Meatpackers Strike IBP Over Wages, Speedup
· AUSTRALIA$2.50 · BELGIUM BF60 · CANADA$2.50 · FRANCE FF10 · ,..,_ UK £1.00 · U.S. $1.50 Interview with Cuban Brig. Gen. Harry Villegas THE - International Socialist Review, PAGES 7-16 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 63 1NO. 25 JULY 12,1999 Meatpackers strike IBP Imperialist troops over wages, speedup expand BY LEA KNOWLES PASCO, Washington- Members of the control Teamsters union, other unionists, and strike supporters rallied and marched here June 19 in solidarity with the 1,200 meatpackers from ofKosova Teamsters Local556 on strike against Iowa Beef Processing (IBP) in nearby Wallula, BYARGIRIS NL\LAPANIS Washington. The action was co-sponsored by Two weeks into their occupation ofKosova, Teamsters Local556 and MEChA, a Chicano student organization. The 700 marchers as the Militant went to press June 24, U.S. NATO troops were expanding control of the chanted, "Sf se puedl!' (Yes, we can do it) and "What do we want? A contract! When do we province with a force projected to exceed want it? Now!" Signs in the crowd included, 50,000 soldiers. In the process, they are deal "Long live the union" and "Strike for justice." ing blows to the right ofKosovars to national A popular chant at the rally was "Vote no!" self-determination and deepening divisions referringtotheupcomingvoteonthecompany's betweenAlbanians and Serbs there. latest contract offer- a $1.57 wage increase As Duci Petrovic, a leader of the Students over the life ofa five-year contract. This wage Union of"fugoslavia, put it in a June 23 phone offer is only a slight improvement from the interview from Nis, "NATO is setting up a $1.05 wage increase IBP offered last week.
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