Vol. 2, 2020 LA CAPRAIA - YEAR 2 Research Reports from the Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities 2019-2020 1 Vol. 2, 2020 Vol. 2, 2020 2 3 LA CAPRAIA - YEAR 2 Record of Activities and Research Reports from the Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities September 2019 - June 2020 WELCOME Centro per la Storia dell’Arte e dell’Architettura delle Città Portuali (CSAACP) 07 Greetings from Michael Thomas a collaboration between 09 Greetings from Sylvain Bellenger the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte 10 Mission The Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History 12 Report from Sarah K. Kozlowski and Franklin University Switzerland 14 Report from Francesca Santamaria Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte / La Capraia Via Miano 2 Napoli 80131 +39 3494706237 REPORTS FROM RESEARCH RESIDENTS
[email protected] Claire Jensen www.utdallas.edu/arthistory/port-cities 19 23 Lisa Malberg 27 Diana Mellon Research Report published by the 31 Nathan Reeves Centro per la Storia dell’Arte e dell’Architettura delle Città Portuali (CSAACP) ACTIVITIES REPORT 37 International Conference Caravaggio a Napoli. Ricerche in corso Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND 41 Field Seminar From the museum to the city: a two-day field seminar Editor Sarah K. Kozlowski on the ciborium of Santa Patrizia at Capodimonte and Editorial Coordinator Francesca Santamaria the places and spaces of the saint’s cult in Naples 44 Scholarly programs Designed by Francesco Giordano 49 Advisory Group and Partners Photo of La Capraia by Luciano Romano Vol. 2, 2020 Greetings from the Director of the O’Donnell Institute In April 2019, just before I began my position as Director of the Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History at UT Dallas, Rick Brettell and I helped lead a group of local Dallas EODIAH supporters on a trip to Naples.