
Student Selected Module 2005/2006 (SSM-0032) 17th November 2005


Outline : Review of Previous Lecture. Single Particle Wavefunctions. Time-Independent Schrödinger equation. Particle in a Box. Superposition The .


Review of Previous Lecture

Wave-particle duality : all objects display both and particle properties The De Broglie equation relates wave and particle properties : p p = h /" = momentum " = wavelength

The places fundamental limits on our measurements : ! ! h! h "x "px # "E "t # 2 2 Quantum mechanical are "probability waves" :

! 2! Probability " # " is generally complex. We want to look at the equations governing these quantum mechanical probability! waves. 2 ! Single Particle Wavefunctions

In 1-dimension :

"(x) "x

! x !

Probability for the particle to be found in the small interval !x is :

2 "(x) # $x

Given that the probability to find the particle anywhere must be exactly 1, we have the condition :

! 2 Wavefunction # "(x) dx =1 normalisation


! Schrödinger Equation (in 6 easy steps)

1) Consider the $ "(x) = Acos(kx) following simple A wavefunction for [k = 2" /#] x a particle : ! 2) Since $(x) extends across all space (x), it provides Wavelength " = 2#/" no information about! the position of the particle. 3) Therefore, by the uncertainty principle, it described a particle of precisely known momentum. De Broglie : p = h /" = hk 4) For particles of known momentum : p2 2k 2 E = K.E.+ P.E. = + V = h + V 2m 2m ! " 2 d 2 coskx 6) Multiply by coskx and derivatives : E coskx = h + V coskx 2m dx 2 ! " 2 d 2#(x) Time-independent h + V#(x) = E#(x) Schrödinger equation. 2m dx 2 ! 4

! Schrödinger Equation

A lot of consists in simply solving this equation for different potentials V :

Potential : Physical significance :

1 Kx 2 Simple harmonic oscillator 2

q1q2 Coulomb potential : atoms 4"#0r ! Complicated crystal lattice Solid state physics



Particle in a Box

We're going to start with something much simpler - a particle in a one dimensional box. The box is represented by an infinite potential well.

V = % V (potential energy) V = %

V = 0 x 0 L

Wavefunction must be 0 in these regions, otherwise there would be a finite probability to find the particle with infinite energy. 6 Particle in a Box

For the region 0 & x & L :

2 2 "h d #(x) 1 2 = E#(x) 2m dx ' "(x) = Acoskx + Bsinkx

Since " (0)! = " ( L ) = 0 this leaves : $ n#x ' ! "(x) = N sin& ) n =1,2,3,... % L ( ! Normalisation factor

Substituting in 1 gives : ! 2 2 2 h " n A discrete set of allowed energy E = 2 levels : quantisation of energy. 2mL 7

! Particle in a Box


! x/L

2 "(x)

! x/L 8 Particle in a Box

2 "(x)



As n increases, the approaches the classical expectation : uniformly distributed across the width of the box ' correspondence principle. 9

Particle in a Box

2 2 2 h " n Diagrams : E = 2 2mL Represent allowed energy levels ("energy eigenvalues"). Labelled by quantum numbers (in this case n = 4 just n). Interactions can be represented as ! transitions between energy states. Similar diagrams for other , for n = 3 example angular momentum.

n = 2 Lowest energy state () is n = 1 not zero. This is a common feature of 0 quantum mechanical systems that is not generally the case classically.

10 Time Dependence complex phase = (Et /h) $ “rotates” with time Particle in a box : n = 1 " 2 $ #x ' = m = L = 1 ' E = "(x,t) = 2 sin& )e *iE1t / h h 1 2 % L ( !



