Our** Strawbmy ^
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SALISBURY ADVERTISER 50. Vol. 33. Salisbury, Md., Saturday, June 23,1900. No. 1867 PROGRESSIVE. RELIABLE AND INDEPENDENT. 1900. OEFICERS ELECTED. THE 00V. THOMAS' TRIP. MR. Elf ANT OF BALTIMORE. Harvesting the wheat crop of the Our** Cspt. Tsrver ntf His Prfewb Attrad raw county ir now engaging the farmers, Hit TrUI •• W**s«Wsy ResiUe** 1* His OrgMbidM f M'KINLEY AND Complete. CMveatio* ! State's Ship. "he crop op the peninsula is generally , Beisf Pis**1 SIM:N u< c**ts. The Philadelphia Times Thursday good. The military company recently en W heat took an upward turn at the ' // * AMe«l Tskea, rolled through the efforts of Mr. L. P. ROOSEVELT aontained the following interesting ^ Wed Strawbmy news item: laltimore Chamber of Commerce mer Coul bourn met on Thursday evening Mr. J. B. Blfant, the Baltimore "Although th* republicans of Mary- nesday. Spot wheat closed at an ad of the aud completed their orgamiaation. Out chant who claim* to be manager To Lead Republican Hosts in the and are not in the majority they are vance of 84 cents over Tuesday. Corn of Balti of the forty eight men on the roster, F. B, C. Clothing Company nevertheless enthusiastic ^and loyal to olio wed in sympathy and advanced It Soda thirty six answered to roll call. The Campaign of 1900. Ice Cream more, and -who ran* a clothing store on without cents. meeting was presided over by Mr. H.M. their party. Neither are they Main street, was tried on Monday af live along Report* from the Northwest of in- Dykes, and the election of officers im lumor. When those who Is an illustration of oar fruit- ternoon before Police Justice Trader, BY ACCLAMATION of Maryland began to uries from the drought, coupled with BOTH NAMED the eastern shore Mt-^^ w<vWW» r>a.j .^. ^..^^-^ mediately begun Mr. L P Coulbourn l*SlSMB»^BWS^B^Bl»T^r^^'"*>S^SW "^^^^B'^^S^^S^B for violating a city ordinance -respect we uwi.wMMr i nui mil lislf ing Urs,, sUajhteyi slsshtj. Philadelphia they hit upon an original buyer of wheat, sent the price up. For walk out ta the patch, when crowd of first lieutenant, and Mr W. T. Porter price sales. Quite a large New York's Governor Yields to the jlan whereby the expense of the trip eign advice* indicated that the market th* dew was on, and pick th* were assembled and much second lieutenant. All these elections side. spectators of Hifl Party. should be borne by the Democratic was firmer on the other big luscious berries one after by the many were unanimous. Call merriment was caused State goverenment. The price of 8S cents a bushel, which Friday night was determined upon as the another, each a whole mouth amusing incidents which occurred Philadelphia. Jtae Jl. President The oyster patrol boat, the Governor spot wheat reached Wednesday, is was arrested drill night and Coulbonrn's Hall, over is ful no suggestion of ship Last Friday Mr. Elfant McKlnley was not renomlnated at the Thomas, was under the command ol highest since July, 18*8. The feeling Main street Davis* store n*ar th« N. Y., P. * N. on a writ sworn out by our aasslon of the Republican national con Captain E 8. 8. Turner, a Republican that even higher prices will come, al ping orate and market? That's btfore depot will be the drill hall. merchants, and was arraigned vention yesterday. But today wit the Democratic Board of Public Works though there may be occasional reac 1.1 »: charge of vio A communication has been receive! the Police Justice on the nessed the unparalleled spectacle not'having made their appointments. tions when the speculative interests run B." Thu by Captain Coulbourn Irom the Adju vice lating the city "Ordinance of both the presidential and Captain Turner wanted to take hisfam priors too high. adver tant General of the state, which says being Our Strawberry Ordinance requires "all persons presidential candidates ily to the convtntion and was no that if the company has forty men' in inated by acclamation. Senator M. tiaing and offering for sale damaged averse to tak>ng a few staunch Repub by fire, or its ranks, well drilled and properly Of Hanns threw up the sponge yeeterday SsrfMk Kiittlsf Mills. goods or articles damaged lican paawngers. The news spread rapid Erases *( the Cream Soda closing ficered, he would vitit Salisbury about H* found he could not stem th* tide Tee otherwise, slaughter, forced, or ly along the shore in the vicinity o Th* Board of Trad* will meet this out sales" to procure from the Mayo*,.October Jlrat and inspect the company of the poular favorite without