, Horse doc On the ran 'Kids & Koins' Horses get tender care at this The SBHS track teams were at the S.B. employee shares longtime Monmouth County clinic state relays on Saturday hobby with kids in book

Page 18 Page 28 Page 15

SentineServing South Brunswick l JANUARY 21,1999 40 cents VOLUME 6, NUMBER 13 $1.7M approved for new water line Elizabethtown link will cut shortages during summer BY CHARLES W. KIM signed by then-Mayor Edmund Staff Writer Luciano, would provide for the delivery of 2 million gallons of $1.7-million bond ordi- water per day starting in June. nance approved Tuesday Last summer the township A means more water for declared a water emergency and South Brunswick, residents were restricted after the The bond ordinance authoriz- demand for about 10 million gal- ing funds to construct a water lons of water in one day strained main connection with Elizabeth- the system. town Water Co. was adopted 4-0. The funding ordinance to Republican Councilman Ted Van finance construction of the main Hessen was absent for the vote. was introduced at the Jan. 1 The new water main will pro- council organization meeting. vide up to 5 million additional Township Attorney Bertram gallons per day during peak peri- Busch said that the residents will ods this summer. be notified if their properties will Township Engineer David be affected by the project. Samuels said in December that Custodians Tony Ferraro and Bruce Redfieid clean up the slushy sidewalks around Indian Fields Donato Nieman, outgoing act- Elementary School on Route 522 in Dayton Friday following a meltdown of the previous day's the agreement with Elizabeth- ing township manager, said that snowfall. Augusto F. Menezes/Greater Media town Water, approved by the for- mer Township Committee and Continued on page 21 Rumored arbitration delay rankles S.B. cops But mayor says new labor attorney was hired to speed up settlement BY CHARLES W. KIM Martin Conte told the council. Conte asked Mayor Debra Staff Writer Johnson and the council if a rumored delay in police rumor that the township's new contract arbitration pro- labor attorney, Frederick Danser ceedings, coupled with a of Liberty Corner in Warren A Township, had asked the state proposed Township Council pay raise, drew a strong reaction from arbitrator for a 90-day extension the township's police officers was, in fact, true. Tuesday. Danser replaced attorney Jim About 80 members of the McGovern on Jan. 1. Policemen's Benevolent Associ- Efforts to reach Danser and ation (PBA) Local No. 166 and PBA attorney James Mets, of the Fraternal Order of Police Kenilworth, for comment (FOB) No. 51 attended the Wednesday were unsuccessful. Township Council meeting to ask Johnson denied the rumor and the mayor about a rumored exten- said that the council wanted to sion in their arbitration with the see an end to the process. township. The length of the arbitration The PBA and FOB contracts "is the reason we changed attor- expired three years ago. The FOB neys," Johnson said. The change was made because South Brunswick Patrolman Thomas Glapion addresses the South Brunswick Township Council represents superior officers. Tuesday about union concerns about a possible delay in police contract arbitration talks while "They are here because this is Continued on page 25 approximately 80 officers look on. Jackie Pollack/Greater Media a sensitive issue," PBA President 2 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999

Silly or sweet, romantic or clever, Valentine Love 'Notes are the perfect way to share your sentiments with someone special...whether it's your spouse, partner, child, a friend, co-worker or a relative. And...your published message is preserved long . after the candy & flowers are gone. Put your love in print with a Valentine Love Note appearing Wednesday, February 10, 1999. Call us today and we will help you "Write" to your loved one from the heart. , look inside the paper for your chance to win a romantic evening on Broadway \ ] by entering Qreater Media Newspapers Romantic Valentine Contest.

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3 lines 4 lines $8.00 5 lines $10.00 6 lines $12.00 ~f lines $14.00 8 lines $16.00 (*4 line minimum - add additional lines if necessary at s2.00 per line) Symbol $5.00 Total $ We must receive your Love Note no later Name ' than noon on Monday, February 8th. All 't$Ss must Address -City Use Your or mail check. ,-., State Phone #_ To Flace your Love Mote .•V • CALL 1-800-660-4ADS(4237) or' FAX 732-432-0016 Charge Card (check one) • Visa • MC • Discover Mail or Bring your Love Note to Greater Media Newspapers • Attn. Classified Dept. # Expiration __/__ P.O. Box 1080 • East Brunswick, NJ 08816 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 3 lliiiil Kunze takes over as S*B. acting manager BY CHARLES W.KIM Staff Writer SOUTH BRUNSWICK — As resi- dents and the governing body said goodbye to the township's outgoing act- ing manager on Tuesday, his assistant was appointed to take his place. Outgoing Acting Manager Donato Nieman, who served as township administrator from 1995 until Jan. 1, when he became acting manager, will be taldng the administrator's position in Montgomery Township on Feb. 1. Tomorrow is his last day in South Brunswick. The incoming acting manager, Richard S. Kunze, has served as Nieman's assistant since August 1996. Kunze, 27, has a bachelor's degree from Montclair State University. Looking for something to do? "I'm looking foiward to the chal- Check out The Entertainer. lenge," said Kunze, who will hold the Page 12 position until the Township Council set- NEW BOSS — Richard S. Kunze has been appointed as acting South Brunswick tles on a permanent manager. township manager, replacing outgoing manager Donato Nieman. Kunze, who moved to South Jackie Pollack/Greater Media Brunswick in October with his wife, al salary of $35,000, will receive an Township Council has 90 days, oi until Jessica, said that residents can expect additional $1,000 per month while serv- the end of March, to approve the new • Classifieds Page 33 much of the same during the transition. ing as acting manager. code. "Donato (Nieman) has been a men- Nieman received $84,500 a year. The council began advertising for a - Editorials Page 22 tor for me, he has taught me a great e Kunze said the 1999 budget and the manager in Dccembet and consultant Entertainment . . .Page 12 deal," Kunze said, adding that his for- adoption of a new administrative code Maivin Corwick, who was hired to help - Letters Page 22 mer boss "is worth emulating." will be at the top of his list of priorities. with the government transition, is cur- Kunze said that the municipality will Since the township switched ftom a rently evaluating the approximately 30 • Marketplace . . . .Page 30 continue to be "customer-service orient- applications leceived e township committee to a council-man- Milestones Page 21 ed" when dealing with the citizens. ager form of government this month, a Voters appioved the change in gov- • Obituaries Page 26 Kunze, who presently earns an annu- new code must be adopted. The ernment in 1997. • Police Beat Page 27 • Sports Page 28 Schwartz tells mayor appointments Illegal Johnson says council manager form of government Jan. 1. report would be made to the county Phone numbers: In each of the towns he surveyed, authorities. voted on planning, Schwartz said, the council makes the Editorial 254-7000 Ext. 8226 The Planning Board held its orga- FAX 254-0486 zoning choices appointments. nizational meeting on Jan. 13. Schwartz also said that he The Zoning Board reorganization J3Y CHARLES W. KIM Display Advertising 972-6740 believes the Faulkner Act — the meeting, scheduled for last FAX 972-6746 Staff Writer state statute that sets the rules for the Thursday, was postponed until SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Chart- operation of the different forms of tonight because of inclement weath- er Study Commission member Lewis government — would require the er. Classified 1-800-660-4ADS council to pass either a resolution or Classified FAX 432-0016 Schwartz has called the mayor's Jan. Frank Antisell, a Democratic 1 appointments to the township's an ordinance giving the power to Township Council candidate who Delivery problems? Planning and Zoning boards illegal. make appointments to someone lost by just five votes and who Call circulation at 254-1755 At Tuesday's Township Council other than the council. served on the Planning and Zoning before noon on Friday. meeting, Schwartz asked the coun- Schwartz said that he was mainly boards last year, was elected cil where, under the new municipal concerned with the Class IV citizen Planning Board chairman and Susan government charter, the mayor had appointments. Edelman, also a former board mem- the authority to make the appoint- These appointments, according to ber, was named vice chairwoman. ments. Schwartz, are to be made by the The other Planning Board mem- council and not by the mayor. Sentinel "I'm concerned as a member of bers are Arthur Robinson, Common "You folks have got to realize that Sense member Joe Spataro, the Charter Study Commission," said the government has changed; these Managing Editor Marilyn Duff Schwartz, who said he thinks the appointments were not made legal- Democratic Municipal Chairman Sports Coordinator Lindsey Sicgle council should have made the ly," Schwartz said. Charles Carley, Glenn Davis, Councilman Edmund Luciano, Executive Editor (Jregmy Bean appointments by majority vote Mayor Debra Johnson disagreed instead of by the mayor. Ralph Mcllvaine and alternate Ranjit Publisher Kevin WiUman with Schwartz and said that the Schwartz said on Wednesday that council made the appointments. Sinha. Another alternate position is he had surveyed about 12 different "Those appointments were all vacant. municipalities in the state which made by a majority (vote) of this The mayor also sits on the board. A Greater Media Newspaper have a council-manager form of gov- entire council," Johnson responded The Planning Board also ernment like South Brunswick's, to Schwartz. approved a new board attorney for including Franklin Township, Sparta, Johnson said that the method used the township. Ridgewood, Montclair, and Fair in making the appointments was the John Jorgensen, who has wprked Lawn, to determine how appoint- same as it always has been. as an attorney under Woodbridge The Sentinel Newspaper is published ments are made in those municipal She asked the township attorney Mayor Jim McGreevey, was appoint- Wednesday by Sentinel Publishing Co., governments. ed to the post. He replaces attorney P.O. Box 1080, East Brunswick, N.J. 08816 to inform Schwartz of where to Standard postage paid at East Brunswick, South Brunswick switched from a report the suspected violation, and Thomas Cafferty, who had served in N.J. $40 a yeai. First-class mail subscrip- township committee to a council- Attorney Bertram Busch said the the position since 1993. tion available at $72 for 26 weeks, 40 cents a copy 4 SENTINEL JANUARY 21, 1999

MEWB FALL § WSISTiil mm m mmmmi SUITS Single and double breasted, 3 & 4 button models! AND UP MEN'S OVERCOATS By Jeffrey Banks, Nino Cerruti and Petrocelli' Regularly sold in our stock from $199.90 to $299.90

$ iHTHISTORS WITH THIS COUPON! g Rat wild on prior purchases. Limit one coupon a 129 .o 199 pet nusiomw. Offer expires Jan. 31, t999. • Entire Stock of Regularly sold in our stock S $ LEATHER JACKETS from $299.90 By Saxony, AM Studio by Andrew Marci to $429.90 HOW179 299 Entire Stock of Regularly sold $ CORDUROY SLACKS $ By Braggi, Louis Raphael, Perry Ellis and Riserva1 to $69.90 HOW 19 39 Men's Fall and Winter Regularly sold in our stock S SPORT SHIRTS from $25.90 $ By Tallia, Rodin, Domani, Gillio, Enro and Supplies1 to $79.90 HOW 19 49 Every Fall and Winter SWEATER & JACKET



* 25%. 60% OFF! • Boufe 18 and Arthur St. (K-Itiart Piaza) ClothingCenter East Brunswick«(7321254-SUIT Custom alterations available. Visa, MasterCard, A GREAT MEN'S STORE!' American Express, Discover & Glothing Center Charge accepted. SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 5 Planners OK Massoud Don't Wait for Georges Rd. building The Pjione to Ring BY CHARLES W. KIM approval. Staff Writer During the summer state Superior Court Judge Richard S. Rebeck ruled that a previous .'> '1 * H SOUTH BRUNSWICK — A Georges site plan approval was invalid because the Road resident lifted his objections to a original application was not properly brought planned retail building last week, allowing before the board. ,r final Planning Board approval of the project. Dayton Center Associates, managers of Dan Gerard reached agreement with the the East Garden at Dayton Center apartments, Massoud Partnership, which plans to build an joined Gerard in opposing the project. approximately 6,000-square-foot retail build- •with 00 ad in ing adjacent to the Liberty Square Mall on In November, an agreement was reached Georges Road in Dayton. with Dayton Center Associates to place a deed GREATER MEDIA NEWSPAPERS' restriction to the property prohibiting the sale According to Gary S. Forshner, attorney or use of liquor on the site. for the Massoud Partnership, the builder has addressed concerns voiced by neighbors about Massoud also agreed to pay for part of the CLASSIFIED the proposed building, including traffic and planned Route 522 extension and provide If you're Advertising Business&^ervice Director} the possibility that a bar or package liquor landscaping where the property abuts the In the Yellow Pages and store might be located on the premises. apartment complex. "There will not be a liquor store and there "The property will have a use consistent NOT WITH US... will not be a bar," Forshner said at the Jan. 13 with its zoning," Forshner said. You're Missing Planning Board meeting. Forshner said he did not know when con- The application has had a rocky road to struction of the project would begin. Many Business Opportunities }n Unlike the Yellow Pages Golden Goose' to be staged Saturday your ad in our Cambridge Elementary School students, staged in the South Brunswick High School in conjunction with Michael Taubenslag Auditorium, located at 750 Ridge Road, CLASSIFIED Productions, will present A Golden Goose on Monmouth Junction. Gives You All This... Saturday at 7 p.m. Tickets will cost $5 at the door. For infor- • You can change and update your ad weekly, The rescheduled performance will be mation, call (732) 297-2941. • You can advertise your special seasonal rates. • Your dd can be seen every week by 350,000 people • You can choose the format that (its your budget. • You'll get great results! Greater Media NEW TRANSCRIPT • INDEPENDENT • SENTINELS • SUBURBAN • EXAMINER Newspapers CALL YOUR CLASSIFIED REPRESENTATIVE 1-800-660-4 ADS ORDER an OFFICIAL SPACESHIP CAP and/or T-$Hm? . . AND RECEIVE k FftEiE SPACESHIP 2000™ CLUB CAP and/or T-SHIR1 , ORDER BOTH FOR ONLY ,.„„..«„..„ •>_-/. Send Check or Money Order F" "I SEND NAME_

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EDISON GENERATOR AUTOMOTIVE SERVIC *Dema Peelfor Stretch Ma&s, Scars, Wrinkles and AJMP. • Breast Etichancemeni m liposucUon Body Sadpliiuj 'Pu fore *No$eHtesfMping * fmmy fucks nface, Kyetid, Neck, WrinMes QcAl (or Vm ConsalMatt and Computer imaging: 1-800-924-6397 Associates in OPEN HOUSE Offices located ht Central New lerseg JAN. 23 • 11 AM-3 PM fmauatig Available Free Refreshments. Come See Our Wonderful uj Facilities & Meet Our Great Staff. • Preppys for 2 & 3 year olds SOUTH BRUNSWICK TOWNSHIP • Mini Day and Midi Days for 3,4 & 5 Year Olds • Full Days tor 3-12 Year Olds FREE RABIES INOCULATION CLINICS • Teen Travel for 11 -15 Year Olds (2 pi ograms) • Leaders In Training (LIT) for 10th Graders Summer Childrens Programs FOR CATS AND DOGS 2-15 Years Old Municipal Garage (behind the Police Dept.) Monmouth Junction, NJ January 23 and 30,1999 Extended Hours til 6pm • Tutoring Service From 1-3 pm Optional Hot Lunch • State of the Art Facilities This vaccination is approved for a 3 year duration of Call for brochure, Video & Directions immunity for dogs and cats over the age of 1 year, Animals 3 months to 1 year of age should be revaccinated one year later. Vaccination of cats is mandatory. Documentation is needed of poor vaccination for the shot to be valid for 3 years. Due to computerization of the dog and cat licensing Ivy League Day Camp program, licenses will not be available at the Rabies Clinics. 140 Gordons Corner Rd., Manalapan Anyone wishing to obtain a license may bring the license Opeiated by The Leiser Family, renewal form and check for the correct amount to the clinic. Accredited by The American Camping Association The license will be forwarded by mail. E-mail info @ivyleaguedaycamp com : SENTINEL. JAMJAR";?". "O

A GREATER MEDIA NEWSPAPERS SPECIAL SECTION Proper nutrition key Tbepi to healthy living

cre's a suggestion from the ful eating plan, according to ADA's Lupus affects more American Dietetic Association Nutrition Trends Survey. Most people for a New Year's icsolution find that — with the help of an regis- that's easy to keep and can make 1999 teied dietitian — snaking just a few than 1 million in U.S. a great year ior you and youi family piactical changes in their lifestyles, f you or someone you know shows symptoms of lupus, see In addition to making your regular tastes and preferences can oveicome your doctor. What you know could save your life. Lupus is a appointments with the doctor and den- their obstacles to good nutrition. Ichronic disease where the immune system, for unknown rea- tist, lesolvc to visit the health profes- There's even evidence that a regis- sons, becomes hyperactive and attacks normal tissue. More sional with the turning and experience tered dietitian can help improve your than 1.4 million Americans have been diagnosed with the dis- lo help put you on the path to better emotional well-being and your physi- ease, which is often misunderstood — or not taken seriously — nutrition and well-being all year long cal health because of its vague symptoms which often mirror those asso- — a registered dietitian A recent study of 400 adults, pub- ciated with other conditions. These symptoms include skin Not only are icgisiered dietitians the lished in T\ie Journal ofthe American rashes, aching or swollen joints, fatigue, fever, pleurisy and best .source of tellable and up-to-date Dietetic Association, found more than anemia. lood and nutrition information, they hall felt belter emotionally after con- Understanding these facts about lupus can help many peo- have the .skills and knowledge to trans- sulting with a dietitian and nearly two- ple recognize the symptoms, get treatment and keep the dis- late nutrition .science into practical thirds felt in moie control of their ease under control: meal planning. medical conditions as a result of the • About 90 percent of the people diagnosed with lupus are And as more and more links are counseling. women. African Americans, Asians and Hispanics are diag- established between good nutrition, If it has to do with nutrition — nosed at twice the rate of Caucasians. good health and reduced risk of chron- from obesity, diabetes and food safety • Though there is no present cure for lupus, treatments are ic disease, dietetics professionals can to meal planning, healthful cooking available. help vntually all individuals and fami- and packing the kids' school lunch — • Lupus is not contagious, even through sexual contact. lies to improve and maintain their count on a dietitian for trusted, accu- • Although lupus is known to occur in families, there is no rate, timely and practical advice. known gene or genes which are thought to cause the illness. health. • Fad diets, an excess or an exclusion of certain types of Eight out of 10 Americans believe To find a registered dietitian in foods, are much more likely to be detrimental than beneficial. nutrition has a positive impact on their your area, call ADA's Nationwide • Many people with lupus are able to work full time; others lives, but just four in 10 believe they're Nutrition Network at 1-800-366-1655 find they have to cut back to part time. doing all they can to achieve a health- or visit www.eatright org • Lupus is generally treated with a drug regimen geared toward reducing the inflammation associated with the disease. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), Naproxen, Naprosyn (Aleve) and Clinoril, and corticosteroids such as prednisone, deltasone and corti- sone, are used to reduce pain and inflammation. Anti-malanals such as Plaquenil have been found to be effective in treating the joint pain, skin rashes and ulcers that some people devel- Woodbridge Internal Medical op on the inside of the nose or mouth. Immunosuppressants and chemotherapy are generally Associates, P.A. reserved for those individuals who have the most severe flare- Alan Young, MD Howard Garson, MD ups of lupus. Michael Hymanson, DO Anne Pearl, MD For more information, call the Lupus Foundation of America Richard Goldstein, MD Mary O'Donnell, MD at 1-888-38-LUPUS. Gerald Lee, MD Mariano de Miguel, MD Lauren Maza, MD Carl Murray, MD Sunrise Assisted Living Luisa Lopez, PA-C slated to open in March onstaiction of The Sunrise Assisted Megan K. O'Shea of Edison is director Living Community of East of community relations with responsibil- C Brunswick is nearing completion ity for sales and marketing. and slated to officially open its doors on Will Potter is assisted living coordina- March 1, according to Mary Lewis, execu- tor with responsibility for day to day tive director. The East Brunswick location operations at the East Brunswick com- will provide older seniors with a full range munity Woodbridge Internal Medical Associates participates of personalized assisted living services Wellness nurse Dolores Takla will be with the major managed care insurers to include: The newest Sunrise facility will also responsible for monitoring resident Aetna/US Healthcare MEDICARE Amerihealth offer its specially designed program for health needs including medication man- Medichoice American Preferred Multiplan residents with memory impairment disabil- agement and exercise programs. Blue Shield of NJ One Health Plan Cigna/CoMed ities and Alzheimer's disease. The elegant, As reminiscence coordinator, Kristen Oxford Consumer Health Network (CHN) PHCS 78-unit Victorian-style building is designed Callahan will oversee support services to Empire Health Care Physician Health Service (PHS) Horizon - HMO Blue to house from 80 to 100 residents, depend- residents with Alzheimer's and memoiy Prucare GHI Quakare HMO impairment care needs. Magna Care United Health Care Master Care ing on the number of single or double University Health Plan occupancies. Dining services coordinator Tom W. Lewis, who served two years as execu- Mott is a graduate of the Culinary If your plan is not listed check with our office. tive director of Sunrise of Mount Laurel, is Institute of America with more than 20 a licensed nursing home administrator years experience as an executive chef in Offices at: with 15 years' experience in the health environments that include home meal care industry. Lewis has spent the last two replacement, restaurant, hotel, manufac- 150 Green Street 2433 County Highway 516 months assembling an experienced staff to turing, commissary and retail. handle operation of the home. Key among For additional information, please Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Old Bridge, NJ 08857 < these are: contact Megan O'Shea at (732) 613-1355. . (732) 634-0036 \ 8 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 15-yr.-old landscapes his way to Eagle rank Local dignitaries Mayoi Debra Johnson, Police Chief Scout candidate must earn, the Scout must through the scouting ranks so that he Michael Paquette, Deputy Mayor Frank develop and execute a service project that would have moie time to enjoy some of the are on hand to Gambatese, and Councilwoman Carol benefits the community. moie adventuious aspects of scouting, like offer congratulations Barrett weie in attendance at the ceremo- George's, project involved landscaping mountain climbing. ny. five sites in the township, with the help of The new Eagle Scout will be looking at BY CHARLES W. KIM Geoigc, 15, completed the require- other members of Troop 10, including the a technical college, such as Massachusetts Staff Writer ments for the exclusive rank in just four senior centei. or Rochester institutes of technology after years. "We landscaped (each site) and then graduating from high school. SOUTH BRUNSWICK — George Scouts have until their 18th birthdays to dedicated it," to an individual or group in He said that he wants to return after Dyei completed hit. quest for Scouting's earn the coveted rank and, according to the township, George said. college to take an adult leadership role in highest rank on Saturday afternoon. statistics compiled by the national Boy The senior center landscaping, for the troop. Surrounded by family, friends and Scouts of America office in Irving, Texas, example, was dedicated to the senior citi- Besides a seivice project, Eagle Scouts township officials, he was awarded the only 2.5 percent ever do. zens of the township and a landscaping must earn 21 merit badges which signify rank of Eagle Scout during a reception The rank means that the Scout has met pioject at Indian Fields School on Route mastery of certain skills. Of the 21, 12 are held at the South Brunswick Senior Center. requirements in several areas, including 522, to Native Americans. mandatory and the other nine can be cho- "I'm a little nervous," George said prior leadership, service and outdoor skills George decided to do the landscaping sen from a field of 100 based on individual to the ceiemony. In addition to the badges that an Eagle because both of his parents had experience interests. in landscaping and he had learned many The mandatory badges include those things about the craft. for first aid, citizenship in the community, "Rather than constructing something, citizenship in the nation, citizenship in the attorney... I'm a little better with landscaping," woild, communications, safety, environ- George explained. mental science, personal management, Vercammen, Esq. George said that he advises newer camping, family life, and two badges cho- tf#«t€cj your rights. Scouts just starting on the tiail to Eagle to sen from emergency preparedness, lifesav- have fun and to do the work required. He ing, personal fitness, swimming, or sports. feels the experiences gained through Many famous people have achieved the Accidents and Personal Injmy Wills, Estates. Elder Law Municipal & Criminal scouting are what make the work enjoy- honor, including director Steven Spielberg, • Car Accidents • Simple and Complex Wills 1 DWI and Drug Offenses • Slip and Falls • Trust & Estates • Criminal Court All Matters able. surgeon William DcVries, Olympian • Personal Injury • Powers of Attorney • Traflic Tickets "It's really a wonderful experience that Willie Banks, businessman H. Ross Perot, • Free Initial Consulation • Probate 1 DMV suspensions you will remember your whole life," he former New Jersey Senator and presiden- • Home or hospital visits available • Guardianship of Elderly said. tial candidate Bill Bradley and fotmer George said he advanced rapidly Piesident Gerald Ford. Free legal information and bio at: www.njlaws.com Resident of South Brunswick/Sutnmerfield in Dayton x f KENNETH A. VERCAMMEN, ESQ. » Cranbury/Princeton Office: No one knows your GM 407 Main St. 64 North Main Street, Metuchen, IHJ 08840 Cranbury, PO 08512 Toll Free 1-877-NJLAWS1 wehicle better than we do. 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HIGHEST RANK— George Dyer, 15 lights the candle representing the rank of Eagle Scout after completing the requirements for the honor at a reception Saturday at the Senior Center on Route 522 Augusto F Menezes/Greater Media Museum offers look at 'Worlds in Motion' The New Teisey State Museum around an atomic nucleus to the Milky PLinetanum will feattue a new presenta- Way traveling across the univeise The tion, "Woilcls m Motion," on Salmdays !>how is appropriate for children age 6 COME TO THE