" = #E t / 1 h

x/L Animation ! 11

Time Dependence

Particle in a box : n = 2 4" 2 $ ' 2#x *iE2t / h h = m = L = 1 ' E 2 = "(x,t) = 2 sin& )e 2 % L (



" = #E t / 2 h

x/L Animation ! 12 Quantum Superposition

If " 1 and " 2 are both solutions to the Schrödinger equation, then so is :

" # A"1 + B"2

! The! wavefunction must still be correctly normalised to give unit probability : 1 ! " # (A"1 + B"2 ) A2 + B2

" "2 1 and are solutions corresponding to energies E1 and E2 . What energy does a particle described by " have ? It does not have a well defined energy. ! 2 An energy measurement could yield E1 with probability ( A or energy E2 ! ! with probability ( B2 . ! Note : to show that this is the correct way to normalise the combined wavefunction, you will need to know that when both wavefunctions are real : $ "1 #"2 dx = 0 13 This is fairly easy to show for the wavefunctions describing a particle in a box that we have already seen.


Quantum Superposition

The average energy obtained in an energy measurement is still well defined :

1 E = (A2 E + B2 E ) (A2 + B2) 1 2

One could also define the spread or standard deviation of a series of energy measurements on the same state " . This! is how one formally derives the quantum mechanical uncertainty relations.


14 Quantum Superposition

Particle in a box : 1 2" 2n 2 " = ("1 +"2) E h h = m = L = 1 2 = 2 2mL

! n = 3 ! !

n = 2 E n = 1 0

x/L Animation 15

Quantum Superposition

Particle in a box : 1 2" 2n 2 " = (0.8"1 + 0.2"2 ) E = h h = m = L = 1 0.68 2 2mL

! n = 3 ! !

n = 2

n = 1 E 0

x/L Animation 16 Quantum Superposition

Particle in a box : 1 2 2 2 (0.2 0.8 ) " n " = "1 + "2 E = h h = m = L = 1 0.68 2 2mL

! n = 3 ! !

n = 2 E

n = 1 0

x/L Animation 17

Quantum Superposition

Particle in a box : 1 " = (" +" +" +" +" +" ) h = m = L = 1 6 40 41 42 43 44 45

2 "(x) begins to look ! classical. ! Time averaged probability is uniform in ! x, as would be expected for a classical particle rattling around in a box.

Animation x/L 18 Schrödinger’s Cat

We know that quantum superpositions exist on microscopic scales since we observe the resulting interference effects. Devise a scheme to transfer this microscopic superposition into a macroscopic one :

Acknowledgement : Ard Louis 19

Schrödinger’s Cat

20 The Hydrogen Atom

Classical electromagnetism does not predict a stable atom :

Electron suffers centripetal acceleration and radiates energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. Eventually the would spiral into the nucleus.

In general, quantum mechanical systems do not have a ground state corresponding to the classical energy minimum (e.g. particle in a box). In the case of the hydrogen atom, the quantum mechanical ground state corresponds to an electron at a radius of :

$10 a0 " 0.529 #10 m (Bohr radius)

Since there are no lower energy states to occupy, the electron cannot lose more energy through radiation ' the hydrogen atom is stable ! ! 21

The Hydrogen Atom

The quantum mechanical prescription for understanding the hydrogen atom is simple. We just find the solutions to the Schrödinger equation with the relevant potential : 2 2 2 2 2 "h $ d # d # d # ' e & 2 + 2 + 2 ) " # = E# 2m % dx dy dz ( 4*+0r

Coulomb potential r = x 2 + y 2 + z2 " ="(x, y,z) !

The approach! is exactly the same as for a simple 1-dimensional problem such as a particle in a box, but the algebra is a bit more !complicated. Energy of electron defined by principal n = 1, 2, 3, ... (for a free atom in the absence of external magnetic fields etc.)

22 The Hydrogen Atom y t i l i b a b o r P

r /a 0


The Hydrogen Atom

Free electron has zero energy

Transitions result in a emitted with energy corresponding to the gap.

