Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 12-08-1900 T

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Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 12-08-1900 T University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-8-1900 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 12-08-1900 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 12-08-1900." (1900). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. tVtlw lv Citheit VOLUME 10. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1900. NUMBER 4. ,1 way rtUTIlHTT (lOCItT. right volo lltritOI'lUK IM.t'M tHrtai The Flieher Dnir Mmiam. 14.000 i T11XH TO tAND trrilKMI. and will reach Albuquerque on hla that tho voter had tho to or wwM le hitrknt into unlimited - acre land they own whan warn up TERRITORIAL NEWS. capital. lm lieen organised an.l Ineor-- 1 , to the aauup mine, thie evening, the nurolwr of of part), tlto faett' hi tttka Mew Bttliirilt.l-- tletl-to- n. receiving aeequla. To Interattlng Almut Ing tttaar tone am I i hunt-t- o po rated, and 1m acquired the drug l'nlledHtt,npreme Court I'aettt on the rway painter on Houth Momber at A rw d witter from the ItulUtln lha Urn f irr... MHfly w j the decide who of the candidate arc enilu ThrM I'lntn. grsmma aoana m autre of A. J. nether. The member Matwell firant Hcoond atrect. 'haa returned from Chi- - from the devil e led lo aertlfteatr ot eleolion a writ or an dtlto Afttirh . th endly or tho company are fleora-- W. Kohoch, The United 8tae supreme court on emgo. where he vlalted friend and alto Ts'ew suit tiled In the dldrlet court "The tlmo of bltwnkig Ic tho kr'iet mtrnli at mandamus haa lieen out ami tha M pw-iltl- and treasurer; A. J. Fischer. Monday tvndrred an oplMon in the uso paint wall ar a follow: swm th neleMtan ot varlelte for purchased a tloak of and by Judge Orum- - tU n manager secretary; Hugh N. - Territory Modeate Or ate will bo heard No matter how aaxd and pro-Itab- h Tit Mranier wm laaaMag hav Don and nnd af t,f Anlina Innd Grant com- paper. on relation of i From Ant County Republican. ln paexar. tKtd a fsawerf .. 1 on imHnnc. Wilcox, ixmy tho United mate, on appeal . II v. John Mann, el al.. mandatnu a variety may be In other state, tho John Clark, who will conduct tho v. WJIO 1 taajio A liannv inrmlii. nartv win limtiml . .1 ..i 11.. t -- .1...1. eVimlUOtor Icacney, one Of ine requiring the defendant to aceept eer- - Ilnmer T. llawlln, nn Invalid who or how widely It I mtvettWed. If In ot them ar on aount of Falmllla t lub saloon In Itio future, passenger s s- vnpleitMmnt , net twtentptote to ftitmona Haea. daughter or Mr. and li)d claim to Uke JurLdletlon eonductora between ta'n vote offered at the election af the I name hero a few week ago rrom hi New Me too IU btooMttnit period hi - drt. crune up from Rl Vita. rrfulr J"' to I Jim. it. I., iwrn. The nrmir waa ar- - m the oae on the ground that the elty or? lv Junta, haa Rono mayordomo and aemnvtaaloneri or th home in Texoa, dead laat nlajht. He had cetrly lha the main arop or blooma I ulrkto. wMto ntHon av abandoned Jlenry Foy eumc up from HI Paw, towa, to telllnit I 111 onlinary HJatHii pallently ritnired by her Mend. l(ltMi Hellitman gium had be-- of by in retnnae a nMaa;e old town nccqula. eet sent here by hi phystoUn to clawtroyM by tho late aprtn froata, en Ma are Where ho had lutii undergoing treat- d4tod eanirr 111. Ut ami ftarn lavl. It proreil to le a prior to the naWnnt of tho law oreal. htm that hi father li aerlounly Itdward Qrunareld V. T1r Sals, ault Igctin rollef from lung trouafs but the am h a variety woul.l be of UKle or mi aaottina; happiaoM Imatonlrd ti ment for hla eye, and lrfi with Seott In- - their viatom. dotlnhlful of whloh Kome aad Ug itiu oourt prtvat e on promissory not for tllt$J, with lenuee or hi death waa rancor of the value here. urh at Use oom with many for Organ oeeoln of land aaJm. Onv. Otero left Stnta yiterday of refreelmn'nta praved to bo the feature. The petent opin4on adlmieU tlHtt ver- - tnornlnir for Waililneton on offlaul but tcresl and ootla. IHvor. and there waa no trace of dtaaaae pltHna. of whioJt lbmSoti Twon Mli'fcm Dr. Hurnham nnd wife of Nnw Fat- - are 1 went to Very quietly and roreeently. John diet. The