Christmas in Any Language Is Still Christmas F'xch,Lnge Gift

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Christmas in Any Language Is Still Christmas F'xch,Lnge Gift .$$-------------~,...._.~-~~~ Grosse Pointe ews VOL 45-No 51 Grosse POinte, Michigan Thursday, December 20, 19t'4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for your mformatlOn Christmas in any language is still Christmas f'xch,lnge gift .. on Jan 6 thl' Vi'a,>t B~ Pat Paholsk~ Ilunner ot cl'lebrdtlllg Chnstmas SOil, Sdld AI malldo Malo, d oorn P", tH'lp"nt" while walk It)-year.old abo from MeXICO ('11) mg dcm 11 (he ~tfl'et .Illd 111:>1(1('(I! ollhe Eplphan) LUll> "alii hi'> f,WII Thel e ~ notillng 'lUlte li!-.l' L'llllSt I:> ll111que to each country, even who recently mo\ cd to the elt) the hOIN'~ I) oPf'n5 pn'''entf> on (hn,>tma'> '11as Ot all the hollctd) ~ It e\ oke~ Ihough the undel'curJ ellt IS the \llth hiS molher dnd :>tl'pfather, Thl'l! II '> tlIlH' to iJl('dk the 1':\ (' fyi III same Ib pal t,clpdnb the ~tl ongesl f)nlnllllque ('(}('nPII .In Ill-} , elr LIJl~ ~la::.e( to d 15-vear-old from .\cella and George Pdr~Ol1:> "You plthl td a cont,1I nel !lId l'...geIH.'r,lll} By Tom Greenwood emotions dnd the mex:,t l<l::.tmg me old fJom ..l ,mdll 1"IJ,j~" llblf AI!!'" :\ll'\.ICO eltv, klle\\ e-:-acll\' \\ hat he go to pal tie::. dll of l>ecembel " lJl 111[''I: 'I":: of <Ill .Irllm"I.lJ1d filled mones !PrdUlll It1 Holidnd tl<.ld littll' trOll ThE.' t\\O spoke of Laf> P(Jsdda~, c1 \\ Ith cdnd) (lllldr(,11 al c IJl1lldfold Irs no 1\ ondel t!lE'Il, th,lt 1\.'1111 \I<lllted to ;a \ - III Sp,lJli~h So he nme-day search for a ~heltel for l'd Jlld allO\\ cd till t't' I\hdck" ,II the bll' eXplallllng ('hn ...lmd'> <.u.,tOln, B1~Cl'lg 01 Chn~tmc\~eS Pel:>! comes \\ rote d :>hort e:>:"l\' on Chn~tmas Pllldtd \nd \\lwn II bn'"k'o P\ en JlI hpr U)Ulltn ~he h llll/'n! ,£1 (uur .-lllthOl; author! III l\lexlco dnd tncd to trdllslate It Mdry and Jo:.eph Posad,\ meall& ea::.\ ('\ en to the I C!lcellt .\nd e\ en lungudgf'~ .md 1.., ::'ludyll1g a tlfth at Just \\ ant to thank the Detroit When he got hung up on a word, he 11111 and the nme days :'lgmfles (he one' dllicil el1 and adult-. to the fOl ell!n e\.change student. ::,u dill ble fOI the <,\1 Cl't... ~Ollth flJgh :'\e\\::. lor an une~p('c ted laugh In used bod) language, and when that lllne It took !\lar) dnd Jo&eph to \1 ho IS undble to come up \\ lth the A ::.peudl II Ult punch I'> ::,ened, The) b1.l) ,j tree dncl uf'[orule It Its Sundav paper speCifically dIdn't work. he drew pIctures travel from ~alareth to Bethle li'n<1],,,h \\ I oro for creche or nallvlt\' J (" .. 1-........ ~.", " I '~'" : .....~~~ t~n .mu .(" .\ rn""''''H 'In .... (I.i II',~" 'L 'JI \""J\"~V"'"'~" ••• 1 -- .... the sports sectIOn and \\ ho reahzes there IS no Amen- Fll1aJly III de~peratlOn, LU1~ cap- IItlli Dunng thiS tune, there al e par- de'>cnlwd d~ d U'O~'> bet\1 een dn howp\ er, ~I fll> df(' nul plac.ed undpr can counterpart for certalll special tured hiS fnend III between classes thi' trc'(' ...he<1 1 he H1ea of On page 2C. In the :\IIscella- dt South High to help translate tres WhICh begll1 wIlh the !>earch for apple and ~. peach neous column, usually de\ oted foods set ved at Chnstmastlme The 'ie<1l"eh end, on (hrl~tm,h gift gl\ lI1g ,1IId Chn~tma,> tire '('pa That's as It should be, because thl' "In MeXICO, It's a real happy sea- a place for the Chnst child to be to sports such as Armenian rug Eve IIhen a plclce fot the f)lfth I~ rdte, .,ht' ~ald by and Lat\'lan lacrosse, I diS- found , On Dee 5, "" e hd'd: cl d<.I:r cdllt:'{j covered the follo\1 mg hockey "On Chnstmas Eve my farml) , ~Jrlt :'-llcola3l> " "'ho I'he explamed score Brother Rice 6 - Grosse relatlH's ~.nd fllelld::, dll COlTlf' to I'> pallellled ,ifler a b!~hl)p v.lth a POInte :\ e\\ ~ 1 111\ hou ...!' .wd \\(: eat turkt'\ dnd long \\hlt(' bt:drd v.carlO~ d mllr", dr'l!lk teqUlld .It night. ' LUIS' .,ald dud reJ mdntle :-\ow there IS an explanation He <lddcd thdt the celebratIOn can On (he last Saturda; In :\0\ em for thiS loss .:'Ilamlv, we here at (mues untll 6 a m or 7 a m bel' St Nicholas travels from the paper are hurting this year Armando spoke of gomg to the Spam to Holland by !>teamlxlat mto Usuall~ \\ e \1hip Rice's butt, but l\ll~a dE.'Gdllo, which means ;\Ia'>s the harbor of Amsterdam and thiS \\as an a\\ay game and of the Cock or mldlllght rnal>S other ports He IS accompamed by the:. 