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Senior Style take a loo at orne golden-age i L~ue s, 10

•:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •:• ------84th Year, Issue 23 <1:)1994 For the week beginning June 24, 1994 Newark, Del. • 35 ~ Touted elsewhere, Metts renews contract here · TI-ns WEEK By JENNIFER L. RODGERS Public announcements in Robert Reynolds, public informa­ tnnt superintendent of District 65 Mett s' salary under the new con­ Illinois Monday named Mett s as tion officer for the sc hool district. sc hool district in March 1987. She tract has not been released. NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER one of three finali sts for the posi­ M~.:tts was unavailable for com­ left that post Feb. 5, 1990, to come Whe n Mett s was hired as In sports tion of superintendent of a kinder­ ment. to De laware under a three and Chri ·tina 's leading officia l, Chri tina School District garten throu gh eighth grade Applications for the Evanston one-half y ar contract for $82,000 Evanston pape rs sa id Chri stina Superintendent Iris Mett s, recent ­ Evan~ton, Ill. , sc hool di~trict. position were due in May . annua ll y, plu~ fringe benefits. school board members were ly courted by an Illinois scho ol Mett s, who was awarded a new Reynolds said Mett s had previous­ Metts pays her own contributions impressed with Metts' desegrega­ board and named a top finalist in a five-year contract Tuesday, said ly met with members of the school to the teacher retirement system. tion ex perien e.The Evanston nationwide superintendent search, she withdrew herself from consid­ board there, at their in vitation. She currently makes $99,000 sc hool district has been voluntari­ has announced she will keep her erati on after learn in g of Monday's According to Evanston news­ annua ll y. Karen Thorpe, supervi­ ly desegregated for 25 years. job here. anno un cement, according I o papers, Melts was hired as assis- sor of payroll and benefits sa id Castle Mall SUMMER BOUND Caldor nears early completion By JENNIFER l. RODGERS NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER

A Caldor store in Castle Mall at the comer of Del. 72 and Route 4 is arriving ahead of schedule. The builders, Jeffrey M. Brown and As ociates of Huntingdon Jody Russell of Newark High School Valley, Pa., are using a "super fast has been named the Newark Post's track" con truction process to Athlete of the Year. speed completion of the $3 million renovation project by Aug. 5. Currently, there is a sign that reads "Caldor- Fall 1994" in front NEWARK HIGH of the vacan t mal l. Instead of building the exterior, then going back to perfect the inte­ GRADUATE WINS rior, Brown and Associates wi ll use I 00 workers to build the interior and exterior simu ltaneously. ATHLETE OF " It 's almost li ke working on a building from the inside out." said THE \EAR. Browu. prc~id nt of the construc­ lB tion finn . "We ' re essentiall y doing all five phases of construction at the same time." The 115 ,000-square-foot Caldor wil l replace the o ri ginal W.T. POST 31 RIPS NEWARK Grant Store and subseq uent K­ mart, which served as anchors. Renovati ons are taking place PHO TO BY MIKE KEPKA INLEGION about fo ur months after th e fire lB marshal closed th e mall. Students from Downes Elementary School were wearing big smiles as they boarded the bus for their last trip home before classes begin Because of an unusually harsh again in the fall. School ended June 16. ACTION. winter that caused a leaking roof, th e few remaining tenants at th e time - Thrift Drug, Rad io Shack · In the news · · and Castle Mall Liquors- had to Cable comes to city hall, police station leave. Water damage caused a poten­ By TONJA CASTANED(t able to watch ba sic cable tel evision in th e there are no TV set in the building, and it has tially "life threatening" condition, employee lunchroom. not been decided when they will be purchased. ARCHEOLOGISTS according to Deputy Fire Marshal NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Newark Police Chief William Hogan said Luft said the cable line are being put in to Bill Bush, and the mall 's power ot her cab le access will be used to get infonna­ use for teleconferencin g in the future. He said At no cost to tax pa yers, the Newark cit y tion about weather emergencic and major for example, "Wh en a onference seminar i. had to be cut. hall and poli ce station arc being wired for UNCOVER ABIT Tony Fusco of Fusco accidents. put on in Chicago or New York, we can tune in cable television. He said the police department currently has (in Newark.)" Enterprises, which owns the mal l, Newark City Manager said installation of said he is looking for more busi­ two tel ev ision se ts whi h are used only with The 200 feet of wire will create two outlet · the cable lines is part of th e cable telev ision video casselt e recorders, because there are no in city hall and three hook-ups in the police OFNEWARKS nesses to locate in the mall. franchise agreement T I Cablev ision has with 3A According to New Castle County telev ision antenn as avai lable at the station to stati on. the City of Newark. receive local broadcasts. ewark Electrical Director Dennis Smith records, Fusco will demoli sh the Although the technology is being insta ll ed PAST. interior of the ma ll and remodel the Newark Ci ty Manager Carl Luft sa id th e said the cable wiring will be completed by the to access nation-wide educational con ferences te hnology cannot be used at city hall be ause end of July. front into a strip mall. and training, police personnel on breaks will be 'METROFORM' RESIDENTS EXPRESS Rail Administration offers a moving lesson in train safety TRAFFIC 3A By PHIL TOMAN After the initial contact with the s hool and th CONcERNS...... teachers is made and a time is et, Andrew goe to SPECIAL TO THE NEWARK POST the sc hool with many teachin g aids and safety give­ aways. The name was very well selected - ''Operation The next step is a visit to the train station in In Lifestyle Lifesaver.'' It s purpose is to make sure Delaware cit­ Iaymon! where the ·tudents gai n first -hand knowl­ izens of all ages understand safety proced ures at edge about railroad safety. nder his watchfu l eye, hi ghway/rail grade crossings and the dangers of tres­ th e student. learn how to cross the high speed (11 0 STUDENTS GET A passing on railroad propert y. mph ) tracks carefully - by usi ng the passenger tun­ Operated by th e Delaware Rail Administration nel under them. For many. it wa: their t1rst train sta­ (DRA), a division of DdDOT. the program receives t ion visit. Another first for the youngster : ex peri­ CLOSER LOOK AT funding at both the federal and state levels. en ing the air movement created by a speeding train. "Every year scores of people are injured and The now know why they mu 1 tand back from the kill ed for violating their own common sense - and tracks. the law - by racing trains to crossings being on rail­ The DRA provided ea h student and chaperone road property where they arc not supposed to be," wi th a ti ket to ride a EPTA local from Claymont said Maury annan, DRA administrator. from his into Wilmington. another first for mo. t of them, ~l:. office in Wilmington 's former Pennsylvania Stati on. including the chaperones. .6A now operated by AMTRAK. The safety lesson continued on the train and DRA tepping just outside annan's office door, one is Manager of Operations hri Schulte joined Index · on the platform of Track One wi th trains rushing in Andrews as a fellow instru tor during the tdp. and out. If you needed an example of what cou ld afely gelling on and off the train was yet another happen if you are careless, you don·, have very far to NEWS 1·14A ~afe t y lesson taught by th men from lhe DRA. wa lk. Andrew . . lo king not unlike the Pied Piper minu · The D !aware Rail Administration's point man POLICE 2A the flut e. then took hi s oun g charge on a 10\11 ~o f for "Operation Lifesaver'' is Operation upport 4A Penn tali n which he e plained ha. se~-ed OPINION Officer Doug Andrews, known for hi s infinite _M_ Wilmington in e 1903. The tour earned surp:.ris LIFESTYLE patience with children and for holding a font of safe­ and , miles from the many passenger in the station OBITUARIEL 7A ty-related railroad knowl dge. To be ~ure. the chil­ waiting for Amtrak and EPT A trains. dren aren't Andrew' nly target nudien e. He is COMMUNITY lA As the lesson end d, everyone had lunch in a for­ also training professi nul drivers. But it is toward mer waiting room adja ent to Track One. DIVERSIONS lA the children that most of hi s efforts ar dire ted, and He said next on th ORA safety agenda is t e what efforts they are. Andrews has as his goal to ARTS 14A making of some closed-captioned films for the ~r ­ NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY PHIL TOMAN rea h every el mentary school child in Delaware. SPOR!.l_ 1·48 ing impaired. "We don't want to overlook the slt(Cty ince he began he has reached I ,4 12. "All sc hools of an Delaware child around the railroad , rcgat'CI­ Students and chaperones climb down from a SEPTA passenger train car ar in itcd to participale, but not all do," he lam ·nt­ CLASSIFIEDS 5·148 Ie ~s of th child s handicap," Andrews aid. 11 part of their rail safety training. ed. ' PACE 2A • NEWARK PoST •] UNE 24. 1991 Fire calls Smoke detector law takes effect ·July 1 6:29p.m.- 661 S. Du Pont Highway. Wednesday, June 15 to put in the smoke detectors. es injury or death." about $8 to $20 in price and can be 6:26 p.m.- McDonald's Restaurant, House fire . Christiana, Delaware City, By TONJA CASTANEDA Wilm ington Manor and Port Penn fire Officials at Newark City and the It is the homeowners responsibil­ purchased at hardware, home sup­ 1401 Governors Place. Building fire . NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER ply and discount department stores. Christiana Fire Co. companies. S tate Fire Marshal' s Office have ity to install the smoke detectors, been working for over six months Ingle said, and with rental proper­ Ingle said the devices should 7:47 p.m.- 200 W. Chestnut Hill Road. Sunday, June 19 Industrious homeowners in Field fire . Aetna Hose Co. 12:38 a.m.- 2600 Winterhaven Drive. to make the public aware of the ties the owner is responsible to always be installed according to the search of a weekend project might ··8:54p.m.- 19 Terrace Drive. No . A. Building fire. Aetna Hose Co. smoke detector law. install the detector and the renter is manufactures instructions. want to install smoke detectors to . Building fire. Aetna Ho. e Co. 10 a.m.- 1-95 southbound at South FarraH said Newark city resi­ required to maintain the device by "A smoke detector should be ·-Thursday, June 16 College Avenue. Auto accident. Aetna comply wi th a new law. d l! nts received infom1ation about regularly replacing the battery. checked to see if it's working prop­ Hose Hook & Ladder Co. Effective July 1, it is a Delaware the Jaw in their June electric bills The number of smoke detectors erly at least monthly," said Ingle. 4:08 a.m.-Girls In c. of Delaware, 489 law that all sin gle family homes, He said that checking the detector ,. Wyoming Road . Building fire . Aetna 12:52 p.m.- 240 Clarks Corner Road . and with fund drive literature sent required in each residence is deter­ House fire. Christiana, Delaware City townhouses, duplexes, mobil e and out by the Aetna Hose, Hook and mined by the number of levels in every day, is not too often. · . Hose Hook & Ladder Co. and Port Penn fire companies. 4:15 a.m.- 364 Chapman Road. modu lar (prefab) homes have Ladder Fire Co. the home and the number and loca­ Residents who can not afford to . Building fire. Christiana Fire Co. 1:04 p.m.- Barksdale Road and King smoke detectors installed. The State Fire Marshal's Office, tion of bedrooms, according to a buy smoke detectors, should contact William Street. Field fire. Aetna Hose Those in violation of the law can their local fire department. . 8:10 a .m.- 502 S. College Ave., Hook & Ladder Co. according to Deputy Grover Ingle, pamphlet printed by the Delaware , Newark. Rai lroad ti es. Aetna Hose Co. face a $100 to $500 fine, but fi re has distributed brochures to the fire Fire Marshal's Office. As of July 1, 1996, Delaware 3:49 p.m.- f20 Persimmon Tree Drive, marshal officials report the intent of 9:29 a.m.- Pencader Corporate Center, Timberlane Mobile 1-lome Park. House companies throughout the state and A smoke detector should be law will require that smoke detec­ 220 Lake Drive. Building fire . Aetna trailer fire. Christiana Fire Co. the law is prevention not punish­ worked with Delmarva Power to installed at each level of the home, tors be installed in apartments, ·· Hose Hook & Ladder and Christiana 8:58 p.m.- 657 Clifton Drive, Hickory ment. have a reminder of the law placed including the basement and a detec­ hotels, motels, bed breakfast facili­ ' !ire companies. Woods. Rescue. Christiana Fire Co. "It' s not our inte nt to police in county residents' June electric tor should be installed outside each ties and rooming houses. ·• ·12:02 p.m.-Jiffy Lube, 2439 Pulaski Monday, June 20 every house to see if smoke detec­ bills. bedroom or group of bedrooms, It has been a state Jaw since Highway. Glasgow. Wires. Aetna Hose tors are installed," said Newark F ire 1983 that newly constructed build­ •· Hook & Ladder Co. 6:56a.m.- 1012 Drummond Plaza. Both Farrall and Ingle are in according to the pamphlet. Marshal Ken FarraH. "Homes will ings are required to be built with . · 6:29p.m.- 610 Timber Wood Blvd., Building fire. Aetna Hose Hook & fa vor of the law. "If there is any distance between Timber Farms. House fire. Christiana Ladder Co. be checked through complaints and "When smoke detectors are bedrooms, put two (devices) on a smoke detectors. Fire Co. 11 a.m.- Interstate 95 southbound at when a fire department responds installed properly they can save single floor," said Ingle. For more infonnation about the 7:16 p.m .- 121 Council Circle, Village service area. Auto accident. Chri stiana (on a call)." your life and your family's life," Smoke detectors which run on 9- smoke detector law, contact the ~ of Tahoe. Trash fire. Christiana Fire Fire Co. He said the owners not comply­ said Ingle. "It is an early warning volt batteries are the type which sat­ local fire department or the State -:-- 0 . 1 p.m.- 374 E. Chestnut Hill Road. ing with the law will be served a device that allows time for people isfy the requirement, Ingle said. Fire Marshal's Office at 577-3222. .. {;11 p.m.- 857 Pulaski Highway. Building fire. Aetna and Christiana violation noti ce and gi ven 15 days to escape the home before fire caus- Farrall said these range from 'House fire. Christiana Fire Co. fire companies. Friday, June 17 1:16 p.m.- 23 Cand lewick Court. Auto 1:57 p.m.-I-95 southbound at Chapel fire. Christiana Fire Co. Police beat Street. Auto accident. Aetna Hose Co. Tuesday, June 21 3:58p.m.- 415 Stanton-Christiana 12:06 a.m.- 2 Philip Court, Mill Race. Bomb threat at Crab Newark. Management of the Three cars taken from Bike taken: A women's Huffy Road. Field fire. Christiana Fire Co. Wires. Aetna Hose Hook & Ladder Co. Trap: Newark police report the Oaklands Swim Club on Hillside dealership: On June 18, man­ mountain bike was reported stolen 8:02p.m.- 1101 Governors Place. 7:19 a.m.- 1 Rahway Drive. House. Road reported cash and an answer­ Crab Trap restaurant on Elkton agement at Newark Winner Nissan June 13 from a second floor bal­ Rescue. Christiana Fire Co. Aetna Hose Hook & Ladder Co. and ing machine were stolen June 15 Road, Newark, was the target of a on Ogletown Road reported a blue cony of an apartment in the 8:31 p.m.- Elkton Road and Suburban Christiana Fire Co. from the club. Police said the club bomb threat June 16. The threat was Nissan Pathfinder, a black Southgate complex on Marvin Plaza Shopping Center. Auto accident. 9:09a.m.- Howard Johnson's restau­ was entered through a window. On 1994 unfounded, and the restaurant was 1994 Nissan Pathfinder and a white Drive, police said. Police report the Aetna Ho c, Hook & Ladder Co. rant, 1119 S. College Ave. Building. the same date, the Nottingham not evacuated, police said. Suzuki Sidekick were stolen bike was not locked. 9:07 p.m.- 14 Yorktown Court. Trash Aetna Hose Hook & Ladder Co. and Swim Club on Radcliffe Drive was 1994 Christiana Fire Co. from the dealership.. fire . Christi ana Fire Co. Two Newark businesses broken into and although no proper­ Money and CD player Saturday, June 18 10:59 a.m.- 100 Freedom Road. burglarized: Police report cash Cars stolen: A 1992 green stolen from church: Cash Building. Christiana fire company. ty was taken, cabinets and drawers 1:08 a.m.- l 08 Che lm sford Circle, Mazda 626 was reported stolen and a compact disc player were 1:29 p.m .- Wawa store, 703 Pula ski was stolen June 13 from the regis­ in the office had been rummaged Chelmsford. Building fire. Aetna Hose ter of the Newark Chinese Laundry through, police report. Police said June 13 from the unit block of reported stolen June 15 from the Hook & Ladder Co. Highway. Building. Christiana fire company. on Main Street. A window was there were no signs of forced entry. Welsh Tract Road, police said. pastor's office at the Church of the 8:27 a.m.-Jeanne Jugan Residence, 185 apparently broken to enter the store. Also, a beige 1989 Nissan Maxima Nazarene on Paper Mill Road, Salem Church Road. Building fire. 2:26p.m.- East Chesumt Hill Road and Also, the Persimmon Creek Swim South College Ave. Auto accident. Also, coins were reported stolen Club on Arbour Drive was burglar­ was reported stolen June 17 from police said. Aetna Hose Hook & Ladder Co. Matt Slap Subaru on Cleveland 10:04 a.m.- U.S. 40 and Wilton Aetna Hose Hook & Ladder Co. June 14 from the Bilcyn Hair Co. ized June 13 and a microwave oven, Boulevard. Auto accident. Christiana 4:51 p.m.- 1199 Marrows Road . Field on Haines Street, police said. An air eight cases of soda, two cases of Avenue. Fire Co. fire. Aetna Hose Hook & Ladder Co. conditioning unit was pushed out of pizza and a case of pretzels were and Christiana Fire Co. a window to gain entry, police said. reported stolen. Police said the club Newark swim clubs bro­ was entered through a window and ken into: T hree swim clubs a small refrigerator and freezer were burglarized this week in were found in the pool. Cfhe eruise Shoppe, Ltct. Have you ever experienced or do Cruising is our Business you suffer from: Headaches, Back Pain, Our ONLY Business! Fatigue, Tension, Insomnia, With Our Unbeatable Service Nervousness, Stomach And Our Low Competitive Prices Problems or Neck Pain? Call us Now for Your Find out if you are a case that Next Cruise Vacation Chiropractic can help. Main Street (302) 737-7220 Family Chiropractic Dr. Lynn Stevena • Dr. John Stevens 5 Buildings West of McDonald's 1-800-755-SHIP Main St. - Newark CALL TODAY FOR 302·737·8667 YOUR F.REE EXAM A Flea bites up to twenty times a day. F'leas are hungry. And fleas have friends-who are also hungry. In fact, your pet may be being "eaten alive" up to 20 times a day by as many as 100 fleas. Ouch! Don't let th is bloodshed continue (you wouldn't want to go th rough this agony, would you)? Call our office. and together we' ll get rid of all those fleas, show you how to be the best owner a pet could want and give you (and your GODWIN'S SHELL pet) peace of mind. Atlantic Veterinary AIIOCiatea Glasgow Veterinary Center Lantana Veterinary Center 850 Peoples Plaza• Newark, DE 300 Lantana Drive, Hockessin, DE (302)834-1118 (302)234-3275 ® J~N~:IIR~Mo~~~~~TES@ ORDINI'S POOLS AND SPAS SHMOFP T H0URS Balancing • Lifetime Rotation MILES 8 9 0 !t~!~ See cashier for CletailsD •For Every Tire We Sell · a.m.· p.m. AHEAD ~s:a:t~.~9~a~.~m~.:·3~p~.m~.--~:::::::::::=;=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~ I30MWI&---~ .­ • ~···················· . 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Eu~~:::os~y:~nt!:~ ;:.::'~o~a~!~~ver :!~~~!~I!~N $S5ER9V91C5E • Two steel belts P205f75R15 155·12 43.62 175nOR13 50.34 1 'cieanpen 1 over polyester cord P215f75R15 155·13 46.21 185nOR13 52.40 :·Retmwlth~:r'':~:C,":i,';:';,'!,~.m;.. ~on~:~•uo body for strength, P225f75R15 165·13 47.73 1B5nOR14 51.97 ..,":,"~P::":."'.~:';ll":~'i'd:r· :":11~1 :,~S: ._.. s..m.o.o.th.r.id .. e.._ ___P_2.35•n•5•R-15.._ __'------•1-.95;;,n,;,;o;.;.R-.1;.4 _._._.: SHOCKS & STRUTS SHELL TIRES ARE MANUFACTURED BY KELLY SPRINGFIELD 1 SAVE 10o1o GODWIN'S SHELL SERVICENTER WE SINCE 1971 EMPLOY TECHNICIANS CERTIFIED 368·4322 BY S. COLLEGE AVE. &W. CHESTNUT HILL RD. NEWARK, DE j UNE 24, 1994 • NEWARK POST • PAGE 3A MOMS Club READING CoNIEST WINNERS Dig uncovers a bit of Newark's past announces By JENNIFER l. RODGERS bricks and stones were spread him Herman 's M eat M arket , a throughout the backyards and into "Mom and Pop" store and a book NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER the foundation holes. store were once located in the new board Archeolog ists are examining Evidence of a wooden post area. It isn't known when the members the remains left from previous was all the archeologists found houses were demolished. inhabitants of the area near according to Dom. Dom said archeologists will The Moms Offering Moms ' University of D e laware's "A single post doesn't tell us a monitor the garage construction Support Clu b of Bear/Newark has announced new exec ut ive board Daugherty Hall before construc­ lot," Dom said. "If there is a to see if anythjng else is di scov­ members. tion of a four-story pa rking series, we can identify a fence or ered. if there are two near a well, then "We're not really hopeful to Susan Habacivch ha been garage begins. named president; Charlene The city of Ne w ark issued a we are looking at evidence of a find anything e lse," Dom said. counter balanced well rod." "The integrity of the site was Atkinson is administrative vi ce building pe rmit last Thursday, president, Kathy Azevedo is new according to Junie Mayle, build­ Archeologists can find evi­ damaged by the way the buildings dence such as farm animals, were demolished." membership vice president, Chris ing director. Scribner is treasurer, and Nancy wells, and the diet and nutrition In order to insure a sound Before any concrete is mixed Bagazinski is secretary. of the people living there from howe ver, Larry McGuire, con­ foundation for the garage, the old The MOMS club is a non-profit struction manager, said university backyard samples according to rubble filled foundations will support group fo r mothers who stay archeologists wanted to investi­ Dom. need to be dug out and replaced home wi th their children , work gate the area. "Apparently the buildings with new dirt. part-time, or out of their home. Keith Dom, university archeol­ were empty for a long time and If all goes well, McGuire said Those interested in information A Newark student was the top fundraiser in the National Multiple ogy lab manager, said foundations picked over before they were torn the garage should be finished by about the club should call 73 1-7176 Sclerosis Society's 1994 reading marathon. Andrea Petruccelli, who of three buildings were found in down," Dom said. "Most infor­ February or March, 1995 . or 834-0550. • · attends St. Anthony or Padua School, raised more than $1 ,500 In the area west of Daugherty Hall mation would come from the pledges and won a limousine ride to a Philadelphia 76ers game for to Elkton Road, where the garage yard, but they were disturbed." her successful effort. Joining her are (from leH) other Newark stu­ is planned. Dom speculated two of the for­ dents who each raised over $500 in pledges for the read-a-thon: Diggers were hoping remains mer houses were built in the mid Jeffrey Genery, Petruccelli, Katie Arzinger, Jennifer Forrest, would provide clues about the 19th century and one in the late Rebeccah Forrest and Sarah Troutman. Funds raised through the inhabitants and how they lived. 19th century. read-a-thon help provide services to more than BOO Delawareans with However, when the buildings He said he believes the houses multiple sclerosis and their families. were demolished, Dom said the were eventua lly used for busi­ nesses because people have told :' :Traffic concerns feed restaurant debate By TONJA CASTANEDA Department of Transportation sees Representative Frank Gihan said Department in January of 199 1 to as already being too congested. locating a McDonald 's Restaurant recommend the rezoning. NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER De !DOT Representative at this intersection is "speculative" Wills said the planning board Michelle Ackles said the intersec­ at this time. asked the company to wait because Bob Evans Farms Company rep­ tion ha s an "E' rating during The Bob Evans Farms company of the traffic problem at th e inter­ , · resentatives hoping to build a fami­ evening rush hour, meaning traffic wants to build its two restaurants on section until the Metroform Traffic .. ly-style restaurant and an upscale congestion reaches unacceptable 3.2 acres of property at the Del. 273 Study was completed. · , Mexican restaurant at the Del. 273 levels at that time. Intersections and Eagle Run Road intersection, The study, now fin ished, is being - and Eagle Run Road intersection 0 with a rating of "D" or better indi­ across from University Plaza and introduced to the Delaware legisla­ presented their plans to the cate an adequate ability to handle offlnterstate 95. ture before being released to the ·a Metroform Civic Association traffic flow, but new development Bob Evans Farms Representative public. . Monday in hopes of gaining the should be phased in over a period of Larry Wills said Bob Evans Farms Green said the company is going group's support. time. has a contract to purchase the land, to ask New Castle County council ' 0 Metroform President Beth Terry Terry said the Metroform Civic subject to rezoning the property for the zoning change in the coming said, although she likes the restau­ Association is also opposed to a from industrial to commercial. He months. 0 rant, she does not see support for McDonald's restaurant being built said the project, including buying The restaurants will bring a total the proposal until traffic concerns at the intersection of Del. 4 and the land and building the restau­ of 200 fu ll and part jobs to the area. are addressed. Harmony Road because it, too, is rants, is estimated to cost $4.5 mi I­ Bob E vans Farms owns and Terry said while the civic associ­ rated "E" during rush hour by lion. operates 292 restaurants in 19 ation has yet to reach a consensus, DelDOT. Green said the company asked states. The nearest Bob Evans is in the group is opposed to new devel­ McDonald's Corp. the New Castle County Planning Dover. · opment in an area the Delaware Now In Progress At Miller's In Wilmington & Newark ... -

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7 ~ PA~ 4A • N EWARK Posr • J u NE 24, 1994 ' '

COLUMNS • PAGES FROM THE PAST • LETTERS Without coordination, congestion j Our OF THE Arne esidents living in "Metrofonn" - that unincorpo­ development stand to most everything it covers. And in rated area not far from Christiana, not far from that same article, local developers paint a picture of R Stanton, are in the ne ws this week bringing building as many shopping centers and housing devel­ atleution to a snarled traffi c situation that could be opments here as fast as they can to take advantage of a c

