PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Lal Ded: The Great Kashmiri Saint-Poetess Edited by: Dr. S. S. Toshkhani Lal Ded: The Great Kashmiri Saint-Poetess Edited by: Dr. S. S. Toshkhani Proceedings of the National Seminar Conducted by Kashmir Education, Culture and Science Society, B-36, Pamposh Enclave, New Delhi – 110 048 November 12, 2000 Published by S.B. Nangia A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 5, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj New Delhi – 110002 Email:
[email protected] © Editor Printed in India at Efficient Offset Printers New Delhi- 110 035 Kashmir News Network http://iKashmir.net/lalded2/index.html PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Lal Ded: The Great Kashmiri Saint-Poetess Edited by: Dr. S. S. Toshkhani Lal Ded: The Great Kashmiri Saint-Poetess Edited by: Dr. S. S. Toshkhani This book represents the proceedings of a National Seminar on "Remembering Lal Ded in Modern Times" conducted by Kashmir Education, Culture and Science Society in New Delhi on 12 November, 2000. Lalleshwari or Lal Ded, according to late Prof. Jayalal Kaul, has been the greatest genius of Kashmir of all times. This book has many eminent writers of modern period who have recollected the genius of Lel Ded for the modern world. Lal Ded was living in the 14th century in Kashmir. In spite of long interval of history, Lal Ded is remembered in every home evn in modern period. Her Vaaks, or sayings, represent the best teachings for human kind today to seek unity and harmony between people of all religion and races.