M. B. Rai / Our Nature (2003) 1: 42-48 Medicinal of Tehrathum District, Eastern

Mani Bahadur Rai* Department of Botany, P. G. Campus, Biratnagar

Abstract Vaidhya (Herbalist) use the medicinal plants to remove the ailments since time immemorial. Tehrathum district is found rich in medicinal plants. A total of 105 vascular plants were recorded to be used in different diseases. Information was collected by discussion through local communities and field observations. Some plants were found to be used in different diseases in different places. The indigenous knowledge is transferring from generation to generation in certain families without any written records.

Keywords: Medicinal Plants, NTFPs, Tehrathum, Shaman

Introduction plants are their main source of remedy for diseases. Tehrathum is a hilly district, located 76025' E to Those persons, who use these plants, often keep their 87075' E and 26059' N to 27030' N longitude and knowledge secret. They are against the exploration latitude of eastern Nepal, covering 679 sq. km. area. of their traditional knowledge. Such knowledge is The altitude ranges from 530m ('Tamor Phedi') to transferring from generation to generation in certain 3,010m ('Tinjure') (Rai 1996). The area covers families without any written record. subtropical and temperate climate. The major ethnic Works on medicinal surveys have been groups of the district are Limbu, Sherpa, Tamang, done from eastern Nepal by several workers Rai, Magar, Gurung, and Newar. Amomum (Banerji 1957, Manandhar 1971, Dobremez aromaticum, Asparagus spp., Astilbe rivularis, 1976, Gautam 1995). However, the literature of ciliata, Daphne spp., Lycopodium medicinal plants from Tehrathum district is not clavatum, Nardostachys grandiflora, Picrorhiza available except a single report on NTFPs scrophulariiflora, Piper longum, Potentilla fulgen, (Pradhan and Manandhar 1997). Present work is Rubia manjith, Sapindus mukorossi, Swertia a detailed survey of vascular medicinal plants, chirayita, Taxus baccata, Thysanolaena maxima, with help of local experts of the district. The Zanthoxylum armatum, Zingeber officinale are surveying work was done mainly in five Village exported as the main non timber forest product Development Committees. These are Jaljale, (NTFPs) from the district. Simle, Oyakjung, Esibu and Solma. Plants were Most of the people of Tehrathum inhabit in rural collected from forests of Chichiling (Jaljale and area. The forest plants, as other areas, play an Simle VDCs), Sikre (adjoining area of important part in their life and derive food, fodder, Oyakjung, Samdhu and Pauthak VDCs) and fuel, etc from their surroundings. They are also Tinjure (Solma, Sungnam and Ambung). Most familiar about medicinal plants. Especially local of such plants were found in temperate climate. 'Vaidhya' and 'Dhami-Jhankri' (Shaman) know the uses of these plants and are practicing to remove the Materials and Methods ailments since time immemorial. So, medicinal Local 'Dhami-Jhakri' and 'Vaidhya' were Correspondence: *Birat Science Campus, identified. By making good relation with them, Biratnagar 42 M. B. Rai / Our Nature (2003) 1: 42-48 information about medicinally using plants in be used in more than one disease. A different diseases were recorded. Thereafter, particular plant used for a specific they were also requested to involve in the field disease in one places was found to be visit during 1996. used for a different diseases in another The herbarium specimens were identified places although the plants were with the help of available literature (Hookers available in both places. For example, 1872-1897, Hains 1961, Grieson and Long 1983, Anonymous 1986, Mabberley 1987, Cassia fistula is used in diuretic, Davis and Cullen 1988, Siwakoti 1995). The purgative and rheumatism at Jaljale, voucher specimens are deposited in the while in Solma; the plant is used as a Department of Botany, Post Graduate Campus, remedy's for upper respiratory diseases. Biratnagar. The recorded specimens have been 'Vaidhyas' were found having adequate arranged in alphabetical order with botanical and information about medicinal plant. They vernacular name after their family. The parts use these plants for curing diseases. used along with their value also described. 'Dhami-Jhankri' also do the same but they give priority to tantra, mantra. The Results and Discussion work is totally based on the information A total of 105 species of vascular provided by the local 'Vaidhyas' and plants were found frequently used in 'Dhami-Jhankri.' Tehrathum district in different diseases (Table 1). Some of these were found to