Reasonable Prices DIGITAL PCS PLANS Seiko & Citizen Watches • LaSalle Watches & more Ask for our low prices • Repairs Done While You Wait JEWELRY • Watch Batteries BELLE 9 Diamonds and Fine Jewehy Appraisals & Special Orders Custom Made WE NOW CARRY SILVER'

GET FREE UNLIMITED NIGHT & WEEKEND WE'LL GET YOU IN SHAPE SO FAST YOU WON'T AIAWA 6 Disc Clianger BELIEVE IT! Add to Any 249 Factory System iJETil VIPER ©eluxe Car Countless fitness magazines East Brunswick So Brunswick System" w/Remote have reported that Cardio Complete Alarm Karate is terrific for: • Burning calories OM.L HOW! (up to 800 calories per hour) •Toning muscles • Fighting fat • Reducing stress • Enhancing cardio vascular endurance • Learning basic self defense I INTRODUCTORY • Having fun I PRICE ONLY! Call now! 14 7 I 'I 0 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 liiiiiiililii available in the lobby of the library, located weeks. for additional time between 7:30 a.m. to 6 Miller Memorial to at 110 Kingston Lane in the Monmouth • "Combo Dance," a combination ol p.m. Director Laura M. Tancredi notes the Junction section of the township. The his- line dance, ethnic and novelty dance, will piogram was added in response to the conduct annual mtg. torical exhibit takes a look at the growth of begin a new session on Feb. 19 at 1:30 p.m. needs of clients who work part time. Full- Miller Memorial Presbyterian Church roads, railroads and the canal and the effect For information, call (732) 329-4000, time care is also available. For informa- will conduct its annual Congiegalion they had on South Brunswick's develop- Ext. 675. The center is located on Route tion, call (732) 940-1515. The school is Meeting during worship service at 11 a.m. ment. For information, call (732) 329- 522 in the municipal complex, Monmouth located at 57 Sand Hill Road, in the on Sunday. The church is located at the 4000, Ext. 286. Junction. Kendall Park section of South Brunswick. corner of Ridge Road and New Road. Foi information, call (732) 329-6719. Sr. Center to offer new Preschool to offer Register for Valentine Display to feature S.B. voice, dance sessions extended care option Safari Party by Wed. The South Brunswick Senior Center Sand Hills Preschool of Community The South Brunswick Department of transportation history will begin the following new sessions: Presbyterian Church of the Sand Hills will Recreation/Community Affairs will spon- The South Brunswick Public Library • A new class of "The Cantata" will offer a prekindergarten class for 4-year-old sor a Valentine Safari Party for resident will feature "A Bicentennial Display on begin Feb. 9 at 10:30 p.m. The group has youngsters with a built-in extended care children with disabilities and immediate South Brunswick's Transportation His- been performing for the past seven years. option. For an additional hourly fee, family members (only) on Feb. 7. Snow tory" from Feb. 1-14. The display will be Cost of participation is $2 per week for 10 enrolled children can be accommodated date will be Feb. 14. The party will be held from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at the South Brunswick Community Center, located on New Road. Reservations are required by Wednesday. Activities will include danc- ing and gym activities, Valentine projects and refreshments. Creative dramatics will be featured by "The Safari Lady" Janet Cantore-Watson. For reservations call (732) 329-4000, Ext. 671, Monday EXTENDED THRU SUN. JAN 24TH through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Library plans Winter Family Film Festival The South Brunswick Public Library 0% OFF EVERY, will begin a Winter Family Film Festival on Saturday at noon. The library will fea- ture family-oriented film programming on Saturdays through Feb. 27 from noon to 12:30 p.m. in its meeting room. No films MINK COAT* will be shown on Feb. 13 due to the Friends of the Library book sale. For information on the film festival, call (732) 329-4000, Ext. 285. The libiary is located at 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. Gardening series to be presented Sunday The New Jersey Museum of Agriculture will offer a gardening ses- sion on Sunday featuring two professors of landscape architecture at Cook College. Bruce Hamilton, director of the Rutgers Garden, will speak at 2 p.m. on "Landscaping with Environmental Sensitivity." He will demonstrate how to design and maintain the landscape for maximum results with minimal environ- mental impact. At 3 p.m., Jean Mane Hartman will present "Creating a Garden Ecology," exploring the use of native plants to help support birds, butterflies and beneficial insects while developing a thriving ecosystem in a garden. The cost 60% OIF 70% OFF for the event is $10 for museum members and $15 for non-members. Refreshments will be served. The museum is located at Every Every 103 College Farm Road, off Route 1, at the entrance to the Cook College campus of Rutgers University in North Beaver 0% Financing - Brunswick. Space will be limited and Leather & reservations are suggested. For reserva- 12 Months tions or information, call the museum at Coat Shearling (732) 249-2077. Pre-Superbowl party scheduled Sunday ^ The Middlesex County Chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women will join the Jewish Home for the Aged in Somerset Precious furs for precious little...Since 1946 for an mtergenerational pre-Superbowl party on Sunday. Members, their children 190 Route 22 • Green Brook (732) 968-8700 339 Route 18 • E. Brunswick (732) 390-4441 and residents will enjoy food, music and conversation. For information on the NCJW, HOURS: DAILY & SATURDAY 9:30 • 5:30, SUNDAY 12 - 5 contact Carol at (732) 422-1522 or Regie at "Off Market Price "Off Market Prices. Inlcnm markdowns may have been luken All furs labeled to show country of origin No special orders Sales lux collected at time ol sole Financing available to qualified applicants Optional extended term plans plus interest available (732) 821-8412. SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 1 1 PARTICIPATING ADVERTISERS H. Scott Aalsberg Esq., P.C. Advanced Behavioral Health Systems PA Air Expert, Inc. Al-bee Dinettes Allegra, Nebekopf & De Conca Allstar Sportswear Dr. Amer Around the Corner Art Center ENTER Artisan Construction Autosound Cellular AYC Inc. Dry Cleaning 3 The Bagel Shoppe Greater Media Newspapers Bagel World Belle Jewelers Beth Zion Messianic Synagogue Birchwood at Woodbridge/ Lutheran Social Ministries Bookeez Dr. Boorstein FIND THE Bo's General Store Dr. Bosin Breeches Menswear Bren-Joe Boarding C. Brooke Mortgage Co. Capitol Environmental Tank Removal Co. > ! > Cellular Connection Center for Hypnosis Conter Stage Chef's Table i \ Michael A. Chemlck lr'" Chestorforook Academy Children's Dental Care Christine's Ultraclean Citi Protective Clayton Block Clean Cut Home Improvement Country Corner Country Roads Day Camp CONTEST Country Swim Crown Car Wash ITS EASY, Crown Heating & Cooling Cruise Authority Cruise Holidays Cruise One Dancing on the Moon ITS FUN! Davidson Mill Village Dayton Sports Pub Detendre Dina's Dinottos Just count the number of "SNOWMEN" Dust Away Air Duct Cleaning E&G Auto Repair hidden in the participating merchants' advertisements in your Eastern Higasb! Steakhouso East Clean Cleaning Services EMO of Middletown newspaper. Complete the entry form below and place the Erie's Exclusively for Men Douglas E. Freioerger, Esquire number of snowmen you found on the entry form Schneider Frelberger, PC Furniture City The Fur Spa (do not include the snowmen on this page). GalaxSea Cruises Garvey's Pub Contest runs until February 17, you need to enter to win! Gateway Insurance Gold Button Jewelers Greco Jewelers Grounds Keeper : Gymnastics Club Trie Heart Center This Week's Winners: Heavenly Ham Huntington Learning Conter I.E.I-lnterstate Electronics image Makers \ Sysao Busli, East Brunswick Innovators Hair Designers Interstate Cellular Irish Heritage Gift Shop Uremia Tola, Middlefown IVF Ivy League Day Camp/Holiday Club J&H Dinettes Alice WaicSSie§ms Milltowti J, Parker Fuel Oil Co, Jimmy B's Just Hockey Just Veils by Jaime Karate America Klnderland/Summer Fun A Family (Winners will be King Fitness King Neptune's Gallery selected from a random Kosin Family Chiropractic Fun-Pak Lakeside Gourmet Dcii drawing of all entries. Lavender Sachet WIN The Little Chief Learning Station, Inc. of Four Only one entry per Scott D. Lurie, DDS Maaco of Kcyport household per week. Maaco of Tinton Falls Passes to OTHER The Maids of Western Monmouth Winners will be notified. MasterTax Maybruch & Zapcic ^lediewal Times Employees of Millennium Eye Care GREAT Millstone Chiropractic Greater Media Newspapers Motorworks Dinner & Toyrnamenl Mr. Bathroom are not eligible. PRIZES Oil Direct Oxford Furniture & Art No purchase necessary.) Pelican Ski & Pool Norman Perlmutter, CPA Piazza di Roma Pied Piper Preschool & Summer Camp L i t r _ J u. -J c , Plaza Chiropractic Professional Orthopedic Associates Quick Quick Slow Radio Exchange Reiphoff Saw Mill River Queen CONTEST Rolling Hills Day Camp Harvey Rolhman, Attorney at Law Mail your entry form to: Rupps Ace Hardware Sawyer, Gale, & Laughlln F!ND THE SNOWMAN CONTEST Number of Snowmen for Week 2 Paula Sawyer Greater Media Newspapers William Schumacher, CPA Shalom Torah Academy 25 Kilmer Drive, Suite 109 Sheily's School for Dogs Morganville, NJ 07751 Srnilty's Restaurant South Amboy Plumbing Spaceship 2000 Storm IVIasler Stuff Your Face Susan Greene Name Talkin Heads Hair Salon Temple Beth Shalom Dan Teplitz Tiles Unlimited . Address Travel with Myles TrouieriE travrM Tony s P\z/a Ultimate Sound • Security United Telr-curp City/Zip Uppei Cul I Hair Salon Kenneth A. Voicdmmon, P^q Wall to Wall Protection Woodbnrluo Internal Medical Associates Phone Work-Out-World your Financial Hesource \ZZX3 EC331 CH3S3 1 2, SENTINEL JANUARY 21 1999

THEATER SPECIAL The Sea Gull Through Feb 14 George Street Playhouse EVENTS Livingston Ave Anastasia on ice New Brunswick through Jan 24 tickets $22 $36 Continental Airlines Arena (732) 246-7717 Meadowlands tickets starting at $13 50 Love's Labour's Lost (210) 935 3900 Shakespeare s comedy presented by These Mortalsby African-American History Players Celebration event celebrates contributions Jan 21-23 at 8 pm uzz of African Americans to U S William Mount-Burke Theatre Jan 23 29 The Peddie School Heath Center South Main St Tatum Park Red Hill Activity Hightstown Center Mr Twisty will entertain at the Auto tickets $5 Expo 99 at the Meadowlands Exposi Red Hill Road , Middletown tion Center (609) 490-7550 Opening reception African-American History Celebration includes an art exhibit on Jan 28 & 29 Jan 23 at 3 p m American Buffalo keynote address on Martin Beck: by Davtd Mamet Jacobs Brothers Gospel retrospective of Bertha Heath, Modern Romance presented by Alliance MUSIC Group Jan 24 narrative paintings Repertory Jan 24 at 11 a m at 3 pm through Feb 11 Jan 21-23, 28-30 at 8 p m First Baptist Church concert by Mon -Thurs, 11 a m -3pm, Jan 24 & 31 at 2 p m Wagner's 'Der Ring' 15 Half Acre Road, Jamesburg Jackie Jones Wed , 6-8 p m Theatre Cafe Festival — Week 3 free-will offering & Ensemble, The Gallery Monument Park Hotel presented by the New Jersey (732)521-0382 Jan 26 & 27 Mercer Co Community College 10 Livingston Ave Symphony Orchestra historical & Old Trenton Rd , West Windsor New Brunswick excerpts from Wagner s Emanuel Ax Returns musical free admission tickets $14 Gotterdammerung presented by the New Jersey presentations (609) 586-4800, Ext 3589 half-price student rush Jan 21 at8pm Symphony Orchestra Jan 28&29 7 45 pm State Theatre Zdenek Macal, conductor 10 am to Paintings and Drawings by cafe tables available Livingston Ave, New Brunswick Emanuel Ax, piano 5pm Cynthia Gallagher (732) 214-1717 Jan 22 at 8 p m works of Rossini Chopin exhibit of art Jackie Jones Jan 24 at 3 p m New Jersey Artist Series event Schubert, Stravinsky and artifacts through Jan 22 Evita Prudential Hall Jan 29 at 8 30 p m (732) 842-4000 ext 245 NJ Performing Arts Center by appointment only by Andrew Lloyd Weber Richardson Auditorium Johnson & Johnson World 6 Tim Rice One Center St, Newark Princeton University tickets $12-$49 Auto Expo '99 — The New Headquarters Gallery Jan 26-31 Jan 30 at 8 30 p m Jersey Auto Show New Brunswick Prudential Hall (800) ALLEGRO Count Basie Theatre (732) 524-3698 Red Bank Jan 23 &30,11 am - 10pm N J Performing Arts Center Jan 24,11 a m -7pm One Center St tickets $13-$44 Rutgers Center for (800) ALLEGRO Jan 28&29 5 -10 p m Newark Jan 31,11 am -5pm Innovative Print & Paper tickets $16-$65 Meadowlands Exposition Fellowship Exhibition (888) GO NJPAC Center, Secaucus through Feb 12 FOR KIDS admission $7, $3, under Mason Cross School of the Richard II Snow White age 12, free under age 4 Arts Galleries by William Shakespeare presented by A Kid's Forum (201)223-1000 Rutgers University presented by the Rutgers Jan 21 & Feb 5 at 10am CIVIC Square Building Theater Company Jan 23,30, Feb 6,13,20,27 33 Livingston St Jan 28-Feb 14 at 11 a m EXHIRITS New Brunswick The New Theater The Forum Theatre Company free admission George Street Nature Photographs 314 Main St, Metuchen by Richard J. Dernier (732) 932 2222 Ext 838 Douglass College tickets $8 New Brunswick (732) 548-0582 through Feb 26 tickets $16, $18 Tues through Sat (732)932-7511 9am 4 45pm Sleeping Beauty Sun , noon to 5 p m presented by The Calliope Museum Cafe Gallery Ali Storybook Theatre Co based on the life of N J State Museum Jan 23, 24 and 30 at 2 p m W State St, Trenton Muhammad Ah Zdenek Macal conductor of the New doors open at 1 p m by Geoffrey Ewing & Graydon Jersey Symphony Free admission admission $6 (609) 292-6464 Royce Club Bene New Jersey premiere London Symphony Route 35, Sayreville Jan 28-March 7 Orchestra (732) 727 3000 Dee Jenkins: Crossroads Theatre Company Sir Colin Davis, conductor Oil Paintings 7 Livingston Ave Steven Isserlis, cello 19th Annual Super science through Feb 26 New Brunswick works of Elgar Beethoven weekdays (except Wed) tickets $25-$35 Jan 23 at 8 p m Weekend 9am -3pm (732) 249 5560 Prudential Hall hands-on activities, exhibits Manboe Gallery N J Performing Arts Center performances, planetarium Richard L Swig Arts One Center St, Newark Sat 1am to 5 p m Center Sun 11 a m to 5 p m tickets $15-$64 The Peddie School DANCE (888) GO-NJPAC New Jersey State Museum 205 W State St, Trenton S Mam St Hightstown Carolyn Dorf man Dance free admission (609) 490-7550 Company Princeton Chamber (609) 292-6464 Jan 24 at 2pm Symphony Owen Kanzler: Aerial Victoria Theater works of Stravinsky, Mackey, Photography Exhibit Vivaldi The unsinkabie Molly Brown N J Performing Arts Center Jan 22 & 23 at 8 p m through Jan 31 One Center St Jan 24 at 4 p m Mon-Fn,11 am-4 pm Richardson Auditorium Jan 24 at 3 p m Newark Kelsey Theatre Sun , 2-4 p m tickets $18, adults, Princeton University tickets $25 $28, $22, $24, Mercer Co Community College Barron Arts Center $9 children under age 14 Old Trenton Rd , West Windsor 582 Rahway Ave (888) GO NJPAC seniors, $6, $8, students This photo Candy Cane Ro_,. _, I..chard J (609) 258-5000 tickets $12, $8 students Woodbndge Dernier is on exhibit at the New Jersey state (609) 584-9444 (732)634-0413 Museum SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 1 3

FIRST PLACE — Bicentennial Chairwoman Kathleen Thorpe presents Ken Applegate with the grand prize for the monthly photo contest at the South Brunswick Public Library Jan. 13. Jackie Pollack/Greater Media

