The National-Bank Act As Amended

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The National-Bank Act As Amended 66TH CONGRESS : : : 2D SESSION DECEMBER 1, 1919-JUNE 5, 1920 SENATE DOCUMENTS V ol. 6 WASHINGTON : : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : : 1920 Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66th Congress'! SENATE / D o c u m e n t 2d Session j 1 Xo. 216 THE NATIONAL-BANK ACT AS AMENDED THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT ANl) OTHER LAWS RELATING TO NATIONAL BANKS Complied under the direction of the Comptroller of the Currency FEBRUARY, 1920 i WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SENATE RESOLUTION 298. Reported by Mr. Moses. In t h e S e n a t e o f t iie U n it e d S t a t e s , February 6, 1920. Resolved, That there be printed one thousand five hundred copies of the national banking act as amended to date for the use of the Senate document room. Attest: G e o r g e A. S a n d e r s o n , Secretary• Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTENTS. rage. Dates of acts relating to National Banks_________________________________ 5 National-bank act and acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto Bureau of Comptroller of the Currency----------------------------------------------- 11 Organization and powers--------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Obtaining and issuing circulating notes----------------------------------------------- 49 Regulation of banking business----------------------------------------------------------- CO Dissolution and receivership__________________________________________ 00 Federal reserve act________________________________________________________ 117 Acts of a general nature and sections of the Revised Statutes not included in national-bank act affecting national banks------------------------------------------ isi Special acts relating to national banks____________________________________ ^07 Opinions of Attorney General on guaranty laws of Oklahoma and Kansas and on the insurance of bank deposits__________________________________ 215 Index to national-bank act and general and special acts__________________ 221 Index to Federal reserve act______________________________________________ 273 Index to sections of Revised Statutes--------------------------------------------------------- 302 3 Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DATES OF ACTS RELATING TO NATIONAL BANKS. THE NATIONAL BANK ACT AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENTARY THERETO. Page. Feb. 25,1863. An act to provide a national currency secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circula­ tion and redemption thereof_______________________________181 June 3,1864. Act of February 25, 1863, repealed and reenacted with certain amendments______________________11-113,131,181,182 Mar. 3,1865. State banks converted may retain and keep in operation branches_________________________________________________ 43 Mar. 3,1865. Issue of circulating notes. See note under section 5171____ 59 Feb. 5,1867. Penalty for imitating bank circulation___________________ 66,178 Mar. 2,1867. Refunding excess tax______________________________________ 94 Feb. 10,1868. Taxation of shares of national-bank stock_________________ 95 Feb. 19,1869. Prohibiting loans on United States or national-bank notes, or withholding such notes from use_____________________ 85 Mar. 3,1869. Reports of condition, and earnings and dividends_____ 90,91,92 Mar. 3,1869. False certification of checks_______________________________ 86 Apr. 6,1869. Penalty for embezzlement, abstraction, etc________________ 87 July 8,1870. Penalty for embezzlement, abstraction, etc________________ 87 July 12,1870. Issue of circulation redeemable in gold___________________ 65, 80 July 14,1870. Liquidating banks to retire circulation____________________ 100 Mar. 1,1872. Leavenworth struck out as reserve city___________________ 72 June 8,1872. Certificates of deposit for United States notes (repealed Mar. 14, 1900)___________________________________________ 80 Feb. 19,1873. Reports of State banks____________________________________ 13 Mar. 3,1873. Examination of plates and dies___________________________ 62 Mar. 3,1873. Assessment for impairment of capital_____________________ 83 Mar. 3,1873. Use of the word “ national ”_______________________________ 113 June 20,1874. Fixing the amount of United States notes, providing for a redistribution of national-bank currency________ 20,61, 77,102 June 23,1874. Maceration of United States and national-bank notes______ 64 June 23,1874. Stamps on bank checks. Repealed March 3, 1883. Jan. 14,1875. Aggregate amount of circulation not limited______________ 63 Jan. 19,1875. Circulating notes of national gold banks__________________ 64 Feb. 18,1875. Correcting errors and omissions in the Revised Statutes— 13, 14, 63, 81,101,103 Feb. 19,1875. Appointment and compensation of bank examiners________ 112 Mar. 3,1875. Salary of Comptroller_____________________________________ 11 Mar. 3,1875. Distinctive paper for printing notes________________________ 61 Mar. 3,1875. Clerical force for redemption of circulating notes________ 78 June 30,1876. Assessment for failure to pay up capital stock or for im­ pairment of capital; receivers, appointment of 83,107-110 Feb. 27,1877. Examination of plates and dies___________________________ 62 Feb. 27,1877. Reports to Comptroller____________________________________ 91 Feb. 27,1877. Destruction of redeemed notes______________________________ 102 Mar. 1,1879. Semiannual duty, abatement of____________________________ 94 Feb. 14,1880. Conversion of gold banks__________________________________ 65 Feb. 26,1881. Verification of returns of national banks__________________ 91 July 12,1882. Corporate existence, extension of__________________________ 28-31 July 12,1882. Issue of gold certificates___________________________________ 85 July 12,1882. Punishment for falsely certifying check__________________ 86 July 12,1882. Retirement of circulating notes___________________________ 55, 56 Mar. 3,1883. Capital and deposits, repealing tax on_______________ 91,176,178 Mar. 29,1886. Insolvent banks, protection of assets by use of trust funds__________________________________________________110,111 5 Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 DATES OF ACTS RELATING TO NATIONAL BANKS. Page. May 1,1886. Increase of capital stock, change of name or location___ 27,28,34 Mar. 3,1887. Courts, jurisdiction of______________________________________ 28 Mar. 3,1887. Reserve and central reserve cities, providing for additional, etc____________________________ 1_________________________ 70-73 Aug. 13,1888. Courts, jurisdiction of______________________________________ 28 July 14,1890. Disposition of redemption account_________________________ 79 July 28,1892. Stolen or lost national-bank notes, redemption of___________ 79 Aug. 3,1892. Agent of shareholders of national bank, appointment o f; amends act of June 30, 1876_____________________________ 108 Jan. 12,1895. Annual Report of Comptroller of the Currency, printing of_ 15 Mar. 2,1897. Appointment and qualification of shareholders’ agent; amends acts June 30, 1876, and August 3, 1892________ 108 Mar. 14,1900. Authorizing banks with minimum capital $25,000; bonds, circulation, taxation, etc_____________________________ 32,60, 92 Mar. 3,1901. National-bank depositaries_________________________________ 42 Apr. 12,1902. Authorization of reextension of charter____________________ 32 Apr. 28,1902. Annual Report of Comptroller to contain information re­ garding failed banks, list of employees, etc_____________ 14 Mar. 3,1903. Additional reserve cities; minimum population, 25,000____ 72 Feb. 28,1905. Qualification of directors, banks with capital of $25,000____ 35 Dec. 21,1905. Taxation of circulation based on Panama Canal bonds____ 51 June 22,1906. Amendment section 5200, loan limitation_________________ 81 Jan. 26,1907. Political contributions prohibited__________________________ 87 Mar. 4,1907. Additional copies of Report of Comptroller________________ 15 Mar. 4,1917. Public depositaries_______________________ _________________ 42 Gold certificates and United States notes, issue of________ 192 Limitation on withdrawal of circulation; consent of Comp­ troller of Currency and the Secretary of the Treasury necessary--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 May 22,1908. Additional Deputy Cmptroller______________________________ 12 May 30,1908. Authorizing National Currency Associations, the issue of additional bank circulation, and creating a National Mon­ etary Commission. Expired June 30, 1915. Mar. 4,1909. Codification of criminal laws______ 66,179,182,185,186,187,188 Mar. 4,1909. Additional Deputy Comptroller_____________________________ 12 Oct. 15,1914. Interlocking directorates------------------------------------------------------ 35-39 May 15,1916. Amending act of October 15, 1914, relating to interlocking directorates______________________________________________ 36 May 15,1916. Authorizing the deposit of funds of insolvent banks in any regular Government depositary__________________________ 105 Sept. 7,1916. Amending laws in reference to real estate loans, reserves, acceptances, and foreign branches, and authorizing bank to
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