ltt'ou can go 'back home' again This week's photo, courtesy or H.B . "Whitey" Wilson or Savannah, Ga., former or Newark, shows the Jacob II , ; Thomas Company wallpaper mill. The mill, buill in Newark In 1908 at the southwest comer of Cleveland BY TRICIA L. STRADER surprise a snake or get a tick on me! Avenue and North College Avenue, burned to the ground In 1913. Mr. Wilson notes his father and uncle u...... The thought of snakes used to both­ worked in the plant. The.site is now occupied by the Newark Lumber Co . Readers are Invited to loan pho­ f{EWARK POST OFFICE MANAGER er me the worst. Yuck! tos and post cards from the past for publication. Special care will be taken. Call Scott Lawrence, editor, at •i Behind the house is the chicken 737-0724 for details. ith the summer months coop. I can remember going in for .: upon us, I always look eggs many times. There's a picture i1W forward to going "back of me at age 4 or 5 holding chicks ~orne" to the hills where my parents with my grandmother beside me. PAGES FROM THE PAST trew up. In the 1940s and 50s, each Little things like that never leave #loved here from West Virginia. you. • News as it appeared in the Newark Post throughout the years 11 What's so unusual about their The house is the same except for 1 ove is that they grew up a few a few changes in furniture. In recent Issue of June 25, 1919 ... nance readings, approvals, and dis­ miles up White Clay Creek, with iles from each othe r in the years, she's had indoor plumbing c ussion, gave final approval to about one half of inundated land in , ppalachian Mountains and went to and a gas stove installed. Fishermen Make Big Haul Rollins Broadcasting of Delaware Delaware, the other half in ,~ e same school, but never met until Nevertheless, the wood stove is sti ll A great deal more than the tradi­ Inc. to operate and maintain a com­ Pennsylvania. When full, the reser­ 'JllY mother lived in Delaware and in the corner of the kitchen for a tional "Fisherman's Luck" attended munity antenna television system in voir would have a 32 mile perime­ :my father, stati oned at Aberdeen, rainy day. The TV only gets one the Lovett family on a recent trip to the city. tc:;r. 1 t •• ,, ~Md ., in the Army, went. to visit rela­ channel to this day. Lake Como, Smyrna. Brief fireworks followed Mayor ; ~ives of his brother-in-law. They Certain things are missing, F.W. Lovett, L.D. Lovett, Waldo Handloff's statement that she was though. My grandfather and mater­ :pet and later married. Ever since, Lovett and William J. Lovett com­ determined not to let councilmen Issue of June 29, 1989 ... : ~e make the annual trip back to our Strader nal grandparents are gone now. posted the party who spent Friday get on "political hobbyhorses" • oots. · side and carry our luggage across a Both sides of the family used to afternoon and Saturday morning again as she said they had in recent visit back and forth. I can recall my :, One might think that things have swinging bridge. That was fun to do following Izaak Walton's favorite council meetings. Wetlands: 'No Loss Policy' :bhan ged a lot since then, and it's as a child who was terrified of a grandfather on the porch, dipping diversion. A fine string of fish The ordinance had been Proposed snuff. He used to spit over the rail­ ; 10t possible to "go home again." moving bridge! 1 bet many people acquired either by hook or by silver approved in principal last Tuesday A new policy proposed by ing into the yard . He was a great old : ~Grant ed , there have been changes . can still remember swingi ng bait rewarded their efforts, Brother after two readings and public hear­ Delaware Gov. Michael N. Castle gent , much like the grandfather on • any people of my dad's genera- bridges and runs. William of the Kells force landing a ings by a 4-3 vote. Last night's final could halt the disappearance of the The Waltons, but more soft spoken. : ion m oved away to find jobs; When si tting on the porch, my striped bass that would measure 6 approval was a 5-2. state's wetlands to development. He always had that little stain on his : ~ n ters tate 79 was built and took fa ther and I remi nisce. Still stand­ feetfrom tip to tai I or weigh 6 Castle has called for a state chi n from the tobacco. When I sit in ·much of the town with it in the ing is the pin e tree I shot the top out pounds - it's immaterial in a fish freshwater wetlands policy with a th e kitchen, 1 can see him at the Scenic White Clay Creek ;::name of progress (i nc luding my of as a girl be in g shown how to story, isn't it? Anyway, ' twas a big goal of "no net loss." ·~ r ea L -g r a ndmother 's home). hold a hunti ng rifle by her fa ther. pump getting water to wet his comb tish. Claimed Best for County and run through his coal black hair. Under this proposal, wetlands :.Tourism is a big deal because of The bam 1 used to milk cows in is Nearby Section of Lincoln lost to development would be ' man-made lakes and recre ation quiet now, but I can still see myself At the supper table, which was a Reservoir major event three times a day, he Highway Completed A huge dam and reservoir pro­ replaced and restored through a areas. and friend s playing in it with literal- number of methods, including a Even so, there is much I can see Jy dozens of cats. would nudge at or tickle the kids State Highway Comissioner ject is under consideration by New public-private partnership formed to under the table and act like it was Grubb reported to the Levy Court Castle County to provide what its ~hat is still the same. The house my Looking in the other di rection, I provide technical assistance and some ghost. He drank hi s coffee on Friday thta eh Standard proponents call an adequate water : g randmother lives in is the same can see the old pi le of sawdust from restoration expertise. from the saucer as many older folks Bitulithic Company has completed supply for the rapidly developing : house she's been in since the 1940s. a once operational sawmil l. Near it "Between 1956 and 1979, : It is tucked away in a little valley is the site of the original fam il y apparently did. 1 can almost hear Section 6, a stretch of 2.37 miles of Newark and Southern New Castle Delaware lost 38,000 acres of wet­ • ealled a holler. The road we use to fannhouse where my father and his him saying grace. the Lincoln Highway, extending County area. . lands and continues to lose an aver­ · ""'ge t to it is still part di rt and part brothers and sisters were bom. The Come to think of it, my family is from the Maryland-Delawre line to The dam would be located about age of more than 1,500 acres annu­ ' small stream (called a "run"). Yes, steps at the front of the current a little like The Waltons! the corporate limits ofNewark. The 1 1/2 miles north of Newark and 1 ally," said Castle. "By adopting a tl(ere are still areas in which the house arc made of andstone from Despite progress and change, our Levy Court Commissioners went on would cost county taxpayers $12.5 no net loss policy, we will end this , : road is in or crosses the run (no the old house. family knows we can still go back an inspection trip over the complet­ million - $2.5 for land and the rest destruction of our valuable Qtidge). It empties into a cree k Out fro nt, the run sometimes still to those hills to a slower pace and ed secion that afternoon. for engineering, construction and resources and, hopefully, restore 1 ;_y..)lich does actually have a bridge, beckons me to go wading in it and relax, breathe in clean mountain air, easement rights over private right­ some of what has been lost." : only since the 1980s! (I guess look for minnows or craw crab ·, and renew our minds and bodies. aways and property. )~t The proposal for the new policy ; : . ~!aware 's construction contractors which 1 loved to do a a ki d. Of To anyone who says you can' t go Issue of June 25, 1969 ... The project requires 1 ,400 acres follows a report issued by the · • ':haven't quite reached West Virginia course, my mother used to have a home again , I say you can - even if of land, 1, l 00 for the reservoir area, Rollins O.K.'d On CATV Governor's Freshwater Wetlands : with progress !) Before that, we fit when 1 did so. She was afraid I'd it's only in your mind's eye. the balance for cleared fringes, the · ~t Newark's City Council, after Roundtable. u~ed to have to park on the other sharp opening exchanges and a two dam and supporting facilities. ( The reservoir would extend 4 'I ., hour wade through numerous ordi- ,I UPON MY WORD ,,,. S.B. 341 commands some respect By SHIRLEY M. TARRANT daughter who could testify to my life's end wishes; however, perhaps NEWARK POST ··NE···WARK···· ·POST···························· COLUMNIST ··········· neither will be with me, for whatev­ + Grut., Newart<"s Hometown Newspaper Since 19t 0 + er reason. In a traumatic or emer­ Frank Sinatra can be heard every gency situation, who would speak now and then singing," .. .I'll do it for me to express my values and . my way ..."I wish! Maybe passage directives, if I were unable to speak Vol. 84 , No. 23 • :of State Senator David McBride's for myselfl Publisher: James B . Streit, Jr. : ' S.B. 341 will ensure my doing it S.B. 341 would provide me with Editor: G. Scott Lawrence ' " my way". 1 want to control my the means to appoint a surrogate or Sports Editor: Marty Valanla Staff Reporter~: Tonja Castaneda, Jennifer Rodgers, Nancy Turner medical treatment at the end of my agent who would act in my interest Contributing Writers: Jack Bartley, Elbert Chance, Sheila Dougherty, Brian Hickey, John Holowka Marvtn Hummel life and I want to determine the or in behalf of my wishes. James Mclaren, Gregory Orlando, Shirley Tarrant, Phil Toman ' ' c,l(tent of care. If and when I am If and when I arrive at a stage in Composition/Photo Production: Julie Norona faced with a terminal illness or no my life I am beyond recovery (ter­ Office Manager: Tricia Lynn Strader Advertising Manager: Tina Wlnmill • ~hance for recovery, I want my minal illness, brain damage or Claulfled Advertlalng Manar.r: Bonnie Leltwller wishes and directives to be fol­ coma) and I am solely dependent Claaalfled Telephone Selea ansgar: Ginny Cole lowed by my health care providers. upon life support systems, I want a Account Represent_atlvea, John Coverdale, Kara Dugar, Donna Kaehn, Kay P. McGlothlin Harvey PaqueHe Jerry · I recently realized that the "liv­ relative, close friend or guardian to RuH, Irene Snell, Gail Springer, Lynne Tesch ' ' ing will", which was prepared for carry out my wishes for that life Claulfled Repreaentatlvn, Jerry Lynn Hamilton, Nora Jugler, Amy Zern me a few years ago, really is not upport system t.o either be with­ Tht Ntwork Post b P_•bli$htd FriMy by Clot~akt Publi1hlng Corporal ion. NtwJ and local1alt1 o/fictl art locar.d 1 rh RobM:ol 8 1/dl 1 1 drawn or withheld. The surrogate 1$3 Eoll Clot•rnur Hrll Rood. Ntwark, /hlawort 19713 . CtmrQ/ advtn/1/ng of!ic••art loca10dar 60/ Brldg• s,,., El':, M l d "upif• much good. Think about it. My Jiv­ Tarrant Ctnrral classiflod• abo locartd or 601 Bridlt Strut. Ad.. rt/Jing dttldliM ;1 11 a.m. Mondtly. ' on, aryan · ing will is kept in a safe deposit would act in accordance with what ' box . I don't know where you keep save my life. They would not be they know as my decision and what Ht1W ro ,.och ""To •ubscribe, }.8()().220-3311 • Nnt>J lipl, 737.C7U • To plact a cltUII/itd, 1-800-220-1230 • L«al tJiiNrtllllll 7J7.C724, Orhtrad.. rrl•lng , 1-800-220-3311• NewJ/tU. (.302) 7.37-9019 •AdYerriting/tU, (410)JM..f1U4 ' your livi.ng wiii (ii you have one) searching my body for legal papers I want. A living will (one's life's but, I certainly don't carry mine or taking time to read my instruc­ end wishes) makes an ideal direc­ It is tht policy D{ tht Newark l'o:n not to wirhlwldfrom llw pwb/ic Ilion lr.rru of I~IOIIwhlch art a flltllttr Dff!ubllc ffttNd All tJdNrlill tions and verifying my signature and,.,., ar• «Ctpttd and prlnttd only at tlw •ol• di1cr.rion D{ riot pub/Wwr. RtllikrJ art tncoruagftl to.,, rht Opllliorl I'Oit ·,,.... 1/wlrltf ' JIIl)und in my pocket at all times or tive to follow, if it is readily avail­ mindJ. PltfU! rtlllt~r : UlltrJ •lw•ld be rlwuglrl prt>YOl.lng and co•od• • untrl dulfWd IIMitllflwlll 1101 be prlntod, Wt rtHrw llw rlllrl 10 • any time! So, what good is it? If I and those of my witnesses at the able and accessible. If not, then tdlt/or clartt] • W11ter~ mustlncllldt a leotpAO»W nzflber so ala: l'tne;s can bt lt»/fitdprlor lo pllbllceiiDII, time of the signing of the so-called , should arrive at an emergency what? 1 ' """-"'~•·-••"--D£, ,_ •;:m~D:,~rro\, room, unconscious and unidentifi­ Jiving will. I like S.B. 341 because it com­ Auodntion. lht NlllioMI Nn.~r An«lallo11 """ llw NtwGrk lui"'" In all practicality, all of this mands respect for a patient's values Anocldtlon.I'OSTMitSTER: M""tlddrtn CM"''IIo: N,_,k 1'011, JSJ f!lur able, who would know that I have a Chwnut Hill ROfld, Nt...,rk. DE 1971.3. Stcond-c/"" po11•1• pold., Nt'IIHVl , :·· living will or anything about my bu iness creates quite a predica­ and desires. If you do not want to Dtl., and add/t/01111/ D{fice1. ' 1 Jive-or-die decisions? The medical ment. lt would be ideal for me to be staff would be very busy trying to accompanied by my husband or my See TARRANT, 5A ... J UNE 24, 1994 • NEwARK PoST • PAGE 5A, lKrrER TO 1HE EDITOR The Great Flag GilleallllaJI!

I performance in the 45 -year period I told me that their lives have been Much admired, have been teaching. Many of these enriched by their study of mu sic, students have gone on for further although they may not be making a Starting June 28 -- Be among but not a student study with other teachers and have career in music. Editor: had successful careers in piano per­ The article may have given the the first 50 people to I should like to make some com­ formance, conducting, composing, impression that Lisa Papili had been ments about the article which accompanying, and teaching/coach­ my student. 1 ha ve known a nd appeared in the Newark Post of ing. Some have achieved wide admired Lisa since she was a young recycle at least June 10, concerning the lovely recognition (although not national) girl studying with my dear friend recital and reception the Newark in their fields, and I am happy to Margaret Littell, but she has never 25 pounds with United Methodist Church gave in have contributed to their success. studied with me. my honor. Some have had successful careers Reynolds and Indeed I have taught hundreds of in Europe. I am also happy about Mildred Gaddis students in music theory and piano the many former students who have Hockessin receive a full size American New officers On the 4t4 o/- fk4 flag kit* FREE! . named to Newark Parks & Recreation • while supplies last Holds its annual county, UD In Newark ·· LIBERTY DAY CELEBRATION Family Dollar Store ·police forces 11 :00 AM to 5:00 PM Parking Lot at CARPENTER STATE PARK 20 Marrows Rd., Off of Ate. 4 . . I New Castle County police Northwest on Delaware 896 Tues. thru Sat., 9:30 am to 4:30 pm held a graduation ceremony for the 21st New Castle County A SOAP BOX EVENT Be nice to your country twice--recycle and fly your flag! Police Recruit Academy on 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM June 9. will be sponsored by the The new New Castle County police officers are: George Cale NEWARK P£AC£ f£LLOWSHIP. Jr., H. Kenneth Crystal, Lea TH£ N£WARK POST &l'AC£M IN T£RRIS Ann Horowitz, Joseph Marigg, Bradford Milton, Christopher WE WANT YOU TO COME AND RECEIVE A Rees, Dennis Schmitt, Charles SPEAK OUT ON YOUR ISSUE Shepherd, Edward Sommers, Ronald Stamper, Floyd Wiley A podium and chairs will be provided. HEALTHY DISCOUNT : Jr., Teresa Williams and : Gu1tavo Zeissig. : The new University of Good sportsmanship and open minds will be the order of the day. ON YoUR FIRST VIsiT. : Dfjlaware officers are David : Bartolf and Emmett Robinson ; II./

1 ~iving will Parth:i puU sbould talr:e UfJCDI prtal.lliO IIS .llliD.JI dur liclu wbca Ol&ldoors: Uw .111. ioxct tcpe U:k ot co nta iaia& OEET Shower aad 1en1 b a(tcrwud.l needs surrogate Cbcc:k very ca rcCu.Uy (or tbc tiay insect At The HealthCare therapy, optome­ Center at C hristiana try and mental ..... TARRANT, from 4A you'll find all the health. You'll : control the process of your death, basic medical services also find excep­ 1 you are not required by law to do so. But, remember this: if you don't your family needs, in a tional health ' control it, someone else will. state-of-the-art facility, care services Whether it is your spouse or your GET RELIEf. .. close to home. uch as lab, x-ray and pharmacy. • children or your doctor. And if they You'll find a group of highly-skilled Our center of excellence is dedicat- do not know ahead of time what you want, all they can do is proceed The Chiropractic doctors and medical profess ionals ed to keeping fa milies healthy. We how they think you would want to For... committed to excellent care. We accept most insurance plans. For be treated. Your thoughts and wish- offer a full array of medical care from more information or to make an . es and their thoughts and wishes . may be on two totally different o Neck &.. Back Pain primary and pecialty care to physical appointment, call 302-4 21-2466 . . planes! Many families, when faced ~· o Headaches with the difficult decision, will not ...... -- ''let the 'patint die with dignity". .v ·. o Arm &.. Leg Pain The decision gets to be, "Keep ... TTTTYTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTT him/her alive no matter what it o Disc Problems takes and no matter the cost." Is SAVE $2(}D oN YoUR FIRST VISIT this what the patient would have o Car Accident - wanted? If the answer is "yes", TO TI-lli 11-iE then fine. Otherwise, the family or Injuries HEALTHCARE CENTER HealthCare AT cHRISTIANA surrogate are just acting out their Pl1oto by: BOB McCLAIN Center own needs and desires, without any AT CHRlSTIANA concern for the patient's rights and Dr. Kris Hollstein, CHIROPRACTic ORTHOPEDIST hoose from our exceptional care and se rv ices: A cmur of exallmu for all your f amily's h,afih care. poor quality of life. MOST INSURANCES COVER: Aetna/DuPont, MBNA, • Lab tests • X-rays Until a law is passed, the best THP, Cigna, BC/BS POS, Auto. Accident Insurance, • Prescripti ons • Mammography To receive your savmb'S, be sure 10 pre· legal way to ensure your life-death • Eyeglasses • Nutriti on counsel ing se nt thts coupon at the time of servtce. control these days is with a docu­ and Traditional Plans O ne coupon per pe rson. Coupon may • Contact lense • Phys ical therapy not be combined wi th any other offer. ment called a "medical power of Offer expi res t Z/3 t/94. attorney". With this document, you INTRODUCTORY OFFER - WITH THIS COUPON • Vision exams • Physical exams and more! appoint a surrogate/agent who will . carry out your wishes - how and• 200 H yge ia Drive, Newark, DE (across from Christi ana H os pital, off Ogletown-Stanton Road. Rr 4) NP , . when you shall die, in a non-recov­ szsoo Initial Examination* , erable condition . NO OBLIGioTION .' Face it folks: we are all going to

J die some day. Death will be the , final stage of my 1ife and yours. I Call ... lOZ-453·9355 ~~:oiNTMENT! don't know you or your wishes but, Near Christiana Mall UNSUNG ' if I can control the process of my · dying then, I want to do that. ,· Well, I have to make a very DIAMO"D STATE CHIROPRAmC HEROES ~· important telerjlone call, so please, Suite 103, LaFayette Bldg. · excuse me! I qeed to call my attar­ • ney and ask lim to draft a medical 25 S. Old Baltimore Pike ' power of attdlley for me. My liv- Christiana, DE 19702 OF ing will needi a surrogate! .' UPER CELLULAR SALE!! GREATER NEWARK You know who they are. But many people do n't because they don 't crave publicity. They do it because it matters to them. The Greater Newark area is blessed with many : unsung heroes ... people who volunteer their time and energy to make this a better place to live. The Newark Post will salute these unsung heroes on July 22. As a 'person who makes a difference' I nominate:

------rELlU'lARONE" • V:~~~!~ .. ~~~~~~"Y ~Nc AwhMiu d Dealer COMCAST'S AGENCY OF THE YEAR 1989, 1990, 191ft, 1993 RATED #1 IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION 1992 & 1993 Send your entry to: / Gla•ow lloun: l\lon-Saii0:00-7:00 Newpot1 lloun:~lon - Fri 11:30-5:30 ()ovn limo I'll: Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00 Newark Post, 153 E. Chestnut Hill Road , Newark DE 197 13 820 Peoples Plaza 1300 First State Blvd. 140 North DuPont Hwy Glasgow, DE Suite J Newport DE Dover, DE 834-4868 998-7525 736-1888 Prkn ..... lhroup "Jt~• . NEWARK POST •Cer1alft rntrki.. M apply, ~-- ldlvatleR ~"lract r ... ulrt• . p,.1ramm1t1114l Jthtp '"' "'•Y appt)' .tpenllllftll" rate, .... ct••tft. GRf.ATI.R NtWARK'S HOMt lOWN N EWSPA Pt R. SINCE I 910 PAGE 6A • NEWARK Posr • jUNE 24, 1994

I f · • .I ' , .

,1 •' I RELIGION • FRUGAL GOURMET • ARTS ""'.;q ::Students' lesson etched in stone }-Ioly Angels Junior Achievement participants visit local business ·By NANCY TURNER artistry associated with custom In the sessions that fo llowed, asm stretched their weekly ses­ stone carving, and the important Cecil talked about the business ~\VA'fit('posT'sr.4.Fi:.wRir E R' ...... sions (originally slated for 45 role that a memorial manufactur­ world within the topic, minutes) into one and one-half er plays in offering comfort to "Economics and Staying in hours. hirty-five students persons during difficult times. School." One of the ways she "It was so encouraging to see of Karen Dan and Connie Cecil, own­ impressed the importance of these kids who are the future Alexandre's 7th ers of the nearly 50 year-old education in preparation for the leaders of our country," said company located at 5701 students' futures was with a Cecil. "In spite of all the bad : grade class at Holy Kirkwood Highway, hosted the game where the students earned things we sometimes hear about :'Angels wrapped-up the youngsters and parent c haper­ p.Iay money for accomplishing kids, I could see that they were sehool year with a tour of ones. assignments and bonuses for intelligent and motivated. · Cecil Vault and Memorial Connie Cecil volunteers her exceeding the routine work Whatever, they got from me, I time as a Junior achievement requirements. got more from them." : Company last week. consultant in area schools. The students also participated A few weeks ago, students , As part of their Junior "You're all bright shinning in an "I'm outta here" planning sent letters of appreciation to ; Achievement Program, the stu- stars," s he said wearing sun­ session where they compared the Cecil. Some of them described dents saw, first hand, the stone glasses to protect her eyes from costs of housing, food, and other their plans for the future. One .c afting of cemetery monu­ th e student's "brilliance" on her expenses associated with Jiving boy, who wants to be a doctor, t n\·e nts, vaults and memorial . firs t of six weekly visits to on their own, with their earning said Cecil could come swim in 1'hey explored stone rubbings, Alexandre's classroom at Holy potential. his swimming pool when his ~ •the excavation of granite, the Angels. Cecil said that the reason she practice gets off the ground. parl!c1pates in Junior A girl, who wants to be a Achievement goes back many fashion designer, said that she years, to when she was applying will make Cecil a new dress. for her fi rst job. "J was hired on Another student wants to set her the spot because I participated in up with some good life insur­ Junior Achievement," she said. ance. "We belive in this program com­ Cecil says that she plans to pletely because it works." hang onto the letters and see Alexandre said that her stu­ what happens. Good connec­ dents "loved their time with tions make good business sense. Connie Cecil (left) hosts students from Holy Angels School at Ceci Mrs. Cecil," and their enthusi- Vaults, the business she operates with her husband Dan. A cool landscape, despite the heat; Bg JamG C. Mcl.4rtA few downpours notwith ­ standing, we've had a dry ' 1A frolicksome Duck A spri ng, and the expert s are NEWARK OUTLOOK ;Feeling low on his luck, call in g for a dry summer. UNMPS!IYOF Nestled down with a feathered companion. I live in a dis trict where using FRoM oo: srAfHJF w Cooi'F.AAnw. Ex!m;1oN Oma.AT DElAwARE

:rhey became great go-getters, sp rinklers or other automatic water­ > I Rich casino-prone bettors; ing devices is banned. Apparently wouldn't be a recipient of liquid I've made mulching a priority in And they spooned on a flight to Grand Canyon. we're free to stand outside holding refreshment outside what Mother key areas of the landscape over the the hose all day and ni ght, but we Nature provided. I know the past three years. All the shaded rho­ An elderly butcher aren't all owed unattended watering ' Chieftain' turf-type tall fescue I des and azaleas are protected with 3 Disturbed ' bout his future practices. I on ce read that compact­ planted is supposed to take a break inches of coarse wood chips at least ed soil can absorb as little as one­ Beefed that life had decisions at steak. in the heat of summ er, like all other out to the tips of their branches. quarter inch or le s of rain per hour. cool season grasses, including blue­ One very sick plant has made a Quite a porky old ham, Sprinklers can del iver more th an He went out on the lamb, grass and ryegrass. When things respectable recovery. Their hapless that in one min ute. [ know that even cool down and the rains return in To escape, lest his vealings might break. companions are long gone- previ­ some of the "improved" soil in my late summer and fall, the gra ss ous owners had mis-sited them in yard wi ll only accept two or three plants will revive and get bu sy full sun on steep slopes in gravelly Why do nostalgic seniors stare at the gates of Buckingham sweeps from the fan spray before putting out new roots and shoots soil. The driest and hottest places in Palace? the water puddles and start s to run. and storing food for winter dorman­ the yard are now home to sun-lov­ - They yearn for the turn of the sentry. Needless to say, waterin g my small cy and rapid growth of spring. ing lavender, sage, thyme and This week's author: Jo Mercer suburban lot takes time as I lowly I focus my landscape irrigation ' oregano. l 've terraced steep slopes will lightly fork the leaf mulch into'· Why do masons have happy marriages? pass over each area several times in effort s on the "new" inhabitants­ to slow down runoff or blanketed the cou rse of a cycle. Soi I cores in the soil. • - They know how to cement their relationships, build from a all the herbaceous materials I plant­ them with drought-tolerant ground­ I was reminded how really bad: each area tell me when the soil pro­ ed thi s spring, and the woody trees firm foundation, and avoid puttyness. covers and shrubs. things used to be in this yard when fil e is welled to 6 inches. and shrubs that are less than three t. To help the turf be better pre­ tri ed to dig up a new shrub border; I've been routinely watering my years in the ground. Of course, the • The disenchanted will be less likely to sing at yuletide. pared for summer dormancy, I'll yesterday. Foolishly I had brought; plants twi ce a week sin ce before few containers or baskets of flowers core aerate and topdress with fine out only my shovel. One jarring• Memori al Day. Thi s pa t weekend I have get special water privileges, compost in late September. The clunk onto the surface of the baked! Youngsters who willfully mock their elders may be denied an held th e promise of rain but pro­ too, as do the four blueberry bush­ organic matter will help increase earth forced me to resort to thet inheritance. duced only a scant drizzle. The es, and the dozen tomato, pepper the permeability of the soil to air lawn [ installed last fa ll was show­ and basil plants in my vegetable ground breaking tool of necessity,! and water. The roots will be able to the 8-pound mattock. It took hours: ing drought stress weeks ago. Now garden. I applied the annual fertiliz­ Author' s note: reach deeper into the soil to harvest of hacking and chopping before I• it 's in the fina l tages of going dor­ er for in- ground plants way back in Ltmacies like these ha ve been inflicted on my poor wife, children and col­ water and nutrient reserves. For the could dig in my homemade com-: mant. I haven't had to mow for tw o March. The grass will get its nitro­ same reasons, all the shrub and leagues f or years. They have been greeted by both groans and guffaws - the weeks and the color has chan ged to post and plant. Even with six years: latter, perhaps, to pacify the punster and offset a further barrage. To its vic­ gen in September and November; perennial borders will get a liberal a dull olive brown; I can live with otherwise only container plants and of soil conditioning, most of my; tims, p1111ning can be seen as a disease, since any laughter, however sparce, dose of fall leaves that l chop and yard is still unyielding to a casualt can be contagious. l hope readers will ta ckle this word-play nonsense with both situations. vegetables will get fertilizer before transport at once with the lawn stab with a fork or shovel. 1 zest, thereby assuring them Eternal Joy and a letter from Ed McMahon. Even if I could water, the lawn next spring. mower. As time and energy allow I

Vision Teaser Super Crossword

ACROSS In Parma Charles DOWN 40Upordown 80 Besmirch 1 Carl oi "The 54 Caption 94 A~ust 1 Lowdown Item? 81 Doctrine Donna Reed 55 Proverbial bin stone singer? 42 Encourage 84 Sitting duck Show" followers 96 Lacrosse 2 BuHalo's 43 Dickens title 85 Really 5 Street talk 56 Morning hrs. position waterfront Impressed 10 OUtwits 58 Head doctor? 87 Actress 3 Go against 45 Dvorak or aa Etuslva 15 OE2 section 511 Unconvincing Susan Galahad Janacek antlty 11 N~hborof 60Buanos - 88 Markel or 4 Bearded 46 Blue hue 110 Scoff at CaW . 61 Panache O'Connor rock-music 47 Got one's 111 Bloody Mary 20'- tha 63 "God 's Linle 100 Exclude trio feat wet? need Horrible" of - 101 Sll~ Caesar 5 - NaNa 49 Genealogy 113 Heredity oomics 84 Money 102 Tol ian 6Vamp Hedy diagram leners 21 One ol the mismanager creation 7 Striped stone 50"- Llnla liSSome are Nelaons 68 Playwright 103 Recruit 8 Sixteen- A shies" Instant 22 Driving need Akins personnel nation org. 51 Singer 88 Manini 23 River 87 Encircled 105 Dispenser II Forest Sumac Ingredient sediment 811To - candy rangers? 53 Smell - tbe 1111 Black·tla 24 Valuable ~erfectty) 106 Dahl 10 Makes the suspicious) 'atharlng vto•n 70 ndingfor character effon 55 European 101 ulsa t~pe 25 Council final or 108 Slnbad's 11 Pound ol region 103 "Dracu a" lita normal sack? poetry 57 Nods and prop 28 Repulsive · 71 U~n 111 Occupy 12 Maestro winks 104 "Thll 27 Author 72 E es the 113 It's nothing George 60 Cones vlcUm Garden Any a bloodhounds 1 I 5 Addis - 13 Dyed a llnla 81 Enemy of the - I 29 "Alphabet 78 Cooper· s tool 11 8 From Hall a 14 TV console 62 Posh Contini a" • Song" 77 Most stylish to Honshu 15 Sofa's cousin 65 Use a ray 106 Produce a • ~mut 12 Bruce or 120 Zeal, and 16 Burdon ex gun poem •' 30 ut a stop to Laura then soma Idle 66 Night noise 107 Abounding • 31 Brilliant bifd 83 Pancho's pal 121 Singer Cleo 17 Fountain 68 Actress with rumor 32 Clerical title 15 BHr 123 Orenburg's flavor Russell. to 108 Poet in the 00 34 Zuidar - storage? river 18 Fan canain friends past I 31 Defective car 81 Fruit often 124 Degree 28 Indian 70 Bachelor's 109 Jacob's twin I 31 Bridle pan found In 125 Just like pop viceroy last words 110 Karrigan·a 41 Violent card ~anoia 126 - Park, 31 Recurring 71 SmaH bay milau 17 oiath. lor Colo. theme 72 Provided a r:? 112 Ms. MnnefN 42 ()( on a 127 Rigaloni 33 Historic org. border for 114 Comfoo Banon 811 Ooh's mate relative 35 Hugh O'Brian 73Grab 111 Racer 44 Speck tO=and 128Wall· role 74 Bananas Luyandyk 45 Cornfield cry anberry manored 37 Clean the 71 '-Karenina" 117 DugoUt gear 41 Baatty'a 91 Person who man? Nnoleum 71 Fahlora 111 Got oil bomb of a aats no 1211 Opera solos 31 Perennial 77Medrld 120 Advanced movta animal 130 Agricunural best-seller mister dag. SO Eagar for ala lnvantcx 311 Riyadh'S 78 Scheme 122 Language 12 Public place 12 G'ooductlxar 131 Vivacity religion 71 Bald bird suflix

