Author Index

Page numbers in italics refer to the references

Abbott IR, Matheson NK Ada T, see Iwatsubo T 235, Aitken WB, Niederpruem DJ 755, 786 237, 238, 320 180, 188 Abdul-Baki AA, Ray PM 12, Adachi S, see Itoh T 290, 320 Aitzetmiiller K 233, 300 48,58 Adair WL, Gabriel 0, Statha­ Akabori S, see Hanafusa H Abdullah M, Whelan WJ kos D, KaJckar HM 31, 107, 119 297, 300 55,58 Akabori S, see Tsugita A Abe M, see Kato K 290, 322 Adame EG, see Kollman VH 107, 122 Abe M, see Veno Y 356, 383 277, 278, 323 Akai H, Kobayashi K, Misaki Abel KM, see Andrews TJ Adams CA, Rinne RW, Fjer­ A, Harada T 498, 507 249, 254, 256, 301 stad MC 282, 300, 712, Akatsuka T, Nelson OE 409, Abeles RH, see Mieyal JJ 726, 737 413 220,328 Adams E 31,38,58 Akazawa T 19, 58, 260, 300 Abels FB, Basshart RP, For­ Adams GA, see Haq S 362, Akazawa T, Minamikawa T, renee LE, Habig WH 117 380 Murata T 261,301 Abou-Guendia M, D'Appolo­ Adelman MR, Blobel G, Sa­ Akazawa T, Okamoto K 217, nia BL 279, 300 batini DD 587, 597 218, 223, 227, 230, 252, 258, Abou-Issa H, see Mendicino Adler G, Kasprzyk Z 614, 301 J 137, 138, 139, 155 626 Akazawa T, see Asami S 247, Abraham DJ, see Tin-Wa M Adler J, see Hazelbauer GL 301 614,630 665,670 Akazawa T, see Lorimer GH Abramson P, see Stahmann Adler J, see Isaacks R 199, 255,326 MA 105,122 211 Akazawa T, see Murata T 9, Abrutsch U, see Teather RM Adler JL, see Isaacks RE 11, 19,69,220,261,329, 660, 662, 675 199,211 330,398,409,410,416,717, Achard DT, see Kaplan A Aexel R T, see Atallah AM 744 592,598 620, 625, 626 Akazawa T, see Nomura T Achenbach H, Grisebach H Agrawal BBL, Goldstein IJ 18, 70, 222, 225, 228, 229, 146, 151 522,569 230,231, 261, 283, 331, 409, Achenbach H, Karl W 143, Agrawal PK, Canvin DT 80, 416 151 95 Akazawa T, see Okamoto K Achenbach H, see Grisebach Agrawal PKML, Bahl OP 246,261,282,331,754, H 146, 153 116, 117 791 Achenbach H, see Matern U Ahlers J, Ahr E, Seyfarth A Akazawa T, see Takabe T 143, 154 650,666 247,342 Achenbach H, see Pape H Ahmad I, Larher F, Stewart Akazawa T, see Tanaka Y 146, 156 GR 165, 181, 182, 187 409, 417 Achtardjiev C, see Koleva M Ahmadjian V, see Hill DJ Akemine T, see Kikuta Y 81, 454,465 164, 166, 169, 189 97 Achtardjiev CZ, Koleva M Ahmed AAM, Ries E 247, Akerson RC 268, 301 454, 461 300 Akiyama Y, Kato K 35, 58, Ackman RG, see Craigie JS Ahmed AER, Labavitch JM 517, 536, 563, 567, 569 164, 188, 189 289,300 Akiyama Y, Mori M, Kato Acock B, Nichols R 267,300 Ahr E, see Ahlers J 650, 666 K 563,569 Acree TE, see Schallenberger Aichele G, see Teather RM Akiyama Y, see Toyoshima S RS 227,337 660, 662, 675 517, 529, 582 Acton GJ, Drumm H, Mohr Aihara MS, see Yamamoto A1-Ayash AI, Wilson MT 89, H 90,95 HY 89,102 95 796 Author Index

Albersheim P 35, 58, 264, Allen AK, see Desai NN 545, myn MA, Knox RB, Stone 289, 301 572 BA 530, 559, 561, 567, 570 Albersheim P, see Cline K Allen CF, Good P, Davis HF, Anderson RL, Hanson RE, 292,307 Chisum P, Fowler SD 603, Sapico VL 132, 151 Albersheim P, see Darvill AG 611 Anderson RL, Ray PM 264, 135, 152 Allen KE, see Bowman BJ 265, 301 Albersheim P, see Delmer DP 650,667 Anderson RL, see Bhumira­ 18, 19,20,21,25,61,229, Alleweldt G, see During H tan a A 275, 304 242, 264, 309 686, 687, 696 Anderson RL, see Clarke AE Albersheim P, see English PD Allfrey JM, Northcote DH 515, 559, 567, 571 86, 96, 196,202,210 759, 761, 786 Anderson RL, see Rackis JJ Albersheim P, see Grimes WJ Allgeier H 300, 301 538,580 223, 233, 315 Allgeier H, see Saner A 300, Anderson RS, Ewing EE 236, Albersheim P, see Keegstra K 337 240, 301, 776, 786 517, 564, 567, 575 Allison WS, see Parker DJ Anderson RS, Ewing EE, Se­ Albersheim P, see McNeil M 47,70 nesac AH 240, 301 135,155,434,466,753,790 Aloni R 267,301 Anderson S, Wold JK 530, Albersheim P, see Valent BS Alston RE 389, 390 560,570 521, 582 Alston RE, see Wallace JW Anderson WA, Magasanik B Albersheim P, see West C 393 203,208 237,345 Altermatt HA, Neish AC 5, Anderson WP, see Higinbo­ Albersheim P, see Ziegler E 58 tham N 693, 697 237,347 Altman A, see Giladi I 267, Andoh T, see Sugiyama N Albert R, see Koenigshofer H 314 293, 341, 457, 470, 770, 792 197, 212, 290, 323 Amanuma H, Hoh J, Anraku Andrae W A, see Towers Albertsson PA, see Larsson C Y 658,667 GHN 385,393 242,324 Ambler RP, see Morris HR Andrejeva A, see Bogdanov Al'bitskaya ON, see Pakho­ 521, 578 V 567,570 mova MV 8,9, 10, II, 70 Amir J, Kahn U, Unterrnan Andrews AT 520, 522, 570 Albon N, Bell DJ, Blanchard M 263,301 Andrews P 520, 570 PH, Gross D, Rundell JT Amon A, Markakis P 90, 95 Andrews P, Hough L, Jones 360,379 Amuti KS, Pollard CJ 21,58, JKN 422, 426, 453, 461 Albrecht GJ, Kauss H 293,301 732, 737, 768, 786 Andrews TJ, Abel KM 249, Albrecht J, see Sumere CF Andersen AS, see Veierskov 254, 256,301 van 518, 519, 581 B 268,344 Andries M, see Meeuse BJD Alden J, Hermann RK 374, Anderson CE, see Mian N 477,512 379, 783, 786 662, 673 Angold RE, see Ayre L 731, Alexander AG 259,274,301, Anderson DMW, King NJ 737 714, 737 490,508 Angyal SJ, Anderson L 193, Alexander AG, see Maretzki Anderson E 419,423,461 208 A 235, 327 Anderson E, Lowe HJ 37,58 Angyal SJ, Bethell GS 227, Alexander JK, see Sheth K Anderson L 193, 208 301 293,338 Anderson L, Wolter K 193, Angyal SJ, Gallagher RT, Po­ Algranati ID, Cabib E 500, 208 jer PM 197, 208 507 Anderson L, see Angyal SJ Anjaneyalu YV, see Gowda Allcock C, see Francis MJO 193,208 DC 451,452,464 387, 391 Anderson L, see Hankes LV Ankel E, see Ankel H 49, 58 Allen AK, Desai NN, Neuber­ 170, 189, 203, 211 Ankel H, Ankel E, Feingold ger A 522, 545, 567, 569 Anderson L, see Steinhart C DS, Schutzbach JS 49, 58 Allen AK, Desai NN, Neuber­ 204, 215 Ankel H, Feingold DS 50, ger A, Creeth JM 35, 58, Anderson LE, Duggan JX 84, 58,137,151 517,522,536,546,547,561, 95 Ankel H, Maitra US 57,58 563, 567, 570 Anderson LE, Ng T-CL, Park Ankel H, Tischer RG 37,58 Allen AK, Neuberger A 519, K-EY 82, 83, 95 Ankel H, see Gaunt MA 37, 537, 538, 545, 546, 569 Anderson MM, see Shaw AB 64 Allen AK, Neuberger A, Sha­ 605, 612 Ankel H, see John KV 49, ron N 537, 538, 569 Anderson RL, Clarke AE, Jer- 52,66 Author Index 797

Ankel H, see Maitra US 31, Armstrong JE, see Jones RL Aso K, see Watanabe T 280, 37, 68 749,751,753, 789 345 Annan WD, Hirst E, Manners Arni PC, Percival EGV 447, Aspinall GO 35, 58, 292, 301 DJ 482, 495, 508 461 Aspinall GO, Cottrell IW, Anraku Y, see Amanuma H Arnold WN 218,235,301, Matheson NK 35, 58 658,667 551,570 Aspinall GO, Ferrier RJ 433, Anthonsen T, Hagen S, Kazi Aronson JM, see Coulter DB 461 MA, Shah SW, Tagar S 498, 505, 509 Aspinall GO, Gupta Das PC 171,188 Aronsson A, Ingestad T, L6iif 448,461 Antonini E, see Phelps C 550, LG 375,379 Aspinall GO, Hirst EL, Perci­ 579 Arora SK, Das B 702, 737 val EGV, Williamson IR Aoki T, Suga T 299, 301 Arreguin B, see Lemieux RU 420,461 Apel P 732, 737 298, 299, 325 Aspinall GO, Rashbrook RB, Apel P, Natr L 710, 737 Arreguin-Lozano B, Bonner J Kessler G 420, 461 Applegarth DA, Bozoian G 775, 786 Assa Y, Gestetner B, Chet I, 105,117 Arron GP, see Usuda H 248, Henis Y 626 Aquila H, see Riccio P 660, 343 Assarson A, Theander 0 369, 674 Arsenault GP, see Yaphe W 379 Aradi J, see Zsindely A 196, 351,383 Assche JA van, see Laere AJ 216 Artschwager E 684, 685, 695 van 112,113,120 Arai Y, see Hisajima S 235, Arya AK, see Singh R 222, Asselbergs EAM, Francis FJ 319 263,339 95 Arai Y, see Nakamura N Arya HC, see Ramawat KG Asua LJ de, Carminatti HT, 227, 234, 262, 267, 330 288,335 Passeron S 22, 58 Araki Y, Ito E 114, 117 Asada K, Tanaka K, Kasai Z Atallah AM, Aexel RT, Ram­ Archambault A, Courtois JE, 202,208 sey RB, Threlkeld S, Nicho­ Wickstmm A, Le Dizet P Asada K, see Tanaka K 199, las HJ 620, 625, 626 350, 357, 379 215 Atallah NA, see Sabry ZI Archambault A, see Asahi T, see Hirai M 237,319 272, 336 Wickstrom A 350, 357, 383 Asahi T, see Muto S 80, 99 Atkins CA, see Layzell DB Archbold HK 442,443,451, Asami S, Akazawa T 247, 270,324 461 301 Atkinson K, see Donahue T Archer SA, Clamp JR, Mi­ Asami S, see Lorimer GH 207, 210 gliore D 505, 508 255,326 Attridge TH 90, 95 Archibald AR, Cunningham Asami S, see Takabe T 247, Auber J-P, Biserte G, Lou­ WL, Manners DJ, Stark JR, 342 cheux-Lefebvre MH 569, Ryley JF 494, 495, 496, 508 Asamizu T, Nishi A 85, 95, 570 Archibald AR, Fleming ID, 206, 208, 267, 301 Augem A, see Colin H 371, Liddle AM, Manners DJ, Aschner M, see Hestrin S 3, 379 Mercer G, Wright A 473, 65 Aung LH, Hertogh AA de 474, 492, 508 Ash ASF, Reynolds TM 173, 773, 786 Archibald AR, Hirst EL, 188 Auriol P, Strobel G, Beltren Manners DJ, Ryley JF 490, Ashai T, Kojima M, Kosuge JP, Gray G 293, 301 508 T 270,301 Austin A, see Singhal NC Archold HK 700, 730, 736, Ashcom J, see Franzen B 47, 701, 746 737 63 Austin RB, Morgan CL, Ford Ard JS, see Stinson EE 197, Ashcom J, see Franzen JS 44, MA, Blackwell RD 730, 215 47,63 737 Arditti J 267, 288, 301 Ashford AE, Jacobson JV Austin S, see Jennings DH Arima K, see Dohi M 207, 435,461 181, 189 210 Ashihara H 9,58 Austrian R, see Smith EEB Ariyoshi U, see Courtois JE Ashihara H, see Kanamori I 36,73 357, 379 81,97 Avants JK, see Pressey R Armstrong JB, see Kennedy Ashihara M, Komamine A 234, 235, 238, 334, 782, 791 EP 658,671 83,95 Avigad 0, see Hestrin S 380 Armstrong JE, Jones RL 753, Ashwell G, see Neufeld EF Avigad G 13,21,26, 54, 58, 786 239,330 220, 221, 224, 227, 228, 229, 798 Author Index

233, 235, 252, 264, 273, 275, Bacon JSD, Cheshire MV Bailey KM, Phillips IDJ, Pitt 296,302 135, 151 D 774,775,776,777, 786 Avigad G, Bauer S 227,302 Bacon JSD, Edelman J 437,461 Bailey RW 217,271,278, Avigad G, Levin N, Milner Bacon JSD, Loxley R 439, 281,284,288,289,290,291, Y 220, 221,302 460, 461 292, 295, 297, 302, 424, 461 A vigad G, Milner Y 224, Bacon JSD, MacDonald IR, Bailey RW, Hassid WZ 36, 227, 228, 229, 233, 302 Knight AH 234, 238, 302 59 Avigad G, Ziv 0, Neufeld E Baddiley J, Blumson NL, Di Bailey RW, see Monro JA 274, 275, 302 Girolamo A, Di Girolamo 562, 564, 578 Avigad G, see Feingold DS M 149,151 Bain JM, Mercer FV 552, 62, 221, 222, 250, 258, 259, Baddiley J, Blumson NL, Di 570,707,714,715, 737,755, 264, 311 Girolamo A, Di Girolamo 757, 786 Avigad G, see Katan R 8, 9, M 39, 58 Baisted DJ 619, 620, 626 10, 11,30,48,49,66 Baddiley J, see Blumson NL Baisted DJ, see Fang TY 618, Avigad G, see Milner Y 221, 149, 152 628 224, 227, 328 Baddiley J, see Candy DJ Baisted DJ, see Staver MJ 20, Avineri-Shapiro S, see Hestrin 149, 152 73,618,622,630 S 3,65 Baddiley J, see Garcia-Trejo Baker DA, Hall JL, Thorpe Avron M, see Wegmann K A 3~M ill 6~,~0,~2 270, 345 Baddiley J, see Pontis HG 53, Baker DA, Moorby J 721, Awad M, Young RE 782, 71 n7 786 Baden DJ, Mende TJ 641, Baker SF, Widdas WF 661, Axelos M, Peaud-Lenoel C 667 667 15, 21, 25, 34, 35, 58, 617, Badenhuizen NP 400,413, Bakhaeva GP, Berlin Y A, Bol­ 618,619,626 714,715,716,717,718,721, dyreva EF, Chuprunova Axelos M, see Peaud-Lenoel 722, 725, 737, 755, 774, 786 OA, Kolosov MN, Soifer C 15,16,20,21,71,617, Badenhuizen NP, Dutton VS, Vasiljeva TE, Yartseva 618,619,620,625,630 RW 720,727,737 IV 142, 151 Axelrod B 281,302 Badenhuizen NP, see Chan­ Bakhaeva GP, Berlin Y A, Axelrod B, see Pubols MH dorkar KR 409, 414 Chuprunova OA, Kolosov 25, 71 Badenhuizen NP, see Gafin MN, Peck GY, Piotrovich Axelrod J, see Strominger JL JE 720,740 LA, Shemyakin MM, Va­ 4,44,74 Badenhuizen NP, see Mangat sina IV 142, 151 Aynehchi Y, Samuelsson G BS 492, 511, 734, 742 Bal AK, see Payne JF 54, 70 272,302 Badenhuizen NP, see McCrak­ Balaravi SP, Bansal HC, Ayre L, Angold RE 731, 737 ken DA 491,511 Eggum BO, Bhaskaran S Ayres PG, see Hewitt HG Badenhuizen NP, see Salema 702, 737 272, 318 R 716,719, 745 Balasubramaniam K 422,461 Azam F, Kotyk A 663, 667 Baenziger J, Kornfeld S 567, Balazs EA, see Jeanloz RW 570 103, 119 Baalen C van, see Estep MF Bagchi P, see Mukherjee AK Bake LV, see Varner JE 757, 252, 311 422, 467 758, 761, 793 Babber S, see Sheoran IS Bahl OP, see Agrawal PKML Baldwin E, see Bell DJ 37, 59 267,338 116, 117 Ball AJS, see Leblanc DJ Babczinski P 237, 302 Baig MM, Kelly S, Loewus F 233,324 Babczinski P, Tanner W 236, 87,95 Ballance GM, Manners DJ 302 Baijal M, Sanwal GG 12,58 283, 292, 302 Babczinski P, see Sharma CB Baijal M, Singh S, Shukla RN, Ballard FJ 13, 59 565, 567, 581 Sanwal GG 221,222,229, Ballou C 106, 117 Bacon CW, Wenger R, Bul­ 232, 234, 302 Ballou CE 193,208,237,302 lock JF 260, 302 Baijal M, see Shukla RN 234, Ballou CE, see Ballou L 236, Bacon J, see Suleiman AAA 339 237, 302 171, 191, 271, 341 Bailey CJ, Boulter D 526, 570 Ballou CE, see Karson EM Bacon JSD 135, 151, 368, Bailey DS, see Diirr M 264, 237, 322 379,437, 447, 461 3/0,621,627 Ballou CE, see Lehle L 107, Bacon JSD, Bell DJ 361, Bailey JL, Whyborn AG 603, 120,236,325,552, 567, 569, 379 611 576 Author Index 799

Ballou CE, see Mower RL Bargoni N 222,303,681,682 Bartnicki-Garcia SR, see 172, 173, 175, 190 Barham D, Dey PM, Griffiths Wang MC 505, 514 Ballou CE, see Tomlinson D, Pridham JB 768, 786 Barz W 26,59 RV 198, 199,215 Barker SA, 161, 162, 164, Barz W, Hosel W 385, 390 Ballou L, Cohen RE, Ballou 165, 170, 188 Barz W, see Hosel W 134, CE 236, 237, 302 Barker SA, Bourne EJ, 154 Baltimore D, see Knipe DM O'Mant DM, Stacey M Barz W, see Leienbach KW 586,598 504,508 26,67 Bamforth CW, Martin HL, Barker SA, Bourne EJ, Stacey Baset QA, see Sutcliffe IF Wainwright T 434,462 M 504,508 205,215 Bandurski RS 198,202,204, Barker WG, see Peterson RL Basha SM, Beevers L 552, 208, 279, 302 719, 744 556, 557, 570 Bandurski RS, see Felker P Barlow AJE, see Chattaway Basha SMM, Beevers L 105, 521, 573 FW 112,118 117 Bandurski RS, see Kivilaan Barlow EWR, Lee JW, Munns Bass ST, see Rodriguez P 29, A 16,67 R, Smart MG 734, 737 72 Bandurski RS, see Michalczuk Barlow EWR, see Munn R Bassham JA, Krause GH L 202,213 268, 329 399,413 Banfield J, see Leigh RA 239, Barnard J, see Schallenberger Bassham J A, see Benson AA 257,325 RS 227,337 352,379 Banfield J, see Leigh RG 694, Barnell HR 450,451,462, Bassham J A, see Buchanan 698 709, 737, 782, 786 JG 4, 14, 16, 60 Banks GT, Mantle PG, BarnettJA 168,169,170, Bassham JA, see Chu DK 81, Szczyrbak CA 506, 508 178,181,188,273,275,303, 82,96 Banks W, Greenwood CT 516, 569, 570 Bassham lA, see EI-Badry 720, 722, 723, 724, 725, 737, Barnett JEG, Rasheed A, Co­ AM 15,62 774,786 rina DL 200,208 Bassham JA, see Kaiser WM Banks W, Greenwood CT, Baron D, Grisebach H 137, 19,66,82,97,242,243,244, Muir DD 718,719, 737 138, 151 246, 256, 260, 321, 400, 403, Bansal HC, see Balaravi SP Baron D, Streitberger U, Gri­ 405,415,717,742,780,789 702, 737 sebach H 138,151 Bassham JA, see Kanazawa Banthorpe DV, Mann J 388, Baron D, see Gebb C 51,64, T 398,404,415,780, 789 390 138, 153 Bassham JA, see Lawyer AL Barankiewicz TJ 269, 302 Baron D, see Kelleher WJ 264, 267, 324 Baraud J, Maurice A, Napias 137,154 Bassham JA, see Lendzian K C 613,626 Baron D, see Wellmann E 83,98 Barbashova AK, see Sobolev 138, 157 Bassham JA, see Pelroy RA AM 199,215 Barr J, Nordin P 264, 303 83,99 Barber CA 297, 303 Barras DR, Stone BA 495, Bassham lA, see Platt SG Barber GA 22, 25, 38, 39, 59, 496,508 269,333 386, 389, 390 Barrentine BF, see Hammett Basshart RP, see Abels FB Barber GA, Chang MTY 39, HL 704,740 I17 59,386,390 Barrios EP, Newsom DW, Bathgate GN, Palmer GH, Barber GA, Hassid WZ 16, Miller JC 720, 737 Wilson G 433, 462 20,59 Barry VC, Halsall TG, Hirst Batra VIP, Mehta SL 258, Barber GA, Neufeld AF 386, EL, Jones JKN 475, 508 262,303 390 Bartlett GR 199,208 Batt S, Venis MA 623,627 Barber GA, Neufeld EF 39, Bartley 1M 782, 786 Battaile J, see Loomis WD 59 Bartnicki-Garcia S 105, 117 519,577 Barber GA, see Hebda PA Bartnicki-Garcia S, Nickerson Bauer S, see Avigad G 227, 38,65 WJ 105,117 302 Barber GA, see Liao TH 23, Bartnicki-Garcia S, see Bauer S, see Druzhinina TN 25,40,68 McMurrough I I14,120 34,61 Barber GA, see White RC Bartnicki-Garcia S, see Toku­ Bauer S, see Farkas V 223, 55, 75 naga J 505, 513 227, 311 Barclay I, see Bennett MD Bartnicki-Garcia S, see Zeven­ Bauer S, see Zemek J 276, 707, 738 huizen LPTM 504, 514 347 800 Author Index

Bauer WD, see Keegstra K Beck E, see Senser M 715, Beevers L, Mense RM 110, 517, 564, 567, 575 745 117 Baumann C, Rudiger H, Beck E, see Thanbichler A Beevers L, Splittstoesser WE Strosberg AD 569, 570 129, 132,157 552,570 Baun LC, Palmino EP, Perez Beck JC, Sacktor B 659, 667 Beevers L, see Basha SM 552, CM, Juliano BO 261,303 Becker D, Kluge M, Zeigler 556, 557, 570 Baxter ED, Duffus CD 262, H 9,59 Beevers L, see Basha SMM 264,303 Becker JV, Betz A 665, 667 105, 117 Baxter ED, Duffus CM 12, Becker JV, see Schneider EM Beevers L, see Browder SK 59, 407, 413, 707, 725, 737, 246,338 105, 108, 110, 111,118,517, 738 Becker JW, see Wang JL 545, 556, 571 Baxter RJ, Lehner Y 290, 582 Beevers L, see Nagahashi J 303 Becker R, Grosjean OKK 108,110, 111,121,264,330, Bayles RA 735, 738 290,303 622,630 Bayley ST, see King NJ 562, Becker R, Lorenz K 272, 303 Beevers L, see Neely RS 116, 575 Becker R, Lorenz K, Saunders 121,289,330 Bdolah A, Feingold DS 49, RM 280,303 Begbie R, see Pusztai A 517, 59 Becker WM, see Riezman H 530, 560, 564, 580 Beachey EH, see Ofek I 219, 595,600 Behrens V, see W6stemeyer J 331 Beckman JM, see Nichols EJ 229, 346 Beaman TC, see Kivilaan A 292, 296, 330 Behrman EJ, see Hebda PA 16,67 Beeley JG, see Smellie RMS 38,65 Bean RC 222, 303 565, 581 Beitz D, see Ingle J 710, 741 Bean RC, Hassid WZ 222, Beer S, Eshel A, Waisel Y Belaich A, Simonpietri P, Be­ 227,303 270,303 laich J-P 658, 661, 667 Beattie A, Hirst EL, Percival Beer S, Shomer-Ilan A, Waisel Belaich J-P, see Belaich A E 495, 496, 508 Y 254, 270, 303 658,661,667 Beauclerk AAD, Smith AJ Beevers H 77,81,95,238, Beland GL, see Dreyer DL 640, 654, 656, 667 250, 303, 595, 597 204,210 Bebbington A, Bourne EJ, Beevers H, see Benedict CR Belavady B, see Rao PV 290, Wilkinson IA 491,508 222,303 335 Bechtel DB, Pomeranz Y Beevers H, see Butt VS 77, Belcopitow E, Man~chal LR 713,719, 738 78, 81, 96 275,303 Beck E 130,133,151,353, Beevers H, see Gibbs M 81, BeIcopitow E, Marechal LR, 379 96 Gros EG 275,303 . Beck E, Kandler 0 133, 136, Beevers H, see Gonzalez EH BeIcopitow E, see Marechal 151 596,598 LR 275,327 Beck E, Knaupp I 127, 129, Beevers H, see Grant BR Bell DH, see Good NE 218, 151 641, 642, 669, 690, 694, 696 267, 314 Beck E, Sellmair J, Kandler Beevers H, see Kober MJ Bell DJ 217,271,303,448, o 126, 127, 152 250,323 462 Beck E, Stransky H, Fiirbrin­ Beevers H, see Kriedemann P Bell DJ, Baldwin E 37, 59 ger M 126, 152, 284, 303 238, 264, 323, 637, 642, 657, Bell DJ, Isherwood FA, Hard­ Beck E, Wieczorek J, Reinecke 665,672 wick NE, Cahn RS 133, 152 W 132,152 Beevers H, see Mettler II Bell DJ, Palmer A 437, 444, Beck E, see Eickenbusch JD 595,599 462 127,152 Beevers H, see Nishimura M Bell DJ, see Albon N 360, Beck E, see Gilck H 125, 126, 17, 70, 222, 229, 239, 245, 379 127, 129, 151,153 246, 249, 250, 256, 257, 330, Bell DJ, see Bacon JSD 361, Beck E, see Groden D 89, 90, 331, 370,381, 594, 599 379 96 Beevers H, see Rees T ap 77, Bell DJ, see Gross D 350, Beck E, see Pongratz P 284, 79,95 361, 380 286, 333, 779, 780, 791 Beevers H, see Slater WG 5,73 Bell KR, see Cegla GF 272, Beck E, see Schilling N 286, Beevers H, see Stewart CR 306 337 247, 341 Bellando M, Trotta A, Bonetti Beck E, see Sellmair J 126, Beevers L, Guernsey FS 552, A, Colombo R, Lado P, 129, 130, 156,353,382 570 Marre E 651,667 Author Index 801

Belliardo F, Buffa M, Patetta Benveniste P, see Hartmann­ Bewley JD, Black M 279, A, Manino A 280, 303 Bouillon MA 616,621, 280,282,283,284,304,701, Beltran JP, Carbonell J 265, 623, 625, 628 725, 738, 751, 754, 756, 768, 303 Benveniste P, see Quantin E 786 Beltren JP, see Auriol P 293, 622,630 Bewley JD, Halmer P 765, 301 Benveniste P, see Schmitt P 770,786 Belval H 448, 449, 462 614,630 Bewley JD, Holmer P, Belval H, Merac Du M-L Bereck E, see Jaretzky R 456, Krochko J, Winner WE 441,462 465 268,304 Belval H, see Colin H 450, Berge DE la, MacGregor A W, Bewley JD, Leung DWM 462 Meredith WOS 732, 738 769, 770, 786 BeMiller IN 438, 462 Bergkvist R 9, 10, II, 59 Bewley JD, see Halmer P Ben Amotz A, see Wegmann Bergner U, Tanner W 595, 429, 464, 764, 765, 766, 768, K 270, 345 597 770,788 Ben Arie R, Kislev N, Frenkel Berjonneau C, see Faye L Bewley JD, see Leung DMW C 687,695,781, 786 235,236,237,311,552,572 289, 325, 429, 465, 764, 767, Bender MM 252, 303 Berlin Y A, Esipov SE, Ko­ 768, 790 Bender MM, Smith D 441, losov MN, Shemyahin Bewley JD, see Reid JSG 462 MM 142,152 426, 458, 459, 467 Bender MM, see Osmond CB Berlin Y A, see Bakhaeva GP Beyers M, Thomas AC, Ton­ 254,332 142, 151 der AJ van 280, 304 Benedict CR, Beevers H 222, Berndt J, see Schlubach HH Beytia ED, Porter JW 564, 303 446,468 570 Benedict CR, Wong WWL, Bernheimer HP, see Smith Bezer AR, see Kabat EA 557, Wong THH 254,304 EEB 36, 73 575 Benedict CR, see Whelan T Bernier G, see Pryke JA 237, Bhakuni DS 294, 304 252,345 334 Bharti S, Garg OP 88, 95 Benedict CR, see Wong Bertland A U II, Ka1ckar HM Bhaskaran S, see Balaravi SP WWL 252,346 31,59 702, 737 Ben-Gera I, see Kanner J Bertland AU II, Seyama Y, Bhatia HM, Khim YG, Boyd 234, 322 Ka1ckar HM 31, 59 WC 541,570 Benner U, Schnepf E 680,682 Bertland A U II, see Ka1ckar Bhatia IS, Gumber SC, Singh Benner U, see Schnepf E 682, HM 31,66 R 239, 262, 304 683 Besouw A van, Wintermans Bhatia IS, Mann SK, Singh Bennet PA, Chrispeels MJ JFGM 264, 304 R 440,462 753, 786 Besset A, see Besson E 386, Bhatia IS, Nandra KS 241, Bennett MD, Smith JB, Barc­ 390 304, 449, 462 lay I 707, 738 Besson E, Besset A, Boullianz Bhatia IS, Srinivasan M 448, Benouaiche P, see Fahn A L, Chopin J, Brederode J 462 679, 680, 683 van, Nigtevecht G van 386, Bhatia IS, Uppal D 9, 59, Benson AA 606, 607, 611 390 222,304 Benson AA, Bassham JA, Cal­ Bethell GS, see Angyal SJ Bhatia IS, see Nandra KS vin M, Goodale TC, Haas 227,301 241, 330 VA, Stepka W 352, 379 Betts BE, see Carter HE 111, Bhatia IS, see Sharma KP 8, Benson AA, see Buchanan 118 9, 10, 73, 221, 225, 229, 262, JG 4, 8, 9, 14, 16, 60, 220, Betz A, see Becker JU 665, 338 305 667 Bhatia IS, see Singh R 222, Benson AA, see Calvin M Beusekom CF van 133, 152 241, 263, 339, 340, 439, 469 220,305 Beutler E, see Blume KG 13, Bhatia IS, see Srinivasan M Benson AA, see Ferrari RA 59 447, 470 604, 606, 611 Beveridge RJ, Ford CW, Ri­ Bhattacharya A, Puri M, Benson AA, see Shibuya I chards CN 278, 304 Datta A 112, 117 606,612 Beveridge RJ, Ford CW, Ri­ Bhavanandan UP, Bouveng Bentaboulet M, Robin A, Ke­ chards GN 197, 202, 209 HO, Lindberg B 498, 499, pes A 652, 667 Bevill RD, see Salo WL 35, 508 Benveniste P, see Hartmann 72 Bhumiratana A, Anderson MA 616, 621, 628 Bewley JD 751, 786 RL, Costilow RN 275, 304 802 Author Index

Bianchetti R, Sartirana ML loway RW, Rickards RW Black M, see Bewley JD 279, 205,209 146, 152 280, 282, 283, 284, 304, 701, Bianchetti R, see Marn': E 12, Birch AJ, Holloway PW, Rik­ 725, 738,751,754,756,768, 68 kards RW 146, 152 786 Bianchetti R, see Sartirana Bird IF, Cornelius MJ, Dyer Black M, see Slack PT 760, ML 205,214 T A, Keys AJ 242, 304 792 Bianchi DE, see Turian G Bird IF, Cornelius MJ, Keys Black W AP, Cornhill WJ, De­ 499,514 AJ, Kumarasinghe S, Whit­ war ET, Woodward FN Bidinger F, Musgrave RB, tingham CP 242, 247, 304 484,508 Fischer RA 730, 738 Bird IF, Cornelius MJ, Keys Blackmore PF, see Hue L Bidwell RGS 172, 188, 218, AJ, Whittingham CP 229, 252, 320 246, 247, 249, 256, 269, 304 242, 247, 304 Blackwell J, Parker KD, Ru­ Bidwell RGS, Craigie JS, Bird IF, Porter HK, Stocking dall KM 106,117 Krotkov G 485, 508 CR 222, 229, 242, 304 Blackwell RD, see Austin RB Bidwell RGS, Ghosh NR Bird IF, see Chan T-T 726, 730, 737 486,508 739, 780, 787 Blagrove RJ, Gillespie JM Bidwell RGS, Percival E, Sme­ Bird IF, see Porter HK 720, 526,570 stad B 486, 508 744 Blanc A 269, 304 Bidwell RGS, see Fry SC Bird IF, see Wallsgrove RM Blanch E, see Rees Tap 79, 242, 247, 313 247, 344 80,95 Bidwell RGS, see Shephard Bird IF, see Whittingham CP Blanchard PH, see Albon N DC 242,338 717, 747 360,379 Bidwell RGS, see Smestad B Biserte G, see Auber J-P 569, Blanchard PH, see Gross D 487,513 570 350, 361, 380 Bidwell RGS, see Tamas IA Bishop R, see Chattaway FW Blanco MC, see Rappaportt J 242, 342 112, 118 134, 156 Bieleski RL 166, 167, 174, Bisson MA, Kirst GO 277, Blaustein J, see Nicolson GL 177,179,180,183,184,188, 278,304 557, 578 250, 304, 642, 657, 667, 687, Biswas BB, Biswas S, Chakra­ Blaustein MP, King AC 659, 688, 689, 695, 724, 738 barti S, De BP 201,202, 667 Bieleski RL, Redgwell RJ 209 Bliss CA, Hamon NW, Lukas­ 166, 167, 173, 174, 177, 178, Biswas BB, see Biswas S 205, zewski TP 168, 177, 188 184, 188, 250, 304, 678, 680, 209 Bliss M, see Stafford HA 91, 681,682 Biswas BB, see De BP 205, 101 Bieleski RL, see Redgwell RJ 210 Blobel G, Dobberstein B 586, 173,176,177,191 Biswas BB, see Maiti IB 87,99 597 Bieleski RL, see Reid MS Biswas BB, see Majumder Blobel G, see Adelman MR 166, 184, 191, 730, 745 AL 86, 99, 202, 213 587, 597 Biely P, see Druzhinina TN Biswas BB, see Majumder Blobel G, see Katz FN 585, 34,61 ANL 86,99 587, 598 Biely P, see Farkas V 223, Biswas BB, see Mandai NC Blobel G, see Lingappa VR 227, 311 86, 99, 205, 213 586, 587, 599 Bikel I, see Mayer FC 22, 23, Biswas S, Maiti lB, Chakra­ Blomster RN, see Tin-Wa M 68, 112, 113, 114, 120 barti S, Biswas BB 205, 209 614, 630 Bilhuber W, see Grisebach H Biswas S, see Biswas BB 201, Bloom JR, see Hamlen RA 134,153 202,209 281,316 Billett EE, Billett MA, Burnett Bjorkman R, Lonnerdal B Blumberg S, see Gordon JA JH 270,304 91,95 538, 573 Billett MA, see Billett EE Bjorndal H, Eriksson KE, Ga­ Blumberg WE, see Peisach J 270,304 regg PJ, Lindberg B, Swan 567, 579 Billingsley HD, see Raese JT B 488,508 Blume DE, Jaworski JE, 167, 183, 191 Black CC, see Carnal NW McClure TW 264, 304, Binder RG, see Dreyer DL 251, 305 386, 391 204, 210 Black CC, see Chen TM 222, Blume KG, Beutler E 13,59 Binet P, Collin A 436, 440, 229, 258, 306 Blumenthal HJ 167, 168, 169, 462 Black CC, see Foster A 256, 170,177,180,184,188,499, Birch AJ, Cameron DW, Hol- 312 508 Author Index 803

Blumenthal HJ, see Davidson Bonner WD, see Mannella Bourdon D, see Quillet M EA 113,118 CA 595,599 280,334 Bliimmel F, see Freudenberg Bonner WD, see Rich PR 82, Bourdu R 436, 437, 440, 462 K 125,153 100 Bourdu R, see Gorenflat R Blumson NL, Baddiley J 149, Boonsaeng V, Sullivan PA, 358, 380 152 Shepherd MG 173, 188 Bourdu R, see Imhoff V 195, Blumson NL, see Baddiley J Booth A, see Lovell PH 706, 201, 211 39,58, 149, 151 733, 742 Bourne EJ 158, 161, 162, 164, Blumson NL, see Candy DJ Booth RH, see Wholey DW 165, 168, 170, 188 149, 152 704, 706, 708, 712, 747 Bourne EJ, Davies DR, Prid­ Boasson R, Bonner JJ, Boothroyd B, Thorn JA, Has­ ham JB 779, 787 Laetsch WM 267, 304 kins RH 277,305 Bourne EJ, Peat S 397,411, Bobbitt TF, Nordin JH, Roux Borgese T A, Nagel RL 199, 414 M, Revol JF, Marchessault 209 Bourne EJ, Percival E, Sme­ RH 502, 503, 508 Borgstrom G 700, 738 stad B 487, 509 Bodson M 267, 304 Borjeson J, see Reisfeld RA Bourne EJ, Stacey M, Wilkin­ Boehler RA, Danforth WF 529, 546, 580 son IA 490, 509 641, 663, 667 Bornman C, see Schnabl H Bourne EJ, see Barker SA Boehm C, see Wehrli E 661, 260,338 504,508 675 Borovsky D, Smith EE, Whe­ Bourne EJ, see Bebbington A Boer P, Steyn-Parve EP 107, lan WJ 411,412,413 491,508 117 Borovsky D, Smith EE, Whe­ Bourquelot E, Bridel M 350, Boer P, see Reuvers F 110, lan WJ, French D, Kiku­ 353,379 122, 236, 335 moto S 411,413,473,508 Bourquelot E, Nardin L 362, Bogdanov V, Kaverzneva E, Borowski H, see Schlubach 379 Andrejeva A 567, 570 HH 444,469 Bouveng HO, see Bhavanan­ Boggs LA, Smith F 448, 462 Borst-Pauwels SWFM, see Pe­ dan UP 498, 499, 508 Bohlmann F, Le NL van 388, ters PHJ 650, 673 Boveris A, see Rich PR 82, 391 Bosler ME, see Streeter JG 100 Bohme HJ, see Diezel W 520, 204,215,272,341 Bowden L, see Lord JM 596, 572 Bosmann HB 589, 597 599 Boldyreva EF, see Bakhaeva Bosmann HB, Martin SS 589, Bowden L, see Mellor RB GP 142, 151 597 595,599 Boliakina YP, Cholodova VP Bouchet M, see Mazza G Bowen CC, see Chao L 493, 685,696 524, 551, 577 509 Bollard EG 709, 738 Boulan ER, Sabatini DD, Pe­ Bowen IE 657, 667, 689, Boller T, Kende H 116, 117, reyra BN, Kreibich G 591, 696 239, 257, 305 597 Bowen JE, Hunter JE 644, Bollini R, Chrispeels MJ 108, Boulay R, see Ibrahim R 387, 667, 689, 696 117 392 Bowers G, see Mbaku SB Bollmann 0, see Scheiner 0 Boullianz L, see Besson E 222, 229, 242, 328 199,214 386,390 Bowes G, see Holaday AS Bondar PI, see Lobov VP Boulter D, see Bailey CJ 526, 254, 319 716, 742 570 Bowles DJ 597 Bondarenko OD, see Ovodov Boulter D, see Derbyshire E Bowles DJ, Kallss H 594, YS 135, 155 518, 556, 572 595, 597, 622, 627 Bonetti A, see Bellando M Boulter D, see Gatehouse JA Bowles DJ, Lehle J, Kauss H 651, 667 556, 557, 573 622, 625, 627 Bonnemain J-L, see Delrot S Boulter D, see Jackson P 556, Bowles DJ, Lis H, Sharon N 648,668 575 219,305, 594, 597 Bonner J, see Arreguin-Lo­ Boundy JA, Wall JS, Turner Bowles DJ, Quail PH, Morre zano B 775, 786 IE, Woychik JH, Dimler DJ, Hartmann GC 597 Bonner J, see Ordin L 21, 70 RJ 517, 530, 567, 570 Bowles DJ, Schnarrenberger Bonner JJ, see Boasson R Bouquelet S, Spik G 116, C, Kauss H 595, 597 267, 304 118 Bowman BJ, Mainzer SE, Al­ Bonner WB, see Edelman J Bourbouze R, Pratviel-Souze Ien KE, Slayman CW 650, 642, 668 F, Percheron F 289, 305 667 804 A uthor Index

Bowman BJ, Siayman CW Braymer HD, see Meachum Briggs DE, see Morrall P 13, 650,667 ZD 107,120 69, 289, 329, 433, 434, 435, Bowser AM, see Schiller JG Brayton R, see Wain WH 467 46,48,72 105, 123 Briggs DR, see Ewart MH Bowser AM, see Uram M 44, Braz GC, see Panek AD 275, 784, 788 74 332 Briggs DR, see Roberts RC Boyd J, see Waite R 450, 470 Brederode J van, Chopin J, 553, 580 Boyd WC, Reguera RMJ Kamsteeg J, Nigtevecht G Briggs DR, see Siminovitch 541, 570 van, Heinsbroek R 386, D 783,792 Boyd WC, Shapleigh E, 391 Briggs DR, see Wolf WJ 518, McMaster M 541,570 Brederode J van, Nigtevecht G 552, 583 Boyd WC, see Bhatia HM van 386, 391 Brillinger G, see Pape H 146, 541, 570 Brederode J van, see Besson 155 Boyer CD, Daniels RR, Shan­ E 386,390 Brillinger GU, see Loewus non JC 713,719,720, 738 Brederode J van, see Heins­ MW 201,213 Boyer CD, Garwood DL, broek R 386, 392 Brillinger GU, see Matern H Shannon JC 412, 414 Brederode J van, see Kamsteeg 146, 149, 154 Boyer CD, Preiss J 411,412, J 39, 66, 386, 392 Brillinger GU, see Snipes CE 413,414,725, 738 Brederode J van, see Kho 42,73 Boyer CD, Shannon JC, Gar­ KFF 386,392 Brimacombe JS, Mahmood S, wood DL, Creech RG 722, Breen PJ, Muraoka T 166, Rollins AJ 124, 141, 152 738 188 Brimacombe JS, Smith CW, Boyer CD, see Preiss J 412, Breen PJ, see Potter JR 259, Minshall J 124,152 416 334 Brimacombe JS, Webber JM Boyer JS, see McPherson HG Breidert D, Schon WJ 732, 161,168,169,170,171,174, 735, 743 738 175, 188 Boyle JE, see Muscatine L Breitenbach M, Hoffmann- Briones VP, see Del Rosario 164, 190 Ostenhof 0 199, 209 AR 711, 739 Boyle JE, see Trench RK Bremner PM 709, 714, 738 Britton H 638, 667 243,342 Brenchley WE 710, 713, 738 Brocklehurst PA 732, 733, Bozoian G, see Applegarth Brenchley WE, Hall AD 711, 738 DA 105,117 738 Brocklehurst PA, Evers AD Brackenhofer H, see Linden Bressani R, Conde R 709, 733, 735, 738 JC 285,325 738 Brocklehurst PA, Moss JP, Bracker CE, see Hodges TK Bretscher MS 585, 597 Williams W 733, 735, 623,628 Brett CT 265, 266, 305 738 Bradbeer JW, see Wallis ME Brett CT, Leloir LF 110, 118 Brocklehurst R, Gardner D, 8,9,74 Brew K, see Powell JT 616, Eddy AA 647, 648, 649, Bradbury D 706, 738 630 667 Bradley DF, see Buchanan Brewer CF, see Hehre EJ Brody S, see Hanson B 207, JG 4, 8, 9, 14, 16, 60, 220, 284, 296, 317 211 305 Briarty LG, Hughes CE, Evers Brooks CJW 615,627 Brady CJ, see Munn R 268, AD 710,714,715,717, Broughton WJ, McComb AJ 329 719,720, 738 234, 237, 305 Brammer GL, Rougvie MA, Briarty LG, see Hughes CE Browder SK, Beevers L 105, French D 498, 509 723, 741 108,110,111,118,517,556, Brandao SCC, see Richmond Bricker T, see Dalgarn D 571 ML 280,335 264,308 Browder SK, see Nagahashi J Branton D, see Goldschmidt Bricout J 254, 305 108,111,121 EE 239, 257, 314 Bridel M 280, 305, 362, 379 Brower LP, see Roeske CN Branton D, see Leigh RA Bridel M, see Bourquelot E 43,72 594,599 350, 353, 379 Brown AD 182, 188 Branton D, see Leigh RG Briggs DE 751, 786 Brown BI, Brown DH 412, 692, 694, 698 Briggs DE, see Clutterbuck 414 Braun AC, Wood HN 204,209 VJ 205,209 Brown DH 112, 113, 118 Bray BA, Lieberman R, Meyer Briggs DE, see Groat 11 752, Brown DH, see Brown BI K 567,571 788 412,414 Author Index 805

Brown DH, see Glaser L 23, Buchanan BB 245, 305 Bunn HF, Gabbay KH, Gal­ 64,114,119 Buchanan BB, Crawford NA, lop PM 519,571 Brown EG 8,9, 11,59 Wolosiuk RA 91,95 Biinning E 779, 787 Brown EG, Mangat BS 10,59 Buchanan BB, Wolosiuk RA, Buonocore V, Petrucci T, Si­ Brown EG, Short KC 9, 10, Schurmann P 91, 96 lano V 730, 738 59 Buchanan BB, see Wolosiuk Burachanova EA, see Kursa­ Brown HT, Morris GH 433, RA 91, 102, 244, 245, 251, nov AL 690, 698 462 346 Burakhanova EA, see Kursa­ Brown JA, Segal HL, Maley Buchanan JE, Cummerson nov AL 237, 257, F, Trimble RB, Chu FK DA, Turner DM 231,232, 324 569, 571 305 Burba M 694, 696 Brown LM, Hellebust JA Buchanan JG 60 Burgess J, Linstead PJ 593, 164, 165, 166, 181, 188 Buchanan JG, Bassham JA, 594,597 Brown RD, see Gum EK Benson AA, Bradley DF, Burgos J, see Lopez A 613, 524,574 Calvin M, Dans LC, Good­ 629 Brown RG, Kimmins WC man M, Hayes PM, Lynch Burkhard CH, see Herbert M 530, 562, 571 VH, Norris LT, Wilson AT 84, 97, 246, 318 Brown RG, Kimmins WC, 4, 14, 16, 60 Burley JWA, see Webb KL Lindberg B 564, 571 Buchanan JG, Lynch VH, 167, 192, 687, 699 Brown RH, Brown WV 253, Benson AA, Bradley DF, Burma DP, Mortimer DC 16, 305 Calvin MF 4, 8, 9, 60, 220, 60, 222, 229, 305 Brown RH, see Chen TM 305 Burnett JH 271, 275, 305 258,306 Buchloh G, Neubeller J 166, Burnett JH, see Billett EE Brown RH, see Morgan JA 188 270, 304 329 Buck KW, Chen AW, Dicker­ Bums DD, Galliard T, Har­ Brown SA 387, 391 son AG, Chain EB 505, wood JL 277, 305 Brown SA, Neish AC 80, 95 509 Burr GO, see Hartt CE 684, Brown SA, Towers GHN, Bucke C, Coombs J 256, 305 686,697 Wright D 387, 391 Bucke C, Oliver IR 229, 242, Burr HK, see Schwimmer S Brown WV, see Brown RH 305 262, 280, 290, 338 253,305 Budd JA 497, 509 Burris RH, see Osmond CB Bruinsma J 774, 787 Budd K 640, 648, 651, 667 254,332 Bruinsma J, see Knegt E 782, Budowsky EI, see Gabrielyan Burton WG 774, 787 790 ND 223,313 Burtova FM, see Datunashvili Bruning K, see Drumm H Budzikiewicz H, see Kessel­ EN 782,787 89,96 meier J 616, 629 Bush PB, Grunwald C 620, Brunner A, see Pifia MA 86, Buffa M, see Belliardo F 280, 625,627 99 303 Bush PB, Grunwald C, Davis Bruton J, Homer WH 144, Buffa M, see Lombard A DL 622,627 149, 152 290, 326 Bushuk W, see Dronzek BL Bruton JS, Overend WG, Wil­ Bugge B, see Kalckar HM 715,739 liams NR 125, 152 31,66 Butcher H, Wagner GJ, Siegel­ Bryant JA, Haczycki SJ 760, Buggeln RG, see Meeuse man HW 239, 305 787 BJD 782, 783, 790 Butler LG, see Simmons S Bryce RE, see Wray JL 238, Bulbertson JD, see Wrosland 15, 73 346 RE 280,346 Butt VS, Beevers H 77, 78, Bryce WH, Nelson OE 227, Bull AT 105, 118 81,96 261, 267, 305 Bull AT, Chesters CGC 505, Butt VS, see Roberts RM 8, Brysk M, Chrispeels MJ 533, 509 21,25,71 563, 571 Bullock JF, see Bacon CW Button J 267, 305 Buc J, see Meunier JC 69 260,302 Buttrose MS 199,209,715, Buchala AJ, Franz G, Meier Bulpin PV, Ress T ap 783, 717,720,721,722,727,735, H 453, 460, 462 787 738,739 Buchala AJ, Schmid A 626, Bulpin PV, see Stitt M 245, Buttrose MS, Hale CR 260, 627 286, 341, 778, 779, 780, 792 305 Buchala AJ, see Pillionel C Bunch JM, see Holden JT Buttrose MS, see Lott JNA 265,333 664,670 199, 213 806 Author Index

Buttrose MS, see May LH Cameron EC, see Sanwal GG Cardini CE, Leloir LF 112, 720, 721, 743 401, 402, 403, 405, 406, 417 116, 118 Butts ET, see Rabal FM 233, Cameron JW, Teas HJ 398, Cardini CE, Leloir LF, Chiri­ 334 414 boga J 4, 60, 220, 222, 223, Buzulukova NP, see Sobolev Cameron-Mills VC, Duffus 227, 233, 263, 305, 397, 414 AM 199,215 CM 238, 264, 305, 637, Cardini CE, Recondo E 223, Byrd RA, see Deslauriers R 641,654,667 227, 305 272,309 Campbell GF, see Osbourne Cardini CE, Yamaha T 385, Byun SM, Jenness R, Ridley TB 556,579 391 WP, Kirkwood S 201, 209 Campbell J 423, 425, 462 Cardini CE, see Fekete MAR Campbell WH, see Chen TM de 28, 62, 220, 225, 228, Cabib E 105, 106, 118 222, 229, 258, 306 258,261,311,397,414 Cabib E, Carminatti H, Woys­ Campbell WP, see Simmonds Cardini CE, see Frydman RB kovski NM 27, 60 DH 706, 726, 746 28, 63, 397, 398, 408, 409, Cabib E, Leloir LF 4, 60, Candy DJ, Baddiley J 149,152 414, 724, 740 273,305 Candy DJ, Blumson NL, Bad­ Cardini CE, see Lavintman N Cabib E, Leloir LF, Cardini diley J 149, 152 389,392,616,617,622,625, GE 103, Ill, 114, IJ8 Canh DS, Honik J, Kotyk A, 629 Cabib E, Rothman-Denes LB, Rihova L 637,667 Cardini CE, see Leloir LF 4, Huang K 500, 501, 509 Cantino EC, Goldstein A 5,67,111,113,120,220, Cabib E, see Algranati ID 497, 509 229,230,231,325, 384,392, 500,507 Cantino EC, see Giddings 397, 408, 416 Cabib E, see Carminatti H TH 113,119 Cardini CE, see Moreno A 27,60 Cantino EC, see Goldstein A 364,381 Cabib E, see Leloir LF 4, 5, 497, 510 Cardini CE, see Slabnik E 67 Cantino EC, see Horenstein 224, 227, 228, 230, 231, 340 Cabib E, see Molano J 296, EA 662,670 Cardini CE, see Tandecarz J 329 Cantino EC, see Norrman J 517, 582 Cabib E, see Rothman LB 112,121,477,498,512 Cardini CE, see Trivelloni JC 500, 501, 513 Cantlon JE, see Curtis EJC 385, 393 Cabib E, see Sonnino S 29,73 428,463 Cardini CE, see Yamaha T Cacan M, see Lotan R 540, Canvin DT, see Agrawal PK 385, 389, 393 577 80,95 Cardini EC, see Caputto R 4, Cacan R, see Lotan R 540, Canvin DT, see Mahon JD 60 577 248,326 Cardini GE, see Cabib E 103, Cahn RS, see Bell DJ 133, Canvin DT, see Simcox PD 111,114,118 152 17,73,81,101,222,250, Carfantan N, see Daussant J Calatroni A, see Castellani 264,339 246,308 AA 49,60 Caplow M, see Shoaf CR Carles J 442, 448, 460, 462 Caldwell RA, see Turner JF 283, 339 Carles J, see Lascombes S 251, 343 Caputto AG, see Rabal FM 280, 290, 324 Callow JA, see Evans LV 233,334 Carlier AR, see Laere AJ van 163, 183, 189 Caputto R, Leloir LF, Cardini 112,113,120 Callow ME, see Evans LV EC, Paladini AC 4, 60 Carlier J 641, 663, 667 163, 183, 189 Caputto R, see Cardini CE 4, Carlson WS, Ziegenfuss EM, Calvin M, Benson AA 220, 28,60 Overton JD 424, 462 305 Carbonell J, see Beltran JP Carminatti H, Cabib E 27, 60 Calvin M, see Benson AA 265, 303 Carminatti H, see Cabib E 352,379 Card KA, see Troughton TH 27,60 Calvin M, see Buchanan JG 252,342 Carminatti H, see Sonnino S 4, 14, 16,60,220,305 Cardamone JJ Jr, see Franzen 29,73 Calvin M, see Norris L 281, JS 44, 47, 63 Carminatti HT, see Asua LJ 284, 331 Cardini CE, Caputto R, Pala­ de 22,58 Calvin MF, see Buchanan JG dini AC, Leloir LF 4, 28, Carnal NW, Black CC 251, 4,8, 9,60 60 305 Cameron DW, see Birch AJ Cardini CE, Frydman RB Caron EL, see Wiley PF 141, 146, 152 398, 408, 409, 410, 414 157 Author Index 807

Carpita NC, Delmer DP 265, Castimpoolas N, Meyer EW Chandorkar KR, Collins FW 306 538, 571 241, 306, 439, 462, 772, 787 Carpita NC, see Maltby D Castino M 297, 306 Chandra GR, see Muthur­ 265, 266, 292, 326 Catalina L, see Sarmiento R 337 krishnan S 751, 790 Carr DJ 730, 739 Catt JW, Hills GJ, Roberts Chang CW 244, 260, 306, Carrubba C, see Franzen B K 533, 563, 571 778, 787 47,63 Caubergs R, see Onckelen HA Chang JL, see Yamamoto Carruthers A, see Dutton JV van 759, 760, 761, 793 HY 89,102 222, 229, 310 Cawley DB, Hedblom ML, Chang MT, see Nelson OE Carter HE, Betts BE, Strobach Houston LL 558, 559, 571 409, 416 DR 111,118 Cawson RA, see Wain WH Chang MTY, see Barber GA Carter HE, Galanos DS, Hen­ 105, 123 39, 59, 386, 390 drickson HS, Jann B, Na­ Cegla GF, Bell KR 272, 306 Chang SB, see Webster DE kayama T, Nakagawa Y, Cepure A, see Pazur JH 282, 604,612 Nichols B 608, 611 332, 524, 579 Chang TM, see Neville DM Carter HE, Gigg RH, Law Cerbulis J 358, 367, 379 589, 592, 599 JH, Nakayama T, Weber E Cerezo S, see Waksman N Chansang H, Cooksey KE 608, 611 501, 514 641,663,667 Carter HE, Hendry RA, No­ Cernichiari E, Muscatine L, Chanzy H, see Taylor KJ jima S, Stanacev NZ, Ohno Smith DC 281, 306 504,513 K 607,611 Cerny M, see Stanek J 158, Chao L, Bowen CC 493, 509 Carter HE, Hendry RA, Sta­ 161,191,217,271,272,277, Chao-Hen K, see Wells WW nacev NZ 603, 6Jl 278, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 202, 216 Carter HE, Kisic A 609, 611 294,295,297,340,351,369, Chapman DJ, see Heaney-Kie­ Carter HE, Koob JL 608, 382 ras J 567, 574 611 Cetorelli JJ, see Roberts RM Chapman DJ, see Williams Carter HE, Ohno K, Nojima 10, 23, 24, 48, 71, 72, 105, JP 250, 264, 345 S, Tipton CL, Stanacev NZ 108, 122, 563, 580 Chapman JM, see Davies HV 603, 611 Chadwick CM, Northcote 237, 308, 760, 787 Carter HE, Strobach DR, DH 621,627 Chapman JM, see Slack PT Hawthorne NJ 111,118, Chain EB, see Buck KW 505, 760, 792 279,306 509 Charalampous FC, see Chen 1- Carter JR, see Fox CF 660, Chakrabarti S, Majumder AL W 196, 198,201,209 661,669 202,209 Chararas C, see Courtois JE Casey R 556, 557, 571 Chakrabarti S, see Biswas BB 455,463 Cassel D, Pfeuffer T 54, 60 201,202,209 Chardy J, see Pezzanite JO Cassells AC, Harmey MA 8, Chakrabarti S, see Biswas S 143,156 9,60 205,209 Charles C, see Mazza G 551, Cassim JY, see Wong SS 31, Chakraborti SR 134, 152 577 75 Chambers JP, see Forsee WT Charles SA, Halliwell B 251, Cassone A, see Simonetti N 617,618,628 306 105, 122 Champigny ML 248, 249, 306 Chassy BM, Porter EV 232, Castanedo C, see Pifia MZ Champigny ML, Moyse A 306 201,213 249, 262, 306 Chattaway FW, Bishop R, Castellani AA, Calatroni A, Chan BG, see Dreyer DL Holmes MR, Odds FC, Bar­ Righetti PG 49, 60 204,210 low AJE 112, 118 Castellino FJ, see Hayes ML Chan PH, Hassid WZ 13, 60 Chatterton NJ, Silvius JE 567, 574 Chan T-T, Bird IF 726, 739, 245,306 Castillo MJ, see Lemieux RU 780, 787 Chatterton NJ, see Silvius JE 298, 299, 325 Chan WW, see Chong C 167, 245, 268, 339 Castimeira M, see Szejtli J 188 Chaturvedi HC, see Prasad 438,470 Chan YS, Thrower LB 272, RN 204,214 Castimpoolas N 553, 571 306 Chen A, Marchetti P, Wein­ Castimpoolas N, Ekenstam C Chanda NB, Hirst EL, Man­ garten M, Franzen J, Fein­ 553, 571 ners DJ 506, 507, 509 gold DS 46, 60 Castimpoolas N, Leuther E, Chandorkar KR, Badenhuizen Chen A W, see Buck KW 505, Meyer EW 553, 571 NP 409,414 509 808 Author Index

Chen C, see Holligan PM Chiba S, see Takahashi N Chong C, Taper CD 166, 162, 189, 272, 319, 440, 464 283,342 180, 185, 188 Chen C-C, see Lin J-Y 557, Chiba S, see Takewaki S 280, Chopin J, see Besson E 386, 576 342 390 Chen CH-J, Eisenberg F JR Chidester CG, see Wiley PF Chopin J, see Brederode J 201, 209 141,157 van 386, 391 Chen CJ, see Heldt HW 778, Chien SF, Weinburg R, Li S­ Chopra RN, Khanna R 267, 789 C, Li Y-T 116, 118 307 Chen HH, Li PH 268, 306 Chien S-M, see Poretz RD Choudhary RN, see Tiwari Chen I-W, Charalampous FC 522,579 KP 615,630 196,198,201,209 Chiknas S, Gabriel 0 40, 60 Choudhury D, see Mukherjee Chen J, Meeuse BJD 783, 787 Chin CC, Frenkel C 82, 96 AK 422,467 Chen M, Loewus MW, Loe­ Chin CK, Scalis IN 267, 307 Chourey PS, Nelson OE 261, wus FA 206, 209 Chin CK, Weston GD 221, 307,399,414,701,724, Chen M-S, see Loewus FA 225, 230, 266, 274, 307 739 14, 68, 98, 206, 212 Chin CK, see Scalis J 267, Chourey PS, see Nelson OE Chen SSC, Varner JE 267, 337 409, 416 279, 287, 306 Chin SSC 250, 307 Chowdhury SI, Wardlaw IF Chen TM, Brown RH, Black Ching TM 749, 787 734, 739 CC 258,306 Chinoy JJ 88, 96 Chrastil J 133, 152 Chen TM, Dittrich P, Camp­ Chiriboga J, see Cardini CE Chrispeels MJ 92, 96, 753, bell WH, Black CC 222, 4, 60, 220, 222, 223, 227, 787 229, 258, 306 233, 263, 305, 397, 414 Chrispeels MJ, Varner IE Chen YY, see Isherwood FA Chisum P, see Allen CF 603, 750, 787 87,97 611 Chrispeels MJ, see Bennet Chensu QJ, see Turner JF 12, Chittenden GJG, see Garcia- PA 753,786 74 Trejo A 36, 64 Chrispeels MJ, see Bollini R Cherbuliez E, see Karrer W Cho BH, Komor E 648, 668 108, 117 135, 154, 218, 292, 322, 369, Cho BH, see Komor E 671 Chrispeels MJ, see Brysk M 381 Cho Y-P, Chrispeels MJ 563, 533, 563, 571 Cheshire MV, see Bacon JSD 567, 571 Chrispeels MJ, see Cho Y -P 135, 151 Chollet MM, see Colin H 563, 567, 571 Chess in LN, see Reisfeld RA 436, 463 Chrispeels MJ, see Dashek 529, 546, 580 Chollet R, Ogren WL 247, WV 753,787 Chesters CGC, see Bull AT 249,307 Chrispeels MJ, see Ericson 505,509 Chollet R, see Rathnam MC 108, 119, 526, 555, Chet I, see Assa Y 626 CKM 218, 247, 248, 249, 556,572 Cheung CP, Suhadolnik RJ 253, 256, 269, 335 Chrispeels MJ, see Gilkes 18,60,233,266,306 Cholodova VP 691,692,695, NR 199,210 Cheung PW, see Medcalf DG 696 Chrispeels MJ, see Harris N 446, 466 Cholodova VP, Engel OS, Do­ 116, 119 Chevalier P, Schrader LE rozhkina LA 691, 696 Chrispeels MJ, see Sadava D 221, 222, 229, 232, 306 Cholodova VP, see Boliakina 91,100, 563, 564, 581 Chiba S, Kanaya K, Hiromi YP 685,696 Christeller JT, Laing W A, KY, Shim omura T 283, Cholodova VP, see Engel OS Troughton JH 252, 307 307 691,692,694,696 Christeller JT, see Laing W A Chiba S, Shimomura T 283, Chon CJ, see Heldt HW 242, 270,324 296,306 244, 246, 251, 260, 284, 286, Christensen HN 647, 648, Chiba S, Shimomura T, Hata­ 318,399,403,404,415,717, 655, 668 keyama K 297,307 725, 741 Christensen HN, Handlogten Chiba S, Yamana 0 297,306 Chon CJ, see McLilley R ME, Thomas EL 661,668 Chiba S, see Kanaya K 283, 399, 400, 416 Christensen MS, Cirillo VP 321 Chon CJA, see Lilley RMcC 661, 668 Chiba S, see Murata S 283, 242, 243, 260, 325 Christensen MS, see Kuo S-C 329 Chong C 166, 185, 188 665,672 Chiba S, see Nishi K 297, Chong C, Chan WW, Taper Christie A see Suleiman 330 CD 167,188 AAA 171,191,271,341 Author Index 809

