DRAFT HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLAN FOR ANCHORAGE’S FOUR ORIGINAL NEIGHBORHOODS PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT | MAY 11, 2012 Dear Reader, Thank you for reviewing the “Public Review Draft” of the Historic Preservation Plan for Anchorage’s Four Original Neighborhoods. Please focus your review on the message and content of this draft plan, which does not include any graphics. The consultant team is currently working on illustrations, which will be included in the Public Hearing Draft (anticipated to be completed in August 2012). The consultant team will also work with a professional copy editor to ensure that any stylistic and grammatical inconsistencies that may have been overlooked are addressed before the publication of the next version. Through the course of compiling this “Public Review Draft,” it became clear that many in the Anchorage community have additional information to share that may inform the various components of the HPP. The consultant team will be conducting interviews with interested residents to gather this information over the coming months. Comments on this document? Useful information to share? Questions? Contact Kristine Bunnell at
[email protected] or 907.343.7993 by June 30, 2012. Please visit the project website at www.anchoragehpp.com or find us on Facebook for important updates and announcements! - The HPP Project Team Cover images, clockwise from top left: Water tower on Harvard Avenue, in Government Hill; 4th Avenue Theatre (listed in National Register); Typical residence, West Fairview; CAA/FAA Duplexes at W. 12th Ave & I Street (potential historic resources in the South Addition) PAGE i TABLE OF CONTENTS To be included in future draft: Letter from Mayor Letter from Anchorage Historic Preservation Commission (AHPC) AHPC Resolution of Support Acknowledgements I.