Legislative Assembly Hansard 1949
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Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 3 NOVEMBER 1949 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions. [3 NOVEMBER.] Supply. 1287 THURSDAY, 3 NOVEMBER, 1949. '' 3. What action does the department propose taking to see that all trees planted are properly cared for in the future~'' Mr. SPEAKER· (Hon. S. J. Brassington, Fortitude Valley) took the chair at 11 a.m. Hon. J. LARCOMBE (Rockhampton- Treasurer) replied- '' The information is being obtained.'' QUESTIONS. ALLEGED SMOKING IN ABATTOIR MEAT HALL. GOLDEN INVESTMENT COMPANY. Mr. MARRIOTT (Bulimba) asked the Mr. LOW (Cooroora) asked The Attorney Secretary for Agriculture and Stock- General- '' 1. Has his attention been drawn to the '' 1. Who are the directors of Golden excellent set of pictures in the 'Brisbane Investment Company.'' Telegraph' of 1 November, entitled 'How '' 2. What amount was paid to that Brisbane gets its Meat,' such pictures being company in commission from 'Casket' reproductions of photographs taken at the funds for year ended 30 June, 1949 F' Brisbane Abattoirs~ Hon. G. H. DEVRIE!S (Gregory) ' '2. Will he reprimand the works replied- manager for allowing a woman buyer to commit a breach of the Slaughtering Act ' ' 1. There is no firm registered in the and Regulations, viz., by smoking in the name of 'Golden Investment .Co.' On meat hall, as shown in one of the 17 December, 1948, an application for alteration in the membership of a registered pictures~ ' ' firm-Golden Investments-was approved, Hon H. H. COLLINS (Cook) replied the two members of this firm being Doreen Clare Gray and Leslie Edgar Gray. " 1. Yes. "2. £23,347 9s." '' 2. Evidently the hon. member refers to the photograph showing a lady buyer hold ing a cigarette in her fingers. The works PAPER. manager of the Brisbane Abattoir, Mr. G. Tomlins, states that he noticed this fact The following paper was laid on the before the lady went into the meat hall table:- but the cigarette was not alight. Con Statement of Accounts of the PaTlia sequently, there was no breach of regula mentary Contributory Superannuation tions. The regulation prohibiting smoking Fund for the year ended 30 June, 1949, in the meat hall and all other regulations duly certified by the Auditor-General. are strictly enforced.'' SUPPLY. QUOTA SYSTEM AT UNIVERSITY. RESUMPTION OF COMMITTEE-ESTIMATES Mr. P ATERSON (Bowen) asked the EIGHTH AND NINTH ALLOTTED DAYS. Secretary for Public Instruction- '' Will he ascertain and inform the House (The Chairman of Committees, Mr. Mann, whether any faculty at the University has Brisbane, in the chair.) fixed a quota system, based on the estimated ESTIMATES-IN-CH<IEF, 1949-50. needs of the various occupations or pro DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS. fessions requiring University trained men GENERAL ESTABLISHMENT. and women to determine the number of candidates to be passed in any of the Debate resumed from 2 November (See annual or degree examinations~'' p. 1286) on Mr. Duggan 's motion- " That £465,280 be granted for 'Depart Hon. J. LARCOMBE (Rockhampton ment of Railways-General Establish Treasurer), for Hon. H. A. BRUCE (The ment.'" Tableland), replied- '' I have conferred with the University Mr. HEADING (Wide Bay) (11.8 a.m.): authorities, and the answeT to the question The Railway Department deserves the con asked by the hon. membeT is 'No.' '' gratulations and approval of the people for the work done during the war years, when it must be admitted it stood up to the huge CARE OF TREES ON MAIN ROADS. task of transport with wonderful success. The JU:r. LOW (Cooroora) asked the Trea tremendous amount of running and the surer- '!li:fficulties in carrying out repair work during those years has brought about many ' 'In view of the fact that in recent times many trees planted along State Highways of the present troubles caused by shortage and Main Roads in Queensland have, of rolling-stock. The Minister took charge through utter neglect, been destroyed by of this department at a difficult time. But :fire, will he advise- although the railways did a good job dur ing the war, that does not relieve the '' 1. Vlhen was the tree-planting scheme Government of the responsibility for the :first inaugurated~ efficient handling of transport in this '' 2. The number of trees planted and State to-day. They have accepted the eost to date~ responsibility of carrying out the task to 1288 Supply. [ASSEMBLY.] Supply~ the best of their ability and we expect A comparison might be made with