land over about i.OOOjm llo will be abarnt for aeveral WiVwnrd aruivafeld va. Ckmeto Oallo- - of the lun. Itawtia ivaa an Odd have alftMcty iokn in a provtaMM the rtJMrvaltott a u.lal Hampshire, arrived will spend I and the Qalnn. n few hl old ine. suit for 9C on promlsaory note. low, hoftllng HtatHtHrthlp in K lodg at bttlhrtln. Uwerer. the NtirofoaM pitMMN pmaeh ttto other br. bwt hi ctwhl winter In La Cruera. Thl with of veteran of land In MHithern Colorado. The week. The Rflvcrnor wai aocompAnled ttf. make tho to cemotrry Sun- - uri IfVlwunl arunafeld va. Chavex y Dallaa. Th meealur of tho ortler bottor attaptott to our Htvh aHltcMe aimwnhte no fonarrinearluiu Th traman - frwntl. went Jloaro jrant waa made to two ploneera or the to Wnahlnirten by Adjutant Oencral W. Juan nera'aee fourth consecutive winter thtiw. rttlmn- 131- had turned their hoaeia Urn day ami plnecil over W wltv'n urnfo n named Vlirll ami t. Vrnln. .II, Whlleman. Motlrto, on promlsaory note for - have taken ahorg of the romalnii, ami .cnd dry uttmsx. Tteay ar Ktterally towanl more We people have spent here. They are . .. 1. 1 i . H a t wt . faaotaaahag Tire I fotMwied - i M. ... Territory on relation of (ieortre II. after being ombalmed they will be seat tare bloaoiMur. thj Imairtna shm1 rred Milan iranuiiR iiiritv illmis irwnii- i lie a id tnt ainxwcii well-know- located At Mm. wr.m srani reirrei Dr. O. 11. Adami, a n life onniK-n- o nudum'. ton: "Waered to tile meiriory of Mr'icrant. It waa aeeured by the Maxwell Moore v. John Mann, et al., ault to Cteburno, Toxeia. for Huetal. HM Pttsrat varietle k thbi type her abotit and ptoood their Mr. arrtve-- croi. and Mm. W. Haker In IfMuranoe axent of Photnlx, Arliena, rv-ut- ta tn faho I hattod John qulnn. n Jimnle (UltMtfher. Horn j eompany brought to require defendant to ahow wife ami two ahlhlren who wore Willi are being grown with Mttafaetar y hr. ao a tlHvrr ami Crucet Orotna, Mr. Iwml Grant from VIbII and waa Vegn on buaineat, I from Nebraska. In inttaburir. Pa., April II, 1M1: dIM (H. waa by wlio it anuio why certificate of eieolon houhl lilm. will iicsnHMpany the reHlnn throcHthoiat the territory The Va aeveral buHa have amtuneed that they linker la poalmaater place at Vraln, and later bought la laat and at that and Bant Fe. Reptemtier It. Holland eapttaHita, who now uwn It. oavine In from the north nlcht not be iaucl to plaintiff, upon Ih Fred J Otero, who wm up north on lletta or tha Rurcrpaan type are very will mto tne war cry ami fight lo de hU wife expect to I Cru-c- e con- remain In IUmm MoMIIMb fttf t aupreme will remain here a few day before of vote at the okl town nsmtettn and oover a loag porlo.1 Ih fend her frHH datogwew who may com thla to benefit fl Crute. The daelrion uf the court In njortty cat huelneaa, returnwl to tho alty laat night, winter derlvo what - tinuing wet. nwi-ordon- - amawK tliem from tho pato rare. He will remain In aoutttern Hew Max- actttn inaWn cod the title of the and eommlloncr tdeoilon. mm pwWing wfH b, rt4n- there is ao lUah a wide he can from a cllirwulc change. ta Hileo-Uo- m TH attHrrfto are tooklng tnlo tho loo for a eonpte of week ami .will look Dutoh capitciui proiiMke to bring; ati J. 11. Shulltebariter ha moved Into Hannah Harrk vs. John Cornotto. Ul9 ruanar supper Thuraday rauiRo in ami color that tt Dr. It. C. Caldwell, the gentleman (rrt nt '. Mao 1 c vatritattM mh lm nearly arwHtn ami will every effort Ui about for a looatlon to fro Into the ufrwli the wara bxiween the atiuatter tho atore room on Weal Oold avenue, ....I uivuhiu i i c.juiitj uviciiohui j And mdo for who purehaacd the Woodland Orchard fMiflatailUk JMattMjltfi Friday orrecat etf or goat rntMnff lMalne He I ami otlleer of the law In the employ of recently for rettaurant purpoM, tl rvi .i at fallaa.l tf riSVat any purtioeo (or wMek ptHtHa are ued. tha bad 4fMr her teaohlngi. property aummer, re- ahet ud I We eaht at Metllla lact thortui.-hly- , aeoond-han- d wr.,nffr..nv itw. What oan of the Xohaatwl lilmoir however, company. iqunttert1 war iHtulllebarger Is a i...n fr.., Twtmty variatle of the Uurtpean -- turned a trip to hU home lmlHK ( the The Mr. .mn.i Ie w)He A (lUNKUAL VIUIC.
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