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Participants List Participants MICHAEL ABRAMOWITZ THOMAS BAGGER FEDERIGA BINDI Director, Committee on Conscience Head of Policy Planning Director / Senior Fellow U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany Italian Culture Institute PAUL ADAMSON KATINKA BARYSCH FATIH BIROL Founder and Editor-in-Chief Deputy Director Chief Economist E! Sharp Centre for European Reform International Energy Agency URBAN AHLIN TOMS BAUMANIS LAURA BLUMENFELD Member Board Chairman Senior Transatlantic Fellow Swedish Parliament Latvian Transatlantic Organisation German Marshall Fund of the United States AI PING GIUSEPPE BELARDETTI Vice Minister Secretary General HENRYKA BOCHNIARZ International Department, Communist Atlantic Treaty Association President, Central and Eastern Europe Party of China Boeing International MOHAMMED BELMAHI MASAHIRO AKIYAMA Advisor to the Chairman WILLIAM BOHLEN President OCP Group Director of Communications Tokyo Foundation German Marshall Fund of GHAZI BEN AHMED the United States NAZAR AL BAHARNA Director, MENA Partnership for Visiting Research Scholar Democracy and Development JULIAN BORGER Georgetown University German Marshall Fund of the United Diplomatic Editor States The Guardian IRAKLI ALASANIA Minister of Defense CLAES BENGTSSON VICTOR BORGES Georgia Cabinet Member, Commissioner De President Gucht Foundation for Development and LUIS AMADO European Commission International Exchanges, FDI-CV Chairman Banif - Banco Internacional do Funchal, LIAM BENHAM TATIANA BOSTEELS SA Vice President, Governmental Programs, Head of Responsible Property Europe Investments FERNANDO ANDRESEN GUIMARAES IBM Corporation Hermes Real Estate and Institutional Head of Division, United States and Investor Group Canada ASSIA BENSALAH ALAOUI European External Action Service Ambassador at Large of HM the King of ELIZABETH BOSWELL REGA Morocco Deputy Director, Communications ALEXANDER ANTON Kingdom of Morocco German Marshall Fund of Global Government Affairs the United States ELANCO LORA BERG Resident Fellow, Transatlantic HENDRIK BOURGEOIS DEWI FORTUNA ANWAR Leadership Initiatives Vice President Deputy Secretary for Political Affairs, German Marshall Fund of General Electric Office of the Vice President the United States Indonesia ELMAR BROK JEAN BETERMIER Chairman of the Committee on PAUL APPLEGARTH President Foreign Affairs Chief Executive Officer Forum du Futur European Parliament Value Enhancement International GUIDO BICHISAO STUART BROOKS LOUISE ARBOUR Head of the Institutional Strategy International Policy Advisor President and CEO Department Chevron International Crisis Group European Investment Bank ALEXIS BROUHNS JUN ARIMA STEPHEN BIEGUN Executive Vice President, Corporate Director General Vice President, Global Public Policy Government and Public Affairs Japan External Trade Organization Ford Motor Company Solvay SA NEYLA ARNAS FILIZ BIKMEN MATTHEW BRYZA Senior Research Fellow Vice Chair Director U.S. National Defense University International Center for Not-for-Profit Law International Centre for Defense Studies CATHERINE ASHTON CARL BILDT CHARLES BUCHANAN High Representative of the European Minister for Foreign Affairs Member of the Executive Council Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Sweden Fundação Luso-Americana Policy; Vice President European Commission BRUSSELS FORUM 2013 | 1 Participants JACEK BYLICA ANNE-LAURENCE COCK NICOLA DE SANTIS Principal Advisor and Special Envoy for Project Manager Head of Middle East and North Africa Non-proliferation and Disarmament European Business Summit Section, Political Affairs and Security European External Action Service Policy Division NICK COLEMAN NATO ANDREW CAHN Global Head, Cyber Security Intelligence Vice Chairman, Public Policy EMEA IBM Corporation GORDANA DELIC Nomura International Director, Balkan Trust for Democracy JEFFREY COLLINS German Marshall Fund of the United CLAUDIA CALDEIRINHA Senior Counsel for International Policy States European Director Chevron Freedom House JUDY DEMPSEY MAIA COMEAU Senior Associate CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL Director of Congressional Relations Carnegie Europe Senior Editor German Marshall Fund of the United The Weekly Standard States RAGHIDA DERGHAM Founder and Executive Chairman TERESA CANTERO IAIN CONN Beirut Institute Masters Candidate Group Managing Director and Chief New York University Executive, Refining and Marketing HENDRIK DESCHEEMAKER BP Partner, Public Policy and Regulatory STEPHEN CARMEL Europe Senior Vice President of Maritime ALFREDO CONTE Deloitte Services Head of Strategic Planning Division Maersk Line, Limited European External Action Service Ghislain d’HOOP Diplomatic Advisor to H.M. the King JORGE CASTANEDA AL COOK Belgium Global Distinguished Professor of Politics Vice President Shah Deniz Development, and Latin