Christy AC, Swanson CA Cleland WW 19, 60 Colombo R, see Bellando M 255,307 Clermont S, Foglietti MJ, Per­ 651, 667 Christy AL, see Outlaw WH cheron F 22, 60 Colombo R, see Michelis MI 256,332 Clifford KH 274, 307 de 637, 641, 664, 673 Chu OK, Bassham JA 81,82, Clifton A, see Shimizu T 81, Colowick SP, Kaplan NO 96 101 352,379 Chu FK, Maley F 236, 307 Cline K, Albersheim P 292, Colvin HJ, see Meachum ZD Chu FK, Trimble RB, Maley 307 107, 120 F 236, 307, 569, 571 Cloux 0, see Gendraud M Colvin JR, see Dweltz NE Chu FK, see Brown JA 569, 264,313 106, 118 571 Clutterbuck VJ, Briggs DE Comen RE, see Lehle L 107, Chua N, Schmidt GW 589, 205,209 120 594,598 Cobb AH, Rott 0 243, 307 Conde R, see Bressani R 709, Chubey BB, Dorrell DG 440, Cochrane MP, Duffus CM 738 462 731, 739 Conn CB, see Kosuge E 392 Chudzikowski RJ 424, 462 Cockburn W, see Everson Connor AB, see Roberts RM Chuprunova OA, see Bak­ RG 242,311 10, 23, 72, 563, 580 haeva GP 142, 151 Cockburn W, see Gibbs M Conrad HE, Varboncouer E, Cirillo VP 661,663,668 247, 284, 314 James ME 233, 307 Cirillo VP, see Christensen Cocking EC, see Davies JW Conrad RA, see Oh Y A 529, MS 661,668 781, 787 579 Cirillo VP, see Kuo SOC 645, Codd GA, Merrett MJ 282, Cook JS, see Villereal ML 665,672 307 659,675 Cirillo VP, see Rottem S 664, Cohen AC, Girard 0, Heller Cook MG, see Sofield I 706, 674 R, Gautheret MR 269,307 709, 710, 711, 732, 733, 746 Cirillo VP, see Ulaszewski S Cohen GN, Monod J 635, Cooke RC, see Long DE 238, 207, 215 668 270, 272, 326 Clamp JR, see Archer SA Cohen RE, see Ballou L 236, Cooke RC, see Whipps JM 505, 508 237,302 272,345 Clark JF, Jakoby WB 520, Cohen RE, see Lehle L 236, Cooksey KE, see Chansang 571 325, 552, 567, 569, 576 H 641, 663, 667 Clarke AE, Gleeson PA, Har­ Cohn M 399, 414 Cookson C, see Rawsthorne rison S, Knox RB 219,307 Colclasure GC, Y opp JH 21, S 238, 270, 335 Clarke AE, Anderson RL, 60 Coombe GB 685, 686, 688, Stone BA 515, 559, 567, Colegate SM, see Dorling PR 696 571 237, 309 Coombs J, see Bucke C 256, Clarke AE, Knox RB 569, Coleman WK, Greyson RI 305 571 785, 787 Coombs J, see Rawsthorne S Clarke AE, Knox RB, Jermyn Colin H, Augem A 371, 238, 270, 335 MA 559,571 379 Coombs 0 249, 307 Clarke AE, Stone BA 494, Colin H, Belval H 450, 462 Cooper OJ, Yudis MD, Guth­ 495,509 Colin H, Chollet MM 436, rie RD, Prior AM 141, Clarke AE, see Anderson RL 463 152 530, 559, 561, 567, 570 Collin A, see Binet P 436, Cooper OJ, see Reimann H Clarke AE, see Gleeson PA 440, 462 141, 156 517,530,559,561,567,573 Collin HA, see Mohammad Cooper KM, see Losel OM Clarke J, Shannon LM 108, AMS 234, 238, 329 270, 272, 326 118, 517, 524, 550, 551, 571 Collins FW, see Chandorkar Cooper RA, Greenshields Claude F, see Spang B 277, KR 241,306,439,462, RN 21,60,234,307 340 772, 787 Copeland L, Harrison DO, Claus TH, see Pilkis SJ 251, Collins GG, Jenner CF, Paleg Turner JF 12,60,221,307 333 LG 8, 9, 10,60 Copeland L, Preiss J 405, Cleland R 92, 96 Collins JC, see Reed RH 277, 406, 407, 414 Cleland R, Karlsnes AM 562, 335 Copeland L, see Matheson 571 Colombo R, Michelis de MI, NK 293,327 Cleland R, see Gotelli IB Lado P 637, 642, 648, 656, Copeland L, see Turner JF 562, 573 659,668 12, 74,221,343 810 Author Index

Copping LG, Street HE 234, Cox EL, Dickinson DB 12, Croy RRD, see Gatehouse 238, 308 61 JA 556, 557, 573 Corbett K, Dickerson AG, Crabee1 M, Grenson M 655, Croy RRD, see Pusztai A Mantle PG 184,188 668 555, 580 Corcoran JW 147, 152 Craig LC, see Englund PT Crump JA, see Murray DR Cori CF, Schmidt G, Cori 524, 549, 550, 572 108, 121 GT 3,60 Craigie JS 276, 282, 308, 475, Cuatrecasas P 601,611 Cori GT, see Cori CF 3, 60 487, 492, 494, 509 Cugnac A de 441, 460, 463 Corina DL, see Barnett JEG Craigie JS, McLachlan J, Ack­ Culberson CF 276, 308 200,208 man RG, Tocher CS 164, Culberson CF, Culberson WL, Cornaggia MP, see Marre E 189 Johnson A 276, 308 12,68 Craigie JS, McLachlan J, Ma­ Culberson WL, see Culberson Cornelius MJ, see Bird IF jak W, Ackman RG, Tocher CF 276,308 229, 242, 247, 304 CS 164, 188 Cullis PR, see De Kruyff B Cornelius MJ, see Wallsgrove Craigie JS, McLachlan J, 624,627 RM 247,344 Tocher RD 277,308 Cummerson DA, see Bucha­ Cornhill WJ, see Black W AP Craigie JS, see Bidwell RGS nan JE 231,232,305 484,508 485,508 Cumming DA, see Pilkis SJ Corran PH, see White CA Craigie JS, see McCandless 251, 333 233, 345 EL 294,328 Cumming DF 8, 9, 10, 11, Cosgrove DJ 193, 198, 209 Crane FL, see Harman HJ 61, 439, 463 Cosgrove DJ, see Irving GCJ 594,598 Cummings RD, see Pierce M 195,211 Crane RK 645, 668 233,333 Costilow RN, see Bhumira­ Crane RK, Malathi P, Preiser Cunningham BA, Wang JL, tana A 275, 304 H 661,668 Waxdal MJ, Edelman G M Cotter DA, Niederpruem DJ Cranswick AM, Zabkiewicz 568, 571 184, 188 JA 197,209 Cunningham BA, see Wang Cottrell IW, see Aspinall GO Crawford NA, see Buchanan JL 568,582 35,58 BB 91,95 Cunningham WL, Manners Coulter DB, Aronson JM Crawford NA, see Wolosiuk DJ 507,509 498, 505, 509 RA 244,245,251,346 Cunningham WL, see Archi­ Courtois JE, Ariyoshi U 357, Crawford RMM, Huxter TJ bald AR 494, 495, 496, 379 268, 308 508 Courtois JE, Chararas C, De­ Creech RG 398, 414 Curran PF, see Goldner AM bris MM 455, 463 Creech RG, see Boyer CD 648,669 Courtois JE, Dizet P Ie 430, 722,738 Curran PF, see Schultz SG 463 Creech RG, see Shannon JC 648, 659, 674 Courtois JE, Dizet P Ie, Robie 258, 261, 338, 701, 722, 725, Curtis EJC, Cantlon JE 428, D 430, 463 727, 745 463 Courtois JE, Petek F, Dong Creeth JM, see Allen AK 35, Cushman SW, see Wardzala T 367,379 58, 517, 522, 536, 546, 547, LJ 662,675 Courtois JE, see Archambault 561,563,567,570 Cutolo E, see Munch-Petersen A 350, 357, 379 Crespo HM, Frean M, Cress­ A 4, 14, 16, 69 Courtois JE, see Dali Y oucef well CF, Tew J 248, 253, Cutter EG 706,731, 739 A 291, 308 261,308 Czech MP, see Melchior DL Courtois JE, see Davy J 357, Cress D, see Limberg M 287, 664, 673 379 288,325 Czech MP, see Shanahan MF Courtois JE, see Sioufi A 8, Cresswell CF, see Crespo 660,675 9, 73, 294, 340, 428, 469 HM 248,253,261,308 Czyhrinciw N 705, 739 Courtois JE, see Wickstrom Cronquist A 357, 379 A 350, 357, 383 Crookston RK, see Simmons Dahlgren K, Porath J, Lin­ Cowan DA, Green TGA, Wil­ SR 714,746 dahl-Kiessling K 522, 571 son AT 271,308 Crowden RK, Harborne JB, Dahlgren R 353, 354, 357, Cowles JR, see Lau YL 267, Heywood VH 356,379 359, 379 324 Crowder AJ, Landgren CR, Dale JE 757, 758, 760, 787 Cowling DW, see Koziol MJ Rockwood LL 716, 739 Daleo GR, see Hopp HE 27, 269,281,323 Croy RRD 555, 571 65, 517, 574, 613, 622, 628 Author Index 811

Dalessandro G, Northcote Darvill AG, McNeil M, AI­ Davies IN, Kempton RJ 770, DH 34,48,61 bersheim P 135, 152 787 Dalgaard L, see Ericsson A Darvill AG, see McNeil M Davies IN, see Hobson GE 233, 311 135, 155 268, 319 Dalgarn D, Miller P, Bricker Darvill AG, see Yalent BS Davies JW, Cocking EC 781, T, Speer N, Jaworski JG, 521, 582 787 Newman DW 264, 308 Das A, see Das NN 447,448, Davies MD, Dickinson DB Dalhuizen R, see Klis FM 463 29, 48, 61 234, 289, 323 Das B, see Arora SK 702, Davies MD, see Dickinson Dali Y oucef A, Courtois JE, 737 DB 13,14,16,17,18,21, LeDizet P 291,308 Das N, see Shukla RN 234, 61,234,261,267,309 Dallner G, see Eggens I 265, 339 Davies PJ, see Kinnersley 310 Das NN, Das A 447,448,463 AM 90,98 Dalton C 266, 308 Das YSR, see Raghavendra Davis BD 761,762, 787 Danbock T, see Dittrich P AS 247, 256, 334 Davis DL, see Bush PB 622, 203,210 Dashek WY, Chrispeels MJ 627 Danforth WF, see Boehler 753, 787 Davis EN, Rhodes RA, RA 641, 663, 667 Datema R, Schwarz RT, Jan­ Shulke HR 505, 506, Dangschat G 193, 196,209 kowski WJ 237,308 509 Danielli JF, see Davson H Datema R, see Schwarz R T Davis HF, see Allen CF 603, 637,668 237, 338 611 Daniels RR, see Boyer CD Dateo GP, see Ettlinger MG Davis J, see Wee TG 31, 75 713,719,720, 738 91,96 Davis JE, Nolan LD, Frey Danielson CE 108, 118 Datko AH, see MacLachlan PA 31,61 Danielsson CE 552, 556, GA 234,326 Davson H, Danielli JF 637, 572 Datta A, see Bhattacharya A 668 Danielsson CE, Lis H 552, 112,117 Davy J, Courtois JE 357, 556,572 Datunashvili EN, Tyurina SS, 379 Danin A 272, 308 Burtova FM 782, 787 Dawalkar MP, Kharadi Z, Dankert J, Passeron S, Re­ Daussant J, Lauriere C, Car­ Joshi GY 281, 308 condo E, Leloir LF 114, fantan N, Skakoun A 246, Daynard TB, Tanner JW, 118 308 Duncan WG 706, 739 Dankert M, Gon<;ales IRJ, D'Auzac J 651,668 Daynard TB, see Tollenaar Recondo E 8, 10, 28, 61 D'Auzac J, Lioret C 651,668 M 711,713, 746 Dankert M, Passeron S, Re­ Davenport HE, Dupont MS De Boland A, see O'Dell BL condo E 8,9, 10, 11,61 135, 152 518, 578 Dankert M, Passeron S, Re­ Davey RA, Dudman WF De Boland AR, see O'Dell condo E, Leloir LF 10,61 517, 526, 556, 557, 572 BL 199,213 Dankert M, see Passeron S 8, Davidson EA 112,113,116, De BP, Biswas BB 205, 210 10, 23, 70, 115, 121 118 De BP, see Biswas BB 201, Dankert M, see Recondo E Davidson EA, Blumenthal HJ, 202,209 9, 71 RosemanS 113,118 De Datta SK, see Evans LT Dans LC, see Buchanan JG Davies AMC, see Selvendran 733, 739 4, 14, 16, 60 RR 562,581 De Kruyff B, Cullis PR, Yer­ Daoud KM 426, 463 Davies C, see Reid JSG 427, kleij AJ 624, 627 D' Appolonia BL, see Abou­ 468, 763, 764, 792 De Kruyff B, see Demel RA Guendia M 279, 300 Davies DD 218, 250, 308 623, 624, 627 Darbyshire B 770, 787 Davies DD, see Rees T ap De Michele DW, see Keener Darbyshire B, Henry RJ 241, 79,80,95 ME 255, 257, 322 308, 447, 463 Davies DR 15,17,61,217, De Poster H, see Sumere CF Darbyshire B, see Henry RJ 242, 258, 308, 779, 787 van 518, 519, 581 241,318,368,380,772, 789 Davies DR, see Bourne EJ De Sanchez YC, see Pifia Darrow RA, Knotts R 48,61 779, 787 MA 86,99 Darrow RA, Rodstrom R 31, Davies HM, Delmer DP 110, De Souza BC, see Frydman 61 118 RB 397, 398, 414 Darrow RA, see Gabriel 0 Davies HY, Chapman JM Dea ICM, Morrison A 423, 31, 3~ 33, 38, 50, 56, 63 237, 308, 760, 787 424, 427, 428, 458, 463 812 Author Index

Deacon AC, see Rutherford Delmer DP, see Carpita NC Deumling B, see Morn~ DJ PP 234, 336, 438, 439, 440, 265, 306 590,599 468, 773, 792 Delmer DP, see Davies HM Devadathan MS, see Moore Deak T 638, 640, 648, 668 110, 118 D 640, 662, 673 Deak T, Kotyk A 640, 656, Delmer DP, see Ericson MC Devlin M, see Ewing EE 240, 668 26, 62, 110, 119 311 Deatherage WL, see Wolf IA Delmer DP, see Heiniger U Devlin RM, Galloway RA 412,417 27,65 82,96 Debray H, see Lotan R 540, Delmer DP, see Klein AS Devos P, Hers HG 287,309 577 265, 322 Dewar ET, see Black WAP Debris MM, see Courtois JE Delmer DP, see Maltby D 484,508 455,463 265, 266, 292, 326 Dey PM 277, 278, 279, 288, Decker M, Tanner W 651, Delmotte F, Kieda C, Monsi­ 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 297, 652, 664, 668 gny M 545, 572 309, 370, 379, 423, 428, 463 Decker M, see Fenzl F 659, Delrot S, Bonnemain J-L Dey PM, Pridham JB 290, 669 648,668 309, 369, 379 Dedoner A, see Sumere CF DeLuca S, see Silbert JE 49, Dey PM, see Barham D 768, van 518, 519, 581 73 786 Deenen LLM van, see Gier J Demel RA, De Kruyff B 623, Deyl Z 521,572 de 605,611,636,669 624,627 Dhaliwal AS, Pollard LH, Sa­ Deenen LLM van, see Mudd DeMuelenaere HJH, see Stead lunkhe DK 707, 739 JB 604,612,616,629 RH 538,581 Di Carmell CA, see Outlaw Deenen LLM van, see Re­ Demuth G, see Wagner H WH 254,332 nooijw 585, 600 134, 157 Di Fonzo N, Gentinetta E, Sa­ Dekker EE, see Swain RR Dennis DT, see Garland WJ lamini F, Soave C 701, 283, 341 251, 313 710, 724, 739 Dekker RFH 293, 294, 295, Dennis DT, see Simcox PD Di Girolamo A, see Baddiley 308 17,73,81,84,101,222,250, J 39,58, 149, 151 Dekker RFH, Richards G N 264, 339 Di Girolamo M, see Baddiley 292, 293, 294, 295, 308 Derbyshire E, Wright DJ, J 39,58, 149,151 Del Rosario AR, Briones VP, Boulter D 518, 556, 572 Diamantoglou S 204, 210 Vidal AJ, Juliano BO 711, Desai BM, Modi VV, Shah Diarra A, see Latche A 781, 739 VK 178,189 790 Del Rosario EJ, see Pisigan Jr Desai NN, Allen AK 545, Dick PS, Rees T ap RA 410,416 572 238, 239, 257, 264, 309 Delafuente G, see Serrano R Desai NN, see Allen AK 35, Dickerson AG, Mantle PG, 663,675 58, 517, 522, 536, 545, 546, Szczyrbak CA 505, 509 Delafuente G, see Sols A 275, 547, 561, 563, 567, 569, 570 Dickerson AG, see Buck KW 340 Deshusses J, Gumber SC, Loe­ 505,509 Deleens E, Garnier-Dardart J wus FA 264, 309 Dickerson AG, see Corbett K 254, 308 Deshusses J, Reber G 197, 184, 188 Deleens E, Garnier-Dardart J, 210, 653, 658, 668 Dickerson AG, see Edelman Queiroz 0 252, 254, 265, Deshusses J, see Gruenberg J J 367 309 665,669 Dickinson DB, Davies MD Deleens E, Lerman JC, Nato Deshusses J, see Reber J 648, 18,21,61,234,261,267, A, Moyse A 252, 308 674 309 Delhez J, Dufour J-P, Thines Deshusses J, see Roberts RM Dickinson DB, Hopper JE, D, Goffeau A 650, 668 85, 100 Davies MD 13, 14, 16, 17, Delmer DP 223, 227, 228, Deslandes Y, see Marchessault 61 233, 239, 309 RH 494,511 Dickinson DB, Hyman D, Delmer DP, Albersheim P 18, Deslauriers R, Jarrel HC, Gonzalez JW 16, 18, 24, 61 19,20,21,25,61,229,242, Byrd RA, Smith ICP 272, Dickinson DB, Preiss J 261, 264,309 309 309, 398, 407, 414, 728, 739 Delmer DP, Heiniger U, Ku­ DeSouza CB, see Goldemberg Dickinson DB, see Cox EL low C 265,271,309 SH 293,314 12,61 Delmer DP, Kulow C, Ericson Deulofeu V, see Rappaportt J Dickinson DB, see Davies MC 110,118 134, 156 MD 29,48,61 Author Index 813

Dickinson DB, see Gillard Dizet P Ie 295, 309, 430, 463 Dougall DK, Shimbayashi K DF 14,64 Dizet P Ie, see Courtois JE 562,572 Dickinson DB, see Gonzales 430, 463 Dougall DK, see Verma DC JW 222,229,261,314 Dmitrieva MI, see Sobolev 85, 102, 204, 206, 207, 215, Dickinson DB, see Harran S AM 199,215 267, 344 85, 97, 204, 206, 211 Dobberstein B, see Blobel G Dougherty CT, see Shannon Dickinson DB, see Leibowitz 586,597 JC 731, 745 MD 14,67 Diibereiner U, see Grisebach Dover C, see Kandler 0 268, Dickinson DH, see Hopper H 136,137,153 321, 375,381 JE, 16, 17, 18,66 Dodd JL, McCracken DA Dovletmuradov K 452, Dickson DB, see Ferguson 502,509 463 JE 261,280,312 Dodd JL, see McCracken Downton WJS, Hawker JS Dickson RE, see Haissig BE DA 502,511 222, 229, 232, 234, 242, 261, 701, 740 Dogherty CT, see Shannon 310, 775, 787 Dieckert JW, see Sharma CB JC 257,338 Downton WJS, see Hawker 199,214 Dohi M, Arima K 207, 210 JS 410,411,415 Dieler HP, see Heinz E 619, Dokosi OB, see Tin-Wa M Dox A W 504, 509 628 614, 630 Drew EA 195,210,254,256, Dietrich SMC, see Takaki M Doll H, see Kreis M 262, 270, 310 289,342 323, 702, 728, 742 Drew EA, see Holligan PM Dietrichs HH, see Sinner M Doll S 693, 694, 696 162,163,164,168,171,176, 292,340 Doll S, Rodier F, Willenbrink 189 Diettrich B, see Luckner M J 239, 257, 309, 651, 668, Drewes LR, see Gander JE 264,326 692, 693, 696 567, 573 Dietz M, see English PD 86, Doll S, see Willen brink J 239, Dreyer DL, Binder RG, Chan 96, 196,202,210 257, 345, 637, 642, 676, 693, BG, Waiss AC Jr, Hartwig Diezel W, Bohme HJ, Nissler 699 EE, Beland GL 204, 210 K, Freyer R, Heilman W, Donahue T, Atkinson K, Ko­ Driessche Evan, Foriers A, Kopperschlager G, Hofman lat A, Henry S 207, 210 Strosberg AD, Kanarek L E 520,572 Dong T, see Courtois JE 367, 569, 572 Dimella EE, Staden J van 379 Driessche E van, see Foriers 267, 309 Donovan GR, Lee JW 723, A 569,573 Dimitrijevic R, see Hranisavl­ 739 Dronzek BL, Orth RA, Bus­ jevic-Jakovljevic M 506, Dooley CJ, see Stinson EE huk W 715, 739 510 197,215 Dropkin VH, see Jones MJK Dimler RJ, see Boundy JA Dooner HK 386,391 648,670 517, 530, 567, 570 Dorland L, Kamerling JP, Drumm H, Bruning K, Mohr Diskus A, Kiermayer 0 456, Vliegenthart JFG, Saty­ H 89,96 463 anarayana MN 297,309 Drumm H, see Acton OJ 90, Distler JJ, Roseman S 602, Dorling PR, Huxtable CR, 95 611 Cole gate SM 237, 309 Drummond GS, Smith EE, Dittrich P, Danbiick T 203, Dorozhkina LA, see Cholo­ Whelan WJ 411, 414 210 dova VP 691, 696 Druzhinina TN, Kusov YY, Dittrich P, Gietl M, Kandler Dorozhkina LA, see Engel Shibaev VN, Kochetkov o 197,210 OS 691,692,694,696 NK, Biely P, Kicar S, Bauer Dittrich P, Kandler 0 197, Dorrell DG, see Chubey BB S 34,61 210 440, 462 Druzhinina TN, Novikova Dittrich P, Raschke K 254, Dorrer HD, see Simon H MA, Shibaev VN 34, 61 260, 288, 309 247,339 Druzhinina TN, Novikova Dittrich P, see Chen TM 222, Douce R, Joyard J 244, 309, MA, Zhdanov GL 34, 61 229, 258, 306 310 Druzhinina TN, see Gabrie­ Dittrich P, see Schilling N Douce R, see Siebertz HP Iyan ND 34, 63 197, 214, 779, 780, 792 244, 277, 339 D'Sousa PM, see Lindsay JG Dittrich P, see Senser M 375, Doudoroff M, Kaplan NO, 595,599 382 Hassid WZ 220, 310 Dubinina 1M 690, 696 Dixon WL, Rees Tap 251, Doudoroff M, see Hassid Dubinina 1M, see Kursanov 263, 268, 309 WZ 220,316 AL 237, 257, 324, 690, 698 814 Author Index

Ducan I, see Pusztai A 555, Duperon P, see Meance J Eberhardt G, Schubert WJ 580 616, 623, 629 80,96 Duchamp DJ, see Wiley PF Duperon R 768, 788 Ebner KE, see Geren CR 33, 141, 157 Duperon R, Meance J, Lartil­ 64 Dudman WF, see Davey RA lot S, Duperon P 616, 623, Ebner KE, see Lingappa VR 517, 526, 556, 557, 572 627 586, 587, 599 Duff RB 133,152 Duperon R, see Duperon P Eccleston ED, Thayer ML, Duff RB, Knight AH 133, 620, 625, 627 Kirkwood S 47, 62 135,152 Duperon R, see Meance J Echeverria E, see Humphreys Duffus CD, Rosie R 282, 310 616, 623, 629 T 234, 239, 257, 283, 287, Duffus CD, see Baxter ED Dupont MS, see Davenport 320 262, 264, 303 HE 135,152 Eddy AA, see Brocklehurst R Duffus CM 706, 724, 725, Duquenois P 292, 310 647, 648, 649, 667 726,739 Duran A, see Molano J 296, Eddy AA, see Seas ton A 648, Duffus CM, see Baxter ED 329 674 12, 59,407,413,707,725, Duran WR, Pontis HG 226, Eddy BP, Fleming ID, Man­ 737, 738 230, 310 ners DJ 480,481,509 Duffus CM, see Cameron­ Dure LS 754, 788 Edelman GM, see Cunning­ Mills VC 238, 264, 305, During H, Alleweldt G 686, ham BA 568, 571 637, 641, 654, 667 687,696 Edelman GM, see Wang JL Duffus CM, see Cochrane During H, Alleweldt G, Koch 545, 568, 582 MP 731, 739 R 686,696 Edelman J 218,219,310 Duffus CM, see Williams JM Durr M, Bailey DS, MacLach- Edelman J, Dickerson AG 262, 345, 720, 747 lan G 264, 310, 621, 627 367 Dufour J-P, Goffeau A 650, Dutton GGS 521,572 Edelman J, Ginsburg V, Has­ 651, 668 Dutton GJ, Storey IDE 4, 62 sid WZ 220, 310 Dufour J-P, see Delhez J 650, Dutton JV, Carruthers A, Old- Edelman J, Hall MA 238, 668 field JFT 222, 229, 310 310 Duggan JX, see Anderson LE Dutton RW, see Badenhuizen Edelman J, Hanson AD 234, 84,95 NP 720, 727, 737 238, 264, 310 Dugger WM, Humphreys TE Duve C de 592, 598 Edelman J, Jefford TG 234, 271,310 Dvonch W, Whistler RL 412, 241,297,310,361,368,369, Dugger WM, Palmer RL 265, 414 370, 372, 376, 377, 380, 438, 271, 310 Dweltz NE, Colvin JR, McIn­ 439, 463, 771, 788 Dull GG 686, 696 nes AG 106, 118 Edelman J, Jefford TG, Singh Duncan HJ, see Rees WR 8, Dyckers DF, see Howard IK SP 777,788 9, 71 538,574 Edelman J, Keys AJ 283, Duncan I, see Pusztai A 517, Dyer T A, see Bird IF 242,304 296, 310 530, 560, 564, 580 Dygert S, see Thoma JA 282, Edelman J, Schoolar AI, Bon­ Duncan W AM, Manners DJ, 342 ner WB 642, 668 Ross AG 480, 486, 489, Dzhanelidze MF 281,310 Edelman J, Shibko SI, Keys 509 AJ 229, 261, 310 Duncan WG, see Daynard Eagles CF 376, 379, 460, 463 Edelman J, Singh SP 777, 788 TB 706, 739 Eagles J, see Rees MW 521, Edelman J, see Bacon JSD Dunn G 749, 753, 787 580 437, 461 Dunn MJ, Maddy AH 520, Earle ED, Torrey JG 204, Edelman J, see Little G 235, 572 210 239,326 Dunne FT, see Reinhold VN Earley EB 709, 739 Edelman J, see Parr D 238, 524,580 Eastcoe JE 521,572 332, 637, 673 Dunstone RL, see Evans L T Easterby JS, see Higgins TJC Edelman J, see Parr DR 264, 731, 739 12,65 267,332 Duperon P, Duperon R 625, Eastwood D, Laidman DL Edelman J, see Scott RW 627 205,210 241, 338, 367, 368, 382 Duperon P, Duperon R, Eastwood D, Tavener RJA, Edelmann J, see Jefford TG Thiersault M 620, 627 Laidman DL 754, 788 460, 465 Duperon P, see Duperon R Eaton-Mordas CA, Moore Edelmann J, see Schildknecht 616,623,627 KG 526,572 H 133,156 Author Index 815

Edinin M 584, 598 Eisinger WR, see Robinson Endo S, see Kaneta M 298, Edinin M, see Frye LD 584, DG 27,72 321, 322 598 Ekenstam C, see Castimpoolas Engel OS, Cholodova VP, Do­ Edwards GE, see Spalding N 553,571 razhkina LA 691, 692, 694, MH 249, 253, 340 Ekstrand AG, Johanson CJ 696 Edwards GE, see Usuda H 448, 463 Engel OS, see Cholodova VP 229, 242, 247, 248, 343 EI Fouly MM, see Fawzi 691, 696 Eggens I, Dallner G 265, 310 AFA 237,311 Engelland A, see Trench RK Eggum BO, see Balaravi SP El Khadem H, Sallam MAE 281,342 702, 737 420,463 English PD, Dietz M, Albers­ Egneus H, Heber U, Matthi­ EI Shishiny EDH, see Swan­ heim P 86, 96, 196, 202, sen U, Kirk M 90, 96 son CA 686, 699 210 Eguchi Y, Takagi M, Uda F, EI-Badry AM, Bassham JA Englund PT, King TP, Craig Kimata K, Okuda S, Suzuki 15,62 LC, Walti A 524, 549, 550, N, Suzuki S 145, 152 Elbein AD 27,39,62, 109, 572 Ehrenberg M 779, 788 118,237,264,271,272,273, Ephritikhine G, Lamant A, Ehwald R, Kowallick D, 274, 277, 310, 602, 611 Heller R 267, 310 Meshcheryakov AB, Kholo- Elbein AD, see Ericson MC Ephritikhine G, see Kemp J dova VP 238, 310 26, 62, 110, 119, 264, 311 197, 198,212 Ehwald R, Meshcheryakov Elbein AD, see Forsee WT Epstein S, see Smith BN 252, AB, Kholodova VP 639, 110,119,617,618,619,620, 340 669 621, 625, 628 Ergle DR 499, 509 Ehwald R, Sammler P, Goring Elbein AD, see Hori H 237, Erickson LC, see Kikuta Y H 661,668 319 80,97 Ehwald R, Zippel P 227,276, Elbein AD, see Laine RA Ericson M, see Roberts RM 310 613, 629 105, 108, 122, 563, 580 Ehwald R, see Pavlinova OA Eifert T 419, 422, 431, 432, Ericson MC, Chrispeels MJ 276,332 463 108, 119, 526, 555, 556, 572 Ehwald R, see Sammler P EI-Garby Younes M, see Os­ Ericson MC, Delmer DP 26, 227, 276, 337 man AM 614, 630 62, 110, 119 Eichenberger W 613, 617, EI-Gharbawi M, Whitaker Ericson MC, Elbein AD 264, 618, 620, 627 JR 547,572 311 Eichenberger W, Grab EC Eliseeva GI, see Gabrielyan Ericson MC, Gafford JT, EI­ 615,616,617,618,619,621, ND 34,63 bein AD 26, 62, 110, 119 627 Elkan GH, see Hunter WJ Ericson MC, see Delmer DP Eichenberger W, Menke W 782, 789 110, 118 613,614,627 Ellestad GA, Kunstmann MP, Ericsson A 204, 210 Eichenberger W, Newman Lancaster JE, Mitscher LA, Ericsson A, Hansen J, Dal­ DW 616,627 Morton G 143, 153 gaard L 233,311 Eichenberger W, Siegrist HP Elliott WH, see Melo A 41, Ericsson A, see Hansen J 619,627 42,68, 140, 155 266, 268, 316 Eichholz A, see Swaminathan Ellis RJ, see Highfield PE 84, Eriksson KE 293, 311 N 642,675 97 Eriksson KE, see Bjorndal H Eichler AJ, see Franzen JS Ellmore TL, see Wolf DD 488,508 46,63 438, 471 Eriksson KE, see Westermark Eickenbusch JD, Sellmair J, EI-Maghrabi RM, see Pilkis V 293,345 BeckE 127,152 SJ 251, 333 Ervin EL, Syperda G 451, Eisenberg F Jr 193, 198,200, Elmalech H, see Kanner J 463 201,210 234,322 Esaki S, Konishi F, Kamiya Eisenberg F JR, see Chen CH­ Elmore CD, see Wergin WP S 298, 299, 311 J 201, 209 678,683 Escalada JA, Moss DN 450, Eisenberg F Jr, see Maeda T Elson LA, Morgan WTJ 104, 463 201, 213 118 Escamilla E, see Pilla MZ Eisenberg F Jr, see Wells Elson LA, see Morgan WTJ 201,213 WW 193,216 104, 121 Eschrich W 238, 239, 255, Eisinger WR, see Ray PM Endo A, Kakiki K, Misato 257, 311 27, 71,265,335 T 112, 118 Eschrich W, Hiitterman A, 816 Author Index

Heyster W, Tammes PML, Evans L T, see Sofield I 706, Fan D-F, see Feingold DS Van Die J 265, 311 709,710,711,712,732,733, 56,62 Eschrich W, see Heyser W 746 Fang TY, Baisted DJ 618, 238, 318, 319, 665, 670 Evans LV, Callow JA, Callow 628 Esders TW, Light RJ 613, ME 163, 183, 189 Fann C, see Rosenfeld CL 628 Evans RB, Manners DJ 472, 25, 29, 72, 85, 100, 170, 175, Eshel A, see Beer S 270, 303 497,509 191 Eshhar Z, see Reinhold L Evans WH, Jurd L, Robertson Fanshawe RS, Percival E 690,698 A, Williamson WRN 389, 484,509 Esipov SE, see Berlin Y A 391 Fanshier D, see Neufeld EF 142, 152 Evers AD 713, 718, 720, 740 5, 16, 21, 24, 30, 33, 34,69, Eslick RF, see Goering KJ Evers AD, Juliano BO 718, 114,121 723,740 740 Farineau JP, see Morot-Gau­ Esmon B, Novick P, Schek­ Evers AD, Lindley J 723, 740 dry JF 247, 329 man R 236, 311 Evers AD, see Briarty LG Farkas V, Biely P, Bauer S Espada J 25, 62, 397, 414 710,714,715,717,719,720, 223, 227, 311 Esquerre MJ, see Toppan A 738 Farnsworth NR, see Tin-Wa 105,122 Evers AD, see Brocklehurst M 614,630 Esquerre-Tugaye MT, Laffittee PA 733, 735, 738 Faro S 504, 505, 509 C, Mazon D, Toppan A, Everse J, Everse KE, Kaplan Farooq MO, Gupta SR, Ria­ Touze A 272, 311 NO 54,62 mudd in M, Rahman W, Esquerre-Tugaye MT, Lam­ Everse KE, see Everse J 54, Seshadri TR 134, 153 port DTA 564,572 62 Farooq MO, Varshney JP, Esquerre-Tugaye MT, Mazau Everson RG, Cockburn W, Rahman W 134, 153 D 564,572 Gibbs M 242,311 Farra F, Herrero P, Moreno Esquerre-Tugaye MT, see Everson RG, see Gibbs M F, Gascon S 237, 311 Toppan A 272, 342 247, 284, 314 Fartaczek F, see Lehle L 110, Esselman WJ, see Laine RA Evert RF, see Heyser W 238, 120 104, 120 319 Faust RS, Orcutt AR, Shearin Estep MF, Tobita FR, Parker Ewart MH, Siminovitch D, SJ 640,669 PL, Baalen C van 252, 311 Briggs DR 784, 788 Fawzi AFA, EI Fouly MM Ettlinger MG, Dateo GP, Ewing EE, Devlin M, McNeill 237, 311 Harrison BW, Mabry TJ, DA, McAdoo MH, Hedges Faye L, Berjonneau C 236, Thompson CP 91,96 AM 240,311 237,311,552,572 Etzler ME, Kabat EA 522, Ewing EE, see Anderson RS Faye L, Berjonneau C, Rollin 572 236, 240, 301, 776, 786 P 235, 236, 311 Etzler ME, see Nicolson GL Exton JH, see Hue L 252, Fazldeen H, Hegarty MP, La­ 557, 578 320 hey FN 197,210 Eugster CH, see Karrer W Eylar EH 516, 569, 572 Feeney RE, Yeh Y 567,572 135, 154,218,292,322,369, Ezekiel AD, Overend WG, Feeney RE, see Vries AL de 381 Williams NR 131, 153 567,582 Euw J von, Reichstein T 43, Feige GB 172, 177, 181, 189, 62, 388, 391 Fagerheim E, see Paulsen BS 278,311 Evans FJ 625, 628 452,467 Feil P, see Schlesinger S 592, Evans HJ, see Nitsos RE 410, Fahn A 677, 680, 682 600 416 Fahn A, Benouaiche P 679, Feingold DS 56, 62 Evans JM, see Peat S 476,512 680,683 Feingold DS, Avigad G 62, Evans LT 685,696,732, 739 Fahn A, see Rachmilevitz T 221, 222, 250, 258, 259, 264, Evans L T, De Datta SK 733, 679, 680, 683 311 739 Fajemisin JM, Hooker AC Feingold DS, Fan D-F 56, 62 Evans L T, Dunstone RL, 270,311 Feingold DS, Neufeld EF, Rawson HM, Williams RF Falk M, Smith DC, Malachlan Hassid WZ 5, 24, 30, 35, 731, 739 J, McInnes AG 106, 119 36, 37, 49, 62 Evans LT, Wardlaw IF 709, Fallot J, see Latche A, 222, Feingold DS, see Ankel H 739 324, 781, 790 49, 50, 58, 137,151 Evans L T, see Rawson HM Fan D-F, Feingold DS 33, Feingold DS, see Bdolah A 714, 745 34, 49, 53, 62 49,59 Author Index 817

Feingold DS, see Chen A 46, Fensom DS, see Hayden DB Fisher DB, see Outlaw WH 60 238, 317 256, 332 Feingold DS, see Fan D-F Fenzl F, Decker M, HaaJ3 D, Fisher DH, Gonzalez-Noriega 33, 34, 49, 53, 62 Tanner W 659, 669 A, Sly WS, Mom: DJ 237, Feingold DS, see Franzen B Ferguson IE, Dickson DB, 312 47,63 Rhodes AM 261, 280, 312 Fishwick MJ, Wright AJ 616, Feingold DS, see Franzen JS Fernandez LM, see Pontis 628, 716, 740 44, 46, 47, 63 HG 222, 224, 228, 333 Fjerstad MC, see Adams CA Feingold DS, see Hassid WZ Ferrari RA, Benson AA 604, 282,300, 712, 726, 737 5, 21, 22, 65 606,611 Flagg JL, Wilson TH 652, Feingold DS, see Hestrin S Ferrel RE 199, 210 669 380 Ferrier RJ, see Aspinall GO Fleischmacher OL, Prado FE, Feingold DS, see Kolsun GD 433, 461 Sampietro AR 234,312 45,67 Ferro S, see Novick P 237, Fleischmacher OL, Vattuone Feingold DS, see Neufeld EF 331 MA, Prado FE, Sam pietro 5, 10, 13, 14, 24, 30, 37, 49, Fidler JC, North CJ 166, 186, AR 274,312 69,70 189 Fleming ID, Hirst EL, Man­ Feingold DS, see Prihar HS Fietcher A, see Keunzi MT ners DJ 476, 477, 509 45, 71 497, 511 Fleming !D, see Archibald Feingold DS, see Schiller JG Figier J 678,679,681,683 AR 473, 474, 492, 508 44, 46, 48, 72 Figura K von, Klein U 592, Fleming !D, see Eddy BP Feingold DS, see Schutzbach 598 480, 481, 509 JS 50, 52, 73 Figura K von, Rey M, Prinz Fleming M, Hirst E, Manners Feingold DS, see Solms J 5, R, Voss B, Ullrich K 592, DJ 482,510 10, 30, 44, 73 598 Fleming M, Manners DJ 506, Feingold DS, see Uram M Filner P, Varner JE 750, 788 507, 510 44,74 Fincher EB, see Raymond Y Fliege R, Fliigge U-I, Werdan Feingold DS, see Zalitis J 44, 264, 265, 335 K, Heldt HW 717,740 48,76 Fincher GB 433, 463 Flinn AM, Pate JS 710, 740 Feinstein G, Whitaker JR Fincher GB, Sawyer WH, Flinn AM, see Smith DL 547,572 Stone BA 517,561,562, 755, 756, 792 Fekete MAG de, Ziegler H, 567,573 Flint D, see Varner JE 751, Wolf R 681, 683 Fincher GB, Stone BA 530, 793 Fekete MAR de 16, 17, 18, 561,573 Flood AE, Rutherford PP, 19, 62, 221, 228, 229, 230, Fincher GB, see Raymond Y Weston EW 234,312 231,242,258,311 27, 71 Flood AE, see Gordon AJ Fekete MAR de, Cardini CE Findlay N, Reed ML, Mercer 234, 235, 238, 314 28, 62, 220, 225, 228, 258, FV 681, 682, 683 Flood AE, see Rutherford PP 261,311 Finkelstein RA 54, 62 237, 336, 440, 460, 468 Fekete MAR de, Vieweg GH Finkle BJ, Kelly S, Loewus Flores-Carreon A, see 222, 229, 238, 258, 312, 724, FA 87,96 McMurrough I 114, 120 725, 740, 765, 788 Finkle BJ, see Loewus FA Florkin M, Jeuniaux C 271, Fekete MAR de, see Huber 87,98 312 W 16, 17, 18, 66, 242, 258, Firth P, see Willmer CM 252, Fliirsheim W, see Schlubach 261,319 345 H 448, 468 Fekete MAR de, see Kennecke Fischbeck G, see Seiler-Kel­ Floss HF, see Otsuka H 201, M 227, 264, 322 bitsch H 733, 745 213 Fekete, MAR de, see Leloir Fischer CL, see Pontis HG Floss HG, see Loewus MW LF 397, 408, 416 54, 71 201,213 Fekete MAR de, see Vieweg Fischer H 436, 463 Floss HG, see Snipes CE 42, GH 779, 780, 793 Fischer M, Kandler 0 273, 73 Felker FC, Shannon JC 257, 275,312 Flowers HM, Sharon N 289, 261, 312 Fischer RA, see Bidinger F 312 Felker P, Bandurski RS 521, 730, 738 Fliigge UI, Freisl M, Heldt 573 Fisher DB 620, 628 HW 244,260,312 Fellows RJ, see Sovonick SA Fisher DB, Outlaw WH 256, Fliigge U-I, see Fliege R 717, 641, 656, 665, 675 257,312 740 818 Author Index

Fobes WS, Gander JE 36, 62 Forstner GG, see Riorden JR Franz G, see Heiniger 0 265, Fock H, see Lawlor DW 248, 585,600 292,318 267,324 Foster A, Black CC 256,312 Franz G, see Keller F 372, Fock H, see Mahon JD 248, Fowler MW, see Jessup W 381 326 81,97 Franzen B, Carrubba C, Ash­ Foglietti MJ 13,63 Fowler MW, see Morris P com J, Franzen JS, Feingold Foglietti MJ, Percheron F 63, 267,329 DS 47,63 294, 312, 428, 463 Fowler MW, see Shimizu T Franzen J, see Chen A 46, 60 Foglietti MJ, see Clermont S 81, 101 Franzen JS, Ashcom J, Mar­ 22,60 Fowler MW, see Watson R chetti P, Cardamone JJ Jr, Fondy BR, see Geiger DR 264,345 Feingold DS 44, 47, 63 255, 313 Fowler SD, see Allen CF Franzen JS, Ishman R, Fein- Fong HHS, see Tin-Wa M 603,611 gold DS 44, 63 614, 630 Fox CF, Carter JR, Kennedy Franzen JS, Kuo I, Eichler Fontana JD, Zancan GT 498, EP 660,661,669 AJ, Feingold DS 46, 63 510 Fox CF, see Hsu CC 662,670 Franzen JS, Marchetti P, Fein­ Fonteneau P, see Hartmann Fox RF, see Wilson G 664, gold DS 47, 63 MA 616,621,628 676 Franzen JS, Marchetti P, Ish­ Foote M, see Racusen D 108, Foyer C, see Harbron S 221, man R, Ashcom J, Feingold III, 121, 526, 555, 556,580 230,231,251,252,316 DS 47,63 Forbes AJ, see Hartt CE 684, Foyer CH, Halliwell B 90, 96 Franzen JS, see Franzen B 686,697 Foyer CH, see Halliwell B 47,63 Ford CW, Percival E 484,510 90,97 Franzen JS, see Kolsun GD Ford CW, see Beveridge RJ Francis D, MacLeod RD 45,67 197,202,209,278,304 237,312 Frasch W, Grunwald C 620, Ford MA, Pearman I, Thorne Francis D, see MacLeod RD 628 GN 734,740 237,326 Fraser-Reid B, see Pezzanite Ford MA, see Austin RB Francis FJ, see Asselbergs JO 143,156 730, 737 EAM 95 Fraser-Reid B, see Walker Foriers A, Driessche Evan, Francis MJO, Allcock C 387, DL 124, 143, 157 Neve R de, Kanarek L, 391 Frazier R, see Schiller JG 44, Strosberg AD 569, 573 Francis MJO, O'Connell M 72 Foriers A, Neve R de, Kana­ 388, 391 Frean M, see Crespo HM rek L, Strosberg AD 569, Franck B 218,312 248,253,261,308 573 Frank G, Wegmann K 270, Frederick JF 282,313 Foriers A, see Driessche E 312 Fredrick JF 478,491,492, van 569, 572 Frankart WA, Pontis HG 493, 494, 510 Forlani L, see Phelps C 550, 221,312 Freese E, see Ramaley R 196, 579 Franke W 87, 96 214 Forrence LE, see Abels FB Franke W, see Mehner H 87, Freeze HH, Miller AL, Ka­ 117 99 plan A 237, 313 Forrest IS, Wainwright T Franke WW, see Morn': DJ Freisl M, see Fliigge VI 244, 434, 463 590,599 260,312 Forsberg LS, see Pazur JH Franz G 8,9, 10,63,263, French D 353,358,380,412, 282, 332 292, 312, 389, 391, 456, 457, 414, 473, 510 Forsee WT, Elbein AD 110, 461,464 French D, Wild GM, Young 119 Franz G, Griin M 390, 391 B, James WJ 291,313 Forsee WT, Laine RA, Cham­ Franz G, Hassid WZ 43, 63, French D, Younquist RW, bers JP, Elbein AD 617, 388, 391 Lee A 358, 380 618,628 Franz G, Meier H 8, 9, 10, French D, see Borovsky D Forsee WT, Laine RA, Elbein 43, 63, 292, 313, 362, 363, 411,413,473,508 AD 617,618,621,625,628 369, 372, 380, 388, 389, 391, French D, see Brammer GL Forsee WT, Valkovich G, EI­ 456,464 498,509 bein AD 618,619,620, Franz G, see Buchala AJ 453, French D, see Kainuma K 625,628 460, 462 412,415 Forsee WT, Valkovich G, EI­ Franz G, see Griin M 390, French D, see Wild GM 360, bein AD 110, 119 391 383 Author Index 819

French D, see Yamaguchi M Frydman RB 409, 414 616,617,618,619,620,625, 721, 722, 747 Frydman RB, Cardini CE 28, 628 Frenkel C, see Ben Arie R 63, 398, 408, 409, 414, 724, Funahashi S, see Kiribuchi T 687,695,781, 786 740 614, 629 Frenkel C, see Chin CC 82, 96 Frydman RB, De Souza BC, Funahashi S, see Umemura Freudenberg K, Bliimmel F Cardini CE 397, 398, 414 Y 10, 53, 74, 368, 383, 439, 125, 153 Frydman RB, Hassid WZ 470 Frevert J, Kindl H 595, 598 222,313 Funakeshi I, see Minobe S Frey PA, see Davis JE 31, 61 Frydman RB, Neufeld EF 567, 577 Frey PA, see Kang UG 33, 196,202,210,279,313 Funatsu G, see Funatsu M 66 Frydman RB, see Cardini CE 529, 557, 558, 559, 567, 573 Frey PA, see Sheu KFR 20, 398,408,409,410,414 Funatsu G, see Hara K 557, 73 Frydman RB, see Slabnik E 574 Frey PA, see Wee TG 31, 75 224, 227, 228, 230, 231, 340 Funatsu G, see Ishiguro M Frey PA, see Wong SS 31, Frye LD, Edinin M 584, 598 557, 575 33, 56, 75 Fuchs RL, Smith JD 408, 414 Funatsu G, see Nanno S 517, Frey PS, see Sheu KFR 20, Fuchs Y, see Pesis E 781, 791 529, 558, 567, 578 73 Fuhrmann GF, see Wehrli E Funatsu M, Funatsu G, Ishi­ Freyer R, see Diezel W 520, 661,675 guro M, Nanno S, Hara K 572 Fujii T, see Hori H 517, 530, 529, 557, 558, 559, 567, 573 Frey-Wyssling A, Zimmer­ 559, 567, 574 Funatsu M, see Hara K 557, mann M, Maurizio A 678, Fujimori H, Ohnishi M, Sa­ 574 683 koda M, Matsuno R, Hi­ Funatsu M, see Ishiguro M Frey-Wyssling A, see Miihle­ romi K 284,313 557, 575 thaler K 714, 743 Fujino Y, Miyazawa T 277, Funatsu M, see Nanno S 517, Fridman C, see Lis H 538, 313 529, 558, 567, 578 567,576 Fujino Y, Ohnishi M 614, Fung AK, see Long DE 238, Friedberg I, see Ohad I 263, 625,628 270, 272, 326 331, 718, 744, 773, 775, 776, Fujino Y, see Ito S 277, 320 Fung AK, see Mitchell DT 791 Fujise K, see Tsuno Y 735, 162, 170, 190, 270, 272, 328 Frieden C 82, 96 746 Fiirbringer M, see Beck E Friedenson B, Liener IE 517, Fujita Y, see Ramaley R 196, 126, 152, 284, 303 524, 550, 567, 573 214 Furlong CE, Preiss J 491,510 Friedman S 271, 273, 274, Fukui S, see Kobayashi T Furuya E, Uyeda K 252,313 275, 313 490, 511 Furuya E, see Uyeda K 252, Friedrich H, see Ragoonwala Fukunaga K, see Tsuboi KK 343 R 134, 156 16,17,18,19,74 Furuya T, see Hirotani M Frisch HL, see Vogel SL 282, Fukunda M, see Toyoshima 615,618,628 344 S 540,582 Furuya T, see Yoshikawa T Fritsch H, see Saleh NAM Fukushi S, see Spiro RG 567, 618, 631 386,393 581 Fussel LK, Pearson CJ 711, Fritts DH, see Goering KJ Fukushima D, see Koshiyama 712, 732, 740 723, 740 I 553, 555, 576 Fuwa H, Sugimoto Y, Takaya Fritz E, see Heyser W 238, Fulcher RG, Setterfield G, T, Nikuni Z 721, 740 318 McCully ME, Wood Pl Fritz E, see Heyser W 238, 434,464 Gabbay KH, see Bunn HF 319 Fuller W A, see Leigh RA 519, 571 Fritz GJ, see Mbaku SB 222, 239, 257, 325 Gabriel ° 40, 43, 56, 63 229, 242, 328 Fuller W A, see Leigh RG Gabriel 0, Kalckar HM, Dar­ Frost GM, Greenshield RN, 694,698 row RA 31, 32, 33, 38, 50, Teale FW 235, 313 Fuller WA, see Rees T ap 56,63 Fry B, see McMillan C 254, 782, 783, 786 Gabriel 0, Lenten L van 38, 328 Funabashi M, Yamazaki S, 40, 43, 56, 57, 63 Fry KE, see Mauney JR 259, Yoshimura J 124,141,153 Gabriel 0, Lindquist LC 41, 328 Funaguma T, see Hara A 63 Fry SC, Bidwell RGS 242, 258, 316 Gabriel 0, see Adair WL 31, 247, 313 Funahashi S, see Hou CT 55,58 820 Author Index

Gabriel 0, see Chiknas S 40, Gander JE, see Fobes WS 36, Gaunt RE, Manners JG 272, 60 62 313 Gabriel 0, see Gaugler RW Gander JE, see Gustafson Gautheret MR, see Cohen 42, 64, 145, 153 GL 16, 17, 18, 19, 65 AC 269,307 Gabriel 0, see Wang SF 40, Gander JE, see Johnson MT Gay CL, see Yelenosky G 41, 75 55,66 268,346 Gabrielyan ND, Druzhinina Ganguli NC 16, 63 Gay MR, see Hills GJ 562, TN, Eliseeva GI, Lapina Ganguly AK, Sarre OZ 143, 563,574 EB, Lebedeva KS, Shibaev 153 Gayler KR, Glasziou KT VN 34,63 Ganguly AK, Sarre OZ, Rei­ 238, 313, 642, 669, 686, 688, Gabrielyan ND, Komaleva mann H 143, 153 689,696 RL, Shibaev VN 229,313 Ganguly AK, Sarre OZ, Gayler KR, see Glasziou KT Gabrielyan ND, Lapina EB, Szmulewicz S 143, 153 238, 255, 257, 274, 314, 645, Spiridonova SM, Shibaev Ganschow R, Paigen K 592, 669, 688, 689, 696 VN, Budowsky EI, Kochet­ 598 Gayler KR, see Grant BR kov NK 223,313 Ganschow RE, see Smith K 242, 315 Gachelin G 642, 669 593,600 Gebb C, Baron D, Grisebach Gafford JT, see Ericson MC Garcia RE, see Mudd JB H 51,64, 138, 153 26, 62, 110, 119 613,619,629 Geck P, Heinz E 659, 669 Gafin JE, Badenhuizen NP Garcia-Luis A, Guardiola JL Geddes R, Greenwood CT 720,740 758, 761, 788 722, 727, 740 Gahmberg CG, Hakomori SI Garcia-Trejo A, Haddock JW, Geiger DR 255, 313, 399, 585,598 Chittenden GJG, Baddiley 414, 679, 683, 685, 691, Gainey PA, Pestell TC, Phelps J 36,64 696 CF 44,63 Gardner D, see Brocklehurst Geiger DR, Fondy BR 255, Gainey PA, Phelps CF 46,63 R 647, 648, 649, 667 313 Galanos DS, see Carter HE Garegg PJ, Lindberg B, Nill­ Geiger DR, see Sovonick SA 608,611 son K, Swahn CG 173, 641, 656, 665, 675 Galbraith W, Goldstein IJ 189,271,277,278,313 Geisler G, see Herzog H 733, 522, 538, 541, 542, 573 Garegg PJ, see Bjorndal H 741 Gallagher RT 197,210 488,508 Gelb N, see Schlesinger S Gallagher RT, see Angyal SJ Garg M, see Lal RK 704, 592, 600 197, 208 709, 742 Gendraud M, Cloux D 264, Galliard T 199, 210, 603, 611 Garg OP, see Bharti S 88, 313 Galliard T, see Bums DD 95 Gendraud M, Lafleuriel J 277,305 Garland WJ, Dennis DT 251, 222, 264, 313 Gallop PM, see Bunn HF 313 Genghof DS, see Hehre EJ 519, 571 Garnier-Dardart J, see Deleens 284, 296, 317 Galloway RA, see Devlin E 252, 254, 265, 308, 309 Gentilini R, see Horowitz JM RM 82,96 Garvin AJ, see Neufeld EF 390,392 Galston A W, see Racusen 592,599 Gentinetta E, Salamini F 701, RH 648, 665, 674 Garwood DL, see Boyer CD 702, 710, 740 Galzy P, see Guiraud JP 236, 412, 414, 722, 738 Gentinetta E, see Di Fonzo 315 Gascon S,.Neumann NP, N 701, 710, 724, 739 Gamburg KZ, see Tolochka Lampen JO 524, 573 Gepstain S, Ilan I 758, 760, VV 193,204,215 Gascon S, see Farra F 237, 788 Gamundi SS, see Salerno GL 311 Geren CR, Ebner KE 33, 64 222, 229, 233, 336 Gatehouse JA, Croy RRD, Gerhardt B 88, 96 Gancedo C, see Sols A 275, Boulter D 556, 557, 573 Gestetner B, see Assa Y 626 340 Gates JW, Simpson GM 719, Ghebregzabher M, Rufini S, Gandar PW, Tanner CB 734, 740, 779, 788 Monaldi B, Lato M 233, 740 Gaugler RW, Gabriel ° 42, 313 Gander JE 16, 18, 20, 26, 63, 64, 145, 153 Ghosh HP, Preiss J 398, 401, 106, 119, 217, 313 Gaunt MA, Maitra US, Ankel 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 409, Gander JE, Jentoft NH, Dre­ H 37,64 410,415 wes LR, Rick PD 567, Gaunt MA, see Maitra US Ghosh HP, see Preiss J 401, 573 37,68 402, 403, 404, 405, 407, 417 Author Index 821

Ghosh HP, see Toneguzzo F Gilck H, Thanbichler A, Sell­ Glasziou KT, see Hatch MD 587, 600 mair J, Beck E 125, 153 222, 234, 237, 249, 257, 317, Ghosh NR, see Bidwell RGS Gilck H, see Thanbichler A 686, 688, 697 486, 508 129, 157 Glasziou KT, see Sacher JA Ghoshek NS, see Kaufman Gilkes NR, Herman EM, 237, 238, 336, 688, 699 PB 234,322 Chrispeels MJ 199,210 Glaudemans CPJ, see Tomasic Ghuysen JM 26, 64 Gill CO, Ratledge C 663, J 444,470 Giacopello D, see Rappaportt 669 Glaudmans CPJ, see Tomasic J 134, 156 Gillard DF, Dickinson DB J 295,342 Giaquinta R 218, 221, 222, 14,64 Glazer AN, see Jones IK 550, 229, 237, 238, 239, 255, 256, Gillespie JM, see Blagrove 575 313, 314, 686, 691, 696 RJ 526,570 Gleeson PA, Clarke AE 517, Giaquinta RT 399,415,689, Gilliland GL, see Quiocho 530, 559, 561, 567, 573 690, 691, 696 FA 661,674 Gleeson PA, Jermyn MA, Gibbons GC 246,314 Gillon H 219,314 Clarke AE 559, 573 Gibbons GC, see Meyer KH Gimmler H, see Heber U Gleeson PA, see Clarke AE 400, 416 242, 247, 317 219,307 Gibbs M, Beevers H 81, 96 Ginsburg V 5, 15, 16, 17,39, Glick K, see Staver MJ 20, Gibbs M, Kandler ° 247, 57, 64, 114, 119 73,618,622,630 314 Ginsburg V, Hassid WZ 25, Glicksman M 424, 464 Gibbs M, Latzko E, Everson 64 G10ssman H, Neville DM RG, Cockburn W 247,284, Ginsburg V, Kirkman HN 520, 573 314 39,64 Glover GI, see Nelson SO Gibbs M, see Everson RG Ginsburg V, Stumpf PK, Has­ 661, 673 242, 311 sid WZ 5,8,9, 11,64 Gluckin DS, see Gussin AES Gibbs M, see Levi C 243, Ginsburg V, see Edelman J 274,315 248, 282, 284, 286, 325, 778, 220,310 Gnanam A, see Mohamed 790 Ginsburg V, see Hassid WZ AH 269,329 Gibbs M, see Peavey DG 21,65 Goad LJ, see Rowsell EV 282, 284, 286, 332, 778, 791 Ginsburg V, see Neufeld EF 753, 792 Gibbs M, see Percherowicz 5, 16,21,24,30,33,34,69, Goaux J, see Rosenburg A JT 248, 253, 261, 333 II4, 121 605,612 Gibbs M, see Steup M 286, Giovanelli J, Tobin NG 94, Goel M, see Sharma CB 756, 341, 404, 417 96 792 Gibbs RD 218,314,385,386, Girard D, see Cohen AC 269, Goering H, Recklin E, Kaiser 387, 388, 389, 391 307 R 21,64 Giddings TH, Cantino EC Gladyshev BN 107, 119 Goering KJ, Fritts DH, Eslick II3, 119 Glaser G, Melo A, Paul R RF 723, 740 Giddings TH, see Norrman J 29,64 Goffeau A, see Delhez J 650, 112,121 Glaser L 39, 64 668 Gier J de, Manderslot JJ, Dee­ Glaser L, Brown DH 23, 64, Goffeau A, see Dufour J-P nen LLM van 605,611, 114, 119 650, 651, 668 636,669 Glaser L, Kornfeld S 39, 64 Goforth PL, Torrey JG 204, Giersch C, Heber U, Kaiser Glaser L, Wood L 32,64 211 G, Walker DA, Robinson Glaser L, Zarkowsky H 40, Gold MH, Larson S, Segal SP 221,222,242,243,244, 43,64 IH, Stocking CR 503, 510 255, 256, 314 Glaser L, see Mauck J 29, 68 Gold MH, Mitzel DL, Segel Giesow M 239, 314 Glaser L, see Melo A 41,42, IH 503, 504, 510 Gietl M, see Dittrich P 197, 68, 140, 145, 155 Goldbach E, see Goldbach H 210 Glaser L, see Zarkowsky H 735, 740 Gigg RH, see Carter HE 608, 40,41, 76 Goldbach H, Goldbach E, Mi­ 611 Glasziou KT, Gayler KR chael G 735, 740 Giladi I, Altman A, Goren R 238, 255, 257, 274, 314, 645, Goldberg R 422, 464 267,314 669, 688, 689, 696 Goldberg R, Roland JC 423, Gilck H 128, 153 Glasziou KT, see Gayler KR 458, 464 Gilck H, Beck E 126, 127, 238, 313, 642, 669, 686, 688, Golde LMG van, see Re­ 129,151,153 689, 696 nooijw 585, 600 822 Author Index

Goldemberg SH, Leloir LF Gonzalez-Noriega A, see Fis­ Goto Y, see Takahashi N 274,314 her DH 237,312 283,342 Goldemberg SH, Marechal Good NE, Bell DH 218,267, Gottlieb C, see Schlesinger S LR, DeSouza CB 293, 314 314 592, 600 Goldemberg SH, see Marechal Good P, see Allen CF 603, Gottlieb D, Shaw PD 141, LR 495,512 611 142, 144,153 Goldman P, see Isaacks R Goodale TC, see Benson AA Gottschalk A 234,241,315, 199, 211 352, 379 515, 565,573 Goldman PH, see Isaacks RE Goodman M, see Buchanan Gottschalk A, see Neuberger 199,211 JG 4, 14, 16, 60 A 519, 535, 578 Goldner AM, Schultz SG, Goodwin TW 388,391 Goudsmit EM, Neufeld EF Curran PF 648, 669 Gopalachari NC, see Gopalam 38,64 Goldschmidt EE, Branton D A 260,314 Gould NR, Scheinberg SL 239, 257, 314 Gopalam A, Gopalachari NC 541, 542,573 Goldstein A, Cantino EC 260, 314 Gould SEB, Rees DA, Wight 497, 510 Gordon AJ, Flood AE 234, NJ 431,432,458,464 Goldstein A, see Cantino EC 235, 238, 314 Gowda DC, Neelisiddaiah B, 497, 509 Gordon AJ, Ryle GJA, Powell Anjaneyalu YV 451,452, Goldstein IJ, Hayes CE 107, CE 262,314 464 108, 119, 219, 314, 537, 540, Gordon AJ, Ryle GJA, Powell Grab DJ, see Redman CM 545, 573 CE, Mitchell D 245, 314 596,600 Goldstein IJ, Smith F, Unrau Gordon AJ, Ryle GJA, Webb Grace J, see Okoro 00 266, AM 482, 483, 510 G 245,314 331 Goldstein IJ, see Agrawal Gordon JA, Blumberg S, Lis Gracza R 735, 740 BBL 522,569 H, Sharon N 538, 573 Gradmann D, Hansen U-P, Goldstein IJ, see Galbraith Gordon WC, Ordin L 16, 17, Scott W, Slayman CL 651, W 522, 538, 541, 542, 573 64 669 Goldstein IJ, see Hayes CE Goren R, see Giladi I 267, Grady KL, see Lawyer AL 522,574 314 264, 267, 324 Goldstein IJ, see Misaki A Gorenflat R, Bourdu R 358, Grafe V, Vouk V 436,464 107, 121, 542, 543,577 380 Graham D, see Morris SC Goldstein LD, Jennings PH Gorham PR, see Webb JA 716, 743 754, 788 372,383 Graham D, see Rees T ap 80, Gon9'lles IRJ, see Dankert M Gorin PAJ, Haskins RH, 95 8, 10, 28, 61 Spencer JFT 277,315 Graham LL, Johnson MA Gonzales JW, Rhodes AM, Gorin PAJ, Horitsu K, Spen­ 226,227,315 Dickinson DB 222, 229, cer JFT 198, 211 Grant B R, Beevers H 641 , 261,314 Gorin PAJ, Spencer JFT 475, 642, 669, 690, 694, 696 Gonzales NS, Pontis HG 510 Grant BR, Howard RJ 242, 368, 380, 439, 464 Goring H, see Ehwald R 661, 315 Gonzales-Porque P, Strom in­ 668 Grant BR, Howard RJ, Gay­ ger JL 43, 64, 140, 145, Goring H, see Pavlinova OA ler KR 242, 315 153 276, 332 Grant BR, Wright SW 242, Gonzalez EH, Beevers H 596, Goring H, see Sammler P 315 598 227, 276, 337 Grant BR, see Hawthorne Gonzalez GF, see Sarmiento Gorovaya LP, see Sakalo VD DB 479, 484, 510 R 337 262,336 Grant CR, Rees T ap 250, Gonzalez HS, Pontis HG 10, Gortner W A, see Heinicke 315 II, 53, 64 RM 547,574 Grant G, see Pusztai A 555, Gonzalez JW, see Dickinson Gorz HJ, see Kleinhofs A 580 DB 16, 18,24,61 387, 392 Grant JR, Lawrence JM 526, Gonzalez NS, Pontis HG Gotelli lB, Cleland R 562, 556, 573 115,119 573 Grauslund J, see Hansen P Gonzalez NS, see Hampe Gotham IJ, see Vogel SL 167, 183, 189 MMV 8, 9, 10,65 282,344 Gray D 713, 740 Gonzalez NS, see LeFebvre Gothard PG, see Riggs TJ Gray G, see Auriol P 293, MJ 175, 190 710, 745 301 Author Index 823

