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FEBRUARY 4, 1965 JOHN ELBRIDGE HINES Installed TieWITN FEBRUARY 4, 1965 10$ publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. Copyright JOHN ELBRIDGE HINES Installed Presiding Bishop at Washington Cathedral SERVICES The Witness SERVICES In Leading Churches For Christ and His Church In Leading Churches EDITORIAL BOARD NEW YORK CITY CHRIST CHURCH THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH JOHN MCGILL KRUMM, Chairman CAMBRIDGE, MASS. OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE W. B. SPOFFOHD SK., Managing Edizor Sunday: Holy Communion 7, 8, 9, 10, Morn- The Rev. Gardiner M. Day, Rector ing Prayer, Holy Communion and Ser- EDWARD J. MOHR, Editorial Assistant O. SYDNEY BARH; LEE A. BELFORD; &EKNETH Sundav Services: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. mon. 11; Evensong and sermon, 4. Wed. and Holv Days: 8:00 and Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 7:15 R. FORBES; ROSCOE T. FOUST; RICHARD E. 12:10 p.m. (and 10 Wed.); Evensong, 5. GARY; GORDON C. GRAHAM; DAVID JOHNSON; HAROLD R. LANDON; LESLIE 3 • A- LANG; CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT ST. BARTHOLOMEWS CHURCH BENJAMIN MINIFLE; W. NORMAN PIT- TENGER; WILLIAM STRINGFELLOW . 976 East Jefferson Avenue Park Avenue and 51st Street The Rev. William B. Sperry Rector Rev. Terence J. Finlay, D.D. EDITORIALS: - The Editorial Board holds 8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion 9:30 and monthly meetings when current issues before 8 and 9 a.m. Holv Communion (breakfast 11 a.m. Church School. 11 a.m. Mom- served following 9 a.m. service) 11 a.m. ing Service and Sermon. 4 p.m. Even- the Church aie discussed. They are dealt Church School and Morning Service. song. Special Music. with in subsequent numbers but do not Holy Days, 6 p.m. Holy Communion. Weekday: Holy Communion Tuesdav at publication. necessarilv represent the unanimous opinion 12:10 a.m.; Wednesdavs and Saints of the editors. Day, at 8 a.m.; Thursdavs at 12:10 p.m. PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THE and Organ Recitals, Wednesdavs, 12:10. Eve. Pr. Daily 5:45 p.m. HOLY TRINITY 23 Avenue, George V reuse PARIS, FRANCE CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY for CONTRIBUTING EDITORS 316 East 88th Street Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.), 10:45 NEW YORK CITY Boulevard Raspail THOMAS V. BARRETT; JOHN PAIRMAN BROWN: Student and Artists Center Sundays: Holv Communion 8; Church School GARDINER M. DAY; JOSEPH F. FLETCHER; required 9:30; Morning Praver and Sermon 11:00. The Rt. Rev. Stephen Bayne, Bishop FREDERICK C. GRANT: HELEN GRANT: COB- (Holv Communion 1st Sundav in Month). The Very Rev. Sturgis Lee Riddle, Dean WIN C. ROACH: BAH;; \;I \ ST. CLAIRE: MAS- SE Y H. SHEPHERD JR.; W. B. SPOFFORD )R. GENERAL THEOLOGICAL CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL SEMINARY CHAPEL AND ST. GEORGE Permission Chelsea Square 9th Ave. & 20th St. NEW YORK ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Daily Morning Prayer and Holy Communion, 7 THE WITNESS is published weeklv from (7:30 Saturdays and holidays) September 15th to June 15th inclusive, with The Rev. Jack E. Schweizer, Rector DFMS. Daily Choral Evensong, 6. / the exception of one week in J anuarv and Sundavs, 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY bi-weeklv from June 15th to September 15th bv the Episcopal Cnurch Publishing Co. on SAIXT PAUL'S CHAPEL ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Church NEW YORK behalf of the W itness Advisorv Board. Lafavette Square The Rev. John M. Krumm, Ph.D., WASHINGTON, D. C. Chaplain Daily (except Saturdav), 12 noon; Sunday, The Reverend John C. Harper, Rector Holy Communion, 9 and 12:30, Morning Weekdav Services: Mon., and Thurs., Holy Episcopal Prayer & Sermon, 11 a.m.; Wednesday, The subscription price