American and Caribbean BP BIRAME DIOP Studies Director New York University TITUS CORLATEAN Institut Africain pour la Transformation Minister of Foreign Affairs du Secteur de Securite DENIS CHAIBI Romania Cabinet Member, MILO DjUKANOVIC Commissioner Georgieva KEVIN COTTRELL Prime Minister European Commission Director, Transatlantic Leadership Montenegro Initiatives MARC CHAMPION German Marshall Fund of the United MARKO DjURIC Member of the Editorial Board States Foreign Policy Advisor to the President Bloomberg News Serbia IVO DAALDER GABRIELE CHECCHIA Ambassador to NATO RICHARD DOHERTY Permanent Representative to NATO United States Public Sector Leader, EMEA Italy Deloitte Francois d’ALANCON PUNEET CHHATWAL Senior Foreign Correspondent ANNA DOLIDZE CEO La Croix Junior Fellow Steigenberger Hotel Group Transatlantic Academy PHILIPPE DE BACKER VLADIMIR CHIZHOV Member KAREN DONFRIED Permanent Representative to the European Parliament National Intelligence Officer for Europe, European Communities U.S. National Intelligence Council Russia KAREL DE GUCHT Office of the Director of National Commissioner for Trade Intelligence MAREK CICHOCKI European Commission Program Director MIA DOORNAERT Centrum Europejskie - Natolin ALEXANDRA DE HOOP SCHEFFER Columnist Paris Office Director De Standaard JEAN-PIERRE CLAMADIEU German Marshall Fund of the United CEO States MARISA DOPPLER Solvay SA Director, Government and Regulatory FRANÇOIS DE KERCHOVE Affairs Department Germany MARK CLARK Director of the Cabinet of Didier Deutsche Bank AG President, European Region Business Reynders, Deputy Prime-Minister and Development Minister of Foreign Affairs XENIA DORMANDY Raytheon Company Belgium Senior Fellow Chatham House 2 | BRUSSELS FORUM 2013 Participants NINA DOS SANTOS STEVEN EVERTS VESKO GARCEVIC Anchor, World Business Today Advisor, Asia Pacific Department Ambassador to NATO CNN European External Action Service Montenegro LYSE DOUCET RUI FARIA DA CUNHA TIMOTHY GARTON ASH Chief International Correspondent and Executive Manager Professor of European Studies Presenter Brazilian Business Affairs / Apex-Brasil Oxford University BBC World WERNER FASSLABEND PIERO GASTALDO SORIN DUCARU President, Political Academy Secretary General Permanent Representative to NATO Austrian People’s Party Compagnia di San Paolo Romania DANIEL FATA KRISTALINA GEORGIEVA WILLIAM ECHIKSON Vice President Commissioner for International Senior Manager, Communications The Cohen Group Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Google Response MARK FISCHER European Commission ROBERT ECKARDT Managing Director for European Offices Executive Vice President German Marshall Fund of the United RABAH GHEZALI Cleveland Foundation States Director of European Government Affairs & Head of Government Affairs, France OLOF EHRENKRONA NORA FISHER ONAR NYSE Euronext Chief of Staff and Political Adviser to the Assistant Professor Minister for Foreign Affairs Bahçeşehir University TERRI GIVENS Sweden Associate Professor ELSA FORNERO University of Texas BARRY EICHENGREEN Minister of Labor and Social Services George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Italy MISHA GLENNY Professor of Economics and Political Broadcaster and Author Science FREDERIC FOUBERT University of California, Berkeley External Relations Attache DIBA NIGAR GOKSEL Government of the Brussels Capital Editor in Chief CHRISTOPH EICHHORN Region Turkish Policy Quarterly Ambassador, Deputy Commissioner for Disarmament and Arms Control ROBERTO FRANCIA JAMES GOLDGEIER Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany Head of EU and International Affairs Dean, School of International Service Union of the French Electricity Industry American University KARIM EL MANSOURI Chargé de Mission, Cabinet FRANCO FRATTINI NIK GOWING of the Chairman Justice and Chamber President Main Presenter OCP Group Italian Supreme Administrative Court BBC World TV JESSICA ELLEDGE ROLAND FREUDENSTEIN HEATHER GRABBE Legislative Assistant Deputy Director, Head of Research Director Senator Christopher S. Murphy Centre for European Studies Open Society European Policy Institute PAIGE ENNIS MICHAEL FROMAN ALEXANDER GRAF LAMBSDORFF Vice President, External Relations Assistant to the President and Member Atlantic Council of the United States Deputy National Security Advisor for European Parliament International Economics INE MARIE ERIKSEN SOREIDE U.S. National Security Council CAMILLE GRAND Member Director Norwegian Parliament STEFAN FUELE Foundation for Strategic Research Commissioner for Englargement and FREDRIK ERIXON European Neighborhood Policy ETTORE GRECO Director European Commission Director European Centre for International Istituto Affari Internazionali Political Economy SANDRA FUENTES-BERAIN Ambassador GIOVANNI GREVI STEVEN ERLANGER Mexican Embassy Acting Director Bureau Chief,
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