Gray GR 227,231,315 Grenson M, see Crabeel M Grisebach H, see Wahl HP Gray GR, see Mower RL 655, 668 149, 157 172,173,175,190 Grenson M, see Hennaut C Grisebach H, see Wallace JW Gray 11, see Richmond ML 662,670 390,393 280,335 Greyson RI, see Coleman Grisebach H, see Wellmann Grba S, Oura E, Suomalainen WK 785,787 E 138,157 H 275,315 Griffiths D, see Barham D Groat JI, Briggs DE 752, Greeg JA de, see Onckelen 768, 786 788 HA van 759,760,761, 793 Griffiths SK, see Hackett DP Grob EC, see Eichenberger Green JR, Northcote DH 23, 80,96 W 615,616,617,618,619, 64,264,315,517,567,573 Grimes WJ, Jones BL, Albers­ 621, 627 Green TGA, see Cowan DA heim P 223, 233, 315 Gri:ibner W, see Scherpenberg 271, 308 Grinstein S, see Klip A 660, H van 126, 156 Greenberg E, see Hawker JS 671 Groce JW, Jones LA 197, 410,411,412,415 Grisebach H 124, 133, 146, 211 Greenberg E, see Okita TW 148, 150, 153, 386, 391 Groden D, Beck E 89, 90, 96 242, 243, 244, 282, 283, 284, Grisebach H, Achenbach H Gros EG, see Belcopitow E 285,286,331,716,717,744, 146, 153 275,303 779, 791 Grisebach H, Bilhuber W Grosjean OKK, see Becker R Greenberg E, see Ozbun JL 134, 153 290,303 16, 18, 70, 398, 407, 411, Grisebach H, Di:ibereiner U Gross D, Blanchard PH, Bell 416, 710, 728, 744 136, 137,153 DJ 350, 361,380 Greenberg E, see Preiss J Grisebach H, Hahlbrock K Gross D, see Albon N 360, 230,231,260,261,334,491, 386, 391 379 513 Grisebach H, Sandermann H Gross KC, Pharr DM, Locy Greenberg E, see Sanwal GG Jr 136, 153 RD 290,315 401, 402, 403, 405, 406, 417 Grisebach H, Schmid R 124, Gross KC, Wallner SJ 289, Greenland AJ, Lewis DH 153 315,781, 788 237, 315 Grisebach H, see Achenbach Grossman A, McGowan RE Greenshield RN, see Frost H 146, 151 83,96 GM 235,313 Grisebach H, see Baron D Groteluschen RD, Smith D Greenshields RN, see Cooper 137, 138, 151 444,464 RA 21,60,234,307 Grisebach H, see Gebb C 51, Groteluschen RD, see Smith Greenway H, Munns R 269, 64, 138, 153 D 450, 469 315 Grisebach H, see Hofheinz W Gruenberg J, Sharma PR, Greenway H, Setter TL 269, 142, 154 Deshusses J 665, 669 315 Grisebach H, see Kelleher Griin M, Franz G 390, 391 Greenway H, see Limpinun­ WJ 137, 138, 154 Griin M, see Franz G 390, tana V 271,325 Grisebach H, see Maier W 391 Greenwood CT 718, 740 144,149,154 Griineberg A, Komor E 648, Greenwood CT, Milne EA Grisebach H, see Marcinowski 669 725,740 A 26,68 Grunwald C 613,615,620, Greenwood CT, Thomson J Grisebach H, see Matern U 625, 626, 628 474, 476, 477, 510, 703, 138, 139, 143, 147, 148, Grunwald C, see Bush PB 740 154 620, 622, 625, 627 Greenwood CT, see Banks W Grisebach H, see Ortmann R Grunwald C, see Frasch W 718,719,720,722,723,724, 139, 144, 149, 155 620,628 725, 737, 774, 786 Grisebach H, see Pape H Guardiola JL, Sutcliffe JF Greenwood CT, see Geddes 146, 156 205, 211, 756, 788 R 722, 727, 740 Grisebach H, see Saleh NAM Guardiola JL, see Garcia-Luis Greenwood JS, see Lott JNA 386,393 A 758, 761, 788 199,213 Grisebach H, see Sanderman Gueldner RC, see Thompson Gregoire J, Gregoire J, Limo­ H 8,9,10, II, 72 AC 614,630 zinN,VanLV 8,9,10,11, Grisebach H, see Sandermann Guernsey FS, see Beevers L 65 H Jr 137, 156 552,570 Gregoire J, see Gregoire J 8, Grisebach H, see Schmid R Guess JW, Hall NA, Rising 9, 10, 11,65 147,156 LW 453,464 824 Author Index

Guha-Mukherjee J, see Sihag Guthrie RD, see Sum WF Hahlbrock K, see Kreuzaler RK 267,339 235, 236, 341 F 134, 135, 154 Guilloux E, Percheron F 273, Guy M, Reinhold L 642, 669 Haissig BE, Dickson RE 701, 315 Guy M, Reinhold L, Michaeli 740 Guinn G, see Mauney JR D 692, 693, 694, 695, 696 Hak A, see Klis FM 234, 323 259,328 Guy M, see Reinhold L 692, Hakomori SI, see Gahmberg Guiraud JP, Viard-Gaudin C, 698 CG 585,598 Galzy P 236,315 Hale CR, see Buttrose MS Gum EK, Brown RD 524, Haaland E 772, 788 260,305 574 Haaland E, Wickstrom A Hall AD, see Brenchley WE Gumber SC, see Bhatia IS 770,788 711, 738 239, 262, 304 Haapala H 282,315,779, 788 Hall CW, see Neufeld EF 46, Gumber SC, see Deshusses J Haas DW, see Hackett DP 47,69,604,612 264, 309 80,96 Hall DM, see Meeuse BJD Gunja-Smith Z, Marshall JJ, Haas VA, see Benson AA 502,512 Mercier C, Smith EE, Whe­ 352, 379 Hall JD, see Harman HJ 594, lan WJ 413,415,473,474, HaaG D, Tanner W 662, 663, 598 510 669 Hall JL, see Baker DA 679, Gunja-Smith Z, Marshall JJ, HaaG D, see Fenzl F 659, 669 680,682 Smith EE 498, 510 HaaG D, see Komor E 639, Hall MA, see Edelman J 238, Gunja-Smith Z, Patil NB, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 671 310 Smith EE 497, 510 Haberland E, see Schlubach Hall MA, see Pollock CJ 444, Gunja-Smith Z, Smith EE HH 446, 468 445, 467 497, 500, 510 Haberlandt TG 755, 788 Hall NA, see Guess JW 453, Gunning BES, Hughes JE Habermann HM 90, 96 464 678,683 Habeshaw D 691,696 Hall TC, see Sun SM 108, Gupta Das PC, see Aspinall Habets-Willems C, see Reu- 122 GO 448,461 vers F 110,122 Hallberg M, Larsson C 249, Gupta OCD, Gupta R, Gupta Habig WH, see Abels FB 117 315 PC 298,315 Hackett DP, Haas OW, Grif- Hallcher LM, Sherman WR Gupta PC, see Gupta OCD fiths SK, Niederpruem DJ 196, 211 298,315 80,96 Halliwell B 89, 97,218,243, Gupta PC, see Khanna SN Hackett DP, see Klapper 247, 248, 249, 251, 256, 269, 424, 465 MH 550,575 316 Gupta PC, see Srivastava YS Hackett DP, see Ragland TE Halliwell B, Foyer CH 90, 97 299,340 80, 100 Halliwell B, see Charles SA Gupta R, see Gupta OCD Hackman RH, Trikojus VM 251,306 298,315 168,169, 170,189 Halliwell B, see Foyer CH Gupta SR, see Farooq MO Haczycki SJ, see Bryant JA 90, 96 134, 153 760, 787 Halmer P, Bewley JD 764, Gurney-Smith M, see Roberts Haddock JW, see Garcia-Trejo 765, 766, 770, 788 K 562,580 A 36, 64 Halmer P, Bewley JD, Thorpe Gussin AES 272, 273, Haddon WF, see Palter R TA 429,464,764,768, 788 315 615,625,630 Halmer P, see Bewley JO Gussin AES, McCormack JH Hadwiger LA, see Nichols EJ 765, 770, 786 12, 65, 273, 274, 315 292, 296, 330 Halsall TG, see Barry VC Gussin AES, McCormack JH, Haeder HE, see Mengel K 9,68 475, 508 Waung YL, Gluckin DS Haeger JS, see Van Handel E Halvorson HO, see Okada H 274, 315 682, 683 640, 654, 657, 673 Gustafson CB, see Lappas L Hageman RH, see Ingle J Hamblin AJ, see Nordstrom 281, 324 710, 741 CG 134,155 Gustafson GL, Gander JE Hagen S, see Anthonsen T Hamilton WA 645, 646, 669 16,17,18,19,65 171, 188 Hamlen RA, Lukezic FL, Gustine DL, Yuan DHF, Kin­ Hager A 89, 96 Bloom JR 281,316 del PK 138, 153 Hahlbrock K 26,65 Hammer H 448, 464 Guthrie RD, see Cooper DJ Hahlbrock K, see Grisebach Hammett HL, Barrentine BF 141,152 H 386,391 704, 740 Author Index 825

Hammond JBW, Nichols R Hanson AD, see Edelman J Harley JL, see Lewis DH 184, 189,497,510 234, 238, 264, 310 272,325 Hamon NW, see Bliss CA Hanson AD, see Tully RE Harman HJ, Hall JD, Crane 168, 177, 188 268,343 FL 594,598 Hampe MMV, Gonzalez NS Hanson B, Brody S 207, 211 Harmey MA, see Cassells AC 8,9, 10,65 Hanson B, Johannson I, Lind­ 8, 9, 60 Hampp R, Schmidt HW 636, berg B 134,154 Harold FM 646, 669 637,669,717,741 Hanson RE, see Anderson Harold FM, see Pavlasova E Hampson SE, Loomis RS, RL 132, 151 650,673 Rains DW 238, 239, 316, Hanson RG, see Turnquist Harpaz N, see Schachter A 641, 654, 665, 669, 694, 697 RL 17, 18, 19, 74 588,600 Hanafusa H, Ikenaka T, Aka­ Hapner KD, Robbins JE 522, Harran S, Dickinson DB 85, bori S 107, 119 543, 544, 574 97, 204, 206, 211 Hancock JG 641,654,663, Hapner KD, see Namen AE Harris G, Thompson CC 663, 669 108,121,543,544,578 669 Handa N, Nisizawa K 486, Haq S, Adams GA 362, 380 Harris JI, Waters M 47, 65 510 Haq S, Hassid WZ 242, 316 Harris N 755, 788 Handlogten ME, see Christen- Hara A, Kawamoto K, Funa- Harris N, Chrispeels MJ 116, sen HN 661,668 guma T 258, 316 119 Hanes CS 397,415 Hara K, Ishiguro M, Funatsu Harris PM 735, 741 Hanke DE 593, 594, 598 G, Funatsu M 557, 574 Harris RC, see Sebrell WH Hanke DE, see Hill B 597, Hara K, see Funatsu M 529, 193, 214 598 557, 558, 559, 567, 573 Harrison BW, see Ettlinger Hankes LV, Politzer WM, Harada T, see Akai H 498, MG 91,96 Touster 0, Anderson L 507 Harrison DD, see Copeland 170, 189, 203, 211 Harada T, see Misaki A 453, L 12, 60, 221, 307 Hanna P, see Mendicino J 455,466 Harrison DD, see Turner JF 137, 155 Harada T, see Takaki H 105, 12, 74, 221, 343 Hanna R, Picken M, Mendi­ 113,122 Harrison JS, see Trevelyan cino J 139, 154 Harborne JB 298, 300, 316, WE 497,513 Hannah LC, Nelson OE 398, 384, 385, 386, 391 Harrison S, see Clarke AE 408, 415 Harborne JB, see Crowden 219, 307 Hanners JL, see Kollman VH RK 356,379 Hart DA, Kindel PK 133,154 277, 278, 323 Harbron S, Foyer C, Walker Hartanowicz P, see Ueng ST­ Hannig K, see Jaffe WG 526, D 221,230,231,251,252, H 178,180,191,192 575 316 Hartmann GC, see Bowles Hanny BW, see Wergin WP Harbron S, Woodrow IE, DJ 597 678,683 Kelly GJ, Robinson SP, Hartmann MA, Fonteneau P, Hans M, see Wattiez N 350, Latzko E, Walker DA 229, Benveniste P 616, 621, 628 358, 383 233, 316 Hartmann-Bouillon MA, Ben­ Hansen CW, see Van Handel Hardham AR 731, 741 veniste P 616,621,623,628 E 682,683 Hardie DG 750, 753, 788 Hartmann-Bouillon MA, Ben­ Hansen J, Stromquist LH, Hardie J, see Sanwal GG veniste P, Roland JC 621, Ericsson A 266, 268, 316 401, 402, 403, 405, 406, 417 625,628 Hansen J, see Ericsson A Hardwick NE, see Bell DJ Hartmann-Bouillon MA, see 233, 311 133, 152 Quantin E 622, 630 Hansen J, see Kaurin A 268, Hardy PJ 687, 697 Hartt CE 686, 697 322 Hardy PJ, Norton G 238, Hartt CE, Kortschak HP, For­ Hansen J, see Veierskov B 262, 316 bes AJ, Burr GO 684, 686, 268, 344 Hardy PJ, Possingham JV 697 Hansen P 250, 316, 687, 697 238, 316 Hartwig EE, see Dreyer DL Hansen P, Grauslund J 167, Harel E, see Vlodawsky L 204,210 183, 189 756, 793 Harun SH, see Miller DM Hansen RG, see Rodriguez P Harkness D, see Isaacks R 641,654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 29,72 199, 211 673 Hansen U-P, see Gradmann Harkness DR, see Isaacks Harvey BMR, Oaks A 754, D 651,669 RE 199,211 789 826 Author Index

Harvey C, Malsman L, Nuss­ Hassid WZ, see Feingold DS Hattori K, Suzuki T 168, 189 baum AL 29, 65 5, 24, 30, 35, 36, 37, 49, 62 Hattori S, Imaseki H 134, Harvey CL, Olson KC, Wright Hassid WZ, see Franz G 43, 154 R 29,65 63, 388, 391 Hauer R, Hofer M 648, 670 Harwood JL, see Burns DD Hassid WZ, see Frydman RB Haugen T, Ishaque A, Preiss 277,305 222,313 J 407, 415 Hase S, Ikenaka T, Matsus­ Hassid WZ, see Ginsburg V Hauser H, see Seiler-Kelbitsch hima Y 233, 316 5, 8, 9, 11, 25, 64 H 733,745 Hasegawa A, see Veno Y Hassid WZ, see Haq S 242, Hautala E, see Reeve RM 197,215 316 712, 745 Hasegawa K, Kusano T, Mit­ Hassid WZ, see Lin TY 8, 9, Hawker JS 221,222,229, suda H 552, 553, 574 10,68 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 242, Hasegawa M, see SatD M Hassid WZ, see Mayer FC 264,317, 551,574,687, 688, 387, 393 22,23,68,112,113,114, 689,697 Hasegawa R, see Tomita T 120 Hawker JS, Downton WJS 207,215 Hassid WZ, see Neufeld EF 410,411,415 Hashimato N, see Nakagawa 5, 13, 14, 15, 16,21,24,26, Hawker JS, Hatch MD 231, H 234,330 30, 33, 34, 37, 49, 69, 70, 232,238,257,317, 688, 689, Hashimoto Y, see Nisizawa 114,121,217,219,330 697 K 241, 284, 288, 331 Hassid WZ, see Nikaido H 5, Hawker JS, Marschner H, Hasilik A, Neufeld EF 237, 8,20, 70 Downton WJS 410,415 239, 316 Hassid WZ, see Pridham JB Hawker JS, Marschner H, Hasilik A, Tanner PW 107, 377, 378, 382 Krauss A 262, 263, 317, 119 Hassid WZ, see Putman EW 707, 728, 729, 741 Hasilik A, Tanner W 236, 220, 276, 277, 334 Hawker JS, Ozbun JL, Ozaki 316, 567, 574 Hassid WZ, see Solms J 5, H, Greenberg E, Preiss J Haskins FA, see Kleinhofs A 10,30,44,73,103,114,122 410,411,412,415 387, 392 Hassid WZ, see Storm DL Hawker JS, Ozbun JL, Preiss Haskins RH, see Boothroyd 385,393 J 410,415 B 277,305 Hassid WZ, see Su CC 277, Hawker JS, Walker RR, Ruff­ Haskins RH, see Gorin PAJ 341 ner HP 222, 236, 264, 267, 277, 315 Hassid WZ, see Su JC 8, 9, 317 Haskovec C, Kotyk A 170, 10, 38, 74 Hawker JS, see Downton 180, 189, 641, 657, 670 Hassid WZ, see Vessal M WJS 222, 229, 232, 234, Hassan YM, see Wali Y A 112,113,122 242,261,310, 775, 787 280,344 Hata T, see Ohtsuru M 91, Hawker JS, see Mares DJ Hassid WZ 5, 65, 217, 316 99 242, 243, 327, 716, 743 Hassid WZ, Doudoroff M Hatakeyama K, see Chiba S Hawker JS, see Ozbun JL 16, 220, 316 297,307 18, 70, 398,407,410,411, Hassid WZ, Neufeld EF 217, Hatanaka S 350, 358, 360, 416, 710, 728, 744 273, 316 380 Hawker JS, see Parr DR 264, Hassid WZ, Neufeld EF, Fein­ Hatch AL, Jensen RG 245, 267, 332 gold DS 5, 21, 22, 65 316 Hawker JS, see Preiss J 261, Hassid WZ, Putman EW, Hatch MD 229,231,249, 334 Ginsburg V 21,65 250, 316, 317, 689, 697 Hawker JS, see Ruffner HP Hassid WZ, see Bailey R W Hatch MD, Glasziou KT 251, 336 36,59 237, 257, 317, 686, 688, 697 Hawthorne DB, Sawyer WH, Hassid WZ, see Barber GA Hatch MD, Osmond CB 249, Grant BR 479, 484, 510 16,20,59 317 Hawthorne NJ, see Carter Hassid WZ, see Bean RC Hatch MD, Sacher JA, Glas­ HE 111, 118, 279, 306 222, 227, 303 ziou KT 222, 234, 249, 317, Hayaishi 0, Veda K 54, 65 Hassid WZ, see Chan PH 13, 688, 697 Hayakawa SY, see Shirahashi 60 Hatch MD, see Hawker JS K 249,339 Hassid WZ, see Doudoroff 231, 232, 238, 257, 317, 688, Hayakawa T, Kurasawa F M 220,310 689,697 201, 211 Hassid WZ, see Edelman J Hatch MD, see Sacher JA Hayashi E, see Tomita T 207, 220,310 237, 238, 336, 688, 699 215 Author Index 827

Hayashi K, see Ishiguro M Hedblom ML, see Cawley Heinz E, see Siebertz HP 244, 557, 575 DB 558, 559, 571 277, 339 Hayashi K, see Mizuno T Hedenstriim M von, see Janda Heiseman A, see Roberts 449, 453, 466 S 644,670 RM 8, 10, 21, 23, 72, 112, Hayashi T, Matsuda K 295, Hederson R W, Morton RK, 113, 122 317 Rawlinson W A 362, 380 Heizer D, see Shoaf CR 283, Hayden DB, Fensom DS, Hedges AM, see Ewing EE 339 Thompson RE 238,317 240, 311 Heldt HW 255,318,717,741, Hayes CE, Goldstein IJ 522, Hedin P A, see Thompson AC 778, 789 574 614, 630 Heldt HW, Chen CJ, Maronde Hayes CE, see Goldstein IJ Heeger V, see Leienbach KW D, Herold A, Stankovic ZS, 107, 108,119,219,314, 537, 26, 67 Walker DA, Kraminer A, 540, 545, 573 Heftmann E 389, 392, 615, Kirk MR, Heber U 778, Hayes ML, Castellino FJ 626,628 789 567, 574 Hegarty MP, see Fazldeen H Heldt HW, Chon CJ, Lilley Hayes PM, see Buchanan JG 197, 210 RM, Pontis AR 251, 318 4, 14, 16,60 Hegi G 459, 464 Heldt HW, Chon CJ, Ma­ Haynes 11 389,391,392 Hegnauer R 217,317,356, ronde D, Herold A, Stanko­ Hazelbauer GL, Adler J 665, 357,361,380, 385, 387, 392, vic ZS, Walker DA, Krami­ 670 420, 436, 441, 457, 464 ner A, Kirk MR, Heber U Heaney-Kieras J, Roden L, Hehre EJ, Brewer CF, Geng- 244, 246, 260, 284, 286, 318, Chapman DJ 567, 574 hof DS 284, 317 399,403,404,415, 717, 725, Heath MF, Northcote DH Hehre EJ, Brewer CF, 741 533, 546, 562, 564, 574 Uchiyama T, Schlesselmann Heldt HW, Portis AR, Lilley Heath RL 637, 641, 654, 670 P, Lehman J 296, 317 RM, Mosbach A, Chon CJ Hebda PA, Barber GA 38,65 Hehre EJ, Okada G, Genghof 242, 318 Hebda PA, Behrman EJ, Bar- DS 284,296,317 Heldt HW, Rapley L 242, ber GA 38,65 Hehre EJ, Sugg JY 3, 65 318,405,415 Heber U 244,317 Heidelberger M, see Kabat Heldt HW, Sauer F 242,318 Heber U, Kirk H, Gimmler H, EA 557,575 Heldt HW, see Fliege R 717, Schafer C 242, 247, 317 Heilman W, see Diezel W 740 Heber U, Santarius KA 83, 520,572 Heldt HW, see Fliigge UI 97, 374, 376, 380, 399, 400, Heinicke RM, Gortner W A 244, 260, 312 415 547, 574 Heldt HW, see Lilley RMcC Heber U, Walker DA 243, Heiniger U, Delmer DP 27, 242, 243, 260, 325 317 65 Heldt HW, see McLilley R Heber U, Willenbrink J 242, Heiniger U, Franz G 265, 399, 400, 416 317 292, 318 Heldt HW, see Schafer G Heber U, see Egneus H 90, Heiniger U, see Delmer DP 778, 792 96 265,271,309 Heldt HW, see Schafer G Heber U, see Giersch C 221, Heinrich G 679,680, 681, 260, 286, 337, 642, 674 222, 242, 243, 244, 255, 256, 682, 683 Heldt HW, see Stitt M 242, 314 Heinricher E 431,464 286, 341 Heber U, see Heldt HW 244, Heinsbroek R, Brederode J Heldt U, see Wirtz W 242, 246, 260, 284, 286, 318, 399, van, Nigtevecht G van, 255, 256, 346 403,404,415,717,725,741, Kamsteeg J 386, 392 Hellebust JA 159, 164, 182, 778, 789 Heinsbroek R, see Brederode J 189 Heber U, see Krause GH van 386,391 Hellebust JA, see Brown LM 218, 323 Heintz K, see Schmidt OT 164,165,166,181,188 Heber U, see Larcher W 374, 125, 156 Hellebust JA, see Jolley ET 375, 381 Heinz DJ, Krishnamurthy M, 641, 663, 665, 670 Heber U, see Santarius KA Nickell LG, Maretzki A Heller R, see Cohen AC 269, 400, 403, 417 689, 697 307 Heber U, see Schafer G 778, Heinz E 604, 611 Heller R, see Ephritikhine G 792 Heinz E, Dieler HP, Rullkiit­ 267, 310 Heber U, see Schafer G 260, ter J 619, 628 Hellerqvist CG, Lindberg B, 286, 337, 642, 674 Heinz E, see Geck P 659, 669 Samuelsson K 507, 510 828 Author Index

Helsop-Harrison T 268, 318 Herold A, Lewis DH, Walker Higinbotham H, see Liittge Helsper JP, Kagan L, Hilby DA 252,318,405,415 U 255,326 CL, Maynard TM, Loewus Herold A, McGee EEM, Le­ Higinbotham N, Anderson FA 97 wis DH 244, 260, 287, 318 WP 693,697 Helsper JPFG 227, 262, 264, Herold A, Walker DA 732, Higuchi T, Shimada M 80, 97 289, 318, 625, 628 741 Hikichi H, see Kaneta M Helsper JPFG, Saito K, Loe­ Herold A, see Heldt HW 244, 298,321,322 wus FA 88,93,97,250,318 246, 260, 284, 286, 318, 399, Hilby CL, see H !Isper JP 97 Hemming FW 26, 65, 564, 403,404,415,717,725,741, Hilger F, see Hennaut C 662, 565,574 778, 789 670 Hemming FW, see Reuvers F Herold A, see Walker DA Hill B, Hanke DE 597,598 110, 122, 236, 335 243, 244, 245, 260, 344 Hill DJ, Ahmadjian V 164, Hemphill JK, Venketeswaran Herrero P, see Farra F 237, 166, 169, 189 S 89,97 311 Hiller K 356, 362, 380 Hendrickson HS, see Carter Hers HG, see Devos P 287, Hillestad A, Wold JK 560, HE 608,611 309 574 Hendriks T 27, 65 Hers HG, see Schaftingen E Hillestad A, see Wold JK Hendrix DL, see Pierce WS van 251, 252, 337 115, 123 264, 265, 266, 333 Hertogh AA de, see Aung Hillestad A, Wold JK, Paulsen Hendry RA, see Carter HE LH 773,786 BS 530, 560, 574 603, 607, 611 Herzog H, Geisler G 733, 741 Hills GJ, Phillips JM, Gay Hendy CH, see Troughton Hesketh JD, see Mauney JR MR, Roberts K 562, 563, TH 252,342 259,328 574 Henis Y, see Assa Y 626 Hess D, Leipoldt E, Illig RD Hills GJ, see Catt JW 533, Hennaut C, Hilger F, Grenson 295, 318 563, 571 M 662,670 Hestrin S, Avineri-Shapiro S, Hills GJ, see Roberts K 562, Henriques RD, see Szejtli J Aschner M 3, 65 580 438,470 Hestrin S, Feingold DS, Avi­ Hinchman RR 717, 741 Henry MH 276, 318 gad D 380 Hind G, see Lin W 651, 672, Henry RJ 241, 318 Heupel A, see Oettmeir W 693,698 Henry RJ, Darbyshire B 241, 92,99 Hinkle PC, see Kasahara M 318, 368, 380, 772, 789 Hewitt HG, Ayres PG 272,318 660, 661, 670 Henry RJ, see Darbyshire B Heyser R, see Heyser W 238, Hinkle PC, see Lancaster JR 241,308,447,463 318, 665, 670 658, 659, 661, 672 Henry S, see Donahue T 207, Heyser W 255,256,257,318, Hinton DM, Pressey R 781, 210 665,670 789 Henson RD, see Thompson Heyser W, Evert RF, Fritz E, Hipps PP, see Sherman WR AC 614,630 Eschrich W 238, 319 196, 200, 215 Hentschel G, see Kull V 281, Heyser W, Heyser R, Eschrich Hirai M 179, 189 324 W, Fritz E 238, 318 Hirai M, Saito F, Asahi T Herbert M, Burkhard CH, Heyser W, Heyser R, Eschrich 237, 319 Schnarrenberger C 84, 97, W, Leonard OA, Rauten­ Hiraki A, see Nakaoki T 134, 246, 318 berg M 665, 670 155 Herbert M, see Schnarrenber­ Heyster W, see Eschrich W Hirano K, see Sugiura M 94, ger C 81, 101 265, 311 101 Herissey H 420,421,428,464 Heywood VH, see Crowden Hirata M, see Nakagawa H Herman EM, see Gilkes NR RK 356,379 234, 235, 237, 246, 330 199, 210 Hickman S, Shapiro LJ, Neu­ Hirayama 0, see Matsuda H Hermann RK, see Alden J feld EF 592, 598 277,327 374, 379, 783, 786 Hickson TL 218, 319 Hiromi K, see Fujimori H Herold A 232,244,245,251, Higgins HG, see Stewart CM 284,313 252, 260, 318, 717, 732, 741 484, 513 Hiromi K, see Kondo H 296, Herold A, Leegood RC, Higgins TJC, Easterby JS 12, 323 McNeil H, Robinson SP 65 Hiromi KY, see Chiba S 283, 287, 318 Highfield PE, Ellis RJ 84, 97 307 Herold A, Lewis DH 287, Highkin HR, see Robertson Hirose Y, see Ikegami S 299, 318 RN 734, 745 320 Author Index 829

Hirotani M, Furuya T 615, Hodges TK 651, 670 Holbrook J, Ortanderl F, 618, 628 Hodges TK, Leonard RT, Pfleiderer G 29, 65 Hirs CHW, see Jackson RL Bracker CE, Keenan TW Holden JT, Bunch JM 664, 567, 569, 575 623,628 670 Hirs CHW, see Plummer TH Hoelle C, see Laties GG 79, Holick M, see Ueng ST-H 567,579 98 178,180,191,192 Hirs CHW, see Reinhold VN Hofer M 654, 656, 657, 670 Holligan PM, Chen C, Lewis 524,580 Hofer M, Kotyk A 670 DH 162, 189, 272, 319, Hirs CHW, see Wang FFC HOfer M, Misra PC 648, 657, 440, 464 569,582 658,670 Holligan PM, Drew EA 162, Hirst E, Manners DJ, Pennie Hofer M, see Hauer R 648, 163,164,168,171,176,189 IR 480, 481, 490, 510 670 Holligan PM, Jennings DH Hirst E, see Annan WD 482, Hofer M, see Kloppel R 640, 170, 184, 189 495,508 656, 663,671 Holloway PW, see Birch AJ Hirst E, see Fleming M 482, Hofer M, see Kotyk A 640, 146, 152 510 672 Holloway RW, see Birch AJ Hirst EL 3, 5, 30, 52, 65, 437, Hoffmann H, Wagner I, Hoff­ 146, 152 464 mann-Ostenhof ° 196, 211 Holmer P, see Bewley JD Hirst EL, Jones JKN, Walder Hoffmann H, see Wagner I 268,304 WO 432,464 196,215 Holmes MR, see Chattaway Hirst EL, McGilvray DI, Per­ Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, Pittner FW 112,118 cival EGV 437, 464 F, Koller F 195, 200, 201, Holzer H, see Meussdoerffer Hirst EL, O'Donnell JJ, Perci­ 203, 211 F 236,328 val E 482, 510 Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, see Homer RB, Roberts K 546, Hirst EL, see Archibald AR Breitenbach M 199,209 563,574 490,508 Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, see Honda S, see Takiura K 278, Hirst EL, see Aspinall GO Hoffmann H 196,211 342 420,461 Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, see Honigman W A, see Taiz L Hirst EL, see Barry VC 475, Kindl H 193, 196, 197,212 434, 470, 753, 792 508 Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, see Hood LE, see HunkapilJer Hirst EL, see Beattie A 495, Koller E 196, 212 MW 521,575 496,508 Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, see Hook M, see Lindahl U 37, Hirst EL, see Chanda NB Koller F 194, 212 68 506, 507, 509 Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, see Hooker AC, see Fajemisin Hirst EL, see Fleming ID Pittner F 201, 214 JM 270,311 476, 477, 509 Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, see Hoover JD, Wender SH, Hisajima S, Arai Y 235, 319 Ruis H 196, 214 Smith EC 84, 97 Hisajima S, Arai Y, Ito T Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, see Si­ Hopf H 356, 380, 421, 464 235, 319 vak A 203, 215 Hopf H, Kandler ° 197, 198, Hisajima S, Ito T 222, 319 Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, see 211, 272, 276, 278, 319, 353, Hitchcock C, Nichols BW Wagner I 196,215 356, 359, 362, 365, 366, 368, 601, 611 Hoffmann-Ostenhof 0, see 369, 370, 371, 372, 380, 420, Hitoshi T, see Takiura K Woloszczuk W 201, 216 464, 767, 789 278,342 Hofheinz W, Grisebach H Hopf H, Lanzendorfer B, Hizukuri S, see Tabata S 499, 142, 154 Kandler ° 351, 360, 381 513 Hofman E, see Diezel W 520, Hopf H, see Kandler ° 217, Ho DT-H, Varner JE 750, 572 241,271,273,274,275,277, 789 Hofreiter BT, see Wolf IA 278, 279, 285, 288, 290, 291, Ho LC 260, 319 412,417 296, 321, 348, 381 Ho LC, Shaw AF 260, 319 Hogness DS, see Wilson DB Hopfer U, see Murer H 653, Ho PT 124,154 13, 31, 35, 50, 75 673 Hobson GE, Davies IN 268, Hoh J, see Amanuma H 658, Hopp HE, Romero P, Lezica 319 667 P 264,319 Hobson PN, Whelan WJ, Peat Hoh N, see Minobe S 567, Hopp HE, Romero P A, Daleo S 397, 415 577 GR, Pont Lezica R 613, Hobza P, Hurych J, Zahrad­ Holaday AS, Bowes G 254, 622,628 nik R 92,97 319 Hopp HE, Romero PA, Daleo 830 Author Index

GR, Pont Lezica R 517, Howard IK, Sage HJ, Stein Hughes JE, see Gunning BES 574 MD, Young NM, Leon 678,683 Hopp HE, Romero P A, Daleo MA, Dyckers OF 538, 574 Hughes RC 567, 575 GR, Pont Lezica R 27, 65 Howard RJ, see Grant BR Huh R, see Klingmiiller W Hopp HE, see Pont Lezica R 242, 315 640, 663, 671 27, 71, 264, 333 Hozyo Y, see Mizushima U Hulme AC 320, 686, 687, Hoppe W, see Winkler FJ 707, 743 697, 704, 705, 706, 709, 741 253, 346 Hranisavljevic-J akovljevic M, Hulme AC, Rhodes MJC Hopper JE, Dickinson DH Miljkovic-Stojanovic J, Di­ 709, 741 16,17,18,66 mitrijevic R, Micovic V Hulme AD 781,782, 789 Hopper JE, see Dickinson 506, 510 Hulyalkar RK, Jones JKN, DB 13,14,16,17,61 Hricova 0, see Zemek J 10, Perry MB 133, 154 Horak J, Kotyk A 637, 660, 25, 76 Hummel HC van 277,320 670 Hsieh TCP, Kaul K, Laine Humphreys T 257, 320 Horak J, see Canh OS 637,667 RA, Lester RL 279, 319 Humphreys T, Echeverria E Horejsi V, Kocourek J 522, Hs;,eh TCY, Kaul K, Laine 234, 239, 257, 283, 287, 320 546, 574 RA, Lester RL 35,66, III, Humphreys TE 642, 648, 670 Horenstein EA, Cantino EC 119 Humphreys TE, see Dugger 662,670 Hsiung V, see Wiley PF 141, WM 271,310 Hori H, Elbein AD 237,319 157 Humphreys TE, see Whitesell Hori H, Fujii T 517, 530, Hsu CC, Fox CF 662, 670 JH 637, 642, 675 559, 567, 574 Huang BF, see Rodaway S Hunkapiller MW, Hood LE Hori H, Sato S 517, 530, 560, 266,336 521,575 567, 574 Huang K, see Cabib E 500, Hunt RD, see Johnston CS Hori S 723, 726, 741 501, 509 485, 486, 510 Horitsu K, see Gorin P AJ Huang RC, see Varner JE Hunter JE, see Bowen JE 198, 211 757,758,761, 793 644, 667, 689, 696 Horman I, see Schweizer TF Huang Y-H, see Wong SS 33, Hunter RA, McIntyre BL, 197,202,214,278,338 75 McIlroy RJ 441,460,464 Horner WH, see Bruton J Hubac C, Vieira Da Silva J Hunter WJ, Elkan GH 782, 144, 149, 152 268, 319 789 Horowitz JM, Gentilini R Hubbard SC, Ivatt RJ 237,319 Hurd RG 685,697 390, 392 Hubbard SC, Robbins PW Hurley LH, see Otsuka H Horowitz MI 233, 319 237, 319 201, 213 Horsfall J G 270, 319 Huber OJ, Nevins OJ 289, Hurych J, see Hobza P 92, 97 Horster H, see Lang E 388, 292, 319 Hutchings VM 648, 670 392 Huber OJ, see Nevins OJ Hutchinson A, Roy CH, To- Horster H, see Skopp K 388, 292,330 wers EHN 385, 392 393 Huber SC 83, 97, 229, 319 Hutchinson A, see Towers Horwitz A, see Stubbs J 662, Huber SC, Moreland DE GHN 385,393 675 242, 255, 256, 319 Hutson DH, Manners OJ Hosel W, Barz W 134, 154, Huber W, Fekete MAR de, 274, 283, 320 385, 390 Ziegler H 16, 17, 18,66, Hiitterman A, see Eschrich Hoshikawa K 734, 741 242,258,261,319 W 265,311 Hou CT, Umemura Y, Naka­ Hue L, Blackmore PF, Exton Huxtable CR, see Dorling mura M, Funahashi S 616, JH 252,320 PR 237,309 617,618,619,620,625,628 Hue L, see Schaftingen Evan Huxter TJ, see Crawford Houchins JP, see Ridley WP 251, 337 RMM 268,308 44,71 Huet JC, see Morot-Gaudry Hylin JW, Sawai K 428, 465 Hough L, Jones JKN, Wad­ JF 247,329 Hyman 0, see Dickinson DB man WH 492,510 Hueting S, see Neijssel OM 16, 18,24,61 Hough L, Stacey BE 167, 665,673 177, 189 Hughes CE, Briarty LG 723, Ibrahim R, Boulay R 387, Hough L, see Andrews P 422, 741 392 426, 453, 461 Hughes CE, see Briarty LG Igamberdieva MI, Rakimov Houston LL, see Cawley DB 710,714,715,717,719,720, DA, Ismailov ZF 452, 465 558, 559, 571 738 Ignatov VA 280, 320 Author Index 831

Ikawa T, Watanabe T, Nisi­ InhUlsen D, Niemeyer R 199, Ishiguro M, see Nanno S zawaK 179,189 211 517, 529, 558, 567, 578 Ikawa T, see Yamaguchi T Inkson C, see Seaston A 648, Ishihara H, Takahashi N, 177, 192, 485, 514 674 Oguri S, Tejima S 108, 119, Ikeda M, see Takaki H 105, Inone M, see Kobayashi T 535, 549, 567, 575 113,122 490, 511 Ishii J 428, 465 Ikegami S, Hirose Y, Kamiya Inoue Y, see Tai T 567, 582 Ishikura N, Ito S, Shibata M Y, Tamura S 299, 320 Inouye M, see Rienzo Di 298,320 Ikenaba T, see Yamaguchi H 587,600 Ishman R, see Franzen JS 44, 567,583 Intveld P, see Vries GE de 47,63 Ikenaka T, see Hanafusa H 271, 344 Ismailov ZF, see Igamberdieva 107, 119 Irshad M, see Sharma CB MI 452,465 Ikenaka T, see Hase S 233,316 756, 792 Israel HW, Wilson HF, Ste­ Iki I, see Iwatsubo T 235, Irukulla R, see Redman CM ward FC 204, 211 237, 238, 320 596,600 ItenW,MatileP 117,119 Iki K, see Nakagawa H 234, Irving GCJ, Cosgrove DJ Iten W, see Sauter JJ 238, 235, 237, 246, 330 195, 211 337 Ikuma H, see Kaufman PB Isaacks R, Harkness D, Samp­ Ito E, see Araki Y 114,117 234,322 sell R, Adler J, Roth S, Kim Ito S, Fujino Y 277, 320 Ikuma H, see Montague MJ C, Goldman P 199,211 Ito S, see Ishikura N 298, 320 18, 69, 266, 329 Isaacks RE, Harkness DR, Ito T, see Hisajima S 222, Ilan I, see Gepstain S 758, Sampsell RN, Adler JL, 235, 319 760, 788 Kim CY, Goldman PH Ito T, see Misaki A 453, 455, Ilan I, see Locker A 758, 759, 199, 211 466 761, 790 Isemura T, see Okabayashi H Itoh T, Shimura S, Adachi S Iljenko II, see Samoilova TM 546,579 290,320 694,699 Ishaque A, see Haugen T IUPAC 193,211 Illig RD, see Hess D 295, 318 407,415 Ivatt RJ, see Hubbard SC Illsley A, see Lovell PH 266, Isherwood FA 263,320,717, 237, 319 326 718, 724, 726, 729, 741,773, Iwanami Y, see Nakamura N Illsley A, see Moore KG 260, 774, 775, 776, 789 227, 262, 267, 330 266, 329 Isherwood FA, Chen YY, Iwanov W, see Nitsch E 447, Ilves SM, see Neufeld EF 14, Mapson LW 87,97 467 24,70 Isherwood FA, Selvendran Iwashita S, see Tai T 567, Imaseki H, see Hattori S 134, RR 8,9,10, 11,66 582 154 Isherwood FA, see Bell DJ Iwata K, see Yamaguchi H Imaseki H, see Shannon LM 133, 152 498, 514 92, 101 Isherwood FA, see Jermyn Iwatsubo T, Nakagawa H, Imhoff V 242, 320, 374, 377, MA 781, 782, 789 Ogura N, Takehana H 378, 381 Isherwood FA, see Kennedy 238,320 Imhoff V, Bourdu R 195, MGH 268, 322, 726, 742, Iwatsubo T, Sekiguchi K, Ku­ 201, 211 775, 789 rata K, Ada T, Iki I, Naka­ Impellizzeri G, Mangiafico S, Isherwood FA, see Selvendran gawa H, Ogura N, Take­ Oriente G, Piatelli M, RR 8,9,10,11,73 hana H 235, 237, 238, 320 Sciuto S 278, 320 Ishigami S, see Nakagawa H Izawa M, see Shiomi N 241, Imshenetskii AA, Kondrateva 234, 235, 237, 246, 330 297, 338, 339 TF 220,320 Ishiguro K, see Kato K 290, Izumi K 108, 119 Inaba M, see Yamauchi N 322 88, 102 Ishiguro K, see Veno Y 356, Jaarma M, Rydstrom J 224, Ingber BF, see Wergin WP 383 320 678,683 Ishiguro M, Takahashi T, Fu­ Jackoby WB 520, 575 Ingestad T, see Aronsson A natsu G, Hayashi K, Fu­ Jackson P, Boulter D, Thur­ 375,379 natsu M 557, 575 man DA 556, 575 Ingle J, Beitz D, Hageman Ishiguro M, see Funatsu M Jackson RL, Hirs CHW 567, RH 710,741 529, 557, 558, 559, 567, 573 569,575 Ingledew WM, see Patel GB Ishiguro M, see Hara K 557, Jacobi E, see Klemme B 258, 499,512 574 323 832 A uthor Index

Jacobsen JV, Pressman E Jefford TG, see Edelman J Jessup W, Fowler MW 81,97 767, 789 234, 241, 297, 310, 361, 368, Jett MF, see Schaftingen E Jacobsen JV, Pressman E, Py­ 369, 370, 372, 376, 377, 380, van 251,337 Ii otis NA 767, 789 438, 439, 463, 771, 777, 788 Jeuniaux C, see Florkin M Jacobsen JV, see Jones RL Jefford TG, see Scott RW 271,312 751, 789 241,338 Ji TH 626, 628 Jacobson B 23, 66 Jencks WP 26, 66 Jindra A, see Psenak M 289, Jacobson JV, see Ashford AE Jenkins ID, see Sum WF 235, 334 435,461 236,341 Jiracek V, Suss J, Kocourek J Jaffe WG, Hannig K 526, Jenkins LD, see Meredith P 280,321 575 280, 328, 712, 743 Jndra A, see Psenak M 385, Jain HK, see Singhal NC Jenner CF 9, 11, 66, 238, 245, 392 701, 746 246, 256, 257, 258, 262, 320, Job C, see Mazza G 524,551, Jakimow-Barras 422, 465 321,717,723,724,726,729, 577 Jakinovich W 219,320 731,732,733,734, 741, 742 Johannson I, see Hanson B Jakoby WB, see Clark JF Jenner CF, Rathjen AJ 262, 134, 154 520,571 321,703,722,723,728,729, Johansen PG, Marshall RD, Jalali BL 281, 320 731,732, 742 Neuberger A 567, 575 James AL, see Pontis HG 53, Jenner CF, see Collins GG 8, Johanson CJ, see Ekstrand 71 9,10,60 AG 448,463 James ME, see Conrad HE Jenness R, see Byun SM 201, John KV, Schutzbach JA, An­ 233,307 209 ke1 H 52,66 James WJ, see French D 291, Jennings AC 107,119,515, John KV, Schwartz NB, Ankel 313 575 H 49,66 Jamieson GA 567,575 Jennings AC, Morton RK Johnson A, see Culberson CF Janda S, Hedenstrom M von 702, 709, 742 276,308 644,670 Jennings AC, Pusztai A, Synge Johnson DR, Tanner JW Jang R, see Loewus FA 85, RLM, Watt WB 518, 575 710, 711, 742 87,98 Jennings DH, Austin S 181, Johnson FL, Tate ME 199, Janiesch P 421,465 189 211 Janiszowska W, Sobocinska E, Jennings DH, see Holligan Johnson MA, see Graham Kasprzyk Z 614, 616, 623, PM 170, 184,189 LL 226, 227, 315 628 Jennings DH, see Lowe DA Johnson MT, Gander JE 55, Jankowski WJ, see Datema R 177, 190 66 237,308 Jennings DH, see McDermott Johnston CS, Jones RG, Hunt Jann B, see Carter HE 608, CB 640,673 RD 485, 486, 510 611 Jennings HJ, see Tomasic J Jolley E, Smith DC 281, 321 J aret RS, see Reimann H 295, 342, 444, 470 Jolley ET, Jones AK, Helle­ 141,156 Jennings PH, see Goldstein bust JA 641, 663, 665,670 Jaretzky R, Bereck E 456, LD 754,788 Jones AK, see Jolley ET 641, 465 Jensen RG, see Hatch AL 663, 665, 670 Jarrel HC, see Deslauriers R 245, 316 Jones BL, see Grimes WJ 272, 309 Jentoft NH, see Gander JE 223, 233, 315 Jaworski C, see Olden K 661, 567,573 Jones IK, Glazer AN 550, 662,673 Jeremaias J, Kull V 280, 321 575 Jaworski JE, see Blume DE Jeremias K 353, 381 Jones JKN, see Andrews P 264,304, 386,391 Jermyn MA, Isherwood FA 422, 426, 453, 461 Jaworski JG, see Dalgarn D 781, 782, 789 Jones JKN, see Barry VC 264,308 Jermyn MA, Yeow YM 517, 475, 508 Jaynes TA, Nelson OE 234, 530, 537, 559, 561, 575 Jones JKN, see Hirst EL 432, 235, 240, 320, 551, 575 Jermyn MA, see Anderson 464 Jeanloz RW, Balazs EA 103, RL 530, 559, 561, 567, 570 Jones JKN, see Hough L 119 Jermyn MA, see Clarke AE 492, 510 Jefford RG, see Scott RW 559,571 Jones JKN, see Hulyalkar 367, 368, 382 Jermyn MA, see Gleeson PA RK 133,154 Jefford TG, Edelmann J 460, 559,573 Jones JKN, see Thompson 465 Jeschke WD 693, 697 JL 422,470 Author Index 833

Jones JKN, see Williams DT Jung P, Tanner W, Wolter K Kalckar HM, see Robinson 135, 157 200, 204, 207, 211 EA 31, 72 J ones LA, see Groce JW 197, Junttila 0, see Kaurin A 268, Kalckar HM, see Seyama Y 211 322 31, 73 Jones MGK, Outlaw WH Jr, Jurd L, see Evans WH 389, Kalckar HM, see Strominger Lowry OH 233, 321 391 JL 4,44,74 Jones MJK, Novacky A, Kalinowska M, Wojciechowski Dropkin VH 648, 670 Kabat EA, Heidelberger M, ZA 621,629 Jones RA, Kaufman PB 234, Bezer AR 557, 575 Kalyuzhnyi MY, Petrushko 321 Kabat EA, see Etzler ME GM, Novikova GP 499, Jones RG, see Johnston CS 522,572 511 485, 486, 510 Kabat EA, see Pereira MEA Kamata T, see Kishida N Jones RL, Armstrong JE 749, 539, 579 454,465 751, 753, 789 Kagan L, see Helsper JP 97 Kamerling JP, see Dorland L Jones RL, Jacobsen JV 751, Kahl G 85, 87, 97 297,309 789 Kahl W, Roszkowsi A, Zu­ Kamite L, see Yamamoto Jones RL, see Armstrong JE rowska A 362, 381 HH 89,102 753, 786 Kahlenberg A, see Zala CA Kamiya S, see Esaki S 298, Jones RL, see McNeil M 434, 660,676 299, 311 466, 753, 790 Kahmt G, Schon WJ 387, Kamiya Y, see Ikegami S Jones RL, see Taiz L 434, 392 299,320 470, 753, 793 Kahn U, see Amir J 263, 301 Kamsteeg J, Brederode J van, Jones T, see Pollock CJ 450, Kainuma K, French D 412, Kuipers-Tiere E, Nigtevecht 460, 467, 784, 791 415 G van 39,66 Jordan CF, see Koziol MJ Kainuma K, see Sasaki T Kamsteeg J, Brederode J van, 269,323 259, 337 Nigtevecht G van 39, 66, Joshi GV, see Dawalkar MP Kainuma K, see Yamaguchi 386,392 281,308 M 721, 722, 747 Kamsteeg J, see Brederode J Joshi S, Lodha ML, Mehta Kaiser G, see Giersch C 221, van 386, 391 SL 261,321 222, 242, 243, 244, 255, 256, Kamsteeg J, see Heinsbroek Joyard J, see Douce R 244, 314 R 386,392 309,310 Kaiser R, see Goering H 21, Kamsteeg J, see Kho KFF Joyard J, see Siebertz HP 64 386, 392 244, 277, 339 Kaiser WM 92, 97 Kanamori I, Ashihara H, Ko­ Ju S-T, see Lin J-Y 557, Kaiser WM, Bassham JA 19, mamine A 81,97 576 66, 82, 97, 242, 243, 244, Kanarek L, see Driessche E Jukes C 372, 381 246,260,321,400,403,405, van 569,572 Jukes C, Lewis DH 358, 372, 415,717,742,780,789 Kanarek L, see Foriers A 381 Kaiser WM, Paul JS, Bassham 569, 573 Juliano BD, see Perez CM JA 256, 321 Kanaya K, Chiba S, Shimo­ 18, 71 Kajiura I, see Yamaki S 167, mura T 283, 321 Juliano BO, Varner JE 726, 192 Kanaya K, see Chiba S 283, 742, 755, 756, 789 Kakiki K, see Endo A 112, 307 Juliano BO, see Baun LC 118 Kanazawa K, see Kanazawa 261, 303 Kalaitzakis J, see Margaris T 398,404,415, 780, 789 Juliano BO, see Del Rosario NS 290,327 Kanazawa T, Kanazawa K, AR 711,739 Ka1ckar HM 4, 16,66 Kirk MR, Bassham JA Juliano BO, see Evers AD Ka1ckar HM, Bertland AU II, 398,404,415,780, 789 718, 740 Bugge B 31, 66 Kanbe M, see Yamauchi F Juliano BO, see Pascual CG Kalckar HM, see Adair WL 553, 567, 583 279, 290, 332 31, 55, 58 Kanda T, Nakakubo S, Waka­ Juliano BO, see Perez CM Ka1ckar HM, see Bertland AU bayashi K, Nivizawa K 222, 261, 333, 690, 698, 728, II 31,59 292,321 744 Kalckar HM, see Gabriel ° Kanda Y, see Yamaguchi H Juliano BO, see Singh R 222, 31,32,33,38, 50, 56,63 498, 514 261, 279, 339, 665, 675, 702, Kalckar HM, see Munch-Pe­ Kandeler R, see Scheiner ° 728, 729, 732, 746 tersen A 4, 14, 16, 69 199, 214 834 Author Index

Kandler 0 281,285,321,363, Kaplan A, Achard DT, Sly Katchalski E, see Yariv J 381 WS 592,598 559,583 Kandler 0, Dover C, Ziegler Kaplan A, see Freeze HH Kates M 613, 615, 629 P 268,321, 375,381 237, 313 Kates M, see Sastry PS 605, Kandler 0, Hopf H 217,241, Kaplan NO 26, 54, 66 612 271, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, Kaplan NO, see Colowick SP Kato E, see Takahashi T 88, 279,285,288,290,291,296, 352, 379 102 321, 348, 381 Kaplan NO, see Doudoroff Kato I, see Laskowski M Kandler 0, see Beck E 126, M 220,310 240, 324 127, 133, 136, 151, 152 Kaplan NO, see Everse J 54, Kato K, Abe M, Ishiguro K, Kandler 0, see Dittrich P 62 Ueno Y 290, 322 197,210 Karakashian MW, see Musca­ Kato K, Kawaguchi Y, Mi­ Kandler 0, see Fischer M tine L 281, 330 zuno T 453, 465 273,275,312 Karakashian SJ, see Muscatine Kato K, Matsuda K 454, Kandler 0, see Gibbs M 247, L 281,330 455,465 314 Kiirkkiiinen J 521,575 Kato K, Yamaguchi Y, Mu­ Kandler 0, see Hopf H 197, Karl W, see Achenbach H toh K, Ueno Y 453, 465 198,211,272,276,278,319, 143, 151 Kato K, see Akiyama Y 35, 351, 353, 356, 359, 360, 362, Karl W, see Matern U 143,154 58, 517, 536, 563, 567, 569 36~ 36~ 368, 369, 37~ 371, Karlsnes AM, see Cleland R Kato K, see Shinshi H 29, 372,380,381,420,464, 767, 562, 571 54,73 789 Karpilov YS, Novitskaya IL, Kato K, see Veno Y 356, 383 Kandler 0, see Kauss H 9, Kuzmin AN, Maslov AI, Kato T, Kubota S 234, 235, 66 Popov EI 249, 322 237, 322 Kandler 0, see Lehle L 364, Karr AL 564, 575 Kato Y, Matsuda K 295, 322 381 Karrer W 217, 292, 298, 322, Katona L, see Lamport DTA Kandler 0, see Linden JC 369, 381 517, 535, 563, 567, 576 283, 285, 325 Karrer W, Cherbuliez E, Eug­ Katz FN, Rothman JE, Kandler 0, see Scherpenberg ster CH 135, 154, 218, 292, Lingappa VR, Blobel G, H van 126, 156 322, 369, 381 Lodish HF 585, 587, 598 Kandler 0, see Schilling N Karson EM, Ballou CE 237, Katz FN, see Lingappa VR 197, 214, 283, 285, 286, 337, 322 586, 587, 599 778, 779, 792 Karu AE, Moudrianakis EN Katz FW, Lodish HF 587, Kandler 0, see Sellmair J 15,66 598 126, 129, 130, 131, 156, 353, Kasahara M, Hinkle PC 660, Kaufman PB, Ghoshek NS, 382 661, 670 La Croix JD, Soni SL, Kandler 0, see Senser M 271, Kasai A, see Takimoto K 94, Ikuma H 234, 322 279, 281, 290, 338, 363, 364, 102 Kaufman PB, see Jones RA 36~ 37~ 373, 375, 382 Kasai Z, see Asada K 202, 234, 321 Kandler 0, see Tanner W 208 Kaufmann MR 734, 742 196,215,364, 369, 370, 378, Kasai Z, see Ogawa M 199, Kaul K, Lester RL 35, 66, 382,383 202, 213 III, 120, 279, 322, 608, 611 Kandler 0, see Ziegler P 374, Kasai Z, see Saito K 92, 100, Kaul K, Sabharwal PS 204, 383 264, 265, 336 211 Kaneda M, Mizutani K, Taka­ Kasai Z, see Tanaka K 199, Kaul K, see Hsieh TCP 279, hashi Y, Kurono G, Nishi­ 202,215 319 kawa Y 277, 321 Kasprzyk Z, see Adler G 614, Kaul K, see Hsieh TCY 35, Kaneko S, see Tomoda M 626 66, Ill, 119 452,470 Kasprzyk Z, see Janiszowska Kaurin A, Junttila 0, Hansen Kaneta M, Hikichi H, Endo S, W 614,616,623,628 J 268, 322 Sugiyama N 298,321,322 Katan R, Avigad G 8,9, 10, Kauss H 10,26,66,270,277, Kang UG, Nolan LD, Frey 11,30,48,49,66 322,606,611, 616, 620, 629 PA 33,66 Katayama N, Suzuki H 205, Kauss H, Kandler 0 9, 66 Kanner J, Elmalech H, Reu­ 211 Kauss H, see Albrecht GJ veni 0, Ben-Gera I 234,322 Katchalski E, see Lis H 515, 293, 301 Kao KN, Michayluk MR 517, 522, 534, 535, 538, 539, Kauss H, see Bowles DJ 594, 165, 189 567, 576 595, 597, 622, 625, 627 Author Index 835

Kauss H, see Kohle H 595, Kelleher WJ, Grisebach H Kessler G, see Neufeld EF 598 137, 138, 154 14, 24, 70 Kauss H, see Lehle L 110, Keller A, see Schilling G 125, Keunzi MT, Fietcher A 497, 120 156 511 Kauss H, see Spang B 277, Keller F, Franz G 372, 381 Keusch L 421, 422, 465, 767, 340 Keller J, see Ueng ST-H 178, 789 Kaverzneva E, see Bogdanov 180, 191, 192 Key JL 89,97 V 567,570 Keller L, see Waldschmidt­ Key JL, see Lin CY 89, 98 Kawaguchi K, Tanida S, Mat­ Leitz K 557, 582 Keys AJ 9,66 suda K, Tani Y, Ogata K Keller T, see Kozlowski TT Keys AJ, Martin RV 229, 21,66 783, 790 232,322 Kawaguchi Y, see Kato K Keller-Schierlein W, Roncari Keys AJ, see Bird IF 229, 453,465 G 142,154 242, 247,304 Kawai F, see Tadera K 92, Kelley GJ, Latzko E 780, 789 Keys AJ, see Edelman J 229, 101 Kelly GJ, see Harbron S 229, 261,283,296,310 Kawai H, see Yamamoto K 233, 316 Keys AJ, see Kumarasinghe 23, 75, 114, 123 Kelly GJ, see Zimmerman G KS 248,324 Kawamata S 166, 189 251,347 Keys AJ, see Waidyantha VP Kawamatsu Y, see Miyamoto Kelly RB, see Wiley PF 141, deS 247, 344 M 142, 155 157 Keys AJ, see Wallsgrove RM Kawamoto K, see Hara A Kelly S, see Baig MM 87, 95 247, 344 258, 316 Kelly S, see Finkle BJ 87, 96 Keys AJ, see Whittingham Kawano K, Sakamura S 298, Kelly S, see Loewus FA 24, CP 717,747 322 68, 85, 87, 98 Khan MI, see Sheoran IS Kawasaki Y, see Nakagawa Kemp J, Loughman BC 197, 267, 338 H 234,330 198, 212, 278, 322 Khan R 218, 322 Kawase M, see Yamauchi F Kemp J, Loughman BC, Eph­ Khanna I, Seshadri R, Sesha­ 107, 108,123, 553, 554, 567, ritikhine G 197, 198,212 dri TR 614,629 583 Kempton RJ, see Davies IN Khanna R, see Chopra RN Kawashima K, see Miyamoto 770, 787 267, 307 M 142, 155 Kende H, see Boller T 116, Khanna SN, Gupta PC 424, Kay E, see Shannon LM 516, 117,239,257,305 465 524, 550, 581 Kennecke M, Ziegler M, Fe­ Khanzada G, see Siddiqui IR Kay E, see Shih HC 550, 581 kete MAR de 227, 264, 322 277,339 Kazi MA, see Anthonsen T Kennedy EP, Rumley MK, Kharadi Z, see Dawalkar MP 171, 188 Armstrong JB 658, 671 281,308 Kazuya M, see Takahashi N Kennedy EP, see Fox CF Khare A, see Khare DP 276, 548, 549, 582 660, 661, 669 300,322 Keane PJ, see Woodward JR Kennedy JF 289, 322 Khare DP, Khare A, Khare 270, 289, 346 Kennedy JF, see White CA MP 276,322 Keegan PQ 436, 465 233,345 Khare DP, Tiwari SS, Khare Keegstra K, Talmadge KW, Kennedy MGH, Isherwood A, Khare MP 300, Bauer WD, Albersheim P FA 268, 322, 726, 742,775, 322 517, 564, 567, 575 789 Khare MP, see Khare DP Keenan TW, see Hodges TK Kennedy RA, see Williams 276, 300, 322 623,628 LE 248, 253, 345 Khavkin EE, see Zeleneva IV Keener ME, De Michele DW, Kent PW, see Mian N 662, 237,347 Sharpe PlH 255, 257, 322 673 Khim YG, see Bhatia HM Keerberg KI, see Vyark EY Kepes A 642, 652, 671 541,570 248, 268, 344 Kepes A, see Bentaboulet M Kho KFF, Kamsteeg J, Brede­ Keerberg OF, see Vyark EY 652,667 rode van J 386, 392 248, 268, 344 Kesselmeier J, Budzikiewicz Kholodova VP, see Ehwald Keifer DW, Spanswick RM H 616,629 R 238, 310, 639, 669 651,671 Kesselmeier J, Ruppel HG Kicar S, see Druzhinina TN Kelleher WJ, Baron D, Ort­ 616,629 34,61 mann R, Grisebach H 137, Kessler G, see Aspinall GO Kieda C, see Delmotte F 545, 154 420,461 572 836 Author Index

Kier LD, see Schaeffer J 253, Kindl H 212 Kirkwood S, see Ridley WP 337 Kindl H, Hoffmann-Ostenhof 44,71 Kiermayer 0, see Diskus A o 196, 197, 212 Kirmayer W, see Wagner H 456,463 Kindl H, Scholda R, Hoff­ 134, 157 Kies L, see Kremer BP 281, mann-Ostenhof 0 193, 212 Kirst GO 277, 322 282,323 Kindl H, see Frevert J 595, Kirst GO, see Bisson MA Kihara R, see Nakagiri Y 30, 598 277, 278, 304 69 Kindl H, see KOller W 595, Kirst KO 163, 164, 181, 189 Kihn DN, see Okita TW 779, 596,598 Kishida N, Okimasu S, Ka­ 791 King AC, see Blaustein MP mata T 454, 465 Kijne JW, see Vries GE de 659,667 Kishiguchi M, see Kozukue 271,344 King CG 87, 98 N 281,323 Kikumoto S, see Borovsky D King NJ, Bayley ST 562, 575 Kisic A, see Carter HE 609, 411, 413, 473, 508 King NJ, see Anderson 611 Kikuta Y, Akemine T, Ta­ DMW 490,508 Kislev N, see Ben Arie R gawa T 81,97 King RW, Zeevart JAD 372, 687, 695, 781, 786 Kikuta Y, Erickson LC 80,97 381 Kiss A, see Zsindely A 196, Kikuta Y, see Masuda K King TP, Norman PS 529, 216 267,327 575 Kitaoka S, see Shigeoka S 88, Killick KA 272, 274, 322 King TP, see Englund PT 101 Kim C, see Isaacks R 199, 524, 549, 550, 572 Kivilaan A, Beaman TC, Ban­ 211 Kinnersley AM, Davies PJ durski RS 16, 67 Kim CY, see Isaacks RE 199, 90,98 Kivirikko KI, see Myllylii R 211 Kinzel H, see Koenigshofer 92,99 Kimata K, Suzuki S 145, 154 H 197,212,290,323 Kiyosaki T, see Tabata S Kimata K, see Eguchi Y 145, Kirby EC, Roberts RM 10, 499,513 152 23,67 Kjolberg 0, Manners DJ 476, Kimbrough JW 501,511 Kirby EG, see Roberts RM 511 Kimmins WC, see Brown RG 105, 108,122,563,580 Klages F 420, 465 530, 562, 564, 571 Kirckwood S, see Salo WL Klages F, Niemann R 455, Kimpyo T, see Mizuno T 35,72 465 280, 281, 329 Kiribuchi T, Mizunaga T, Fu­ Klapper MH, Hackett DP Kimura A, see Takewaki S nahashi S 614, 629 550,575 280, 342 Kirillina VL, see Shcherbukhin Klein AS, Montezinos D, Del­ Kimura S, see Tomoda M VD 293,338 mer DP 265,322 453,470 Kirk H, see Heber U 242, Klein U, see Figura K von Kimura Y, Tietz A, Tamura 247,317 592,598 S 626,629 Kirk lTO, Tilney-Bassett Klein W 30, 67 Kindel PK, Watson RR 8, RAE 714,715, 742 Klein-Eude D, see Zouaghi 10,67, 137, 154 Kirk M, see Egneus H 90, 96 M 236, 237, 347 Kindel PK, see Gustine DL Kirk MR, see Heldt HW 244, Kleinhofs A, Haskins FA, 138, 153 246, 260, 284, 286, 318, 399, Gorz HJ 387, 392 Kindel PK, see Hart DA 133, 403,404,415,717,725,741, Kleinig H, see Liedvogel B 154 778,789 616, 622, 629 Kindel PK, see Mascaro LJ Kirk MR, see Kanazawa T Klemme B, Jacobi E 258, Jr 139, 154 398,404,415,780, 789 323 Kindel PK, see Neal DL 139, Kirkham MB 734, 742 Klenovska S, Pastyrik L, Pe­ 155 Kirkman HN, see Ginsburg terkova I 290, 323 Kindel PK, see Pan YT 139, V 39,64 Kleppe K, see pazur JH 524, 155 Kirkwood S, see Byun SM 579 Kindel PK, see Watson RR 201, 209 Kliewer WM 687, 697 139, 157 Kirkwood S, see Eccleston Klingenberg M, see Riccio P Kindinger 11, see Musolan C ED 47,62 660,674 292,330 Kirkwood S, see Nelsestuen Klingmiiller W, Huh R 640, Kindinger 11, see Woude WJ GL 31,32,69 663,671 van der 265,346,616,621, Kirkwood S, see Ordman AB Klip A, Grinstein S, Semenza 630 44,45,70 G 660,671 Author Index 837