'\ '• j uNE 24, 1994 • NEWARK Posr • PAGE 7A Obituaries ··············································································· ·· ························································································· ··························· ······· ·· ·········· ································································································ Roy E. Henderson James T. Anderson Sr. eight grandchildren. Miami, F la., for s ix y e ars. He Robert K. Hardy Glasgow resident Roy Ernest Newark resident James Theodore A service was held June 18 at retired in 1976. He earned a degree John P. Kwiatkowski Henderson died Sunday, June 12, Robert T . Jones & Foard Funeral in engineering from Villanova Newark res ident Ro bert K. Newark resident John Paul Anderson Sr. died Wednesday, June Hardy died Saturday, June 18 , 1994, of liver failure in Christiana 15, 1994, of cancer at home. Home, Newark. Burial was in University. Kwiatkowsk i died Saturday, June 1994, of an abdominal aneurysm at Hospital, after a long illness. Mr. Anderson, 69, was a mer­ Gracelawn Memorial Park, Mr. Vadden was a member of St. 18, 1994, in Christiana Hospital. He Minquadale. home. Mr. Henderson, 47, owned sev­ chant marine. He retired in 1988. E liza beth Ann Seton Cath oli c suffered compli cations from dia­ Mr. Hardy, 60, was a printer for eral local businesses before his ill­ He is survived by his wife of 48 The family suggests contribu­ Church. betes, but the cau e of death will be 35 years through Graphic ness. He served in the Delaware years, Elizabeth Anderson; three tions to Delaware Hospice or th e He is survived by hi s wife of 30 determined by autopsy. Communicati ons International National Guard for six years. sons, James T. Jr. of Lake St. Louis, American Cancer Society. years, Elaine Mary Hanlon Vadden; A native of White Plains, N.Y., Union Local 14 in Philadelphia. He He is survived by a son, Stephen Mo., John Axel of Istanbul, Turkey, a son, Thomas E. Jr. of Caravel Mr. Kwiatkowski, 64, moved to Laura A. Records enjoyed woodworking, bass fish ing Newark in 1988 after retiring from E., at home; and a brother, John B. and William Randolph of Palo Alto, Newark resident Laura Woods; two daughters, Helen P. and garden ing. General Foods. He was a systems of Parksley, Va. Calif.; four daughters, E li zabeth A.Records died Tuesday, June 14, Calderhead of Bear and Mary Anne Rai sed in Ridley Park, Pa., he analy t and engineer at the compa­ A graveside service was held Ann West of Newark, Sharon Huey 1994, of heart failure a t Moore Burke of Boise, Idaho; a stepson, li ved in Claymont before moving to ny for 26 years. He grew up in the . June 18 in Silverbrook Cemetery, of Canton, Ohio, Roberta Lee Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, George T. Cummings, and a broth ­ Newark in 1960. Flatbu h section of Brooklyn, N.Y. Lancaster Avenue and Du Pont Collins of Baltimore and Patricia N.C., after becoming ill while visit­ er, Paul, both of Phi ladelphia; two He is survived by his wife of 41 Mr. Kwiatkowski is survived by Road. Louise Dill of Wilmington; and ing family. ha lf sisters, Barbara Scalpato of years, Loie; a son, Robert C. of his wife of 43 years, Sally Mrs. Records, 78, was a home­ Boston and Be tty Brown of Newark; two daughters, Linda Kwiatkowski; two sons, Stan y maker born in Kennett Square, Pa. Philadelphia; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Harkins of Elkton, Md., and Patty of Randolph, N .J. , and P~l She was a member of Church of the Mass of Christian Burial wa Horstead-Adams of Hockessin; two Kwiatkowski of Wappingers FaUjl , Nazare ne, Newark. She enjoyed brothers, John of Folsom, Pa., and RELIGION FILE traveling. offered June 23 at St. Elizabeth Ann N .Y.; three daughters, E ll n Seton Catholic Churc h, Bear. Thomas of Somers Poi nt , N.J.; a Rogelin of Waukesha, Wis., Donna Her husband, Ronald J. Records, sister, Nancy Oakes of Morrisville, S. Onge of Newark, and Kar n died in 1974. She is survived by Entombment was in All Saints Summer worship service schedule at Cemetery, Kirkwood Highway. Pa.; and six grandchildren. McCann of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ;r a two sons, Lewis R. of Glasgow and A servi ce w as held June 21 at siste r, Hele n Herman of New Albert J. of Newark; a daughter, The family suggests contribu­ Newark United Methodist Church ti ons to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Doherty Funeral Home, Limestone Milford, N.J. ; and eight grandcNJ- Newark United Methodist Church has set their summer worship Alice M . Musser of Elkton, Md.; R oad. Burial was in Gracelawn three brothers, George Cox and Catholic Church building fund , schedule through September 4. Services will be at 8 a.m. and 9:30a.m. 19701. Memorial Park, Minquadale. See OBITUARIES , 9~ It Church school (infant care through 2nd grade) will be at 9:1 5 a.m. Clarence Cox., both of Newark, and Facilities are handicapped accessible. The church is located at 69 East Howard Cox of Centreville; three Main Street with parking at the rear of the church off Delaware sisters, Florence Lutz of Joppa, Avenue. For more information, call 368-8774. Md., Lillian Lindell of Newark and Mary Wingard of Middletown; I 0 Vacation Bible schools planned grandchildren and five great-grand­ The Vacation Bible School program " Living in God's Creation" children. (" will be held Monday through Friday, July 25-29, at First Presbyterian A service was held June 17 at Choice. That's the ultimate versatility. And choice is what you get with MarvJil Spicer-Mullikin & Warwick Windows. From Bays and Bows to Double and Triple Hung to Corner Church, Head of Christiana Presbyterian Church, and New Ark United Windows to Curved Windows to Round Tops and Polygons, Marvin gives yo1,1 Church of Christ. Funeral Home, Newark. Burial was choices. Smart choices for your remodeling and replacement needs. Times for the program at Head of Christiana Presbyterian Church in Union Hill Cemetery, Kennett • for preschool children through sixth grade are 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Square. And at Kelly's Windows & Doors we can guide through those choices. Let OU[. Monday, July 25; and 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday, July 26 through staff of friendly and courteous experts assist you with your window project. · ·' Friday, July 29. There will be a special program Friday evening. Thomas E. Vadden Sr. We can offer you the utmost in support and service. From Computer Aided Newark reside nt Thomas E . For more information on registration and schedules, call the New Design, to Installation Services, to finding a Contractor, Kelly's can see every: ~ Vadden Sr. , formerly of project through from start to finish. Kelly's, your one stop Window & Door 1 Ark United Church of Christ at 737-4711. 1 Homestead, F la., died Monday , Design Center. June 20, 1994, in Parkview Nursing Summer worship service schedule at Kelly's ... Windows and Doors are our busineu!1• Center, Wilmington. He was a At First Presbyterian Church patient there for three months. VfS 2601 Concord Pike 'i First Presbyterian Church has set their summer worship schedule Mr. Vadden, 79, was a refrigera­ ..._ KEWll Wilmi ngton".477-1'7l8 through September 4. A Spiritual Awake will be held at 8:30a.m. with tion engineer at Dolly Madi son, • w:.....a...... 115 Sandy Dnve worship at 9:30a.m. For more information, call731-5644. Philadelphia, for 38 years and later "ui\IUmJlDoors Newark • 292·8600 -, at Farm Stores Dairies in North l{d,ail S.alt·s 't' \\'indo\\ ,\; Door l{t•pl.an•IJH"fll ...... -.- . - ·.-: ....- ...- ....- .-.-.-.-.- -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-... -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-,-.-.-.-.-,.: RED LION UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWARK WESLEYAN CHURCH NEWARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH I 1545 Church Road • Bear, DE 19701 ' 706 West Church Rd.- Newark (loca tod At The Interse ction Of Rt. 7 & 71) "The Church With The Open Doors" (302) 737-5190 834·1599 INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US Church School...... 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Sunoa~ Sc~oo· all a~es ...... 9:30am (Two year olds through second grade) II Ages 2-Adult ...... 9:30am Momin~ Wors~ i ~ ...... W : 3~ am Celebration of Worship ...... 8, 9:30* a.m. Sunday Morning Worship ... 10:45am ('Nursery Available) Church Nursery Available Sunoa~ Evenin~ AOu lt& Yout~ Activities ...... J:30 pm Pastors: Clifford A. Armour, Jr & Russell L. Lehman WednesdayEvening Service. 7:00pm Laura Lee C. Wilson, Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry Youth Groups Wed.nesday ..... 6:00pm Handi~pped Accessible/Nurse~ Provided 69 E. Main Street • Newark, DE Our facilities are accessible for those Directory Handicapped Accessible (302) 368-877 4 with handicapping conditions. Family Oriented Christian Services Small Group Bible Sludies· ~roughoullhe week New Ark United GLASGOW REFORMED • .... First Church ST. NICHOLAS PRESBYTERIAN EPISCOPAL (:HUfiCH Church of Christ CHURCH 111 of Christ, Scient'ist Chestnut Hill Rei. &Old Newark Rd .. ~~~ Newark, DE • 368-4655 2880 Summn Bridge Ad • Bear, riE Delaware Ave. A Halnoo St., Newark, DE 19711 (102) 4116-11808 (1-11'2 mi. S. of At 40 & At. 896) ~Glorious Holy Eucharist...... 9:30 a.m. 834-4772 Available to 1M Newark tommunjty each week --Presence Christian Ed For All .. Sept. -May Sunday School ...... 9 :15 a.m. Sunday Service• & Sunday School• Sunday, l().lla.m. HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE Morning Worship ...1 0:30 a.m. Radio Broadcast (WNR.K, 1260 AM) Sunday, 10:30 • lla.m. Bible Studyfl'Htimony Meeting • Wedneoday, 7:3().8:30 p. m. Church & NURSERY Raading Room/Book Store Saturday, 10 a.m. -12 noon THE REV. KAY SCOBALL. VICAR The Rev. Peter A. Wells, Sr. Pastor Rev. Charles F. Betters Pastor • Child co,.. i8 prouilkd Pastor Douglas Perkins 'The Little Church With The Big Heart Assoc. Rev. Everyone ia alwm lqvjngly welcqme GUpln lbnor Elemaatuy School Growing In The Spirit. • An Adventure in Faith 203 Newark ATeDue ., Elkton. liD 21921 I GRACE EVANGELICAL (410) 642-3024 THE FELLOWSHIP :\1N•ting i\t YW('i\ FREE CHURCH :nH S. Cnlll•gp "'"(•., N(•w:u·k, DE AS. P~:..: ..~Filled . · Bible 7:J7 -370:1 • 738-5829 ffw,Le Sunday Bible Classes ~siJip OGLETOWN (All Ages) ...... 9:GO a.m. Sunday ... 10:30 Pratte aDd \\Uahip !with Communion) ... lO:OO am Worship Service BAPTIST CHURCH Children's Ministry & Nursery NIJIUIIIRY AVAILUU: (Nursery Available) ...... lO a .m. TWO MORNING "Sharing Christ In Mutual Ministry" MEETING AT INDEPENDENCE SCHOOL The Rev. Curtis E. !.fins. Ph.D PAPER MILL ROAD WORSHIP SERVICES ALL WELCOME 8:30A.M. • 11:00 A.M. David Brady, Pastor • 456-0408 Weekend Camp at SERMON SALEM UNITED Sandy Cove EVANGELICAL AGAPE In METHODIST CHURCH For the entire famly PRESBYTERIAN God; Three One June 24-26th FELLOWSHIP Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. 469 Salem Church Road CHURCH OF NEWARK Call to register (302) 738-5907 Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. (302) 738-4822 308 Possum Park Rd. A Splrlt-F/Iled Otis L. Doherty, Sr. Pastor Newark, DE • 737-2300 Morning Worship ...... 8:30am & 11 :00 am SUNDAY SCHOOL Local Expression Of * "Child care provided!" * Sunday School...... 9:45 am Sundsy 9:15am) The Body Of Christ 816 Red Mill Rd. (All Ages Worship 8:25 & 11 :00 a.m. Newark, Delaware HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE WORSHIP 8:30 & 10:30am Fellowship Time 9:30a.m. Sunday Worship ...... 10:00 a .m . (302) 737-25P Nursery & Childcare at all seNices Sunday School 10:00 a.m. & Located at the comer of Red Mill Rd and Uttle Lambs Nursery. All Programs & At Howards Johnson's, At. 896 1-95 Children's Church, Available All Services Evening Wors hip 6:30p.m. Route 273 at the "Unused Oyernay " (302) 834-2928 Sr. Pastor, Wednesday "A Church where you are "YOU ARE WELCOME" 2274 Porter Rd., Bear, DE Dr. RotJ.rt Aullsrth Hon:fl Meeting ...... 7 :30p.m. , accepted qnd loved/" Rev_ Dr. J. Ron Owens, Pastor FIRST ASSEMBLY Calvary fuptist Churchf PRAISE ASSEMBLY . ' 1421 Old Baltimore Pike • Newark 737-5040 OF GOD 215 East Delaware Ave.; ;' :' 129 Lovett Avenue Newark, DE 19711 ~JI Sunday School ...... 9 :15 a.m. Newark, DE 19713 (302) 368-4904 I Sunday Worship : ~-~~' ...... 10:00 a.m. & 5 :30p.m . Sunday School 731-8231 tccome to Cal vary Wednesday ...... 7 :00 p.m. & Bible Classes ...... 9:00 a .m . Divine Worship ...... 10:00 a .m . 1 FAMILY NIGHT (YOUTH GROUP, §row With rz.1s ' ... ROYAL RANGERS Summer Worship ...... 9:00 a .m. MtSSIONETTES • RAINBOWS) Holy Communlon Join us as we welcome & 'Dr. 'Dant.e1 Jt .Mac'Doraald, 'l'astor Paul H. Walters, Pastor •...... 1st 3rd Sunday oiu new pastor · Tom Ralgal, Youth Paa1or CARL H. KRVEUZ. JR., PASTOR Bardon 'W. 'Whitney. .Mln. of emngellsm SUNDAY SERVICES .Su.ndGy: Bible Study 9:30am CHHISTIANA • NEW Praise Servlce ...... 9:00 AM 1'1· \( " \DFH RED LION EVANGELICAL WORSHIP SERVICES I'HI· Sin II· HI\\< IIIIH II PHESBYTEHIAN FREE CHURCH • Sunday School ...... 10:00 AM Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. • Worship SeiVice ...... 11 :00 AM 1 CBUHCH & Christian Academy Junior Churches 10:30 a.m. Corner Of Rt. 896 & 40 1400 Red Lion Rd., Bear DE 15 N. Old Baltimore Pike Evening Worship 7:00p.m. rw.ulnaday: (301) 368-4565 . 834-8588 Worship ...... , ...... ! 0:30a.m. Christiana, DE • Covered Dish Dinner ...... 5:45 PM 388-0515 Sunday School FAMILYNITE I Adult & Children 9a.m. • Singspiration ...... 6:30PM 1 Worship Service WEDNESDAY 7:00p.m. I Sunday School ...... 9:15 a.m. Worship ...... lOam 10:30a.m. I Youth Fellowship ...... 8:00 p.m. Evening Service 6:30p.m. Adult Bible St11dy • Adult Bible Study ...... 6:45 PM J "A Church proud of its past with a No Sunday School Rainbow • Missionettes • Kids for Jesus ...... 6:45 PM llision.for the future." NURIERY AVAILABLE Sr. Minister Asst. Minister HANDICAPPED ACCESIIBLE Royal Rangers 'lta ndlcapped Jo\cawlble PATRICIA SINGLETON, PASTOR RoWrl Brwe Cu,...un,, Pulor Rev. Irvin R. Pusey Ronald Cheadle Nursery Provided ':Nursery J\vallable for J\U Servlc:u .P<\CE SA • NEWARK PoST • juNE 24, 1994 Chapel Street's latest is worth seeing IN THE CoMMUNITY with chara ters dancing in and out of is at the hospital looking for his on the window ledge. .By TONJA CASTANEDA doors while mistaking each others' father and being chased by a police Mother Wright is played by NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER identities. sergeant, played by Tom Himes, for Renee O'Leary and Dr. Willoughby This leads to comical, complex reckless driving and assaulting a Drake is played by Ed Abramson. lthough Chapel Street Players and compromising position for head police officer. Abramson is one of the few char­ latest production does not phy ician Dr. David Martin played Martin starts to concoct lies to acters who is serious in the produc­ A have anything to do with by Tom Jackson. cover his former mistres es' identity tion which makes his part even more baseball, it is reminiscent of the The set is a doctors' lounge at a and her shocking news, most espe­ laughable. O'Leary plays her part as Abbott and Costello skit, "Who 's On ho~pital that is decorated with cially from hi s wife Rosemary, a loving, no-nonsense grandmother First?" Chri tmas lights, garland and stock­ played by Susan Boudreaux. well. Her costume, a dress is cre­ The characters in "lt Runs ln The ings as the play takes place shortly Dawson is convincing as atively accessorized with tennis Family" are in a constant state of before Christmas. Lindsey's concerned mother but shoes. 'confusion and include three men Dr. Martin is preparing to give does not look old enough to have an The production is fast moving to dressing as woman, a nurse falling the speech of his career to a group of adult child. keep the lies from being revealed off a window ledge, a hippie search­ neurologists when former co-worker The authentic costumes of the and although the entire cast is full of jng for the dad he never knew and a nurse Jane Tate, played by JoAnn police officer, Nursing Supervisor energy, Jackson is to be commended nun looking for a non-existent ho ·pi- Dawson, shows up and announces Shields played by Nancy Parker and for acting practically non-stop for patient. she gave birth to his son 21 years Sister Henderson, a nun played by about an hour during the first act. "It Runs In The Family" is the the ago. Tracey Connolly, added to the play. The on ly overkill in comedy is j;SOth annual fundraiser for Chapel She proceeds to tell him that their Dr. Mike Connolly played by when Mr. Bill Lindsey, played by tree! and revolves like a carousel son, Lindsey played by Scott Mason, Adam Zangara gives an amusing Gary Caufield, is brought in as an performance especially dressed as elderly patient. Caufield plays his two different women in the produc­ role convincingly, but it becomes tion. redundant when the doctors' tire of Mason is outstanding in his role. his wisecracking attitude and push Not only is his costume of ripped his wheelchair into walls. They do Lion Joseph Edmund "Ed" Thompson Jr. of Newark (left) has been jeans, combat boots, a tie-dye sh irt this a number of times on stage and named a Melvin Jones Fellow by Lions Clubs International and nose ring comical, but he plays it's only funny, maybe, the first time. Foundation, in recognition of his commitment to serving the world hi s role with crazed intensity. One ludicrous part of the play is community. Thompson, a 38-year member of the Brookside Lions '7he Only Thing We're Overlooking is the Bay" Himes is very convincing as a when a covered gurney is wheeled Club, was recognized Monday night for receiving the honor, and was $pect.cular VIew Of The Chesapeake from Our police of1icer with his use of cop jar­ on stage. also honored at Monday's ceremony by being named Lion of the Year. ·tl.-,stOII'Y Deck ~ Offering frozen Drinks &. Lite Fare gon and very serious demeanor. lt is impressive how well the play He has served as past president of the Brookside Lions Club, past • Crabs On The Deck One of the most ridiculous parts is directed by Dick Mullin. The situ­ deputy district governor, and past president of the Lions Eye Bank of is Dr. Martin's sidekick Dr. Herbert ational comedy is set up well and Delaware Valley. In addition, Thompson has been receiver of two • fuU Breakfast Served Sat &. Sun 8-12 Wright played by Art Sennett. He seems to be pulled off effortlessly by international Lions president's commendations and the Sightseeker • Live Entertainment On Weekends plays the fool, being talked into the actors. award from the lions Eye Bank. He has had 47 years perfect atten­ Theatre (featuring The Covered Bridge Theatre Company) going along with Martin's shenani­ "It Runs In The Family" is play­ dance in the lions organization. Pictured with Thompson is Brookside gans. Sennett is absurdly funny ing on June 24-25 at 8:15p.m. Lions Club President Tom Boyle. • Deep Water To 20' At The Deck when he sings and dances to cover Tickets cost $12. ,For ticket informa­ • Sand Volleyball Court up the fact that people are hiding out tion, call 368-2248. • Carryout For food &. Package Goods Liberty Day celebration at Carpenter The Newark Parks and Recreation Department will hold its annual • Banquet Facilities For 200 People Obituaries Liberty Day Celebration on July 4 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Carpenter • Dockside Service State Park in Newark. A soap box event to give residents time to speak All Major Credit Cards out on issues, sponsored by the Newark Post, Newark peace He was a member of St. Thomas ~ ~Bervatio1181Wcomnumded ..... CONTINUED, from 7A Fellowship and Pacem In Terris, will be held from noon to 4 p.m. For Episcopal Church and sang in its more information, call 366-7060. the Chesapeake Bay BUY"'i ENmEGETTHE lNDONE dren. A service was held June 22 at choir, was a member of its vestry North East, MD I 1/2 PRICE! 1 Doherty Funeral Home, Limestone and a lay reader; he was also a Fire Services Muster at Delaware Park Road. Burial was private. member of Chapel Street Players; The New Castle County Volunteer Firemen's Association will hold ; :.a., .,.r~~~7 -8030 I The family suggests contribu­ Newark Camera Club; North its third annual Fire Services Muster on June 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. tions to American Cancer Society, Delaware Oratorial Society; the at Delaware Park in Stanton. The day will include competitions for New Castle, or American Heart Choral Union; and the National firefighters, a fire prevention display, firetrucks, ambulances and Association, Wilmington. Association of Certified Public refreshments. For more information, call 999-0183. Accountants. James K. Greiss Mr. Greiss enjoyed reading his­ Women's Democratic Club picnic Newark resident James K. torical biographies. Hi!> wife, The annual picnic for the Women's Democratic Club of Delaware Greiss died Wednesday, June 15, Bernie McElhiney Greiss, died in will be held on June 25 at 2 p.m. at Brandywine Springs Park. Cost is 1994, of heart failure in Millcroft 1988. He is survived by his chil­ $4 per person and children under 12 are free. For more information, Nursing Home, Possum Park Road, dren, James P. "Pete" of Newark call 798-2028. Newark. and Patricia H. Greiss of Carlisle, {)(,(If, .f'IIUUI.ai Mr. Greiss, 80, was formerly of Pa. First Presb. sponsors trip to Strasburg Silverbrook. He was a methods ana­ A memorial service was held The First Presbyterian Church of Newark is sponsoring a bus rip to lyst for DuPont Co.'s traffic and June 20 at St. Thomas Episcopal the Sight and Sound Entertainment Center in Strasburg, Pa. on Aug. 19 Beach Party! transportation department in Church, Newark. The family sug­ to see two shows, "Living Waters" and "Colors of Praise." The bus Wilmington and at Louviers, retir­ TONIGHT gests contributions to Alzheimer's will leave from the church at 1:30 p.m. and arrive back at 9 p.m. ing in 1977. Friday, June 24th Association, Wilmington. Tickets cost $30. Registration deadline is July 8. For more informa­ tion, call 73 I -5644. 9PM • Contests • Prizes • Glasgow Class of 1989 reunion TILL • Tropical Drink Specials! Kennett Symphony Orchestra The Glasgow High School, Class of 1989, is having a five year MARY WOODMANSEE GREEN, MusicDirectorandConductor CLOSE reunion August 13 from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Wilmington Holiday ·• Shooter Specials! Inn. Tickets cost $15. A guest or spbuse welcome. To register, send Ji'MERICA the &JEAUTIFUL money to Tamara Mims at Glasgow High School, 1901 South College GRAND PRIZE DRAWING Avenue, Newark, DE 19701. William Cain, Florence Ierardi & William Kerrig~n-·~ · Z Tickets- Phil Collins Concert The MARY GREEN SINGERS _.,, - . ' Christiana Class of 1989 reunion DICK JAMES narrating Casey at tfie. 'Bat ~ -: , . The Christiana High School, Class of 1989, is having a five year Rt.40•ELKTON, ~Ill 410·398·3252 A concert celebrating America ~~ · reunion August 14 from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Our Lady of Grace in ~: ~ SUN &MON 12 PM 'TIL 8PM • TUES , WED, THURS, 11 A.M.- 9 PM in all its Glory and Grandeur... . · _ Newark. For more information and ticket prices, call Leslie Minor at 738-3753. ~. ~.. • FRI11 AM· 9:45 PM • SAT 4PM· 9:45 PM LONGWOOD GARDENS OPEN AIR THEATRE Sat, June 25, 1994 7:30 pm (Ra lndatoJune26l 1964 Newark-Christiana reunion 6:55pm Pre-Concert Ta lk: Com..foser Russell Peck A combined class reunion of the 1964 graduating classes of Reserved Tickets ~ 18/$24/$29 Christiana and Newark high schools will be held July 2 at 6 p.m. at the Includes $10 AII-Day Admission to Longwood Gardens, Aetna Fire Hall in Newark and a picnic on July 3 at 12:30 p.m. at Our g:15 pm Fountain Display • Free Parl

Familv Restaurant Serving BreakJast, Lunch & Dinner FEATURING Catch of The Day Smokehouse Ribs The Finelli Pork Spareribs, Carefully Featu~ of We a Variety Fresh Seafood! Seasoned & Smoked over Served with Salad, Two Vegetables & a Pennsylvania Apple Wood! Loaf of Freshly Baked Bread ·Ask Your Served with Salad, Two Vegetablu & Server for Today's Selection! Loar or Frtllhly Baked Bread Market Price $7.95 We have patio sets starting at $289.00 for tlve plecea. Book & lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner We have a large selection of fabrl Music by you can choose from. Frederick Loewe Wine •Beer HOURS: 3 StorM to S.ryt Yqu Longwood Gardens Open Air Theatre Open Mon • Sat 5:30AM 2725 Pulaski Hwy (Rt 40) July 28, 29, 30 & August 4, 5, 6, 1994 . Open Sun 7:00AM Glasgow, De Clollcl Sun • Thurt 9 PM 302-366-1241 Individual tickets $18. Group rates available. Clollcl Frt 6 Sit 10 PM 800-328-3826 Call. 478-3355 or 1-800-338-6965 (outside Delaware) J N£ 24, 1994 • NEWARK Posr • P ACE ~1

~w · ,,~i;,


"FOR KIDS ONLY" park explo- BLAKE THOMPSON BAND at Shooters in Newark. 454-1303. FRIDAY ration 9 a.m. at White Clay Creek MUSICAFE See Tuesday. State Park (formerly Carpenter State "SOUTH PACIFIC" See Friday. Park). 368-6900. PAT GODWIN, TERRY GILLE· SPIE and MIKE ARONIN 9:30 p.m. at Comedy Cabaret, Wilmington. Fee. 652-6873. "WAITING FOR GODOT'' 8:30 24 p.m. at Outdoor Theatre in Arden. Fee. 764-5348. JAH ROOTS performs at Brandywine Creek State Park at 7 ExHIBITS p.m . Seating provided. Free. 577-6540. "SOUTH PACIFIC" 6 p.m. dinner show through August27 at Candlelight Music Dinner Theatre, Ardentown, Wilmington. Fee. 475-2313. ''FOR KIDS ONLY" park exploration 9 a.m. at White Clay Creek DELAWARE EUGENE BEGARAT, contemporary French Impressionist, State Park {formerly Carpenter State Park). 368-6900. exhibit throughout June at Hardcastles Gallery, Wilm . 655-5230. "OFF THE WALL" exhibit by collage artist Les lie Apple, jew­ elry and fiber artist Terry Foreman, and jewelry artist Caryn Hetherston through July 13 at Kaleidoscope Gallery at "WALKS" ON THE WILD SIDE 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. at Hardcastles, Newark Shopping Center. 19TH CENTURY WEDDING TRADITIONS at Historic Delaware Museum of Natural SATURDAY Houses of Odessa traces early customs, clothing, and festivities, History. Fee. 658-9111. through June 30. 378-4069. BIRDWATCHING 8 a.m. at White "HOSE, HOOK & LADDER: FIRE FIGHTING IN NEW Clay Creek Preserve Visitor Center. CASTLE COUNTY" examines hi story and practice of lire 368-6900. fighting in New Castle County, through July 30 at University of LILY SHOW by Mid-Atlantic Lily Delaware Gallery. Free. 831-8242. Society I p.m. to 5 p.m. at The Little Sisters of Hoboken return to the stage of the Three Little bakers Dinner Theatre in Nu111Sense!~~ "HENRY LOUSTAU: AN ANIMATED APPETITE" ex hibit Longwood Gardens in Kennett The Second Coming. For ticket information, and reservations, call368-1616. The show runs through June 25 at Del. Ctr for Contemporary Arts through July 31. 656-6466. Square, Pa. Admission. 610) 388· ''COMMON GROUND/UNCOMMON VISION: THE 6741. MICHAEL AND JULIE HALL COLLECTION OF AMERT· KENNETT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 7:30p.m. at Longwood CAN FOLK ART" exhibit at Delaware Art Museum in Gardens in Kennett Square, Pa. Admission. 610) 388-6741. Wilmington through September 4. Admission. 571-9590. MEETINGS DEADLINE 2WEEKS BEFORE EVENT • NEWARK POST, 153 E. CIIFSTNlfl' Hn..L ROAD, 19713 PATIENT APPRECIATION DAY 8 a.m. to noon at offices of Dr. "NEW AND USEFUL IMPROVEMENTS: NINETEENTH· Robert South & Dr. Richard Gold on Milltown Road, Lindell Square. CENTURY PATENT MODELS" exhibit at Hagley Museum Free spinal screenings and finger ID for children by county police. cussion forum 6 p.m. at Newark Senior and Library through October 31. 658-2400. I JUNE 24 . I JuNE29 998-2927. "LEGAL AND PRACTICAL IMPLICA­ Center. $4.50. For reservations ca ll ,737- 2336. NEWARK WHITECLAY KIWANIS 2ND ANNUAL BENEFIT AUCTION by Birth Care & Family TIONS OF THE AMERICANS WITH NEW JERSEY "SUEZ, THE RED SEA, THE GULF OF meeting at Holiday Inn, Newark at 6:30 Health Services 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Hoffman Building, Rt. 472 S. in DISABILITIES ACT" I p.m. to 5 p.m. at "GILLINDER GLASS: STORY OF A COMPANY" at AQABA, AND PETRA" lecture at 7:30 p.m. Fee. 737-6530. Quarryville, Pa. {717) 786-4010. Delaware Elwyn, Wilmington. $10. Museum of American Glass at Wheaton Village in Millville, p.m. at Cokcsbury Village, Hockessin. "UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES: JOE TORRY and ADELE GIVENS night of comedy 7:3Q and 10 Registration 366-0152. N.J., through October 23. (609) 825-6800. Free. 239-2371. TRIALS OF WILLIAM REftrllNj~TOINIJ p.m. Grand Opera House. Fee. 652-5577. "WEARABLE ART SHOW" exhibit of art, clothing, and STAMP GROUP 1:3 0 p.m. at Newark 2 p.m. by Gary May, associate WALK THE LINE FOR KIDS country line dancing by Junior history at University of Delaware, in accessories 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through July 10 at Wheaton I JUNE 26 Senior Center. 737-2336. Achievement of Delaware 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Big Kahuna in . "DISCOVERY HOURS" 2 p.m. at White Room of Perkins Student Center. Free. Village in Millville, N.J. {609) 825-6800. "TREATMENT OPTIONS OF THE Wilmington, Arizona's in Dover and Rehoboth Beach Convention Clay Creek State Park Visitor Center off 2791. HAND & WRIST" I p.m. at Newark Center. $10. 654-4510. Hopkins Road east of Del. 896. Call,368- Arthrit is Club, Newark Senior Center. Free DECOY SHOW by Susquehanna Flats Carving and Arts PENNSYLVANIA "FESTIVAL OF FOUNTAINS" including more than 1,700 6900. and open to publi c. 764-8254. I JUNE 30 Association 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Perryville (Md.) Fire Hall. $3. {410) fountains , flowers, and music through September 29 at "YOUR AGJNG RELATIVES: HOW "HOW TO WRITE A BUSINESS 642-6861'. Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pa. 1-800-737-5500. . I JUNE 27 FAMILIES CAN HELP" 7:30p.m. at St. PLAN" by SCORE 8:45,a.m.,_UJ l p.m. ~ t CLOTHES HORSE SALE by Wilmington Flower Market at 2945 WYETH FAMILY paintings and portraits by Carolyn, Andrew SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE Philip's Lutheran Church, Kirkwood Syters Restaurant, Concord Pike. Fee. Newport Gap Pike near Emily Bissell Hospital from 9 a.m. to I p.m. and Henriette at Brandywine River Museum , Chadds Ford. CLASS series at 8 p.m. Monday nights Highway. 654-8886. An.-.'Wtri to Su~r Cro.. word 239-7925. through August 29 at St. Thomas Episcopal Admission. {610) 388-2700. PATHWAYS TO CHANGE support "WAITING FOR GODOT" See Friday. Church on South College Avenue. 453- "MASTER ORA WINGS OF THE HUDSON RIVER group second and fourth Tuesday at 1 p.m. "SOUTH PACIFIC" See Friday. 1290. SCHOOL" on display at the Brandywine River Museum in at Newark Senior Center. 737-2336. Chadds Ford, from June 25 through September 5. Admission. "YOUR AGING RELATIVES: HOW ''THINKING OF STARTING YOUR {610) 388-2700. FAMILIES CAN HELP" 7:30p.m. at St. OWN BUSINESS" workshop by SCORE Philip's Lutheran Ch urch, Kirkwood 6:30p.m. at Jewish Community ..------,KITTY WELLS FAMILY SHOW Highway. 654-8886 . Ccnter,Ta lleyvi lle. Fee. 573-6552. SUNDAY 1 p.m. at Sunset Park in West Grove, "NEW DIRECTIONS" meeting 7:15p.m. BILLIARD TECHNIQUES fo r 12 to 18 Pa. Fee. (61 0) 869-9650. at Aldersgate Uni ted Methodist Chu rch, Tell us about your events, exhibits, or meetings. Send .to year olds at Q-Slix Billiards in Newark KIDS' FISHING CONTEST noon Concord Pike. 368-7773. Tricia Strader at the Newark Post, !53 E. Chestnut H•ll Shol!ping Center from 10 a.m. to noon to 2 p.m. at Lums Pond State Park. Road, Newark, DE 19713 or fax to (302) 737-9019. Tuesdays through August 2. Fee. · Park fee. 368-6989. Submit infonnation at least two I JUNE 28 Registration 366-7091 . COMCAST U.S.INDOOR ROCK weeks prior to event. "EARTH'S CAREGIVERS" dinner dis- N' RACQUET FESTIVAL with For more infonnation, call 737-0724. 26 free tennis clinics for ages 4 through adult at 4 p.m . before Sin City Band L______....J at Bellevue State Park, Wilmington. Admission. (800) 995-BALL. SINGLES DJ DANCE PARTY every Sunday at 8 p.m. at Air Transport Command, New Castle. Fee. {610) 353-4624. Master of ~~~~.: •.•. · "WAITING FOR GO DOT" 2 p.m. See Friday. I I I I ' , , I ' "SOUTH PACIFIC" 5 p.m. See Friday. • LILY SHOW 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. See Saturday. DECOY SHOW 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. See Saturday. • School Administration Education Courses may be applied toward certification if you already have a I JUNE27 Master's degree. • CARRIED AWAY BY KITES! 10 a.m. at Delaware Museum of • • Adult and Post-Secondary Education Administration ~ Natural History, Wilmington. 658-9111. 1n For certification in adult and continuing education and/or for ' WALKING GROUP Mondays at 10 a.m. at Newark Senior Center. instructors in higher education. ~ 737-2336. , Educational For your convenience, courses are offered in the late afternoon THE NEWMAN & OLTMAN • GUITAR DUO 7:30p.m. at TuEsDAY and evening at our Newark and Wilmington campuses. Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pa. Fee. (610) 388-6741. For more information, call 302/831-1669 RIGHT HEMISPHERE 7 p.m. at Leadership Bellevue State Park, Carr Road, The University of Delaware is an Equal Opporlunity Uni versily. Wilmington. Admission. 577-6540. PRESCHOOL STORY HOUR filmstrip I :30 p.m. at Newark Free Library. Signing for hearing 28 .. impaired. Handicapped accessible. TJtE AYERS PRESENT SUMMER FlJNdRAiSER Free. 731-7550. How to Keep Your MUSICAFE lunchtime concert series Tuesdays and Thursdays through July 28 at University of Delaware Perkins Student Center. Lungs l:fealthy Free. 831-2791. ft Rwtw f~ T~ KAROKE KNIGHTS 9 p.m. at Deer Park Tavern, Newark. 234- * 9235. SIN CITY BAND at 7 p.m. at White Clay Creek State Park {former- ~ ly WalterS. Carpenter State Park). Park admission. 368-69IJ:O , n BINGO (smoke free) Wednesday nights 7 p.m. at Commumty Fne Company, Rising Sun, Md. {410) 658-51 ~5 . . . . NUTRITION FOR THE ATHLETE With ttps, mfo. on anorem, bulemia from Maureen Olejar, M.S., Olympic trainer, at East Coast A colorful array of maniacal characters dance In and out of doors and mistake each others Identities In a Gymnastics on Dawson Drive at 7 p.m. Free and open to men and local hospital. leading to comedlcally complex and ·compromising positions· for the head physician. women. 731-8755. . . FREE ADMISSION DAY 9:30a.m. to 5 p.m. at Brandywme Rtver Museum, Chadds Ford, Pa. {215) 459-1900. June CARRIED AWAY BY KITES! See Monday. 24&25 ALL TICKETS $12 I JUNE30 BELLRINGER THEATRE WORKS 7:30p.m. at Longwood 8:15PM Call 368-2248 for reservations Gardens, Kennett Square, Pa. Fee. (610)388-6741. AMERICAN=': WNG ASSOCIATION• RITTENHOUSE SQUARE BARBERSHOP Q~A~TET 7 p.m. at T. n.CtwturN~ .... ~ · Bellevue State Puk, Cm Road, Wilmington. AdmtssJon. 577·6540. PACE l OA • NtwARK PoST • JuNE 24, 1994