Table 1. List of Medicinal Plants Vernacular Parts S. N. Family Botanical Name Diseases Name used Seed, leaf, Nervous disorder, 1 Leguminosae Abrus precatoris Lalgedi root eye, skin diseases. Astringent, cooling, 2 " Acacia catechu Khayar Wood digest Achyranthes Stones, diarrhea, 3 Amaranthaceae Apamarga Root aspera dysentery Cough, whooping 4 Araceae Acorus calamus Bojo Rhizome cough, bronchitis All parts 5 Acanthaceae Adhatoda vasica Asuro except Diarrhea, dysentery stem Half ripe 6 Rutaceae Aegle marmelos Bel Diarrhea, dysentery fruit Ageratum Leaf, young Control bleeding 7 Asteraceae Ilame jhar conyzoides shoot (wound) Aphrodisiac, anti- 8 Liliaceae Allium cepa Piyas Bulb malaria 9 " A . sativa Lasun Bulb Gastric, diabetes Gheu 10 " Aloe barbadensis Leaf Burns Kumari 43 M. B. Rai / Our Nature (2003) 1: 42-48 Amomum Fruit and Indigestion, vomiting, 11 Zingeberaceae Alaichi subulatum seed aphrodisiac Annona Digestive, vomiting, 12 Annonaceae Sarifa Fruit squamosa diarrhea, dysentery Antidesma Leaves, Astringent, cholera & 13 Euphorbiaceae Archal diandrum bark, root dysentery Artemisia Anathematic, nervous 14 Asteraceae Titepati Root vulgaris fresher, antispasmodic Thulo Uterine contraction 15 Astilbe rivularis Rhizome Okhati during birth, dysentery, Artocarpus Leaves, Skin diseases, 16 Moraceae Katahar heterophyllus root diarrhea Asparagus Rhizome Galactagogue, 17 Liliaceae Kurilo racemosus bulb aphrodisiac, diabetes Seeds, 18 Leguminosae Bauhinia vahlli Bhorla young Snake bite, aphrodisiac shoot Root, Dyspepsia, obesity, 19 " B. variegata Koiralo bark, bud dysentery, cough, piles Chest pain, 20 Begonaceae Begonia rubella Makarkachi Leaves antibacterial Jaundice, malaria, 21 Berberidaceae Berberis aristata Chutro Fruit piles, sores, eye diseases Uterine contraction, 22 Saxifragaceae Bergenia ciliata Pakhanbet Rhizome ulcers, fever, kidney stone Demulcent, tonic, 23 Bombaceae Bombax ceiba Simal Bark dysentery, skin eruptions Buddleja Root, 24 Logaginaceae Bhimsenpate Malaria, tumor asiatica leaves Callicarpa Root, Stomach disorder, 25 Verbenaceae Dahidangalo macrophylla leaves rheumatism. Cold, coughs, asthma, Calotropis Root, 26 Asclepidaceae Aank dysentery, gigantea leaves elephantiasis Leaves, Diarrhea, sedative, 27 Cannabinaceae Cannabis sativa Ganja seeds narcotize Diuretic, purgative, Fruit, 28 Leguminosae Cassia fistula Rajbrikhchha rheumatism, seeds respiratory diseases Diuretic, blood 29 Apiaceae Centella asiatica Ghod tapre Shoot purifier, leprosy Diuretic, purgative, Cissampelis Root, 30 Menispermaceae Gugarganu dyspepsia, diarrhea, pareira leaves itch 44 M. B. Rai / Our Nature (2003) 1: 42-48 Carminative, 31 Rutaceae Citrus lemon Kagati Fruit rheumatism dysentery, diarrhea Clinopodium 32 Lamiaceae Tulsijhar Leaves Astringent umbrasum Diuretic, blood Coix lachryma- 33 Poaceae Bhirkoule Fruit, root purifier & menstrual jobi disorder 34 Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita pepo Pharsi Seed Anathematic Common cold, cough, 35 Zingeberaceae Curcuma longa Kalo Besar Rhizome skin diseases Jaundice, urinary tract 36 Cuscutaceae Cuscuta reflexa Akash beli Shoot inflammation Leaves, Mad dog bite, sores, 37 Solanaceae Datura metel Kalo Daturo flowers, dandruff, hair falling fruit Desmostachya 38 Poaceae Kush Rhizome Diuretic, dysentery bipinata Hydrangeacea Dichroa Root, 39 Basak Malaria fever e febrifuga leaves Disporum 40 Liliaceae Aklebir Root Headache, fever cantoniense Drymaria Laxative, diarrhea , 41 Caryophyllaceae Abijalo Leaves cordata dysentery Elaeocarpus Headache, epileptic 42 Elaeocarpaceae Rudrakshya Fruit sphaericus fits Whole Emetic, purgative, 43 Asteraceae Eclipta alba Bhumiraj plant jaundice Gastric trouble, Emblica 44 Euphorbiaceae Amala Bark, fruit haemorrhage, officinalis jaundice, dyspepsia Rheumatism, Ficus Leaves, 45 Moraceae Bar dysentery, diabetes, bengalensis barks vomiting Aphthous complaints, 46 " F. cunia Khanyu Root, fruit bladder ailments Ulcer, gargle in 47 " F. lacor Kabhro Bark salivation Bark, Ulcer, skin diseases, 48 " F. religiosa Pipal leaves antibacterial, purgative 49 Leguminosae Glycine max Bhatmas Seed Diabetes Heracleum 50 Apiaceae Chingfing Fruit Common cold, cough nepalense 51 trijuga Ankhataruwa Leaves Cholera, burn Astringent, dysentery, Holorrhena 52 Apocynaceae Khirro Bark, seed anathematic, antidysentrica febrifugal 45 M. B. Rai / Our Nature (2003) 1: 42-48 Houttuynia Whole Cooling indigestion, 53 Saururaceae Gane cordata plant dysentery, diuretic Imperata Piles, diarrhea, 54 Poaceae Siru Rhizome dysentery, gonorrhea, cylindrica sedative Leaves, Bactericide, 55 Junglandaceae Juglans regia Okhar fruits rheumatism, laxative Lepidium Leave, Asthma, cough, piles, 56 Brassicaceae Chamsur sativum fruit diuretic Carminative, 57 Lauraceae Lindera neesiana Siltimur Fruit headache, gastric trouble Lycopodium Scabies, rheumatism, 58 Lycododiaceae Nagbeli Fruit clavatum catarrh, malaria 59 Ericaceae Lyonia avalifolia Angeri Leaves Skin diseases Madhuca Rheumatism, 60 Sapotaceae Chiuri Fruit butyracea emollient Coughs, colds, 61 " M. lougifolia Mauwa Flower bronchitis Anathematic, Maesa Young 62 Myrsinaceae Bhogote dysentery, gastric macrophylla shoot trouble Mahonia 63 Berberidaceae Chutro Fruit Diuretic, dysentery napaulensis Cholera, anathematic, 64 Lamiaceae Mentha arvensis Pudin Shoot cough Root, Urinary complaints, 65 Leguminosae Mimosa pudica Lajjawati leaves swelling, sores, piles Tonic, stimulant, 66 " Mucuna purita Kauso Root diuretic, purgative Diarrhea, dysentery, 67 Musaceae Musa paradisica Kera Fruit diabetes Asthma, bronchitis, 68 Myricaceae Myrica esculenta Kaphal Bark dysentery, diuretic Ocimum Babari Carminative, diuretic, 69 Lamiaceae Leaves basilicum Phool gonorrhea, dysentery Diaphoretic, 70 " O. sanctum Tulsi Leaves stimulating, expectorant Oroxylum Bark, Rheumatism, ulcer, 71 Bignoniaceae Totola indicum leaves diarrhea, dysentery Bone crack, Osyris Roots, 72 Santalaceae Haadjaro contraction of uterine wightiana leaves muscles. Oxalis Astringent, febrifuge, 73 Oxalidaceae Chariamilo Shoot corniculata antiseptic 74 Piperaceae Piper nigrum Marich Fruit Common cold, catarrh