Ground State

24 Hydrogen Atom Wavefunctions

equal superposition of equal superposition of pure |6,4,1> state : |4,3,3> and |4,1,0> states : |3,2,2> and |3,1,-1> states:

Acknowledgement : Dauger Research



We have looked at some of the laws that dictate the behaviour of quantum mechanical "probability waves". Most non-relativistic quantum mechanical systems can be understood just by solving the Schrödinger equation for the relevant potential. It always emerges that bound states (e.g. a particle in a box or an electron in an atom) have a discrete energy spectrum ) energy is quantised. Loosely speaking, this is because we have to fit a certain number of De Broglie wavelengths into the space available (like standing waves on a violin string). Different quantum states can be superposed on top of one another. In that case the energy of the system might not even be well defined. Superposition : o exists for macroscopic systems ? (Schrödinger’s Cat) o is what enables us to exploit quantum mechanics : , , etc.

26 Exercises

1 The figure below shows the wavefunction for a particle in a finite potential well, with

energy between V1 and V2 : i. Why is it acceptable for the wavefunction to be negative in certain regions ? ii. Can the particle escape from the potential well classically ? iii. Can the particle escape from the potential well quantum mechanically ? iv. What physical situations might such a potential represent ? potential



Schrödinger Equation (more advanced derivation)

A suitable representation of a travelling wave is : Displacement

D(x,t) = Acos(kx "#t) Amplitude k 2 / 2 / Distance/ = " # $ = " % Time

! Wavelength " or Period * !The quantum mechanical equivalent of the plane wave is simply : "(x,t) = Aei(kx#$t ) = A[cos(kx #$t) + isin(kx #$t)] This has the property that : 2 "(x) = A2 ! This is completely independent of x This wavefunction contains no information about the location of the particle. But if !x is infinite,! then by the uncertainty relationship, the momentum is known perfectly.

28 Schrödinger Equation (more advanced derivation)

So, the following wavefunction describes a particle of unique momentum : "(x,t) = Aei(kx#$t )

This means that I expect the following two relations to be relevant : ! De Broglie : Kinetic energy : p2 p = hk E = 2m These are both satisfied if the above wavefunction is inserted into : ! " 2 d 2#(x) h ! = E#(x) (spatial part of the 2 wavefunction only) 2m dx A slight generalisation takes into account the possibility that the particle has energy by virtue of being in a potential V as well as kinetic energy :

! " 2 d 2#(x) Time-independent h + V#(x) = E#(x) Schrödinger equation. 2m dx 2 29

! Time Dependence

Going back to the wavefunction describing free particles of fixed momentum : "(x,t) = Aei(kx#$t ) We also expect particles described by this wavefunction to satisfy the second De Broglie relation : E = h" ! This suggests the equation : d"(t) ! ih = E"(t) (temporal wavefunction only) dt Solutions to this are simply :

! "(t) = Ae#iEt / h

! 30 Time Dependence

Then the product wavefunction : "(x,t) ="(x) #"(t)

satisfies :

2 2 "h d # d# Schrödinger equation. ! 2 + V# = ih 2m dx dt

For the energy states we have been considering, the time-dependent factor 2 "iEt!/ h does not change , so it was safe to treat them in a e "(x) time-independent way.

! !


The Hydrogen Atom (advanced)

Degeneracy : Hidden in the energy level diagram for hydrogen is a high level of degeneracy : different quantum states that happen to have the same energy. For the hydrogen atom (in fact, for any quantum mechanical system with a central potential), each energy level has a well defined angular momentum.

Quantum Total Angular z-component of Principal Numbers Momentum Angular Momentum

n = 1 l = 0

l = 0 n = 2 l = 1 m = "1,0,+1

l = 0 n = 3 l = 1 m = "1,0,+1 l = 2 ! m = "2,"1,0,+1,+2

Angular Momentum = l(l +1) ! h 32 !

! Complex Atoms (advanced)

Two more key principles are needed to understand atoms containing >1 electron : Pauli Exclusion Principle : no two fermions (e.g. ) can be in the same state. Electrons have half a unit of or intrinsic angular momentum :

1 3 1 1 s = " h ; ms = # , 2 2 2 2

2 different orientations : ! "up" & "down" This means that 2 electrons can occupy states identified by unique combinations of quantum numbers n, l and m.

This material will be revisited in the lecture on the structure of matter


Complex Atoms (advanced)

Energy-level diagram for a complex atom :

Degeneracy has been broken (lifted).