!'t .. ASPECIAL ADVERTISING FEATURE 'I ., I I : ~he minority often wins in successful 70-year marriage:

f: ditor' s note: Newark resident and three girls, we had to deal with volunteer work, and art. I took .fanny Budani offers her comments their different personalities , needs advantage of the many opportuni­ vn seven decades of marriage to her and wants. That re quireu much ties that the University of Delaware : ~ IU sba nd, Danny. understanding and tolerance from has to offer the seniors, and met both of us. with muc h success and gained ~y FANNY BUDANI The war came and our son, then many friends. :··~PE····C I ···A L ·TO····· TH ·E· N··EWAR·····K·· P··O··ST·· ················· 19, was drafted into the service. He Health problems can dampen the survived the two years in Burma, ego but the mind is still alert to China and India. changing times . .Keeping up with My husband, a rna ter mechanic, local and world events keeps us 'VE BEEN MARRIED 70 years ; to a wonderful man, and with 1r God's help, good health and per- .. ,s onal sanity, our marriage has ii .. worked well alJ these years. My advice to married couples is to ' Through all ordeals big and 's mall, I've fo und that marriage is leave space between personalities so as not a 50-50 proposition. Often pnough when it comes to giving, the to grow individually in wisdom and to ,pne who has 99 percent must con­ · ~e de to the one who has only one respect each other's opinions without ,percent. arguing about them." ·: I have often though of marriage JlS a lock and key. Both are comple- '):nentary to each other, and together FANNY BUDANI .they can ope n doors to mutual : ~nqerstanding and wisdom. die and tool maker, worked in the interested in life . ., My husband, Danny, and I were Brooklyn N a vy Ya rd and was My advice to married couples is Ptarried on June 22, 1924 in St. awarded a certi ficate for meritori ­ to leave space between personalities f rancis of Assisi Church in the ous labor. I became involved with so as to grow individually in wis­ 'fla'tbush section of Brooklyn, N.Y. volunteer work. dom and to respect each othe r's , by Monsignor Ludeke. Our senior years have been most opinions without arguing about ;: 'fhe Depression awaited us th e rewarding. We moved to Newark in them. NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY TONJA CASTANEDA ;following years. The adjustments 1967 and became involved in the It was a philosopher who once . ~ere hard to bear but we survived Newark Senior Center. Here I was said, "I don't agree with what you Fanny and Danny Budanl, of. Newark, say they look forward to many more happy years together. They were mar­ :as best we could. able to realize many potentials that I are saying (but ) I do respect you ried 70 years ago in Brooklyn, N.Y. ' Having four children, one boy nev er knew I had. Drama, civic and for saying it." liOOffi~m l!l!JtiaiU Exercise can help seniors ------. (302) 836·5410 Senior Citizens bring this ad and receive our special offer! rebound from back problems :: s3ooo: • Large Se lection of Designer Frames • Lab on Premises ; Contact Lenses • Most Major Insurance Plans Accepted · "Ge t out of bed! Exercise! " ductive, says Dr. Garth Russell , a Repeat with other leg. . I • Eyeglass Repair Service • Open Mon ...Sat. 9 AM-8 PM That's the last prescription you representative of the American To strengthen abdominals, lie on EYE EXAM want to hear when your back aches. Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. back and raise one leg 3 feet and I Sorry to break the news, seniors, "Activity brings you back to normal hold for a count of 10. Repeat with with purchase of Frames & Lenses but the latest medical advice on two to three times fas ter than bed other leg. An easier way: Keep one Dr. Marsha Ross, Optometrist I treating low-back pain is to limit rest. We tell patient s, " Rest a week leg bent and the foot flat on the Regular Price Eye Exams only $45 I bed rest to two or three days, begin and it takes you a month to come floor while raising the other leg. Or, No Appt. Necessary 2PM-8PM light e xercises and resume your back'." sit in a chair and lift one leg waist Not to be combined with any othe r offer normal dai ly activities. This advice applies to mu scle high. Bring In any competitor's ad and we will match their offer I Prolonged bed rest causes mus­ spasms, which cause most back • Partial sit-ups. Lie on back, White Clay Shopping Center Salem Church Rd· BEAR , DE cles to weaken and is counterpro- problems. More severe problems involving pain going down the legs knees bent. Slowly raise head and ------(sciatica) require special immediate shoulders. Reach to your knees. ADVERTISEMENT attention from your doc tor, says Count to 10. Russell. • Back leg swings: Hold onto Here are six exercises that can the back of a chair. Lift one leg help you come bac k from b ack back and up. Return slowly. Do problems. (Check with your doctor other leg. MILLCROFT OFFERS ~UALITY RETIREMENT before starting, just to be safe.) Repeat the exercises five times, and • Knee pulls. Lie on back. Raise try to do them daily: knees and gently pull them to your Millcroft offers you an furnishings. chest. Lunch and dinner are • Wall slides. Stand with your ideal environment for back against a wall , feet shoulder­ • Tummy stretche s. Lie on quality retirement in a graciously offered in the width apart. Slide into a crouch; stomach, hands under shoulders. tradition of excellence. dining room, while a knees are bent to about 90 degrees. Push up, raising top half of your Its country setting continental Count to five an d slide up. body, keeping your back straight features rolling green acr­ breakfast is served in the • Leg raises. Here are two sets and your hips and legs flat on floor. es, courtyards, wooded sunny cocktail lounge. A of exercises, one fo r backs, the Hold two seconds. Do this while area and beautiful land­ screened in porch, grand other for abdominals. For back standing by placing hand in small muscles, lie on stomach. Raise one of back. Bend back at waist and scaping. However, within living room, library, patio leg and hold it up fo r a count of I 0. hold fo r two seconds. a few short miles lies hos­ and craft room are spa­ pitals, shopping centers, cious, yet are designed for theatres, churches and privacy. Retirement guide available restaurants. Should the need arise, Whether you thrive on Millcroft's Health Care The Retirement-Plann ing Kit, ho w muc h you need to save to Retirees Financial Guide and a soft­ reach your goal. The second section a social calendar or prefer Center provides interme­ ware version of th e kit all reflect focuses on developing a retirement to spend moments in diate and skilled care in changes in tax laws, rul es on retire­ investment strategy, and the third "~ 're getting spoiled quiet privacy, Millcroft both private and semi­ ment plan distributions, health provides general guidance on using accommodates your pre­ private accommodations. insurance, rev isions in the Social mutual funds to implement a retire­ ferences. Choose as you The center is staffed Security and Medicare programs, ment strategy. at MiHcro/t. " and changes in the in vestment envi­ The printed kits are free. The please from a variety of round the clock by qual­ ronment. The kit includes a work­ Retirement-Planning Kit for PCs S tephen and ara Macuga, activities. . ified nursing book to de ter mine how much costs $15. Any of the kits can be formerly o/ Nottingham Green, ewark Millcroft offers 62 effi­ professionals. money you need for retirement and ordered by calling 1-800-541-6066. ciency, one-bedroom, and Whatever your life­ two-bedroom apartments style and whatever your "We love Mi ll er ft. Everyone is so l ~ i m l and for independent living. needs, Millcroft provides "I WANT MY PATIENTS concerned. llere we feel ate, an d urroumlell by All include bath, kitchen­ the fulfillment and secur­ TO KEEP THEIR lovely peopl . ette, wall-to-wall carpet­ ity you desire. PERMANENT TEETH." ing, draperies, individual­ For more information, "friend and relative love to visit u . W hen ur Modern dentistry gives us the ly controlled heat and air please call Christine tools to protect your teeth so you'll da ughler come , he even lay overnight here. conditioning and a two Grove at 366-0160. have a permanent smile for the he' very happy with MJ] rott a nd know we're way emergency call sys­ rest of your life. with peo ple who ca re. tem that is staffed 24 Comprehensive dentistry, an hours a day. Each apart­ effective program of dental care, "And wl1 e n we go out, we're a lway glad l c m e ment is freshly painted is a process of personal contac:t ba l J1 o me to Mi ll r ft. ." and ready for with your dentist and careful your planning. I have designed my We think you 'I/ love Millcro/t too. For a f,-ec lunch on practice around giving all of my tour, please call Christine Groue al 302/366- 0160. patients. comprehensive care. Ask your dentist about comprehensive care. Or call my office and make an appointment. Mi!Lcroft I'll be glad to talk with you Millcroft Retirement Community priv~tely about what modern ALAN TURNER , D• D•S • dentistry can do for you. 255 Possum Park Road • Ncwa rk, Dela wa.re J 9711 302/366-0 J60 135 BIG ELK MALL NEW PATIENTS CALL ELKTON, Md 21921 WELCOME (410) 898-9600 j UNE 24 , 1994 • NEWARK POST • PAGE 11.\ Elderly Americans abusing alcohol, prescription medicines T LEAST 2.5 MILLION misuse and abuse of prescription the hormones that regulate urina­ holic pleasure. these guidel.ines: a confrontational style; maintain a elderly Americans - and per­ and over-the-counter drugs. tion. Poor eating habits can cause "By standing back, the elderly • Be direct. Treat the person as gentle and loving attitude and focus A haps as many as twice that According to the American Council sudden weight loss or gain as well alcoholi c's potential support group an adult capable of making deci­ on the person 's positive attributes. number - abuse alcohol, prescrip­ for Drug Education, 83 percent of as a sharp drop in blood sugar level, actually helps to damage his or her sions. Avoid judgment - don 't add tion medicines and over-the-counter people over of 65 regularly leading to dizziness and fainting quality of life," said Renee Zito, to the person's sense of shame and • Don 't discuss the problem drugs in what amounts to a hidden take some form of prescription spells. treatment director of St. Luke' s­ guilt. Point out the damaging effects when the older person is drinking. epidemic. medication. Depression can be either the Roosevelt Hospital's Smithers of the older person's drinking on The best time to talk is early in the Alcohol-related problems caused "As people age, their metabolism result - or the cause - of drinking Rehabilitation Center in New York the family , especially grandchil ­ day. Don 't confi scate alcohol or 70 percent of elderly hospitaliza­ slows down, so alcohol and most too much. City. dren. prescription medications; replace­ tions in 1991, Sue Berkman wrote drugs remain in the body longer. Too often, families are reluctant When talking to an older adult • Don't use pejorative words ments will appear if the person is· in an article in the current issue of The result is an increased risk of to deprive the elderly of their alco- about a drinking problem, follow like "addict" or "alcohol ic." Avoid not ready to accept help. Good Housekeeping, and currently alcohol intoxication, drug overdose affect 50 percent of nursing-home and drug-and-alcohol interactions,'' residents. Medicare paid more than said Meyer Glantz, chief of epi­ $233 million in 1989 for alcohol­ demiological research at the ADVERTISEMENT related hospital stays. National Institute on Drug Abuse, "In the elderly, misuse of alcohol in Rockville, Md. and medicines is usually unnoticed, In addition, anyone who is intox­ Downs Center Offers Wide Variety undiagnosed and, therefore, untreat­ icated may forget to take his or her ed," said Damian McElrath, execu­ medication, or may take it too often. of Programs for Older Adults tive vice president of recovery ser­ "The signs of alcoholism are eas­ I ¥ices at the Hazelden Foundation in ily confused with those considered On a recent Monday evening, older adult Clara Ennis was ~enter City, Minn., who designed a 'normal' part of aging," said Dr. Mark S. Gold, professor of neuro­ I treated to an uplifting series of skits by an acting class· the older adult program at the consisting entirely of children with mental retardation. ·· J:Ianley-Hazelden treatment center science at the University of Florida in West Palm Beach, Fla. in Gainesville. Clues include an The next afternoon, she was in the audience for a ; : These older problem drinkers unsteady walk, forgetfulness, dis­ powerful one-woman show about aviation pioneer and ·. often accept any invitation for a orientation, sloppy appearance, fre­ j feminist Amelia Earhart. •- ~ocial event that will give them the quent falls and unexplained burns, opportunity to drink unnoticed. bruises or broken bones. I Ennis takes in a broad assortment of cultural, social, and Most times they drink alone, taking Certain medical conditions may educational events like these whenever she gets the chance. great pains to dispose of empty bot­ result from - and mask - an under­ It helps she says, that they're offered in a 200-seat theatre • Ues and cans in a location away lying alcohol problem. For instance, I "just a stroll down the hall from my home at Ingleside , from their homes. excessive alcohol can cause inconti­ Retirement Apartments." nence by creating an imbalance of - I • A compounding factor is the ---- The Alletta Laird and Robert N. Downs Cultural " Our parents Enrichment Center for Seniors--the Downs Center for " short--offers a variety of high-quality programs, from plays and concerts to lectures and demonstrations for older adults' · Air travel offers senior savings live here, too. as well as the general public. The modern facility sits· Our own staff members have parents who live here. adjacent to Ingleside Retirement Apartments, 1005 N . ' : So you've decided to travel by make sure to check availability. Franklin Street in Wilmington. Owned and operated by ·. ' air. Airlines are fmally catching on That says a lot about the quality of living at Ingleside • Coupon books: Few airlines Ingleside Homes, Inc., the Downs Center is also widely used'': 4md are extending savings to offer coupon books-however, if Retirement Apartments. And because we're not-for-profit, ~eniors. Unfortunately, different by local business and civic groups for conferences and .. : they do, they're a great way to our high-rise apartments offer value as spectacular as meetings. , ,airlines offer different types of sav­ save! You can buy senior coupon the views. There's no life-time investment No hidden jngs. Some examples: "We have exciting events happening just about every day," books from any travel agent or the costs. Your retirement should be a reward, not a penalty. : • Senior discounts: Many air- specific airline. They are sold in says Ennis. "Most of the programs are free, which makes•• ines offer a flat 10 percent off to books of four or eight coupons­ Come see. them an affordable means of entertainment for me and my '· ·travelers who meet their minimum each coupon good for a one-way peers." :&ge requirement (usually 62). The coach trip within all states except Peggy Barker, director of the Downs Center, says that lliscount usually applies to any fare, ~ Alaska and Hawaii (most airlines T Ingleside Retirement Apartments since it opened in 1991, well over 12,000 people have . ;from the lowest published require two coupons for Alaska and attended more than 200 programs. "toach/economy excursion fare to Hawaii). The coupons are good for ~ See Jww affordable retiring in style can be ·first class. However, the discounts one year from the date you pur­ "A good portion of our audiences represent the general are generally not applicable to spe­ chased it and may only be used by Mail to: 1005 North Franklin Street, Wilmington, DE 19806 public, including other retirement facilities and senior' 1 "cial short-term fares. Also, always one traveler. Reservations must be Or call: 302/5 75-0250 centers," Barker explains. "It's wonderful when an older· : inquire about a companion discount made at least 14 days in advance adult from another senior housing facility comments 'Now I '·, since many airlines allow a com­ and seats are limited. This means Yes, I'd like to know more. have some place to go!' " panion of any age to fly at the same that very few seats are allocated to If you or your group are interested in attending upcoming-· : 10 percent discount. those who use coupon books, so Name ------• Senior fares: Rather than you may not be able to get a seat on events or booking the Downs Center for a conference or · Address ------meeting, contact Barker at (302) 576-0283. ; offering a flat discount, some air­ your desired flight. You may have I lines offer senior fares which are to take an earlier or later flight. City ------State ---Zip--- - - Ingleside Homes, Inc., is a not-for-profit, religiously and 1 sometimes more than a 10 percent To find out if an airline has a racially inclusive full-service retirement community with no·- : discount. Some senior fares are sea­ senior discount, senior fare or Telephone ------entrance fees nor lifetime investment required. Ingleside · • sonal promotions and some are coupon book, call the 800 number Homes also owns and operates Kamin Assisted • : available year-round. Airlines usu­ for the corresponding airline that is A facility of Ingleside Homes, Inc, a not-for-profit organization Independent Living in Arden town and Ingleside Care ~ l ally restrict the number of seats, so listed in your local NP6/24 Center in Hockessin. , : ~~~C~~~T~l\RA~~C~T~S~UR~~G~E~R~Y~~~--IIIiillliiii--A~o~vE~RT~Is~EM~E~NT~-.....-iiiliiiiliiillilll-, ;! WITII NEW SURGICAL PROCEDURE RESTORES VISION James C. Brown of Wilmington had it all; a consequently, no bleeding is involved. This job and hobby he loved and a grandchild soon to makes the surgery safe for those patients on CLEAR CORNEAL INCISION be born. Then a sudden, frightening loss of blood thinning medications such as aspirin or vision robbed him of all of this. coumadin. These patients can continue taking One morning this past October, Brown awoke their medication throughout the surgical from a sound sleep to notice a mysterious process without jeopardizing their health or decrease in his vision. Over the next few days, safety. his vision would continue to worsen until he Once the clear corneal incision is made, the was unable to perform simple tasks. cataract is removed through A motorcycle racer for 26 years and a restorer phacoemulsification. With this method, a of antique cars, Brown's quality of life became phacoemulsifier, a small probe that vibrates so greatly reduced that he was not even able to 40,000 times per second, is used to gently shave, and needed a friend to help him walk breaks the cataract into tiny pieces and around his home. vacuums them out of the eye. "My life got to the The surgery is point where I couldn't completed with the do anything at all," insertion of a foldable said Brown. "I was lens implant into the completely blind, and eye through the same knew I needed help." tiny incision used to ::. Upon a friend's withdraw the cataract. recommendation, The implant is Brown went to see Dr. necessary to restore Frank Owczarek of Eye focus to the eye. Care of Delaware. An The entire examination of Brown's outpatient procedure eye showed the man lasts an average of 20 was suffering from minutes. No stitch is mature presenile necessary to close the • NO NEEDLES OR STITCHES cataracts, an self-healing incision, uncommon condition and no patch is • PERFORMED IN A NON-HOSPITAL SEl*I'ING seen in only 5% of the necessary following • FASTER RECOVERY population under the surgery. Most patients age of 50. In this resume their normal condition, the eye's activities the day after Dr. Frank Owczarek routinely performs this state­ natural lens becomes surgery. completely clouded "I experienced no of-the-art technique that is safer and more comfortable over causing blindness, pain whatsoever than standard no-stitch surgery. Improve your vision inflammation and during the operation, headaches. and to my amazement, with very little inconvenience. Cataracts can be I could see again while treated, but only still lying on the table," through surgical said Brown. "Mter it extraction. The surgery was over, I went is only performed on straight to a mirror one eye at a time. James C. Brown of Wilmington and looked at myself; I "I admit I was a had tears in my eyes. I nervous wreck prior to surgery.. .I especially did knew I would have to have the other (eye) done not want a needle in my eye," said Brown. right away." Fortunately for Brown, Dr. Owczarek One week later, Brown underwent the same specializes in cataract surgery and routinely procedure for his other eye with the same uses a revolutionary new technique to remove results. cataracts. This procedure involves the use of During the time Brown was without sight, his LIMESTONE PROFESSIONAL topical anesthesia, or eye drops to numb the daughter gave birth to a 9-pound, 3-ounce MEDICAL CENTER eye; consequently, no painful needles are granddaughter. Dr. Owczarek's state-of-the-art BUILDING necessary. surgical technique enabled Brown to see his 1941 Limestone Rd. • Suite 217 Suite 10 • Augustine Cut-Off The surgery Brown underwent involves a new grandchild for the very first time. After a Wilmington, DE 19808 Wilmington, DE 19803 clear corneal incision, a state-of-the-art period of darkness, the man's quality of life was technique in which a tiny cut is made on the restored with little inconvenience or discomfort. 302·999·8802. 800·541·2020 302·655·5543 clear part of the cornea instead of on the sclera, "I spend alot of my time looking at antique or white of the eye. Clear corneal Cataract cars, wondering what I'd like to do next, • said Working with the Optometrists of the Eye Care Network to surgery, with clear corneal incision is safer than Brown. ~rd recommend this surgery to anyone." traditional cataract extraction because the For further information contact Rich provide convenient care close to home. cornea does not contain blood vessels; Neumann, Eye Care Of Delaware, 302-999-8802. , J~G~ 12A • NEWARK POST • JUNE 24, 1994

A SPECIAL ADVERTISING FEATURE aoo volunteers honored at Newark center By SHEILIA DOUGHERTY "I think it 's the greates t thing munity members who work in and pie." "It's wonderful. It's always fun to are "very important" to the center...... ~ ...... that you can do ... to try to make out of the center, accon.Jing to cen­ Catts said the center operates on honor volunteers. SPECIAL.TO THE NEWARK POST another person's life happi er," she ter director Margaret Catts. a philosophy of turning to older "This is our one way of saying Volunteering helps keep Shaw said. "The feeling that you get from people for help. "Using their exper­ thank you to everyone. It really busy_ "You sure don't get lonely," Norma Shaw spends her days Shaw and about I 00 others gath­ (volunteering) is far greater than tise is so important." means a lot to us." she said. g other people. The 16-year ered recently at the Newark Senior what you put in," Catts said. No individual awards were pre­ Drummond has worked at the "There are more dedicated peo­ er of the Newark Senior Center for the Volunteer Service The personal touch of volunteer­ sented at the sociaL The event was center for 10 years. "I've been a calls herself "a professional Recognition Awards. The ice-cream ing adds to service, Catts said. "I designed "to thank all the volun­ ple .. .in this room that I could find volunteer all my life and I just anywhere else," Shaw said. "I volunteer." social honored the service of com- feel that thi s is people helping peo- teers that we have," Catts said. know that it brings a lot of pleasure Letters of thanks were sent to more couldn't say enough good about the to be a volunteer_" people that come in here." than 900 volunteers, she added. Program Director Eileen Thomas Sandy Drummond, the social said that the social was "a great "We couldn't do what we do services director for the center, said opportunity to thank all the volun­ without volunteers," Drummond she was pleased with the turnout. teers." She added that volunteers said. What's best for your mouth? Dental implants have been tout­ before_ Many patients are opting for Removable dentures are a more ed as the greatest thing since tooth­ the implants, which cost from comfortable and attractive option paste. Before you take the plunge­ $1,500 to $20,000 for a full mouth than ever. "New computer-imaging and a huge chunk out of your restoration. Long-term results are techniques and the enormous checkbook-consider the pros and just now being evaluated. Dentures, advances made in denture materials cons of dental implants over den­ on the other hand, cost as little as have enabled dental professionals to Narrow, Medium, Wide tures. $1 ,1 00 for a full set of uppers and offer their patients excellent-fitting ·Honey Belle "Sure, we're taking better care of lowers, and can last seven to ten dentures that look and can function & Wide Wide & our teeth and we should expect to years or more. like natural teeth," he says. "Home Medium Wide Sizes 5-10 keep them longer than our grand­ Strassler emphasizes that not denture maintenance has also made Sizes 5-10 parents," says Dr. Howard Strassler, Black Patent & every tooth-loss patient is a candi­ great strides with new products on Black Patent & D_M_D. , associate professor and date for dental implants. Patients the market. such as Rembrandt, that director of operative dentistry at the must be in good health, able to tol­ keep dentures looking new, remove Mexican University of Maryland Dental erate anesthesia, and have sufficient plaque and calculus buildup to pre­ Multi School. hard bone in the jaw to permit plac­ vent discomfort and stain, and also "Nevertheless, more than one in ing the implant. Otherwise, eliminate the need for overnigh1 six Americans wears some form of implants may be unsuccessful. soaking." a full or partial removable denture. Bone Joss or damage to adjacent For a free copy of Strassler's And with the aging of the popula­ teeth can also occur when implants guide, What You Should Know tion, more and more people will be fail. About Dentures and Their Care, faced with the decision of how to But Strassler says all is not lost call 1-800-548-3663 or write BRANMAR PLAZA Open 7Days AWeek 1 Evening Hours M-F 'til9 MIDWAY PLAZA replace lost teeth." for those who can' t afford dental Consumer Marketing, Dept. NU, Ma~h & Silverside Rds. • Wilmington, DE !Aiiiiliiil ~ @j Kirkwood Hwy. • Wilmington, DE Strassler says implants today implants or are not good candidates P.O. Box 1729, Santa Maria, CA 475-7207 ~ lililtllllfl - 998-0281 have a higher success rate than ever for the procedure. 93456.

Delaware Hearing Consultants With over l'.l~ears ADVERTISEMENT Experience In Audiology In Northern Delaware Is ·' e~ (!)u/1. 3~ ~~ Delaware Hearing Consultants ~tP~P~! has 'Loyal Listeners' • Telex DELAWARE BEARING Medical Center of Delaware. ity. To this end, there are a CONSULTANTS is owned He chose to form his own com­ number of hearing aid manu­ • ReSound and operated by James Tyler, pany due to the observation facturers that produce instru­ • Starkey M. A., CCC/A Clinical that no one facility treats the ments that are so tiny that they Audiologist. individual's hearing condition fit completely down into the ear • Siemens Jim is certified and licensed with respect to that person's canal an'd a filament wire is and more by the State of Delaware to pro­ unique communication needed to extract them. This vide both audiologic and hear­ environment. improvement in size has actu­ "This is all you wear!" ing aid services. He is a mem­ Despite some criticism of the ally allowed better, clearer hearing aid industry in the re­ hearing. These instruments are Please call836-9870 or 1-800-886-9871 for your private consultation. There is no charge for this vis it. Appointments ber of the American Speech, Language and Hearing Associ­ cent past, we are fortunate to typically more expensive but .,re lim~d,: c~od~ a~ bri:: th:off: wi~o~o t~ a~an~e :the..=;e~l d~ou,:: ation as well as the Delaware live in an exciting time for worth it. Speech and Hearing Associa­ hearing aids. While we know A sensitivity to one's hearing SPECIAL COUPON tion. He is currently the au­ that we cannot filter out back­ needs, experience with the lat­ diologist advisor for the Self ground noise to solely enhance est hearing technology and a I $50.00 OFF any full shell hearing aid! HURRY-COUPON VALID Help for the Hard of Hearing speech, recent advances in cir­ strong commitment to service 1 $75.00 OFF any canal hearing aid! ONLY UNTI~ July 31,1994 chapter in Delaware. cuit technology have allowed make Delaware Hearing Con­ 1 listeners to perform signific­ sultants the only choice. Please Call: Delaware Hcanng Consultants: 836-9870 He has been in the hearing I $100.00 OFF any mini canal hearing aid! antly better and with more "lis­ take advantage of our adver­ (not valid with any other offer) Out of State: 1-800-886-9871 J field for 16 years and obtained his undergraduate and gradu­ tening comfort" than ever be­ tised opportunity to experience ------ate degrees from Temple Uni­ fore. At this point we cannot re­ for yourself what today's hear­ versity in nearby Philadelphia. place Mother Nature, but we're ing instruments may offer you_ Delawa•e Hearing consultants Jim has worked in a number of working on it. Find out why Delaware Hear­ SUITE 28 PEOPLES PLAZA • GLASGOW, DE local Ear, Nose and Throat spe­ Another area hearing aid ing consultants has more and cialist's offices and was also dispensers have been con­ more "Loyal Listeners" every cing (302) 836-9870 •1 (800) 886·9871 Re~~::: le employed for over 8 years at the cerned about is the issue of van- day!

