Subject to Parish Council ratification

The Minutes of the Meeting of Catton Parish Council (PC) held at Catton Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 1st July 2021. 1. Present: Chairman Cllr K Heath (KH) and Cllrs M Clark (MC), Cllrs C Merry (CM) G Peel (GP) and the Clerk. There were no apologies. Ward Cllr P West (PW) was also in attendance.

2. The Minutes of the Catton Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 6th May 2021 were confirmed as correct and signed. MC proposed, KH seconded and all agreed.

3. The Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Catton Parish Council held on Thursday 6th May 2021 were confirmed as correct and signed. MC proposed, KH seconded and all agreed.

4. Code of Conduct a. To receive Declarations of Interest from members of the Council on matters relating to the Agenda. There were no declarations. b. To note the granting of any dispensations to members of the Council on matters relating to the Agenda. There were no dispensations.

5. Open Forum. There were two members of the public present. They raised concerns regarding a planning application and had submitted an objection to ERYC. PW suggested that he call the application in to be discussed at the relevant Planning Committee and that if it were to be passed then conditions could be attached limiting future changes. The PC confirmed it’s wish for the application to be called in.

6. PW reported that ERYC had no plan for a diversionary route in the event of the bridge in Stamford Bridge being closed. This had become evident during the bridges closure on the 30th June and 1st July. ERYC are now looking into planning a contingency in case of further closures. The PC confirmed to PW that it would like to be included in the process.

PW also reported that Kexby Bridge is now in the next phase of works.

Cllrs asked PW to let the Planning Department know that Cllrs and residents are still having problems with the Portal and residents are not being made aware of planning applications affecting them.

7. Clerk’s Report. Planning Applications received after the Agenda deadline to be discussed by Cllrs and entered onto the Planning Portal under the Clerk’s delegated powers. a. Full Planning Permission 21/01822/PLF: Siting of a temporary caravan. Location: Former Joiners Shop, Main Street, High Catton, YO41 1EL. Applicant: Mr Damian Wilson. Clerk to comment ‘No Objections’ on the Planning Portal as instructed by Cllrs. b. Full Planning Permission 21/01104/PLF: Erection of single storey extension to rear following part removal of existing single storey projection. Location: Woodpecker Lass House, Main Street, High Catton, YO41 1EH. Applicant: Mr Gurden. ERYC had contacted the PC following its comment about drainage. After some discussion it was decided that the Clerk should reply stating the PC’s concerns regarding a soakaway not being sufficient for surface water drainage and as in the rest of the village there is likely to be a layer of blue clay that will cause problems. The PC advise that the owner should carry out test holes before committing to the project. c. Full Planning Permission 21/01872/PLF: Change of use of agricultural land to a dog walking field with

Clerk: Claire Findlay Email: [email protected] Website:

associated works and infrastructure (part-retrospective). Location: Land North of Kiddies Corner Day Nursery, Storking Lane, Wilberfoss, YO41 5ND. Applicant: Mrs Marson. Cllr had no observations. Clerk to comment on Planning Portal. d. Decision Notice 21/00594/PLF: Change of use of existing agricultural building to holiday let with alterations and provision of foul drainage treatment plant. Location: The Furrows, Main Street, , YO41 1EA. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Little. Permission granted. Noted. e. The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Not able to facilitate a beacon this time. f. New Prison. Full Sutton & Skirpenbeck PC to organise a meeting with the new Police & Crime Commissioner, GP and MC to attend. Clerk has forwarded all information onto Councillors regarding the Stakeholder meetings and consultation. g. Tree Planting. Cllr Liversidge to be consulted regarding the need for tree planting h. Highways & Transport Survey. MC to collate responses from Cllrs and fill in the survey. i. The 2020/21 Audit is now complete.

8. To discuss applications and decide on the co-option of a new Member. There had been no applications.

9. Planning. a. Full Planning Permission 21/00768/PLF: Conversion and alteration of former joiners shop to dwelling. Location: Former Joiners Shop, Main Street, High Catton, YO41 1EL. Applicant: Mr Damian Wilson. Comment of ‘No Observations’ entered onto Planning Portal as instructed by Cllrs. b. Full Planning Permission 21/01765/PLF: Change of use of land from agricultural to a mixed use of domestic and agricultural storage; and the erection of a two-storey building for garaging, storage of agricultural plant, hay and general storage. Location: The Furrows, Main Street, Low Catton, YO41 1EA. Applicants: Mr & Mrs James & Rachel Little. Following a long discussion GP proposed he write an objection and circulate to Cllrs for approval, Clerk to then enter on the Planning Portal. KH seconded and all agreed.

10. Highways and Footways. a. GP is monitoring the situation with work being done to Highways. b. GP & CM had attended a meeting with Stamford Bridge Parish Council (SBPC) on the 15th June regarding a footpath between Catton & Stamford Bridge. SBPC is taking the lead on the project with support from Catton PC. c. Clerk to send Cllrs the Rules and Regulations to accompany the wheelie bin speed stickers.

11. Environment and Community matters. a. There had been a question regarding flooding at the far end of Low Catton at the last meeting. It was reported that nothing could be done as the fields are higher than the road. b. A Cllr had been approached regarding the electricity supply coming into the Cattons and whether it would be sufficient for the increasing number of electric cars. This was discussed and it was concluded that the supply was sufficient for the foreseeable future.

12. To discuss and resolve a response to the Draft Local Plan Update Consultation. Cllrs to inspect the plan and let the Clerk know if a response is required.