46 M. B. Rai / Our Nature (2003) 1: 42-48 Common cold, 75 " P. peepuloids Pipla Fruit leprosy Leprosy, skin Plumbago 76 Plumbagonaceae Chittu Leaves diseases, bactericide, zeylanica fungicide Pogostemon Root, 77 Lamiaceae Rudilo Haemorrhage benghalensis leaves Polygonum Young 78 Polygonaceae Thotne Astringent molle shoot Potentilla Diarrhea, gastric 79 Rosaceae Bajradanti Root fulgens trouble Bark, leaf, Cholera, vomiting, 80 Myrtaceae Psidium guajava Ambak fruit diarrhea, dysentery Bark, leaf, 81 Punicaceae Punica granatum Anar Dysentery, bronchitis fruit Young 82 " Rabdosia coesta Mirre Antiseptic shoot Mental disorder, Rauwolfia Chandmaru Bark, leaf, 83 Apocynaceae blood pressure, serpentina wa fruit diabetes Rhododendron 84 Ericaceae Laligurans Flower Diarrhea, dysentery arboreum Diarrhea, dysentery, 85 Anacardiaceae Rhus parviflora Satibayar Fruit stomached Ulcers, Root, 86 Rubiaceae Rubia cordifolia Majito inflammations, skin leaves diseases Wounds, gastric 87 Rosaceae Rubus ellipticus Ainselu Root, bark troubles, diarrhea, dysentery Sapindus Flower, 88 Sapindaceae Amaro Pneumonia cytheria fruit 89 " S. mukorossi Rittha Fruits Salivation, epilepsy Bark, 90 Theaceae Schima wallichii Chilaune Rubefacient, fever leaves Fever, cough, Root, 91 Scrophulariaceae Scoparia dulcis Chini Jhar bronchitis, leaves menstruation disorder Selinum Aphrodisiac, sedative, 92 Apiaceae Bhutkesh Fruit tenuifolium rheumatism Diptherocarpa Resin, Astringent, diarrhea, 93 Shorea robusta Sal ceae fruit dysentery Smilax Rheumatism, 94 Smilacaceae Kukurdaino Root macrophylla bloodless dysentery Solanum Leaves, Antispasmodic in 95 Solanaceae Alu tuberosum tuber cough, burn

