, Horse doc On the ran 'Kids & Koins' Horses get tender care at this The SBHS track teams were at the S.B. employee shares longtime Monmouth County clinic state relays on Saturday hobby with kids in book Page 18 Page 28 Page 15 SentineServing South Brunswick l JANUARY 21,1999 40 cents VOLUME 6, NUMBER 13 $1.7M approved for new water line Elizabethtown link will cut shortages during summer BY CHARLES W. KIM signed by then-Mayor Edmund Staff Writer Luciano, would provide for the delivery of 2 million gallons of $1.7-million bond ordi- water per day starting in June. nance approved Tuesday Last summer the township A means more water for declared a water emergency and South Brunswick, residents were restricted after the The bond ordinance authoriz- demand for about 10 million gal- ing funds to construct a water lons of water in one day strained main connection with Elizabeth- the system. town Water Co. was adopted 4-0. The funding ordinance to Republican Councilman Ted Van finance construction of the main Hessen was absent for the vote. was introduced at the Jan. 1 The new water main will pro- council organization meeting. vide up to 5 million additional Township Attorney Bertram gallons per day during peak peri- Busch said that the residents will ods this summer. be notified if their properties will Township Engineer David be affected by the project. Samuels said in December that Custodians Tony Ferraro and Bruce Redfieid clean up the slushy sidewalks around Indian Fields Donato Nieman, outgoing act- Elementary School on Route 522 in Dayton Friday following a meltdown of the previous day's the agreement with Elizabeth- ing township manager, said that snowfall. Augusto F. Menezes/Greater Media town Water, approved by the for- mer Township Committee and Continued on page 21 Rumored arbitration delay rankles S.B. cops But mayor says new labor attorney was hired to speed up settlement BY CHARLES W. KIM Martin Conte told the council. Conte asked Mayor Debra Staff Writer Johnson and the council if a rumored delay in police rumor that the township's new contract arbitration pro- labor attorney, Frederick Danser ceedings, coupled with a of Liberty Corner in Warren A Township, had asked the state proposed Township Council pay raise, drew a strong reaction from arbitrator for a 90-day extension the township's police officers was, in fact, true. Tuesday. Danser replaced attorney Jim About 80 members of the McGovern on Jan. 1. Policemen's Benevolent Associ- Efforts to reach Danser and ation (PBA) Local No. 166 and PBA attorney James Mets, of the Fraternal Order of Police Kenilworth, for comment (FOB) No. 51 attended the Wednesday were unsuccessful. Township Council meeting to ask Johnson denied the rumor and the mayor about a rumored exten- said that the council wanted to sion in their arbitration with the see an end to the process. township. The length of the arbitration The PBA and FOB contracts "is the reason we changed attor- expired three years ago. The FOB neys," Johnson said. The change was made because South Brunswick Patrolman Thomas Glapion addresses the South Brunswick Township Council represents superior officers. Tuesday about union concerns about a possible delay in police contract arbitration talks while "They are here because this is Continued on page 25 approximately 80 officers look on. Jackie Pollack/Greater Media a sensitive issue," PBA President 2 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 Silly or sweet, romantic or clever, Valentine Love 'Notes are the perfect way to share your sentiments with someone special...whether it's your spouse, partner, child, a friend, co-worker or a relative. And...your published message is preserved long . after the candy & flowers are gone. Put your love in print with a Valentine Love Note appearing Wednesday, February 10, 1999. Call us today and we will help you "Write" to your loved one from the heart. , look inside the paper for your chance to win a romantic evening on Broadway \ ] by entering Qreater Media Newspapers Romantic Valentine Contest. ¥¥¥ CLIP & MAIL OR FAX For a loving touch, add one of these symbols circle the one you want • $5 additional (leave space between words) 3 lines 4 lines $8.00 5 lines $10.00 6 lines $12.00 ~f lines $14.00 8 lines $16.00 (*4 line minimum - add additional lines if necessary at s2.00 per line) Symbol $5.00 Total $ We must receive your Love Note no later Name ' than noon on Monday, February 8th. All 't$Ss must Address -City Use Your or mail check. ,-., State Phone #_ To Flace your Love Mote .