Klis FM, Dalhuizen R, Sol K Kocourek J, see Jiracek V Kolosov MN, see Berlin Y A 234, 289, 323 280,321 142, 152 Klis FM, Hak A 234, 323 Kocourek J, see Stanek J Kolsun GD, Feingold DS, Kloppel R, Hofer M 640, 158, 161,191 Franzen JS 45, 67 656, 663, 671 Kodama T, see Kotera U 93, Komaleva RL, see Gabrielyan Kloz J, Klozova E 108, 120 98 ND 229,313 Klozova E, see Kloz J 108, 120 Koebernick W, see Paulsen H Komamine A, see Ashihara Kluge M, see Becker D 9, 59 124, 156 M 83,95 Knaupp I, see Beck E 127, Koehn HOA, see Schlubach Komamine A, see Kanamori 129, 151 HH 444, 446, 468 I 81, 97 Knee M 206, 212, 562, 564, Koenigshofer H, Albert R, Komamine A, see Shimizu T 575, 781, 782, 789 Kinzel H 197,212,290,323 81, 101 Knee M, Sargent JA, Osborne Koepf H, see Wegner H von Komamine A, see Takeuchi DJ 289,323,781, 790 735, 747 Y 289, 342 Knegt E, Kramer SJ, Kohel RJ, see Wong WWL Komatsu SK, see Vries AL Bruinsma J 782, 790 252,346 de 567,582 Knievel DP, see Lee HJ 711, Kohl FG 456, 465 Kombrink E, Wober G 270, 742 Kohle H, Kauss H 595, 598 323 Knight AH, see Bacon JSD Koide N, see Tai T 567, 582 Komissarenko NF, see Sher­ 234, 238, 302 Koike Y, see Takewaki S met IP 299, 338 Knight AH, see Duff RB 280,342 Komor B, Komor E, Tanner 133, 135, 152 Koirtyohann SR, see O'Dell W 661,664,671 Knipe DM, Baltimore D, Lo­ BL 199, 213 Komar B, see Komor E 655, dish HF 586, 598 Koiwai A, Mushiake F, Ozeki 656, 658, 671 Knotts R, see Darrow RA K 260,281,323 Komor E 255, 264, 266, 323, 48,61 Kojima M, see Ashai T 270, 637, 646, 648, 650, 654, 656, Knox RB, see Anderson RL 301 663,671, 694,697 530, 559, 561, 567, 570 Kolat A, see Donahue T 207, Komor E, Haa13 D, Komor B, Knox RB, see Clarke AE 210 Tanner W 655, 656, 658, 219,307, 559, 569,571 Kolattukudy PE, Reed DJ 671 Knull HR, see Pazur JH 569, 79,98 Komor E, Haa13 D, Tanner 579 Kolattukudy PE, see Reed W 639, 654, 655, 656, 657, Kobata A 294, 323 DJ 100 671 Kobata A, see Tai T 567, 582 Kolber AR, Stein WD 660, Komor E, Loos E, Tanner W Kobayashi K, see Akai H 671 650, 652, 671 498,507 Koleva M, Achtardjiev C Komor E, Rotter M, Tanner Kobayashi T, Inone M, Ta­ 454, 465 W 651,665,671 nabe I, Onishi H, Fukui S Koleva M, see Achtardjiev Komor E, Rotter M, Wald­ 490, 511 CZ 454,461 hiiuser J, Martin E, Cho Kober MJ, Beevers H 250, Koller E, Koller F, Hoffmann­ BH 671 323 Ostenhof 0 196, 212 Komor E, Schwab WGW, Koblet W 686, 697 Koller F, Hoffmann-Ostenhof Tanner W 639, 656, 671 Koblet W, see Ruffner HP o 194,212 Komor E, Tanner W 637, 687,699 Koller F, see Hoffmann­ 641, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, Koch AL 639, 671 Ostenhof 0 195, 200, 201, 657, 658, 661, 671 Koch R, see Diiring H 686, 203, 211 Komor E, Weber H, Tanner 696 Koller F, see Koller E 196, W 639,661,671 Kochetkov NK, Shibaev VN 212 Komor E, see Cho BH 648, 5, 8,67 Koller W, Kindl H 595, 596, 668 Kochetkov NK, see Druzhi­ 598 Komor E, see Griineberg A nina TN 34, 61 Kollman VH, Hanners JL, 648,669 Kochetkov NK, see Gabrie­ London RE, Adame EG, Komor E, see Komor B 661, Iyan ND 223, 313 Walker TE 277, 278, 323 664,671 Kocourek J, Ticha M, Kostif Kollman VH, see London Komor E, see Martin E 665, J 170, 179, 186, 190 RE 277,326 672 Kocourek J, see Horejsi V Kolosov MN, see Bakhaeva Komor E, see Schwab WJW 522, 546, 574 GP 142, 151 639, 659, 674 838 Author Index

Komor E, see Tanner W 661, Koshiyama I, Fukushima 0 244, 246, 260, 284, 286, 318, 675 553, 555, 576 399,403,404,415,717, 725, Komor E, see Waldhauser J Kostens J, Willuhn G 614, 741, 778, 789 665,675 629 Krammer DE, Whitaker JR Kondo H, Nakatami H, Mat­ Kostif J, see Kocourek J 170, 550, 576 sumo R, Hiromi K 296, 179, 186, 190 Krasikova IN, see Ovodov 323 Kosuge E, Conn CB 392 YS 135,155 Kondo Y, Masuda K, Ku­ Kosuge T, see Ashai T 270, Krause GH, Heber U 218, roiwa C 625, 629 301 323 Kondrateva TF, see Imshenet­ Kosuge T, see Preiss J 14, 19, Krause GH, see Bassham JA skii AA 220, 320 28, 71 399, 413 Konishi F, see Esaki S 298, Kotera U, Kodama T, Mi­ Krauss A, see Hawker JS 299, 311 noda Y, Yamada K 93,98 262,263,317, 707, 728, 729, Kono Y, see Nomura T 222, Kotyk A 638, 645, 654, 661, 741 229, 261, 283, 331 671 Krauss A, see Mares OJ 263, Koob JL, see Carter HE 608, Kotyk A, Hofer M 640, 672 327 611 Kotyk A, Michaljanicova 0 Krauss BH, see Sideris CP Kooiman P 419,422,423, 639, 641, 654, 663, 672 105,107,113,122 424, 429, 430, 465 Kotyk A, Michaljanicova 0, Kreger DR 105, 120 Kopp B, see Kubelka W 389, Veres K, Soukupova V Kreibich G, see Boulan ER 392 638, 672 591, 597 Kopp B, see Loffelhard W Kotyk A, Struzinsky R 656, Kreibich G, see Ojakian GK 389,392 672 586,599 Kopperschlager G, see Diezel Kotyk A, see Azam F 663, Kreis M 710, 742 W 520,572 667 Kreis M, Doll H 262, 323, Kordan HA 719, 725, 742 Kotyk A, see Canh OS 637, 702, 728, 742 Kornberg A, Pricer WE 30, 667 Kremer BP 162, 163, 165, 67 Kotyk A, see Deak T 640, 167,171,172,175,177,190, Kornfeld R, Kornfeld S 515, 656,668 271, 278, 323 516, 539, 540, 565,575 Kotyk A, see Haskovec C Kremer BP, Kies L, Rostami­ Kornfeld R, see Kornfeld S 170, 180, 189, 641, 657, 670 Rabet A 281, 282, 323 23,67 Kotyk A, see Hofer M 670 Kremer BP, Vogel R 278, 323 Kornfeld S, Kornfeld R, Neu­ Kotyk A, see Horak J 637, Kremer BP, Willenbrink J feld EF, O'Brien PJ 23, 67 660,670 177, 190 Kornfeld S, Li E, Tabas I Kotyk A, see Opekarova M Kremer BP, see Munda 1M 588, 598 636, 637, 673 181,190 Kornfeld S, see Baenziger J Kotze JP, see Latzko E 12, Kremer 0, see Penning De 567, 570 67 Vries FWT 268, 333 Kornfeld S, see Glaser L 39, Kovacs P 424, 465 Kremer OF, see Silvius JE 64 Kovacs P, see Psenak M 385, 245, 268, 339 Kornfeld S, see Kornfeld R 392 Kress A, see Sellmair J 126, 515, 516, 539, 540, 565, 575 Kowallick 0, see Ehwald R 130, 156, 353, 382 Kornfeld S, see Leavitt R 238, 310 Kretz A 197,212 591,598 Koziol MJ, Cowling OW Kreuzaler F, Hahlbrock K Kornfeld S, see Li E 588, 599 269, 281,323 134, 135, 154 Kornfeld S, see Schlesinger S Koziol MJ, Jordan CF 269, Kriedemann P, Beevers H 592,600 323 238, 264, 323, 637, 642, 657, Kornfeld S, see Tabas I 239, Kozlowski TT, Keller T 783, 665,672 341, 588, 600 790 Krishnamurthy M, see Heinz Kornfeld S, see Varki A 237, Kozukue E, see Kozukue N OJ 689,697 239,343 281,323 Krishnan PS, see Lal RK Kortschak HP, see Hartt CE Kozukue N, Kozukue E, 704, 709, 742 684, 686, 697 Kishiguchi M, Lee SE 281, Krisman CR 412,415 Korzybski TG 141, 142, 144, 323 Kristen U, Liebezeit G 290, 154 Kramer SJ, see Knegt E 782, 324 Koshiyama I 517, 526, 553, 790 Krochko J, see Bewley JD 567, 576 Kraminer A, see Heldt HW 268,304 Author Index 839

Kroh M, Miki-Hirosige H, Kull V, see Jeremaias J 280, Kuutti-Savolainen ER, see Rosen W, Loewus FA 85, 321 MyllyUi R 92, 99 98 Kulow C, see Delmer OP Kuzmin AN, see Karpilov Kroneck PMH, see Marchesini 110, 118, 265, 271, 309 YS 249,322 A 90,99 Kulow C, see Maltby 0 265, Kwolek WF, see Nash AM Kronquist KE, Lennarz WJ 266, 292, 326 518, 519, 578 587,598 Kumar NR, Rao PG 267, Krotkov G, Rizvi S 287, 324 La Croix JO, see Kaufman 324 Kumar R, Singh R 262, 324 PB 234,322 Krotkov G, see Bidwell RGS Kumarasinghe KS, Keys AJ, Labavitch JM, see Ahmed 485,508 Wittingham CP 248, 324 AER 289,300 Krotkov G, see Trip P 165, Kumarasinghe S, see Bird IF Labelle JL, see Long RA 653, 177,191,372,383 242, 247, 304 672 Krotkov G, see Vittorio PV Kung S 594, 598 Lacroix LJ, see Marchylo BA 220,344 Kunstmann MP, see Ellestad 726, 743 Kruger JE, Marchylo B 726, GA 143, 153 Lado P, see Bellando M 651, 742 Kunz W, see Mayer W 131, 667 Kruger JE, see Marchylo BA 155 Lado P, see Colombo R 637, 726, 743 Kuo CG, see Tsay JS 221, 642, 648, 656, 659, 668 Krusius T, see Mellor RB 222, 262, 343 Lado P, see Michelis MI de 596,599 Kuo I, see Franzen JS 46, 63 637, 641, 664, 673 Kruuv J, see McKersie BO Kuo S-C, Christensen MS, Ci­ Laere AJ van, Carlier AR, As­ 622,629 rillo VP 665, 672 sche JA van 112, 113, 120 Kruyff B de, see Rottem S Kuo S-C, Cirillo VP 645, 672 Laetsch WM, see Boasson R 664,674 Kuo SC, Lampen JO 107, 267,304 Ku SB, see Spalding MH 110, 120 Laffittee C, see Esquerri:-Tu­ 249, 253, 340 Kura M, see Shiroya M 238, gayi: MT 272, 311 Kubelka W, Kopp B, Rust H 339 Lafleuriel J, see Gendraud M 389, 392 Kurasawa F, see Hayakawa 222, 264, 313 Kubelka W, see Loffelhard T 201, 211 Lagarde AE, Stoeber FR 658, W 389,392 Kurata K, see Iwatsubo T 672 Kubota S, see Kato T 234, 235, 237, 238, 320 Lahey FN, see Fazldeen H 235, 237, 322 Kuroiwa C, see Kondo Y 197,210 Kucar S, see Zemek J 276, 625,629 Lai YF, Thompson JE 30, 67 347 Kurono G, see Kaneda M Laidman OL, see Eastwood Kuchino Y, see Yagi A 452, 277,321 o 205, 210, 754, 788 471 Kurono G, see Nishikawa Y Laine RA, Elbein AD 613, Kudashova FN, see Osetrova 278,330 629 GB 290,331 Kursanov AL 685, 686, 691, Laine RA, Esselman WJ, Kudryavtseva LF, see Kursa­ 692,697 Sweeley CC 104, 120 nov AL 237, 257, 324 Kursanov AL, Oubinina 1M, Laine RA, Renkonen 0 607, Kuffer W, see Schilling N Burachanova EA 690, 698 611 197,214 Kursanov AL, Oubinina 1M, Laine RA, see Forsee WT Kiihbauch W 445, 465 Kudryavtseva LF, Burakha­ 617,618,621,625,628 Kiihbauch W, Soberalske nova EA 237, 257, 324 Laine RA, see Hsieh TCP RM 445,465 Kursanov AL, Pavlinova OA 279, 319 Kuhn B, see Senser M 375, 686, 697 Laine RA, see Hsieh TCY 382 Kursanov AL, Sokolova SV, 35,66 Kuhn ON, see Okita TW Turkina MV 12,67 Laing W A, Chris teller JT, Sut­ 242, 243, 244, 282, 283, 284, Kusano T, see Hasegawa K ton WO 270, 324 285,286,331,716,717,744 552, 553, 574 Laing W A, see Chris teller JT Kuhn R, Low I 294, 324 Kusch M, Wilson TH 665, 252,307 Kuhn RW, Walsh KA, Neu­ 672 Lal RK, Garg M, Krishnan rath 524, 567, 576 Kusch M, see Wilson TH PS 704, 709, 742 Kuipers-Tiere E, see Kamsteeg 658,676 Lamant A, see Ephritikhine J 39, 66 Kusov YY, see Oruzhinina G 267,310 Kull V, Hentschel G 281, 324 TN 34,61 Lambert C 652, 672 840 Author Index

Lammel C, see Ozbun JL Lardy HA, see Maley F 23, Lau PY, see Pezzanite JO 398, 407, 411, 416, 710, 728, 68 143, 156 744 Largitte FC 236, 324 Lau YL, Scheid HW, Cowles Lammel C, see Preiss J 261, Larher F, see Ahmad I 165, JR 267,324 334, 407, 417 181, 182, 187 Lauriere C, see Daussant J Lammel L, see Ozbun JL 16, Lark KC, see Limberg M 246,308 18, 70 287, 288, 325 Laver ML, see Wolfrom ML Lampe L 713, 720, 742 Lamer J, see Salsas E 282, 421,471 Lampen JO 236, 324 336 Lavintman N, Cardini CE Lampen JO, see Gascon S Larriba G, see Sanchez A 616,617,629 524,573 236,337 Lavintman N, Tandecarz J, Lampen JO, see Kuo SC 107, Larson DA, see Mollenhauer Cardini CE 389, 392, 617, 110, 120 HH 456,467 622, 625, 629 Lampen JO, see Neumann P Larson RL 386, 392 Lavintman N, see Tandecarz 567,578 Larson S, see Gold MH 503, J 517,582 Lampen JO, see Onishi HR 510 Law JH, see Carter HE 608, 107,121,236,237,331 Larsson C 242, 243, 244, 260, 611 Lamport DTA 35, 67, 517, 284,324 Lawley HG, see Peat S 481, 535, 536, 546, 562, 563, 567, Larsson C, Albertsson PA 482,512 576 242,324 Lawlor DW 249, 324 Lamport DTA, Katona L, Larsson C, see Hallberg M Lawlor DW, Fock H 248, Roerig S 517, 535, 563, 249,315 267, 324 567,576 Lartillot S, see Duperon R Lawrence JM, see Grant JR Lamport DTA, Miller DH 616, 623,627 526, 556, 573 92, 98, 562, 576 Lascombes S, Carles J 280, Lawyer AL, Grady KL, Bass­ Lamport DTA, Northcote 290,324 ham JA 264,267, 324 DH 562,576 Laskowski M, Kato I 240, Layzell DB, Rainbird RM, At­ Lamport DTA, see Esquerre­ 324 kins CA, Pate JS 270, 324 Tugaye MT 564, 572 Latche A, Pech JC, Diarra A, Layzell DB, see Pate JS 270, Lamport DTA, see Liu EH Fallot J 781, 790 332 92, 98, 564, 577 Latche A, Pech JC, Fallot J Le Dizet P, see Archambault Lamport DTA, see Miller 222,324 A 350, 357,379 DH 517, 563, 567, 577 Laties GG 80, 98 Le Dizet P, see Wickstrom A Lamport DTA, see Mort AJ Laties GG, Hoelle C 79, 98 350, 357, 383 562,578 Laties GG, see Linask J 694, Le NL van, see Bohlmann F Lamy F, see Schiller JG 44, 698 388, 391 72 Laties GG, see Solomos T Lea CH, Rhodes DN, Stoll Lamy F, see Dram M 44, 74 79, 101, 263, 340 RD 602,612 Lancaster JE, see Ellestad Laties GG, see Theologis A Lea PJ, see Walls grove RM GA 143, 153 82, 102 247, 344 Lancaster JR, Hinkle PC 658, Laties SG, see Linask J 642, Leaver CJ, see Riezman H 659, 661, 672 672 595,600 Landgren CR, see Crowder Lato M, see Ghebregzabher Leavitt R, Schlesinger S, AJ 716, 739 M 233,313 Kornfeld S 591, 598 Lang A, see Seitz K 234, 338 Latzko E, Kotze JP 12, 67 Lebedeva KS, see Gabrielyan Lang E, H6rster H 388, 392 Latzko E, see Gibbs M 247, ND 34,63 Lang EJ, Swallow AJ 89, 98 284,314 Leblanc DJ, Ball AJS 233, L'Annunziata MF 198,212 Latzko E, see Harbron S 229, 324 Lanyi JK 659, 672 233, 316 Lederer F, see Schlubach HH Lanzend6rfer B, see Hopf H Latzko E, see Kelley GJ 780, 446, 469 351, 360, 381 789 Lederer K, see Nitsch E 447, Lapina EB, see Gabrielyan Latzko E, see Steup M 260, 467 ND 34, 63, 223, 313 341, 717, 746 Lederkremer RM de, see Lappas L, Gustafson CB 281, Latzko E, see Winkler FJ Waksman N 501,514 324 253,346 LeDizet P, see Dali Y oucef A Larcher W, Heber D, Santa­ Latzko E, see Zimmerman G 291, 308 rius KA 374, 375, 381 251, 347 Lee A, see French D 358, 380 Author Index 841

Lee Ch, Sarma RH 6,67 Lehmann J 220, 227, 264, 325 Leloir LF, see Staneloni RJ Lee CY, Shallenberger RS, Lehmann J, see Wallenfels K 264, 341 Vittum MT 217, 280, 324 280,344 Lemasters 11, Sowers AE Lee CY, see Schallenberger Lehmann M, Preiss J 407, 665,672 RS 227,337 415 Lematre J, see Maudinas B Lee EYC, see Ozbun JL 398, Lehner Y, see Baxter RJ 290, 89,99 407, 411, 416, 710, 728, 744 303 Lembi CA, Ordin L 17, 67 Lee HJ, McKee GW, Knievel Leibowitz J 272, 325 Lembi CA, see Roland JC DP 711,742 Leibowitz MD, Dickinson DB, 621, 630 Lee JB, see McKee HS 707, Loewus FA, Loewus M 14, Lembi CA, see Woude WJ van 710, 743 67 der 265,346,616, 621,630 Lee JB, see Turner JF 724, 746 Leienbach KW, Heeger V, Lemieux RU 293, 325 Lee JW, see Barlow EWR Barz W 26,67 Lemieux RU, Ratcliffe RM, 734, 737 Leigh RA, Branton D 594, Arreguin B, Romo de Vivar Lee JW, see Donovan GR 599 A, Castillo MJ 298, 299, 723, 739 Leigh RA, Rees Tap, Fuller 325 Lee RB, Whittingham CP W A, Banfield J 239, 257, Lendzian H, see Schlubach 269, 324 325 HH 449,469 Lee SE, see Kozukue N 281, Leigh RG, Branton D 692, Lendzian K, Bassham JA 83, 323 694,698 98 Lee SR 428, 465 Leigh RG, Rees Tap, Fuller Lendzian K, Schafer E 234, Lee SW 281, 324 W A, Banfield J 694, 698 262, 325 Lee TH, see Morris SC 716, Leipoldt E, see Hess D 295, Lendzian K, Ziegler H 83, 98 743 318 Lendzian KJ 83, 98, 246, 325 Lee YC, Scocca JR 535, 548, Leloir LF 3,4,5, 14, 16,29, Lennarz WJ, Scher MG 26, 549,576 30,67 67 Lee YC, see Muir L 567, 578 Leloir LF, Cabib E 4, 67 Lennarz WJ, Talamo B 602, Lee YC, see Scocca J 517, Leloir LF, Cardini CE 111, 612 524, 547, 548, 567, 581 113, 120, 220, 229, 230, 231, Lennarz WJ, see Kronquist Leegood RC, Walker DA 325, 384, 392 KE 587,598 251, 325 Leloir LF, Cardini CE, Cabib Lennarz W J, see Scher M 26, Leegood RC, see Herold A E 4,5,67 72 287, 318 Leloir LF, Fekete MAR de, Lennarz WJ, see Struck DK LeFebvre MJ, Gonzalez NS, Cardini CE 397, 408, 416 237, 341 Pontis HG 175, 190 Leloir LF, see Brett CT 110, Lennarz WJ, see Waechter LeFevre PG, see Masiak SJ 118 CJ 109,123, 564,582 664,673 Leloir LF, see Cabib E 4, 60, Lenten L van, see Gabriel 0 Lehle J, see Bowles DJ 622, 103, Ill, 114,118,273,305 38, 40, 43, 56, 57, 63 625,627 Leloir LF, see Caputto R 4, Lenz F 260, 325 Lehle L 236, 325 60 Leon MA, see Howard IK Lehle L, Cohen RE, Ballou Leloir LF, see Cardini CE 4, 538, 574 CE 236, 325, 552, 567, 569, 28,60, 112, 116, 118, 220, Leonard J, see Rothman JE 576 222, 223, 227, 233, 263, 305, 585, 600 Lehle L, Comen RE, Ballou 397, 414 Leonard OA, see Heyser W CE 107, 120 Leloir LF, see Dankert J 114, 665,670 Lehle L, Fartaczek F, Tanner 118 Leonard RT, see Hodges TK W, Kauss H 110, 120 Leloir LF, see Dankert M 10, 623,628 Lehle L, Tanner W 110, 120, 61 Leonard RT, see Mettler IJ 196, 212, 364, 377, 381 Leloir LF, see Goldemberg 594,599 Lehle L, Tanner W, Kandler SH 274,314 Lepage M 613,614,629 o 364,381 Leloir LF, see Parodi AJ 27, Lepock JR, see McKersie BD Lehle L, see Sharma CB 565, 70, 109, 121, 237, 264, 332, 622,629 567,581 564,579 Lerbs W, see Luckner M 264, Lehle L, see Tanner W 364, Leloir LF, see Recondo E 9, 326 369, 383 71, 397, 408, 417 Lerch B, Wolf G 29,68 Lehman J, see Hehre EJ 296, Leloir LF, see Reissig JL 104, Lercher M, Wojciechowski 317 113,121 ZA 622,629 842 Author Index

Lerman JC, see Deleens E Lewis DH, Harley JL 272, Light RJ, see Esders TW 613, 252,308 325 628 Lerman JC, see Mazany T Lewis DH, Smith DC 161, Liljegren DR 389, 392 254, 328 162,163,164,168,169,170, Lilley RM, see Heldt HW Lersten NR, see Rost TL 171,176,178,181,190 242, 251, 318 731, 745 Lewis DH, see Greenland AJ Lilley RMcC, Chon CJA, Lester RL, see Hsieh TCP 237,315 Mosbach A, Heldt HW 279, 319 Lewis DH, see Herold A 244, 242, 243, 260, 325 Lester RL, see Hsieh TCY 252,260,287,318,405,415 Lim PE, Tate ME 195, 198, 35, 66, Ill, 119 Lewis DH, see Holligan PM 205, 212 Lester RL, see Kaul K 35, 162, 189, 272, 319, 440, 464 Limberg M, Cress D, Lark 66, Ill, 120, 279, 322, 608, Lewis DH, see Jukes C 358, KC 287, 288, 325 611 372, 381 Limberger GE, Vysotskaya Lettau R 135, 154 Lewis DH, see Long DE 238, NN 783,790 Leung DWM, Reid JSG, Bew­ 270, 272, 326 Limozin N, see Gregoire J 8, ley JD 289, 325, 429, 465, Lewis DH, see Mitchell DT 9, 10, II, 65 764, 767, 768, 790 162,170,190,270,272,328 Limpinuntana V, Greenway Leung DWM, see Bewley JD Lewis DH, see Smith D 166, H 271, 325 769, 770, 786 168,169,177, 183, 186,191, Lin CY, Key JL 89, 98 Leung SPK, see Williams JP 272,340 Lin ECC 643, 672 604,612 Lewis DH, see Suleiman Lin ECC, see Richey DP 664, Leuther E, see Castimpoolas AAA 171,191,271,341 674 N 553,571 Lezica P, see Hopp HE 264, Lin J-Y, Liu K, Chen C-C, Levi C, Gibbs M 243, 282, 319 Tung T-C 557, 576 284, 286, 325, 778, 790 Li E, Tabas I, Kornfeld S Lin J-Y, Pao C-C, Ju S-T, Levi C, Perchorowicz JT, 588,599 Tung C-C 557, 576 Gibbs M 248, 325 Li E, see Kornfeld S 588, 598 Lin J-Y, Tserng K-Y, Chen C­ Levi C, Preiss J 283, 284, Li PH, see Chen HH 268, C, Tung T-C 557, 576 286, 325, 401, 403, 405, 416, 306 Lin TY, Hassid WZ 8, 9, 10, 717, 742, 778, 779, 790 Li S-C, see Chien SF 116, 68 Levi C, see Preiss J 244, 259, 118 Lin W, Wagner GJ, Siegelman 334, 397, 401, 412, 416, 717, Li WC, see Li Y-T 116,120 HW, Hind G 651,672, 725, 729, 744, 774, 780, 791 Li Y-T, Li WC 116,120 693,698 Levin DA, see Rodriguez E Li Y-T, see Chien SF 116,118 Linask J, Laties GG 694, 26,72 Liao TH, Barber GA 23, 25, 698 Levin N, see Avigad G 220, 40,68 Linask J, Laties SG 642, 672 221,302 Liddle AM, see Archibald Lindahl U, Hook M 37, 68 Levine WG, see Peisach J AR 473, 474, 492, 508 Lindahl-Kiessling K, see Dahl- 567,579 Lieberman M, see Mattoo gren K 522, 571 Levitt J 267, 268, 325, 374, AK 206,213 Lindberg B 277, 281, 325 381, 783, 790 Lieberman R, see Bray BA Lindberg B, Lonngren J 473, Levvy GA, McAllan A 104, 567, 571 511 120 Liebezeit G, see Kristen U Lindberg B, Misiorny A, Lew JY, see Shannon LM 290, 324 Wachtmeister CA 170,171, 516, 524, 550,581 Liedvogel B, Kleinig H 616, 190 Lew JY, see Shih HC 550, 622,629 Lindberg B, Paju J 173, 190 581 Liener IE 537, 576 Lindberg B, Silvander B-G, Lewandoski C, see Ueng ST­ Liener IE, Pallansch 518, 537, Wachtmeister CA 172, 190, H 178,180,191,192 576 506, 511 Lewis A, see Suleiman AAA Liener IE, see Friedenson B Lindberg B, Wickberg B 271, 271, 341 517, 524, 550, 567, 573 325 Lewis BA, see Nelson TE Liener IE, see Pallansch MJ Lindberg B, see Bhavanandan 483, 512 537,579 UP 498, 499, 508 Lewis CH, see Shen-Hwa C-S Liener IE, see Takahashi T Lindberg B, see Bjorndal H 404, 405, 417 518, 522, 540, 541, 582 488,508 Lewis DH 161, 162, 164, 165, Liener IE, see Wad a S 538, Lindberg B, see Brown RG 171,190 539,582 564,571 Author Index 843

Lindberg B, see Garegg PJ Lis H, see Sela B-A 541,581 Loewus FA, Jang R, Seegmil­ 173, 189, 271, 277, 278, 313 Lis H, see Sharon N 109, ler CG 85, 87, 98 Lindberg B, see Hanson B 122,516,536,537,539,581 Loewus FA, Kelly S 85, 87, 134, 154 Lis H, see Yariv J 559, 583 98 Lindberg B, see Hellerqvist Little G, Edelman J 235, 239, Loewus FA, Kelly S, Neufeld CG 507,510 326 EF 24, 68, 85, 98 Lindberg B, see Osterdahl Liu EH, Lamport DTA 92, Loewus FA, Loewus MW BG 298, 299, 332 98, 564,577 193, 199, 200, 212 Linden JC, Schilling N, Brak­ Liu K, see Lin J-Y 557,576 Loewus FA, Loewus MW, kenhofer H, Kandler 0 Liu TTY, Shannon JC 245, Maiti IB, Rosenfield C-L 285,325 261, 326 203, 206, 212 Linden JC, Tanner W, Kand­ Lloyd EJ, see Pollock CJ 234, Loewus FA, see Chen M 206, ler 0 283, 325 238, 333 209 Lindley J, see Evers AD 723, Lo TCY 662, 672 Loewus FA, see Deshusses J 740 Lobov YP, Bondar PI 716, 264,309 Lindquist LC, see Gabriel 0 742 Loewus FA, see Finkle BJ 41,63 Locker A, Ilan I 758, 759, 87,96 Lindsay JG, D'Sousa PM 761, 790 Loewus FA, see Helsper JP 595,599 Locy RD, see Gross KC 290, 97 Lineberger RD, Steponkus 315 Loewus FA, see Helsper PL 268,326 Lodha ML, see Joshi S 261, JPFG 88, 93, 97, 250, 318 Lingappa JR, see Lingappa 321 Loewus FA, see Kroh M 85, YR 586, 587, 599 Lodish HF, Rothman JE 587, 98 Lingappa YR, Katz FN, Lo­ 599 Loewus FA, see Leibowitz dish HF, Blobel G 586, Lodish HF, see Katz FN 585, MD 14,67 587, 599 587, 598 Loewus FA, see Loewus MW Lingappa YR, Lingappa JR, Lodish HF, see Katz FW 45, 68, 196, 200, 201, 206, Blobel G 587, 599 587,598 212,213 Lingappa YR, Lingappa JR, Lodish HF, see Knipe DM Loewus FA, see Maiti IB 85, Prasad R, Ebner KE, Blobel 586, 598 99, 199, 201, 205, 206, 213 G 586, 587, 599 Lodish HF, see Lingappa YR Loewus FA, see Nuss RF 93, Lingappa YR, see Katz FN 586, 587, 599 94,99 585, 587, 598 Loebich F, see Mayer W 131, Loewus FA, see Roberts RM Linscheid M, see Siebertz HP 155 199, 202, 205, 206, 214 277,339 Loerch JD, see Shannon JC Loewus FA, see Rosenfeld Linstead PJ, see Burgess J 722, 725, 727, 745 CL 25, 29, 72, 85, 100, 170, 593, 594, 597 Loerch JD, see Yidra JD 16, 175, 191 Lioret C, see D'Auzac J 651, 18, 74 Loewus FA, see Saito K 94, 668 Loescher WH, see Negm FB 100, 250, 336 Lippin E, see Zarkowsky H 179,190 Loewus FA, see Sasaki K 85, 40,41, 76 Loewus F, see Baig MM 87, 101, 197, 199, 202, 205, 214 Lis H, Fridman C, Sharon N, 95 Loewus FA, see Wagner G Katchalski E 538, 567, 576 Loewus F, see Loewus MW 92,93, 102 Lis H, Sela B-A, Sachs L, Sha­ 85, 86, 98, 99 Loewus FA, see Williams M ron N 539, 577 Loewus F, see Roberts RM 93, 102, 345 Lis H, Sharon N 107, 120, 85, 100, 136, 156 Loewus FA, see Yang JC 93, 535, 537, 539, 540, 567, 576 Loewus F, see Wagner G 92, 102 Lis H, Sharon N, Katchalski 93, 102 Loewus M, see Leibowitz E 515,517,522,534,535, Loewus FA 51,68, 87, 98, MD 14,67 538, 539, 576 193, 195, 198, 199,202, Loewus MY, see Loewus FA Lis H, see Bowles DJ 219, 212 14,68 305, 594, 597 Loewus FA, Chen M-S, Loe­ Loewus MW 198,200,206, Lis H, see Danielsson CE wus MY 14,68 212 552, 556, 572 Loewus FA, Chen M-S, Loe­ Loewus MW, Loewus F 85, Lis H, see Gordon JA 538, 573 wus MW 98, 206, 212 86,98,99 Lis H, see Lotan R 520, 538, Loewus FA, Finkle BJ, Jang Loewus MW, Loewus FA 45, 577 R 87,98 68,196,200,201,206,212 844 Author Index

Loewus MW, Loewus FA, Lorenz H 204, 213 Lusis AJ, Paigen K 593,599 Brillinger GU, Otsuka H, Lorenz K, see Becker R 272, Lusis AJ, Tomino S, Paigen Floss HG 201, 213 280,303 K 592,599 Loewus MW, see Chen M Lorimer GH, Osmond CB, Luttge U 679, 682, 683 206, 209 Akazawa T, Asami S 255, Luttge U, Higinbotham H Loewus MW, see Loewus FA 326 255,326 98, 193, 199,200,203,206, Losel DM, Cooper KM 270, Luttge U, Schnepf E 264, 212 272, 326 326, 677, 681, 683 Loffelhard W, Kopp B, Ku­ Lotan R, Debray H, Cacan Luttge U, see Novacky A belka W 389, 392 M, Cacan R, Sharon N 648,673 Logan M, see Trench RK 540,577 Luttge U, see Ullrich-Eberius 281, 342 Lotan R, Siegelman HW, Lis CI 637, 641,675 Loiseau D 350, 353, 381 H, Sharon N 520, 538, 577 Lynch VH, see Buchanan JG Lolas GM, Markakis P 205, Lott JNA 199,213 4, 8, 9, 14, 16, 60, 220, 305 213 Lott JNA, Greenwood JS, Lyne RL, Rees T ap 221, Lombard A, Tourn ML, Buffa Vollmer CM, Buttrose MS 222, 229, 233, 234, 237,326 M 290,326 199, 213 Lyznik A, see Wojciechowski London RE, Kollman VH, Loucheux-Lefebvre MH, see ZA 618,631 Matwiyoff NA 277, 326 Auber J-P 569,570 London RE, Sherry AD 6, 68 Loughman BC, see Kemp J Mabry TJ, see Ettlinger MG London RE, see Kollman 197, 198,212,278,322 91,96 VH 277, 278, 323 Love J, Mackie W, McKinnell Mabry TJ, see Wallace JW Long A, see Mazany T 254, JW, Percival E 479, 480, 393 328 511 MacColI D, see McDavid CR Long DE, Cooke RC 272, Lovell PH, Booth A 706, 733, 665,673 326 742 MacColI D, see Oworu 00 Long DE, Fung AK, McGee Lovell PH, IIIsley A, Moore 665, 673, 686, 698 EEM, Cooke RC, Lewis KG 266,326 MacDonald IR, see Bacon DH 238, 270, 272, 326 Lovell PH, see Moore KG JSD 234, 238, 302 Long RA, Sprott GD, Labelle 260, 266, 329 MacDonald IR, see Vaughan JL, Martin WG, Schneider Low I, see Kuhn R 294, 324 D 238, 343, 344, 551, 582, M 653,672 Lowe DA, Jennings DH 177, 690,699 Long WS, see Slayman CL 190 MacDonald PW, Strobel GA 651, 675 Lowe HJ, see Anderson E 37, 404, 416 Longmore G, see Schachter 58 MacGregor A W, see Berge A 588,600 Lowe SB, see Wilson LA 708, DE la 732, 738 Lonnerdal B, see Bjorkman 747 Macheix JJ 392 R 91,95 Lowry OH, see Jones MGK Macino, see Tzagoloff 594, Lonngren J, Svensson S 176, 233, 321 600 190 Loxley R, see Bacon JSD MacKellar FA, see Wiley PF Lonngren J, see Lindberg B 439, 460, 461 141, 157 473, 511 Lu CYM, see Slayman CL Mackie 1M, Percival E 479, Loof LG, see Aronsson A 651,675 480, 488, 511 375, 379 Lubbers H, see Schlubach Mackie W, see Love J 479, Loomis RS, Torrey JG 204, HH 444,469 480, 511 213 Luby 11, see Uyeda K 252, MacLachlan G, see Durr M Loomis RS, see Hampson SE 343 246,310,621,627 238, 239, 316, 641, 654, 665, Luckner M, Diettrich B, Lerbs MacLachlan GA, Datko AH, 669, 694, 697 W 264,326 Rollit J, Stokes E 234, Loomis WD, Battaile J 519, Ludtke M 420, 466 326 577 Lukaszewski TP, see Bliss MacLachlan GA, Porter HA Loos E, see Komor E 650, CA 168,177,188 260, 326 652,671 Lukezic FL, see Hamlen RA MacLachlan GA, see Ray­ Lopez A, Burgos J 613, 629 281, 316 mond Y 27, 71, 264, 265, Lord JM, Bowden L 596, 599 Lunderstadt J 12, 68 335 Lord JM, see Mellor RB 264, Lundin RE, see Palter R 615, MacLachlan GA, see Rollit J 328, 595, 596, 599 625,630 223, 264, 266, 336 Author Index 845

MacLachlan GA, see Shore Maiti lB, Majumder AL, Bis­ Malley F, see Tarentino AL G 266,339 was BB 87,99 535,582 MacLachlan GA, see Wong Maiti lB, Rosenfeld CL, Loe­ Maloney PC 652, 672 YS 292,346 wus FA 201,213 Malsman L, see Harvey C 29, MacLean DJ, Scott KJ 166, Maiti lB, see Biswas S 205, 65 169, 170, 176, 190 209 Maltby D, Carpita NC, Mon­ MacLeod AM, McCorquodale Maiti lB, see Loewus FA tezinos D, Kulow C, Delmer H 350, 356, 381, 435, 203, 206, 212 DP 265, 266, 292, 326 466 Maitra US, Ankel H 31, 68 Manchester J, see Outlaw MacLeod AM, Sandie R 435, Maitra US, Gaunt MA, Ankel WH 254, 332, 780, 791 466 H 37,68 Mandai NC, Biswas BB 86, MacLeod RD, Francis D Maitra US, see Ankel H 57, 99,205,213 237, 326 58 Mandel NC, see Majumder MacLeod RD, see Francis D Maitra US, see Gaunt MA ANL 86,99 237,312 37,64 Mandels M, see Reese ET MacRae JC 701, 742 Majak W, see Craigie JS 164, 503, 513 Madan VK 447,449,466 188 Manderslot JJ, see Gier J de Maddy AH, see Dunn MJ Majors JP, see Wassarman 605, 611, 636, 669 520, 572 PM 47,75 Mangat BS, Badenhuizen NP Madero CF, see Wrosland Majumder AL, Biswas BB 492,511,734, 742 RE 280,346 86,99,202,213 Mangat BS, see Brown EG Maeda E, Saka H 785, 790 Majumder AL, see Chakra­ 10,59 Maeda I, Nikuni Z, Taniguchi barti S 202, 209 Mangiafico S, see Impellizzeri H, Nakamura M 284, 326 Majumder AL, see Maiti lB G 278,320 Maeda M, Maeda M, Nisi­ 87,99 Mangold HK, see Radwan zawa K 487, 511 Majumder ANL, Mandel NC, SS 615, 630 Maeda M, Nisizawa K 486, Biswas BB 86, 99 Mani UV, Radhakrishnan 487, 511 Makarevich IF 298, 299, 326 AN 530, 561,577 Maeda M, see Maeda M 487, Makino K, see Yagi A 452, Manino A, see Belliardo F 511 471 280,303 Maeda T, Eisenberg F Jr 201, Malachlan J, see Falk M 106, Mann J, see Banthorpe DV 213 119 388,390 Maekaji K 454, 466 Malathi P, see Crane RK Mann SK, see Bhatia IS 440, Maekawa Y, see Nakagiri Y 661, 668 462 30,69 Maley CF, see Maley F 23,68 Mannella CA, Bonner WD Magar NG, see Sutaria PB Maley F, Maley CF, Lardy 595,599 281,294,341 HA 23,68 Manners DJ 474, 475, 476, Magasanik B, see Anderson Maley F, Maley GF 115, 120 478,497,498, 500,511,725, WA 203,208 Maley F, see Brown JA 569, 743 Mahadevan PR, Mahadkar 571 Manners DJ, Marshall JJ UR 117,120 Maley F, see Chu FK 236, 434, 466 Mahadkar UR, see Mahade­ 307, 569,571 Manners DJ, Mercer GA, van PR 117,120 Maley F, see McGarran JF Stark JR, Ryley JF 490,511 Maheshwari N, see Malhotra 112, 116, 120 Manners DJ, Mitchell JP K 295,326 Maley F, see Tarentino AL 489, 511 Maheshwari SC, see Malhotra 567,582 Manners DJ, Pennie IR, Ryley K 295,326 Maley F, see Trimble RB JF 493,511 Mahmood S, see Brimacombe 236, 343, 567, 568, 582 Manners DJ, Ryley JF, Stark JS 124, 141,152 Maley GF, see Maley F 115, JR 494, 495, 511 Mahon JD, Fock H, Canvin 120 Manners DJ, Stark JR 492, DT 248,326 Malhotra A, Murti VVS, Ses­ 511 Maier W, Matern U, Grise­ hadri TR 134, 154 Manners DJ, Taylor DC 293, bach H 144, 149, 154 Malhotra K, Maheshwari N, 326, 495, 496, 511 Mainzer SE, see Bowman BJ Maheshwari SC 295, 326 Manners DJ, Wilson G 434, 650,667 Malik CP, Sood R 240,326 466 Maiti lB, Loewus FA 85,99, Malik CP, see Singh MB 234, Manners DJ, Wright A 473, 199, 205, 206, 213 261, 267, 339 476, 511 846 Author Index

Manners DJ, see Annan WD Marchylo B, see Kruger JE Marre E, Cornaggia MP, Bi­ 482, 495, 508 726, 742 anchetti R 12, 68 Manners DJ, see Archibald Marchylo BA, Lacroix L1, Marre E, see Bellando M AR 473, 474, 490, 492, 494, Kruger JE 726, 743 651,667 495, 496, 508 Marcinowski A, Grisebach H Marriott KM, Tanner W 264, Manners DJ, see Ballance 26,68 327 GM 283, 292, 302 Marcus A, see Rodaway S Marschner H, see Hawker JS Manners DJ, see Chanda NB 266,336 262,263,317,410,415,707, 506, 507, 509 Marechal LR 495,512 728, 729, 741 Manners DJ, see Cunningham Marechal LR, Belcopitow E Marschner H, see Mares DJ WL 507,509 275, 327 222, 245, 262, 263, 327, 708, Manners DJ, see Duncan Marechal LR, Goldemberg 723, 724, 727, 728, 731, 733, WAM 480, 486, 489, SH 495,512 743 509 Marechal LR, see Belcopitow Marshall C, see Wardlaw IF Manners DJ, see Eddy BP E 275,303 268,344 480, 481, 509 Marechal LR, see Goldemberg Marshall JJ 289, 327 Manners DJ, see Evans RB SH 293,314 Marshall JJ, see Gunja-Smith 472, 497, 509 Mares DJ, Hawker JS, Pos­ Z 413,415,473,474,498, Manners DJ, see Fleming ID singham JV 242, 243, 327, 510 476, 477, 509 716, 743 Marshall JJ, see Manners DJ Manners DJ, see Fleming M Mares DJ, Marschner H 222, 434,466 482, 506,507, 510 245, 262, 263, 327, 708, 723, Marshall RD 516, 519, 539, Manners DJ, see Hirst E 480, 724, 727, 728, 731, 733, 544, 565, 569, 577 481, 490, 510 743 Marshall RD, Neuberger A Manners DJ, see Hutson DH Mares DJ, Marschner H, 515, 516, 521, 565,577 274, 283, 320 Krauss A 263, 327 Marshall RD, see Johansen Manners DJ, see Kjolberg 0 Mares DJ, Stone BA 433, PG 567,575 476, 511 435,466 Marshall RD, see Neuberger Manners JG, see Gaunt RE Maretzki A, Alexander AG A 519, 535,578 272, 313 235, 327 Marsho TV, see Sokolove Mantle PG, see Banks GT Maretzki A, Thorn M 8,21, PM 89,101 506,508 22, 68, 642, 657, 672, 689, Martin E, Komor E 665, 672 Mantle PG, see Corbett K 694,698 Martin E, see Komor E 671 184, 188 Maretzki A, Thorn M, Nickell Martin FW, Ortiz S 708, 712, Mantle PG, see Dickerson LG 266,327 743 AG 505,509 Maretzki A, see Heinz DJ Martin HL, see Bamforth Manzoor-I-Khuda M, Sarels 689,697 CW 434,462 S 280, 294, 326 Margaris NS, Kalaitzakis J Martin RV, see Keys AJ 229, Mapson LW, see Isherwood 290, 327 232,322 FA 87,97 Marinkovich VA 545, 577 Martin RV, see Porter HK Mapson L W, see Strominger Mark CG, Romano AH 640, 720, 744 JL 5, 44, 48, 74 661,672 Martin SS, see Bosmann HB March JF 521,577 Markakis P, see Amon A 90, 589, 597 Marchesini A, Kroneck PMH 95 Martin ST DJ, Wittenberger 90,99 Markakis P, see Lolas GM CL 232,327 Marchessault RH, Deslandes 205,213 Martin WG, see Long RA Y 494,511 Markakis P, see Richmond 653, 672 Marchessault RH, see Bobbitt ML 280,335 Mascaretti OA, see Otsuka H TF 502, 503, 508 Marker AFH, see Millin BJ 201,213 Marchessault RH, see Sunda­ 243, 247, 328 Mascaro L, see Snipes CE 42, rarajan PR 504, 513 Markovic 0, see Rexova-Ben­ 73 Marchessault RH, see Taylor kova L 295, 335 Mascaro L1 Jr, Kindel PK KJ 504,513 Marioth R 458, 466 139, 154 Marchetti P, see Chen A 46, Maronde D, see Heldt HW Masiak SJ, LeFevre PG 664, 60 244, 246, 260, 284, 286, 318, 673 Marchetti P, see Franzen JS 399,403,404,415,717, 725, Maslov AI, see Karpilov YS 44, 47, 63 741,778, 789 249,322 Author Index 847

Master R WP 280, 283, 327 Matsuda K, see Kato Y 295, Maurice A, see Baraud J 613, Masters MM, see Wolf IA 322 626 412, 417 Matsuda K, see Kawaguchi Maurizio A, see Frey-Wyssling Masuda H, Sugawara S 234, K 21,66 A 678,683 235, 237, 239, 327 Matsuda K, see Takahara H Maxwell ES 4, 31, 50, 68 Masuda K, Kikuta Y, Oka­ 498, 513 Maxwell ES, see Muthurkrish­ zawa Y 267, 327 Matsuda K, see Watanabe T nan S 751, 790 Masuda K, see Kondo Y 295,345 Maxwell ES, see Strominger 625,629 Matsuda K, see Yamagishi T JL 4,44,74 Masuda Y, see Nishitani K 35, 75 Maxwell WA, Spoerl E 180, 264, 266, 331 Matsuda K, see Yamaki S 190 Matern H, Brillinger GU, 167, 192 May LH, Buttrose MS 720, Pape H 146, 149,154 Matsui H, see Murata S 283, 721, 743 Matern U, Grisebach H 138, 329 Mayer AM 205, 213 139, 147, 148, 154 Matsui H, see Takewaki S Mayer AM, Poljakoff-Mayber Matern U, Grisebach H, Karl 280, 342 A 282, 328 W, Achenbach H 143, 154 Matsumo R, see Kondo H Mayer AM, Shain Y 756, 790 Matern U, see Maier W 144, 296,323 Mayer AM, see Vlodawsky L 149, 154 Matsumoto H, Okamura K, 756, 793 Matern U, see Ortmann R Takahashi E 234, 327 Mayer FC, Bikel I, Hassid 144, 149, 155 Matsumoto H, Wakiuchi N, WZ 22, 23, 68, 112, 113, Matern U, see Wahl HP 149, Takahashi E 9, 68 114,120 157 Matsumoto I, Osawa T 522, Mayer W, Kunz W 131,155 Matheson NK, Richardson 577 Mayer W, Kunz W, Loebich RH 725, 743 Matsuno R, see Fujimori H F I31,155 Matheson NK, Saini HS 432, 284,313 Maynard TM, see Helsper JP 466, 749, 768, 790 Matsuo T, Mizuno T 457, 97 Matheson NK, Small DM, 461, 466 Mazany T, Lerman JC, Long Copeland L 293, 327 Matsushima T, see Shinshi H A 254, 328 Matheson NK, Strother S 29,54, 73 Mazau D, see Esquerre-Tu­ 205, 213 Matsushima Y, see Hase S gaye MT 564, 572 Matheson NK, Wheatley JM 233, 316 Mazelis M, see Tishel M 775, 705, 743, 778, 790 Matsushima Y, see Yamaguchi 793 Matheson NK, see Abbott H 567,583 Mazliak P 279, 328 IR 755, 786 Matsushita A 279 Mazon D, see Esquern~-Tu­ Matheson NK, see Aspinall Matsushita K, Uritani I 234, gaye MT 272,311 GO 35,58 235, 238, 240, 327, 328 Mazza G, Charles C, Bouchet Matheson NK, see McCleary Matthews S, see Rogerson M, Richard J, Raynoud J BV 428, 466, 763, 764, 790 NE 268,336 551,577 Mathiesen RL, Stoller EW Matthisen U, see Egneus H Mazza G, Job C, Bouchet M 290, 327 90,96 524, 551, 577 Matile P 239,327, 370,381, Mattoo AK, Lieberman M Mazza G, see Welinder KG 682,683 206,213 550, 583 Matile P, see !ten W 117, 119 Mattoo AK, Modi VV 781, Mbaku SB, Fritz GJ, Bowers Matile P, see Winkenbach F 790 G 222, 229, 242, 328 240,346 Mattoon JR, see Panek AD McAdoo MH, see Ewing EE Matile Ph 116, 120, 692, 698 275, 332 240, 311 Matile Ph, Wiemken A 692, Matwiyoff NA, see London McAllan A, see Levvy GA 698 RE 277,326 104, 120 Matsuda H, Hirayama 0 Mauck J, Glaser L 29, 68 McCandless EL, Craigie JS 277, 327 Mauck LA, Wong Y-H, Sher­ 294,328 Matsuda H, Tanaka G, Mo­ man WR 201, 213 McCarty RE, see Shaw AB rita K, Hirayama 0 277,327 Mauck LA, see Sherman WR 605,612 Matsuda K, see Hayashi T 196,200,214,215 McCleary BV 293, 328 295,317 Maudinas B, Lematre J 89, 99 McCleary BV, Matheson NK Matsuda K, see Kato K 454, Mauney JR, Guinn G, Fry 428, 466, 763, 764, 790 455, 465 KE, Hesketh JD 259, 328 McClendon JH, Nolan WG, 848 Author Index

Wenzler HF 428, 466, 763, McInnes AG, see Dweltz NE Meance J, Duperon P, Dupe­ 790 106, 118 ron R 616,623,629 McClure JW 384, 392 McInnes AG, see Falk M Meance J, Duperon R 623, McClure TW, see Blume DE 106, 119 629 264, 304, 386, 391 McIntyre BL, see Hunter RA Meance J, see Duperon R McComb AJ, see Broughton 441, 460, 464 616, 623, 627 WJ 234, 237, 305 McKee GW, see Lee HJ 711, Medcalf DG, Cheung PW McComb EA, Rendig VV 742 446, 466 296, 328 McKee HS, Robertson RN, Medina A, Nicholas DJD McCormack JH, see Gussin Lee JB 707,710, 743 112,121 AES 12,65,273,274,315 McKerrow JH, Robinson AB Medina A, Sols A 12, 68 McCorquodale H, see Mac­ 519,577 Meeuse BJD 475, 479, 487, Leod AM 350,356,381, McKersie BD, Lepock JR, 494,512, 782, 790 435,466 Kruuv J, Thompson JE Meeuse BJD, Andri~s M, McCracken DA, Badenhuizen 622,629 Wood JA 477,512 NP 491, 511 McKersie BD, Thompson JE Meeuse BJD, Buggeln RG McCracken DA, Dodd JL 623, 624, 629 782, 783, 790 502, 511 McKinnell JW, see Love J Meeuse BJD, Hall DM 502, McCracken DA, Nadakavuka­ 479, 480, 511 512 ren MJ, Dodd JL 502,511 McLachlan J, see Craigie JS Meeuse BJD, Smith BN 478, McCracken DA, see Dodd 164,188, 189, 277, 308 480, 512 JL 502,509 McLilley R, Chon CJ, Moo­ Meeuse BJD, see Chen J 783, McCrae SI, see Wood TM bach A, Heldt HW 399, 787 292, 346 400, 416 Mehner H, Franke W 87, 99 McCready RM, see Rorem McManus TT, see Mudd JB Mehta P, Vyas KM, Seksena ES 222, 229, 233, 336 623, 624, 629 SD 280,281,328 McCully ME, see Fulcher McMaster M, see Boyd WC Mehta SL, see Batra VIP RG 434,464 541,570 258, 262, 303 McDavid CR, Oworu 00, McMillan C, Parker PL, Fry Mehta SL, see Joshi S 261, MacColl D 665, 673 B 254,328 321 McDavid CR, see Oworu 00 McMillan C, see West C 237, Meidell GE, see Pazur JH 22, 665, 673, 686, 698 345 71 McDermott CB, Jennings McMurrough I, Flores-Car­ Meier DD, see Thorpe TA DH 640,673 reon A, Bartnicki-Garcia S 221, 222, 232, 237, 264, 342, McDowell RH, see Percival 114, 120 785, 793 E 161,163,172,184,190, McNamara MK, Stone BA Meier H 420, 458, 466 475,481,484,488,489,512 517, 535, 536, 562, 567, Meier H, Reid JSG 425, 466 McElhaney RN, see Read 577 Meier H, see Buchala AJ 453, BD 664,674 McNeil DL, see Pate JS 270, 460, 462 McGarran JF, Maley F 112, 332 Meier H, see Franz G 8, 9, 116, 120 McNeil H, see Herold A 287, 10, 43, 63, 292, 313, 362, McGee EEM, see Herold A 318 363, 369, 372, 380, 388, 389, 244, 260, 287, 318 McNeil M, Albersheim P, Taiz 391, 456, 464 McGee EEM, see Long DE L, Jones RL 434, 466, 753, Meier H, see Oesch F 272, 238, 270, 272, 326 790 331 McGilvray DI, see Hirst EL McNeil M, Darvill AG, AI­ Meier H, see Pillionel C 265, 437,464 bersheim P 135, 155 333 McGlasson WB, Wade NL McNeil M, see Darvill AG Meier H, see Reid JSG 423, 782, 790 135, 152 424, 425, 426, 427, 467, 468, McGowan RE, see Grossman McNeill DA, see Ewing EE 763, 764, 791, 792 A 83,96 240,311 Melchior DL, Czech MP 664, McGowan RE, see Rubin McNeill M, see Valent BS 673 PM 640,674 521, 582 Meldolesi J 590, 599 McGuinness ET, see Ueng ST­ McPherson HG, Boyer JS Mellor RB, Bowden L, Lord H 178,179,180,191,192 735, 743 JM 595,599 McIlroy RJ, see Hunter RA Meachum ZD, Colvin HJ, Mellor RB, Krusius T, Lord 441,460,464 Braymer HD 107,120 JM 596,599 Author Index 849

Mellor RB, Lord JM 264, Metivier J, Viana AM 268, Miflin BJ, see Wallsgrove 328 328 RM 247,344 Melnychyn P, see Puski G Mettler IJ, Beevers H 595, Migliore D, see Archer SA 553, 579 599 505,508 Melo A, Elliott WH, Glaser Mettler IJ, Leonard RT 594, Mijatovic D, see Srepel B L 41, 42, 68, 140, 155 599 436,469 Melo A, Glaser L 145, 155 Meunier JC, Buc J, Richard J Miki-Hirosige H, see Kroh Melo A, see Glaser G 29, 64 69 M 85,98 Mende TJ, see Baden DJ 641, Meunier JC, Moustacas AM, Milch P, see Rosenburg A 667 Ricard J 12, 69 605,612 Mendicino J 230,231,328 Meuser R, see Plessman Ca­ Milde H, see Santarius KA Mendicino J, Abou-Issa H margo E 501, 512 242, 337, 374, 382 137, 138, 139,155 Meussdoerffer F, Tortora P, Milford GF, Pearman I 259, Mendicino J, Hanna P 137, Holzer H 236, 328 328 155 Meyer A 350, 362, 381 Milford GFJ 685, 691,698 Mendicino J, see Hanna R Meyer EW, see Castimpoolas Milford GFJ, Thorne GN 139, 154 N 538, 553, 571 691, 698 Mendicino J, see Picken JM Meyer K, see Bray BA 567, 571 Miljkovic-Stojanovic J, see 136, 138, 156 Meyer KH, Gibbons GC 400, Hranisavljevic-Jakovljevic Mengel K, Haeder HE 9, 68 416 M 506, 510 Menke W, see Eichenberger Mian N, Anderson CE, Kent Miller AL, see Freeze HH W 613, 614, 627 PW 662,673 237, 313 Mense RC 112,113,114,121 Michael G, see Goldbach H Miller DH, Lamport DTA, Mense RM, see Beevers L 735, 740 Miller M 517, 563, 567, 110, 117 Michael G, see Seiler-Kel­ 577 Mense RM, see Nagahashi J bitsch H 733, 745 Miller DH, see Lamport 110,121 Michaeli D, see Guy M 692, DTA 92, 98, 562, 576 Merac Du M-L, see Belval H 693, 694, 695, 696 Miller DM, Harun SH 641, 441, 462 Michaeli D, see Reinhold L 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 673 Mercer FV, see Bain JM 552, 692,698 Miller DM, see Newcomer 570,707, 714, 715, 737, 755, Michaelis MI de, see Rasi-Cal­ HE 661,673 757, 786 dogno F 760, 791 Miller JC, see Barrios EP Mercer FV, see Findlay N Michalczuk L, Bandurski RS 720, 737 681, 682, 683 202,213 Miller KA, see Shaw R 221, Mercer G, see Archibald AR Michaljanicova D, see Kotyk 222, 224, 234, 264, 338 473, 474, 492, 508 A 638, 639, 641, 654, 663, Miller LP 26, 39, 43, 69, 217, Mercer GA, see Manners DJ 672 279, 292, 328 490,511 Michayluk MR, see Kao KN Miller M, see Miller DH 517, Mercier C, see Gunja-Smith 165, 189 563, 567, 577 Z 413, 415, 473, 474, 510 Michelis MI de, see Colombo Miller P, see Dalgarn D 264, Merckelbach A, see Wiiste­ R 637, 642, 648, 656, 659, 308 meyer J 229, 346 668 Miller SL, see White RH 198, Meredith P, Jenkins LD 280, Michelis MI de, Radice M, 216 328, 712, 743 Colombo R, Lado P 637, Mills GT, see Smith EEB 36, Meredith WQS, see Berge DE 641, 664, 673 73 la 732, 738 Michishita K, see Nishikawa Milne EA, see Greenwood Mermod M, see Reber J 648, Y 278, 330 CT 725,740 674 Micovic V, see Hranisavljevic- Milner Y, Avigad G 221, Merrett MJ, see Codd GA Jakovljevic M 506, 510 224, 227, 328 282, 307 Middleton E 438, 466 Milner Y, see Avigad G 220, Merritt NR, Walker JT 718, Miersch J 640, 654, 663, 673 221, 224, 227, 228, 229, 233, 743 Miersch J, see Salewski L 302 Mertz D 89, 99 169, 191 Milthorpe FL, see Moorby J Mescher MF, Strominger JL Mieyal JJ, Abeles RH 220, 711,730,734, 743 567, 577 328 Minamikawa T 757,759, 790 Meshcheryakov AB, see Eh­ Miflin BJ, Marker AFH, Wit­ Minamikawa T, see Akazawa wald R 238, 310, 639, 669 tingham CP 243, 247, 328 T 261,301 850 Author Index

Minamikawa T, see Murata Mitsumoto M, see Takahashi Molisch H 436, 456, 467 T 9, 11, 19,69,220,261, T 88, 102 Mollenhauer HH, Larson 329, 330 Mittelheuser CJ, Steveninck DA 456,467 Minchin FR, Summerfield RJ, RFMvan 113,121 Moller J, Van Poucke M 90, Neves MCP 270, 328 Mitzel DL, see Gold MH 99 Minchin FR, see Rawsthorne 503, 504, 510 Monaldi B, see Ghebregzabher S 238, 270, 335 Miwa M, see Nakagiri Y 30, M 233,313 Minchin PEH, Throughton 69 Moncur L, see Wardlaw IF JH 255,328 Miwa M, see Shinshi H 29, 731, 747 Miniac M de 447,466 54, 73 Monod J, see Cohen GN Minobe S, Nakayima H, Hoh Miyachi S, Miyachi S, Tamiya 635,668 N, Funakeshi I, Yamashina A 606,612 Monro JA, Bailey RW, Penny I 567, 577 Miyachi S, see Miyachi S D 562, 564, 578 Minoda Y, see Kotera U 93, 606, 612 Monro JA, Penny D, Bailey 98 Miyamoto M, Kawamatsu Y, RW 562,578 Minshall J, see Brimacombe Kawashima K, Shin ohara Monsigny M, see Delmotte F JS 124,152 M, Nakanishi K 142, 155 545,572 Misaki A, Goldstein IJ 107, Miyamoto M, Kawamatsu Y, Montague MJ, Ikuma H 18, 121,542, 543,577 Shinohara M, Nakadaira Y, 69,266,329 Misaki A, Ito T, Harada T Nakanashi K 142,155 Montezinos D, see Klein AS 453, 455, 466 Miyazawa T, see Fujino Y 265,322 Misaki A, see Akai H 498, 277, 313 Montezinos D, see Maltby D 507 Mizunaga T, see Kiribuchi T 265, 266, 292, 326 Misato T, see Endo A 112,118 614, 629 Montgomery R 565, 578 Misawa M, see Takayama S Mizuno T, Hayashi K 449, Montgomery R, Smith F 445, 267, 342 453,466 446,467 Mishra D, see Patra HK 15, Mizuno T, Kimpyo T 280, Montgomery R, Wu Y-C 70,258,332 281,329 567, 578 Misiorny A, see Lindberg B Mizuno T, see Kato K 453, Moobach A, see McLilley R 170, 171, 190 465 399, 400, 416 Misra PC, see Hofer M 648, Mizuno T, see Matsuo T 457, Moorby J 708, 713, 728, 730, 657, 658, 670 461, 466 731, 732, 733, 743 Mitchel P, see West IC 646, Mizushima U, Murakami K, Moorby J, Milthorpe FL 711, 648, 649, 675 Hozyo Y 707, 743 730, 734, 743 Mitchell D, see Gordon AJ Mizutani K, see Kaneda M Moorby J, Munns R, Walcott 245, 314 277, 321 J 262, 329, 734, 743 Mitchell DT, Fung AK, Lewis Modi VV, see Desai BM 178, Moorby J, see Baker DA DH 162, 170, 190, 270, 189 721, 737 272,328 Modi VV, see Mattoo AK Moore AI, see Rich PR 82, Mitchell DT, see Roberts SM 781, 790 100 270, 272, 335 Moeschler H, see Schildknecht Moore BG, Tischer RG 37, Mitchell EM 419, 466 H 133, 156 69 Mitchell JP, see Manners DJ Moffitt CM, see Roeske CN Moore CJ, Turner JF 18, 69, 489, 511 43,72 398, 407, 416 Mitchell P 635, 645, 673 Mohamed AH, Gnanam A Moore D, Devadathan MS Mitchell P, see Scholes P 652, 269,329 640, 662, 673 674 Mohammad AMS, Collin Moore KG, Illsley A, Lovell Mitchell R, see Szaniszlo PJ HA 234, 238, 329 PH 260, 266, 329 506,513 Mohr H, Oelze-Karow H Moore KG, see Eaton-Mordas Mitra R, see Varner JE 751, 716, 743 CA 526,572 793 Mohr H, see Acton GJ 90, 95 Moore KG, see Lovell PH Mitscher LA, see Ellestad Mohr H, see Drumm H 89, 266, 326 GA 143, 153 96 Moore S, see Ota S 547, 579 Mitsuda H, see Hasegawa K Mokhtar A, see Osman AM Moore TS, see Sexton JC 552, 553, 574 614, 630 198, 214 Mitsuda H, see Tadera K 92, Molano J, Polacheck I, Duran Moreland DE, see Huber SC 101 A, Cabib E 296, 329 242, 255, 256, 319 Author Index 851