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Get off at the Civic Center only a short walk from the station, Whistory are com­ Pam, but, as good as they are, they exit, follow the signs to the Civic but there is bus service if your pre- bined in one great exhibit, pale when you ee the real thing at Center and drive past the complex fer. . that's news. When the exhibit the University Museum. lt is like to the next set of traffic signals. I hope you and your famtly get contains over 400 pectacular stepping back into hi story. Turn right to the brick buildin.g to enjoy this s~ow som.etim.e this artifact , that' even bigger As an example, consider the fact which houses the museum. There IS s ummer, but, If not, tt wtll be that about 100 examples from the some on-street parking but plenty of around for quite a while. news. When the exhibit has museum's Greek coinage collection parking in lots nearby. If you take been under preparation for By PHIL TOMAN are being used to illustrate the sec­ just over six years . . . I think tion on manufacturing and trade. How and when the coinage was you can finish that sentence ing and humidity controls, handi­ Kyrcnia, Cyprus; Sybaris and for your elf. invented, the techniques of minting ~ l!IGET THE ADVANTAGEW ~ capped access, state-of-the-art secu­ Proticello, Italy; Gordian, Turkey coins, the political and social uses All this, and more, i happening The PEOPLES ADVANTAGE au rity system and, most important, and Cyrene, Libya as well. Brief of images on the coins and the artis­ right now up at the University new lighting to provide an open, summaries of these projects are also tic achievements of the Greek die Certificates of Deposit M._useum at 33rd and Spruce Streets light filled ex hi bit area. included in the newly opened engravers are all there for us to see in Philadelphia. Following ix Annual Percentage Yield (APY)* Term in Months The first thing you find at the and enjoy. Also in the same section Effective June 15,1994 years of extensive gallery renova­ entrance is a life-size head, circa are explanations about the produc­ ot based on an lntere $1 rate of 4.10% tion , The University Museum of 4.18 0 18 100 B. C., of the god Hermes, pro­ tion, decoration and di stribution of /C compounded daily lor 365 days. Archaeology and Anthropology has tector of entrances to the ancient Greek pottery, as wel l as trade in 0/ based on an Interest rate of 5.31% 48 opened a glorious exhibition called 5.45 /C0 compounded daily for 365 days. Greek . Appropriate, eh? At the such items as perfumed oi ls, wine "The Ancient Greek World." back of the room are three large and olive oil. The show is drawn from the 5.60% ~~%~~J~~a~r;f~J~so~M~ "" 60 grave monuments from the In the daily life section careful University Mu eum's international­ You've got the Advantage over interest rate uncertainty with The Peoples Classical period, fifth and fourth attention is given to the very differ­ ly famous Mediterranean collection Advantage Certificates of Deposit. centuries B. C., which tand in front ent lives led by men and women in and features artifacts and objects Advantage Certificates allow you to ?blain a one-ti.me Increase to the hlg~er of a huge wall mural depicting the Greek culture. Generally, woman d'art from the eleventh through first interest rate and annual percentage yteld when the mterest mte we are offenng Kerameikos, the major cemetery of exercised control over the home and century B. C. There are examples on COs of the same term increases. ancient Athen . In between the family when the men's lives were Greek vases, sculpture, coins, OR o.f exhibition offers you a chance to dominated by activities out ide the bronzes and more in this wide rang­ Make one additional deposit to your Advantage Certificate at the original delve into just about every aspect of home including hunting, riding, ing exploration of the ancient Greek interest rate if interest rates fall. life in those times through text, work, politics and warfare. w9rld. Examined are the history, • Limited time offer. Call or stop by maps, drawings, photographs and Architecture and furnishing of the religion, trade, manufacturing, art, • $500.00 minimum deposit. for details. 400 artifacts. This is not an exhibit Greek houses are also shown. • Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. athleti cs, politics, warfare, burial for a quick visit. Plan to spend sev­ The University Museum is open practices and the daily life of men eral hours. Tuesday through Saturday from 10 The Peoples Bank of Elkton and women in those ten centuries. The scope of the research to put a.m. to 4:30 p.m. From now That's quite a tall order, but the ~ '@ 130 North Street, Elkton, MD FD- G on an exhibit must be enonnous. 1 through Labor Day weekend, it is m\)seum was up to it and their effort Jit l":'N= Jil mentioned this to the museum's PR closed Sundays and Mondays. lt is 398-39oo __ lt n is one to see and savor. director Pam Kosty and she agreed. The gallery itself is an interest­ "The extent and scope of the ing sidebar. lt is dedicated to archaeological research in the Rodney S. Young, the museum' s ancient Greek world is a major rea­ ~···················································~ Mediterranean Curator from 1948 son that so much is known about The "Benghazi Venus " fresh from • You're Invited To The Most Family Fun In Town ... : to 1974. Young was also director this remarkable long-lived civiliza­ the sea which gave her birth is one of the museum's famous excava­ tion," she said. " Since 1910 of the over 400 artifacts being : Introducing The Flret: Annual : tions at Gordian, Turkey from 1950 University Museum archaeologists shown at the new "Ancient Greek to 1974. The gallery is new from have worked at s uch sites as World " exhibit at the University • • floor to ceiling with air condition- Vrokastro, Crete; Kourion and Museum...... Births...... Wednesday, June 15 daughter. He-Shunian and Yi Zhou, Newark, ~ CORMO"iTY fAIJt ~ Huffman-Susan, Newark, daugh­ Ryan-Donna and Christopher, daughter. • : {... Over 2 5 Vendors & Crafters •: ter. Newark, son. Sunday, June 19 Hitchens-Maureen and Karl, Friday, June 17 Snyder-Cathy and Kenneth, • r..- Jason The Red Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers e Newark, son. lbarra-Socoro and Gi lberta, Newark, son. : {... Free Pony Rides {... Free Face Painting . : Roberts-Nancy and Philip Newark, son. Haas-Wendy and Donald, Bear, • {... Balloons C.. Hot Dogs, Pizza & Cold Drinks • Murray, Newark, daughter. Giles-Laura and John, Bear, son. twin sons. : . Evans-Barbara and John, Newark, Hogan-Jennifer and Mark, Monday, June 20 : Saturday• .June 2!5th : · son. Newark, daughter. McCracken-Stefanie and Terry, Hart-Sapp-Catherine and Richard, Saturday, June 18 Bear, daughter. • Barn - 3prn • Newark, son. Short-Lisa and William, Newark, Sommer-Mary and Richard, • • Thursday, June 16 daughter. Newark, twin daughters. : Being Held On The Grounds Of Beeson Memorial Services : Arlington-Sharon and Michael, Hairsine-Jennifer and Ralph, Bear, Brumbaugh-Ruth and John , e 2053 Pulaski Highway • Route 40, One Block West Of Fox Run e Bear, daughter. daughter. Newark, daughter. e Newark, Delaware • (302) 4!53-1 BOO e Breece-Victoria, Newark, son. Feick·Judith and David, Newark, Honess-Frances and John, \. o ... way al saying - Y"" lor wtk""*'t us to 1M cOISIINdy, - ma1mt - rnt y- very sacteuf.... Joy a- ~ Adams-Janice and Glen, Newark, daughter. Newark, daughier. ~ ...... ~ ONLY 4DAYS LEFT! SALE ENDS MONDAY. JUNE 27TH GOING·OUT·OF·BUSINESS SALE


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I • UOF DELAWARE • LEAGUES Post 31 rips local rival Newark in Legion baseball IN SPORTS By JOHN HOLOWKA three pitches and they were working, but I home on Kevin Mench 's RBI fie ld er's three bcl'ore being re li eved by hri ~ thin k he might of goll en n little tired in the choi ce to the ri gh t side of the infield . NEWARK POST SPORTS WRITER Weleski . Welcs ki pitched 2 l/3 innings. sur­ later innings because oF the heaL " Winterringcr wen t 2-of-3 wi th three run s rendered three hits and one unearned run . Post #3 1 (I 0-3, 4-2) gave Ruark all the scored, two wa lk s and an RBL-double in the Pos1 #3 1 broke th e ga me wide open in Dave Ruark remained unbeaten and offense he needed behind a 10-hit barrage threw a six -hitter to help Post #3 1 defeat l'ourth that start t: d a six -run rally. Mensch the fourth , sco ring six run~ on fiv e hits and that produced a 4-0 lead after three innings fini shed with two singles and two RBis and one error with one out. Newark I 0-2 Tuesday in an American and a I0-0 margin after four. YoUTH LEAGUE Legion baseball game at University of scored a run . Will Vanjonoc k wen t to first on an Delaware. " We concentrate on a combination of Post #31 went up 4·0 in th e third after infield error and took second off Jet:f things, defense, hitting and pitchin g," sa id Ru ark (3-0) stru ck out five batters and Jeff Myer · reached first on an error, Mye rs' sacri fice bunt. A double by McCullough. " We hit the ball we ll BASEBALL didn't all ow a runner past second base until Winterringer's bn se hit, two wild pitches Winterringer and McC ullough 's flare RBJ_­ (Tuesday}, our defense played great and and I ~BI- s in g l es by Mensch and Sean sin gle scored two, but he bi g blow wa · the fift h inn ing, when Newark tapped him (Ruark) pi tched consisten tl y." for two runs and three hits. McCullough. Brad Eyman 's hooming triple to ri ght center SCORES Post #31 took a 1-0 lead in the top of the Newark starter Ri ck Brockel ) we111 3 2/3 that scored two. D.J . Law ler's fadin g dou- "He pitched well (tonight)," said Newark first inning when leadoff hitter Buzz Manager Joe McCu ll ough. "He's developed innings and gave up eight runs on se ven AND 2B Winterringer walked, stole second and amc hit s. Brockcll stru ck ou t fiv e and wa lked See BASEBALL, 4B ~ RESULTS


REc By MARTY VALANIA he cou ld be and went out and did iL It 's a real tribute to him . He's a NEWARK POST SPORTS EDITOR mod el that other kid s should look SOFTBALL 3B at." In this day and age of special- Simpson also noted th ai the 6- iza ti on, the three-sport high school foot, 6-inch 210 pound Ru sse ll WjlS athl ete is a rarity. A three-sport All - one of the best practi cers that.fie State athl ete is even more un com- ever coached - something echq~ mon. by hi s other coache. a · well. - . That, however, is what Newark "He was just a great in practi ce·" Bear Bandits High 's Jody Russell accomplished Simpson said. "That 's a real charac­ this pa ·t sc hool year. Russell, who ter thing wi th me. It 's more im por­ graduated thi s month. was a first- tanlthan success on the fi eld ." second team A ll -State end in footba ll , an After a great football sea~o n , honorable men tion select ion in ba ·. Ru se ll went on to have a stellar ketball and a second-team All -State basketball season, averaging nearly in ASA states o utfi elder in baseball. Al l three 20 points per ga me and le ading teams prod uced winning record s powerful Flight A in scoring. By MARTY VALANIA with the ba eball ~------" I think and ba sketba ll Jody is one of i'lEWARK POST SPORTS EDITOR tea ms qualifying PAST NEWARK POST the bes t thrt!e- PLKE CREEK - The Bear Bandits 14- for state tourna- ATHLETES OF THE sport athlete. and-under softball team certainly opened ment play. YEAR ever at some eyes in their first-ever appearance "The year's N e w a r k in the Junior Olympic/Amateur Softball been great," said 1991 - Vero nica Homiak Hi gh. " sa id Association (ASA) State Championships Russell last week ba s k e t b a II last weekend under sauna-Ii.ke conditions before All -Star Caravel Academ y coach Jim at Skyline Middle School. footba ll practice- Doody . "He' The Bandits, comprised mostly of anoth er honor he h right: up th ere players from Canal Little League, cap­ garnered this 1992 - Sheldon T omas wi th Derric k tured second place in the tournament and year. " I kind of St. Mark's High May and earned a berth in the regional champi­ th ought th at it C r a i g onships Jul y 8- 10 in Roanoke, Va. The mi ght be possible Ca ll ahan as a Tall eyvill e Travelers, who have com­ [recognition in all 1993 - Amanda Klockars I h ree- s port piled an impressive 36-4 record thi s three sports], but Newa rk High athl e1e. And 1 spring, won the title with a 9-3 victory I didn ' t really don ' t think over the Bandit in the final. The top think about it that they were three teams in the tournament quali fied very much. recognized IAII-Stat ej in all three for regional play. "I just tried to get in th e right sport . .'' Pitcher Carri e Green limited the fram e of mind for each sport when r Doody noted that Flight A had Bandits to just five hits while striking out was playing it and everything else six or seven of the top I0 pla yers in eight to lead Talleyville to the title. just fell into place." the state and that Ru sse ll led th em Green also helped the cause offensively, Ru sse ll started th e school year all in scoring. goi ng 3-for-3 with three runs scored. off by atching 40 pa ·es for the 6- ''Any oth er year. he probably Kirsty Lloyd hit a home run to lead 4 Yellowjacket football squad. would 've been a fir. I-team selec- the Bandits. "He accompli shed a great dea l tion . But there were so many great · "Talleyvi lle's a good team," said Bear thi s year," said Newark football players in our league this year." Coach Herb VanDeusen. "We were pret­ coach Bu tch Simpson. "I think what Ba se ball coac h Harry Da vies ty tired from playing five games in this I admire most. is that he did it in repcatedthe thought s of Doody and heat. They were a lot fresher. J think we three sports. Simpson. cou ld've, at least, given them a better ''He rea ll y stepped up a level his "He is , tremend ou ly hard PHOTO/SPEC IA L TO THE NEWARK POST BY ERIC FINE senior year. He gained confidence, work er," Davies sa id of Ru ~e ll. maturity and grew physically. He See ATHL ETE , 48 ..._ See BANDITS, 4B ... Newark High's Jody Russell was All -Stale In football, basketball and baseball this past school year. made the commi tment to be the best ,..... Blue-Gold game wraps up season Biddle helps lead Detonators

this summer. hi team won. ~~· ~-k~SV;~~iSiiOm)A'"''""'"""'' ''' Dunkley, who was picked by the The Pacers, coming off a trip to the to 18-and-under ASA title e Pacers, in last spring's draft spent the NBA's Eastern Conference finals , will past season playing in Israel. He cer­ also send the 6-foot, I l-inch center to tainly helped himself in the minds of play in the Los Angeles summer bas­ By MARTY VALANIA the Pacers by being named Most ketball league for NBA rookies. ·································· ··· ·· ··· ··················· ·· ··· ····· Valuable Player in the playoffs, which NEWARK POST SPORTS EDITOR Hens host Nova In hoops PIKE CREEK - A local girl led a downstate t.cam over the Midway Orange Crush in the champi­ Lf you 're a college basketball fan , be sure to mark down Dec. 30 on your onship of th e 18-and-under American Softball calendar. Association (ASA) stat LOurnament on a steamy That's when the Villanova Wildcats Saturday afternoon at Goldey-Beacom Co ll ege. make a trip down to the Carpenter Megan Biddle, a 15-year-o ld pitcher who grew up playing in anal Little League. led the Delaware Center for a basketball game aga inst the University of Delaware. Detonators - a Smyrna ba. eel team - to a 9- 1victory Delaware students will still be on over Midway in th e title game. Biddle, who live. break so there is a great opponunity for above the Canal but in th Appoquinimink S hool many local hoop fans to get in and see District, hurled a four-hitter whi le al o picking up the game. two hits and two runs-batt.ed-in as the Detonators dominated the championship game. All-Star tJme qaln " It was a really neat experi ence. said Biddle, who pitched for Middletown Hi gh a. a freshman It's that time of the year again. this past sprin g. "At first it was a litt.le intimidating pitching agajnst these girl s I grew up admiring at. That's right, time for Little League anal. I was just happy to do we ll .'' AJI-Star games. It's a time when par­ every The D tonators advanced to the title game with a ents and kids alike spend sinale bye and a 2-1 win over the D )aware Destroyers in night at a ball field somewhere. It's 1 the winner's bra ket final. PHOTO/S PECIAL TO THE NEWARK POST BY ERIC F~ PosrGAME See POST GAME, 41. See SOFTBALL , 38 ... Midway's Larule BrosnahiR PACE 2B. EWARK p ST . JUNE 24, 1994 YOUTH BASEBALL RESULTS NEWARK AMERICAN Yankees came from behind in the for the Cubs. John Brennan led the led 7-6 only to give up three last- ' UTILE LEAGUE Roya ls 9, Mariners 4 - The fifth inning with hits by Ryan Twins' attack. Gold Divi sion inning runs. Schagrin 's Damon Royals used five pitchers to secure Martin, Erik Warrington, Jason Vorhees pitched a complete game and Chris Enderle hit a triple. Minor Divi ion the victory over the Mariners. Drew Bullen, Pete Callahan, Danny Phillies 16, Indians 11 - Rob Artisans 9, A von Grove 8 - Kisner led the Royals with three Hougentogler and Jason Schottin. Eleuterio and Michah German each Entering the game tied with Avon McDonalds 11, Feralloy 5, - ; Yankee 13, Tigers 12 - Both hits. Keith Kowanick pitched a Mike Marra led the Yankees' had three hits and Kenny Malin Grove for second place, Artisans Chris Jensenhad three hits to lead Eri k Warrington anrl Greg Schwartz complete game for the Mariners. defense. Evan Wilson pitched for chipped in with two hits to lead the scored three runs in the bottom of McDonalds to an easy win. Ryan ored three times as they led the the Expos. Phillies. Steve Bowman was the the fifth inning to earn the victory. Donovan went the distance for the Y~nk ees to th e victory. Pe te Royal 5, Met 1 - Andy winning pitcher for the Phillies. Steve Carter notched his secon win win. McDonalds' John Toomey had Callahan and Jason Schottin col­ Cassidy and John Brayman each P irates 15, Tigers 6 - The Mike Davis led the Indians with a with three innings of fine relief a pair of hits and Bryan Gollicker l£cted two hits each a nd Jason pitched three innings to secure the Pi rates scored seven runs over the double and fine defensive play. pitc hing. Rob Quigley led the tripled. Feralloy's Jim Hassiepep Bullen had th e game winning RBI victory for the Royal s. John last two innings 10 break the game offense with a home run, while tom had a triple and double. ~ r the Yank . The Tigers were led Kauffman had three hits and Drew open. Andrew Charlton, Danny Indians 5, Dodgers 2- Jamie Gallagher added a triple and Tom byt he great dcfensi ve effort of first Kisner had two hits to pace the Jo hn son and Stven Slacum had Malgire struck out nine batters in Boyd a double. McDonalds 11, Schagrin Gas 6 baseman Scott Lyons. Royals. three hits each while Bill y Slade four innings to help lead the Indians and Ri chard Neil had two hits to the win. Mike Davis had a triple CoGen Tech 13, Cecil Reds 5 - - Dave Hamm drove in two runs with a pair of hits to lead streaking :: Royals 6, ardinals 5 - Steve Royals 9, Pirates 8 - The apiece to lead the Pirates. and a single while Austin Kisner Todd Meredith blasted a home run McDonalds to their fifth straight ~:iley sparked a sixth-inning rally Pirate jumped to an 8- 1 lead but and Jeff Hudson also had two hits and doubled to lead CoGen past the win. Ada Camaros hur led six with a double to lead the Royals couldn't hold off the undefeated Major Division each. Chri s Schieffer had two hits Reds. The 14-hit offensive attack innings in getting hi s first win. over the Cardinal . Drew Ki sner Royals. Drew Kisner paced the for the Dodger . included a pair of doubles from Chris Jensen double d for pitched two innings of scoreless Royal with five RBI inluding a A's 7, Cub 6- The A's defeat­ Brian Reamer and doubles by Dave McDonalds as did Schagrin's Nate p:lief for the Royals. three-run homer. Ty.ler Jacobson, ed the Cubs 7-6 behind the strong A's 11, Braves 10- Backed by Waugh and Jim Harrison. Jeff .· Andy Cass idy and Mike Smith also pitching of Mel Baldwin, Ian Patton outstanding defensive plays by Corrigan picked up his first win Johnson. ~ Mariners 10, Tigers 9 -Greg had hits for the Royals. Danny and Tony Tanzilli. Bob Coleman, DannyLochonic, David Von with three innings in relief. .$tQrgis wa the starting pitcher and Johnson pitched for the Pirates. Mel Baldwin and David Von Steuben and Bobby Coleman, Greg Wilm. Trust 11, Ryland. Homes 5 - Mike Szczepaniak­ ;~'r esto n Hubbard came in reli ef to Steuben had ti mely hits for the A 's. Slater and Tony Tanzilli combined Carman Ford 4, CoGen Tech 1 arn the win a the Mariners came Mariners 7, Giants 3- Greg Bob Grenau, Billy Reid and Greg to pitche the A's to an 11-10 victo­ - Todd Breisch hurled a six-hitter, threw a six-hitter, striking out seven 'f rom behind and defeated the Sturgis pitched five inni ngs of one Slater made several fine defensive ry. Slater, Scott Brooks, Mel striking out LO , to give Carm an a to lead Wilmington Trust to the igers. It was the Mariners 1Oth hit ball while striking out 13 to plays in the field. Josh Kueny and Baldwin, Ian Patton and Bobb win over CoGen. CoGen 's Jim win. Tim Walz, Jessie Chase and' :Win of the sea on, good for a ec­ hel plead the Mariners over the Andrew Kelley had two hits each Genau had two hits each for the Harrison also went the distance, Jim Guerrieri al doubled. ;t>n}l place finish. Devin Bearden led Giants . The Mariners' six-hit attack for the Cubs. Rob Standarowski and A's. Bobby Sheppard had three hits allowing only three hits in a losing ihe way offensively going 3-for-3 was highlighted by RBI hits by Robbie Pierce pitched a fi ne game for the Braves while Andrew cause. Wilm. Trust 12, Ryland' 'J'o'ith Keith Kowanick adding two Keith Kowanick and Philip for the Cubs. Schuster added two hits . Homes 2- Bruce Gollicker pitched' ~its. Frank Smith and Sturgis al o Albertson. Devin Bearden also had A.rtisans 8, A&H Metals 2 - a six-hitter and had two doubles td' :added hits. Brenden Te ta had the an RBI. Ru sty Miller had the lone Cubs 12, Twins 6- Jared Evans Dan Hoffman hit a grand slam in lead Wilmington Trust to the win. :b iggest hit of the night to drive in hit for the Giants. had three of the Cubs ' 16 hits. Josh the first inning and Artisans coasted Mike Choma hit a triple, Rob­ ;lhe winning run. Luke Mueller and Kueny, Zach Clark, Andrew Keely NEWARK BABE RUTH to an easy victory. Dave Renn, Tom Kauffman two doubles for Wilm; :J-uke Crossan had for the Tigers. Yankees 10, Expos 8- T he and Andy Schieb each had two hits (16·18 division) Boyd, Dan Sullivan and R.J. Trust. .. George combined for a three-hitter. .,J DeiTrans 11, Schagrin Gas 7 - ~· Piedmont 9, Carman Ford 8 - Corey Loper drove in two runs and Trailing 8-5 after six innings, scored twice to lead DelTrans to its Carman rallied for three runs to tie fourth win. Craig Witmer picked up the game in the seventh. Piedmont, his second win, with relief from ho wever, won in the eighth on a Sam Esposito. Tim Porer doubled 116 East Glenwood Ave • SMYRNA • 302·653·5633 sacrifice fly by Jack Fleetwood. and Schagrin's Mike Davis scored lOPEN WEEKDAYS 9·9 • SATURDAY 9·6 • SUNDAY NOON·Sl Carman's Jo DiPersio pitched a three runs. complete game and hit a home run. FREE Men's or Women's BluBiocker® Sunglasses with purchase• Reg. Ret. $49.95. As seen on TV. Blue Division BASSETT MATTRESS & BOX SPRING Chance wins This Is top of the line bedding and one of the best deals that we ever made! These are all overruns, cancellations and close-out fabrics. This Is one heck of a price on Wilm. Trust 7, DeiTrans 1 - bedding, complete w ith a w arranty of one full year replacement at no charga Jesse Chase hurled a four-hitter as senior golf at Reg. Ret. OUR CASH PRICE SPECIAL Wilmington Trust coasted to an Stngle $589.95 $259.95 $119.95 easy win. Chase also led the offense Newark CC Double $729.95 $309.95 $149.95 Queen $859.95 $399.95 $199.95 with a pair of doubles while King $1099.95 $51 9.95 $259.95 DelTrans' Tim Porter hit a triple. Elbert Chance won the 1994 Newark Country Club Seniors FREE Men's or Women's BluBiocker® Sunglasses with purchase• Feralloy 15, Ryland Homes 3 - Championship earlier this month. . Reg. Ret. $49.95. As seen on TV. Jim Hassiepen fired a two-hitter and Chance shot a 54-hole total of SERTA MATTRESS & BOX SPRING drove in three runs to lead Feralloy 229 to edge Woody Slater (230) We Have The New 1994 Covers past Ryland. Adam Moore tripled and Larry Hart (231) in a tight con­ Single ...... Reg. Ret.~609.95 ...... 0UR CASH PRICE ~129.95 for first place Feralloy. Ryland's test. The winner shot a final round ,. Double ...... Reg. Ret. 749.95 ...... 0UR CASH PRICE 169.95 Rich Ott hit a double. 76, compared to Slater's 77 and "·. Queen ...... Reg. Ret. 889.95 ...... 0UR CASH PRICE 249.95 Hart's 80, to win the title. ~ · .... ":. FOR PICKUPS AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE, BRING Elsmere 9, Scbagrin Gas 7 - CASH OR CREDIT CARDS. NO PERSONAL CHECKS Looking for its first win, Schagrin P-S-S-S.:r I!! GOOD/fEAR" ,

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STORF ONLYJ WE ARE A NATIONAL ACCOUNT HEADQUARTERS ~---~~~ t juNE 24, l 994 • NEWARK Po • PA E 3ll PARKS & REC SOFTBALL Time .Out stays hot in Gold League action By DAVE TELEP to make a run for the title. At this in the post-season, anything can The offensive outage that both point in the season, they are 12-5 happen. teams experienced in game one was NEWARK POST SPORTS WRITER and in "hot" pursuit of the leaders. Crab Trap, State Line, Irish Pub countered in the second game with Even the Moon Dogs who have and Newark Auto appear to spend­ an explosion of runs. The Newark League gives us a showed a potent offense as of late ing the rest of the season jockeying Unfortunately, it was only one team high level of competition, skilled are busy staving off contenders. for position with each other and that was doing the scoring. players and great rivalries. Last Thirtysomething and Deco Sign are waiting for a chance to knock off "Sometimes I get hot," sa id Trap week however, the league was lack­ solid bail clubs and are presently one of the leaders in the playoffs. outfielder Ricky Reinier after club­ ing one essential element: an air battling for the fourth playoff spot. They shouldn't be di scouraged bing two homers and driving in five conditioned stadium. Five teams with atleast 13 wins though. Anyone hear of the 1994 ru ns in the nightcap. Reiner and Although the Sky Dome in at this point. Thus we have our Indiana Pacers? Steve Hess (2-2, 2 rbi's) connected Toronto would have been a more heated chase for a championship. Action continued last week and on back to back shots to end the desirable place to play, the softball Over in the Blue Division, as it was clear the temperatures were scoring in a four ru n fifth inning. season in hot and humid Newark expected East End and Taylors Ink affecting everyone. Just ask the The Trap was obviously rambled on. are busy trading victories and thi s Crab Trap and Newark Auto about annoyed by the Heat and decided Some teams followed the lead of matchup is looking very much like the game th ey played last that it would take only five innings the weather and they themselves a heavyweight title bout. For right Wednesday. Game one started at to dispose of the au tomen and head got extremely hot. In the Gold now, this one is scored a draw. six o'clock and th e opening game home to the comforts of a building Division for instance, Time Out has Not to worry though, the two temperature was a sultry 90 plu s with air conditioning. No argu­ been clicking on all cylinders for teams get together for a season end­ degrees in the shade. ments from thi s reporter. the entire season. However, even at ing double-header on July 13, so In the opener, the Trap was out With the "slaughter rule" in 22-1 they cannot forget about a fast mark that down on your calendar. hit nine to seven but still sq ueezed effect, it ended 12-0. Brian charging Williams Reaty squad. It wi11 be very interesting to see out a 4-2 victory. They aided their Singleton (3-3, 3 runs) and D.J. . Williams has posted a 17-3 which club can deliver the deciding own cause by cutting down two Maderas (3-3, 3 runs) sparked the record and has kept Time Out with­ blow. runners at home plate which which offense. Maderas had a strangle in their grasp all season despite the Deer Park is quick to point to were the difference in the ballgame. hold on the automen as he recorded sportsmen's impressive record. their record in the well balanced Newark Auto didn 't do much to the shoutout while al lowi ng just Williams themselves can't get to division and are very much in play­ help themselves as they committed seven hits. MULCH qomfortable because it appears the off contention. For them, a regul ar a two-out error that scored what ii·1~1·lli Moon Dogs Bar and Grill is looking season title may be out of reach but would prove to be the winning run. 40ib.BAG SHREDDED Blast win third straight title Detonators win state title HARDWOOD 3 Cu. Ft. BAG The under-11 Kirkwood Blast ing twice and Brian Concklin, ..... SOFTBALL, from 18 we just weren't as enthusiastic." captured the championship of the Stuller and Adam Paul once each. Laurie Brosnahan got the Crush In preliminary play the Blast 0 Kirkwood Invitational Tournament The Crush, who has former off to a good start in the loser's for for the third straight year. topped the Arsenal 1-0 and tied ssoo Canal players dotting their roster, bracket final by singling and com­ 4 4tor$11° , The Blast defeated the Reston 1-1 . Brian O 'Conner and advanced to the championship ing around to score in the top of the With coupon. Not to be combine With coupon . Not to be combine with other offers. Expires 7/3194 CP Buckingham Arsena13-1 with goals Mark Rornanczuk scored the goals. round by defeating the Delaware first inning. The Crush improved I 1 with other offers. Expires 7/3194 CP coming from Josh Michener, Eric Alex Facciolo played well in Destroyers 3-0 behind Julie the lead to 2-0 in the fifth inning as ------·---~------········--·-··· Gregg and Adam Stuller. goal with Nick Gupta, Kenny Reid, Geissler's three-hitter in the loser's Carrie Narvel singled an d scored; In the semifinal the Blast topped Mark Prata, Matt DiGiacobbe and bracket final. The Destroyers, who and 3-0 in the sixth as Jen Haynes MULCH ~ ­ the Central Pennsylvania Select Stuller providing strong defensive opened th e tournament by topping singled and scored on an error. diRU;t).)HJMJMWMt team 5-1 with Nolan Dzielak scor- efforts. the Crush 7-0 behind Chris Klein's "Julie just pitched a fa nt astic SHREDDED :s2000FF1 : shutout , only advanced two runners game," Friant said of the win over I Any•I as far as third base against Geissler the Destroyers. "She really kept CEDAR : GRANULARINSECT in the semifinal. them off balance and moved the 1 Demons win N.J. tournament · "The final was a little bit anticli­ ball around. She's just pitching 3 Cu. Ft. BAG i or DISEASE CONTROL matic," said Midway Coach Jim great right now." : lOtS Dlazlnon • Dursban The Delaware Demons under-13 Mitchell Bacot assisted on the first Friant.. "After losing that first game . All three teams in the tourna­ 1 ~C't\C ..- Sevin • Dylox • Turcam boys soccer team won the champi­ goal. to the Destroyers we really wanted 0 Crowell led the Demons in scor­ ment earned the right to play in th e : f\l~u\C\0~~ Bayleton • Dyrene • onship of the Freehold (N.J.) to come back and beat them. After Benomyl• Subdue regional championships July 8-10 4tor$12° 1 ~ Invitational Soccer Tournament last ing during the tournament with five that, with the heat and everything, in Richomond, Va. With coupon. Not to be combine weekend. goals while Jeremy Doucette, Josh 1 with other offers. Expires 713/94 CP . The Demons, which recorded a Herrera and Chris Keane added two 3- 1 record during the tourney, each and Bacot one. ------· defeated the Mt. Olive Marauders Other Demons contributing to 2-1 in overtime in the final. Playing the tournament championship were -I~;IU!ilgl.t·11i•N•> -I:! 4:; i! I i;f,i :tl with only 11 players, the Demons Andrew Collins, Shaun Gilday, had to overcome the heat and Tommy Merganthaler, Justin 0 SURE FIRE™ humidity as well as the opposition. Natalie, Michael Usher, Keith ~sfiahnsan ® $2° 0FF (Rated #1) Brian Crowell scored once in Vogelsong and goalkeeper Graeme Any20Lb. regulation and once in overtime to Ramshaw. OUTBOARDS ~elp the Demons to the victory. ULTRA PREMIUM BEETLE TRAPS DOG FOOD or40 Lb. PREMIUM DOG FOOD $46~ . ~ ~ North ·Star tops Oakwood With coupon. Not to be combine With coupon. Not to be combine fi Valley in swim league action '• ••wi!' ~th;r 2ff!r~ ~p!e! 7~3/;.4 . :P. 1---- with.... other offers-..... E.pires ···--. 713194 CP : : North Star 7.5, Oakwood Valley 2.5- Double winners for North Star: Angler - 17 ft. thru 25 ft. Sweeney Seed : ~- Wray, M. Ditzler, E. Foley, B. Ramone, L.Klein, D. DeTitta, S. Walk Around Center Console • ~ewcomb, D. Casey, B. Keane, J.Dalbow, M. Klein, T.J. Southmayd, J. Cabins · Fisherman · Bresnahan, S. Wray, J. Testa, J. Lindler. Newark • Peoples Plaza Double winners for Oakwood Valley: K. Gleason, L. Bross, T.J. Devlin, C. Scholla, D. Grenda. HI'LTON MARINE Rt. 896 & Rt. 40 Triple winners for North Star: J. Klein, C. Pillarelli, E. Zolnick, J. (302) 834·0440 Lanci, A. Hruska, J. Unruh, A. Enderle, M. Funk, J. Conway, A. Spruil, T. 1900 KIRKWOOD HWY. (302) 994-3365 Williams. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE BuyWithNoSalesTax MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Amex Triple winners for Oakwood Valley: C. Lynch, J. Ogonowski, C. Boats Available With Or Without Motors In Delaware Gleason, J. Lynch, C. Devlin.


