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FINANCIAL STATEMENTS of REGIONAL RURAL BANKS 31 March 2020 2020 #es$eer³e ûeeceerCe yeQkeÀesW keÀer efJeÊeer³e efJeJejefCe³eeb 31 cee®e& 2020 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF REGIONAL RURAL BANKS 31 March 2020 2020 March 2021 IMAGE IMPRESSION Designing 2021 #es$eer³e ûeeceerCe yeQkeÀesW keÀer efJeÊeer³e efJeJejefCe³eeb 31 cee®e& 2020 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF REGIONAL RURAL BANKS AS ON 31 March 2020 NABARD je<ì^er³e ke=Àef<e Deewj ûeeceerCe efJekeÀeme yeQkeÀ mebmLeeiele efJekeÀeme efJeYeeie, cegbyeF& National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Institutional Development Department Mumbai ieeBJe yeæ{s >> lees osMe yeæ{s Taking Rural India >> Forward ÒeeJeÌJeÀLeve #e$s eer³e ûeeceerCe yeJQ eÀebs JeÀe r eJf eÊee³r e meceeJesµeve Deejw Je=Àe<f e SJe b ûeeceeCr e DeLe&J³eJemLee JesÀ efJeJeÀeme ceW cenlJeHetCe& Yetecf eJeÀe jne r nw. Fmee}f S yeQeEJeÀie le$b e ceW GveJe Àe cenlJeHe tCe& efnmmee n.Q yeQJeÀebs JeÀs mebeJf ee}f ³eve JeÀe r ÒeeJf eÀ³ee JesÀ JeÀejCe #es$eer³e ûeeceeCr e yeJQ eÀebs JeÀer meKb ³ee IeìJeÀj Œ ne s ieF & n.w FmeJeÀs Heejf CeecemJeªHe Òel³eJs eÀ yeJQ eÀ JeÀe JeÀe³e#& es$e Deewj GveJeÀer JeÀe³e & JeÀe r cee$ee ceW Je=e×f nFg & n.w ûeeceeCr e yeJQ eÀe bs JeÀer JeÀejiejlee JeÀeHeÀer no leJeÀ GveJeÀer DeeeL| eJeÀ emq Leelf e Hej evf eYej& JeÀjleer n w pee s GveJesÀ le}g ve He$e Deejw }eYe SJe b neefve }Ks ee pewmes efJeÊee³r e mììs ceWìebs mes mHeä nels eer n.w Dele: efnleOeejJeÀ es b JeÀe s eJf eeYf eVe d Òe³eespeveebs mes #es$eer³e ûeeceerCe yeQJeÀes b JeÀe r eJf eÊeer³e emq Leelf e me s mecyebeOf ele peeveJeÀejer JeÀe r peªjle He›leer n.w Fme Hen}t JeÀe s O³eeve ce W jKele s ntS veeyee[& ve s osµe JesÀ meYeer ûeeceerCe yeJQ eÀes b JeÀe r ‹‰ cee®e & ŠˆŠˆ SJe b eHf eí} s Je<e& JeÀe r efJeÊeer³e emq Leefle me s mecyebeOf ele peeveJeÀeje r JeÀe s Fme Heeg mq leJeÀe ce W meceseJf eÀle efJeÀ³ee nw. FmeJeÀs De}eJee, JegÀí Dev³e cenlJeHeCt e & mebJesÀleJeÀ pewmes eJf eÀ µeeKee Deejw JeÀce®& eejerJeej GlHeeoJeÀlee, $e+Ce-pecee DeveHg eele, meJeÀ} SveHeerS JeÀe Òeelf eµele, efveJe} SveHeeSr Deewj Dev³e cenlJeHeCt e & eJf eÊee³r e DevegHeelee bs JeÀe s Yee r yeJQ eÀJeej evf ee|oä efJeÀ³ee ie³ee nw. nce W Deeµee nw eJf eÀ ³en ÒeJeÀeµeve enf leOeejJeÀe,bs DevegemE eOeeveJeÀlee&³eesb SJeb eµf e#eeeJf eoe bs JeÀs ef}S GHe³eesiee r efme× nesiee. Fmece W meOg eej JeÀs ef}S mePg eeJeesb JeÀe mJeeiele nw. Sve. Hee.r ceneHee$e ceKg ³e ceneÒeyeOb eJe À memb Leeiele eJf eJeÀeme eJf eYeeie veeyee[&, cegbye F& cee®e & ŠˆŠ‰ FOREWORD Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) form an integral part of the banking system in our country in view of the important role played by them in financial inclusion and their contribution towards the development of agriculture and rural economy. With the process of amalgamation, the number of RRBs has come down to 45 with consequential increase in the area of operation and volume of business for each bank. Effectiveness of RRBs’ role depends, to a large extent, on its financi al health, which is reflected in the financial stateme nts viz. Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Acco unt. Therefore, such information is required by the stakeholders for differ ent purposes. Keeping this aspect in vie w, NABARD has compiled inform ation on financial health of all RRBs in the country and presented in this book fo r the financial year ending 31 March 2020 along with position of previous year for each RRB . Besides this, some of the key indicators like p roductivity per branch and per e mployee, CD ratio, percentag e of gross NPA, Net NP A & other important financial ratios are also indicated bank-wise. We hope this publication wil l be useful to the stakeholders, researchers and academicians. Suggestions for improvement are welcome. N. P. Mohapatra Chief General M anager Institutional Developme nt Department NABARD, Head Office, Mumbai March, 2021 CONTENTS PARTICULARS PAGE NO. Explanatory Notes .i Regional Rural Banks During the Previous Decade (2010-11 to 2019-20) ii List of RRBs as on 31 March 2020 ix ALL INDIA SUMMAR Y 1 PART I - RRB-WISE STATEMENTS - STAND ALONE RRBs 1. Arunachal Pradesh Rural Bank 3 2. Ellaquai Dehati Bank 5 3. Manipur Rural Bank 6 4. Meghalaya Rural Bank 7 5. Mizoram Rural Bank 8 6. Nagaland Rural Bank 9 7. Puduvai Bharathiyar Grama Bank 11 8. Tripura Gramin Bank 12 9. Uttar Banga Kshetri ya Gramin Bank 14 PART II - RRB-WI SE STATEMENTS - AMALGAMATED RRBs 15 10. Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank 11. Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank 17 12. Saptagiri Grameena Bank 18 13. Assam Gramin Vikash Bank 20 14. Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank 21 15. Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank 22 16. Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank 23 17. Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank 25 18. Saurashtra Gramin Bank 27 19. Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank 28 20. Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank 29 21. J & K Grameen Bank 30 PARTICULARS PAGE NO. 22. Jharkhand Rajya Gramin Bank 33 23. Karnataka Gramin Bank 36 24. Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank 37 25. Kerala Gramin Bank 38 26. Madhya Pradesh Gramin Bank 41 27. Madhyanchal Gramin Bank 42 28. Maharashtra Gramin Bank 43 29. Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank 44 30. Odisha Gramya Bank 45 31. Utkal Grameen Bank 46 32. Punjab Gramin Bank 47 33. Baroda Rajasthan Kshetriya Gramin Bank 48 34. Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank 49 35. Tamil Nadu Grama Bank 51 36. Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank 52 37. Telangana Grameena Bank 53 38. Aryavart Bank 56 39. Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank 57 40. Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank 58 41. Prathama U.P Gramin Bank 61 42. Purvanchal Bank 59 43. Uttarakhand Gr amin Bank 62 44. Bangiya Gramin Vikash B ank 63 45. Paschim Banga Gramin Bank 64 PART III- STATE-WISE SUMMARY 1. Andhra Pradesh 66 2. Arunachal Pradesh 67 3. Assam 68 PARTICULARS PAGE NO. 4. Bihar 69 5. Chhattisgar h 70 6. Gujarat 71 7. Haryana 72 8. Himachal Pradesh 73 9. Jammu & Kashm ir 74 10. Jharkhand 75 11. Karnataka 76 12. Keral a 77 13. Madhya Pradesh 78 14. Maharasht ra 79 15. Manipur 80 16. Meghalaya 81 17. Mizoram 82 18. Nagaland 83 19. Odisha 84 20. Puducher ry 85 