're Just ammals over there While some of hIS countrymen (Continued on Pa.l/:e 13,\) 10 Birmlllgham 1\ly old war wound \\ as klckmg up, (I had thrown myself on an Owner won't give up number explodmg beer can \\nlle all pa- trol in Jacksonv111e, Fla ), and I spent the majority of the game on the bench try 109 to lace my City to go to court skates superVisor \\ ho declared It number Our leadmg scorer, Peggy By Harriet Solan seven "Elbows" O'Connor, ~at out the All homeowner~. except one, But number s~ven already be- game m a contract dispute and have complied With Grosse POinte longed to the Allors two doors ultra-leftwinger l\hke Andrze- City CouncIl's motion requmng re- away jczyk sulked through most of the Sidents Qn the westerly Side of Elm- At first Mrs Giraldo made dally match, because they couldn't sleigh Lane to renumber their tnps to her former house 10 pick up g~t ~llof his name on the back of homes by Sept 1 mall She said she grew accus. hiS Jersey And the lone holdout IS causing a tomed to standing out In the mIddle Our lone goal was scored by lot of problems for the Glraldos of the street all noon of the day Society Editor Janet Mueller who, according to the pas!>ed reso- waiting for dehvery trucks who let loose a blistering slap- lution, should now ha ve number "I've walled all day for Detroit shot from center Ice that twang- seven Edison to stake out my yard for ed the twme and broke a nail "We still don't have a number," cable teleVISion only to dIScover Those Brother Rice brutes were PhOIO by Tom (Jr•• nwood Roberta Giraldo said "The Allors later they measured my neighbor's Impressed, I can tell you Christmas for everyone stili have It I've been told sll1ceJu- property lI1stead," she said is Iy to be patient and I feel I've been "And ho,", do you convmce the But don't worry about it, we'll Everybody loves Christmas, whether you've seen only six of them, like the youngster. In the verv patient" utl!!ty compante'S to give you ser- nail 'em in the re-match lnci- photo, or 82, like Woods resident Bob Goodhand, who's bringing In the .... on with a bright red She told council at Its J\londav vice when the ... alreadv have an ac. dentially, the real :\1iscellaneous bow tie that reads "Seasons Greeting.," Goodhand and other member. of the Neighborhood Open meeting that numerous requests to count With tfle same number as score the Detroit l':ews screwed House group at the Grosse Pointe Woods Pre.byterlan Church were treated to a variety of poems, the Allors to eompl\ With the vours"" she asked up should have read Uncle Ben's choral speaking and a short play by flrst-graders from Dolor •• Bolden'. cia .. and fourth-graders change have brou~ht no results . CounCil, lookmg tor a ~olutlc n, Rtce _~: Grosse POInte North 1 from Wayne Bolden's cia .. from Ma.on SChoollaet Friday. Cute a. cardbotlrd Chrlstma. tr ••• ar., "My maillsn t gettmg to my home requested d :,tud) b~ the Clt~ pl..ln- ncr and director 01 public ~tety Just for the record from the left, Jean Garascla, who Is barely vlslbl., Stephanie Fortsn.s and Melissa Trombley. and our flllancial reputatIOn lS now suffermg due to the delays 1Il ser- Actmg on those t'lltO adImnistra- Gracing the gentleman's lap Is the orIginal Christmas angel heraelf, Amy Amorl. vice" lars' rt"commendatlOns It passed a Santa's helpers City attorney Richard Hlllks ~ald motIOn reassigning th(' numbers They've got a heart after all sever,,1 of hiS phone calls to the and gave the Glraldo5 number The Grosse POinte Board of Allors haven't been returned and seven Education, at Its Dec 3 meetmg, that now It':, a matter of Ct\I1 dlso- However, homeownel::' VOlC(,>(J decided to take part m the elght- Chargesfiled in fatal crash bedlCnce scheduli'd to be hedrd In OppoSitIOn and a::.ked C\lunetl to re- year-old Adopt-a-FamIly pro- Brady was taken to Bon Secours IIlcldent Edward W Caulkm!>, 20, mUnlclpal court on Jan 8 conSider The} e\ en ::.ugge::.ted that gram co-ordmated by North By :\Iike Andrzejrzyk Hospital, where he was pronounced was charged WIth manslaughter "The partIe:> could be filled for part of the street be made Into a High School's Donald Dungan Someone has mal ked With dead on arm'al Cardelho was As a result, he was convICted and ench day they are ItJ \ IOlatlOll of the court ThIs"" ould ha\ e allowed t\~O Trustee Catherme Brierly, flowers the spot where two good taken to Bon Secour<; and Bi- later sentenced to 90 days III the resolutIOn lhat reqUired ho~se families to ha\ e number one, re- who made the suggestIOn to the friends parted County Commumty hospitals for DetrOIt House of Con ectlOns, three numbers to be chdllged by Sept 1," ledsed d couple ot more numbers board, saId the trustees will be The flowers Sit at the base of an treatment.
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