MORE THAN The True Memorial I I II 1'1 TEN YEARS AGO HALF CENTURY 18 AN UNWRITTEN BUT l!:LU' From Bulloch TImes, Jan 12. 1939 THAT !'IF-RYleE QUENT STORY Of' ALL Members of the board of ccrnrms BU'LLOCII stoners rI'IMES representiug seven of the WHERE NEEDED BEST IN LIFE. IS eighteen counties of the 1"11 st Con (STATESBORO �S-STATE8BORO EAGLE) gresaiona! distr lct met In Statesboro rk to reflect a. Our ws helps Monday to discuss tax • problems Bu1loeb Times, Estabhshed 1892 MI and Mrs D S Robel of which you to erect E of t, tson, SPUlt prompts J'ldge 1'; Gabriel, Clarkesville, Stateaboro Estabhshed 1901 CoDllolidated JlUluarr .7, 1117 was New., ! Savannah, \\eIB VISitors here Mondav the stone ns an act of reveren�e present and made an address STATESBORO, GA•• JAN I Statesboro Eagle, Estabh.hed 1917-CoD.olldated D_mb_ 9, 1820 THURSDAY. 13.1949 VOL 57-NO. 48 'Purely Personal D M Bell. long t.ime subscr-iber of John Shell, of Bll1k�burg lowa, and devotion Our sxperreuee I the Ellabelle was a commuruty, was a VISitor e her dUI mg the holi rs at yO\lr service tOI III the office to pay hIS subscr'ip NO PRESENT POLIO j\�JSS Jo Ann Jackson was a VI'SltOI days tion for the coming yeal, and a'SvISI'1a THREAT IN GEORGIA Now A Good T.Ome �I r matter :al) nvannah Tuesday and MI. Eat! Chell y and Mrs THAYER MONUMENT' COMPANY of interesttng news I eported the last week of a On the ftont of this lIS Ruby James and Belt James, A P Keene were V1SltOIS In butcherlng porker page paper Savac A Local SInce 1922 Pav I ates Industry which 800 SIX last week there a "ather , COLLEGESTUDENTS1St oro Ir weighed pounds neigh- appeared b G· I o;pcnt the week end 10 Voldosta nah Tuesday Subscription? I JOHN M. bors had been invited to asaist In the prominent heading which read. "Geor· GIVENmGHRATING THAYER, Proprietor I ThIs may be directed to :Mrs B B Morns and Mes J B MISS LIla Blitch questtnn has returned to lifttng of the hog fOI" proper dresaing glans Urged Restrict Travel" In the 45 West MaIn Street PHONE. 439 Statesboro, G.. you-you may be In arrears, some' �.hnson were visttors In Savannah Ail�\I1ta af'ter visrting I SOCIal events A marrrage of in- making up of the paper this article Seventy·Eight Are Given ,hel mother.}, nr-tf) are MI"S J D (La terest IS that of MISS Ruth of was placed WIth the unpressron that 'Tuesday BlItch SI Glark, The date folloWlnc your name Recognition On Dean's List Statesboro, to of It made leference to the of Teaches In and Mrs Guyton DeLoach. danger on the label time to Paris :MISS MamIe Veasey and MISS VIola I Jesse Deal. USN, has returned to Ray Pope, of Way. 'I shows the For Last I which occurred on traffic on the Quarter's Work Claxton. January hohday highways After whieh arc If are In have a R I utter a cross, the of a you paid you (MIS, EltzlIbeth :Ferry returned fr0111 hoh�IIY Newport, VISIt WIth MI announce birth son. C.T.A. MEMBERS HAVE DECKERS CLUB Ist -Of inter est to a wide CIrcle of the article It that Deal, daughter appeared. developed don't let us off arrears, drop you l of Dr and Mrs D L IS .U· to and Mrs A Deal Jerry December MISS LOI" friends Is the was one Seventy eight Georgia Teachers Deal, :trIP Cuba M Marshall, 20th Mrs AN ALL-NIGHT PARTY Stockdale Ml1' Bernard the marrIage of MISS AI· story prepared by the Send Us remittance today-.NOW- I pervlSlng teacher. 10 til'. Amertcan was lene of to health last summer which College students have been listed on .Mrs H V Marsh pas returned from Mr and MIS John Mrs Pope formerly MISS HIlda Scott and Mrs entertain­ Gay, Rocky Ford. Stanley department while It IS fresh In mind. I Grupp. Ray Marsh. Tell members of the C T A club Ray Darley your 1 school 10 ParIs She accepted the JUNIOR RED CROSS of Statasboro Hatcher, of MIlleD, which occurred had been left standing' In type all Those who have said "YFlS" to the the dean's list, scholastfc honor ,.. VISIt WIth Mr and Mrs Ray Pope Darley and MISS Joan Juckson spent ed