them to do the job. Nothing the Minister refreshment rooms in other States. The may put forward can excuse them for not Victorian system is much better than the one doing so. in Queensland. In Victoria one can have a The other evening, when the Minister for knife-and-fork meal, standing at a counter. Transport was replying in the course of the I do not want to be unduly critical but I debate, he mentioned :figures for transport am quite sure thEI Minister, if he would, could from the Murgon and Kingaroy districts. improve the ,conditions in railway refresh Admittedly, the honourable gentleman said ment rooms. he was speaking from memory and was not I notice that the refreshment rooms showed quite sure that his :figures were correct but it a loss of £6,534 last year, but that does not will be noticed that the error was on the side concern me greatly, because these rooms are that put the railways in a better light. In necessary. They are giving service to the order that the honourable gentleman shall public and even though they show a loss, that not get away with this statement as to the is better than having no refreshment rooms preoont rates I will give the' Committee com at all. Perhaps that loss could be avoided parative :figures. by better management but one cannot be very The honourable gentleman said that the critical of the present amount. fare from Murgon and Kingaroy to Bris When I was in the South last year I bane-he was speaking from memory-was happened to go to the central station at 25s. and thB journey took nine hours. He Adelaide and I noticed that they had an said also that the fare by a:ir was between excellent method of getting tickets and 45s. and 50s. I went to some trouble to get reserving seats. When I came back I the exact figures. A& a matter of fact, when mentioned it to the Minister because it is the honourable gentleman was speaking I a great improvement on the system obtaining had in my pocket two air tickets that I had here, but he did not take much notice of bought to travel to Brisbane. I picked up my suggestion. the motor-car at Wondai and was taken to Kingaroy, where I boarded the plane. The air Mr. Dnggan: That is completely untrue. fare was £1 15s. plus the tax of 3s. a total I sent an officer to Adelaide to investigate of £1 18s. The fares given to me by Grey it. hound Coaches were £1 l3s. 6d. from Kingaroy and £1 15s. from Murgon. On Mr. HEADING: Then I hope the investigation I found the railway fare, from Minister will 'introduc.e that system~ In Kingaroy, first-class, was 45s. 6d. and from Adelaide they have a room where you go to Murgon, 40s. 4d. a box on a table and pick out a number. You then sit down on a comfortable seat and Mr. Spa:rkes: What about a sleeper? read the paper, or, if you have long to wait, you can go down the town and come back Mr. HEADING: If one takes a sleeper later. That· avoids the long queues we see in it is £1 extra and as the best service from Brisbane. In the interests of the people that area is at night, naturally one takes the who have to make reservations, it is necessary sleeper, if one can afford it. The second that something be done along those lines. clas<~ fares are Kingaroy, 29s. 6d., and Murgon, 26s. 5d. I give these :figures I wish to refer now to livestock t·raftic i:m because the Minister was very critical of the this State and to quote some figures for the honourable member for Aubigny for mak carriage of pigs to the factory in which I ing a mistake in some of his figures. They am interested. I take it that we do not suffer throw quite a different light on the transport any more through loss of pigs in transit than from that area, both as regards the air fare any other company operating on pigs in this and the railway fare--the latter being a few State. That being so, these figures reveal a shillings more than that quoted by the position that should be remedied. They refer honourable gentleman. to the losses through deaths in transit on the railways in south-eastern Queensland and The department must accept the respon sibility for giving a refreshment-room service cover a period of five years. They are- to meet the demands of the travelling public. No. of I have travelled on the railway line between Year. Total Percentage. Value. Brisbane and Gympie for the past 20-odd Carried. Deaths. years. There are two refreshment ;rooms in Pigs. £ that distance, one at Caboolture and one at 30-6-44 79,913 429 ·53 2,150 Landsborough. The time allowed for passen 30-6-45 91,671 276 ·30 1,423 30-6-46 112,846 528 ·46 2,798 gers to obtain refreshments is very short .