Cc/S&B/S 411248
qT{frq €e {qt ilo- 'rT{Sq dc OSBI STATE BANK OF INDIA 31.01 .2020 cc/s&B/s 411248 The Executive Director The Managing Director BSE Ltd., Phirojee Jeejeebhoy National Stock Exchange of lndia Ltd. Towers 25th Floor Exchange Plaza,Sth Floor, Plot No. C/1, Dalal Street, G-Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai-400001 Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051 Dear Sir/Madam, WORKING FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER & NINE MONTHS]ENDED 31.12.2019: OUTCOME OF BOARD MEETING We refer to our letter no. CC/S&B/NJ/1188 dated 13.01 .2020 and in terms of Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 (the "listing regulations"), we fonrvard herewith copy of the working financial results of the Bank along with the Limited Review Report for the quarter and nine months ended 31.12.2019 approved by the Central Board of the Bank at its meeting held today on 31 .01.2020 at Mumbai. The Board meeting started at 10.30 a.m. and concluded at13:5p,m Kindly take the same on your record Thanking you, Yours faithfully, A,Y (Sanjay M Abhyankar) Vice President Compliance- Company Secretary Encl: as above *cs\E qtasftIFT & Dopt. @ q +91222274}a4r/49 *qr gttirc Aqnr, iq{ snFr fr-€ RqFr, Shares & Bonds Dept, q +912222747476174137 o]fte b-d, ond\e b-q, Corporate Centre, $ *gt zz 22742842 14qr qr6r, t}e d-o qcc, ras: Tm, t}e *'o r+c, l4thFloor, State Bank Shavan, & +91 22 2285 s348 qrqrq qrqr ts. qRTq orqr r}s, Madame Cama Road, tlr{q & +972222740527 Ii{$ - Booo?9, t[tf, 1j+$ - uooo?i, Mumbai - 400021, lndia STATE BANK OI INDIA CORPORAIE CENIRE, MUMBAI - 4OO O2I UNAUDITED FINANCIAI.
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