Moreno A, Cardini CE 364, Mortimer DC, see Burma DP Miiller H, see Schlubach HH 381 16, 60, 222, 229, 305 446,469 Moreno F, see Farra F 237, Morton G, see Ellestad GA Miiller M, see Wostemeyer J 311 143,153 229,346 Morgan CL, see Austin RB Morton RK, see Hederson Miiller W, Wegmann K 230, 730, 737 RW 362,380 270, 329 Morgan HE, see Wood RE Morton RK, see Jennings AC Miiller-Hill B, see Teather 636, 637, 676 702, 709, 742 RM 660, 662, 675 Morgan JA, Brown RH 329 Mosbach A, see Heldt HW Munch-Petersen A, KaIckar Morgan K, see Peat S 506, 242, 318 HM, Cutolo E, Smith EEB 512 Mosbach A, see Lilley RMcC 4, 14, 16,69 Morgan WTJ, Elson LA 104, 242, 243, 260, 325 Munda 1M, Kremer BP 181, 121 Moscarello M, see Sturgess J 190 Morgan WTJ, see Elson LA 585,600 Munging A, see Wagner H 104, 118 Moses V, see Stubbs J 662,675 609,612 Morgenlie S 356, 381 Moss DN, see Escalada JA Munn R, Brady CJ, Barlow Mori M, see Akiyama Y 563, 450,463 EWR 268,329 569 Moss JP, see Brocklehurst Munns R, Weir R 268, 329 Moriguchi M, see Yamamoto PA 733, 735, 738 Munns R, see Barlow EWR K 23,75,114,123 Motomura Y, see Watanabe 734, 737 Morikawa M, see Sugiura M T 280,345 Munns R, see Greenway H 94, 101 Motosune H, see Nakaoki T 269, 315 Morikawa N, see Takeuchi Y 134,155 Munns R, see Moorby J 262, 289,342 Moudrianakis EN, see Karu 329, 734, 743 Morimoto JY, Unrau AM AE 15,66 Murachi T 524,578 423,467 Mounla MAKH 733, 743 Murachi T, Neurath H 547, Morita K, see Matsuda H Moustacas AM, see Meunier 578 277,327 JC 12, 69 Murachi T, Suzuki A, Taka­ Morita N, see Nakaoki T Mower RL, Gray GR, Ballou hashi N 547, 548,578 134, 155 CE 172, 173, 175, 190 Murachi T, Yasui M, Yasuda Morohashi Y 758, 790 Moyse A 249, 256, 329 Y 547,578 Morot-Gaudry JF, Farineau Moyse A, see Champigny Murachi T, see Takahashi N JP, Huet JC 247, 329 ML 249, 262, 306 548, 549, 582 Morrall P, Briggs DE 13, 69, Moyse A, see Deleens E 252, Murachi T, see Yasuda Y 289, 329, 433, 434, 435, 467 308 548,583 Morn': DJ, Franke WW, Mozer TJ 751, 790 Murakama S, see Takahashi Deumling B, Nyquist SE, Mudd JB, Garcia RE 613, T 88, 102 Ovtracht L 590, 599 619, 629 Murakami K, see Mizushima Morre DJ, see Bowles DJ 597 Mudd JB, McManus TT 623, U 707,743 Morre DJ, see Fisher DH 624,629 Murakami S 353, 381 237, 312 Mudd JB, Vliet HHDM van, Murakawa S, Sano S, Yama­ Morre DJ, see Roland JC Deenen LLM van 604, 612, shita H, Takahashi T 88, 621, 630 616, 629 99 Morre DJ, see Woude WJ van Mudd JB, see Ongun A 603, Murakawa S, Takahashi T der 265, 346, 616, 621, 630 604,612, 621, 630 88,99 Morris GH, see Brown HT Mudd JB, see Sumida S 196, Muramatsu T, see Tai T 567, 433,462 215 582 Morris HR, Williams DH, Miihlethaler K 715, 743 Muraoka T, see Breen PJ Ambler RP 521,578 M iihlethaler K, Frey-Wyssling 166, 188 Morris P, Fowler MW 267,329 A 714,743 Murashige T, see Said AGE Morris SC, Graham D, Lee Muir DD, see Banks W 718, 266,336 TH 716, 743 719, 737 Murashige T, see Thorpe TA Morrison A, see Dea ICM Muir L, Lee YC 567,578 784, 793 423, 424, 427, 428, 458, 463 Mukherjee AK, Choudhury D, Murata H, see Takiura K Mort AJ 533, 562, 578 Bagchi P 422, 467 278, 342 Mort AJ, Lamport DTA 562, Mukherjee AK, Rao CVN Murata S, Matsui H, Chiba S, 578 420,467 Shimomura T 283, 329 852 Author Index

Murata T 9, 28, 69, 221, 222, Mutoh K, see Kato K 453, Nakagiri Y, Maekawa Y, Ki­ 223, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 465 hara R, Miwa M 30, 69 234, 329, 708, 724, 732, 733, Myhre DV 608,612 Nakakubo S, see Kanda T 743, 744 Myklestad S, see Paulsen BS 292,321 Murata T, Akazawa T 261, 484, 512 Nakamura K, see Rienzo Di 329, 398, 409, 410, 416 Myllylii R, Kuutti-Savolainen 587,600 Murata T, Minamikawa T, ER, Kivirikko KI 92, 99 Nakamura M 223, 330 Akazawa T 9, 69 Nakamura M, see Hou CT Murata T, Minamikawa T, Naccarato WF, Ray RE, 616,617,618,619,620,625, Akazawa T, Sugiyama T Wells WW 200, 213 628 9, 11,69,261,329 Naccarato WF, see Wells Nakamura M, see Maeda I Murata T, Sugiyama T, Aka­ WW 202,216 284,326 zawa T 261,329, 398,409, Nadakavukaren MJ, see Nakamura M, see Otozai K 416, 717, 744 McCracken DA 502, 511 16, 17, 18, 70 Murata T, Sugiyama T, Mina­ Nadelmann 419,424,426, Nakamura M, see Taniguchi mikawa T, Akazawa T 9, 431, 432, 467 H 8, 9, 10, 11, 53, 74 19,69,220,261,330 Nagahashi J, Beevers L 110, Nakamura M, see Umemura Murata T, see Akazawa T 121, 264, 330, 622, 630 Y 10, 53, 74, 368, 383, 439, 261, 301 Nagahashi J, Browder SK, 470 Murata T, see Nomura T 18, Beevers L 108, Ill, 121 Nakamura N, Arai Y, Iwa­ 70, 409, 416 Nagahashi J, Mense RM, Bee­ nami Y 227, 262, 267, 330 Murer H, Sigrist-Nelson K, vers L 110, 121 Nakamura N, Sado M, Arai Hopfer U 653, 673 Nagaki DA, see Wrosland Y 227, 234, 262, 267, 330 Murmanis L, see Wolter KE RE 280,346 Nakamura S, see Nagashima 200, 216 Nagarajan S, see Subramanian H 478,512 Murray DR, Crump JA 108, SS 134,157 Nakamura Y, Yamada M 81, 121 Nagashima H 277, 330 99 Murray RHA 537, 547, 578 Nagashima H, Nakamura S, Nakanashi K, see Miyamoto Murray RHA, Northcote DH Nisizawa K 478,512 M 142,155 517, 536, 547, 567, 578 Nagashima H, Ozaki H, Na­ Nakanishi K, see Miyamoto Murti VVS, see Malhotra A kamura S, Nisizawa K 478, M 142,155 134,154 512 Nakano K, see Toyoshima S Muscatine L, Boyle JE, Smith Nagel RL, see Borgese TA 517, 529, 582 DC 164, 190 199, 209 Nakano Y, see Shigeoka S Muscatine L, Karakashian SJ, Nagy S, see Nordby HE 614, 88, 101 Karakashian MW 281, 630 Nakaoki T, Morita N, Moto­ 330 Nair AGR, see Subramanian sune H, Hiraki A, Takeuchi Muscatine L, see Cernichiari SS 161, 162, 164,191 T 134,155 E 281,306 Nakadaira Y, see Miyamoto N akatami H, see Kondo H Muscatine L, see Smith D M 142,155 296, 323 166,168,169,177,183,186, Nakagawa H, Hashimato N, Nakatsuka S, see Tomoda M 191,272,340 Ogura N, Takehana H 452,470 Musgrave A, Walters J, Sar­ 234,330 Nakayama N, see Nomura T gent JA, Powell G 615, Nakagawa H, Iki K, Hirata 18, 70, 409, 416 623,629 M, Ishigami S, Ogura N Nakayama T, see Carter HE Musgrave RB, see Bidinger F 234, 235, 237, 246, 330 608,611 730, 738 Nakagawa H, Kawasaki Y, Nakayima H, see Minobe S Mushiake F, see Koiwai A Ogura N, Takehana H 567, 577 260, 281, 323 234,330 Namen AE, Hapner KD 108, Musolan C, Ordin L, Kindin­ Nakagawa H, see Iwatsubo T 121, 543, 544, 578 ger JI 292, 330 235, 237, 238, 320 Nanda KK, Tayal MS 88, 99 Mussulman WC, Wagoner Nakagawa I, see Takiura K Nanda KK, see Purohit AN JA 721, 722, 744 280,342 88, 100 Muthurkrishnan S, Chandra Nakagawa J, see Takiura K Nandra KS, Bhatia IS 241, GR, Maxwell ES 751, 790 362, 382 330 Muto S, Asahi T, Uritani I Nakagawa Y, see Carter HE Nandra KS, see Bhatia IS 80,99 608,611 241,304,449,462 Author Index 853

Nanno S, Ishiguro M, Funatsu Nelson OE, see Jaynes TA Neufeld EF, see Goudsmit G, Funatsu M 517, 529, 234, 235, 240, 320, 551, 575 EM 38,64 558, 567, 578 Nelson OE, see Tsai CY 222, Neufeld EF, see Hasilik A Nanno S, see Funatsu M 529, 229, 261, 343, 398,407,417, 237, 239, 316 557, 558, 559, 567, 573 701,702,707,728, 746 Neufeld EF, see Hassid WZ Napias C, see Baraud J 613, Nelson SO, Glover GI 661, 5, 21, 22, 65, 217, 273, 626 673 316 Narasimhiu S, see Schachter Nelson TE, Lewis BA 483,512 Neufeld EF, see Hickman S A 588,600 Neu HC 29,69 592,598 Nardin L, see Bourquelot E Neubeller J, see Buchloh G Neufeld EF, see Kornfeld S 362,379 166, 188 23,67 Nash AM, Kwolek WF, Wolf Neuberger A 567,578 Neufeld EF, see Loewus FA WJ 518, 519,578 Neuberger A, Gottschalk A, 24, 68, 85, 98 Nash AM, Wolf WF 518,578 Marshall RD, Spiro RG Neumann NP, see Gascon S Nato A, see Deleens E 252, 519, 535, 578 524, 573 308 Neuberger A, see Allen AK Neumann P, Lampen JO 567, Natr L, see Ape1 P 710, 737 35,58,517,519,522,536, 578 Naylor JM 754, 791 537, 538, 545, 546, 547, 561, Neumann-Ganmore R, see Naylor JM, see Simpson GM 563, 567, 569, 570 Shomer-Ilan A 249, 339 279, 283, 339, 754, 792 Neuberger A, see Johansen Neurath H, see Murachi T Nayyar VL, Ram HYM 755, PG 567,575 547,578 791 Neuberger A, see Marshall Neurath, see Kuhn RW 524, Neal DL, Kindel PK 139, RD 515, 516, 521, 565, 577 567,576 155 Neucere NJ, Sumrell G 280, Neve R de, see Foriers A Neelisiddaiah B, see Gowda 330 569, 573 DC 451, 452, 464 Neufeld AF, see Barber GA Neves MCP, see Minchin FR Neely RS, Beevers L 116, 386,390 270,328 121,289,330 Neufeld E, see Avigad G 274, Neville DM, Chang TM 589, Neeman Z, see Ohad I 263, 275, 302 592,599 331,718, 744, 773, 775, 776, Neufeld EF 21,30,69,237, Neville DM, see Glossman H 791 330, 592, 599, 616, 630 520, 573 Negm FB, Loescher WH 179, Neufeld EF, Ashwell G 239, Nevins DJ, Yamamoto R, 190 330 Huber DJ 292, 330 Neijssel OM, Hueting S, Tem­ Neufeld EF, Feingold DS 10, Nevins DJ, see Huber DJ pest DW 665, 673 30,69 289, 292, 319 Neish AC 5, 25, 69, 204, 213, Neufeld EF, Feingold DS, Nevins DJ, see Yamamoto R 387, 392 Hassid WZ 5, 13,30, 37, 292, 346 Neish AC, see Altermatt HA 49,69, 70 Newcomer HE, Miller DM, 5,58 Neufeld EF, Feingold DS, lI­ Quiocho FA 661,673 Neish AC, see Brown SA 80, ves SM, Kessler G, Hassid Newman DW, see Dalgarn D 95 WZ 14,24,70 264,308 Nelsestuen GL, Kirkwood S Neufeld EF, Ginsburg V, Put­ Newman DW, see Eichenber­ 31, 32, 69 man EW, Fanshier D, Has­ ger W 616,627 Nelson CD, see Trip P 165, sid WZ 5, 16,21,24,30, Newsom DW, see Barrios EP 177,191,372,383 33,34,69, 114, 121 720, 737 Nelson DC, Shaw R 724, 744 Neufeld EF, Hall CW 46,47, Ng T-CL, see Anderson LE Nelson OE, Chourey PS, 69, 604, 612 82, 83, 95 Chang MT 409, 416 Neufeld EF, Hassid WZ 5, Niall HD, see Schlesinger Nelson OE, see Akatsuka T 15,26,69,217,219,330 DH 31,34, 73 409,413 Neufeld EF, Sando GN, Gar­ Nicholas DJD, see Medina A Nelson OE, see Bryce WH vin AJ, Rome LH 592, 599 112,121 227, 261, 267, 305 Neufeld EF, see Barber GA Nicholas HJ, see Atallah AM Nelson OE, see Chourey PS 39,59 620, 625, 626 261, 307, 399, 414, 701, 724, Neufeld EF, see Feingold DS Nichols B, see Carter HE 739 5, 24, 30, 35, 36, 37, 49, 62 608,611 Nelson OE, see Hannah LC Neufeld EF, see Frydman RB Nichols BW, see Hitchcock C 398,408,415 196, 202, 210, 279, 313 601, 611 854 Author Index

Nichols EJ, Beckman JM, Nishi K, Chiba S, Shim omura Nomura T, Kono Y, Akazawa Hadwiger LA 292, 296, 330 T 297,330 T 222, 229, 261, 283, 331 Nichols R, see Acock B 267, Nishida K 281, 284, 285, 330 Nomura T, Nakayama N, 300 Nishida K, Sato F, Yamada Murata T, Akazawa T 18, Nichols R, see Hammond Y 267, 330 70, 409, 416 JEW 184, 189,497,510 Nishida K, see Sato F 249, 337 Nordby HE, Nagy S 614, 630 Nickell LG, see Heinz OJ Nishikawa Y, Michishita K, Nordin JH, see Bobbitt TF 689,697 Kurono G 278, 330 502, 503, 508 Nickell LG, see Maretzki A Nishikawa Y, see Kaneda M Nordin JH, see Salo WL 35, 266, 327 277,321 72 Nickerson WJ, see Bartnicki­ Nishikimi M 89, 99 Nordin JH, see Tung KK Garcia S 105, 117 Nishimura M, Beevers H 17, 504, 513 Nickerson WJ, see Senthe­ 70, 222, 229, 239, 245, 246, Nordin P, see Barr J 264, 303 shanmuganathan S 499, 249,250,256,257,330,331, Nordstrom CG, Swain R, 513 370,381, 594,599 Hamblin AJ 134, 155 Nicolas G, see Tarrago JF Nishioka I, see Vagi A 452, Norman PS, see King TP 755, 793 471 529,575 Nicolson GL, Blaustein J, Etz­ Nishitani K, Masuda Y 264, Norris L, Norris RE, Calvin ler ME 557, 578 266, 331 M 281, 284, 331 Nicolson GL, Singer SJ 585, Nishizawa AN, see Wolosiuk Norris LT, see Buchanan JG 599 RA 91,102 4, 14, 16,60 Nicolson GL, see Singer SJ Nisizawa K, Hashimoto Y Norris RE, see Norris L 281, 584, 585, 600 241,284,288,331 284, 331 Niederpruem OJ, see Aitken Nisizawa K, see Handa N Norrman J, Giddings TH, WB 180,188 486,510 CantinoEC 112,121 Niederpruem OJ, see Cotter Nisizawa K, see Ikawa T 179, Norrman J, Wober G, Can­ DA 184,188 189 tino EC 477, 498, 512 Niederpruem DJ, see Hackett Nisizawa K, see Maeda M North CJ, see Fidler JC 166, DP 80,96 486, 487, 511 186, 189 Niemann R, see Klages F Nisizawa K, see Nagashima Northcote DH 27, 55, 70, 86, 455,465 H 478,512 99, 289, 331, 562, 564, 578, Niemeyer R, see Inhiilsen D Nisizawa K, see Shimahara 717,744 199, 211 H 454, 455, 457, 469 Northcote DH, see Allfrey Nigtevecht G van, see Besson Nisizawa K, see Yamaguchi JM 759, 761, 786 E 386,390 T 177, 192, 485, 514 Northcote DH, see Chadwick Nigtevecht G van, see Brede­ Nissen M 704, 744 CM 621,627 rode J van 386, 391 Nissler K, see Diezel W 520, Northcote DH, see Dalessan­ Nigtevecht G van, see Heins­ 572 dro G 34, 48, 61 broek R 386, 392 Nitsch E, Iwanov W, Lederer Northcote OH, see Green JR Nigtevecht G van, see Kam­ K 447,467 23,64,264,315,517,567, steeg J 39, 66, 386, 392 Nitsos RE, Evans HJ 410, 573 Nikaido H 8, 70 416 Northcote DH, see Heath Nikaido H, Hassid WZ 5, 8, Nivizawa K, see Kanda T MF 533, 546, 562, 564, 20,70 292,321 574 Nikuni Z 720, 722, 744 Nobel PS 637, 673 Northcote DH, see Lamport Nikuni Z, see Fuwa H 721, Noguchi M, see Shinshi H DTA 562,576 740 29, 54, 73 Northcote DH, see Murray Nikuni Z, see Maeda I 284, Nojima S, see Carter HE 603, RHA 517, 536, 547, 567, 326 607, 611 578 Nillson K, see Garegg PJ Nolan LD, see Davis JE 31, Northcote DH, see Olaitan 271, 277, 278, 313 61 SA 490,512 Nilsson K, see Garegg PJ Nolan LD, see Kang UG 33, Northcote DH, see Roberts 173, 189 66 K 562,580 Nimbelkar JD, see Sankpal Nolan WG, see McClendon Northcote DH, see Sena­ SD 271,337 JH 428, 466, 763, 790 nayake ND 264, 299, 338 Nishi A, see Asamizu T 85, Nomura T, Akazawa T 225, Northcote DH, see Senayake 95, 206, 208, 267, 301 228, 229, 230, 231, 331 ND 385,393 Author Index 855

Northcote DH, see Tomos O'Donnell JJ, see Hirst EL Okamoto K, Akazawa T 246, AD 495,513 482,510 261,282,331, 754, 791 Northcote DH, see Wright K Oelze-Karow H, see Mohr H Okamoto K, see Akazawa T 264, 266, 267, 346 716, 743 217, 218, 223, 227, 230, 252, Norton G, see Hardy PJ 238, Oesch F, Meier H 272, 331 258, 301 262, 316 Oeser A, see Schnarrenberger Okamura K, see Matsumoto Novacky A, Ullrich-Eberius C 83, 101 H 234, 327 CI, Liittge U 648, 673 Oettmeir W, Heupel A 92, 99 Okazawa Y, see Masuda K Novacky A, see Jones MJK Ofek I, Beachey EH, Sharon 267, 327 648,670 N 219,331 Okimasu S, see Kishida N Novacky A, see Ullrich-Ebe­ Ogata K, see Kawaguchi K 454,465 rius CI 637, 641, 675 21,66 Okita TW, Greenberg E, Kihn Novick P, Ferro S, Schekman Ogata K, see Yamauchi N DN, Preiss J 779, 791 R 237,331 88, 102 Okita TW, Greenberg E, Novick P, see Esmon B 236, Ogatu-Arakawa M, see Tai T Kuhn DN, Preiss J 242, 311 567,582 243, 244, 282, 283, 284, 285, Novikova GP, see Ka1yuzhnyi Ogawa M, Tanaka K, Kasai 286,331,716,717,744 MY 499,511 Z 199,202,213 Okita TW, Preiss J 282, 285, Novikova MA, see Druzhinina Ogiso K, see Suzuki Y 90, 286, 331 TN 34,61 101 Okita TW, see Preiss J 260, Novitskaya IL, see Karpilov Ogolevets IV 784, 791 334 YS 249,322 Ogren WL, see Chollet R Okoro 00, Grace J 266, Nowak J 774, 791 247, 249, 307 331 Nozaki Y, Tanford C 525, Ogren WL, see Somerville Okuda S, Suzuki N, Suzuki S 578 CR 247,340 141,145,155 Nukaya A, see Poovaiah BW Ogura N, see Iwatsubo T Okuda S, see Eguchi Y 145, 782, 791 235, 237, 238, 320 152 Niirnberg E, Rettig E 424, Ogura N, see Nakagawa H Olaitan SA, Northcote DH 467 234, 235, 237, 246, 330 490,512 Nuss RF, Loewus FA 93, 94, Oguri S, see Ishihara H 108, Olden K, Pratt RM, Jaworski 99 119, 535, 549, 567, 575 C, Yamada KM 661,662, Nussbaum AL, see Harvey C Oh Y A, Conrad RA 529, 579 673 29,65 Ohad I, Friedberg I, Neeman Oldfield JFT, see Dutton JV Nygaard P 267, 288, 331 Z, Schramm M 718, 744, 222, 229, 310 Nylund RE, see Unrau AM 773, 775, 776, 791 O'Leary MH 252, 331 704, 746 Ohad I, Friedberg I, Neeman Oliver IR, see Bucke C 229, Nyquist SE, see Morn': DJ Z, Sehran M 263, 331 242,305 590, 599 Ohmori C, see Tomoda M Olofinboba MO 281, 331 452,470 Olsnes S, Phil A 557, 579 Oaks A, see Harvey BMR Ohnishi M, see Fujimori H Olsnes S, Refnes K, Pi hI A 754, 789 284, 313 589, 599 Obata-Sasamoto H, Suzuki H Ohnishi M, see Fujino Y 614, Olson KC, see Harvey CL 263, 331 625,628 29,65 Obermann H, Spiteller E 299, Ohno K, see Carter HE 603, O'Mant DM, see Barker SA 331 607, 611 504,508 O'Brien PJ, see Kornfeld S Ohta N, Tagishita K 134, 155 Omura M, see Yamaki S 167, 23,67 Ohtsuru M, Hata T 91, 99 192 O'Connell M, see Francis Ojakian GK, Kreibich G, Sa- Onckelen HA van, Caubergs MJO 388,391 batini DD 586, 599 R, Greeg JA de 759, 760, Odaka C, see Tomoda M Okabayashi H, Isemura T, Sa­ 761, 793 452,470 kakibara S 546, 579 O'Neill MA, Roberts K 533, Odds FC, see Chattaway FW Okada G, see Hehre EJ 284, 563, 579 112, 118 296, 317 O'Neill MA, Selvendran RR O'Dell BL, De Boland A 518, Okada H, Halvorson HO 517, 533, 536, 546, 547, 560, 578 640, 654, 657, 673 562, 563, 564, 567, 579 O'Dell BL, De Boland AR, Okada S, see Pazur JH 282, Ongun A, Mudd JB 604,612, Koirtyohann SR 199,213 332 621, 630 856 Author Index

Ongun A, Thomson WW, Osbourne TB, Campbell GF Ovodov YS, see Ovodova Mudd JB 603,612 556,579 RG 135,155 Ongun A, see Stocking CR Osetrova GB, Kudashova FN Ovodova RG, Vaskovsky VE, 242,341 290,331 Ovodov YS 135, 155 Onishi H, Perry MB 171, 190 Osisiogu IUW, Uzo JO 704, Ovodova RG, see Ovodov Onishi H, see Kobayashi T 744 YS 135,155 490,511 Osman AM, EI-Garby Younes Ovtracht L, see Morre DJ Onishi H, see Suzuki T 178, M, Mokhtar A 614,630 590,599 191 Osmond CB 253, 254, 332 Oworu 00, McDavid CR, Onishi HR, Tkacz JS, Lampen Osmond CB, Bender MM, MacColl D 665,673,686, 10 107, 121, 236, 237,331 Burris RH 254,332 698 Opekarova M, Kotyk A 636, Osmond CB, see Hatch MD Oworu 00, see McDavid CR 637, 673 249,317 665,673 Opik H, see Street HE 266, Osmond CB, see Lorimer Ozaki H, see Hawker JS 410, 341 GH 255,326 411,412,415 Orcutt AR, see Faust RS Osterdahl BG, Lindberg B Ozaki H, see Nagashima H 640,669 298, 299, 332 478,512 Ordin L, Bonner J 21, 70 Ota S 547, 579 Ozbun JL, Hawker JS, Green­ Ordin L, see Gordon WC 16, Ota S, Moore S, Stein WH berg E, Lammel C, Lee 17,64 547,579 EYC, Preiss J 710, 728, Ordin L, see Lembi CA 17, Otozai K, Taniguchi H, Naka­ 744 67 mura M 16, 17, 18, 70 Ozbun JL, Hawker JS, Green­ Ordin L, see Musolan C 292, Otsuka H, Mascaretti OA, berg E, Lammel C, Preiss J, 330 Hurley LH, Floss HF 201, Lee EYC 398,407,411, Ordin L, see Woude WJ van 213 416 der 265, 346, 616, 621, 630 Otsuka H, see Loewus MW Ozbun JL, Hawker JS, Green­ Ordman AB, Kirkwood S 44, 201,213 berg E, Lammel L, Preiss J 45,70 Oura E, see Grba S 275,315 16, 18, 70 Orenstein NS, see Watson Outlaw WH Jr, see Jones Ozbun JL, Hawker JS, Preiss RR 133, 134, 139, 157 MGK 233,321 J 410, 411, 416 Oriente G, see Impellizzeri G Outlaw WH, Fisher DB 256, Ozbun JL, see Hawker JS 278,320 332 410, 411, 412, 415 Oriente G, see Scarpati ML Outlaw WH, Fisher DB, Ozbun JL, see Preiss J 261, 92,101 Christy AL 256, 332 334 Ortanderl F, see Holbrook J Outlaw WH, Manchester J Ozeki K, see Koiwai A 260, 29,65 780, 791 281,323 Orth RA, see Dronzek BL Outlaw WH, Manchester J, 715, 739 Di Carmell CA, Randall Pacak J, see Stanek J 158, Ortiz S, see Martin FW 708, DD, Rapp B, Veith GM 161, 191,217,271,272,277, 712,743 254,332 278, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, Ortmann R, Matern U, Grise­ Outlaw WH, see Fisher DB 294, 295, 297, 340, 351, 369, bach H, Stadler P, Sinnwell 256,257,312 382 V, Paulsen H 144, 149, 155 Overath P, see Teather RM Padan E, see Raboy B 640, Ortmann R, Sandermann H 660, 662, 675 674 Jr, Grisebach H 139,155 0verbye E, see Paulsen BS Paigen K, see Ganschow R Ortmann R, Sutter A, Grise­ 452,467 592,598 bach H 139, 155 Overend G, Williams NR Paigen K, see Lusis AJ 592, Ortmann R, see Kelleher WJ 125, 155 593,599 137,154 Overend WG, see Bruton JS Paigen K, see Swank R T 592, Osawa T, see Matsumoto I 125, 152 600 522,577 Overend WG, see Ezekiel AD Paigen K, see Tomino S 593, Osawa T, see Toyoshima S 131,153 600 517, 522, 529, 540, 582 Overton JD, see Carlson WS Paju J, see Lindberg B 173, Osborne DJ, see Knee M 424, 462 190 289, 323, 781, 790 Ovodov YS, Ovodova RG, Pakhomova MV, Zaitseva Osbourne DJ, Ridge I 564, Bondarenko OD, Krasikova GN, AI'bitskaya ON 8, 9, 579 IN 135,155 10, 11, 70 Author Index 857

Palade GE 586, 587, 588, Parker PL, see McMillan C Paulsen BS, see Hillestad A 590,599 254,328 530, 560, 574 Paladini AC, see Caputto R Parodi AJ 237, 332 Paulsen H, Redlich H 124, 4,60 Parodi AJ, Leloir LF 27, 70, 156 Paladini AC, see Cardini CE 109, 121, 237, 264, 332, 564, Paulsen H, Roden K, Sinnwell 4,28,60 579 V, Koebernick W 124, 156 Paleg L 750, 791 Parr D, Edelman J 238, 332, Paulsen H, Sinnwell V, Stadler Paleg LG, see Collins GG 8, 637, 673 P 124, 125, 156 9,10,60 Parr DR, Edelman J, Hawker Paulsen H, see Ortmann R Pallansch MJ, Liener IE 537, JS 264, 267, 332 144, 149, 155 579 Pascual CG, Singh R, Juliano Pavlasova E, Harold FM Pallansch MJ, see Wad a S BO 279, 290, 332 650, 673 538, 539, 582 Pascual CG, see Singh R 222, Pavlinova OA 691,698 Pallansch, see Liener IE 518, 261,339,728,729, 746 Pavlinova OA, Goring H, Tur­ 537,576 Passeron S, Recondo E, Dan­ kina MW, Ehwald R 276, Palmer A, see Bell DJ 437, kert M 8, 10,23, 70, 115, 332 444, 462 121 Pavlinova OA, Prasdlova MF Palmer CE 9, 16, 18, 70 Passeron S, see Asua LJ de 222, 332 Palmer GH, see Bathgate GN 22,58 Pavlinova OA, Prasolova MF 433, 462 Passeron S, see Dankert J 686,690,691,698 Palmer JK 705, 744 114, 118 Pavlinova OA, see Kursanov Palmer JM 690, 698 Passeron S, see Dankert M 8, AL 686,697 Palmer RL, see Dugger WM 9,10, 11,61 Pavlinova OA, see Zaurolov 265, 271, 310 Pastyrik L, see Klenovska S OA 677,678,680,681,683 Palmino EP, see Baun LC 290,323 Payne JF, Bal AK 54, 70 261, 303 Pate JS 710, 744 Pazur JH 217, 332 Palter R, Haddon WF, Lundin Pate JS, Layzell DB, McNeil Pazur JH, Cepure A, Okada S, RE 615,625,630 DL 270,332 Forsberg LS 282, 332 Pan YT, Kindel PK 139, 155 Pate JS, see Flinn AM 710, Pazur JH, Kleppe K, Cepure Pandy OP, Saxena PK, Toda­ 740 A 524,579 ria NP, Purohit AN 267, Pate JS, see Layzell DB 270, Pazur JH, Knull HR, Simpson 332 324 DL 569, 579 Panek AD, Sampaio AL, Braz Pate JS, see Sharkey PJ 722, Pazur JH, Shadaksharaswamy GC, Mattoon JR 275, 332 745 M 22,70 Pantastico B 781, 791 Patel GB, Ingledew WM 499, Pazur JH, Shadaksharaswamy Pao C-C, see Lin J-Y 557, 512 M, Meidell GE 22, 71 576 Patetta A, see Belliardo F Pazur JH, Shuey EW 21, 39, Pape H, Brillinger G 146, 155 280,303 70,71 Pape H, Schmid R, Grisebach Pathak S, see Webb JA 364, Pe I, see Sumere CF van 518, H, Achenbach H 146, 156 383 519,581 Pape H, see Matern H 146, Patil NB, see Gunja-Smith Z Pearce RJ 521,579 149, 154 497,510 Pearman I, see Ford MA Pappenheimer AM 589, 599 Patin DL, see Wolfrom ML 734, 740 Pappenheimer AM Jr 54, 70 421, 471 Pearman I, see Milford GF Paramesawaran N, see Sinner Patra HK, Mishra D 15, 70, 259, 328 M 292,340 258,332 Pearson CJ, see Fussel LK Paramonova NV 685, 698 Patrick AD 133, 156 711, 712, 732, 740 Parish RW 116, 121 Patrick JW 731, 744 Peat S, Rees DA 277, 332, Park K-EY, see Anderson LE Paul JS, see Kaiser WM 256, 486,512 82,83,95 321 Peat S, Turvey JR, Evans JM Parker DJ, Allison WS 47, 70 Paul KG 550, 579 476, 512 Parker J 783, 791 Paul R, see Glaser G 29, 64 Peat S, Whelan WJ, Lawley Parker KD, see Blackwell J Paulin A 267, 332 HG 481,482,512 106, 117 Paulsen BS, Fagerheim E, Peat S, Whelan WJ, Roberts Parker ML 432, 467 0verbye E 452, 467 JG 507,512 Parker PL, see Estep MF Paulsen BS, Myklestad S 484, Peat S, Whelan WJ, Turvey 252, 311 512 JR, Morgan K 506,512 858 Author Index

Peat S, see Bourne EJ 397, Percival E, see Beattie A 495, Peters PHJ, Borst-Pauwels 411,414 496,508 SWFM 650, 673 Peat S, see Hobson PN 397, Percival E, see Bidwell RGS Petersen DR, see Salo WL 415 486,508 35, 72 Peaud-Lenoel C, Axelos M Percival E, see Bourne EJ Peterson RL, Barker WG 15,16,20,21,71,617,618, 487,509 719, 744 619, 620, 625, 630 Percival E, see Fanshawe RS Petricciani JC, see Tsuboi Peaud-Lenoel C, see Axelos 484,509 KK 16,17,18,19,74 M 15,21, 25, 34, 35, 58, Percival E, see Ford CW 484, Petriella C, see Staneloni RJ 617,618,619,626 510 264, 341 Peavey DG, Steup M, Gibbs Percival E, see Hirst EL 482, Petrucci T, see Buonocore V M 282, 284, 286, 332, 778, 510 730, 738 791 Percival E, see Love J 479, Petrushko GM, see Kalyuzh­ Peavey DG, see Steup M 286, 480, 511 nyi MY 499, 511 341, 404, 417 Percival E, see Mackie IM Pettigrew CJ, Watson L 430, Pech JC, see Latche A, 222, 479, 480, 488, 511 467 324, 781, 790 Percival E, see Smestad B Pezzanite JO, Chardy J, Lau Peck GY, see Bakhaeva GP 487, 513 PY, Wood G, Walker DL, 142, 151 Percival EGV, see Arni PC Fraser-Reid B 143, 156 Peel AJ 238, 333, 372, 381 447,461 Pfeuffer T, see Cassel 0 54, Peisach J, Levine WG, Blum­ Percival EGV, see Aspinall 60 berg WE 567, 579 GO 420,461 Pfleiderer G, see Holbrook J Pelroy RA, Bassham JA 83, Percival EGV, see Hirst EL 29, 65 99 437,464 Pharr OM, see Gross KC Pennie IR, see Hirst E 480, Perdon AA, see Perez CM 290,315 481,490,510 18, 71, 222, 261, 333, 690, Phelps C, Forlani L, Antonini Pennie IR, see Manners OJ 698, 728, 744 E 550,579 493, 511 Pereira MEA, Kabat EA, Sha­ Phelps CF, see Gainey PA Penning De Vries FWT, Wit­ ron N 539, 579 44, 46, 63 lage JM, Kremer 0 268, Pereyra BN, see Boulan ER Phelps CF, see Winterburn 333 591,597 PJ 569,583 Penny 0, see Monro JA 562, Perez CM, Perdon AA, Resur­ Phil A, see 01snes S 557, 564,578 reccion AP, Villareal RM, 579 Penth S, see Ziegler H 195, Juliano BO 18, 71,222, Phillips DE, see Rutherford 216 261,333,690,698,728, 744 PP 440,468 Percheron F, see Bourbouze Perez CM, see Baun LC 261, Phillips DV, Smith AE 204, R 289, 305 303 213 Percheron F, see Clermont S Perez CM, see Singh R 222, Phillips GN, see Quiocho FA 22, 60 261,339,728,729, 746 661, 674 Percheron F, see Foglietti MJ Perlin AS, Suzuki S 507,512 Phillips IOJ, see Bailey KM 63,294,312,428,463 Pernollet J-C 199, 213 774, 775, 776, 777, 786 Percheron F, see Guilloux E Perry MB, see H ulyalkar RK Phillips IDJ, see Wareing PF 273,315 133, 154 266,344 Perc heron F, see Sioufi A 8, Perry MB, see Onishi H 171, Phillips JM, see Hills GJ 562, 9, 73, 294, 340, 428, 469 190 563,574 Percheron P, see Robic 0 Persinos OJ, see Tin-Wa M Piatelli M, see Impellizzeri G 420,468 614,630 278,320 Percherowicz JT, Gibbs M Pesis E, Fuchs Y, Zauberman Picken JM, Mendicino J 136, 248,253,261,333 G 781, 791 138,156 Perchorowicz JT, see Levi C Pestell TC, see Gainey PA Picken M, see Hanna R 139, 248,325 44,63 154 Percival E 37,71,484,512 Petek F, see Courtois JE 367, Pierce M, Cummings RD, Percival E, McDowell RH 379 Roth S 233, 333 161, 163, 172, 184, 190,475, Petek F, see Villaroya H 293, Pierce WS, Hendrix DL 264, 481,484,488,489,512 344 265, 266, 333 Percival E, Young M 276, Peterkova I, see Klenovska S Pihakaski K, see Pihakaski S 333,487,496,512 290,323 91,99 Author Index 859

Pihakaski S, Pihakaski K 91, Polacheck I, Rosenberger RF Pontis HG, Wolosiuk RA, 99 502,503,512 Fernandez LM 222, 224, Pihl A, see Olsnes S 589, 599 Polacheck I, see Molano J 228,333 Pilkis J, see Pilkis SJ 251, 333 296,329 Pontis HG, see Duran WR Pilkis SJ, EI-Maghrabi RM, Polachek Y, Rosenberger RF 226, 230, 310 Pilkis J, Claus TH 251, 333 117, 121 Pontis HG, see Frankart WA Pilkis SJ, EI-Maghrabi RM, Politzer WM, see Hankes LV 221,312 Pilkis J, Claus TH, Cum­ 170, 189, 203, 211 Pontis HG, see Gonzales NS ming DA 251,333 Poljakoff-Mayber A, see 368, 380, 439, 464 Pillionel C, Buchala AJ, Meier Mayer AM 282, 328 Pontis HG, see Gonzalez HS H 265,333 Pollard CJ, see Amuti KS 21, 10, 11,53,64 Piiia E, see Piiia MA 86, 99 58, 732, 737, 768, 786 Pontis HG, see Gonzalez NS Piiia E, see Piiia MZ 201,213 Pollard JK, Shantz EM, Ste­ 115,119 Piiia MA, Brunner A, De San- ward FC 197,204,214 Pontis HG, see LeFebvre MJ chez VC, Piiia E 86, 99 Pollard LH, see Dhaliwal AS 175, 190 Piiia MZ, Castanedo C, Esca­ 707, 739 Pontis HG, see Salerno GL milla E, Piiia E 201, 213 Pollard WE, see Roberts RM 222,229,230,231,233,336 Pinthus MJ, Sar-Shalom Y 10, 23, 72, 105, 108, 110, Pontis HG, see Wolosiuk RA 710, 744 122 222, 228, 229, 346 Piotrovich LA, see Bakhaeva Pollock C, Preiss J 411,416 Pool RR, see Trench RK GP 142, 151 Po llock CJ 221, 229, 232, 281,342 Pisigan Jr RA, Del Rosario 241, 333, 449, 467 Poole RJ 685, 698 EJ 410, 416 Pollock CJ, Hall MA, Roberts Poovaiah BW, Nukaya A Pitman MG 685, 698 DP 444, 445, 467 782, 791 Pitt 0, see Bailey KM 774, Pollock CJ, Jones T 450, 460, Pope DG 517, 562, 564, 579 775, 776, 777, 786 467, 784, 791 Popov EI, see Karpilov YS Pittner F, Hoffmann-Ostenhof Pollock CJ, Lloyd EJ 234, 249, 322 o 201,214 238, 333 Popovici G, Weissenbock G Pittner F, see Hoffmann­ Pollock CJ, Rees T ap 224, 26, 71 Ostenhof 0 195, 200, 201, 229,251,333,726, 744 Porath 0 715, 744 203, 211 Pollock CJ, Ruggles PA 241, Porath J, see Dahlgren K Pittner F, see Scheiner 0 199, 333, 460, 467 522,571 214 Pomeranz Y 718, 744 Poretz RD, Riss H, Timber­ Plaisted PH 706, 707, 708, Pomeranz Y, see Bechtel DB lake JW, Chien S-M 522, 720,744 713, 719, 738 579 Planta A V, Schulze E 350, Pomeroy MK, Siminovitch 0, Porter EV, see Chassy BM 353,382 Wightman F 783, 791 232, 306 Platt SG, Plaut Z, Bassham Pongratz P, Beck E 284, 286, Porter HA, see MacLachlan JA 269,333 333, 779, 780, 791 GA 260,326 Plaut Z, see Platt SG 269, Pont Lezica R 109, 121, 564, Porter HK 245, 333, 714, 333 579 723, 730, 735, 736, 744, 774, Pleskotova 0, see Tetscherova Pont Lezica R, Romero PA, 791 L 288,342 Hopp HE 27, 71,264,333 Porter HK, Martin RV, Bird Plessman Camargo E, Meuser Pont Lezica R, see Hopp HE IF 720, 744 R, Sonneborn 0 501, 512 27,65,517,574,613,622, Porter HK, see Bird IF 222, Plouvier V 161, 162, 164, 165, 628 229, 242, 304 167,168,171,191,196,197, Pontis AR, see Heldt HW Porter JW, see Beytia ED 214 251, 318 564, 570 Plummer TH, Hirs CHW Pontis HG 217,218,219, Portis AR, see Heldt HW 567, 579 223,224,227,229,230,231, 242, 318 Plummer TH, see Tarentino 232, 333, 368, 382, 439, 467 Possingham JV, see Hardy PJ AL 567,582 Pontis HG, Fischer CL 54, 238, 316 Po hi P, see Wagner H 609, 71 Possingham JV, see Mares 612 Pontis HG, James AL, Baddi­ OJ 242,243,327, 716, 743 Poincelot RP 616, 630 ley J 53, 71 Possingham R, Smith JW Pojer PM, see Angyal SJ 197, Pontis HG, Salerno GL 232, 267, 333 208 333 Posternak T 193, 196, 214 860 Author Index

Postma PW, Roseman S 645, Preiss J, see Dickinson DB Pridham JB, Walter MW, 674 261,309,398,407,414,728, Worth HGJ 228, 334 Potter JR, Breen PJ 259, 334 739 Pridham JB, see Barham D Poulton JE, see Saleh NAM Preiss J, see Furlong CE 491, 768, 786 386,393 510 Pridham JB, see Bourne EJ Powell CE, see Gordon AJ Preiss J, see Ghosh HP 398, 779, 787 245, 262, 314 401,402,403,404,405,406, Pridham JB, see Dey PM Powell G, see Musgrave A 409, 410, 415 290, 309, 369, 379 615, 623, 629 Preiss J, see Haugen T 407, Priestly DA, Woolhouse HW Powell JT, Brew K 616,630 415 264,334 Power FB, Salway AH 613, Preiss J, see Hawker JS 410, Prihar HS, Feingold DS 45, 630 411,412,415 71 Prado FE, see Fleischmacher Preiss J, see Lehmann M 407, Pringsheim H, Seifert K 420, OL 234, 274, 312 415 467 Prado FE, see Sampietro AR Preiss J, see Levi C 283, 284, Prinz R, see Figura K von 234, 235, 337 286, 325, 401, 403, 405, 416, 592,598 Prado FE, see Vattuone MA 717, 742, 778, 779, 790 Prior AM, see Cooper DJ 234,343 Preiss J, see Okita TW 242, 141,152 Prasad R, see Lingappa VR 243, 244, 282, 283, 284, 285, Privett OS, see Singh H 614, 586, 587, 599 286,331,716,717,744,779, 630 Prasad RN, Chaturvedi HC 791 Pross E, see Schnepf E 679, 204,214 Preiss J, see Ozbun JL 16, 18, 683 Prasdlova MF, see Pavlinova 70,398,407,410,411,416, Pryke JA, Bernier G 237, 334 OA 222,332 710,728, 744 Pryke JA, Rees Tap 80, 100 Prasolova MF, see Pavlinova Preiss J, see Pollock C 411, Psenak M, Jindra A, Stano J, OA 686,690,691,698 416 Suchy V 289, 334 Pratt RM, see Olden K 661, Preiss J, see Ribereau-Gayon Psenak M, Kovacs P, Jndra 662, 673 G 407,417 A 385,392 Pratviel-Souze F, see Bour­ Preiss J, see Sanwal GG 8, 9, Pubols MH, Axelrod B 25, bouze R 289, 305 10, 55, 72,401,402,403, 71 Preece IA 433, 435, 450, 467 405,406,417,491, 513 Purcell JM, see Stinson EE Preiser H, see Crane RK 661, Preiss J, see Shen L 16, 73 197,215 668 Preiss J, see Su JC 225, 233, Puri M, see Bhattacharya A Preiss J 19,20, 71, 218, 334, 341 112, 117 401, 403, 416 Preiss J, see Yung S-G 407,417 Purit'witsch K 421,422,467 Preiss J, Boyer CD 412,416 Prentice N, Robbins GS 235, Purohit AN, Nanda KK 88, Preiss J, Ghosh HP, Wittkop 334, 524, 551, 579 100 J 401,402,403,404,405, Pressey R 224, 228, 240, 262, Purohit AN, see Pandy OP 407, 417 334, 690, 698 267, 332 Preiss J, Greenberg E 230, Pressey R, Avants JK 234, Puski G, Melnychyn P 553, 231,334,491,513 235, 238, 334, 782, 791 579 Preiss J, Kosuge T 14, 19, 28, Pressey R, Shaw R 775, 776, Pusztai A 107, 121, 515, 518, 71 791 526, 555, 579, 580 Preiss J, Lammel C, Sabrow Pressey R, see Hinton DM Pusztai A, Begbie R, Duncan A 261, 334, 407, 417 781, 789 I 517, 530, 560, 564, 580 Preiss J, Levi C 244, 259, Pressman E, see Jacobsen JV Pusztai A, Croy RRD, Grant 334,397,401,412,416,717, 767, 789 G, Watt WB 555, 580 725, 729, 744, 774, 780, 791 Preston RD 562, 564, 579 Pusztai A, Ducan I 555, 580 Preiss J, Okita TW, Greenberg Price CE 89, 100 Pusztai A, Watt WB 108, E 260,334 Pricer WE, see Kornberg A 121, 517, 518, 526, 530, 555, Preiss J, Ozbun JL, Hawker 30,67 560, 564, 580 JS, Greenberg E, Lammel Pridham JB 362, 382, 384, Pusztai A, see Jennings AC C 261, 334 385, 392 518,575 Preiss J, see Boyer CD 411, Pridham JB, Hassid WZ 377, Putman EW, Hassid WZ 220, 412, 413, 414, 725, 738 378, 382 276, 277, 334 Preiss J, see Copeland L 405, Pridham JB, Saltmarsh MJ Putman EW, see Hassid WZ 406, 407, 414 385, 392 21,65 Author Index 861

Putman EW, see Neufeld EF Raghavan V 706, 745 Rasheed A, see Barnett JEG 5, 16, 21, 24, 30, 33, 34, 69, Raghavendra AS, Das VSR 200,208 114,121 247, 256, 334 Rasheed A, see Sherman WR Pyarnik K, see Vyark EY Ragland TE, Hackett DP 80, 196,200,214,215 248, 268, 344 100 Rasi-Caldogno F, Michaelis Pyliotis NA, see Jacobsen JV Ragoonwala R, Friedrich H MI de 760, 791 767, 789 134, 156 Rasper V 715, 745 Rahat M, see Reinhold L Rast D, see Ruffner HP 687, Quail PH 594, 599 692,698 699 Quail PH, see Bowles DJ 597 Rahman AU 134, 156 Ratcliffe RM, see Lemieux Quantin E, Hartmann-Bouil- Rahman W, see Farooq MO RU 298,299,325 lon MA, Schuber F, Benve­ 134,153 Rathje E, see Schlubach HH niste P 622, 630 Rainbird RM, see Layzell 446, 469 Queiroz 0, see Deleens E DB 270,324 Rathjen AJ, see Jenner CF 252, 254, 265, 309 Rains DW, see Hampson SE 262, 321, 703, 722, 723, 728, Quicke GV, see Stead RH 238,239,316,641,654,665, 729,731, 732, 742 538, 581 669, 694, 697 Rathnam CKM, Chollet R Quigley GJ, see Sundararajan Rakimov DA, see Igamber­ 218,247,248,249, 253, 256, PR 504,513 dieva MI 452, 465 269,335 Quillet M 437, 467 Ram HYM, see Nayyar VL Ratledge C, see Gill CO 663, Quillet M, Bourdon D 2S0, 755, 791 669 334 Ramachandramurthy P, see Rauser WE, see Samarakoon Quinn PJ, Williams WP 277, Takahashi T 51S, 522, 540, AB 269,337 334 541, 582 Rautenberg M, see Heyser W Quiocho FA, Gilliland GL, Ramaley R, Fujita Y, Freese 665,670 Phillips GN 661,674 E 196,214 Raven JA 641,674 Quiocho FA, see Newcomer Ramawat KG, Arya HC 288, Raven JA, Smith FA 651, HE 661,673 335 674 Ramsey RB, see Atallah AM Rawlinson W A, see Hederson Rabal FM, Caputto AG, Butts 620, 625, 626 RW 362,380 ET 233,334 Randall DD, see Outlaw WH Rawson HM, Evans LT 714, Rabinowitch EI 700, 744 254,332 745 Raboy B, Padan E 640, 674 Rao CVN, see Mukherjee Rawson HM, see Evans L T Rachmilevitz T, Fahn A 679, AK 420,467 731,739 6S0, 683 Rao MR, see Wankhede DB Rawsthorne S, Minchin FR, Rackis JJ, Sa same HA, Ander­ 749,761, 793 Summerfield RJ, Cookson son RL, Smith AK 538, Rao PG, see Kumar NR 267, C, Coombs J 238, 270, 335 580 324 Ray PM, Eisinger WR, Robin­ Rackis JJ, see Smith AK 518, Rao PV, Belavady B 290, 335 son DG 27, 71, 265, 335 581 Rao SR, Sane PV 89, 100 Ray PM, see Abdul-Baki AA Racusen D, Foote M 108, Rapley L, see Heldt HW 242, 12, 48, 58 III, 121, 526, 555, 556, 580 318,405,415 Ray PM, see Anderson RL Racusen RH, Galston A W Rapp B, see Outlaw WH 254, 264, 265, 301 648, 665, 674 332 Ray PM, see Robinson DG Radhakrishnan AN, see Mani Rappaport L, Sachs M 777, 27,72 UV 530, 561, 577 791 Ray RE, see Naccarato WF Radice M, see Michelis MI Rappaport L, Smith OE 777, 200, 213 de 637,641,664,673 791 Raymond Y, Fincher EB, Radley JA 701,718, 744 Rappaportt J, Giacopello D, MacLachlan GA 264, 265, Radley M 733, 744, 745 Seldes AM, Blanco MC, 335 Radwan SS, Spener F, Man- Deulofeu V 134, 156 Raymond Y, Fincher GB, gold HK, Staba EJ 615, Raschke K 260, 335, 780, MacLachlan GA 27, 71 630 791 Raynoud J, see Mazza G Raese IT, Williams MW, Bil­ Raschke K, see Dittrich P 551,577 lingsley HD 167, 183, 191 254, 260, 288, 309 Razin S, see Rottem S 664, Raese JT, see Williams MW Rashbrook RB, see Aspinall 674 167, 183, 192 GO 420,461 Razzell WE 29, 71 862 Author Index

Read BD, McElhaney RN Rees Tap, Blanch E, Graham Reid lSG, Meier H 423, 424, 664,674 0, Davies DO 80, 95 425, 426, 427, 467, 468, 763, Reber G, see Deshusses 1 Rees Tap, Fuller W A, Wright 764, 791, 792 197, 210, 653, 658, 668 BW 782, 783, 786 Reid lSG, see Leung DMW Reber 1, Mermod M, Deshus­ Rees Tap, Wright BW, Fuller 289, 325, 429, 465, 764, 767, ses 1 648, 674 W A 782, 783, 786 768, 790 Recklin E, see Goering H 21, Rees Tap, see Bulpin PV Reid lSG, see Meier H 425, 64 783, 787 466 Recondo E, Dankert M, Le­ Rees Tap, see Dick PS 238, Reid MS, Bieleski RL 166, loir LF 9,71 239, 257, 264, 309 184, 191, 730, 745 Recondo E, Leloir LF 397, Rees Tap, see Dixon WL Reimann H, laret RS, Cooper 408, 417 251, 263, 268, 309 01 141,156 Recondo E, see Cardini CE Rees Tap, see Grant CR Reimann H, see Ganguly AK 223, 227, 305 250,315 143, 153 Recondo E, see Dankert 1 Rees Tap, see Leigh RA 239, Reinbothe H, see Salewski L 114,118 257, 325 169, 191 Recondo E, see Dankert M Rees Tap, see Leigh RG Reinecke W, see Beck E 132, 8,9, 10, 11,28,61 694,698 152 Recondo E, see Passeron S 8, Rees Tap, see Lyne RL 221, Reinhold L, Eshhar Z 690, 10,23,70,115,121 222, 229, 233, 234, 237, 326 698 Recondo E, see Trivelloni lC Rees Tap, see Pollock Cl Reinhold L, Guy M, Michaeli 385, 393 224,229,251,333,726, 744 0, Rahat M 692, 698 Redgwell Rl 175, 191 Rees Tap, see Pryke lA 80, Reinhold L, see Guy M 642, Redgwell Rl, Bieleski RL 100 669, 692, 693, 694, 695, 173, 176, 177, 191 Rees Tap, see Ricardo CPP 696 Redgwell Rl, see Bieleski RL 79, JOO, 234, 237, 238, 335, Reinhold VN, Dunne FT, 166, 167, 173, 174, 177, 178, 690,699 Wriston lC, Schwarz M, 184, 188, 250, 304, 678, 680, Rees Tap, see Smith AM Sarda L, Hirs CHW 524, 681,682 271, 340 580 Redlich H, see Paulsen H Rees Tap, see Stitt M 81, Reinking A, see Reuvers F 124, 156 101,242,245,246,249,286, 110,122 Redman CM, Grab 01, lru­ 341,778,779, 780, 792 Reisfeld RA, Biirjeson 1, kulla R 596, 600 Rees WR, Duncan Hl 8, 9, Chessin LN, Small PA 529, Reed 01, Kolattukudy PE JOO 71 546,580 Reed 01, see Kolattukudy Reese ET 292, 335 Reiss R 419,420,421,423, PE 79,98 Reese ET, Mandels M 503, 430, 431, 468 Reed GB, see Vittorio PV 513 Reissig lL 113,114,121 220,344 Reeve RM 720, 745 Reissig lL, Leloir LF 113, Reed ML, see Findlay N 681, Reeve RM, Hautala E, Wea­ 121 682,683 ver ML 712, 745 Reissig lL, Strominger lL, Le­ Reed RH, Collins lC, Russell Reeve RM, Timm H, Weaver loir LF 104,121 G 277,335 ML 731, 732, 745 Reithel Fl, Venkataraman R Reeke GN, see Wang lL 545, Refnes K, see Olsnes S 589, 294,335 582 599 Reithel Fl, see Venkataraman Rees DA, see Gould SEB Reguera RM1, see Boyd WC R 281,294,344 431, 432, 458, 464 541,570 Rendig VV, see McComb EA Rees DA, see Peat S 277, Reichstein T, see Euw 1 von 296,328 332, 486, 512 43,62, 388, 391 Renkonen 0, see Laine RA Rees MW, Short MN, Self R, Reid EE, see Simcox PO 17, 607, 6Jl Eagles 1 521, 580 73, 81, 101, 222, 250, 264, Renooijw, Golde LMG van, Rees T ap 234, 238, 240, 251, 339 Zwaal RF A, Roelofsen B, 257, 263, 279, 282, 284, 289, Reid lSG 369, 382, 426, 458, Deenen LLM van 585, 600 335, 724, 728, 745 467,749, 763, 791 Resurreccion AP, see Perez Rees Tap, Beevers H 77, 79, Reid lSG, Bewley 10 426, CM 18, 71,222,261,333, 95 458, 459, 467 690, 698, 728, 744 Rees Tap, Blanch E, Davies Reid lSG, Davies C, Meier Rettig E, see Niirnberg E DO 79,95 H 427, 468, 763, 764, 792 424,467 Author Index 863

Reuveni 0, see Kanner J 234, Richards GN, see Beveridge Robbins GS, see Prentice N 322 RJ 197, 202, 209 235,334, 524, 551, 579 Reuvers F, Boer P, Hemming Richards G N, see Dekker Robbins JE, see Hapner KD FW I 10, 122, 236, 335 RFH 292, 293, 294, 295, 522, 543, 544, 574 Reuvers F, Boer P, Steyn­ 308 Robbins PW 564, 580 Parve EP 110,122 Richardson RH, see Matheson Robbins PW, see Hubbard Reuvers F, Habets-WiIIems C, NK "725, 743 SC 237, 319 Reinking A, Boer P I 10, Richey DP, Lin ECC 664, Roberts DP, see Pollock CJ 122 674 444, 445, 467 Revol JF, see Bobbitt TF Richmond ML, Brandao SCC, Roberts DWA 234, 235, 335 502, 503, 508 Gray 11, Markakis P, Stine Roberts JG, see Peat S 507, Rexova-Benkova L, Markovic CM 280,335 512 o 295, 335 Richtmyer NK 171,191 Roberts K 563, 580 Rey M, see Figura K von Rick PO, see Gander JE 567, Roberts K, Gurney-Smith M, 592,598 573 Hills GJ 562, 580 Reynolds TM, see Ash ASF Rickards RW, see Birch AJ Roberts K, Northcote DH 173, 188 146,152 562,580 Reznik H, see Strack 0 26, 74 Ridge I, see Osbourne OJ Roberts K, see Catt JW 533, Reznik H, see Wietschel G 564,579 563, 571 298, 299, 345 Ridley WP, Houchins JP, Roberts K, see Hills GJ 562, Rhodes AM, see Ferguson JE Kirkwood S 44, 71 563, 574 261,280,312 Ridley WP, see Byun SM Roberts K, see Homer RB Rhodes AM, see Gonzales 201,209 546, 563, 574 JW 222,229,261,314 Rienzo Di, Nakamura K, Roberts K, see O'Neill MA Rhodes ON, see Lea CH 602, Inouye M 587, 600 533, 563, 579 612 Ries E, see Ahmed AAM Roberts RC, Briggs DR 553, Rhodes MJC 687, 698 247,300 580 Rhodes MJC, see Hulme AC Riezman H, Weir EM, Leaver Roberts RM 10, 22, 23, 24, 709, 741 CJ, Titus DE, Becker WM 38, 71, 105, 112, 113, 114, Rhodes RA, see Davis EN 595, 600 122 505, 506, 509 Riggs NV, Strong FM 196, Roberts RM, Butt VS 8,21, Rhyzhavskaya SV, see Samoi­ 214 25, 71 lova TM 694, 699 Riggs TJ, Gothard PG 710, Roberts RM, Cetorelli JJ 24, Riamuddin M, see Farooq 745 48, 71 MO 134,153 Righetti PG, see Castellani Roberts RM, Cetorelli JJ, Ribereau-Gayon G, Preiss J AA 49,60 Kirby EG, Ericson M 105, 407, 417 Rijven AHGC 427, 468 108, 122, 563, 580 Ricard J, see Meunier JC 12, Rikans LE, Smith CR, Zan­ Roberts RM, Connor AB, Ce­ 69 noni VG 92, 100 tore IIi JJ 10, 23, 72, 563, Ricardo CPP 234, 235, 335, Rinne R W, see Adams CA 580 690, 699 282, 300, 712, 726, 737 Roberts RM, Deshusses J, Ricardo CPP, Rees T ap 79, Rinne R W, see Yazdi-Samadi Loewus F 85, 100 100, 234, 237, 238, 335, 690, B 703, 712, 747 Roberts RM, Heiseman A, 699 Riordan JF, Valle BF 519, Wicklin C 8, 10,21,23, 72, Ricardo CPP, Sovia 0 234, 580 112,113,122 335, 690, 699 Riorden JR, Forstner GG Roberts RM, Loewus FA 85, Riccio P, Aquila H, Klingen­ 585,600 100, 199, 202, 205, 206, 214 berg M 660, 674 Rising L W, see Guess JW Roberts RM, Pollard WE 10, Rich PR, Boveris A, Bonner 453, 464 23,72, 105, 108, 110,122 WD, Moore AI 82, 100 Riss H, see Poretz RD 522, Roberts RM, Shah RH, Loe­ Richard J, see Mazza G 55 I, 579 wus F 85, 100, 136, 156 577 Rizvi S, see Krotkov G 287, Roberts RM, Tovey KC 274, Richard J, see Meunier JC 69 324 335 Richard JP, see Sheu KFR Rihova L, see Canh OS 637, Roberts RM, see Kirby EC 20,73 667 10,23,67 Richards CN, see Beveridge Robbie JP, Wilson TH 654, Roberts RM, see Tovey KC RJ 278,304 674 16,18, 19, 74 864 Author Index

Roberts SM, Mitchell DT Rodriguez E, Levin DA 26, Rosario EJ del, Santisopasri 270, 272, 335 72 V 235, 336, 552, 581 Robertson A, see Evans WH Rodriguez P, Bass ST, Hansen Rose 435, 436, 468 389, 391 RG 29,72 Rose IW, see Wimmer MJ Robertson BK, see Valent BS Rodstrom R, see Darrow RA 20,75 521,582 31,61 Rose SP, see Wilson G 664, Robertson JG, Taylor MP Roelofsen B, see Renooijw 676 234, 238, 270, 335 585,600 Roseman S 569, 581 Robertson RN, Highkin HR, Roerig S, see Lamport DTA Roseman S, see Davidson EA Smydzuk J, Went FW 517, 535, 563, 567, 576 113,118 734, 745 Roeske CN, Seiber IN, Bro­ Roseman S, see Distler JJ Robertson RN, Turner JF wer LP, Moffitt CM 43, 72 602, 611 709, 745 Rogers PJ, see Sum WF 235, Roseman S, see Postma PW Robertson RN, see McKee 236, 341 645,674 HS 707, 710, 743 Rogerson CT 501,513 Rosen W, see Kroh M 86, Robic D, Percheron P 420, Rogerson NE, Matthews S 98 468 268,336 Rosenberger RF, see Pola­ Robic D, see Courtois JE Rohrschneider JM, see check I 502, 503, 512 430,463 Schwarz RT 591,600 Rosenberger RF, see Polachek Robin A, see Bentaboulet M Roland JC, Lembi CA, Morn: Y 117,121 652,667 DJ 621,630 Rosenburg A, Goaux J, Milch Robinson AB, see McKerrow Roland JC, see Goldberg R P 605,612 JH 519,577 423, 458, 464 Rosenfield CL, Fann C, Loe­ Robinson DG, Eisinger WR, Roland JC, see Hartmann­ wus FA 25, 29, 72, 85, 100, Ray PM 27,72 Bouillon MA 621,625,628 170,175,191 Robinson DG, see Ray PM Rolfe EJ, see Selman JD 88, Rosenfield CL, Loewus FA 27, 71, 265, 335 101 25, 29, 72, 85, 100, 203, 206, Robinson EA, Kalckar HM, Rollin P, see Faye L 235, 212 Toredsson H, Sanford K 236, 311 Rosenfeld CL, see Maiti IB 31, 72 Rollin P, see Zouaghi M 234, 201,213 Robinson SP, Walker DA 236, 237, 347 Rosenthal A, see Tung KK 242,243,247, 251, 255, 256, Rollins AJ, see Brimacombe 504,513 335,336 JS 124,141,152 Rosie R, see Duffus CD 282, Robinson SP, see Giersch C Rollit J, MacLachlan GA 310 221,222,242,243,244,255, 223, 264, 266, 336 Ross AG, see Duncan W AM 256, 314 Rollit J, see MacLachlan GA 480, 486, 489, 509 Robinson SP, see Harbron S 234,326 Rost TL, Lersten NR 731, 229, 233, 316 Romano AH, see Mark CG 745 Robinson SP, see Herold A 640, 661, 672 Rostami-Rabet A, see Kremer 287, 318 Rome LH, see Neufeld EF BP 281,282,323 Robinson SP, see Walker DA 592,599 Roszkowsi A, see Kahl W 245, 252, 258, 259, 344 Romero P, see Hopp HE 362, 381 Rocher J-P 449, 468 264, 319 Rotar AI 280, 336 Rockwood LL, see Crowder Romero PA, see Hopp HE Roth I 71l, 730, 745 AJ 716, 739 27,65,517,574,613,622, Roth J 684, 699 Rodaway S, Huang BF, Mar­ 628 Roth S, see Isaacks R 199, cus A 266, 336 Romero PA, see Pont Lezica 211 Rodaway S, Marcus A 266, R 27, 71,264,333 Roth S, see Pierce M 233, 336 Romo de Vivar A, see Le­ 333 Roden K, see Paulsen H mieux RU 298,299,325 Rothman JE, Leonard J 585, 124, 156 Roncari G, see Keller-Schier­ 600 Roden L 567, 580 lein W 142, 154 Rothman JE, see Katz FN Roden L, see Heaney-Kieras Rorem ES, Walker HG, 585, 587, 598 J 567,574 McCready RM 222, 229, Rothman JE, see Lodish HF Rodier F, see Doll S 239, 233,336 587,599 257, 309, 651, 668, 692, 693, Rorem ES, see Schwimmer S Rothman LB, Cabib E 500, 696 775, 792 501,513 Author Index 865