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Located at it. 130 S it. SSI in Dayton adjacent to Days Inn New Jersey < Fertility & Gynecology Center, P.A. ' 14 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 New vaccine may lessen worry about Lyme disease County awaiting CDC active Lyme, what happens to individuals » who have active Lyme disease and receive advice on who will ^ the-vaccine, Smith and hei group want to get protection 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 know. "If someone with a low level infection gets the vaccine, will it trigger an immune BY LINDA DENICOLA Monmouth 162 133 80 78 62 109 110 105 Staff Writer response?" Smith asks. County LYMErix isn't 100 percent effective he fiist vaccine to prevent Lyme and three shots over a full year are disease was approved by the U.S. Middlesex 36 59 23 24 35 80 71 n/a required to build optimal immunity. T Food and Drug Administration in County "But what tests have been done to late December, but regulators warn that determine the length of protection of the people should continue to take precautions vaccine beyond two years?" Smith asks. against the tiny ticks that carry the infec- Ocean 220 131 94 107 96 127 147 n/a Experts also believe Lyme disease may tion. County be under-reported. In Connecticut, data Several pharmaceutical companies indicate that, at best, only 16 percent of have developed vaccines, but SmithKline New Jersey 1,057 899 586 788 1,531 1,694 2,190 n/a Lyme disease cases were reported over Beecham Biologicals, a British company one year. with U.S. headquaiters in , n/a 9,465 9,895 8,257 13,043 11,700 16,455 12,801 The onset of Lyme disease is common- Pa., h the first company to win FDA ly associated with a characteristic skin appioval. Source' Monmouth County Health Department rash known as erythema migrans (EM), The vaccine holds hope for preventing which can vary in size and location. EM is the multi-stage bacterial infection caused that long-teim vaccine safety data isn't Ticks are a lesser problem in often accompanied by flu-like symptoms by the bite of ticks infected with the spi- available yet, and in many cases, that Middlesex County because of the higher including headache, fever, fatigue, joint ral-shaped bacterium, called a spirochete, demand for the vaccine is likely to exceed population and development density. In aches, muscle aches and a stiff neck. known as Bonelia burgdorferi. the risk of the disease. 1996, Monmouth County reported 110 When diagnosed early, Lyme disease According to company literature, Lyme disease has rapidly become the new cases of Lyme disease, while can usually be successfully treated with LYMEnx has been proven effective in the most common tick-borne illness, with Middlesex reported 71 cases. antibiotics without any long-lasting com- prevention of both definite Lyme disease cases reported in 48 states. More than Michael Meddis, assistant public plications. However, diagnosis can be dif- (characteristic symptoms with scrologic 99,000 cases weie reported to the CDC health coordinator for Monmouth County, ficult because symptoms may imitate diagnosis) and asymptomatic infection, between 1982 and 1996. People at highest said the county will consider providing the other illnesses. which means no symptoms, but seiologic risk include those living in, working in, or vaccine at some time. If undetected and left untreated, the diagnosis of infection. traveling to, endemic aieas in the United "It's a very new vaccine. The CDC Lyme bacteria can spread to other parts of "The" approval of LYMErix is especial- States, including the Northeast, upper will eventually come out with some kind the body months to years following a tick ly significant foi people who live in, or Midwest and Pacific coastal areas. of recommendation on who should get the bite and progress to late-stage Lyme dis- travel to, infected, tick-infested areas, or According to a recent study published vaccine," he said. ease. The bacteria can affect the joints, people who enjoy outdoot activities in in Clinical Therapeutics magazine, the Pat D. Smith, president of the Lyme tendons, heart or nervous system, poten- these areas," said Dr. Vijay Sikand, clini- economic burden of Lyme disease in the Disease Association of New Jersey, locat- tially resulting in arthritis, heart abnormal- cal trial investigator and adjunct assistant United States is estimated to be $2.5 mil- ed in Jackson, and a past chairwoman of ities such as heat block and myocarditis professor of medicine, Tufts University lion in direct and indirect medical costs the Governor's Lyme Disease Advisory (inflammation of the muscular walls of the School of Medicine, Medford, Mass. over a five-year period. Council, has misgivings. "I wish the vac- heart) and Bell's palsy (paralysis of one or "Now that a vaccine will be available, New Jersey ranks high among stales cine was an end-all and a be-all, but it's both sides of the face.) at-iisk individuals should start getting vac- affected by the disease, which is caused not. Our association has not taken a posi- Previous infection with Borreha cinated against Lyme disease in oidei to by a bacterium carried by pin-sized deer tion for or against it," she said. burgdorferi may not confer protective begin building immunity for the upcoming ticks that are found nationwide, but are According to Smith, there are a num- immunity. Therefore, people with a prior Lyme disease season," he said. especially prevalent in the Northeast and ber of questions about the vaccine, espe- history of Lyme disease may benefit from Bui deciding who should get the vac- upper Midwest. cially since there is no effective test for vaccination with LYMEnx, according to cine may piove to be tricky. Members of In Monmouth County, there were 105 the diagnosis of Lyme disease. CDC stan- the FDA. the Advisory Committee on Immunization reported cases of Lyme disease in 1997. dards require a diagnosis to include either In addition to getting vaccinated with Practices at the federal Centers for The greatest populations of ticks can be the characteristic bull's-eye rash or a posi- LYMErix, people can decrease their risk Disease Contiol and Prevention grappled found in the area around Naval Weapons tive blood test, in addition to signs that a by avoiding tick-mfested areas, tucking in with some of the unique aspects of the Station Earle in Colts Neck, Turkey major system of the body has been affect- pants and shirts, wearing light-colored vaccine, including the fact that the risk of Swamp Park in Freehold Township and ed. Many cases don't fit that definition, so clothing which makes it easier to spot the disease varies gieatly around the coun- Allaire State Park in Wall and along the the reports only represent a fraction of ticks, using insect repellents containing try, that the vaccine won't initially be Manasquan River in Howell, according to actual cases, she said. DEET and checking family members and appioved for children under 15 years old, health officials. Since there is no effective test for pets for the presence of ticks. Lyme vaccine should be available in weeks

BY LINDA _ burgdorferi. The vaccine-induced anti- said, adding LYMErix is made up of individuals ranging from 15 to 70 years Siaff~Writer~ bodies in the blood of the host are taken OspA, old at 31 U.S. sites in endemic areas. up by the tick and interact with the Still, with this vaccine, and others Results from the multi-center, double- lthough a new vaccine for the Borrelia burgdorferi in the midgut of the that are in the FDA pipeline, the action blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial prevention of Lyme disease has tick, preventing transmission of the by the FDA is m important milestone ill demonstrated vaccine efficacy rates of A been approved by the federal organism to the host. the prevention, of Lyme disease. 78 percent against definite Lyme disease Food and Drug Administration, public The antibodies ingested by the tick According to Eddie Gray, vice presi- and 100 percent against asymptomatic health officials are reluctant to strongly wipe out the bacteria, but the bacteria is dent and director of the U.S. Vaccine infection after three doses. After two recommend the vaccine because there is constantly changing, said Fat D, Smith, Business Unit for the manufacturer, doses, the vaccine's efficacy rates were little safety data as yet. president of the Lyme Disease Smith-Kline Beecham,."The approval of 50 and 83 percent, respectively. According to the Lyme Disease Association of New Jersey, located in LYMErix means the threat of Lyme dis- Study participants received three Association of New Jersey Inc., individ- Jackson, and a past chairwoman of the ease may be significantly reduced for doses of LYMEiix or plaeebo on a 0-, 1- uals together with their doctors need to Governor's Lyme Disease Advisory millions of Americans who spend time alid l?-month schedule. Compliance in make the decision whether or not to use Council. outdoors or plan to travel to endemic ,, the study was high with 95 percent of the vaccine. The bacteria inside a tick that is feed- areas." participants completing the 20-mdnth Initially, the vaccine Will only be ing on a vaccinated host are mostly LYMErix may also b& associated study. . available to people aged 15 and older, destroyed. Recent research in one major with local injection-sitejeeactions includ- LYMEfix-should be available within LYMErix is a genetically engineered medical journal indicated that certain ing redness and swelling, flu-like symp- weeks. - vaccine that contains lipoproteiti OspA, people are OspA sensitive and the vac- toms, arthralgias and myalgias. For more information on Lyme dis- an outer-surface protein of the causative cine triggers an auto immune response The vaccine was evaluated in a land- ease and LYMErix, caH toll-free 1-888- Lyme disease bacterium, Borrelia like arthritis that is not treatable, §mith mark clinical trial that enrolled 40,936 LYMERIX;, ext 500. SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 1 S S.B. employee pens 'Kids & Koins' book MEETING PLACE TO RESPOND TO AN AD, CALL jL~y 00" / / 3"" Health inspector $1.99 PER MINUTE. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER.

shares his loye LIFE'S BETTER SHARED LOOKING FOR LOVE DISCREET FRIENDSHIP 60 yr old, 57", white female Single male, 37, sincere, hon- Tall, attractive, divorced white of coin collecting enjoys dancing, dining out, est, financially and emotional- male blond hair & blue eyes, romance, the outdoors and ly secure, with a medium build professional & educated more Seeking a white, Christ- and a positive attitude on life Searching a female for dis BY CHARLES W.KIM Ian male, 55 to 68, non-smok- Likes conversations, movies, creet friendship BOX 33859 CaUI-900-773-6602 er with a sense of humor, lor a dining out, working out, music Staff Writer $1.99 per mm. long term relationship BOX and more Looking for caring, DISTINGUISHED 37981 honest, romantic woman, for Widowed/divorced male, 59, lasting friendship, possible 5 9", 180 lbs, handsomo sin- ENDANGERED SPECIES POSITIVE CINDERELLA 48 yr old 54', green eyed, relationship BOX 36159 cere loving, supportive and wen Ravino has a hobby he HIV positive Cinderella is look- loyal In search of a bright, brown haired, white female, ing for Prince Charming to enjoys sharing with kids. Ravino, animal lover, is looking for a CALL ME SOON articulate, attractive lady who spend the rest of their lives 64 yr old 5"10, 165 Ib self can let a good man into her white mafs 48 to 52 for com happily over after BOX 15554 who lives in the Keasbey section panianship and who knows employed, widowed male, heart forever Interests include O what slse? BOX 11360 FRIENDS FIRST secure, and is looking for a reading social functions and of Woodbridge and works part time as a 54 yr old, single white female, slim lady 50 to 60, for dating especially travel BOX 32568 SWEET, LOYAL, HONEST divorced, non-smoker, petite, Looking for friendship, and health inspector for South Brunswick Divorced white female, petite enjoys the beach, long life, maybe a long term relation- ENJOYABLE TIMES and pretty, with blonde hair, garage sales, the country and ship Enjoys long rides, sports, 64yrold white widowed mate, Township, is an avid coin collector. and green eyes In search of more Looking for single a dinners and just an over all 5'9', 165 lbs, self employed, **4 fit, attractive emotionally, white male 55 to 60, for good time BOX 32573 secure and very outgoing "I started with the tips I made as a financially secure, good friendship first and possibly PHYSICALLY FIT Enjoys sports long rides, din- naturcd man For long term more later BOX 3549B Divorced white male 53 good ing out, watching television paper boy," explained Ravino, who was relationship 44 to 52 BOX dancing, movies and more THE LATEST THING looking humorous, 6 1 , 209 32578 lbs, fit, non-smoker and social Looking for a slim lady, 50 to then an 11 -year-old living in Boston. New to the area Petite, single 60, for dating friendship and Ai TRADITIONAL VALUES white female, brown hair and drinker, lovos animals Seek- ing a female who is deeply maybe long term relationship As an adult, he continued to explore 65 plus, white widowed eyes, non-smoker, enjoys BOX 36282 female sernl retired healthy & movies theater dining out sensitive and into physical fit- his hobby further. No longer dependent attractive Seeking a caring and long walks Seeks a jew- ness to be my true partner gentleman, around the same ish male, between 50 and 60 Enjoy dining out, quiet on neighborhood tips, "I was able to with similar interests BOX evenings, and trying anything age with family values & at least ones BOX241B5 afford good coins," said the semiretired believes in the old ways of 36245 doing things, for friendship LOOKING FOR LOVE Gall 1-900-773-6602 , _ itiis: Enjoys dining out, travel, ITALIANS COOK1N' former research scientist. S'B", 154 Ib, Italian, single 52 year old single, white, pro- •$1.99permin. SHARING THE KNOWLEDGE — Owen movies, theater & more Non- whits female, enjoys going out fessional male, 6'2', 215 lbs, A change in geography also gave Ravino is the author of Kids & Koins, a smokers please. BOX 39201 for a drink, movies, cooking enjoys the shore, dining, PLACE YOUR FREE AD TODAY Ravino, 62, a chance to attend coin shows U WONT BE SORRYM and quiet times at home movies, sports long walks, Ate you and your firiond looking to book that teaches kids about the hobby 53 yr old tall and attractive, Looking tor that speciap l guy and more In search of slim, moot two mco people to go out in Cherry Hill and City on a of coin collecting. red headed female, likes around 6'6,' 2000 lb lbs BOX attractive, singlo or divorced, willi? If so, place your FREE ad in Allantic City, travel, sports, 36246 white female 40-52, with sim- our Double Dating category by call dining out and the stock mar- ilar interests for a long term ing 1-000 647-8403 regular basis. He has used his love of Jackie Pollack/Greater Media BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL relationship BOX 32508 ket Looking for a tall, attrac- 23 yr old, physically fit white numismatics to go into schools and teach tive gentloman, caring, female Enjoys working out, SHARE MY WORLD children the basics, something, he said, explains the language of coin collecting focusod, sensitive and roman- music, movies and! dining out 40 yr old, 6'3', 205 Ib, divorced tic BOX 39256 Seeking a physically fit single while male, nice looking with "has brought me special joy." and methods used to determine a coin's, SEEKING SPECIAL GENT whits male, 22 to 28, with a brown hair and green eyes Widowed semt-relired, 65 great berise of humor and sim- Looking for an attractive, worth. ilar interest for a possible rela- shapely, white female, 35 lo plus, good health atlractive, tionshlp BOX 132Q2 non- smokor Seeking caring, 45 to share our world BOX Call 1-900-773-6602 Ravino also lists various organizations gentleman in same age group RED HEADED BLUE EYED 327B6 $1.99 per min. and clubs throughout the country through with family values Would like 37 pretty white, female on to hnvo truo fnond, someone full figured side smoker, hon- AWESOME HUNK IN HOG HEAVEN.... which readers can learn more about the to talk to and dine with Enjoys est, caring & affectionate Blue eyed, divorced whito 6'4', 160 Ib, bi male with trips to Atlantic City, movies, Enjoys movies, candlelight Christian male, 42, 5'11 165 Drown hair and blue eyes In |he Sp hobby. plays BOX 32575 dinners long walks & amuse- lbs honest, reliable, sensual Enjoys btkor magazines biker One in a hundred catch Basi ment parks Seeks truly movies, bike runs and motor- CUTE GUY ALERT1I romnntic, attractive, intelligent, cally modest, except in this ad, The prize of Ravino's personal collec- 49, looks 30,'s, beautiful due to no calls Enjoys out- cycles. Looking for another white male, 35-45, 5M0", male, tor discreet times and tion is an "Isabella" quarter minted in the brunette, search of above must be emotionally & finan- doors, travel, romance Seeks average looking man, 35 to cially secure, with great ssnse very atlractive, white female helping me explore my new very an foallngs BOX 10450 Among other benefits, Ravino said, United States in 1893. 45, 5'11' to 6T\ at loast 200 of humor BOX 32576 inside a.ndoui t BOX 32806 Ib, for monogamous happy FRIENDS FIRST "children will gain the experience of his- Only 24,000 were made and not many times together BOX 37296 CALL 4 MORE DETAILS WANTED SPECIAL LADY 46 yr old, gay, white male, 36 yr old Jewish female with a Single white male, 47, 5'10", 5'10", 165 lt>, good looking, tory through our coins." are around today, making them valuable. CIRCLE THIS ADIl! heart of gold Enjoys antiques, 175 lbs, nonsmaker, hand- muscular, fit & heallhy Enjoys Single, white, Jewish female, movies, gardening and more some sincere onioys dining gym workouts, socializing, din- In 1990, he went a step further, writing In 1985, he was offered $8,000 for his 34, fun loving, honest, attrac- Seeking a male with a sense out, dancing, movies, quiet Ing out, movies, theater, as tive with brown hair and eyes. of humor and values BOX times In search of one very well as quite times at home a book to teach children about his hobby. prize, he said. Enjoys dining out, sports, 109B3 special lady, 30 plus, for dat- Seeks similar gay while male movies quiet times and much ing, friendship, possible seri- LET'S FALL IN LOVE 40 to 50 years old for fnend- Titled Kids & Koins, the book took "Kids get excited about the coins; it more Looking for a single, ous long term relationship, shlp, possible more Middlex white, Jewish male, 32 to 44, Pretty, young, trim, sincere, marriage No drugs, no smok- single, white female, early or Monmouth counties pre- Ravino about two years to complete and takes them on a flight," he said. with similar interests, for ers Children welcomo BOX ferred BOX 32552 friendship and a possible rela- 40's, with brown eyes Looking 32544 provides a history of coins in North In his book dedication to his wife tlonship BOX 37532 for a warm, affectionate, non- smoking, divorced, white busi- U MIGHT BE America and information about collecting. Cathy, son Allan and grandchildren, he SO MUCH TO OFFER! nessman, in his 50's, for a Surprised! Single white 55 plus, 5'5", 125 Ib, widowed long term, meamngfut relation- male, young looking 65, non- One of the early chapters focuses on writes, "I hope my book brings a lot of white professional female with ship. BOX 11230 smoker who enjoys dining out, blonde hair and hazel eyes dancing, movies and quiet Colonial-era coins which were made of sunshine to all the kids who read it." Seeking a white professional evenings at home. Looking for CalM-900-773-6602 male, 55 to 65, non-smoker, a good looking, 52-62 yr old, wood and based on the British monetary The 52-page paperback book sells for with a sense of humor. BOX ME^SEEKING petite, slim white female with $1.99 per min. system. 10776 similar interests BOX 12401 $9.50, and is available through Ravino, or HONEST & SINCERE! SEEKING REAL FRIENDS 56 yr old, 5', outgoing, TABLE IS SET The book also includes tales about from Stone House Coins on Park Avenue Call 1-900-773-.6602 Single white male, 36 yr, non- Single, white female 27, divorced white female with a §51.99 per mm. (STRAIGHT) seeks singlo, variety of interests Seeking smoker, down to earth, inde- Spanish shipwrecks and sunken treasure, in Scotch Plains. pendent, good looking, easy an honest, sincere male with a CAN THIS BE MAGIC? while female, (STRAIGHT), sense of humor. BOX 11277 going, honest and caring I Single, white male, early 5O's, enjoy the movies, dining out, 22-32, for friendship. I enjoy LIFE'S BETTER SHARED attractive, financially secure, being together Looking for rock clubs, bars, bowling, the non-smoker, 5'10', 170 lbs, 55 year old divorced white someone compatible Likes to movies, shopping, karaoke, IN BRIEF female, 5'5", 130 lbs, brown brown hair and eyes Likes the have fun Enjoys each others eyes, black hair, attractive, beach,, travel, music, reading company BOX 32532 working out and . I secure, fit Looking for some- and dining out in search of would like a true friend to do very attractive, single, white, one to share life's experiences HONEST AND REAL thesawith BOX 32571 Waldorf School to hold open house Jan. 30 with BOX 11295 female, 371o 47, non smoker, Single male 42, looks 32 & for possible for long term rela- acts 12 5'9", 1901b Athletic MARRIAGE MINDED tionship BOX 32577 build, non-smoker, enjoys The Waldorf School in Princeton will on the curriculum. Single white female, mid 50's, motorcycles, cars, bikes, long A NEW FRIEND GUI DELINKS enjoys Atlantic City, cards, 60 yr old, S'9", 160 Ib, male walks talks, drives, movies, & hold a Grade School Open House on The school also offers a nur- traveling, dancing and more malls Seeking female with I lit. Publisher assumes no lit)bill cross dresser Is seeking ly for ihe contents oi, or replies to Jan. 30. Interested families are invited to sery-kindergarten program for children Looking for a male, 58 to 65, anothsr male cross dresser similar interests for endless for a long term relationship for fun and friendship BOX possibiltys long term relation- any pa sonal advertisements pfepsidcglluig a^couhritllows you. to call 'MIL Meeting Plnie. When you Editor to offer tips on turning idea into book respond to J Meeting Plate ad • Meeting Placefrom v1//)'TouchTpnephohei:Th|sinckides business- your phone* bill will reflect a tli irge of il lW per minute Hit. Barnes & Noble of Princeton will offer Management. A former editor at • es, 900 number blocked phones anc) my phones." •">• •'•'•• ''*•• Meeting I'tnu. is providLd by Doubleday, Robertson also teaches at Greater Mcdtfi and Adiuncul a session on how to create a winning book Telecom Services, Wayne, PA proposal at 7 p.m. today. "From Idea to Mercer County Community College, West I9087 'to -changs. or renew your '(24 hours/7 days itwsekj; ad or for customer service, tall t- Published Book" will be led by Rob Windsor. For information on the talk, call 800-247-1287 hmn "> am to 5 pm (609)716-1570. Monday ttiTOUgh faulay Copy- Robertson of Princeton Literary Most .major credit cards accepted right l«W0 ATS 1/15/99 MOC Musical Theatre sets 'Grease' auditions The MOC Musical Theater will hold Open auditions for dancers will be Jan. 30 TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL l-800-647~8403- open auditions for chorus members for its at 2 p.m. Auditions will be held at the the- See a complete selection of singles between Sports and Classified. production of the musical Grease today and ater company's studio at 494 Valley Road, Tuesday at 7 p.m. and on Jan. 30 at 10 a.m. Upper Montclair. Call (973) 744-3133. SENTINEL JANUARY 21 1999