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Mellon Bank 1fu'rn uhy we do our~ best." P~~E48 • NEWARK POST • jUNE 24, 1994 Local teams, individuals SPARE THOUGHTS honored for past school year A bowling column contributed by Blue Hen Lanes By MARTY VALANIA to Salesianum. Going to tale title year's howdown at St. Mark's saw For the fourth season, Philadelphia Phillies fans After four weeks of competition, only .three games ...... games is nothing new for St. the biggest regular-season crowd of have joined together in the "Phillie Phever Bowling separate the league leaders. ~n first place IS the NEWARK POST SPORTS EDITOR Mark' in soccer but DeMatteis also the year. There wa n't a seat to be League". The hi ghlight of both the bowling season Suicide Squeeze team of Bnan Thompson, .bett~ and led the first-ever varsity girls occcr had in the gym with a capacity of and the Phillies season for these bowlers is an excur­ John Alexander and Mark Kimball. Followmg nght Each June we take time to try team to the state' be t record in the 2,400. sion to Veterans Stadium to cheer on thei r favorite behind th em are the Extra Innings and Cold Beer and recognize ome of the achievers spring. Phils. Here. . and achievements of the past school Christiana volleyball coach Kim BEST TEAM NOT TO WIN A This year the league has re served the Philadelphia Congratulations to Bill Jackson for h1s 289 game y ar. There was a lot of good to Huggins also did an outstanding job STATE TITLE: Glasgow track and Suite for their outing and will be watching the game and Roy Kreig for his 285 game. look back on this year. in her first year at the helm the field: The Dragons had some of the while dining in the comfort of the suite. Viking ' program. Christiana went best talent in the state but a differ­ TEAM OF THE YEAR: St. Mark's undefeated through the regular sea­ ent scoring system and some bad baseball - The Spartans proved son before falling in the state semi­ luck kept Glasgow fro m the what many people suspected since finals. Division 1 title. Post 31 routs March by winning the state title. Russell is Athlete of the Year Making the team even more amaz­ INNOVATION OF THE YEAR : BEST TEAM NOT TO MAKE A " It's really a nother tribute to ing was the fact that there were ...... ATHLETE , from 1B Newark 10-2 Mid-Atlantic Wre tling Classic - STATE TOURNAMENT: Glasgow Jody,'' Simpson said. "He was wi ll ­ three draft picks on the team. This tournament, run by the state's foo tball - The Dragons, with Coach "We'll hit fly balls to him and he'll ing to pay hi s dues and he definitely Kudos also have to be sent o ut to in Legion wrestling officials, is sure to be an Dave Scott absent from the first a lways want to stay out and get the Hodgson wre tl ing team. The paid some dues. But he kept work­ annual hit with area wrestl ing fans. three games because of a suspen­ more. I can't say enough positive ing and working. Anyone that ha s Silver Eagles captured the sc hool's It's a chance for in -state wrestlers sion, couldn't overcome an 0-3 things about him ." ever played with him, shouldn't be ...... BASEBALL, from 1B first-ever conference championship and fans to see some of the best 1 start . Gla gow lo t a thrilling game The left fielder hit .367 with a surprised with his success, knowing .iaany sport by winning the Flight B ble followed by Brad Hoffman's wrestling teams in the East. It's also to Christi ana to keep it from the home run and 11 runs-batted-in this how hard he works in practice." · wrestling title. single scored the final two runs. great exposure for Delaware high tourney. spring. A solid B student, Russell will school wrestlers. Ru ssell ' athletic career in hi gh attend the University of Delaware BEST GAMES: Chri st iana­ Newark scored its two runs in BEST CONCESSION STAND : school didn't start out to be such a next fall with plans of playing foot­ the fifth when Mark Lutes blooped . Glasgow football game - This was TURNAROUND OF THE YEAR : ewark Hi gh football - Nobody great one. In fact, he was cut from ball and baseball. a si ngle to right, Joe Saggione . one of the best played high chool Newark girls soccer team - has found a way to top the two-time the baseball team in ninth grade. walked and Dave Reichard brought • football games we've seen in a long Although it was just a club team defending concession s tand both home with a double. Newark's ·, time. Throw in the fact that there 's last spring, the Yellowjackets strug­ champs. Popcorn, pizza and large Jeff Parent went 4-for-4 and Scott : • a natural rivalry between the two gled to get many wins. Th is year, counter space make it a tough one Bandits finish second in state Walter si ngled. · ..sc hools and that th ere was a state however, the team reeled off I 0 to beat. tournament berth on th e line and straight victories to start the season...... BANDITS, from 1B In the c hampion s hip game, · you have a classic. In fact, the 'Jackets went unscored MOST QUOTABLE: Newark Hig h Talleyville broke open a 2-1 game upon in those 10 games. ewark football coach Butch Simp on: He game if we weren' t so worn ou t. " with two runs in the fifth inning and Little League all­ COACH OF THE YEAR: Tom went on to fini sh with the state's always has time; always has Bear advanced to the champi­ five more in the sixth. ' DeMatteis, St. Mark' - DeMatteis second best record. thoughtful comments. onship round by knocking off The five-run sixth was aided by stars to start led the Spartans' boys soccer team Midway 5-4 on Cori Ab hagen's three Bear errors. to the state title game before falling CROWD OF THE YEAR : St. Have a good summer. See you in two-run single in the top of the sev­ Despite the championship loss, ...... POST GAME , from 1B in the second day of overtime play Mark's-Sallies basketball -This two months. e nth inni ng. The Bandits also VanDeusen was happy with his defeated Midway - who entered the team's perfonnance . time when concession stand food tournament as the defending cham­ "I think it's great for the girls to becomes a staple of many people's pion - I 0-1 in a winner's bracket play in pressure situations against diet. semifinal. Kri stin Nau led the thi s type of competition," he said. Games get underway July 3 with LAST CHANCE! offensive barrage with a home run. "It can only he lp them down the district and state championships ., To Register for the The Bandits opened the tourna­ road." slated for the end of July. ment with a 5-4 victory over Let the games begin! Christina S clioo[ '])istrict Dagsboro. . SUMMER SCHOOL '94 I I I Classes Meet Between July 11 and August 17 ,. , I ...... Don't wait for the report card to come before you register. · I ' ... -. If you think there may be a need for summer school, call your school and check so you can register on time. REGISTRATION CLOSES at 8:00 p.m. Monday, June 27 IN-PERSON REGISTRATION WILL BE HELD AT Newark High School, Room B-102 Monday, June 27 - 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. TIME IS RUNNING OUT-- REGISTER NOW! ...After 8 p.m. on Monday, June 27 a late fee of $10 will be charged to register; registrations will be accepted only on a space-available basis; and bus transportation cannot be assured. Summer School Catalogs Are Available at all Christina District Schools and the Public Library. Students from Other Schools and Districts are Welcome. For Information Call 454-2494. (Christina District Schools and Offices are Closed Frjday, June 24) ALL We Carry A Com-ple,te;Oillne NEW IN-GROUND POOL & SP.A G CHEMICALS A p R 0 D 0 UNSUNG HEROES _(l • FREE Shop-At-Home Service E L ARIA 0 •We have Our Own Expert Installers N ~ ,.,_~ ""'"" • Exclusive Distribution in PA, DE , MD, NJ ~ .,... , ~ OF ''""'"' SEE ON DISPLAY AT SITE

IIIIH/111\11111//1 /'I HI/ IIIII /II HI Mon~rcm=~ -Fri 1 0·6 AAA-1 Pools - 11/1//<'>IIIHI s"t 106 nll7.\UJ{uuft~ll.llt.ll,lll •ouoo ] I II'/ R/1 \(I Sa • " 302·32Q• 7722 ..'~ :;~::::::;',",. : GREATER NEWARI< 1 un. 10-4 - You know who they are. But many people don 't because they don't crave puh licity. They do it because it rna to them. The Greater Newark area is blessed with many unsung heroes ... Think Spring with people who volunteer their time and energy to mak e this a better place to Dave Tatnall and the live. The Newark Post will salute these unsung heroes in a very special impact Wt:!S edition called "People Who Make A Difference". Our readers have been Lawndand ffli~ell:~Jtr~ asked to nominate the "People Who 1 Make A Difference" in Greater Newark. Satur ays



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ASK HOW you can reach more potential cus­ tomers and buyers in the Elkton and Cecil County areas by using the Cecil Whig . Free Ads The Post ...... wednesday 11 AM Date of publication • Run a 3-line ad for 1 week for any item you are giving For publication in the next Friday's Post Deadline away or for the Found heading. Monday ...... Friday 5 PM • Run a 3-line ad for 1 week for any item priced under 1 Tueaday & Wednesday ...... Day preceding 5 PM $100. 1 item per phone number; no renewals. Mention. · 1 410 promotion to receive offer. F~~ ( ) 398-4044 Thursday Automotive ...... Wednesday 1 PM Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8 AM- 5 PM Friday Real Estate ...... Thursday 1 PM Quick-sell rate 11"111 Run a 3-line ad for any 1 item .: FINDING WRITI NG 11"111 priced under $1,000 for 1 week . • Start your ad with what you are selling. • Be descriptive . List your item's best features...... , ... only $8.00' • Avoid abbreviations. Too many abbreviations can confuse the reader. · If item is unsold, run another week ...... FREE ·~ ' • Always state the price of an item. If you are flexible on price, include "negotiable" or "best offer". • Complete you r ad with a phone number and the hours in which you will receive calls. A Real Wheel Deal! • Including the word "please" in your ad increases responses. Vehicle priced $5,000 or less ...... $15.95 . Vehicle priced over $5,000 ...... $19.95 . ~ 250-299 (Additional lines are $1.00 per line) -·., Please check your ad the first day to see that all information is correct. This We'll run an ad to sell your vehicle for one month in : will ensure your ad is exactly what ybu-want readers to see. Call us the very first day your ad appears to mal(e any changes or corrections. By doing this the Newark Post, Cecil Whig and Cecil Whig Extra.- __ we can credit you for the first day if an error occurred. The newspaper's If for some reason it doesn't sell, call us and run the _· financial responsibility, if

Found Dog black & white male 100% Weight Loas Guar· dog. Fairhill Area. Call410 anttedl Quit trying gimmicks 398-741 9. that son't work. Will beat any­ one's advertised pr ice. Call Lost-Camera Please return, Wholesale Pharmaceutical for Minolta Freedom N-50 info 800 340-34 38. COO/Credit 355mm camera. Missing cards accepted. from 8th grade dance on ITEMS UNDER $100 116 Thur June 16th, Cherry Hill Lost & Found Middle School . 410 398-8276. Push Real Lawn Mower New, still in box. $40 . 302 Found-Dog Chesapeake Bay Loet·Dog McKinneytown Rd 731 -2865. male pup, found belween Area, female. white w/ North East & Charlestown. patches of grey, black & Shoot Gun Reloading Equip Found about 2 mo ago. 410 brown . Dis tinctive face Chlldrens Birthday Parties at 12 & 20 guge, wads . Best 287-8986 after 5pm. marking , 1 side white other the Party Cas tle or in your Apartment offer. 410 658-2840 . side mix ed color. RE · home by Kingdom Karactors. Fo und·Siamese Cat Locust _W;.;.;A..;;.R;.:;.D.:.... 4.;..;.1.;..0..::;28;.;..7 -..;;.63;;.;.7.;;.;.8._ Pl ease call 4l 0 398-6104. 3 lines, 5 days, $5. For any Point area. Mixed colors to 1 items under $100. Get a sec­ include chocolate, grey & FIND IT FASTI Campground Membership . ond week for only $1 when you white. Very friendly, obvi· Look to the index on the first Over 700 resorts . $1 -2 purchase Results Insurance. ously someone's pet. 410 page of dassified section nightly. Valued at $5000. 410 398-1230 398·5387. to find an item eas ily! Sell $895 . 800 207-2267. E L E • • • • • c ELKTON, MD

Meadows At Elk Creek G A 439 Muddy Lane s 41 0·398·04 70 • • • • • • • • • • • • • E L E • • • • • • c • • • E WM. H. AMOSS L E Auctioneer/Appraiser • • • • • c • • • Real Estate & Personal Property 41 7272 English Village Apts. G Fox Hall Office sA HAROLD 5. HILL & SON. INC. 302·366·8790 • • • • • • • • • • Iron Hill Apts. E L 2A4 Burleigh Court E 302·366·8228 • • • • • • c • • • • • • Apartments at Pine Brook G 1314 Wharton Dr. A 302·731·9253 • • • • • • s • • • • • NORTH EAST, MD

Estates • Bankruptcy • Household • Antiques Elk River Manor Apts. E L We Buy &Sell Furniture • Consignments Accepted 900 River Manor Dr. E 41Q-287·9676 • • • • • • c • • • • 302-453-9138 1116 Elkton Rd.,Newark, Cedar Hill Apts. E L 59 Cedar Hill E EXCITEMENT! HARRY RUDNICK &SONS, INC. 410·287·9050 • • • • • c • • • • NORTH EAST AUCTION GALLERIE Furniture & Antique Sales US RT. 40, NORTH EAST, MD 2nd & 4th Sat. of each month PERRYVILLE, MD ~ Every Tues., 5 p.m. • 410·648-5601 Concord Apartments E L Iii 416-287-5588 1-800-233-4169 GALENA, MD · 02-764-3347 702 Concord DR. E 41().642-2713 • • • • • • c • • • • 3HC Blue Bell Rd. Douglas Apartments Elkton, MO 11121 Jeffery E. WhHeside 610·932·2114 G 41D-391-3404 224 Blythedale Rd. Auction, Appraisals, Estates Purchased 41().378-2191 • • • • sA • • a-~o· ... Auctioneer 4th Generation PA & MD White Horse Apartments Service/Clean Out 5443 Pulaski Hwy. 6100 BALTIMORE PIKE OxF=ORID. 41G-939-1368 41 G-842-6877 • • • • • • ' • : PAGE 6B . NEWARK P OST . j UNE 24, 1994 117 254 260 278 304 322 322 Notices ~lrtmem!!Jl!l~~~d .,....:.:H:.::o.:.;use=s....:U~n:..::fu~r:.:.nl:.=:s:..::he;.;:d~ Vacation Pro !lances Furniture Furniture NO SALES TAXIConlract Liq· Bed Room Furniture Com­ AupalrCere culture! II· 3BR Bl·levellrg kitchen & livin- Ocean City, Md Best selection Upright Fr~tzer Frigidaire, uidators, Delaware's largest plete set w/matreaa & box ~ change. Experience legel groom, lull basement, lrg of affordable rentals. Call spring, matching twin bed, wooded lot. Elkton area. now For FREE color book- Beige, 19.3 cu ft, manual furniture distributor goes European eupal,., "Aver· defrost, axe cond, 2 yrs old. public . We contract w/ axe cond . $250. 410 agl COli $170 per wttk" $600moplussecdep. 410 let 1 800 638-2102. Open $350 . 410 398·8174. 378-3013. Government epproved, 287-9138. weekdays til 9pm . manufacturers nationwide to local counaelo,., Call DC Elllton Holl ingsworth Manor. 2 Weekends til 5pm . Holiday liquidate bedding , furniture & LR Suite Sofa/chalr. Beige & reglonel office. Patricia BR. $385 per mo. Sec dep Real Estate. accesscries. New merchandise tan w/light blue atrlpes. 308 arriving dally. Also, 9x12' wool rug w/ • Cowen 703 549·7498 or req . No Pets . 410 HUGE SAVINGS! fringe (cranberry). Exc • 800 4·AUPAIR lXI 1. 210 398-0159. Building Materials Houses For Sale On duPont Highway just south c:ond . 810. 41 0 88S. 2771 . So. Cecil County w/harbor of 13-40 split on 13. 1/4 mile Pole bulldlnge garages, horse Herbal Lilt independent distri· view. 2/3 BR, LR, DR , eat· pes sed split. Mon· Thurs 11 am· ACTION ADS By Owner Rancher see Mu ri el Mobile Home Lots in· kit, 1 BA, screened porch barns, implement aheda. 7:30pm, Fri 11am-8pm, Sat butors. Call us lor products/ at 103 E Harvey St, Norlh Any s1ze building available • - business opportunities. V Base rent $225 indudea lot, &deck . $550 mo. No Pets. 1Oam-6pm, Sun 12-4pm. 4 J?C 4 LINES East Md . 21901 . Excellent trash removal , septic & cold 410 275-8001 . up to 80' wide. We cuatom bedroom: chest, dresser, mil· : , Helen Thomas1 Calherine Condition. .... Thomas, Eric Jessup, Lu· water. Park undergoing phased Elkton 2BR 2nd H. incld 's heat design & build our buildings ror headboard $178. 4 drawer 5 DAYS : ;! · cretia Brown . 800 GOVERNMENT HOMES from in upgrades. Rental discount &hot water, no pets, ref's & 266 to fit your needs. For free chest $48 assembled. 4pc sec­ $1, (U Repair) . Delinquent program. Senior & promp pay sec dep req 'd. $395 mo. estimate call BOO 717-0556 tional $438. Full size sleepers $10.00 •: · 941 ·4372 (HERB). 301 Office Space For Rent or 717 865-0556. • r I ' 365-2558, 703 799-1496. tax property. Reposses­ discount. Appl ica tion lee &sec 609 294-9555. starting at $218. Bedding: twin Items $100 &Over ; ; sions . Your area 1 805 dep req'd. 410 287-6429 Elkton Dntn, overlooking E $88 set, lull $98 set, queen Private party ,.,.. , excludea 962-8000 Ext GH-9045 lor M·f 1·5, Sat 10.1 Main St alley apt, 1 lge rm Ottlce Space1 Canal Plaza, Rt 304 VISA & MASTER CHARGE S128 set, king $2~8 set. Bunk commercial, automotiYt & ~ ! , ~ lllta ry Retlrtl Are you pay· current repo list. w/kitch & adj ba, immed 13, StGeorge's, DE. 100 Appliances Avoid anothor bill by charging bed w/inner spnng bunk1es ,.al eatatt. Eaoh adcl'l line 1ng too much lor your Champ us Lake Murray Bargain• 1.2 Ac 236 occ. $325/mo. lnclds water, -800 sq ft. $4.50 per sq ft, 1~~~~~~~~!"'!"! your next dassifed ad to e1ther starting at $169. Daybeds start· 40e/day. Your ed 1ppeare In : } supplement? Information on lakefront • $24,900 Mobile Homes-Sale off-st pkng, range, refrig , indds utils. Shop space, I: Visa or Master Charge. Call ing at $68. the Cecil Whig, New1rk POll : l 'leW 100% policy, call BOO 1+ ac lake access · $8,900 600 &up sq ft for $3.20 per Air Conditioner Kenmore. today to place your ad, 410 BRING AD FOR FREE GIFT! & Weekend Sl\opplng Guide. AC. Sec dep & yr lease. 398 sq lt. 302 834-3044. 12,000BTU, 110V, never 302 328· 7002 6?7-2824 ext 259. Beautifully wooded home­ Moving Must Sell12x60, 2BR, 9090/398-4587, Iva msge. 398-1230. site on spectacular new de­ used . $300. 410 287-7965 We .ell whet WI advertlael CALL 398-1230 1ba , year round , central PINE HILLS APTS Iva mesg, will call back. ' Ruulan High School Ex· velopment. Great fishing, located to Lewis & Reho­ 272 awesome views. quiet, sec­ Call about our I ~hange students US Congress both, c/a, shed, deck, semi· 1 & 2 BR SPECIALS Rl)oms For Rent Air Conditioner Miller, 3 ton, : • grant. ArriVing in August. Be· luded lot, paved rds, utils, furn ished. Move in tomor· Heat & Hot Water lncl'd (used). sell contained, can· , I .~ a host fam ily With AISE. soils tested . Exc financing . row $10,000 . Call 302 Elkton, MD 410 398-9496 MOTEL ROOMS terallor mobile home, good l J •'tall 1 800 SIBLING. Call now 1 800 554-9564 537-5716 or 302 934-3190. EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS cond . $600. 410 378-8572. ! I Carolina Country Rlalng Sun 1BR, avail now. . , Properties . Nioe lor couple or indivi­ 41 0·392·9623 GE Refrigerator 18 cu ft. : :>wadlah Student interested In dual. $375/mo util ind. Call 302·658·4191 White. $95. Sears 15,000 Price Reduced For lmmedl· 41 0 658·6955 or 658-6459. btu air cond. $50 . Both/ ' 1 ..cports, computers. Other Seen­ ate Sale 3BR. 1:V. ba , den & North East & Elkton. Alford· good con d. 410 398-1533. ' ' dmavian, Eu ropean, South deck, shed, wooded lot, 250 So Cheaapeake City 2 BR . able budget motel units . ' ' American, Asian high school nice yd . $445 mo + sec dep. $85 . No dep req'd. 410 Refrigerator 19.3 cu ft, good Barksdale Estates, 1 mile cond, Harvest gold. $75. ; exchange students arriving Au- from UofD. $105,900. 302 No Pets . Call 410 287-9877 or 410 392-9623 . ' gust. Become a host fam il y/ 456-3131 . 392·0853. 302 368-3811. :r AISE. Call Linda 301 762-2858 MOTEL ROOMS & I• O( 800 SIBLING. Take Over Lease on elf Straw· Bri ng In a Crowdl berry Run Apt, runs till May 15, EffiCIENCY APARTMENTS , I Advertise your yard/garage 1995. Pets allowed. Great loca· ,, . sale in the Cecil Whig for just ELKTON" LEGAL NOTICE II VISA & MASTER CHARGE $10. (4 line ad, 3 days, addi­ ti on + deal. $356/mo . Call WILMINGTON AREAS : .!-> 'Avoid anolher bill by charging Laura 302 738-6336. 1 tional lines $1 ea). AND If it 252 41().392-9623 302-658-4191 LEGAL NOTICE d ~ur next dassifed ad to e1ther rains on your sale (1/4" or Apartments Furnished Tide'• End Down town North 302-656·7373 ·~1 isa or Master Charge. Call RE: Deadly Weapon more), give us a call, we 'll run it East, avail immed. Old Mill West End Gardena Pool now I, William Lew1s Barth Dela~e Department of Transportation : ' ay to place your ad, 410 a second week freel. Plaza Studio, $295, 1BR · • - -3Q8-1230 . openl Daily & weeky rentals . residing at, 3301 . . MOTEL ROOMS $320-$420 . The Piers, 1&2BR Rooms & efliciency apts. Anne P. Canby avail, $430-$475. No pets, sec Heritage Dr., ' EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS Rooms include cable TV, HBO . Wilmington, DE 19808 6 Secretary LOW RATES dep req'd. 410 287·8888. Apts fully furnished w/cent air & LEGAL NOTICE heat, remote control TV's . No will make application to l: .-LEGAL NOTICE 410-392-9623 302-658-4191 the judges of the Superior pets. 410 398-3700. LEGAL NOTICE INTHECOURT 256 Court of the State of :I OF COMMON PLEAS 254 Delaware in and for , I Estate of Virginia S. Apartments Unfurnished Business Property/Rent 278 :I 'Nielsen, Deceased. FOR THE STATE Vacation Property New Castle County at .t ·1 . ~:" Notice is her eby Wilmington for the next OFDEIAWARE 1BRN 0 rthE t$350 h t Frame Building 3500 sq feet term for a license to •I ~ven that Letters INANDFOR · 1 d daaCI moto,ea on2flrsindueffapt,Fietch· Carolina Coastal Vacations stamentary upon the NEW CASTLE COUN 1nc u e . ose to wn. wood Rd . mo 904 d carry a concealed dead · :1 • M S 88 C II 410 5750 Oceanfront co t ta~e / con os , ~tate of Virginia S. TY ust · a 867-0283. NC ly weapon, or weapons Ir Nielsen who departed IN RE: Change Of Name I1· _ _:3~98~· 9:1~8~6. _____L::::::::::::=:::====:., frombeautiful $425 Topsa wk. iCalll sland, Treasure for the protection of my this life on the 29th day of Of Realty Free Brochure. Come person(s), or property, or 11 both. 1 i May, A.D. 1994, late of KRASNOPOLSKI LEGALNOTICE vacation with us l 800 William Lewis Barth ' · . ~78 Kells Ave., Newark, MIKHAIL l·7:6:2·:3::961:.:::::::::::l ' ; DE 19711 were duty KRASNOPOLSKA MA - PUBUCNOTICE I- 6/12194 Telephone (302) 999-9268 , · '-gl-anted unto Eloise W. RINA Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will ' i Morison on the 3rd day PETITIONER(S) sell at Public Auction on 7/26/94 at 1:30 P.M. at: LEGAL NOTICE np 6124 ; l.. ,_,f June, A.D. 1994, and TO PUBLIC STORAGE ! all persons indebted to K RA SN OP OL SKY 201 BELLEVUE RD. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ! fUbe said deceased are re­ MICHAEL NEWARK, DE 19713 RE: Deadly Weapon DIVORCE ACTION I · - ~ested to make pay­ KRASNOPOLSKY MA- the personal property heretofore stored with the un- I, Georgia Ann Barth re­ TO: STEWART P. ' : menta to the Executrix RINA dersigned by: siding at, 3301 Heritage HOOVER, Respondent : • ~thout delay, and all NOTICE IS HERE- H-027 • David Honaker .. 1 BBQ, 1 microwave, 1 Dr., Wilmington, DE. FROM: Clerk of Court • • ; •"f>erso ns having de­ BY GIVEN that set golf clubs, 1 table, asst. clothes 19808 will make applica­ Divorce ' 1 mands against the de - K R AS N 0 P 0 L SKI F-126 .. Lavi n cent Harris .. 6 bags, 1 mattress, tion to the judges of the New Castle County : cepsed are required to M I K H A 1 L , asst. books Superior Court of the REBECCA E. I l" e~ h i bit and present the KRASNOPOLSKA MA - C-023 .. Lois Stanley .. 1 stereo, 1 table, 1 shelf State of Delaware in and HOOVER, has brought • ~e duly probated to the RINA, intend to present B-113 .. Gary Hellman .. 1 cassette player, 1 an- for New Castle County at suit against you for di­ I._JNGd Executrix on or be ­ a Petition to the Court of tique gun, 1 suit case, 1 table Wilmington for the next vorce in the Family t ..j~e the 29th day of Common Pleas for the Purchases must be made with cash only and paid term for a license to Court of the State of ' ·January, A.D. 1995, or State of Delaware in and at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must carry a concealed dead­ Delaware for New Castle ~ .Jibide by the Jaw in this for New Castle County, to be removed at the time of purchase. Public Storage ly weapon, or weapons County in Petition No. behalf. change his/her name to reserved the right to bid. Sale is subject to adjourn· for the protection of my 1223, 1994. If you do not Eloise W. Morison KRASNOPOLSKY ment. person(s), or property, or serve a response to the Executrix M I C H A E L , np6/17,6/24 both. petition on Petitioner's Edward W. Cooch , Jr., KRASNOPOLSKY MA- 11-~------~ Attorney RINA. Georgia Ann Barth Esq. PUBUC AUCTION 6/12194 BERNARD J. Cooch & Taylor Michael Krasnopolsky Sentinel Self Storage McFADDEN, ESQ. Marina Krasnopolsky Telephone (302) 999-9268 P.O. Box672 200 First State Blvd. np 6124 4 E. 8th Street #200 Newark, DE 19715-0672 Petitioner(s) Wilm., DE 19801 np 6/24,7/1 ,7/8 Wilmington, DE 19804 .np 6124,7/1,7/8 Auction to be held at 10:00 am on Thursday June LEGAL NOTICE or the petitioner if unrep • PUBLIC NOTICE 30,1994. RE: Deadly Weapon resented, and the Court ' ' PUBUC NOTICE Units to be auctioned are as follows: I, PRASERTA H. withln 20 days after pub­ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will Steven Hall #3101, Pamela Foster #0449, Roy SANCHEZ residing at, lication of this notice, sell at Public Auction on 7/26/94 at 11:30 A.M. at: George #9112, Chrystal Brown #0419, William llO Alvin Drive exclusive of the date of ACTION ADS PUBLIC STORAGE INC. Bradley #8114, Robert Seastrom #0131 , Delaware Newark, DE. 19702, will publication, as required 425 NEW CHURCHMANS ROAD Valley Carpet Co. #3132, Catherine Pini #0204, make application to the by statute, this action NEW CASTLE, DE 19720 Gregory Conor #0207. judges of the Superior will be heard without ITEMS $100 & OVER the ~rsonal property heretofore stored wilh the un Sentinel Self Storage Court of the State of further notice at Family derstgned by: 1100 Elkton Rd. Delaware in and for Court. F-107 .. Christine Wright-- one washer, one exer Newark, DE. 19711 New Castle County at np6/24 4 LINES, 5 DAYS, $10 cise bike, eight bags . Auction to be held at 12:00 pm . on Thursday Wilmington for the next C-031 .. Harry Celli -- Two T.V., one dresser, stx June 30, 1994. term for a license to CITY OF NEWARK (Each additional line 40¢ per day) DELAWARE boxes, asst. kids toys Units to be auctioned are as follow s: carry a concealed dead· 11 PRIVATE PARTYII RATES F-009 -- Michael Doyle .. Asst. clothes, one sofa, Joseph Pritchard #4136, Kevork Cetinyan #0151, ly weapon, or weapons CITY COUNCll.. three chairs Rawanda Fisher #2009. for the protection of my PUBUC HEARING (Excludes Commercial, Automotive and Real Estate.) Purchases must be made with cash only and paid np 6/17,6124 person(s ), or property, or NOTICE the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must both. JULY 11,1994 Your ad appears in The Cecil Whig. The Newark Post and The Weekend Shopping Guide. removed at the time of purchase. Public Pursuant to Section NOTICE OF PUBUC SALE Praserta H. Sanchez served the right to bid. Sale is subject to June 20, 1994 402.2 of the City Charter ment. OF PERSONAL PROPERTY and Section 32-79 of the Notice is hereby given that the undersigned wilt Telephone (302) 738-5549 6/17 np 6124 Code of the City of sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by Newark, Delaware, no­ CALL 398-1230 competitive bidding on THURSDAY, JULY 26th, NOTICE OF tice is here by given of a 1994 at 10:00 A.M . at the Public Storage facility lo ­ DIVORCE ACTION public hearing at a regu­ . I ------~, cated at 3801 N. DuPont Hwy. , New Castle, DE 19720 TO: JACQUELINE E. lar meeting of the b~. ANTIQUES the personal goods stored therein by the following: SHANNON, Respondent Council in the Council A-1 44 ·Adrian E. Brown -- 2 Dressers, mirror. & COLLECTIBLE AUCTION FROM: Clerk of Court - Chamber at the ·~~ I A-209 ·Jeffery Boston -- Chair, tire, 4 pictures, 23 Divorce Municipal Building, 220 boxes. Hand & Power Tools, Mower, Etc. New Castle County Elkton Road, Newark, ~'-~ NEWARK POST I A-223 · Gale R. Webb -- Bike fi shing pol e, bed, 6 ROBERT SHAN- Delaware, on Monday, SAT.. )UtiE 25. 1994 • 9:30 AM bags, 3 boxes, rocking chair. NON , Petitioner, has July 11, 1994 at 8 p.m., at LOCATION : Removed from Kennett Square B-329 • Carmen I. Negron .. Weight bench, 6 brought suit against you which time the Council chairs. ~~" Get 1 year of your I residence, sold at #61 00 Bait. Pike, 1 1/2 mi. S. for divorce in the will consider for Final 96 of Oxford, Pa. Bear right at Mcleod E-1027 - Katina Williams -· So fa , recli ner, Family Court of the State Action and Passage the community newspaper for $12 1. Ford/Mercury. weight bench, TN., bed. of Delaware for New following proposed ordi • I ·(New castle Countzy res1dents only) PREVIEW: 12-6:00 PM AUCTION HELD Purchases must be made with cash only and Castle County in Petition nance: REGARDLESS OF WEATHERII paid at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and No. 761, 1994. If you do BILL 94-10 • An must be removed at the time of purchase. Public not serve a response to Ordinance Amending IM~ I ANTIQU ES & MISC. Early pine drysink w/drawer, Storage reserved the right to bid. Sale is subject to oak ladies roll-top desk, cherry gate-leg table, the petition on the Zoning Map of the adjournment. Petitioner's Attorney City of Newark, I ADDIWSS I Chippendale-style mahogany highchest of np 6/17,6124 drawers (possibly Centenial), Sheraton bedside KURT J . DOELZE, ESQ. Delaware, By Rezoning tables, early pine bench table wi/lilt seat, pine 5301 Limestone Road From MOR #120 (Manufacturing Office 1Phone I Schoolmasters desk, signed J .P. Schaum, Lane. To settle an Estate the Personal dovetailed copper apple butter kettle, signed Wilm., DE 19808 Research) to RS (Single· Signature I Hollings 1880 brass piano lamp, several early oil Representatives Order Immediate Auction or the petitioner if un­ Family, Detached) 74.12 lamps, (RARE) Salesman sample piano lamps, represented, and the Acres Located on the I 0 Payment .Enclosed. $112"5 C.X. Carlso n artwork, Doulton "Wyeth" bowl, AUCTION Court within 20 days East Side of Paper Mill Victorian wa lnut highback "Youth bed', old mantle after publication of this Road, North and I 0 BIJJ my MC/VJSA I' clocks, oak washstand, set of (4) chairs , dometop IMMEDIATE POSSESSION e PARCEL OR ENTIRETY notice, exclusive of the Adjacent to the City of trunk, walnut 3-stack bookcase, 9'x12' Kirman date of publication, as re­ Newark Water Tank # fXp. I wool Oriental rug , earl y jelly cupboards, wall 4/5 BEDROOM HOUSE quired by statute, this ac­ Site & Approximately I Make checks payable to: cabinets w/old paint, wooden wheel barrow, 3 pc. WITH 3.29 ACRES tion will be heard with­ 1800 Feet South from Newark Post 15.3 E. Chestnut Hill Road I Misson oak set, Queen Anne wing chair w/claw out further notice at Milford Crossroads. Newark. Delaware, 1 97 1.3 Family Court. Susan A. Lamblack, I feet, wooden duck decoys, WWII bayonets, 150 HOPEWELL ROAD, RISING SUN 1 MD Please Do Not Send Cash medals, Stief 22" toy bear, 12" dog w/metal np 6124 CMC/AAE Allow up to 2 week-s For new start.sl .J button, large lion (unmarked ). Ohio Art child's can, PREVIEW: SUNDAY, JUNE 19TH, 19941·3 PM City Secretary L JD . & IHC farm tractors, Ertl & Tonka toys, AUCTION ON THE PREMISES FAMILY COURT np 6/24,7/8 FOR THE STATE 1950's, 60's Football & Baseball Cards, Heisey SATURDAY, JUNE AM pitcher, cut-glass, Waterford stemware, decanter, 25TH, 1994 11 OFDELAWARE PARCEL NO. 1 - Consists of 1.05 acres more or NOTICE OF ------Roseville vase, old Carnival ' Peacock at Urn" • plate, Blue Willow, Noritake Service (8) china, less. Improved with frame two story dwelling having FAMILY COURT ~ Gorham pewter service (10) flatware, doilies, 4/5 bedrooms, 2 baths. New modern kitchen. Oil ACTION • linens, old & new handmade quills, old Oriental hot water heat, 150 Amp electric service, town TO JoEllen R. Argot . run ner, Ttffany-type glass vase, candlewick, sewer. Garage/storage building. Shade trees, R espon den t(s J • showcase of sterling, 1Ok & 14k jewelry, adv. pes., s1eam, and room tor a garden too. Petitioner, Jeffrey B. • etc. old & new books, Franklin Mint pewter PARCEL NO. 2 • Consists or 2.24 acres more or Argo has filed a motion : statues, Craftsmen radial armsaw, Lawnboy less which Is Improved open land that Is all lawn. & affidavit to modify pushmower, gas weedeater, 2 hp. pressure Development potential. Custody petition against sprayer, alum . ladder, metal shelving, compu1er TERMS: Parcels will be auctioned separately. you in the Family Court unit, Homelite chainsaw, golf clubs, upright High bid will be acknowledged and then offered In of the State of Delaware freezer, Pioneer tum table, porch bench, garden entirety. Deposit of $5,000 on each parcel. for New Castle County tools, trimmer, rnterO'Nave , 1,000 items not listed. Settlement within 60 days. Immediate possession on May 2, 1994. If you do BE ON TIME! TERMS ; CASH or CHECK WilD. available. not file an anawer with ALSO, Cub Cadet Mower, Ithaca Model 37 12 the Family Court within The Information contained herein was obtained from 20 days after publication gauge, Marlin 30/30 w/scope, Wyeth Prints, reliable sources and Is for advertising purposes only. DuPont Book. Accura cannot be uaranteed. of this notice, exclusive BY ORDER: BLIINCHE 8. RILEY, OWNER wltddltloM of the date of publication, ON THE CaD CANAL JEFFREY E. WHITESIDE AU·2368 R.C. BURKHEIMER & ASSOC. as required by statute1 500 BIDDLE STREET N. CHESAPEAKE CITY INVESTORS this action will be hearo 1181,000 ROLLING MILL ROAD (810) 932·2114 PA a MD Serllce REALTORS· AUCTIONEERS· APPRAISERS EIUtH Bought/Bold in Family Court without On the C&D Canel, 3 BR. 2 BA. Historic VIctorian 'doll houH'. P08SIILE OWNER FINANCING • lnveator selling out. ~ "TRI·STATES FOREMOST AUCTION FIRM" AppratHCI a CIHnouta further notice. ,...... , By Owner Newly renovated. Call for detana. 117-80011 - days or 111· 1jJ 410.287-5588 • FAX 410.287·2029.. Jeffrey B. Argo 41 u-vv..-3328 H2ll evenings. Alii for O.V.. r:tl 6122; np 81'24 6-20-94 1-800-233-4169 .. np6124 ~------~~------_. j UNE 24, 1994 • NEWARK PoST • PAC!!. 7B LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE , CITY OF NEWARK ',}( LEGAL DELAWARE JULY QUARTER SUPPLEMENTAL CITY COUNCn. ASSESSMENT PUBLIC BEARING CITY OF NEWARK The Supplemental Assessment Roll for New N011CE DELAWARE Castle County and the City of Wilmington Property JUNE ~.ltMM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA and School Taxes for the July Quarter of the 1994-95 Pursuant to Section June 2'7,11MM-8P.M. tax year, may be inspected in the offices of the 402.2 of the City Charter 1. SILENT MEDITATION&: PLEDGE OF ALLE­ Assessment Division of the New Castle County of the City of Newark, GIANCE Department of Finance, Third Floor, City/County Delaware, notice is here­ 2. CITY SECRETARY'S MINUTES FOR COUNCIL Building, 800 French Street, Wilmin~n, from by given of a public hear­ APPROVAL: 9:00a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through r-riday. ing at a regular meeting A. Regular Meeting held June 13, 1994 These Supplemental Assessments will become of the Council in the 8. ITEMS NOT FINISHED AT PREVIOUS MEET. effective on July 1, 1994. Forms to appeal these Council Chamber at the lNG: Supplemental Assessments may be obtained from Municipal Building, 220 None. the Assessment Division at the address aforesaid Elkton Road, Newark, 4. RECOMMENDATIONS ON CONTRACTS &: and must be filed with the Assessment Division no Delaware, on Monday, BIDS: later than 4:30p.m. on July 30, 1994. The Board of June 27, 1994 at 8 p.m., at None Assessment Review of New Castle County will sit ANCHOR " which time the Council •15. ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING & in the City/County Building to hear appeals from Pontiac & Buick will consider for Final PUBLIC HEARING; these Supplemental Assessments between August 123 Bridge St. West end of High St. Action and Passage the A. Bill 94-12 · An Ordinance Amending Ch. 25, let and September 1st unless the Board continues • following proposed ordi · Sewers, By Revising the Sewer Charges for All the hearings; the exact dates and times ofsuch hear­ Elkton, MD 398-7770 .. • nance: Customers Effective July 1, 1994, to Equal the ings will be provided to the appellants in accor­ 41 0-398-0700 800-255-7770 BILL 94-12 • An Revised Charges Imposed by New Castle County dance with 9 Del. C. Sec. 8311. Ordinance Amending •a. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE PLAN. np 6/24,7/8 ,. Chapter 25, Sewers, Code NING COMMISSION/DEPARTMENT: McCoy : ~ of the City of Newark, None. CITY OF NEWARK FORD • LI NCOLN • MERCURY ~- ~ Delaware, By Revising 7. ORDINANCES FOR FIRST READING: DELAWARE i&YPR% 1233 Telegraph Ad . the Sewer Charges for A. Bill 94-11 · An Ordinance Amending Ch. 23, NOTICE OF PROPOSED CABlE Oxford, PA , All Customers, Effective Parades and Public Assemblies, Article IV, Special TELEVISION RATE REGULATION Rising Sun : July 1, 1994 to Equal the Events, By Providing for a Definition of Large PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that on June 27, 1994, 61 0-932-2892 410-658-4801 1 ~evised Charges Gatherings on Private Lands as They Affect Public at 8:00 p.m. in the Newark Municipal Building, the ; Imposed by New Castle Streets and Clean-Up Regulations (2nd Read Newark City Countil will consider the adoption of 41 0-642-6700 • 1 County 7/11194) the following resolution: • l Susan A. Lamblack, B. Bill 94-13 • An Ordinance Amending the WHEREAS, the City of Newark is a local cable Geo CMC/AAE Zoning Map of the City of Newark, Delaware, By television franchising authority and entered into a : } City Secretary Rezoning from RM (Multi-family Dwellings, franchise agreement with TCI Cablevision of New JEFF D'AMBROSIO JEFF D'AMBROSIO ' • np 6/17,6124 Garden Apartments) to RS (Single-Family, Castle County (hereinafter "TCI") which is the Rt. 272 & Old Baltimore Pike Rt. 272 & Old Baltimore Pi ke Detached) 1.2099 Acre Parcel of Land Located at 48 cable operator providing cable television services to Nottingham, PA Nottingham, PA : ~ ------West Park Place (2nd Read 7/25/94) its subscribers in the City of Newark; and 610-932-9090 610-932-9090 ' :.-· ciTY OF NEWARK C. Bill 94-14 ·An Ordinance Amending Ch. 27, WHEREAS, the City is certified to regulate the : ;._ 1 DELAWARE Subdivisions, By Revising and Updating the City's basic rates and charges for the basic service tier PUBLIC HEARING and equipment for subscribers in the City pursuant ~ General Land Planning Policies (2nd Read For Fax Ouorss 610·932·041 I N011CE 7/26194) to its filing with the Federal Communications JULY 11, 1994. 8 P.M. 8. ITEMS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLISHED Commission; and WILLIAMS Pursuant to Chapter AGENDA: WHEREAS, the City and TCI have reached an 27-21 (b) (2) (3) of the City A. COUNCn. MEMBERS: agreement that the federally authorized review of CHEVROLET of Newark Subdivision None. basic service rates and charges for the basic service and Development B. COMMITTEES, BOARDS &: COMMIS • tier and equipment for the period September 1, 1993, 208 W. Main St., Elkton. MD Regulations, notice is SIONS: through May 15, 1994, may be resolved by approval 41~500 hereby given of a public 1. Appointment to Newark Parking Authority by the City of the Order of the Delaware Public hearing in the Council • 5-Year Term Service Commission, with jurisdiction of the unin­ Chamber, Newark 2. Planning Commission Minutes of June 7, corporated areas of New Castle County, in its PSC Municipal Building, 220 1994 Docket No. 93-115, so as to make the terms of that Elkton Road, on C. OTHERS: Order applicable to such cable services provided by Monday, July 11, 1994 at 8 None. TCI in Newark, as set forth in the Stipulation and ADVANTAGE p.m., at which time the 9. ITEMS NOT ON PUBLISHED AGENDA Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof, Dodge-Chrysler-Plymouth Council will consider A. Council Members: and in the said PSC Order attached thereto and the application of the *B. Others: (Time Limit 20 Minutes) made a part thereof. end of High St. 503 Pulaski Hwy. ,Alderman Wilmington Trust 10. SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY E. ~ Company, trustee for the A. Special Reports from Manager & Staff: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWARK that Elkton, MD 398-7770 eats te of S. Hallock 1. Res. No. 94-__: Final Approval of the the City Council hereby approves the Stipulation and 1-800-394-2277 800-255-7770 ~ dul?ont, for the approval Completed Subdivision of Country Hills, Agreement incorporating for Newark the Order of of a,major subdivision of Acceptance of Streets & Public Open Space, the Delaware Public Service Commission in its a 74.12 acre tract ofland, Incorporating Streets & Public Open Space on the Docket No. 93-115 for the basic service rates and RITTENHOUSE a portion of the Cook and Official Map of the City, and Release of the Surety charges for the basic service tier and equipment for Cullen Tract, located on Bond the period September 1, 1993, through May 15, 1994, MOTORS the east side of Curtis •2. Res. No. 94-_: To Give Effect to Cable as set forth in said Stipulation and Agreement and Mill Road for the con· Rate Regulations in the City of Newark and to Order, and the City Manager and City Secretary are 250 Elkton Ad. struction of two adjoin· Insure Uniformity of Rates Within the City With hereby authorized to execute as many copies of the ing , single family resi­ Rates Outside the City of Newark said Stipulation and Agreement as may be neces· 302-368-91 07 dential developments 3. Distribution of Preliminary Historical sary. comisting of 200 single­ Preservation Re~ort The purpose of the proposed resolution is to give family homes to be B. Alderman s Report & Magistrate's Report effect to cable rate regulation in the City of Newark known as Louviers C. Financial Statement and to insure uniformity of rates within the City Woods and Curtis Mill D. Request for Executive Session re Litigation with rates outside the City. Any member of the public Village. •OPEN FOR PUBLIC COMMENT or other interested party may offer comment on the ZONING CLASSIFICA­ The above agenda is intended to be :'"Hawed, but is proposed resolution in writing or by personal ap­ TION • RS (Single subject to changes, deletions, additions & modifica­ pearance at the bearing. The decision by the City to Family Detached) tions. Copies may be obtained at the City Secretary's adopt the proposed resolution may be subject to ap­ Susan A. Lamblack, Office, 220 Elkton Road. peal to the Federal Communications Commission. CMC np6124 Susan A. Lamblack City Secretary City Secretary np 6/24,7/8 np 6/17,6124