Rothman-Denes LB, see Cabib Rutherford PP, Phillips DE Saini HS, see Matheson NK E 500, 501, 509 440,468 432, 466, 749, 768, 790 Rott D, see Cobb AH 243, Rutherford PP, Weston EW Saito F, see Hirai M 237, 319 307 772, 792 Saito H, see Yokota I 506, Rottem S, Cirillo VP, Kruyff Rutherford PP, see Flood AE 507, 514 B de, Shinitzky M, Razin S 234,312 Saito K, Kasai Z 92, 100, 664,674 Rydstri:im J, see Jaarma M 264, 265, 336 Rotter M, see Komor E 651, 224,320 Saito K, Loewus FA 94, 100, 665, 671 Ryle GJA, see Gordon AJ 250,336 Rougvie MA, see Brammer 245, 262, 314 Saito K, see Helsper JPFG GL 498,509 Ryley JF, see Archibald AR 88, 93, 97, 250, 318 Roux M, see Bobbitt TF 502, 490, 494, 495, 496, 508 Saito K, see Takimoto K 94, 503, 508 Ryley JF, see Manners DJ 102 Rowsell EV, Goad LJ 753, 490,493,494,495,511 Saito K, see Williams M 93, 792 102, 345 Roy CH, see Hutchinson A Sabatini DD, see Adelman Saito T, see Takeuchi Y 289, 385,392 MR 587,597 342 Rubat du Merac M-L 447, Sabatini DD, see Boulan ER Saka H, see Maeda E 785, 448,468 591,597 790 Rubery PH 48, 72 Sabatini DD, see Ojakian Sakai A 166, 183, 191 Rubin PM, Zetooney E, GK 586, 599 Sakai A, Yoshida S 783, 784, McGowan RE 640, 674 Sabharwal PS, see Kaul K 792 Rudall KM, see Blackwell J 204, 211 Sakakibara S, see Okabayashi 106, 117 Sabrow A, see Preiss J 261, H 546,579 Rudick VL, Weisman RA 19, 334, 407, 417 Sakalo VD, Gorovaya LP 72 Sabry ZI, Atallah NA 272, 262,336 Rudiger H, see Baumann C 336 Sakamura S, see Kawano K 569,570 Sacher JA 551,581,641,674, 298,322 Ruffner HP, Hawker JS 251, 687, 694, 699 Sakoda M, see Fujimori H 336 Sacher JA, Glasziou KT 336 284, 313 Ruffner HP, Koblet W, Rast Sacher JA, Hatch MD, Glas­ Sakri FAK, Shannon JC 731, D 687,699 ziou KT 237, 238,336,688, 745 Ruffner HP, see Hawker JS 699 Salamini F, see Di Fonzo N 222, 236, 264, 267, 317 Sacher JA, see Hatch MD 701, 710, 724, 739 Rufini S, see Ghebregzabher 222, 234, 249, 317, 688, 697 Salamini F, see Gentinetta E M 233,313 Sachs J 400,417,421,435, 701, 702, 710, 740 Ruggles PA, see Pollock CJ 468 Salamini F, see Tsai CY 222, 241,333,460,467 Sachs L, see Lis H 539, 577 229,261,343,407,417,707, Ruis H, Hoffmann-Ostenhof Sachs L, see Sela B-A 541, 581 746 o 196,214 Sachs M, see Rappaport L Salans LB, see Wardzala LJ Rullki:itter J, see Heinz E 777, 791 662,675 619,628 Sackett WM, see Whelan T Sale PJM 732, 733, 745 Rumley MK, see Kennedy 252,345 Saleh NAM, Fritsch H, Grise­ EP 658,671 Sacktor B, see Beck JC 659, bach H 386, 393 Rundell JT, see Albon N 360, 667 Saleh NAM, Poulton JE, Gri­ 379 Sadava D, Chrispeels MJ 91, sebach H 386, 393 Ruppel HG, see Kesselmeier 100, 563, 564, 581 Salema R, Badenhuizen NP J 616,629 Sado M, see Nakamura N 716, 719, 745 Russell G, see Reed RH 277, 227, 234, 262, 267, 330 Salerno GL, Gamundi SS, 335 Sadykov AA 294, 336 Pontis HG 222, 229, 233, Rust H, see Kubelka W 389, Saftner RA, Wyse RE 239, 336 392 336 Salerno GL, Pontis HG 229, Rutherford PP, Deacon AC Sage HJ, see Howard IK 538, 230, 231, 336 234, 336, 438, 439, 440, 468, 574 Salerno GL, see Pontis HG 773, 792 Sagisaka S 82, 100 232,333 Rutherford PP, Flood AE Said AGE, Murashige T 266, Salewski L, Miersch J, Rein­ 237, 336, 440, 460, 468 336 bothe H 169, 191 866 Author Index

Sallam MAE, see EI Khadem Saner A, Allgeier H 300, Sartirana ML, see Bianchetti H 420, 463 337 R 205,209 Salminen S, see Young RE Sanford K, see Robinson EA Sasaki K, Loewus FA 85, 781, 793 31, 72 101, 197, 199, 202, 205, 214 Salo WL, Nordin JH, Petersen Sankpal SD, Nimbelkar JD Sasaki M, see Sugiura M 94, DR, Bevill RD, Kirckwood 271,337 101 S 35, 72 Sano S, see Murakawa S 88, Sasaki T, Kainuma K 259, Salsas E, Lamer J 282, 336 99 337 Saltman P 12, 72, 112, 122 Santarius KA, Heber U 400, Sasaki T, Tadokoro K, Suzuki Saltmarsh MJ, see Pridham 403, 417 S 234,337 JB 385,392 Santarius KA, Milde H 242, Sasaki T, Todokoro K, Suzuki Salunkhe DK, see Dhaliwal 337, 374, 382 S 776, 792 AS 707,739 Santarius KA, see Heber U Sasame HA, see Rackis JJ Salway AH, see Power FB 83, 97, 374, 376, 380, 399, 538, 580 613, 630 400,415 Sastry PS 603, 612 Samarakoon AB, Rauser WE Santarius KA, see Larcher W Sastry PS, Kates M 605, 612 269,337 374, 375, 381 Sato F, Nishida K, Yamada Sammler P, Ehwald R, Goring Santisopasri V, see Rosario EJ Y 249,337 H 227, 276, 337 del 235, 336, 552, 581 Sato F, see Nishida K 267, Sammler P, see Ehwald R Sanwal GG, Greenberg E, 330 661,668 Hardie J, Cameron EC, Sata M, Hasegawa M 387, Samoilova TM, I1jenko II, Preiss J 401,402,403,405, 393 Rhyzhavskaya SV 694, 699 406,417 Sato S, see Hori H 517, 530, Sampaio AL, see Panek AD Sanwal GG, Preiss J 8, 9, 10, 560, 567, 574 275, 332 55, 72, 401, 403, 405, 417, Satoh N, see Tomoda M 448, Sampietro AR, Vattuone MA, 491,513 452, 453, 470 Prado FE 234, 235, 337 Sanwal GG, see Baijal M 12, Satyanarayana MN 241, 337, Sampietro AR, see Fleisch­ 58, 221, 222, 229, 232, 234, 361, 367, 382 macher OL 234,274,312 302 Satyanarayana MN, see Dor­ Sampietro AR, see Vattuone Sanwal GG, see Shukla RN land L 297, 309 MA 234,343 225, 228, 234, 339 Sauer F, see Heldt HW 242, Sampsell R, see Isaacks R Sapico VL, see Anderson RL 318 199,211 132, 151 Saunders RM 356, 382 Sampsell RN, see Isaacks RE Sarda L, see Reinhold VN Saunders RM, see Becker R 199,211 524,580 280,303 Samuelsson G, see Aynehchi Sarels S, see Manzoor-I­ Sauter JJ 238, 337 Y 272,302 Khuda M 280, 294, 326 Sauter JJ, Iten W, Zimmer­ Samuelsson K, see Hellerqvist Sargent JA, see Knee M 289, mann MH 238, 337 CG 507,510 323,781, 790 Sawai K, see Hylin JW 428, Sanchez A, Larriba G, Villa­ Sargent JA, see Musgrave A 465 nueva JR, Villa TG 236, 615, 623, 629 Sawyer WH, see Fincher GB 337 Sarko A, see Sundararajan 517,561,562,567,573 Sanderman H, Grisebach H PR 504,513 Sawyer WH, see Hawthorne 8, 9, 10, 11, 72 Sarko A, see Wu HC-H 412, DB 479, 484, 510 Sandermann H Jr, Grisebach 417 Saxena PK, see Pandy OP H 137, 156 Sarma RH, see Lee Ch 6, 67 267, 332 Sandermann H Jr, Tisue GT, Sarmiento R, Valpuesta V, Saxena VK 424, 468 Grisebach H 137, 156 Catalina L, Gonzalez GF Scalis J, Chin CK 267, 337 Sandermann H Jr, see Grise­ 337 Scalis IN, see Chin CK 267, bach H 136, 153 Saroja R, see Wankhede DB 307 Sandermann H Jr, see Ort­ 749, 761, 793 Scarborough GA 638, 650, mann R 139, 155 Sarre OZ, see Ganguly AK 651,664,674 Sandie R, see MacLeod AM 143, 153 Scarpati ML, Oriente G 92, 435,466 Sar-Shalom Y, see Pinthus 101 Sando GN, see Neufeld EF MJ 710, 744 Schachtele C, see Steup M 592,599 Sartirana ML, Bianchetti R 260, 341 Sane PV, see Rao SR 89, 100 205,214 Schachter A, Harpaz N, Nara- Author Index 867

simhiu S, Williams D, Long­ Schilling N 197, 214 Schmidt G, see Cori CF 3, 60 more G 588, 600 Schilling N, Dittrich P 779, Schmidt GW, see Chua N Schachter H, see Sturgess J 780, 792 589, 594, 598 585, 600 Schilling N, Dittrich P, Kand­ Schmidt HL, see Winkler FJ Schaeffer J, Kier LD, Stejksal ler 0 197,214 253,346 EO 253,337 Schilling N, Kandler 0 283, Schmidt HW, see Hampp R Schafer C, see Heber U 242, 285, 286, 337, 778, 779, 792 636, 637, 669, 717, 741 247,317 Schilling N, Kuffer W, Dit­ Schmidt MFG, see Schwarz Schafer E, see Lendzian K trich P 197,214 RT 591,600 234, 262, 325 Schilling N, Scheibe R, Beck Schmidt OT 125, 131, 132, Schafer G, Heber U, Heldt E, Kandler 0 286, 337 156 HW 778,792 Schilling N, see Linden JC Schmidt OT, Heintz K 125, Schafer G, Heber U, Heldt 285, 325 156 HW 260, 286, 337, 642, 674 Schleiden MJ, see Vogel T Schmidt OT, Weber-Moister Schaftingen E van, Hers HG 419,429,470 CC 125, 156 251,252,337 Schlesinger DH, Niall HD, Schmitt MR, see Spalding Schaftingen Evan, Jett MF, Wilson D 31, 34, 73 MH 249, 253, 340 Hue L, Hers HG 251, 337 Schlesinger S, Gottlieb C, Feil Schmitt P, Benveniste P 614, Schalik M, see Zsindely A P, Gelb N, Kornfeld S 592, 630 196,216 600 Schmitz K, Srivastava LM Schallenberger RS, Lee CY, Schlesinger S, see Leavitt R 163, 191 Acree TE, Barnard J 227, 591,598 Schnabl H 254, 260, 337 337 Schlesinger S, see Tabas I Schnabl H, Bornman C, Zie­ Scheffler K, see Stegmann 588,600 gler H 260, 338 HB 89,101 Schlesselmann P, see Hehre Schnarrenberger C, Oeser A, Scheibe R, see Schilling N EJ 296, 317 Tolbert NE 83, 101 286,337 Schliselfeld LH, Van Eys J, Schnarrenberger C, Tetour M, Scheinberg SL, see Gould Touster 0 29, 73 Herbert M 81, 101 NR 541, 542, 573 Schlubach H, Flarsheim W Schnarrenberger C, see Bowles Scheiner 0, Pittner F, Boll­ 448,468 DJ 595, 597 mann 0, Kandeler R 199, Schlubach HH 361,371,382, Schnarrenberger C, see Her­ 214 442, 443, 444, 468 bert M 84, 97, 246, 318 Schekman R, see Esmon B Schlubach HH, Berndt J 446, Schneider EM, Becker JV, 236, 311 468 Volkmann D 246,338 Schekman R, see Novick P Schlubach HH, Haberland E Schneider M, see Long RA 237, 331 446,468 653, 672 Scheid HW, see Lau YL 267, Schlubach HH, Koehn HOA Schneider RP, Wiley WR 324 444, 446, 468 638, 640, 654, 657, 663, 674 Schell MA, Wilson DB 13, 72 Schlubach HH, Lederer F Schnepf E 677, 683 Schellenberg HC 429, 468 446,469 Schnepf E, Benner U 682, Scher M, Lennarz WJ, Swee- Schlubach HH, Lendzian H 683 ley CC 26,72 449, 469 Schnepf E, Pross E 679, 683 Scher MG, see Lennarz WJ Schlubach HH, Liibbers H, Schnepf E, see Benner U 680, 26,67 Borowski H 444, 469 682 Scherpenberg H van, Grabner Schlubach HH, Miiller H Schnepf E, see Liittge U 264, W, Kandler 0 126, 156 446,469 326,677, 681,683 Schildknecht H, Tansher B, Schlubach HH, Rathje E 446, Schobert B 182, 191 Moeschler H, Edelmann J 469 Scholda R, see Kindl H 193, 133, 156 Schlubach HH, Sinh OK 447, 212 Schildlovsky G, see Varner 469 Scholes P, Mitchell P 652, JE 552,582 Schmid A, see Buchala AJ 674 Schiller JG, Bowser AM, Fein­ 626, 627 Schon WJ, see Breidert D gold DS 46, 48, 72 Schmid R, Grisebach H 147, 732, 738 Schiller JG, Lamy F, Frazier 156 Schon WJ, see Kahmt G 387, R, Feingold DS 44, 72 Schmid R, see Grisebach H 392 Schilling G, Keller A 125, 124, 153 Schoolar AI, see Edelman J 156 Schmid R, see Pape H 146,156 642,668 868 Author Index

Schotz F, see Senser M 715, ScoccaJ,LeeYC 517,524, Sellmair J, Beck E, Kandler 745 547, 548, 567, 581 o 129, 156 Schrader LE, see Chevalier P Scocca JR, see Lee YC 535, Sellmair J, Beck E, Kandler 0, 221, 222, 229, 232, 306 548, 549, 576 Kress A 126, 130,156,353, Schramm M, see Ohad I 718, Scott KJ, Smillie RM 82, 101 382 744, 773, 775, 776, 791 Scott KJ, see MacLean DJ Sellmair J, Kandler 0 130, Schrantz JP 502, 513 166, 169, 170, 176,190 131, 156 Schuber F, see Quantin E Scott RW, Jefford RG, Edel­ Sellmair J, see Beck E 126, 622,630 man J 367, 368, 382 127, 152 Schubert WJ, see Eberhardt Scott RW, Jefford TG, Edel­ Sellmair J, see Eickenbusch G 80,96 man J 241, 338 JD 127, 152 Schuler P, see Stegmann HB Scott W, see Gradmann D Sellmair J, see Gilck H 125, 89, 101 651,669 153 Schultz SG, Curran PF 648, Seaston A, Inkson C, Eddy Selman JD, Rolfe EJ 88, 101 659,674 AA 648,674 Selvendran RK 229, 338 Schultz SG, see Goldner AM Sebesta K, Sorm F 9, 73 Selvendran RR 518, 560, 562, 648,669 Sebrell WH, Harris RC 193, 564,581 Schulze C, Tollens B 419,469 214 Selvendran RR, Davies AMC, Schulze E 432, 469 Secor GE, see White ML Tidder E 562, 581 Schulze E, Steiger E 431, 432, 356,383 Selvendran RR, Isherwood 469 Seegmiller CG, see Loewus FA 8,9,10, II, 73 Schulze E, see Planta A V FA 85,87,98 Selvendran RR, see Isherwood 350, 353, 382 Segal HL, see Brown JA 569, FA 8,9,10,11,66 Schurmann P, see Buchanan 571 Selvendran RR, see O'Neill BB 91,96 Segal JH, see Gold MH 503, MA 517, 533, 536, 546, Schutzbach JA, see John KV 510 547, 560, 562, 563, 564, 567, 52,66 Segel JH, see Gold MH 503, 579 Schutz bach JS, Feingold DS 504, 510 Semenza G, see Klip A 660, 50, 52, 73 Sehran M, see Ohad I 263, 671 Schutzbach JS, see Ankel H 331 Senanayake ND, Northcote 49,58 Seiber IN, see Roeske CN DH 264, 299, 338 Schwab WGW, see Komor E 43, 72 Senayake ND, Northcote DH 639, 656, 671 Seidemann J 718, 745 385, 393 Schwab WJW, Komor E 639, Seif RD, see Yazdi-Samadi B Senesac AH, see Anderson 659,674 703, 712, 747 RS 240,301 Schwartz NB, see John KV Seifarth H, see Tanner W Senser M, Dittrich P, Kandler 49,66 370,383 0, Thanbichler A, Kuhn B Schwarz M, see Reinhold VN Seifert K, see Pringsheim H 375, 382 524,580 420, 467 Senser M, Kandler 0 271, Schwarz RT, Datema R 237, Seiler A 427, 469, 763, 764, 792 279, 281, 290, 338, 363, 364, 338 Seiler-Kelbitsch H, Michael G, 366, 372, 373, 382 Schwarz RT, Rohrschneider Hauser H, Fischbeck G Senser M, Schotz F, Beck E JM, Schmidt MFG 591,600 733, 745 715,745 Schwarz R T, see Datema R Seitz K, Lang A 234, 338 Sentheshanmuganathan S, 237, 308 Sekiguchi K, see Iwatsubo T Nickerson WJ 499, 513 Schwarzmaier G 358, 364, 235, 237, 238, 320 Sequeira L 219,338 366, 372, 376, 382 Seksena SD, see Mehta P Serrano R 650, 657, 674, 675 Schweizer TF, Horman I, 280, 281, 328 Serrano R, Delafuente G 663, Wunsch P 197,202,214, Sela B-A, Lis H, Sharon N, 675 278,338 Sachs L 541, 581 Seshadri R, see Khanna I Schwencke J 236, 338 Sela B-A, see Lis H 539, 577 614, 629 Schwimmer S, Burr HK 262, Seldes AM, see Rappaportt J Seshadri TR, Vydeeswaran S 280, 290, 338 134, 156 134, 157 Schwimmer S, Rorem ES Self R, see Rees MW 521, Seshadri TR, see Farooq MO 775, 792 580 134,153 Sciuto S, see Impellizzeri G Sellers L, see Snipes CE 42, Seshadri TR, see Khanna I 278,320 73 614, 629 Author Index 869

Seshadri TR, see Malhotra A Shannon LM, Uritani I, Ima­ Sharpe PJH, see Keener ME 134,154 seki H 92, 101 255, 257, 322 Setter TL, see Greenway H Shannon LM, see Clarke J Shaw AB, Anderson MM, 269,315 108, 118, 517, 524, 550, 551, McCarty RE 605, 612 Setterfield G, see Fulcher RG 571 Shaw AF, see Ho LC 260, 434,464 Shannon LM, see Sevier ED 319 Sevier ED, Shannon LM 110, 110,122 Shaw DRD, see Touster 0 122 Shannon LM, see Shih HC 161,173,191 Sexton JC, Moore TS 198, 550, 581 Shaw PD, see Gottlieb D 214 Shantha HS, Siddappa GS 141, 142, 144, 153 Seyama Y, Kalckar HM 31, 704, 705, 745 Shaw R, Varus JL, Miller KA, 73 Shantz EM, Sugii M, Steward Talley EA 221, 222, 224, Seyama Y, see Bertland AU FC 204,214 234, 264, 338 II 31,59 Shantz EM, see Pollard JK Shaw R, see Nelson DC 724, Seyfarth A, see Ahlers J 650, 197,204,214 744 666 Shapiro LJ, see Hickman S Shaw R, see Pressey R 775, Shadaksharaswamy M, see Pa­ 592,598 776, 791 zur JH 22, 70, 71 Shapleigh E, see Boyd WC Shcherbukhin VD, Shcherbuk­ Shafizadeh F 124, 125, 130, 541,570 hina WK, Kirillina VL 157 Sharkey PJ, Pate JS 722, 293,338 Shafizadeh F, Wolfrom ML 745 Shcherbukhina WK, see 353, 382 Sharma CB, Babczinski P, Shcherbukhin VD 293, Shah RH, see Roberts RM Lehle L, Tanner W 565, 338 85, 100, 136, 156 567, 581 Shearin SJ, see Faust RS 640, Shah SW, see Anthonsen T Sharma CB, Dieckert JW 669 171, 188 199, 214 Shemyahin MM, see Berlin Shah VK, see Desai BM 178, Sharma CB, Goel M, Irshad YA 142,152 189 M 756,792 Shemyakin MM, see Bakhaeva Shain Y, see Mayer AM 756, Sharma KP, Bhatia IS 8, 9, GP 142, 151 790 10, 73,221,225,229,262, Shen L, Preiss J 16, 73 Shallenberger RS, see Lee 338 Shen-Hwa C-S, Lewis CH, CY 217, 280, 324 Sharma PR, see Gruenberg J Walker DA 404,405,417 Shanahan MF, Czech MP 665,669 Sheoran IS, Babber S, Khan 660,675 Sharon N 114, 122, 219, 338, MI 267,338 Shannon JC 261, 338, 720, 516, 535, 581 Shephard DC, Bidwell RGS 721,727,729, 745 Sharon N, Lis H 109, 122, 242,338 Shannon JC, Creech RG 258, 516, 536, 537, 539,581 Shepherd MG, see Boonsaeng 261,338,701, 745 Sharon N, see Allen AK 537, V 173,188 Shannon JC, Creech RG, 538, 569 Sherman WR, Hipps PP, Loerch JD 722, 725, 727, Sharon N, see Bowles DJ Mauck LA, Rasheed A 745 219,305,594,597 196,200,215 Shannon JC, Dogherty CT Sharon N, see Flowers HM Sherman WR, Rasheed A, 257,338 289, 312 Mauck LA, Wiecko J 200, Shannon JC, Dougherty CT Sharon N, see Gordon JA 214 731, 745 538, 573 Sherman WR, Stewart MA, Shannon JC, see Boyer CD Sharon N, see Lis H 107, Zinbo M 200, 214 412,414, 713, 719, 720, 722, 120,515,517,522,534,535, Sherman WR, see Hallcher 738 537, 538, 539, 540, 567, 576, LM 196,211 Shannon JC, see Felker FC 577 Sherman WR, see Mauck LA 257,261,312 Sharon N, see Lotan R 520, 201, 213 Shannon JC, see Liu TTY 538, 540, 577 Shermet IP, Komissarenko 245,261,326 Sharon N, see Ofek I 219, NF 299,338 Shannon JC, see Sakri FAK 331 Sherry AD, see London RE 731, 745 Sharon N, see Pereira MEA 6,68 Shannon LM 550, 581 539, 579 Sheth K, Alexander JK 293, Shannon LM, Kay E, Lew Sharon N, see Sela B-A 541, 338 JY 516, 524, 550, 581 581 Sheu KFR, Frey PA 20, 73 870 Author Index

Sheu KFR, Richard JP, Frey Shinshi H, Miwa M, Kato K, Siegelman HW, see Lin W PS 20,73 Noguchi M, Matsushima T, 651,672, 693, 698 Shibaev VN, see Druzhinina Sugimura T 29, 54, 73 Siegelman HW, see Lotan R TN 34,61 Shiomi N, Izawa M 241, 297, 520, 538, 577 Shibaev VN, see Gabrielyan 338 Siegelman HW, see Wagner ND 34, 63, 223, 229, 313 Shiomi N, Yamada J, Izawa GJ 594,600 Shibaev VN, see Kochetkov M 241,297,338,339 Siegrist HP, see Eichenberger NK 5,8,67 Shiozaki T, see Tomoda M W 619,627 Shibaski, see Thanh VH 553, 452,470 Sigrist-Nelson K, see Murer 582 Shirahashi K, Hayakawa SY, H 653,673 Shibata M, see Ishikura N Sugiyama T 249, 339 Sihag RK, Guha-Mukherjee J, 298,320 Shiroya M 229, 238, 339 Sopory SK 267, 339 Shibata S, see Yokota I 506, Shiroya M, Kura M 238, Silano V, see Buonocore V 507, 514 339 730, 738 Shibazaki K, see Yamauchi F Shiroya T 21, 73 Silbert JE, DeLuca S 49, 73 107, 108, 123, 553, 554, 567, Shoaf CR, Caplow M, Heizer Silvander B-G, see Lindberg 583 D 283, 339 B 172, 190, 506, 511 Shibko SI, see Edelman J Shomer-Ilan A, Neumann­ Silvius JE, Chatterton NJ, 229,261,310 Ganmore R, Waisel Y 249, Kremer DF 245, 268, 339 Shibuya I, Yagi T, Benson 339 Silvius JE, Snyder FW 221, AA 606,612 Shomer-II an A, see Beer S 222, 224, 228, 339 Shigeoka S, Nakano Y, Ki­ 254, 270, 303 Silvius IE, see Chatterton NJ taoka S 88, 101 Shore G, MacLachlan GA 245,306 Shigeoka S, Yokota A, Na­ 266,339 Simcox PD, Dennis DT 84, kano Y, Kitaoka S 88, 101 Short KC, see Brown EG 9, 101 Shih HC, Shannon LM, Kay 10,59 Simcox PD, Reid EE, Canvin E, Lew JY 550, 581 Short MN, see Rees MW DT, Dennis DT 17,73,81, Shimada M, see Higuchi T 521,580 101,222,250,264,339 80,97 Shuel R W 682, 683 Siminovitch D, Wilson CM, Shimahara H, Suzuki H, Su­ Shuey EW, see Pazur JH 21, Briggs DR 783, 792 giyama N, Nisizawa K 39,70,71 Siminovitch D, see Ewart 454, 455, 457, 469 Shukla RN, Sanwal GG 225, MH 784,788 Shimahara H, see Sugiyama 228,339 Siminovitch D, see Pomeroy N 293,341,457,470,770, Shukla RN, Singh S, Das N, MK 783, 791 792 Baijal M, Sanwal GG 234, Simmonds DH, Campbell Shimbayashi K, see Dougall 339 WP 706, 726, 746 DK 562,572 Shukla RN, see Baijal M 221, Simmons S, Butler LG 15, 73 Shimizu T, Clifton A, Koma­ 222, 229, 232, 234, 302 Simmons SR, Crookston RK mine A, Fowler MW 81,101 Shulke HR, see Davis EN 714, 746 Shim omura T, see Chiba S 505, 506, 509 Simon H, Dorrer HD, Trebst 283, 296, 297, 306, 307 Shvets VI, see Stephanov AE A 247, 339 Shimomura T, see Kanaya K 200,215 Simonetti N, Strippoli V, Cas­ 283, 321 Siddappa GS, see Shantha sone A 105, 122 Shimomura T, see Murata S HS 704, 705, 745 Simonetti N, see Strippoli V 283, 329 Siddiqui IR, Wood PJ, Khan­ 105, 122 Shimomura T, see Nishi K zada G 277, 339 Simonpietri P, see Belaich A 297, 330 Sideris CP, Young HY, 658, 661, 667 Shimomura T, see Takahashi Krauss BH 105, 107, 113, Simpson DL, see Pazur JH M 283,342 122 569, 579 Shimomura T, see Takahashi Sidhu PS, see Singh R 340 Simpson EE, see Williams JP N 283, 342 Siebertz HP, Heinz E, Joyard 250, 264, 345 Shimura S, see Itoh T 290, J, Douce R 244, 339 Simpson GM, Naylor JM 320 Siebertz HP, Heinz E, Lin­ 279, 283, 339, 754, 792 Shinitzky M, see Rottem S scheid M, Joyard J, Douce Simpson GM, see Gates IW 664,674 R 277,339 719, 740, 779, 788 Shinohara M, see Miyamoto Siegelman HW, see Butcher Simpson PR, see Turvey JR M 142, 155 H 239,305 477, 514 Author Index 871

Singer SJ, Nicolson GL 584, Skopp K, Hiirster H 388, 393 Smith CR, see Rikans LE 92, 585,600 Slabnik E, Frydman RB, Car­ 100 Singer SJ, see Nicolson GL dini CE 224, 227, 228, 230, Smith CW, see Brimacombe 585,599 231,340 JS 124, 152 Singh B, Wort DJ 16, 73 Slack CR 222, 340, 688, 699 Smith D 290, 295, 297, 340, Singh H, Privett OS 614, 630 Slack PT, Black M, Chapman 441, 442, 450, 451, 460, 469 Singh MB, Malik CP, Sood 1M 760,792 Smith D, Groteluschen RD R 234, 267, 339 Slater WG, Beevers H 5, 73 450,469 Singh MB, Malik CP, Thapar Siayman CL, Long WS, Lu Smith D, Muscatine L, Lewis N 261, 339 CYM 651,675 DH 166,168,169,177, Singh R, Arya AK, Bhatia IS Slay man CL, Siayman CW 183, 186,191,272,340 222, 263, 339 639, 647, 648, 649, 659, 675 Smith D, see Bender MM Singh R, Bhatia IS 241, 339, Slay man CL, see Gradmann 441,462 439, 469 D 651, 669 Smith D, see Groteluschen Singh R, Juliano BO 261, Slay man CW, see Bowman RD 444,464 279, 339, 665, 675, 702, 732, BJ 650,667 Smith DC 161, 164, 166, 169, 746 Siayman CW, see Siayman 183, 187,191,281,340 Singh R, Perez CM, Pascual CL 639, 647, 648, 649, 659, Smith DC, see Cernichiari E CG, Juliano BO 222,261, 675 281,306 339, 728, 729, 746 Sly DA, see Wolf WJ 553, Smith DC, see Falk M 106, Singh R, Sidhu PS, Vadhera S, 583 119 Sital JS, Bhatia IS 340 Sly WS 239, 340 Smith DC, see Jolley E 281, Singh R, see Bhatia IS 239, Sly WS, see Fisher DH 237, 321 262, 304, 440, 462 312 Smith DC, see Lewis DH Singh R, see Kumar R 262, Sly WS, see Kaplan A 592, 161, 162, 163, 164, 168, 169, 324 598 170,171,176,178,181,190 Singh R, see Pascual CG 279, Small DM, see Matheson Smith DC, see Muscatine L 290,332 NK 293,327 164, 190 Singh S, see Baijal M 221, Small PA, see Reisfeld RA Smith DC, see Trench RK 222, 229, 232, 234, 302 529, 546, 580 243,342 Singh S, see Shukla RN 234, Smart MG, see Barlow EWR Smith DL 433, 469, 702, 703, 339 734, 737 707, 713, 746 Singh SP, see Edelman 1 777, Smellie RMS, Beeley JG 565, Smith DL, Flinn AM 755, 788 581 756, 792 Singhal NC, Jain HK, Austin Smestad B, Percival E, Bidwell Smith EC, see Hoover JD 84, A 701, 746 RGS 487,513 97 Sinh OK, see Schlubach HH Smestad B, see Bidwell RGS Smith EE, see Borovsky D 447, 469 486,508 411,412,413,473,508 Sinner M, Paramesawaran N, Smestad B, see Bourne EJ Smith EE, see Drummond Dietrichs HH 292, 340 487, 509 GS 411,414 Sinnwell V, see Ortmann R Smillie LB, see Welinder KG Smith EE, see Gunja-Smith Z 144, 149, 155 550,583 413, 415, 473, 474, 497, 498, Sinnwell V, see Paulsen H Smillie RM, see Scott KJ 82, 500, 510 124, 125, 156 101 Smith EEB, Mills GT, Bern­ Sioufi A, Percheron F, Cour­ Smith AE 449, 460, 469 heimer HP, Austrian R tois JE 8, 9, 73, 294, 340, Smith AE, see Phillips DV 36, 73 428,469 204,213 Smith EEB, see Munch-Peter­ Sistrom WR 639, 675 Smith AJ, see Beauc1erk sen A 4, 14, 16,69 Sital JS, see Singh R 340 AAD 640, 654, 656, 667 Smith F, Srivastava HC 454, Sivak A, Hoffmann-Ostenhof Smith AK, Rackis JJ 518,581 469 o 203,215 Smith AK, see Rackis JJ 538, Smith F, Unrau AM 481,513 Skakoun A, see Daussant 1 580 Smith F, see Boggs LA 448, 246,308 Smith AM, Rees T ap 271, 462 Skoog F, see Steinhart C 204, 340 Smith F, see Goldstein IJ 215 Smith BN, Epstein S 252, 340 482, 483, 510 Skoog F, see Wolter KE 204, Smith BN, see Meeuse BJD Smith F, see Montgomery R 216 478, 480, 512 445, 446, 467 872 Author Index

SmithFA 641,675 Sokolove PM, Marsho TV Spener F, see Radwan SS Smith FA, Walker NA 254, 89, 101 615, 630 340 Sol K, see Klis FM 234, 289, Spik G, see Bouquelet S 116, Smith FA, see Raven JA 651, 323 118 674 Solms J, Feingold OS, Hassid Spiridonova SM, see Gabrie­ Smith FA, see Smith SE 180, WZ 5, 10, 30, 44, 73 Iyan NO 223,313 191,272,274,340 Solms J, Hassid WZ 5, 10, Spiro RG 104, 122, 539, 565, Smith FA, see Walker NA 30,44,73,103,114,122 567, 581 651,675 Solomos T, Laties GG 79, Spiro RG, Fukushi S 567, Smith ICP, see Deslauriers R 101,263,340 581 272,309 Sols A, Gancedo C, Dela­ Spiro RG, see Neuberger A Smith JB, see Bennett MD fuente G 275, 340 519, 535,578 707, 738 Sols A, see Medina A 12, 68 Spiteller E, see Obermann H Smith JD, see Fuchs RL 40S, Somerville CR, Ogren WL 299, 331 414 247, 340 Splittstoesser WE, see Beevers Smith JW, see Possingham R Siimme R 428, 469 L 552,570 267, 333 Somme R, Wickstrom A 356, Spoerl E, see Maxwell W A Smith K, Ganschow RE 593, 382 ISO, 190 600 Soni SL, see Kaufman PB Spradlin JE, see Thoma JA Smith MS, see Strominger JL 234,322 282,342 23, 74 Sonneborn 0, see Pless man Spragg SP, Yemm EW 760, Smith OE, see Rappaport L Camargo E 501, 512 792 777, 791 Sonnino S, Carminatti H, Ca­ Sprent JI 757,758,761, 792 Smith PF 613, 625,630 bib E 29,73 Sprott GO, see Long RA Smith PM 218, 340 Sood R, see Malik CP 240, 653,672 Smith SE 272, 274, 340 326 Srepel B, Mijatovic 0 436, Smith SE, Smith FA 180, Sood R, see Singh MB 234, 469 191,272,274,340 267, 339 Srinivasan K, see Y omo H Smydzuk J, see Robertson Sopory SK 267, 340 759, 761, 793 RN 734,745 Sopory SK, see Sihag RK Srinivasan M, Bhatia IS 447, Snipes CE, Brillinger GU, Sel­ 267,339 470 lers L, Mascaro L, Floss Sorm F, see Sebesta K 9, 73 Srinivasan M, see Bhatia IS HG 42,73 Sornsrivichai P, see Young 448,462 Snyder FW, see Silvius JE RE 781, 793 Srivastava HC, see Smith F 221,222,224,228,339 Soukupova V, see Kotyk A 454,469 Soave C, see Di Fonzo N 638, 672 Srivastava LM, see Schmitz 701, 710, 724, 739 Sovia 0, see Ricardo CPP K 163, 191 Soberalske RM, see Kiihbauch 234, 335, 690, 699 Srivastava YS, Gupta PC W 445,465 Sovonick SA, Geiger DR, Fel­ 299,340 Sobocinska E, see Janiszowska lows RJ 641,656,665, Staba EJ, see Radwan SS W 614,616,623,628 675 615, 630 Sobolev AM, Buzulukova NP, Sowers AE, see Lemasters JJ Stacey BE 160,161,176,177, Dmitrieva MI, Barbashova 665,672 191 AK 199,215 Sowokinos JR 222, 262, 340, Stacey BE, see Hough L 167, Sofield I, Evans LT, Cook 398, 407, 417 177, 189 MG, Wardlaw IF 706, 709, Spalding MH, Schmitt MR, Stacey M, see Barker SA 504, 710,711, 732, 733, 746 Ku SB, Edwards GE 249, 508 Sofield I, Wardlaw IF, Evans 253, 340 Stacey M, see Bourne EJ 490, LT, Zee SY 710,711,712, Spang B, Claude F, Kauss H 509 746 277, 340 Staden J van, see Dimella EE Soifer VS, see Bakhaeva GP Spanswick RM, see Keifer 267, 309 142, 151 OW 651,671 Stadler P, see Ortmann R Sokolova SV, see Kursanov Speer N, see Dalgarn 0 264, 144, 149,155 AL 12,67 308 Stadler P, see Paulsen H 124, Sokolova SV, see Turkina Spencer JFT, see Gorin PAJ 125, 156 MV 637, 641,675, 686, 198,211,277,315,475,510 Stadt man ER 14, 15, 16, 693, 694, 699 Spencer N 175, 191 73 Author Index 873

Staesche K 371, 382, 438, Stepanenko BN 455, 470 Stokes E, see MacLachlan 440, 460, 470 Stephanov AE, Shvets VI GA 234,326 Stafford HA 91, 92, 101 200,215 Stoll RD, see Lea CH 602, Stafford HA, Bliss M 91, 101 Stepka W, see Benson AA 612 Stahman MA, see Wu LC 352, 379 Stoll U 166, 191 105, 123 Steponkus PL, see Lineberger Stoller EW, see Mathiesen Stahmann MA, Abramson P, RD 268,326 RL 290,327 Wu LC 105, 122 Sterling C, see Wetzstein HY Stone BA, see Anderson RL Stanacev NZ, see Carter HE 263, 345, 718, 747 530, 559, 561, 567, 570 603, 607, 611 Steup M, Latzko E 717, 746 Stone BA, see Barras DR Stanek J, Cerny M, Kocourek Steup M, Peavey DG, Gibbs 495, 496, 508 J, Pacak J 158, 161,191 M 286,341,404,417 Stone BA, see Clarke AE Stanek J, Cerny M, Pacak J Steup M, Schiichtele C, 494,495,509, 515, 559, 567, 217, 271, 272, 277, 278, 288, Latzko E 260, 341 571 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, Steup M, see Peavey DG 282, Stone BA, see Fincher GB 297, 340, 351, 369, 382 284,286,332, 778, 791 517,530,561,562,567, Staneloni RJ, Tolmasky E, Pe­ Steveninck RFM van 686, 699 573 triella C, Ugalde RA, Leloir Steveninck RFM van, see Mit­ Stone BA, see Mares DJ 433, LF 264,341 telheuser CJ 113, 121 435,466 Stankovic ZS, see Heldt HW Steward FC, see Israel HW Stone BA, see McNamara 244, 246, 260, 284, 286, 318, 204,211 MK 517, 535, 536, 562, 399,403,404,415,717,725, Steward FC, see Pollard JK 567, 577 741,778, 789 197, 204, 214 Stone BA, see Woodward JR Stano J, see Psenak M 289, Steward FC, see Shantz EM 270, 289, 346 334 204, 214 Storey IDE, see Dutton GJ 4, Stark JR 483, 484, 513 Stewart CM, Higgins HG 62 Stark JR, see Archibald AR 484,513 Storm DL, Hassid WZ 385, 494, 495, 496, 508 Stewart CR, Beevers H 247, 393 Stark JR, see Manners DJ 341 Strack D, Reznik H 26, 74 490,492,494,495,511 Stewart GR, see Ahmad I Stransky H, see Beck E 126, Starlinger P, see W ostemeyer 165, 181, 182,187 152, 284, 303 J 229,346 Stewart MA, see Sherman Strasburger E 684, 699 Stathakos D, see Adair WL WR 200,214 Strauss T 238, 341 31, 55, 58 Steyn-Parve EP, see Boer P Street HE 266, 341 Staver MJ, Glick K, Baisted 107, 117 Street HE, Opik H 266, 341 DJ 20, 73, 618, 622, 630 Steyn-Parve EP, see Reuvers Street HE, see Copping LG Stead RH, DeMuelenaere F 110,122 234, 238, 308 HJH, Quicke GV 538,581 Stine CM, see Richmond ML Street HE, see Weston GD Steck TL 585, 600 280,335 238, 345 Steele SD 169, 184,191 Stinson EE, Dooley CJ, PW­ Streeter JG 270, 272, 273, Stegmann HB, Scheffler K, cell JM, Ard JS 197,215 281,341 Schuler P 89, 101 Stitt M, Bulpin PV, Rees T Streeter JG, Bosler ME 204, Steiger E, see Schulze E 431, ap 245,286,341,778, 779, 215,272,341 432,469 780, 792 Streitberger U, see Baron D Stein M, Willenbrink J 239, StittM,HeldtHW 242,286,341 138, 151 341, 691, 692, 699 Stitt M, Rees T ap 81, 101, Stremen J, see Zemek J 10, Stein MD, see Howard IK 242, 246, 249, 286, 341 25,76 538, 574 Stitt M, see Wirtz W 242, Strippoli V, Simonetti N 105, Stein WD 636, 675 255, 256, 346 122 Stein WD, see Kolber AR Stocking CR, Williams GR, Strippoli V, see Simonetti N 660,671 Ongun A 242,341 105, 122 Stein WH, see Ota S 547, 579 Stocking CR, see Bird IF Strmen J, see Zemek J 276, Steinhart C, Anderson L, 222, 229, 242, 304 347 Skoog F 204, 215 Stocking CR, see Gold MH Strobach DR, see Carter HE Stejksal EO, see Schaeffer J 503, 510 Ill, 118, 279, 306 253, 337 Stoeber FR, see Lagarde AE Strobel G, see Auriol P 293, Stenlid G 112,122 658,672 301 874 Author Index

Strobel GA, see MacDonald Sugimoto Y, see Fuwa H Sutaria PB, Magar NG 281, PW 404,416 721, 740 294, 341 Strogonov BP 269, 341 Sugimura T, see Shinshi H Sutcliffe JF, Baset QA 205, Strominger JL, Kalckar HM, 29, 54, 73 215 Axelrod J, Maxwell ES 4, Sugiura M, Yamaura H, Hi­ Sutcliffe JF, see Guardiola JL 44,74 rano K, Sasaki M, Mori­ 205,211,756, 788 Strominger JL, Mapson L W kawa M, Tsuboi M 94, 101 Sutter A, see Ortmann R 139, 5,44,48, 74 Sugiyama A, see Tomoda M 155 Strominger JL, Smith MS 23, 448,470 Sutton BG 780, 792 74 Sugiyama N, Shimahara H, Sutton WD, see Laing W A Strominger JL, see Gonzales­ Andoh T, Takemoto M 270,324 Porque P 43, 64, 140, 145, 293,341,457,470, 770, 792 Suzuki A, see Murachi T 547, 153 Sugiyama N, see Kaneta M 548,578 Strominger JL, see Mescher 298,321,322 Suzuki H 164, 191 MF 567,577 Sugiyama N, see Shimahara Suzuki H, see Katayama N Strominger JL, see Reissig JL H 454, 455, 457, 469 205, 211 104,121 Sugiyama T, see Murata T 9, Suzuki H, see Obata-Sasamoto Stromquist LH, see Hansen J 11,19,69,220,261,329, H 263, 331 266, 268, 316 330, 398, 409, 416, 717, 744 Suzuki H, see Shimahara H Strong FM, see Riggs NV Sugiyama T, see Shirahashi 454, 455, 457, 469 196, 214 K 249,339 Suzuki N, see Eguchi Y 145, Strosberg AD, see Baumann Suhadolnik RJ, see Cheung 152 C 569,570 CP 18, 60, 233, 266, 306 Suzuki N, see Okuda S 141, Strosberg AD, see Driessche E Suleiman AAA, Bacon J, 145, 155 van 569,572 Christie A, Lewis A, Lewis Suzuki S, see Eguchi Y 145, Strosberg AD, see Foriers A DH 271,341 152 569, 573 Suleiman AAA, Bacon J, Suzuki S, see Kimata K 145, Strother S, see Matheson NK Christie A, Lewis DH 171, 154 205,213 191 Suzuki S, see Okuda S 141, Struck DK, Lennarz WJ 237, Suleiman AAA, Lewis DH 145, 155 341 271,341 Suzuki S, see Perlin AS 507, Struzinsky R, see Kotyk A Sullivan PA, see Boonsaeng 512 656,672 V 173,188 Suzuki S, see Sasaki T 234, Stubbs J, Horwitz A, Moses Sum WF, Rogers PJ, Jenkins 337, 776, 792 V 662,675 ID, Guthrie RD 235, 236, Suzuki T, Onishi H 178, 191 Stumpf PK, see Ginsburg V 341 Suzuki T, see Hattori K 168, 5,8,9,11,64 Sumere CF van, Albrecht J, 189 Sturgess J, Moscarello M, Dedoner A, De Poster H, Suzuki Y, Ogiso K 90, 101 Schachter H 585, 600 Pi: I 518, 519,581 Suzuki Y, see Tadera K 92, Su CC, Hassid WZ 277, 341 Sumida S, Mudd JB 196, 215 101 Su JC, Hassid WZ 8,9, 10, Summerfield RJ, see Minchin Suzuki Y, see Yamasaki Y 38, 74 FR 270,328 283, 346 Su JC, Preiss J 225, 233, 341 Summerfield RJ, see Raws­ Svendsen AB, see Wickstmm Su JC, Wu JL, Yang CL 264, thorne S 238, 270, 335 A 350, 356, 383 341 Sumrell G, see Neucere NJ Svensson S, see Lonngren J Subramanian SS, Nagarajan 280,330 176, 190 S 134, 157 Sun SM, Hall TC 108, 122 Swahn CG, see Garegg PJ Subramanian SS, Nair AGR Sundararajan PR, Marches­ 173, 18~ 271, 27~ 278, 161, 162, 164, 191 sault RH, Quigley GJ, 313 Suchy V, see Psenak M 289, Sarko A 504, 513 Swain R, see Nordstrom CG 334 Sunderland N, Wells B 715, 134, 155 Suga T, see Aoki T 299, 301 746 Swain RR, Dekker EE 283, Sugawara S, see Masuda H Suomalainen H, see Grba S 341 234, 235, 237, 239, 327 275,315 Swallow AJ, see Lang EJ 89, Sugg JY, see Hehre EJ 3, 65 Surikow T 641,675 98 Sugii M, see Shantz EM 204, Suss J, see J iracek V 280, Swami nathan N, Eichholz A 214 321 642,675 Author Index 875

Swan B, see Bjorndal H 488, Arakawa M, Koide N, Mu­ Takaya T, see Fuwa H 721, 508 ramatsu T, Iwashita S, 740 Swank RT, Paigen K 592, Inoue Y, Kobata A 567, Takayama S, Misawa M 267, 600 582 342 Swanson CA, EI Shishiny Taiz L, Honigman W A 434, Takehana H, see Iwatsubo T EDH 686,699 470, 753, 792 235, 237, 238, 320 Swanson CA, see Christy AC Taiz L, Jones RL 434, 470, Takehana H, see Nakagawa 255, 307 753, 793 H 234, 330 Sweeley CC, see Laine RA Taiz L, see McNeil M 434, Takemoto M, see Sugiyama 104, 120 466, 753, 790 N 293,341,457,470, 770, Sweeley CC, see Scher M 26, Takabe T, Asami S, Akazawa 792 72 T 247,342 Takeuchi T, see Nakaoki T Sweet GB, Wareing PF 732, Takagi M, see Eguchi Y 145, 134, 155 746 152 Takeuchi Y, Komamine A, Synge RLM, see Jennings AC Takahara H, Matsuda K 498, Saito T, Watanabe K, Mori­ 518, 575 513 kawa N 289, 342 Syperda G, see Ervin EL 451, Takahashi E, see Matsumoto Takewaki S, Chiba S, Kimura 463 H 9, 68, 234, 327 A, Matsui H, Koike Y 280, Szabo G, see Zsindely A 196, Takahashi M, Shimomura T 342 216 283,342 Takhtajan A 357, 382 Szabolcs M, see Zsindely A Takahashi N 116, 122 Takimoto K, Saito K, Kasai 196, 216 Takahashi N, Goto Y, Shimo­ A 94, 102 Szaniszlo PJ, Wirsen C, Mit­ mura T 283, 342 Takiura K, Nakagawa I 280, chell R 506, 513 Takahashi N, Murachi T 548, 342 Szczyrbak CA, see Banks GT 549,582 Takiura K, Nakagawa J 362, 506,508 Takahashi N, Shimomura T, 382 Szczyrbak CA, see Dickerson Chiba S 283, 342 Takiura K, Yamamoto M, AG 505,509 Takahashi N, Yasuda Y, Ka­ Murata H, Hitoshi T, Szejt1i J, Henriques RD, Casti­ zuya M, Takashi M 548, Honda S, Yuki H 278, 342 meira M 438, 470 549,582 Talamo B, see Lennarz WJ Szmulewicz S, see Ganguly Takahashi N, see Ishihara H 602, 612 AK 143, 153 \08, 119, 535, 549, 567, 575 Talley EA, see Shaw R 221, Takahashi N, see Murachi T 222, 224, 234, 264, 338 Tabas I, Kornfeld S 239, 341, 547, 548, 578 Talmadge KW, see Keegstra 588,600 Takahashi N, see Yasuda Y K 517, 564, 567, 575 Tabas I, Schlesinger S, Korn­ 548,583 Tamas lA, Bidwell RGS 242, feld S 588, 600 Takahashi T, Liener IE 541, 342 Tabas I, see Kornfeld S 588, 582 Tamiya A, see Miyachi S 598 Takahashi T, Ramachandra­ 606, 612 Tabas I, see Li E 588, 599 murthy P, Liener IE 518, Tammes PML, see Eschrich Tabata S, Kiyosaki T, Tsuna­ 522, 540, 541, 582 W 265,311 mota R, Hizukuri S 499, Takahashi T, Yamashita H, Tamura S, see Ikegami S 299, 513 Kato E, Mitsumoto M, Mu­ 320 Tabone G 385, 393 rakama S 88, 102 Tamura S, see Kimura Y Tacina F 680, 683 Takahashi T, see Ishiguro M 626,629 Tadera K, Mitsuda H 92, 101 557, 575 Tanabe I, see Kobayashi T Tadera K, Suzuki Y, Kawai F, Takahashi T, see Murakawa 490, 511 Mitsuda H 92, 101 S 88,99 Tanaka G, see Matsuda H Tadokoro K, see Sasaki T Takahashi Y, see Kaneda M 277, 327 234,337 277,321 Tanaka K, Watanabe K, Tagar S, see Anthonsen T Takaki H, Ikeda M, Yamada Asada K, Kasai Z 199,215 171, 188 Y, Harada T 105, 113,122 Tanaka K, Yoshida T, Kasai Tagawa T, see Kikuta Y 81, Takaki M, Dietrich SMC Z 202,215 97 289,342 Tanaka K, see Asada K 202, Tagishita K, see Ohta N 134, Takao A 707, 746 208 155 Takashi M, see Takahashi N Tanaka K, see Ogawa M 199, Tai T, Yamashita K, Ogatu- 548, 549, 582 202, 213 876 Author Index

Tanaka Y, Akazawa T 409, Tanner W, see Komor E 637, Tempest OW, see Neijssel 417 639,641,647,648,649,650, OM 665,673 Tanaka Y, Uritani I 238, 342 651, 652, 654, 655, 656, 657, Terenzi H, see Tellez-loon Tandecarz J, Lavintman N, 658, 661, 665, 671 MT 500,501,513 Cardini CE 517, 582 Tanner W, see Lehle L 110, Terry N 691, 699 Tandecarz J, see Lavintman 120,196,212,364,377,381 Tetour M, see Schnarrenberger N 389, 392, 617, 622, 625, Tanner W, see Linden JC C 81,101 629 283,325 Tetscherova L, Pleskotova 0 Tanford C, see Nozaki Y Tanner W, see Marriott KM 288,342 525, 578 264, 327 Tew J, see Crespo HM 248, Tani Y, see Kawaguchi K 21, Tanner W, see Sharma CB 253, 261, 308 66 565, 567, 581 Thanbichler A 129, 131, 157 Tanida S, see Kawaguchi K Tansher B, see Schildknecht Thanbichler A, Beck E 132, 21,66 H 133,156 157 Taniguchi H, Nakamura M Taper CD, see Chong C 166, Thanbichler A, Gilck H, Beck 53, 74 167, 180, 185, 188 E 129, 157 Taniguchi H, Umemura Y, Taper CD, see Whetter JM Thanbichler A, see Gilck H Nakamura M 8,9,10,11, 166, 192 125, 153 53, 74 Tarentino A, see Trimble RB Thanbichler A, see Senser M Taniguchi H, see Maeda I 236,343 375, 382 284,326 Tarentino AL, Malley F 535, Thanh VH, Shibaski 553, Taniguchi H, see Otozai K 582 582 16,17,18,70 Tarentino AL, Plummer TH, Thanh VH, see Yamauchi F Tanner CB, see Gandar PW Maley F 567, 582 107, 108,123, 554, 583 734, 740 Tarrago JF, Nicolas G 755, Thapar N, see Singh MB 261, Tanner JW, see Daynard TB 793 339 706, 739 Tate ME, see Johnson FL Thatcher RW 712, 746 Tanner JW, see Johnson DR 199, 211 Thayer ML, see Eccleston 710, 711, 742 Tate ME, see Lim PE 195, ED 47,62 Tanner PW, see Hasilik A 198, 205, 212 Theander 0, see Assarson A 107, 119 Tavener RJA, see Eastwood 369,379 Tanner W 193,202,215,279, o 754,788 Theologis A, Laties GG 82, 342 Tayal MS, see Nanda KK 88, 102 Tanner W, Kandler 0 196, 99 Thiersault M, see Duperon P 215,364, 378, 382 Taylor DC, see Manners OJ 620,627 Tanner W, Komor E 661, 293, 326, 495, 496, 511 Thines 0, see Delhez J 650, 675 Taylor FJ 641,675 668 Tanner W, Lehle L, Kandler Taylor KJ, Chanzy H, Mar­ Thorn M, see Maretzki A 8, o 364, 369, 383 chessault RH 504, 513 21,22,68,266,327, 642, Tanner W, Seifarth H, Kand­ Taylor MP, see Robertson 657, 672, 689, 694, 698 ler 0 370, 383 JG 234, 238, 270, 335 Thoma JA, Spradlin JE, Dy­ Tanner W, see Babczinski P Teale FW, see Frost GM gert S 282, 342 236, 302 235,313 Thomas AC, see Beyers M Tanner W, see Bergner U Teas HJ, see Cameron JW 280, 304 595, 597 398, 414 Thomas DB, Winzler RJ 585, Tanner W, see Decker M Teather RM, Miiller-Hill B, 600 651, 652, 664, 668 Abrutsch U, Aichele G, Thomas EL, see Christensen Tanner W, see Fenzl F 659, Overath P 660, 662, 675 HN 661,668 669 Tejima S, see Ishihara H 108, Thompson AC, Henson RD, Tanner W, see HaaJ3 0 662, 119, 535, 549, 567,575 Gueldner RC, Hedin PA 663,669 Tekahashi K, see Watanabe 614, 630 Tanner W, see Hasilik A 236, T 295,345 Thompson CC, see Harris G 316, 567, 574 Tellez-Iiion MT, Terenzi H, 663,669 Tanner W, see Jung P 200, Torres HN 500, 501, Thompson CP, see Ettlinger 204, 207, 211 513 MG 91,96 Tanner W, see Komor B 661, Tellez-loon MT, Torres HN Thompson JE, see Lai YF 664,671 501, 513 30,67 Author Index 877

Thompson JE, see McKersie Tischer RG, see Moore BG Tomoda M, Kaneko S, Oh­ BD 622, 623, 624, 629 37, 69 mori C, Shiozaki T 452, Thompson JL, Jones JKN Tishel M, Mazelis M 775,793 470 422, 470 Tisue GT, see Sandermann H Tomoda M, Kimura S 453, Thompson RE, see Hayden Jr 137,156 470 DB 238,317 Titus DE, see Riezman H Tomoda M, Odaka C 452, Thomson J, see Greenwood 595, 600 470 CT 474, 476, 477, 510, 703, Tiwari KP, Choudhary RN Tomoda M, Satoh N 453, 470 740 615, 630 Tomoda M, Satoh N, Ohmori Thomson RH 387, 393 Tiwari SS, see Khare DP 300, C 452,470 Thomson WW, see Ongun A 322 Tomoda M, Satoh N, Su­ 603,612 Tkacz JS, see Onishi HR 107, giyama A 448, 470 Thorn JA, see Boothroyd B 121,236,237,331 Tomos AD, Northcote DH 277, 305 Tobin NG, see Giovanelli J 495, 513 Thorne GN, see Ford MA 94, 96 Tonder AJ van, see Beyers M 734, 740 Tobita FR, see Estep MF 280,304 Thorne GN, see Milford GFJ 252, 311 Toneguzzo F, Ghosh HP 587, 691, 698 Tocher CS, see Craigie JS 600 Thorne JH 266,342 164, 188, 189 Tonomura A, see Toyoshima Thorpe JR, see Baker DA Tocher RD, see Craigie JS S 517, 522, 529, 582 679, 680, 682 277, 308 Toppan A, Esquerre MJ, Thorpe TA 785, 793 Tochikura T, see Yamamoto Touze A 105,122 Thorpe TA, Meier DD 221, K 23, 75, 114,123 Toppan A, Esquern!-Tugaye 222, 232, 237, 264, 342, 785, Todaria NP, see Pandy OP MT, Touze A 272,342 793 267,332 Toppan A, see Esquerre-Tu­ Thorpe TA, Murashige T Todokoro K, see Sasaki T gaye MT 272,311 784, 793 776, 792 Toredsson H, see Robinson Thorpe TA, see Halmer P Tokunaga J, Bartnicki-Garcia EA 31, 72 429, 464, 764, 768, 788 S 505, 513 Torres HN, see Tellez-Iiion Threlkeld S, see Atallah AM Tolbert NE 247, 342 MT 500, 501, 513 620, 625, 626 Tolbert NE, see Schnarrenber- Torrey JG, see Earle ED 204, Throughton JH, see Minchin ger C 83, 101 210 PEH 255, 328 Tollenaar M, Daynard TB Torrey JG, see Goforth PL Thrower LB, see Chan YS 711, 713, 746 204, 211 272,306 Tollens B, see Schulze C 419, Torrey JG, see Loomis RS Thurman DA, see Jackson P 469 204,213 556, 575 Tolmasky E, see Staneloni RJ Tortora P, see Meussdoerffer Tichit M, see Kocourek J 264, 341 F 236, 328 170, 179, 186, 190 Tolochka VV, Gamburg KZ Tourn ML, see Lombard A Tidder E, see Selvendran RR 193, 204, 215 290,326 562, 581 Tomasic J, Jennings HJ, Glau- Tourneau D Ie, see Wang S­ Tietz A, see Kimura Y 626,629 de mans CPJ 444, 470 YC 178,192 Tilney-Bassett RAE, see Kirk Tomasic J, Jennings HJ, Touster 0 159,191 JTO 714,715, 742 Glaudmans CPJ 295,342 Touster 0, Shaw DRD 161, Timberlake JW, see Poretz Tomino S, Paigen K 593, 600 173, 191 RD 522, 579 Tomino S, see Lusis AJ 592, Touster 0, see Hankes LV Timm H, see Reeve RM 731, 599 170, 189, 203, 211 732, 745 Tomita T, Hasegawa R, Touster 0, see Schliselfeld Tin-Wa M, Farnsworth NR, Hayashi E 207,215 LH 29,73 Fong HHS, Blomster RN, Tomlinson JD, see Turner JF Touze A, see Esquern':-Tugaye Trojanek J, Abraham DJ, 251,343 MT 272,311 Persinos DJ, Dokosi OB Tomlinson RV, Ballou CE Touze A, see Toppan A 105, 614,630 198, 199,215 122 Tipton CL, see Carter HE Tomoda M, Kaneko S 452, Touze A, see Toppan A 272, 603, 611 470 342 Tischer RG, see Ankel H 37, Tomoda M, Kaneko S, Nakat- Tovey KC, Roberts RM 16, 58 suka S 452, 470 18, 19, 74 878 Author Index

Tovey KC, see Roberts RM Tsai CY, Salamini F, Nelson Turner JF, Turner DH 14, 274, 335 OE 222,229,261,343,407, 16, 74,217,220,251,258, Towers EHN, see Hutchinson 417, 707, 746 264, 343, 725, 746 A 385,392 Tsay JS, Kuo CG 221,222, Turner JF, Turner DH, Lee Towers GHN, Hutchinson A, 262,343 1B 724,746 Andrae W A 385, 393 Tscheche R, Wulff G 43, 74, Turner JF, see Copeland L Towers GHN, see White E 298,343 12,60, 221,307 271, 276, 345 Tschirch A 424, 456, 470 Turner JF, see Moore CJ 18, Towers GHN, see Brown SA Tserng K-Y, see Lin J-Y 557, 69, 398, 407, 416 387, 391 576 Turner JF, see Robertson Toyoshima S, Akiyama Y, Tsuboi KK, Fukunaga K, Pe­ RN 709,745 Nakano K, Tonomura A, tricciani JC 16,17,18,19, Turner JF, see Turner DH Osawa T 517, 529, 582 74 16, 74 Toyoshima S, Fukunda M, Tsuboi M, see Sugiura M 94, Turnquist RL, Hanson RG Osawa T 540, 582 101 17,18,19,74 Toyoshima S, Osawa T, Tono­ Tsuchiya T, see Ueno Y 197, Turvey JR 289, 292, 294, 343, mura A 522, 582 215 475, 514 Tracey MV 103, 105, 106, Tsugita A, Akabori S 107, Turvey JR, Simpson PR 477, 107, 117, 122 122 514 Trebst A, see Simon H 247, Tsunamoto R, see Tabata S Turvey JR, Williams EL 488, 339 499, 513 489, 514 Trench RK 242, 243, 281, Tsuno Y, Fujise K 735, 746 Turvey JR, see Peat S 476, 342 Tully RE, Hanson AD 268, 506,512 Trench RK, Boyle JE, Smith 343 Tyski S, see Wojciechowski DC 243,342 Tung C-C, see Lin J-Y 557, ZA 613,617,618,625,631 Trench RK, Pool RR, Logan 576 Tyurina SS, see Datunashvili M, Engelland A 281,342 Tung KK, Rosenthal A, EN 782,787 Trevelyan WE, Harrison JS Nordin JH 504, 513 Tzagoloff, Macino 594, 600 497, 513 Tung T-C, see Lin J-Y 557, Trikojus VM, see Hackman 576 Uchiyama T, see Hehre EJ RH 168,169,170,189 Tupy J 234, 343 296,317 Trimble RB, Maley F 236, Turian G, Bianchi DE 499, Uda F, see Eguchi Y 145, 343, 567, 568, 582 514 152 Trimble RB, Maley F, Taren­ Turkina MV, Sokolova SV Uden N van, see Vidal-Leiria tino A 236, 343 637,641,675,686, 693, 694, M 203,215 Trimble RB, Maley F, Wato­ 699 Uebel mann G 289, 343, 426, rek W 236, 343 Turkina MV, see Kursanov 470, 637, 663, 675 Trimble RB, see Brown JA AL 12,67 Ueda K, see Hayaishi 0 54, 569, 571 Turkina MW, see Pavlinova 65 Trimble RB, see Chu FK OA 276,332 Ueng ST-H, Hartanowicz P, 236, 307, 569, 571 Turner DH, Turner JF 16, 74 Lewandoski C, Keller J, Trip P, Nelson CD, Krotkov Turner DH, see Turner JF Holick M, McGuinness ET G 165,177,191,372,383 14, 16, 74,217,220,251, 178,180,191,192 Trivelloni JC, Recondo E, 258, 264, 343, 724, 725, 746 Ueng ST-H, McGuinness ET Cardini CE 385, 393 Turner OM, see Buchanan 179,191 Trojanek J, see Tin-Wa M JE 231, 232, 305 Ueno Y, Hasegawa A, Tsu­ 614, 630 Turner JE, see Boundy JA chiya T 197,215 Trotta A, see Bellando M 517,530,567,570 Ueno Y, see Kato K 290, 651, 667 Turner JF 16, 18, 74,220, 322, 453, 465 Troughton JH, see Chris teller 262,343, 398,407,417, 702, Ugalde RA, see Staneloni RJ 1T 252,307 703, 712, 728, 746 264, 341 Troughton TH, Card KA, Turner JF, Chensu QJ, Harri­ Ulaszewski S, Woodward JR, Hendy CH 252, 342 son DO 12,74 Cirillo VP 207, 215 Tsai CY 225, 228, 229, 343 Turner JF, Harrison DO, Co­ Ullrich K, see Figura K von Tsai CY, Nelson OE 261, peland L 12, 74, 221, 343 592,598 343, 398, 417, 701, 702, 728, Turner JF, Tomlinson JD, Ullrich-Eberius CI, Novacky 746 Caldwell RA 251, 343 A, Luttge U 637,641,675 Author Index 879