AND ALL INTERESTED RESIDENTS CONCERNED WITH PROMOTING LEADERSHIP SKILLS IN OUR YOUS\iG WOIVSEN LEASE JOIN US FOR THE 2ND ANNUAL WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE JANUARY 23,1999 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. SOUTH BRUNSWICK HIGH SCHOOL • ATTEND LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS • MEET FEMALE LEADERS FROM YOUR COMMUNITY • ENJOY BREAKFAST AND LUNCH WITH YOUR FRIENDS • TAKE HOME A GIFT BAG FEATURING KEYNOTE SPEAKER LYNDA BAQUERO ANCHOR NEWSCHANNEL 4 Lynda Baquero (formerly LaVergne) is co-anchor of the No. 1 rated "Weekend Today in Mew York," airing Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. and Sundays from 6 a.m. -9am. In addition, she files reports for News Channel 4's weekday newscasts. Baquero joined News Channel 4 in October 1995 as a general reporter and began co-anchoring "Weekend " in May, 1996. She has also served as substitute anchor on all of "News Channel 4's" newscasts. In the Summer of 1996, Baquero filed reports for News channel 4's coverage of the Centennial Olympic games, joining the "Live at five" team in throughout the two week period. She also covered the breaking story of the bombing in Centennial Olympic Park In addition, Baquero has made several trips to to cover Hurricane Hortense and its aftermath, and, she has travelled to the island to interview the family of Yankee outfielder Bernie Williams. Baquero came to NBC 4 from NY1 News, where she was a daily news anchor and consumer reporter for three years. At NY1, Baquero was one of two dozen "Videojournalists" responsible for researching, writing, shooting and editing her own stories. Prior to NY1, Baquero was at WCBS-TV, New York for five years. There, she worked in almost every aspect of the newsroom — from desk assistant, to researcher, to assignment editor, and finally associate producer of the daily consumer action segment, "Troubleshooter." Baquero has also worked as an associate producer of "NELYI," a talk show produced at WCAU-TV, Philadelphia; and for "," where she wrote and co-produced various Spanish-language network specials. A graduate of , Baquero holds a bachelor of arts degree in broadcast journalism. She is a native New Yorker and fluent in both Spanish and French. Baquero and her husband reside in Manhattan. PRIREGiSTRATION IS SUGGESTED CALL HELEN SCHENCK OR BARBARA BUHL AT &B.H.& 732-329-4044 EXT. 3221 OR 3228 AWARDS: Nominations sought for women whose leadership role has made a significant contribution to the South Brunswick community. Submit name of nominee, accomplishment, your name, address and phone number by January 9,1999 to Debra Johnson, c/o South Brunswick Township, P.O. Box 190, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 (or deliver directly to Township Administration). SCHQIARSHBPS: Applications for scholarships to be awarded to female high school seniors who are residents of South Brunswick Township are now available. Contact Lindy Mandy at South Brunswick High School (732-329-4044 ext. 3220). Applications are due January 8,1999. Partial list of Sponsors: McDonalds, Frankie's Cafe, CME Engineering, Forsgate Industrial Complex, BGIA Insurance Brokers, MEDICIA, Williams Development, COSMAIR SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 17 Hiiili New academy for boys Music & art offered to slates open, house Sat. autistic children Punceton Academy of the Sacicd "Paient/Child Workshops in Music and Heait. an independent Catholic eJemen- Ait foi Childien with Autism or Autistic taiy school foi boys, will open in Behaviors" will lesumc on Satuidays horn Septembei. Initially, the school will offei classes from kindeigaiten thiough second Feb. 13 to May 1 at Rutgeis Univeisity in giade Ovei the ensuing yeais, the school New Biunswick. will expand to include classes thiough the The piogiam, now in its 15th yeai, is <£ TRIPLE BADRAN eighth-grade level. sponsored by Very Special Arts New MASTER TAJC9 INC. ••CHECK TAX CONSULTANTS The academy will host an open house Jersey in cooperation with the Dance and Year Round Professional Service Income Tax Service Since 1941 for prospective families on Saturday at Visual Arts departments of Rutgers Business Services More Than 55 yrs. Computerized Services Financial Services of Excellence. noon in the front lobby of Stuart Country University. Funding has been made possi- Cinemas Plaza Shopping Center Do You Understand all the New Tax Laws? Day School, located at 1200 Stuart Road, ble by the United Way of Central Jersey, 3598 Route 27 We Do! Put our Expertise to work for you. Princeton. A presentation will be made by Very Special Arts and the New Jersey Kendall Park, N.J. the academy's headmaster, Olen Kalkus. State Council on the Arts/Department of Triple Check of Dayton Badran Tax Consultants Members of the Board of Trustees will State, a partner agency of the National 732-297-1070 353 Georges Rd. 5 Elm Row, New Brunswick also be on hand to answer any questions. Endowment of the Arts. 732-329-1200 732-937-9797 The school's mission is the total devel- The ten Saturday sessions will provide opment of each child: intellectual, moral, youngsters with experiences in music and social, spiritual, emotional and physical. art that will serve as an introduction to the For more information, contact Find So Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart, arts while developing communication and P.O. Box 3052, Princeton, NJ. 08540; or socialization skills. Youngsters ages 3 - phone (609) 92]-6499. 17 are invited to participate. Registration will be accepted on a first-come, first- served basis. SCORE celebrating VSA/NJ is a nonprofit state organiza- ON NEW CABS* tion dedicated to providing expanded arts lOO's of Vehicles 35th anniversary opportunities to residents with disabilities. Chapter No. 631 of the Service Corps to Choose from of Retired Executives (SCORE) will cele- VSA/NJ is cosponsored by the Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage brate 35 years of SCORE counseling and Auto Dealers training nationwide. Counseling sessions Commission. are held Wednesdays at the Summit Bank For information and registration appli- Training Center in Jamesburg and on cations, contact Karen Singer, Very Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Princeton Special Arts NJ, 703 Jersey Avenue, New Every Week in the Chamber of Commerce in Princeton. To Brunswick, NJ. 08901; (732) 745-3885, Automotive Section of arrange an appointment with counselors, (732) 745-5935 or (732) 745-3913 for the call the Princeton Chamber of Commerce heaiing impaired. Application deadline is Greater Media Newspapers at (609) 520-1776. Jan. 27. IVetv« Transcript * /nifepentfojit • Scrtinel • S.iourban

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Your #1 choice for online classifieds. ^ TM 8355 1 8 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 Keeping horses in top form Veterinarians at New Jersey Equine Clinic treat patients from around the world BY DAN MILLER "Staff Writer r. Scott Palmer had two important goals in mind D when he purchased Top Step Horse Farm in Millstone Township from Fran Marino in 1997. First, he had been looking for a new location to expand his busi- ness, the New Jersey Equine Clinic, and the 130-acre farm on Millstone Road gave him a per- fect opportunity to do just that. Second, Palmer wanted to lock up the development rights to one of Millstone's largest horse farms, a dwindling commodity in the rural- suburban town in Monmouth County, and restrict the site from ever being developed for res- idential purposes. "I had no interest in develop- ing this property, so for me, this was a good match," he said. It's not too early to say that Palmer has accomplished both goals in a very successful fashion. Palmer, 48, has 23 years of experience in equine medicine. A native of Reading, Pa., he received his veterinary degree from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, in 1976. He likes to SPECIAL ENVIRONMENT — Dr. Scott Palmer unwraps sterilized instruments while technicians pre- describe himself pare to drape a patient prior to surgery at the New Jersey Equine Clinic. as a "horse doc- tor" because that's basically what he is. He is certified in equine practice with the American Board of Veter- 8 inary Practi- tioners, specializ- ing in veterinary medicine. Palmer's asso- ciate, Dr. Patricia Hogan, is certified in large animal TELLTALE SIGNS — Veterinary technician surgery by the Jennifer Stewart monitors the vital signs of a American College horse undergoing surgery at the New Jersey of Veterinary Sur- Equine Clinic, Millstone Township. geons. ing the opportunity" to preserve For many years, Palmer's the farm's development rights, equine clinic was located at a Palmer said. small 6-acre site several miles The three-way deal was bro- down the road from Top Step kered among Palmer, Marino and Farm. He moved into his new township officials, Palmer said. location during the July Fourth Of the approximate $1.5 mil- weekend last summer and was lion purchase price for Top Step open for business on July 6. Farm that was concluded in Some of the benefits Palmer October 1997, township officials said he has at his new location agreed to pay about half of the include: purchase price to Marino to pre- • having more space to operate serve the property's development his business. rights. Palmer paid about "I can do a better job," Palmer $700,000 to become the owner of said. "The old facility was a the property. remodeled garage that was not "Township officials have been designed" for a horse hospital. very cooperative and helpful • better opportunities to edu- through all this," he said. cate people about the equine • maintain an agricultural cen- EASY DOES IT — Dr. Scott Palmer and veterinary technician Bill Nebel lower a horse Into a padded practice, with a room in the hos- ter. recovery room following an operation. The padding protects the animal from injuring itself as it pital devoted to education. • allow for expanded services recovers from the effects of drugs it has been given before and during the procedure. • having the opportunity to he didn't have at his former loca- participate in an open space and tion, such as new imaging facili- Palmer also has 17 additional his previous location he had to petitors in the sport of horse rac- farmland preservation program. ties (radiography lab), full X-ray stables available (from 18 to 35) ship horses elsewhere after ing. The remainder are pleasure "I personally felt our town has facilities, two operating rooms which allow him to keep his horse surgery. horses or show horses, the equine lost so much open space and I (instead of one) and the ability for "patients" at the equine center Palmer said about 75 percent specialist said. feel I have been blessed for hav- orthopedic and general surgery. until they are fully recovered. At of the patients he treats are com- When Palmer bought the facil- SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 19 Virginia. all over the world send their hors- Palmer said horses are similar es here for surgery," he said, to humans in that they each have adding that he occasionally trav- a different personality. els to Florida or California to "Some are easy to manage and honor requests to perform sur- others are very difficult," the doc- gery. tor said. Much of the credit for the While Palmer or Hogan per- horses' daily care goes to his farm form all of the surgery, techni- manager, Len Beris, Palmer said. cians assist the doctors with other aspects of the operation. Palmer served as the general Following the operation, the contractor during the construction horse is taken to a recovery room. of the hospital at Top Step Farm. Padded walls are in place to pro- He hired Millstone residents Bill tect the horse as it emerges from Martin and Earl Smith to com- the effects of the medication. plete the carpentry and masonry Palmer said most surgeries are work, respectively. Resident Joe successful, but occasionally com- Carbin installed the plumbing, plications may arise, such as an while Tony Scaggs of Manalapan infection. However, that is a rare was the electrician. Others who occurrence, he said. helped the new clinic come to life The equine clinic also includes were Land Tech Engineering, a training facility which Palmer Clarksburg; Rob Kelly, Upper uses to teach veterinarians surgi- Freehold, painter; Armand Voca- cal techniques. In October, he turo, Howell, grading, paving; Al trained 18 veterinarians from all DeCandia, Manalapan, heating, over the world. He teaches a air conditioning; Tom Ritchie, course called equine laparoscopy, Manalapan, landscaping; and Ken which deals mostly with abdomi- Kwiecinski and Tony Zero, nal and some thoracic surgeries, Clarksburg, architects. he said. Palmer said he always wanted In the future, Palmer said, he is planning to make his facility to be a horse doctor, describing available to local 4-H groups or his calling as a "small, romantic other equine organizations in attachment I have to horses." Millstone. "I had horses as a child grow- The cost of services at the ing up. Just hearing horses gal- equine center can range from sev- loping in an open field is a STEADY AS SHE GOES • Technicians at the New Jersey Equine Clinic transport a patient to the tremendous feeling and means a operating room. eral hundred dollars into the thou- sands, depending on the nature of lot to me. This is not a job to me, it's my calling. It's in my soul," ity, he transformed an indoor arena the surgery, Palmer said. performed on horses who are kept the animal. said Palmer. into a hospital building. Horses are stationary on an operating table "We use arlhroscopes or endo- "About 125 veterinarians from shipped into the facility by truck between wooden stocks. scopes and attach a TV camera through a loading ramp. The ani- During a visit to the equine and view the image on the mals are weighed to determine the center, Hogan was performing screen," Palmer said. doses of medication they will arthroscopy on a horse diagnosed "We do ultrasound examina- require. X-rays are then taken to with bone fragments, using lasers tions of tendon and ligament confirm the diagnosis. and aided by a television screen injuries and we use lasers a lot," Upper airway surgeries are that showed the damage inside he explained, noting that surgery may last from 30 minutes to al- most three hours. In explaining how the process works, Palmer said an injured horse is examined by its primary veterinarian. After that ex- amination the veterinarian speaks with the owner to discuss the options and to determine if the horse requires shipment to the equine clinic. Once the animal arrives at the equine center, X-rays are taken to confirm the diagnosis and surgery is performed, if necessary, the doctor said. "We can keep the horses here from one day to six months," Palmer said. "We now have more A BETTER VIEW — Dr. Scott Palmer lines up an X-ray machine to room to keep the horses until they expose the plate behind a patient's leg. heal." The New Jersey Equine Clinic doesn't perform emergency ab- dominal surgery because it does not have a large enough staff, but Palmer said that is in his long- range plans. "We do mostly fractures and general surgeries," he said, adding that the equine patients vary in age, with some brought in with congenital defects from birth. Palmer operated his practice at his former facility on Millstone Road for 22 years until moving to Top Step Farm last summer. Hogan joined him several years ago. The doctors perform about 15 surgeries each week, he said, on patients typically from New PINPOINTING THE PROBLEM — Dr. Scott Palmer talks with Karen York, New Jersey, Delaware, TENDER TOUCH — Dr. Palmer performs arthroscopic surgery. Sulley about her horse's X-ray and what it may mean to the Maryland, Pennsylvania and animal's future. • • • - • Photos by Augusto F.Menezes/Greater Media • FOR SPECIAL PRICES CALL ^pss(212) 307" 4S50 AND GIVE THE CODE JGMN. FORD CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS cffi {•HTRAN CES T HE MEW 4 2 MOST RE E T AND 43 R B S T. R E ET Tickets are available by phone FORD CENTER ARTS (box office entrancion West 43rd Street between Broadway a»d 8th Avenue) with a copy of this ad, This offer does not applyio pfeviouslly purchased tickets. Limit 8 tickets per order. This offer does not apply to group orders and is subject to availability. SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 •iiliiil fiom the chuich by calling (732) 297-4607 St. Barnabas Church mornings or purchasing them after a ser- Arts group to host vice or at the spaghetti dinner set for Feb. slates Spaghetti Dinner 6 from 5-7 p.m. The drawing will be held anniversary celebration St. Barnabas Episcopal Chuich will at 7 p.m. on Feb. 6. St. Barnabas Very Special Arts New Jersey will hold its annual Spaghetti Dinner on Feb. 6 Episcopal Church is located at 142 Sand hold an anniversary celebration on Sunday in the church hall, with continuous seating Hill Road, South Brunswick. to commemorate 20 yeais of providing from 5-7:30 p.m. The meal will include ai ts programs for individuals with disabil- spaghetti, choice of sausage or meatballs, ities. VSA/NJ's theatrical group, the salad, desserts, bread and coffee or milk. B'nai Tikvah to host Unlimited Potential Theater Company The public is invited to attend. Tickets (UPTCo), will present a benefit perfor- will cost $7.50 for adults, $4.50 for chil- talk on issues of aging mance of the children's play, Si. George dren and senior citizens. The church is The Sisterhood of Congregation B'nai and the Dragon, at 2 p.m. at the Plays-in- located at 142 Sand Hill Road in the Tikvah will present a talk by Susan Monmouth Junction section of South the-Park indoor theater, located on Biunswick. For information, call the Pomerantz of the Central New Jersey Roosevelt Drive, Edison. Other highlights church at (732) 297-4607. Jewish Home in Somerset for the Aged on of the day will include a children's art Sunday at 10 a.m. Pomerantz will discuss exhibit featuring drawings from students the home as well as issues concerning with the theme, "Dragons I Have Known," Rangers-Flyers tickets aging. Bagels and coffee will be served. a dessert reception and a raffle. Tickets The public is invited to attend the free are $10 for children, ages 16 and under, to be raffled off and $15 for adults. Adveitisement space Myron Pollard IV, Ilisa Miller program. Participants are requested to St. Barnabas Episcopal Church is sell- bring a package of un scented baby wipes in the VSA/NJ commemorative journal is Miller-Pollard ing tickets for a raffle of two sets of two to be donated to a local women's shelter. available for businesses and organizations; tickets each for the Feb. 28 game at Congregation B'nai Tikvah is located at costs range from $10 - $100. For informa- Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Miller of East Madison Square Garden between the New 1001 Finnegans Lane in North Brunswick. tion, call (732) 745-3885, (732) 745-5935 Brunswick announce the engagement of York Rangers and the Philadelphia Flyers or for the hearing impaired, (732) 745- their daughter, llisa Miller, to Myron hockey teams. Each ticket will be worth For information, call Joyce at (732) 937- 3913. Pollard IV, son of Myron Pollard III of $110. Chances arc available at $2 each 5114. North Brunswick and Joan Cutter of Tewksbury. The future bride is a graduate of East // \ Brunswick High School and Rider / University, Lawrenceville section of c Lawrence, where she earned a bachelor of VrAc^ v " aits degree in communications. She is em- ployed as a commercial copy coordinator by WWOR-TV, Sccaucus. Her fiance is a graduate of Hillsborough High School; Rantan Valley Community College, North Branch section of Branchburg; and the Chubb Institute, Paisippany, where he earned a certificate in computer programming. He is employed as a computer programmer by Merrill Lynch and Co. Inc., Princeton. An October wedding is planned.

JFK Medical Center in Edison CitI Protective Services, Inc. announced the following local birth: Kristin and Mario Visco of Kendall Park, a daughter, Stephanie Patricia on Dec. 12.

Offer covers parts and installation of our standard alarm system 36-month monitoring agreement required at $24.95 a month $L7M approved Certain restrictions may apply Telephone connection fee may be required Satisfactory credit history required Continued from page 1 an assessment committee would determine how much the improvement adds to the value of individual properties. He said that the township will notify property owners of BE THE FIRST any change in their property assessments. Seveial residents along Friendship Road asked questions of the council during the IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD public hearing on the ordinance. Zoya Pugh asked the council whether connection to the line would be mandatory TO GET A for residents who now depend on wells for their water supply. Busch said that he would have to consult TAX REFUND the code book to see if hooking up to the Why wait? If the IRS owes you money, you'll get your refund in half the time it usually takes. With IRS line was mandatory. e-file, we can file your return electronically from our computer to the IRS. It's simple, secure and the Pugh said that her husband had signed a fastest way to file. And there's quick proof from the IRS that your return has been accepted. IRS e-file petition supporting the line, but did not real- is so accurate, there's less chance you'll get "one of those letters" from the IRS. We're an "Authorized ize that the decision of whether to hook up IRS e-file Provider." Come in - or call - to find out more about IRS e-file. would not be totally optional. "I would like his name removed from CLICK. ZIP. FAST ROUND TRIP. the petition," Pugh said. "There will also be, if you choose to tie in, a facilities charge and whatever charge your contractor charges to put the pipe in the ground," Nieman said. "If you choose not to tie in, minimally there may be an assessment if it is determined that the line TAX INC- adds value to your property." The township is also still negotiating 3598 HOyTE 17, ICENPALL PAH1C, Hi with East Brunswick for additional water. 22 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999

liiilil Twp* needs to clarify

ased on complaints made ments were made by the mayor at Tuesday's Township and then confirmed by icsolii- Council meeting by Uon. Lewis Schwartz, who served on Page 3 of the agenda reads the township's Charter Study "Resolution - Confirmation of Commission, there is sonic con- Mayor's Appointments," fol- fusion about appointments made lowed by a list of board and at the Jan. 1 organizational meet- committees, including the plan- ing. ning and zoning boards. Schwartz claims thai Mayor We certainly don't dispute Debra Johnson was not autho- the mayor's statement. rized to make appointments to On the other hand we respect the planning and zoning boards, Lewis Schwartz' opinion as a that, in fact, the appointments member of the Charter Commis- were the responsibility of the sion. entire five-member council. Because of the complete The mayor responded that the overhaul in the form of govern- appointments were, indeed, ment, it's possible there were made "by a majority vote of the some slip-ups. entire council." It's also possible that the So what's going on here? minutes were misinterpreted. If you look back at the Jan. 1 Whatever the case, for the organizational meeting agenda, sake of everyone, a clarification it does appear that the appoint- is in order.

Police Department and Pay raise should Department of Public Works more efficient form of govern- According to the N.J. Department have been without a new con- ment which removed the micro- Safety-lock creates of Health, not a single child was be reconsidered tract for several years. How in management responsibilities safety problems killed in a firearm accident in he mayor and council's from the Township Committee New Jersey in 1995, the last year good conscience could our he governor has proposed decision (with the excep- newly elected officials give members. That is why our newly statistics are available. T tion of the lone dissenter, themselves pay raises before elected officials are now called "that every gun sold in • Common sense says it is a Councilman Edward Van reaching settlements with these Township Council members. T New Jersey cither include mistake for the government to Hessen) to raise their salaries by dedicated employees? What I find it offensive that one of smart-gun technology or be fitted mandate untested and undevel- more than 40 percent was pre- message does that send to them? their first acts of business was to with a safety lock." She gave as oped technology. Gun-control ad- mature and arrogant. How will that impact morale introduce an ordinance that gave justification for her proposal the vocates claim that if car manufac- Regardless of political affilia- among these workers? them a pay raise. I work in the problem of youth violence, the turers could be mandated to tion, those who serve our com- If our representatives were private sector, and like other peo- recent school shootings and the include air bags, then firearm munity make many sacrifices of truly concerned about the wel- ple employed in the very com- need for "built-in protection for manufacturers should be mandat- personal and family time. There fare of this community, they petitive world of the private sec- our children." The Association of ed to include these "safety" are also the "hidden costs" of would never have increased their tor, have to go through an evalu- New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs devices. Firearms are used to pre- serving — requests to attend and pay before analyzing the time ative period before any pay raise (ANJRPC) urges the governor not vent both crime and murder, cars contribute to charities and non- spent on township business as a is granted. After that an annual to mandate devices that will do are not. political fund-raising events. For nothing to protect our children. committeeman vs. a council evaluation regulates any poten- • The ANJRPC has no objec- example, the weekends and member. This six-month review tial pay raises. I have yet to The ANJRPC, which is the evenings that many citizens receive a 40 - 47 percent National Rifle Association (NRA) tion to the sale of safety locks, would have enabled them to set- trigger locks and "smart-gun" devote to fix-up projects and tle outstanding contracts with increase in my salary with the State Association of New Jersey, maintenance of their residences same employer. has a membership of 22,000 indi- technology once it is developed. employee unions and provide Already, gun-control advo- are devoted to the business of the proof to the citizens that the sig- Didn't these individuals come viduals and 100 shooting sport people by dedicated commit- clubs. We raise the following cates are calling on the governor nificant salary increases were forward through their respected to drop the trigger-lock mandates teemen and women. warranted. parties and ask to be elected as points: Under the township commit- as not a strong enough alternative Hopefully, they will reconsid- council members? I do not • Most people are unaware that to smart guns. Mandating either tee form of government, due to er their first fumbled decision remember reading in their cam- trigger locks are dangerous if the responsibilities of a commit- paign literature that they believed device is not smart, politically or under our new form of govern- placed on a loaded firearm. practically. The governor has teeman, there is significant data ment. the position was underpaid and • Smart-gun technology, to support the assertion that they would take money from the been ill-advised by her staff. This VINCENT R. DeLUCIA firearms that can only be fired by proposal is politics at its worst. It those elected representatives are Former South Brunswick taxpayers to supplement their the authorized user, is in the early underpaid. However, under our expense accounts. Let them justi- uses children but has nothing to Township Mayor stages of development and there do with child safety. It uses the new form of government, those fy their expenses and maybe we, are still serious flaws with both responsibilities fall to the town- the community, can belter under- serious problem of "youth vio- fingerprint and battery-operated lence" but will do nothing to stop ship manager. To demonstrate Council action stand their request and possibly technology. the reduced time that our mayor youth violence. offer them in kind donations. I • Mandating safety locks or and council will devote to the offends resident also understand the office of the "Childproof guns" might business of South Brunswick, t is with great interest that I personalized guns will not reduce sound good in the media, but it is mayor is in the process of being youth violence. they have reduced the number of watch this new form of gov- redecorated. The cost for this is a lie. There are no such guns any council meetings by 25 percent. ernment unfold. It is with at least $5,000. • Smart-gun technology or more than there are cars that I trigger locks are not going to stop Why would they vote themselves great dismay that I watch our I want to remind the members won't crash. By mandating so- a 40 percent raise and reduce new council members begin their a criminal, a seriously disturbed called safety devices, the govern- of the council that they are elect- youth or a psychopath intent on their official time devoted to legislative careers. I, like every ed and even though the next elec- ment will end up giving the crimi- township business by 25 per- other resident, received my copy murder. nal a dangerous advantage over tion is two years away, three of • Trigger locks render firearms cent? of the recommendation of the them will have to come back to the law-abiding citizen. Of greatest concern is the Charter Study Commissioners, the community for a vote of con- useless in self-defense situations. arrogance of voting themselves which was mailed in September fidence to be re-elected. It takes too long to remove the lock and load the firearm. NANCY ROSS this pay raise while failing to set- of 1997. Spokeswoman tle contracts with several em- I read how this form of gov- KUNHYONG LEE • New Jersey does not have a Association of New Jersey firearm child-safety problem. ployee unions. Members of our ernment is supposed to be a Monmouth Junction Rifle & Pistol Clubs SENTINEL JANUARY 21 1999 23

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Freehold Toms River West Creek Edison Lakewood Yardvllle Belmar Long brancn waretown ADsecon California 8 New Road | 225 Throckmorton Street Chestnut Street US HtjKoi Crass njM 1O25Boute1 South 515 Route 528 111 MarUnsLana 160118th Avenue 582 Overton Place Routs 9 732 6011414 609 693 3000 8003310356 800 3001860 732 9053226 609 597 2233 tOO 23S 0963*732 5(91234 732 905 3131 800-552 5525'SO! 5854422 732222 3171 24 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 Honoring King

HONORING THE DREAM — Above, left to right, the Rev. John Heinsohn of the Kingston Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Bertha Williams, pastor of Mount Zion A.M.E. Church Little Rocky Hill, and the Rev. Francis A. Hubbard of St. Barnabas Episcopal in South Brunswick join in singing "We Shall Overcome." Below, soloist Ed Martin sings "If I Can Help Somebody" at the Gail Dysleski, recently named Library Trustee of the Year by the Libraries of Middlesex County. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. interfaith community service at the Kingston Presbyterian Church on Sunday night. "Encourage your children to read their community Augusto F. Menezes/Greater Media newspaper every week."