is S4.00 a vear: in Communion at 12:10. Tues., Wed., and Holy Communion, 4:30 p.m. Fri., Noonday Prayers at 12:10. the bundles for sale in parishes the magazine sells for 10c a copy, we will bill quarteriv at 7c a Sundav Services: 8 and 9:15 Holy Com- of ST. THOMAS copv. Entered as Second Class Matter, August munion; 11 Morning Prayer and Sermon 5th Ave. & 53rd Street 5, 1948, at the Post Office at Tunkhannock, (Church School); 4 French Service, 5:30 Rev. Frederick M. Morris, D.D. Pa., under the act of March 1879. Evening Praver and Sermon. Sunday: HC 8, 9:30, 11 (1st Sun.) MP 11; Archives Ep Cho 4. Daily ex. Sat. HC 8;15, HC Tues. 12:10, Wed., 5:30. 2020. Noted for boy choir; great teredos and windows. THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY York Avenue at 74th Street Copyright Near New York Memorial Hospitals Leaflets for Your Tract Display Hugh McCandles, Vincent Anderson, Clergy John Fletcher, Student Chaplain HOLY MATRIMONY SHALL I BE Lee Belford, Philip Zabriskie, Thomas Gibbs, John Danforth, Associates By Hugh McCandless A CLERGYMAN? Sundays: 8 a.m. HC; 9:30 Family (HC 3S) By Gordon T. Charlton Jr. Wed. ' HC 7:20 a.m.; Thurs. HC 11 a-m. One of New York's most beautiful public buildings. * ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH BISHOP PARSONS THE PRAYER BOOK Tenth Street, above Chestnut ANTHOLOGY Its History and Purpose PHILADELPHIA, PENKA. Edited by Massey Shepherd By Irving P. Johnson The Rev. Alfred W. Price, D.D., Rector The Rev. Gustav C. Meckling, B.D. Minister to the Hard of Hearing Sundav: 9 and 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Weekdays: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., 25c a copy Ten for $2 12:30 - 12:55 p.m. Services of Spiritual Healing, Thurs. 12:30 THE WITNESS Tunkhannock. Pa. and 5:30 p.m. VOL. 50, NO. 4 The WITNESS FEBRUARY 4, 1965 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Office, Eaton Road, Tunkhannaek, Pa. Story of the Week there had been no official seat John Elbridge Hines Installed in a cathedral for the Presiding Bishop. The General Conven- As the 22nd Presiding Bishop tion in 1940 designated the publication. Washington. Cathedral as "the and * Exactly one week following were Bishop Hines' immediate seat of the Presiding Bishop for the inauguration of the 36th predecessor, Bishop Arthur his use on occasions incident to reuse President of the United States, Lichtenberger; Bishop William the exercise of his office." for Lyndon B. Johnson, his fellow F. Creighton of Washington; As one of his many duties as Texan, Bishop John E. Hines Bishop Nelson M. Burroughs of Presiding Bishop, Bishop Hines was installed as the 22nd Pre- Ohio, the vice-chairman of the will serve as honorary president required siding Bishop of the Episcopal House of Bishops; Bishop Harry of the chapter of Washington Church. The impressive serv- Lee Doll of Maryland; Bishop Cathedral. He has jurisdiction ice took place in Washington George P. Gunn of Southern over the American Churches in Cathedral on January 27. Virginia; Clifford P. Morehouse, Permission Europe. He serves as chairman Attending the service were president of the House of Depu- of the House of Bishops, presi- more than two thousand bish- ties; the Rev. Canon Charles M. dent and chief executive officer DFMS. Guilbert, secretary of the House / ops, clergy and lay people from of the Executive Council of the all parts of the nation and the of Deputies and the Rev. Alex- Episcopal Church, the body overseas jurisdictions of the ander M. Rodger, secretary of charged with the conduct of the Church Church. Representatives of the the House of Bishops. Church's national missionary, Roman Catholic apostolic dele- educational and social work. He gation to the U.S. joined leaders A few of the Church leaders is the chief consecrator of all Episcopal of the Orthodox Churches, the present were the head of