Ullrich-Eberius CI, see No­ Valle BF, see Riordan JF Veierskov B, Hansen J, Ander­ vacky A 648, 673 519,580 sen AS 268, 344 Ulrich A 691, 699 Valpuesta V, see Sarmiento R Veith GM, see Outlaw WH Umemura Y, Nakamura M, 337 254,332 Funahashi S 10, 53, 74, Van Die J, see Eschrich W Venis MA, see Batt S 623, 368, 383, 439, 470 265, 311 627 Umemura Y, see Hou CT Van Eys J, see Schliselfeld Venkataraman R, Reithel FJ 616,617,618,619,620,625, LH 29,73 281, 294, 344 628 Van Handel E, Haeger JS, Venkataraman R, see Reithel Umemura Y, see Taniguchi Hansen CW 682, 683 FJ 294, 335 H 8,9,10, 11,53,74 Van LV, see Gregoire J 8,9, Venketeswaran S, see Hem­ Umezawa H 141, 142, 143, 10, 11,65 phill JK 89, 97 144, 157 Van Poucke M, see Moller J Veno Y, Ishiguro K, Yamada Unrau AM, Nylund RE 704, 90,99 M, Abe M, Kato K 356, 746 Varboncouer E, see Conrad 383 Unrau AM, see Goldstein IJ HE 233,307 Venter J 779, 793 482, 483, 510 Varki A, Kornfeld S 237, Veres K, see Kotyk A 638, Unrau AM, see Morimoto 239, 343 672 JY 423,467 Varner JE, Balce LV, Huang Verkleij AJ, see De Kruyff B Unrau AM, see Smith F 481, RC 757, 758, 761, 793 624,627 513 Varner JE, Flint D, Mitra R Verma DC, Dougall DK 85, Unterman M, see Amir J 751, 793 102,204,206,207,215,267, 263, 301 Varner JE, Schildlovsky G 344 Uon N van, see Wojciechow­ 552, 582 Vessal M, Hassid WZ 112, ski ZA 622, 631 Varner JE, see Chen SSC 113, 122 Uppal D, see Bhatia IS 9, 59, 267, 279, 287, 306 Viana AM, see Metivier J 222, 304 Varner JE, see Chrispeels MJ 268,328 Uram M 44,74 750, 787 Viard-Gaudin C, see Guiraud Uram M, Bowser AM, Fein­ Varner JE, see Filner P 750, JP 236,315 gold DS, Lamy F 44, 74 788 Vidal AJ, see Del Rosario Urbas B 198,215,278,343 Varner JE, see Ho DT-H AR 711,739 Uritani I, see Matsushita K 750, 789 Vidal-Leiria M 203,215 234, 235, 238, 240, 327, Varner JE, see Juliano BO Vidal-Leiria M, Uden N van 328 726, 742, 755, 756, 789 203, 215 Uritani I, see Muto S 80, 99 Varner JE, see Yomo H 427, Vidra JD, Loerch JD 16, 18, Uritani I, see Shannon LM 471, 758, 759, 761, 793 74 92,101 Varshney JP, see Farooq MO Vieira Da Silva J, see Hubac Uritani I, see Tanaka Y 238, 134, 153 C 268, 319 342 Varus JL, see Shaw R 221, Vieweg GH 221,222,225, Usuda H, Arron GP, Edwards 222, 224, 234, 264, 338 237, 344, 690, 699 GE 248,343 Vasiliev AE 677, 683 Vieweg GH, Fekete MAR de Usuda H, Edwards GE 229, Vasiljeva TE, see Bakhaeva 779, 780, 793 242, 247, 248, 343 GP 142, 151 Vieweg GH, see Fekete MAR Uyeda K, Furuya E, Luby LJ Vasina IV, see Bakhaeva GP de 222,229,238,258,312, 252,343 142, 151 724, 725, 740, 756, 788 Uyeda K, see Furuya E 252, Vaskovsky VE, see Ovodova Villa TG, see Sanchez A 236, 313 RG 135, 155 337 Uzo JO, see Osisiogu IUW Vasseur E 37, 74 Villanueva JR, see Sanchez A 704, 744 Vattuone MA, Prado FE, 236, 337 Sampietro AR 234, 343 Villareal RM, see Perez CM Vadhera S, see Singh R 340 Vattuone MA, see Fleischma­ 18, 71, 222, 261,333,690, Valent BS, Darvill AG, cherOL 274,312 698, 728, 744 McNeill M, Robertson BK, Vattuone MA, see Sampietro Villaroya H, Petek F 293, 344 Albersheim P 521,582 AR 234, 235, 337 Villereal ML, Cook JS 659, Valkovich G, see Forsee WT Vaughan D, MacDonald IR 675 110,119,618,619,620,625, 238, 343, 344, 551, 582, 690, Vittorio PV, Krotkov G, Reed 628 699 GB 220,344 880 Author Index

Vittum MT, see Lee CY 217, Wagner GJ, Siegelman HW 243, 244, 247, 258, 344, 717, 280,324 594,600 746 Vliegenthart JFG, see Dorland Wagner GJ, see Butcher H Walker DA, Herold A 243, L 297, 309 239,305 244, 245, 260, 344 Vliet HHDM van, see Mudd Wagner GJ, see Lin W 651, Walker DA, Robinson SP JB 604,612,616,629 672, 693, 698 245, 252, 258, 259, 344 Vlodawsky L, Harel E, Mayer Wagner H 298,344 Walker DA, see Giersch C AM 756,793 Wagner H, Demuth G 134, 221,222,242,243,244,255, Vogel R, see Kremer BP 278, 157 256, 314 323 Wagner H, Kirmayer W 134, Walker DA, see Harbron S Vogel SL, Frisch HL, Gotham 157 229, 233, 316 IJ 282,344 Wagner H, Pohl P, Munging Walker DA, see Heber U Vogel T, Schleiden MJ 419, A 609,612 243, 317 429,470 Wagner I, Hoffmann H, Hoff­ Walker DA, see Heldt HW Volkmann D, see Schneider mann-Ostenhof 0 196,215 244, 246, 260, 284, 286, 318, EM 246,338 Wagner I, see Hoffmann H 399,403,404,415,717,725, Vollmer CM, see Lott JNA 196,211 741,778, 789 199, 213 Wagoner JA, see Mussulman Walker DA, see Herold A Vongerichten E 132,157 WC 721,722, 744 252, 318, 405, 415, 732, 741 Voss B, see Figura K von Wahl HP, Matern U, Grise­ Walker DA, see Leegood RC 592,598 bach H 149,157 251,325 Vouk V, see Grafe V 436,464 Waidyantha VP deS, Keys AJ, Walker DA, see Robinson SP Vries AL de, Komatsu SK, Wittingham CP 247,344 242,243,247,251,255,256, Feeney RE 567, 582 Wain WH, Brayton R, Caw­ 335,336 Vries GE de, Intveld P, Kijne son RA 105,123 Walker DA, see Shen-Hwa C­ JW 271,344 Wainwright T, see Bamforth S 404, 405, 417 Vries H de 459, 470 CW 434,462 Walker DL, Fraser-Reid B Vries OMH de, Wessels JGH Wainwright T, see Forrest IS 124, 143,157 117, 123 434,463 Walker DL, see Pezzanite JO Vyark EY, Keerberg OF, Waisel Y, see Beer S 254, 143, 156 Keerberg KI, Pyarnik K 270,303 Walker HG, see Rorem ES 248, 268, 344 Waisel Y, see Shomer-Ilan A 222, 229, 233, 336 Vyas KM, see Mehta P 280, 249, 339 Walker JE, see Wallner SJ 281,328 Waiss AC Jr, see Dreyer DL 782, 793 Vydeeswaran S, see Seshadri 204, 210 Walker JT, see Merritt NR TR 134,157 Waite R, Boyd J 450, 470 718, 743 Vysotskaya NN, see Limberger Wakabayashi K, see Kanda Walker KA 205,215 GE 783,790 T 292,321 Walker NA, Smith FA 651, Wakiuchi N, see Matsumoto 675 Wachtmeister CA, see Lind­ H 9,68 Walker NA, see Smith FA berg B 170, 171, 172, 190, Waksman N, Lederkremer 254,340 506,511 RM de, Cerezo S 501,514 Walker RR, see Hawker JS Wada S, Pallansch MJ, Liener Walcott J, see Moorby J 262, 222, 236, 264, 267, 317 IE 538, 539, 582 329, 734, 743 Walker TE, see Kollman VH Wade M, see West C 237, Walder WO, see Hirst EL 277, 278, 323 345 432,464 Wall JS, see Boundy JA 517, Wade NL, see McGlasson Waldhauser J, Komor E 665, 530, 567, 570 WB 782,790 675 Wallaart RAM 161, 162, 165, Wadman WH, see Hough L Waldhauser J, see Komor E 192 492,510 671 Wallace JW, Grisebach H Waechter CJ, Lennarz WJ Waldschmidt-Leitz K, Keller 390,393 109, 123, 564, 582 L 557,582 Wallace JW, Mabry TJ, Al­ Wagner CJ 239, 256, 344 Wali Y A, Hassan YM 280, ston RE 393 Wagner G, Loewus F 92,93, 344 Wallenfels K, Lehmann J 102 Walker D, see Harbron S 280,344 Wagner G, Yang JC, Loewus 221,230,231,251,252,316 Wallis ME, Bradbeer JW 8, FA 92, 93, 102 Walker DA 89, 102, 241, 242, 9,74 Author Index 881

Wallner SJ, Walker JE 782, Wareing PF, Phillips IDJ Webb JA, Gorham PR 372, 793 266,344 383 Wallner SJ, see Gross KC Wareing PF, see Sweet GB Webb JA, Pathak S 364, 383 289,315, 781, 788 732, 746 Webb KL, Burley JWA 167, Walls grove RM, Keys AJ, Wassarman PM, Majors JP 192, 687, 699 Bird IF, Cornelius MJ, Lea 47,75 Webber JM, see Brimacombe PJ, Miflin BJ 247, 344 Wassink EC 777, 793 JS 161,168,169,170,171, Walsh KA, see Kuhn RW Watanabe K, see Takeuchi Y 174, 175, 188 524, 567, 576 289,342 Weber E, see Carter HE 608, Walter MW, see Pridham JB Watanabe K, see Tanaka K 611 228,334 199,215 Weber H 436, 470 Walters J, see Musgrave A Watanabe T, Motomura Y, Weber H, see Komor E 639, 615, 623, 629 Aso K 280, 345 661, 671 Walti A 549, 582 Watanabe T, Tekahashi K, Weber M, Wi:iber G 493, Walti A, see Englund PT 524, Matsuda K 295, 345 514 549, 550, 572 Watanabe T, see Ikawa T Weber-Moister CC, see Wander JD, see Williams NR 179,189 Schmidt OT 125,156 298,345 Watanabe T, see Yamagishi Webster DE, Chang SB 604, Wang D 9,75 T 35, 75 612 Wang D, Waygood ER 247, Waters M, see Harris 11 47,65 Wee TG, Davis J, Frey PA 344 Watorek W, see Trimble RB 31, 75 Wang FFC, Hirs CHW 569, 236,343 Wee TG, Frey PA 31, 75 582 Watson DJ 732, 747 Wegmann K 270, 345 Wang JL, Becker JW, Reeke Watson GB, see Williams JP Wegmann K, Ben Amotz A, GN, Edelman GM 545, 604, 612 Avron M 270,345 582 Watson L, see Pettigrew CJ Wegmann K, see Frank G Wang JL, Cunningham BA, 430,467 270,312 Waxdal MJ, Edelman GM Watson PR, see Wolf IA 412, Wegmann K, see Miiller W 568, 582 417 230, 270, 329 Wang JL, see Cunningham Watson R, Fowler MW 264, Wegner H von, Koepf H 735, BA 568,571 345 747 Wang MC, Bartnicki-Garcia Watson RR, Kindel PK 139, Wehrli E, Boehm C, Fuhr­ SR 505,514 157 mann GF 661, 675 Wang SF, Gabriel 0 40,41, Watson RR, Orenstein NS Weigel H 175, 192 75 133, 134, 139,157 Weinburg R, see Chien SF Wang S-YC, Tourneau D Ie Watson RR, see Kindel PK 116,118 178, 192 8, 10, 67, 137, 154 Weingarten M, see Chen A Wang YY, see Yamamoto Watt WB, see Jennings AC 46,60 HH 89,102 518,575 Weir EM, see Riezman H Wankhede DB, Saroja R, Rao Watt WB, see Pusztai A 108, 595,600 MR 749,761, 793 121, 517, 518, 526, 530, 555, Weir R, see Munns R 268, Wanner H 371, 383 560, 564, 580 329 Wardlaw IF 218,255,344, Wattiez N, Hans M 350, 358, Weisman RA, see Rudick VL 733, 734, 735, 746, 747 383 19, 72 Wardlaw IF, Marshall C 268, Waung YL, see Gussin AES Weissenbi:ick G, see Popovici 344 274, 315 G 26,71 Wardlaw IF, Moncur L 731, Waxdal MJ 529,582 Welinder KG 551, 568,583 747 Waxdal MJ, see Cunningham Welinder KG, Mazza G 550, Wardlaw IF, see Chowdhury BA 568,571 583 SI 734, 739 Waxdal MJ, see Wang JL Welinder KG, Smillie LB Wardlaw IF, see Evans LT 568,582 550,583 709, 739 Waygood ER, see Wang D Well mann E, Baron D, Grise­ Wardlaw IF, see Sofield I 247, 344 bach H 138, 157 706, 709, 710, 711, 712, 732, Weaver ML, see Reeve RM Well mann E, Grisebach H 733, 746 712,731, 732, 745 138,157 Wardzala LJ, Cushman SW, Webb G, see Gordon AJ 245, Wells B, see Sunderland N Salans LB 662, 675 314 715, 746 882 Author Index

Wells WW, Chao-Hen K, Whelan WJ, see Peat S 481, Dizet P, Archambault A Naccarato WF 202, 216 482, 506, 507, 512 350, 357, 383 Wells WW, Eisenberg F Jr Whetter JM, Taper CD 166, Wickstrom A, Svendsen AB 193, 216 192 350, 356, 383 Wells WW, see Naccarato Whipps JM, Cooke RC 272, Wickstrom A, see Archam­ WF 200,213 345 bault A 350, 357, 379 Wender SH, see Hoover JD Whish WJD, see Whitby AJ Wickstrom A, see Haaland E 84,97 54,75 770,788 Wenger R, see Bacon CW Whistler RL, Wolfrom ML Wickstrom A, see Somme R 260,302 175, 192, 352, 383 356, 382 Went FW, see Robertson RN Whistler RL, Young JR 725, Widdas WF, see Baker SF 734, 745 747 661, 667 Wenzler HF, see McClendon Whistler RL, see Dvonch W Wiebe HH 459, 471 JH 428, 466, 763, 790 412, 414 Wiecko J, see Sherman WR Werdan K, see Fliege R 717, Whitaker JR, see EI-Gharbawi 200,214 740 M 547,572 Wieczorek J 129, 132, 157 Wergin WP, Elmore CD, Whitaker JR, see Feinstein G Wieczorek J, see Beck E 132, Hanny BW, Ingber BF 547, 572 152 678,683 Whitaker JR, see Krammer Wiemken A, see Matile Ph Wessels JGH, see Vries OMH DE 550,576 692,698 de 117, 123 Whitaker JR, see Williams Wieneke J 687, 699 West C, Wade M, McMillan DC 550,583 Wietschel G, Reznik H 298, C, Albersheim P 237, 345 Whitby AJ, Whish WJD 54, 299,345 West IC, Mitchel P 646, 648, 75 Wtght NJ, see Gould SEB 649,675 Whitby AJ, Wish WJD 54, 431, 432, 458, 464 Westermark V, Eriksson KE 75 Wightman F, see Pomeroy 293,345 White CA, Corran PH, Ken­ MK 783,791 Weston EW, see Flood AE nedy JF 233, 345 Wild GM, French D 360, 383 234, 312 White E, Towers GHN 271, Wild GM, see French D 291, Weston EW, see Rutherford 276,345 313 PP 772,792 White JW 280, 345 Wiley PF, Duchamp DJ, Weston GD 266,345 White ML, Secor GE 356, Hsiung V, Chidester CG Weston GD, Street HE 238, 383 141,157 345 White RC, Barber GA 55, 75 Wiley PF, MacKellar FA, Ca­ Weston GD, see Chin CK White RH, Miller SL 198, ron EL, Kelly RB 141,157 221,225,230,266,274,307 216 Wiley WR, see Schneider RP Wetzstein HY, Sterling C Whitesell JH, Humphreys TE 638, 640, 654, 657, 663, 674 263, 345, 718, 747 637, 642, 675 Wilkie KCB 292, 345 Whalley HCS 350, 360, 383 Whitmore FW 92, 102 Wilkinson lA, see Bebbington Whatley JM 715, 747 Whittingham CP, Keys AJ, A 491,508 Wheatley JM, see Matheson BirdIF 717,747 Wilkinson lA, see Bourne EJ NK 705, 743, 778, 790 Whittingham CP, see Bird IF 490,509 Wheeler A W 733, 747 229, 242, 247, 304 Wille F 435, 441, 457, 471 Whelan T, Sackett WM, Bene­ Whittingham CP, see Lee RB Willenbrink J, Doll S 239, dict CR 252, 345 269, 324 257, 345, 637, 642, 676, 693, Whelan WJ 413,417, 701, Wholey DW, Booth RH 704, 699 725, 730, 747 706, 708, 712, 747 Willenbrink J, see Doll S 239, Whelan WJ, see Abdullah M Whyborn AG, see Bailey JL 257,309,651,668,692,693, 297, 300 603, 611 696 Whelan WJ, see Borovsky D Whyte JNC 477, 514 Willenbrink J, see Heber U 411,412,413,473,508 Wickberg B 277, 345 242,317 Whelan WJ, see Drummond Wick berg B, see Lindberg B Willenbrink J, see Kremer BP GS 411,414 271, 325 177, 190 Whelan WJ, see Gunja-Smith Wicklin C, see Roberts RM Willen brink J, see Stein M Z 413, 415, 473, 474, 510 8,10,21,23,72,112,113, 239,341, 691, 692, 699 Whelan WJ, see Hobson PN 122 Williams D, see Schachter A 397,415 Wickstrom A, Courtois JE, Le 588, 600 Author Index 883

Williams DC, Whitaker JR Wilson D, see Schlesinger Wirsen C, see Szaniszlo PJ 550,583 DH 31,34, 73 506,513 Williams DH, see Morris HR Wilson DB, Hogness DS 13, Wirth E, see Winkler FJ 253, 521, 578 31, 35, 50, 75 346 Williams DT, Jones JKN Wilson DB, see Schell MA Wirth FP, see Wood RE 636, 135,157 13,72 637,676 Williams EL, see Turvey JR Wilson G, Rose SP, Fox RF Wirtz W, Stitt M, Heldt V 488, 489, 514 664,676 242, 255, 256, 346 Williams GR, see Stocking Wilson G, see Bathgate GN Wish WJD, see Whitby AJ CR 242,341 433,462 54,75 Williams JM, Duffus CM Wilson G, see Manners DJ Witlage JM, see Penning De 262, 345, 720, 747 434,466 Vries FWT 268, 333 Williams JP, Simpson EE, Wilson HF, see Israel HW Wittenberger CL, see Martin Chapman DJ 250, 264, 345 204,211 ST DJ 232, 327 Williams JP, Watson GB, Wilson LA 706, 747 Wittingham CP, see Kumara­ Leung SPK 604,612 Wilson LA, Lowe SB 708, singhe KS 248, 324 Williams LE, Kennedy RA 747 Wittingham CP, see Miflin 248, 253, 345 Wilson MT, see AI-Ayash AI BJ 243, 247, 328 Williams M, Loewus FA 93, 89,95 Wittingham CP, see Waidy­ 102 Wilson TH, Kusch M 658, antha VP deS 247, 344 Williams M, Saito K, Loewus 676 Wittkop J, see Preiss J 401, FA 93, 102, 345 Wilson TH, see Flagg JL 652, 402, 403, 404, 405, 407, Williams MW, Raese JT 167, 669 417 183, 192 Wilson TH, see Kusch M Waber G, see Kombrink E Williams MW, see Raese JT 665,672 270,323 167, 183, 191 Wilson TH, see Robbie jp Wober G, see Norrman J Williams NR, Wander JD 654,674 477, 498, 512 298,345 Wilson TH, see Winkler HH Waber G, see Weber M 493, Williams NR, see Bruton JS 655, 658, 676 514 125,152 Wimmer MJ, Rose IW 20, 75 Wojciechowski ZA 619,620, Williams NR, see Ezekiel AD Wimmer P, see Winkler FJ 623, 630, 631 131, 153 253,346 Wojciechowski ZA, Von N Williams NR, see Overend G Winer FB, see Wong SS 33, van 622,631 125,155 75 Wojciechowski ZA, Zimowski Williams RF, see Evans LT Winkenbach F, Matile P 240, J 614,617,619,631 731, 739 346 Wojciechowski ZA, Zimowski Williams SG 196,216 Winkler FJ, Wirth E, Latzko J, Tyski S 613,617,618, Williams W, see Brocklehurst E, Schmidt HL, Hoppe W, 625, 631 PA 733, 735, 738 Wimmer P 253, 346 Wojciechowski ZA, Zimowski Williams WP, see Quinn PJ Winkler HH 658, 676 J, Zielenska M 620, 624, 277,334 Winkler HH, Wilson TH 655, 631 Williamson FA 594, 600 658,676 Wojciechowski ZA, Zimowski Williamson IR, see Aspinall Winner WE, see Bewley JD J, Zimowski JG, Lyznik A GO 420,461 268,304 618, 631 Williamson WRN, see Evans Winterburn PJ, Phelps CF Wojciechowski ZA, see Kali­ WH 389,391 569,583 nowska M 621, 629 Willmer CM, Firth P 252, Wintermans JFGM 603,606, Wojciechowski ZA, see Ler­ 345 612 cher M 622, 629 Willsky GR 650, 651, 676 Wintermans JFGM, see Be­ Wold JK, Hillestad A 115, Willuhn G, see Kastens J souw A van 264, 304 123 614, 629 Winterstein E 430, 471 Wold JK, see Anderson S Wilson AT, see Buchanan JG Winton AL, Winton KB 718, 530, 560, 570 4, 14, 16, 60 747 Wold JK, see Hillestad A Wilson AT, see Cowan DA Winton KB, see Winton AL 530, 560, 574 271,308 718, 747 Wolf DD, Ellmore TL 438, Wilson CM, see Siminovitch Winzler RJ, see Thomas DB 471 D 783,792 585,600 Wolf G, see Lerch B 29, 68 884 Author Index

Wolf lA, Hofreiter BT, Wat­ Wong Y-H, see Mauck LA Wright R, see Harvey CL 29, son PR, Deatherage WL, 201, 213 65 Masters MM 412, 417 Wong YS, MacLachlan GA Wright SW, see Grant BR Wolf R, see Fekete MAG de 292,346 242, 315 681,683 Wood G, see Pezzanite 10 Wriston lC, see Reinhold VN Wolf WF, see Nash AM 518, 143, 156 524, 580 578 Wood HN, see Braun AC Wrosland RE, Bulbertson lD, Wolf Wl 553,583 204, 209 Nagaki DA, Madero CF Wolf Wl, Briggs DR 518, Wood lA, see Meeuse B1D 280, 346 552,583 477,512 Wu HC-H, Sarko A 412, Wolf Wl, Sly DA 553,583 Wood L, see Glaser L 32,64 417 Wolf Wl, see Nash AM 518, Wood Pl, see Fulcher RG Wu lL, see Su lC 264, 341 519, 578 434, 464 Wu LC, Stahman MA 105, Wolfrom ML, Laver ML, Pa­ Wood Pl, see Siddiqui IR 123 tin DL 421,471 277,339 Wu LC, see Stahmann MA Wolfrom ML, Patin DL 421, Wood RE, Wirth FP, Morgan 105,122 471 HE 636, 637, 676 Wu Y-C, see Montgomery R Wolfrom ML, see Shafizadeh Wood TM, McCrae SI 292,346 567,578 F 353,382 Woodrow IE, see Harbron S Wulff G, see Tscheche R 43, Wolfrom ML, see Whistler 229, 233, 316 74, 298, 343 RL 175, 192, 352, 383 Woodward FN, see Black Wunsch P, see Schweizer TF Wolosiuk RA, Buchanan BB WAP 484,508 197, 202, 214, 278, 338 91, 102 Woodward lR, Keane Pl, Wyse R 641,676,691,694, Wolosiuk RA, Crawford NA, Stone BA 270, 289, 346 699 Yee BC, Buchanan BB Woodward lR, see Ulaszewski Wyse RE 222, 238, 239, 266, 244, 245, 251, 346 S 207,215 346 Wolosiuk RA, Nishizawa AN, Wool house HW, see Priestly Wyse RE, see Saftner RA Buchanan BB 91, 102 DA 264,334 239,336 Wolosiuk RA, Pontis HG Wort Dl, see Singh B 16, 73 222, 228, 229, 346 Worth HG1, see Pridham JB Vagi A, Makino K, Nishioka Wolosiuk RA, see Buchanan 228,334 I, Kuchino Y 452, 471 BB 91,95,96 Wostemeyer 1, Behrens U, Vagi T, see Shibuya I 606, Wolosiuk RA, see Pontis HG Merckelbach A, Muller M, 612 222, 224, 228, 333 Starlinger P 229, 346 Yamada 1, see Shiomi N 241, Woloszczuk W, Hoffmann­ Woude Wl van der, Lembi 297, 338, 339 Ostenhof 0 201,216 CA, Morre Dl, Kindinger Yamada K, see Kotera U 93, Wolter K, see Anderson L n, Ordin L 265,346,616, 98 193,208 621, 630 Yamada KM, see Olden K Wolter K, see lung P 200, Woychik lH, see Boundy lA 661, 662, 673 204, 207, 211 517, 530, 567, 570 Yamada M, see Nakamura Y Wolter KE, Murmanis L 200, Woyskovski NM, see Cabib 81,99 216 E 27,60 Yamada M, see Veno Y 356, Wolter KE, Skoog F 204, 216 Wray lL, Bryce RE 238, 346 383 Wong SS, Cassim lY, Frey Wright A, see Archibald AR Yamada Y, see Nishida K PA 31, 75 473, 474, 492, 508 267,330 Wong SS, Frey PA 33, 56, Wright A, see Manners Dl Yamada Y, see Sato F 249, 75 473, 476, 511 337 Wong SS, Huang Y-H, Frey Wright Al, see Fishwick Ml Yamada Y, see Takaki H PA 33, 75 616,628,716, 740 105, 113,122 Wong SS, Huang Y-H, Winer Wright BW, see Rees T ap Yamagishi T, Matsuda K, FB, Frey PA 33, 75 782, 783, 786 Watanabe T 35, 75 Wong THH, see Benedict CR Wright D, see Brown SA 387, Yamagishi T, see Yamauchi 254,304 391 F 554, 567, 583 Wong WWL, Benedict CR, Wright Dl, see Derbyshire E Yamaguchi H, Ikenaba T, Kohel Rl 252, 346 518, 556,572 Matsushima Y 567, 583 Wong WWL, see Benedict Wright K, Northcote DH Yamaguchi H, Kanda Y, CR 254,304 264, 266, 267, 346 Iwata K 498, 514 Author Index 885

Yamaguchi M, Kainuma K, Yaphe W, Arsenault GP 351, Young NM, see Howard IK French D 721, 722, 747 383 538, 574 Yamaguchi T, Ikawa T, Nisi­ Yariv J, Lis H, Katchalski E Young RE 12, 75 zawa K 177, 192, 485, 514 559,583 Young RE, Salminen S, Sorns­ Yamaguchi Y, see Kato K Yartseva IV, see Bakhaeva rivichai P 781, 793 453,465 GP 142, 151 Young RE, see Awad M 782, Yamaha T, Cardini CE 385, Yasuda Y, Takahashi N, Mu­ 786 389, 393 rachi T 548, 583 Younquist RW, see French D Yamaha T, see Cardini CE Yasuda Y, see Murachi T 358, 380 385, 391 547, 578 Yuan DHF, see Gustine DL YamakiS 179,192 Yasuda Y, see Takahashi N 138, 153 Yamaki S, Kajiura I, Omura 548, 549, 582 Yudis MD, see Cooper DJ M, Matsuda K 167,192 Yasui M, see Murachi T 547, 141, 152 Yamamoto HH, Kamite L, 578 Yudkin J 219,346 Wang YY 89, 102 Yasui T 202,216,279,346 Yuki H, see Takiura K 278, Yamamoto HY, Chang JL, Yazdi-Samadi B, Rinne RW, 342 Aihara MS 89, 102 Seif RD 703, 712, 747 Yung S-G, Preiss J 407, 417 Yamamoto K, Kawai H, Mo­ Vee BC, see Wolosiuk RA riguchi M, Tochikura T 23, 244, 245, 251, 346 Zabkiewicz JA, see Cranswick 75, 114, 123 Yeh Y, see Feeney RE 567, AM 197,209 Yamamoto M, see Takiura K 572 Zahradnik R, see Hobza P 278,342 Yelenosky G, Gay CL 268, 92,97 Yamamoto R, Nevins DJ 346 Zaitseva GN, see Pakhomova 292,346 Yemm EW, see Spragg SP MV 8,9,10,11,70 Yamamoto R, see Nevins DJ 760, 792 Zala CA, Kahlenberg A 660, 292,330 Yeow YM, see Jermyn MA 676 Yamana 0, see Chiba S 297, 517, 530, 537, 559, 561, Zalitis J, Feingold DS 44, 48, 306 575 76 Yamasaki Y, Suzuki Y 283, Yokota A, see Shigeoka S 88, Zancan GT, see Fontana JD 346 101 498, 510 Yamashina I, see Minobe S Yokota I, Shibata S, Saito H Zannoni VG, see Rikans LE 567,577 506, 507, 514 92,100 Yamashita H, see Murakawa Yomo H 750, 793 Zarkowsky H, Glaser L 40, S 88,99 Yomo H, Srinivasan K 759, 76 Yamashita H, see Takahashi 761, 793 Zarkowsky H, Lippin E, Gla­ T 88,102 Yomo H, Varner JE 427, ser L 40,41, 76 Yamashita K, see Tai T 567, 471, 758, 759, 761, 793 Zarkowsky H, see Glaser L 582 Y opp JH, see Colclasure GC 40,43,64 Yamauchi F, Kawase M, 21,60 Zauberman G, see Pesis E Kanbe M, Shibazaki K Yoshida S 706,711,730, 733, 781, 791 553, 567, 583 747 Zaurolov OA, Pavlinova OA Yamauchi F, Thanh VH, Ka­ Yoshida S, see Sakai A 783, 677, 678, 680, 681, 683 wase M, Shibazaki K 107, 784, 792 Zee SY, see Sofield I 710, 108, 123, 554, 583 Yoshida T, see Tanaka K 711, 712, 746 Yamauchi F, Yamagishi T 202,215 Zeevart JAD, see King R W 554, 567, 583 Yoshikawa T, Furuya T 618, 372,381 Yamauchi N, Inaba M, Ogata 631 Zeigler H, see Becker D 9, 59 K 88,102 Yoshimura J, see Funabashi Zeleneva IV, Khavkin EE Yamaura H, see Sugiura M M 124, 141, 153 237, 347 94, 101 Young B, see French D 291, Zemek J, Bauer S 276, 347 Yamazaki S, see Funabashi 313 Zemek J, Stremen J, Hricova M 124, 141,153 Young HY, see Sideris CP D 10,25, 76 Yang CL, see Su JC 264,341 105,107,113,122 Zemek J, Strmen J, Kucar S, Yang JC, Loewus FA 93, Young JR, see Whistler RL Bauer S 276, 347 102 725, 747 Zetooney E, see Rubin PM Yang J C, see Wagner G 92, Young M, see Percival E 276, 640,674 93, 102 333, 487, 496, 512 Zetsche K 20, 76 886 Author Index

Zevenhuizen LPTM, Bart­ MH 165,167,168,184, Zimowski JG, see Wojcie­ nicki-Garcia S 504, 514 192, 195,216,372,383 chowski ZA 618,631 Zhdanov GL, see Druzhinina Ziegler M, see Kennecke M Zinbo M, see Sherman WR TN 34,61 227, 264, 322 200,214 Ziegenfuss EM, see Carlson Ziegler P, Kandler 0 374,383 Zippel P, see Ehwald R 227, WS 424,462 Ziegler P, see Kandler 0 268, 276, 310 Ziegler E, Albersheim P 237, 321,375,381 Ziv 0, see Avigad G 274, 347 Zielenska M, see W ojciechow­ 275,302 Ziegler H 290, 347, 372, 383, ski ZA 620, 624, 631 Zonneveld BJM 502, 503, 514 687, 699 Zimmerman G, Kelly GJ, Zouaghi M, Klein-Eude D, Ziegler H, Penth S 195,216 Latzko E 251, 347 Rollin P 236, 237, 347 Ziegler H, see Fekete MAG Zimmermann M, see Frey­ Zouaghi M, Rollin P 234, de 681, 683 Wyssling A 678, 683 236,347 Ziegler H, see Huber W 16, Zimmermann MH, Ziegler H Zsindely A, Szabolcs M, Aradi 17, 18,66,242,258,261, 165, 167, 168, 184,192, 195, J, Schalik M, Kiss A, Szabo 319 216, 372, 383 G 196, 216 Ziegler H, see Lendzian K Zimmermann MH, see Sauter Zuber MS 723, 747 83,98 JJ 238, 337 Zurowska A, see Kahl W Ziegler H, see Schnabl H 260, Zimowski J, see Wojciechow­ 362, 381 338 ski ZA 613,614,617,618, Zwaal RFA, see Renooijw Ziegler H, see Zimmermann 619,620, 624, 625, 631 585,600 Spocies Index

Page numbers in bold face refer to figures and tables

Abies grandis 34 Anabaena flos-aquae 37, 83, 640 Absidia 180 Anacystis nidulans 83, 493 Abutilon 678 Ananas sativus 105 Acer 171, 664 Annona 768 A. pseudo platanus 34,48,81, 135,564 A. muricata 424, 430 A. rubre 24 Anthemis nobilis 135 Acetabularia crenulata 487 Aphanocapasa 403, 640, 654, 656 Achras sapota 295 Apium 177 Achyla ambisexualis 504 A. graveolens 135, 767 A. heterosexualis 504 Arachis hypogaea 749, 755, 759 Aconitum napellus 290 Areca catechu 420 Acroscyphus sphaerophoroides 506 Arenga saccharifera 422 Acrosiphonia centralis 484 Armillaria melJea 168, 185 Actinomyces olivoreticuli 142 Arum macula tum 454, 782 Adonis 158 A. orientale 454 A. vernalis 169, 389 Ascophyllum no do sum 484 Aegopodium podagra ria 197, 357, 370, 372 Asparagus filicinus 457 Aerobacter aerogenes 39, 132, 139 A. officinalis 422, 447 Agaricus bisporus 497 A. racemosus 449, 457 Agave americana 241,449 Aspergillus 180, 525, 66 I A. vera cruz 241,361,447 A. aculeatus 503 Agropyron repens (Triticum repens) 445, 447 A. awamori 503 Agrostis alba 445 A. c1avatus 169 Allium carinatum 447 A. ficuum 195 A. cepa 17,371,447,719,772 A. nidulans 105, I 17, 502, 640 A. fistulosum 447 A. niger 178 A.odorum 447 A. oryzae 107, 548 A. oleraceum 447 A. parasiticus 112, 116 A. porrum 447 Astasia 293 A. sativum 447, 448 A. ocellata 494 A. schoenoprasum 447 Aster tripolium 440 A. ursinum 447 Astrocaryum vulgare 420 A. vineale 447 Atriplex spongiosa 84 Aloe 389, 679, 681 Aureobasidium pullulans 50 I A. arborescens 45 I, 452 Avena fatua 287, 754 A. plicatilis 452 A. flavescens 444 A. vera 451,452 A. sativa 18,435,636,637,754 Alopecus pratensis 444 Azotobacter vinelandii 136, 145 Althea officinalis 457 Amaryllis 26 I Bacillus subtilis 29 Amoracia lapathifolia 550 Bassia latifolia 294 Amorphophallus konjac 454, 455, 457, 770 Beggiatoa mirabilis 637 A. oncophyllus 454, 455 Bellis perennis 135 A. variabilis 454, 455 Beta vulgaris 79, 637, 641, 656, 686, 690, 694 Amphidinium 172 Betula pendula 369 Amphora coffeaeformis 641, 663 Billbergia nutans 682 Ampullariella digit at a 53 BlastocJadiella 662 888 Species Index

B. emersonii 112, 497, 498 C. arcticum 374 180 C. leucanthemum 374 B. striata 453 Cicer arietinum 135 Borassus flabellifer 422 Cladophora 276, 487 Bostrychia scorpio ides 162, 165, 167, 177 C. glomerata 496 Brassica 531 C. laetevirens 487 B. rape 80 C. rupestris 479, 480, 480, 484, 487 Brexia madagascasiensis 168 Cladostephus verticillatus 484 Bromus inermis 442, 442, 450 Claviceps 167, 172 Bryophyllum calycinum 84 C. fusiformis 505, 506 Bupleurum falcatum 169 Clavicorona pyxidata 502 Cocos nucifera 165, 420, 422 Calendula officinalis 619 Codium fragilae 242, 479, 480, 480 Camellia 227 Coffea arabica 421 Candida 88, 168, 203, 656, 663, 648 Coix lacrymajobi 84 C. albicans 105, 112, 498 Coleus blumei 80 C. curvata 638 Collistemon viminalis 88 C. guillermondii 640, 654, 663 Colocasia esculent a 704 C. pseudotropicalis 31 Colutea brevialata 424 C. utilis 638 Commelina communis 288 Cannabis sativa 115, 197,530,560 Constantinea subulifera 477, 477 Capsicum 135 Convallaria majalis 389 C. frutescens 88 Convolvulus glomeratus 171 Carthamus tinctorius 615 C. sepium 222 Carum carvi 371, 420 C. tricolor 424 C. petroselinum 767 Cooperia pedunculata 453 Castanea sa ti va 131 Coprinus 662 Casuarina 199 C. cinereus 640 Catharanthus roseus 81 C. lagopus 117 Caulerpa filiformis 479, 480, 484, 488, 489 Corallina officinalis 477,477 C. racemosa 489 Cordyline terminalis 448 C. simpliciuscula 479, 484 Corynebacterium diphtheriae 54 Centaurea 135 Cotoneaster 166, 177 Cerastium arvense 198, 364, 366, 372, 376 Crassula Iycopodioides 84 Cera toni a siliqua 424, 427 Crotolaria anagyroides 135 Cetraria islandica 506, 507 Cryptococcus 203 C. richardsonii 506, 507 C. laurentii 50 Chaetomorpha 480 Cucumesis sativus 89 C. capillaris 479 Cucurbita 364 Chamaerops excelsa 420 C. maxima 641, 654, 663, 760 C. humilis 420 C. melopepo 372 Chara 651 C. moschata 90 C. ceratophylla 637 C. pepo 80, 227 C. corallina 641 Cuminum cyminum 135 Chenopodium rub rum 288 Cuscuta reflexa 12 Chichorium intybus 439, 773 Cyamopsis tetragonoloba 424, 428, 763 Chilo monas paramecium 490,491 Cyanidium caldarium 493 reinhardii 84, 282, 403, 405, Cyanophora paradoxa 281 517, 533, 546, 562, 566, 567 Cyclamen europaeum 431 ChI orella 55,230,269,281,601,606,647,651, Cyclotella cryptica 106 652, 655, 660, 664, 780 Cymodocea nodosa 195, 254 C. pyrenoidosa 38, 39, 82, 88, 398, 403, 404, Cynoglossum officinale 436 405, 490, 491, 604 Cytarria harioti 50 I C. sorokiniana 637, 641, 654 C. vulgaris 84, 403, 405, 490, 491, 637, 641, Dactylis glomerata 241,444,449,450 654, 658, 661, 662, 663 Dahlia 368 Chrysanthemum 135 D. variabilis 435 Species Index 889

Dalbergia lanceolaria 135 F. rubra 356, 444 Daphne odora 387 Ficus glabrata 549 Datura 523, 532, 546 F. latex 517 Daucus carota 79, 637, 641, 690, 694 Filicopsida 517 Daviesia latifolia 135 Fragraria ananassa 781 Dendryphiella salina 181, 640 Fraxinus 177,200,207 Dermatocarpon hepaticum 169 F. excelsior 367, 372 Dianthus caryophyllus 376 Fucus serratus 483, 483, 484 Dictyota dichotoma 179 F. spiralis 484 Digitalis 618 F. vesiculosus 486 D. lanata 388 Furcraea gigantea 448 D. purpurea 43, 135, 139, 388 Dilsea carnosa 475 Gasteria 679 D. edulis 475, 477 Gentiana 292 Dioscorea 455 G. lutea 198, 362, 368, 372, 436 D. batatas 453 Geum urbanum 385 D. esculenta 704 Gladiolus 531,561 Diospyros kaki 428 Gleditischia macrancanths 22 Dodonaea triquetra 185 Gluconobacter suboxydans 93 Dolichos 523 Glycine max 107, 703, 779 Dracaena australis 448 Gossypium 356, 694 Dunaliella 270 G. arboreum 265 D. bioculata 480, 481 G. hirsutum 641, 654, 778 D. tertriolecta 230 Gymnodinium breve 641

Echinops gmelini 135 Haematococcus pluvialis 490, 491 Echium vulgare 436 Halobacterium halobium 566, 659 Ecklonia radiata 484 Halogeton glomeratus 94 Eisenia bicycJis 486 Hamamelis virginiana 130 Elodea 254 Hansenula anomala 640, 648 Elysia viridis 243 Haplopappus gracilis 386 Endymion nutans 422 Hedera helix 198,369,370 Enteromorpha compressa 479, 480 Helianthus tuberosus 80, 241, 367, 368, 377, Ephedra 288 435, 437, 439, 487, 770 Eremothecium ashbii 53 Helix pomatia 37 Eremurus altaicus 452 Helminthosporium 270 E. spectabilis 452 H. sativum 105 Eriobotrya japonica 179 Helotium 505 Erythrea edulis 420 HeracJeum mantegazzianum 197 Escherichia coli 13, 16, 29, 31, 42, 46, 50, 54, Hericium corallo ides 502 57, 639, 642, 645, 648, 652, 654, 658, 660, H. ramo sum 502 662, 664 Hippeastrum 651,693 Escholtzia californica 767 Holmsella 183 Eugenia lehmanii 169 Hordeum 446 Euglena 293, 606 H. distichum 637, 641, 654 E. gracilis 88, 275, 282, 485, 486, 495, 605, H. distochon 433 641,663 H. vulgaris 82, 433, 702, 750 Euonymus 177 Hyalococcus 166 Euphorbia 682 Hydra viridis 281 Evernia prunastri 506 Hydrilla 254 Evoliella muelleri 197 Hydrodictyon africanum 641 Hymenaea courbaril 429 Fabiana imbricata 171 Hyphaene thebaica 420 Fagus 165 Festuca 356 Impatiens 678, 768 F. arundinacea 445, 449 1. balsamina 430,431,648 F. pratensis 444, 450 1. holsteii 16 890 Species Index

Indigofera hirsuta 425 Luffa echinata 135 Inula helenium 435 Lupinus 527 Ipomoea batatas 704 L. albus 432, 749 1. muricata 424 L. angustifolius 432 Iridaea laminarioides 167 L. luteus 432 Iris 371 Lychnis dioica 357 1. germanica 460 Lycoperdon 117 1. ochroleuca 422 L. esculentum 781 1. pseudacorus 460 Lycoris radiata 449, 453 1. sibirica 422 Ishige okamuri 487 Magnolia 204 Itea 177, 186 Malus sylvestris 704 Mangifera indica 781 Kalanchoe 779 Manihot esculenta 704 K. diagremontianna 778 Matricaria 135 Kerria 165 Melampodium 388 Klebsiella 653 Melampyrum 186 K. aero genes 197,648,658 M. lineare 428 Kluyvera citrophila 131, 132 Melandrium album 386 Melosira 637 Lactuca sativa 439, 762 Menyanthes trifoliata 436 Laminaria digitata 481, 483, 484 Metchinikowia 640, 648 L. hyperborea 481,483,484 Micrococcus 139 L. saccharina 483, 484, 485 M. lysodeikticus 602 Lamium album 372 Micromanospora carbonacea 143 L. maculatum 364, 373 M. invoensis 141 Laurencia pinnatifida 489 M. purpurea 141 Lemna gibba 135,637,641,648 Microsporum 180 L. minor 133, 137, 138, 139 Mimosa 133 Lens culinaris 523, 545, 569, 755 Monilinia fructigena 505 Lentinellus ursinus 502 Monstera deliciosa 456 Leptosphaeria albopunctata 506 Mucana urens 429 Leucaena glauca 22, 39 Mucor rouxii 114 Lichenia pygmaea 172 Muhlenbergia montana 229 Ligustrum japonicum 177 Musa cavendishii 704 L. vulgare 177 M. paradisiaca 738 Lilium 261,277 M. sapientum 781 L. auratum 452 Mycoplasma 613,625 L. candidum 453 Myoporum laetum 177 L. henryii 453 Myosotis palustris 436 L. japonicum 453 L. loncifolium 452 Narcissus tazetta 453 L. longiflorum 12, 13, 16, 48, 85, 452, 457, Navicula pelliculosa 641, 663 461 Neocosmospora 651 L. maculatum 452 N. vasinfecta 640,648 L. maximowiczii 453 Neurospora 207,650,651,664 L. speciosum 452 N. crassa 86,107, III, 113, 114, 117, 196,498, L. umbellatum 453 499, 638, 640, 648, 657, 663 Lindenbergia indica 615 Nicotiana tabacum 16, 18, 29, 39, 54, 80, 637, Linum resitatissimum 40 777, 784 L. usitatissimum 37 Nitella flexilis 641 Lithospermum officinale 436 N. translucens 490,491 Lobaria 169 Nostoc muscorum 493 Lolium 229, 356, 531 L. italicum 499 Ochromonas 269, 293 L. multiflorum 444 O. danica 88 L. perenne 444, 450 O. malhamensis 496, 605 Species Index 891

Ocimum basilicum 388 Pilophoron acicularis 506 Oenocarpus bacaba 420 Pimpinella ani sum 198 Olea 177 Pinus si1vistris 34, 369 Onobrychis viciifolia 543 Pisum 527 Orchis morio 263, 453, 456, 460 P. arvense 702, 703, 707, 755, 756 Oryza sativa 702 P. sativum 34,40, 48, 113, 114, 194, 264, 364, Oscillatoria princeps 492, 493 545, 556, 569, 615, 637, 641, 694, 702, 703, 707, 755, 756, 758, 778 Palmeri a palmata (see Rhodymenia palmata) P. vulgaris 761 Panicum miliaceum 88 P1agiochila splenioides 271 P. miliodis 253 Plantago 291,358 Papaver somniferum 256 P. major 165 Paramecium bursa ria 281 P. maritima 182 Parmelia 169 P. media 197 Pelargonium crispum 93 Plectania occidentales 505, 506 P. zonale 641,663 Plectonema boryanum 640 Pellionia 716 Poa pratensis 444 Peltigera 172 Polyanthes tuberosa 447, 448 P. aphthosa 169 Polygala 171 Pelvetia 171,173,177 P. senega 278 P. canaliculata 171,483,484 Polygonatum canaliculatum 451 Penicillium charlesii 55, 566 P. odoratum 448 P. crustosum 503 Polyporus circinatus 498 P. cyaneo-folvum 88 P. giganteus 498, 499 P. melinii 503 uvella 490, 491 Pennisetum purpureum 222, 229, 263 Polytomella coeca 490, 491 Peranema trichophorum 494 Populus gelnica 82 Perilla crispa 372 P. ro busta 34 Per sea 158 Poria cocos 505 P. americana 80, 195 Porphyra 171 Petroselinum 135 P. perforata 38 P. crispum 132, 135 P. umbilicalis 486, 489 Petunia 264, 625 Porphyridium cruentum 566, 568 P. hybrida 386, 625 Portulaca oleracea 84 Phaeodactylum tricornutum 484 Primula 171,278 Phalarius arundinacea 445 P. clusiana 126, 129, 131 Phaseolus 531, 694, 707 Proteus mirabilis 662 P. aureus 39,49, 113,250,526,555 Prototheca zopfii 493,517,613 P. coccineus 533, 564 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 39 P. lunatus 522, 541 Pseudotsuga menzeisii 749 P. multi floris 779 Puccinia poarum 440 P. vulgaris 23, 108, 112, 114, 364, 517, 522, P. striiformis 404 526, 528, 540, 564, 641, 755, 758 Pu1monaria officinale 436 Phleum pratense 442, 442, 444, 450 Pyrus communis 781 Phoenix dactylifera 165,420 P. domestica 642, 657 Photinia 177 P. malus 781 P. arbutifo1ia 166 Phycopeltis 168 Quercus 165, 204 Phyllospadix 135 Q. rubra 131 Phyllostachys pubescens 80 Phymatotrichum omnivorum 499 Ranunculus sceleratus 615 Physarum 617,618,625 Raphanus sativus 81 Phytelephas macrocarpa 420 Rhamnus 389 Phytophthora cinnamomi 504 R. frangula 135 P. palmivora 505 Rhizobia 270 Picea excelsa 374, 375 Rhizoclonium 487, 496 Pichia 171 Rhizophydium spaerotheca 498 892 Species Index

Rhizopus arrhizus 494, 507 S. aucuparia 165, 166, 167 Rhodochorton floridulum 489 Sorghum vulgare 16,262 Rhodosporidium 640, 648 Spatoglossum pacificum 179 Rhodotorula 639, 644, 655, 656 Sphacelia sorghi 172 R. gracilis 637,640,648,654,657,658,663 Sphaerophobus globosus 506 Rhodotypos 165 Spinacia oleracea 82, 126, 256, 642, 731, 778 Rhodymenia palmata 486, 488, 489 Spirodela polyrhiza 390 R. pertusa 477,477 Stellaria 779 Ricinus 517, 650, 651, 655, 656, 680 Stereocaulon japonicum 506 R. communis 17, 80, 264, 267, 557, 595, 637, Stevia rebaudiana 268 642, 648, 654, 657, 663, 694 Stichococcus 166 Robinia pseudo-acacia 227,783 S. bacillaris 165 Rocella 169 Streptococcus faecalis 39 Rumex crispus 94 S. mutans 232 Russula 502 S. pneumoniae 602 Streptomyces albireticuli 142 Saccharomyces 180,497, 641, 661 S. aureofaciens 143, 147 S. carlsbergensis 207,499,648 S. bikinensis 144 S. cerevisiae 13, 107, 110, 202, 207, 498, 499, S. erythreus 142, 147 637, 638, 640, 648, 654, 657, 663 S. erythrochromogenes 144 S. fragilis 3, 30, 112 S. flavopersicus 20 I S. rouxii 182 S. flavovirens 143 S. uvarum 638 S. fradiae 142, 146 Saccharum 684, 694 S. galbus 144 S. officinarum 84, 259, 642, 657, 779 S. griseocarneus 144 Sagus rumphii 420 S. griseoflavus 141 Samanea saman 648 S. griseus 38, 133, 535 Santalum album 561 S. halstedii 142, 146 Sarcostemma brevistigma 276 S. humidus 144 Sauromatum guttatum 783 S. hygroscopius 142 Scenedesmus obliquus 226, 403, 405, 491, 609 S. lavendulae 143, 147 S. quadricauda 641 S. macrosporus 142 Schizophyllum 180 S. mashuensis 144 Schotia latifolia 429 S. niveus 141, 146 Schwanniomyces 203 S. nogalater 141 Sclerotinia libertiana 505 S. olivaceus 144 Scutellaria baicalensis 352 S. olivochromogenes 142 Scylla nonscripta 422 S. rameus 144 Secale cereale 435, 446 S. rimosus 142, 146 Sedum 171 S. rubrireticuli 144 S. rubrotinctum 84 S. spheroides 141 Selaginella 271,273,296,370 S. subrutilus 144 Serraticarida maxima 478 S. tendae 142 Serratula coronata 135 S. violaceoniger 142 Sesamum indicum 360, 367 Styrax obassia 171 Shigella flexneri 664 Swertia perennis 363 Silene dioica 39, 386 Symphytum officinale 371,436, 440 S. inflata 357 Synechococcus 301, 403 Sinapis 618 S. cedrorum 640 S. alba 89, 267, 431, 620, 621 Syringa 177 Siphula 171 S. vulgaris 372 Skeletonema costatum 484 Solanum glaucophyllum 135 Tamarindus 768 S. laciniatum 389 T. indica 429,430 S. tuberosum 79, 545, 637, 642, 704, 770 Tanacetum vulgare 388 Sophora 523 Taraxacum officinale 439, 773 Sorbus 158 Tetragonolobus purpureus 424 Species Index 893

Tetraselmis carteriiforrnis 480, 481 Vanilla planifolia 456 Teucrium canadense 360 Viburnum furcatum 135 Thallasia testudium 254 Vicia cracca 569 Thallassiosira fluviatilis 106 V. faba 16, 80, 256, 258, 364, 517, 522, 530, Torulopsis 171, 180 545, 560, 564, 604, 648, 755 T. candida 641, 657 V. hirsuta 135 Trentephohlia 168, 169 V. sativa 364 Trichoderma viride 117,525 Vigna mungo 83 Trifolium pratense 284 V. radiata 755, 759 T. subterraneum 278 V. unguiculata 702 Triganopsis variabilis 499 Vinca minor 194 Trigonella 636 Viscum album 135 T. foenum-graecum 369, 424, 458, 637, 663, Vitis labrusca 92 749,762 V. vinifera 165 Triticum 356 Voandzei subteranea 21 T. aestivum 81,268,435, 702, 754 T. durum 446 Wisteria 517 T. vulgare 446 Wolffiella 202 Tropaeolum 679 W. floridana 48 T. majus 430 Trypanosoma 665 Xanthoria parietina 173 Tulipa 256, 693 Xanthostoma sagittifolium 704 T. gesneriana 288 Tussilago farfara 440 Yucca filamentosa 448 Ulex 523 Y. glauca 719 Ulva 480 U. lactua 479,480,480,484 Zea mays 48, 112, 198,202, 204, 261, 287, 386, Umbilicaria 172 473, 493, 517, 566, 637, 642, 648, 656, 694, U. pustulata 507 702,754 Urginea maritima 447 Zizania caduciflora 272 Urtica dioica 531, 560 Zostera angustiflora 254 Ustilago 173,277,655 z. marina 135 U. maydis 641, 654, 657, 658 z. pacifica 135 Subject Index

Page numbers in bold face refer to figures and tables

Abequose 124 regulation 400 Abscisic acid (ABA) 427, 761, 763, 766 stimulation by metabolites 401 Aceraceae 362 ADPGlcNAc 10, 23 di-N-Acetylchitibiose 107 ADPRib 8 N-acetylglucosamine from NAD+ 54 in mannan 106 oxidation by UDPGlc 4-epimerase 54 N-Acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) 103ff. Adzuki bean 279 dolichol diP 110 Affinity chromatography 537, 538, 543, 545 lipid-linked 110 Agaricales 168 p-N-Acetylglucosaminidase 116 Agarobiose 294 endo-p-N-Acetylglucosaminidase 539 Agavaceae 441, 447 Acid phosphatase 681 Agavoside 299 Acroscyphan 506 Agglutinin (SBA) Actinomycin D 763, 767 lima bean 107, 541,543 Active transport 639, 640-642 sainfoin 543, 544 energetics 644 soybean 517, 537, 540 primary 645 Ajugose 350, 351, 353 secondary 645 Aldgamycin C 147 O-P-D-( 6-0-Acyl-glucopyranosyl)-( 1--> 3')- phy­ Aldgamycin E, F 143, 147 to sterols (ASG) 613 D-Aldgarose 124, 143, 147 branched chain fatty acid esters 614 Alditol monoglycosides 276ff. space-filling model 614 Aldolase in brown algae 485 ADP sugars 8-10 Aleurone layer 425 ADP-D-fructose 10 Aleurone layers ADP-D-galactose 8 phytate degradation 205 ADP-D-mannose 10 Alfalfa 274,281 ADP-D-sedoheptulose 55 Algae 276, 532, 606, 613, 637, 641, 644, 647, ADP-L-arabinose 8 648, 654, 657, 663, 665 ADPGlc 6, 258, 265, 397, 491, 724 Algal reserve carbohydrates 472ff. phosphorylase 27 Algal starch 473 ff. pyrophosphorylase 18 metabolism 477,480,491,493 deoxy-ADPGlc 491 properties 477,479,480,481,490 ADPGlc phosphorylase 27 structure 475, 479, 490, 492 in controlling starch synthesis 780 Alginic acid 486 inhibition by P-enolpyruvate 780 Allitol synthesis 167, 177, 186 ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase 243,250,259,398, Almond glycopeptidase 549 399, 716, 728, 779 Aloin 390 activation by 3-PGA 406,491 Amaryllidaceae 441,449,453,455 allosteric control 403, 729 Amido-hydrolase 116 effect of 3-PGA on kinetics 406 Amino sugars 103ff. inhibition by Pi and ADP 491 Amygdalin 292, 299 molecular weight 407 Amylase 716ff., 758, 759 from non-photosynthetic tissue 407 IX-Amylase 492 3-PGA activation 401, 402 maltose formation 282 from photosynthetic tissue 405 in potato tubers 774, 775 Pi inhibition 401, 402 synthesis 749, 750, 752 properties 405 p-Amylase 473, 753, 779 896 Subject Index p-Amylase Apple callus 179 maltose formation 282 Apricot 167,173,177,179,686,687 phosphorylysis inhibition 774 C(Arabinobiose 295 Amylase production 760 C(-Arabinofuranosidase 753 axis control 756 Arabinogalactan 457 in legume cotyledons 75S-759 Arabinogalactan-protein 559,651 ff. Amyloid 419,429ff. Loliurn 561 metabolism 431 L-Arabinokinase 13 structure 430, 431 o-Arabinose Amylolysis 284 utilization by yeast 169 Amylopectin 397, 473, 492 L-Arabinose (Ara) 35 properties 474, 480 nucleotide 8 Amyloplast 773 utilization by yeast 169 Amyloplast membranes L-Arabinose I-P 25 stability 718 L-Arabinosidase 434 starch degradation 718 Arabinosides 295, 29S-299 Amyloplasts 716 Arabinoxylan 433 Amylose 473 endosperm cell wall 753 properties 474, 479 o-Arabitol 162, 170 Analytical methods 174ff. L-Arabitol 170 separation of polyols 175 Araceae 454, 455, 782 Anchor protein 592 Araliaceae 356, 362, 370 Angiosperms 197 Araloside 298 Angolamycin 142 Arbutin 385 Anonaceae 430 L-Arcanose 142 Anthaceae 430 Arum lily 782 Anthocyanidins Asclepiadaceae 359, 388, 436 glycosylated transport 386 Asclepiobiose 300 Anthraquinone glycosides 387 Ascomycetes 160, 163, 164, 501, 647 Antibiotics 140ff. L-Ascorbate quinocycline 147 biosynthesis 87 Apiaceae 273, 362, 370 cleavage 92 Apibiose 133 functions 87 ff. Apigenin 298 metabolism 87ff. Apigenin 7-0-glucoside 390 oxalate biosynthesis 92 Apiin 132, 134, 137,298 tartrate biosynthesis 92 o-Apiitol 139 Ascorbate oxidase 89 ff. o-Apiitol dehydrogenase 139 Ascorbate peroxidase 90 Apiogalacturonan 133 Ash 160, 165, 177, 291 Apioglucose 298 Asparagaceae 457 Apiose Asparagine glycopeptides 535 biosynthesis 135 ff. Asparagine-GlcNAc 585 carbon skeleton 135 Asparagus 164, 241 disaccharide 133 Aspen callus 222, 226 occurrence 132 Astasian 494 in plant phenolics 133 Asteraceae 361 in polysaccharide 133 Asterosaponin 299 o-Apiose (Api) 132ff. Asymmetry in membranes 584 metabolism 139 ATPase 650 nucleotide 10 Atractyloside 299 Apiosides 298 Aureolic acid 142 o-Apiosyl residue transfer 139 Auxin precursor 198 Apiosyltransferase 139 Avocado 158,160,167,170,171,186,407 Apocynaceae 359, 388 Apoplast 685,691 Bacillariphyceae 484 Apoplastic transport 677 ff. Bacitracin 110 Apple 166, 179, 222, 686, 687, 704, 706, 709, Bacterial isoamylase 498 781, 783 Balsaminaceae 430 Subject Index 897

Bambera ground nut 21 Buddleyaceae 359 Bamboo shoots 225 Butter lettuce 405 Banana 12, 222, 229, 234, 235, 280, 680, 687, 704, 705, 709 ,} 13C 252, 265 Banderiaea 523 13C discrimination 252ff. Barley 11, 12, 24, 28, 30, 82, 205, 222, 229, Cabbage 170 230, 231, 235, 262, 264, 268, 401, 405, 446, Cacao bean 524, 525, 532, 551 planteose content 358 a-amylase 751 ff. Calenduloside 300 germination 749, 751 Callose biosynthesis from glucinol 197 Barley aleurone layer 750 CAM metabolism 84 Barley gum 433 CAM plants 780 Barley mutant starch 702, 713 Campanulaceae 362, 436 Barley mutants Campesterol 613 high lysine 729 Canna 21 mutant 1508 701 Caoutchouc tree 652 notch-1 701, 729 Capriodiaceae 168 notch-2 701, 729 Caraway 767 Barley starch 70 Iff., 702 Carbohydrate interconversions 371 Basidiomycetes 160, 161, 163 common enzymatic mechanisms 55 Bean 11,21,30,40, 108, 114,222, 223, 229, evolutionary significance 55 230, 232, 234, 264, 408, 410, 517, 522, 566, 4-ulose intermediates 56 601, 755ff. Carbohydrate transport 684 ff. Bean starch 703 Carbohydrates Beet 238, 240, 260, 264, 266, 684, 685, 690, complex 602 692, 693, 694 Carbon flux of sucrose synthesis Betulaceae 362 in leaves 243 ff. Bifurcose 443, 446 in storage tissue 245 Bignoniaceae 359 Carboxypeptidase Y 107 Biosynthesis Cardiac glycosides 300, 388 L-ascorbate 87 ff. Carnation 222 starch 397 ff. Carob 427, 763 Birch 783 Carotenoids Black bean 540 role of ascorbate 89 Black current 280 Carrabiose 294 Black gram 83 Carrot 24,29, 79ff., 85, 91, 234, 235, 407, 533, Black locust 783 690 Blue-green algae 637,640,644, 654 Carrot callus 206, 207, 264, 267 Boraginaceae 359, 362, 436 Carrot root 685 D-( - )-Bornesitol 194 Caryophyllaceae 357 acetate 197 Cassava 700, 704, 706, 708, 712 L-( + )-Bornesitol 194 Castor bean 12,81,84,222,229.232,245,249, Branched-chain sugars 124ff. 256, 557 ff., 595 C-formyl-branched ·149 Catalase 596 C-hydroxymethyl 149 Cauliflower 615 microorganisms 140 ff. CCCP 692 Branching enzyme (BE) 411,478 CDP-diacylglycerol-inositol-3-phosphatidyl Brevibiose 300 transferase 196 Broad bean 537, 545, 755 CDP-diglyceride Brome grass 445 phosphatidylinositol biosynthesis 198 Bromelain 108, 517, 524, 547 CDP-L-Vine!ose 141, 145 Bromeliaceae 547, 680 CDP-ribitol 173 Brown seaweed CDPG1c pyrophosphorylase 25 laminarin content 484 Celastraceae 168 mannitol content 484 Celery 177, 180, 767 Bryobiose 299 Cell culture Bryophyta 160, 161, 164,268 myo-inositol requirement 204 Buckwheat 14 Cell surface membrane 593 898 Subject Index