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All items in Police Beat are taken from A South River resident reportedly lost p m Holman was processed and released Police reported that a purse containing police department records All suspects are his 12-gauge shotgun somewhere in the on her own recognizance $40 in cash was stolen from the presumed innocent until found guilty in township during the morning of Jan 16 Police arrested Alexander James Department of Motor Vehicles office be- court The man said that he had left the Brown, 21, of 110 Wright Place, New tween 4 30 p m and 9 20 p m. on Jan 6 Remington, semi-automatic shotgun on top Brunswick, for simple assault and theft Police arrested Charles Halterman, 30, of his vehicle after hunting near the intei- charges after he allegedly stole a South of Pennsylvania, at 6 04 p m on Jan 12 Illlllililllli section of Routes 535 and 522 He told Brunswick man's bowling ball, then struck after allegedly finding him to be in posses- police that he drove home and discovered him outside Carolier Lanes, Route 1 sion of marijuana following a traffic stop at the gun missing He also said that he had Brown was arrested on Jan 16 at 10-45 Route 18 and Tices Lane Following a motor vehicle stop at retraced his route home but didn't find the p m He was processed and released on Police reported that sometime Route 1 and Stouts Lane on Jan 11 at gun, which he valued at $536 his own recognizance between 8 am and 9 am on Jan. 17, 11 48 p m , police arrested Scott Richard $4,720 worth of jewelry and other personal Tatanan, 29, of Seaside Heights and belongings were stolen from the locker charged him with possession of a con- NORTH BRUNSWICK room of Sally's Fitness on Edgeboro Road trolled dangerous substance, drug para- A High view Road resident reported phernalia and a hypodermic needle He Police arrested Maria Holman, 19, of A Manahan Court resident reported that sometime between 5 pm on Jan 13 was released on his own recognizance Delaware Drive, for possession of a false that sometime between 5 15 p.m and and 6 30 a m on Jan 14 someone broke At the Dayton Ford service lot ondriver's license and underage possession 10 37 pm on Jan. 16, someone entered into his 1985 Mazda and attempted to steal Route 130, a car radio valued at $220 was of alcohol after a North Brunswick police- his home by forcing open two living room the stereo According to police, the car sus- stolen sometime between Jan 14 and Jan man saw her drinking inside the North windows According to police, nothing was tained damage to the plastic casing around 16 from a vehicle left there for servicing Brunswick Pub on Jan 14 at about 10 30 disturbed or stolen from the residence. the stereo

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Balance has been key to Vikings' success

BY RICHARD |EROME Carlos Rugino, a 6-foot-3 senior, are all Staff Writer averaging around 10 ppg. "We have balanced scoring," said SOUTH BRUNSWICK — "We're Babich, "and that's been one of our making strides and one of the keys is that strengths." we have a lot of players who are doing Goldman leads the Vikes with 7.5 well," coach Marc Babich said of his rebounds a game and is one of the squad's South Brunswick High School boys bas- best, most consistent defenders, while ketball team, which brought a 5-3 record Rufino is behind him with a little over six into yesterday's contest against Bishop boards a contest. Ahr. Another clutch player, nursing an The Vikings thus far have endured two ankle injury at the moment, is senior heartbreaking loss- .^i.^^-^—, SMproaaaMBmBiaMMwwaH guard Dan : es, a two-point • • • -:y::•=•-.•••••• ••• ~ •: ;.• : ::-.^^: :: Frusciano, who defeat to Sayreville ; stands 6-foot-l and in the opening has been averaging game, and last 'We're makin;: g .Strides' six assists per game. week's 42-41 deci- and one;of t8iekeys is Babich said he sion to North tttatwejiave.a!otof: : hopes that Brunswick, which players wrso;are doing Frusciano, who is the Raiders won on currently on crutch- a shot at the buzzer. es, will return to the South Brunswick lineup within a has also battled ':..:"::\':i-'t: : Marc Babich week. some injuries, SBHS boys ^basketball: eoacli Nile Ivey, a 5- although none have foot-9 junior, has : ; : ! : v : : been serious • ;-\.; .•..'V'-"V'-:H".:-''-'-^ .';: ;\. h^few'/^'r::•"''. been impressive off l enough to knock ..^s^s^asii^^^ j: z^^.-Jnm^Bmqmmm^; the bench, as has 5- key players out of foot-10 senior Ralph action for long periods of time. Stevens, who is recovering from a frac- The offensive leader is 6-foot-2 guard tured nose. Darius Lumpkin, who is averaging 15.3 "Also, senior guard Colin Baptiste was points per game. terrific against North Brunswick," said "He's been outstanding for us," said Babich. "He's got an injured back, though Babich. I expect him back in a week or so." Aside from this week's tilt with IN STRIDE — South Brunswick High School's Jeremy Look runs in the Lumpkin isn't doing it alone, however. sprint medley at the state relay meet at Princeton University's Jadwin Gym. Junior Ricky Tyus, a 6-foot guard, 6-foot- Bishop Ahr, the Vikings have a date with 4 senior forward Greg Goldman and Sayreville tomorrow. Augusto F. Menezes/Greater Media O'Rourke taking second shot at free-throw title JY^LINDSEY^IEGLE n't want to jinx myself. I wanted to go into it casually and near 6-footer said. "I like to take it to the basket and if I Staff Writer " ' I thought if I sat outside and shot for hours and hours and get an offensive rebound I'll pump-fake before shooting to hours, that I would just throw myself out of rhythm." get guys in the air and draw contact." hile you're getting ready to watch the Denver Not that O'Rourke hasn't put in plenty of time at the He's averaging about eight points per game as a mem- Broncos defend their Super Bowl title on Jan. charity stripe. ber of the school squad, and will be increasing his com- W 31, Mike O'Rourke will be taking the first "Before the contest I was shooting fouls all the time," he petitive time on the court as he has just joined a local steps to defend a national title of his own. noted. "Whenever I play pick-up games I always stay after Amateur Athletic Union squad. The 14-year-old East Brunswick resident won the everyone else has left and shoot 50 foul shots before going The team had its first practice this week and features Knights of Columbus national free-throw shooting cham- home. I also go out and shoot foul shots at home a lot." Jeff Rushnak and Chris Moskal, teammates on the fresh- pionship last year as a 13 year old, and when the Knights And what's the key to O'Rourke's consistency? man team with O'Rourke. hold their local competition on Super Bowl Sunday, According to the reigning champ, it's a willingness to While his attention is focused on basketball right now, O'Rourke will be taking the first step to taking the crown change. O'Rourke plans on running for the East Brunswick High for 14-year-olds. "Everytime out I make small adjustments," he said. "It School track team this spring, after a successful stint with Now a ninth-grader at Churchill Junior High School might be that I'm rotating more to the right a little or that the school's varsity cross country team this fall. where he is a member of the school's freshman boys bas- conditions are different, but everytime out there's always a The freshman earned a varsity letter competing for the ketball team, O'Rourke connected on 83 of 90 shots last . little change." Bears as a harrier, and had a best effort of 17:48 over the year to take the national crown. In his games with Churchill, O'Rourke estimated he's 5,000 meter course at J.R Stevens. The Knights' contest has four levels - local, district, probably about an 80 percent shooter, compared to the 92 Running may be where O'Rourke's scholastic sports regional and state - with the winner at the first three lev- percent he scored in the Knights' contest. schedule starts and ends, but he's not losing focus on els advancing to the next round. After the state level com- "In the contest you can get into a rhythm; in a game, what's at hand, either for his basketball team or as a foul- petition, the winners in each state have their totals from all where you're running around and getting out of breath, it's shooter. four competitions tallied to determine the national winner. a whole different scenario," he noted. "I'm a really competitive person," said O'Rourke, who In the local contest shooters take 15 shots, in each sub- The drop-off in accuracy still leaves O'Rourke with a began playing basketball in St. Bart's rec league as soon as sequent contest shooters take 25 shots. better free-throw shooting percentage than most college he was eligible as a third-grader. "Whatever season I'm in, O'Rourke said he plans to follow the same routine he and professional basketball players and O'Rourke knows I'm really into that sport. In cross country and track I can't used last year in pursuit of a second title. he can help his team by getting to the line. wait for the meets to start and in basketball season I can't "I didn't really practice at all," O'Rourke said. "I did- ., "Our team lacks size so I play forward and guard," the wait for the games to start." . . . • • SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 29 Versatile Ricker getting r." SALOMON VOLANT MARKER VOLKL "ATOMIC""* •ELA7"*"«""D7NASWR"1 it done for Vikings

