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Us , MN 55454 612-330-1000 :I1 yI OFFICIALPUBLICATION OF AUGSBURGCOLLEGE ' .. 731 21~~AVENUE SOUTH, M~us, MN 55454 612-330-1000 b: in. This catalog should answer most questions students have' ': about Augsburg College and its curriculum. Although I information was current at the time of publication, it is subject i to change without notice. It is the responsibility of each ,, student to know the requirements and academic policies in k this publication. If you have questions about anything in this 1 catalog, consult a faculty advisor, the Dean of the College or I the Registrar. Key offices are listed at the back of the catalog for correspondence or telephone inquiries. ; Location -Augsburg College was increase awareness and provide founded in 1869 in Marshall, Wisconsin. assistance for students with disabilities. The College moved to Minneapolis, Financial Aid -Over 80 pacent of the Minnesota, in 1872 students receive some form of financial Religious Affiliation -The Evangeli- aid from the College and many other cal Lutheran Church in America sources. (ELCA). Although a strong plurality of Libmy -Over 175,000 items, access to students are Lutheran, two in 10 over 5,000,000 through CLIC, the Twin represent other Protestant denomina- Cities private college library consor- tions while approximatelytwo in 10 are tium, and Minitex, the regional library Roman Catholic. network Accreditation -North Central School Year -September to May, 4-14 Association of Colleges and Schools, calendar, with January Interim. Two National Council for Accreditation of summer school sessions. Augsburg Teacher Education. Approved by Weekend College -trimesters, Septem- American Chemical Society, Council on ber to June. Augsburg Graduate Program Social Work Education, National -trimesters, Wberto June. Assodation for Music Therapy, Inc., National Association of Schools of Majors -More than 45 in 22 depart- Music, National League for Nursing. ments. Member -Associated Colleges of the Off Campus Programs -Center for Twin Cities, Lutheran Education Council Global Education, Student Project for in North America, Minnesota Private Amity Among Nations (SPAN), Higher College Council, registered with the Education Consortium for Urban Minnesota Higher Education Coordinat- Affairs (HECUA), Minnesota Studies in ing Eoard, as ddbedon page 11. International Development (MSID), Study Abroad, International Business Enrollment (1990-'91) -2,%5 from 26 Program, Upper Midwest Association states and 28 nations. of Intedtural Education (UMAIE) and Graduates -10,781 from 1870 through extensive cooperative education August 31,1990 . P'ogram. StudentlFaculty Ratio -15.6 to 1. Athletic Affiliation -Minnesota0, Inter- Class size averages 20-30. collegiate Athletic Conference and National Collegiate Athletic Campus -15 mapr buildings. Mapr renovation 1979-'80 with special Assodation (NCAA), Division III. emphasis on accessibility. Policy. .. -Augsburg College does not Accessibility -Augsburg is now one -te on the basis of race, creed, of the most accessible campuses in the national or ethnic origin, age, marital region. A skyway-tunnelelevator status, sex or handicap as required by system provides access to 10 major Title D( of the 1972 Educational Amend- buildings without going outside. In ments or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation addition to building modifiaations, Act of 1973, as amended, in its admission policies, educational pmpms, activities Augsburg has a student-run program to and employment practices. Fads and Figures ................................................................................. 2 Introducing Augsburg ........................................................................ 7 Admissions ......................................................................................... 15 Financing Your Education ....................... .................................... 21 College Costs ................................................................................. 22 Financial Aid ................................................................................. 25 Scholarships. ................................................................................... 30 Student Life ........................................................................................47 Academic Information .....................................................................-59 General Information .................................................................. 60 Academic Organization and Programs .................................... 63 Majors and Minors ....................................................................... 63 Academic Policies and Procedures ............................................ 76 General Education Curriculum Requirements ......................... 81 Evaluation and Grading .......................................................... -89 Departments and Programs (including course descriptions) ..... 97 Art ................................................................................................... 99 Biology ........................................................................................ 104 Business Administration and Management Information Systems (MIS) ............................. 108 Chemistry ..................................................................................... 116 East and Southeast Asian Studies ............................................ 121 Economics ............................ .. ............... 123 Education ..................................................................................... 127 Engineering .................................................................................. 136 English ......................................................................................... 138 First Year Experience ..................................................................144 Foreign Language Department ................................................. 145 General Studies .................................-........ ..156 Global Education Programs ...................................................... 157 Health and Physical Education ............................................... 161 History ..................................................................................... 165 Humanities ................................................................... 169 Interdisciplinary Studies............................................................ 170 American Indian Studies .................................................... 171 Ethnic Studies .........................................................................172 Women's Studies ................................................................... 173 International Relations .............................................................174 Mathematics and Computer Science .......................................175 Metro-Urban Studies .......................... ... ............................... 182 Music ..... ............ ..... .............................................................. 188 Natural Science ....................,.. ........... ................................ 198 Nursing ....................... ..................................................... 199 Philosophy ................................................................................... 203 Physics ..........................................................................................207 Political Science ...........................................................................212 Psychology ................................................................................... 217 Religion ......................................................................................222 Scandinavian Area Studies ........................................................227 Social Science .......................... .............................................. 228 Social Studies ..................................................... ............ ....*.... ..... 228 Social Work ..................................................................................229 Sociology ......................................................................................234 Soviet and East European Studies ............................................238 Speech/Communication and Theatre Arts .............................239 College Information ........................................................................ 247 Board of Regents ......................................................................... 248 ELCA Education Division ......................................................... 249 Directory ......................................................................................250 Administration ................ ............ ........................................... 251 Faculty Emeriti ............................................................................ 253 Academic Calendar .................................................................... 254 Faculty ..........................................................................................Z6 Index ..................................................................................................269 Maps ..................................................................................................274 A GREETING FROM THE On behalf of the entire college community, I welcome you to Augsburg College. It is a pleasure to introduce the College to prospective students and to use this opportunity to welcome new and returning students. Augsburg
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