47 M. B. Rai / Our Nature (2003) 1: 42-48 Pur-pure Toothache, throat 96 Asteraceae Spilanthes calva Flower jhar pain, headache Swertia Whole Hypertension, 97 Gentinaceae Chirayito chirayita plant diabetes Purgative, Leaves, 98 Asteraceae Tagetes petula Sayapatri carminative, flower antiseptic, jaundice Diuretic, diarrhea, Whole 99 Euphorbiaceae Urtica dioca Sisno expectorant, blood plant purifier. Viscum Aphrodisiac, bone 100 Polygonaceace Hadachur Shoot articulatum fracture Leaves, Cancer, diarrhea, liver 101 Verbenaceae Vitex negundo Shimali flower complaints Woodfordia Ulcers, wounds, 102 Lyrthaceae Dhaiaro Flower fructicosa cough Zanthoxylum Bark, leaf, Stomached, gastric 103 Rutaceae Timur armatum fruit trouble Expectorant, Zingiber 104 Zingeberaceae Aduwa Rhizome carminative, officinale digestive, coughs. Zizyphus Pneumonia, blood 105 Rhamnaceae Bayar Root, seed mauritiana purifier

Acknowledgements Hains, H. H. 1961. The Botany of Bihar and Orisa. Author is grateful to Mr. Rajendra Allahabad. Hooker, J. D. 1872-97. Flora of British . Vols. Prasad Shah (Research Guide and Thesis I-VII, London. Adviser, Lecturer of MMAC, Biratnagar). Mabberley, D. J. 1987. The Plant-Book. A Portable Author would like to thank Mr. Sher Dictionary of the Vascular Plants. Cambridge Bahadur Singhak (Vaidhya, Jaljale VDC-5, University Press, Cambridge. Manandhar, N. P. 1971. Some Medicinal Plants of Eastern Tehrathum) for his kind co-operation Nepal. The Rising Nepal. March 18, 1971, pp.2. Pradhan, M. and V. Manandhar 1997. A Survey of References Economically Utilized NTFPs in Tehrathum Anonymous 1986. Flora of Kathmandu Valley. Bull. District. A report submitted on workshop of Dept. Med. Pl. Nep. No. 11, Kathmandu. ANSAB, Kathmandu, Nepal. Banerji, M. L. 1957. Some Edible and Medicinal Plants Rai, M. B. 1996. Medicinal Plants of Tehrathum District, From East Nepal. J. Bomb. Nat. Hist. 53: 153-155. Eastern Nepal. M. Sc. thesis, P. G. Campus, T. U. Davis, P. H. and J. Cullen 1988. The Identification of Siwakoti, M. 1995. Flora of Plain region of Eastern Families. Edinburgh. Nepal. Biratnagar-Dharan, (Ph. D.thesis) T. M. Dobremez, J. F. 1967. Exploitation and Prospects of Medicinal Bhagalpur, University. Plants in Eastern Nepal. Mountain Environment and Development. Kathmandu.SATA (Swiss Association for Technical Assistance), pp. 97-110. Gautam, T. P. 1995. Medicinal Plants of . M. Sc. Thesis. Department of Botany, P. G. Campus, Biratnagar. Grierson, A. J. C. and D. G. Long 1983. Flora of . VolsI-II, Edinburgh. 48