•V • CALL 1-800-660-4ADS(4237) or' FAX 732-432-0016 Charge Card (check one) • Visa • MC • Discover Mail or Bring your Love Note to Greater Media Newspapers • Attn. Classified Dept. # Expiration __/__ P.O. Box 1080 • East Brunswick, NJ 08816 SENTINEL, JANUARY 21, 1999 3 lliiiil Kunze takes over as S*B. acting manager BY CHARLES W.KIM Staff Writer SOUTH BRUNSWICK — As resi- dents and the governing body said goodbye to the township's outgoing act- ing manager on Tuesday, his assistant was appointed to take his place. Outgoing Acting Manager Donato Nieman, who served as township administrator from 1995 until Jan. 1, when he became acting manager, will be taldng the administrator's position in Montgomery Township on Feb. 1. Tomorrow is his last day in South Brunswick. The incoming acting manager, Richard S. Kunze, has served as Nieman's assistant since August 1996. Kunze, 27, has a bachelor's degree from Montclair State University. Looking for something to do? "I'm looking foiward to the chal- Check out The Entertainer. lenge," said Kunze, who will hold the Page 12 position until the Township Council set- NEW BOSS — Richard S. Kunze has been appointed as acting South Brunswick tles on a permanent manager. township manager, replacing outgoing manager Donato Nieman. Kunze, who moved to South Jackie Pollack/Greater Media Brunswick in October with his wife, al salary of $35,000, will receive an Township Council has 90 days, oi until Jessica, said that residents can expect additional $1,000 per month while serv- the end of March, to approve the new • Classifieds Page 33 much of the same during the transition. ing as acting manager. code. "Donato (Nieman) has been a men- Nieman received $84,500 a year. The council began advertising for a - Editorials Page 22 tor for me, he has taught me a great e Kunze said the 1999 budget and the manager in Dccembet and consultant Entertainment . .Page 12 deal," Kunze said, adding that his for- adoption of a new administrative code Maivin Corwick, who was hired to help - Letters Page 22 mer boss "is worth emulating." will be at the top of his list of priorities. with the government transition, is cur- Kunze said that the municipality will Since the township switched ftom a rently evaluating the approximately 30 • Marketplace . .Page 30 continue to be "customer-service orient- applications leceived e township committee to a council-man- Milestones Page 21 ed" when dealing with the citizens. ager form of government this month, a Voters appioved the change in gov- • Obituaries Page 26 Kunze, who presently earns an annu- new code must be adopted. The ernment in 1997. • Police Beat Page 27 • Sports Page 28 Schwartz tells mayor appointments Illegal Johnson says council manager form of government Jan. 1. report would be made to the county Phone numbers: In each of the towns he surveyed, authorities. voted on planning, Schwartz said, the council makes the Editorial 254-7000 Ext. 8226 The Planning Board held its orga- FAX 254-0486 zoning choices appointments. nizational meeting on Jan. 13. Schwartz also said that he The Zoning Board reorganization J3Y CHARLES W. KIM Display Advertising 972-6740 believes the Faulkner Act — the meeting, scheduled for last FAX 972-6746 Staff Writer state statute that sets the rules for the Thursday, was postponed until SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Chart- operation of the different forms of tonight because of inclement weath- er Study Commission member Lewis government — would require the er. Classified 1-800-660-4ADS council to pass either a resolution or Classified FAX 432-0016 Schwartz has called the mayor's Jan. Frank Antisell, a Democratic 1 appointments to the township's an ordinance giving the power to Township Council candidate who Delivery problems? Planning and Zoning boards illegal. make appointments to someone lost by just five votes and who Call circulation at 254-1755 At Tuesday's Township Council other than the council. served on the Planning and Zoning before noon on Friday. meeting, Schwartz asked the coun- Schwartz said that he was mainly boards last year, was elected cil where, under the new municipal concerned with the Class IV citizen Planning Board chairman and Susan government charter, the mayor had appointments. Edelman, also a former board mem- the authority to make the appoint- These appointments, according to ber, was named vice chairwoman. ments. Schwartz, are to be made by the The other Planning Board mem- council and not by the mayor. Sentinel "I'm concerned as a member of bers are Arthur Robinson, Common "You folks have got to realize that Sense member Joe Spataro, the Charter Study Commission," said the government has changed; these Managing Editor Marilyn Duff Schwartz, who said he thinks the appointments were not made legal- Democratic Municipal Chairman Sports Coordinator Lindsey Sicgle council should have made the ly," Schwartz said. Charles Carley, Glenn Davis, Councilman Edmund Luciano, Executive Editor (Jregmy Bean appointments by majority vote Mayor Debra Johnson disagreed instead of by the mayor.
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