members of theu club at a loll. position as supervisor of the their annual all.nlght New brtdge In Chriatmas -News has been these months-and referred to the \ pri- • • •• \ enjoyed day pe­ are listed below The for the fall .in rn question asked, quarter, to an InalY glades In thIS famous Waleross Tuesday Savannah delightful Christmas Wednes· received of the of MISS Ito scare that ttme according school Mr and Mrs Year's Eve The aft'alr be­ party marrtage threatened at names hstad are who liave Burton Brannen an. party gala those announcement Issued MISS VIOla last August and sailed for France CALENDAItFD1ED Mrs C B and Bob MarVIn PIttman Jr Jeweil The local health director us by Mathews Mrs has returned to day afterdnoon of last week Mrs Joe WatllPn, of Statesboro. and teils there come m or mail WIth new I nounce the bIrth of a Dec gan WIth a banquet at the NorrIS person by on August 15th SIDce that time daughtar WIlbert WIlhs of Beau- was a httle aensatton Perry, college regiatra; To PwllDd and children were vtsttora III OhIO after Ius DI rec..ved for Ferguson, quite arousd queation asked, are listed below Read quah she has County Fully vlsltmg parents, 26th She will be called Hotal The table was m Trapnell dustmg powder visited five European coun­ Organized MIckey Ann. decorated mont. Tellta., which occurred on Jan· land that hIS office was for the fy for the a student must • • deluged entire find the names at­ ,s.valUlah Tuesday and Mrs M S PIttman hIgh score, for low Mrs J G Altman hst-you'll listing tries cutsid.. of France Her let­ With Mrs Brannen Will! gleen whlta WIth a centerpIece uary 8th at Be.unllint -The marrrage .information • Active Workers In I formerly MHI'S and. I tam better than a .!.B" ters DIBnn. Keene last week wIth, Mrs N"lhe MIller has retumed was MISS glade average partIall.y descrlbing some of spent Alma RIta Deal of whIte New glven Congl'"388 canis, DQtepaper of Miss Belle"Gree'l'. of Athens. to A -------------- MyrtIce Harville, cIty ' All The chrysanthemums Mrs J F durIng the her travels WIll appear lit the Bul· County Schools .". .her Mrs A at from a week·end VISIt In as went MISS J was Jordan, cIty quartel grandmother, Rahn. Columbus' • • • • Year's babIes as floatmg pttze to Helen Bowen, oflStatesboro. loch S2'rVed place-cards G W Rt 1 TImes flom tIme to tIme) Ized afternoon at the home , Fuller, ThIrteen of the tu· The Junior. iJoer Iwlme In Glennville WIth her daughtar, Mrs New· Mr and Mrs James F Jr and for cut MIS. SundaY seventy eIght Red Cross of Bulloch Aubrey Upchurch The dmner was of tomllto Johnson, Dorothy S91emn-1 Mrs Edwlll Brannen. Ga -+ composed of the bride's mother -Mrs JAIL SEN'FENCE AND Douglas. d<lnts on the Itst IIIr and Mrs Bernard MorrIS were I and Mr Newton announce the won appearmg attllmed county. under the of Mrs. ton. bIrth of a Flanders a tm of I son. James baked .... and cookIes Oth· Mrs Brooks Patls, Sept lj), 1948 8pon.orship JUIce, chIcken, d stng McDougald"".. hostes� Monday aft· MIkell. cIty the jo Mr and hIghest grade. or an Jack a Dubhn New Year's Eve as guests Mrs "Plill Booth have r"· LeWIS, December 25th. at the Bulloch ers were MIS Jack el noon her Dan E Bland, Rt 1 pOSSIble, Well, mother, here I am In Pal1s­ reported final quartar gravy. cranberry sauce, Enghsh peas. plaYlllg TIllRl.... at home at Chto at an �ynn, A B E Newman Jr, Grovlaend "A" grade,average Il'hey were Rob· the of 1948 filled WIth County Hospltat. was Mrs Hal Macon Jr. Mrs Em.eraon affaIr .n whIch both ctrcles of the SUSPENDED FINE �tl angely ooautlful the actIvIty I ,Mrs Upehlx-ch buttered rolls, coffee, ICC cream and Mrs WIlton Pans. Pltl. Ladles' hon Hodges. cIty ert A Jack In a 'DfJ�: J:�: ;�;n�o �he former MIas Ann MISS Inez M18S Presbyterlllll Auxlhary Asbell, Richland, BIles, ful PaIlS, the cultural wonderland of October JunIor Roo Oro•• Betty :Jones. cake The then to Brantlen, Stephen.
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