Viper lntlv 5DD tJHieial Pace ear

Plymouth Neon f995 S gle Talolf elub Racer worltl eltalle ge Raeer

WXCY'S LIBBY COLE • L1ve e111ote ......

~ PAGE 8B • NEWARK PoST • j UNE 24, 1994 322 323 332 342 --~36~2_----...... _..._..._..._...----A4~2~2------~422 432 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya r~Gamge Sa~s Gener~ Office GenemtOff~e Miscellaneous Honey Pine Ou Sz Waterbtd Tr1ctorJohn Deere 214, w/46" Baby Grand Plano Maple, Blueberrlee & Cherrlee Pick $$ AVON $$ You cen eatn High post, head & foot mower, 14hp, exc cond. Elkton·Woodcrtlt Short~ INSIDE SALES INSIDE SALES $200·$2000 mo. Sell where $4500. Dining Rm Table your own. Spring Valley Co mmunity yard sale. Sat board . Brand new $1395 de livered . 410 $500. 610 932-8784. & when you like. It's not just Farm, Rt 1 at Conowingo 6125, 9am·1pm . Rain date TRAINEE TRAINEE manres&lheater. Sheetst _...;3;.;;9.;;..8·.;;..294;..;.;;.;6·:...._ ____ MD. Opening Sat 6118. Call door to door anym01e. 1 pads Inc. $250 . 410 1 Exercise Toning Tabl11 6. 6126, 9am-1pm. Full-Time Position Part-Time Hours 800 388·6311, 1 800 $3500 or best offer. 410 for lim ited eatly season 392-0304. hours 410 378 -3280 . Fair Hlll3103 Singerly Rd . 6124 An expanding bu si ness base Join a dynamic team In 288·6311 ' 328 836-9666. has created th is opportunity our Elkton MD office and Machinery, Tools &Equipment Closed Sundays. & 6125. 8 · 7 Collectibles, 1-.------1 Sunqunt Wolff Tanning Hershey, Avon, X-mas, etc. 1• to join our current team of ull cla111fled advertlalng Love Children? Love Toys? llofa & Chair fl01al print. Sofa talented people selling Clas· for Newark, Delaware'• ' $100, Chair $50. Good Beda New commercial home Camping/Hunting equ1p. Eatn extra Income selling Condition . Call 410 Ca11 Backhoe 480 86. 840 units. From $199. Lamps, lo­ sifted Advertising for Cecil own community new•· Discovery Toys . Call Ilene 344 Friendship Height• 105 Dou­ 402 County 's II 1 newspaper, The paper, The Newark Poet. 658-4674 . total hrs. $15900 . 410 tions , accessories. Monthly Restaura nt, Store & Bar glas St. Sat 6125, 8·3. All Business/Trade Schools 301 262-2039. 398·0226. payments low as $18. Call to­ new items 4 summer, grills, Whig No prevloua experience day free new color catalog . 1 patio tble. & much more. This Is a full-time position nece11ary; we will train 800 462-9197 . Commercial Ice Maker (1) offering excellent salary, youl Thle poeltlon hae Farm Help needed yaat round . BARTENDING 410 755-672,1. .- 323 Scottsman 650. Comm Re­ Glasgow-WTA1 mile W of 1-2 Week Classes commission & company ben· boen created due to the Garden & Lawn frigerators (2) 10 ft & 20 ft. Glasgow on Rt 40. Sat Job Placement Ass istance efits package in cluding 401K. expanalon of bualnell. Weavers Contracting 302 368-5816. 6125, 9am-4pm . Multi fam­ Fence lnetaller A well ­ 302-652-1170 No previous experience We are looking lor eoma- established fence co seeks SPECIAUZJNG IN ily. Space avail. $10 . 302 Going Out of Bu slnesa FMC 738-1069. necessary; we will train you I one with a pleasant, out· individual with mechanical • Jloofing • Siding • If you have a pleasant, outgo- going telephone pereon- ability. Guardian Fence Co, Searl Riding Mower 36", comp spin bal. front end align • Docks • Addll1ons • 352 Newark Childrens Clothing . 10hp, A-1 shepa/ Push rack, (2) lvllsize truckbed tool­ 404 ing telephone personal ity & elitytowork four day• per 302 834·3044. Free EslliMtes Sporting Goods 276 E Main St. Sat 6125. enJOY telking to very pleasant week, Mon·Thure, 21 con- Mowers various models, boxes, Chilton manuals , tires. 18 Yews E.tperleru:e 9-4. New Jersey Consign· Chlldcare Needed A·1 shape. 410 398-9534 diagn comp, !rig, washer & people ; our customers & po· venlent day·tlme houre. Friendly Home Partie• f'ICNI ment Shop Clearance. Exc tential customers. then this is Salary and commleslone 7atn-11atn 01 after 6pm . office equip. 410 287-3316. 410 287-8256 lve msge Treadmiii·Pro·Form Cron· cond·g i ve away Babyeltter/Cleaner lor wo­ has openings for demori· walk (1 mo old) Paid prices.Tu rn righ t at light at men's health club, must be the job for you l Hours are a along with other lncen- strators. No cash invest· $880/make offer. Dr Prohi· exp & have ref's. Call 302 very convenient, Mon-Fri, Uvee that make thl1 an ment. PT hours w/FT pay., Tyre & Main St. (Ember Sam-4:30pm with an hour for excellent opportunity to bits use, 2hp, 0·8+ mph, Sign Bldg) Rain 01 sh ine. 737-3652. 2 catalogs, over 700 items., x-tra long 54" computer lunch. eult youravallabletlme to Call 1 800 488-4875. wheels, pwr in cl ine. Call Perryvllle-F am II y/Mov lnQ Please call Ginny Cole at 410 earnlnge. 410 885-2770 or fax 201 Jacks on Station Rd . Fn 398-3311 to arrange an inter- II thla opportunity 11 lor 6124 & Sat 6125. Clothes, 412 ACTION ADS ·._ A More 885·3000 . view. you, call Ginny Cole at 3 lines, 5 days, $5. For any furniture, etc. Employment Services And HURRY, this spot won 't 410 398-3311 to arrange items under $100. Gel a sec­ Perryvllle-658 Charlee St be· Jasti an Interview. ond week for only $1 when you 354 hind Colonial Honda. Sat & Become a Medical Transcrip­ purchase Results Insurance. Sun 6125/26 . 9am -? tionist Great work at home 410 398·1230 Stereo Equipment Clothes. toys, household opportunity typing for doctors & items, baseball cards, etc. hospital, home study. Free Ca· ACTION ADS reer literature. PCDI , Atlanta, ACTION ADS r\ You Open Reel Tape Deck TEAC Perryville Area 523 Arch St. 4 LINES RESULTS X-1000 R, 4 trac, 2 channel Ga. BOO 362-7070 dept YYG 3 LINES Sat 6125 & Sun 6126, 8-? 753. INSURANCE! stereo, 6 heads + 6 blank Lots of everything. 5 DAYS 5 DAYS Now you can purcha11 Re­ reel to reel tapes . $250 or Perryville Area 1487 Principio $10.00 aulta lnaurance with anr Ac· best offer. 410 392-2991 . $5.00 tlon Ad or Wheel Deal TANNING Furnace Rd. Fri 6124-Sun POSTAL JOBS 6126, 9-5. Everything think­ Start$11.41/hr. For exam and For 20¢ to 40¢ a day, you BEAUTY SALON SEASON HERE! able, don't miss, Mult i application info. Cal l 219 Items $100 & Over purchase an addltio11111 week Is 356 family . Private part[ rate1, exclude• Items under $100 of advertlalng with Action 3 Mo. Unlimited- $80.00 TV & Satellites 76 9· 8301 ext DE508 , commercia , automotive & Private party rates, exclude• Rising Sun 88 Rope Rd , Fri 8am-8pm, Sun-Fri. Ade selling Item• Under $100 240 min - $42.00 Per Session $5.00 real estate. Each add'l line commercial, automotive & or $100 & Over. And for only 6124 & Sat 6125. 9-? Rain or 40¢/day. Your ad appeare In raal estate. Each add'l line We've added another tanning bed! Quasar 25" Console, axe Shine. Multi family. $1.00 per line you purchaee co nd. $95. 410 392-9570 . the Cecil Whig, Newark Poet 20clday. Your ad appeare In an additional month ofadver· Thong Bathing Suits Are. In! The Hermitage 207 Friendship ***Postal Jobs*** & Weekend Shopping Guide. the Cecil Whig, Newark Poat tlalng with Wheel Dealel Rd. Sat 6125. 8-1. toys, Start $12.08 hr t benefits. For & Weekend Shopping Guide. exam & application info. Call Ask Ue Howl stufled animals , ch ild ren Call Today ~~Ve~~ 360 stuff, household items & 21 9 794-0010 ext MD113, Wanted To Buy 9am-10pm, 7 days. CALL 398-1230 CALL 398-1230 398·1230 tf ~~./V~ ./V~ misc. STYLIST NEEDED • APPLY IN PERSON. Across from State Line Liquors -1657 ~ .....v .. _•= Clean Fill 410-392-0074 Dirt Wanted 410 287-2030 362 Yard/Garage Sales HOME SERVICE DIRECTORY L~======:;:==:::::::::::::::::::;:;::::::=::::::==:_jl Anot her Porch/Garage Sale at The 'Hunters" Antiques 748 Fri & Sat 6124125 7-2. Stock 702 713 728 737 replinished weekly. Watch Alarms & Security Child Care Hauling Miscellaneous Repairs & Remodeling for the OPEN FLAG 232 Fair Hill Dr, Elkton Md . Exp, Reliable Lady will ~oc- AU Phases Of (jirls ~row~ng Up e~ shop, run errands do Home lmpro~Jmer~ts & Repairs J\cccnt nn ~ lig t cleaning for disabled Calvert Area 355 Woodvalley • • 1s Senous Larye&SmaU Rd , Sat 6125, 9-?. Collect· Ill C. Business. or elderly . 302 832 -9447. South Wind Olnst11ctlon abies, Precious Momen ts, New Teen Center p~ NEED CASH? MHICI26427 3~2-3494 Baseball cards, new & old MOI1gages to all~s of home J\ntiqucs !urn. AUTHORIZED DEALER Opening July 12th owners. W.O. rtgage 410 FOUR WALLS IN NON-LETHAL for Girls ages 12-18 392-7616. Home Improvement Ch arlestown corner of Balti­ Persons/ Prot•ctlon Device• GEORGE STUBBS, JR. Unable To Leave Your more & Cecil, Sat 6125 , 9· 2, Greater Newark Branch Basement'Kitchen Carla's Pepper Spray, 489 Wyoming Road MIJI.Cii, SAND, GRAVE~ Houee? We will run your Drywaii'Painting Old kitchen utens ils, col· Stunguns, and LIGHT HAlliNG errands !01 you . Shopping, lectibles, furniture, clothes Call 292-04 25 Doors 'Windows Cupboard other products. for information banking , cleaners & pre- Decks'Porches Jf;{;f & much more. scriptions, Etc . Call 410 et]f (across lrom Collr!Qe SquareShopplllQ Clr) Property Mana~ement 41 0-642-6297 658-4881 . 410 658·3 18 2 S. Main St. Colora Area 32 Marble Arch Girls Incorporated ~· Antique • Jewelry of Delaware Near Ches. City Colora, Md Dr. take Firetower Rd to Giving Cecil County 740 Licensed 'lnsured'MHIC43412 Nonh East, Md. Libde ll Rd to Marble Arch. Ul*acl~ Collectibles A Fighting Chance. 01 Df11Wf/t Painting & Papering Featuring Sat 6125 , 8-2. Multi family, 410-885-5747 Trunk relining & Buy • Sell• Trade childrens clothi ng & we­ mens , misc . Interior & Exterior Painting Weavers Contracting custiom refinishing 706 729 Comer of Broad & Beauty Aids 715 Decks Sealed. 20 yrs exp, Se­ SPECIAU1ING r.l Hrs: Tues.-Fri. 11-6 Heating nior Citizen discount. 410 Aiken Ave. Colora Colora & Liberty Grove Cleaning Sat. & Sun. 10-6 Rd , Fri 6124. Sat 6/25 & Sun 392-2410. :~~~5·. Perryville, Md. 6126, 8-? Multi family, furn, If Only There Waa A Pill To ~ Tired of Cleaning? Want your Dave'• Heating & Cooling Professional Painting Free Estimates ~ 287-3980 410-642-2558 baby boys, mens. womens Lose Welghtl Now there weekends back? Res iden­ Certified, 17 yrs exp. Have AfC & Wall Papering 18 Yews E.tpe~ :! _. Clothing, toys & mise is I For i,ust $1 a day, be· cleaned & tune-up. 800 lntlext, free estimates. household items. come f1rmer , tnmmer & tial & Comm . Maria's 410 287·8256 lve msge Cleaning Service. 302 949-4581 01 410 392-6504. Call 410 454-3731 . ~ leaner. 100% money back Free Est on Instillation. Shughart's Streets Uniques Conowingo Area 104 Old Hill guar. Call now for free info, 738-8280. Professional Painting, Wall Weavertown Construction Den of Antiquity TopRd ,Fri6124 & Sat6125, 410 778 -4992. Papering & Power Waahlng 2132 Pulaski Hwy. 8:30·4:30 . 4 family sale, 730 • Re-roofing • Siding • Gutters ., and Cabinet Shop Interior & exteri or. Free esn­ The Amisnmen From Inter- (Rt. 40) follow pink signs. BILL'S CUSTODIAL Home Decor mates. Call 302 454-3731 . Specializing in 708 course. 717 442-1082 Havre de Grace Earleville Area 1415 Grove Brick & Stone SERVICE Furniture • Primitives Neck Rd, Sat 6125 & Sun W.R.P. Drapery Installation• Copper • Brass 6126, 10·4. Clothing, books, Comm/Res/Businell Sub Contractor for Boscov's TYNDALL Miscellaneous Antiques 15 Dealer CO-OP many household items, ba­ Masonry Work Brick Block 16 years Exp. Dover. De ' Salisbury Stone & concrete, specializing Home Reproductions, bies changing table, triple • Free Elt•• Fully ID1'd Top Treatments, Rods & Hard· Period Furniture- Antique dresser wlmirror, 2 bikes, in ch imneys & stone fire places. wa re, Valances, Drapes , Improvement Refinishing and Repair 41 0 398-8332. Strlpp~ . , " Jewerlry- Glass ware much more. Rain date Sat Sheers, Shades. We Buy and Sell Antiques 719 & Sun 7110. a: Waxblg Floora ~ Sia 19/H Collectibles and more Licens ed & Insured 30 yrs experience Rt. 213 South of Rug Shampooing 302 653-5634 or 10 in all phases of Chesapeake City Bridge Elkton Area 2080 Old Phi­ 710 a: Window 302 740·4937 mobile . 2 mile on Right Hrs. Tues -Fri 12-6 ladelphia Rd , Thur 6123-Sat Carpet, Floor Ser. Wiser Windows 410 885-2453 . home improvement. 6125, 9-3. Multi Fam ily, YEAR 410-885-2862 Sat & Sun 10-6 Elkton 273-6778 home interior, baby items, ·731 leather coats & lots more. DONALD G. VARNES 410-398-6744 Household Repairs Call Today Elkton-Courtney Dr Sat & "We Do It All With Pride for Free Estimate Sun , 6125 & 26, Sam-? AND SONS, INC. Baby items (formula). Hardwood Floors 10 HOMES WANTED clothes, air comp, tv's, lvrn, etc. 718 To train our apprentices on 410-287-9 59 • Sanding/Finishing Decks the Installation of vinyl t>l) • Installation siding. All work surpervlsea ·§ nl \.3 : and guaranteed. FRAMING, EXTRA HANDS g_c'd i5 .~-""~ .... ~ !ii !::?~ Our Family's Been DECK SEALING o.fifro ~CC::s BLOCI(, ilRlCJ<. :;;J 0:: 0:: ~ 1"'1 <:::> Doing Floors For Driveways & sidewalks $2995 CONCRETE All hand brushed & hand roll ed 24'x32'x1 o· ~ &~~ a:l l"''u Over 30 Years work, no spraying . Free Esti­ We also offer a complete line ~ .. ~~ ·~~0 mates , reasonable rates , 20% of windows, doors, roofing, c:~~o.c ·- (302) discount to Senior Citizens. decks, kilchens & baths. ·.::-.a V) 8 ·~ D.A.R. Dependable & honest -~ ~ til =::s 737-5953 410 287-8816 or 287-6408 America's Builders Energy Saver aloo will aub work 713 722 41 0-426-9763 ~!!~~~I.: ~ Cor other contracto-. Child Care Electrical 800-787-7283 Do; : For ALL your Home Cicy Pharmacy Inc. MHICf:t70tl Improvement Needl. Uceneed, Bonded & huund 723 Bridge St. SUMMER BURKB PAINTING 410-378-292& Ucf80671. Do you eat enough each da y? Perhaps you have Elkton, Md 21921 FUN la~en 733 at lost Interes t In coo king and grocery shopping. Lawn Care/Landscaping 743 398-4383 Centreville School Maybe your food dollar h nol goin g as far as It A unique program designed to Electrical Contractin~ Pet Grooming/Boarding 757 used to go. With ju st a littl planni ng, you can Commercial Residential 1-800-728-4374 strengthen skills or assess Tree Services 2314 Pulaski Hwy stretch you r food bu dget, enjoy you r fa vo rite wfth learn ing weaknesses. Old Work, New Work LARSON'S Creature'• Comfort Wh ile North East, Md 21901 foods, and not skimp on nutrition. Half Day Program 8:30-12:00 Resaonalbe Rates TREE SERVICE & you're away, allow your 10% discount Full Day Program 8:30-5:30 tats & livestock to stay in Check off the !Ips that will help you ca t enough Extended Hour• 7:30-8:30 410-287-2766 c:tpl(orfilm,tdr~ · LANDSCAPING miliar aurroundin~s . We each day. Pul this checklist In a handy pl ace to JUNE 22- AUGUST 5, 199-4 We Are A Com)llete will come to !.Su, re s avail. N.I.AS./l. CBf1/fld tn«Nuukr I I; pracr/ptiutq . remind yo u of ways you pla n to increase the Our T""me Thl• Ye•r Landscape & Tree Service! 410 392-03 . amount you ea t. "' Down Under" BULK MULCH Critter Sitter The best homa Crea1ures & Treasures of the Sea , BasinRun License~ #468 & Insured Pick Up or Delivered care for all your compan· G&S Animals From Australia All Hardwood Bark Shredded ions. Linda Butler. 410 /1... Animal (302) 571..()230 410-452-5917 $25.00/yard 392·0421 . Furniture 6201 Kennell i , DE 19807 Hardwood Shredded-$20/yd Comm•rtlal de R'sidcntiat ~ Hospital flanAh1ad I 723 W. Pulaski Hwy Econo Mufch·$15/yd 744 Glori4 Kilby, D.V.M. Charlealown Home Daycare 728 LANDSCAPE PACKAGE Photography Licensed & Cerll0e4 by 0 Plan your meals for the entire week . Elkton, !ltd 21921 · Mom has immed PT open­ Hauling 1()')(. OH Package• Thru JULY the Stale of Maryland 572 Firetower Rd. 41 0·398·9144 in gs , inlants only. 410 Grading & eeedlngr mulch- INSURED Colora, Md 21917 To help co ntrol your grocery bills, make a food 287 ·0 177' Licl07 42267. lng, epiing cltln up. I will vldlot:/: your birthday • Prunlnc• Ftrllllzatltn • $8. lVI rife renCII. budget and plan your meals within It, Waterbeds & Accessories Daycare Thomson Eats, im­ Mowing contrec:tl evallable e;: :2. • Tree Rrmonl • Lot Clarine • 410-658-5709 med openings avail. Mala· RAY'S HAULmG e din~, greduallone 1110. 410 392-5175 Within mlltl of Elkton. • Stump Grlndlnc• 0 heck newspapers for the bes t buys at grocery I 0% Discount nle at 41 0 398-6052. Lie. • Gravel For Lewnmowln1 or Clean Up • Fret Wood Chips • 410-378-2298 107 041739. Cell Bob, 410 382-6828, any• s1ores. Try to plan meals that use 'laic Items. ror Driveways 410 28 -5256 or 410 time. /{ )' ( d /',( r )/l/1/ Dlerheven· FT. infant & up. 287-3632. 410-398-1972 0 Keep a shopping list handy. Wh en you finish Chea City School Diat, • Mushroom Soil 1-800-724-1972 Senior Citizens Summer Program, meals 747 a food, for example milk or orange jui ce. write It prov'd. 410 885-3166. Lie • Topsoil Power Washing down so you r member 10 buy more. 10738886. • Mulch 759 Anderean Home Servleet 0 In case you cannot cook or shop for a few days, Ask about our Family Daycans Avail mull • Sand TVNCR Repair & 1n10k1 prov'd. All S~liat in pressure cleaning ''SENIORS AT keep a supply of foods that arc easy to 1>reparc 1ge1. Loll oiTLC. Lie 410 • Garage & Yards o aiding, decks, concrete. We Senior Citizens VCR'e, Camcordefl WORK" and do not readily spoil . Ca nned or frozen foods, 398-9223. 107041733. Cleaned 1.,. AppletoD Rd. make it look new a~ain . 410 peanut butter, crackers, and cereals are all good llktGa, MD 11111 392·6412 01 302 73 -3113. & Mlcrowav11 Rapalnsd holds ihe keys ~ choices. For drinks, fruit and vegetabl juices, Discount Strewblrry Hill Dayctre FT/ ·1 Free Estimate• Cheapnt pr lcea . 41 o powdered nonfat milk, and can ned evaporated PT & Summer openings, in­ • 398-4595. to older worker/ , 410-398-3082 748 milk are convenient, Inexpensive, and easily Subscription fants & up. Cecilton Area me­ employment ... ala provided . 410 755-6261. • Lure Line of Plant. Repairs & Remodeling 760 stored. Lictl36406. Rates FAX ITl • Bulk Mulch for pick· Upholstery Q Save grocery receipts Qwet 'cvcral weeks. By Woodcl'lll ShorH FT, Elk 410 398-4044 up or delivery Hordwood Floore IMtolled I StoiMd l'nlewlnlthem, you can ee where you r food 3903500o- Neck Elem Sch District. Place your ad quickly in fit .Sodding llonlgomery ~llllry Non-smoker & reliable. 410 Cecil Whig by uling our FAX. Old 11oore Sai!Md A TUU.Iwtl • Free Elt.lmatea DMol4 0. Va,.,.. I •-. IM Mlln Street, WIIWic:lt Fill~~ ­ k:~~~~~==:!_i.:oo:ll:an::go~an=d~Mw~~~o~ru:!t~~=c~k~lf~n=~=eua==~:· ______jl1C~E~C~J~L~ VVHIG 398-8905. Lie 10738735. 101·'131-IIQ aIIIItH . 410 755-6642......

