FLOSS history, working paper, version 3.0 - Turin, September 2005 Lorenzo Benussi - School of Communication – Department of Economics – University of Turin
[email protected] Analysing the technological history of the Open Source Phenomenon. Stories from the Free Software Evolution∗. Abstract The Free Libre Open Source Software represents an outstanding example of “open development model of technological knowledge”. It has been studied in several researches that produced valuable illustrations of the way it works. Our understanding of its principal features is growing exponentially and an entire new literature on open source has been created. However there appears to be an important gap in the literature: the origin of the phenomenon. The paper attempts to tackle this issue by analyzing the long-term technological history of Free Open Source Software; the main research questions at stake are: “is the phenomenon completely new? and if it is not totally new, where it comes form?” and, more generally, “how open source software developed over time?”. As a consequence the present work focuses primarily on the analysis of the fee/open source software history of technological change over a period of almost sixty years. I adopted a multidisciplinary approach to analyse the network of relations emerging between inventions and technological innovations, as well as economic determinants and intellectual property rights regimes throughout the period considered. Thus, I attempt to investigate the origins of the phenomenon as a way of understanding its evolution. Moreover I suggest it is worth studying the open source phenomenon as the evolution of a specific model of Communication, namely the open communication model, which has progressively gained increasing power because of the pervasive use of digital communication technologies, typically the Internet.