BY RICHARD JEROME Another outstanding swimmer is Staff Writer sophomore Ed Lui, who recently clocked 1:05 in the 100 breaststroke. He also swam oing into tonight's meet against a a 1:06 m the butterfly. Freshman Mike strong Bernards club, the South Fasanello has been solid in the 100 breast- ! TRADE IN ANY OLD SKIS G Brunswick High School swim stroke, and acquits himself well in most team is 2-5. But according to coach John other events. 3FQR®150»QQOFF ~~~ Harding, this could still turn out to be a Rich Domotoi, another captain, has rewarding year. been dropping his times, registering a best ! ANY COMPLETE "After Bernards, the schedule has four of 58.2 in the 100 freestyle and 2:10 in the si meets that we have a good chance of win- 200 free. He also captured the 500 free and m ning," he said. "That would be great, the 200 backstroke because it would mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmim against Hillsbor- mean we'd finish at ough. J ALL NiTRO .500, which is quite an "Junior Matt ! mmmmmmmw accomplishment con- 'After Bernards, trie Pasarella has been sidering this is the one of our best second season in the schedule Has four sprinters, behind school's history that meets that we have a Dan and Ed," said 2 PRICE South Brunswick has good chance of Harding. had a swim team." winning." Among the Exp. 1-27-99 The Vikings, who girls, Kelly fell, 106-66, against O'Toole swims Hillsborough in the John Harding the 100 breast- most recent meet, SBHS swim coach stroke and butter- have had numerous fly; freshman swimmers post per- Kelly Debow, sonal bests. The :;,l;,;.:,;:,;;:s;:s=s^s=i: jBi^t^i^i^^aLJSss junior captain "01? m WHILE standout among the Erin Kelly, senior SNOWBOARD SALE 9 boys is senior captain Dan Ricker. Erin Sterenson, another captain, and Burton THEY'RE HEBE! ' "He's versatile and he holds just about freshman Rachel O'Holla have all been all the school records," said Harding. "So impressive. $QQ Snowblades from Salomon far, he's undefeated in his individual "Rachel has been a remarkable sur- Starting at «?«! meets. Dan does backstroke, individual prise, dropping her times dramatically," a DISCOUNT LIFT TICKETS medley and everything else lor us." Harding said. 99 Burton Custom $ HUNTER $29 with binding BLUE MOUNTAIN 24 $tt€l€l $ Starting at <&# <*P 3P SHAWNEE 20 SPORT SHORTS $ The best selection HIDDEN VALLEY $16 The New Jersey Lightning instruc- Association is holding in-person registra- of hardcore skate boards MOUNTAIN CREEK $22 tional baseball team is currently holding tion on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to noon at CAMELBACK 25 tryouts for players ages 13-19. The team the Linwood Middle School gym on Ramp Tech plays an A+ level 65-game schedule and Linwood Place. Boys & girls ages 5-15 by Ramp $99.99 others available enters major tournaments and college show- 7/31/99 are eligible to play. Fees are $45.00 Vew-Do Boards cases. For more information on the team or for the fust player, $20.00 for the second tryouts, call Frank Bacchetta at (732) 750- and $15.00 for the third. T-Ball (5- and 6- Now In Stock! SHOES 5506 after 6 p.m. year-olds) registration is $25.00. A separate Starting at The Richard Stockton College workbond check for $35.00 is required for Ospreys Baseball Team will host their Fifth T-Ball & Farm League. Registration dead- I Annul Developmental Skills Baseball line is Feb. 28. Register early and avoid the Clinics on Feb. 7,12,14 and 20. Clinics will late fee. For more information, call Fred 6O% OFF be offered in the mornings and evenings Cutler at 297-3143. SKI HELMETS with sessions for youngsters of all skill lev- The North Brunswick Basketball ALL '98 SKI & els ages 8-18. For additional information, Association will hold its annual March SMOWBOABP JACKETS call (609) 652-4217. Madness tournament on the weekends of $69 March 12 and 19. The entry fee is $185 and from Boeri, Red, Leedom... Edison High School baseball coach Jim the largest selection around 4O% OFF Muldowney, along with former Chicago teams are guaranteed a minimum of two ALL "99 SKI & White Sox pitcher, Bill Lehman, will be games. There is a possibility of six games. "Protect Yourself and Your Family" conducting a series of spring training base- There are three boys' divisions, under-10, Season Lease Program Available SNOWBOARD JACKETS With Coupon Expires 1-27-99 ball camps for players ages 8 to 15 in under-12 and under-14, and two girls' divi- ft,*W^ WWW ^"flW-' February and March in Piscataway and sions, under-12 and under-14, with age SEASOHAL BEHTALS requirements to be met as of Sept. 1,1998. OASLY REHTALS Spotswood. The emphasis of the camps will $ Junior Skis S5Q+ be on the fundamentals of pitching, hitting This is not an AAU tournament and no AAU Complete Ski Package 10 $ and fielding. For more information, call teams are allowed to register. For an appli- skis, binding, boots, poles Adult Skis 60+ (732) 821-0271. cation, which includes detailed age require- Complete Snowboard Package '20 Snowboards $89+ The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary ment information, call (800) 436-3747 ext. Complete Snowblade Package *10 (Deposits Required) Flotilla 02 04 will present a six-lesson 2531, or (732) 828-1106. The registration 3 course on boating skills and seamanship at deadline is Feb. 20. the Keyport High School Adult School. The The Philadelphia Sport, Travel and SKI TUNE UP course, to be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on suc- Outdoor Show returns to the Fort II BOTTOM OUR BEST... SNOWBOARD cessive Tuesdays, begins Feb. 23 and pro- Washington Expo Center in Fort SHARPEN, Bottom File, Sharpen TUMI... vides a general introduction to boating with Washington, Pa., from January 20-24,1999. WAX Wax, Stanrfgrind Bottom File, an emphasis on safety. There will be a reg- The event, now in its seventh year, is the *«|5 $29 Sharpen, Wax If istration session for the course at the high largest five-day sports show in North with coupon • Expires 1/27/99 school on Feb. 1 and 2. For more informa- American featuring fishing, hunting, out- tion, call 888-3372 or 264-0781. door adventure sports and family travel. The EAST BRUNSWICK SIJPEpSTpRe The New Jersey Basketball Association show is the best opportunity to see the 1999 1020 ROUTE 18 'PELICAN CENTER 18 MALL *EAST BRUNSWICK; seeks boys and girls for its spring AAU bas- product lines from major tackle man- ketball teams. NJBA is also seeking boys in ufacturers. Admission is $8.50 for adults <® GREAT PRICE MON TOFR110-9• SAT 10-6• SUN 11-5v : grades 6-12 to travel to Florida this July. For and $3 for children under 12. Children un- GREAT ADVICE more information, (973) 300-0828. der 5 are admitted free. For more informa- The North Brunswick Baseball tion on the show, call (603) 431-4315. 2£LJ£Li2 SSmKLL jySJSH i BIHEV3!!!!L L. JET2£ 3© SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 THE MARKETPLACE • Real Estate • Business • Auto • Classified • liiii SunAnierica takes over Mutual AAA presents Top Car Award to 11 vehicles Benefit Life Insurance Co. fter evaluating more than 180 mod- • Sport Utility Vehicle over $25,000 - By The Associated Press els for the 1999 AAA Autograph Jeep Grand Cherokee - 160 points BUSINESS A Book, AAA has given its Top Car The ratings are based on comprehen- early $6 billion worth of life insurance Award to vehicles in 11 different classes. sive reviews conducted for AAA's 1999 and annuity businesses from the for- Aaa from Baal. mer Mutual Benefit Life Insurance "AAA Top Car Award winners offer the Autograph Book, an annual evaluation of N The deal, signed in July, was upheld in Co. are now in the hands of SunAmerica Inc., best balance of performance, quality, and new vehicles. The book features ratings on November by the New Jersey judge oversee- value," said David Van Sickle, AAA direc- a wholly owned subsidiary of American ing the takeover over the objections of four of vehicles ranging from sports cars to mini- International Group Inc. tor of automotive and consumer informa- vans. After a review, each vehicle is award- the approximately 350,000 policyholders. The $128 million cash deal closed Dec. 31, The reserves for their universal life and tion and editor of the AAA Autograph ed up to 10 points in 20 different cate- as expected, and was announced Jan. 4 by Los Book. "These vehicles stand out from the annuity policies totaled $5.9 billion as of Nov. gories for a maximum of 200 points. Angeles-based SunAmerica and MBL Life rest." 30, SunAmerica said. The highest scoring vehicle in this Assurance Corp., the state-run successor to The 11 Top Car vehicle classes are Mutual Benefit creditors will receive 70 year's book is the Mercedes S500 with 174 Newark-based Mutual Benefit. based on vehicle cost and type. Top scor- The sale signals the impending end to the percent of the expected $818 million produced ing 1999 models are: points. The Toyota Corolla, Subaru state's seven-year supervision of the business under the deal, while policyholders will share • Under $15,000 - Toyota Corolla CE - Forester and Lexus GS 400 are the only of the failed insurer, which is now expected to the remaining amount of at least $245 million. 155 points repeat selections from last year's Top Car finish in June, six months earlier than antici- Creditors are expected to recover approxi- • $15,000 - $20,000 - Chevrolet Malibu list. pated. mately 95 percent of their allowed claims, - 159 points To evaluate vehicles for the Autograph "The completion of our acquisition of the without interest. Book, AAA experts test vehicles under MBL Life businesses concludes the most suc- Policyholders will be told, over the next • $20,000 - $25,000 - Oldsmobile three months, of the specific amounts they will Intrigue - 162 points everyday driving conditions. The book fea- cessful life insurer rehabilitation in U.S. histo- ry," said SunAmerica chairman and chief receive, SunAmerica said. • $25,000 - $30,000 - Acura 3.2TL - tures a written review, a point rating, vehi- MBL Life said it would make an initial 162 points executive officer Eli Broad. cle photos, specifications, options, and Mutual Benefit was the 18th-largest insur- distribution to Mutual Benefit's general unse- • $30,000 - $35,000 - BMW 3281- 166 pricing information. There are also tips on er in the United States when it collapsed in cured creditors about Jan. 15, with a second points buying a new car. 1991. The 153-year-old company blamed fail- distribution expected about April 1. • $35,000 - $40,000 - Saab 9-5 Wagon - "The Autograph Book is designed to be ing real estate investments. SunAmerica, a financial services company, 165 points a helpful resource in the search for a new The sale pleased Moody's Investors completed the sale through its life companies, • $40,000 - $50,000 - Lexus GS 400 - car," said Van Sickle. "It provides valuable Service, which raised the financial strength Anchor National and First SunAmerica. Its 172 points information and allows consumers to nar- ratings of SunAmerica's life insurance compa- parent company, American International • more than $50,000 - Mercedes S500 - row the list of vehicles they want to lest nies to Aaa, the best mark, from A2. It also Group, is among the largest U.S. underwriters 174 points upgraded SunAmerica's senior debt rating to drive." of commercial and industrial insurance. • Minivan - Ford Windstar LX- 156 points The Autograph Book is available in • Sport Utility Vehicle under $25,000 - book stores and at participating AAA iiilliiii Subaru Forester - 148 points clubs. ERA real estate opens new headquarters The year was 1865. Lincoln was the presi- ny is run by Joseph Gorsky, Rick Weaver and dent. Victoria was the queen. And Elbridge Steven Lyte. Van Syckel was founding a small real estate The new, state-of-the-art, million-dollar biokerage in the then rural community of facility has an integrated computer network OX&ROACH Bound Brook. system that utilizes the company's "mobile Today, ERA Van Syckel, Weaver and Lyte olfice program." This allows associates to be REALTORS" is one of the oldest active real estate compa- fully connected to the latest data and informa- nies in the nation, but that doesn't mean tion from any location. The facility also con- SOUTH BRUNSWICK they're living in the past. On the contrary, tains a media/educational auditorium with WHY RENT' ERA Van Syckel, Weaver and Lyte is a computer and video projection and satellite Beautiful mobile home - replaced windows white kitchen expanded master bedroom vibrant, dynamic organization poised to enter transmission console, which will serve to pro- central air & enclosed porch - Must see to $ the next millennium with a bang — in the vide continuing education programs, reloca- appreciate 28,000 form of a new, state-of-the-art headquarters tion services and community organization FRANKLIN PARK which opened officially Nov. 12. The compa- affairs. CALL FOB STOP RENTING! See this lovely and updated 1 BOR condo OUR and you II want to bo a home owner' Look at tins price you canV afford' not to! $49,900 FREE FRANKLIN PARK NEED MORE SPACE? This 3 Bedroom Condo olfers more space SOUTH BRUNSWICK $97,500 SOUTH BRUNSWICK $159,900 because its a Moderate Income Unit Call Tins 2 level end unit condo is unique -includes poich. skyliylit Designed lo Di-hghl First-home .ippe.il BigLR,1BR/l 5HA BUYER'S 1 now for details & be In by the new year' and is avsuFahlc 1 his une won t lasi long cill now Mature Plants *78,90© SOUTH URUNSWICK/IRANKI IN 712 297 7171 SBR4SS2 SOUTH BRUNSWICK/FRANKLIN 712-297 7171 SBRI964 Carolyn Gramata GUIDE $122,900 FRANKLIN PARK $84,900 FftANKUN PARK PLAINFEILD 1 ENJOY THE OPEN SPACE Hejulitul 2BR, I "> UA home tealming lull finished lusein IinnuiciilatL 2 Luge M/e BR, 2BA umdo rucking n December Sales Agent 1 Lovely ? bedroom town ho me in desirable tlit-'pl.ice anj one c.u il.ii.ijie Well maintained lionu' kittliui Homing all ttpplitUKts included Cill Sab Society Hill - Move-in condition & can be SOUTH DRUNhWICK/fRANKLlN 712 297-7171 SBR-W10 SOUTH BRUNSWICK/I RANKLIN 7^2-207-7171 available immediately AVENEL $145,000 NORTH BRUNSWICK $169,998 HIHGST0N METUCHEN *92,900 Bediiutlil well kepi r.inth1 -I bedroom > bath with .i lull junslicd Excellent piot oltke this is gieal ioi msuiaiHe ol attorney basement and ceiamie [lie kilt ben1 hill> cupeled1 olfice Great lot moil Call tor del.uls NORTH BRUNSWICK .SOUTH IIRUNStt ICK/I KANhLIN 712 297 7I7I SIIR IMI SOUIHBKUNSWlCK/l-RAiNKUN 712 207 7171 PRISTINE TOWNHOME 2 bedroom beauty in move-in condition $134,900 SOUTH BRUNSWICK $89,999 Basement garage parquet entry - Don't SOUTH BRUNSWICK 1 miss It1 I I.tndv m.in spea.il oklei colonial Dt nikitclun Needs lit Caipenieis Dieam Hemy sold as ES condition 1BR II1A cat in $ Picsi'iitl} moitiL'i/Ii.iimhiei sol up in Vlomiuwih Hi fiction kilcliLli basement 123,000 SOUTH RRUNSWICk/lEUNM IN 712 297 7171 SB SOUTH BRUNSWICK/FRANKLIN IV 297 7171 SliKiOIS SOMERSET NEW BRUNSWICK $139,900 QUIET COUNTRY LIVING CORPORATE OWNED Cute 3 BR ranch on large lot with full 1HR rukim.ll w/lnmished .iptmt it eMi.i lot 2S\I().S Neuly basement, formal dining & many upgraded innovated inside & out Move in eolldilion This is [he one' Quiet & Cozy best describes this Updated cape cod in super loca- S SOU IH BRUNSWICK/I RANKLIN 712 297-7171 SBR5OI7 fantastic 4 bedrm Cape Cod 1 149,900 Lovingly maintained, 1 car garage, tion You'll love the sunroorn, full bsmt., family rm & all within fireplace, newer siding, roof, P1SCATAWAY walking distance 1a Kingston & min- MAKING REAL ESTATE REAL EASY; bathroom & more Mint custom ranch boasting 3 Brs, 2 5 utes to Princeton c 1997 Gulden Banker Camnraiinn An Equal OppoMur tj Company ifir EquH Hsus ng Opporiu my Each OfliH Is in Independently Owned and Operated Member baths 1 car garage & a great fell finished of CoMwell Banker R&d Estale CorparaliQn In Canada Each Dflicu Is an indsoenifenlly Owned and Dialed Member SrokBi al Coldwill Banker Alfiliaies of Canada $ $ basement 180,900 *179,900 One Mew Road 15*00 Hijtfegaii*j Lane • North-Brunswick" Kendall Park 08824 \ (732)2^7-5000^ •(732)254-1600 • www. nvmetro.coldwellbanker.com SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 31 THE MARKETPLACE • Real Estate • Business • Auto • Classified • liiiisiiii Fannie Mae has Weichert advises how to file homeowner claim very year insurance companies pay ance discussion and negotiating up to the* would be $250. lower payments more than $75 billion in claims professional. In chatting about the situation A replacement coverage policy, on the resulting from losses suffered during to otheis, you can inadvertently waive some other hand, will pay to replace the item with- By The Associated Press E fires, hurricanes, robberies, dog bites, falls of your rights in the case. By involving the out deducting for depreciation. If you would and other incidents. The trauma of a bur- insuiance company early in the process, the prefer replacement coveiage and do not have irst came smaller down payments, glary or seveie damage to your home is company can sometimes offer an eaily set- it, speak to your agent. This type of coverage enabling more people to buy a home. tlement that avoids a lawsuit. can be added to your policy for approxi- But there was a catch: The borrowers stressful enough without having to worry F about your insurance claim. The experts at To file any claim, your insurance compa- mately a 10 percent to 15 percent inciease in had to pay more in home mortgage insurance. Now mortgage giant Fannie Mae is offer- Weichert Insurance Agency offer the follow- ny will ask you to fill out a claim form — the your premium. Finally don't forget about the ing both lower down payments and lower ing information to help you understand the formal document on which you request ben- deductible amount specified in your policy insurance costs, by providing new options claims process and ensure your peace of efits to be paid according to the terms of the that you agreed to pay as your share of the that will make mortgage insurance cheaper mind. policy. Be complete and supply as much cost of repair or replacement. for home buyers who cannot afford big down There are two basic types of claims. The detail as you can and, of course, be truthful. Once you have reported your claim to payments. first involves loss or damage to property To support your claim, it may be necessary your agent, he or she will contact your insur- The new insurance options will save such as your home or your possessions. to supply some documentation. Pictures of er's claims adjuster — usually within the home buyers who make small down pay- Keep in mind that if a tree is uprooted dur- your tree atop the neighbor's garage, details houi. The adjuster will begin the settlement ments $ 1,100 to $2,250 over the first 10 years ing a storm and falls on your roof, you can on the sofa, chair and CD collection process, the length of which will depend on of a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage, according make immediate temporary repairs to pre- destioyed in the fire, and so forth. The better the cooperation of the other party, if any. to Fannie Mae, a congressionally chartered, vent further damage to your home. you document your property beforehand While some claims are relatively straightfor- publicly traded company that buys mortgages Remember to keep all receipts for the insur- with pictures, receipts and other evidence, ward, otheis arc more complicated. Your from original lenders such as banks. ance company, and do not sign any contracts the more likely your claim will be processed adjuster is responsible for investigating the Fannie Mae retains some mortgages in its or deals with contractors or lawyers until smoothly. claim and then making a recommendation to portfolio and packages others into securities you have spoken with your insurance agent. Of course, how much financial settle- the insurance company. The insurance com- for resale to investors. The second type is a liability claim, ment the insurance company offers you pany will then make a final decision regard- Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae's new chair- which arises when someone else suffeis an varies with the situation. For property dam- ing your claim and notify you. man and chief executive officer, was injury or damage to his or her property age, it's helpful to know that there aie two The amount of compensation offered can announced the mortgage insurance plan Jan. because of something you did or did not do. basic ways to value your property — cash vary according to the adjuster's analysis of 15 at the National Association of Home For example, if someone falls while visiting value or replacement coverage. If you have a your claim. Keep in mind, if you feel it is too Builders' annual meeting in Dallas, Texas. at your home, you could be liable for any cash value policy, it will cover the replace- low, you do not have to accept the first "We can cut costs to consumers, qualify injuries that may have occurred. Liability ment cost of an item minus depreciation. For amount offered. While you may have to do more home buyers, and give them more example, a new television may cost $500. If some research to prove a higher payment is home for their mortgage-payment dollar by claims may result in a lawsuit against you. If you find yourself involved in a situa- your seven-year-old TV gets damaged in a valid, it may be worth it. Your agent should reducing their mortgage insurance costs," fire, it might have depreciated 50 percent. Raines said in a statement. "Eventually, we tion where you may be held liable, notify be able to assist you in reaching a fair settle- hope all low-down-payment borrowers will your agent immediately and leave the insur- Therefore, the television's remaining value ment. benefit from new approaches to mortgage insurance." The new options will be available nation- wide in eaily March from some 700 mort- gage lenders nationwide that use Fannie Lenders Mae's "desktop underwriter" computer soft- ware. About 150,000 borroweis, most of Phone # RATE PTS. BATE PTS. RATE PTS. RATE PTS. them first-time home buyeis, arc expected to - take advantage of the options over the next American Suburban Fund. 6 875% 0 00 6.750% 0.00 5 000% 3.00 7.250% 0.00 year or so. 800-887-4554 Last Api ll, Fannie Mae launched nation- Columbia Savings Bank 1st time homebuyers, const/peim Olhci 7.125% 0.00 6.625% 000 5.500% 0.00 N/Q N/Q wide a new type of mortgage with a small 800-962-4989 programs avail. 10 min. pre-qual. down payment — as low as 3 percent — and Corinthian Capital Group Ask about our 0 point and flexibility regarding the souice of that money. 6 125% 3.00 6.000% 2.50 N/A N/A 6.750% 175 The new mortgage, previously available 732-745-8870 FREE Rate Watch piogiams. only in limited aieas of the country, was Crystal Mortgage Serving all of New Jmey designed to help people with good credit his- 7.000% 0.00 6.750% 0.00 5.750% 0.00 7,375% 0.00 800-378-5010 We do house calls!! tories but little savings who have been unable First Bank of Central Jersey "Your #1 Mortgage Lender" to buy a home. But home buyers making the 6.125% 3.00 5.750% 3.00 - 6,500% 3.00 smaller down payments had to pay more in 732-951-3911 Call feereduced closing costjpecials mortgage insurance to protect lenders against FjreeiwM Savings & Ijoait Flat time Ijomebuyeis. losses from defaults. •7,000%- 0,00 6,625% - 0.0a.. N/A 7.250% - 0,00/ 732462-6700 % 3% "down with PMI now available, "We gave millions of Americans the FTM Mortgage Co. A subsidiary of Firstrust Bank chance to buy a home by lowering down pay- 6 750% 0.00 6.625% 0.00 4.250% 3.00 7.125% 0.00 ments, but requiring more mortgage insur- 800-969-8668 www.HomeLoansFTM.com ance," Raines said. "Now we can offer home Hamilton National Mtg. E-ZRefi Specialists!!! 6.750% 0 00 6.375% 0.00 N/Q N/Q N/Q N/Q buyers the best of both worlds lower down 609-273-1234 Rock Bottom Jumbo Rates''! payments and lower mortgage insurance Hometown Mortgage *Eft rate based on 30-yr loan paid ofl in 21 5 yrs costs." *4.990% 0.00 5.625% 3.00 5.000% 0.00 7.250% 0.00 Anger over the cost of home mortgage 888-854-8100 No Application fee www htmortgage com insurance led Congress last summer to enact JUS, financial ^Eoytgage Wjlicoftte verification loans Available. MS# iim«, 6,625% 3.00 legislation that automatically eliminates the 800-346-8003. ~ " , * art" ****. Qood/Bad credit or baiftroptoy is okay, insurance lequirement when a homeowner «• has 22 percent equity in his or her home. A Kentwood Financial &vcs. J 6.750% 0,00 *$Dft " WQ * WQ! 7.125% 0.00 homeowner with a good payment record, and 800-353-6896: , " - whose home has not depreciated below the LoanSeajch. -. -NX'sLowest Rates! purchase price, may ask that the insurance be "6,750%" 0.00 4375% -0.00* 5.J25% "(f.QO'" 6,875% 0,00 800-591-3279 - " -•• ^wwWilQansearch.com canceled upon reaching 20 percent of equity. Management Mortgage Corp Call today + request our Fannie Mae said the new insurance 6750% 0.00 6.375% 0.00 4.250% 3.00 - - options were made possible by the use of its 800-556-2696 Fastrac service. "desktop underwriter" computer software The Mortgage Group 3/1 True No Cost 6 125% 6.750% 0.00 6.500% 0.00 5.750% 0.00 7.000% 0.00 and a new strategy for reducing losses from 732-591-1735 $170K Minimum. mortgage defaults. Information provided by The National Financial News Services Rates are valid as of January 15, 1999 and are subject to change without notice Contact lenders directly foi additional Consumers seeking more information can lees and services APR calculation loan based on $100,000 loan with 20% downpayment with no PMI, all applicable loan fees included Check rates on the Internet - www.nfns.com call Fannie Mae's consumer resource center at 1-800-7-FANNIE between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. lenders wishing to participate call (800) 939^N 32 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999


FRIENDS FIRST ENJOYABLE TIMES 54 yr old, single white femalo 64 yr old white widowed male, P^lilsWiS^SS^KS divoiced non-smoker, petite 5 9", 165 lbs, self employed, enjoys the beach long life, garage secure and very outgoing Enjoys sports, long rides dimng out, sales, the country and more watching television, dancing Call 1-900-773-6602 Looking for tingle a white male, movies and more Looking for a $1.99 per min. 55 to 60. for friendship first and slim lady 50 to 60, for dating, possibly more later BOX 354BS ROMANTIC REDHEAD LOOKING FOR LOVE AWESOME HUNK friendship and maybo long tprm ENDANGERED SPECIES Looking for romance imagination Single male 37 sincere, honest Blue pyed, divorced white Christ- relationship BOX 36282 48 yr old, 5'4 , green eyed brown THE LATEST THING financially and emotionally secure ian male 42, 5'11' 165 lbs, hon- HUGABLE YET SIMUGABLE and affection Professional inde- 35 yr old single white male edu- hairrd, white female animal lovei Mew to the area Petite single with a medium build and a positive est reliable sensual One in a KICK OFF YOUR SHOES white foiTialo brown hon and pendent woman by day adventur- cated physicly fit, romantic is louking for a white male, 48 to attitude on life Likes conversa- hundred catch Basically modest 37 yr old, single white male, 5'9', eyes non-smoker enjoys rno*mj;> ous, offGclionale and witty by enjoys cuddling cozy fires, smait 52, for companionship and who tions movies dining out working except in this ad due to no calls 175 1ns outgoing, fun loving good conversation snowball fights, thoatei, dining out and long walks mqht Attractive petite mid 40 s out music and more Looking for sense of humor Enjoyb dining out, knows what else' BOX 11360 Enjoys outdoors travel, romance being silly Seeking single white Seeks a Jewish male between 50 wlilte female enjoys movies, canng honest romantic woman Seeks very attractive, white beaches, skiing and traveling female, 26-36, non-smoker, athlet- SWEET, LOYAL, HONEST and 60 with similar interests BOX music and mnre Sookc whito for lasting fi icndship possible female inside and out BOX328Q6 Seeking a single or divorced ic, outgoing, commitment mmdad Divorced, white female petite and 36245 male 40's to 50 s with bimilar relationship BOX 36159 female, 25-37, who enjoys the with great sense of humor BOX samp things BOX 3B545 32555 pretty, with blonde hair and green 1 intnrests BOX 2414G WANTED SPECIAL LADY ITALIANS COOKIN CALL ME SOON Single white male, 47 5 10 175 eyes In search of fit attractive 64 yr old 5'10\ 165 Ib, self SPARK A FLAME OPEN MINDED 5'6 , 154 Ih Italian single white GO YANKEES GO lbs nonsmoker, handsome sin- emotionally, financially secure employed widowed male, secure, Young 48 yi oSd, male blown hair 20 yr old tall single white male female en|oys going out for n 27 yr old single, white femalo cere enjoys dining out dancing open minded socking single white qood natured man For long term dunk movies cooking and quiet and is looking fof a slim lady 50 to 6 hazel pyos 185 ib, en|oy tho r 5 4' full figured and blonde hair movies, quiet times In search of female, open minded and mature relationship 44 to 52 BOX 32 >78 times at homp Looking for that 60, for dating Looking for friend- Jorspy shore Florida beaches, 19-27, with canng heart and Likes sport b, the Yankees, ship and maybe a long term rein one very special lady, 30 plus for dancing, romantic dinners, movies special guy around 6 200 lbs charming BOX 40284 TRADITIONAL VALUES movies Atlantic City, cooking and tionship Enioys fong rides sports dating friendship, possible seri- & quiot evening at home seeking 65 plus, white widowed female BOX 36246 dinners and just an over all good ous long term relationship, mar- an attrartivp white female, 30 to TAKE A LOOK laughter Seek^ single white riage No drugs, no smokers Chil Single, white, Jewish male 42, semi retired healthy & attractive BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL male, 26 38 who timo BOX 32573 40, who onjoys life & is looking for dren welcome a long term relationship BOX 5'8 150 Ib Enjoys comedy clubs, Seeking a caring gentleman, 23 yr old. physically fit white knows how to treat a movies, quiet evenings at home around the same age with family BOX 32544 38902 ^ female Enjoys working out. lady Kid;, ok BOX Seeks single or divorced Jewish values & believes in the old ways music, movies and dining out U MIGHT ATTENTION: LESLIE! female, 35-45, fit, with similar 33585 interest, for possible, long term of doing things, for friendship Seeking a physically fit single BE You responded to my ad box En|oys dining out, travel, movies, while male 22 to 28 with a great " IN SEARCH OF relationship Monmouth county Surprised! Sin- 32476 & you left your mailbox BOX 32547 theater & more Non-smokers •sense of humor and similar inter- HONESTV " gle white male, //10960 I could not contact you, please BOX 39201 est for a possible relationship 35 yr old, divorced young looking 65, please call back & leave your BOX 13202 white female, attrac- non-smoker who phone number Larry BOX 32561 U WON'T BE SORRY!! enjoys dining out, 53 yr old, tall and attractive, red RED HEADED BLUE EYED tive, size four, who KINDRED SPIRITS iliiliiiiii enjoys laughing, dancing, movies Call 1-9U0-773-bbU2 headed female, likes Atlantic City, 37, pretty, white, female, on full and quiet Do you value Imagination, playful- $1.99 per min. figured side, smoker, honest, car- music, outdoors, din- ness, intelligence, pshycological travel, sports, dining out and the evenings at home ing & affectionate Enjoys movies, ing out and more, is thinking, realism and affection? If stock market Looking for a tall, Looking fora good PLACE YOUR FREE AD TODAY candlelight dinners, long walks & seeking a single or you are over 50 this athletic, attractive gentleman caring, looking, 52-62 yr divorced white Jewish male wants Are you and your finend looking to meet amusement parks. Seeks truly divorced white male, focussd, sensitive and romantic old, petite, slim, to meet you Beauty is not two nice people to go out with? II so place romantic, attractive, intelligent, BOX 39256 with long hair, attrac- white female with required BOX 32534 your FREE ad in our Double Dating cate- white, male, 35-45, S'10", must be tive and fun loving similar interests gory by calling 1-800 647 8403 SEEKING SPECIAL GENT emotionally & financially secure, BOX 11710 BOX 12401 FRIENDLY GUY Widowed, semi-retired, 65 plus, with great ssnso of humor BOX Single white male 48 yr old, 5'10", good health, attractive, non- 32576 CLASS AND TABLE IS SET 185lbs, smoker and nice looking smokBr Seeking caring, gentle- INTELEGENT Single white male, Wishes to meet a pretty, white CALL 4 MORE DETAILS man In same age group with fami- 64 yr old, divorced 36 yr, non-smoker, female for companionship Age is 36 yr old Jewish female with a ly values Would like to have true white female, good omance down to earth, open BOX 32527 heart of gold Enjoys antiques, independent, good friend, someone to talk to and dme sense of humor, " STEP RIGHT UP ** afi 1-900-773-600-773-6606 2 movies, gardening and more looking, easy with Enjoys trips to Atlantic City, A new relationship is always uplifting! single white male, 18 yr old, seek- $1.99 per mm. Seeking a male with a sense of looking for a finan- going, honest and movies, plays BOX 32575 ing white female 18 to 20, for a humor and values BOX 10983 cially secure, thin caring I enjoy the Place your FREE ad, call nice relationship BOX 4Q785 IN HOG HEAVEN.... CUTE GUY ALERT!! non-smoking, gen- movies, dining out, LET'S FALL IN LOVE 6'4", 160 Ib, bi male with brown 49, looks 30's, beautiful brunette, tlemen who likes being together LET ME BE... hair and blue eyes Enjoys biker Pretty, young, trim, sincere, single, 1-800-647-8403 search of above average looking classical music, din- Looking for some- Your Santa! Looking for an magazines, biker movies, bike white female, early 40's, with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week man, 35 to 45. 5'11" to 6'1", at Ing out, ballet, opera, one compatible adventures elf single white Chris- runs and motorcycles Looking for brown eyes Looking for a warm, DaiiflrWfor hath Imichtw o und Rotary Phone* another male, for discreet times least 200 Ib, for monogamous museums, etc. 55 to Likes to have fun tian female, 30-50, who is unm- affectionate, non-smoking, Enjoys each others company cumbered, fit and a non-smoker and helping ms explore my new happy times together BOX 37296 65 BOX 32558 PHYSICALLY FIT divorced, white businessman, in BOX 32532 Me, a single white Christian male, feelings BOX 10450 CIRCLE THIS ADI I! his 50's, for a long term, meanlng- Divorced white male, 53, good 42, professional, intuitive into looking humorous, 6'1", 209 lbs, FRIENDS FIRST Single, white, Jewish female, 34, ful relationship BOX 11230 HONEST AND REAL working out, music and fine dining 46 yr old, gay white male, 5 10", fit, non-smoker and social drinker, Single male 42, looks 32 & acts Looking for soul mats BOX 32517 fun loving, honest, attractive with NO GAMES PLEASE 165 Ib, good looking, muscular, fit loves animals Seeking a female 12 5'9", 1901b Athletic build, non- brown hair and eyes Enjoys din- Attractive, professional mom ** A GOOD COMMUNICATOR " & healthy Enjoys gym workouts, who is deeply sensitive and into smoker, enjoys motorcycles, cars, socializing, dining out, movies, ing out, sports, movies, quiet Enjoys hockey games walks on 37 yr old, white male, 5'10", 215 physical fitness, to be my true bikes, long walks talks, drives theater as well as quite times at times and much more Looking for the beach, candlelight dinners and lbs, brown hair and hazel eyes, partner Enjoy dmrng out, quiet movies, & malls Seeking female home Seeks similar gay white a single white, Jewish male, 32 to more Looking for a romantic, pas- non-smoker, non-drinker Enjoys evenings, and trying anything at with similar interests for endless male 40 to 50 years old for friend- 44, with similar Interests, for sionate male, with a sense of Call 1-900-773-6602 animals, long walks, movies, quiet ship, possible more Middiex or possibiltys long term relationship friendship and a possible relation- humor, who does not play head least once BOX 24185 nights at home & more Looking Monmouth counties preferred BOX 32570 for a petite to modium built, white ship BOX 37532 games BOX 37B81 __ S1.99 per min. LOOKING FOR LOVE BOX 32552 DISCREET FRIENDSHIP female, 28 to 40, with similar inter- 52 year old single, white, profes- ests Non-smoker or drinker SO MUCH TO OFFER1 MAKE ME SMILE CAN THIS BE MAGIC"? Tall, attractive, divorced, white 55 plus, 5'5', 125 Ib, widowed Never married, 32 yr old white sional male, 6'2", 215 lbs, enjoys please BOX 40675 Single, white male, early 50's, the shore, dining, movies, sports, male, blond hair & blue eyes, pro- white professional female with Christian female, auburn hair, blue attractive, financially secure, non- fessional & educated Searching a LOOKING FOR LOVE iiiiiiN blonde hair and hazel eyes Seek- yes, 5'4", 112 Ib Looking for a fong walks, and more In search of smoker, 5'10'\ 170lbs, brown hair slim, attractive, single or divorced, female for discreet friendship 67 yr old, non-smoker, non- ing a white professional male, 55 German male, 32 to39 , 6", who and eyes Likes the beach, travel, white female, 40-52, with similar BOX 33659 drinker, financially secure, enjoys to 65, non-smoker, with a sense of has no children and likes dining, music, reading and dining out. In Call 1-900-773-6602 interests for a long term relation- DISTINGUISHED dancing, cruises, going out, and iliHSii$1.99 per mm. i humor. BOX 10776 dancing, movies, book stores and search of very attractive, single, much more I would like to meet a more. BOX 40517 ship BOX 32508 Widowed/divorced male, 59, 5'9', HONEST & SINCERE! white, female, 37 to 47, non smok- 180 lbs, handsome, sincere, lov- thin, attractive, lady around 70, for SEEKING REAL FRIENDS er, for possible for long term rela- a possible long term relationship I 56 yr old, 5', outgoing divorced CLASS ACT SHARE MY WORLD ing, supportive and loyal In Single, white female 27, 1 tionship BOX 32577 hope to hear from youl BOX while female with a variety of inter- 52 yr old, B'4 , 117 Ib, attractive, 40 yr old, 6'3", 205 Ib, divorced search of a bright, articulate, (STRAIGHT) seeks single, white white male, nice looking with 24151 female, (STRAIGHT), 22-32, for ests. Seeking an honest, sincere widowed, white, professional A NEW FRIEND attractive lady who can let a good brown hair and green eyes Look- friendship I enjoy rock clubs male with a sense of humor BOX female is seeking a white, profes- 60 yr old, 5'9", 160 Ib, mala cross man into her heart forever Inter- ** MICKEY SEEKS MINNIE! " ing for an attractive, shapely, white bars, bowling, the movies, shop- 11277 sional male, 500 to 60, for a rela- dresser is seeking another male ests include reading, social func- 27 yr old, single, white, profes- female, 35 to 45, to share our sional male, employed and edu- ping, karaoke, working out and tionshlp BOX 40680 cross dresser, for fun and friend- tions and especially travel BOX Manhattan I would like a true LIFE'S BETTER SHARED world BOX 32786 32568 cated, is looking for an old fash- SHY, BUT LETS TRY ship. BOX 10714 friend to do these with BOX 55 year old divorced white female, ioned, single, white professional 32571 5'5", 130 lbs, brown eyes, black 32 year old, single, white female female Likes walks, movies, Dis- hair, attractive, secure, fit Looking with a lull figure Enjoys traveling ney, reading, and new adventures for someone to share life's expan- and fine dining Very shy. BOX There are even more ads. BOX 40536 GUIDELINES 11560 encBswith BOX 11295 DEBBIE ALERT!'! The Publisher issumes no Iwhililj for See The Meeting Place on the Internet at Ihe contents ol, oi implies to any pet JEWISH MEN WANTED MARRIAGE MINDED You responded to mailbox // son.it advertisenienis .mil sttth liahili New to the area, single, white, http://www.webfriends.com 24185, physically fit, 53 yrs old on Single white female, mid SO's, ly n_st e\clusi\cl> wiih the atheidsur Jewish female, petite, non smok- Christmas weekend, and you did of or respondent to such advertise enjoys Atlantic City, cards, travel- er, seeks a Jewish man between not leave your phone number mellls 1hu Puiilishei may in its sole ing, dancing and more Looking 50 and 60 Enjoys long walks, the- Please call back, I would really discretion dian^e, lejeu or ililuc any personal advertisements which n for a male, B8 to 65, for a long ater, movies and nature BOX like to speak with you BOX 12110 term relationship BOX 12364 deems inappropriate Ml advertisers 13159 WORTH THE CALL... must reund i voice greeting in acconi LIFE'S BETTER SHARED 65 yr old widowed professional pjny their ,id Ads without VOICL greet GOOD THINGS COME IN ings may run ippear in The Meeting 60 yr old, 5'7", white female Small package, big heart, single, male in search of 55-60 white Plate When you respond 10 Io dunge or non-drinker, non-smoker, loyal, ;;^;;(2£:faw$jM&y \yk);,..^/HvS,v te hunk, sensitive and caring, enjoys HIV positive Cinderella is looking looking for a single white male that lenLW jour dd or lurcustomer semic classical music, theater, museums Ldlt I 800 247-I2K7 fiom 9 am io i for Prince Charming to spend the is looking for a long term relation- and the city Seeking a single, pin Monday through Friday rest of their lives happily ever ship 5'9' or above please BOX non-smoking female, 40 to 48, Copyright 3WJAIS I/IWJ after BOX 15554 35375 with similar interests BOX 35444 FREE PERSONAL AD * FREE VOICE GREETING * FREE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL

TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL l~8GQ-647~8403. ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT. Both numbers work with TouchTone™ and Rotary phones. SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 33 OOZiNotices OOJHquses" I \ i !SH ll||

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ACCOUNTANT We have a proven transition (eoa-m/f) REAL ESTATE SALES retired or semi-retired. toys in your spare time. Earn HEAVY DUTY UPRIGHT Excellent benefits & salary. 68 Ryders Lane, E. Brunswick CASH! Phone work, typing, 19.3 Cubic Feet. Good cond. tract record for folks changing Opportunity is knocking. Don't Training available, Jr. & Senior accountants careers Discover how easy it miss our on going pre-licensing Call 732-828-8666 Sewing, Electronics, more, Call-732-530-7987 FACTORY Substitutes needed. Between 2:00 & 4:00 p.m. Great Pay! CALL-24 hour needed for growing Is to reposition yourself. Get courses & superior training to Lakeview at Manalapan REFRIGERATOR - Hotpoint. help you get a FAST successful information. 1-800-795-0380 Computer School. your HEAL ESTATE LICENSE WORKER call 732-536-8181 EOE Ext. 21. (SCA Network) White. Large, 23.7 cu.ft. and begin to earn a solid Manalapan Plastics Manufac- start. Call Debbie V. Weichert i DRIVERS® Excellent condition. $350. Please contact M.J. Sm ith Income. turing Company has immediate Realtors 732-583-5400 FLEXIBLE HOURS, ASSEMBLE arts, crafts, toys, Call after 6pm, 732-446-3766. TEACHER Perfect for seniors. at chubb.com Call Pearl Cook, Manager openings for several production jewelry, wood items, typing, REFRIGERATORS - $75, & or fax resume: Old Bridge Office people" Good wages plus full REAL ESTATE Head Teacher of Waddler Call Mr. Dee's: 732-525-8833 sewing, computer work from SALESPERSON-Motivated, Room for 18 month olds, certi- up, guaranteed. Stoves: $100. to 732-448-2676 732-525-1550 benefits packaqe Five minutes GGUIDE S -N Needed lor School your home in your spare time. & up. MCA/isa. 732-566-3233 WEICHERT REALTORS West of Freehold. 732-792-1989 Success oriented persons fication required, Old Bridge. Tours in Farming 8. History. Great pay. FREE details. 1- looking for a rewarding career Call 732-723-9416 800-632-8007, 24 hours (FEE) TEACHER JOB FAIR-March Lgstreet Farm, Holmdel. ACCOUNTANT/COST CARPENTER'S HELPER GROOMER in real estate. Call Mike Wilson Call 732-946-37S8 ACCOUNTANT-Ocean County Experience helpful but not Experienced groomer wanted GLORIA NILSON REALTORS 12th, 13th, May 8th 1999, 9am. GOVT POSTAL JOBS. Up to Textile Manufacturer is looking necessary. Calf 732-566-3238 for Mobile Grooming Business Manalapan Office Elementary Education, MARKET RESEARCH $17.24 hour. Hiring/99, free for a team player who is Call Paul at 732-446-7216 732-780-6500 Language Arts, Math, Science, P/T-F/T. Days, nights or week- call for application/examination ESE, other areas. Osceola information. Federal Hiro/Full analytical and detail oriented. RECEPTIONIST S BILLING end Interviewers. Also need Musi have excellent computer LABORER Schools, Kissimmee, Florida P/T Assistant Supervisors & Benefits, 1-800-598-4504, CONTESTANTS PERSON F/T - P/T for Dr's of- 407-870-4800 extension 136. A COMPUTER TUTOR skills. Responsibilities include Excellent career opportunity in fice in Marlboro. Experienced F/T Supervisors lor Bruns- Now accepting applications for Dayton, NJ. Long term to http/www. osceola. k12. fl. us Affordable, Personalized at costing, cycle counts and cost a must. Call 732-617-8800 wick Square Mall SReceptlon- PUT your COMPUTER to home PC training.732-786-0493 audits. Send resume to: the 1999 Ms. MJ American permanent positions, ist, Holmdel. 732-946-0105 Teen, Pre Teen, Sweetheart Fax Resume: 732-617-8808 TEACHER'S ASSISTANTS work! $499 P/T-$8499 F/T. For Town & Country Linen 1st, 2nd fit3r d shift positions The Goddard School of Old ALL Types Of Repairs & Up- and Princess Scholarship available. Must work some MEDICAL ASSISTANT Free information log onto grades, custom computer sys- 475 Oberlin Avenue South Pageants. Over $750,000. in Bridge is seeking Pre-School Busy Cardiology Office seeking www.hbn.com Use access Lakewood, NJ 08701 AttiG.P. weekends. No previous RECEPTIONIST & Toddler assistants 8:30am code 5682 or phone toll freo tems Multi-Task 732-254-1823 prizes given annually. (Open experience required. For Medical Office, Marlboro bright, energetic, motivated to girls ages 3-20). No exp. to 5:30pm. Call 732-441-3500 individual to assist in stress 1-888-78-GOALS. CALL THE PC MD -For all your ACCOUNTS RECEIVING area. Monday-Friday with 1 (SCA Network) computer needs. At home CLERK necessary. For free info., evening. Medical office TELEMARKETING-F/T & P/T testing.CallPhyllis,732-545-7874 call 732-288-1331. Westaff. experience necessary. Varied Experienced Make easy to ar- service of IBM & compatibles 190 Route 18 range appointments with local running DOS/WINDOWS. A cosmetics distributor located *• * * * * * -A * * responsibilities including MEDICAL Call Robert 732-238-S779 in Sayreville seeks an entry- East Brunswick, NJ computer. Call 732-536-7144 businesses.Earn $20,00 /hour. level A/R Clerk with 1-2 years 732-296-1100 E.Brunswick Office.732-238-8288 ASSISTANT experience, full benefits RECEPTIONIST MUST BE CERTIFIED QuickBooks® package. Fax resume with COUNTER PERSON LIFEGUARDS, Now Hiringl Immediate opening, growing For busy internist's office in We can fix up your system. We salary requirements to: For Dry Cleaning & Tuxedo Marlboro Swim Club, for non-profit org. seeking bright Morganville. Experience only can also set up, train and back Store, Old Bridge. Must be Summer 1999 Excellent apply in Venipuncture, EKG & CHILDREN'S CHOICE up your staff. 732-727-5555 Attn: HK front desk person. Well orga- 46 W. Ferris St., E. Brunswick dependable, energetic & hard salary. Some shifts available nized, dependable, good tele- injections necessary. Mendlowltz Weitsen, CPAs ADMINISTRATIVE working. Must have flexible without weekends. Lifeguard phone techniques, computer Immediate opening. Call Ages 3 months - 5 years 732-613-9700 ASSISTANT hours, NO experience course available for strong literate. Hours M-F, 9-5. Sala- 732-536-7144 or tax resume Kindergarten. State Certified Computer company in Old necessary. For Interview, call swimmers. Call 732-617-9600 ry, Low 20's. South Brunswick to 732-536-7520, attn: Natalie Open 6:30am-7pm, 12 months Bridge seeta person with good Alice 732-679-8770 area. Fax resume to: APPOINTMENT a year. Call 732-613-4488 phone skills & organizational 732-438-8310 EAST BRUNSWICK- Exp. lor busy office. Knowledge of DRIVER COVENANT TRANS- MANICURIST SETTERS NURSE PORT $1,000 sign-on bonus Wanted for summer day camp Mom will care for your child in computers, word processing FT/PT For busy Salon. SALES - Immediate to join our dynamic team. her home. Refs. 732-390-0699 and spread sheets a must, for Exp. Company Drivers Vacation & Bonuses. Employment.Three (3) people No Experience Necessary Marlboro/Freehold. Call Experience with Quickbook 1 -800-441 -4394 Owner Opera- Call 732-416-0S44 needed to assist manager. 732-308-0405 EAST BRUNSWICK-Lovlng **MINK COAT** a plus. Flexible hours. tors Call 1-888-667-3729 Bud £400.00 per week opportunity. Earn $200. to $300. Weekly Mom will care for your child in Long. Medium brown, size 5. Competitive salary S benefits. fvloyer Truck Lines Refrigerated NURSES Call Paul,732-3B9-0998 Epfe Setting Appointments RECEPTIONIST / Secretary. her home. Lots of TLC Haulin CALL TOLL FREE Very good condition. $400. or Fax resume to: 732-679-9190 CERTIFIED • SUPERVISORS • GRILL • P/T Permanent Shifts 20 hours per week. Flexible 732-214-1450 best offer. Marie: 732-549-8744 or E-mail [email protected] 1-877-283-6393 Solo Drivers HOME • SERVERS • FOOD PREP • Available porson with phone skills & & Contractors. computer literate for Real HEALTH AIDES •FOUNTAIN. FT/PT. Estate Office in East Brunswick. KIDS COUNT AIM HIGH. UP to $9,000 en- APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL: Hours Sam - 1pm DRIVERS NEW PAY LIVE-INS / COMPANIONS 5pm - 9pm Call Joe, 732-238-0550 Ages 2 mos. to 8 yrs. Full day 046 Firewood listment bonus, if you qualify! PACKAGE Home Every RN'S-LPN'S Kindergarten. Open Air Force training and educa- Weekend. Company Available Immediately! FRIENDLY'S RECEPTIONIST- Experienced 7am-6:30pm. State certified. tion can help you reach your OLD BRIDGE & HOWELL with phone, appointments, and Drivers-Start $.32c/mile • Shift Work* Staff Relief Freehold Raceway Mall AREA 1-800-872-0157 Old Bridge. Call 732-723-9416 goals. For an information pack- {includes $.03 bonus). Free Interviews - 7 Days 732-409-0102 register for busy Salon in OLD BRIDGE- 2 Moms will Bt, call 1-800-423-USAF or Insurance. Excellent Benefits. SWIM CLUB MANAGER Freehold area. care for your child, F/T or P/T, $95./CORD visit wwn.aifforce.com Owner Operators-$.82c/mile PREFERRED Marlboro Swim Club, for Call 732-845-0G85 Monday-Friday. 732-390-8945 SEASONED FIREWOOD (includes $.02 bonus). Paid ALL HARDWOOD. Del. avail. AVON SALES- Earn extra HEALTHMATE Summer 1999. Ideal for coach/ SALES - OLD BRIDGE AREA OLD BRIDGE/ State Certified. Sayreville Lawn & Garden money. Must be 18. Fuel Taxes S Tolls, insurance teacher. Excellent salary. Will ARTIST Available. EPES Transport Children's Gift Store, Permanent, meaningful. For First aid. CPR trained, all ages. 732-390-0900 Independent Sales Rap. 732-840-5566 train. Long term opportunity tor Creative person to value our Meals incl. Refs. 732-679-9624 Call 1-800-939-0201 1-800-948-6766. right parson. Call 732-617-3600 "Scrambles of Marlboro" Lighting Fixtures Showroom Call 732-536-2112 SAYREVILLE - Exp. Mom will DUBOIS FARMS Customers. We will instruct $100./Cord-$55. 1/2 you on our products. Flexible babysit any hour In her home. ASSISTANT/AIDE Lots of TLC. Call 732-727-9449 Free delivery. All Hardwoods. For South River Elementary hours. Computer ability a plus. 70% + Oak Seasoned. Before School Program. Call 732-793-4890 Call 732-792-1S78 7am-9am, Monday -Friday. SALES 037a Child Care Call 732-744-1749 79 people needed! Lose weight FIREWOOD ASSISTANT for busy office, while earning extra money. h Wanted Howell area, Must be mature Call Mictiaela, 732-872-6758 SEASONED 732-257-1416 minded & detail oriented. Good SEASON FIREWOOD FOR Don't Wait for communication skills.Some KENDALL PAR K -Dependable • SALES HELPir SALE. $110. a cord, splits computer skills helpful but not and Management opportunities. sitter for 1 year old in my Brun- Children's gift store, ''Scrambles delivered. Cherry, Oak & necessary. Flexible hours. swick Acres home Tuesday, Maple. Call 609-395-1182 Call 732-303-0245 of Marlboro". 732-536-2112 Wednesday and or Thursdays 9am to 3pm. Very flexible SPLIT, SEASONED CASHIER - Freehold Photo +SALES PERSON* hours. Call 732-940-9036 DELIVERED HARDWOODS Store. 15-20 hours. Free film P/T & F/T for Exclusive Retail $100./cord -$60. 1/2 cord developing. Call 732-525-8733 store. LEATHER & FUR KEYPORT-Before school in Call 732-238-8404 The Phone to Ri my Keyport home for 2 chil- RANCH. Call 732-409-0101 CASHIER - P/T DAYS. No dren 9 & 12. Driver's license & Week-ends. For Party Store SCHOOL CROSSING dependable car needed. Call In Hazlet. Call 732-739-3466 GUARDS-Substitute-East leave message 732-888-2847 047 Furniture Brunswick Township is ac- CASHIER-Part-Time cepting applications far- MANALAPAN- Chlldcare, 3 BLACKSTONE LUMBER Substitute School Crossing evenings for 2 children, 5 pm Rt. 9, Old Bridge, needs Guards. To work as needed", to 7:30 pm. Call 732-788-0619 BED FRAME cashier to work flexible hours. must be available from 6:55 to real arithmetic, computer and KING. White and Brass. 9:00 a.m. and 1:50 to 3:50p.m. Headboard & Footboard, people skills are important. Apply at Municpal Building, MORGANVILLE Call Jim at 732-721-7300 DIv. of Human Resources. For 2 children, ages 3 & 4 1/2, $250. Call 732-409-6523 EEOC in my home. Must have car & BEDROOM SET - 7 pieces. CERTIFIED HOME references. Monday-Thursday, Perfect condition. Mediterra- 7am-12:30pm & Friday 7am- nean wood. $4,000. or best HEALTH AIDES SEAMSTRESS 4pm. Melanle 973-893-2913 offer. Call 732-329-0979. WANTED. Enroll in our training Experience with fine fabrics NANNIES CALL! course February 1 through needed for busy dress shop in BEDROOM SET - Bleached with an ad in Feb. 19,1999. Immediate Manalapan. PT/FT. Flexible FOR THE BESTJOBS wood. 6 pcs. DINING ROOM - part-time positions available hours. Call 732-972-2322 Livein/out w/the best families. Contemp., black, table & 6 to qualified certified home chairs. $900. ea. 732-290-8404 SUMMER DAY CAMP health aides. 732-249-4071. SELECTIVE NANNY BEDROOM SET - Child's Visiting Home Health Aide SUPERVISORS & DIVISION GREATER MEDIA NEWSPAPERS' HEADS needed to join our 732-432-9500 dark Pine. Twin trundle bed, Service of Middlesex County, 9 drawer dresser, foot locker, North Brunswick, N.J. E.O.E. dynamic team. Ideal for teachers. Marlboro/Freehold desk and chair. $400. or best CLERICAL/SECRETARIAL Call 732-308-0405 039 Health Care offer. Call 732-363-9397 Some bookkeeping • CLASSIFIED SUPPORT HELP- Phones/ BEDROOM SET - $475. Lamp experience. Must be able to set: 3 pc, $125. Desk & chair, type. Monday thru Friday, 1pm clerical help needed. Saturday and Sunday, 9am-6pm. Great HOME CARE- For elderly, $200. Singer Console Sewing If you're Advertising tp 5pm. Manalapan area. Call Machine, $150. Vanity & for interview 732-303-1717 team to work for, busy East disabled. Live-ln/out. Brunswick Real Estate Office. Pollnter Agency 908-925-0494 Bench, $150. Workout Bench COUNSELORS & Computer knowledge required. with Weights, $50. Color 13" • In the Yellow Pages and INSTRUCTORS wanted for Fax resume to 732-432-5008 T.V., $125. Call 732-521-1705 summer day camp. All sports, or call Ora, 732-254-3750 040 Situations BEDROOM SET - MASTER. arts & crafts, cooking, tower, NOT WITH US... Wanted & QUEEN. 7 pc. Complete. lifeguards & other positions. TEACHER AIDES Good condition. $450. Call Idearfor teachers, college/high 732-671-4375 You're Missing school students.Marlboro/ TEACHERS Freehold. Call 732-308-0405 PART TIME /FULL TIME CAREGIVER- Honest & expe- BEDROOM SET - Must sell. PERMANENT POSITION rienced w/exc. references will Brand new. Never used. Many Easiness Opportunities CUSTOMER Off white. Two (2) Twin beds, REPRESENTATIVES IMMEDIATE OPENINGS live-In & cars for the sick & Nursery School. Call between elderly.Beatrice: 973-497-1154. complete set-up with head- Immediate openings due to 9am to 5pm. 732-254-3505 board, double dresser with Unlike the Yellow Pages 1999 expansion. $12. to start. matching mirror & night table Call 12 noon to 6pm. TELEMARKETER-S10. an hr. Paid: $1,800. SELL for; $800. Middlesex- 732-254-1411 + bonus. M/F 9-5, 20-25 hrs. 041 Resurnes ?; K Bedding, spread & curtains your ad in our Monmouth - 732-542-4848 /wk. Marlboro 732-332-0251 'ft Office Services also available. 732-617-1737. TELEMARKETERS HELP...WE NEED 100 $7. per hour + •BEDROOM SETS* CLASSIFIED PEOPLE IMMEDIATELY!!! $100. weekly bonus. 6-9 pm. PROFESSIONAL RESUMES Child's set: Wood, with 1 Monday-Thursday. Matawan. that will get you noticed. night stand, 1 comer desk with to deliver the Bell Atlantic 1-800-235-0644 Individually written. Call for chair, 2 dressers with 3 draw- Gives You AN This... telephone directories in the consultation. 732-353-2822 ers & shelves, 1 dresser w/3 TRENTON, PRINCETON, TRAVEL AGENTS drawers. Very good condition. 1/ You can change and update your ad weekly. BORDENTOWN and all Sell Walt Disney World & WORD PROCESSING Asking $500. MASTER Bed- surrounding areas. Cruise Vacation packages on Term Papers • Cover Letters room set: Wood. Heardboard / You can advertise your special Resumes • Business Reports w/drawers, 1 hutch w/drawers, an outside sales commission 1 dresser with 9 drawers. seasonal rates. basis. Set own hours, great 732-583-9452 FLEXIBLE perks! Experience a plus. Good condition. Asking $500. \/ Your ad can be seen every week by 350,000 people. SCHEDULES CaM732-613-8444 732-360-2382, after 5:30 p.m. I 042 Antiques COFFEE TABLE and Sofa • You can choose the format that fits your budget, Call toll free... 036a Employment 11 ; Collectibles table, brass & glass. Teak • You'll get great results! frame lounge chair with foot 1-888-732-3276 Services ' stool. Call 732-398-0723. JGH Greater Media COUCH & LOVESEAT, $200. NEW TRANSCRIPT • INDEPENDENT * SENTINELS « SUBURBAN • EXAMINER Wl Newspapers Monday-Friday, 8:30- ANTIQUES DINETTE SET: Formica. 4pm. Must be 18, have 1000 ENVELOPES=$4000... Top prjricei s paid for: Antique 6 pcs. Walnut color, $200. current driver's license, At Home! Receive $4 for every furniture, oriental rugs Call 732-251-7020. Insurance & vehicle. envelope you stuff with our paintings, jewelry & silver. We COUCH-SECTIONAL. CALL YOUR CLASSIFIED REPRESENTATIVE 1-800-660-4 ADS EOE sales materials. Guaranteed! purchase entire contents of 6 pcs. Incliners (2). Hardly Free info, 24 hr. recording estates. Will come to your used. Cream & pastel colors. (310)851-2152 (SCA Network) home. Call 908-862-0200 Best offer. Call 732-651 -7652 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21 1999 3S