13. Finance. Payment authorised Items a - c proposed by KH, MC seconded and all agreed. a. Wages July & August b. Defib Warehouse – Replacement Pads - £93.60 c. To discuss and resolve a grant of £200.00 to All Saints Church, Low Catton. d. Vat Refund - £329.43. Noted e. To inspect and sign the Bank Statements. Inspected and signed.

Clerk: Claire Findlay Email: [email protected] Website:

f. To inspect and approve accounts and budget to 30th June 2021. GP proposed the accounts and budget be approved, CM seconded and all agreed.

14. Communication. GP to write an entry for the link. Clerk to send a link to the facebook group to MC.

15. Councillors Questions. Both defibrillators now have new pads. GP passed all the information over to the Clerk.

16. Administration Matters. a. Correspondence Received. The Clerk had forwarded all emails and compiled a correspondence list for Cllrs (attached). Noted b. Personnel Matters. To note and sign the Clerk’s timesheets. Noted and signed.

17. Date and venue of next meeting. It is proposed that the next meeting is held on Thursday 2nd September 2021. The date, time and venue will be confirmed. The meeting closed at 9.04pm.

Chairman ………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………….

Clerk ……………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………….………

Clerk: Claire Findlay Email: [email protected] Website:

Correspondence List April/May/June/July 2021

Date Sender Subject Agenda/ Received Actioned Regular Rural Services Network Rural Bulletins & Funding Digests Regular ERVAS Updates 30.04.2021 Sarah Wright, Service Planning Consultation for 21/01104/PLF Development Officer Woodpecker Lass House – Problem accessing information 30.04.2021 Resident Contact Form Submission - Catton Heritage and Actioned Preservation Society 04.05.2021 ERNLLCA CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN - NALC 05.05.2021 David Woodmansey, Assistant ASB Six Month Statistics - Safe Communities Officer 06.05.2021 Planning, ERYC Planning Consultation 21/00768/PLF: Former Agenda/ Joiners Shop, Main Street, High Catton, YO41 1EL Actioned 06.05.2021 Colin Clarke, Stamford Bridge PC Walking and cycling locally Actioned 07.05.2021 Resident Debris in the Derwent river Pending 07.05.2021 ERNLLCA ERNLLCA Newsletter 11.05.2021 ERNLLCA CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN - NALC 12.05.2021 ERNLLCA NALC NEWSLETTER 14.05.2021 Northern Gas Networks Update 17.05.2021 ERNLLCA CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 18.05.2021 Stephen Hunt, Head of Planning Letter to Town & Parish Councils - Planning and Development Management 19.05.2021 Helen Anderson, Front Counter May Newsletter Website Officer, Pocklington Police Station 19.05.2021 ERNLLCA NALC NEWSLETTER 19.05.2021 Ruth Smith, Area Co-ordinator Arthritis Self Management Event for Website 20.05.2021 ERNLLCA Securing a Ballot MP: Calls to Action Content - Local Electricity Bill 21.05.2021 Debbie Fagan, Engagement OPCC 'Take 5', 'Say No To Fraud Campaign' Officer, PCC Launched 20th May 2021 21.05.2021 Ward Cllr Leo Hammond Fast Track East Riding Community Recovery Grant Pending 25.05.2021 Resident Shoddy Road improvements Actioned 27.05.2021 Mike Slater, Interim Assistant City of Local Plan Proposed Modifications Director – Place Directorate, and Evidence Base Consultation (2021) City of York Council 28.05.2021 ERNLLCA ERNLLCA Newsletter 28.05.2021 Forward Planning, ERYC Draft Local Plan Update Consultation Agenda 01.06.2021 Mathew Buckley, Head of Legal Update on Meetings / Request for Clerk and Democratic Services 02.06.2021 ERNLLCA ERNLLCA meetings 02.06.2021 Claire Findlay, Clerk, FSSPC New Prison Stakeholder Meeting notes 10 May- Full Sutton 03.06.2021 Tracey Tomlinson, Democratic JLAF AGM and Scheduled meeting Wednesday 16 Services Officer, ERYC June 2021 03.06.2021 Local Growth, ERYC Do it For East Yorkshire Community Grant 07.06.2021 Simon Clark, Electoral Services Stamford Bridge Community Governance Review Manager - update Clerk: Claire Findlay Email: [email protected] Website:

08.06.2021 ERNLLCA CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 08.06.2021 Ward Cllr Kay West Cones on the road. 09.06.2021 ERNLLCA NALC NEWSLETTER 09.06.2021 Planning, ERYC Planning Consultation 21/01765/PLF: The Agenda Furrows, Main Street, Low Catton, YO41 1EA 09.06.2021 ERNLLCA Finance training - new dates including evenings 09.06.2021 Helen Anderson, Front Counter June Newsletter - Pocklington Website Officer, Pocklington Police Station 10.06.2021 Alison Ayre, Highway Asset National Highways and Transport (NHT) Public Pending Management Engineer Satisfaction Survey 2021 14.06.2021 ERNLLCA CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 15.06.2021 Diane Howard, Development The Community Tree Pending Services Assistant (Nature Planting Fund Conservation and LVIA) 15.06.2021 Claire Findlay, Clerk FSSPC New Prison at Full Sutton- RMA Consultation Consultation for new prison Full Sutton June Newsletter RMA Consultation- face to face sessions 15.06.2021 Richard Bowering, Technical Broad Lane/Main Street, Low Catton Carriageway Assistant, ERYC Patching 18.06.2021 Emily Jones, Donor Marketing NHS Blood & Transplant - marketing support for Website Operations Assistant – North donation sessions

Link to Planning Portal

Clerk: Claire Findlay Email: [email protected] Website: