E4727 REV ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) FOR Public Disclosure Authorized POWER SECTOR REFORM AND SUSTAINABLE HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PSRSHDP) Public Disclosure Authorized Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) And Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Nepal Public Disclosure Authorized January, 2015 Public Disclosure Authorized Revised April, 2015 ESMF for PSRSHDP 1 Contact Information Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Contact: Mukesh R. Kafle Title: Managing Director Telephone No.: 977-1-4153007 Email:
[email protected] Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) Contact: Gajendra K. Thakur Title: Secretary Telephone No.: 977 1 4211416 Email:
[email protected] ESMF for PSRSHDP 2 Table of Contents A. Background ................................................................................................................................. 4 B. Brief Project Description ............................................................................................................ 4 C. Environmental and Social Compliance Requirements ................................................................ 5 D. Environmental and Social Issues of the identified investment projects to be prepared under Component A ...................................................................................................................................... 6 D1. Upper Arun and Ikhuwa Khola Hydropower Projects .............................................................. 6 E. List and Scope of Studies and Safeguard Instruments