CALL CLASSIFIED SOFA/ SECTIONAL w/pillows REPTILE TANK 6 ft X 3ft ALLL LIONELIONEL TRAINS YOUR SAX, CLARINET, FLUTE READING & MATH Basic VOBKIE PUP -Male 10 whs Skills Exp l< Q teacher Your and matching hassock Gold x 4ft 2 pcs Glass top with Or FFlyel r Top cashh appraisal AD Expprt instruction in your 2 lbs AKC Reg Professional 1-800-660-4ADS very attractive Good condition bottom storage on wheels Price no object 732 946 2093 CAN home 732 446 8576 home or mine 732 254 B567 breeder S700 Neq Serious $250 Call 732 238 4592 $300 Call 732 409 2920 BE Inquiries only I 732-656-15BS Buying Cameras HERE SAT VERBAL Readinq DESK - Executive. WATERBED Classic King 1 800 660 4ADS Specialist Special Ed Special CHERRY WOOD $175 sz Boxspnng & mattress SNOW THROWER PAY CASH Tel 732 238 1859 ist English all levels Math Please call 732 972 2529 w/pillow top Perfect condition by M T D Two stage 5 Spd Fax 732 651-7985 U TV MILLTOWN ICY College Essays 732-257-2777 DINETTE SET Almond Kitchen sot Blacksmith with 4 with Electric Starter 10 HP American Legion Hall 4 J F K lacquer china closet custom chairs Excellent 732 446 1872 30 cut Used only once BUYING CAMERAS Drive (off Washington Ave ) Ong $1 000 NOW $750 And Photo Equipment 1 pc or SAT/PSAT area rug to match fabric on INDOOR Garage, Bake & ALGEBR/1 I & II SAT'S Private sessions in /our home chairs $550 or best offer Call 732-834-0242 whole studio No Polaroid or Soup Sale! SAT JAN 23 ANIMAL LOVER/Pot Sitting movie Call 732-928 7811 Geometry & Basic Skills Experienced stafl directed Call 732-792-8404 9am 3pm 'Action for Alyssa Need Help' Feeling frustrated? by the College Board s SAT Service In Your Home SNOWBLOWERS (2) - 4 1/2 benefits 10 year old child Experienced Teacher & Tutor Bonded/Injured 732 792-1105 DINING ROOM SET 1 Merchandise hp Brand new $450 & 3 1/2 CASH FOR BOOKS sponsored Auxiliary Unit ff25 Software author We uso Cherry $350 Curio cabinet hp $285 Kerosene heater Call 732-613-9225 only real tests Top score Call 732-536-0850 gains for 15 ye^rs Score A1 NO PLACE $200 Bedroom Set $250 Corona $75 • 732 721 7066 ALL SUBJECTS-Pre-K & LIKE HOME End table & cocktail tables BED SET King Select Com •CDs'LPs* DVDs • up Cert teacher/reading foe Topi 1 888 GET 1600 WOLFF TANNING BEDS THE RECORD SETTER Q$3 Irtstrucitiibri SPANISH / FRENCH/SCI /BIO PET SITTERS Call 732-972-2851 fort as seen in malls used specialist Exc refs over 10 Personalized Care When You only 1 mo . $400 Exersaucer TAN AT HOME Buy DIRECT CALL 732 257-3888 yrs exp Call 732-409-2920 Raise grades nowl 10 yrs of DINING ROOM SET Antique $20 Bedroom Set Girl s and SAVE' Commercial/Home success w/kids 732 617-1192 Can t Be There Mahogany by Hickory (Around grey 7 pcs with mirror floor Units from $199 00 Low Veterinarian Approved 1940s) Exc cond Includes Monthly Payments FREE BIO, CHEM, MATH amp & large vase $900 or Certified guaranteed results Bonded & Insured 48 China cab 84 tbl w/4 best offer Call 732 780 8666 Color Catalog Call TODAY CONSIGN ART SCHOOL chairs $2 500 (Appraised 1 800 842 1310 Your Women s & Children s Your home Call 732 780 4428 1064 Lost & Found $3,000) Call 732-446 3650 BICYCLES Full Suspension Quality Clothing & Accessories inE Brunswick 732-257 8127 732-238-9840 Mountain Bike w/ shocks & PIANO & VOICE- CHEM/BIO/AP BIO PET CARE UNLIMITED Inc DINING ROOM SET Danish CALL 2ND TURN AROUND Teacher & Author N Y S N J In your home Exp teacher Walnut China cabinet table Freestyle Rotor pegs NEW! Prof Pet Sitting In Your Home OTC Scan tool to solve car Prodigy Jullllard Expert All Call 732-238-0652 CAT FOUND Young Boarding Avail Inb /Bonded (2 leaves & pads) & 6 chairs 732-431-7667 Levels Call 732 6/9 0933 male on November 12 1998 $395 Call 732 238 5807 problems Parts for Honda Juvenile Kerns GUNS • SWORDS • MILITARY CHEMISTRY Exp certified /32 446 2503 CBR900 6 wheel Buggy ITEMS License NJ/Federal PIANO KEYBOARDS, teacher Basic chem honors in Cliltwooci Beach vicinity DINING ROOM SET floats Call 732-251 3798 Dealer Bert 732 821 4949 GUITAR, ORGAN & BASS AP Chem Call732-521-3785 Call 732 5SS S739 Contemporary 8 1/2 ft marbp CHANGING TABLE dresser, Popular & Classical All levels CAT FOUND Male Blar-k lized table with 2 leaves 8 CONTENTS OF perfect condition rocker glider Prof instruction at your home HEBREW TUTOR w/whlte paws & belly Vicinity 066 Perebnals chairs 12 ft glass faced china APARTMENT FOR SALE Call chair mint condition & crib 25 yrs teaching experience Bar & Bat Mitzvah Prep of Old Stage Rd 4 Adiron cabinet white washed wood 732 254 4105 for information mattress Call 732 919 7193 Hank Ploskon 732-238 1555 Kelli Richman 732 536-2914 dack Spotswood 732 723 1112 lacquer $4 000 or best offer I FIREPLACE INSERT it Math - College teacher quality LOST - BRACELET Gold ADOPTION AREYOUPREG Call 732-845-5282 American Stovalator Glass STUDIO 63 lebsons bks published SAT charm 8 children -> face pir NANT? Don t know what lo doors with brass trim fits DINING ROOM SET- MUSICAL INSTRUMENT There ib a Difference Alg/tng/calc Call 732-238-3042 ture o & dates Lost Near Free do? We have many families A Solid cherry wood 11 pc 42 x30 opening 732-297-4850 REPAIR - Guaranteed prof man Funeral Home Freehold waiting to adopt your child MUSIC READING & MATH TUTOR Boro Reward 732 431-4-628 96 double pedestal table w/2 KRISPY'S DVD RENTALS service Call Ben Vitanza Professional Instruction Please call 1 800 745 1?10 leafs 8 hand carved ball & AT THE RECORD SETTER 73? 297 9173 63 Milltown Rd E Brunswick Levels K 9 SAT Prep Lie ask for Marci or Glmn VVtcnn claw Chippendale chairs & helpll DVD Rentals Also looking to A BUYER OF SLOT CARS, 732 257 8637 Teacher Call 732-679-3616 matching 60 lighted hutch buy DVD s 732-257-3888 065 Pets & Animals buffet Never opened still TRAINS & OTHER TOYS PIANO TUNING ADOPTION Lovlnn Happy boxed Cost $11 000 Sell LIVING ROOM - QN Sleeper Call Big Marty at 732 462 0740 New Client Discount $25 couple saeking to adopt new $2 900 (addt I server avail ) Sofa & Loveseat $400 Coffee Toll free 1 888 395 TUNE born baby Let us help you! WG Call 732-360 4684 & end tables $200 Refngera AAA ANTHONY S ANTIQUES • Master Tuner Estb 1960- Work At Home will cherish your baby forever PAYS TOP $$ for any antique FREE TO GOOD HOME Call Chuck/Melody anytime tor $200 Call 732 257 9487 PIANOS-ORGANS r DINING ROOM SET- Black 1 Piece or contents • Estates Golden Retrieve r/German Toll free 1 888 6HS )0S3 lacquer Glass table with 6 MOVING-MUST SELL' • House sales • Etc JO JO LOTS OF TRADE INS Earn up to Shepherd mix All black 6 mo chairs & china cabinet Like Rowe furniture 2 pc matching Auctions held 3rd Tuesday FROM $450 old female Had all puppy LOVING Couplp adopted ^on new $900 Call 732 545 4983 couch 8. chaise neutral colors monthly Established 1979 All Floor Models On Sale shots Good with rhfldren long for newborn Slay home $300 Kitchen table w/6 chairs Call Uncle Joe 732-264-3130 1-800 453-1001 $35,000 a year! Husband severely allergic Mom professional Dad ready (or open relationship with birtn DINING ROOM TABLE by Ashley natural & Hunter SAVE THIS AD ! Call 732 663 3001 and 5 chairs Spanish style Green color $100 FUR Be a Medical Transcnptionist No previous family Allowables rare CALL 732 566 0134 COATS (1) Blonde mink full GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUP expenses Shirley/Drew ALL BOOKS WANTED experience needed we show you how to Male 7 \nki AKC Shots a 1 800 607 1632 lenqth sz Med $250 (1)Fox HIGHEST PRICES PAID prepare medical histories Mo commuting FREE HAIRCUTS jacket sz Sm $7^ Best wormed Great lemperament At our Every Wed 6 30pm CALL 732-525-2843 no se||ing work the hours you choose in Parents on premises Health offers 732 617 9397 what could be the greatest job opportunity guar $425 Call 732-251-2503 workshops Call Lawrence of your life The medical profession needs Gerard Salon for appt MOVING SALE - CONTENTS GOLF CLUBS -MENS GREAT DANE PUPS - AKC 069 fcrttertairiituerrt of home including furniture ANTIQUES WANTED skilled transcriptionists So, if you can type 732-536 8150 From Attic to Cellar DUNLOP $100 or are willing to learn, our experts can train Harlequins $000 & Merles and lots of other merchandise CALL 732 972 2Q51 • $500 Full registration Health KITCHEN SET Table & 6 Call 732 432 4267 after 6pm Contents and Estates you to work at home doing medical transcriptions from chairs Brand new 58 round Mahogany French & UNIVERSAL E-90 audio cassettes dictated by doctors guarantee Call 609-358 6477 white Formica metal chairs & MOVING SALE Bedroom All Furn Oriental Rugs Continental System Excellent Get free facts! No cost or obligation KEESHOND PUPS cushion seats Contemporary 4pc Electric Dryer Fax & cond Tuntun Stop Machine A STORYTIME Porcelain Oil Paintings Papers available has shots Child participation w/puppets $800 Call 732 446 6255 Copier 4pc Oriental Screen ALL ANTIQUES Exer Mate Bicycle Asking Attend FREE SEMINAR for details 1 weeks old 7 females 1 Oriental Carpet 732 390 9525 $5'5Q FOR ALL 732 409-7319 songs & craft- 732 254 9309 KITCHEN TABLE 48 Round FREE APPRAISALS male Adorablel 732 888 281B NJ GALLERIES 1-80O-518-7778 Dept. 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THERE S SOMETHING FOR BUY IT PAPERHANGING YOUR FILL YOUR MERCEDES 300 SD •AAA Affordable SELL IT FIND IT IN $13 /single roll 25 years exp AD BARBARQ 83 Gold 4 dr 8 cyl All FOR EVERYONE CAN PLUMBING & HEATING Water EMPLOYMENT Clean ups • ILASSIFIED 1 BOO 660 4ADS Mike 732 462 9097 NEEDS lower Sunroof am/fm cass BE Heaters Faucets S nks Gas 3 reat condition Asking We take away anything IN CLASSIFIED HERE Piping Sewer Cleaning & All PLACE YOUR AD KELLY'S PAINTING PHIL POLO & SON HERETO REACH $4 500 Call 732 721 0819 Free estimates 732 264 2520 AB TO Z COATINGS PAPERHANGING 1 800 660 4ADS Repairs Eve 4 weeK end Panting & Paperhanging hours avail Lic# 10584 insured 350 000 READERS MERCURY SABLE 91 V6 ABC CLEAN-UPS • $399 3 ROOM SPECIAL!* PAPER REMOVAL Interor/Extenor - Fully Insured CALL 1 800 660 4237 Auto a/c full pwr pkg air Basements garages, attics Sal's painting Call lor info Over 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE Estimates 732 780 357B bag, alarm Exc cond 62 000 732 621 0537 Or 908 618 1532 A.T.C. Call 732-651-2153 and yards Call 732 290 7644 Free Estimates 732 679 2142 POPCORN CEILINGS Plumbing & Heating Inc CARLIN ROOFING mi $4 899 0311732 446 264/ CENTRAL CLEAN UPS ACCENT PAINTING All JOBS All Your Plumb ng Needs GARDEN STATE CONSTRUCTION Rools Excellent Indoor & Outdoor LERIO PAINTING Professionally sprayed Vinyl Sidinq All Repairs Free MITSUBISHI GALANT All types ot debris removed I/it pa nting/wallpaper removal REASONABLE RATES PLUMBING and HEATING 91 4WD Auto a/c p/w p/l Free estimates 732 43B 8684 Painting Residential & Painting Plastering Taping WATER HEATERS Est Insured 732-458 5619 commercial Free estimates Sheet rock Papernanging Gall 732 525 1625 p/m Sunroof 91 000 milos 732-536-4954 REPAIRS & REMODELING Runs and looks good $4 350 TRASH 8 JUNK REMOVAL Fully Insured 732 679 S999 Free Estimates GEORGE SAHULJR GLENN'S ROOFING Anything you want taken to SUTKOWSKI'S WALLS Lie #9816 Fully Insured Call 732 335 4183 AFFORDABLE PAINTING License #5568 • New Work • Tedr Offs dumps Free Estimates 732-390-8655 • Wallpapering • Painting • Re Roofs • Torchdown PLYMOUTH SUNDANCE 87 Call 732 721 8246 Intenor/exteror reliable ALAN BLACKBURN quality work reasonable ratss 732-290-1712 PLUMBING & HEATING 732-251-5660 20 Yrs Exp Free Est Auto a/c 4 dr 98 000 miles WALT S Clean Up Saves U $S Call Room by Room Painting MIKE'S Water Heaters Boiler Installa Fully Insured 732-940-2913 am/fm cass radio Ask ng Polish Hardwork W th J & R ROOFING & SIDING $900 Daytime 732 264 5084 Homes yards gar etc Guar 732-607 2577 PROFESSIONAL German Precision tions Remodeling NJ Master BEAT airprioes°732-613 1267 Plumbers License II 5325 (j?i tibbfifig UNBEATABLE RATES evenings call 732 335 4486 AL'S PAINTING Painting S Wallpapering Inc SEIZED CARS Hondas WE'LL BEAT ANY PRICE! Int/Ext 10% off Free Est WALLPAPER ;fiSidi Exp & Ins 732 846 7525 Chevys Jeep & Sport Utility Need help cleaning out' Attics Interior & Exterior Hung with TLC Pat ence a 732-238-2945 S& R ROOFING & SIDING GET THE BEST FOR LESSI Police impounds and to basements 732 846 5696 1-800-820-1711 Neatnessl Maria 732 888-1337 BACSOKA Windows Carpentry fully Ins repossessions MUST SELL! Free estimate 732 583 3306 ANYTIME ANYWHERE TREE Estimates 732 679 2291 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING PLUMBING & HEATING (800)941 8777 ext C198 ALL PAINTING Int /Ext Free Est Honest 087 Power t TOYOTA CELICA 81 Excel 085 J Outdoor I prices Call Joe 732 937 8166 THE ROOF DOCTOR lent running cond Org owner INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Washing Complete Kitchen & Bath Seals your leaks when you 092 Special Pcnver Eqpt. Quality Work Reasonable Remodeling Water Heaters 4 cyl w/overdrive ore am/fm Sewer & Drain Cleaning need protection the most stereo 25 mpg Asking $650 Rates Catl Mike 732 363-2786 PAINTING Roof Repair Specialist s-ii'ff Services* Inferior/Exterior Wallpaper Reasonable Rates Free Est Call 8am to 4pm 908 719 4267 f*SNOW ALERTS BUSY B'S PAINTING removal Powerwasliing RICK S L cense #5628 WE DO IT ALL GUTTER CLEANING Snow blower tune up&repairs Int/Ext Wallpapering Quality work 20 yrs exp DECKS • PATIOS • HOUSES Free est mates Fully insured LARSON SVCS 732 536 2613 ins Free Est 732 238-5B53 Insured John 732-251-0893 FREE Demos 732 251 9553 CALL 732-727-0014 Evans Mamt 1 800 303 3873 DOLL DOCTOR DOLL REPAIRS Keep The Memories Dr Kathleen • 732 462 3589 GMC SUBURBAN SLE 93 4X4 Great condition 85 000 m les $17 000 or best offer "installation Call 732 521 2408

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1997 FORD CHEVROLET VAN G 30 95 12 passenger auto p/s p/b EXPLORER air 47 000 miles Perfect 4 DR XLT 4WD $9 700 Call 732-679-0088 PONTIAC • BUICK • GMC SPORT UTILITY DODGE CONVERSION VAN 20 000 miles S0HCV6 Tan 85 V8 All auto Captain s with Ian leathet interior Air chairs Queen bed $2 500 or power everything kevless best offer Call 732 735 7200 "40 Years Of Trust dr Service" DODGE GRAND CARAVAN entry lowing package 98 ABS 6 cyl PW PDL AM/FM/Ca.ssette/CD Changci Power mirrors cruise A/C Route 9 & Craig Rd. Freehold, NJ running boards, under 32 000 mi Excellent condition $16 500 Call 732 780 6223 wananty $23 SOOGill **GMC 1 TON** Call (732) 462-0847 or 1-800-398-4343 (732) 446-8908 MASON DUMP 88 P ggy back boxes New brakes and tires $4 700 • 732 846 2585 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21 1999 39

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Only Minutes Away From Routes \, IB, 27, 287 &. The New Jersey Turnpike 821-9 US HIghujay BO • South Brunsiuiek Prices include all costs to be paid by consumers except licensing, tax, and registration. All leasing & financing subject to credit approval. f$2000 Cash back available on '99 Maxima IFat f "jr j".• 3. s c- •:• c =' •>. -•'-t ? _n o1-- r = jlect models. Special financing available on select models. All photos are for illustrative puropses only. Not responsible for typographical errors. This ad acts as a coupon and must bepresented at time of sale. Ends 2/1/99.