Dental c

Dr. Hanan Latifah

DDS,MSC(Fixed Prosthodontics),PHD(Myofascial pain)

Planes of the head and Direction

Anterior/Facial direction toward the front of the body

Posterior direction toward the rear or the mouth or body Mid- sagittal plane Median plane

A longitudinal plane that divides the body into relatively equal right and left halves

Lateral/Median direction

The surface toward ,or closest to the midline of the body

Frontal plane coronal plane

Vertical plane that divides the body into ventral and dorsal (belly and back) sections

Superior direction (supra) Located above or over , upper or higher

Inferior direction (infra) Located below, lower than

Anatomy of oral cavity The • Body of lips

The lips are two fleshy border of the mouth (an upper and lower) • Margin of lips

Called some times ()

The depression running from the tubercle to the nose ( nostrils) • Nasolabial groove:

Runs downward on each side of the nostril somewhat lateral the commissure • Tubercle

The small rounded nodule of tissue in the center of the lowest part of the upper


the upper and lower lip join at the labial Commisure

• Orifice

• Labiomental groove

The lower lip bounded inferiorly by the chin beginning at a horizontal Labiomental groove


Wet line

• It is the junction between the outer red portion ( usually dry) and the inner smooth and moist mucosa

• Located about 10 mm back from the skin

Oral Cavity structures

2- Roof of the mouth


The posterior movable part The firm anterior part of the of the roof of the mouth roof of the mouth with without the underlying bone mucosa over the underlying bone Its some times redder than the hard palate because of slightly increased vascularity

Vibrating line

. It is the junction between the hard and the

. The line that notes when the soft palate movement begins when the letter (ah) is pronounced

Palatal gingiva


Palatine raphe Incisive papilla

. The small rounded tissue eleva-ered on the midline of the palate just behind the central incisors

. Located over the incisive foramen

The distance from the facial surface of the maxillary central incisors and the center of the Incisive papilla is (8.5)

On 326 Casts measured by DR.woelfel the average distance ( 8.4 ) With range 5.5 to 12mm

Palatine rugae

. A series of palatal tissue elevations located just behind the maxillary anterior teeth

. More distinct in young person

. Growth occurred earlier in female

. Males has more branches Palatine rugae

Rugae function in two important ways:

1- tactilely sensing objects or food position

2- aiding the proper placement for the production of certain speech sound

. The slightly elevated centerline of firm tissue

running from front to back

. The mucosa is firm over the raphe because it is firmly attached to the underlying periosteum and bone

. There are more than 350 very small palatine glands in the posterior third of the hard palate.

It is beginning at the vibrating line , along With the hard palate

1- During swallowing, the soft palate moves to close off the nasal from oral pharynx

2- During blowing or when producing letters like (B,P) the soft palate is raised to seal oral cavity from the nasal cavity Uvula

Small fleshy structure hanging from the center of the posterior border of the soft palate

. the Anterior arch . the Posterior arch

3-The tongue

. It is a flat organ largely composed of muscle fiber and glands

. The tongue is principle organ of taste , speech ,mastication, swallowing

. The dorsum of the tongue is grayish-red and is rough

Type of papilla

1. Filiform papilla

2. Fungiform papilla

3. Foliate papilla

4. Circumvallate papilla

4-Floor of the mouth

• Periodontium = Supporting tissue of the teeth :

• 1-Alveolar bone • 2- • 3-periodental ligament • 4-gingiva 4- Gingiva

• It is the visible part of Periodontium

• Firmly attached to the teeth and to surrounding bone

Healthy gingiva: Pink Stippled ( Orange peel )

• Free gingiva : is the tissue that is not attached to the or alveolar bone

 Width of free gingiva 1 mm

: is the part of unattached gingiva between the teeth

Attached gingiva : it extends between the free gingiva and movable alveolar mucosa

Width of Attached gingiva 3-12 mm • Alveolar mucosa : is a movable mucosa , dark pink to red due to increased vascularity

: is a scalloped junction between Attached gingiva and Alveolar mucosa

Gingival frenulum Buccal frenulum h