Flight Safety Information Quarterly Journal Third Quarter 2003 Inside ASRS ASAP The NTSB Major Incidents Major Accidents Reporting Methods: ASRS / ASAP Flight Safety Information Journal Third Quarter 2003 FSI Journal Contents Third Quarter 2003 Reporting Methods: ASRS / ASAP Page Flight Safety Information Journal 3 ASRS Published by www.FSInfo.org 5 ASAP Managing Editor Curt Lewis, PE, CSP 7 The NTSB
[email protected] 11 Major Incidents Associate Editor Steven Alcala 13 Major Accidents
[email protected] Webmaster Randy Engberg
[email protected] About the Picture: The Boeing 747 rolled into a drainage ditch and toppled for- ward causing severe damage to the nose section. 2 Flight Safety Information Journal Third Quarter 2003 Reporting Systems Aviation Safety Reporting Systems (ASRS) What is ASRS? Each report is read, analyzed, and hazards or haz- ardous situations are identified. Once the hazards The Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) was are identified, information is then forward to the established in 1975 in a joint effort between NASA, respective organizations who may then review the who would administer the program, and the FAA, information and take any necessary corrective ac- the original financial supporters of the program. The tions. main purpose of the ASRS is to collect, analyze, and respond to voluntarily submitted aviation safety in- At the same time, analysts will classify the incident cident reports in order to lessen the likelihood of report by the type of hazard presented, and any aviation accidents. According to the NASA ASRS causes, recommendations, or other observations website, the data is used to: will be noted.