Cell wall glycoprotein 533, 562 Cordycepin 767 Cell wall polysaccharide 781 Cordyceptose 124 Cell wall storage polysaccharides 418ff.,457 Core sugars 591 Cellobiose 293, 299 Corn 21,22,23,24,29,48,84,85, 112, 199, Cellulase 782 206, 222, 225, 229, 232, 270, 408, 517, 531 Trichoderma 525 Cotranslational glycosylation 587 Ceramiales 172, 278 Cotton 21,265,665,778 Cerebrosides 607 Cotyledons 757 Charge compensation 649 Coumarin glycosides 387 Chenopodiaceae 685 "Counterflow" experiments 638 Cherry 166, 687 Cowpea 279 Chicory 772,773 Cowpea starch 702 Chirality 31, 45, 50, 51 Crocin 292, 299 inositols 194 Cryoprotection with polyols 182, 186 Chitibiase 117 Cryptophyceae 491 Chitin 103 ff. Cucumber 89, 595 in diatoms 106 Cumarin 298, 299 Chitinase 116 Curly dock 94 Chitobiose 296 Cyanide-insensitive respiration 782 Chitosan 105 Cyanidin 298 160, 164, 169, 181,491,493 glucosylation 386 164, 282, 480, 484 Cyanophyceae 160, 181 Cyanophyta 164,218 enzymes in 779 Cyclitols 193ff. starch accumulation 777 nomenclature 193 starch breakdown 778 occurrence 195 Chloroplast envelope reviews 193 carbon transport 717 taxonomic significance 196 Chloroplast membrane 594 Cyclohexamide 763 Cymarose 388 lipid content 603 Cystakhibioside 299 Cholestanol stereoisomers 618 Cytochalasin B 680 Cholesterol 613 Cytokinin 761 Chondariales 487 Cytoplasmic continuity 695 Chromatography of sucrosyl oligo saccharides C3 plants 780 351 C4 plants 780 Chromomycin A3 142 C6/C1 ratio 80 L-Chromose B 142 Chrysolaminarin 484, 496 D-enzyme 717 Chrysophyceae 160, 163, 496 Dahlia 115 Chrysophyta 484 Dambonitol 197 Citrus fruit 235, 687 Dandelion 772, 773 L-Cladinose 136, 147 Daphnetin 387 Clavisepsin 172 Daphnin 387 Cloud berries 268 8-glucoside 387 Clover 230, 459 Date seed 421,423 Clusianose 130, 278 Debranching enzyme (R enzyme) 473, 476, Coconut 164, 165 499 Coco yam corm starch 704 Dehydroascorbate 88 Coffee bean 421 Dehydroascorbate reductase 90 Colchicine 680 Dehydrophytosphingosine 607 Cold acclimation 374 4-Demethyl sterols 614 Compartmentization 584 Demissin 299 Compo sitae 386, 435 Demistin 299 Concanavalin A 505 2- DeoxY-D-glucose Conglycinin 553 nucleotide 10 Convolvulaceae 359 Deoxyglucose 682 Subject Index 899

6-Deoxyhoxose Dolichol-P 564 reviews 39 Drebyssobiose 300 in rutin 39 synthesis 39, 40 Easter lily 457 Deoxysugars EDAC 693 biosynthesis 39 Egasyn 593 occurrence 39 Egg plant 281 Depolarization 649 Ehrlich's reagent 104 Detergents 586 Eisenan 486 Dianthus saponin 299 Electrogenic systems 649 Diatoms 106 Electrophoresis of polyols 175 Dicotyledonae 160, 164, 169 Eleutheroside 298 Dictyosomes (see golgi body) 680 Embden-Meyerhoff-Parnas pathway 79 2,6-Dideoxy-4-C-( I-hydroxyethyl)-L-xylohex­ Enchylema 425 ose 143 Endocytosis 2,6-Dideoxy-4-C-( I-oxoethyl)-L-xylohexose receptor-mediated 592 143 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) 586, 594, 679 3,6-Dideoxyhexose formation 40 Endosperm Diffusion 636 galactomannan 424, 458 mediated 636, 638 mannan 421 Digalactosyl diglyceride 601, 603 Enterobacteriaceae 645 Digeneaside 278 Environmental stress Digilanidobiose 299 frost, on sucrose 268 Digitalis glucosides 388 high temperature 269 Digitonin 299 illumination on sucrose 268 Digitoxin 389 salt 269 Digitoxose 388 water stress on sucrose 267 D-Digitoxose 10, 45 Enzyme commission nomenclature (EC) I ,6-0-f3-D-Diglucopyranosyl-D-mannitol EC 196 172 EC 43 Diglycerides EC 80 digalactosyl 60 I, 602, 603, 605 EC 94 function 605 EC 79 glycosyl 602 EC 79 monogalactosyl 601, 603 EC 196 Dihydrostreptomycin 144, 149 EC 196 L-Dihydrostreptose 124, 144 EC 89 p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 104 EC 550 Dioscoraceae 453, 455 EC 196 Diosgenin 389 EC 196 Disaccharide glycosides 298-300 EC 196 Disaccharides 351 EC 222 arabinosides 295 EC 229 fructobioses 295 EC 273 galactosides 294 EC 275 f3-glucosides 292 EC 2.4.I.x 196, 366 hexuronosides 295 EC 139 mannosides 293 EC2.7.1.1 12 nonreducing (other than sucrose) 27lff. EC 12 from polysaccharides 292 EC2.7.1.4 12 reducing (other than maltose) 288 ff. EC 13 from storage oligo saccharides 289 EC 81 sucrose 217 ff. EC 13, 203 xylosides 295 EC 14 Dithiothreitol 82 EC 13 DNA synthesis 80 EC 196 Dolichol-diP G\CNAc 110 EC 14 900 Subject Index

Enzyme commission nomenclature (EC) UDPGlc, GDPMan, UDPGlcNAc 57 EC 22 Extraction EC 22 of glycoproteins 516 ff. EC 203 EC 2.7.7.aa 24 Fabaceae 356 EC 2.7.7.b 20 Fatty acid biosynthesis 80 EC2.7.8.11 196 Fatty acids EC 273 conversion to sucrose 250 EC 231 Fenugreek 22, 273, 294, 425, 458, 762 EC 196,200 Ferns 276 EC 86 Ferredoxin-thioredoxin system 91 EC 426 Ficin 517,524, 549 EC 427 Field pea starch 702 EC 233, 551 Fig 549 EC 274 Filicopsida 160 EC 427 F iliferin 299 EC 54 Fir 34 EC 90 Flavonoid glycosides 386 EC 81 Flax 37,40 EC 94 Floridean starch 475 ff. EC 40 acid hydrolysis of 476 EC 40 metabolism 477ff. EC 30 properties 477 EC 86,200 Floridoside 162, 163, 172, 276, 478 Epimelibiose 294 Forage grasses 444, 460 2-Epimerase Frangulin B 134 GDPGlc 38 Free space 688, 691, 692, 695 3,5-Epimerase 37 Frost GDPMan 38 effect on sucrose synthesis 268 mechanism 38 Frosthardiness 374, 784 4-Epimerase Frucatin 298 evolutionary significance 57 Fructan 435 ff., 770 TDPGlc/TDPGal 30 biosynthesis 449, 771 UDPGalNAc 115 branched 445 UDPGlc/UDPGal 30 chemical structure 437 UDPGlcA/UDPGaIA 30, 37 chemistry 442 UDPXyl 34 in dicots 435 ff. UDPXyl/UDPAra 30 inulin 435, 448 Ergot 272 metabolism 440 Ericaceae 385 mobilization 449 Ericordin 298, 299 in monocots 441 ff. Ericordinobiose 299 phlein 444 Ericrobiose 298 seasonal effects 449, 450 Erythritol 168 in seaweed 487 Erythritol-4-P 173 in vegetative tissue 442, 460 Erythromycin A, B, C 142, 147 Fructan A 447 Esculetin 387 Fructan exo-hydrolase 771 Esparto grass 488 Fructan S 447, 448 Euglenophyta 494 Fructan U 447 Euphaseolin 108 (2 ..... 1)-13- Fructan: (2 ..... 1)-p-fructan-I-fructosyl­ D-Evermicose 143 transferase (FFT) 367, 438 Evernimomicin 143 Fructan: fructan fructosyl transferase 771 L-Evernitrose 143 Fructans 348,361,367 Evolution degradation to sucrose 372 of metabolic pathways polyols 185 D-Fructans Evolutionary significance biosynthesis of 53 4-epimerase 57 Fructobioses 295 Subject Index 901

P-Fructofuranans 240 Galactinol: raffinose-6-galactosyl-transferase p-Fructofuranosides 297 (GRTd 364 1,5-di-O-P-D-Fructofuranosyl-D-arabitol 173 Galactino1: sucrose-6-galactosyl-transferase 5-0-P-D-Fructofuranosyl-D-arabitol 183 (GST) 364, 378 I-O-P-D- Fructofuranosyl-D-mannitol 172 Galactitol 167 I ,6-di-O-P-D-Fructofuranosyl-D-mannitol 172 occurrence 167 D-Fructokinase 12 synthesis 167, 186 D-Fructose (Fru) 53, 682 D-erythro-D-Galacto-octitol 171 conversion to mannitol 177 3-0-p-D-Galactofuranosyl-D-arabitol 172 in green seaweed 487 3-0-p-D-Galactofuranosyl-D-mannitol 172 in nectar 680 ff. Galactokinase 112 nucleotide 10 D-Galactokinase 13, 21 synthesis from sucrose 217, 221 Galactolipase 605 Fructose transport 640 Galactomannan 293, 423ff., 458, 762 Fructose I-P biosynthesis 424 kinase 132 degradation 426, 763 synthase 132 deposition 424 Fructose 1,6-bisP phosphatase 251 mobilization 426 Fructose 2,6-bisP 251 structure and occurrence 423, 424 Fructose 6-P 221 Galactoononitol 202 conversion to mannitol-I-P 177 Galactopinitol 197, 202 Fructose-6-P: mannitol-I-P oxidoreductase I-O-p-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-ribitol 173 180 D-Galactosamine (GaiN) 97, 104, 115 Fructose: mannitol oxidoreductase 178 L-Galactose Fructose: sorbitol oxidoreductase 178, 179 formation 37 P-Fructosidase 369 nucleotide 10 Fructosyl transferases 771 occurrence 37 Fructosylsucrose 361 in plants 37 Fruit D-Galactose (Gal) 36 sucrose storage 686 ff. nucleotide 8 sugar content 687 in steryl glycosides 614 Fruit softening 782 Galactose transport 637,640,663 Fucoidan thiomethyl-Galactose transport 654 in laminarin 472 a-Galactosidase 367, 426, 428, 763, 764, 768 Fucoidin 485 ff. in detipped seeds 769 L-Fucose (Fuc) 40, 388 p-Galactoside transport 648, 658 nucleotide 10 p-Galactoside uptake 652 Fucosides 299 Galactosides 294, 298--300 (2 --> I )-P-Fuctan-I-fructanhydrolase a-D-Galactosyl transferases 363 A 439 I-O-p-Galactosyl-glycerol 277 B 439 Galacturonans 139 Functions of L-ascorbate 87 ff. D-Galacturonic acid (GaiA) 206 Fungal cell walls 105 nucleotide 10 Fungal reserve carbohydrates 496 ff. D-Galacturonokinase 14 Fungal starch 501 Gangliosides 601 Fungi 103ff., 116, 167, 177, 181,626,640,644, Garden pea starch 702 648, 654, 657, 663 L-Garosamin 141 Furcatin 134 GDP sugars 8--11, II GDP-D-mannuronic acid 10 Galactan in floridean starch 472 GDP-D-xylose 8 Galactans 431 ff. GDP-L-galactose 38 Galactinol 351, 363, 376 GDP-L-guluronic acid 10 formation in cytoplasm 378 GDP-2-deoxyglucose pyrophosphorylase 25 1-a-Galactinol 197, 202, 279 GDP-4-keto-6-deoxymannose 40 I-a-Galactinol synthase 196 GDPFru pyrophosphorylase 23 Galactinol-raffinose galactosyitransferase 196 GDPFu 10,23 Galactinol-sucrose galactosyitransferase 196 from GDPMan 39 902 Subject Index

GDPGal 9,37 p-Glucan synthase I and II 621 pyrophosphorylase 25 p-Glucan-endo-hydrolase 434 GDPGlc epimerization 9, 38 (1 ..... 3)-tx-o-Glucanase 502, 753 GDPMan 9, II endo-(l ..... 3)-P-o-Glucanase 434, 495 conversion to GDP-o-rhamnose 39 endo-( 1 ..... 4)-P-o-Glucanase 434 conversion to GDPFuc 38 exo-(I ..... 3)-P-o-Glucanase 495 3,5-epimerization 38 p-Glucans 292 p-L-galactose 1-P formation 38 biosynthesis 265 pyrophosphorlase 22 Glucinol 198, 278, 368 GDPMan-3,5-epimerase 37 Gluco-vanillin 385 GDPMan 4,6-hydrolase 39 Glucocerebroside 607 GDPRha pyrophosphorylase 25 Glucogallin 385 Gein 298 Glucohydrolase 91 Gentamycin C 141 o-Glucokinase 12 Gentiacanlin 298 Glucomannan 293, 422ff., 451, 458, 461 Gentianaceae 363, 436 distribution 422, 451, 455 Gentianales 359 metabolism 422 Gentianose 351, 355, 362, 371, 376 occurrence in monocots 452-454 biosynthesis 368 Gluconate transport 658 nomenclature 350 Gluconeogenesis 246,249,251,687 structure 362 sucrose synthesis 246 translocation 372 2-deoxy-5-keto-o-Gluconic acid 203 Gentiobiose 292, 299, 351, 362, 369 O-p-o-Glucopyranosyl-( I ..... 3')-phytosterols Geranium 93 (SG) 613 Germination 748 ff. acyl esters 614 definition 421 1-0-p-o-Glucopyranosyl-o-mannitol 172, 278 galactomannan mobilization 426 3-0-p-o-Glucopyranosyl-o-mannitol 172 hydrolysis of phytate 205 1-0-p-o-Glucopyranosyl-o-volemitol 173 lily pollen 206 1,7 -di-O-p-o-GI ucopyranosyl-o-volemitol promotion of 754 173 Gibberellic acid o-Glucosamine (GleN) 10, 16, 103ff., 515, in phytate degradation 205 563 Gibberellin (GA) 434, 749 phosphorylation 112 tx-amylase synthesis 750ff., 761 Glucosamine 6-P (GlcN-6-P) 105, 111 carbohydrase synthesis 753 o-glucosamine 6-P transacetylase 113 control of hydrolase 767 Glucose 682 enzyme induction 754 in nectar 680 ff. Gibberillin-like substance 752, 773 o-Glucose (Glc) Ginsenoside 298, 299 conversion to ascorbate 87 Gladiolus 513, 517 in green seaweed 487 GlcNAc-asparagine linkage 535, 565 nucleotide 9 GleNAc-l-P 113 in steryl glycosides 614 GleNAc-6-P Glucose oxidase 525 conversion to its I-P 113 Glucose phosphate isomerase formation 113 in brown algae 485 mutase 113 Glucose transport 637, 638, 640-642, 648, 654, Globoids 199 663 Glucan 457 tx-thioethyl-Glucose transport 640, 654, 657 (1 ..... 3)-tx-o-Glucan 502 2-deoxy-Glucose transport 654 (I ..... 3)-P-o-Glucan 474, 479, 504 6-deoxy-Glucose transport 658 properties 495 Glucose uptake 689 (1 ..... 4)-tx-o-Glucan 479, 501 Glucose 6-P dehydrogenase 79 ff. (1 ..... 6)-P-o-Glucan in yeast glycogen 472 isozymes 83 ff. p-o-Glucan 433 Glucose-P isomerase in lichen 507 in brown algae 485 p-Glucan hydrolases 292 Glucose-l-P 724 tx-o-Glucan in lichen 506 tx-o-Glucose-I-P 478 Subject Index 903

D-Glucose-6-P 500 enzymes 524-525, 547 conversion to IL-chiro-inositol 195 N-glycosides 565, 566 conversion to IL-myo-inositol-I-P 195, 201 O-glycosides 566, 567 Glucose-6-P transport 640, 658 hydroxyproline-poor 564 Glucose-6-P: sorbitol-6-P oxidoreductase 179 hydroxyproline-rich 562 (I ---> 6)-a-Glucosidase 756 isolation 520 a-Glucosidase leaf 560 maltase 283 linkage 534, 535, 566-567 a,a-trehalose 274 mitogenic 528-529 f3-Glucosidase 434, 457 natural occurrence 516, 517 exo-a-Glucosidase 282 plant acid invertase 235, 239 Glucosidases in plants 515 ff. in post -translational glycosylation 588 purification 520 fJ-Glucosides 292, 298-300 reviews 565 Glucosyl transferase 385 storage 526-527, 552 7-0-(fJ-Glucosyl)-apigenin 137 structure 534 ff. Glucosyl-ceramide 607 toxins 528-529, 532 Glucuronate-I-P: uridylyltransferase 203 types 517,566-567 D-Glucuronic acid (GlcA) 10, 43 water soluble 530-531 ascorbate biosynthesis 87 G Iycoproteins 106 ff. biosynthesis 43 acid phosphatase 107 from myo-inositol 24 alkaline phosphatase 107 from myo-inositol oxygenase 203 carboxypeptidase Y 107 nucleotide 10 invertase 107 D-Glucuronic acid I-P (GlcAIP) 14 in membranes 108, 593 fJ-Glucuronidase 592 Taka amylase A 107 D-Glucuronokinase 13,203 Glycosidases 116, 368 Glutathione reductase 90 Glycoside cyclitols 278 Glycerate from serine 247 Glycosides 384ff., 565, 601 ff. D-Glycero-D-ido-heptitol 171 Glycosides in plants 297, 298-300 l-deoxY-D-Glycero-D-talo-hepitol 171 Glycosphingolipids Glycerol 159 acetylglucosaminyl III meso-Glycerol-ido-heptitol 171 residues of III Glycinin 553 Glycosyl glyceric acids 278 Glycogen 473 Glycosyl transferases biosynthesis 500 in post-translational glycosylation 588 in fungi 496 ff. Glycosyl-glycerols 276ff. metabolism 499 Glycosyl-hydroxylproline linkage 536, 567 properties 474, 498 Glycosyl-serine linkage 535, 567 Glycogen synthase 500 Glycosylated hydroxyproline 516 I and 0 forms 500, 501 Glycosylated steroid alkaloids 389 regulation 500 Glycosylation Glycolate 247 post-translational 588 Glycolipids 109ff., 601 ff. Glycyrrhelic acid 299 isolation 60 I Glycyrrhizin 299 in photosynthetic tissue 601 Glyoxysomal membrane 595 purification 60 I Glyoxysomes 595 Glycolysis 82 Golgi apparatus (GA) 587, 594 Glycopeptidase from almond 549 Golgi bodies Glycopeptide 108 ff. steryl glycoside content 616 assembly 109 Goodeniaceae 436 penta saccharide core 108, 109 Gram-positive bacteria 602 Glycoprotein Gramineae (see Poaceae) biosynthesis 564 Graminin 446 cell wall 533, 562 Graminin B 446 composition 521, 522, 524-525, 530-531 Grape 92, 229, 230, 232, 264, 265, 280, 685, distribution 517 686,687 904 Subject Index

Grape Hippuridaceae 359 sucrose translocation 685 Hippuridales 359 sugar accumulation 687 Homeostasis and IAA esters 198,204 Graveobioside A 134 Homoflavoyadorinin B 134 Graveobioside B 134 Honeydew 161,167,170,172,195 Guar 428, 763 Hordeacin 446 Guar seed 424, 428 Horseradish 108,516,517,524,550 Guard cells Horseradish peroxidase 517, 524, 550 starch depletion 780 Host-parasite relationship Guava 705 role of polyols 183, 187 L-Gulonic acid formation 203 Hydrolase o-Gulonolactone dehydrogenase 88 on nucleoside diP sugars 29 L-Guluronic acid (GuIA) y-Hydroxy-a-ketoglutarate 80 nucleotide 10 Hydroxylation Gymnospermae 160, 196 cinnamate 91 Gymosperms 203 proline 91 Gypsoside 300 Hydroxylprolyl oligoarabinosides 563 Hydroxyproline-poor glycoprotein 564 Halogeton 94 Hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein 562 Halophytes and polyols 182 isolation 562 Hamamelitannin 130 Hydroxyproline-rich proteoglycan 559 o-Hamamelitol 129 Hydroxystreptomycin 144 o-Hamamelonic acid 129 I-Hydroxystreptose 144 o-Hamamelose 125ff. 5-H ydroxystreptose 149 biosynthesis 126 ff. Hypocastanaceae 362 degradation 131 intramolecular rearrangement 127 occurrence 126 IAA conjugates of myo-inositol 198, 204 Hamamelose kinase 132 IAA-myo-inositol 198, 202, 204 o-Hamamelose 21 •5-bisP 127 Iceland moss 506, 507 o-Hamamelose-2 1 -p 127 Idioblast 456, 460 Haustorium 458 Idioblasts 460 Hederagenin 298, 299 L-Iditol 162, 167 Helianthoside 298 Illumination Hemagglutinin effect on sucrose synthesis 268 soybean 107 Induction wax bean 540 of sugar transport 662, 663 Hemicellulose 418ff. Infection formation 85 ff. effect on sucrose synthesis 270 Hemlock callus 222 Inhibition of core-glycosylation 591 Hemocorin 299 Inhibitors Heptitols 159, 171 invertase 240 Hesperidin 298 of sugar transport 656, 657 Heterosides (see glycosides) 172, 384ff. Inositol 193 ff. Hexasaccharides 351 phosphosphingolipids III Hexitols 159, 161 ff., 167 chiro-Inositol 195 Hexokinase 779 myo-Inositol 85, 193ff., 487 on glucosamine 112 conversion to xylose 51 importance 12 free, as substrate 196 isozymes 12 galactoside (galactinol) 363 occurrence 12 glucoside (glucinol) 198 Hexose diphosphatase in brown algae 485 in green seaweed 487 Hexose-P metabolism 77ff. IAA conjugates 198, 204 ribo-Hexulose in green seaweed 487 metabolism in wheat 205 Hexuronosides 295 oxidation of 24 Higher plants 116, 641, 648, 654, 657, 663 oxidation pathway 24, 28 Hippocrataceae 161, 168 myo-[2- 3H1Inositol 136 Subject Index 905 scyllo-Inositol 195, 197 neutral 688 derivatives of 197 regulation 690 free, in coconut milk 197 yeast 525 IL-chiro-Inositol 195 Invertases 233 ff. from L-quebrachitol 197 acid 234 2-keto-myo-Inositol 203 alkaline 234 Inositol glycosides 278 ff. inhibitors 240 Inositol influx 653 occurrence 237 ff. Inositol kinase 86 plant 233ff. myo-Inositol metabolism 14, 85, 203 Ion flux 695 myo-Inositol monophosphate 200ff. Iridaceae 422, 441, 448ff. isomers 198 Irisin 447, 448 I-phosphate 198 Irradiance 2-phosphate 199 effect on sucrose synthesis 268 myo-Inositol oxidation pathway 7, 85ff., 197, Irradiance and starch 733 199, 203ff., 205 Isoamylase 473 myo-Inositol oxygenase 86, 196, 203 Isocitrate lyase 595 myo-Inositol pentakisphosphate phosphotrans­ Isofloridoside 172, 277, 606 ferase 202, 205 Isokestose 350,351,361,362,437,443 Inositol transport 648, 658 biosynthesis 367 myo-Inositol I-P 85 structure 361 kinase 198 Isolichenin 506 synthase 198,200ff. Isolychnobiose 291 IL-myo-Inositol I-P 85 Isolychnose 350, 351, 357, 376 I D-myo-Inositol 1,2,3,4,5-pentakisphosphate biosynthesis 366 195 Isomaltose 296 IL-myo-Inositol 1,2,3,4,5-pentakisphosphate Isomelibiose 291,357 195, 199 Isoplanteose 258 Inositol-dependent callus 206 ff. Isoquercitin 386 Inositol-independent callus 206 ff. Isoquinocycline A 143, 147 myo-Inositol-I-methyl transferase 194, 196 Isoquinocycline B 143, 147 IL-myo-Inositol-I-P synthase 200ff. Isovitexin 386 inhibition 20 I Ivory nut 420 kinetic effects 200 mechanism 200 Jerusalem artichoke 11, 16, 53, 54, 222, 224, purification 201 234,241,770,772 IL-myo-Inositol-l-phosphatase 196,200 myo-Inositol-I ,3, 4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 199 Kaempferol 298, 299 myo-Inositol-2-dehydrogenase 196 Kaempferol-3-,B-glucoapioside 134 myo-Inositol-2-P Kerrieae 165 from phytate 199 Kestose 355, 360, 376, 443, 446, 449 myo-Inositol-3-methyl transferase 194, 196 biosynthesis 367, 377 Inositols 193ff. nomenclature 350 isomers 194 occurrence 362 metabolism 201 ff. structure 360 physiological roles 204 ff. Kestose oligo saccharides 240, 297 Intracellular membranes 594 Kestoses series 355, 362, 376, 377 Intracellular transport 590ff., 596 Ketose-penitol conversions 178 regulation 590 Kidney bean 401, 405, 515, 526, 527, 532, 540, Inulin 53,241, 348, 361, 435ff., 770 555 ff. chemical structure 437 Kinase formation 438 fructose I-P 132 Invertase 107, 551, 724, 776 glucuronate 203 acid 688, 690, 694 hamamelose 132 in apoplastic transport 678, 681 myo-inositol 196, 198, 202 barley 524, 525 phosphoinositol 202 inhibitor 690, 775, 776 Kinetin 761 906 Subject Index

Kojibiose 296 Liliacinobiose 300 Kritesin 446 Liliales 362 Lilioside 277 Lactose 294, 300 Lily 85 Lactose transport 642 Lily pollen 13, 14, 18, 25, 29, 45, 48, 85, 198, Lamiaceae 358, 359, 388 201,206,264,273 Lamiales 359 myo-inositol oxidation pathway in 205 Laminaribiose 293, 299 Lima bean 522,537, 538, 541, 543 Laminaribose phosphorylase 495 Lima bean agglutinin 541 Laminarin 172, 481 ff., 485 Limit dextrinase 753 biosynthesis 485 Limnanthaceae 430 branched structure 482 Linaceae 430 in brown seaweed 484 Linarin 298 defined 484 Lipid content of chloroplasts 603 G-chain 483 Lipid-linked saccharides 610 insoluble 481, 482 Liverworts 161,165,171,271 M-chain 483 Loasaceae 359 mannitol content 172 Loasales 359 metabolism 485 Lobeliaceae 436 properties 483 Locust bean 424, 427 soluble 481,482 Loganiaceae 359 Laminarinase 486 Lolium arabinogalactan-protein 561 Laminaritol 483 Lolium trisaccharide 350, 355, 356 Laminarose 483 biosynthesis 365 Laminitol biosynthesis 201 Loquat 166, 179 Lanceolarin 134 Lupin 768 Lankamycin 142 Luteolin 298, 299 Lantaloside 299 Lychnose 350, 351, 355, 357, 371 Larch cambial tissue II biosynthesis 366 Lathyrose 298 structure 358 Lectin 537 ff. Lychnose series 355, 366, 376 from bean sp, 540 Lycobiose 299 broad bean 545 Lycoriin 449 Datura 546 potato 517, 545 Magnamycin 142 Lectins 107, 517, 594 Maize 12, 16, 18, 81, 202, 234, 238, 240, 242, from sainfoin 108 257, 261, 405, 407, 409, 659 Legume starches 703 Maize endosperm mutants Legumes 204,278,517 amylose extender (ae) 412 Legumin 108,517,556 brittle-2 (bt-2) 398, 408 Leguminosae 197,386,424,429,707 dull (du) 412 Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae 429, 430 shrunken-I (sh-I) 399 Leguminosae-Papillonatae 430 shrunken-2 (sh-2) 398, 408 Lentil 170, 538, 545, 559, 755 sugary-I (su-I) 412 Lettuce 616,764,765,766,767,769,770 Maize mutant starch 702 Lettuce endosperm 764 Maize mutants Lettuce seed 429 amylose-extender (ae) 701,710,712 Leucosin 496 du 710 Levan 53 opaque-7 701, 710 Levanbiose 295 shrunken-I (sh-I) 229,701,729 Lichenin 507 shrunken-2 (sh-2) 229,701,728, 729 Lichens 160,161,166,169,170,171,177, 181, sugary 701 187,271 waxy 409, 411, 701, 722 algal-fungal relationship 164, 186 Maize starch 700, 702 Lignin synthesis 80 Major grain crops 700 Lilac 165, 177 Major tuber crops 700 Liliaceae 422,441,447,451,452 Malate synthase 595, 596 Subject Index 907

Malpighiaceae 436 in membranes 109 Maltase 283, 754 penta saccharide core 109 Maltose 279 ff. I-o-Mannopyranosyl erythritol 173 formation 282 4-0-p-o-Mannopyranosyl-o-erythritol 277 in leaves 285 6-0-IX-o-Mannopyranosyl-myo-inositol 202 metabolism 284 o-Mannose (Man) 515,592 occurrence 280 nucleotide 9 utilization 283, 287 in steryl glycosides 614 Maltose phosphorylase 285 Mannose transport 663 Maltose transport 657,663 Mannose-6-P 180, 592 Malvaceae 457 Mannose-6-P: mannitol-l-P oxidoreductase Mango 280,687, 705, 781 180 Manna 273, 291 p-Mannosidase 427, 429, 457, 763, 764, Mannan 106, 419ff., 45lff., 762ff. 767 A 429 endo-p-Mannosidase 426,429 B 420 Mannosidases in post-translational glycosyla- formation 422 tion 588 in legumes 762 Mannosides 293 in lettuce seed 764 Mannosidomannitol 172 mobilization 421 o-Mannosyl transfer 26 occurrence in monocots 452-454 o-Mannuronic acid (ManA) nucleotide 10 pure 419ff. Maple sap 197 in umbellifers 767 Mar-saponin 299 yeast cell wall 207 Marine algae 161 (1---> 4)-p-Mannan 370, 767 Marine algal starch 479 Mannanase 457, 764 properties 477, 479, 480, 481 in detipped seeds 766 Marsectobiose 300 endo-p-Mannanase 763 Melanin 503 in lettuce endosperm 764, 765 Melianthaceae 430 Manninotriose 351, 355, 369 Melibiose 289, 351, 355, 358, 369 Mannitol 162 ff. Melon 687 in algae 163 Membrane in brown seaweed 483, 484, 485 biosynthesis 586 ff. in fungi 164 depolarization 649 in green algae 185 intracellular 594 in laminarin 481 protein body 595 in lichens 164 proteins 585 synthesis 177, 178 structure 585 ff. translocation of 165 transport across 635 ff. Mannitol kinase 180 Membrane bilayer 584 Mannitol oxidoreductase 178 Membrane biosynthesis 586ff. Mannitol transport 637, 640, 657 integral membranes 586 Mannitol I-phosphatase model systems 586 in brown algae 485 Membrane flow 685 Mannitol-I-P Membrane glycoproteins 584ff. from fructose-6-P 177 cell surface 593 inhibitor of fructose: mannitol oxidoreduc- chloroplast 589, 603 tase 179 microbody 595 Mannitol-I-P oxidoreductase 178 mitochondrial 589, 603 Mannitol-I-P: fructose-6-P oxidoreductase 178 peripheral 588 Mannitol-I-phosphatase 179 plant 593 ff. Mannitol: acetyl-P phosphotransferase 180 tonoplast 594 Mannitol: phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotrans- Membrane potential 657 ferase 180 Membrane shuttle theory 590 4-p-Mannobiose 293 Membrane-flow theory 590, 596 o-Mannoheptulose 171 Membranes Mannolipid condensation effect of SG 624 908 Subject Index

Menyanthaceae 436 Na + /K + exchange 693 Metabolic inhibitors NAD + -glycohydrolase effect on Km 658 and poly[ADPRib] 54 of sugar transport 657 as transglycosylase 54 Metabolic space 691 Narcissin 298 Metabolism 284, 680 Narigenin 390 o-apiose 139 Naringin 298 L-ascorbate 87 ff. Narirutin 298 CAM 84 Navy bean (haricot) 522, 540 C3 84 Nectar secretion 677 ff. C4 84 energy requirement 681 glucose-6-P 78, 85 Nectaries 639, 677 ff. nucleotide sugars 7 Nectarine 687 sucrose 251 Neoagarobiose 294 3-0-Methyl-glucose transport 637, 640-642, Neobifurcose 444, 446 648, 654, 657, 658 Neocarrabiose 294 IX-Methyl glucoside transport 637,641 Neohesperidin 298 2-C-Methyl-erythritol 171 Neohesperidose 298 0-1-0-Methyl-muco-inositol 197 Neokestose 350, 351, 361, 362, 443, 446, 448 0-Methyl-scyllo-inositol 197 Nigeran 502, 503 0-5-0-Methyl-2,3,5/ 4,6-pentahydroxycyclohex­ Nogalamycin 141 anone 195 L-Nogalose 141 intermediate in o-pinitol formation 195 Nolanaceae 359 2-0,C-Methylene-myo-inositol 206 Nomenclature 3-0-Methylglucose 689 amino sugars 103 Microbodies 595 branched-chain sugars 124 Millet 229 cyclitols 193 Mineral nutrition 735 polyols 158 Mitochondrial membrane 594 sucrosyl oligosaccharides 350 Mobilization of reserves L-Noviose 136, 146 control 748ff. Novobiocin 141 in seeds 748 5'-Nucleotidase 29 Mollugo saponin 298 Nucleotide diphosphopolyols (?) 186 Monocotyledonae 160, 164, 169, 424 Nucleotide sugar oxidation pathway 7, 85, Monodesmoside 299 206 Monogalactosyl diglyceride 601, 603 Nucleotide sugars 7 Monoglycosides amino \03ff., 114 alditol 276 control of synthesis 55 glycosyl-glycerols 276 degradation 27 Monoterpene glycosides 387 4-epimerases 57 Monotropin 298 from sucrose 263 Morgan-Elson reaction 104 table 8-11 Mosses 268 4-ulose intermediate 55 Mucilage idioblasts 456 utilization 55 Mung bean 12,13, 16, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 30, Nucleotidyl transferases 14 33,37, 39, 40, 44, 49, 86, 112, 114, 197, 201, Nutsedge 222, 229 202, 223, 229, 407, 594, 755 Nymphaceae 782 Muricatin B 298 Musaceae 362 Oak 783 Mustard 89, 91, 266 Oat 11,16,199,231,234,481,626 Mutants Oat starch 70 I maize endosperm 398, 412 properties 481 L-Mycarose 136, 146 Octitols 171 Mycodextranase 503 Oleaceae 161, 164, 165, 168, 358, 359 Mycolaminarin 505 Oleales 359 Mycorrhizal associations 187 Oleandrose 388 Myrosinase 91 (1 ..... 3)-fJ-Oligoglucan phosphorylase 495 Subject Index 909

Oligo saccharides (see specific type) Peach 166, 686, 687 disaccharides from 289 Peanut 199, 405, 559, 756, 761 fructosylsucrose series 367 Pear 166, 180, 222, 686, 687, 781 inulin 241 Pectic polysaccharide 206, 768, 782 isolychnose series 366 Pectic substance 133, 206 Iychnose series 366 Pectin formation 85ff., 206 planteose series 367 Pedaliaceae 359, 430 primary 348 Peltigeroside 172, 278 raffinose series 353 Penta saccharides 351 secondary 348 Pentitol transport 663 sucrosyl 348 ff., 349, 351 Pentitols 159, 168ff. Olive 167, 177 Pentosanase 753 Olivomycin 142 Pentose interconversions 178 L-Olivomycose 142 Pentose-P pathway 7,79ff. Onion 164,241,770,772 Pentose-penitol conversions 178 Ononitol galactoside 279 Peonidin 298 Oomycetes 504 Pepper 281 Orange 686 Peptide-carbohydrate linkage 534, 565 ff. Orchid 180,267,274,288,456 Periplocin 299 Orchidaceae 453, 455 Peroxidase Organ culture ascorbate 90 myo-inositol requirement 204 horseradish 108, 517, 524, 550 Osladin 298 and hydroxyproline 92 Osmoregulation 181 turnip 524 Osmotic agents Peroxisomal membrane 595 polyols 182, 186 Peroxisomes 595 Ovalbumin 587 Perseitol 171, 185 Oxalate biosynthesis 92 ff. synthesis 186 Oxalate-accumulating plants 92, 93 3-PGA Oxidase activation of ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase ascorbate 89 401 Oxidative pentose-P pathway 77ff. Phaeophyceae 160, 163, 484 Oxygen level Phaeophytae 218,481 effect on sucrose synthesis 271 Phenolic glycosides 385 Phlein 348, 361 P-450 monooxygenase 92 Phloem connections 684 Pachybiose 300 Phloem transport 678, 679 Pachyman 505 exudate 680 Palm seed 420, 422, 424, 458 Phosphatase Palm seed mannan 420, 458 acid 91, 107 Palmae 420, 767, 782 alkaline 107 Paniculenin 298 fructose-I,6-bisP 251 Papaya 705 sucrose 231ff., 689 Paramylon 485, 494ff., 495 trehalose-6-P 273 Paramylon synthase 495 Phosphate translocator 729 Parsley 11,14,26,51,52, 137ff., 267 Phosphatidyl choline 603 Parsley cell culture 138 Phosphatidyl ethanolamine 603 Parsnip 231 Phosphatidyl glycerol 603 Passive diffusion 693 Phosphatidyl inositol 603 Passive sugar transport 636, 637 Phosphatidylinositol 198, 199 Pea 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 34, 45, Phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase 114 48,81,82,90, 108, 112, 114, 170,201,202, Phosphodiesterase 28 222, 223, 229, 231, 234, 249, 264, 266, 268, on nucleotide sugars 29 407, 545, 552, 556ff., 692, 712, 755, 779 Phosphodiesterase and poly[ADPRibJ 54 Pea chloroplast 286 Phosphofructokinase 250,251,501,779 Pea pollen 240 inhibition by P-enolpyruvate 780 Pea starch 702, 703 inhibition by P-glycolate 780 910 Subject Index

Phosphoglucomutase 114, 779 Pittosporaceae 356 Phosphoglycerate 243, 248 Plant glycoproteins 515ff., 584ff. Phosphoinositol kinase 86, 202 Plant organelles 642 Phosphorylase 282,397,399,478,492,716, 725, localization of steryl-glycosides 615 779 Plantaginaceae 359, 429 algal 493 Plantain 705 maltose 285 Planteobiose 291, 359 iX,iX-trehalose 275 Planteose 351, 355, 376 Phosphorylation of free sugars II biosynthesis 367, 372 Phosphosphingolipids 199 nomenclature 350 Photoperiod and raffinose accumulation 375 occurrence 379 Photorespiration structure 359 and sucrose synthesis 247 Plasma membrane (PM) 586, 593 Photosynthesis 176 ff., 259, 373, 375 Plasmalemma 650, 689 allitol production 167 steryl glycoside content 616 polyol production 176 Plasmodesmata 678, 684 ribulose formation 169 Plastids sorbitol production 167 A-type 714 Phycomycetes 160 B-type 715 Phylogenetic relationships in cyclitols 196 biochemical features 716 Phylogenetic tree of Angiosperms 354 development 714, 715 Phytase 86 origin 714 biosynthesis 205 Plum 687 inhibition by Pi 205 Poaceae 356,362,441, 445ff., 450ff. 4-phytase 195 Pokeweed mitogen 528 6-phytase 195 Polemoniaceae 359 Phytate 85, 755 Pollen tube wall polysaccharides 206 bound inorganic ions in 199 Poly[ADPRib] 54 hydrolysis 205 Polygalacturonate 782 seed germination 199 Polygalitol 171 Phytic acid 85 ff., 194, 205 Polyglacturonase 782 biosynthesis 85, 197, 202 Polygonaceae 386, 387 degradation 205 Polyhydroxy acids 77 ff. occurrence 198 Polyisoprenols 611 Phytin 198 Polyol 158 ff. Phytochrome 716 enzymes 178 Phytoglycogen 397, 492 metabolism 177,178ff. Phytoglycolipids III, 601, 608, 609 production by photosynthesis I 76ff. Phytohemagglutinin 515, 537ff. synthesis 177 Phytosphingosine 607 utilization 177 Phytosterol 613 Polyols 155ff., 158ff. oligosaccharide-linked 614 analytical methods 175 Pi (inorganic phosphate) distribution 160 effect on maltose production 286 distribution in plant world 160 inhibition of ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase earlier reviews 160 401 extraction from plants 174 Pillaromycin A 143 future directions of research 185 L-Pillarose 143 inositol glycosides 278 Pine 34, 222, 266, 267 monoglycosides 276 ff. Pine pollen 288 nomenclature 158 Pineapple 517, 524, 547, 549,687, 705 occurrence 161 D-Pinitol 195, 203 phosphate esters 173 galactoside 197 physiology of 180, 186 in soybean 203 stereoisomerism 159 Pinitol galactoside 278 uptake 180, 186 Pinpollitol 197 Polysaccharide degradation Pinto bean 540 disaccharides from 292 Subject Index 911

Polysaccharides GDP-2-deoxyglucose 25 non-starch 418 ff. GDPFru 23 reserve 418 ff. GDPGal 25 seed storage 418ff. GDPGlc 20 slime 517 GDPRha 25 Pome fruits 703 general reaction 14 Populin 385 mechanism 19 Potassium deficiency 269 physiological role 19 Potato 28,29, 30, 79ff., 87, 198,224,229,230, stereochemistry 20 234, 240, 262, 264, 267, 268, 397, 407, 408, UDPAra 25 479, 480, 481, 517, 523, 532, 537, 545, 566, UDPGalA 24 603,615,617, 770, 774 UDPGlc 14, 17 Potato starch 700, 704 UDPGlcA 23 properties 479, 480, 481, 490 UDPGlcNAc 114 Potato tuber starch 706 UDPXyl 25 Potato tubers 245 Pyruvate Powdery mildew 82 kinase 779 Prasinophyceae 164, 181,480 from phosphoenolpyruvate 249 Pregnane glycosides 276 Primary active transport 645 Qenzyme 397,411,478,480,491 Primulaceae 55 mechanism of action 411 Primverin 298 multiple forms 412 Primverose 298 L-Quebrachitol 195 Privet 180 in maple sap 197 Pronase treatment 546, 548, 554, 556, 558 reserve cyclitol 197 Proplastids Quercetin 299 castor bean 81 Quercetin-3-0 (2 6 -fl-D-apiosy lrutinoside) 134 Proteases 586 Quercetrin 298 Protein bodies 199 Quercitin 386 membranes 595 Quercitol 204 Proteoglycan 106,515,556-567,559 allo-Quercitol hydroxyproline-rich 559 in green seaweed 487 Proteolytic enzymes Quinocycline A 143, 147 ficin 549 Quinocycline B 143, 147 stem bromelain 547, 548, 549 Proton-gradient 652, 657 Proton permeability 652 R-enzyme (see debranching enzyme) 476, 717 Proton-sugar symport 646, 647, 648, 659 Radish 14, 235 stoichiometry 651 Raffinose 350,351, 353ff., 355, 376, 693 Proton-translocating ATPase 650 biosynthesis 363 ff. Protonmotive potential 650 in chloroplasts 374 Protoplast and secretion 679 during cold acclimation 374 Protoplasts 593 regulation 374 Prunoideae 165 structure 355, 358 Psilopsida 160 Raffinose oligo saccharides 355, 768 Pteridophytes 27 5 Raffinose series 348,350, 353ff., 355, 376 Pullulanase 473 nomenclature 350 Pumpkin 80, 90, 680 storage products 370 Pustulan 507 Ragweed mitogen 528-529 Pyrenomycetes 50 I Ranunculaceae 430 Pyrocatechol 385 Raphide mucilage cells 456 Pyroideae 165 Recognition 589 Pyrophosphatase 28, 258 Red clover 459, 601 Pyrophosphorylase 397 Red light 766, 768 ADPGlc 17, 18 promotion of carbohydrases 770 ADPXyl 25 Regulation CDPGlc 25 of sugar transport 662 912 Subject Index

Regulation of starch biosynthesis 397 ff. Rye 272,446 Repression Rye starch 70 I of sugar transport 662, 663 Ryegrass 54, 164, 281, 559, 561 Reserve carbohydrate 748 ff. environmental stress 783 Saccharides in fleshy fruit 781 lipid-linked 610 in leaves 339, 777 Saikosaponin 299 mobilization of 748ff. Sainfoin 522, 537, 543, 544 raffinose series of 768 Sainfoin agglutinin 543 in seed endosperm mannan 762 Salicaceae 362, 385 in tubers, roots, bulbs 770 Saligenin 385 Reserve carbohydrates 472 ff. Salt bush 410 of blue-green algae 492 Salvage pathways 15 of freshwater algae 489 ff. L-arabinose 25 of lichens 506 ff. galactose 21 low molecular weight forms 475 galacturonic acid 14 of marine algae 475ff. mannose 22 Reserve polysaccharides 418ff.,473 SAM: erythromycin C-methyltransferase Resorcinol 385 147 Respiration Sambubiose 298 cyanide insensitive 82 Sandalleaves 531, 561 Rhamnogalacturonan 457 Sapindaceae 430 Rhamnogalacturonan II 135 Saponin 299 L-Rhamnose (Rha) 40 Saponins 615 nucleotide 10 Sapotaceae 430 Rhamnosides 298 Saraspogenin 298 Rhodophyceae 37, 160, 162, 271, 477 Sarcobiose 276 Rhodophyta 218, 276, 282, 484 Sarsapogenin 299 Ribitol 169, 185 Scabioside 298, 299 Ribitol teichoic acid 173 Scillabiose 299 Ribitol transport 637, 640, 654, 663 Scillarin 299 Ribitol-1,5-P 173 Sclerotan 483, 505 D-Ribose (Rib) 53 Scopoletin 84 conversion to hexose 25 Scopolin 84 nucleotide 8 Scrophulariaceae 161, 164, 168,359,388 Ribose transport 640-642 Scrophulariales 359 Ribulose 1,5-bisP carboxylase (RubisPCase) Seagrass 195, 256 inhibition 81 Seaweeds 278 L-Ribulose: L-arabitol oxidoreductase 179 Secondary active transport 645 Rice 401, 405 Secretion of nectar 677 ff. Rice grain II, 18,28, 201, 202, 225, 229, 230, Secretion signal 591 260, 277, 398, 409, 665 f3-Sedoheptitol 171 Rice seed scutellum 230, 754 Sedoheptulose 171 Rice starch 700, 702 Seed cell wall polysaccharides 418ff. Ricin D 517, 528-529, 557, 558, 559 Selaginose 273 RNA synthesis 89 Sembucicyamine 298 RNase 524 Sequoyitol 195 Robinin 298 Serine-GalNAc 585 Robinobiose 298 Sesamose 350, 351, 360 Rosaceae 163, 165, 166, 168, 186, 385, 680, SG biosynthesis 616 681, 687 SG: acyl transferase 617,618 Rubiaceae 161, 164, 165, 387 acyl donors 619 Ruiadin 298 biosynthetic loci 622 Rungiose 298 Sieve-tube sap 372 Rutaceae 386 Sieve-tube exudate 195 Rutin 298, 386 Signal peptidase 587 Rutinose 298 Signal sequence 586 Subject Index 913

Signals Spiridaeoideae 165 retention 592 Squash 90 secretion 591 Stachyose 351, 353, 355, 358 Sinistrin 447 accumulation in cold acclimation 374 Siphulitol 171 nomenclature 350 Sisomycin 141 structure 355 P-Sistosterol 389 Starch 243, 246, 256, 473 ff., 677 Sitosterol 613 breakdown 755, 778, 782 Smut fungus 272 14C distribution 727, 778 Snapdragon 682 conversion to NDP-sugars 263 Solabiose 299 degradation 725 Solamargine 389 in dry fruit 701, 702 Solanaceae 358, 359, 389 in fleshy organs 703, 704, 706 Solanales 359 floridean 475 ff. p-Solanidine 389 formation 397 ff. Solanin 299 from freshwater algae 490 Solasodine 389 in leaves 777 Solasonine 389 from marine algae 479 Solute uptake 685 measurement 700 Sophoroflavonone 299 metabolism 723 ff. Sophorose 299 occurrence 700 Sorbitol 162, 165ff., 250 in plastids 714 ff. accumulation 687 in potato tuber 773 and nectar secretion 680 properties 474, 477, 479, 480, 481, 490 occurrence 165, 185 in seeds 702, 706, 748 physiological status 166 sucrose-starch transformation 258 ff. production 179 synthase 397, 398, 408 in Rosaceae 167, 186 synthesis 724, 755 synthesis 177 turnover 726 translocation 167, 179 Starch accumulation 705 ff., 710, 730 utilization 179 apoplastic 731 Sorbitol oxidase 179 environmental influence 733 ff. Sorbitol transport 657 in fleshy organs 704, 706, 731 Sorbitol-I-P 173, 177 intracellular controls 728, 731 Sorbitol-6-P 173, 177 ontogenetic patterns 706 L-Sorbose 296 regulation 727, 731 conversion to L-threitol 168 in reproductive organs 702, 708 Sorbose transport 663 in seeds 702, 706, 712, 730 Sorghum 16, 225, 229, 262, 401, 405 substrate supply 730 Sorghum starch 709 symplastic 731 Source-sink relations 687 temporal quality 705 Soybean 88, 107, 170, 203, 266, 270, 272, 288, termination 711 515,517,522,526,537,540, 552ff., 554, 559, in vegetative organs 708, 712 566, 768 Starch biosynthesis 397 ff. hemagglutin 108 major route 397 7 S protein 108, 517 properties of enzymes 405 Soybean agglutinin (SBA) 517, 537 regulation 397 ff. chemical composition 538ff. Starch distribution Soybean root nodule 274, 281 between storage organs 713 Soybean seed starch 703, 712, 726, 737 within storage organs 712, 732 Spermatophytes 272 Starch granule 718ff., 755 Sphaerophoraceae 506 A-type 723 Spinach 82, 83, 84, 89, 90, 129, 229, 230, 256, B-type 723 401, 402, 404, 406, 410, 601, 603, 604, 605, breakdown 774 606, 616, 716, 778, 780 composition 723 Spinach beet 404 growth 719,729 Spinach chloroplast 286 initiation 718 914 Subject Index

Starch granule Storage tissues 772 lamellae formation 720 anatomy 684 lipid 756 compartmentation 691 morphology 718 roots and beets 689 potato tuber 774 Strawberry 11, 87, 781 Starch metabolism Strepidine 149 substrate 723 Streptomycin 144, 149 Starch mobilization L-Streptose 144, 149ff. axis control 756, 762 Strophantin-D 299 environmental stress 783 Strophantobiose 299 in fleshy fruit 781 Strop han to side 292 in legumes 755ff. Stylidiaceae 436 in organogenesis 784 Styracitol 171 in seeds 748 ff. Sucrose 217ff., 348, 351, 355, 358, 359, 361, Starch phosphorylase 774, 775 682 Starch storage 700 ff. and amyloplasts 716 and dry matter 709 assay 232 environmental influence 733 ff. biosynthesis 220 ff. and organ growth 732 13C discrimination 252 ff. Starch synthase 408, 477, 480, 716, 724, 725 carbon flux 243 [f. bound 408, 491 in chloroplasts 374 function 413 compartmentation 255 ff. multiple forms 410,413 environmental stress 267 soluble 408, 491 in germination 754 in sucrose-starch transformation 259 in green seaweed 487 Starch synthesis 724 metabolic control of 251 regulation by 3-phosphoglycerate 27 in nectar 680 ff. Sterculiaceae 358 oligo saccharides of 348 ff. Steroyl heterosides 615 phosphatase 689 Steryl glycoside acylase pools 256 localization 621 site of synthesis 241 Steryl glycoside hydrolase 621 source of carbon 246 Steryl glycosides 388,601,609,610, 613ff. stable C isotope ratios 252 ff. biosynthetic pathways 616 from starch breakdown 775 function 622 and starch degradation 718 localization 615 in sugar cane 688 miscellaneous roles 626 synthase 397 in plant membranes 623 synthase (synthatase) 688 presence and structure 613 synthesis 681 as primers of f3-glucan synthesis 625 translocation 685 as sugar carriers 625 utilization 266 turnover 620 Sucrose phosphatase 231 ff. Stevioside 299 and carbon flux 243 Stigmasterol 613 Sucrose phosphate 220, 689 Storage of sugars 684 ff. assay 232 Storage product Sucrose synthase (see synthase) 397, 690 sucrosyl oligosaccharide 369 assay 232 Storage proteins 552 and carbon flux 243 kidney bean 526, 527, 555 enzymology 222 ff. legumin 527, 556 properties 223--226 7S protein 526, 552, 554, 555 in sucrose-starch transformation 259 vicilin 527, 555 Sucrose transport 637, 640--642, 648, 654, 657, wax bean 526, 555 663 Storage reserves 397ff., 418ff., 472ff., 684ff., Sucrose 6F_P 229 700ff. Sucrose-P synthase 229, 250, 690 conversion to sucrose 250 assay 232 trehalose 275 and carbon flux 243 Subject Index 915

properties 230 relevance to plant cells 664 Sucrose-starch transformation repression of 662, 663 in maize 261 scheme 646 in photosynthetic tissue 259 Sugar-proton symport 659 in potato tubers 262 Sulfoglycolipid 606 in rice 260 Sulfolipid 603 in wheat, barely and sorghum 262 Sulfoquinovosyl diglyceride 601, 606 Sucrose-sucrose 1F-fructosyltransferase (SST) Sunflower 229, 272 438 Sweet pepper 88 Sucrose-to-starch conversion 399 Sweet potato 28, 223, 230, 690 Sucrose: sucrose fructosyl transferase 771 Sweet potato starch 704 Sucrose: sucrose-I-fructosyl-transferase (SST) Sweetening of potato 773 367, 377 low temperature 773, 774 Sucrosyl oligo saccharides 348 ff. senescent 774, 776 biosynthesis 363 ff. Swietenose 297 compartmentation 377 Sycamore cells 23, 34, 35, 48, 85, 264, 517, degradation 368 ff. 533, 562, 616 extraction, isolation, identification 348 Symbiosis 281 in frost hardiness 374 effect on sucrose synthesis 270 function 369, 376, 378 and polyol production 164, 186 nomenclature 350 Sympetalae 358 occurrence 353 Symplast 685

R f values 351 Symplastic transport 678 scheme 349 Synthase (synthetase) translocation 372 fructose I-P 132 Sugar I-a-galactinol 196 content in fruit 687 IL-myo-inositol 198, 200ff. remobilization 694 soluble starch 398, 408 storage and transport 635ff., 684ff. starch 259, 397, 408 uptake by cells and tissues 694 starch-bound 398, 408 Sugar accumulation 655 sucrose 220ff., 223-226, 259, 688 Sugar alcohols 372 sucrose-P 229ff., 230, 691 Sugar beet 11, 12, 16, 29, 48, 198, 222, 224, dTDP-dihydrostreptose 150 228, 229, 234, 235, 257, 287, 401, 404, 405, Synthetase (see synthase) 410, 603, 665, 685, 686, 690, 692, 694 storage of sucrose 689 Tapioca 225 Sugar beet molasses 353 Tartrate 693 source of raffinose 353 L-Tartrate biosynthesis 92ff. Sugar cane 16, 21, 198, 222, 229, 230, 231, 234, Tartrate metabolism 92, 94 235, 271, 274, 552, 645, 665, 684, 685, 686, Taxonomy 689,779 and cyclitols 196 sucrose storage 688 ff. and polyols 162, 185 translocation of sucrose 686 TDP sugars 9-10, II Sugar interconversion 777 dTDP-"dihydrostreptose synthase" 150 in nectaries 680 dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase 149 Sugar storage in higher plants 684 ff.l dTDP-dihydrostreptose 149 Sugar transport 635ff., 677ff., 684ff. dTDP-L-mycarose 146 classification 635 ff. dTDP-4-keto-L-rhamnose-3,5-epimerase 150 facilitated 693 TDPGlc 11 induction of 662, 663 conversion to TDPRha 39 inhibition 682 pyrophosphorylase 21 inhibitors 656 TDPGlc 4,6-hydrolase kinetics 653, 657 intermediates 40 mechanisms 653, 677 mechanism 40 in nectaries 682 structure 40 rates 643, 654, 694 TDPRha 386 regulation 662 from TDPGlc 39 916 Subject Index

Tea 229 Trehalose-6-P phosphatase 273 Temperature Trehalose-6-P synthase 273 ff. effect on sucrose synthesis 269 Tricarboxylic acid cycle 80 Temperature and starch 734 Trichoside 299 Testa 760 Triprenyl-scyllo-inositol 197 Tetrasaccharides 351 Trisaccharides 351 Tetritols 159, 168ff. Triticin 447 Thermogenesis Tritium exchange by UDPGlc dehydrogenase in aroids 782 44 D-Threitol 185 Tropaeolaceae 430 L-Threitol 168 Tulip 770, 772 Threonine-GalNAc 585 Tunicamycin 110, 591 Thunbergiaceae 430 Turanose 291 Tigmobiose 276 Turnip 80, 524, 551 Timothy 445 Tylosin 142 Tobacco 39, 84, 85, Ill, 170, 222, 229, 238, Tyvelose 124 256, 260, 287, 401, 405, 530, 603, 608, 620, 720,778 UDP sugars 8-11 Tobacco callus 222, 264, 517, 559, 615, 784 UDP-D-mannose 10 enzymes 785 UDP-digitoxose 10, 43, 388 starch content 785 UDP-L-rhamnose 10 IX-Tomatin 299 UDP-2-deoxY-D-glucose 10 Tomato 225, 230, 234, 235, 266, 274, 281, 401, UDP-4-keto-hexose 31 402, 405, 517, 533, 781 UDPApi 10, i35ff. Tonoplast 650, 692 identification 137 bound ATPase 693 UDPApi synthase 138 Tonoplast membrane 594 UDPApijUDPXyl synthase 138 Transacylation 625 UDPApi: flavone apiosyltransferase 139 Transfer cells 678, 679 UDPAra 5, 8, 25, 35 Transglycosidases 385, 390 UDPFru 10, 368, 439 Transglycosylation 288, 296, 625 occurrence 53 Translation 586 UDPGal 8, 36, 364, 367 Translocation epimerization 3 of mannitol 165 historical 3 of polyols 186 pyrophosphorylase 21 of sorbitol 167 UDPGal: sucrose 2-D-galactosyl-transferase sucrose 686 366 Transport UDPGalA 10, 24 active 639, 640--642, 644 decarboxylase 53 mediated diffusion 636, 638 UDPGalNAc 11 passive 636, 637 4-epimerase 115 primary active 645 UDPGlc 9, 29, 397, 690, 724 proteins 660 energetics 26 secondary active 645 4-epimerase 21 of sugar 635 ff., 677 ff. epimerization 3 of trehalose 275 historical 3 Transport proteins phosphorylysis inhibition 774 essential groups 661 in steryl glycoside biosynthesis 616 isolation 660 from storage reserves 250 Trehala-manna 272 synthesis from sucrose 217, 222, 258, 264 IX,IX-Trehalase 274 UDPGlc dehydrogenase 24, 43ff., 206 IX,IX-Trehalose 27lff., 370, 478 inhibition of 45 degradation 274 mechanism of action 43 ff. synthesis 273 occurrence 44 Trehalose phosphate synthase 500 structure 44 IX,IX-Trehalose phosphorylase 275 UDPGlc pyrophosphorylase 14, 259, 398 Trehalose transport 654, 663 inhibitors 17 Subject Index 917

UDPGlc 4-epimerase 30 in endosperm 370 activation 33 storage product 370 active site chemistry 33 structure 357 chirality ofNAD+ 31 Umbellifers 767 deoxy sugars as substrates 34 Umbilicin 172, 278 inhibition 34 Uptake of polyols 180, 186 isotope effect 34 Uridylyltransferase mechanism 34 UDPGlc: IX-D-galactose I-P 22 molecular weight 33 UTP: IX-D-glucose I-P 16 properties 34 Ustilaginales 168 purification 33 stereochemistry 31 Vacuolar space 691 UDPGlc-6-aldehyde Vacuolar storage chirality 45 of acid invertase 775 oxidation to UDPGlcA 47 of fructans 770 from UDPGlc 44 Vacuole 257 UDPGlc: flavonol glucosyltransferase 386 bound invertase 694 UDPGlc: isovitexin 7-0-glucosyltransferase isolation 692 386 and kestose synthesis 377 UDPGlc: o-dihydroxycoumarin glucosyltrans­ storage of oligosaccharides 370 ferase 387 sucrose accumulation 246 UDPGlc: sterol glucosyl transferase 617 sucrose transfer 692, 693 localization 621 Vacuoles 386, 390 purification 618 Vascular bundle 685 su bstrate specificity 617 Verbascose 350, 351, 353 UDPGlcA 10,23, 135 Verbascotetraose 369 biosynthesis 14, 24 Verbenaceae 359 formation from myo-inositol 43, 203 Vicianin 298 formation from UDPGlc 43 Vicianose 298 historical 4 Vicilin 108, 556 pyrophosphorylase 23 Viminose 300 UDPGlcA carboxy-lyase I 138 L-Vinelose 141 UDPGlcA cyclase 52, 138 Violaceae 436 UDPGlcA decarboxylase 49ff. Violaxanthin 89 chirality 50 Violutin 298 compared to UDPGlc 4-epimerase 49 Visicular stomatitis virus (VSV) 586 forms in wheat germ 52 Vitexin 390 isotopic studies 50 Volemitol 162,171,177,483 NAD + requirement 49 occurrence 49 UDPGlcA synthesis 23, 85ff. Water core 166, 186 UDPGlcA 4-epimerase 37 Water deficit and starch 734 UDPGlcNAc 10, 22 Water potential 459 in chitin biosynthesis III Water stress on sucrose pool 267 pyrophosphorylase 114 Wax bean 522, 537, 540 UDPRha 386 Wheat 81, 84, 88, 89, 92, 170, 197, 229, 234, UDPXyl 5,8,25, 135 235, 242, 256, 262, 281, 287, 404, 616 4-epimerase 34, 49 Wheat bran phytase 194ff. inhibition of UDPGlc dehydrogenase 45 Wheat endosperm 256, 517, 531, 561 de novo synthesis 49 Wheat flour 536, 603, 607 UDPXyl 4-epimerase 33 Wheat germ 28, 33, 34, 49, 52, 222, 223, 229, properties 34 230, 407, 538 purification 34 Wheat grain 11,12,18,54,195,199,202,621 UDPXyl/UDPApi synthase 52 Wheat seedlings 85 Umbelliferae 164, 386 Wheat starch 700, 702 Umbelliferose 350, 351, 355, 356, 371, 376 White mustard 431 biosynthesis 365 Wild oat 754 918 Subject Index

Wisteria mitogen 517, 528-529 from UDP-glucuronate 203 Wounding 80,91 from UDPXy! 29 utilization by yeasts 169 Xylan Xylose transport 648, 657, 658 methylated 489 D-Xylose I-P 25 properties 488 from UDPXyl 29 in seaweeds 487ff., 488 D-Xy!ose: xylitol oxidoreductase 178 and xylitol formation 170 j3-Xylosidase 434 (1--> 4)-j3-endo-Xylanase 753 Xylosides 295, 298 endo-j3-D-Xylanase 434 L-Xylulose from L-arabitol 169 Xylem sap D-Xylulose from xylitol 169 sorbitol in 167 D-Xylulose: xylitol oxidoreductase 178 Xylitol formation by yeast 170 Yam 700,704,706,712 occurrence 169, 170 Yariv artificial antigen 559 Xylobiose 295, 298 Yeast 16, 29, 103ff., 167, 180, 181, 202, 203, Xylogalactofucoglucuronan 485 206, 236, 525, 532, 566, 645, 647, 663, 665 Xyloglucan 429, 431, 768 cell wall mannan 207 Xyloglucuronogalactofuran 485 myo-inositol deficiency 207 j3-Xylopyranosidase 753 myo-inositol dependent 207 D-Xylose (Xyl) conversion to hexose 25 nucleotide 8 Zeatin 761 in steryl glycosides 614 Zosterine 135