432 452 454 506 804 818 =-~~~~~~-,---_:T!Jr~a~d!e•!...._ __r-_] ~:!U;~!!!:L_,. Business Opportunllles .,.--M____:_o_to:....r..:...cy:....c:....le..:...s.:....__-r-___:P:....:o:..;w:.:..e=.:r:.....;:;B.=.o.:;;.at;..:s'-----, Fr~~lance Writer Looking lot 1 Air Condl11onlng Service Drlvere Wanted BMW·K100LT 1989, ABS anti ablegood oflraelanoe meedng writerdeadlines, cap- Tec hn 1 c 1 en N"ded Apply Get on boar d w1' th the R1s1ng' · lock brakes. amlfmlcass, good with people. Excellent Merit Mechanical 39 Alby Star I OTR/Shorthaul opportun· VENDING ROUTE Great 2nd auxiliary lights, dartk blue, grammar, spelling, quality Dr Newark, De or call 302 ities, home weekly (shorthaul), income & room to grow. 21 k mi, dual & solo quick copy aubmiulona 1 must. 366·860t. no slip seating, axe pay/ Must sell. 1 800 820.0782. change seats. Tank bag, Photogral)hic akllla 1 Plua. benefits, Burling ton Motor Car· extra wind shields. A'rways Wantlld lor aporadic lr•• ~ack Hoe Operator Apply rlers: t 800 JOIN·BMC. EOE. garaged , $7.750 . 4t 0 lance wortk for epec1a1 IIIC- Merit Mechanical 39 Albe 658·5520. dons in the Cecil Whig. Dr, Newartk, De or call 302 Send resume and clips to: 366·860t . 1------· Goldwlng t985. Fully dressed. $4200/best offer or will Wendy Gilbert, Special Conetructlon Supervlaor &00 trade for Corvette plus 382 Row Boat wood Joel Wh ite 386 Sections Editor, r:Jo Cecil Exp'd Individual needed to cash. 410 398·2672. 1 392 Whig, PO Box 429• Elkton, superviae highway or aight d• design, beaubful lines , li ke Birds & Fish Dogs Pet Services MD 2t922..0429. vel.opment projects . Apply Harley Devldaon FLHT1340 new. Shaw & Tanney Oars. 1983 . 5 spd, rubber Ask i ng $750 . 4t0 Congo African Grey despises Ground• KHper needed year Daisy Construction Co 3128 mounted, new ~res &j)aint, 275·2675. round . 410 755-6721. New Casde Ave, New Casde, my husband, $750 w/5' Free To good Home female, Creature's runs exc, must sell . $7000 =se-t.o.c;;;;R-=ay;.;,;,..:. "'=2""5',.....,.,t990::-::-:-.-=-su-n· Handly Pereon Private home, De. Ann M'. Lenard Iacono. cage $850. 410 378·2527 Doberman/Rotweiller mix, Comfort orbestoffer.410378·4090. dancer, 260 MerCruiser, after 5pm . 1~ yrs old, spade w/all near Newartk. Lawn, car Fence lnetaller Well estab- Harley Davldaon Sportster very low hrs, exc c:ond . 410 Emu Chicks $7000 pair. Extra shots . Only serious in· While you're1 away allow· care etc. Flex hra, good lished Fenoe Co seeks indi· 502 620 1975 . Good cond . 287·3138 or 287-5030 . males $3000. DNA sexed & quires . 4t 0 287-2678. your pets to stay In 302 654 6228 pey · • · vidual w/mechanical ability. Business Opportunities Instruction $4000/best offer. 410 Wellcraft-23' t989. Eclipse. micro ch ipped . 410 familiar surroundings Security Officer Pinkerton Guardian Fenoe Co. 302 398-4038 after 3pm . 260hp, VO, less than 150 658·3658. Free Lg Lab & Retrelver mix 5 "We will come to you" Security haa Pt poaitions 834·3044, P. 0 . Box 44, St yr s old, answers to Bear. Build your future ... wlth Harley Oavidaon Sportater hrs, sink, stove, private avail in the Elkton/ Georges De, 19733. Ridina Lessons t992 . Better than new, head , much mora, high & 384 Very playfu ll, good wlolder References Available Middletown Area. Must be Mateo Toole Ae 1 mobile 2000 miles, $6000. 410 children . Needs room to Mateo tool• distributor, you English o'f Western . 410 dry kept. $15,800 . 410 Cats CALL: avail to work weekends. HVAC Service Technician 287·5291. 287·2097 . 287-6793. run, great watch dog. Lve High School Diploma or N ded A I Mer'! Me- have the worldcla11 tool• mesg at 4t0 287·6484 . 1 your cuatomera want & the Wellcralt·28 ' 1987. T/260 , Karen Ciarmello equivalent, phone, clean chanic:alee 39App Alby Y Or New· Free Adorable Kittens looking eupport you need to build 1 624 sleeps 6, full ba, new car­ 776 Little Elk Creek Rd. police record & reliable ark, De or call 302 806 for good home . Call 410 trans req'd. Applications 366-860t . eolld buelneae of your own. Mortgages & Loans pet, freshly painted & de· 398· 7129 or 398·5950. Mother Dog t Y. yrs old, 2 pups Elkton, MD. 21921 will be taken Tue, Weds & We can ehow you howl For Motor Homes tailed, low hours. $35,000. 1 male & t female , shepl Oetelle call: 1 BOO 368-6651. 302 455-1894. Free to Good Home 2yr old Spitz mix. Needs room to - Thurs, 10am-2pm or by Lamlnatora & Cabinet We buy Mortgagea and Tnuet 410-392-0326 Mateo Toole 1987 21' Toyote new genera· black & white cat, petite in run . Great w/kids . 410 appt at 110 Water St New- Makera Oeede. 01d you sell prop­ size, declawed, spaded & 658·4014. port, De. Pinkerton is an Individuals wanted to join grow· 4403 Allen Ad tor, dash & roof air, auto w/ Stow, Oh 44224 erty? Receiving payments? litter trained , not good w/sm CAPTAINS AAJEOE M'FNIH. ing custom cabinet co. "Must Why Waitl Fast. Cash nowl overdrive , awn ing, great 824 chi ldren. 410 398·6738. have 3+ yrs exp. For appt 216 929·4949 shape , very clean, ready to go. Marine Equip/Supplies QUARTERS lnveetment req'd $42,500 Any size-Nationwide. Great Persian Kittens 3 female tor· 434 contact OiPilla Brothers at610 price. Call 800 659·CASH $14,000/best offer. 410 390 Boarding & Grooming; Franchlll olfered by Pro•· 287 6044 toise, 10 wks old. CFA reg . Horses Part· Time 932·2630 Nottingham. pectue Only (2274). ' · 120hp Johnson, 1990. Only $200/each. 302 836-4503 . 21' Winnebago 87. Toyota 18 hours of use. $6500/b.o. DOGS & CATS :: Cedar Roof Restoration 628 chass is. Exccond. 15kmis. Call 410 398·5674 alter Saddle17" · Cortina, exccond, • Baths-Dips-Styling. ROOFERS Roofers, axe add on business. Mise tack, $275 or best (We go anywhere) ,- INSIDE SALES Pet Grooming/Boarding Auto, cruise. $14000. 302 6pm. 386 Larg:e Indoor Suites : Single ply/ahlnglee. Start lm­ Clean & seal using Earth Wood 731 5063 offer. Julie 410 392·2808. TRAINEE med. Valid drtvera lie. Wllkln­ Care, Environmentally safe, · · I ·J;-:-o-;-hn..!.s_oc..n -=a=-o....,at~M....,ot-or--:-19:-:7 "'"5. Dogs W1th Connecting ' eon Roollng, Stanton, DE. Southwind 1992, 32' Ford For parts. Lower unit $375. Outside Runs • Part· Time Hours easy use. Not franchise. $4000 Paying Up to $400/mo or Heated Floors Thru-Out 1. 302 998·0176. entry cost, training . Atlant ic 460, 6300 miles, twin beds , 410 392·4 476. Bassette Hound Mix 6 wks ACTION ADS : Join 1 dyntmlo tnm In mora to board your horae? like new. Asking $43,900 . 1 ---'-'..:_;:,.:.::....:..:..:...~--- • SEPARATE CA'ITERY ~ Wood Preservation 804 Save up to 60% of that fee, just old, 3 females , 1 male . $50 4 lines, 5 days , $10. For any • our Elkton MD office tnd 61 0 274·8604. items $100 or over . Get a Visit Us See T/w Differe nc~ · tell cltllllltd tdvtrtlalng 740·1097. 27 miles south of Elkton. We each . 410 398·8t92. are full service. Call 302 second week for only $2 when · OPEN for Nawtrk, Delawtrt't 454 Colliea Pupa Male or female , 70.-I,YS Cleaning franchlee Build a 653-5300. you purchase Results 398.&320 :: own community newt· 1 Truck Drivers family business. Let the Ser· 808 parents on premises . $100 . Insurance. 1715 DF.AVER ROAil, ,: paper, The Newark Poll. viceMaster family help your Travel Trailers 410 658·200 1. 410 396-1230 ELKTON, MD No prevloue experience family start your own residen· nacMeary; we will train tial or commercial cleaning 17' Travel Trailer sleeps 314 , youl Thle poelllon hae Drlvera If you're looking to franchise. Fortune 500 com· $875 or best offer. See change lobs .. .We're looking for been created due to the pany offering unique training & BOO Snowball people at North you. J.S. Hunt, one of Ameri· GARAGE/YARD SALE expanalon of buelne11. martkeung support. FinanCing East Flee Market, Sat or can'slargest & most sucoessful We tra looking for eome­ avail. Call for free brochure: trucking companies, is looking 800 230·2360. $8500 down Sundays. one with 1 Dleasant, out· for people interested in learning RV-33' 1987. Regal Prowler, 1•------going telephone peraon· to drive a truck. After complet· plus working capital. quean size bed, many am· 4 LINES, 3 DAYS, $10 allty to work four daye per lng the required training, you Deck cleanlngleeallng One meniuas, exc cond . Asking week, Mon· Thura, 21 con· can look forward to earmng up man operation , $4000 entry price $8900. 4t o343 ·1623. 852 (Each addirionalline $1 all3 days!) venlent day-time houre. to $26,000·$30 ,000 your first cost, Environmentally safe pro· Automotive Financing Of ir rains on your yard sale date (1/4" or more) your 2nd ad is FREE!) , Salary and commiMione year, plus comprehensive ben· oess using Earth Wood Care. 804 810 !Jso- FRE~ Yard Sa.le Kir with pre-paid ads. Oncludes signs, balloons, tips, : , along with other lncan· afits. Call 800 845·2t97. exp'd Training, marketing support. Motorcycles Campers 'AUTO LOANS' tlvtt that makt thle •n drivers call 800 368· 8538 . Not franchise. A~antic Wood Auto Dealer will arrange low mventory list and pnce tags.) :: excellent opportunity to EOE!Subject to drug screen . Preservation 804 740 · 1097 . cost Financing even if you 've ault your available time to Route Driver for Friday Deliv· Eam $1000'1 stuHing env at Go.Cartt For Sale Several Stoltzfus RV 'S & Marine been turned down elsewhere. eamlnge. ery only, Md/Oe area. Must home. Send SASE to K & K types/sizes to choose from . A very ig selecUon of new & Loan ava ilable for Bankrupt, If thle opportunity le for have van or truck w/cab. Enterprises, PO Box 1949, Ask for John or Marty. 410 used RV 'Siboats. Al202 , 8mi N Bad Credit, No Credit. Call you, call Ginny Cole at 800 482·2886 ext 126. Elkton MD 21922. 392·5902. of Wilm . 1 800 -860·1406. Maxine 302 322·8600. 410 388-3311 to trranga CALL 398·1230 .· an Interview. ,.... 442 ,I"•. Restaurant NEWARK POST* + Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0

'• Demonetratora for House of ,',.· Lloyd gifts & Christmas line. AIR CONDITIONING IN THE SATELLITE EQUIPMENT & SYSTEM Free $300 kit. No Collecting, SPOTLIGHT No Delivery . Call 302 STARVIEW SATELLITE SYSTEMS 995·6898. IBQULQEN SINCE 1985· 150 CHANNELS INSIDE SALES • Featuring 'Ibshiba & Wineguard ., Air Conditioning • Heat Pumps ALARM DATA • Twice the S ports Tha n on Cable · TRAINEE • More Movies & Family En tertainment .. Full· nme Position Sales, Service, & Installation • Systems from $38.00 per month· 100% Finan. '·' An expanding business base (302)368-2553 (410)398-9060 1i&0~~~~d . 368-3344 .. has created this opportunity CORP. ..; to join our currant team of talented people selling Cia&· .. sified Advertising for Cecil FOR INFORMA.TION ... County's # 1 newspaper, The ON THE BURGLAR ALARMS :: Whig ._...... ,...... ,..CTORY TOWING SERVICE This is a full-time positi on "DO IT YOURSELF" offering excellent salary, TOWING commission & company ben· CALL MARK ~ Professionally Installed SNOOK'S SERVICE efits package induding 40tK. No previous experience AT •BURGLARALARMS •ACCESSCONTROLS Light & Heavy Duty neoessary; we will train youl • FIRE ALARMS • TELEPHONE SYSTEMS Auto & Truck Towing If you have a pleasant, outgo- Radio Dispatched· Long & Short Distance : ing telephone personality & • CCTV • MEDICAL ALERT · enJoy talking to very pleasant We're As Close As Yo~r Phone · people; our customers & po­ WE PROVIDE: COMPLETE INSTALLATION, 24 Hour Serv1ce 398• 5898 tential customers, than this is 24 HR. SERVICE, 24 HOUR MONITORING, · the job for you I Hours are a very convenient, Mon·Fri, 1 YEAR WARRANTY. II • 8am-~ : 30pm with an hour for BUY or LEASE, TRAVEL AGENCIES lunch. BURGLAR ALARMS Please call Ginny Cole at4t 0 Monthly Payments Available.... 1VISA I 398·3311 to arrange an inter· r COMPLETE HOME @; Keystone Travel Agency view. .... ALARM DATA CORP. 00 Upcoming Tour And HURRY, this spot won't COMPLETE HOME L SECURITY SYSTEM $450 I lastl 00 1 SECURITY SYSTEM $450 1 ~% i]EJ~tJ~~NG $ll"fv

· MERCURY SABLE BW-'88 ChiVY Bluer U7a. Chevy S10 lowered, new palnt, Ford Ranger XL 1984. V6. ps , $2500/beat offer. 410 new rima, sunroof, many Dodge Dakota 1992. V6, auto pb , bedliner, runn ing MAZDA MPV-'92 IIER $8995 2B7·9458. axtru . $8000 . 410 ale, atereoJ. like new, 1OK boards, sliding rear win­ Mini Van. V6, auto, AC, am/lm Chevy Bllzer·1885 4x4, tow 398-0276. mil ea . ~9 5 00 . .C1 0 dow, clean, runs good . Call stereo cass . pwindows & locks . 287-3547. Very low milage . 1147058 blr, AC , auto. Very dean. DODGE RAM 50-'87 after 5:30pm 410 658-4967 $3800 . Leave message. af/lm c:ass, bad, cover, log or 2B7-6197 . SUMMER SPECIAL 111 410 885-2154. lamps. $3995' FORD F-150-'110 GMC GRUMMAN 1987. Stan­ $14,995 x36mo Auto, ale, B bed , tool box. dard steel kitchen on 199. JEFF wheels, Curbmaster. 410 DODGE DAKOTA·'92 $188* mo 642-2311 . . Advantage D'AMBROSIO Club Cab, 4x4, LE, auto, AC, 34 mon ths V6, pwindowa, locka, cruise, tilt. Shelby Dakota Truck 11 43 of 41 D-392-4200 61 0 932-9090 '$2111- ~~~~ .... • •ldoflnl ~0 - 39 4 -CARS ONLY $14,995 only 1500 made, fuel In­ ® jected VB 31B magnu m, ,_, RT.~O . 1344 Marrow• RdNewark DE 200hp, low miles, auto w/ IS! Elkton, IID NISSAN 240 SX·'BV Advantage 302·368-6262 AC , PS, PB, amlfm cass. electric over drive, shelby FORD RANGER·'IIO wheels, ps, pb, ale, amlfm $7995' _.... cass , mint oond, tow pack­ Bad Credit ...... - ~\iW X-tendad cab, XLT, auto, 6cyl, ..1111!111 liT. ... OXFORD, PA ale, cap. age, inspected . Best offer. $218* mo II!!! .IJ(TON, MO Mr B Johnson 410 No Credit 48 montha -« 610 932-0500 592-6680 jlfter 6pm. Work . NO CREDIT R1JECTED ...... lllllilnl 4-DR equipped with Automatic, Air Cond., Power Steering & Dodge D100 1974. 318 3spd, Answer YES & you r:antake DODGE DAKOTA·'90 runs good, needs bed . 876 Brakes, 6 cyl. Engine, AM-FM Cass. & much more. ST 1134119. 4x4, auto, AC, V6, amllm cas&, Vans delivery of a Vehicl~ Today! 8ft bed. 1148136A. $350. 410 2B7-0175. ~ .<~ ---IL__::.::___ .. 1344 Marrow• RdNewark DE FORD BRONCO ll·'iO I Do you have ava l~ drivers $9295 302·368·6262 Chevy Cuatom Van, 1986. V6, frcense? XLT pkcg1 ale, stereo cass, ~ Advantage . PW, PL , till, cruise. FORO RANGER-' 91 auto, air, gray . $6,995. 2 Do you have aSoci al Secunty caro? o OXFORD, PA 5spd , stereo cass. Plnno Pontiac Buick 3 Do you lake home at leas1$150 o Oxford , PA 610 932.0500 215·932-2892 awee k? 4 Do you have auti~~ bill at your 1 Ford Aeroatar XLT 1986. "':::::::.:ILIC'YON,- residerM:e? Oldemoblle Cut1111 Su­ 1\ I!!! ® Good body, no rust, new prtme 91 . Loaded, no p/W. .. 1344 Marrowa RdNewark DE tires, needs engine & ex­ 5. Do you have 0! can you gel prool J Low mia. 5 &pd. $9700 .410 1344 Marrow•w RdNewark DE ol 1nsurerM:e? FORD EXPLORER-'11 302-368-6262 haust system . $950/best 398-8253. V6, ale, amllm, PS, PB.$9995' 302-368-6262 offer. 41 0 398-6904. 6. Do you have two recent pays1ubs? J Oldamoblla Clerra, 1989. (With proper down paymen t) Auto , ale, PS, PB, brown. $5995 . Post Classifeds Really Work! . Plnno Pontiac Buick Oxford, PA 215-932-2892

PLYM ACCLAIM-'90 Sadan,euro, AC, am/1m stereo, 48Kmi. 110358. Advantage

--··c·•a.I!ID ··­111'. .. I!! IUCTOII.-

PL YM LAZER-'93 JEEP CHEROKEE·'93 \.t. Auto, AC, amtlm stereo, rear Country pkg, 6K mile&, Tech 6 · tt~\.~-... deck spoiler, alarm system. eng, auto, AC, shift on the fly, 4A..f~ '\'\~ 1130042A Frr & Prr 4whl drive, amlfm ~.-~~' ·"" $9875 CBSI. 190007. ...~~~ ~f:)~~ Advantage Advantage 'IJ _:.:::::: ...=·:: ;; a.xrorr:.·:. __1\_ e IUCTON,·- Pontiac Bonneville Sdn, JEEP CHEROKEE 1990. PW, -PL, tilt, auise, blue. SPORT·'91 $10,995. 4x4, 4dr, high output Tech 6l Plnno Pontiac Buick auto, AC, shift on the fly 4wh Oxford, PA drive, amllm c:ass. 190003. 215-932-2892 $18,999 Pontiac Sunblrd, 1992. Auto, ale, c.asa, Aqua. $9,995. Advantage Plnno Pontiac Buick Oxford, PA 215-932-2892 II= RT.40, Pontiac Sunblrd, 1991 . Auto, fll "~!o_n, liP Summer Truck Sell Out! ale, tilt, auise, Red . $8,995. Plnno Pontiac Buick JeeD Cherokee S~rt·'91 Oxford , PA 4x4, 4dr, high output Tech 6, auto, AC, shift on the fly 4whl Many To Choose From! 215-932·2892 drive, amlfm c.asa. 190003. Pontiac Tnma Am, 1993. 350, VB, leather, PW, PL. $21,695. $18,999 *Dakotas Clubcabs T300 Full Size Plnno Pontiac Buick * * '94 Buick CeDtulry ' ~ Oxforcl, PA Advantage : .. 215=932-2892 .. 4 Door, Sedan,V6 Engine, Automatic 4 Sp. 'Transmission, Cruise Control, Air Conditioning, 4x2 4x4 AMIFM/Stereo/Cassene, Rear Defogger, !SE Package, VIN#R6422338 u I * * SA TURN SLI·'I3 AC, PS, PB, PL, amlfm c.asa, 4e:=:: Buy Now While Selection Lasts I!!! 11L1n'0N, MD MSRP...... $17 ,4 12 only 151< miles. $9995' 1\ Discount...... $ 1,340 s1s 3 2 2 '92 CHRYSLER LeBaron Convertible, V-6, full pwr., lowm i., brt. red ..... $14,250 Jeeo Grand Cherokee·'94 Rebate ...... $ 750 ' $207* mo Laredo pkg, 4dr, 4x4, VB , auto, '88 JEEP Wagoneer Limited 4x4, scyl ., lull power ...... $1 0,800 60 months cruise , tnt, 20K mi, fully equipped. 2 to choose from I --Clfttldl, .. lleslllftnl '93 TOYOTA Paseo, auto, air, sun roof, low mileage, jet black ...... $11 ,750 Save Thousands From '87 NISSAN Maxima ...... $6 ,000 '94 Buick Le.~J:we .<~ _c~ _: .. - ... A New One! 4 Door, Sedan, Automatic 'Transmission, ISE Package. Dual Air Bags, Power Brakes, Anti-Lock Brakes. Power • '88 DODGE Grand Caravan LE ...... $7,000 Steering, Cruise Control. Air Condiuorung, FtMrer Windcrws. Power Locks, FtMrer Mirrors, Dark G reen, Rear Advantage Defogger, Mom's Demonstrator ... .Loaded VIN#R!-1421315 ~ '92 DODGE Grand Caravan LE, fu ll power, dk. gm. met , woodgrain...... $14,500 OXFORD, PA MSRP...... $23,287 610 932-0500 ...:=:: '91 FORD Ranger, sspeed ...... $7 ,500 Discoun t...... $ 3,060 Reb ate ...... $ 750 •LKTON, MD Shelby Dakot1 Truck 1143 of 1\ e '90 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, 2 door...... $6,375 only 1500 made, fuel In­ SUZUKI SIDEKICK·'iD $19,477 jected VB 318 magnum, Sspd, removable, soft top '91 DODGE Daytona, 4 cyl , auto, air ...... $6,800 BUICK~ 200hp, low miles, auto w/ '90 CHEV. Lumina, APV, auto, PL, PW, maroon met...... $9,995 electric over drive, shelby 16•h:!l lt£!•.·J. wheels, ps, pb, ale, am/1m dr. one owner, low mileage ...... c:ass, mint cond, tow pack­ '85 DODGE 600,4 $2,750 age, inspeotlld. Best offer. ® Mr 8 Johnson 410 1344 Marrow• RdNewark DE '90 FORD Aerostar XLT Extended, full power...... $1 0,995 592-6680 after 6pm. 302·368-6262 '90 DODGE Caravan LE ...... $9r800 · Shelby GT 1967. 350, 4 spd, Suzuki Sidekick JX 89. 4X4, 5 · Br1ttany Blue, white stripes, &pd, soft top, alarm system. '90 4X41SUZU Trooper, auto, air...... $1O r900 black mterior, good paper Exc cond. $4150 will oons work. $26,900 offer. Bob blo . 410 658-9764 after 410 592-6680. 5pm . Plus Many Others To Choose From T·Bird LX 1988. Black, loaded, TOYOTA FORERUNNER·'88 low milea, axe cond. 1 4x4, auto, ale, 31' tires, SR5. owner. $5500 or best offer. Rittenhouse Motors 123 Bridge St., Elkton, MD • 398-0700 410 3118-2630. . TOYOTA SUPRA TURB0.'87 250 Elkton Rd., Newark • (302) 368-9107 5spd, ale, stereo cass, tilt, 800-423-4479 ' cruise, PW, PL, PM. ~ 1344 Marrow• HdNewark DE 302·368-6262 ~ 1344 Marrowt RdNewark DE 302·368-6262 866 Autos-Antiques

Buick Skylark 1967. V6, 4 dr, original, good cond , 79k original miles. $1500. 410 398-4536. Ford Falrlant SW 1963. Body in txcellent oond. Asking $800/beat offer. 410 398-~. Lincoln 1966. 100% original, '94 GRAND AM SE '94 BONNEVILLE SE '94 TRANS SPORT low miles, clalaic, like new, SEDAN, NC , ABS, AIR BAG, 5 SPEED, DUAL AIR BAGS, ABS , FULL POWER, 7 FASS, ABS , AI R BAG, NC, TILT. CRUISE, car ia loaded. $5000. 410 378-3170. CASS, REAR DEFOGGER STKN1 t 69t TRACTION CONTROL STKN1181 2 POWER LOCKS/WINDOWS/MIRRORS STKN1 1674 Panlara 1171 Very original, 20 AVAILABLE AT SIMILAR SAVINGS! 361 Clev 335hp, ytlloW wl black leathlr Int. !ilpd, ale, PW low miiH.IIOOd paper WOril. $2~ ~t ofllr. 410 582.-1 Bob. Bhtlby OT 100 1887. Vln 1102m. 428CI, 41pd 1 Dark blue, ~~·~1 very original, wood~. black Interior, Kalsey HIYH 111111 llarl. 410 592-6&8o. LIST $14,425 *'tOUR PRICE LIST $20,617 *'tOUR PRICE NUCAR REBATE $676 ~G~AR REBATE $~~ : ~~ $ NUCAR REBATE $1,1 18 868 ~CTORV REBATE $750 FAClORV REBATE $1 ,000 FACTO RV REBATE $500 Four WhHI Drive 2 0 59 9 $18,999 CHEVY 110 BLAZER·'I2 Tahoe pckg, 11110. tic, loedtd, ' pulh boftDn 4X4.

1M4 ...,...~ RdNiwllll Dl 302·38M282 MORE HORSEPOWER THAN J EEP CHEROKEE




SPORT PACKAGE AUTO, LOADED $3995* $3995* $3995*

8fJ CHEVY CAPRICE 87 CHEVY CAVALIER 85 FORD F:&SO P/MTH PIMTH • ·-·- ·· . ; , UST PRICE 89,898 TDWSE UST PRICE 814,348 LEIS REBATE 300 CMMRCIAL REBATE 600 IOWR COI'tM:RCIAL REBATE 800 ;ffii#~·:r-. ·-. · . •, . , . . . TRADE WORTH Ill CASH 2 500 127* .. 2 8 ~ 8H 21 JEFF'S DISCOUNT UO FWAM:E 110,388 STAT;~N WAGON STATION WAGON AUTO, 4X4, PLOW * $4595* $4995* $4995*

994 CHEVYCAVALIER GEO n7EIRD DODGE DYNASTY 93 HYUNDAI EXCEL 11 MERCURY SABLE . - - --~ ..,,, ;;: ' ~ · g:;;;;;;y(j ANTI·LOCK ...• '··""'·· A g;,._. BRAKES ~ STATION WAGON $8995*



7 PASSENGER VAN LOADED TEAL, LOADED $9995* $9995* $9995*


LOADED EURO LOADED $12,995* $12,995* $13,995*


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