the new bishops. the Polish Catholic Church, the Anglican Church of Canada, of Archbishop Howard H. Clark; World Council of Churches, the His Background National Council of Churches, the Rev. Eugene Carson Blake, members of Congress, the stated clerk of the United Pres- The new Presiding Bishop re- Archives diplomatic corps and the execu- byterian Church in the U.S.; the ceived his early education in his tive branch of the government. Rev. Franklin Clark Fry, presi- birthplace of Seneca, South Car- 2020. dent of the Lutheran Church in olina. He studied at the Uni- Three colorful processions America; Bishop William J. versity of the South, Sewanee, preceded the entrance of the Walls, senior bishop, African Tennessee, receiving his BA Copyright new Presiding Bishop, each Methodist Episcopal Church in degree in 1930. He obtained a headed by a crucifer and candle the U.S. and Archbishop Ia- BD degree from Virginia Theo- bearers, verger, marshall and kovos, patriarchal vicar of the logical Seminary and in 1934 color bearers with the flags and Greek Orthodox archdioceses of was ordained priest. banners of each group. The boys North and South America. He served churches in St. choir of the Cathedral were Washington Cathedral, offici- Louis and Hannibal, Missouri; joined by the choirs of the in Augusta, Georgia and then, Cathedral of St. John the Di- ally the Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, is unique in from 1940 to 1945, he was rec- vine and St. Thomas Church in tor of Christ Church, Houston. New York City. Following the that it is the seat of two bish- installation Bishop Hines de- ops, the Bishop of Washington In 1945 he was elected bishop livered his inaugural sermon as and the Presiding Bishop. Prior coadjutor of the diocese of Presiding Bishop. to the installation of the late Texas at which time he had the Bishop Henry St. George Tucker distinction of being one of the Taking part in the service as Presiding Bishop in 1941, youngest members in the Epis- 4, 1965 copal Church's House of , Bishops.
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    The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus ALUMNUS ^lalue of cfalher oowara Sorm, as. a, lounger, TJniverulu of CALolre fQ"^^ Last Year's Record Total oi 7.887 is 1.800 Bahind: tixttcf Gonw of 1947 Was Spediic Incentive; City Committees and Club Presidents Urged to Organize Follow-Up Programs to Beach 1948 Goal of lOMO GiTers The Army Game of 1947 was one of those Table Indicative ol Potentials with the other 180 Chairmen Cities func­ classics on which many historical events are Space prohibits a more general presenta­ tioning with their Local Clubs cooperating, based. tion of our picture, but from the accom­ the 10,000 giver-goal for 1948 is not dream­ We are immediately concerned with its panying chart of 44 cities, containing some ing but digging. obvious effects in 1947 on the early and 70% of our total alumni, you can see how Your individual response, without wait­ record-brealcing giving of some 2,000 more readily alimini response could close up the ing for a solicitor, will make that task easier alumni than had given in 1946. present gap to meet last year's total, and how. and the goal nearer and quicker. But we still feel that the current sub­ stantial deficit of some 1,800 alumni givers —as against last year's record at the same date—reflects only the timing incentive of 7948 Alumni Record ~-44 Key Chairman Clfles the Army Game. We are reluctant to ac­ cept the alternative thesis that some 2,000 alumni gave to Notre Dame last year only NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER because of the Army Game ALUMNI IN '48 % IN TO GO Actually, there should be no essential re­ Akron 77 35 45 42 lation between a football game and a gift Baltimore 48 20 42 28 to Notre Dame by an alumnus.
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