21. Punjab 86 22. Rajasthan 87 23. Tam il Nadu 88 24. Telangana 89 25. Tripur a 90 26. Uttar Pradesh 91 27. Uttarakhand 92 28. West Bengal 93 PARTICULARS PAGE NO. PART IV – SPONSOR BANK-WISE SUMMARY 1. Andhr a Bank 96 2. Bank Of Baroda 97 3. Bank Of Indi a 98 4. Bank Of Maharashtr a 99 5. Canar a Bank 100 6. Central Bank O f Indi a 101 7. Indi an Bank 103 8. Indian Overseas Bank 104 9. J & K Bank 105 10. Punjab National Bank 106 11. State Bank Of Indi a 107 12. Syndicate Bank 108 13. United Bank Of India 109 14. Union Bank Of Indi a 110 15. UCO Bank 111 Appendix: Amalgamation of Regional Rural Banks from 196 RRBs to 43 RRBs 113 EXPLANATORY NOTES This publication “Financial Statements of Regional Rural Banks as on 31 March 2020” reports the financial performance of the RRBs as on 31 March 2020. 1. The data has been captured from the Balance Sheets and P & L accounts of RRBs uploaded by RRBs in “Ensure” platform and as reported in their Annual Reports. The Audited data published earlier in Key Statistics of Regional Rural Banks, 2020, based on audited data submitted through Off-site Surveillance (OSS) returns in Ensure Platform, has been updated wherever necessary, based on Data available in Annual reports of RRBs. 2. Recovery position is as per the data related to Demand, Collection and Balance received from the RRBs as on 30 June 2019. 3. Certain data relating to 2018-19 though already published, has been updated based on the revisions/clarifications received from the RRBs. Tier II Bonds have been included as a part of Borrowing s. 4. All the statements (All-India, State and Sponsor Bank-wise and RRB-wise statements) indicate profit as ‘Income over Expenditure’ and loss as ‘Expenditure over Income’. The number of banks that earned profits/incurred losses is indicated in brackets. Gross Income over expenditure relates to Net Profit (after tax). 5. Provisions & Contingencies during the year include the Provision for Income Tax/Income Tax P aid 6. The Financial Ratios have been calculated as under: Financial Return = (Interest earned on advances + Interest earned on investments + Interest earned on others)/Average Working Fund (AWF) x100. Financial Cost= (Interest paid on deposits + Interest paid on borrowings + Interest paid on others)/AWFx100. Staff Cost= Wage Bill/AWFx100. Other Operating Cost = Other Operating Expenses/AWFx100. Miscellaneous Income = (Commission + Other Income)/AWFx100. Gross Margin = (Financial Margin - Wage Bill - Other Operating Cost + Miscellaneous Income)/AWFx100 Risk Cost = (Provisions & Conting encies made during the year / AWF) x100. Net Margin (Return on Assets) = Gross Margin – Risk Cost. 7. Branch Productivity = (Total Deposits + Gross Advances) / No. of Branches 8. Employee Productivity = (Total Deposits + Gross Advances)/No. of employees. i Regional Rural Banks during Previous Decade FY 2010-11 to FY 2019-20 egional Rural Banks (RRBs) were conceptualised by the Narsimham Working Group in 1975 as a Rnew set of regionally oriented rural banks, which would combine the local feel and familiarity of rural problems c haracteristic of cooperatives w ith the professionalism and large resource base of commercial banks.
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