using Influence of the admlnUtra Elkton.and «hen the vessel sailed Tues (Friday) evening to consider th* propo People think is worth talking of 960 a day. At that time the company will be the direct and City Council a license tlon at Washington. And this he could day the few had increased to a smal sition of the Suffolk Knitting Mills, in "94 as a equipped, and his communication con about. Nearly every day a This ordinance was psssnd not get. Possibly even with It he mlgh army that they start a branch of their large relief to our msrchanU who had long tained a vague hope of -an armory for patron brings a friend In aad vs. have failed. But without It the Governor John Walter Smith learned slant in our city pro ided the Board been bessigtd by cheap, slaughter and tlie bo wouU "I was* Mr. Coulbourn and Lieutenant was hopelens. The president of the departure of one of his navy. will aacur* them a room fre* for 01* half price sales. The hearing was Captain have BO hand In aa effort to oontro are old regulars white Lira The vessel had never been built to carry year. It is their intention if they can have a taste of that strawber merely preliminary, and the Jostles D\ kes both] the convention. He made known dl «wv«d * a private his w<«h that Republicans to their national conven secure th* neosasary help, to eventually ry cream soda, I've bee* only held Elfant in bail for his appear tenant., P«A*r f*tu> to Mr. Hauna volunteer army during the late WAT. will of the convention should not tion, so he e*>nt Samuel Dennis, his pri remove their entire business to Salis tolling him about it.' , , , ance on Monday. thwarted, and when that unequivocal vate secretary, and John R. Sullivan, bury. The ADVBBTISBB some time that Following is a list of men whose names On Monday Mr. Elfant admitted word came Mr Hanna reluctant! assistant keeper of the Public Build- back urged that this concern he induc be did not take out the requisite license are on th- roll book: abandoned the fight, and late last nigh Clark Gilbert, W. T ingM, to recover her. They found the ed to s*ttl* In our midst as their repu for state* it was his intention to remain Elmer Hollis, Issued the following Statement: Lorenso English, John T. "The administration has bad no can vessel and ordered it back to Maryland. tation is good snd credit A No. 1. in Salisbury if business was profitable, Lay field. WHITE & LEONARD H. Polk, Garley Britting diate for vice president It has no It returned yesterday, carrying two Should-Ihc Board meet the wl he* of he did not think it necessary. Elfant Green, John Levin Disharoon, been for or against any candidate. Democratic officials. The Republicans theee people and secur* them a suitable also swore that he was the represents ham, Charley liostic, has desired that the convention shoul Drtffiists, SutiMMS, looksellets H. M. Djkes, H. L. remained to see the end of th* conven location, thsy will start with fifty ma tive of the ' F. B. C. Clothing Company Ernest Hilghman, make the candidate and that baa bee W. Lay ton, J. F. Bonnewell, tion _ chine* to b* increased as rapidly as th* of 717 West Baltimore street, Balti Majors, G. my position throughout. Emory Lowe, Joseph E. "It has been a free field for all. Un labor can b* properly 'drilled .in th* more," which manufactured its own C. H. Harper, Davla, Barry W. Sturgis. John T. E. der the clrauaatanoM several eminent Marriage *l Mtas MltckelL SALISBURY, MD clothing, and that in virtue of this fact have been proposed, all of Waller, W. C. Ennir, Republicans he was at liberty to sell clothing at Gordy. Elmer them distinguished men with many The marriage of Miss Blanch* M Itch- Fariow, John H Farlow, «. whatever price he saw fit. Walter friends. ell to Rev. Howard G. England took T. Paaker, Charles B. "I will now say on behalf of all 'I he prosecution contended that Mr. Dennis, John place last Tuesday at half past tw*lv* Bfnnett, Murril Bnnis, Jesee Guthrie, these candidates and I except none Annapolis, June 90.-Mr WUIIasi Blfant had violated the city ordinance last twelve in St. Mary's Protestant Episcopal Short, Ernest Hitch, John that I have, within the P. Wilson, of Wloomico county, S*MO» in not paying the I icense; that he was a William hours, been asked to give my advice. Church, Tyaskin, Re*. F, B. Adklns W. T. Duffy, grapher and typewriter to Comptroller "squatter11 whose intention it was to Brown, Robert Adklns, "After having consulted with aa officiating. Geo. E. Parsons, Bar within the Hering. was married today to Mis* catch all the money he could daring Wiu.